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Quarter 1 Module 1:

Reference: Personal Development: theory & Practice (DepEd & OBE Complaint)
by: Ethel Magalona MA,DSSE & Evelyn salting, Ph.D.

This is a 5-point multiple choice test. Read and analyze each statement below and
carefully choose the letter that best describe the statement. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provide before the number.

B 1) This represents things that you know about yourself that others don’t

a. Blind area c. unknown area

b. Hidden area d. Open Area

__C__ 2) Paying attention on the good side of the self to motivate the “self” is what
we are called?

a. Self-analysis c. Self-Aware
b. Self-affirmation d. Self-Reflective Journal

__A__ 3) It is defined as the individuality of a person which is the subject of learning

experiences, varied emotions and thoughts

a. Self c. Love
b. Motivation d. Unknown Area

__C__ 4) Self-concept becomes a product of the through learnings that one derives
from inheritance represented by one’s genes and by the environment also known

a. Behavior c. Nurture
b. Self d. Motivation

Essen is a 16 years of age and has been constantly problematic about her weight. She is
consider her weight and built as a great burden in her life as she though that her classmates
since grade school and high school have tagged her as “fatty Essen”. She constantly was
bullied for this and so she had to cease from befriending anybody, not even the neighbors’ kids.
She was resigned to this reality and even found herself ugly and dirty compared to her
schoolmates. This concept about her looks prevented her from joining school events including
their school’s Junior-Senior Prom, Fieldtrips and even Intramurals where she would just stay in
one corner while appearing to be busy with her phone. She would be very elusive to any
attempt of any acquaintance who would converse with her. She though that nobody would be
serious about somebody as “fat and ugly” like her


LET US BRAINSTORM! Discuss your insight about the case of Essen.

1. How does Essen see herself?

 She sees herself as someone that everybody would not like because she is too
conscious about her weight. She also visions that she is somebody who is
labeled as “fat and ugly” and “fatty Essen”.

2. Why it is that she does not want to make friends?

 Because she was constantly bullied about her weight at school so she stated
to befriend everybody. She doesn’t believe that someone will like her for who
she is, she has no confidence in herself because of the continuous teasing of
some of her classmates and schoolmates.

3. How does Essen see herself?

 She sees herself as someone that everybody would not like because she is too
conscious about her weight. She also visions that she is somebody who is
labeled as “fat and ugly” and “fatty Essen”.

4. How do these issues affect her life as an individual?

 It affects the way she socializes with people; she can’t even make friends
because she thinks that everyone will just bully her. She can’t also seem to
boost her self-esteem, resulting for her to not join school activities like the
Junior-Senior prom, intramurals, and even fieldtrips.

5. How do you think can such issue be resolve?

 I think that we need to address the constant bullying of some of her

classmates/schoolmates. Bullying should never be tolerated specially at
school because that is where kindness should start. As for Essen, I can advice
that she should just ignore people who bullies her for weight and be more self-
loving, I think she lacks confidence in everything because of her weight, but
it’s not her fault getting bullied, it’s the bully’s fault why she’s feeling that way.

Activity 2

DIRECTION: Try to do some “self-talk and ask yourself the following questions.

1. Who Am I?

 I am a student, dreaming big, and hoping for the future to be the best it can

2. What Do I really want?

 All I want is to have an un-ending happiness all through out my life. I want to
be able to do what I love the most when I get older. I want to be more extra
than I am now.

3. Why Am I here?

 I am here for a purpose. I think everyone has a purpose why they are here,
and no one yet knows why and what is their purpose until she finds out the
true meaning of living when she gets older.

4. What will I become?

 I will become either an Accountant or a Business woman in the future.

Activity 3

DIRECTION: Discuss your insight about the following concepts.

1. Self-concept

 Self-concept is knowing your characteristics and what you are like. When
people learn about themselves, certain kinds of information are especially
valuable to them. 

2. Johari Window

 The Johari window model is used to enhance the individual’s perception on

others. This model is based on two ideas- trust can be acquired by revealing
information about you to others and learning yourselves from their feedbacks.

3. Self-awareness

 It is about being aware of our feelings, thoughts, opinions and how it will
affect us as an individual. We should focus on how we see ourselves and not
what others see about us, because the most important thing about being
yourself, is to love yourself no matter what other says about you and your


DIRECTION: Reflect and try to check on your strengths and weaknesses as a person
and jot it down until you come up with a summative realization


 I can learn fast.  I am not good at expressing my

 I can multi-task. thoughts
 I’m good at self-studying  I have no physical talents
 I am creative.  I can’t do things without a clear
 I am independent. understanding.
 I do things fast and neatly.  I am not good at public speaking.
 I take initiative.  I criticize myself if my work is not
 I can adapt well. that good/enough.
 I’m a good listener.  I am afraid of doing mistakes.
 I have a collaborative nature.  My presentation skills are low.

What have you realized about your “self” after this activity?

 I realized that I know myself better that what other says about me, being able
to identify my strengths and weaknesses indicates that I know myself and
how I should overcome these barriers to become a better person.

 I’ve always preferred to work in groups and find that my collaborative nature
is one of my strongest attributes. On projects that I directed, I work well to
inspire diverse team members and work side by side with them to achieve the
project goals. In fact, I’ve increased productivity for the past years and now
that I am on Senior high school.

 My strongest asset is my willingness to step in when needed. I’m not afraid to

take on a difficult project that nobody else wants because those are the
projects that teach me the most.

 I tend to be overly critical of myself. Whenever I complete a project, I can’t

help but feel that I could have done more even if my work received a positive
response. This often leads me to overwork myself and leaves me feeling
burned out. Over the past few years, I’ve tried to take time to look at my
achievements objectively and celebrate those wins. This has not only
improved my work and my confidence, but it has helped me to appreciate my
hard-work and those who are always behind me in everything I do.

 When I’m given a task, I am very goal-oriented and work hard to complete
that task. However, when new projects come across my plate, I sometimes
jump right into those projects and halt work on the projects I had in progress.
Having to jump between tasks, so many times throughout the day hinders my
productivity and prevents me from delivering my best work.

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