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Sample Test

Name ________________________________________

Importance of Agriculture to Society

u Part One: Matching
Instructions: Match the term with the correct definition.

a. international trade f. aquaculture

b. linen g. softwood
c. hardwood h. nutritional groups
d. deciduous i. imports
e. exports j. synthetic fibers

D A coniferous tree
B Cloth woven from the stem of a flax plant
_____3. Buying and selling among two or more nations
_____4. A tree that sheds it leaves
_____5. The main types of food recommended for consumption
_____6. Water farming
_____7. A deciduous tree
_____8. Goods sold to or in another country
I Products bought from another nation
J Fibers are manufactured from petroleum and other substances

u Part Two: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
A What are proteins?
a. macromolecules consisting of amino acids held together by peptide bonds
b. macromolecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
c. oily compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
d. organic compounds used by the body to carry out specific functions

Lesson: Importance of Agriculture to Society

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_____2. Which food group is often milled to remove the bran and germ?
a. grain
b. fruit
c. milk
d. vegetable
_____3. Which fiber crop has lint that is removed from the bolls, separated from seeds, cleaned,
graded, and stored or sent to a mill?
a. cotton
b. flax
c. hemp
d. kenaf
_____4. What is the meat from sheep that are less than a year old?
a. beef
b. lamb
c. mutton
d. pork
_____5. What is the natural or artificial drying of lumber?
a. felling
b. pulping
c. seasoning
d. treating

u Part Three: Short Answer

Instructions: Complete the following.
1. What is quality of life?
he standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group

2. What is the Food Guide Pyramid, and what are six nutritional groups?
Reference Food Pyramid. There are six categories in the Food Pyramid: the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group (grains),
the fruit group, the vegetable group, the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group (protein), the milk, yogurt,
and cheese group (dairy), and the fats, oils, and sweets group.

3. What are two plant fibers used for clothing?

Cotton and linen

4. What are two animals fibers used for clothing?

Leather, wool

Lesson: Importance of Agriculture to Society

Page 12 u

Copyright © by CAERT, Inc. | Reproduction by subscription only. | L010007

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