Candidate: Good Morning. My Name Is Lan. Today, I Have An Appointment To Take The

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Good morning. Can I help you?

Candidate: Good morning. My name is Lan. Today, I have an appointment to take the
citizenship interview.
Personal Manager: Oh, good. Please have a seat over there. I will call you then.
Candidate: ok. Thank you.
Personal Manager: Excuse me, who is Miss Lan?
Candidate: Oh it’s, me.
Personal Manager: please, go to the interview room.
Candidate: ok. Thank you.
Personal Manager: Good morning. Nice to meet you.
Candidate: Good morning. Nice to meet you too
Personal Manager: Are you Miss LAN?
Candidate: yes, I am.
Personal Manager: How are you today?
Candidate: I am fine. Thank you.
Personal Manager: Ok, good. Are you ready to start?
Candidate: Yes, I am ready.
Personal Manager: Ok, now, please stand up and raise your night hand. Do you swear to
tell the truth?
Candidate: Yes, I do.
Personal Manager: what is swear?
Candidate: swear means promise to tell the truth.
Personal Manager: Ok, right. Please have a seat.
Candidate: thank you.
Personal Manager: why are you here today?
Candidate: I want to become an American citizen.
Personal Manager: why do you want to become a V.S citizen?
Candidate: Because my family is here and I want to vote also.
Personal Manager: How did you came here today?
Candidate: I drove my car.
Personal Manager: Show me your Green card, driver’s license, and social security card.
Candidate: Here are my Green card, driver’s license and social security card.
Personal Manager: What is your full name?
Candidate: My full name is Lan Tran.
Personal Manager: Please spell Lan.
Candidate: L.A.N.
Personal Manager: Have you ever used any other names?
Candidate: No, I haven’t.
Personal Manager: Would you like to change your name?
Candidate: No.
Personal Manager: When did you become a permanent resident?
Candidate: I became a permanent resident in July 1, 2012.
Personal Manager: where was your port of entry?
Candidate: Los Angeles.
Personal Manager: Where were you born?
Candidate: I was born in Vietnam.
Personal Manager: what is your marital status?
Candidate: I am single.
Personal Manager: what is your address?
Candidate: My address is 1234, evalid St. Anaheim, CA 9292701.
Personal Manager: who do you live with?
Candidate: I live with my family.
Personal Manager: Do you work?
Candidate: yes, work.
Personal Manager: what is your employer’s name?
Candidate: Gran Palace Hotel.
Personal Manager: what is your occupation?
Candidate: I am a receptionist.
Personal Manager: How long have you worked there?
Candidate: I have worked there for 3 years.
Personal Manager: have you taken any trips outside the V.S. since you became a permanent
Candidate: yes, I have.
Personal Manager: how many total days did you spend outside the V.S. during the past 5
Candidate: 99 days.
Personal Manager: where did you go?
Candidate: I want to Vietnam and Laos.
Personal Manager: how many trips did you have?
Candidate: I had two trips to Vietnam and one trip to Laos.
Personal Manager: Tell me about the second trip?
Candidate: I went to Laos with my friends about 10 days in 2015. We just went travel.
Personal Manager: About last trip, how many days did you go to Vietnam.
Candidate: I went to Vietnam for 45 days.
Personal Manager: Have you taken any trips outside of the V.S. since you submitted your
Candidate: No, I never.
Personal Manager: what is claimed to be a V.S. citizen?
Candidate: it means to tell someone that you are a V.S citizen when you are not.
Personal Manager: Have you ever registered to vote in any federal state, or local election in
the United States?
Candidate: No, I never voted in the V.S.
Personal Manager: Do you have any title of nobility in any foreign country?
Candidate: No, I am not a queen or family of a king.
Personal Manager: Have you ever been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a
mental institution.
Candidate: No, I don’t have mental problem.
Personal Manager: what is a mental institution?
Candidate: It is a hospital for crazy people.
Personal Manager: what is confined?
Candidate: it means to keep someone inside limits of area.
Personal Manager: Do you owe any federal, state, or local taxes that are overdue?
Candidate: No, I paid all my taxes.
Personal Manager: what is overdue?
Candidate: It means be late in doing something.
Personal Manager: Have you ever called yourself a non V.S. resident on federal, state, or
local lay returns?
Candidate: No, haven’t.
Personal Manager: what is non-V.S. resident?
Candidate: It means someone who does not live permanently in the V.S.
Personal Manager: Have you ever been a member of the communist party?
Candidate: No I am not a communist.
Personal Manager: What is communist party?
Candidate: communist party is a political party advocating communist where the
government owns all property such as Cuba, china, Vietnam, north corea and etc.
Personal Manager: Have you ever been a member of a terrorist organization?
Candidate: no, I am not a terrorist.
Personal Manager: what is a terrorist organization?
Candidate: A terrorist organization is a group of people who do violence acts against people
and government.
Personal Manager : Have you ever persecuted any person because of race,religion,
National origin, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion?
Candidate: No, I never Hurt Anyone.
Personal Manager: what is persecuted?
Candidate: IT means treated Someone badly and in unfair way because his or her race
religion and etc.
Personal Manager: Have you ever committed a Crime for which you were Not arrested ?
Candidate: No, I never break the law.
Personal Manager: what is committed a crime ?
Candidate: It means that you did something illegal, against the law.
Personal Manager: Have you ever been arrested , cited, or detained by any law enforcement
officer for any reason ?
Candidate : No, I haven't.
Personal Manager: what does cited mean?
Candidate: It means that you are ordered to appear in court or pay a fine for doing illegal
things or received a trafic titicket.
Personal Manager: what is detained ?
Candidate: It means that you are stopped by a car police officer or other government
official .
Personal Manager: Have you ever been in jail or prision?
Candidate: No, I haven’t
Personal Manager: what is jail or prision?
Candidate: Jail or prision is a place where people are kept as a punishment for a crime.
Personal Manager: Have you ever sold or smuggled illegal drugs?
Candidate : No, I haven’t.
Personal Manager : what is smuggled?
Candidate: it means that you moved goods illegaly into or out of a country .
Personal Manager: what are illegal drugs?
Candidate : Heroin and cocaine .
Personal Manager: Have you ever gambled illegaly ?
Candidate: No, I haven’t.
Personal Manager: what is gambled illegaly?
Candidate: Gamble illegaly means won money without paying tax on it .
Personal Manager: Have you ever been ordered to be removed excluded , or deported fron
the united states ?
Candidate : No, I haven’t
Personal Manager: what are removed , excluded, or deported?
Candidate: removed, excluded, or deported means to be forced to leave de U.S. or to be
sentido back to the original country.
Personal Manager: Have you ever served un the U.S. armed forces?
Candidate: No , I haven’t never been a soldier for the U.S.
Personal Manager: Do you support the constitution of the united states?
Candidate: yes , I do
Personal Manager: what does support mean?
Candidate: it means to encourage somebody by showing that you agree With them.
Personal Manager: If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms on behalf of the
united states ?
Candidate: yes , I am , I will be a soldier.
Personal Manager: what is beat arms?
Candidate: It means to Carry weapons to fight .
Personal Manager: If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services
in the united states. Armed forces ?
Candidate: yes, I am.
Personal Manager: what is noncombatant services?
Candidate: noncombatant service is duty without carrying weapons, example working as a
nurse or in an office.
Personal Manager: Are you willing perform work of national importance under civilian
Candidate: yes, I am.
Personal Manager: what is perform work of national importance ?
Candidate: it means you to works that are important to the country, such as help people in
a tsunami, earthquake, hurricane and etc.
Personal Manager : Are you willing to take the full oath of allegiance to the united states ?
Candidate: yes, I am, I promise to be a good citizen.
Personal Manager: what is oath of allegiance?
Candidate: oath of allegiance means promise to be loyal to the U.S.
Personal Manager: Okay, good. Now we move to the reading, writing and civics tests. Are
you ready?
Candidate: yes, I am
Personal Manager: please read this sentences.
Candidate: Okay. When is independence day?
Personal Manager: Well, please write this sentence. Independence day is in July 4.
Candidate: Ok, here you are.
Personal Manager: Excellent now, answer some questions about the U. S. History and
government. What is the supreme law of the land?
Candidate : The constitution.
Personal Manager: what are two rights un the declaration of independence?
Candidate: life and liberty.
Personal Manager: who is in charge of the executive branch ?
Candidate: The president.
Personal Manager: Good . How Many U. S. Senators are there ?
Candidate: one hundred
Personal Manager: We electe a U. S. Senator for how many Years?
Candidate : Six years
Personal Manager: what is the highest court in the united states?
Candidate: The Supreme Court.
Personal Manager: How many the justices are on the Supreme court ?
Candidate: Nine
Perosonal Manager: Name one American Indian tribe un the united states
Candidate :Creeck
Personal Manager: that sounds good. One More question. What is the political party of the
president now?
Candidate: Republican party.
Personal Manager: Okay, good, you have passed the exam and congratulations !
Candidate: Thank you so much. I am so happy !

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