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UNIT Proficiency

Describe familypreferences
Discussing and home

Just for Fun

Describe your neighborhood
Discussing daily routines
Giving directions

VOCABULARY: Entertainment

Most Popular Forms of Entertainment and Leisure Activities in the United States

Music Movies

7% 7%
OtherOther Documentary 1% 1%
Documentary 2% 2%
Christian/Gospel 3%
Christian/Gospel 3%
Other 7% Musical 2%
Musical 2%
Documentary 1% Other 2%
5% 3%
EDMEDM 5% Romantic
Comedy 4% 2%
Musical 4%
Other 7% Romantic Comedy 4% Documentary 1% Other 2%
EDM 5%
4% 4%
LatinLatin 3% Horror 5% 5%Musical 2%
Horror Adventure
Latin 4% EDM 5% RockRock Romantic
Horror 5% Comedy 4% 27% 27%
Rock 27%
Latin 4% 30% Horror 5%Thriller
Thriller Adventure
Country 8% 8% 27%
Rock Thriller
Country 30% 8%
10% Thriller Action
Country Comedy
8% 20%20%
10%Pop 15%15% Action
R&B/Hip-Hop Comedy 20%
Pop 19% 22%22%
R&B/Hip-Hop 15% Action
19% Drama
Comedy Drama
22% 20%
R&B/Hip-Hop Drama16%
19% 22% 16%
Source: Nielsen Music, 2015 Drama
Source: Statista, 2019
Electronic Dance Music

Bowling and Sports
2% 2%
Bowling Average Time Spent on Leisure Activities
Aerobics 3%
Aerobics 3% 2%
Bowling Relaxing
and thinking 2% 2%
and thinking
Cycling 3%3%
Cycling 3% OtherOther 17 minutes
Relaxing 17 thinking
and minutes Other 2%
Bowling 12%
Cycling 3% Other12% Playing
17 minutes
Golfing 4% Aerobics
Golfing 4% 3% 12% usingusing
computer leisure and thinking Other 2%
for leisure
Playing games;
Golfing 4%Cycling 3% Other
Basketball 5% 5%
25 minutes
using computer for leisure 17 minutes
25 minutes
Walking Playing games;
Golfing 4% 25 minutes
in sports,
in sports,
Basketball 5% 30%30%
Walking using computer for leisure
Participating in recreation
Running 30%
18 minutes
18 25sports,
Basketball 5%
7% 7% Walking exercise, recreation
7% 30% 18Participating
minutes in sports, Watching
recreation 2 hours
2 hours
Running 19Reading
19 minutes Watching TV
7% CardiovascularWeightlifting 18 minutes 47
2 minutes
47 minutes
Swimming, surfing, Cardiovascular
surfing, 13% 13%
19 minutes 47 minutes
Watching TV
skiing equipment
8% 8% Cardiovascular Reading
Swimming, surfing,
13%13% 13% Socializing
and and 2 hours
water skiing 8% equipment Weightlifting
19 minutes 47 minutes
13% Communicating
Socializing and
Swimming, surfing, Cardiovascular 13%
equipment 41 minutes
41 minutes
water skiing 8%
13% 41 minutes
Socializing and
Source: United States Department of Labor, 2008 41 minutes
Source: United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015

SPEAKING: What Americans do for fun

A. Discuss the following with a partner.

1. Read the charts. Circle the words that you do not know. Ask your partner or your teacher.
Partner A: What does __________
play the bass mean?

Partner B: It means _________________

tocar el bajo in Spanish.

2. What is popular in your country? Do you agree with your partner’s opinions?
3. What kinds of music, movies, sports, and hobbies do you like? List your top three in each

LISTENING: What are you listening to?

A. Listen to Carlos and Ellen discuss music. Complete the sentences.

1. Carlos’s favorite kind of music is _________________.
rock and roll

He also likes ________________.


He doesn’t mind* ___________

hip hop and ______________.

He doesn’t like _____________

country very much.

2. Ellen’s favorite kind of music is __________________.


She also likes ________________.


She doesn’t mind ____________

hip hop and _____________.
She doesn’t like _________________
country very much.
Don’t mind: It’s not one of your favorites, but it’s OK sometimes.

SPEAKING: What do you like?

A. Complete the following sentences. You can complete each sentence with more than
one answer. Ask your partner the same questions.

What kind of music do you like? What kind of movies do you like?
intertate love song
My favorite kind of music is _________________ action
My favorite kind of movie is _________________
I also like ______________ and _______________
cumbia colombiana police
I also like _______________and adventures
I don’t mind __________________ terror
I don’t mind _________________
I don’t like _________________ very much. comedia
I don’t like _________________ very much.

What kind of sports do you like?

What kind of hobbies do you like?
My favorite sport is _________________ walk
My favorite hobby is _________________
I also like _______________ cycling
and ______________ play the guitar and ______________
I also like ______________ ride the bicycle

lift weights go shopping

I don’t mind _________________
I don’t mind _________________
I don’t like _________________ very much.
I don’t like _________________very much.


GRAMMAR: Simple present

Positive Negative
I like soccer. I don’t like tennis. (I do not like tennis.)
You enjoy pop music. You don’t enjoy classical music.
We watch sitcoms. We don’t watch reality TV shows.
They play volleyball. They don’t play golf.

He listens to jazz. He doesn’t listen to rock. (He does not listen to rock.)
She prefers horror movies. She doesn’t prefer romantic comedies.

A. Correct the mistakes.

Example: I like scary movies, but my girlfriend don’t like them.
I like scary movies, but my girlfriend doesn’t like them.
1. We both likes comedies. _________________________________________
We likes sitcoms.

2. Carlos is like science fiction movies. _________________________________________

Carlos likes science fiction movies

3. My friends loves action movies, but I no like them very much.

They love action movies, but I don't like them very much

4. She liking horror movies. _________________________________________

She likes horror movies.

5. John and I no are like romantic comedies. __John

and I no are like romantic comedies

LISTENING: What do they like?

A. Listen to the dialogues. Complete the missing information with the following:
like likes don’t like doesn’t like
Dialogue 1: Pete and Ellen
Ellen ____________________
likes volleyball.
Ellen ____________________ tennis.
Pete ____________________
doesn´tlike tennis.
Pete and Ellen ____________________ volleyball.

Dialogue 2: Rachel and Tom

Tom ____________________
like bowling.
Rachel ____________________
doesn´like table tennis.
Rachel ____________________
doesn´like basketball.
Rachel and Pete ____________________
don´t like golf.
GRAMMAR: Questions with Do/Does and short answers

Question Short answer

Do you like sports? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. (No, I do not.)
Do we have enough time? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Do they like reggae music? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Does he like sports? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. (No, he does not).
Does she have a job? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Does it rain a lot in April? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

A. Fill in the missing words with do, don’t, does, or doesn’t.

1. Do you like Chinese food? Yes, I _________. does
4. Does he like vegetables? Yes, he_________.
2. __________ we like Italian food? Yes, we do. does
5. __________ doesn´t
she like spicy food? No, she _________.
3. Do they like fast food? No, they _________. does
6. Does it snow a lot here? Yes, it _________.

B. Complete the sentences with do, don’t, does, or doesn’t .

A __________ you like spicy food?
B. No, I __________ do
. __________ you eat spicy food often?
A. Yes, I __________ . I eat it all the time.
Do your family eat a lot of spicy food?
B. __________
doesn´t .
A. Not everyone. My mother likes spicy food, but my father _________
B Does your brother like spicy food?
A. Yes, he __________ .

C. Write short answers (Yes, I do. No, I don’t.) to the questions below. For #4 and #10, complete
the questions and answer them also. Ask your partner and write his/her short answers.
Me My partner
1. Do you like spicy food? __yes, I do
________________________ __very little
2. Do you like Italian food? __yes, I do
________________________ __she does like it
3. Do you like Chinese food? __yes, I do
________________________ __she does like it
4. Do you like _______food?
__yes, I do
________________________ __she does like it
5. Do you often eat fast food? __no, I don´t
________________________ __she doesn't eat fast food
6. Do you like vegetables? __yes, I do
________________________ __she does like it
7. Do you eat a big breakfast? __no, I don´t
________________________ __she
eats a big breakfast every now and then

8. Do you eat lunch on campus? __no, I don´t

________________________ __she wouldn't do it now
no, I don´t
9. Do you often eat in restaurants?_______________________ __she does eat in a restaurant
at night Yes, sometimes
10. Do you often eat ____________?_______________________ __she doesn't eat often at night


A. Listen to the dialogue. Complete the missing information
with the following:

Watching TV, Exercising, Reading, Social networking,

Watching movies in the theater, Watching movies at home

Only Sam likes: Both Sam and Ann like: Only Ann likes:

Watching movies at home Reading Watching movies theater

Watching tv exercising Social netwoking

B. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.

1. What does Sam usually do on the weekends? 3. How does Ann exercise?
A. He draws pictures. A. She jogs.
B. He watches movies in a theater. B. She walks outside.
C. He spends time on social media. C. She goes to a gym.
D. He reads news on websites. D. She doesn’t like to exercise.

2. What does Sam say he will do this weekend? 4. What does Sam think about social media?
A. He will study for a test. A. It’s a good way to talk with friends.
B. He will watch a movie in the theater. B. It’s fun to do on the weekends.
C. He will watch a movie at home. C. It’s a good way to read the news.
D. He will exercise in the park. D. It’s a waste of time.

SPEAKING: Asking questions
A. Partner A: Prepare a list of eight questions about music or hobbies.
Partner B: Prepare a list of eight questions about movies or sports.

Use the following question types:

Do you like ______________? What kind of _____________ do you like?

What is your favorite _____________? What kind of _____________ do you hate?
Who is your favorite ______________? What do you think about ______________?


B. Ask your partner your questions. Answer your partner’s questions with short answers.
Complete the following chart for the answers.

Only I like: Both my partner and I like: Only my partner likes:

C. How similar are you to your partner?

A. We are almost completely the same! C. We are somewhat different.
B. We are somewhat the same. D. We are almost completely different!


C. Record the survey answers here. For each student, put a / in the box that matches their answer.
Example: You survey the question “How much do you like Lady Gaga?” One student says
“I really like her” (Smile-beam), three students say “I like her” (Smile), five students say “She is just OK”
or “I don’t know” (Meh), two students say “I don’t like her very much”(FROWN), and one student
answers, “I hate Lady Gaga!” (Tired). The survey sheet would read as follows:

Survey Question Smile-beam Smile Meh FROWN Tired

How much do you like Lady Gaga? / // //// // /

Survey Question Smile-beam Smile Meh FROWN Tired

How much do you like _________________________?

How much do you like _________________________?

How much do you like _________________________?

How much do you like _________________________?

How much do you like _________________________?

D. Add up the scores for each person/thing in your category. Complete the following sentences
and report to your group.

1. The most popular _____________________ in this class is _________________________.

2. The second most popular _____________________ is _________________________.

3. The third most popular _____________________ is _________________________.

4. The fourth most popular _____________________ is _________________________.

5. The least popular _____________________ in this class is _________________________.

6. Use this sentence if there is a tie:

_______________________ and ______________________ are tied for _______ place.

(Example: “Basketball and tennis are tied for third place.”)


GRAMMAR REVIEW: Questions and answers

A. Complete the sentences.

Questions: Answers:
1. Where ______ you live? live
I _______ in Lima.

2. Who ______ he? He ____ my uncle.

3. Where ______ your uncle live? He ____ in Los Angeles.

4. What ______ his job? He ____ an accountant.

5. What ______ he like? He ____ smart and independent.

6. Who ______ they? They ____ my grandparents.

7. Where ______ they live? They ____ in Mexico.

8. What ______ they like? They ____ generous and kind.

SPEAKING: Family pictures A. Show your partner a picture of a friend or a

family member. Ask questions about the
people in your partner’s pictures. Use the
following example sentences:

Relationship to the student: Who is he? Who is she? Who are they?

Occupation: What is his job? What is her job?

Home: Where does she live? Where does he live?

Personality: What is she like? What is he like? What are they like?

Hobbies: What does he like? What does she do in her free time?

Other possible questions: Where are they? When did you take this picture?

What are they doing?

READING: Today is Different

Today is Different…
It’s Friday morning. Diana isn’t wearing glasses today.
That’s strange. She usually wears glasses. She’s wearing contact
lenses today. Diana is wearing makeup today. She looks good.
But Diana usually doesn’t put on very much makeup. Today is

It’s Friday in the afternoon. Sam isn’t in the library today.

That’s strange. He is almost always in the library after his class.
Even on Fridays, Sam usually does his homework. But today
is different.

Sam is in the department store. Sam usually doesn’t shop for his
clothes. His mother almost always buys his clothes. But today
is different. Sam is shopping for clothes. It looks like he wants
something stylish. Sam is sending a lot of texts today as well.
That’s strange. Sam rarely sends text messages. When he wants
to contact someone, he almost always just calls them. He’s also
smiling a lot these days. Sam is usually quite serious.

It’s Friday evening. Diana usually works on Friday evening, but Diana isn’t working tonight. Ellen
is sending Diana a text. Ellen usually texts Diana a few times an hour. Diana always texts back right
away. But Diana isn’t replying to the texts tonight. Diana seems to be busy. What is she doing?

A. Complete the following sentences:

Sam is almost always in ___________________ in the afternoon, but today he is in a

department store. Sam usually doesn’t ________________________, but today he is

shopping for his own clothes.

Diana usually wears glasses, but today she ______________________ contact lenses.

Diana usually doesn’t ______________________, but today she __________________ a lot.

Sam almost never ______________________, but today he is sending many.

Ellen almost always sends text messages to Ellen, but today she _____________________ any.

Why do you think Sam and Diana are acting different today?



VOCABULARY: Frequency adverbs

Always 100% I always brush my teeth before I go to bed.

Almost always 90-99% She almost always eats fruit for breakfast.
Usually 60-90% He usually studies with his friends.
Often 50-75% It often rains this time of the year.
Sometimes 30-50% We sometimes see a movie on the weekend.
Rarely/almost never 01-10% They rarely go out to eat.
Never 0% You never call me when you are with your friends.

A. Ask and answer the following questions with a partner. Write down the answers using the
frequency adverbs.

How often do you…

eat fast food? eat spicy food? cook at home? eat in nice restaurants?
drink coffee? eat Chinese food? skip meals? snack between meals?

1. I _________________fast food for lunch. My partner ________________ fast food for lunch.

2. I _______________________spicy food. My partner _______________________ spicy food.

3. I ___________________ cook at home. My partner _________________________ at home.

4. I _________________in nice restaurants. _My partner ________________ in nice restaurants.

5. I ____________________________ coffee. _My partner ___________________________ coffee.

6. I ____________________ Chinese food. My partner _____________________ Chinese food.

7. I ___________________________ meals. My partner ____________________________ meals.

8. I ___________________ between meals. My partner ____________________ between meals.

B. How are you and your partner similar and different? Complete the following sentences.

1. I ______________________________________________________, and my partner does too.

2. I ___________________________, but my partner ___________________________________.

3. I ______________________________________________________, and my partner does too.

4. I ____________________________, but my partner __________________________________.

WRITING: Character description

A. Write a description of the pictures. Follow the example.

Action: A man and a woman are preparing food. They

are smiling. The man is holding a spoon.
Clothing: The man is wearing a green shirt and
glasses. The woman is wearing a sweater.
Physical Description: The man is tall and thin. The
woman has long, dark hair.

1. Action: _____________________________________
Clothing: _____________________________________
Physical Description: ___________________________

2. Action: _____________________________________
Clothing: _____________________________________
Physical Description: ___________________________

3. Action: _____________________________________
Clothing: _____________________________________
Physical Description: ___________________________

4. Action: _____________________________________
Clothing: _____________________________________
Physical Description: ___________________________


READING: Camping is fun(?)

Ellen’s Family
Ellen’s family is camping. It’s sunny. It’s 21 degrees Celsius.
There is a cool breeze blowing. Her father is fishing. He
usually doesn’t catch many fish, but he is doing well today.
Right now he is catching his fourth fish. Ellen’s sisters are
nearby in the boat. They usually don’t fish on camping
trips. They think it is boring. They love to go out on the
boat, though. Ellen’s mother is cooking dinner on the fire.
She sometimes goes fishing with her husband, but right
now she is having a good time talking with Ellen. Ellen is
helping her mother at the camp. She is putting more wood
on the fire. The weather is great. They all love the fresh air
and the peaceful environment. It’s a great camping trip.

Pete’s Family
Pete’s family is camping with his uncle’s family. It’s windy
and it’s raining. It’s 10 degrees Celsius. Pete loves to fish,
but he isn’t fishing right now. He’s in the tent. He is trying
to stay dry. Everyone is hungry. His parents are trying
to start a fire, but it’s raining too much. Pete’s uncle is
watching them. He doesn’t look happy. Pete’s uncle loves
to tell his children scary stories by the fire, but tonight that
will not be possible. Pete’s cousins are fighting. They aren’t
happy. They are bored in the tent. They usually like to go
on small hikes and look for animals, but they can’t do that
today. Pete wants to relax, but his cousins are making a
lot of noise. Pete is scratching his arm. He has a mosquito
bite. Pete just wants to go home. The weather is awful.
Nobody is happy. It’s a terrible camping trip.

A. Write the short answer to each question. If the answer is no, write the correct information.
See the examples.

1. Are both families camping? Yes, they are.

2. Ellen’s sisters like to fish. No, they don’t. They only like to ride on the boat.

3. Are both families having fun? __________________________________________

4. Does Ellen’s father like to fish? __________________________________________

5. Is it raining on Pete’s family? __________________________________________

6. Is Ellen’s mother fishing? __________________________________________

7. Does Ellen’s mother usually fish? __________________________________________


8. Is Ellen cooking? __________________________________________

9. Does Ellen’s father usually catch fish? __________________________________________

10. Is Pete’s uncle telling stories? __________________________________________

B. Write five more questions about Ellen and Pete’s camping trips. Some should be answered
‘yes,’ and others should be answered ‘no.’

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

C. With a partner, ask and answer the questions. Answer the questions in short answers.
If the answer is no, say the correct the information.

LISTENING: A phone call from Tom

A. Listen to Tom and Ellen’s phone call. Correct the following statements. Follow the example.
Example: Tom and Ellen are watching TV together.
No, they aren’t. They are talking on the phone.

1. Ellen is bored.

2. Ellen’s parents are watching TV.

3. Ellen usually watches TV on Saturday night.

4. Ellen’s sister, Elizabeth, reads a lot in her free time.

5. Tom’s brother is texting a friend and watching TV.

6. Tom is too sick to meet his friends tonight.


READING: Is TV dying?

A. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1. How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

2. How much time do your parents spend watching TV every day?
3. How much time do your grandparents spend watching TV every day?
4. Are there any differences in your answers? If so, why do you think this is?

Is TV Dying?
Beginning in the 1960s, TV has been the main form of home
entertainment around the world. In almost every home, people
watched TV, especially in the evening. In the United States, the
time from 6-9 pm is called ‘prime time TV’. Everyone knew and
talked about the most popular shows. Everyone got their news
from the same news channels.

Now things are a little different. Almost every age group spends less time watching TV. Only
people 65 or older spend more time watching TV than they did about 10 years ago. Teenagers and
young adults are watching less TV than they were before. They spend more time on the internet
and on social media.
So is traditional TV dying? Not really. For all forms of media, people still spend about 43% of
their total time on TV. People are still watching TV shows, but just not in the traditional way.
Many people watch them through the internet. They watch TV shows on services that allow them
to watch TV shows and movies ‘on demand,’ which means when they want, and not according to
the broadcasting schedule. Even young people still spend most of their time on media. They spend
about 10.5 hours per day on some kind of device, mostly their cell phones, tablets, and computers.

Time spent watching traditional TV, by age group (Percent of change from 2012 to 2016)


Age 65+
Age 2-11 Age 12-17 Age 18-24 Age 25-34 Age 35-49 Population Age 50-64
2012 0 +2%


-10 -9%

-30 -16%
-20 -19%

-40 -26%

-40 -39%

Source: Nielsen Total Audience Report, January 2016

54 -50
B. Answer the following questions True or False

1. ______ TV is not the most popular form of entertainment anymore.

2. ______ TV has been the most popular form of entertainment in the world for over 100 years.
3. ______ “Prime time” is the time when most people watch TV.
4. ______ Young people watch TV about 10.5 hours a day.
5. ______ Almost every age group watches TV less than in the past.
6. ______ Most old people do not watch TV.

WRITING & SPEAKING: 5-minute conversations

A. Write at least three sentences for each topic below.

1. How much time do you spend watching TV shows on a TV (not on a computer or mobile
device)? How much time do you spend watching TV shows on the computer or a mobile device?


2. What is your favorite TV show? What is it about?


3. What kind of movies do you like? Give an example. How do you usually watch movies?


4. Do you exercise or play sports often? What kind of exercise and sports do you do?


5. What do you usually do in your free time?



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