Unit 3

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$ who

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

$ who;

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

$ who;ls;

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

Desktop Downloads file1 Music nfile Pictures rfile Videos

Documents examples.desktop lfile mydir1 ofile Public Templates

$ date;

Mon Jul 2 10:49:18 IST 2018

$ date;who;

Mon Jul 2 10:49:23 IST 2018

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

$ date | wc

1 6 29

$ date

Mon Jul 2 10:49:52 IST 2018

$ (date;who)

Mon Jul 2 10:50:56 IST 2018

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

$ (date;who) | wc
3 16 125

$ (date;who) | tee save |wc

3 16 125

$ cat save

Mon Jul 2 10:51:56 IST 2018

guest-Wrgj8e :0 2018-07-02 09:05 (:0)

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:48 (:0)

$ wc <save

3 16 125

$ long-running-command &

[1] 3432

$ long-running-command: command not found

long-running-command &

[2] 3434

[1] Exit 127 long-running-command

$ long-running-command: command not found

[1]+ Exit 127 long-running-command

sleep 2

[2]+ Exit 127 long-running-command

$ long-running-command &

[1] 3438

$ long-running-command: command not found

(sleep 5; date) & date

[2] 3440

Mon Jul 2 11:01:26 IST 2018

[1] Exit 127 long-running-command

$ Mon Jul 2 11:01:31 IST 2018

(sleep 5; date) & date

[3] 3444

Mon Jul 2 11:02:03 IST 2018

[2] Done ( sleep 5; date )

$ (Mon Jul 2 11:02:08 IST 2018

sleep 5; date)&date

[4] 3448

Mon Jul 2 11:02:26 IST 2018

[3] Done ( sleep 5; date )

$ Mon Jul 2 11:02:31 IST 2018

who am i

guest-Wrgj8e pts/0 2018-07-02 10:59 (:0)

[4]+ Done ( sleep 5; date )

$ (sleep 2; echo tea is ready)&

[1] 3460

$ tea is ready
.....it will automatically displayed
......enter ls to know list of files
Desktop Downloads file1 Music nfile Pictures rfile Templates

Documents examples.desktop lfile mydir1 ofile Public save Videos

[1]+ Done ( sleep 2; echo tea is ready )

$ pr file | lpr &

[1] 3472

$ (pr file | lpr) &

[1] 3472

$ echo Hello > file1

$ cat file1


$ > file1 echo Hello

$ cat file1


$ cat file1 | pr

2018-07-02 11:14 Page 1



$ pr <file1

2018-07-02 11:15 Page 1


$ pr file1

2018-07-02 11:13 file1 Page 1


Meta characters:
$ echo *

Desktop Documents Downloads examples.desktop file1 lfile Music mydir1 nfile ofile Pictures
Public rfile save Templates Videos

$ ls

Desktop Downloads file1 Music nfile Pictures rfile Templates

Documents examples.desktop lfile mydir1 ofile Public save Videos

$ ls -a

. .dbus .ICEauthority nfile Templates

.. Desktop .kde ofile Videos

.bash_history Documents lfile Pictures .Xauthority

.bash_logout Downloads .local .profile .xsession-errors

.bashrc examples.desktop .mozilla Public

.cache file1 Music rfile

.config .gconf mydir1 save

$ echo *

Desktop Documents Downloads examples.desktop file1 lfile Music mydir1 nfile ofile Pictures
Public rfile save Templates Videos

$ echo .*

. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .config .dbus .gconf .ICEauthority .kde .local
.mozilla .profile .Xauthority .xsession-errors

$ echo '***'


$ echo '***'


$ echo \*\*\*


$ echo "Don't do that!"

Don't do that!

$ echo x'*'y


$ echo '*'A'?'


$ echo 'hello > world'

hello > world

$ echo 'hello > world'

hello > world

$ echo 'hello

> world'



$ echo x*y


$ ls x*y

ls: cannot access x*y: No such file or directory

$ >xyzzy

$ ls x*y


$ ls 'x*y'

ls: cannot access x*y: No such file or directory

$ echo abc\

> def\

> ghi


$ echo hello # there


$ echo hello#there


$ echo ls .*

ls . .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .config .dbus .gconf .ICEauthority .kde .local
.mozilla .profile .Xauthority .xsession-errors
guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ pure-echo Enter a command:

pure-echo: command not found

guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ pure-echo

pure-echo: command not found

guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ pure-echo Enter a command

pure-echo: command not found

guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ echo -n Enter a command:

Enter a command:guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$

guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ echo -n Enter a command:

Enter a command:guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ echo -

guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ echo -n ' -n



guest-Wrgj8e@cplab-AcerPower-Series:~$ echo */*

Downloads/FS_UPDATED.doc mydir1/dir2

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