2-Ordinary Differential Equation

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2-ordinary differential equation

In science, the expression "Standard Differential Equations" otherwise called ODE is a condition
that contains just a single autonomous variable and at least one of its subordinates as for the
variable. As it were, the ODE is spoken to as the connection having one free factor x, the
genuine ward variable y, with a portion of its subsidiaries.


The request for customary differential conditions is characterized to be the request for the most
noteworthy subsidiary that happens in the condition. The overall type of n-th request ODE is
given as;

F(x, y-y',--y*n ) = 0

Note that, y' can be either d y/dx or d y/dt and y n can be either d n y/d x n or d n y/d t n.

A n-t h request standard differential conditions is straight in the event that it tends to be written
in the structure;

a0(x)y n + a1(x)yn-1 +--an(x)y = r(x)

The capacity a j(x), 0 ≤ j ≤ n are known as the coefficients of the straight condition. The
condition is supposed to be homogeneous if r(x) = 0. In the event that r(x)≠0, it is supposed to be
a non-homogeneous condition. Additionally, gain proficiency with the main request differential
condition here.


The ordinary differential equation is further classified into three types. They are:

1-) Autonomous ODE

2-)Linear ODE

3-)Non-linear ODE

1- Autonomous ODE

A differential equation which does not depend on the variable, say x is

known as an autonomous differential equation.

2- Linear ode

If differential equations can be written as the linear combinations of the derivatives of y, then
they are called linear ordinary differential equations. These can be further classified into two

2.1 Homogeneous linear differential equations

2.2 Non-homogeneous linear differential equations

3- Non-linear ODE

The request for customary differential conditions is characterized to be the request for the most
noteworthy subsidiary that happens in the condition. The overall type of n-th request ODE is
given as;

F (x, y, y’ . . ,y, n ) = 0

Note that, y' can be either d y/dx or d y/dt and y n can be either d n y/d x n or d n y/d t n.

A n-t h request standard differential conditions is straight in the event that it tends to be written
in the structure;

a0(x)y n + a1(x)yn-1 +...+ an(x)y = r(x)

The capacity aj(x), 0 ≤ j ≤ n are known as the coefficients of the straight condition. The condition
is supposed to be homogeneous if r(x) = 0. In the event that r(x)≠0, it is supposed to be a non-
homogeneous condition. Additionally, gain proficiency with the main request differential
condition here.

2.1. A first-order differential

A first-order differential equation is defined by an equation: d y/dx =f (x ,y) of two variables x

and y with its function f(x, y) defined on a region in the x y-plane. It has only the first derivative
d y/dx so that the equation is of the first order and no higher-order derivatives exist

Types of First Order Differential Equations

There are basically five types of differential equations in the first order. They are:

1- Linear Differential Equations

2- Homogeneous Equations
3- Exact Equations
4- Separable Equations
5- Integrating Factor

2.2. Second Order Differential Equation

In Calculus, a second-order differential equation is an ordinary differential equation whose

derivative of the function is not greater than 2. It means that the highest derivative of the given
function should be 2. In other words, if the equation has the highest of a second-order derivative
is called the second-order differential equation. It is represented by d2y/dx2 = f”(x) = y”

Applications of Second‐Order Equations

 The principal quantities used to describe the motion of an object are position ( s),
velocity ( v), and acceleration ( a). Since velocity is the time derivative of the position,
and acceleration is the time derivative of the velocity, acceleration is the second time
derivative of the position. Therefore, the position function s( t) for a moving object can
be determined by writing Newton's Second Law F net = ma

We can a solve second order equation of the type:

d^2/dx + p(x) dy/dx +q(X)y=f(X)


3-Solving differential equation by power series

A means of extending the radius of convergence of a power series solution of a system of

differential equations is presented. It is essentially a change of the independent variable by
means of a conformal mapping. Conditions on this change of variables which should yield a
computational advantage are discussed.


4- partial differential equation

A partial differential equation (or briefly a PDE) is a mathematical equation that involves two or
more independent variables, an unknown function (dependent on those variables), and partial
derivatives of the unknown function with respect to the independent variables

Partial Differential Equation Types

The different types of partial differential equations are:

1- First-order Partial Differential Equation

2- Linear Partial Differential Equation
3- Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equation
4- Homogeneous Partial Differential Equation

1- First-Order Partial Differential Equation

In Maths when we speak about the first order partial differential equation, then the equation has
only the first derivative of the unknown function having ‘m’ variables. It is expressed in the form
F(x1,…,xm, u,ux1,….,uxm)=0

2- Linear Partial Differential Equation

If the dependent variable and all its partial derivatives occur linearly in any PDE then such an
equation is called linear PDE otherwise a nonlinear PDE. In the above example (1) and (2) are
said to be linear equations whereas example (3) and (4) are said to be non-linear equations.

3- Quasi-Linear Partial Differential Equation

A PDE is said to be quasi-linear if all the terms with the highest order derivatives of dependent
variables occur linearly, that is the coefficient of those terms are functions of only lower-order
derivatives of the dependent variables. However, terms with lower-order derivatives can occur in
any manner. Example (3) in the above list is a Quasi-linear equation.

4- Homogeneous Partial Differential Equation

If all the terms of a PDE contain the dependent variable or its partial derivatives then such a PDE
is called non-homogeneous partial differential equation or homogeneous otherwise. In the above
four examples, Example (4) is non-homogeneous whereas the first three equations are

5-Bessel functions

Because this is a second-order linear differential equation, there must be two linearly

independent solutions. Depending upon the circumstances, however, various formulations of
these solutions are convenient. Different variations are summarized in the table below and
described in the following sections.

A)First Kind: Jν(x) in the solution to Bessel’s equation is referred to as a Bessel function of the
first kind.

b) Second Kind: Yν(x) in the solution to Bessel’s equation is referred to as a Bessel function of
the second kind or sometimes the Weber function or the Neumann function.
c) Third Kind: The Hankel function or Bessel function

6-Beta Function Definition

The beta function is a unique function where it is classified as the first kind of Euler’s
integrals. The beta function is defined in the domains of real numbers. The notation to represent
the beta function is “β”. The beta function is meant by B(p, q), where the parameters p and q
should be real numbers.
The beta function in Mathematics explains the association between the set of inputs and the
outputs. Each input value the beta function is strongly associated with one output value. The beta
function plays a major role in many mathematical operations.

Beta Function Formula

The beta function formula is defined as follows:

Beta Function Properties

The important properties of beta function are as follows:

1- This function is symmetric which means that the value of beta function is irrespective to
the order of its parameters, I .e B (p, q) = B(q, p)
2- B (p, q) = B (p, q+1) + B (p+1, q)
3- B (p, q+1) = B (p, q). [q/ (p +q)]
4- B (p+1, q) = B (p, q). [p/ (p +q)]
5- B (p, q). B (p +q, 1-q) = π/ p sin (πq)
6- The important integrals of beta functions are

Beta Function Applications
In Physics and string approach, the beta function is used to compute and represent the scattering
amplitude for Reggae trajectories. Apart from these, you will find many applications in calculus
using its related gamma function also.
Stay tuned with BYJU’S – The Learning App and also register with it to learn all the important
Math’s-related articles.

error function 

The  error function (erf) is a special function which gets its name for its importance in the study
of errors. It is sometimes called the Gauss or Gaussian Error Function and occasionally
a Cramp function.
As well as error theory, the error function is also used in probability theory, mathematical
physics, and a wide variety of other theoretical and practical applications. For example, Fresnel
integrals, which are derived from the error function, are used in the theory of optics.
In probability and statistics, the function integrates the normal distribution (aka Gaussian
Distribution). It gives the probability that a normally distributed random variable Y (with mean 0
and variance ½), falls into the range [−x, x].

6-gamma function

The gamma function Γ(x) is the most important function not on a calculator. It comes up
constantly in math. In some areas, such as probability and statistics, you will see the gamma
function more often than other functions that are on a typical calculator, such as trig functions.

The gamma function extends the factorial function to real numbers. Since factorial is only
defined on non-negative integers, there are many ways you could define factorial that would
agree on the integers and disagree elsewhere. But everyone agrees that the gamma function is
“the” way to extend factorial. Actually, the gamma function Γ(x) does not extend factorial, but
Γ(x+1) does. Shifting the definition over by one makes some equations simpler, and that’s the
definition that has caught on.

In a sense, Γ(x+1) is the unique way to generalize factorial. Harald Bohr and Johannes Mollerup
proved that it is the only log-convex function that agrees with factorial on the non-negative
integers. That’s somewhat satisfying, except why should we look for log-convex functions? Log-
convexity is very useful property to have, and a natural one for a function generalizing the

Here’s a plot of the logarithms of the first few factorial values.

Gamma Function Formula

– Example
Assume if the number is a ‘s’ and also it is a positive integer, then the gamma function will be
the factorial of the number. This is mentioned as s! = 1*2*3… (s − 1)*s. For example, 4! = 1 × 2
× 3 × 4 = 24. However, this formula is not a valid one if s is not an integer although.


Γ(4) = (4-1)! = 6


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