Pathogenesis of Dental Caries in South African Children A Molecular Approach

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Pathogenesis of dental caries in South African

children: a molecular approach

C S Toi

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molecular approach, Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, 20:4, 121-126

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ISSN 1015-8782 The Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 2005; 20 (4):121-126

Pathogenesis of dental caries in South African
children: a molecular approach
CS Toi

Bacterial communities are characteristic for distinctive ecological niches. Yet, some
indigenous bacteria have the potential to express virulence characteristics when a change in
the environment disturbs natural stability, producing a condition of disease. An example of
such a system is the human mouth where dental caries can result from the complex
interaction of diet, the normal bacterial flora and the host. The mutans streptococci species
are most implicated in the cause of this disease. They constitute part of the natural oral flora
but express virulence when exposed to increased dietary carbohydrate, especially sucrose.
Yet, dental caries is also a transmissible disease, with mutans streptococci acquired and
spread through contact from various sources. Modern molecular biology methods have been
used to trace the spread of infection and now provide the strongest evidence of the source of
transmission of infection in dental caries. These methods also provide insight into change in
virulence gene expression and that different levels of virulence are associated with genetic
differences between mutans streptococci strains. Surveillance of this complex pathogen in
South Africa is reviewed herein.

Introduction the pathogenesis of dental caries. Special reference is made

on the traditional African diet, which has the potential to
The mutans streptococci constitute part of the indigenous influence virulence.
bacterial flora in human mouths, but express virulence
characteristics when a change in the environment disturbs Dental caries - the disease
natural stability, producing a condition of disease. They
colonise during early childhood and have an inherent genetic Dental caries is a transmissible chronic dieto-bacterial oral
plasticity that allows them to adapt and survive in a changing disease affecting young children and continuing into
local environment. adulthood. Yet, it was only proven in the 1960s that the
bacterium S. mutans was the organism most implicated in the
Variability in the frequency and type of food ingested, poor aetiology of the disease.4 This group of oral microflora, now
oral hygiene and a reduced salivary flow in the host provide referred to as the mutans streptococci, colonises non-
conditions suitable for the growth and expression of shedding surfaces such as pits and fissures of occlusal
virulence factors in mutans streptococci. In addition, the surfaces shortly after tooth eruption.5
genetic variation shown between Streptococcus mutans
species suggests specific pathogenic genotypes. Variation in Mutans streptococci implicated in dental caries
the synthesis of water-insoluble glucan among S. mutans
strains has suggested that the levels of virulence are different According to dental researchers, two species of the mutans
between genotypes.1-3 For this reason, genetic diversity may streptococci, S. mutans and S. sobrinus, are specifically
relate to change in virulence potential between mutans implicated in enamel caries in early childhood caries (ECC)
streptococci strains that could be strongly modified by diet. and in adults.6-9 Studies on plaque samples from various parts
of the world have indicated that 70-100% of the human
The advent of molecular diagnostic methods has facilitated mutans streptococci strains could be classified as S. mutans,4
research on species identification, transmission and with S. sobrinus isolated at a lower frequency. Moreover,
epidemiology of bacterial pathogens. Molecular studies have children with ECC have also shown more than one clonal
also established that S. mutans colonising the same individual type of this species that have been implicated in the presence
vary in genotype, and species biodiversity is attributed to of high sucrose consumption.10
acquisition from various sources1 - an event that could alter
disease pattern. With the classification of oral streptococci by phenotypic
characterisation and phylogenetic determination of 16S
The purpose of this review is to present information on the rRNA sequences, seven distinct species of human and animal
genetic variation observed in S. mutans and Streptococcus mutans streptococci have been described and are named
sobrinus strains harboured by nursery school children in according to their original source of isolation.11 These species
South Africa, and the role that these microorganisms play in are listed in Table 1 and have been designated into the
‘Mutans group’. Streptococcus cricetus and Streptococcus
CS Toi, Dental Research Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of rattus are recovered only rarely.
the Witwatersrand.
Correspondence to: Dr CS Toi, Dental Research Institute, University of the
Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050.

South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2005; Vol 20 (4) 121

CS Toi
Table 1: Classification and differential characteristics of the mutans streptococci group

Species Serotype/s G+C DNA Host

content (mol%)

Streptococcus mutans c,e,f 36-38 Human

Streptococcus sobrinus d,g 44-46 Human
Streptococcus cricetusa a 42-44 Human
Streptococcus ferus c 43-45 Rat
Streptococcus rattusa b 41-43 Human/Rodent
Streptococcus macacae c 35-36 Monkey
Streptococcus downei h 44-46 Monkey
Strains predominant in only some parts of the world.

Virulence properties Mutans streptococci levels in children

The mutans streptococci are aciduric and are able to survive According to Berkowitz,26 the primary oral colonisation by S.
at low pH levels in plaque; they produce large quantities of mutans coupled to caries-promoting feeding behaviours
acid as a by-product of carbohydrate fermentation cause levels of these bacteria to exceed 30% of the total
(acidogenic) and synthesise extracellular polysaccharides cultivable plaque flora. This in turn proceeds in the rapid
(ECP) from sucrose, which promotes attachment to the tooth demineralisation of tooth structure. However, the isolation
pellicle.12, 13 An increase in mutans streptococci numbers is frequency of these bacteria in relation to dental caries differs
usually accompanied by expression of these virulent between countries and populations, but the general indication
cariogenic properties. is that in preschool children, high counts of mutans
streptococci have high levels of dental caries.27-29
The production of water insoluble polysaccharide is
synonymous with dental plaque. ECP is formed from sucrose A study on mutans streptococci levels in 5-year-old black
and other carbohydrates, catalysed by the enzyme African and coloured children living in the greater
glucosyltransferase (EC The related gtfB, gtfC and Johannesburg area, showed that counts from children with
gtfD genes in S. mutans, and the gtfI gene in S. sobrinus dental caries were higher (77%) than caries-free children
encode this enzyme.14-18 The gtfB gene produces a water- (23%).30 In the same investigation, results indicated that S.
insoluble glucan (a-1,3-linked glucose);16 the gtfD gene mutans and S. sobrinus accounted for 46% and 39%,
makes primarily water-soluble glucan (a-1,6-linked respectively, of the predominant cultivable flora in children
glucose); the gtfC gene makes both water-soluble and with caries. In Germiston, mutans streptococci species
-insoluble glucans and the GTF-I enzyme encoded by the gtfI comprised 4.3% of total viable count in caries-free children, 31
gene, catalyse the formation of water-insoluble glucans.19 whereas children with dental caries had mutans streptococci
levels comprising 8.2% and 14.4% in caries-free teeth and in
Dental caries in Africa and South Africa carious lesions, respectively. Differentiation between species
showed that 58% of the isolates were S. mutans, and 30%
In many industrialised countries 80% of the caries is present were S. sobrinus. Collectively, these investigations
in approximately 20% of the population.20 Studies on caries confirmed an overall increase in mutans streptococci in
prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa have shown a downward dental caries with S. mutans predominating, but the presence
trend in nursery school children and teenagers, while in the of mutans streptococci in caries-free children confirms other
Middle East and North Africa caries prevalence has remained reports that colonisation does not necessarily accompany
constant over a 30-year review period.21, 22 In South Africa, dental caries.32,33 Overall, the general decrease in dental caries
repeated cross-sectional epidemiological surveys of dental prevalence in South Africa with a relatively high count of
caries between 1981 and 1997 in Germiston, the largest mutans streptococci (105 cfu/ml saliva) in children with and
industrial city in Africa, have also shown a downward trend without caries suggests a reduction in the virulence of this
of this disease in 2-5-year-old nursery school children.23 species.
However, the most recent cross-sectional study (2002) on
pre-school children in the same nursery schools in Germiston The relatively higher numbers of mutans streptococci
has indicated that in primary teeth, caries rates are on the observed on healthy teeth in children with dental caries in the
increase in this low fluoride area.24 same individual compared to children with no dental caries,
implies that a transition in the microenvironment is typically
Although dental caries severity in South Africa is classified accompanied by a shift in microbial composition between
as low by World Health Organization standards, the high health and disease.
level of untreated caries in all age groups is cause for
concern25 and South African children of 5 years and younger Genetic diversity of mutans streptococci
show a prevalence of 46.6% of untreated dental caries. This
owes to lack of access to dental services through non- According to Napimoga et al,1 the S. mutans species are
availability, or non-utilisation of available services. genetically diverse, with increased virulence in caries-active
subjects, where higher numbers of genotypes are present. A
study on ECC has also shown that more than one clonal type
of S. mutans is implicated in the presence of high sucrose

122 South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2005; Vol 20 (4)

Pathogenesis of dental caries in SA children
consumption. Yet, the relationship between variant caries-free children compared to 44% in children with dental
genotypes and differences in virulence is unclear since little caries.50 Moreover, gtfB amplitypes were identical in 17 of 47
data are available about the stability of the genotypes families investigated, of which nine only were identical to S.
detected at the time of initial acquisition, and the period of mutans reference strains. Consequently, more than 50% of
persistence. Furthermore, studies suggest that genetic the remaining amplitypes were acquired from alternative
differences relate to differences in virulence between mutans sources, or some strains expressed virulence-associated
streptococci strains, such as the ability to synthesise water- characteristics that promote their colonisation and
insoluble-glucan, a property facilitating bacterial adhesion.1,2 survival.51,52 Unpublished data on gtfI gene diversity of S.
Hence, with genetic diversity observed among these sobrinus from children and their mothers showed that only
microorganisms, the pattern of gene expression is likely to two mother-child pairs of identical clinical isolates were
alter the virulence potential. apparent. This suggests that S. sobrinus strains are not
frequently transmitted between mother and child.
Molecular analysis of putative pathogens Furthermore, children with dental caries were infected with
both S. sobrinus and S. mutans.
The current state-of-the-art in determining the origin and
transmission of bacterial strains has progressed to culture- New genotypes and a gain-loss pattern of mutans
independent molecular techniques to describe bacterial streptococci strains have been reported in children and their
communities. These methods, based on the analysis of DNA mothers over periods of seven years53 and 20 months54 which
directly from environmental samples, also circumvent the may partly explain the transience of variant genotypes. The
steps of isolation and culturing of bacteria.34 acquisition of S. mutans genotypes by children from siblings
or unrelated sources such as playgroups and nursery schools
To date, investigation on mutans streptococci species is possible, and this line of investigation should be followed
identification and transmission and epidemiology of these in future studies in South Africa.
microorganisms has been replaced by terminal-restriction
fragment-length polymorphisms (T-RFLP),35 polymerase Gtf amplitypes in South African populations
chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphisms
(PCR-RFLP),36,37 real-time PCR38 and randomly amplified Coykendall has reported genetic heterogeneity in S. mutans55
polymorphic DNA (RAPD).39-41 These techniques target and the virulence of mutans streptococci is known to vary in
specific genes, creating profiles that can be compared and different populations.56 Moreover, Li and co-workers have
analysed in term of similarities, and relationships can be previously reported variation in genotype in S. mutans
represented by a dendogram. Hence, multivariate analyses isolates from Alabama, China and Sweden.57 In a study on
such as principal component analysis are useful tools for black African and coloured children in South Africa, analysis
comparing changes derived from modifications in the of the gtfB virulence gene from S. mutans clinical isolates has
fingerprint profile caused by shifts in genetic structure.42 indicated between 11 and 26 amplitypes. Furthermore, the
same individual harboured between one and three distinct
PCR technology has reached considerable maturity and is a gtfB gene amplitypes.50 A comparison with S. sobrinus
fundamental part of bacterial molecular diagnostics. In this clinical strains identified a total of 11 gtfI amplitypes.
respect, restriction endonuclease analysis, ribotyping, and
arbitrarily primed-PCR (AP-PCR) typing are among the Multivariate analysis using the Principal Components
methods that have been applied for oral anaerobic bacteria.43 Analysis showed no statistically significant difference in gtfB
and gtfI amplitypes between the two ethnic groups and
Transmission explained by gtf gene polymorphisms between children with and without dental caries. This implies
that mutans streptococci genotypes are not unique to specific
Dental caries is a transmissible disease with children racial or caries groups in South Africa and are more likely
acquiring mutans streptococci via saliva from a variety of acquired though cross-infection. Furthermore, polymorphic
sources. Demographic studies by Li and Caufield44 using differences within the glucosyltransferase genes may be
chromosomal DNA fingerprinting techniques have shown attributed to adaptation of these microorganisms to the oral
that the conservation of mutans streptococci within mother- environment and the dietary challenges encountered.
child pairs was gender and race specific. They hypothesised
that genetic, environmental and behavioural differences The glucosyltransferase genes are important in the
between African-American families and white families could pathogenesis of the mutans streptococci and share a common
be contributing factors to the variation in mutans streptococci role. A similar pattern of expression may be the easiest
transmission.45 This suggests that patterns in mutans available means of ascribing function on a genomic scale.
streptococci transmission are subject to the cultural group The variation in homology of the gtf genes in the study on
and habits of the population. isolates from South African children, suggests differences in
ECP production between strains. Hence, the development of
Studies using genotyping methods have shown that children caries is influenced not only by the source of mutans
acquire mutans streptococci primarily from mothers.44,46 Yet, streptococci, but also by the presence of a specific genotype.
vectors of transmission can vary47,48 with horizontal
transmission occurring between children of nursery school Virulence explained by genetic variation
age49 within different cultural groups.
The polymorphic differences between gtfB and gtfI gene
A comparison between restriction-fragment patterns of the patterns from S. mutans isolates compared with laboratory
gtfB gene in S. mutans isolates from South African mothers reference strains, suggest potential differences in the ability
and their children have shown a percentage match of 13% in of this gene to encode and express glucosyltransferase.

South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2005; Vol 20 (4) 123

CS Toi
Hence, the implication is that the gtf gene sequence is and food combinations (maize plus milk and sugar, maize
divergent, and this virulence property is not in a condition of plus tomato and onion gravy, samp plus beans, brown bread
stasis. According to Goodman and Gao,58 the variant plus margarine and peanut butter), on mutans streptococci
expression of the gtf genes is linked to the basal metabolism reference strains and clinical isolates was made in batch
of the cell with expression of the gtfB gene stimulated in the culture.68 The test foods were compared against a synthetic
presence of sucrose.59 When exposed to different growth complex medium (brain heart infusion broth containing 3%
conditions, only during the various phases of growth is there sucrose) and a synthetic basal medium containing 3%
significant change in expression.58 sucrose. The purpose of this study was to determine if the
foods inhibited the enzyme glucosyltransferase by regulating
Dietary influences transcription of the gtfB and gtfI gene.

Although some studies have found that diet has limited Bacterial mRNA was measured using the reverse
influence on the development of dental caries,20,33 some transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
fermentable carbohydrates promote virulence such as acid technique. Analysis showed that 80% to 100% of S. mutans
and extracellular polymer production more than others that expressed the gtfB gene in maize plus milk and sugar, samp
can have an effect on streptococcal strain selection and and beans, bread plus margarine and peanut butter and brain
survival in the mouth. Chemostat studies have since shown heart infusion broth containing 3% sucrose (BHI plus 3%
that the low pH generated from the metabolism of dietary sucrose). However, gtfB gene expression by S. mutans
carbohydrates, especially sugar, leads to a breakdown in clinical strains was mainly inhibited in maize, samp and
microbial homeostasis in dental plaque, rather than sugar brown bread. In comparison, the gtfI gene was transcribed by
availability.60 all S. sobrinus reference and clinical isolates grown in 3%
sucrose and BHI containing 3% sucrose. Yet, samp and maize
Mattos-Graner and co-workers2 hypothesised that biofilm plus milk and sugar were foods that were most inhibitory to
formation in S. mutans was independent of the GtfB and GtfC gtfI gene expression. Hence, expression of the gtfI gene
genotype and there was more of a need to identify factors that appears to be enhanced by the sucrose component of foods,
control and modulate gtf gene expression. In the South whereas expression of the gtfB gene in clinical strains is
African context, S. mutans and S. sobrinus genotypes induced by other nutrients besides sucrose, compared with
identified by gtf polymorphisms may have arisen through laboratory reference strains. These findings suggest that S.
adaptation to the traditional African diet. This implies that the sobrinus are more cariogenic when sucrose is available in the
response of a bacterium to sugars is dependent on the diet, but S. mutans are more adaptive to a variety of foods.
expression of the encoding gene.
The relationship between gtf gene expression and the
Investigations on dietary patterns and caries have based quantity of ECP produced differed between S. mutans and S.
studies on the typical westernised diet. Undoubtedly, high sobrinus reference strains and clinical isolates, emphasising
sucrose consumption is accompanied by higher mutans the need to study clinical isolates and not just laboratory-
streptococcus counts in individuals, but some populations adapted strains. In addition, polymorphisms produced by
that have a minimum intake of refined sugars are still carriers HaeIII enzyme digest of the transcribed gtfB and gtfI genes
of large numbers of these microorganisms. Urban black 5- were evident in three of the 11 test strains investigated. The
year-old South African children also eat a mainly westernised differences shown were between transcripts of the same
diet,61 but cultural influences do play an important role in strain exposed to different test foods, suggesting that
food preferences,62 and some traditional African food staples adaptive genetic changes had occurred.
such as maize63 and its combinations64 have shown little
potential to produce caries in rats. Dietary surveys Regulation of gtf expression
undertaken in South Africa between 1983 and 2000 in urban
areas have indicated that foods commonly eaten by children According to Marsh,60 disease is prevented not only by
between the ages of 1-9 were: maize porridge, sugar, brown inhibiting the putative pathogens, but also by interfering with
bread, margarine, peanut butter and cooked samp.65 the environmental factors driving the selection and
enrichment of these bacteria. The differences in gtf gene
A study on S. mutans reference strains exposed to a transcription between the test microorganisms after exposure
chemically defined culture medium with sucrose and glucose to traditional African food challenges appear to be an
as carbohydrate sources has suggested that the type and adaptive response to different dietary carbohydrates. This is
amount of these sugars in the environmental pH have a major important in the context of mutans streptococci pathogenesis
influence on transcription of the gtfBC genes when the and dental caries. It must be kept in mind that the mutans
organisms were grown in biofilms.67 In batch culture, the streptococci species are normal oral floras that become
synthesis of glucosyltransferase by S. mutans was regulated pathogenic when the opportunity arises.
by the addition of sucrose. Hudson and Curtiss59 recorded a
twofold increase in enzyme synthesis, whereas Wexler et al67 Current research has found that many species of streptococci
found a threefold increase in activity from the gtfBC have evolved peptide pheromone quorum-sensing systems
promoter when sucrose was added to slowly growing that probably help them adapt to and survive host-imposed
glucose-limited S. mutans cells in continuous culture. fluctuations in the immediate environment and coincidently
regulate the expression of virulence factors that promote their
Gtf gene expression and the traditional African diet pathogenicity.69 In S. mutans, a peptide pheromone quorum-
sensing system controls genetic competence and the system
A preliminary investigation to determine the effect of functions optimally when the cells are living in actively
traditional African staple foods (maize, samp, brown bread) growing biofilm.71 These quorum-sensing systems are
primarily made of small soluble signal peptides that are

124 South Afr J Epidemiol Infect 2005; Vol 20 (4)

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