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Oregon Public Law Library Statutes: 2011-2013 Legislative Sessions


21.007 Legislative intent relating to funding certain programs, services and activities. It is the intent of
the Legislative Assembly that funding be provided to the following entities by appropriations each
biennium to fund programs, services and activities that were funded through court fees before the
2011-2013 biennium:
(1) To the counties of this state for the purposes of funding mediation services, conciliation services
and other services in domestic relations cases.
(2) To the counties of this state for the purposes of funding the operation of law libraries or of
providing law library services.

Note: The amendments to 21.007 by section 100, chapter 768, Oregon Laws 2013, become
operative July 1, 2014. See section 171, chapter 768, Oregon Laws 2013. The text that is
operative until July 1, 2014, including amendments by section 8, chapter 48, Oregon Laws
2012, is set forth for the user’s convenience.

9.760 Judicial department library services; fees. The State Court Administrator may authorize any
library of the judicial department of government to provide photographic or other copies of any of its
materials, and to make reasonable charges for such copies or services. [Amended by 1959 c.655 §1;
1985 c.308 §2]

9.770 [Amended by 1959 c.655 §2; repealed by 1985 c.308 §6]

9.780 Exchange of legal publications. The State Court Administrator may send, free of charge, one
copy of the codes, session laws and Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Oregon Tax Court reports
of this state as the same may be published, to each state and foreign country that exchanges, free of
charge, its codes, session laws and equivalent reports with this state. All legal books and publications
received in exchange by the state shall be added to the collection of the State of Oregon Law Library.
[Amended by 1985 c.308 §3; 2001 c.779 §6]

9.790 Legislative Counsel furnishing copies of codes and session laws for exchange. The Legislative
Counsel shall, upon requisition of the State Court Administrator, supply a sufficient number of copies
of the codes and session laws of this state, as the same may be published, to carry out the provisions
of ORS 9.780. [Amended by 1985 c.308 §4]

9.800 Sale of surplus codes and session laws. The State Court Administrator may sell the unused
sets of Oregon codes and session laws which are not needed for the purpose of exchanging for the
codes and session laws of other states and for other books. The sales shall be for cash and the
proceeds deposited as provided by ORS 8.130. [Amended by 1985 c.308 §5]

9.810 [Repealed by 1985 c.308 §6]

9.815 County law libraries and law library services. (1) Each county shall:

(a) Operate a free law library at a location that is convenient and available at reasonable hours; or

(b) Provide free law library services at one or more locations that are convenient and available at
reasonable hours.
(2) A county governing body may enter into a contract with a law library association or other
organization for the operation of the law library, or the provision of law library services, required by
this section. [2011 c.224 §1; 2011 c.595 §176]

9.820 Law libraries in Multnomah County. In all counties containing more than 400,000 inhabitants,
according to the latest federal decennial census, the governing body of the county may contract with
any law library association or corporation owning and maintaining a law library in the county at or
convenient to the courthouse, for the use of the library by the judges of the circuit and county courts,
county commissioners, district attorney and all members of the bar. [Amended by 1963 c.519 §1;
1965 c.619 §3; 2011 c.595 §105]

9.825 Law library surveys; reports. (1) The State Court Administrator shall conduct every two years an
electronic survey of all county law libraries and the law library services provided by counties. The
survey must request information on:

(a) The extent to which counties provide access to statutes, rules, cases and other legal information,
whether through printed materials or electronic access;

(b) Staffing in county law libraries;

(c) The number and types of persons who use county law libraries and other law library services;

(d) The hours that county law libraries are open, or access to law library services is available;

(e) The hours that law library staff assistance is available, either in person, by telephone or through
the Internet; and

(f) The extent to which persons who use county law libraries and law library services have free or low-
cost public, on-site access to computers, printers, copiers and other electronic devices provided by
the counties.

(2) The State Court Administrator shall submit a report to the Legislative Assembly in the manner
provided by ORS 192.245 based on each survey conducted under this section. The report must be
delivered to the Legislative Assembly not later than February 1 of each odd-numbered year. [2011
c.224 §5]

9.830 [Amended by 1965 c.619 §4; 1981 s.s. c.3 §78; 1983 c.763 §36; repealed by 2011 c.595 §104]

9.840 [Amended by 1963 c.519 §2; 1965 c.619 §5; 1981 s.s. c.3 §79; 1983 c.763 §37; 1997 c.801
§147; 2011 c.224 §2; repealed by 2011 c.595 §104]

9.850 [Amended by 1963 c.519 §3; 1965 c.619 §6; 2003 c.14 §11; 2011 c.224 §3; repealed by 2011
c.595 §104]

Misc Note re 2012 SB 1579 (Chapter 107)




(1) Notwithstanding sections 1 (1) and 2 (1), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011,
amounts distributed to counties under sections 1 (2) and 2 (2), chapter 628, Oregon Laws
2011, may be used for:

(a) Conciliation and mediation services in circuit courts; or

(b) The operation of law libraries or the provision of law library services.

(2) The governing body of the county may determine the amount to be spent on each of the two
purposes specified in subsection (1) of this section from the amounts distributed to counties under
sections 1 (2) and 2 (2), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011.

(3) The provisions of this section apply only to counties containing less than 400,000 inhabitants,
according to the latest federal decennial census.


(1) Notwithstanding section 2 (1), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011, of the amounts distributed to a
county under section 2 (2), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011, the county may expend not more than
$716,000 for capital outlays for court facilities.

(2) Notwithstanding sections 1 (1) and 2 (1), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011, the amounts that
remain after any expenditure under subsection (1) of this section from the distributions to a county
under sections 1 (2) and 2 (2), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011, may be used for:

(a) Conciliation and mediation services in circuit courts; or

(b) The operation of law libraries or the provision of law library services.

(3) The governing body of the county may determine the amount to be spent on each of the two
purposes specified in subsection (2) of this section from the amounts that remain after any
expenditure under subsection (1) of this section from the distributions to a county under sections 1 (2)
and 2 (2), chapter 628, Oregon Laws 2011.

(4) The provisions of this section apply only to counties containing more than 400,000 inhabitants,
according to the latest federal decennial census.

2013 Legislative Session

2013 HB 2322, section 64:


Enrolled House Bill 2322 (HB 2322-A) Page 26
SECTION 64. (1) Notwithstanding section 8 (1), chapter ___, Oregon Laws 2013 (Enrolled
House Bill 5016), amounts distributed to counties under section 8 (2), chapter ___, Oregon
Laws 2013 (Enrolled House Bill 5016), may be used for:
(a) The provision of conciliation and mediation services in circuit courts; or
(b) The operation of law libraries or the provision of law library services.
(2) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, a governing body of a county may determine the amount
to be spent on each of the two purposes specified in subsection (1) of this section from the amounts
distributed to the county under section 8 (2), chapter ___, Oregon Laws 2013 (Enrolled House Bill
(3) The governing body of a county may not spend more than one-half of the amount distributed to the
county under section 8 (2), chapter ___, Oregon Laws 2013 (Enrolled House Bill 5016), for the
provision of conciliation and mediation services in circuit courts.
Chapter 722 [temp]

2013 HB 5016 (appropriations bill)

SECTION 8. (1) In addition to and not in lieu of any other appropriation, there is appropriated to the
Judicial Department, for the biennium beginning July 1, 2013, out of the General Fund, the amount of
$7,212,384 for the purpose of operating law libraries or providing law library services.
(2) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall distribute the moneys appropriated under this
section to the counties of this state based on revenues received from filing fees collected during the
2009-2011 biennium in civil actions commenced in the circuit court for the county.


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