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Final Exam

1. Related with hobbies
a. Be a social butterfly
b. Be a party animal
c. Vivid “sports” fan
d. “History” buff
e. Homebody

2. Word “Book”
a. Be an open book
b. Do everything by the book
c. Has his nose in a book
d. You can't judge a book by its cover
e. Be in someone's good books

3. Parts of the body

a. To have my heart in my mouth (be terrified)
b. On the tip of my tongue
c. Pull my leg (joking)
d. To give someone a piece of my mind (give an opinion)
e. To turn a hair (Not become afraid or upset)

4. About crime
a. Crime doesn't pay
b. Behind bars
c. A cat burglar
d. Do a runner
Second part of the booklet:
1. Relative Clauses
2. Enough, too, very, so, such
3. Advice and suggestion
4. Gerunds and infinitive 2
Unit 17: Collectors and Creators
Vocabulary: expressions with look
1. Look at (ir con)
2. Look for (buscar)
3. The look of (como se ve)
4. Be on the lookout (estar buscando)
5. Now look here (llamar la atención)
6. Look after (cuidar)
7. Look into (ver)
8. Look out (cuidado)
9. Look up to (aspiran?)
10. Look forward to (que buscan conseguir)

Vocabulary: Word formation

1. Delightful
2. Exceptional
3. Remarkable
4. Elegant
5. Massive
6. Substantial
Unit 18: What's in the book?
Vocabulary: Come and go
1. Come up with (llegó con)
2. Go ahead
3. Go up
4. Go by
5. Come out (publico/apareció)
6. Come across (encontré/ me cruce)
7. Go through
8. Go off (lo deje)

Vocabulary: ?
1. Loyalty
2. Sympathy
3. Chaos
4. Reputation
5. Impact
6. Attitude
7. Theme
8. Incident
Unit 19:
Vocabulary: Parts of the body
1. Chest
2. Elbow
3. Knee
4. Wrist
5. Ankel
6. Thigh
7. Jaw
8. Waist
9. Eyebrow

Vocabulary: Phrases with on

1. On offer
2. On purpose
3. On duty (servicio)
4. On average (promedio)
5. On condition that
6. On behalf of (lugar/ mitad)
7. On balance

Vocabulary: Health
1. Bruise
2. Bug (resfriado o lo que el resfriado es)
3. Examination
4. Scar
5. Surgery
6. Sweat
7. Symptom
8. Ward (habitación)
Unit 20: No place to hide
Vocabulary: ?
1. To cover your tracks
2. The suspect
3. The proof
4. Guilty
5. A forensic Scientist
6. Genetic code
7. Evidence
8. To take someone to court

Vocabulary: Crime
1. Get away with - Release - let someone off, hang
2. Guilty - innocent - suspicious, illegal
3. Robbery - Theft -- Terrorism, arrest
4. Burglar - Criminal - Gang, Jury
5. Cell - Court - Prison, trial
6. Punishment - Penalty - Fine, offence
7. Acuse - commit - Charge, arrest

Word Formation:
1. Temporarily - temporary
2. Unexpectedly - expect
3. Misunderstanding - understand
4. disappears - disappearance
5. Unbelievable - believe

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