Radiation Risk Perception. A Discrepancy Between The Experts and The

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Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91

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Radiation risk perception: a discrepancy between the experts and the

general population
Tanja Perko*
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK CEN, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Determining the differences in the perception of risks between experts who are regularly exposed to
Received 23 November 2012 radiation, and lay people provides important insights into how potential hazards may be effectively
Received in revised form communicated to the public. In the present study we examined lay people’s (N ¼ 1020) and experts’
7 April 2013
(N ¼ 332) perception of five different radiological risks: nuclear waste, medical x-rays, natural radiation,
Accepted 13 April 2013
an accident at a nuclear installation in general, and the Fukushima accident in particular. In order to link
Available online 15 May 2013
risk perception with risk communication, media reporting about radiation risks is analysed using
quantitative and qualitative content analyses. The results showed that experts perceive radiological risks
Radiological risk perception
differently from the general public. Experts’ perception of medical X-rays and natural radiation is
Nuclear waste significantly higher than in general population, while for nuclear waste and an accident at a nuclear
X-rays installation, experts have lower risk perception than the general population. In-depth research is con-
Nuclear accident ducted for a group of workers that received an effective dose higher than 0.5 mSv in the year before the
Natural radiation study; for this group we identify predictors of risk perception. The results clearly show that mass media
Media don’t use the same language as technical experts in addressing radiological risks. The study demonstrates
that the discrepancy in risk perception and the communication gap between the experts and the general
population presents a big challenge in understanding each other.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Nevertheless, the expert population in these studies was iden-

tified according to rather weak methodological standards (admin-
Human behaviour is primarily driven by perception and not by istrative support and persons who were not highly knowledgeable
facts (Renn, 2008). The main communication challenge is that the about radiation risk were included in the group of experts) and
experts and the public frequently disagree when it comes to risk rather small population samples were compared, while the differ-
assessment. Several studies related to these differences demon- ences between the groups related to perception of non-industry
strated that experts have in general a lower perception of risks than related radiation risks, for instance medical use of radiation or
the general public (Slovic et al., 1980; Slovic, 1996). This has been natural radiation, was not investigated. In addition, the authors
highlighted in studies related for instance to nanotechnology haz- didn’t make an empirical link between risk perception and risk
ards (Savadori et al., 2004) or biotechnology (Siegrist et al., 2007). communication.
Moreover, a few existing studies from the radiological field show Our empirical study adds on to previous research and highlights
large differences in the perception of radiation risks by the experts the risk communication challenges arising from the differences in
and the general population. These studies examined the perception risk perception identified between the experts and the lay public.
of nuclear power (Hamalainen, 1991; Sjöberg and Drottz-Sjöberg, In our study, the group of experts consists of employees of a
1991; Kanda et al., 2012), nuclear testing (Purvis-Roberts et al., nuclear research center; this expert population was identified ac-
2007) or nuclear waste (Sjöberg, 2002) or nuclear waste disposal cording to the real radiological exposure (participation at regular
by using mental models approach (Skarlatidou et al., 2012). radiation protection trainings, educational programs, entering in
controlled areas, obligatory use of dosimeters and regular medical
check-up for possible internal contaminations). Taking into account
* Tel.: þ32 14 33 28 51.
the characteristics of the employees (presented in Section 2.2), for
E-mail address: tperko@sckcen.be. instance 10e20 years of working experiences or high level of ed-
URL: http://www.sckcen.be/ ucation, they can be recognized as topical experts in the field of

0265-931X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Perko / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91 87

ionizing radiation. The number of respondents in the expert pop- H5. Although experts use technical language to communicate about
ulation is in our research much higher than in any other radiolog- radiological risks , using quantitative units to present risk, mass media
ical risk perception studies, comparing experts and lay population. don’t use these units in their reporting.
In addition, radiological risk perception is studied for four different
H6. Mass media present radiological risks by qualitative compari-
contexts, instead of a single one, as it is the case for similar studies.
sons with familiar radiological exposures.
An empirical analysis of media use of radiation units in reporting
In the next section we describe the methods and the data, fol-
about the Fukushima accident gives additional insight into risk
lowed by the results and discussions.
communication performed by the experts and transmitted by mass
media to the general population.
The study is divided in two parts. In the first part of the study we 2. Method and data
investigated the perception of radiation risks among employees at a
Belgian nuclear research installation (n ¼ 332) who are profes- Three data sets and two data collection methods were used to
sionally exposed, among which, there were employees that obtain the results of the study. The first part of the research is based
received a dose higher than 0.5 mSv (effective dose) in the year on a public opinion survey conducted for the general population in
before the empirical study (n ¼ 49). The results obtained for these Belgium and a large sample of employees in a nuclear research
two categories were compared with the risk perception of the centre; the second part of the research is based on the media
general population in Belgium (n ¼ 1020). We also compared the content analysis of Belgian press. We describe the three datasets
perception of the following risks: an accident in a nuclear instal- used in what follows.
lation (including the Fukushima accident), natural radiation,
medical X-rays and nuclear waste.
In this first part of the study we tested the following hypotheses: 2.1. General population

H1. The general population has a significantly higher perception of The results for the general population presented in this paper
all radiological risks than employees of a nuclear research center. are based on a large scale public opinion survey in the Belgian
population. The data collection method employed was “Computer
H2. Familiarity and personal experience with low radiation doses Assisted Personal Interviewing”, consisting of personal interviews of
decrease the perception of a radiation risks. about 45 min carried out at the home of the respondents in the
period between 25 of May 2011 and 24 June 2011. The field work
H3. Experts and general population use different mental models (an
was performed by a market research company with professional
explanation of person’s thought process) for the assessment of radio-
logical risks and develop different latent constructs (variables that are
The survey (Turcanu et al., 2011) included, among others,
not directly observed but are rather inferred from other variables and
questions related to risk perception and the relevance of the acci-
are measured as factor models).
dent in Fukushima for Belgium. The population sample consists of
H4. Among the employees at a nuclear research centre, a lower 1020 respondents and is representative for the Belgian adult pop-
perception of radiological risks is influenced by the following hypo- ulation (18þ) with respect to sex, age, region, province, habitat and
thetical predictors: i) higher personal experiences with ionising radi- social class.
ation, ii) familiarity with ionising radiation, iii) strong feeling of being In order to measure risk perception, respondents were asked to
protected from risk, iv) higher perceived control by authorities on the “evaluate the risks for an ordinary citizen of Belgium” for the
safety of nuclear installations. following radiation risks: nuclear waste, an accident at a nuclear
In the second part of the study we investigated how are radia- installation, natural radiation (e.g. cosmic radiation or radon) a
tion risks communicated through mass media to the general pop- medical x-rays. Answering categories ranged from “very low” (1) to
ulation. The importance of this study lies in that information to the “very high” (5). In a later section of the survey, the respondents
general public is a key factor in the governance of ionising radiation were asked to state their level of agreement with the following
risks. Sound communication about ionising radiation with the statements: “What happened in Japan (the Fukushima accident)
general public is rather complex, especially due to the low public makes me more worried about the dangers from Belgian nuclear
understanding and the perception of radiological risks which dif- installations”, “There is sufficient control by authorities on the
fers from that of the experts. Abstract and unfeeling language, for safety in nuclear installations in Belgium” and “I feel well protected
example reporting quantitative radiation units, often offends and against risks from nuclear installations”. The answering categories
confuses people (Covello, 2011), therefore the use of comparisons for these items ranged from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly
of risks is advised in order to develop sound communication (IAEA, agree” (5).
2012). This was highlighted also by the 2011 accident in Japan
(Ropeik, 2011; Cantone et al., 2012; Kanda et al., 2012). 2.2. Experts e employees professionally exposed to radiological
In this second part of the research reported here, we studied risks at a nuclear research installation
media reporting about radiological risks during the first
commemoration of the Fukushima nuclear accident - one year after The data collected for the expert population are based on an
the accident. This time period was selected since journalists not opinion survey conducted in the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
only represent but also interpret and construct a reality. In doing so SCKCEN. The selected respondents were all employees who enter
they often make use of a collective memory, for instance the col- controlled areas (research reactors, plutonium laboratory, irradia-
lective memory related to the nuclear accident. For this case, we tion facility .) and are registered as such for monitoring. They are
investigated how often were the radiological risks presented all wear dose-metres, measuring possible radiation doses received,
quantitatively e by using measurement units in media articles- and are regularly checked for possible internal contamination and have
how often were qualitative (descriptive) comparisons used instead. all received a special radiation-protection training. These people
For this purpose the content of eight Belgian newspapers was are all regularly professionally exposed to radiological risks. The
analyzed for the period of first commemoration of the Fukushima other employees of the research center were not invited to
accident (n ¼ 51 articles). The hypotheses tested are the following: participate in the survey.
88 T. Perko / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91

The data collection method employed was “Computer Assisted March, 2012 and the 18th of March, 2012, when details of the
Interviewing”, which consisted of internet interviews of about Fukushima accident were visible in the mass media.
20 min carried out at the working place of the respondent, con- In order to increase the validity of our results, the databases
ducted in the period between 23 May 2012 and 11 June 2012. The independently produced by two coders (containing coded articles
respondents were encouraged to participate by a personal letter for each newspaper) were checked and compared by a master
ensuring anonymity. The data base consists of 332 experts, among coder. In case of a difference of in the results by the two coders, a
which, employees that received a dose higher than 0.5 mSv in the consensual assessment was made among the coders and a final
year before the empirical study (n ¼ 49). The employees varied in master database was made. Also the inter-coder reliability coeffi-
age from 19 to 63 years, the age category 36e45 had the greatest cient was calculated based on the Krippendorff’s alpha (2004). This
number of employees (33%). The education level of the respondents is a reliability coefficient developed to measure the agreement
reflects the nature of the research centre e 70% of them had higher between observers, coders, judges, rates, or measuring in-
non-university or university degree. The employees in the expert struments. For the two variables reported here (radiation mea-
group had on average 15 years of working experience in nuclear surement units reported in the article and descriptive comparisons
applications, including education (most of them having between 10 used to compare radiological risks) the inter-coder reliability co-
and 20 years of experience). For the most part they were occupa- efficient was 1 (perfect agreement).
tionally exposed to radiation several times per month (31%) or
almost every day (17%). They performed a diverse tasks in the
3. Results
controlled area: from laboratory work (16%), manipulation of
sources (13%), maintenance of equipment (13%), to inspection and
3.1. Radiological risk perception: general population vs. experts
supervision (14%). Thus, taking into account these characteristics of
the employees, they can be recognized as topical experts in the field
First we compared the means of the risk perception items for
of ionizing radiation.
the two population groups by the independent group t-test. A
The questions measuring risk perception and the perception of
statistically significant difference between the radiological risk
the Fukushima accident, in the survey carried out in the nuclear
perceptions of the two groups was confirmed (see Table 1). T-test
research centre were the same as the questions asked to the general
revealed statistically reliable differences between the risk percep-
public. As regards, background variables, additional items were
tions for the following items: nuclear waste, an accident in a nu-
introduced for the expert population; these measured personal
clear installation, natural radiation, medical X-rays and the
experiences, exposure to and familiarity with radiological risks.
Fukushima nuclear accident. A significance was for all risk per-
ceptions bellow a level of 0.05. In addition, we identified, With
2.3. Media content analysis data Levene’s test for homogeneity, that variances in the groups of the
general population and the experts are different for all investigated
The data presented in this research are part of a broader media radiological risk perceptions (sig ¼ 0.001), with the exception of
analysis project related to media reporting about the Fukushima natural radiation (sig ¼ 0.53).
nuclear accident (Perko et al., 2011; Prezelj et al., 2012). A strict The general population had a higher risk perception for nuclear
scientific methodology, content analysis, was used to analyse media waste and natural radiation than the experts. Moreover, the general
reporting (Neuendorff, 2002). Here we report results concerning population perceived a nuclear accident in a nuclear installation as
radiation measurement units and descriptive comparisons of a higher than did the experts from the nuclear research center; they
radiological risks. Several known books and articles exist to instruct were also more concerned about Belgian nuclear installations after
in the methods of content analysis (Krippendorf, 1980; Neuendorff, the Fukushima accident. However, experts had higher perception of
2002; Schiffrin et al., 2003). medical X-rays than the general population. The hypothesis that
Our sample contained 51 media articles that were either directly general population has a significantly higher perception of all
or indirectly related to the first commemoration of the Fukushima radiological risks than the employees of a nuclear research center
nuclear accident. The articles were collected by the following (H1), can only be partially accepted depending on the context of
keywords: “Fukushima” and “nuclear*” from the media data base exposure.
“MEDIARGUS”. All daily newspapers in Dutch language, published In addition, we analyzed the hypothetical differences in radio-
in Belgium were included in the analysis: De Tijd, De Morgen, De logical risk perceptions between the experts in the nuclear research
Standaard, Gazet van Antwerpen, Belang van Limburg, Het Laatste centre that received a dose higher than 0.5 mSv due to professional
Nieuws, Het Nieuwsblad and the free daily newspaper Metro. The exposure in the year before the empirical study and those that
news articles were published in the time period between the 3rd of received doses lower than 0.5 mSv.

Table 1
Differences in radiological risk perception between in the general population and the experts.

Risk perceptions Population group Na Mean Std. Std. error t (df ¼ 1238) Sig. (2-tailed)
deviation mean a ¼ 0.05
Nuclear waste General population 921 3.11 1.13 0.038
Experts 319 1.74 0.93 0.05 19.32 0.00
Accident in a nuclear General population 921 2.95 1.18 0.039
installation Experts 319 2.00 1.12 0.06 12.45 0.00
Natural radiation General population 921 2.54 1.02 0.03 4.06
Experts 319 2.27 1.03 0.06 0.00
Medical X-rays General population 921 2.60 1.04 0.03
Experts 319 2.83 0.97 0.05 3.65 0.00
The Fukushima General population 921 3.30 1.21 0.04 13.50 0.00
accident Experts 319 2.29 0.99 0.06
All respondents except those with “don’t know” answer to one or more items.
T. Perko / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91 89

A statistically significant difference in the radiological risk per- Table 3

ceptions between the two groups was confirmed for the following Latent constructs related to radiation risk perceptions: General population vs.
items: nuclear waste, accident in a nuclear installation and the
perception of the Fukushima nuclear accident. For these risk per- Risk perception Factor loadings and reliability of the scale
ceptions, the significance value of the t-test was p < 0.05. General population Experts
Experts of the nuclear research centre that received a dose of one factor
Factor 1 Factor 2
more than 0.5 mSv in the year before this study due to their pro-
Nuclear waste 0.81 0.73
fessional exposure, perceived the risk of nuclear waste significantly
Accident in a nuclear 0.71 0.79
lower than their work colleagues. Similarly to this, the perception installation
of an accident in a nuclear installation was also perceived much Natural radiation 0.52 0.71
lower among the employees that received a dose of more than Medical X-rays 0.44 0.67
0.5 mSv. Moreover, these employees were less concerned about the Cronbach’s Alpha 0.73 0.80 0.56

dangers from Belgian nuclear installations due to the events in

Japan. Attention-grabbing is the level of risk perception of natural
radiation and medical use of radiation: the experts receiving a dose and the general population use different mental models when
higher than 0.5 mSv had significantly higher perception of these assessing radiological risks and develop different latent constructs
risks (see Table 2). (H3).
With Levene’s test for homogeneity we tested if the variances in Next, we analyzed the first factor highlighted above (Factor 1:
the two groups of employees were the same. The test revealed that nuclear waste and an accident in a nuclear installation) in order to
group variances are different for the risk perception of radioactive identify potential explanatory variables for the perception of the
waste (0.04) risk perception of an accident in a nuclear installation related radiation risks. A linear regression model was used to es-
(sig ¼ 0.03), and the perception of the Fukushima nuclear accident timate the relationship between variables. We tested if the
(sig ¼ 0.04). Yet, the variances were similar for the risk perception perception of nuclear waste and the perception of an accident are
of natural radiation (sig ¼ 0.41) and the medical X-rays (sig ¼ 0.12). influenced by the following hypothetical predictors: i) number of
According to these results we can confirm that familiarity and years of experience, ii) the average frequency of the professional
personal experience with low radiation doses decrease the exposure to radiation, iii) the feeling of protection against risks
perception of some radiation risks (H2). from nuclear installations, iv) the level of perceived control by
To identify the differences in the latent constructs related to authorities on the safety in nuclear installations assessed by the
radiological risk perceptions between the general population and employee.
the experts (H3) we performed factor analysis with Principal Axis With a linear regression model we can confirm that the larger is
Factoring, and Oblimin rotation with Kaiser normalisation method the professional experience of the employee, the lower is his/her
(Table 3). radiological risk perception (b ¼ 0.13, sig. ¼ 0.03). The feeling of
Some interesting differences in the mental models were thus being protected against risks from nuclear installations was
recognized. The respondents from the general population have the revealed as the most important influencing factor for the radio-
same latent construct in minds when they asses different radio- logical risk perception among people professionally exposed to
logical risks: nuclear waste, nuclear accident, medical use of radi- radiological risks. Professionals that do not feel well protected had
ation or natural radiation (Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.73). Opposite to this, higher radiological risk perceptions (b ¼ 0.24, sig. ¼ 0.00).
the experts of the nuclear research centre have at least two latent Furthermore, a higher perceived control by the authorities on the
constructs in mind: the first construct links perception of nuclear safety in nuclear installations leads to lower perception of radio-
waste and perception of nuclear accidents (Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.80); logical risks (nuclear waste and accident in a nuclear installation)
the second construct links the medical use of ionising radiation and (b ¼ 0.14, sig. ¼ 0.01). Interestingly, the predictor “how often is an
natural radiation. However, the reliability of the second construct is employee in average professionally exposed to radiation” was
rather week (Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.56), thus we can consider two revealed as not influencing the radiological risk perception. The
mental models for an expert assessment of the risks from X-rays results confirmed the hypothesis four: a lower perception of
and natural radiation. The perception of the Fukushima accident radiological risks among employees at a nuclear installation is
was excluded from the factor analysis due to low communalities influenced by the following hypothetical predictors: i) higher per-
(<0.3) in both populations. Hence, we confirmed that the experts sonal experiences in a nuclear application, ii) strong feeling of being

Table 2
Differences between radiological risk perceptions of the experts that received a dose higher than 0.5 mSv and experts that received lower doses.

Risk perceptions Expert group N* Mean Std. Std. error t (df ¼ 317) Sig. (2-tailed)
(received doses deviation mean a ¼ 0.05
due to professional

Nuclear waste <0.5 mSv 270 1.79 0.96 0.06

>0.5 mSv 49 1.47 0.71 0.10 2.73 0.01
Accident in a nuclear installation <0.5 mSv 270 2.06 1.17 0.07
>0.5 mSv 49 1.76 0.78 0.11 2.28 0.03
Natural radiation <0.5 mSv 270 2.24 1.02 0.06 1.17 Not significant
>0.5 mSv 49 2.43 1.10 0.16
Medical X-rays <0.5 mSv 270 2.81 0.99 0.06 Not significant
>0.5 mSv 49 2.94 0.92 0.13 0.82
The Fukushima accident <0.5 mSv 270 2.33 1.01 0.06 1.94 0.05
>0.5 mSv 49 2.06 0.85 0.12

*All respondents except those with “don’t know” answer to one or more items.
90 T. Perko / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91

protected from risk, and iii) higher perceived control by authorities journalists used in the articles related to the first commemoration
on the safety in nuclear installations. Contradictory to our expec- of the Fukushima accident (one year after the accident). We found
tations, higher familiarity with the radiation, expressed with a the following radiological risk comparisons in the articles analysed:
regular professional exposure to radiological risks did not revealed
as statistically influential for the perception of radiological risks  medical use of radiation, X-rays,
(nuclear waste and accident at a nuclear installation).  natural radiation background,
 radiation released by the nuclear bomb at Hiroshima,
3.2. Media reporting about radiological risks: first commemoration  legal norms and legal limits.
of the Fukushima accident
Percent of the articles it is confirmed that the mass media also
In a second part of the study we investigated how were the present radiological risks also by qualitative comparisons with
radiation risks communicated from the experts to the general familiar radiological exposures. However, since these comparisons
public in articles reporting about Fukushima nuclear accident. With were included only in eight percent of the articles, the hypothesis
the analysis of measurement units reported in the media articles H6 was partly accepted.
related to first commemoration of the Fukushima we assessed how
the media report radiation risks using quantitative information. 4. Discussion and conclusions
Radiation related quantities can be expressed using different
measurements units, that might be used to explain the risk of Previous research showed that experts and the general popu-
radioactivity. For the analysis reported here we have used the lation differ in their perception of risks, mainly associated with
following list of 18 different possible measurement units corre- complex technologies; for instance nuclear power plants (Sjöberg
sponding to measurement of activities, activity concentration, and Drottz-Sjöberg, 1991), nanotechnology (Siegrist et al., 2007),
ground depositions, dose rates or estimates of the dose received: biotechnology (Savadori et al., 2004), genetically modified food
mSv (milli sievert), mSv/h (millisievert per hour), mSv/h (micro- (Cook et al., 2004). However, the differences in expert’s and lay
sievert per hour), (nanosievert per hour), Sv (Sievert), Sv/h (Sievert person’s perception of radiological risks were not extensively
per hour), Bq/kg (Bequerel per kilogram), Bq/g (Bequerel per gram), explored and empirically confirmed (for critical review of previous
(Bequerel per litre), kBq/kg (kilo Bequerel per kilogram), MBq/kg research see Sjöberg, 2002).
(mega Bequerel per kilogram), Bq/m2 (Bequerel per square metre), In our research we explored perception of radiation risks in
Bq/cm2 (Bequerel per square centimetre), kBq/cm2 (kilo Bequerel various contexts and compared the risk perceptions of different
per square centimetre), MBq/m2 (mega Bequerel per square metre), population groups: the general population, the employees in a
MBq/km2 (mega Bequerel per square kilometre), TBq/km2 (terra nuclear research centre and a group of experts that received an
Bequerel per square kilometre) and another measurement unit effective dose higher than 0.5 mSv in the year before the study. For
related to radiation (e.g. air concentration in Bq/m3). the latter group we also identified predictors of risk perception.
These units were only coded if they were explicitly mentioned Contrary to our expectations, results show that the general
in the article. Since for the non-expert population, the technical population has a higher risk perception than the experts only for
language and jargon are major barriers to understand risks, we some radiological risks. The risks from the medical use of ionising
investigated the risk comparisons used in the articles. radiation are perceived much higher by the employees of the nu-
It is interesting that although the media reported about the clear research centre than by the general population. Opposite to
nuclear accident, radiological risks and danger, only about 12% of all this, the general population had a higher risk perception for nuclear
articles contained radiation units, as shown in Fig. 1. The most often waste, an accident in a nuclear installation and natural radiation,
used measurement unit was the Becquerel (38% among articles and they were more concerned about Belgian nuclear installations
reporting measurement units). It is clear that, although experts are after the Fukushima accident. These results can be explained by the
used to communicate about radiological risks in technical language, psychometric approach (Fischhoff et al., 1978) suggesting that fa-
often using quantitative units to present risks, mass media don’t miliarity with hazard, knowledge, personal control and voluntari-
use these units in their reporting (H5). ness decrease risk perception (Slovic, 2000; Renn, 2008).
Since risk communication research shows that effective formats Experts in the research centre are more familiar with the
are needed to communicate quantitative information about radia- concept of radioactivity related to nuclear waste than general
tion risks to the general population (Schwartz et al., 1997; IAEA, public: they produce radioactive waste, study it and investigate
2012), we analysed which descriptive risk comparisons had the long term solutions for disposal. We assume that the risk assess-
ments of these experts’ are based more strongly on actual knowl-
edge than the assessments made by the general population. In
addition, they have also control over the risk activities and they
participate in decision-making related to these activities. However,
the experts’ higher perception of risks arising from the medical use
of radiation as compared to the perception of the general public
may be also explained by psychometric characteristic e institu-
tional control over the medical use of radioactivity; the experts
from nuclear research centre may be more aware of “what can go
wrong”, but they cannot control or influence it.
We found that experts and lay people use different mental
shortcuts when assessing radiological risks. A number of Inter-
esting differences in the respective mental models were recog-
nized. The respondents from the general population have the same
latent construct in minds when they assess different radiological
Fig. 1. Presence of measurement units related to radiation in media articles reporting risks: nuclear waste, nuclear accident, medical use of radiation or
about the first commemoration of the Fukushima accident. natural radiation. Opposite to this, the experts of the nuclear
T. Perko / Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 133 (2014) 86e91 91

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The author would like to thank the respondents from the
waste. In: 8th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCKCEN for theirs insights into Small and Medium Electricity Grids. http://ocs.nuclear-option.org/index.php/
risk perception and to Master student Bart Adams for data collec- CNS/2010/paper/view/16.

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