Chemical and Physical Methods For Characterisation of Biofilms

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Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms

Article  in  Microchimica Acta · April 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s00604-006-0688-5

130 3,820

4 authors, including:

Stefan Meisen Ursula Telgheder

Solvias AG University of Duisburg-Essen


Jost Wingender
University of Duisburg-Essen


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Microchim Acta 158, 1–27 (2007)
DOI 10.1007/s00604-006-0688-5
Printed in the Netherlands

Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms

Evelin Denkhaus1 , Stefan Meisen1 , Ursula Telgheder1;, and Jost Wingender2

Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Duisburg – Essen, Lotharstr. 1, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany
Biofilm Centre, University of Duisburg – Essen, Geibelstr. 41, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany

Received April 10, 2006; accepted August 5, 2006; published online December 11, 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract. Research on biofilms has developed into microorganisms as multicellular communities which
interdisciplinary work, in which scientists from different colonize all types of surfaces, where growth is possi-
fields are involved. This review summarizes the state- ble. Biofilms represent a protected mode of existence
of-the-art including models due to different aspects of which allows cells to survive over a wide range of
biofilms. Techniques for characterization of surfaces different and sometimes extreme environmental con-
and interfaces, e.g. microscopic, spectroscopic and ditions, e.g. at temperatures ranging from 5 to
microsensoric methods will be presented. In addition, 120  C, at pH values from 0 to 13 and at pressures
procedures that involve sampling of biofilms and sub- as high as 100 MPa. In nature, biofilms can be found
sequent separation of the components for their analy- in soil, groundwater and surface water environments.
sis are a part of this article. Analytical methods are In terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, they are impor-
summarized for the investigation of extracellular poly- tant components of food chains, and are involved in
meric substances (EPS), mainly polysaccharides be- self-purification processes in soil, water and sediments
side proteins in the microbial host. Finally, procedures and the biodegradation of organic compounds includ-
for the analysis of minerals as components of biofilms ing environmental pollutants [2–4]. These properties
are presented. offer opportunities for useful industrial and environ-
mental applications such as technical waste water puri-
Key words: Biofilm; spectroscopy; surface characterising tech-
niques; separation-molecular-hyphenated-techniques; microsensors. fication and drinking-water treatment by biofiltering,
bioremediation of hazardous waste sites, and forma-
Biofilms are populations of micro-organisms that ac- tion of biobarriers for the protection of soil and ground-
cumulate at interfaces and are typically surrounded by water [5]. On the other hand, biofilms can be a threat
a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). to human health, e.g. by the growth of biofilms on
Attachment of micro-organisms to surfaces and the medical implants such as prostheses and heart valves,
development of microbial biofilms at phase bound- leading to infections [1, 6, 7], and biofilms as sources
aries are frequently encountered in natural, technical of pathogens causing contaminations in food proces-
and medical environments [1]. Biofilms exist for more sing and drinking-water distribution systems [8, 9].
than 3.8 billion years and today are ubiquitous on Moreover, biofilms show an increased resistance to anti-
Earth. Biofilms are a common mode of growth for microbial agents such as antibiotics and biocides [10].
Biofilms can also have detrimental effects in engineered
 Author for correspondence. E-mail: systems due to biofouling (undesired development of
2 E. Denkhaus et al.

biofilms on surfaces) [11, 12] or biocorrosion (destruc- tural, functional as well as ecological aspects; these
tion of materials) [13]. For example, biofilms can in- include biofilm development from the very beginning
crease the resistance to heat transfer in cooling-water (primary adhesion of a single microbial organism to
systems, increase the frictional resistance in technical a substratum) to growth into a mature biofilm and
water systems and on ship hulls, and they can cause detachment processes, the biochemical and microbial
disturbances in paper manufacturing [14], oil recovery composition, biofilm architecture, gene expression and
and mining [9]. Therefore, the industries have yearly physiological activity of biofilms depending on the
losses in billion extents. As a consequence, industry surrounding conditions, the complex multicellular in-
and governments initiated biofilm-related projects, teractions based on cell-to-cell signalling, the exchange
which have exponentially increased during the last of genetic material between biofilm organisms, the
decade [http:==www.erc.montana.deu=default.htm]. sorptive and protective properties of biofilms upon
The research of biofilms developed into interdis- exposure to inorganic and organic pollutants, chemi-
ciplinary work, in which scientist from different fields cal substances like biocides, detergents, synthetic sur-
such as microbiology, chemistry, physics, engineering factants and xenobiotics in combination with heavy
and computer-based modelling are involved. Inves- metals, and reactive oxygen species, and the function
tigations of biofilms are generally focused on struc- of biofilms in biodegradation processes.

Fig. 1. Research fields of biofilms and

summary of analytical techniques pre-
sented. AAS atomic absorption spectro-
metry, AFM atomic force microscopy,
ATR attenuated total reflectance, CE
capillary electrophoresis, CLSM con-
focal laser scanning microscopy,
DGGE denaturing gradient gel electro-
phoresis, FFF field-flow fractionation,
FISH fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
tion, GC gas chromatography, GE gel
electrophoresis, GFP green fluorescent
protein, IR infrared, LC liquid chro-
matography, NMR nuclear magnetic
resonance, PCR polymerase chain re-
action, PFGE pulsed-field gel elec-
trophoresis, SEC size exclusion
chromatography, SEM scanning elec-
tron microscopy, STXM scanning
transmission X-ray microscopy
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 3

Approaches to biofilm analysis include microscop- extent of microbial colonization depends on the rough-
ical, microbiological, molecular biological, (bio)- ness and the hydrophobicity of the substratum and also
chemical and physical methods. In Fig. 1, methods on the cell surface composition and hydrophobicity
of biofilm analysis are presented with respect to their (presence of cell adhesion proteins, pili, curli, flagella,
application in the biofilm research fields of interest. and (lipo)polysaccharides). In general, micro-organisms
In the following we come to the conclusion that on attach more rapidly onto surfaces that are rougher,
one side the importance and the attractiveness of bio- more hydrophobic, and conditioned by the medium
film analysis is undisputed and the heterogeneity of (bulk fluid). Micro-organisms with cell surface poly-
biofilms and their complex functioning offers research mers with nonpolar sites prefer hydrophobic surfaces,
perspectives in different fields, but on the other side the while EPS and lipopolysaccharides attach to hydro-
analysis of a biofilm is a scientific challenge and re- philic surfaces. The attachment is also influenced by
quires interdisciplinary cooperation. This article sum- hydrodynamic forces (laminar and turbulent flows,
marizes the state-of-the-art of analytical research of stream velocity etc.) as well as nutrient supply. The
biofilms but does not claim completeness of literature next stage in biofilm development is growth of cells
citation. Above all, this paper intends to reveal the fields and their aggregation into microcolonies, facilitated by
for analytical tasks in the frame of biofilm analytics. the adhesion sites of the first colonizers and the pro-
duction of EPS that hold the biofilm together. Further
increase in cell numbers by cell division and addi-
Definition, architecture, function and models
tional cell recruitment from the environment results
of biofilms
in mature biofilms. The maximal biomass yield as well
A multitude of definitions of biofilm exists in the lit- as biofilm composition and architecture depend large-
erature [15]. They all have in common that biofilms ly on the hydrodynamic conditions and nutritient avail-
are described as populations of micro-organisms of ability. The last stage is characterised by detachment
different types (bacteria, algae, protozoa and fungi) and release of cells into the surrounding environment.
which accumulate at interfaces and excrete EPS that Biofilm cells can be actively dispersed by shedding of
form a highly hydrated slime in which the cells are divided and motile cells or passively detached by ero-
embedded [1, 15, 16]. In contrast to single-celled or- sion or shearing in form of clumps or small aggregates
ganisms which freely float or swim in liquid medium or massive removal and abrasion (caused by particle
(planktonic form), biofilms form predominantly in collision of the bulk fluid). The biofilm bacteria can
aqueous systems on a solid surface (substratum), but also move collectively by rippling or rolling across the
they can also be found at water–air and solid–air inter- substratum.
faces [17, 15]. In recent years, it has become obvious Two grossly different conceptual models dealing
that other differences between a biofilm and its plank- with the structure and function of biofilms can be found
tonic counterparts occur such as reduced growth rates in the literature [22]. The first one, the continuum
and changes in the expression of numerous genes, so model, is a conventional diffusion-based concept with
that the biofilm mode of growth results in the adoption division of the biofilm in specific compartments, the
of a characteristic biofilm phenotype. Quorum sensing substratum, the biofilm (subdivided in a surface and a
(activation of a sensory system for bacterial com- base film), the bulk liquid and a possible head space.
munication signals) is one of the triggers for the induc- However, observations in natural aquatic environments
tion of biofilm-specific properties and phenotypic shifts and technical water systems as well as laboratory studies
based on the the up- and down-regulation of specific on submerged biofilms indicate that biofilms frequent-
genes [18, 19]. ly display structural heterogeneities to varying degrees.
Although the details of biofilm development pro- Thus, the microcluster model, a complex three-dimen-
cesses vary depending on the microbial species, gen- sional model, was established, describing mushroom-
eral distinct developmental steps have been recognized shaped biofilm clusters separated by channels and with
in bacterial biofilm formation [1, 18, 20, 21]. The first streamers on their ‘‘mounds’’. As a consequence, a
step is the adhesion of a single micro-organism to a quantification of biofilm properties is unrealistic with-
substratum through weak, reversible van der Waals out mathematical models due to the complexity of a
forces. Initially, association with a surface is transient, biofilm. Attempts at quantifying and modelling biofilm
followed by a firm and irreversible attachment. The structures are presented in the literature [23–25].
4 E. Denkhaus et al.

In contrast to planktonic microorganisms, biofilms and glutamic acid. Nucleic acids are polyanionic due
secrete multiple EPS, which can make up between to the phosphate residues in the nucleotide moiety of
50–90% of the total organic matter of biofilms. Poly- the poymer molecule. Uronic acids, acidic amino acids
saccharides are characteristic components of the EPS and phosphate-containing nucleotides as negatively
[26], but proteins, nucleic acids, (phospho)lipids and charged components of EPS can be crucial structural
humic substances have also been identified, some- elements of flocs and biofilms, since they are expected
times in substantial amounts [27]. EPS determine the to be involved in electrostatic interactions with multi-
structural and functional integrity of microbial bio- valent cations (e.g., Ca2þ , Mg2þ , Fe3þ ), thus mediat-
films, and contribute significantly to the organization ing the formation and=or the stabilization of the
of the biofilm community [16]. EPS are involved in network of the EPS matrix by cross-linking polymer
the formation and maintenance of a three-dimensional, strands. Additional studies of EPS expressed by other
gel-like, highly hydrated and locally charged (often bacteria, including teichoic acid or colanic acid (nega-
anionic) biofilm matrix, in which the microorganisms tively charged) besides cellulose and polyglucosamine
are more or less immobilized. The biofilm matrix may (positively charged) led to an alternative model – the
trap inorganic particles (e.g. corrosion products, cal- formation of polyelectrolyte complexes. They are
cium carbonate deposits) and biogenic material (detri- generated when bacteria synthesize positively and
tus), it may incorporate multivalent cations which can negatively charged polymers which interact [29]. The
be involved in the cross-linking of anionic EPS and controlling of the matrix cohesiveness can be regu-
thus in polymer network formation, and it may contain lated by the amount of polymers produced or by adjust-
colloidal and dissolved compounds. ing the charge density on each polymer. The amount of
Exopolysaccharides are high-molecular-weight poly- synthesis of exopolysaccharides also depends on the
mers with molecular masses varying between 500 and bioavailability of carbon substrates and the balance be-
2000 kDa [27]. They can associate together and can tween carbon substrates and limiting nutrients such as
interact with other components of the EPS matrix like nitrogen or phosphate.
proteins, lipids, lectins, ions, and other macromolecules EPS do not only play a role in keeping the biofilm
of the bacterial cell surface, so that they can form a bacteria together and in mechanical stability of the
polymer network, which determines the viscosity and biofilm, but also can have other functions [27]. EPS
gelation of the biofilm. form a medium for communication processes and
EPS may consist of neutral molecules; more fre- genetic transfer. EPS are also involved in nutrition
quently, EPS contain ionic groups which confer net (EPS as a nutrient reserve and accumulation of nutri-
negative or positive charges on the polymers at near ents by EPS), and interaction of micro-organisms with
neutral pH values. Extracellular polysaccharides owe their environment, acting as a protective barrier against
their negative charge either to carboxyl groups of uron- biocides, disinfectants and antibiotics as well as an
ic acids or to non-carbohydrate substituents such as accumulator for xenobiotics, and toxic metal ions.
phosphate, sulfate, glycerate, pyruvate or succinate [26]. Additionally, exopolysaccharides interact with extra-
Extracellular polysaccharides often contain variable cellular enzymes, resulting in the accumulation, reten-
proportions of hexuronic acids such as glucuronic acid, tion and stabilization of the secreted enzymes.
galacturonic acid or mannuronic acid. Exceptions are The whole activities, including the influx of substrates
polysaccharides, which completely consist of uronic as well as the efflux of waste products and the organisa-
acid residues such as the well-studied extracellular tion of the microbial communities underlie regulation
polysaccharide alginate of Pseudomonas and Azoto- processes. In the literature two hypotheses are pre-
bacter species; alginates are composed of mannuronate sented. The first one is mechanistically based on biofilm
and guluronate residues, with mannuronate being par- growth under the aspect of differences in local substrate
tially O-acetylated [28]. Sometimes, sulfate groups availability. The second one is morphologically based
have been described to occur in polysaccharide mole- on expression of genes that participate in cell-to-cell
cules; cationic groups in polysaccharides may be due to communication and directly control the organisation
the presence of amino sugars. of the community [16–18]. All things considered, it
Proteins can also contribute to the anionic proper- can be noted that the research of microbial metabolic
ties of EPS. The negative charge of proteins is due to and regulatory activities has to be forced for a com-
the presence of diacid amino acids such as aspartic plete understanding of structured bacterial populations.
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 5

Table 1. Overall composition of microbial biofilms logical (composition of the microbial community –
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) single or mixed – type of micro-organism) parameters.
– Cationic groups in amino sugars and proteins Principally, the laboratory devices can be divided in
(e.g. NH3 þ )
– Anionic groups in uronic acids, proteins, and nucleic acids
flow-through-cells and batch systems. Different types
(e.g. COO ; HPO4  ) of bioreactors such as fluidised-bed reactors and ro-
– Apolar groups from proteins (such as in aromatic amino acids), tating annular reactors etc. are summarized in [30].
(phospho) lipids, and humic substances
Submerged biofilms can also be formed on the surface
Microbial cell
Outer membrane: lipopolysaccharides of Gram-negative cells
of microtiter dish walls under standing culture condi-
– Cell wall consisting of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic tions, as one example of a batch system [16]. The ad-
acid, offering cationic and anionic sites, and the lipoteichoic acids vantage of the microtiter dishes is the possibility of
in Gram-positive cells high-throughput screens. A pellicle is a biofilm that
Cytoplasmic membrane, offering a lipophilic region
– Cytoplasm, as a water phase separated from the surrounding water forms at the air–liquid interface of an agar-solidified
Minerals media, usually used for the cultivation of micro-organ-
– Precipitates (sulfides, carbonates, phosphates, hydroxides) isms in microbiology, with the disadvantage of biofilm
– Free and bound metals (Ca2þ , Fe3þ , Mg2þ ) formation with more complex structure than that grow-
Biogenic particulate materials (degradation products) ing in continuous flow cell or on microtiter dish walls.
Environmentally relevant substances
– Organic pollutants (e.g. biocides, detergents, xenobiotics)
– Inorganic pollutants (e.g. heavy metals) Surface and interface characterising techniques
The first papers published as far as the analysis of
biofilms concerned are more concentrated on micro-
Fundamental to characterisation of biofilms
biological parameters e.g. biofilm thickness, total dry
As mentioned before analytical questions with regard weight and total cell count [31–33]. A review about
to biofilms can be divided into information about the biofilm characterisation and activity analysis in water
components, the architecture and the processes occur- and wastewater treatment is written by Lazarova and
ring within biofilms. Apart from the high water con- Manem [34]. These parameters are however, not suf-
tent of up to 95%, the main constituents of biofilms ficient to describe biofilm activity in microscale. Soon
are microbial cells and EPS (Table 1). Depending on it was realised that improved analytical methods and
the environment, biofilms can also contain variable procedures are needed in order to understand the phys-
amounts of trapped particles and sorbed substances of iological behaviour of the fixed biomass. Several opti-
organic or inorganic nature. The spectrum of biofilm cal methods that allow the study of undisturbed living
systems to be investigated ranges from pure to mixed biofilms have been developed and are claimed to have
cultures, from batch to continuous cultures and from high potential in the analysis of biofilms. However,
laboratory to environmental, technical and medical bio- natural biofilms can develop into thick packages of
films. The characterisation of biofilms includes a wide cells that may limit light penetration into the biofilm
range of different analytical methods, which must be matrix hindering the use of optical methods.
adapted to the aim of the investigation (structural and= Structure characterising methods for biofilm exam-
or functional analysis). ination and monitoring are reviewed in [35]. Chen
et al. reviewed microscopic and spectroscopic tech-
niques separately and in combination [36]. They listed
Growth of biofilms in laboratory-based systems
methods and techniques applied to detection and mon-
The unique character of a natural biofilm makes inves- itoring of microbiologically influenced corrosion.
tigations of different aspects of biofilms such as for- Janknecht and Melo [37] presented a review of on-
mation, growth, metabolic activities, regulation, and line biofilm techniques focusing on methods based on
resistance difficult. For such investigations laboratory differential turbidimetry, light scattering, heat transfer,
devices are developed, which allow biofilm formation pressure drop, real-time measurement of metabolic
under controlled conditions of physical (flow velocity, products, image analysis, radiation signals, electric
shear stress, temperature, properties of the substratum and mechanical (vibration) signals. The detection of
etc.), chemical (composition and amount of nutrients, radiation signals encloses bioluminescence fluorome-
organic and inorganic particles, ions, etc.), and bio- try, FTIR, ATR, NMR and photoacoustic spectroscopy.
6 E. Denkhaus et al.

Lawrence and Neu reviewed aspects of biofilm culti- of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [44]. Barranguet et al.
vation, laser scanning microscopy, molecular probes and published a paper where the light attenuation by the
digital image analysis [38]. Chen et al. gives a review biofilm is measured and compared with the signal
on developments for in situ observation of membrane attenuation when using pulse amplitude modulation
processes [39]. They summarized techniques including (PAM) fluorimetry and CLSM [45]. In algal biofilms,
direct observation through membrane and related tech- PAM fluorimetry allows the measurement of algal
niques, refractometric and interferometric techniques, photosynthetic activity, maximum quantum yield and
photo-interrupt sensors, video, fluorescence, and parti- algal biomass in biofilm samples. The results of algal
cle image velocimetry. Also techniques including im- biomass and EPS production determines by chemical
pedance spectroscopy, ultrasonic reflectometry, radio and optical methods on mixed autotrophic biofilms of
isotope technique, NMR, computer aided tomography, different ages are compared. The advantages and lim-
electrochemical methods and constant temperature an- itations of both types of technologies are discussed
emometry are discussed. George et al. summarised var- with the aim of clarifying when which method should
ious biofilm monitoring techniques that are currently be preferred.
being used in water cooling systems [40]. A microscopy-based method for visualizing the
The mainly used techniques and methods for char- structure and dynamics of microbial biofilms, indivi-
acterising the structure of biofilms have been sum- dual fluorescent microbial cells, and inorganic col-
marized in the following sections. It has been found loids within a model porous medium is described by
impossible to include each type of technique. Leis et al. [46]. Biofilms growing in flow cells packed
with granules of an amorphous fluoropolymer could
be visulalised as a consequence of refractive index
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
matching between the solid fluoropolymer grains and
Microscopy plays a paramount role in the understand- the aqueous immersion medium. In conjunction with
ing of any biological process, as it is the basic tool for the capabilities of CLSM for optical sectioning, the
assessing microbial populations. It enables the detec- use of amorphous fluoropolymers as a solid matrix per-
tion of problems at an early stage, such as infections mits observation of organisms and dynamic processes
and diseases, contamination in food production, mal- to a depth of 2–3 mm, whereas sediment biofilms grow-
functioning of biotechnological processes in general, ing in sand-filled flow cells can only be visualised in
and deterioration of biological waste and wastewater the region adjacent to the flow cell wall.
treatment performance. There has been an increasing
application of microscopic methods in general over
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
the past years due to the possibility of coupling them
with automated digital on-line image acquisition and The combination of a conventional optical microscope
image analysis methods, and extending them to in situ with a specially designed glass flow cell was used to
analysis [35]. visualize ‘‘in situ’’ biofilms formed on opaque thin
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has biomaterials through a simple non-invasive way [47].
been preferred to other types of microscopy, because Comparisons of optical microscopy of thin biofilms
it allows the study of live, fully hydrated biofilms with SEM images were made. Also Stewart et al. de-
[38]. CLSM provides simultaneous information about monstrated the structural heterogeneity of a microbial
the 3-dimensional (3D) structure of the biofilms and biofilm by SEM, CLSM and cryoembedding followed
the identification of the different components, either by sectioning and microscopic examination [32]. They
by autofluorescence (algae) or by using specific fluo- compared the three different microscopic methods
rescent dyes for bacterial DNA or EPS glycoconjugates with respect to the information they provide concern-
[41, 42]. CLSM has been used for the assessment ing biofilm structural heterogeneity.
of lectin-binding analysis for in situ detection of gly-
coconjugates in fully hydrated river biofilms [43].
Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM)
Strathmann et al. have been used fluorescently labelled
lectins in combination with epifluorescence micros- Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy, which uses
copy and CLSM to allow the visualisation and char- near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS)
acterisation of carbohydrate-containing EPS in biofilms as its contrast mechanism, is a powerful new tool that
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 7

can be applied to fully hydrated biological materials. ference contrast microscopy and ATR-FT-IR spectro-
This is possible due to the ability of soft X-rays to scopy to characterise the chemistry and architecture of
penetrate water, the presence of suitable analytical biofilms colonizing surfaces in vitro [52]. The depth
core edges in the soft X-ray region, and reduced radia- of penetration of the evanescent wave of IR radiation
tion damage (compared to that caused by electron beam restricts the region over which chemical information
techniques). Lawrence et al. have been used STXM, is obtained to within approximately 1 mm of the prism.
CLSM and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) With the described approach, it should be possible to
to map the distribution of macromolecular subcom- relate specific structural change reported for antibiotic
ponents (e.g. polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and challenged biofilms to the concentrations of antibio-
nucleic acids) in a river biofilm [48]. They demon- tics within the biofilms. Also Chengdar et al. used the
strated that this combination of multimicroscopy ana- combination of microscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy
lysis can be used to create a detailed correlative map in order to understand the mechanisms of microbially
of biofilm structure and composition. STXM also is influenced corrosion=corrosion inhibition. Mild steel
capable of mapping metals in biofilms. It can provide electrodes were incubated in phosphate-buffered basal
quantitative maps of chemical species at environmen- salt solution having two different aerobic bacteria, viz.
tally relevant concentrations (i.e. mg  kg1 ) with a Pseudomonas alcaligenes and Pseudomonas cichoril.
spatial resolution of better than 50 nm [49]. Dynes The exposed surfaces were examined using scanning
et al. presented a method for a detailed quantitative electron micrographs (SEM), energy dispersive spec-
analysis of ferrous and ferric iron in a river biofilm in troscopy (EDS) and electron spectroscopy for chemi-
concert with mapping Ni(II) and Mn(II) species in the cal analysis (ESCA). The scraped surface film was
same region. also examined using FT-IR spectroscopy [55].
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform
(DRIFT) spectrometry was applied to a set of sedi-
Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
ment samples collected by sediment traps on a weekly
AFM is one of the most important and most widely basis as part of a river sediment contamination mon-
used technique among the scanning probe microscopy itoring campaign lasting one and a half years [56].
(SPM) techniques. AFM can be used to image features The FT-IR-DRIFT mode offers some important ad-
with dimensions at the atomic scale up to approxi- vantages, such as the ability to assess both mineral
mately 100 mm and it reveals the surface topography and organic structures in particles, good sensitivity
with direct depth information. Therfore it is suitable and high throughput. The main focus rested on the
for probing biopolymers. ability of DRIFT to detect differences in sediment
Hansma et al. [50] presented a short review of composition reflecting frequent dynamic changes in
atomic force microscopy (AFM) of biopolymers and hydrological of life-cycle situations characteristic of
specific examples of some of the biopolymers that river systems. The impact of these changes on metal
have been analysed by AFM. These specific examples binding by sediment particles was further investigated
include extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on and the consequences for metal bioavailability and
the surfaces of bacterial biofilms, condensed DNA, speciation modelling were discussed. Pink et al. pub-
DNA constructs, and DNA-protein interactions. lished an FT-IR study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PA01 biofilm development [57]. They gave an interpre-
tation of the ATR-FT-IR data in the 1500–1180 cm1
Infrared and raman spectroscopy
region. The experimental results provide the first
ATR-IR spectroscopy is a technique that can readily detection via a non-perturbative technique of an ex-
be used to acquire in situ data from bacterial cells cess of protein in the neighbourhood of the surface.
attached to a substratum. Furthermore, it has the ad- The mathematical analysis applied to the data sup-
vantage that whole bacterial cells and biofilms can ports the conclusion that the observations cannot be
be studied, thereby elimination the possibility of arte- completely accounted for by the changing character-
facts that can arise during the processes required to istics of bacterial proteins but, rather shows that an
isolate specific cellular components. Therefore this accumulation of excess protein near the attachment
technique is widely used in biofilm analysis [51–54]. surface is taking place. Kang et al. developed in situ
Even Suci et al. combined reflected differential inter- infrared spectroscopic methodologies to monitor chem-
8 E. Denkhaus et al.

ical processes in model bacterial biofilms and ap- suspensions, gel-immobilized cells and extracts as
plied these methodologies to probe metal ion binding wells as eukaryotic cell and tissue samples [65]. 1H
by Pseudomonas aeruginosa [58]. Single layers of and 1H-detected 13C NMR, in particular, provide for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa were prepared on ZnSe the direct, time-resolved and non-invasive monitoring
ATR-IR prisma. The binding of Cr(III), Ni(II) and of metabolite concentrations, metabolic pathways and
Co(II) ions at pH 5.0 to such single-layer biofilms flux rates for in situ studies of live cell suspensions
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been investigated. [66]. NMR techniques for the non-invasive study of
live biofilms have been restricted to the measurement
Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) of water properties. These studies include e.g. the
imaging of biofilms in porous media [67], the mea-
PAS is based on the absorption of electromagnetic ra- surement of convective flow of media in and near in
diation inside a sample. It combines features of optical situ biofilm surfaces [68, 69]. Further, liquid- and
spectroscopy and ultrasonic tomography and allows – in solid-state NMR methods have been used to study
contrast to other spectroscopic techniques – a depth – the chemical composition and molecular mobility of
resolved analysis of both optically and acoustically biofilm extracellular polymeric substances and ex-
inhomogeneous media. Schmid et al. presented a photo- tracts [70–72].
acoustic sensor system for depth-resolved analysis of Wind et al. described novel procedures and instru-
biofilms [59, 60]. The research group has been used this mentation for NMR spectroscopy and imaging stud-
system for the on-line and in situ observation of the ies of live, in situ microbial film [73]. Localised
sorption of suspended iron(III)oxide particles on the NMR techniques were developed and used to non-
outer and inner surfaces of the biofilm [61]. A PAS- invasively monitor time-resolved metabolite con-
system containing three photoacoustic sensor heads centrations and to image the biomass volume and
has been used for the investigation of the efficacy of distribution.
diverse biocides [62]. Monitoring of the photoacoustic
signal amplitude in the visible spectral range allows the
observation of biofilm detachment caused by biocides. Reflectance spectroscopy
Broschat et al. presented an optical reflectance assay
X-ray spectroscopy for measuring biofilm formation on both opaque and
X-ray spectroscopic and scattering techniques have nonopaque surfaces [74]. Time series reflectance mea-
found widespread application in the study of envi- surements are presented for two different bacteria on
ronmental and geochemical interfacial phenomena two different substrata, glass and polystyrene. The
[63]. The large penetration depth and inherent molec- reflectance assay can be used for rapid quantitative
ular scale sensitivity of X-rays make them ideal screening of mutant libraries, as well as rapid assess-
probes for investigating the structural details of en- ment of phenotypic variation among isolates.
vironmental materials under in situ conditions. Trainor
et al. give a review of the application of grazing-angle Combined surface characterising techniques
X-ray fluorescence techniques to investigate the dis-
tribution and speciation of heavy elements at envi- Several surface science techniques are often combined
ronmental interfaces including the presentation of a to increase the level of knowledge of the external part
model formalism that allows for quantitative analysis of the cell.
of fluorescent yield profiles [63]. Al-Bataineh et al. Beech et al. presented a review about the under-
investigated the surface immobilisation of antibacter- standing of microbe=surface interactions from the
ial furanones using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy perspective of gaining insight into mechanisms of bio-
(XPS) and tapping mode AFM after each step of the fouling and biocorrosion using atomic force spectro-
immobilisation sequence [64]. scopy (AFS) techniques in elucidating cell adhesion
to solid substrata and modern mass spectrometry tech-
niques in characterising biofilm populations and bio-
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
film matrix [75].
NMR spectroscopic techniques have provided de- FT-IR, XPS, and time-of-flight (TOF) secondary-
tailed metabolic information for live prokaryotic cell ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), three techniques hav-
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 9

ing different sensitivities and analysis depths, were centrifugation, ultrasonication, heating, and the use of
combined to characterise the chemical composition additives. An overview of the extraction methods are
of the topmost layers of the micro-organisms [76]. presented in a review by Jahn and Nielsen [80]. They
have clearly represented multitude of diverse extrac-
tion methods and their application in biofilm analysis
Separation, molecular and hyphenated
and a useful extraction check list including sampling,
storage, washing, homogenisation, extraction itself,
As mentioned before the main components of a bio- and purification. The extraction efficiency given as
film are water, the microbial cells the extracellular the amount of organic matter extracted depend on
polymeric substances, and organic particles. Corre- the method used, the biological sample and the analyte.
spondingly, a subsequent separation of the biomass Zhang et al. compare five different extraction methods
(microbial cells) and the other extracellular compo- on basis of centrifugation, steaming, and chelatization
nents are needed. Thus, it is a huge task to identify for the separation of EPS from defined biofilm sam-
and quantify each component because minimal cell ples evaluating the yields of carbohydrate and protein
lysis, and no disruption or altering of the extracellular concentrations [79]. They found that regular centrifu-
biopolymers are basic requirements. Principally, the gation with formaldehyde is most suitable for carbo-
separation method must be selected for each case, hydrate separation and steaming extraction for protein
considering the specific needs and constraints. The separation [1a]. Li et al. [77] published the results of
aim of this part of the review is to give an overview experiments, where EPS using either EDTA or NaOH
of analytical methods preferable according to the was enhanced by alternating current especially within
investigation with the main focus on separation and the first 0.5 h of current application. All listed meth-
analysis of components of EPS. The investigation of ods have the main disadvantage of high rate of cell
EPS is helpful for the implementation of analytical lysis. This can be circumvented applying a cation-
methods which are suitable for biofilm analysis. EPS exchange resin (Dowex) for extraction of e.g. humic
can be handled without following legal regulations substances and proteins in considerable amounts [80].
according to laboratory equipment and safety ac- This method is based on the removal of calcium ions,
tivities in comparison to the handling of pathogenic destabilizing the EPS structure, so a separation from
microbes. the microbial cells is possible. Wuertz et al. present a
The choice of a suitable separation method corre- suitable extraction method for the separation of EPS
sponds to the analytical and microbiological problem, for quantification of organic and inorganic contami-
respectively. Principally, most of the regular separa- nants, especially sorbed alkaline and alkaline earth
tion techniques used in analytical separation, such metals via a crown ether [81]. Additionally, they could
as extraction, derivatization, field flow fractionation, show better effectiveness for crown ether extrac-
chromatography, and electrophoresis, can be applied tion than for separation using cation exchange resin.
for isolating components of the biofilm, like EPS, Azeredo et al. circumvent the promotion of leakage of
polysaccarides, proteins, nucleic acids, phospholipids, intracellular material via pre-treatment of the biofilm
humic substances or individual organic or inorganic with glutaraldehyde, which shows protective proper-
compounds. ties against cell lysis [82]. Within the application of
solid phase extraction two publications of recent date
are quoted, the removal of a technical nonylphenol
Extraction as a separation method
ethoxylate surfactant and the formation of degrada-
The extraction as a sample pre-treatment technique in tion products under oxic and anoxic conditions in a
biofilm analysis is employed for the quantification of miniaturised biofilm reactor were monitored after
the extracellular polymeric substances, mostly in form solid phase extraction following reversed phase-high
of proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, (phospho) performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) by
lipids, and humic acids or environmental relevant fluorescence detection [83] and the quantification
organic and inorganic compounds or metal ions. Sev- of atrazine in a freshwater biofilm by chromatogra-
eral physical as well as chemical and combined meth- phy-mass spectrometric detection after immediate
ods have been proposed to extract EPS from biofilms extraction with acetonitrile following solid phase
or activated sludge floes [78] such as the high-speed extraction [84].
10 E. Denkhaus et al.

Concluding it can be ascertained that cation ex- probes (oligonucleotide probe, DNA microarray) of
change resin can be applied in routine for the separa- known nucleic acid molecules (specific bacterial DNA
tion of EPS from the microbial cells. sequences from target microorganisms), pulse field
gel electrophoresis (PFGE), denaturing-gradient gel
electrophoresis (DGGE), and polymerase chain reac-
Field-flow fractionation as a separation method
tion (PCR) for amplification of DNA in combination
An interesting separation method with future perspec- with different analytical methods, e.g. mass spectro-
tives seems to be the field-flow fractionation in their metry and microscopic techniques are mainly used
variants, up to now applied for the characterization of in the identification of the different bacterial cells
natural colloids, particles and biotechnological tasks. forming a natural biofilm, organized in a microbial
The biotechnological applications including separa- ecosystem [101–104]. The application of ribosomal
tion of proteins, nucleic acids, and macromolecules RNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes (also known
as well as sorting and fingerprinting of bacterial cells, as ribotyping or molecular fingerprinting: analysis of
are reviewed in an article by Reschiglian et al. [85]. DNA fragments generated from restriction enzyme
One variant of the field-flow fractionation (FFF) is the digestion of genes encoding their 16S rRNA) visu-
sedimentation-FFF (Sd-FFF) well suitable for the de- alized in different hybridisation formats, e.g. as dot
termination of particle size distribution or for the blot, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), and
investigation of parameters depending on the particle green fluorescent protein (GFP), allows a quantifi-
size [86, 87]. Other technical constructions of FFF are cation of the composition of a complex microbial
the flow field-flow fractionation (FIFFF) [88–90] with community [103–105]. Combining FISH and micro-
the sub-technique of asymmetrical flow field-flow autoradiography an in situ uptake and subsequent
fractionation (AF4) [91, 92] and the hollow-fiber flow incorporation of radioactively labelled substrate into
field-flow fractionation (HF FIFFF) [93]. All listed individual microbial cells is possible [106]. Addition-
FFF techniques have the main advantages of mini- ally, the results can be combined with results obtained
mized sample alteration using carrier with low ionic by microsensors [107]. An interesting approach to a
strength, and of easy hyphenation to usual analyti- combination of electrochemical and molecular techni-
cal detectors, e.g. element specific detectors such as que is presented in a publication of Lassalle et al.
electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer [87], [108]. They construct an electrosensor based on an
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer [90, electronically conductive polymer grafted with oli-
91, 94], inductively coupled plasma atomic emis- gonucleotides for real time detection of DNA hy-
sion spectrometer [95], and X-ray spectrometer [94]. bridisation using photocurrent spectroscopy and a
Additionally, the coupling of FIFFF to multi-angle quartz crystal microbalance. New developments in
laser light scattering (MALLS), transmission electron the rRNA-targeted probes are rRNA-based phyloge-
microscopy (TEM) [88, 89] and atomic force micro- netic DNA microarrays consisting of several oligo-
scopy (AFM) [96] is described. Recently, HF FIFFF is nucleotide probes for microbial specification. The
interfaced with ESI=MS for protein separation and application of such a DNA microarray offers the pos-
simultaneous characterization [97]. This hyphenated sibility to determine the up-and-down regulation of
technique seems to be a powerful tool for the charac- genes that are involved in different steps of biofilm
terization of biofilms, especially due to the composi- formation or in pathogensis of microbial infections.
tion of EPS, but isn’t described up to now. Boyce et al. present technologies of DNA microar-
rays that applied in the determination of response of
bacterial pathogens to different environments [109].
Molecular techniques
Sauer discusses in a minireview the limitation of
Principally, a reconstruction of near complete gen- microarray studies during biofilm development [110].
omes or genome sequences of microorganisms is pos- A comprehensive review presents DNA microarray
sible using genomic datasets in combination with analysis due to the gene expression profile of biofilms
molecular techniques [98]. Further interesting reviews [111]. The author comes to the conclusion that bio-
deal with microbial genomics and metagenomics and films may have a unique pattern of gene expression.
bioinformatics systems for data interpretation [99, On the other side, the major disadvantage using oli-
100]. Molecular techniques including nucleic acid gonucleotide probes is the requirement of specific DNA
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 11

fragments that recognize complementary specific bac- having the advantage of high analysis speed (20–
terial DNA sequences from target microorganisms. In 70 min instead of 5–12 h), low analysis cost and port-
praxis a multitude of oligonucleotide probes exists. ability [118]. Integrated optics, e.g. CCD camera,
Therefore data bases are needed [105, 112]. photodiodes etc., allow a complete online analysis of
Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is similar to microbial composition in a biofilm in form of a ‘‘lab
ribotyping but instead of rRNA, the whole genome is on chip’’. The authors impressively reviewed the ad-
analysed [104]. In the first step the genome is cutted vances of technologies for micro- and nanoscale anal-
by restriction enzymes into large genomic fragments. ysis of genetic material including design, fabrication,
In the second step the fragments are separated by and testing of the integrated microsystems. Addition-
subjecting them to alternatively pulsed, perpendicu- ally they give a lot of useful references and show the
larly oriented electrical fields following electropho- future perspectives in this field.
resis with different detection.
Based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) var-
Chromatographic, electrophoretic,
ious analytical techniques can be used to identify bio-
and hyphenated techniques
film organisms in their natural habitat (cultivation is
not longer needed). Beginning with the extraction of In the following the sample pre-treatment, the sep-
DNA from the microbial cells following cell lysis the aration, here chromatographic and electrophoretic sep-
rDNA is amplified by DNA polymerase in a three aration, and characterization of polysaccharides (1)
stage process. The amplification products are then and proteins (2) are mainly presented because of their
separated and analysed using DNA sequences capil- functional importance in biofilm formation, growth,
lary electrophoresis, image processing and data base metabolic and regulatory activities. At the present
with reference pattern [108]. One technique coupling time, no single method exists that could be recom-
PCR amplification of rDNA genes and denaturing- mended for the chromatographic and electrophoretic
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is now in a devel- separation and purification of polysaccharides and
opmental phase [104, 113–115]. The electrophoretic proteins and the determination of their analytical char-
separation is based on the melting properties of the acteristics, generally. Dependent on the matrix, the
amplified DNA sequences. Each band observed on polysaccharides and the proteins have to be isolated
the gel represents a specific sequence of a gene. The from the sample and dissolved before a characterisa-
PCR-amplified DNA can be directly determined by tion can be done.
matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-
flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) [116]. This
combination has two main advantages: analysis can be
rapidly done and only small amounts of DNA are To prevent a degradation of the polysaccharides the
needed. experimental conditions during the homogenisation of
Another possibility for the determination of target the biological sample and the following isolation
microorganisms in a microbial community is the use of the polysaccharides have to be chosen as follows
of immunological assays based on antigen-antibody [119]: (a) aqueous or buffer solutions (pH 5–7.5), (b)
reactions. The visualisation can be performed by low temperatures (0–4  C), (c) short extraction times,
direct or indirect immunofluorescent microscopy as- and (d) addition of reduction reagents (e.g. Dithio-
says, flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent threitol). Exopolysaccharides can be achieved by di-
assay (ELISA), membrane assay and latex agglutina- verse extraction methods, described in the chapter
tion [117]. The main problem using immunological extraction as a separation method. The proteins ex-
assays is that they can only be applied for thin bio- tracted can be removed by thermal denaturation, pre-
films because of the large molecule of an antibody. In cipitation with trichloroacetic acid (10–20%) [120],
a multilayered biofilm the EPS acts as natural barrier with ammonium-sulphate, extraction with phenol=
for large molecules. A further disadvantage is the lim- acetic acid=water (2:2:1) or protease treatment [119].
ited number of antibodies tested. For the extraction of polysaccharides from the
Recent developments are integrated genetic anal- treated sample material extraction reagents, like (a)
ysis microsystems on basis of microscale PCR com- water or buffer solutions for water soluble polysac-
bined with microchannel capillary electrophoresis charides, (b) dimethylsulfoxide for starch, (c) pectins
12 E. Denkhaus et al.

with Ca2þ bounding chelats e.g. EDTA, (d) hemicel- exclusion chromatography (SEC), in which analytes
lulose by NaOH or KOH, (e) methylmorpholino-N- are separated based on their molecular size in solu-
oxide for neutral polysaccharides like hemicellulose tion, with refractive index or light scattering detection
or cellulose, and (f) cadoxen (1,2-diaminoethan=water= [126]. Here, Churms gives an overview about carbo-
cadmium oxide) for cellulose, can be used. After hydrate separation by HPLC based on size exclusion
the extraction, salts and other lower molecular com- [127]. This review surveys changes in SEC systems
pounds have to be removed. Methods e.g. dialysis, and their application to the separation and molecular-
dialfiltration, tangential flow filtration, precipitation weight (MW) distribution analysis of carbohydrates
with ethanol and GPC have been applied for this pur- till 1996. Mistry et al. published an interesting method
pose [119]. Mixtures of the isolated polysaccharides based on size-exclusion capillary electrochromato-
can be separated by methods which permit a separa- graphic separation of polysaccharides using polymeric
tion caused by charge and=or molecular size. The stationary phases in 2003 [126]. They have demon-
most applied techniques are fractional precipitation strated the separation of polysaccharides with higher
[119], preparative GPC, gel filtration [121] and pre- molecular mass, up to 112 000 g  mol1 routinely,
parative ion exchange chromatography [122]. although with limited detection sensitivity by two ap-
Using chromatographic methods for the char- proaches with and without derivatization. The calibra-
acterisation of polysaccharides mostly a reduction to tion has been carried out by using pullulan standards.
mono- or oligosaccharides is necessary, an exception They did not observe aggregation, which could falsely
is the size-exclusion chromatography for the determi- lead to high MW determinations. As far as the calibra-
nation of the molecular weight. The quantitative and tion problems concerned the use of a multiangle light
qualitative composition of polysaccharides will be scattering detector is a promising opportunity to avoid
carried out by acid catalyzed total hydrolysis of the these problems. Light scattering is one of the few
polysaccharide as a rule. Besides of further solvolysis absolute methods available for the determination of
methods e.g. methanolysis, acetolysis, and formolysis molecular mass and structure and certainly is appli-
[119] alternative methods e.g. the enzymatic hydroly- cable over the broadest range of molecular weights of
sis [123] have been described for the degradation of any method [128]. Especially for the investigation of
polysaccharides. branched polysaccharides SEC coupled with a multi-
Hydrolysis belongs to the most widely used meth- angle light scattering detector is recognized as one of
ods, which are used for the degradation of polysac- the most powerful techniques [129].
charides to mono- or oligosaccharides. In this case an The second approach is the employment of chro-
O-glycosidic bounding will be splitted by addition of matography for analysing polysaccharide degradation
one molecule H2O. The reaction is carried out in aque- products. But most monosaccharides exhibit only
ous solutions by catalysis with acids and high tem- slight differences in charge, hydrophobicity, and mole-
peratures. Commonly used acids are hydrochloric acid, cular mass, and as with monosaccharides, the separ-
sulphuric acid and trifluoroacetic acid. The mechan- ation of oligosaccharides is a complex task because
ism of this reaction is reported in [124]. Some work- they often comprise a mixture of similar chemical
ing off steps can be necessary after the hydrolysis structures and have only minor chemical differences
reaction depending on the chromatographic method. in features such as their anomeric configuration, link-
Salts or acids can disturb the chromatographic separa- age points, and ring structure.
tion and must be eliminated e.g. by participation of The first reviews summarized the main develop-
the disturbing compound or neutralisation with a cor- ments in the thin-layer chromatography (TLC), GLC
responding reagent [125]. and HPLC techniques, owing to the application of
Chromatographic methods have long been recog- novel methods of derivatization. This includes also
nized as a vital part of carbohydrate analysis, generally. the use of techniques, such as supercritical fluid chro-
Two approaches exist to the use of chromatography matography and ion chromatography [130, 131]. In
in investigation of polysaccharides. One approach is the second half of the 1990s more and more liquid
the chromatographic separation of polysaccharides ac- chromatography methods have been established and
cording to their molecular masses. Traditionally, the summarized by Zalyalieva et al. [132]. The possibility
determination of molecular mass distribution of the of the separation of underivatized sugars and, there-
polysaccharides has been accomplished using size fore less sample preparation is one reason for this
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 13

development. In investigations of polysaccharides, the A review about the separation and detection of
development of silica gel sorbents with grafted-on non- amino acid-carbohydrate mixtures by HPAEC-inte-
polar and polar phases has led to the appearance and grated pulsed amperometric detection is presented
use of methods of high-performance liquid chromato- by Jandik et al. in 2004 [144]. They show the possi-
graphy (HPLC): reversed-phase and ligand-exchange bilities and advantages of this technique in compari-
variants. Classical methods of chromatography, based son to traditional methods.
on the use of soft gels and low pressures are gradually A promising method is reported by Stroop et al.
being displaced by HPLC methods. using a combination of HPAEC with combined elec-
The importance of capillary electrophoresis as an trochemical pulsed amperometric detection and in-
additional analytical tool has been illustrated by two line detection of optical rotation with an in-line laser
successive reviews from El Rassi in the 1990s [133, polarimeter for analysis of a number of mono- and
134]. Davies and Hounsell have been concentrated oligosaccharides found in complex polysaccharides
on the detection methods used in HPLC and CE for [139]. They showed how information can be easily
carbohydrate chromatography in the first half decade obtained about both the monosaccharide composition
of the 1990s [135]. They summarized the important and the absolute configuration of the residues in one
developments of methods used UV absorbance, re- analysis without chemical derivatization.
fractive index, laser light scattering, electrochemical Of course, the coupling of HPLC to electrospray
detection, radioactivity and fluorescence as the detec- ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) is suitably
tion method. Paulsen et al. published a review about very well for the separation and characterization of
the chromatography and electrophoresis in separation saccharides. Liu et al. presented a method based on
and characterization of polysaccharides from lichens this technique using a native cyclodextrin-based col-
in 2002 [136]. Generally, the techniques of capillary umn for the separation and characterization of under-
electrophoresis are promising for the characterisation ivatized oligosaccharide mixtures [145].
of natural polysaccharides [137]. But also GC-MS methods are well established and
High-performance anion-exchange chromatogra- have been used routinely since the early 1980s. GC-
phy connected to pulsed amperometric detection MSMS methods have been readily adapted from exist-
(HPAEC-PAD) seems to be another powerful tool ing GC-MS technology [146]. A review according to
for the analysis of saccharides according to the sep- the carbohydrate profiling of bacteria by GC-MS and
aration efficiency and detector sensitivity [138–142]. their trace detection in complex matrices by GC-MS
Carbohydrates are weak acids that are ionized at high MS is given by Fox [146].
pH (pKa values 12–14 [142]) and are therefore amen- Chemical derivatization methods allow the conver-
able to separation by anion exchange chromatography sion of saccharides into derivatives that can be detected
with a high pH eluent. The carrier material of these with higher sensitivity. Also chemical derivatization
pellicular anion exchange resins form monodisperse, often enhances selectivity. The derivatization of the
not porous spherical particle of 10 mm which exist of compounds can be carried out before injecting (pre-
polystyrene=divinylbenzene-copolymers with extre- column) or after the separation (post-column) of the
mely high across interlinking. sample compounds on the chromatographic column.
The high across interlinking of the material leads to a Pre-column derivatization causes modification, to a
bigger solvent compatibility and a stability in the pH greater or lesser degree, of the structure of a sugar resi-
area from 0 to 14. The carrier particles are covered due. Two reactions are employed for the pre-chromato-
with a thin latex layer from micro pearls of functional graphic derivatization of saccharides: carbonyl groups
quaternary amino groups and form a surfaces-porous are coupled with amines, giving Schiff bases, or
structure. The functional latex layer is either electro- amines are formed by reductive amination [147, 148].
static or covalent bounded [142]. For the pulsed am- The advantage of carbonyl derivatization is that it is
perometric detection mostly gold working electrodes specific to reducing sugars and is done only at one
vs. Ag=AgCl electrodes have been used [143]. The position in the molecule, allowing sugar molecules
use of gold working electrodes is the best choice for to be quantified stoichiometrically – a feature that is
the detection of monosaccharides because their sur- very important for oligosaccharide structure analysis.
faces are able to catalyse the electrochemical oxida- Post-column derivatization, however, has the ad-
tion of polar aliphatic compounds in alkaline media. vantage that sugars are directly injected into the
14 E. Denkhaus et al.

chromatograph. Artifact formation of the derivatiza- of colorimetric assays have been used to quantify
tion reaction plays a minor role; in contrast to pre- carbohydrates [149]. An overview is given in [150].
column derivatization, the derivatization reactions do The use of fluorescence compounds as derivatiza-
not need to be completed or fully defined. A number tion reagents is a good opportunity. The derivatives

Table 2. Analytical methods for the determination of polysaccharides

Sample Sample preparation Method of determination Remarks Reference
Biofilm Extraction by EDTA= Phenol-sulfuric acid [120]
dialyse; precipitation method
of proteins by pH
adjustment and TCA
Biofilm Extraction by EDTA Phenol-sulfuric acid method [53]
or NaOH and
alternating current
Corn syrup Hydrolysis on a cation HPAEC-PAD [140]
exchange resin Column: CarboPac PA1
(Ca-form) Eluent: NaOH=NaOCH3 gradient
Different food Enzyme digestion HPAEC Recoveries in a fortified [138]
samples Two Columns: CarboPac PA1 drink matrix: 94.9–105%
Eluent: NaOH=water gradient
Capsular Acid hydrolysis HPAEC-OR-PAD Simultaneous use of [139]
polysaccharides of with TFA Column: CarboPac PA1 electrochemical and optical
gram-positive and Eluent: NaOH isocratically rotation detectors permits
gram-negative Optical rotation detector quantitative evaluation
pathogenic bacteria Advanced Laser Polarimeter of the OR signal allowing
detection mixtures of
enantiomeric sugars
Standard mixture Autoclave HPAEC-colorimetric detection Detection limit 0.1 mg [149]
of galacturonic hydrolysis=HCl Column: CarboPac PA1 Method responds to the
acid Post-column derivatization mass of sugar rather than
Oligomers with KMnO4=sulphuric acid the molarity of sugar
Escherichia coli Acid treatment and SAX-HPLC-Fluorometric detection Detection limit: 20 ng [151]
K4 bacterium enzymatic digestion Column: Spherisorb 5-SAX
Eluent: NaCl
Post-column derivatization
with 2-cyanoacetamide
Standards of Dissolution in water HPLC-ESI-MS Detection limit: 50 pg [145]
underivatized Column: Cyclobond I 2000
oligosaccharides Eluent: Acetonitrile=formic acid=water
Natural Hydrolysis with TFA CE-UV-VIS [140]
polysaccharides and lyophilisation Column: uncoated fused-silica-
(plant gums) capillaries
Standards of Enzymatic digestion HPLC-UV Detection limit: 50 pmol; [148]
oligosaccharides Pre-column dervatization Column: LiChrosorb Si 60 Up to 11 sugar residues
with p-aminobenzoic Eluent: Acetonitrile-water-DAB can be separated
ethyl ester TLC; GC; GC-MS, FAB-MS
Glycoprotein Acid hydrolysis with RP-HPLC-UV Detection limit: 50 pmol; [147]
TFA. Pre-column Column: Pico-Tag The procedure can be used
derivatization with Eluent: Sodium acetate to analyze neutral and
p-aminobenzoic buffer-acetonitrile-methanol amino sugars in a single
ethyl ester chromatographic step
Pullulan and Derivatization with SE-capillary electro chromatography Aggregation of the PIC [126]
amylase Phenylisocyanat (CEC) tagged polymer did
Column: home made combination of not play a role in the
high capacity ion-exchanger and a analysis at the
neutral polystyrene-divinylbenzene, concentrations used
Indirect detection by adding an
absorbing mobile phase
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 15

achieved by reaction of monosaccharides e.g. with 2- and ultrafiltration, precipitation and lyophilization.
cyanoacetamide can be detected by UV or=and fluo- The protein separation of a biofilm initially begins
rescence [151]. with cell lysis after homogenisation, excepting the
The most articles as far as polysaccharide analysis investigation of extracellular protein expression and
concerned mentioned in this paper do not deal with the investigation of proteins in EPS (see chapter
the analysis of polysaccharides from biofilms. Those extraction as a separation method). The cell lysis can
publications are missing up to now. But the described be performed in a buffer solution (e.g. Tris–HCl at
methods can be transferred to this field and therefore approx. pH 6.5–8.0) by sonification, enzymatic, and
selected methods are listed in Table 2. mechanical treatment, respectively. To prevent decom-
position of the proteins, RNA, and DNA during storage
a Dnase, Rnase and proteinase inhibitor cocktail can
be added. Pellets containing the insoluble fractions
Beside information from genomic and metagenomic can be separated by centrifugation. Nucleic acid re-
studies of bacterial communities the interest of scien- moval can be achieved by precipitation with e.g. tri-
tists working in the field of biofilm research is also chloroacetic acid and lipid removal with excess
focused on proteomic and metaproteomic analysis, detergent. Soluble fractions are sequentially denatured
respectively. Normally, the biomass of the biofilms with urea or thiourea or both, reduced (e.g. by tris(2-
for proteome analysis is restricted. This restriction carboxyethyl)-phosphine), methylated (e.g. by iodo-
can causes an enrichment process of the biomass or acetamide), and digested with endoproteinase [155].
biofilm generation. For this purpose alternative labora- Using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) the
tory-assisted biofilm systems were developed for an proteins can be enriched on basis of hydrophobic in-
increase of biofilm mass. Best results could be ob- teraction, heparin and hydroxyapatite chromatography
served using glass wool as solid surface for biofilm [156, 157]. In the case of phosphopeptides the enrich-
growth because of large surface-to-volume-ratio [152]. ment can be obtained by immobilized metal affinity
An additional advantage applying glass wool is the chromatography [158]. Histidine rich proteins can
possibility of simple separation of the biofilm mass also be pre-concentrated and purified by immobilized
from the surrounding planktonic cells. On the other nickel affinity chromatography [159]. For the purifica-
side newly published biofilm investigations deal with tion and further concentration of the proteins capillary
proteomic analysis of natural biofilms. Kan et al. pre- reversed phase chromatography can be applied [160].
sents the first metaproteomic study on natural aquatic A suitable development in sample preparation used in
biofilms including description of the analytical meth- proteomics is the introduction of in-gel digestion kits.
ods used [153]. An additional interesting aspect of A summary of the sample preparation methods for
proteins in biofilm research is the fact, that proteins proteomics is compressed presented in a paper by
are also involved in cell-to-cell communication. The Wells and Weil as a perspective study including a
attendance of specific proteins on signalling path- clearly arranged diagram of the protein separation pro-
ways are reviewed in a publication of Visick and cedures with focus on mass spectrometric detection
Fuqua [154]. [161]. Additionally, they have listed preparation and
The investigation of micriobial metabolic activity automation products of divers companies. For a first
due to proteins can be divided into two parts, intra- quantification of the whole proteins the determination
cellular and extracellular protein expression. For the of the total amount of proteins e.g. in cytosols of
comparison of protein expression in biofilms and their microbial cells or EPS is helpful and can be carried
planktonic counterparts and physiological changes out by Lowry (alkaline copper), Bradford (Coomassie
during biofilm formation the detection of the largest stain) and Smith (bicinchoninic acid) protein assays
possible number of proteins is desirable. Principally, with spectrophotometric detection [162].
complete protein analysis (proteomics) is separated Traditionally, proteins are separated by 1-dimen-
into three areas: functional, structural and expression sional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1DGE),
proteomics. All of the protein analysis areas need visualized as spots coloured by dyes and labelled with
their special matching sample preparation procedure. markers by immunoblotting and by chemical meth-
Classical protein sample preparation includes desalt- ods. In this way, the quantification of the proteins is
ing, concentration, centrifugation, dialysis, filtration time-consuming and only a few proteins on each gel
16 E. Denkhaus et al.

can be analysed because of the lack of standards. A mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) showing the best
new generation of gel electrophoretic methods have resolution and mass accuracy in comparison to other
been developed in the last two decades. The two- mass spectrometer [166, 167]. Methodologies of mass
dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) is the elec- spectrometry and other analytical technologies are
trophoretic method of choice. The application in the reviewed in several papers [166–168]. Promising ap-
separation of hundred to thousand proteins is pre- proaches are the liquid-junction interfacing of the sep-
sented in [163]. Similar electrophoretic techniques aration column outlet and the inlet of the capillary
such as two dimensional fluorescence difference gel sprayer using nano-ESI, and the miniaturized ESI
electrophoresis (DIGE) can be applied for protein anal- techniques. Banfield et al. have detected more than
ysis according to their isoelectric point and molecular two thousand proteins in a natural acid mine drainage
mass with subsequent tryptogenic digestion of the microbial biofilm applying LC-MS=MS [169]. They
proteins of interest [164]. found proteins involved in protein refolding and re-
Mass spectrometric methods in combination with sponse to oxidative stress to be highly expressed.
gel electrophoresis make a complete protein analy- Beside protein analysis the LC-MS=MS can also be
sis possible. The mass spectrometric analysis can be used for the characterisation of ubiquinones neutral
carried out by matrix-assisted laser desorption ioni- lipid extract of microbial cells and biofilm commu-
sation or electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry nities [170]. The separation of the microbial ubiqui-
(MALDI-MS and ESI-MS). Lahm and Langen present nones was achieved using a C18 phase and a mobile
in their publication the application of mass spec- phase consisting of methanol-isopropyl alcohol con-
trometry as a tool for the identification of proteins taining ammonium acetate. The advantage of the
separated by gels in general [165]. The analysis of method described is that no derivatisation is required
gel-separated proteins begins with the generation of in comparison to the analysis by GC-MS [171].
peptide fragments by electroelution and digestion in Finally, it has to be noticed that 2-DGE and MUD-
solution, electrotransfer on a membrane and cleavage PIT are complementary technologies, and to achieve
on the membrane, direct digestion in the gel matrix, optimal coverage, both should be used in proteomics.
and the digestion during blotting processes, respec-
tively. The identification of the peptides generated
Microsensors in biofilm analysis
can be achieved by peptide mass fingerprinting or
peptide sequence information. For detailed structural Microsensors suitable in biofilm analysis are minia-
information the data obtained by MALDI-MS analysis turised electrochemical and fiber-optic sensors with
in combination with data from MS=MS experiments tip diameter smaller than 20 mm. The small tip size
seems to be a potential possibility analysing the pep- provides a high spatial resolution and is a condition
tides in the lower sub-pmol level. precedent to in situ probing of laboratory assisted and
Despite of automation in 2-DGE-MS the conver- natural biofilms. Due to their small dimensions and
sion of individual proteins from their entrapped form analyte consumption they are applied in the research
in the gel is time-consuming and does not meet the of formation of a biofilm, influx and efflux of sub-
demand of high-throughput in contrast to liquid form. stances and nutrients (e.g. rates of nutrient consump-
Current development has focused on the use of liquid- tion, depth of nutrient penetration, mass-transport rates,
phase separation techniques in combination with MS. diffusivity), microenvironmental conditions including
The most suitable LC-MS technique for proteome concentration profiles of dissolved substances and
analysis is the so called multidimensional protein biofouling processes [172, 173]. Furthermore micro-
identification technology (MUDPIT) based of on the sensors are suitable studying microbiologically in-
separation of proteolytic peptides by LC and their fluenced corrosion (MIC) of water transporting pipes
identification by directly coupled electrospray ioniza- or cooling systems [174–178] and biocide testing on
tion-tandem mass spectrometery (ESI-MS=MS) [109]. biofilms [179].
Applied mass spectrometers are time of flight (TOF), The electrochemical microsensors can be divided
quadrupole and ion trap MS [166]. The combination into three groups, the first one are sensors on basis
of a quadrupole and a time of flight mass spectro- of potentiometric microelectrodes, the second one is
meter is known as QTOF. The most sensitive MS tech- based on amperometric microelectrodes including a
nique is the Fourier-transform cyclotron resonance biological reaction in the sensor tip, and the third
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 17

one are summarized under the commonly used term escence excitation, excitation filters, emission filters,
micro-biosensors. Detailed reviews are presented by and a beam splitter. A tapered fiber-optic microsen-
[172, 173]. The potentiometric microsensors are based sor with a tip diameter of 10 nm to measure profiles
on charge separation of ions across a membrane and of backscattered light in biofilms is presented by
can be subdivided into sulphide microsensor working Beyenal et al. [183]. Recently, a special fiber based
as a silver half cell, ion-selective microsensors in form sensor, a photonic-crystal fiber (PCF) Bragg grating-
of pH glass electrodes [172, 173], liquid ion-exchange based biosensor is characterised for the detection of
(LIX) microelectrode [172, 173, 180], redox micro- selected single-stranded DNA molecules, hybridised
electrodes (normally a platinum wire in a glass capil- to a biofilm [184]. Keirsse et al. have published an
lary combined with a suitable reference electrode) optical sensor operating in the mid-infrared (MIR)
[172, 173, 181], and carbon dioxide microsensors with spectral domain, using a chalcogenide glass fiber
(sodium) bicarbonate as internal electrolyte that equi- [185]. A further example is the use of a laser trian-
librates with carbonic acid [172, 173]. As to new gulation sensor for the measurement of the surface
developments further miniaturization of the potentio- roughness and thickness of a biofilm [186]. The main
metric microsensors are described, e.g. a new carbon advantages of optical over electrochemical sensors
dioxide microsensor with a tip diameter of less than are chemical inertness, internal reference, and geo-
20 nm [180] and a redox microelectrode array with metric versatility. The disadvantage is the restricted
four-probe glass electrodes each with a tip diameter tip diameter, usually 20–30 mm, because of coupling
of 200 nm [181]. with the optical device.
Amperometric microsensors measuring the cur- In conclusion, the application of microsensors in
rent, caused by electrochemical reactions of the ana- biofilm characterization are restricted by their limited
lyte on the surface of the electrode, can be applied for commercial availability and their isolated information
measurements of oxygen, sulphide, hydrogen, chlor- caused by the heterogeneity on the microscale and the
ine, hydrogen peroxide, and mass-transport dynamics lack of suitable mathematical models of biofilm accu-
[172, 173, 182]. Amperiometric microelectrodes used mulation and activity. The isolated information can be
are working without membranes and in different circumvented adding information provided by mole-
experimental arrangement due to the biological pro- cular techniques.
blem: measurements of the local mass-transport coef-
ficient, the local effective diffusivity or the local flow
Atomic spectrometry
The third group of electrochemical microsensors, Only a few papers have been published on the analysis
the micro-biosensors, are based on reaction of organic of free and bound metals in biofilms although the
molecules with the biological material immobilized elemental analysis in aquatic systems is a very impor-
on the electrode tip transducing the chemical signal. tant task to understand uptake and accumulation pro-
Miniaturised biosensors for the quantification of glu- cesses of trace elements into the trophic chain [187].
cose, methane, nitrate and nitrous oxide are described Van Hullebusch et al. presented a review about the
in the literature [172, 173]. On the other side the min- mechanisms and analytical tools according to the
iaturization causes the problem of decreased sensitiv- metal immobilisation by biofilms [188]. This review
ity because the space for immobilizing the biological shows the advantage of using a combination of differ-
materials is decreased in comparison to macroscale ent techniques to evaluate the fate of metals within
biosensors. Furthermore the lifetime of the micro-bio- microbial biofilms. It has been demonstrated that an
sensors are very short (a few days to maximal several interdisciplinary approach is required to study metal
month in the case of methane biosensor). fate within the biofilm matrix. The review gives an
Another possibility to report biofilm growth on- overview about the different mechanisms involved in
line and in real time is the use of optical micro- the immobilisation of metals within biofilms e.g. bio-
sensors. One example of an optical microsensor is sorption, sulphide precipitation, phosphate precip-
an integrated illuminated fiber based optical sensor itation etc. Furthermore, extraction techniques and
(micro-optode), measuring the light scattered by the methods for localisation and identification of metals
material deposited on the tip [176]. The optical sys- in the biofilm have been presented, focused on X-ray
tem can contain light emitting diodes (LED) for fluor- absorption spectroscopy techniques.
18 E. Denkhaus et al.

X-ray spectrometry [196]. Also Ivena et al. has been investigated the sin-
gle and joint effects of increased phosphate and metal
To study the metal accumulation of biofilms, total-
(Cd, Zn) concentrations on benthic diatom com-
reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF)
munities in microalgal biofilms by graphite furnace
[189–194] has been used following different oxidative
atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) [197].
digestion procedures. TXRF is a highly sensitive
Dong et al. applied the classical Langmuir and
method for determining trace elements in the low
Freundlich adsorption isotherms to estimate equili-
absolute mg range and is therefore applicable to small
brium coefficients of Pb and Cd adsorption to biofilms
sample sizes. Friese et al. used a TXRF method to
and associated minerals as surface coatings [198].
analyse heavy metal contents of aquatic biofilms iso-
Correlation analysis between the maximum adsorp-
lated from stones collected from, and ceramic plates
tion of Pb and Cd and components in the surface
exposed in of the River Elbe [189]. Kr€opfl et al. devel-
coatings indicate that the adsorption of Pb to Mn oxi-
oped a TXRF method for elemental analysis of lead
des and the adsorption of Cd to Fe oxides are sta-
and nickel contaminated natural biofilms grown on
tistically higher than the adsorption of Pb and Cd to
polycarbonate substrates [191]. For elemental analysis
other components.
one part of the sample was freeze-dried and for tax-
onomical investigations the second part was stored in
Lugol-solution. A part of the freeze-dried biofilm Photospectrometric methods
sample was digested in concentrated nitric acid apply-
Only a few publications are available according to the
ing a microwave assisted digestion system. As internal
quantitative determination of polysaccharides in bio-
standard, gallium was added to each solution. It was
films [77, 120, 199]. They all used the phenol-sulfuric
established that the accumulation of the bivalent
acid method according to Dubois et al. [199] although
cations Pb and Ni were practically the same, and in
the development of the chemistry and biochemistry of
their presence the accumulation of zinc decreased by
polysaccharides is now connected mainly with the use
approximately 20% while the other elements (Ca, K,
of chromatographic methods.
Fe, Mn, Sr, Ti, Rb) showed smaller changes within the
Another application of photometric and fluorimet-
statistical interval. Mages et al. analysed natural fresh-
ric methods is the determination of enzyme activities
water and biofilm samples collected at different sites
in biofilms [200]. The analysis of enzyme activities
at the upper catchment area of the Tisza river system
in biofilms is mostly restricted to representative
in Hungary by TXRF [187, 193]. The biofilms were
enzymes involved in the degradation of a particular
taken from natural supports or from artificial supports.
They used a portable TXRF spectrometer for in-field
These enzyme activities are considered as indica-
water analysis to get a rapid screening of trace ele-
tors of the microbial potential of polymer degradation
ments just before the confluence of the rivers [194].
and metabolism in their respective environments.
Záray et al. studied freshwater biofilms grown on
Enzymes usually act on more than one substrate. This
polycarbonate substrata by applying TXRF and taxo-
allows for the use of synthetic substrate analogs in-
nomical techniques [192].
stead of natural substrates for detection of enzyme
Toner et al. have been examined the molecular spe-
activities. Hydrolytic activities in biofilms were mostly
ciation of Zn within the Pseudomonas putida biofilm
determined using model substrates consisting of a
with Zn K-edge extendes X-ray absorption fine struc-
chromogenic or fluorescent molecule bound to a sub-
ture (EXAFS) spectroscopy [195].
strate monomer via ester, glycoside, or peptide (amide)
bonds. Upon hydrolysis of the colourless or nonfluo-
rescent model substrate, the chromogenic of fluoro-
Atomic absorption spectrometry
genic groups are released, this can be monitored by
Especially in the beginning of biofilm analysis the an increase in absorbance or fluorescence.
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) has been used A summary of applications is given in [200].
for the determination of selected heavy metals (Cu, Table 3 summarizes selected methods for biofilm
Zn, Pb) [3]. Even Admiraal et al. discussed the gra- monitoring and examinations and gives informa-
dual changes in micro- and macro benthos under high tion about the performances and limitations of each
metal loads determining Zn, Cd, and Fe by AAS method.
Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 19

Table 3. Comparison of methods for biofilm monitoring and examination

Method Type of information Performance criteria Limitations References
Surface and interface characterising techniques
Light microscopy Microbial morphology; – Simple – Depth examination is [33, 35, 37]
thickness and density – Rapid not possible
– No complex sample – Low resolution
pre-treatment – Often requires biofilm
removal (destructive)
Scanning electron Biofilm structure – High resolution – Preparatory techniques are [35–37]
microscopy (SEM) prone to artefact; interior
structure of the biofilm is
not accessible
Combination of Microstructural – Useful to compare images – Only thin biofilms can [47]
SEM and optical characteristics obtained in situ, without be investigated
microscopy of thin biofilms invasive pretreatments but at
low magnification with those
obtained ex situ, with pretreatments
and at higher magnification
Confocal laser – Quantification of – Simple and accurate, able to – Expense of the equipment [32, 35, 36,
scanning EPS by measuring distinguish cells from inorganic – Not applicable to thick 38, 41–46]
microscopy the total cell volume particulates and opaque biofilms
– In situ monitors – Enables the internal structure – Low resolution
biofilm structure of the biofilm to be visualized
Scanning – Mapping of the – Speciation and spatial distribution – low penetration depth [48, 49]
transmission distribution of of metals – only 2D-imaging
X-ray microscopy macromolecules in – can be applied to fully hydrated
(STXM) microbial biofilms biological materials
– Quantitative analysis
of ferrous and ferric
iron; Ni(II); Mn(II)
Atomic force – Topographical – High resolution, ability to capture – Some dehydration of sample [35, 36, 50]
microscopy information biomolecular behaviours during examination; no
in real time compositional information
Cryoembedding Internal structure; – Simple and applicable to biofilms – Sample pre-treatment [31, 32]
and sectioning thickness from a wide variety of systems, is necessary
methods variability even for opaque biofilms, any
fixation or dehydration
Infrared – Chemical – Non-invasive – Interference from water [35, 36,
spectroscopy information – in situ in IR absorption 51–53, 55–58]
Distinction between biotic – FT-IR-ATR: penetration
and abiotic deposit depth limited to thin
ATR-leaky mode – Monitoring of – In situ – Low local resolution [201]
spectroscopy biofilm growth
Photoacoustic – Depth-resolved On-line – High technical effort [37, 59–62]
spectroscopy analysis of optically – In situ
(PAS) and acoustically – Distinguishing between different
inhomogeneous media, biofilm components is possible
detect growth or
detachment over time
X-ray – Structural information – Large penetration – High technical effort [63, 64]
spectroscopy – Speciation depth
– Inherent molecular
scale sensitivity
– In situ
Reflectance – Measurement of – Rapid screening – Semiquantitative [74]
spectroscopy biofilm formation – Investigation of opaque and
non opaque surfaces

20 E. Denkhaus et al.

Table 3 (continued)
Method Type of information Performance criteria Limitations References
M€ossbauer – Investigation of microbial- – Differentiation between – High technical effort [203]
spectroscopy mineral interactions Fe2þ and Fe3þ species
– Compounds in small amounts
Nuclear magnetic – Metabolic pathways – Non-invasive – Low sensitivity [35, 68–73]
resonance – Hydrodynamic and mass – Time consuming
transport phenomena
Separation techniques
Extraction – Separation of EPS from – Diverse extraction methods – Low throughput [77, 79–84]
microbial cells exist achieving high amounts – All lysis dependent on
of carbohydrate, proteins, the extraction method
humic substances, respectively
Field-flow – Characterisation of – Minimised sample alteration – Not applied on biofilms [86–91,
fractionation natural colloids, particles – Easy hyphenation 94–97]
– Determination of particle
size distribution
Molecular – Identification of different – Miniaturisation is possible – Requirement of specific [99–102,
techniques bacterial cells forming (PCR-CE) DNA fragments 104–115]
a natural biofilm – Sensitive – Data bases are needed
– Determination of up-and- – Ability to directly measure – Transient snapshoot
down regulation of genes gene expression of gene expression
PCR techniques- Determination of genetic – In situ – Lack of standards [116]
MALDI-TOF and phylogenetic properties – Rapidly – Limited sequence
on subgenomic scale – Small amount of DNA is needed information available
in databases
– High operating costs
Chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
HPLC techniques EPS; mono-, oligo- and Qualitative and quantitative – Sample preparation See Table 2
e.g. HPAEC-PAD, polysaccharides; proteins determination of the compounds is necessary [169]
HPLC-ESI-MS – Low detection limits – Decomposition of
– Miniaturisation is possible the biofilm
LC-FTICR-MS Proteome analysis – High sensitivity – Need of combinatorial [166, 167]
– High mass accuracy and resolution libraries
– Combination with MALDI – High technical effort
and ESI technique
CE Carbohydrates Qualitative and quantitative – Sample preparation is See
determination of the compounds necessary Table 2
– Low detection limits – Decomposition of the
2D gel Separation of proteins – Huge number of proteins – Lack of standards [163, 165]
electrophoresis- can be separated – Limited sequence
MALDI-TOF – High selectivity information available
in databases
– High operating costs
– Low throughput
GC-MS; Carbohydrate profiling Qualitative and quantitative – Sample preparation and [146]
GC-MS-MS of bacteria, fatty acids determination of the compounds derivatization to volatile
– Low detection limits compounds are necessary
– Decomposition of the
GC-MS Identification and – High selectivity and sensitivity – Time-consuming [204]
quantification of atrazine procedure because of the
and acetochlor sample preparation
GC-Flame Separation and quantification – High selectivity – Time-consuming [202]
photometric of butyltin compounds procedure
detector (FPD)

Chemical and physical methods for characterisation of biofilms 21

Table 3 (continued)
Method Type of information Performance criteria Limitations References
Microsensors – Formation of a biofilm, – Miniaturised system – Decreased sensitivity [172–186]
influx and efflux – Chemical inertness, caused by miniaturising
– hygienic aspects internal reference, – Short life-time of biosensors
– Study of microbiologically geometric versatility – Restricted tip diameter
influence of corrosion of optical microsensors – Limited commercial
(MIC) availability
– Isolated information caused
by the heterogeneity
on the microscale
Spectrometric methods
Fluorescence – Biomass quantification – Non-invasive – Fluorescence quenching [35]
– Microbial activity – In situ – Cascade and inner filter effects
Atomic absorption – Determination of heavy – Low detection limits – Time consuming because of [4, 196–198]
spectrometry metals and nutrients single element analysis
– Decomposition of the biofilm
Total-reflection X-ray – Determination of heavy – Highly sensitive method; Digestion procedures are [187, 189–191,
fluorescence metals and nutrients applicable to small necessary, direct analysis 193, 195]
spectrometry (TXRF) sample sizes of biofilms suffer from
limitations according to
the calibration, high
background intensity
Photospectrometric – Determination of the total – Simple – Overestimation [77, 120,
methods amount of polysaccharides 199, 200]
and proteins
– Determination of enzyme
Electrochemical method
Amperometry Determination of phosphate Cost effective, rapid in situ – Possible interference [205]
measurements, easy of silicate
to operate good selectivity, – Batch injection analysis
low detection limit suffers from non-stability
of the signal during repeated

Conclusion microscopic area in future, also under the point of

view of suitable reference materials covered to the
Research on biofilms offers many new activity fields
heterogeneity of a biofilm. For the quantification of
in analytical chemistry. The enterprise of projects,
a biofilm in the macroscopic area possibilities on the
realization and the evaluation of analytical results
base of mathematical and statistical models are
require interdisciplinary collaboration. In the liter-
already available, for the microscopic area, however,
ature different model attempts are discussed with
not. Additionally, a better transparency and coopera-
regard to architecture, activities and their accompany-
tion of diverse disciplines including databases with
ing functions of the biofilms and different experi-
unique formats are necessary for a complete under-
mental approaches. Investigations of the phenotypic
standing of biofilm formation and activities. As far as
differences between biofilms and their planktonic
the qualitative and quantitative analysis of carbohy-
counterparts are interesting according to medical
drates, proteins, (phosphor) lipids, humic substances
questions but less as far as questions with environ-
(see Table 1) concerned analytical methods with higher
ment relevance to biodegradation, biofouling and hy-
throughput should be developed. This requires inte-
gienic relevance concerned. Innovative experimental
grated microsystems of sample preparation and separa-
attempts are asked to examine biofilms in their natu-
tion units for nanoscale analysis and new hyphenated
ral habitat. The biggest challenge will be the quanti-
techniques of multidimensional separation systems
fication of the whole compounds of a biofilm in the
22 E. Denkhaus et al.

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