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Armento B. 10/1/20 Per.

20% Project Proposal
What is your project? (explain in five sentences) My project is going to be an app that teaches
people the history of the Manned Space Program. This would be an app that would have
multiple areas for each aspect, regarding dates, astronauts and the launch vehicle. The main
importance of the app would be to inspire people into the space program as I did.

What do you plan to do? I plan to make an app regarding the history of the space program.

Why did you choose this project? (Note: if this is a topic you have previously worked on, please
explain your previous experience with it and provide a rationale for revisiting it) Please provide
a brief overview of your idea here. I chose this idea because I have always been fascinated by
the history of the space program and being able to teach it to other’s.

Who will work with you on this project? Will you work with a partner, in a small group, or
independently? With this project I will work on this independently.

Who is the audience/user base for this project? Who will use or benefit from your project?
Explain if your project is an effort at self-growth or if you are creating it for others’ use. I believe
that truly anyone, any age, could benefit from this app. I believe that this app will be a
beneficiary to those who knew something about the space program, but want to learn more.

Why is this project worthwhile? What will you gain from it? What will others gain from it? Why
is it worth 20% of your time this semester? I will gain the fact that I helped someone learn
more about the space program. Its worth 20% of my time because I love NASA and I love the
space program.

What do you expect to learn from this project? What are your personal learning goals? To be
honest ive already learned everything there is to know about this topic, but of course I will
prob learn more than I think I will.

What will you have to show at the end of the year? What will you demonstrate to the class as
the result of your hard work? Think of this as the physical artifact of your goal. It could be the
documentation of a process—via blog or journal—or proof of an action—a video or
performance. My physical demonstration would showing how the app on my phone works.
Going from the mechanics of it to the types of things you can actually do on it.

What sort of expenses will be involved in your project and how will you cover them? Try to
keep your project expense free if possible. Truly I don’t believe that there is any expense to
this project
Armento B. 10/1/20 Per. 6
What sort of equipment will you need and where will you get it? I will need to build an app,
so I will probably need my phone for the app or my laptop for the website/blog

Who are your possible mentors? List three people who could help you—people here at school,
in the community, or online. We will narrow down this selection to one person. You will need to
plan to meet with them to discuss your ideas three times during the course of the semester. My
mentors are my Mom & Dad, My Grandparents and former NASA Flight Director Christ Kraft.

What is your timeline for completion? Please be specific

****This project will require you to set up a blog. You are welcome to choose your platform as
long as you share the link with me on this page. Wix, Weebly, and Wordpress are all popular
options. This will hold you accountable as you are required to publish a weekly updated on
your progress, and a monthly check in with me. You cannot backdate your updates, if you do
not post for that week you will not receive any credit. Your posts must be a minimum of 5
sentences and a reflection of what you are working on. This will keep you honest, it forces you
to make good use of your time available and NOT wait until the last minute to complete this
assignment (ahem).

For reference, here is the link to the TEDx talk we discussed in class on the idea behind the 20%

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