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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(48), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/106032, December 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Image Denoising using Various Wavelet Transforms:

A Survey
Pankaj Rakheja* and Rekha Vig
Department of EECE, The NorthCap University, Gurgaon - 122017, Haryana, India;,

Objectives:Image processing basically comprises of techniques employed to either enhance or restore an image. Noise
may creep into the image anywhere from acquisition to transmission phase.Denoising of images can be done in spatial
or ­frequency domain.In this paper we have compared the work done by different researchers in the domain of image
­restoration using wavelets. Methods/Statistical Analysis: wavelet transform has proven to be an efficient and effective
method to remove noise. Researchers have explored various types of wavelets and their variations and combinations for
image denoising and restoration.Performance is measured in terms of PSNR, MSE and visual quality. Many of the current
techniques assume the noise model to be Gaussian. Findings:On studying work of various researchers we got to know that
as level of decomposition increases performance of denoising technique improves, third and fourth level of ­decomposition
has good results. Wavelet transform performs better than normal average filtering, gaussian filtering and wiener filters.
Intra scale and interscale correlations of non orthogonal wavelet coefficients need to utilized by developing good ­statistical
models.And thresholding process needs to be optimized that is value of threshold has to be computed with strong ­statistical
models. Application/Improvements: As we know image processing finds application in all most all spheres of life like
medical science, remote sensing, military, space exploration etc.,

Keywords: Decomposition, Image Denoising, Restoration, Threshold, Wavelets

1.  Introduction Transmission through erroneous channels generally

results in the received image being corrupted mostly with
Noise can be seen in all kinds of digitally acquired shot noise. Image restoration is a process in which a cor-
images and its magnitude can range from almost imper- rupted or noisy image is considered for removal of noise
ceptible specks on a digital photograph taken in bright from it in order to recover the original image. A variety
light, to almost entirely noisy radioastronomical and of denoising methods can be applied which are classified
optical images. Very small amount of information can broadly into two main criterion: a) spatial domain meth-
be extracted from these noisy images even by applying ods and transform domain methods. In transform domain
sophisticated image processing techniques. methods wavelet transform is the most widely used tech-
The main sources of noise in digital images during nique for denoising. It gives spatial information about
image acquisition (digitization) and transmission. the frequency components present in the signal. Wavelet
• Imaging sensors can be affected by ambient condi- transform1-6 decomposes the original image into sub
tions bands containing low and high frequency components.
• Effects of sensor size, fill factor and sensor heat For a discrete input signal it gives the approximation and
• Interference can be added to an image during trans- detailed coefficients. It is basically the time frequency
mission analysis representation of a discrete signal. It also gives the
• Anything related to the environment and camera information about spectral content of the signal at par-
characteristics ticular location. On carrying out wavelet ­decomposition

*Author for correspondence

Image Denoising using Various Wavelet Transforms: A Survey

of a signal, signal is broken down into low pass and high

pass sections which independently carry information
about original signal. Wavelets are also used for image
compression7-9. Figure 1 and 2 show the Discrete Wavelet
Transform decomposition and reconstruction steps of an
image signal for level of 2; and Figure 3 and 4 show results
of decomposition of wavelet transform for Lena image.

Figure 4.  Second level of decomposition.

2.  Overview
Many researchers have worked over wavelet transform
for denoising corrupted images and for compressing
images too. Some have varied the wavelet bases, modified
Figure 1.  DWT decomposition.
the thresholding process and have combined other filter-
ing techniques and compared the performance of their
proposed methods with other popular techniques. 10have
compared haar and DB3 wavelets to remove speckle noise
from Ultrasound, MRI, X ray and CT scan images; 11 has
compared Haar, Daubachies, symllet, coiflet wavelets with
different thresholding techniques for removing additive
white Gaussian noise ; 12have determined the threshold
and neighbouring window size for subband using its
length for visuShrink, Modineighshrink and Neighshrink
in wavelet transform for removing additive white Gaussian
noise; 13have compared Different filtering techniques with
Figure 2.  DWT reconstruction. wavelet transform for denoising Gaussian, Salt and Pepper
and speckle noise from Lena image; 14have modified the
basic thresholding process , applied circular kernel, Mean
max approximation and Nearest Neighbor techniques for
removing Gaussian, Poisson, Salt and Pepper and speckle
noise from an image; 15have used Weighted variance for
computing threshold in wavelet domain for denoising
speckle noise in Lena image;16have used Sub band decom-
position of logarithmically transformed images described
by alpha stable distributions then bayesian estimator uses
it for calculating threshold for removing speckle noise in
ultrasound images; 17have designed an adaptive threshold
estimation method based on the Generalized Guassian
distribution (GGD) modeling of subband coefficients
(NormalShrink) for removing Gaussian noise from Lena,
Goldhill and Barbara images;18 Varied wavelet bases and
Figure 3.  First level of decomposition. carried out Wavelet transformation from second to fourth

2 Vol 9 (48) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Pankaj Rakheja and Rekha Vig

level decomposition and applied thresholding techniques: 3.  Discussion and Conclusion
Visushrink, Neighshrink and Modineighshrink for
removing Gaussian noise from Lena image; 19have used The following conclusions were derived after rigorous
Stein’s unbiased risk estimate and interscale orthonormal understanding of different techniques:
wavelet thresholding algorithm for removing Gaussian • DB3 is found to be more efficient than Haar wavelet.
from Pepper, barbara, crowd, Goldhill, Boat, Bridge, Al • Performance measured in terms of PSNR, MSE and
images; 20have used the Laplacian pyramid and the win- visual quality.
dowed Fourier transform for removing AWGN from 3D • Many of the current techniques assume the noise
images; 21have applied multi-wavelet transformation for model to be Gaussian.
removing AWGN from Mammographic Images; 22also • An ideal denoising procedure requires a priori knowl-
combined median filtering with wavelet transform for edge of the noise, whereas a practical procedure may
removing Salt and Pepper, Speckle and Gaussian noise not have the required information regarding the vari-
ance of the noise or the noise model.
from Lena Image; 23have used Contourlet transform to
• Thresholding process is the one which decides the per-
remove AWGN from MRI images of brain and spine; 24
formance of the algorithm.
proposed a new method for obtaining threshold for image
• Sparsity, multiresolution and multiscale nature of wav-
denoising via wavelet soft-thresholding which depends
let transform makes it more useful.
on data (Bayes Shrink) and has also tried to compress the • Non orthogonal transform do have better perfomance
image using MDLQ during denoising. 25extended least but high overhead as compared to orthogonal ones.
square approach proposed by Salesnick has to 2D images • Intra scale and interscale correlations of non orthogo-
for removing noise, used the wavelet coefficients instead nal wavelet coefficients need to utilized by developing
of second order filter coefficients. 26Proposed an image good statistical models.
denoising technique based on least square weighted regu- • As level of decomposition increases performance
larization. Detailed comparision of all these papers have improves third and fourth level of decomposition has
been done in Table 1. good results.

Table 1.  List and comparison of Image denoising techniques using different wavelets in various forms
Technique Images Types of
S.No. Paper Methodology Results Remarks
Employed considered Noises
Purposed technique
gives better results
Contourlet MRI images of transform coefficient PSNR plotted against
1 In 10 AWGN than wavelet transform
transform brain and spine estimation and noise variance
both visually and in
terms of PSNR
DB3 is found to be
Ultrasound, more efficient than
haar and DB3 Speckle PSNR plotted against
2 In 11 MRI, X ray and thresholding Haar wavelet both
filtering Noise noise variance
CT scan visually and in terms
Varied the
bases: Haar, They have used MSE for Haar global
Before and after
Daubachies, Discrete stationary wavelet transform is
thresholding results
symllet, coiflet wavelet transform least among all
3 In 12 General Image AWGN shown in terms of
wavelets and applied linear PSNR for Haar
PSNR and MSE for
And used thresholding sure sink level 1 is
various techniques
different techniques maximum.

Vol 9 (48) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Image Denoising using Various Wavelet Transforms: A Survey

Determined the
threshold and
Shrink the wavelet
neighbouring Compared their method
window size with visuShrink, Purposed algorithm
obtained shrinkage
for subband Modineighshrink and performed better for
Lena, Barbara factor and then
4 In 13 using its length AWGN Neighshrink by taking all window size and
and Goldhill depending on image
for visuShrink, varying window sizes noise levels and also
quality used weiner
Modineighshrink and noise level. Wavelet preserves the edges
filter or modified the
and Neighshrink transform (4 level)
shrinkage factor
in wavelet
Different filtering Gaussian, Basic filtering Compared results Wavelet transform
techniques Salt & techniques and of Averaging filter, performs better than
5 In 14 compared with Lena Pepper wavelet transform Gaussian filter, wiener Averaging filter,
wavelet transform and done to de noise the filter and Wavelet Gaussian filter, wiener
based denoising speckle image transform filter.
New threshold
computed Based on New threshold gives
New threshold, Gaussian,
number of pixels, comparable or better
circular kernel, Poisson,
kernel applied on Wavelet transform results than existing
Mean max Salt &
6 In 15 Lena wavelet coefficients, performs better than ones while other
approximation Pepper
Mean max Averaging functions give better
and Nearest and
threshold obtained, performance in spatial
Neighbor speckle
nearest neighbour domain
techniques employed
Threshold value Threshold is
Proposed algorithm
computed by calculated using
is more efficient than
using Weighted Ultrasound weighted variance PSNR plotted against
7 In 16 Speckle Frost, Kaun, Visu,
variance in images from sub band HH1 noise variance
Bayest both visually
wavelet domain by robust median
and in terms of PSNR.
denoising estimator
Sub band
of logarithmic Wavelet transform
ally transformed employed on Proposed algorithm
images described logarithm of the is more efficient than
Ultrasound Signal to MSE evaluated
8 In 17 by alpha stable Speckle image and Bayesian Homomorphic weiner
images for different methods
distributions estimation is based filtering and median
then bayesian on alpha stable filtering
estimator uses it distributions
for calculating
an adaptive
performs better
estimation Estimate noise Compared results of
than OracleShrink
method based on variance & scale Oracle Shrink,Sure
the Generalized Lena, Goldhill parameter and Shrink,Normal
9 In 18 Gaussian BayesShrink and
Guassian & Barbara compute threshold Shrink,Bayes Shrink,
Wiener filtering in
distribution using it, then go for Oracle Thresh and
removing noise. It
(GGD) modeling soft thresholding Wiener
is 4% faster than
of subband
BayesShrink too.

4 Vol 9 (48) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Pankaj Rakheja and Rekha Vig

Varied wavelet
bases, Wavelet Among all discrete
transformation wavelet bases, coiflet
Compared results in
second to fourth performs well in image
terms of PSNR for
discrete wavelet level decomposition de-noising. modified
10 In19 Lena Gaussian different wavelet bases,
transform and thresholding Neighshrink gives
window sizes and
techniques: better result than
thresholding techniques
Visushrink, Neighshrink, Weiner
Neighshrink and filter and Visushrink
-Minimize MSE
-Soft threshold -proposed algorithm
-built a linearly has fewer number of
parameterized artifacts
Stein’s unbiased
denoising function -computation time is
risk estimate,
Pepper, barbara, -point wise -Plotted PSNR vs T2/σ2 very less 0.4 s for 256*
crowd, Goldhill, denoising derivatives -Compared oracle soft 256 images and 1.6 s
11 In 20 orthonormal Gaussian
Boat, Bridge, Al, of Gaussians (DOG) thresholding(pointwise) for 512* 512 images
House taken - - except for barbara
-Building the image it outperforms
Interscale Prediction all other algorithms
-Integrating Inter in terms of PSNR
scale predictor with obtained
denoising function
SNR values for Fourier-Wavelet Basis
Wavelet Basis:
forward FWT, Miss America video algorithm performs
the Laplacian
adaptive sequence and human better than Translation
12. In 21 pyramid and 3D Image AWGN
thresholding, and knee MR image volume invariant for wiener
the windowed
inverse FWT after denoising were filter (TIW) in terms
compared of PSNR.
three level
to improve local
contrast and
and fourth level
multi-wavelet discriminations of
PSNR obtained of decomposition gave
transformation subtle details
denoised image for optimum results
applied and Mammographic -multi wavelet
13. In 22 AWGN multi wavelet and but blurring is there
threshold Images transform applied
previous methods and neighborhood
calculated for -coefficients
compared window of 3X3 and
each sub band associated with
5X5 are good choices
noise modeled using
for mammographic
lapalcian random
DWT combined
with median filter of
size 5X5 is best for
Salt & Tried to combine removing Speckle and
Used median
Pepper, median filtering and Gaussian noise.
filtering PSNR plotted against
14. In 23 Lena Speckle discrete Wavelet For low density noise
technique with noise variance
and Transform denoising median filter of size
wavelet transform
Gaussian corrupted images 3X3 is best
For high density noise
median filter of size
5X5 is best.

Vol 9 (48) | December 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Image Denoising using Various Wavelet Transforms: A Survey

Purposed a new
-bayesian threshold MSE for OracleShrink,
method for
computed assuming SureShrink,
image denoising
generalized Gaussian BayesShrink,
via wavelet soft-
distribution BayesShrinkWITH Bayes Shrink
thresholding Lena, Gold hill,
- σx andβ calculated MDLQ- outperforms Donoho
15. In 24 which depends barbara and Gaussian
which will give data COMPRESSION, and Johnstone’s
on data (Bayes baboon
driven estimate of OracleThresh, and SureShrink
Shrink) and
threshold wiener filtering
has also tried
-MDLQ based denoised images
to compress the
compression done compared
image during
least square
-Noisy image is
proposed by
taken PSNR for Haar, Proposed technique
Salesnick has
Lena, Gaussian, -second order Daubechies, Symlet, using least square
been extended
Cameraman, Salt and sparse based and Coiflet, Biorthogonal based image denoising
to 2D images
16. In 25 Barbara, Pepper least square based and Reverse gives equivalent results
for removing
Peppers and and techniques employed biorthogonal compared to existing second
noise, the wavelet
House Speckle to denoise image with existing sparse order sparse matrix
coefficients are
-results compared in band matrix based technique.
used instead of
terms of PSNR
second order
filter coefficients
-noisy image Proposed method is
PSNR and computation
decomposed to RGB simple and
Proposed an time compared with
components computationally very
image denoising Legendre-Fenchel,
Colored aerial -column wise least fast and outperforms
technique wavelet thresholding
17. In 26 and satellite Gaussian square regularization existing
based on least and total variation
images done methods based
square weighted methods for different
-least square on time factor yet
regularization values of lambda and
regularization done PSNR obtained is
noise density.
on transposed image comparable.

• Wavelet transform performs better than normal • least square approach gives equivalent results to exist-
­average filtering, gaussian filtering and wiener filers. ing second order sparse matrix based technique.
• Using median filter with wavelet transform improves • least square weighted regularization is computation-
the result. ally very fast.
• Bayes Shrink outperforms Donoho and Johnstone’s
The survey done in this paper on the wavelet based
noise removal techniques for images presents a vast
• NormalShrink performs better than OracleShrink
scope for readers to understand the usefulness of these
SureShrink, BayesShrink and Wiener filtering in
techniques. The elaborate and formal conclusions have
removing noise.
been drawn.
• Among all discrete wavelet bases, coiflet performs well
in image de-noising.
• Modified Neighshrink gives better result than 4.  Reference
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