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Ques:- What are situational influences? Identify the different
types of situational influences and their impact on the
consumer decision making process. Explain with the help of

As per Kauffman, 1996,

“Situational influences on consumer buying behaviour are actually
impermanent conditions that impact how they behave. It pertains to
whether consumers really purchase a marketer’s product, purchase
supplementary products, or does not purchase anything from him”

As per Peter & Donnelly, 2002,

“Situational factors that affect consumers’ buying behaviour significantly
differ from personal or product factors. Situational factors include all those
factors that are specific to a time and location of observation in spite of
personal knowledge and evocation attributes that used to make a
demonstrable and organized effect on present behavior”
Thus we can say that situational factors involve aspects like
physical factors, social factors, time factors, the consumer’s
purchasing reason and his mood. All consumers have definitely
been impacted by all these factors at the time of purchasing one
or another product 

Physical Surroundings
This category of situational factors include marketer’s geographical and
institutional location, furnishings, sounds, lighting, aromas, weather,
signs and observable contours as well as products, exhibits or other
materials circumventing the stimulus thing. Store locations are another
example of a physical factor. Starbucks has done a good job in terms of
locating its stores. It has the process down to a science; you can
scarcely drive a few miles down the road without passing a Starbucks.
You can also buy cups of Starbucks coffee at many grocery stores and
in airports—virtually any place where there is foot traffic.

Physical factors like these—the ones over which firms have control—are
called atmospherics. In addition to store locations, they include the
music played at stores, the lighting, temperature, and even the smells
you experience.

FOR EX- Most of the grocery stores used to place bread and milk on the
differing ends of the stores as consumers need both of these products.
For purchasing both of these products they will visit the whole store and
might also see and purchase other items.
Social Situation
Social surroundings related to a purchase involve features and
fundamental interactions of other people who are present throughout a
purchase decision or who may be there when the product is utilized or
consumed coffee. In addition to this social surroundings also include the
shopping environment conditions. In other words, it can be said that
social surroundings that influence consumers purchasing decisions are
other persons, their compatibilities, roles, interactions and crowding.

FOR EX- When a student is in college, he will not spend much amount
on fast-food but when he is in a restaurant with his special friend or close
friend he will definitely spend much more on his food or drink. In this
way, consumers purchasing decisions are highly affected by their social
situation or surroundings that if understood by marketers can assist them
with effective selling strategies. Social surroundings have significant
influence on the consumers throughout their purchase and consumption

The social situation in which a consumer is will significantly affect what

he will buy, how much he will buy and. Most of us see college students
buying different products outside retail stores or shopping malls but we
don’t purchase anything from them but if we see someone whom we
know, it will affect our decision.By understanding the social situation in
which a consumer is, marketer can significantly affect their purchase
Time Situation
The time of day, the time of year, and how much time consumers feel
like they have to shop also affects what they buy. Researchers have
even discovered whether someone is a “morning person” or “evening
person” affects shopping patterns. FOR EX- Seven-Eleven Japan is a
company that’s extremely in tune to physical factors such as time and
how it affects buyers. The company’s point-of-sale systems at its
checkout counters monitor what is selling well and when, and stores are
restocked with those items immediately—sometimes via motorcycle
deliveries that zip in and out of traffic along Japan’s crowded streets.
The goal is to get the products on the shelves when and where
consumers want them. Seven-Eleven Japan also knows that, like
Americans, its customers are “time starved.” Shoppers can pay their
utility bills, local taxes, and insurance or pension premiums at Seven-
Eleven Japan stores, and even make photocopies. 
Companies worldwide are aware of people’s lack of time and are finding
ways to accommodate them. Some doctors’ offices offer drive-through
shots for patients who are in a hurry and for elderly patients who find it
difficult to get out of their cars. allows companies to sell
tickets by sending them to customers’ mobile phones when they call in.
The phones’ displays are then read by barcode scanners when the ticket
purchasers arrive at the events they’re attending. Likewise, if you need
customer service from, there’s no need to wait on hold on
the telephone. If you have an account with Amazon, you just click a
button on the company’s Web site and an Amazon representative calls
you immediately.
Task definition
A host of motives initiate the purchase decision–making.The motives
decide both the content and direction of a purchase process. These
buying purposes are what we call as task definition in the present

FOR EX- Purchasing a gift might not be an emergency situation, but

you might not want to spend much time shopping for it either. Gift
certificates have been popular for years. You can purchase gift cards for
numerous merchants at your local grocery store or online.

Suppose you have to buy a gold necklace, you will give your due
attention and time to it. Marketers use task definition as a prominent
feature of purchase. Occasion based marketing opportunities, (Godrej
storewell in wedding and Amul chocolate bars or HMT watches etc. , as
products in gift giving situations) have been explored by indian

Task definition influences the purchase process in the following ways-

 The purpose of purchase may alter the purchase outcome. If for

instance, the product being purchased, is meant for a gift to a close
friend, the expected reaction of that friend, will define the purchase
 The use situation of the product will determine the task definition. A
public consumption of products in such gatherings as wedding and
social get-togethers etc. will place higher emphasis on purchase of
a product than in a private consumption of the same product.


Different people have different moods which affect how
they purchase a certain product. It is people’s moods
temporarily affect their spending patterns. Some people
enjoy shopping. It’s entertaining for them. At the extreme
are compulsive spenders who get a temporary “high” from
A sour mood can spoil a consumer’s desire to shop. The
crash of the U.S. stock market in 2008 left many people
feeling poorer, leading to a dramatic downturn in
consumer spending. Penny pinching came into vogue, and
conspicuous spending was out. Costco and Walmart
experienced heightened sales of their low-cost kirkland
Signature and Great value brands as consumers

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