Al Azhar Scholarship 2020 21 PDF

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Scholarships Awarded by Al Azhar Al Sharif Scholar year 2018/2019 Nomination System First Sections = Diplomatic missions who have been alle artvel of this periodical stteuent shall take “Pints uomination on Al Azhar scholrships forth acaderic your 2018/2019 shall be Trade after receiving the periodical statement for those willing to present their documents toe Egyptian Embassy... (Appliation conditions mentioned in section twa) "Second reviewing al aplisaions and excluding those who do not quality fr seirhipe e stated in setion to heen. everyone who it qualified noeof shall be senied ofan exer to be held bythe mission ~ dts tobe set bythe mission uns: An exer shal betel fr all cneidetes under the supervision ofthe Egyptian mihassy with the perticipation ofthe head of AL Azhar mission in adel fo umber ea ee applanbles Al Azhar supervisors shall name the students quel fed 12 being ewarded te scholarships allocated for cach county. i case ee WA) note Pring eroms Al Achar a that country the mbes shel take onthe previously mentioned procedures. oe vcmneats ofthe students nominated on AI Azhar scholarships eh! Be So l0 erat nat wath aesoreane tothe aumber of scholarships altcated for te aenraer exe documents shall be also seu once reviewed tothe Eaypllan Ministry of Fersige Affe, andthe ecmuttee of Financial, Foreign Students, Tsing and ‘Terheal Coopertion. Application docunents sal! be completed as sa section eS easing inmind that ny inecmplete documents shall be renamed 0 Ministry of orsign ATlais and it shall be considered as if the nomination forthe scholarship Allocated for this country never happened, aking into consideration: 1) Main Deadlines «Deadline of Nominations arrivel (the 2 Dendline of candidates’ arrival (the first Start of academic year at Universities an every yees) «cert ates'Applizations shall nt be considered and wil be returned o Me rae ne clon In oder o avoid ae applictins, eligbilty for admisions canes Katy sudents who graduated two years ago, and fr on Arabs and aaa oe er South Sudan i shall be three years ago in order to facilitate adherense fo school attendance dates at the beginning of the academic year. 2) Concerned oes ta! ee intersted in ubmsiting applications Socom 6 concer oad, those missions mest inform we iterested bodies to fllow the stated eadltines, as late applications shall aot be considered, located scholarships from Al Azhar and at the the following procedures conceming: end of June Bvery year) half of September every year) A Institutes (the second half of September 3) Diplomatic missions shall adhere to the basic number allocated for each country end some additionel number might be considered in case one of the nominees did not qualify for the nomination’s conditions. 4) Diplomatic missions shell double check the student's name stated in is beth centfcate and passport, ond the name in his Academie Certificate end application documents atiached herein are the same. 45) All documents submited shall be transetd from is oxiginal languages in either of ‘Arabie, Buglish or French languages knowing thet Arabic language is preferred. 6) The Diplomatio missions shall issue visas only fer candidates approved by the General Department of Foreign Students, no other studeats shall reccive # v approved by the General Department of Foreign Students, 1) Tersave tine, the Cultural Counselor in every mission shall eview the nomines# cgevne cotificates to assure they are equivalent to Al Azhar cerificet, a8 isving an equivalent certificate takes much tine at Al Azhar University. §) Nominetion made forthe seholaships allocated to some countries ous recognized aera ee icons tt handle Muslims aff in coordination withthe Egypisn embassy. in the candidates" countries is preferable shall be cerried over to the next year. 4) Ne scholarship allocated for an academic year TPyNo more than one member ofthe seme fail (ther tntber- sons, sp0nse) shall be ae eed forthe seme scholarhip at the same nomination year, to detiver the best me to different countries around the world ‘be accredited by the Egyptian embatty, embassy shell be returned to the candidate nomination unless positive outeo 11)In any onse, all candidates" documents shall ‘und any document not accredited by the Egyptian 1 of Foreign Students end the submitting side by the Department shall be cancelled Scholarships ions. ‘Second Section: 1) The suudent is a Muslim. 2) The nominated student's family residence shal be outside of Bayet. 3) ‘The student is qualified to enrolling on the acedemie year he wants 4) Certificates of transitional grades of new students shall not be considered and students Shull tke e placement test bwice a year before the begining ofthe ecademie year tees) Gates shall be enriounced through AL. Achar Institutes Sector... exceptional tests might be yeld withthe committee's approval to place the student ina class that matches his ‘rademic level to join AI. Azhar institutes. Incase, the student arrives later then he Stating date ofthe ocademne yar, be shall jon the Qualifying Studies Intute ante seeosa testo be enxolled on a scholerhip che following year. A student haven right ts object the tet results and in ese be does, he shal be deported to his County on his upon, Algo e student shall not change the feld of study he or she came to Suds. 5) Aatadent shall nat be previously nominated for any ofthe Arab Republic of EeyP"s scholarships or previously expelled due to an acaderiefilure or for eny other Tse and the mission has the right to check this fact by whatever means deemed necessty. 6 nominated student shall write an acknowledgement eter that he was not nomial an ‘A Apatership before and that he shall allocate al is time forbs studies ot Al Ath on fecal not undertake any work during his scademio year. This acknowledgement liter ese included in his nomination documents noting tbete shall be deprived ofthe any and deported to lis country oni expense ia case he violates tht condition 1) ‘Kuudent shall not be enclled on eny other Sehoarhips ofthe Acab Republi of FRYPE or that ofany other country. 8) Non-Ambic speaking candidete stud younger than (L1 years elé) and not older than (20 yea! hicrarehy shall be considered with no exception 4) Aube speaking candidat stages shal be subject othe same rules applied on Bel Payptian colleagues being not younger thn (11 yeas old) and not older than (1 yet aa ceaccepted on fis prepratary clas erd en age biearchy abel be conde Jo) Nomore tan one member Of the fomil shal be nominated for the seme scholarship on thesame aademie year according to Al Azhar nineteenth committee of Foreign Sudan's Affeire oot foreign students fli committee has the authority tomeke exceptions fo this condition when necessary. 11)A student who stopped his or was deported previous potle notninated again fora scholarship and/or live stopping his studies was not due to a violation made year. 12) Sebolarships ar allocated fr the eouatres’eltizens and not thet foreign residents 13)A student nomineted on postgraduate stir eeholarships shall havea eas s valves grade of Good or an equivalent thereof, tent accepted on first proparatory class shall not be sold); for other classes an age ly or had a retum home ticket shall atthe hostels again unless the ect of ‘by the student during his academio Financial rules: (Monthly stipend in gyptian pound) eave studies ease © | colepsoral | Posizadute The maemcat vanes es anon | aiurtnventy | "een . Anshe a | Institutes qallaieooa sh Azhar Delegates’ hostels seu 500 iad Sates vig ote AU Azhar Delegates’ hostels m0, eno ea sre Gquttas monty stipend non pend Book llonnce te Giabaon lowanee Sault omy apead “Thess printing ellowance ee “The stipend shall be pad tothe student as ofthe date of subiting his documents to te General Department of Foreign Students. Third Section =A suadent enrolled on Al Azhar scholarship shall receive an invitation tieket, and 9 return ticket once he finishes his ecademic studies successfully. | Tho sadent shal receive preparation allowance once exly upon his arrival equ t0 8 monthly stipend (invitation allowsnce). coe ee parolled in coleges shall eceive book allowance equal toa monthly stipend for each academic year es long as he passes. «The student shall receive a monthly stipend studies, = Master studies or PHD students shall reosive # aiowanee conditioned on receiving a report, written by the supervising professor, ‘untatiog tne student hee finished his thesis writing - and is ready for printing. Stdents registered on an internal scholarship shall not receive this stipend. ‘opon graduating college or post graduate vo mouths stipend as a thesis printing Return tickets shall be delivered in the following cases 1) For graduate students, within four months as ofthe date of test results accreditation by the university council, the committee of Foreign Students aeirs shall Jook iato the case where the student did aot epply for a return ticket during the mentioned period. = The hostel shall bear heath care expenses at AL Azhar University hospitals or other governmental hospitals... in such ease, the student shall recive his monthly stipend with nodeductions whether his stay was at the hospital or atthe Lostl. ‘A foreign female student shall receive the acedemie stipend during her maternal Is conditioned that this leave does not exceed two months, Incase e foreign scholarship holder passes away, the hostel shall pay the burial expenses jy at the graveyerd of the hostel, And whether another entity decided to bear the burial txpenses that entity shal receive en ellowence of not more then three months. = Foreign students (only holders of Bachelor's degree or Master's degree) may Carty oxsess weight of 20 (twenty) kilograms and the Delegates” host! shell bear the expenses of the excess weight ‘The General Department for Foreign students shall preset full stalistie ofthe beckup scholarships to the committee of Foreign Stadents Affairs at Al Azhar Al Sharif in eveuiber, exch year. Backup scholarships shell be alloceted as follows; university students, secondary institutes sladents, preparatory stage students then students in {quilifjingetadis, with pioity to students enrolled io igher classes at el tages who je years to the registration year. leave passed two previous academi Goneral Rules ‘ourth Sectior 1) Students enrolled on self-funded scholarships shall not be nomineted on another scholarship through the Bgyptin embassy in is country. 2) Foreign mele students shall be deprived of scholarships in case be aries an Egyplian woman. 3) Foreign female students shall be deprived of scholarships in case she marries an Egyptien man. 4) Any student enzolled on Al Azhar scholars children. 5) Candidate student shall commit to the acsdeinic stage he is astigned fo 8) Only students granted a scholarship shall receive entry Visa and not their wife or ctildren or any other companion. 2) The tayptan issionebroed sal noify the student on attendance and registration @ dates at his embassy in Cairo. 8) “Al Azhar missions shall be socut 9) Diplomatic missions shall commit to ever concerning Al Azhac scholarships’ condi ‘nominated student documents before sen the information stated in those documents excluding apology and a backup nomination ip is not allowed to bring his wife or sale in choosing students nominated for scholarships. ry iter mettioned in thls statement tions and rules, and reviewing the ding them to Cairo. They shal eso confirm those not qualified with an tudent shall be deprived ofthe scholarship in the followin 1) The acudemic entity deemed the student as not bis stu 2) The student enrolled on snother study other then Al Azha's 3) The student is expelled due to repeated fsilure or for ony other reason. 44) The student is enrolled on another scholarship by another entity in the Areb Republic of Egypt or outside thereof, '5) The student provides false information, he shal! be deprives with the right to continue his studies, 6) The student received another's stipend without « power of attoney sceredited by the department of scholarships end residence for students living in hostels or by the Department for Foreign studenis for those living outside the hostels. 7) Joining illegel political or organizational societies. 8) The student has not attended the exem without a justified cause accepted by the soademic enlity 9) The student did not mect the required attendance rate, dof the scholarship ® udent on a scholarship. he should receive the follow! r ‘entity approval to re-enroll on the academic year. 2) Al Azhar committee of Foreign Students affairs' approval. 3) The seourity bodies approval in case of pausing the scholarsh a year ip for more than AtAehc Al Stat rere Islamio Resesrch Academy Preto lax6) General Department for Foreign Students Information Form Students full name in Arabic as writen in passport ‘Student's name in Lati eters (non-Arabs) Studem's nationality: Birth date and place: Passport No Issuance Body and Date Passport expiry date: First arrival to A.RE date: a Last aval to ARE date Vise ype and expiry date: Student's address abroad Student’ address in Egypt Mother's fll ueme and nationality: Morher's birth date and place Father's fill name end nationality: Father's birth date and place: Family members resident in Bgypt but are not students: Rane Degree of Hiaship | Residence address Ware Family members living ané studying In Bgypts Institutes and Universities: Name Degree of kinship | Residence address [Worle (Degree of Wiaships Father = Mother ~ Siblings ~ Husband — Wife) ocuments required to apply for Al Azhar scholarships: ‘Elrat: Requlred Documents at Al Azhar Institutes 1) Six (4x6) recent personal photos with his namo and netionality written on them, 2) A copy of the student's valid passport. 3) A copy of the pesspart trenslated into Arabic accredited by the embassy and approved by the ministry of foreign affairs, 4) An original birth certificate or an orginal copy (stating the mother's name ‘and her nationality) accredited by the embassy end epproved by the ministry of foreign affairs, with paying special consideration tothe age stated in admission conditions sent to the mission. 3) A cenificate of good conduct. ©) A medical centficate that certifis that he is free from any infectious discases, ‘pparent

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