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Evaluation and Management of Shock

Olivier Axler, M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P.1


Shock is one of the most frequent situations encountered in the intensive care unit
(ICU). Important new concepts have emerged for shock management in recent years. The
concept of early goal-directed therapy has evolved from the basic management concepts for
septic shock delivered in a structured fashion. Numerous cardiovascular techniques,
methods, and strategies have been developed as novel alternatives to the use of the
pulmonary artery catheter. Among these techniques, echocardiography, esophageal Dop-
pler, and arterial pulse contour analysis show great promise. Prediction of responsiveness to
fluid administration is a key component of the management of shock, as is assessing
cardiovascular performance. The intensivist has several options to evaluate and treat shock.
Further research should yield additional important advances.

KEYWORDS: Shock, cardiovascular protocols, cardiovascular techniques; central

venous pressure; pulmonary arterial catheter

S hock is a common cause of admission in any OVERVIEW, DEFINITIONS, AND

intensive care unit (ICU) and also occurs frequently DIAGNOSIS OF SHOCK
during the course of critical illness. Shock is associated Shock is traditionally defined by multisystem organ
with significant morbidity and mortality and represents a hypoperfusion, whatever its specific cause, leading to
medical emergency. Early, targeted therapy is crucial; the common physical signs. It can also be defined as an
first hour of care may be key to a successful outcome.1,2 inability to assure adequate cellular and tissue oxygen
Therefore, it is important that physicians are aware of supply and removal of waste products of cellular metab-
updated concepts and management guidelines for treat- olism, thus overwhelming the compensatory mecha-
ing patients with shock. Although the principles of nisms of the organism.
shock management are well established, there is consid- The presentation of shock may be obvious but can
erable heterogeneity of bedside management. also be latent and incomplete, leading to a delayed
This heterogeneity is apparent not only with diagnosis, potentially worsening the prognosis and de-
accurate clinical identification of a shock state3 but also creasing chances of reversal. The clinician must be
in regard to evaluation and therapy. Critical care soci- familiar with different clinical patterns of shock and
eties and other experts have published evidence-based the pathophysiological aspects of shock, including car-
guidelines for diagnostic criteria and therapeutic strat- diovascular (ventricular pressure–volume curves, cardiac
egies4–8; however, these recommendations generally fo- function curves), biochemical (oxygenation cascades),
cus on severe sepsis and septic shock. This article reviews and immunological (mediators and cytokine cascades)
the traditional criteria and current guidelines for man- features.
agement of shock, the traditional and newer diagnostic The clinical signs and symptoms of shock have
and monitoring techniques, and therapeutic strategies. been known for years9 and have been presented in

Cardiology Department, Centre Hospitalier Territorial Gaston Non-pulmonary Critical Care: Managing Multisystem Critical Illness;
Bourret, Noumea, New Caledonia, France. Guest Editor, Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Olivier Axler, Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2006;27:230–240. Copyright # 2006
M.D., Ph.D., F.C.C.P., Cardiology Department, CHT Gaston by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York,
Bourret, 98800 Noumea, New Caledonia, France. E-mail: olivier. NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. DOI 10.1055/s-2006-945526. ISSN 1069-3424.

comprehensive reviews.1,10 Several points are worthy of TRADITIONAL AND NEWER METHODS
emphasis. First, the diagnosis must be made quickly, AND TECHNIQUES TO ASSESS
followed by classification of type of shock. Second, the MECHANISMS OF SHOCK
sensitivity and specificity of each sign are highly variable. Several simple tools used in the initial management of
Third, the quantitative aspects of these signs are useful shock (e.g., electrocardiogram; chest radiographs; routine
but vary depending upon the clinical circumstances. The hospital chemistries; blood gases) are well known and will
first step is to begin the correct resuscitation measures, not be further discussed here. In this section, invasive and
not only to achieve therapeutic goals but also to confirm noninvasive techniques to assess hemodynamics are dis-
the diagnosis. Depending on the response to the ther- cussed. Measurement of central venous pressure (CVP)
apeutic intervention, the diagnosis can be confirmed or or pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) may be useful to
corrected, allowing adjustment of treatment. classify the mechanism of shock. Further, measurement
In its complete clinical presentation, shock clas- of SCVO2 [via a catheter in the superior vena cava
sically includes: tachypnea; tachycardia; low systolic, (SVC)] or mixed SVO2 (via a pulmonary arterial cathe-
diastolic, and mean blood pressures (BPs); diaphoresis; ter) may be useful to diagnose and monitor the impact of
poorly perfused skin and extremities; cyanosis; mottling therapeutic interventions in patients with shock.17
of cool and moist extremities; altered mental status Arterial pulse contour techniques are used to
(ranging from decreased state of consciousness to agi- measure cardiac output (CO), and requires arterial
tation); and decreased urine output. Joly and Weil access.18,19 This technique is incorporated in more
emphasized the role of the ‘‘cold great toe,’’11 whereas sophisticated devices, measuring other parameters as
we have noted that cold knees have an excellent diag- preload with an estimation of fluid responsiveness for
nostic specificity and sensitivity for shock (unpublished the LiDCO plus System (LiDCO Ltd., Cambridge,
data). UK) via a pulse power analysis.18–20 Another system,
However, these signs are not always present con- PiCCO (Pulsion Medical Systems AG, Munich,
comitantly, and some of these features may be absent or Germany) also measures intrathoracic volumes and
borderline. For instance, in classical shock, BP is de- extravascular lung water from transpulmonary indica-
creased, and a commonly accepted threshold for a tor dilution.21,22 This latter technique mandates fem-
resuscitation goal in septic shock is 65 mm Hg for oral arterial and central venous access, whereas the
mean arterial pressure (MAP).6 However, not all hypo- former requires only a radial artery and a peripheral
tensive states are associated with shock, and not all vein. Analysis of the systemic systolic pressure, pulse
shocks present with hypotension. In fact, some shock pressure and stroke volume (SV), and their respiratory
states present with high BP at the onset because of the variations, provides an excellent assessment of preload
adaptive adrenergic response. Early septic shock is clas- and estimation of fluid responsiveness.19
sically ‘‘hyperdynamic,’’ with increased pulse pressure Ultrasound techniques that are useful to assess
and warm extremities. In addition, low BP is relative fluid status and cardiac function include esophageal
to the baseline BP for a given patient. Invasively meas- Doppler23 and echocardiography (transthoracic and
ured BP using an intra-arterial catheter is more accurate transesophageal).24 Methods such as monitoring splanch-
than cuff measurements.12 Chronotropic medications, or nic blood flow or monitoring the microcirculation with
sinus or atrioventricular dysfunction, can blunt the videomicroscopy have been utilized in research investiga-
tachycardic response. Oliguria is often defined as urine tions but have no or limited clinical utility.
output less than 0.5 mL/kg/hr.6 From a laboratory
standpoint, blood lactate is a robust clue of shock arising
from cellular and tissue hypoxia,3 and precedes acidemia. Traditional Methods
This was recently confirmed,2 with a threshold of
4 mmol/L consistent with shock. However, the specific- CENTRAL VENOUS PRESSURE MONITORING
ity of blood lactate is imperfect because any condition Although CVP was recently shown to be somewhat
exceeding the aerobic threshold leads to increased lactate inaccurate to assess preload,25,26 CVP, when integrated
levels, and some metabolic conditions increase lactate into an algorithm, was a useful parameter to guide volume
levels without shock (i.e., any sympathetic activation).13 administration in a cohort of septic patients.2 However,
Tissue hypercapnia is known to correlate well CVP measurements should be interpreted with caution,
with decreased blood flow.14 The first organ to be even at low or high values, when the value is used in
studied was the gastric mucosa, but this technique has isolation.10,25–28 Some authors emphasize the need to
largely been abandoned. Sublingual PCO2 has emerged incorporate the cardiac and venous return curves for a
as a good predictor of shock (irrespective of cause), and correct interpretation of CVP.29,30 Indeed, the basic con-
in some studies was superior to blood lactate levels and cept espoused is to use CVP with simultaneous measure-
mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) or central ment of cardiac output. In a study of 33 ICU patients, the
venous oxygen saturation (SCVO2).15,16 right atrial pressure (RAP) decreased at least 1 mm Hg

with inspiration [with a decreased pulmonary artery oc- ICU echocardiography24,44 and pulse contour analysis
clusion pressure (PAOP) of at least 2 mm Hg with techniques (PiCCO and LiDCO)18,19,21,22 have sup-
inspiration] and increases in CO of ! 250 mL/min.30 planted PACs in most European ICUs. Despite the
This analysis can differentiate ‘‘relative hypovolemia’’ (or limitations of PACs, recent guidelines (e.g., the Survival
more accurately a fluid responsive state) from euvolemia. Sepsis Campaign) continue to recommend PACs for
This concept was discussed in a recent excellent review.31 the assessment of severe sepsis and septic shock.6 More-
Despite the low reliability of CVP to assess preload, this over, a recent paper focusing on ‘‘practice parameters
parameter continued to be widely measured by 93% of a for hemodynamic support of sepsis in adult patients’’
cohort of European intensivists in 1998.32 favors the use of PACs, and states that ‘‘echocardiography
may also be useful to assess ventricular volumes and
The O2 saturation in a central vein (most often the SVC) Several measured and derived values are available
was recently shown to be a key component of early goal- from a PAC to determine the mechanism of shock:
directed therapy in the emergency department (ED)2; PAP, PAOP, right ventricular pressure (RVP) and
values < 70% are consistent with incomplete resuscita- RAP, CO by thermodilution, and its modified deriva-
tion. This parameter is less useful after several days of tives: (1) semicontinuous cardiac output (using a thermal
severe critical illness and severe tissue oxygenation defi- coil in the right ventricular portion of the PAC;
cit.17,33,34 A low SVO2 generally reflects low CO because (2) calculation of right ventricular end-diastolic volume
oxygen extraction by the tissues is greater in cardiac (RVEDV) from measurement of right ventricular ejec-
failure.34,35 Low SCVO2 is also associated with a poor tion fraction (RVEF); SVO2 and related oygenation
prognosis34 and often appears earlier than any other variables; oxygen consumption (VO2); oxygen delivery
clinical sign of shock.2 In a cohort of patients with septic (DO2); and O2 extraction ratio (O2ER).
shock, Rivers and colleagues demonstrated mortality Measurement of PAP is a very important param-
reduction of 15% by maintaining a therapeutic algorithm eter to diagnose pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
that maintained the following parameters: SCVO2 as may be seen in ARDS, pulmonary embolism, right
> 70%; CVP > 8 to 12 mm Hg; MAP > 65 mm Hg; ventricular infarction, obstructive lung disease, left heart
urine output > 0.5 mL/kg/h.2 SCVO2 and SVO2 are diseases, and primary PAH. Its measurement is generally
usually similar but can diverge in some cases, particularly easy and its interpretation is the least problematic of all
in severe sepsis, due to greater O2 extraction in the PAC-derived data.
hepatosplanchnic circulation. However, SCVO2 is pre- Using the PAOP is one of the most controversial
ferred to SVO2 because it can be measured more simply issues related to PAC. Classically, hypovolemic shock has
from a central venous catheter rather than a pulmonary low right and left heart filling pressures, whereas left
artery catheter (PAC).36–38 SCVO2 can be continuously ventricular cardiogenic shock is associated with elevated
monitored using a special catheter or intermittently by PAOP and RAP. Historically, PAOP has been consid-
direct repeated samples. SCVO2 correlates with outcome ered to provide information regarding preload and the
in all kinds of shock, even during cardiopulmonary presence or absence of pulmonary edema. However,
resuscitation.17,33,34 The research by Rivers and col- measurement and interpretation of PAOP may be diffi-
leagues addressed very early shock,2 and studies have cult.37,38,45 The utility of PAOP to assess volume status
not demonstrated benefit for patients later in the course has recently been challenged 25,26,46; this is also true for
of shock when oxygen extraction may be impaired and RAP.25,26,46 This can be explained by a frequent absence
SCVO2 exceeds 80%.17,33,34 of linearity between left ventricular end-diastolic volume
(LVEDV) and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
PULMONARY ARTERY CATHETERS (LVEDP); second, disparity between LVEDP and
The PAC has been used to differentiate various mecha- PAOP may exist. The LVEDV/LVEDP relationship
nisms of shock since the early 1970s, but utilization of data can be profoundly modified by LV compliance factors
from PACs has many pitfalls. First, hemodynamic values such as left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), myocardial
are frequently misinterpreted, leading to incorrect treat- ischemia, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and
ment.37,38 Second, recent studies found that the use of active exhalation. Further, PAOP can overestimate
PAC did not confer any benefit compared with no PAC LVEDP if mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation are
use36,39,39a,39b; further, some studies suggested deleterious present, and conversely underestimates LVEDP when
effects of PACs, particularly in patients presenting diastolic dysfunction or hypervolemia exist. These con-
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or ditions are frequent in patients presenting with shock but
shock.35,36,39 However, PAC-directed therapy was shown are often not appreciated. Thus PAOP should be inter-
to be cost effective in the preoperative period.40–43 In preted cautiously.45 Notwithstanding these pitfalls, 58%
North America, there continues to be relatively wide- of European intensivists continued to measure PAOP as
spread use of PACs,6 whereas newer techniques such as part of monitoring critically ill ICU patients in 1998.32

Measurement of CO is one of the most important thoracic echocardiography (TTE) is noninvasive and
issues in the management of shock.1,47–49 Thermodilu- relatively easy to perform after an adequate training.
tion is the gold standard method for measuring CO for Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is modestly
clinical use because measurement is relatively straight- invasive and requires some degree of sedation for patient
forward and does not present the same technical diffi- comfort but is safe and highly accurate. Echocardiog-
culties as PAOP. Additionally, the thermodilution raphy provides an excellent assessment of cardiac func-
technique was validated against electromagnetic flow, tion and estimates left and right heart filling pressures
Fick, and dye dilutions techniques. However, thermo- and can be useful to determine the cause of shock.56
dilution has important limitations. Specifically, thermo- Echocardiography provides acceptable estimates of most
dilution can overestimate CO in low output states, parameters gleaned from pulmonary artery catheters
whereas significant tricuspid regurgitation leads to (PACs) (i.e., CO; right arterial pressure (RAP) from
underestimation of CO. Other confounding issues in- inferior vena cava (IVC) size and ventilatory variations,
clude intracardiac shunts and temperature issues.47 In systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP); left and right
this context, echocardiography is helpful. Recently, the ventricular filling pressures; ejection fraction; ventricular
left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) pulsed Doppler interdependence; right heart function; diastolic dysfunc-
method has been employed as an alternative method to tion; left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH); ischemic heart
measure CO.49,50 Some authors believe that this should disease, valvular diseases, and so on). Recent publications
become the new gold standard49,50 unless significant emphasized the value of echocardiography to predict
aortic valve disease exists. fluid responsiveness using heart–lung interactions ba-
Cardiac output can be monitored with a modified sics.57–65 Many studies have shown that echocardiogra-
PAC. This PAC incorporates a thermal coil in the right phy (either TTE or TEE) may be invaluable to monitor
ventricular portion of the catheter, and continuous CO therapeutic interventions or hemodynamic changes in
measurement is based on the delivery of electrically critically ill patients.62–80 TEE is more useful than TTE
generated heat to the blood near the right atrium and for this purpose.66–79 In most of the studies, TEE
ventricle and the resulting temperature change in the provided clinically useful information in 60 to 90% of
PA. This technique avoids performing an intermittent cases. More importantly, TEE had a direct favorable
injection and yields a continuous CO display. The impact on the acute care management.79
accuracy is good compared with thermodilution, pro- Our recent experience with TTE has been favor-
vided regular calibration is performed.51 able (unpublished data). The value of TTE was recently
Recent refinements of the PAC allow calculation underscored in a study by Joseph et al, who noted
of RVEF. This catheter has a rapid-response thermo clinically useful and reliable information in 70 to 80%
‘‘slur’’ and intracardiac electrocardiogram electrode, al- of critically ill ICU patients who had TTE.80 Recent
lowing the calculation of RVEF. Combined with SV, improvement in imaging, software, and electronic sys-
the RVEF allows the calculation of right ventricular end tems have improved the quality and utility of images
diastolic volume (RVEDV). This parameter has been gleaned from TTE. Transthoracic echocardiography is
extensively studied in circulatory shock,52,53 but in the useful as a diagnostic tool for critically ill patients in
most important studies comparing RVEDV before and shock (or impending shock) but in some cases, TEE is
after a fluid challenge, significant difference was found in necessary for a more accurate assessment.79 Specific
only one of 15 studies.53 Intraindividual changes in indications for TEE include: aortic dissection (when
RDEDV with various treatments are more useful than computed tomographic angiography is inconclusive, or
absolute values.25,52,54 Continuous fiberoptic measure- to complete it if necessary); endocarditis (especially when
ment of SVO2, coupled with traditional PAC parame- a valvular prosthesis is present); complicated cardiac
ters, is available with some catheters. surgery; marked obesity; poor echogenicity with TTE;
Finally, the relationship of oxygen delivery/con- intracavitary thrombi; and cardiac sources of emboli.
sumption ratio (DO2/VO2) has been used for both TEE is the preferred method to assess the SVC size
research and clinical indications among critically ill and its ventilatory variations, a new powerful parameter
patients for more than 3 decades.55 However, awareness to predict fluid volume responsiveness.64
and incorporation of these variables into clinical proto- In a patient with shock, echocardiography (usu-
cols have not been shown to influence outcome.55 ally TTE) can provide prompt (within 15 minutes)
assessment of critical variables, including size of cardiac
chambers; left and right systolic function; cardiac output
Newer Methods (49); wall motion abnormalities; valvular pathology; LV
filling pressures from a combination of parameters ob-
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-DOPPLER tained from mitral flow, Doppler tissue imaging (DTI),
Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) has increasingly pulmonary venous flow (PVF), early diastolic mitral flow
been utilized in ICUs within the past few years. Trans- propagation velocity (Vp), PA pressures; RV filling

pressures; and pericardial imaging. Echocardiography Additionally, in a cohort of septic patients on MV,
can estimate fluid volume responsiveness using heart– measurement of the SVC by TEE, and ventilatory
lung interactions. This concept assumes that the meas- collapsibility of the SVC predicted the cardiac response
urement of some parameters before fluid loading can to fluid challenge.64 The 36% threshold of variability
predict a significant increase of cardiac ouput in hemo- (Dmax-Dmin:Dmax) could define responders and non-
dynamically unstable patients.54 This estimation uses responders in CO, with 90% sensitivity and 87% specif-
inferior vena cava (IVC)62,63 or SVC,64 size and ven- icity.64 Although measurement of IVC diameter
tilatory variations, as well as the respiratory variations of ventilatory variations was studied only in septic patients
the LVOT.57–59 These parameters correlated strongly in on MV, we use it in every patient in acute circulatory or
these 5 studies with the concept of ‘‘fluid responsive- acute respiratory failure, even among patients not requir-
ness.’’ The measurement of left heart filling pressures ing MV. However, outcomes data in these other patient
requires more sophisticated echo devices. These two new populations are lacking.
steps represent one of the major advances in the manage- The second important new parameter in assessing
ment of shock. shock is the ventilatory variation of left ventricular out-
Some echocardiographists prefer to use TTE first, flow tract (LVOT) (called also aortic) Doppler veloc-
and then TEE if necessary, and some always use directly ities. Two studies found that this parameter was a strong
TEE. This is an ongoing discussion, and this choice predictor of preload responsiveness: one in septic pa-
depends upon the ability of each echocardiographist. tients on MV (using TEE),57 and one with a rabbit
Published data regarding the assessment of pre- model.58 The first study defined the respiratory variation
load using echocardiography are disappointing. Preload as the ratio of the difference between maximal velocities
was initially assessed by measuring left ventricular end- to the mean of these two velocities. A ventilatory
diastolic diameters, areas, or volumes; close correlations variation of LVOT blood flow velocity > 12% was
were found with blood loss or expansion in normal associated with a 15% increase of CI with a 91% positive
subjects81 or perioperative conditions.82 However, in predictive value. A ventilatory variation < 12% had a
ICU settings, recent studies found that the left ventricle 100% negative predictive value. This could imply that no
end-diastolic area (LVEDA) failed to accurately predict volume expansion was necessary with a high degree of
fluid requirement or fluid overload status, particularly confidence. There was a high degree of correlation
when compared with newer methods to assess fluid between baseline ventilatory variation and degree of CI
responsiveness.57,83–85 Therefore, echocardiographic increase after volume expansion.57 This important study
measurements of LV and RV size are no longer used can be extended to TTE. We regularly use this method
to assess volume status. However, diameter of the IVC in all patients in shock to assess potential fluid respon-
and its ventilatory variations are invaluable to predict siveness. Patients must be on MV and well adapted to
fluid responsiveness. This measurement is simple to their ventilator, and must be free of arrhythmias. Slama
assess, with a short learning curve (1 hour). The IVC et al found similar results in a rabbit model, using TTE,
diameter and its ventilatory variations are measured with with progressive blood withdrawal.58 In these two stud-
TTE, on a subcostal view, in M mode. Measurement ies, this parameter was more powerful than all other
parameters include IVC diameter (D) at end-expiration parameters (CVP, PAOP, left ventricular end-diastolic
(Dmin) and at end-inspiration (Dmax); distensibility area) that had been used for the past several years. The
index of the IVC (dIVC) calculated as the ratio of most recent studies showed that ‘‘static’’ echocardio-
Dmax-Dmin:Dmin and expressed as a percentage, or graphic parameters failed to consistently predict re-
((Dmax-Dmin:Dmax þ Dmin):2 ).62,63,86 Measurement sponse to fluid loading.57–59,83–85
of IVC size and respiratory variation is useful to predict The second important advance is the ability of
response to a fluid challenge.62,63,65 The useful threshold echocardiography to estimate LV and RV filling pres-
was 12% of variability, with a positive and negative sures (LVFP and RVFP). These measurements were
predictive value of 93% and 92% in one study of septic extensively studied over the past 10 years in the cardio-
patients requiring mechanical ventilation (MV).62 An- logical arena86–90 but were only recently applied to the
other group studied 23 patients in septic shock requiring critically ill (noncardiac) patients in ICUs.91–93 These
MV.63 The size and ventilatory variation of the IVC measurements do not accurately measure preload, but
(IVCVV) predicted a positive response to a fluid chal- may predict fluid responsiveness. An algorithm is now
lenge [! 15% increase of the cardiac index (CI) follow- available to determine if LVFP are predictive of PAOP
ing a 7 mL/kg fluid challenge]. IVCVV was defined in as ‘‘high’’ (> 15 mm Hg) or ‘‘not high’’ ($ 15 mm Hg).
this study by Dmax-Dmin:Dmin. There was an excellent This analysis is usually applied when the LVEF is
correlation (r ¼ 0.9) between an 18% IVCVV at baseline decreased (< 45%). This algorithm is determined by
and ! 15% increase in CI after a fluid loading, with 90% the analysis of the combination of pulsed Doppler of
specificity and 90% sensitivity.63 Importantly, baseline mitral flow, tissue Doppler imaging, color M-mode of
CVP did not accurately predict fluid responsiveness. mitral flow, pulmonary venous flow (PVF), left atrial

size, interatrial septum shape and movement, diastolic Ea, Em/E/a, Vp, Em/Vp, LA size. When LVEF is
PA pressure from pulmonary regurgitation. Mitral flow normal (except in cases of LVH), LVFP is rarely high.
pulsed Doppler shows an early wave (E wave) and a later This algorithm has been used for several years in cardiac
wave (A wave) if the rhythm is sinus. The peak velocities patients89,90 but has only recently been tested among
are measured (Em and Am). A small E wave, with critically ill noncardiac ICU patients.91–93
an E:A ratio < 1, and an E deceleration time (DTE) Right ventricular filling pressures can also be
> 150 msec are usually associated with diastolic assessed from systolic and mean PA pressures derived
LVFP < 15 mm Hg; when some discrepancies appear, from the tricuspid regurgitation jet and from the early
other parameters help to determine LVFP. These pa- diastolic pulmonary regurgitant jet, respectively. IVC
rameters are (1) the maximal early diastolic velocity (Ea) size and its collapsibility index, as were discussed earlier,
of the mitral annulus at the lateral- or septal most basal are markers of RAP. Hepatic vein pulsed Doppler also
point, measured from DTI; (2) early flow (LV flow provides information on right heart filling pressures.
propagation velocity) Vp using M-mode color Doppler; Despite these intriguing data, no study has exam-
(3) PVF, where the systolic fraction is measured: this ined the impact of echocardiography in critically ill
fraction is the ratio between the velocity time integral noncardiac ICU patients on mortality. Because echocar-
(VTI) of the systolic component of PVF, to the sum of diography is commonly employed in many ICUs, a
the VTI of the diastolic and systolic waves (S:S þ D); randomized trial to assess the clinical impact of this
this ratio is nevertheless less and less used and replaced technique may be difficult to accomplish.61
by the difference between duration of pulmonary A wave
and mitral A wave (Apd–Amd) duration; if this ratio is ESOPHAGEAL DOPPLER MONITORING
greater than 20 ms, this is in keeping with a high LVFP; Esophageal Doppler monitoring is an exciting method
(4) left atrial (LA) diameter and area, an indirect to manage shock because it couples ultrasonography with
indicator of LVFP; (5) diastolic PAP (PAPd) obtained continuous monitoring capabilities.23 This is a simple
from the end-diastolic velocity of the pulmonary regur- and quick technique, with a short period of training.
gitant flow because this parameter approximates PAOP; Analysis of the size and shapes of the waveform allows
(6) interatrial septal motion and curvature; (7) mitral therapeutic modifications regarding fluid therapy and
regurgitant flow from continuous Doppler allows to the use of inotropic, vasodilator, and vasopressor agents.
assess left ventricle diastolic pressure (LVDP) from the Outcome and hospital stay have improved with this
difference between systolic blood pressure SBP and technique in high-risk surgical patients.23
pressure gradient from mitral regurgitation maximal
velocity; (8) aortic regurgitation flow from continuous VENOUS AND TISSUE PCO2
Doppler allows to assess LVFP (difference between Venous and tissue PCO2 have been used for more than 3
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and diastolic left ven- decades to manage shock, but sublingual PCO2 has
tricle-aorta ( LV–AO gradient). Systemic blood pres- emerged as the simplest and most reliable technique to
sures (BP) must be measured simultaneously. The assess venous and tissue PCO2. In patients in the ED
quantitative combination of mitral flow (Em, Am, E and in the ICU, sublingual PCO2 indicates the presence
wave deceleration time, DTEm), with DTI (Ea), early of shock but does not allow any classification of
flow Vp using M-mode color Doppler data, PVF, LA shock.3,15,16
size, and the other parameters just defined has led to an
algorithm to assess if LVFP are ‘‘high’’ (left atrial pressure ARTERIAL PRESSURE VARIATION
(LAP or PAOP > 15 mm Hg) or ‘‘not high’’ (normal or Arterial pressure variation yields important information
low). These values can be estimated for ‘‘not high’’ LVFP: for volume status in hemodynamically unstable patients
Em:Ea < 1, DTE > 150 to 200 ms, Em:Vp < 1.5, Em/ mechanically ventilated and perfectly sedated and may
Ea < 8, S/S þ D > 55%, LA size normal, Apd–Amd predict fluid responsiveness in these patients. Measure-
< 20 ms (Amd ¼ duration of atrial mitral wave, Apd ¼ ment of SV and pulse pressure respiratory variations
duration of atrial pulmonary wave), LVFP < 15 mmHg provides ancillary information.94–96 Values above 10 to
from aortic and mitral regurgitation, atrial septum shifted 13% indicate with a high sensitivity and specificity that
to the left. a volume expansion will increase CO.94–96 Perel and
LVFP can be estimated ‘‘high’’ (PAOP > 15 mm colleagues developed a respiratory systolic variation test
Hg), if Em/Am > 2, DTE < 150 ms, Em/Vp > 2.5, (RSVT) that uses three consecutive incremental pres-
Em/Ea > 15, S/S þ D < 55%, LA size increased, Apd– sure-controlled (10, 20, and 30 cm H2O) breaths to test
Amd > 20 ms, LVFP > 15 mmHg form aortic and the response of venous return, left ventricular stroke
mitral regurgitation, atrial septum shifted to the right. volume (LVSV), and systolic arterial pressure. A slope is
However, because areas of uncertainty exist, multiple then determined, and a prediction of an increased CO
parameters must be examined. The order of importance can be tested with volume expansion.94,95 In interpreting
of measurements is as follows: LVEF, Em, Am, DTE, these tests, it is important to note that a positive fluid

responsiveness test does not imply that there is an THORACIC ELECTRICAL BIOIMPEDANCE
indication for giving fluids, because a normal heart will Thoracic electrical bioimpedance has been used by some
increase CO with any volume expansion. By contrast, teams to assess CO continuously,3 but it has limited
even in a real hypovolemic status, CO may not increase if application.
one or both ventricles is not on its ascending limb of the
Starling curve. Thus RSVT is not 100% sensitive and
specific. Performing and interpreting these tests require MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK
a knowledge of heart–lung interactions.54,61 The classification of mechanisms of shock has been
elegantly analyzed elsewhere.1,3,10 The initial manage-
ARTERIAL PULSE CONTOUR ANALYSIS METHODS ment of shock requires an immediate clinical assessment,
Arterial pulse contour analysis permits continuous mon- basic vital signs, and clinical examination. Prompt as-
itoring of SV and CO.18,19,21,22 These methods calculate sessment and decision are imperative regarding fluid
the area under the systolic portion of the arterial pressure resuscitation, MV, and use of inotropic, vasoconstrictor,
waveform, which, divided by aortic impedance, allows or vasodilator agents.1 Echocardiography can be per-
estimation of LVSV. Generally, the CO obtained by formed at the bedside and may be invaluable in planning
these techniques is calibrated with an absolute CO value, resuscitative efforts. A standardized ‘‘ABC’’ resuscitation
as an indicator dilution technique. Preload and fluid protocol [management that incorporates components of
responsiveness can be estimated, in continuously meas- airway (A), breathing (B), and circulation (C)] such as
uring respiratory variations of systolic arterial pressure, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) guidelines, can
pulse pressure, pulse pressure variation (PPV), and improve outcomes in the first few minutes of severe
stroke volume (SV). Two systems are commercially cardiorespiratory failure. Intubation and MV are corner-
available using arterial pulse contour analysis: the stones of therapy in this setting.1
PiCCO system and the PulseCo or LiDCO system. The circulation step has evolved recently because
Although the basic principle to measure CO is the such protocols have been shown to improve survival.1,2
same, the LiDCO system uses a very sophisticated algo- Current guidelines for hemodynamic support of sepsis
rithm that appears very accurate. This algorithm is set up advise following predetermined protocols in patients in
on arterial pulse power analysis rather than morphology.94 shock. The protocol espoused by Rivers and colleagues
This technology uses lithium (Li) as an indicator and has advocates aggressive volume resuscitation in septic shock
been extensively tested in the United States and Europe and aims to achieve threshold values of multiple param-
but is not available in some countries. We have used this eters (e.g., hemoglobin, MAP, CVP, SCVO2, urine
system extensively in our critically ill patients in New output, and lactate) within the first hour. Adoption of
Caledonia and have found it easy to use (unpublished this goal-directed protocol was associated with a clear
data). This technique generally uses a radial arterial reduction of mortality. However, protocols must be dis-
catheter and a peripheral or central venous catheter. cussed and accepted by whole ICU or ED teams. Further,
The PiCCO technology has been more adoption of such protocols should not preclude careful
widely employed in ICUs, and enables measurement assessment of the causes of shock because therapeutic
of volumetric parameters and extravascular lung interventions may differ depending upon the underlying
water.18,19,21,22 The analysis of the wave form is simpler cause.1,6,7 Protocolized cardiovascular management based
than with with the LiDCO technology and is a calcu- on ventricular–arterial coupling has been proposed by
lation of the area under the systolic portion of the Pinsky.97,97a,97b The Pinsky protocol involves both im-
arterial pressure waveform. Ideally, PiCCO requires a mediate and ‘‘second-step’’ procedures. The second step
femoral arterial catheter, but a peripheral vein may be relies on therapies based on specific mechanisms of shock.
usable. This technology allows measurement of volu- Specific drugs and therapeutics are tailored to the under-
metric parameters such as the global end-diastolic lying cause of shock (e.g., thrombolysis of a myocardial
volume index (GEDVI) and the intrathoracic blood infarction or pulmonary embolism; drainage for pericar-
volume index (ITBVI) by transcardiopulmonary ther- dial tamponade; appropriate cardiovascular drugs, antiar-
modilution. These parameters are more accurate than rhythmic drugs, inotropic, vasoconstrictor, or vasodilator
left and right cardiac filling pressures to estimate pre- agents; adequate fluid loading, etc.).1
load in critically ill patients but do not reliably assess
fluid responsiveness.19,25
The noninvasive Modelflow-Finapress (Finapress COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF EACH METHOD
Medical Systems, Arnhem, The Netherlands) method AND STRATEGY
also uses similar arterial pulse contour analysis of finger Data comparing morbidity, mortality, and cost of ther-
arterial pressure in critically ill patients.18 Expressed as apeutic interventions are critical.43
cardiac index (CI), the results are similar to studies using Regarding cost-effectiveness, only the PAC
more invasive methods.18 has been extensively studied. Esophageal Doppler and

echocardiography are increasingly being used in many using passive leg raising.96,102 This is an important step
ICUs, but outcomes data comparing these strategies to because previous studies assessing prediction of preload
conventional strategies are lacking. Randomized studies responsiveness were validated in patients requiring
to compare the clinical impact of echocardiography with continuous MV and sedation. In patients with cardio-
arterial pulse contour analysis would be of interest but to vascular or respiratory instability, we use in our ICU,
our knowledge have not been done. The appropriate use echocardiography to predict fluid responsiveness using
and optimal interpretation of data are at least as im- IVC and aortic Doppler respiratory variations, even in
portant as the choice of the technique itself. patients not requiring MV (unpublished data).

Although the classification of shock has not changed, Within the last few years, protocol-driven management
several major changes have evolved within the past few of patients with shock has been associated with improved
years. First, the major scientific critical care societies outcomes. These sentinel studies focused on septic and
have defined quantitative parameters (primarily for sep- hypovolemic shock, but lessons learned may apply to
tic shock) to allow a faster and a more unified diagnosis other types of shock states. Monitoring techniques that
not only at the bedside but also for common inclusion couple measurement of CO with ventilatory variations
criteria in clinical studies.2,8,98,99 Second, early manage- of systolic arterial pressure, pulse pressure, and SV
ment of patients in shock must be aggressive and enhance the ability to predict fluid responsiveness in
orchestrated. This critical time has been called ‘‘the circulatory failure. With this strategy, inappropriate
golden first hour,’’ and is to be compared with the delays volume expansion can be avoided in some patients,
defined for thrombolysis of cerebral vascular accidents whereas patients who may benefit from fluid expansion
(CVAs) and ST elevation myocardial infarction are more easily and readily identified.
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