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Date: Oct 5, 2020

VHP Engine Technology

Brief description
This course thoroughly covers the design, specification and adjustments unique to the VHP
family of engines. Hands-on labs are included to enhance the learning of service procedures. A
comprehensive final exam is used to evaluate student understanding.

Target group
Recommended for those responsible for the operation and maintenance of Waukesha VHP
engines. Channel Partner technicians and users / operators of VHP engines are encouraged to

Theoretical and practical contents

- VHP Design Features
- VHP Service Updates
- Series Four Features & Service
- Series Five Features
- Cooling Systems
- Governor
- Fuel Systems
- Lubrication
- Breathing Systems
- Hands-on Labs:
- Power Cylinder Removal
- Cylinder Head Overhaul
- Accessories
- Fuel Adjustment

Participation in this training course will give you

- Guided instruction on (a) Educational VHP – (Modified 12 cylinder Series 2-Rich Burn-Blow
Through-Series 4-Lean Burn-Draw Through); (b) a running 2900 Enginator (VHP F2895GL);
and (c) Short Block Inline 6 cylinder VHP.

- This course consists of training in the classroom and hands-on lab work. It is
recommended to wear suitable clothing for the lab sections of the training course.
Toe protectors and Z87.1 rated safety glasses must be worn during the hands-on shop
portion of this course. Note: These items can be provided to students attending VHP at the
Waukesha Product Training Center.
- Duration: 4 ½ Days
- Language: Courses are generally taught in English with English language materials.
Contact Waukesha Product Training if you need a course or course materials in a
language other than English. Spanish language with Spanish materials is available at
select locations.

- GET and ESM are required prior to attending VHP (see Course Offering).

INNIO Product Training Center

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