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Condition monitoring
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Operate safely. Reduce downtime. Improve reliability.
input #3 at
• Top, p. 18: ESM Vol. 67
Australia helped Number 6
YourCoffee connect
customers with the
plant floor. Courtesy:
Inductive Automation
• Middle, p. 13: Tradi-
tional machine HMIs JUNE 2020
were used only for
visualization, but
newer products like
Adisra SmartView
support data storage ANSWERS
and analysis at the
operational edge. 13 | Create value
Courtesy: Adisra from data:
• Bottom, p. 16: To
help with precision
Using HMIs
machined aluminum as intelligent
die castings and sub- edge devices
assemblies for trans- p.13
portation, lawn and 16 | SCADA platform tools save
garden and industrial
markets, MKC chose
time and money
Ignition from Induc-
tive Automation, an 18 | Doing more with HMI/
industrial application SCADA software
platform for SCADA,
HMI, MES, and IIoT. 19 | Integrated control
Courtesy: Inductive
system can reduce
cybersecurity risk
20 | Uninterruptible power supplies reduce
machine downtime
INSIGHTS 22 | Understanding power quality and
improving manufacturing system
6 | Technology Update: Creating a safe
path to digital with open standards
24 | DCS migration and IT/OT integration oil
NEWS and gas system integration projects
8 | Ten recommended steps employers
must take before reopening due to Online extra | Top products since COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19; Lowering risk in COVID- relate to air control, cleaning
19 new normal; Headlines online:
Protect PLCs and PACs from cyber- INSIDE MACHINES
security threats; Faculty grants for
COVID-19 research awarded M1 | Cultivating robotics and AI for
sustainable agriculture
10 | Think Again: Research says cybersecurity M3 | More answers about robotic
requires asset updates applications

CONTROL ENGINEERING (ISSN 0010-8049, Vol. 67, No. 6, GST #123397457) is published 12x per year, Monthly by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Jim Langhenry, Group
Publisher/Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. CONTROL ENGINEERING copyright 2020 by CFE Media, LLC. All rights reserved. CONTROL ENGINEERING is a registered trademark of CFE Media, LLC used under
license. Periodicals postage paid at Downers Grove, IL 60515 and additional mailing offices. Circulation records are maintained at 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #325 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Telephone: 630/571-4070.
E-mail: Postmaster: send address changes to CONTROL ENGINEERING, PO Box 348, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40685520. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses
to: PO Box 348, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Email: Rates for nonqualified subscriptions, including all issues: USA, $165/yr; Canada/Mexico, $200/yr (includes 7% GST, GST#123397457); International air
delivery $350/yr. Except for special issues where price changes are indicated, single copies are available for $30 US and $35 foreign. Please address all subscription mail to CONTROL ENGINEERING, PO Box 348, Lincolnshire,
IL 60069. Printed in the USA. CFE Media, LLC does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in the material contained herein, regardless of whether
such errors result from negligence, accident or any other cause whatsoever. control engineering June 2020 • 3

input #4 at
JUNE 2020

44 | Mobile app for maintenance, operations
management; Loop-powered temperature transducers;
Wireless cloud display device; Power over Ethernet switch; Safety
laser scanner for mobile apps.
More New Products for Engineers:
Control Engineering eBook
46 | Five ways digital transformation metrics series: IIoT Cloud eBook
give manufacturers more flexibility Summer Edition
Learn how the
of Things (IIoT)
If reading from the digital edition, click on the headline to read more. and the cloud are
changing manufac-
Employee reviews: The right way and the wrong way turing in this helpful eBook. Fea-
Incorporate these six tips to improve the review process for engineering employ- tured articles in this eBook from
ees and those around them. Control Engineering and Beckhoff,
– Jon Breen, Breen Machine Automation Services InfluxData, Siemens and Wago
Separating process control and safety systems include machine retrofit benefits
Know what to separate and integrate and why is critical. Learn about safety instru- for a network, skills for the edge
mented function (SIF) and layers of protection analysis (LOPA). computing revolution and cloud-
– Scott Hayes, Maverick Technologies based analytics for manufacturing.
Learn more and register to
Seven ways automation design software helps IIoT download at
Electrical and automation design software can help with Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) automation implementations in seven ways. See product examples.
– Mark T. Hoske, CFE Media and Technology

Market survey: COVID-19 impact on China’s manufacturing Oil & Gas Engineering helps
COVID-19 is negatively affecting manufacturing in China says a Control Engineer- maximize uptime and increase
ing China April survey. Results? More automation with faster digitalization. productivity through the use of
– Aileen Jin, Control Engineering China industry best practices and new
How to tune servo systems (Part 1): Questions and answers innovations, increase efficiency
More answers regarding servo system tuning follow the March 11 webcast, which from the wellhead to the refinery
focused on how tuning a servo system can be among the most difficult PID tasks. by implementing
– Joseph Profeta, Ph.D., Aerotech automation and
monitoring strate-
COVID-19 emergency support for safety, VFDs, PLCs, more gies, and main-
System integrators can provide emergency support for automation troubleshoot- tain and improve
ing to shorten or prevent downtime, improve quality and save money. safety for workers
– Matt Ruth, Avanceon
and the work
Create history: Motion control, industrial communications environment.
Integrated automation and motion controls help to suspend, move heavy garden Read the digital
museum “clouds” using a wireless pendant. Fiber-optic, water and power cables. edition at
– Dan Thompson, igus provides new, relevant automation, controls, and instrumentation content daily, access to
databases for new products and system integrators, and online training. control engineering June 2020 • 5

Ed Harrington, The Open Group

Open standards, a digital path

New open standards balance uptime requirements with digital technologies.

ompeting in this data-driven econo-
my means organizations need to have a
clear open-strategy for technology adop-
tion and a clear vision for future systems.
Companies are trying to digitally trans-
form because of the clear benefit it provides. Accen-
ture said companies that have implemented emerging
technologies into core processes see revenue grow two
times faster than those who are not. Yet 97% of infor-
mation technology (IT) decision-makers say legacy ExxonMobil, at ARC Forum 2020, discussed its
infrastructures are holding them back; many compa- open process control pilot, using multiple ven-
nies struggle to quickly deploy new technologies. dors. Courtesy: Control Engineering
Within the context of process automation –
industries that cannot turn off factories ever – orga- automation industries for efficiency, interoperabil-
nizations often can’t take advantage of advances in ity and the ability to integrate best-in-class technol-
digital technologies due to the inability to insert ogies. Recognizing the need for collaboration, three
these advances within a facility’s infrastructure. To years ago a group of companies discussed the pos-
keep pace with the digital age, the critical infrastruc- sibility of developing an open standard for process
ture and automation industries are looking beyond automation; more flexible solutions was the driver.
today’s control systems for new, common technologies The Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF)
that can deliver uptime and take advantage of digital was born under the guidance of The Open Group.
technologies. Open standards can help. The Forum been developing a standard for the
security, interoperability and scalability of new con-
Open standards, best in class trol systems. A year ago, over 90 member organiza-
Process automation control systems are central to tions created OPAF’s O-PAS Standard, Version 1.0,
any industry required to maintain operations. These now a full standard of The Open Group.
include, among others, oil and gas, petro- and special- While industry standards for process automa-
ty chemicals, utilities, mining and metal, pharmaceuti- tion are available and fit for purpose, the O-PAS
cal, food and beverage, and pulp and paper. For most, Standard focuses on interoperability, using existing
downtime is not an option. The power generation and industry standards and adopting and adapting them
distribution industries fuel our lives. to create a “standard of standards.”
The same type of equipment and processes often are Digital technologies are the future. This is why
deployed across sectors, yet only a few suppliers pro- we’re already seeing end-user and supplier orga-

M More
KEYWORDS: Open process
vide relevant services. These suppliers have
a complete “stack,” running from a device to
providing information to a separate plan-
nizations work with peers to agree on technical
standards that are open and based on common
interfaces. This will make it easier and cheaper to
ning system. These systems are proprietary replace and repair control systems and to reduce
standards, interoperability
and cannot be easily replaced, creating ven- operational costs. It will be easier for digital trans-
Finding common ground, best
in class process automation dor lock-in. Digital transformation can be formation initiatives to be done at a low cost and
Process automation cost limited if innovations aren’t provided by the with minimal disruption.
savings and efficiency are goals. current supplier. Work continues. More companies are expected
Organizations seek common technolo- to follow the first, who are already looking to open
gies that can help balance requirements for standards to help improve operational efficiency
If today’s industrial standards
efforts lead to interoperability, will uptime, security and safety with the need to and ease digital complexity. A safe path to digital
you help? take advantage of digital innovation. Digital unlocks significant cost savings and efficiency for
transformation does not require a “rip and the process automation industry. ce
replace” approach. Organizations improve
If reading from the digital
edition, click on the headline for the functional capabilities of the facility and Ed Harrington is forum director, Open Process Auto-
more resources. move to a new software environment that mation Forum, The Open Group. Edited by Mark T. extends life of traditional legacy systems. Hoske, content manager, Control Engineering, CFE
open-process-automation-forum Many commonalities exist in process Media and Technology,

6 • June 2020 control engineering

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10 recommended steps employers must

take before reopening due to COVID-19
Prioritizing safety during and after 4. Hygiene – Create a plan to han- groups back one at a time.
the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial. The dle sick employees, and encourage safe 9. Communication – Develop a com-
National Safety Council – based on rec- behaviors for good hygiene and infection munications plan to be open and trans-
ommendations from the SAFER task force control. parent with workers on your return to
– identified the 10 universal actions every 5. Tracing – Follow proper contact work process.
employer must consider before reopening, tracing steps if workers get sick to curb 10. Assessment – Outline the main fac-
and released a series of playbooks with in- the spread of COVID-19. tors the organization uese as guidance to
depth recommendations to lower risk. 6. Mental health – Commit to sup- provide a simple structure to the extremely
SAFER – a group of experts from com- porting the mental and emotional health complex return to work decision.
panies of all sizes, leading safety organiza- of your workers by sharing support The NSC and the SAFER task force
tions, nonprofits, government agencies and resources and policies. also released a framework from which
public health organizations – identified 10 7. Training – Train leaders and super- employers should develop reopen-
universal actions employers must take. visors not only on the fundamentals of ing action plans. The framework breaks
1. Phasing – Create a phased transi- safety such as risk assessment and haz- down considerations within six key areas:
tion to return to work aligned with risk ard recognition, but also on the impacts physical environments, medical issues,
and exposure levels. of COVID-19 on mental health and well- mental health, communication needs,
2. Sanitize – Before employees return, being, as employees will feel the effects of external considerations, and employment
disinfect the workplace and make any the pandemic long after it is over. and human resources. From the frame-
physical alterations needed for physical 8. Engagement plan – Notify employ- work, NSC researchers created playbooks
distancing. ees in advance of the return to work, and with detailed recommendations for each
3. Screenings – Develop a health sta- consider categorizing workers into differ- of the six key areas, as well as guidance for
tus screening process for all employees. ent groups based on job roles – bringing four specific environments: Office spaces,
closed industrial settings, open industrial
settings and public spaces. ce
Lowering risk in COVID-19 ‘new normal’ - Edited from a National Safety Coun-
cil (NSC) press release by CFE Media.

ountries are looking to get back to work and that means manufacturers are
contemplating starting up processes they slowed down to a snail’s pace or
returning idled plants to operation, but in the wake of tragic incidents that
occurred in India recently, this a time to make all the right decisions. Whether it is Headlines
restarting production or ensuring workers remain safe and virus free at the office,
safety issues will remain top of mind in the coming months.
“For many people this is a ‘first’ in many ways,” said Steve Elliott, senior Register for the weekly COVID-19 engineer-
director – marketing and a safety expert at Schneider Electric. “Not just com- ing alert newsletter at
ing to terms with the new ways of working together, but a ‘first’ having to restart covid19newsletter as well as other editorial
operations after an enforced shutdown. And some things just can’t be done newsletters from Control Engineering.
‘remotely.’ Make sure that everybody fully understands the inherent risks of the Control Engineering also has a COVID-19
facilities and their operations before starting,” Elliott said. and coronavirus sub-channel with the latest
For manufacturing, “if you have three shifts, there are employees using the stories on the pandemic. www.controleng.
same workstations, now employers are having to contemplate how to clean and com/manufacturer-health-wellness/
sanitize workstations at turnover,” said Eric Glass, senior risk and safety advisor Protect PLCs and PACs from
for building life and safety technologies at UL. “We need to look at what needs to cybersecurity threats
be done. That is what is going on right now. They are trying to figure out how to Protecting programmable logic controllers
operate in this new normal.” That new normal may include a staggered approach. and programmable automation controllers
“There is a methodical approach many industries are using,” Glass said. from security threats begins before an attack.
“Overall, most industries are doing a very good job of regulating themselves.
Faculty grants for COVID-19
They understand the dangers of COVID-19. I think you will see staged approach- research awarded
es throughout the country. The speed of that will vary. I have not seen a company Rice University researchers received grants
yet that said we are going back 100% (right away).” to research COVID-19 effects and develop
However it’s done, Glass said safety has to be top of mind all the time. “The mitigation technologies and protocols.
absolute first and most important step you can take as an employer is to ensure
your employees returning to work understand the hazards related to COVID-19 University helps manufacture PPE, medi-
and what their responsibilities are when they return to the workplace.” cal devices for COVID-19 pandemic
- Gregory Hale, ISSSource Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M
Engineering Experiment Station are helping.

8 • June 2020 control engineering

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Cybersecurity Content Specialists/Editorial

Mark T. Hoske, Content Manager
630-571-4070, x2227,

requires asset updates Jack Smith, Content Manager

630-571-4070, x2230,
Kevin Parker, Senior Contributing Editor, IIoT, OGE
630-571-4070, x2228,
Age of existing assets are the greatest cybersecurity risk factor, Emily Guenther, Director of Interactive Media
630-571-4070, x2229,
67% in 2020 Control Engineering research, up from 46% in 2016. Amanda Pelliccione, Director of Research
This is of particular concern with remote operations increasing due Chris Vavra, Associate Editor
to the COVID-19 pandemic and manufacturing starting up again.
Contributing Content Specialists

Suzanne Gill, Control Engineering Europe
hose answering the 2020 Control security within the organization for 65%
Engineering cybersecurity survey of respondents. The next greatest con- Ekaterina Kosareva, Control Engineering Russia
said, in a significant shift, the cerns were network devices and wireless Agata Abramczyk, Control Engineering Poland
age of existing assets is the high- communication devices.
est risk factor at 67%. In a similar 2016 Vulnerable components: Of the Lukáš Smelík, Control Engineering Czech Republic
cybersecurity survey, age of existing assets respondents, 39% said they are aware
Aileen Jin, Control Engineering China
was 46% (third) in 2016. In 2016, the lack of zero malicious cyber incidents in the
of appropriate technologies and lack of past 24 months while only 9% said they
training or enforcement relat- are aware of more than five Editorial Advisory Board
ed to technologies were tied for malicious cyber incidents in Doug Bell, president, InterConnecting Automation,
first at 53%. the past 24 months.
With more remote opera- Malicious incidents: The David Bishop, president and a founder
tions related to the COVID-19 largest share of respondents, Matrix Technologies,
Daniel E. Capano, senior project manager, Gannett Fleming
pandemic, and as manufac- 40%, said cyber incidents they Engineers and Architects,
turing retools to lower human were aware of were accidental Frank Lamb, founder and owner
risk while ramping up again, infections; while only 22% said Automation Consulting LLC,

cybersecurity remains a con- Mark T. Hoske, were targeted in nature. Joe Martin, president and founder
Martin Control Systems,
cern. Data was collected Feb. 7 Content Manager Accidental incidents: More Rick Pierro, president and co-founder
through March 5. than half of the respondents Superior Controls,

said they were allowed to report Mark Voigtmann, partner, automation practice lead
Faegre Baker Daniels,
Cybersecurity research: cyber-related incidents, and they did.
threats, vulnerabilities, training Of the respondents, 20% said they were CFE Media Contributor
Threat levels: Perceived cybersecurity allowed and did not report the incident. Guidelines Overview
threats within respondents’ organizations Incident response team: An operat- Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media
stands for, and what CFE Media is all about –
were 3% severe and 73% high or moderate. ing operational incident response team engineers sharing with their peers. We welcome
Perceived severity remains the same within was present in the organization for 50% content submissions for all interested parties in
engineering. We will use those materials online, on
margins of error for each study: 25% high, of the respondents; however, about a our website, in print and in newsletters to keep
48% moderate, 22% low, 3% severe. third (34%) said their organization does engineers informed about the products, solutions
and industry trends.
Most concerning threat: The most not have such a response team. explains how
concerning threat to control systems is Training to identify things that may to submit press releases, products, images and
graphics, bylined feature articles, case studies, white
malware from a random source with no indicate a cyber incident or attack was papers, and other media.
specific connection to our company or received by 64% of respondents. Train- * Content should focus on helping engineers solve
problems. Articles that are commercial or are critical
industry. The least concerning threat was ing about who to contact during a cyber of other products or organizations will be rejected.
an inside, intentional threat. incident or attack was received by 50% of (Technology discussions and comparative tables may
be accepted if non-promotional and if contributor
Greatest concern: Computer assets respondents, and 49% said they receive corroborates information with sources cited.)
running commercial operating systems training on identifying social engineering * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines,
expect to see it first on our Websites. Content for our
are the greatest concern regarding cyber- attacks. Training on any of these topics was e-newsletters comes from content already available on
not received by 14% of respondents. our Websites. All content for print also will be online.

M More
All content that appears in our print magazines will
Think again about opportunities for appear as space permits, and we will indicate in print
upgrades and how to decrease risk from if more content from that article is available online.
NSIGHTS remote workers even as more manufactur- * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print
magazines are at least two months in advance of the
See graphics on cybersecurity risk factors ers and engineering businesses restart. ce publication date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature
articles with the appropriate content manager prior to
and link to the full report online. submission. Mark T. Hoske, Learn more at:

10 • June 2020 control engineering


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input #8 at
Marcia Gadbois and Chuck Kelley, Adisra

Create data value: Using HMIs

as intelligent edge devices
Human-machine interfaces
(HMIs) can be edge-located,
data handling, analytical
powerhouses: 5 HMI attributes.

uman-machine interface (HMI) soft-
ware can be used to create value from
the rapidly increasing amount of
industrial data. Devices of all types
continue to add sensors. More sen-
sors, naturally, leads to more data collection. The
exponential growth for industrial systems is outpac- COVER figure 1: Traditional machine HMIs were used only for visual-
ing available network bandwidth. Much of this data ization, but newer products like Adisra SmartView support data stor-
remains an untapped source from machines and pro- age and analysis at the operational edge. Images courtesy: Adisra
cesses, but gaining access to this data is crucial for
obtaining valuable business insights. turing or predict the health
An emerging possibility is to mine this data using of a critical piece of equip-
human-machine interface (HMI) software deployed ment. Machine-learning
near the source. This calls for the HMI’s role to models perform best when
evolve from being only a basic visualization tool to an supplied with large quan-
enhanced role as an intelligent edge-located data col- tities of high-fidelity data.
lector and machine-learning processor. Predictive maintenance is
possible when these mod-
New roles for HMI software els detect deviation from
HMI software hosted on edge devices need to keep a common behavior and
pace with the ever-growing requirements for how data indicate a possible impend-
need to be acquired, parsed, mined and refined. The ing failure, which could result in downtime. Figure 2: Edge-located
sheer volume of data being collected means advanced HMIs are well posi-
analytics and machine learning at the operational edge HMI analytics, anomaly detection tioned to perform
needs to play an important role in the overall digital Advanced analytics are possible with modern analytics and quickly
transformation plan for smarter operations. HMIs. Much of the world’s data is streaming and deliver indications and
HMIs have often worked with data sources such as time-series data where anomalies provide signif- alarms to users.
programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and sensors. icant information indicating critical situations.
Traditionally, HMIs were used as a visualization tool There are numerous use cases for anomaly detec-
and sometimes as a data collector viewed on a ded- tion, including preventative and predictive mainte-
icated control panel, mobile device or web browser. nance, fault detection and monitoring.
Modern HMIs still need to perform these roles, but Anomalies are defined as a point in time where
they must collect data in real time, store it locally for the behavior of the system is unusual and quite dif-
further analysis and use the data to find patterns and ferent from past behavior. Anomalies can be spa-
inferences to make predictions (Figure 1). tial, meaning the value is outside the typical range,
HMIs are evolving as a source of data for real-time or temporal where the value isn’t outside the typical
machine-learning execution. Time-series process data range but the sequence in which it occurs is unusu-
must be correlated with alarm and event record data al. State labels can be associated with anomalies and
to train machine-learning models. This allows these can classify them as temporal or spatial. The alarm
models to detect the quality of a product in manufac- system also can assign weighted values to predict control engineering June 2020 • 13


failure based on priority, importance and specification handles state management.

frequency. Once in the cloud, the data can be
Any modern HMI also must native- aggregated and joined with data from mul-
ly support mechanisms for sending and tiple data sources. The value here is users
receiving messages in a stateful way and can consider multiple operations or an Figure 3: Adisra’s SmartView HMI
ensure remote device data is current entire fleet of equipment together, regard- moves beyond simple visualization to
and valid. Stateful communications can less of their physical location. Cloud-based help OEMs and end users manage data
be ensured by using protocols such as filtering and analytic models can be used transmission and perform machine-
MQTT and Kafka, while the Sparkplug B to refine the data for deep analysis to pre- learning analytics.

dict behavior and trends, such as the mean

time between failure (MTBF) or end of life
Rugged Precision for machines. This information can then be
deployed back to edge-located machine-
learning models running in HMIs to
The MAQ®20 Industrial improve their operation.
Data Acquisition & Control System 5 modern HMI requirements
HMI’s role will need to evolve to
accommodate massive quantities of data.
Modern HMIs have the ability to connect
to a wealth of machine data to 1) Mon-
itor and analyze this data in real time;
2) Visualize it in a coherent and user-
friendly manner; 3) Help users make
intelligent decisions; 4) Store data in
a useful way so it can be mined at will;
and 5) Overcome compromises and
This is the HMI’s new role as more sen-
sors are being deployed and reliance on
machines continues to increase. Machine
functions will expand, and the HMI will be
the brain of the intelligent edge. ce

Marcia Gadbois, president and general

manager, Adisra; Chuck Kelley, chief data
officer, Adisra. Edited by Chris Vavra, associ-
Signal Integrity, Compact Design ate editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media
2 Software Packages for DAQ or T&M and Technology,

M More
KEYWORDS: human-machine interface,
‡8SWR&KDQQHOVLQ´ HMI, edge analytics
,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQ5DFN HMIs can send and retrieve high volumes
of information from edge devices and act
‡$SSOLFDWLRQ6RIWZDUHIURP  more as machine-learning tool.
‡9UPV&KDQQHOWR%XV Read this article online for more on:
,VRODWLRQ -4 ways to verify industrial data quality
-How to build a machine- learning model
‡3,'6RIWZDUH&RQWURO -Modern HMI architecture, edge analytics
8SWR/RRSVZLWK5H'$4®6KDSH -The need to filter industrial data.
‡±ƒ&WRƒ&2SHUDWLQJ What benefits could your plant derive from
7HPSHUDWXUH Instrument Class® Signal Solutions the modern HMI?
input #9 at
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input #10 at

Jim Meyers, Inductive Automation

SCADA platform tool savings

Installing a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system improved
efficiency throughout plant for a Wisconsin-based automotive supplier.

sers who want to make data-driv-
en decisions need a lot of data. Madi-
son-Kipp Corp. (MKC) implemented
a new system for supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA) and has
had access to more data than previously to accelerate
problem solving. With new insights into processes,
the company raised productivity, lowered costs, and
shared more information with customers.
Based in Madison, Wis., MKC makes precision COVER: To help with precision machined aluminum
machined aluminum die castings and subassemblies die castings and subassemblies for transporta-
for the transportation, lawn and garden and industri- tion, lawn and garden and industrial markets,
al markets. After looking at several possible SCADA MKC chose Ignition from Inductive Automation,
software packages, MKC chose a web-based platform an industrial application platform for SCADA, HMI,
that provides unlimited licensing and interoperabil- MES, and IIoT. Courtesy: Inductive Automation
ity, which helps MKC with numerous projects. The
company uses it for central SCADA, human-machine
interface (HMI), control of edge clients, part tracking, vice president of operations for MKC. “We have
part history, reporting, alarms, alarm history, transac- to keep ahead of our competitors in many differ-
tion management, API access, predictive control for ent areas. Using this software and taking real-time
HVAC, text notifications and other applications. data from our processes helps us understand our
The software platform can connect to almost data — which helps us make better decisions.”
anything, which eliminates numerous proprietary With real-time data from the SCADA system tied
roadblocks. “The platform has filled a void for us into MKC’s continuous improvement process, prob-
between multiple manufacturers and platforms,” lem-solving goes much faster, Johnson said. “We did
said Jay Sandvick, senior automation controls engi- this with a customer. We were able to double our

M More
neer at MKC. “It’s given us interoperabil-
ity that we didn’t believe we could have.
We now have accessibility to data streams
throughput in less than a month. It was very quick,
and our customer was very happy with the results.”
The new SCADA system has made a big dif-
KEYWORDS: SCADA, system we didn’t have before. And we have the ference throughout MKC. “Some of the results we
integration ability to generate seamless reports from have are in the cost savings realm, and we’ve also
Madison-Kipp Corp. machines that were previously thought seen improved efficiency,” Johnson said. “Before,
implemented a new SCADA unconnectable.” engineers had to collect data on their own. This
platform for more data access.
Equally important is the ability to have would take a long time. Now we’re able to pull
Benefits included providing
customers with more information, numerous systems on one platform — a that data in and look at it and solve problems very
more programming languages big improvement over what MKC had in quickly.”
and improved interoperability. the past. “I can’t train over 150 mainte- Based on the positive results, MKC plans to
ONLINE nance personnel in 30 software platforms expand its use of the SCADA platform. “Strategic
Read this article online for: and keep everyone relevant and current,” initiatives are vitally important for any organization,”
-Platform interoperability Sandvick said. “Now we have a single plat- Johnson said. “When we set our initiatives for 2020
provides opportunity form that everyone can learn, including on the technology side, this software is one of those
-Customers see data too online and at their own pace. It’s been an strategic initiatives that’s going to help move us for-
-Real-time graphic display. exceptional increase in our productivity.” ward this year.” ce
SCADA migration; think bigger Jim Meyers is communications manager at Inductive
What is the one feature you’d
like most if your company The transition is aligned with the com- Automation. Edited by Chris Vavra, associate editor,
installed a new SCADA system pany’s larger objectives. “Technology is Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology,
and why? very important to us,” said Bill Johnson,

16 • June 2020 control engineering


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Travis Cox, Inductive Automation

More: HMI/SCADA software

HMI and SCADA software help with OT and IT convergence. See six SCADA
software advantages, applications.

uman-machine interface (HMI) and calculations; 4) Getting data to more people; 5)
supervisory control and data acquisi- Leveraging mobile devices; and 6) Linking plants
tion (SCADA) systems are crucial for and people.
industrial organizations. SCADA, in SCADA is excellent at communicating with

M More particular, allows industrial organi-

zations to control industrial processes locally or at
remote locations; monitor, gather, and process real-
programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and field
devices. Traditional SCADA systems often have
limitations on the brands of PLCs they can com-
ANSWERS time data; directly interact with sensors, valves, municate with. It’s incredibly important to be able
KEYWORDS: HMI, pumps, motors and more through HMI software; to pull data from multiple disparate PLCs into one
SCADA and record events into a log file. platform for a “single pane of glass” for operators.
HMI/SCADA software SCADA systems have undergone substantial evo- Thanks to modern standards such as OPC UA,
increases efficiency. lutionary changes over the years, allowing industrial users can connect SCADA to these devices.
ONLINE organizations to do more. With the introduction of Along with PLCs, several other data sources
See more examples: smart machines, Big Data, and the industrial internet, and integrations are important to SCADA, such as
-SCADA for recipes, operations technology (OT) and information technol- computerized maintenance management systems
barcodes, historian, ogy (IT) departments are finding they need to solve (CMMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), manu-
MES the same problems: accessing industrial data, inte- facturing execution systems (MES) and others. There’s
-More SCADA data, grating more systems and solving business challenges. enormous benefit in connecting these systems and
more power, remote Modern SCADA systems aim to solve these problems adding more context to the operator’s screen.
by leveraging the best of controls and IT technology.
-SCADA enables virtual
reality, visualization, SCADA connects customer, supplier
controls Six SCADA software advantages The team at ESM Australia helped YourCoffee
-Stronger connections Companies are embracing modern industrial connect its Shopify e-commerce platform to the
-SCADA links servers, application platforms and technology, creating new factory floor. Using SCADA with RESTful web ser-
plant, management and innovative industrial systems in all industries. vice APIs and a programmable automation con-
data. SCADA is in the middle and offering capabilities troller (PAC)-based factory automation platform,
CONSIDER THIS including: 1) Combining data and integrating with ESM Australia delivered YourCoffee the Industry
What applications disparate systems; 2) Eliminating paper and clip- 4.0 tools to connect, evaluate, structure and control
need help in your plant? boards; 3) Running advanced logic engines and information and physical processes. This enabled
the company to achieve their production goals.
YourCoffee’s customers order their desired cus-
tom-made blends as well as selecting the bag size, type
and label type. Using web service calls, SCADA har-
nesses the JSON data returned from Shopify. Orders
are then divided into product-based objects where the
users can collate several products from separate orders
and produce a production run optimized to reduce
changeover times.
To get the most from SCADA software, identify
challenges, build solutions to meet those challeng-
es and achieve business value. Embrace new tech-
nology to allow operations to get more value from
applications and allow more access across an orga-
nization. ce

Travis Cox is co-director of sales engineering at

Inductive Automation. Edited by Chris Vavra, asso-
COVER: ESM Australia helped YourCoffee connect customers with ciate editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media and
the plant floor. Courtesy: Inductive Automation Technology,

18 • June 2020 control engineering

Sergio Diaz, Emerson

Integrated control system

can reduce cybersecurity risk
Integrated control and safety systems can simplify cybersecurity.

s more organizations embrace digital
transformation, they have come to see
how integration is critical for security,
efficiency and scaling. That same line
of thinking applies to the most critical
systems in the plant—the basic process control sys-
tem (BPCS) and safety instrumented system (SIS).
Many organizations think it’s more secure to “sep-
arate” control and safety systems with an interfaced
architecture to avoid “putting all their eggs in one Figure 1: An interfaced architecture requires defending both the DCS
basket.” Having more “baskets” means increasing the and SIS and can leave vulnerabilities in the engineered interface.
potential exposure to risk. The key is not the number Graphics courtesy: Emerson
of baskets, but how well each basket is protected.
It is easier and more secure to integrate the safe-
ty and control systems, and then properly defend
the overall architecture. Integration does not elimi-
nate the separation between the distributed control
system (DCS) and SIS. The SIS and DCS are still
separate, but security is simplified.

SIS/DCS integration can add security

Integration does not mean less separation.
Safety-critical components are still separated
from the rest of the system. The interface to the
DCS components is via a built-in interface based
on proprietary protocols. With a well-designed Figure 2: Integrated systems can share layers
integrated system, the number of entry points to of protection while still maintaining the con-
safety-critical components is lower than on most
interfaced systems.
There are often more interfaces to the SIS than
nectivity and independent security between
control and safety.
M More
users realize. In addition to the DCS interface, the SIS KEYWORDS: SIS, DCS
might have connectivity to asset management systems, used is only one part of overall security. Opting Control system
process information management systems and safety for separated architecture is no more secure than integration is crucial
lifecycle management systems. While it is possible to choosing a properly designed integrated system. for the basic process
control system and safety
secure all interfaces, significant effort is involved. The primary difference between the two systems instrumented system (SIS).
On an integrated system, there is one interface is the ease of connecting, configuring and secur-
to the SIS; all other systems communicate through ing the BPCS and SIS. An integrated system pro- ONLINE
the BPCS. One SIS interface means organizations vides the logical separation plants need, while This article online has
-Separate DCS, SIS does
employing an integrated architecture manage a uni- providing a smaller security footprint to main- not necessarily mean
fied defense-in-depth system to protect the control tain and more flexible and intuitive options for secure
and safety systems. This simplified architecture leads defense-in-depth. ce -Proper integration
to shorter install times and easier management. helps bridge the IT/OT gap
Sergio Diaz is DeltaV SIS product manager, Emer- CONSIDER THIS
BPCS/SIS: Separate vs. integrated son. Edited by Chris Vavra, associate editor, Con- What is the biggest
An organization’s safety system and control sys- trol Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, cybersecurity integration
tem must be properly secured, but the architecture application challenge? control engineering June 2020 • 19

Eric Reiner, Beckhoff Automation

Uninterruptible power supplies

While UPS technologies are no longer optional in critical machine designs,
engineers should still have options to select the best device for applications.

ithout unknowns in the design, number of machines that reliable, uninterrupted
commissioning and operation of power has grown. Most contemporary machines col-
machines, there would be little use lect and transmit data to measure performance, send
for automation and controls engi- alerts and complete track and trace for industries
neers, who want to build reliable, dependable sys- such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, packag-
tems, despite environmental conditions. ing and intralogistics.
However, unplanned downtime due to improp- In an e-commerce or distribution center appli-
er controller shutdown should not be one. Today’s cation, for example, abrupt shutdown could cause
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) technologies, a conveying, sortation or automatic storage and
which enable proper machine shutdowns and allow retrieval (ASRS) system to lose track of packages and
controllers to save projects and recipes when power products, leading to incorrect shipments and costly
failures or other issues occur, allow machine builders returns. It also could lead to corrupted files and pro-
to plan for the unknown. grams on the machine controller, which would delay
restart once power is restored.
How UPS help machine applications Machine builder original equipment manufactur-
In the past, industrial UPS technologies were ers (OEMs) know their facilities and the reliability of
viewed as luxuries reserved for the most critical their electric utilities. Machines may be shipped to
applications. Today, that view has changed as the where the power reliability is unknown. Some areas

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input #12 at

regularly experience blackouts or rolling brownouts. UPS technologies,
Even if end user facilities have backup generators, the such as the CU81xx
lag time between line voltage disappearing and the series from Beckhoff
generator starting could be enough for disaster. With Automation, can pro-
advances in capabilities, form factor and competitive tect any controller
costs, implementing UPS technologies for industrial through flexible power
PCs (IPCs), panel PCs and other machine control- delivery options and
lers is no longer optional. However, there should still compact form factors.
be flexible options to fit any machine requirements. Courtesy: Beckhoff
machine availability can remain as high as possible. Automation
UPS form factor advantages By selecting the correct UPS options for each
For maximum benefit, UPS technologies should
offer compact, easy-to-integrate form factors. Sim-
ple installation via DIN rail or a mounting brack-
application, machine builders and OEMs can be
assured systems will shut down and start up again
without issue. All systems, in general, should have a
M More
et enables integration of devices into new electrical UPS because of the potential risks to system integrity, KEYWORDS:
cabinets in greenfield applications or flexible ret- data acquisition and other tasks. Even if the price of uninterruptible power
rofits in existing brownfield applications. With reject product or improper shipments is minimal, the supplies, UPS
compact sizes of 100 x 100 x 90 mm or less, the potential downtime resulting from improper shut- Many machines need a
UPS for uninterrupted use
capacitive or battery versions meet tight footprint down could be quite expensive. in critical applications.
requirements. Whether its safeguarding a PLC running basic
For NiMH battery-backed versions, the bat- machine control logic or a panel PC providing a ONLINE
tery cover should be accessible. All batteries even- human-machine interface (HMI), cloud commu- Read this article online
tually need replacement, and while UPS batteries nication and more, UPS technologies allow today’s for other stories from the
are designed to last and provide maximum reliabil- engineers to reduce risk. ce author and text on “UPS
ity, they are no exception. Selecting a device with a capacities, connections
removable front cover will increase uptime, especial- Eric Reiner, IPC product manager, Beckhoff Auto- deliver flexibility.”
ly if it features only two screws. Through this design, mation LLC. Edited by Chris Vavra, associate editor, CONSIDER THIS
the entire UPS will not need to be removed or taken Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, How has a UPS saved
apart for necessary maintenance, which means your application?

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input #13 at

Mark Stephens and Alden Wright, EPRI

Improving power quality

Industrial controls can provide built-in robustness to voltage sags.

esign options for industrial controls using a battery-based uninterruptible power supply
can provide built-in robustness to (UPS), these require regular maintenance checks and
voltage sags. The controls already have full battery replacement after three to four years for
capabilities installed and don’t require lead-acid batteries. Newer technologies such as lithi-
after-the-fact voltage sag mitigation um-ion-based UPS units tout battery lifespans in the
for defense against the effects of voltage sags. seven to eight-year range. “Battery-less” mitigation
Parts 1 and 2 of this article series explained and options need little or no maintenance, operate better
described the origins of industrial process sensi- in elevated temperatures, and do not require battery
tivity to power quality (PQ) events, or variations replacement. These may operate for 10 to 15 years.
in the electrical power supply – specifically, volt- Control circuits may be designed to be more
age sags – as well as retrofit methods of mitigat- robust by requiring the incorporation of voltage
ing those variations and help sensitive processes sag standard-compliant components – SEMI F47
remain operating despite those events. or IEEE Std 1668, or by requiring through the pur-
chase order the entire process be compliant to those
Main shutdown cause: Sags standards without requiring a battery-based UPS to
Voltage sags are the main culprit maintain. The controls may be most robust by using

involved with industrial process shut
down incidents – the 120-volt control cir-
cuit being most sensitive to voltage sags.
only dc components supplied by a three-phase, uni-
versal-input dc power supply operated at the highest
input voltages in its range, and at less-than full load.
KEYWORDS: power supplies,
voltage sags Most voltage sags have sag magnitudes By keeping the control voltage up, the RUN signal
Design options for industrial (voltage remaining) at or above 50% of to an ASD may be maintained, yet the drive may shut
controls can provide built-in nominal with durations at 0.5 seconds or down for dc bus undervoltage. Most modern drives
robustness to voltage sags. less. Within the control circuit, several have adjustable parameters that may allow the drive
ONLINE individual components common to most to ignore the voltage sag for a period of time until
This article online has links to controls could be causing the controls, full input voltage returns if enabled. These parame-
parts 1 and 2 of this series, 3 and thus the process, to shut down. These ters may not be enabled by the manufacturer.
other figures and more on: components are often the PLC, its I/O, dc Several methods of improving the voltage sag sen-
-Effective use of existing power supplies, ac “ice cube” relays and sitivity of industrial controls can make industrial pro-
PQ standards
contactors, and adjustable speed drives. cess more robust to voltage-sag effects. ce
-Use of robust dc power
supplies, ac components Allowing the control circuit and the
-Adjusting ride-through process to ride through voltage sags Mark Stephens is principal project manager; Alden
parameters on motor-drive involves mitigating one or more compo- Wright is technical leader, Electric Power Research
systems nent’s sensitivities to voltage sags or prop- Institute (EPRI). Edited by Chris Vavra, associate
CONSIDER THIS ping up the voltage of the control circuit editor, Control Engineering,
How much could more reliable for the duration of the voltage sag.
automation power quality save? While the latter may be accomplished
PQ issues and uptime
• Understand your PQ Environment –
Prescribe solutions that fit your situation
• Don’t assume battery-based UPS systems are
needed; there are other technologies
• Avoid use of sensitive ac components in controls
• Embed robustness using ac- or dc-based
controls that are compliant with IEEE 1668 or
• Utilize voltage sag ride-through settings in your
motor drive systems. has tips to mitigate voltage
Figure: Example of a universal input dc sags in industrial automation systems.
control circuit design. Courtesy: EPRI

22 • June 2020 control engineering

Calling all system integrators...

Control Engineering and

Plant Engineering’s annual
System Integrator of the Year Awards

Entries are due September 4, 2020

Who should enter?

If you’re a system integrator with demonstrable industry success, Control Engineering and
Plant Engineering urge you to enter the 2021 System Integrator of the Year competition.
Past System Integrator of the Year winners—Class of 2020, Class of 2019, and Class of
2018—are not eligible to enter the 2021 System Integrator of the Year program.

What’s in it for the winners?

The chosen System Integrator of the Year winners will receive worldwide recognition from
Control Engineering and Plant Engineering. The winners also will be featured as the cover
story of the Global System Integrator Report, distributed in December 2020.

How will the competition be judged?

Control Engineering and Plant Engineering’s panel of judges
will conscientiously evaluate all entries. Three general
criteria will be considered for the selection of
the System Integrator of the Year:
• Business skills
• Technical competence
• Customer satisfaction

Contact Tom Magna
System Integrator
Marketing Consultant
CFE Media

For more information on how to enter and proper criteria, visit:
John Hopshire, PMP, and Bob Starkus, PMP, Maverick Technologies; Gary Humble, RoviSys

DCS migration, IT/OT projects

System integrators discuss an eight-year distributed control system upgrade
and a 100-site IT/OT system integration to improve tagging and programming.

ontrol system integrators Q. Describe a recent oil and gas making key decisions based on limited
answered questions for a Con- industry automation, controls, or instru- and stale information.
trol Engineering System Inte- mentation system integration project.
gration Roundtable article Q. What was project scope and goals?
on oil and gas automation and control Maverick Technologies: In moderniz-
system integration. The two projects ing its facility, a major oil and gas refiner Maverick Technologies: The multimil-
involved a distributed control system needed help migrating a legacy distributed lion-dollar, eight-year program required a
(DCS) migration, and integration proj- control system (DCS) to the same vendor’s systematic multiphase migration approach
ect for better information flow between modern DCS for multiple process units. of all process units. The team conducted a
operational technology and information RoviSys: A midstream oil and gas Level 2 front-end loading (FEL2) study to
technology. company with nearly 100 facilities spread develop a detailed overall project execution
Providing information about the proj- across a wide geography was faced with plan, +/-30% estimate and a resource-load-
ects were John Hopshire, PMP, oil and various business and operational chal- ed critical path integrated schedule for the
gas industry manager, and Bob Starkus, lenges. These challenges stemmed from program, which the customer could then
PMP, senior project manager with Mav- limited visibility and latent data access use to support funding. The goal was to
erick Technologies; and Gary Humble, across all their facilities and assets. complete the long-term multiphase migra-
director, oil and gas - RoviSys. Groups across the organization were tion with little to no disruption to produc-

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input #14 at

tion while meeting schedule, quality and that included data mining, identification Maverick Technologies: Upfront FEL
budget targets. All of the work was to be of tagging structures, and programming best practices were used and the team
completed with zero safety incidents. disparities to effectively move forward. worked closely with the company to man-
RoviSys: The overall scope and goal of Second, to get buy-in of the solution age all aspects of the program, includ-
the project was to develop an operations across the customer organization, the big- ing working closely with the customer on
technology (OT) to information tech- gest factor was earning trust through active safety, contracting strategies, procurement
nology (IT) information solution to pro- engagement. RoviSys engineers worked planning, constructability, quality, execu-
vide business and operational value across directly with customer end-users through- tion planning, scheduling, contingency
their organization. out the lifecycle of solution design and and budget. Biweekly project meetings
Downtime reduction was accom- implementation to build confidence in the with project stakeholders ensured keeping
plished by proactively monitoring critical coming changes and encourage adoption the project on track and within budget.

assets like pumps, valves, metering, and
vapor recovery units. Units have real time
health checks to prevent unplanned down- Migration cutover phases during planned
time. An equipment optimization plan was maintenance and turnarounds, reduces unplanned
implemented to lower overall operating
costs by running units more efficiently. downtime to zero .... Use cases were focused on
Improper routing of products to the
wrong tank, truck or pipeline cost the scheduling and delivery optimization, predictive

company millions of dollars in product
recovery and regulatory fines. The solu- maintenance, and product quality.
tion delivered real time tracking of the
inventory and blending processes, auto- of the new normal. RoviSys helped identify RoviSys: Successful projects require a
matically detecting anomalies and alert- how the new solution creates a better oper- partner that addresses people, process and
ing operations. ating environment for all. technology. Technology and process are
typically the easier part of the solution. The
Q. What were project challenges? Q. Can you share positive metrics? people portion presents a different chal-
lenge, because success spans different lay-
Maverick Technologies: One main Maverick Technologies: The Maver- ers of an organization. The RoviSys team
challenge was to minimize downtime ick team has completed Phases 1 through focuses on people, starting with execu-
throughout each phase of the program. 3 of the migration project, commissioned tive commitment and identification of
RoviSys: Two challenges stand out: during a previously scheduled two‐week key stakeholders. A collaborative environ-
1. A technical challenge was data qual- turnaround, minimizing disruption to ment keeps teams motivated and engaged
ity and normalization across nearly 100 production. The customer has deemed the throughout the life of each project. ce
facilities. Most of the facilities had aging or project a success, including safety, budget
obsolete technologies, disparate technolo- and quality. The refinery readily obtained Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manag-
gies, and inconsistent configurations and corporate approval for Phase 4 of the proj- er, Control Engineering, CFE Media, mho-
operating standards. ect, which is currently underway. Maverick Technologies is
2. Another challenge was the enter- The team begins each phase of the pro- a Control Engineering content partner.
prise-wide impact to multiple different gram by conducting a Level 3 front-end
functional groups throughout the cus-
tomers organization – across OT and IT.
Development, testing, deployment and
loading (FEL3) study in order to develop
a detailed project execution plan, +/-10%
estimate, and reverse-engineering the
M More
KEYWORDS: DCS migration, OT/IT system
adoption required buy in from a diverse DCS configuration. During the course integration
set of customer resources. of the FEL3 study, the team worked with A refiner’s legacy DCS system was migrated
multiple contractors to develop a base- with nearly 7,000 I/O points and connections
Q. How were project issues resolved? line scope and cost, along with appro- to more than 20 third‐party interfaces.
priate levels of progress reporting of An oil and gas company with nearly 100
Maverick Technologies: The proj- critical deliverables to support the exe- facilities had wireless instrumentation
was installed; edge devices consolidate
ect execution plan looked in-depth at the cution phase of each project. This helped information; networks were assessed and
refiner’s turnaround schedule and pro- ensure all parties stayed on track and upgraded for cybersecurity/bandwidth;
cess units. Migration cutover phases within budget. data collection, analytics, dashboarding and
were scheduled in parallel with planned RoviSys: The real time product qual- reporting software was developed; analytics
drive critical notifications and alerts.
maintenance and turnarounds, reducing ity checks and alerts have prevented off
unplanned downtime to zero. spec product and erroneous product rout- CONSIDER THIS
RoviSys: First, RoviSys developed ing, saving millions of dollars in product What system integration projects could
standard interfaces and data quality pro- recovery/disposal and regulatory fines. make you more productive?
cedures to ensure compliance and a rapid ONLINE
scale out of the solution. It was necessary Q. What were the resulting lessons If reading the digital edition, click on the
to audit each facility and develop a plan learned or advice you’d like to share? headline for more on each project. control engineering June 2020 • 25

Tanya M. Anandan, RIA

Cultivating robotics and AI

Smarter machines help relieve aging agricultural workforce and fewer workers.

he issue of agriculture sustainability is a smart grain harvesting technology.
people problem. However, it might be the “It actually uses imagery to identify when an
robots that save humanity. Automation individual kernel of corn is being damaged,” said
and artificial intelligence (AI) will help Joel Hergenreter, automation strategy lead for
relieve the effects of an aging agricultur- Deere’s Precision Farming Group. “The robotics
al workforce and a shrinking supply of field workers knows how to adjust the combine to ensure that
looking for less strenuous work. Self-driving agricul- individual kernels are not damaged going forward.”
tural machinery and autonomous drones mean farm- The S-Series appeared at the Consumer Electronics
ers can spend more time focusing on more sustainable Show in January. The gigantic multi-ton combine has

M More
harvests and profits. Data mining and pre-
dictive analytics will become more common,
enabling farmers to make better decisions,
onboard robotics and AI; Deere has been self-steering
since 2003. Since AutoTrac’s introduction, Deere has
added mechanical sensors and vision sensors (camer-
KEYWORDS: robotics, maximize resources and optimize yields. as) to identify crop rows and ensure the sprayers and
agriculture, food safety
Robots and machine learning are helping harvesters drive between the rows and do not dam-
Big Data, robots help
agricultural workers with crops.
facilitate new, more sustainable agricultural age crop. Sensor fusion is used to combine the signals
Machine learning helps
methods that take farming inside to conserve from the GPS receiver, mechanical sensors and vision
robots grasp food. resources, minimize chemicals and short- sensors to automate steering. Most of the company’s
en time to market. With more sustainable, large agriculture equipment is “self-driving capable”
ONLINE fresher options from growers, greenhouses with sub-inch accuracy, increasin speed of operation
Read this article online at for more
and vertical farmers, the world’s population up to 50%, Hergenreter said. Deere AI use enables
about robots in the agriculture should be able to eat better, cleaner, smart- using 10% of previous herbicide in some applications.
industry, including: er and more affordably. Farms are becoming “The machine processes one image every 50 mil-
-Big Data, better decisions high-tech, better informed, and empowered liseconds,” Hergenreter said. It compares them to
and a better crop to produce more with fewer resources. 300,000-plus image library, targeting only weeds.
-Machine learning for grasp
planning Precision sensors, agriculture Autonomous robotic harvesting
-Improving food cleanliness John Deere is a global manufacturer of Launched in 2018, Root AI is using traditional and
and safety machinery for the agricultural, construction proprietary robotics hardware combined with sophis-
CONSIDER THIS and forestry industries with annual sales of ticated software to expand the domain where industri-
How can robots improve your $37.4 billion. The Moline-based company al robots add value. Agricultural robotics has typically
applications? providing innovative products and services involved custom equipment focused on a specific
to support those linked to the land. The 2017 task or a particular type of crop. Root puts a modu-
Deere S700 Series Combines are its latest in lar collaborative robot to work on the farm and adds
AI. Virgo, the robotic harvesting system, is a standard,
industrial-grade cobot on a mobile platform com-
bined with computer vision for sight, custom end-
of-arm tools (EOAT) for grasping a variety of fresh
produce, and onboard intelligence that enables the
unit to do dexterous work in the field.
Co-founder and CEO Josh Lessing said Root
is focused on the AI technology, Recent advance-
Self-steering com- ments in algorithms, especially computer vision
bine uses sensor software for finding individual objects in complex
fusion, robotics environments, combine with cloud communication
and artificial intelli- and machine learning to enable the robots to do
gence to automate Intuitive touchscreen displays put a wealth of physical work in complex, real-world environments.
many harvesting real-time data and analysis tools at operators’ Virgo is testing by picking ripe tomatoes in large
tasks for precision fingertips so they can monitor, adjust and learn U.S. commercial greenhouses. Other specialty crops
farming. Courtesy: from their machinery while moving through the also require incredible amounts of skilled, dexterous
John Deere/RIA field. Courtesy: John Deere/RIA labor. Variability makes automation challenging.

M1 • June 2020 control engineering

Soft-actuating grip-
per handles varying
sizes and shapes of
food in the supply
chain. Courtesy: Soft
Robotics Inc./RIA

“By going after one of the single biggest unmet

needs in the specialty crop industry, we have folks’
attention,” said Lessing; 30% to 40% of a tomato’s
revenue goes to labor. Harvesting is very physically
demanding and seasonal, and “the ability to source
labor to meet demand is increasingly a struggle.”

Flexing grippers help the food supply

The Bedford, Mass.-based Soft Robotics Inc. CEO learn to function like lean factories. High-tech, clean Sophisticated vision
Carl Vause said labor shortages and inefficient pro- and data-rich for a more sustainable future. ce sensing, artificial intel-
cesses are losing produce and other perishable foods ligence and custom
in the supply chain when they can’t get to market in Tanya M. Anandan is contributing editor for the end-of-arm tooling
time. Soft Robotics grippers excel where applications Robotic Industries Association (RIA) and Robotics enable a collabora-
have high rates of variety such as in e-commerce, Online. RIA is a not-for-profit trade association dedi- tive SCADA robot to
store replenishment and delivery, sortation of pro- cated to improving the regional, national, and global harvest ripe produce
duce by size and shape, meal kitting, and high-mix/ competitiveness of the North American manufactur- directly from the vine.
high-volume manufacturing such as cosmetics and ing and service sectors through robotics and relat- Courtesy: Root AI/RIA
consumer goods. Combined with machine vision to ed automation. This article originally appeared on
locate the lettuce heads and an automated blade to The RIA is a part of the Associa-
separate the heads from their stems, the Soft Robotics tion for Advancing Automation (A3), a CFE Media
gripper helps harvest different varieties of lettuce and content partner. Edited by Chris Vavra, production
other leafy greens for a U.S.-based grower. editor, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Tech-
Robotics and AI are up for the challenge as farms nology,


Then stop using complicated controllers for
precision motion. You shouldn’t need a Ph.D. in
control systems to program your controller.
With Automation1, you can now reduce your
set up time — in many cases, from days down
to minutes — thanks to a user-friendly, intuitive
interface and machine setup wizard. Automation1
is the most user-friendly precision motion control
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input #15 at

See how we make

your motion easier.

Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering

Answers on robotic applications

Learn more from system integrators from the RCEP webcast, “Robotic
applications: What robots should and shouldn’t be doing.”

obotic application information about
collaborative robots, robotic motion,
automation pitfalls, power quality,
and safety follow. Information came
from presenters in the March 12 web-
cast, archived for 1 year, “Robotic applications:
What robots should and shouldn’t be doing” at
Expert speakers for the webcast were Evan Gon-
nerman, controls engineer, and Ryan Wasmund,
sales and marketing director, Concept Systems
Inc., a system integrator with industrial robotic
expertise. Also in the webcast, Control Engineer-
ing discussed survey results about robotic apps and
conducted a poll of webcast participants to learn
their reasons for the next robot purchase. Enabling robotic technologies include simula-
Additional answers from the speakers follow. tion, digital twins, machine learning, advanced
sensors and more. Courtesy: Control Engineer-
Question: How do you decide between a col- ing webcast, Robotic applications: What robots
laborative robot or traditional industrial robot? should and shouldn’t be doing

Answer: The reasons for collaborative versus avoid is a “singularity” when discussing the most
traditional industrial robots often is based around common 6-axis robotic implementations. There is
safety. If the automation tool will be used with a lot that goes into this but the 10,000-foot defini-
humans on a regular basis a collaborative robot tion of a singularity is when the fourth and sixth
may be necessary. However, if the solution requires axes of the robot are aligned. This situation can
human intervention at certain points during the cause headaches especially when precise move-
process a traditional robot can be used ments are necessary within this “zone” Besides sin-
M More
with safety rated laser scanners. Collab-
orative robots typically will have lower
maximum speed profiles than tradition-
gularities, it is important to understand the reach
capabilities of the robot you are using as well as the
payload capacity as these will define certain speed
KEYWORDS: Industrial robot
applications al 5- to 6-axis robots. limitations.
Applications include robots
operating in collaborative Control Engineering: Risk assess- Q: Are there any pitfalls to watch for as we
applications. ments are needed even with collaborative gradually transition from manual to automated
Robot movement is a robots or industrial robots using sensors, process?
consideration in industrial robot
applications. software, and other padding to run in
Webcast provides more tips collaborative applications. (See more on A: Ensure that you have a solid maintenance and
and tricks related to robot and safety, online.) Other reasons for collab- support team, or that you choose an integrator that
robotic system applications. orative robot selection may include sim- can support you. The biggest issue that I have seen
CONSIDER THIS plified programming, setup, integration, has been around companies putting in automation
How are industrial robotic and resetting for other applications. without the support structure in place to handle the
implementations helping your robotic systems once they are in and running. This
workflow? Q: Are there limits in robotic move- would include maintenance, programming support,
ONLINE ments and challenges in speed control and new product integration. ce
See this webcast and other with respect to robotic movements?
robotic webcasts at Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engi- A: The biggest robotic movement to neering, CFE Media,

M3 • June 2020 control engineering



r High resolution graphics and glass panels

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Now, more than ever, engineering innovation plays a

vital role in the vitality of industrial manufacturing.

We invite you to explore the profiles on the

following pages and celebrate the success stories
of these participating manufacturing innovators:

ABB Motors and Mechanical Inductive Automation

AutomationDirect Lenze Americas

Beckhoff Automation Radwell, Inc.

Dataforth SEW Eurodrive Inc.

Digi-Key Corporation Siemens Digital Factory

EZAutomation Stratus Technologies

Hammond Manufacturing WAGO Corporation

View the 2020 profiles and videos at:

ABB provides solutions.

ABB provides solutions for efficient production, safe and reliable operations,
and digital remote condition monitoring across most industrial plant equipment
and systems.

ABB Ability™ Smart

Sensors: Always
know how your
equipment is feeling
The ABB Ability Smart
Sensor monitors the health of your low voltage motors, bearings, gear reducers and pumps by
gathering data on vibration, temperature and other parameters that can be used to gain meaningful
information on condition and performance, enabling users to identify inefficiencies within their system
and to reduce risks related to operation and maintenance. Maintenance can now be planned accord-
ing to actual needs rather than based on generic schedules. This extends equipment lifetime, cuts
maintenance costs, and reduces or prevents unplanned downtime due to breakdowns.

EC Titanium: High performance.

Flexible solution.
As energy regulations require higher total system
efficiency, achieve IE5 efficiency in smaller spaces
and with less maintenance by relying on the Baldor-
Reliance® EC Titanium™ integrated motor drive. The EC
Titanium is a highly efficient integrated motor drive that
combines synchronous reluctance and permanent
magnet technologies for a sustainable, wirelessly con-
nected solution that improves your bottom line. This
sustainable, IE5 solution runs out of the box, minimizes
installation costs and increases facility safety.

Servo Motors: More torque. Less cogging.

Superior performance.
ABB’s family of servo motors was created for industrial,
automated applications that require precise control for
positioning, speed and acceleration such as packaging,
labeling, wrapping, and cutting. Designed for durability
in harsh environments, we also offer a wide variety of
inertia, winding and feedback options.

ABB is the leading US marketer, designer, manufacturer and service provider

of ABB and Baldor-Reliance® industrial electric motors and Dodge®
mechanical power transmission products. With a long rich history dating
back to 1878, the US ABB business is supported with manufacturing, R&D and
support offices in more than 15 locations in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri,
Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. 479.646.4711

input #17 at



The company provides online tutorial

videos through their web store at as well
as their YouTube channel. A Customer
Forum provides peer support on
technical and application questions.

AutomationDirect’s customer support

team has been rated top-notch by its
customers. For 15 years straight, the
Tech Support team was voted by
readers of Control Design magazine
as the best in service and support for
various products. And, their own
Company headquarters located just north of Atlanta, GA
customer surveys consistently rank
the company’s service as better than
A well-recognized name in the industrial automation other suppliers.
market, AutomationDirect provides quality products
with FREE award-winning in-house sales and technical
support. AutomationDirect provides customers with
quick order and delivery through an online store and
toll-free number. Prices on most products are well
below the industry average and a 30-day money-back
guarantee is offered on nearly all items.

With tens of thousands of part listings, new products

include the Productivity1000 PLC, the Do-more BRX
PLC and the DURApulse GS4 AC drive. These products
represent many years of design and development by
AutomationDirect’s own engineering team as well as
Orders ship quickly from our
their strategic partners. The company also offers motors, state-of-the-art warehouse
sensors, pushbuttons, enclosures, circuit protection,
cut-to-length cable, pneumatic supplies and more.

The state-of-the-art headquarters facility near

Atlanta is designed throughout for maximum
performance. The majority of items are in-stock For an in-depth look at
and ready for immediate shipping; orders over products offered, visit:
$49 ship for FREE. Some exclusions apply.

1-800-633-0405 |
input #18 at

XTS Delivers on Promise of Linear Transport

Systems and Mechatronics
The EtherCAT-enabled eXtended Transport System
(XTS) offers paradigm-shifting capabilities for motion
control and mechatronics by combining the advantag-
es of proven rotary and linear motion principles into a
new modular platform. With its compact and flexible
design, the advanced mechatronic system can reduce
machine footprint up to 50%. The XTS revolutionizes
drive technology and promotes innovative, globally
competitive machine concepts.

XTS contains all functions necessary to support

efficient integration for motion control applications
in many industries. With attached mechanical guide
rails, XTS motor modules feature directly integrated
power electronics, EtherCAT communication and position measurement. An unlimited number of wireless
XTS movers can be controlled with high dynamics at up to 4 m/s on extremely customizable paths. By
harnessing the flexibility and scalability of EtherCAT, PC-based control and TwinCAT 3 automation software
from Beckhoff, XTS enables flexible mass production down to lot size 1 for the smart factories of today.

“Through the capabilities of XTS, Beckhoff once again empowers engineers and machine builders to take
leading-edge machine designs to the next step,” said Kevin Barker, president of Beckhoff Automation LLC.
“The launch of XTS in the United States will provide significant opportunities for customers in numerous
industries to boost throughput, shrink machine footprint and increase flexibility while eliminating time-
consuming mechanical changeovers. This mechatronic system will be a key innovation driver for all
companies that use it.”

Beckhoff establishes the new linear motion principle

The application possibilities of XTS are virtually limitless: Movers can accelerate, brake, position and
synchronize themselves on the fly with automatic collision avoidance provided by TwinCAT 3 software.
They can take up absolute positions and positions relative to each other; they can group themselves and
accumulate; they can create clamping forces in motion, drive through curves and along straights, recover
energy through regenerative braking and use both the return and outward paths for transport purposes.

input #19 at

(952) 890-0000 | |

Digi-Key Offers Products for your

Automation and Control and Safety Applications
Digi-Key Electronics is a preferred supplier for Automation and Control and Safety products. With more than 10.2
million components from 1,200+ trusted suppliers, Digi-Key has what you need to take your design to the next level.

Learn more about these latest technologies from our

authorized supplier partners:

Banner Engineering Wireless Solutions Kit for Vibration

and Temperature Monitoring - The fully integrated solution
enables users of any experience level to reduce downtime and
increase productivity with visualized data and alarms. Setup is
simple with no programming required.

KUKA Robotics Corporation AGILUS KR 3 R540 Robot Kit -

Unrivaled in their payload categories, KUKA AGILUS robots
can perform even unusual tasks in any installation position.
The robots feature six axes, high speed, short cycle times, and
an integrated energy supply system for cost-effective perfor-
mance requiring minimal maintenance.

Schunk Miniature Pneumatic Flexible Robotic End-Effector

FGA MPG+ Kits - The FGA MPG+ kits come in four sizes and
are the perfect solution for gripping and moving extremely
small to medium-size workpieces with high precision and high
speed in clean environments.

Phoenix Contact Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Portables for

Remote Support - The M2M portables enable integrators to
ship units on-site for startups or support, while cellular remote
access allows users to access their equipment
virtually anywhere.

Sensata-Crydom PM67 Series Panel-Mount Solid-State

Relays (SSRs) - The PM67 series compact 3-phase SSRs
feature built-in overvoltage protection and optional overtem-
perature protection enabling use in demanding heating,
motion, and lighting applications. UL approved and VDE
certified, these powerful and versatile SSRs offer a panel
mounting layout compatible with standard hockey puck SSRs
and large cage clamp terminals that reduce installation cost
and time.

Digi-Key provides 24/7 technical support, and our diverse selection and extensive inventory allow our
customers to set up even complex processes quickly. With a wealth of online tools and reference materials,
engineers can innovate faster with Digi-Key. | 1-800-344-4539 |

input #20 at


50 Years of “Innovation by Design”, 30+ Patents, Made in America

sold Factory Direct@Great Prices. Introducing 7 New Product Lines.

EZTouch EZ7 Series: EZAutomation is introducing a brand

new EZTouch, the EZ7 Series, where the Front Module
housing the Display and the Touchscreen is detachable from
the back, connected with just an HDMI cable. No cutout is
needed, just a small ¾” hole for the cable. Front is metal,
NEMA 4/4X. Same strong specs: LED display 400
NITs for 75K hours @ 55 deg. C. 7”, 8”, 10”, 12’’ models.
Backend CPU is common to all sizes. Plant user can replace
a defective/ damaged Touchscreen or Display in less than
5 minutes. New 12” model is priced quite attractively.
Quite often, plants want to increase the size of their screen
over a period of time. This innovation makes it possible to
do so at a minimal cost. EZ7 has full capability to talk to
DH+ networks.

EZTouch.miniPLC: EZAutomation is breaking a price barrier

and establishing a new norm with its new EZTouchminiPLC.
3.5” or 6” display, with 10 DI, 8 DO, 4 RLY, 2 Quadrature in
@250 KHz, 2 Analog in and 1 Analog out. This extremely
compact unit features robust removable plug-in terminal
blocks for ease of maintenance. All IOs have LED status
indicator right at the terminal.

EZTouchPLC & EZTouchRackPLC: EZAutomation being the

first company to come out with an advanced HMI and a fully
modular PLC packaged in one in 2005, called the EZTouch.
PLC, is expanding this line to add 306 new models, with 6 to
15” displays, up to 112 modular IOs all contained in same
unit, and communication to all networks including DH+,
ModBus+, CCLink, Profibus, and all Ethernet protocols.

EZ Programmable Power Supply: EZ PPS is a darling of

plant personnel. 12 or 24 DC small footprint DIN mount
UL approved power supply with Voltage and Current
Readout, is loved by one and all
because it is such a great aid
to troubleshoot your DC power
distribution system. No need
to disconnect wires and insert
Volt and Amp meters to figure
out what component is drawing
too much current. Right now it is
available up to 10 Amp output.

input #21 at

1-877-774-3279 | |

Inductive Automation Offers New and

Improved Solutions for Digital Transformation

For many industrial

organizations, digital
transformation is difficult.

Often, they encounter

problems such as difficulty
collecting data at the edge
of the network, challenges
with turning data into
action, obstacles in project
development and deployment,
and prohibitive costs.

Inductive Automation recently announced significant improvements to three products, and a new
development resource. All four make it easier for organizations to realize their goals in digital
transformation. The four solutions relate to Ignition by Inductive Automation®, an industrial application
platform with tools for building HMI, SCADA, and IIoT solutions.

New and Improved Products for Ignition Edge - Ignition Edge is a line of lightweight, limited
Ignition software solutions designed for embedding into field and OEM devices at the edge. With new
products recently added, the lineup includes Ignition Edge Panel, Ignition Edge Compute, Ignition Edge
Sync Services, Ignition Edge EAM (Enterprise Administration Module), and Ignition Edge IIoT. For more
information, visit

Expansion of the Ignition Onboard Program - The Ignition Onboard program now provides
easier access to industrial hardware that comes with Ignition already installed, configured, and licensed.
Numerous device manufacturers are embedding Ignition and Ignition Edge into their devices — including
Advantech, OnLogic, Opto 22, and more. For more information, visit

Improvements to the Ignition Perspective Module - The Ignition Perspective Module now has
more features to help turn data into smart industrial applications. It lets users easily build mobile industrial
applications in HTML5 for monitoring and control of their processes directly from their mobile phones.
For more information, visit

A New, Free Resource for Developers: Ignition Exchange - Ignition Exchange is a new, online
space where developers can get free, time-saving Ignition resources provided by Inductive Automation
and the Ignition community. For more information, visit

These new and improved solutions from Ignition make

digital transformation not just possible, but also easy.

input #22 at


The best machines and production facilities

around the world use Lenze
As a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation, Lenze X4 Remote – an integrated solution
Lenze offers you innovative products, drive solutions, for cloud-based remote services.
complete automation systems, and engineering tools With Lenze X4 Remote, we offer an integrated and
and services from one single source. We support you ready-to-use solution which is so simple that any
throughout the entire machine development process, machine manufacturer can set it up and configure it
and partner with you to provide the best future-proof independently. Easily add value to your service,
machine automation solutions. reduce downtime, and increase productivity. Make
your company fit for the future by accessing all your
most valuable insights in one place. Offer remote
maintenance, monitor your machines, set up alerts,
and create meaningful data dashboards – all with a
few clicks.

i950 servo inverter

i950 – the multi-talented servo inverter.

The i950 servo inverter is a match for any operational
scenario thanks to its three different modes of
operation. It can be freely programmed or serve as
an actuating drive under a CiA402 motion control, but
the most common mode of operation is with the use Compact i550 frequency inverter – a new
of Lenze’s integrated FAST technology applications. solution for decentralized applications.
With FAST, Lenze’s modular software system,
Well-protected with IP66 (NEMA 4X), and well-
preconfigured and tested technology applications
connected with many popular industrial fieldbuses,
can be used immediately with the i950 and adapted
the i550 protec sets out to conquer a wide range
to the respective machine task via parameterization.
of decentralized drive tasks. Even outside the
control cabinet, the available space in machines
and systems is quite limited. With the i550 protec,
i550 frequency inverter Lenze is launching an exceptionally compact device
in comparison to others on the market. The design
of the IP66 (NEMA 4X) devices ensures maximum
protection against adverse environmental conditions
such as high temperatures, dust, dirt or water jets
during cleaning operations. It is particularly suitable
for large-scale machines, distributed applications in
material flow or apparatus engineering, or wherever
control cabinet space is expensive. | Phone: 508-278-9100 or toll free 800-217-9100 |

input #23 at

Unwanted Inventory Taking Up Valuable Space?

Radwell International’s Asset Recovery program is an

exceptional resource for your company. We offer cash
for parts and products you don’t need. In many cases,
selling your excess inventory to Radwell gives you the
opportunity of adding dollars to your bottom line.

With extensive knowledge of what’s being used –

and discontinued – in the industry, Radwell stocks
and sells new and certified preowned industrial
automation, MRO, pneumatic, motion, electronic,
hydraulic, HVAC and electrical control equipment
for plant floor and facilities maintenance machinery.

The process is easy. Call Radwell for a free

recycling bin, gather and box your surplus, then call Radwell for free pick-up. Need more information?
Radwell has highly trained and experienced asset recovery and surplus team members ready to help
you make your business thrive.

Organizations that need to off-load equipment are able to do so; organizations that still need to buy
that equipment can easily find and purchase certified equipment; and less e-waste ends up in landfills.
Asset Recovery is a win-win for everyone!

Benefits of Asset Recovery

• Lowering warehousing costs • Increasing warehouse space
• Reducing Aging inventory • It increases cash flow with no labor costs
• Reducing slow moving inventory • Eliminates used overstock inventory

It is important to note that any equipment being sold to or sourced by Radwell International must
meet the highest standards of functionality and use. However, not all equipment sold to Radwell via
the Asset Recovery program has to be brand-new. Radwell has a team of in-house engineers and
technicians who can refurbish equipment to a like-new state, granting it the Radwell Certified
PreOwned stamp of approval, which comes with Radwell’s two-year warranty.

The types of equipment Radwell most often purchases and upcycles includes industrial automation
equipment, PLCs, drives, motors, electronic parts, circuit boards, meters, sensors and all types of
industrial controls. However, if your company has other types of surplus inventory that you’re looking
to offload, please feel free to contact us at 800-884-5500 ext. 824.

To learn more about Radwell International’s Asset Recovery Program visit

input #24 at


Technology Updates and Automation Expertise

for Decentralized Installations
MOVIGEAR is the mechatronic drive system that
combines the gear unit, IE4 motor, and electronics
in one compact unit. Recent updates include fully
integrated Ethernet/IP communications and digital
motor integration. This advanced single-cable
technology carries power, feedback information, and
control signals along a single hybrid cable between
decentralized devices. MOVI-C modular automation
system is a one-software, one-hardware, automation
SEW-EURODRIVE — platform that combines fully integrated components,
Much More Than Gearmotors control electronics and software.
Our team of (MAXOLUTIONS) automation engineers
provides the expertise, project planning, software,
commissioning, and worldwide support for your most
challenging motion control projects. They can serve
as a valuable extension of your engineering team,
reducing the stress and demanding workload.

Our experts provide a solution of perfectly matched

SEW components that work together seamlessly —
because we designed them that way!

Engineering excellence and customer responsiveness
distinguish SEW-EURODRIVE, a leading manufacturer
of integrated power transmission and motion control
systems. SEW-EURODRIVE sets the global standard
for high performance and rugged reliability in the
toughest operating conditions. With global headquar-
Complete Drive Maintenance
ters in Germany, its U.S. operations include a
and Management
state-of-the-art manufacturing center, five regional
SEW-EURODRIVE now offers a full complement of assembly plants, more than 63 technical sales
drive maintenance and management services. Our offices and hundreds of distributors and support
CDM® Maintenance Management service provides a specialists. This enables SEW-EURODRIVE to
24/7 online portal as well as a complete overview of provide local manufacturing, service and support,
your drive components, the condition of your units, coast-to-coast and around the world.
drive usage, and service details. Plus, our new on-site
Pick-Up Box Service will free up your maintenance
team for other tasks. Just place your drives that need
repair in the supplied box and we’ll handle the pick-up P: 864-439-7537
and return of your units. F: 864-439-7830
input #25 at

Industrial Edge – from the field to the cloud

The optimal use of data is becoming
increasingly important for industry.
Many companies have already
recognized this fact and are
analyzing machine and plant data
on industrial PCs using their own
software. Although this method
delivers a great deal of valuable
knowledge, it’s resource-intensive
and requires frequent manual
updates to ensure that the software,
operating system, and cybersecurity
are always secure and up to date.

Cloud or edge? Thanks to Industrial Edge, there’s no question.

You can choose whatever you need.
With Industrial Edge, everything is easier, more flexible, and more. You enjoy all the benefits
of edge and cloud computing – optimally tailored to your company’s specific requirements.
Industrial Edge allows you to analyze all the data at the machine or preprocess it quickly and
instantly. The optimized data points can then be transferred more quickly to the cloud where,
for example, you have access to more computing power and larger storage capacities. Among
other things, this permits a precise analysis of data over longer periods of time. Based on your
application, you decide whether and how you want to use the cloud
in addition to Industrial Edge.

Industrial Edge for production machines and plants

With Industrial Edge, you can implement applications and solutions
that far exceed the functions of a traditional controller. Whether as
a direct part of the controller or with industrial PCs, Industrial Edge
offers a flexible and innovative platform with long-term availability
that accompanies you throughout the digital transformation of
your company.

Industrial Edge for machine tools

Thanks to tailored software, Siemens’ SINUMERIK Edge offers you a machine-level platform
for apps that digitally support and optimize production. The analysis of high-frequency CNC
data is practically feedback-free for the CNC.

Edge Computing – more than a hype?

Get to know the world of Siemens Digital Industries in our Talking Digital Industries podcast.
Listen to Siemens podcast on your podcast app or on Spotify and take deep dive into
edge computing.

input #26 at

For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center.
Phone: 1-800-241-4453 | E-mail: |

Stratus Edge Computing Solutions Simplify, Protect

and Automate Our Digitally Transforming World
As more and more computing takes place at the edge of corporate networks, companies are
revisiting and optimizing the architecture, deployment, and management of their Edge Computing
infrastructure. For leaders digitally transforming their operations in order to drive predictable, peak
performance with minimal risk, Stratus Technologies ensures the continuous availability of business-
critical applications by delivering zero-touch Edge Computing platforms that are simple to deploy and
maintain, protected from interruptions and threats, and provide autonomous monitoring and control.

For 40 years, we have provided reliable and redundant zero-touch computing, enabling global Fortune
500 companies and small-to-medium sized businesses to securely and remotely turn data into
actionable intelligence at the edge to the data center and the cloud - driving uptime and efficiency.

Our Products

ftServer Ensures Your Applications

Experience the Highest Availability
Stratus ftServer is a fully integrated, continuously
available hardware and software solution for running
tier 1 business critical workloads and manufacturing
operations and control applications. Offering better The Stratus ftServer provides the highest levels of
application availability for many of the world’s
than 5 nines availability, ftServer eliminates unplanned fortune 500 companies.
downtime and data loss, and ensures all transactions
are processed and applications are available, helping companies maximize revenue, production
quality, and productivity. Unlike other high availability solutions, ftServer is easy to deploy, manage
and service, making it ideal for remote locations, or environments with IT resource constraints.
A single, turnkey solution leverages industry standard components to deliver industry leading RAS,
accelerating time to value, simplifying management, and lowering total cost of ownership.

ztC Edge for Zero-touch Edge Computing

That is Simple, Protected and Autonomous
Stratus ztC Edge is a zero-touch, reliable, secure,
highly automated computing platform that is simple
to deploy and ensures the highest levels of business
operations and application uptime and security while
functioning autonomously for remote monitoring.
Purpose-built for operational technology (OT),
Stratus’ ztC Edge is a rugged, virtualized Edge
ztC Edge is easy to set up, configure and manage. Computing platform that is specifically designed for
With built-in virtualization and availability layer, industrial edge environments.
automated data protection and application recovery,
ztC Edge significantly reduces the dependence on IT for virtualized computing at the edge. Its
self-protecting and self-monitoring features help reduce unplanned downtime and ensure the
continuous availability of business-critical industrial applications.

To learn more about how Stratus can help you meet

your digital transformation and Edge Computing goals,

5 Mill & Main Place, Suite 500

Maynard, MA 01754, USA | +1 978-461-7000
input #27 at

What’s New with WAGO: 2020 Product Innovations

WAGO Corporation provides innovative Automation, Interconnect, Terminal Block and Electronic
Interface solutions. Equipped with CAGE CLAMP® Spring Pressure Connection Technology, WAGO
products are user-friendly, vibration-proof and maintenance-free. From terminal blocks to PLCs and
more, our compact products deliver safe and reliable solutions for any factory,
process or building application. Innovations include:

The Pro 2 Raises the Power Supply Industry Standard

The new Pro 2 Series power supplies are setting new industry
communication and parameterization benchmarks. The Pro 2
incorporates an interface allowing it to be tailored to any application
requirement. The units also offer monitoring functions that provide
continuous power supply data information and signal errors for applica-
tion monitoring. With six power supplies ranging from 120 – 960 W,
the Pro 2 Series provides an energy conversion efficiency of up to
96 percent. Learn more:

Aesthetic Design Meets High

Performance with Touch Panel 600
The Touch Panel 600 line brings high-tech screens and high quality
visualizations together to allow users to accompany their machines
with advanced features. The engine has a Cortex A9 multicore
processor providing fast operating speeds. Onboard security includes a
built-in Firewall and VPN to help users address cyber attacks. All panels
are equipped with the future-ready Linux operating system and support
HTML5 technology.

The Touch Panel 600 line includes three versions: Control, Visu and Web Panels. All offer practical
features such as an energy-saving standby function, integrated sensors for automatic brightness
adjustment and an easy-to-mount design to make installation and operation simple. Learn more:

Expanding the TOPJOB® S line to include Functional

Terminal Blocks with Push-Buttons
A chance to change the industry with the mere push of a button led to
the expansion of the TOPJOB® S push-button function terminal blocks.
These terminal blocks are modeled after the successful rail-mount
terminal blocks with open tool slot. They offer the convenience of
simple and intuitive push-button operation while also incorporating
disconnecting fuses, fuses (pluggable and pivoting) and component
holders that allow for added components such as diodes and LEDs. As
with all TOPJOB® S terminal blocks, these function blocks offer dual row
jumpering. Learn more:

input #28 at | (800) DIN-RAIL |

Dataforth Celebrates 35 Years

with Ongoing Growth and Innovation
Expanded Capabilities for MAQ®20 Family - The powerful MAQ20
Industrial Data Acquisition & Control System, Dataforth’s 3rd generation
DAQ system, now numbers 21 modules, with seven more about to enter the
market. Current modules include voltage and current, thermocouple, RTD
and potentiometer, strain gage, and frequency analog input modules; voltage
and current analog output modules, and discrete input/output modules.

The new modules will provide isolated voltage and isolated current analog input capability, expanding MAQ20’s
outstanding versatility and functionality – while still offering the industry’s most affordable price per channel. All
MAQ20 modules are designed for installation in Class I, Division 2 hazardous locations and have a high level of
immunity to environmental noise. Partnership - Dataforth has recently partnered with to enable customers to use
their MAQ20 system and’s cloud-based software to build an IoT cloud-based remote monitoring system
that is worldwide accessible and exceptionally secure. runs from any Internet-enabled device with a
web browser; extremely fast, it works across multiple platforms and is designed specifically to remotely monitor
environmental sensors. It also supports the acquisition and storage of up to 20,000 records per data source per day.
The interface became available to MAQ20 users in May 2019. | 800-444-7644 |

input #29 at


Enclosure Quality Supported by Superior Service

Hammond Manufacturing offers a broad range of industrial water. Polycarbonate versions
and commercial electrical enclosures. Their focus on are cUL and UL508A listed
providing industry leading service to support their quality and are designed to meet
enclosures includes extensive inventory for immediate NEMA Type 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12 and
delivery, coast-to-coast field sales support and an easy to 13 ratings – exceeding IP
use enclosure website, ratings up to and including
IP68. Replaceable gasket is
Polycarbonate Watertight Enclosures one piece made from high
Hammond Manufacturing offers several series of water- temperature, U.L. listed silicone.
tight polycarbonate and ABS plastic enclosures available
from stock. Ideally suited for mounting printed circuit Optional mounting accessories
boards or DIN rail mounted components, with several include external feet as well
series offering optional subpanels. as pole mounting brackets.
Modifications are also available to customize any
Gasketed lids with two-piece “tongue & groove” construc- enclosure with holes, cutouts and screen printing.
tion provides protection against access of oil, dust and
For CAD files and detailed specifications visit:

Contact | Phone: 716-630-7030 |

input #30 at

INNOVATIONS See more New Products for Engineers. PE

Mobile app for maintenance, operations management

Festo’s Smartenance app consists of two parts: a mobile maintenance calendar as an app for smart-
phone and tablets on the shop floor and a desktop web-browser interface for managing and docu-
menting maintenance tasks in the office. Team coordination through real-time information makes
maintenance management more efficient. There are three levels of Smartenance and a free trial offer.
Smartenance Basic enables the creation of maintenance tasks with an option for incorporating sup-
porting images, PDFs, and videos. Plant floor personnel can provide feedback, including images and
an overview of current status. Smartenance Advanced adds a plant logbook, incident management –
reporting, editing, and closing incident tickets – and mobile knowledge search. Smartenance Premium
adds event-driven maintenance tasks, a link to MES/ERP, and provides additional document storage
capacity. Smartenance can be downloaded through the Apple or Google App stores.
Festo Corp., Input #201 at

Loop-powered temperature transducers

Phoenix Contact added six loop-powered universal temperature transducers to the MACX MCR family. The
modules include two non-Ex and two Ex I versions in two mounting formats: Head-mount and DIN rail-
mount. The temperature transmitters support more than 28 temperature sensors. The modules also will accept
-20 mV to 100 mV and linear resistance ranges from 10 ohms to 2 kohms. On the output side is a dedicated
4-20 mA signal with HART communication. At just 12.5 mm wide, the DIN rail-mountable modules save space
in the cabinet. Both Ex and non-Ex DIN rail-mount versions can be ordered preconfigured by the factory, along
with certificates of calibration. A head-mount, hockey puck format also is available.
Phoenix Contact, Input #202 at

Wireless cloud
display device Safety laser scanner
Voodoo Robotics V2 cloud dis- for mobile applications
play device is designed to help Sick’s nanoScan 3 safety laser scanner
warehouses further improve combines safety functions with excellent
picking accuracy and productiv- measurement data quality for accurate
ity. The new wireless pick-to-light devices support a dis- and reliable localization. The sensor can be
play capable of displaying barcodes, QR codes and icons. It used wherever machines and vehicles require
also has six distinct colors that can be assigned to different maximum performance, but with minimal mount- ing space.
pickers or different priorities/sequences. It also has sup- This enables manufacturers to use small automated guided
port for up to five lines of text. It has support for direction- vehicles (AGVs) or mobile robots in applications where space
al icons, to show inventory above, below, left or right of the is critical. Features include two pairs of OSSD safety output and
device. These prove very useful for new pickers, unfamiliar up to 128 freely configurable fields and monitoring cases. It has
with a warehouse layout. They also allow one device to be direct static and encoder inputs for flexible monitoring case
used for multiple adjacent locations. switching and a protective field range of three meters with a
Voodoo Robotics, scanning angle of 275-degrees.
Input #203 at Sick Inc., Input #204 at

Power over Ethernet switch

Wago’s compact Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) industrial grade Ethernet switch, the 852-
1411/000-001, is ideal for all applications with limited space. The wide voltage input of 24 to
57 V dc makes the 852-1411/000-001 makes it useful for all PoE applications. The switch sup-
ports PoE operation modes A and B, with all of the ports supporting 10/100/1000 Mbits/s.
This PoE switch is unmanaged, supplies 30 W of power per PoE port and has an operating
temperature of -10 to 60 ⁰C. It eliminates the need to run both an Ethernet cable and power
cables to end devices, reducing overall costs. It is designed for energy applications including
coal, hydro, nuclear and wind.
Wago Corp.,
Input #205 at

44 • June 2020 control engineering


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48 • June 2020 control engineering

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