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Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

DOI 10.1007/s00411-007-0122-3


Are cancer risks associated with exposures to ionising radiation

from internal emitters greater than those in the Japanese A-bomb
Mark P. Little Æ Per Hall Æ Monty W. Charles

Received: 24 February 2007 / Accepted: 23 June 2007 / Published online: 17 July 2007
 Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract After ingestion or inhalation of radionuclides, than the corresponding estimate in the Japanese atomic
internal organs of the human body will be exposed to ion- bomb survivors and for the other nine it is less. For four of
ising radiation. Current risk estimates of radiation-associated these 20 studies, the relative risk is significantly (2-sided
cancer from internal emitters are largely based on extrapo- P < 0.05) different from that in the Japanese atomic bomb
lation of risk from high-dose externally exposed groups. survivors, in three cases greater than the atomic bomb sur-
Concerns have been expressed that extrapolated risk esti- vivor relative risk and in one case less. Considering only
mates from internal emitters are greatly underestimated, by those six low LET studies/endpoints with 100 or more
factors of ten or more, thus implying a severe underesti- deaths or cases, for four out of six studies/endpoints the
mation of the true risks. Therefore, data on cancer mortality internal emitter risk is greater than that in the Japanese
and incidence in a number of groups who received exposure atomic bomb survivors. For seven of the 24 cancer endpoints
predominantly from internal emitters are examined and ex- examined in the high LET internal emitter studies the best
cess relative risks per Sv are compared with comparable estimate of the ERR in the internal emitter study is greater
(age at exposure, time since exposure, gender) matched than the corresponding estimate in the Japanese atomic
subsets of the Japanese atomic bomb survivor cohort. Risks bomb survivors and for the other 17 it is less. For six studies,
are examined separately for low LET and high LET internal the relative risk is significantly (2-sided P < 0.05) different
emitters. There are eight studies informative for the effects from that in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors, in one case
of internal low LET radiation exposure and 12 studies greater than the atomic bomb survivor relative risk and in
informative for the effects of internal high LET radiation. five cases less. Considering only those eight high LET
For 11 of the 20 cancer endpoints (subgroups of particular studies/endpoints with 100 or more deaths or cases, for five
study cohorts) examined in the low LET internal emitter out of eight studies/endpoints the internal emitter risk is
studies, the best estimate of the excess relative risk is greater greater than that in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.
These results suggest that excess relative risks in the internal
emitter studies do not appreciably differ from those in the
M. P. Little (&) Japanese atomic bomb survivors. However, there are sub-
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health,
stantial uncertainties in estimates of risks in the internal
Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine,
St Mary’s Campus, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG, UK emitter studies, particularly in relation to lung cancer asso-
e-mail: ciated with radon daughter (alpha particle) exposure, so a
measure of caution should be exercised in these conclusions.
P. Hall
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
Karolinska Institute, P.O. Box 281,
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
M. W. Charles
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Birmingham, Cancer risk is the largest component of radiation-induced
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK detriment for a general population [1]. Most standards-

300 Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

setting bodies rely on cancer risks derived from cohorts were not included. In general, studies were excluded if
exposed at high doses and dose-rates, in particular the there was no reliable estimation of organ dose. In some
Japanese atomic bomb survivor Life Span Study (LSS) cases (e.g., all malignancies other than stomach in the
cohort [1, 2], although risk estimates for certain other sites study of Holm et al. [17], non-haemopoietic malignancies
(e.g., liver, bone cancer) have also been derived from in the study of Ron et al. [18] and the studies of Nekolla
studies of medical uses of alpha-emitting radionuclides [1]. et al. [19, 20] and Wick et al. [21]) the only comparison
Traditionally, assessments of cancer risk associated with group available was the appropriate national population
internal emitters require extrapolation of risk from high- mortality or incidence rates, otherwise, internal comparison
dose groups and use of dosimetric models, because direct groups were generally available. In the case of haemo-
evidence of low-dose and low-dose-rate risk from internal poietic malignancies in the study of Ron et al. [18] and in
emitters is scarce, limited to certain medically, occupa- the study of Dickman et al. [22], Poisson linear relative risk
tionally and environmentally exposed groups [2–4]. Con- models were refitted to the data given in the published
ventionally this has been of most importance for high linear material. For the Techa River study of Krestinina et al. [3],
energy transfer (LET) radiation, such as 239Pu, where only leukaemia was examined, since only for this endpoint
radiation weighting factors of 20 are recommended [1]. is the dose predominantly (92%) from internal emitters
There has been considerable recent interest and contro- (mainly 90Sr and 137Cs).
versy, associated with estimation of risks from internal The latest versions of the cancer incidence [11, 12] and
emitters [5, 6], with claims that risks from internal emitters mortality [13–15] datasets for the Japanese atomic bomb
could be greatly underestimated, by ‘‘well over a factor of survivors LSS cohort were employed. Follow-up for the
10’’, by current International Commission on Radiological haemopoietic (leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma)
Protection (ICRP) risk factors and dosimetric models [5]; cancer incidence data [11] was from October 1950 to
enhancements of risk from 90Sr by factors of 300 have been December 1987 and follow-up for the solid cancer inci-
derived [7], although with less justification [5]. In part as a dence data [12] was from January 1958 to December 1998.
consequence of this, there have been recent reviews of risks Mortality follow-up started for all cases in October 1950,
in groups who received high LET internal emitters, for ending in December 1990 for the haemopoietic mortality
example from medical exposures (e.g., patients given the dataset of Pierce et al. [13], in December 1997 for the solid
diagnostic contrast medium Thorotrast or 224Ra to treat cancer mortality dataset of Preston et al. [14] and in
ankylosing spondylitis and other non-malignant conditions) December 2000 for the solid cancer and leukaemia mor-
or from occupational exposure (e.g., radium dial painters, tality data of Preston et al. [15]. Most of these data [11, 13,
underground miners) [8–10]. 14] employed the older DS86 dosimetry system [23], the
In this article, we systematically review the epidemio- only exceptions being the most recent solid cancer inci-
logical literature on internal emitters. We shall concentrate dence [12] and mortality [15] datasets, which use the most
on the main groups exposed to internal emitters and com- current DS02 dosimetry [15, 24]. The basis of comparison
pare risks with comparable subsets of the latest Japanese is the value of the excess relative risk (ERR) coefficient
atomic bomb survivors [11–15]. This survey therefore ex- (ERR Sv–1). To make such comparisons, a simple linear
tends a similar survey in relation to cancer after medical relative risk model was fitted to various subsets of the
treatment for malignant and non-malignant disease [8, 16]. Japanese data, in which it was assumed that the expected
number of cases in stratum i and dose group d with average
organ dose D (in Sv) is given by:
PYid ki ½1 þ aD ð1Þ
A Medline search was conducted on 15 February 2007
using the terms ‘‘internal’’ + ‘‘emitter’’ + ‘‘radiation’’ (49 where PYid is the number of person-years of follow-up in
references from 1990 onwards), ‘‘internal’’ + ‘‘emitter’’ stratum i and dose group d.
(72 references from 1990 onwards) and ‘‘inter- The dose to the atomic bomb survivors is a mixture of
nal’’ + ‘‘radiation’’ + ‘‘epidemiology’’ (579 references gamma rays and neutrons, with most dose imparted by
from 1990 onwards). This was supplemented by searches radiation with high energy (>2 MeV) [23, 24]; the Sv organ
of appropriate tables in the most recent UNSCEAR report dose is derived using the ICRP recommended [1] weighting
[2]. Only those studies in which there was reliable ascer- factor for high energy neutrons of 10, as employed in other
tainment of cancer incidence or mortality were considered analyses of these data [11–15]. The background cancer rates
and in which the majority of organ-specific dose came from ki for each stratum i as well as the ERR coefficient a were
internal emitters. Only peer-reviewed papers in English estimated by Poisson maximum-likelihood [25]. The strat-
were considered; abstracts and conference proceedings ification was defined by city, sex, time since exposure and

Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310 301

age at exposure in the haemopoietic cancer incidence data dose associated with high LET radiation, as would be ex-
[11] and by city, sex, attained age and age at exposure in the pected on the basis of radiobiological data [28], so for the
mortality data [13–15]; this is identical to the stratification studies given in Table 2 we leave the estimates derived
employed in the original analyses of these datasets [11, 13– from each study unchanged.
15]. In the solid cancer incidence data [12] stratification was In estimating the dose from alpha particles (the only
by city, sex, attained age, age at exposure, time since source of radiation exposure for all studies considered in
exposure and distance from hypocentre (<3,000 m, Table 2), we use the ICRP [1] recommended weighting
>3,000 m) for analysis of cancers other than thyroid cancer; factor of 20. In converting risk estimates per working level
for thyroid cancer, stratification was by city, sex, attained months (WLM) to risk per Sv associated with the BEIR VI
age, age at exposure, time since exposure and membership [29] 11-cohort underground miner analysis, we also as-
of the Adult Health Study (AHS). Distance from the hyp- sumed the mean of the conversion factors (17.2 mSv/
ocentre could not be used as a stratifying variable for thy- WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) derived by Birchall and James
roid cancer because such model fits were subject to [30]. In converting the risks associated with the exposure
numerical instability. Stratification by AHS membership is rate (per Bq m–3) used in the domestic radon daughter
critical for thyroid cancer. AHS membership is propor- exposure studies [31–33], we also assumed the conversion
tionally greater in higher dose groups [26]. Diagnosis of factor of 0.13 WLM/y/100 Bq m–3 derived by Strom et al.
thyroid cancer is highly dependent on the efficiency of the [34] and assumed a mean occupancy of 30 years (5–
cancer registration process, which is more thorough in the 35 years before case diagnosis) in the study of Darby et al.
AHS, so that it is possible that the ‘‘true’’ magnitude of the [32] and a mean occupancy of 25 years (5–30 years before
dose-response curve in the Japanese dataset could be dis- case diagnosis) in the studies of Wang et al. [31] and
torted by variations in the completeness of ascertainment Krewski et al. [33]. For the Thorotrast studies listed in
between the various dose groups within the cohort. Again, Table 2 [35–38], a common estimate of 31.2 years expo-
this stratification is similar to that used by Preston et al. [12] sure of the respective organs was used, a figure derived
in their analysis of this dataset. All bomb survivors with from van Kaick et al. [35], combined with appropriate
shielded kerma dose >4 Gy were excluded from the anal- organ dose per year, which for all except the Japanese
ysis because of possible errors in dose estimates at high Thorotrast series [36] was also taken from Table 2 in [35].
doses. The group not in either city at the time of the For the 224Ra study of Nekolla et al. [19], a breast dose of
bombings was also excluded, as in the most recent analyses 0.1 Gy = 2 Sv was employed, as indicated by Boice [39].
of this data [11–15]. Because of the well-known modifying Also shown are the 95% confidence intervals (CI),
effects of age at exposure, time since exposure and sex as which unless stated otherwise are likelihood-based (see
modifiers of the relative risk of radiation-associated cancer below). All parameter estimates and CIs for the Japanese
[2], appropriate subsets of the Japanese data were selected A-bomb survivors are estimated using AMFIT [40].
so that the period of follow-up, the age at exposure and the The last column of Tables 1 and 2 gives the P-values for
sex corresponded as nearly as possible to those of the the consistency of the Japanese and internal emitter data-
respective internal emitter dataset. Consequently, the pos- sets, calculated from the square of the normalized differ-
sible biasing effects of these variables in the comparisons ence in ERR estimates:
will be minimized. Therefore, in Tables 1 and 2 two ERR
estimates are given: the first being that obtained from the v2 ¼ ½ERRj  ERRm 2 =½r2j þ r2m  ð2Þ
internal emitter study and the second based on an analysis of
a relevant subset from the LSS cohort, both given as ERR where the estimated standard errors, rj, rm, for the
Sv–1. The authors compared ERR estimates for studies of Japanese and internal emitter data are computed from the
cancer incidence with those derived from the LSS incidence 95% CI for the ERR of the Japanese data, (CIlj, CIuj) and
datasets [11, 12] and those for cancer mortality with the from the 95% CI, (CIlm, CIum), for the internal emitter data,
ERR estimated from the LSS mortality data [13–15]. We by means of the relation:
have divided the internal emitter studies into those associ- (
ated with low LET exposure (Table 1) and those associated rj ¼ ½CIuj  ERRj =1:96
if ERRj \ERRm
with high LET exposure (Table 2). Because one would rm ¼ ½ERRm  CIlm =1:96
expect a dose-rate reduction for the protracted low LET ( ð3Þ
rj ¼ ½ERRj  CIlj =1:96
exposures that characterise all of the studies considered in if ERRj  ERRm
Table 1, we multiply the risks in these studies by the central rm ¼ ½CIum  ERRm =1:96
estimate of the dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor
(DDREF) used by the BEIR VII committee [27], namely The P-values given in Tables 1 and 2 are derived from
1.5. There is no reduction associated with the protraction of Eq. 2, which is assumed to have the distribution of a v2


Table 1 Risk estimates for cancer incidence and mortality from studies of internal low LET radiation exposure, adjusted to high dose rate using a DDREF of 1.5 [27]
Cancer Reference Age at Follow-up Endpoint Observed Observed Mean Person-years Excess relative Excess relative risk
endpoint exposure (years) deaths/cases deaths/cases dose (Sv) risk at 1 Sv at 1 Sv in comparable
(years) in comparable (and 95% CI), A-bomb group
A-bomb group adjusted to (and 95% CI)
high dose rate

All solid [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 889 10,071 0.63 582,750 1.22 (0.69, 2.00)a 0.48 (0.39, 0.58)b##
Oesophagus [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 317 288 0.63 582,750 0.27 (–0.14, 0.99) 0.71 (0.20, 1.41)c
Stomach [17] 13 to 74 (mean 57) 1 to 28 (mean 15) Incidence 58d 1,575 0.25 139,018 1.98 (1.14, 2.97) 0.25 (0.05, 0.49)e###
Stomach [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 28 2,852 0.178 738,831 –0.25 (–3.00, 3.39) 0.30 (0.14, 0.48)f
Stomach [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 150 2,852 0.63 582,750 1.43 (0.26, 5.24) 0.30 (0.14, 0.48)f
Stomach [18, 42] 0 to >60 0 to >40 Mortality 178 2,852 0.45 1,321,581 0.79 (–2.15, 3.73) 0.30 (0.14, 0.48)f
Liver [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 60 1,234 0.63 582,750 –0.12 (–0.62, 1.50) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)g
Lung [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 130 1,260 0.63 582,750 2.64 (0.72, 13.25)a 0.79 (0.51, 1.11)c
Female breast [42] 0 to >40 0 to >40 Mortality 61 269 0.63 582,750 1.64 (–0.08, 23.70) 1.42 (0.75, 2.31)h
Bladder [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 14 149 0.128 738,831 –0.35 (–5.50, 7.35) 1.09 (0.19, 2.46)i
Kidney [17] 13 to 74 (mean 57) 1 to 28 (mean 15) Incidence 37 41 0.05 139,018 15.3 (1.8, 32.4) –0.06 (<–0.06, 1.91)j#
k k k
Thyroid [22] 0 to 74 (mean 43) 2 to 47 (mean 27) Incidence 36 398 0.94 886,618 1.63 (–0.01, 11.16) 1.20 (0.63, 1.99)l
Thyroid [43] 0 to 14 6 to 12 Incidence 276 13 0.37m NA 9.90 (3.00, 16.65)n 8.53 (<0, 49.16)o
p p
NHL [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 74 170 0.042 738,831 0.90 (–44.83, 83.74) 0.05 (<0, 0.70)q
Hodgkin’s disease [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 12 21 0.042p 738,831 –1.50 (–157.0, 49.6)p 0.48 (<0, 3.96)q
Multiple myeloma [17] 13 to 74 (mean 57) 1 to 28 (mean 15) Incidence 10d 22 0.06 139,018 –1.75 (–13.75, 17.75)p 1.23 (<0, 6.01)r
Multiple myeloma [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 28 49 0.042 738,831 16.50 (–7.65, 85.73)p 0.60 (<0, 2.55)s
t p p
Leukaemia [44] 0 to 6 0 to 14 Incidence 421 12 0.0063 NA 48.60 (13.17, 126.00) 97.39 (<0, 5989)u
Leukaemiav [45] 1 to 65 0 to >47 Incidence 53 192 0.34, 0.29pw NA 3.75 (–0.45, 27.00)p 5.79 (3.95, 8.35)s
v p p
Leukaemia [3] 0 to >70 0 to >49 Mortality 49 284 0.30 865,812 9.75 (2.70, 36.00) 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)s
v p p
Leukaemia [18] 0 to >60 (mean 46) 1 to 44 (mean 21) Mortality 82 284 0.042 738,831 –1.50 (–5.60, 0.87) 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)s###
v p p
Leukaemia [3, 18] 0 to >70 0 to >49 Mortality 131 284 0.18 1604,643 –1.09 (–5.85, 3.67) 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)s#
Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310
Table 1 continued

NHL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Based on a dose-response analysis, restricted to the exposed group only
Based on colon dose
Based on lung dose
Restricted to the period 10 or more years after treatment
Based on stomach dose, >15 years age at exposure, <30 years since exposure
Based on stomach dose
Based on liver dose
Based on female breast dose
Based on urinary tract dose
Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

Based on bladder dose, >15 years age at exposure, <30 years since exposure
Among group without previous exposure to external radiation therapy of the neck, referred for a reason other than suspicion of thyroid cancer
Based on thyroid dose
Median dose to all Belarus subjects
Based on linear model fitted to cases and controls with dose < 1 Gy
Based on thyroid dose, <15 years age at exposure, <20 years since exposure
Bone marrow dose
Based on bone marrow dose, fitted to incidence data [11]
Based on bone marrow dose, >15 years age at exposure, <30 years since exposure
Based on bone marrow dose
Acute leukaemia
Based on bone marrow dose, acute radiogenic leukaemia (AML + ALL), <10 years age at exposure, <15 years since exposure
Leukaemia excluding chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Mean internal emitter bone marrow doses for cases, controls, respectively
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.05
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.01
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.001

304 Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

random variable with one degree of freedom (df) [25]. If These numbers suggest that the relative risks in the low
the errors in the ERR estimates in the LSS and the medical LET internal emitter studies do not appreciably differ from
data are both independently normally distributed, then those in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.
Eq. 2 is equivalent to the likelihood-ratio test of the
equality of the ERR. As the size of the samples gets Internal high LET radiation exposure
sufficiently large this is, therefore, guaranteed to have
the asymptotic distribution of a v2 random variable with There are 12 studies informative for the effects of internal
1 df [41]. Alternatively, one may derive the distribution high LET radiation exposure [19–21, 29, 31–33, 35–38,
of this test statistic by considering, for simplicity, the 46]. For 7 of the 24 cancer endpoints (subgroups of par-
case of normal random variables Xj  Nðlj ; r2j Þ and ticular study cohorts) represented in Table 2 ,the best
Xj  Nðlm ; r2m Þ; Z ¼ Xj  Xm  Nðlj  lm ; r2j þ r2m Þ; so estimate of the ERR in the internal emitter study is greater
that under the null hypothesis H0 : lj ¼ lm ; it is seen that than the corresponding estimate in the Japanese atomic
Z 2 ¼ ½Xj  Xm 2 =½r2j þ r2m  has the distribution of a v2 bomb survivors. For six cancer sites the ratio is signifi-
random variable with one df. Although this statistic be- cantly (2-sided P < 0.05) different from that in the Japa-
haves correctly asymptotically, for small samples the CIs nese atomic bomb survivors, greater in one case (lung
are not approximately normal in the way that correct [31]), and less than the atomic bomb survivor relative risk,
interpretation of this statistic requires; for this reason in in the other five cases (liver: [36, 37], leukaemia, incidence
those studies with five or fewer cases, we do not estimate and mortality: [38], leukaemia mortality: [35]). Consider-
this statistic. ing only those eight studies/endpoints with 100 or more
In order to maximise statistical power, whenever pos- deaths or cases, for five (liver cancer [35, 38], lung cancer
sible (when the comparable group being considered in the [31–33]) the internal emitter risk is greater than that in the
Japanese atomic bomb survivors is identical) we derive Japanese atomic bomb survivors; only for lung cancer in
joint estimates of internal emitter risks by weighting each Wang et al. [31] was this difference statistically significant.
ERR estimate by the inverse of the variance (computed in These numbers suggest that the relative risks in the high
most cases by varm ¼ ð½CIum  CIlm =½2  1:96Þ2 : This is LET internal emitter studies do not appreciably differ from
the standard best linear unbiased estimator. The variance of those in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.
this weighted estimator is easily seen to be given by
1= 1=varmi : This is used to derive confidence intervals
i Discussion
for this weighted estimate in the standard way.
The LSS is the principal source of data used to estimate risks
of radiation-related cancer [1, 2, 27, 47]. However, these risk
Results estimates have also been compared to and generally sup-
ported by data taken from a variety of other sources [2]. In
Internal low LET radiation exposure particular, data from studies of patients exposed to ionising
radiation for the treatment of cancer and non-neoplastic
There are eight studies informative for the effects of conditions have been frequently used; previous studies
internal low LET radiation exposure [3, 17, 18, 22, 42–45]. [8, 16], documented the generally lower relative risks in the
For 11 of the 20 cancer endpoints (subgroups of particular medical series compared with the atomic bomb survivors.
study cohorts) represented in Table 1 the best estimate of We have analysed data on a variety of malignant endpoints
the ERR in the internal emitter study is greater than the in various groups predominantly exposed via internal radi-
corresponding estimate in the Japanese atomic bomb sur- ation emitters. In general, whether for low LET or high LET
vivors. For four cancer sites, the risk is significantly (2- radiation, we find little evidence of systematic departures of
sided P < 0.05) different from that in the Japanese atomic risk estimates in these studies from those in the Japanese
bomb survivors, in three cases (all solid: [42], stomach, atomic bomb survivors. There is slightly more evidence in
kidney: [17]) greater than the atomic bomb survivor rela- the larger studies (those with 100 or more deaths or cases)
tive risk and in one case (leukaemia: [18]) less. Consid- [29, 31–33, 35, 37, 38, 42–44, 46] for there being greater
ering only those six studies/endpoints with 100 or more risks than those in the atomic bomb survivors. However,
deaths or cases, for four out of six studies/endpoints (all there are substantial dosimetric uncertainties in some of
solid, stomach and lung cancer: [42], thyroid cancer: [43]) these studies [29, 31–33] and other problems in certain other
the internal emitter risk is greater than that in the Japanese studies [42], that we discuss below.
atomic bomb survivors; only for all solid cancer, in Bauer There are various other studies where there may be
et al. [42], was this difference statistically significant. appreciable internal emitter exposure which could not be

Table 2 Risk estimates for cancer incidence and mortality from studies of internal high LET radiation exposure
Cancer Reference Age at exposure Follow-up Endpoint Observed Observed Mean Person- Excess relative Excess relative
endpoint (years) (years) deaths/ deaths/cases dose (Sv) years risk at 1 Sv risk at 1 Sv in
cases in comparable (and 95% CI) comparable A-bomb
A-bomb group group (and 95% CI)

Liver [38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Incidence 136 1,142 249.6a 54,734 +¥ (0.17, + ¥) 0.59 (0.30, 0.94)b
Liver [35] NA 0 to >50 (mean 31.2) Mortality 454 1,234 249.6 NA 0.61 (0.19, 1.18) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)b
Liver [36] <11 to >60 0 to 54 Mortality 79 1,234 137.3 9,356 0.13 (0.08, 0.19) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)b##
Liver [37] <20 to >60 5 to >40 Mortality 106 1,234 249.6a 44,648 0.04 (0.02, 0.08) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)b###
Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

Liver [38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Mortality 22 1,234 249.6a 13,691 0.09 (0.00, 1.86) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)b
Liver [35–38] <11 to 79 0 to >50 Mortality 661 1,234 234.1 67,695 0.06 (0.03, 0.08) 0.51 (0.26, 0.80)b###
Lung [32] NA 5 to 35 Incidence 7,148 619 NA NA 2.07 (0.65, 4.00) 0.69 (0.13, 1.16)d
Lung [33] NA 5 to 30 Incidence 3,662 440 NA NA 1.71 (0.00, 4.34) 0.89 (0.42, 1.51)f
Lung [31] NA 5 to 30 Incidence 768 440 NA NA 4.96 (1.24, 21.24) 0.89 (0.42, 1.51)f#
Lung [31, 33] NA 5 to 30 Incidence 4,430 440 NA NA 1.85 (–0.27, 3.97) 0.89 (0.42, 1.51)f
h i
Lung [46] 15 to 60 0 to 55 Mortality: male 167 622 5.00 52,546 0.24 (0.17, 0.34) 0.40 (0.03, 0.86)j
Lung [46] 15 to 60 0 to 55 Mortality: female 25 508 8.42h 17,476 0.95 (0.48, 1.95)i 1.40 (0.76, 2.2)j
k l
Lung [29] 15 to >60 0 to >35 Mortality 2,674 620 3.26 888,906 0.30 (0.17, 0.51) 0.37 (0.07, 0.74)m
k n
Lung [29] 15 to >60 0 to >35 Mortality 2,674 620 3.26 888,906 0.38 (0.11, 1.29) 0.37 (0.07, 0.74)m
o p
Bone [21] NA 0 to >36 Incidence 4 18 100 32,800 0.02 (0.00, 0.07) 1.32 (<0, 6.37)q
r p
Bone [20] 0 to >70 0 to 56 (mean 25.2) Incidence 56 18 612 25,500 0.30 (0.23, 0.39) 1.32 (<0, 6.37)q
Bone [20, 21] 0 to >70 0 to 56 Incidence 60 18 323.9 58,300 0.06 (0.03, 0.10)p 1.32 (<0, 6.37)q
Bone [35] NA 0 to >50 (mean 31.2) Mortality 4 27 99.8 NA 0.02 (–0.01, 0.37) 1.29 (<0, 5.16)q
Bone [37] <20 to >60 5 to >40 Mortality 5 27 99.8s 44,648 0.07 (0.00, 3.59) 1.29 (<0, 5.16)q
Bone [35, 37] <20 to >60 0 to >50 Mortality 9 27 99.8s 44,648 0.02 (–0.16, 0.21) 1.29 (<0, 5.16)q
Bone [38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Mortality 2 27 99.8 13,691 +¥ (–0.01, + ¥) 1.29 (<0, 5.16)q
Female breast [19] 0 to >70 0 to 56 (mean 25.2) Incidence 28 834 2t NA 1.25 (0.66, 2.03)p 1.62 (1.16, 2.18)u
v w
NHL [35] NA 0 to >50 (mean 31.2) Mortality 15 170 62.4 NA 0.02 (0.00, 0.05) 0.05 (<0, 0.70)x
v w
Hodgkin’s disease [35] NA 0 to >50 (mean 31.2) Mortality 2 21 62.4 NA 0.00 (–0.01, 0.08) 0.48 (<0, 3.96)x
v v w
Leukaemia [38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Incidence 28 192 62.4 54,734 0.23 (0.05, 2.38) 5.79 (3.95, 8.35)y###
vz v w
Leukaemia [35] NA 0 to >50 (mean 31.2) Mortality 42 160 62.4 NA 0.06 (0.02, 0.09) 5.25 (3.41, 7.86)xz###
x v w
Leukaemia [37] <20 to >60 5 to >40 Mortality 6 284 62.4 44,648 0.15 (0.00, 7.53) 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)y
Leukaemiax [38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Mortality 8 284 62.4v 13,691 0.25 (–0.01, 3.38)w 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)y#
x v
Leukaemia [37, 38] <20 to 79 2 to >50 Mortality 14 284 62.4 58,339 0.24 (–1.31, 1.78)w 4.09 (2.90, 5.64)y###

Table 2 continued

NHL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Based on a liver dose estimate of 0.40 Gy per year (0.22 Gy per year for the Japanese series [36]), assumed given over 31.2 years [35], and using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20

Based on liver dose
Computed from estimate adjusted for dosimetric error in [32], assuming conversion factor of 0.13 WLM/y/100 Bq m3 [34] and assuming 30 year (5–35 years before exposure) mean
occupancy of houses, and using mean of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Based on lung dose, <35 years since exposure
Computed from estimate in [33], assuming conversion factor of 0.13 WLM/y/100 Bq m3 [34] and assuming 25 year (5–30 years before exposure) mean occupancy of houses, and using mean
of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Based on lung dose, <30 years since exposure
Computed from estimate adjusted for dosimetric error (1.5 error GSD) in [31], assuming conversion factor of 0.13 WLM/year 100 Bq m3 [34] and assuming 25 year (5–30 years before
exposure) mean occupancy of houses, and using mean of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Mean monitored dose among workers monitored at radiochemical and plutonium plants, obtained by multiplying dose in Table 1 of [46] by the recommended ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
and adding to this the mean external dose to all workers
ERR per Gy at age 60, obtained by dividing the ERR/Gy in Table 3 of [46] by the recommended ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
ERR per Gy at age 60, for LSS cohort [14], aged between 15–60, taken from Table 7 of [46]
Computed from mean cumulative WLM in Appendix D of BEIR VI [29], using mean of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Computed from random effects estimate in Appendix A of BEIR VI [29], using mean of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Based on lung dose, males, 15–60 years age at exposure
Computed from two-stage estimate in Appendix A of BEIR VI [29], using mean of correction factors (17.2 mSv/WLM, 22.5 mSv/WLM) calculated by Birchall and James [30]
Computed from estimate of bone surface dose of 5 Gy, and using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
Computed from given observed and expected number of cases, using exact 95% Poisson CI [56]
Based on skeletal dose
Computed using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
Based on a bone dose estimate of 0.16 Gy per year, assumed given over 31.2 years [35], and using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
Based on a breast dose estimate of 0.1 Gy (39), and using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
Based on breast dose
Based on a bone marrow dose estimate of 0.1 Gy per year, assumed given over 31.2 years [35], and using ICRP [1] weighting factor of 20
Bone marrow dose
Based on bone marrow dose, fitted to incidence data [11]
Based on bone marrow dose
Myeloid leukaemia
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.05
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.01
LSS and radiation therapy ERR statistically inconsistent with P < 0.001
Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310
Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310 307

used in this paper. In particular, the study of Sellafield The most serious shortcomings of the present study are
plutonium workers [4] presumably contains some infor- in relation to the estimates of risks from internal high LET
mation on this route of exposure, although only 355 person exposure. In particular and as noted in the Methods section,
Sv of the dose is due to internally deposited plutonium, in considering all the studies relating to radon daughter
compared with 959 person Sv of external dose. No separate exposure and lung cancer [29, 31–33] a number of dosi-
information is provided on risk associated with internal metric and other factors had to be assumed. For example, to
emitter dose (results are only presented for internal emitter convert from risk estimates per WLM in the miner studies
and external dose combined) so that this study cannot yet [29] to risk per Sv we assumed a mean dosimetric con-
be used to estimate risks from internal emitters. A study of version factor derived by Birchall and James [30]. In
thyroid cancer risk in relation to 131I exposure from the converting the risks associated with the exposure rate (per
Hanford plant also could not be employed, because of Bq m–3) used in the domestic radon daughter exposure
insufficient information in the published paper to facilitate studies [31–33], we also had to assume an additional
calculation of relative risk [48]. There are many funda- conversion factor (to derive WLM/year from exposure rate
mentally ecological studies in relation to various groups in Bq m–3) as given by Strom et al. [34] and make addi-
exposed as a result of the Chernobyl accident, which we tional assumptions on mean period of occupancy in these
have not considered here. The possibilities for bias in studies. These factors could well be incorrect, although
ecological studies are well known [49]. most of these, in particular the dosimetric conversion fac-
The method used to compare risks between the inter- tors [30], are unlikely to be substantially biased [9]. For the
nally exposed and the Japanese atomic bomb survivors is Thorotrast studies listed in Table 2 [35–38] a common
to assess the ERR coefficients. The underlying assumption estimate of 31.2 years exposure of the respective organs
is that the ERR per unit dose should be invariant between was used, a figure derived from [35], combined with the
these studies. This may well not be correct. A number of appropriate organ dose per year, which for all except the
different ways can be used to transport cancer risk be- Japanese series [36] was also taken from Table 2 in van
tween two populations with different underlying suscep- Kaick et al. [35]. This reflects lack of information in all the
tibilities to cancer. As well as the multiplicative transfer studies apart from van Kaick et al. [35], but again, the
of risks, assumed here, one could also assume an additive estimates are unlikely to be much out, as many of the
transfer of excess absolute risks (EAR), in which the Thorotrast cohorts were exposed and assembled for follow-
radiation-induced excess cancer rates in the two popula- up at similar times. The risks in all these studies of internal
tions are assumed to be identical. The data that are high LET radiation exposure may change when more
available suggest that there is no simple solution to the information, for example from microdosimetric re-evalua-
problem [50]. For example, there are weak indications tions, becomes available.
that the ERRs of stomach cancer following radiation Another weakness of the present study is that for certain
exposure may be more comparable than the EARs in studies, in particular stomach cancer in [17], and various
populations with different background stomach cancer non-haemopoietic malignancies in [18–21], the only com-
rates [50]. A comparison of breast cancer risks observed parison group available was the appropriate national pop-
in the Japanese atomic bomb survivor incidence data with ulation mortality or incidence rates. It is not clear to what
those in various medically exposed populations, many extent national rates are representative of the expected
from North America and Europe, where underlying breast cancer incidence or mortality in these populations.
cancer rates are higher than in Japan, suggests that ERRs Internal dose for the Techa River [3] and Semipalatinsk
are rather higher in the LSS than those in the medically [42] cohorts was based on age-dependent group-level
irradiated groups, but (time- and age-adjusted) EARs are (village) internal dose estimates, so that these studies are,
more similar [51, 52]. The observation that gender dif- as presently constituted, fundamentally ecological ones in
ferences in solid tumour ERR are generally offset by relation to their dosimetry. The possibilities for bias in
differences in gender-specific background cancer rates ecological studies are well known [49]. Reinforcing this,
[50] might suggest that EARs are more alike than ERRs. the patterns of variation of risk for solid cancer in the
In summary, these considerations suggest that in various Techa River cohort are unusual, with indications that ERR
circumstances relative or absolute transfers of risk be- increases both with age at first exposure (2-sided P = 0.08)
tween populations may be advocated or, indeed, the use of and with attained age (2-sided P = 0.03) [3]; these patterns
a hybrid approach such as that employed by Muirhead and are not observed for leukaemia, although there is a sug-
Darby [53] and Little et al. [54]. The information given in gestion of an increase in ERR with increasing age at first
many of the papers considered does not permit calculation exposure (2-sided P = 0.10). Likewise, the ERR was sta-
of an EAR and for this reason we concentrated on com- tistically significantly increased with increasing age at
parison of ERRs. exposure (P < 0.0001) in the Semipalatinsk cohort [42].

308 Radiat Environ Biophys (2007) 46:299–310

Such patterns are the reverse of what is observed in the tainties in the alpha-particle-exposed cohorts considered
Japanese atomic bomb survivor cancer mortality data [13– here are resolved, there remain uncertainties in these risk
15] and in many other radiation-exposed groups [2]. estimates.
However, the magnitude of such bias is likely to be lower
for leukaemia in the Techa River cohort [3] than for solid Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the detailed and
helpful comments of the two referees. This report makes use of data
cancers in this group and in the Semipalatinsk cohort [42],
obtained from the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) in
where environmental carcinogens (e.g., tobacco use) and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. RERF is a private, non-profit foun-
occupational exposure other than ionising radiation are dation funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Wel-
more likely to severely influence the risk. fare (MHLW) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the latter
through the National Academy of Sciences. The data include infor-
Fundamental to our adjustment of risk from low LET
mation obtained from the Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture,
radiation to estimate the effective high dose rate risk, is the Nagasaki City and Nagasaki Prefecture Tumour Registries and the
value of DDREF used to adjust the risk estimates upwards, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tissue Registries. The conclusions in this
or downwards if the risk is negative. The value of DDREF report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
scientific judgment of RERF or its funding agencies. The work was
that we use, 1.5, is the central estimate recommended by
funded in part by the UK Department of Health and by the European
the BEIR VII committee [27]. BEIR VII estimated the 95% Commission under contract FI6R-CT-2003-508842 (RISC-RAD).
uncertainty range in this parameter to be 1.1–2.3 [27].
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