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Unit of Work – Science Unit 8A Food and Nutrition – Year 8

Year Unit or Activity Focus – skills and knowledge (Subject) Programme of Study Curriculum, learning opportunities PLTS Number of
/Group development Reference lessons

8 8A Food and Knowledge: Term 1-8A/8B Pupils will have 7 lessons per unit as Independent 7 -8A
Nutrition This unit looks at the main This unit covers the following part of a 2 unit block. Students will enquiry​-plan and carry (7-8B.1 test
components in the human statements from the UK cover 3 blocks of 2 units per term out practical and I intervention
diet and why they are investigative activities, 16 in total)
National Curriculum for Science
Cross curricular both individually and
needed. The digestive (2013): • content of a healthy
8Aa – Art – advertising posters group.
system is also covered in human diet: carbohydrates, Self-management​-assess
English – advertising and
some detail, and the idea of lipids (fats and oils), proteins, risk and work safely in
persuasive language
enzymes is introduced. vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre the laboratory.
8Ab – PE – energy from food
and water, and why each is
Skills: needed • calculations of energy
Fair –testing-identifying
requirements in a healthy daily
variables, designing method,
evaluate method
diet • the tissues and organs of
the human digestive system,
including adaptations to
function and how the digestive
system digests food (enzymes
simply as biological catalysts) •
the role of diffusion in the
movement of materials in and
between cells.
(Subject) Learning Intentions Cross Curricular Objectives
8A a-Nutrients- LI to understand what our food contains.
● Recall nutrients we need in our diet Literacy:​ ​summarising texts.​ How verbs and
● Interpret nutritional information found on food labels adjectives can be used to add ‘weight’ to
● Explain uses of some nutrients an opinion bias.
8Aa-Food Tests- LI to carry out food tests to identify nutrients Numeracy:​ using ratios to compare
● Predict the main nutrient in each food sample experimental results.
● Make carful observations Thinking Skills:
● Interpret results and make a conclusion ICT:
8Ac- Balanced Diet-LI-to understand why a balanced diet is important?
Communication: ​how verbs and adjectives
● Describe the benefits of a balanced diet
● Explain the causes of different types of malnutrition
can be used to add ‘weight’ to an opinion
● Explain the effects of malnutrition bias.
8Ad-The Digestive System-LI-what do the parts of the digestive system do? SMSC:
● State the parts of the digestive system
● Describe the function of each part of the digestive system
● Explain why enzymes and bacteria are useful for digestion.
8Ad- Enzyme Investigation-LI- To investigate the effect of temperature on an enzyme
● Predict the effect of temperature on enzyme action
● Plan an investigation to test your prediction
● Evaluate the method
8Ae-Absorption LI- How does digested food get into the blood?
● Describe diffusion
● Explain how diffusion allows absorption of food by the small intestine
● Explain how the small intestine is adapted for its function

Assessment Criteria / Expectations – including formative and feedback Resources Continuity and Progression
(​How:​ 8A End of unit test. ​When​ : lesson 8 ​By whom​ : class teacher ) Active Learn Web site. (link/development of previous learning
Google Drive- Folder 8A objectives/units/achievements)
Summative unit test: 8A/B (Taken at end of 2 unit block as part of a 2 unit test, teacher assessed.) Resources from 8A Exploring From KS2 most students will be able to: •
Science. recognise the impact of diet, exercise,
Skills task: Specify prac write up/planning task from your unit. (Completed during unit, teacher drugs and lifestyle on the way their
Located on Drive:
bodies function (Year 6). From previous
assessed.) Science Department 2016-17
/KS3/Y8/8A units, most students will be able to: •
Formative assessment- 6 mark Q- pathway of cheese sandwich (until further notice) recall the main parts of the digestive
system (7A) • describe how some cells
are adapted to the functions (7A) •
describe how soluble substances are
carried by the blood (7C) • explain the
importance of a healthy skeleton (7C) •
recall some of the effects of alcohol on
the body (7C) • describe how animals
depend on other animals and plants for
food (7D) • describe what happens during
diffusion, in terms of particles (7G) •
compare energy values of different foods
using labels, including interpreting
nutrition information labels (7I).
Week by Week SCHEME OF WORK & ASSESSMENT for (Science–Unit 8A / Year 8)
Date/Week Subject content/Topic Knowledge base – link to Skills in focus Students’ programme of Assessment: method, Resources: hyperlink or Homework
previous learning study and activities feedback and improvement physical location for all
– shared with all
Lesson 1-3 Compare energy values of Practical investigation skills, 3 powerpoint lessons. In-built activities to Active learn website Core homework on Science
Week (1) Topic 8Aa introduces the different foods using labels, different food tests to Associated summarise learning. Drive. Self contained
unit by looking at the including interpreting identify main nutrient. worksheets/activities. Opportunities for Peer/Self worksheets can also be used
Number of advertising of food. The nutrition information labels Analysis of results. assessment within each Drive: for homework
lessons: 3 different types of nutrients (7I). Interpreting nutritional lesson.
found in food are then information
Unit: 8A considered. food test and Graph skills
uses of nutrients

Resources and general notes

All lessons/activities are on powerpoint slides- with suggestions for extension activities and the folder includes ALL the worksheets (plus extra) for the lessons.
Date/Week Subject content/Topic Knowledge base – link to Skills in focus Students’ programme of Assessment: method, Resources: hyperlink or Homework
previous learning study and activities feedback and improvement physical location for all
– shared with all
Lesson 4-6 recognise the impact of diet, Practical investigation skills, 3 powerpoint lessons. In-built activities to Active learn website Core homework on Science
Week (2) Balanced Diet exercise, drugs and different food tests to Associated summarise learning. Drive. Self contained
Structure and function of lifestyle on the way their identify main nutrient. worksheets/activities. Opportunities for Peer/Self worksheets can also be used
Number of Digestive system bodies function Analysis of results. assessment within each Drive: for homework
lessons: 3 Investigation on enzyme Thinking Skills. lesson.
Unit: 8A


Resources and general notes

All lessons/activities are on powerpoint slides- with suggestions for extension activities and the folder includes ALL the worksheets (plus extra) for the lessons.
Date/Week Subject content/Topic Knowledge base – link to Skills in focus Students’ programme of Assessment: method, Resources: hyperlink or Homework
previous learning study and activities feedback and improvement physical location for all
– shared with all
Lesson 7 describe how soluble Note taking, recall 1 powerpoint lesson. In-built activities to Active learn website Core homework on Science
Week (3) Understand diffusion (how substances are carried by information. Applying Associated summarise learning. Drive. Self contained
food is absorbed) the blood (7C) knowledge. worksheets/activities. Opportunities for Peer/Self worksheets can also be used
Number of assessment within the Drive: for homework
lessons: 3 Extracting information to Quick Quiz to assess learning lesson.
answer questions. from unit.
Unit: 8A Test
Test: formative assessment.
Dates: Intervention lessons based Revision
on test results.
Resources and general notes
All lessons/activities are on powerpoint slides- with suggestions for extension activities and the folder includes ALL the worksheets (plus extra) for the lessons.
(Plan in intervention time to each unit)

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