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6:00 F.fiI., Tuesday October 6,2020

I Call to Order
.i.Pledge of Allegiance

il. Public Hearing-School Safety Plan 2020-2L

il. Agenda Changes

w. Public Comments-Persons wishing to address the Board shall state their name and address, name of
organization represented (ff any), and a brief description of the topic to be addressed. Any group or
organEation wtshing address the Board must identify a single spokesperson. No Speaker will be permitted
to speak for longer than three minutes. Speakers may comment on matters related to any agenda item.
The Board wrll not permit in public session discussion involving indiuidual dstrid personnel or studenB.
Persons wrshing to discuss matterc involving individualdstnct personnelor students should present their
comments and/or concerns to the Superintendent of Schools during regular business hours. Persons
wishing to have matters included on the agenda shall contact the Superntendent of Schools in accordance
with Agenda Preparation and Dissemination Policy.

V. Communications- 2o2o Schoof Safety Exceffence Awar6

W. Board and Staff Repofts:
A. Finance, Audit & Facility Meeting Report, October 6, Beth Linderman, Chair.

VII. Items for Consent Agenda:

A. Approval of the Minutes of Board of Education Meeting on September 1, September B
(Special Meeting) and September 15, 2020.
B. Approval of the Monthly Extra-Curricular Reports for HT Wiley, Case, and Wateftown
High School ending July 31, 2020 and August 3L,2020.
C. Approval of the Monthly Treasurer's Report for August 2020'
D. Approval of the Monthly Financial Report for August 2020'
E. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on Pre-School Education.
F. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on Special Education.

VIII. Items for Board Action:

A. Approval of School Safety Plan for 2020-2L.

B, Approval of MOA regarding Annual Professional Peformance Review.

. Probationary-Non-Instructional
. Permanent-Part-Time
. Paft llme
o Instructional Substitutes
. Non-InstructionalSubstitutes
D Approval of Change Order No. 07.

x. Items for Discussion/Information :

A. SuperintendentofSchools'Report
B. Assistant Superintendent of Instruction's Report
c. Assistant superintendent for Personnel & student seruices'Report
D. School Business Manager's Report

X. Upcoming Dates:
. October 9, 2020, (Friday) Policy Committee Meeting @ Noon, DO.
. October 20, 2020, (Tuesday) Board of Education Meeting, 6pm, District Office.

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