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Gerundul PT 4

- to be worth (a merita) e.g. This book is really worth reading. (Cartea

chiar merita sa fie citita.)
- to be busy (a fi ocupat)
- can’t stand (nu pot sa suport) e.g. I can’t stand looking at you. (Nu pot sa
suport sa ma uit la tine.)
- can’t help (nu pot sa ma abtin)
- do you fancy (ai chef sa)
- how about (ce-ar fi sa) e.g. How about going in the park tomorrow?
(Ce-ar fi sa mergem in parc maine?)
- what about (ce-ar fi sa)
- it’s no use (nu are rost)
- there is no (nu se poate ...) e.g. There is no telling what will happen. (Nu se
poate spune ce se va intampla.)
- as well as (ca si)
- feel like (a avea chef sa)
- to object to (a obiecta)
- to admit to (a recunoaste/ a admite) e.g. He admitted to stealing her bag.
(El a admis ca i-a furat geanta.)
- to take to doing something (a se apuca de) e.g. My sister has taken to
smoking. (Sora mea s-a apucat de fumat.)

My sister has taken ... to the cinema every weekend. (Sora mea a inceput sa se duca la
cinema in fiecare weekend.)
a) Going
b) To go
c) To going
d) Go
- have trouble (a avea probleme)
- have a hard time (a-i fi greu sa) e.g. She had a hard time learning at history.
(Ei i-a fost greu sa invete la istorie.)
- have a difficult time (a-i fi greu)
- anticipate (a anticipa)
- appreciate (a aprecia)
- avoid (a evita)
- allow (in general - a permite) e.g. They don’t allow smoking in the public places.
(Ei nu permit sa se fumeze in locuri publice.)
- consider (a considera) e.g. Would you consider coming for dinner? (Ai lua in
considerare sa vii la cina?)
- continue (a continua)
- delay (a intarzia)
- deny (a nega) e.g. He denied seeing her in town. (El a negat ca a vazut-o in

- discuss (a discuta)

- detest (a detesta)

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