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Scrip grupal experiment : rawbow

walking water.

DANA: cordial greetings colleagues, I am dana Naraina and I want to

welcome our group project rawbow walking water, how exciting and my
colleagues who are going to accompany me to do this project are ... Valentina
Marquez, Maida Ruiz and myself Dana Naraina now let's start with the
materials for this project.

Supplies Needed:
-Small plastic cups or cups
-Ultra absorbent paper towels
-Food coloring in primary colors
and now we go with Maida to show us the step by step of this proyect.
hello companions my name is maida and today as dana said i am going to
show you the procedure of this project now let's start:

1. Put 7 cups in a row and pour water into the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th cups. My
cups were about 3/4 full. Since then I have heard that the fuller the better.

2. Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the first cup and the seventh cup.

3. Add 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the third cup.

4. Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the fifth cup


5. Take a half sheet of paper towel and fold it in half lengthwise and again in
half lengthwise.

6. Trim part of the length so there is not too much excess paper towel sticking
in the air between each cup. This will make the water walk faster.

7. Place half of a rolled paper towel in the first glass and place the other half in
the next glass. Then another paper towel from the second cup and into the
third cup. This continues until you have placed the last paper towel covering
from the sixth cup to the seventh cup.
8. Gaze at the cups and see what starts to happen. You should be able to
quickly see the colored water starting to creep up the paper towel.

9. Don't forget to do the first part of the sign-in sheet. Students will predict
what they think will happen and ...
This experiment is exciting to perform but I have many doubts as to why this
happens so we go with my partner Valentina to explain how it works and why.

VALENTINA: Hi everyone, I'm Valentina, and as Maida said, I'm here to

explain why and how this walking water rainbow project works. so let's get


The water moves up the paper towels through a process called capillary
action. The paper towel is made of fibers and water can travel through the
gaps in the fibers. The spaces in the paper towel act like capillaries and pull
the water upward. This is what helps water rise from the roots of a plant to the
leaves at the top of the plant or tree.

The water can move up against gravity due to the attractive forces between the
water and the fibers in the paper towel.

The water moves up the paper towels through a process called capillary
action. The paper towel is made of fibers and water can travel through the
gaps in the fibers. The spaces in the paper towel act like capillaries and pull
the water upward. This is what helps water rise from the roots of a plant to the
leaves at the top of the plant or tree.
The water can move up against gravity due to the attractive forces between the
water and the fibers in the paper towel.

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