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Grass Cuttector

Mercy: Are you tired of cleaning your lawns?

Janna: Are you tired of holding the grass cutter while cleaning your lawns? Well here’s
the solution!
Mercy: Panel of judges
Janna: Teachers
Mercy: Fellow students
Janna: Ladies and gentlemen
Both: Good morning/Good afternoon
Mercy: I’m Mercy Orfano
Janna: And I’m Janna Mikaela Lomenario
Both: Grade 10 students of Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School also known as MORMS
Mercy: Presenting our innovation entitled as
Both: Grass Cuttector (Grass Cutter and Collector)
Janna: Tall grasses can be seen or observed everywhere. But these grasses can add
to the risk in our environment as these can be the breeding site of pests that include
rats, mosquitoes and snakes. Health is at risk because of leptospirosis, dengue and
snake bites which may put our lives in danger.
Mercy: Some people use separate grass cutting tools and collectors which are time
consuming. They also use fuel to make those work that can add to the pollution of our
environment. Grass cutters that are available in the market are more tiring to use
because you’ll be the one who will hold the actual device to make it work.
Janna : So we came up with the idea to make a grass cutter with collector and named it
as Grass Cuttector.
Mercy: The Grass Cuttector helps us to make work easier and faster because it uses a
remote control that controls the movement and direction of the device.
Janna : This grass cuttector has a charged battery with no chords to interfere with the
Mercy: Additional feature is that it directly collects those trimmed grasses to help people
by not wasting their time and energy in cleaning their lawns and maintains grass at a
consistent height regularly, rather than letting it get tall and then cutting it short again.
Janna: We tested this device to three kinds of grasses: Bermuda, buffalo and bagangan
grass and an area of 2.36m x 2m. For the results, the Grass Cuttector could cut about
twenty percent of the height of the Bermuda grass. It could cut twenty-two percent of the
buffalo grass and about eighty-three percent of the bagangan grass.
Mercy: The Bermuda grass consumed an average time of 4.08 minutes in cutting. The
Buffalo grass had 3.28 minutes and the Goose grass had 4.99 minutes. This showed
that the Buffalo grass has the least time in cutting grasses
Janna: The customers will benefit in this device in terms of its quality. The device has a
blade that can cut grasses even the tall ones like Bagangan grass. They can also adjust
the height of the blade whatever height they want and there is also a collector that
directly collects those trimmed grasses. So, it will definitely minimize their time in
cleaning their lawns.
Mercy: The Grass Cuttector helps us to make our work easier and faster because it has
a remote control that controls the movement and the direction of the device. It helps us
to prevent pollution because instead of using fuel, we used a rechargeable battery, also
it can collect grasses directly after that it can help us to work in a cleaning lawn.
Mercy: Again, I’m Mercy Orfano
Janna : And, I’m Janna Mikaela Lomenario
Both: From Marcial O. Ranola Memorial School

Both : Panel of judges, we are now ready for your questions, suggestions, and
recommendations to further improve the development of our device.

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