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Fluid Management in Shock

Greg S. Martin, M.D., M.Sc.1 and Charmaine A. Lewis, M.D.1


Shock is a broad category of injury to the human body caused by a variety of

insults. Fluid resuscitation is the cornerstone of initial therapy for nearly all forms of shock.
This article reviews the basic physiology determining body fluid composition, the goals of
fluid resuscitation in shock, the types of fluids available for use, and clinical evidence for use
of specific fluids based on etiology of the insult.

KEYWORDS: Shock, ARDS, sepsis, trauma, hemorrhage, colloid, crystalloid

Objectives: Upon completion of this article, the reader should be able to: (1) understand the physiology governing fluid management;
and (2) apply clinical evidence when choosing fluids for use in resuscitation of critically ill patients.
Accreditation: The University of Michigan is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor
continuing medical education for physicians.
Credits: The University of Michigan designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1 category 1 credit toward the AMA
Physician’s Recognition Award.

S hock is a broad category of ailments that arise health care costs alone. Thus it is a rational goal for the
from specific disturbances but cause global insult to the medical community to strive to discover the optimal
human body. The most common forms of shock are therapy for these patients.
sepsis, hypovolemic with or without hemorrhage, car-
diogenic, anaphylactic, and neurological. This diverse
group of conditions is unified by the common thread of PHYSIOLOGY
therapy: fluid resuscitation. Despite the differences in The human body is functionally divided into compart-
pathophysiology apparent from these forms of shock and ments that permit volume buffering during times of
the attendant physiological derangements, all require physiological stress. (Fig. 1.) Water is an important
fluid resuscitation. Interestingly, no one technique has component of all tissues and constitutes 50 to 70% of
ever been determined to be more effective than others, total body weight, present in inverse proportion to age
and indeed, even the most basic of resuscitation strate- and body fat. The distribution of total body water
gies, such as the choice of type of fluid, has been hotly (TBW) is two thirds (40%) to the intracellular compart-
debated. And rightly so. Millions of patients are diag- ment and one third (20%) to the extracellular compart-
nosed with shock in small community hospitals and large ments. The extracellular fluid (ECF) is then subdivided
academic centers alike. These patients are often the into an interstitial component, constituting 75% of the
sickest of hospitalized patients and require prolonged ECF, and an intravascular component, constituting 25%
maximal intensive care. The health care burden for these of the ECF and representing the effective plasma
patients is immense, costing billions of dollars in direct volume. The fluid in the interstitium and plasma are

Management of Shock; Editor in Chief, Joseph P. Lynch, III, M.D.; Guest Editors, Arthur P. Wheeler, M.D., Gordon R. Bernard, M.D. Seminars
in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, volume 25, number 6, 2004. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Greg S. Martin, M.D.,
M.Sc., Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Emory University School of Medicine, 69 Jesse Hill Jr Dr. SE, Rm. 2D-004, Atlanta, GA 30303.
E-mail: 1Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of
Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. Copyright # 2004 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 1069-3424,p;2004,25,06,683,693,ftx,en;srm00339x.

Figure 1 Depiction of body fluid compartments and distribution of body water for an average 70 kg male. TBW, total body water; RBC
volume, red blood cell volume, normally 2 L. Plasma volume normally occupies 3.5 L, or 8% of TBW.

interchangeable, with only the endothelial junctions of the interstitial space than does an equivalent increase in
the thin capillary wall regulating the passage of large capillary hydrostatic pressure.2 Lymphatic clearance and
molecules such as plasma proteins and blood cells. intrinsic resistance to flow across the capillary (Kf) are
The rate of filtration across a capillary membrane also determinants of fluid flux between the intravascular
may be quantified by the balance of forces described from space and the interstitial space.
the Starling equation1 (Fig. 2). The first term of Star- Albumin constitutes 60% of circulating protein in
ling’s equation represents the hydrostatic pressure gra- the human body, with ! 60% of it located in the
dient (the hydrostatic pressure in the capillary minus the interstitial space. Fibrinogen and globulins contribute
hydrostatic pressure in the interstitium), and drives fluid the remainder of the protein. COP is produced by the
out of the capillary under normal conditions. The second total effect of these endogenous proteins, and although
term of Starling’s equation represents the colloid osmotic albumin contributes ! 80% of plasma COP, it is total
pressure (COP) gradient across the capillary wall protein that best predicts plasma COP. Because COP is
(plasma COP minus interstitial fluid COP), which produced by the number of molecules and not by
normally favors movement of fluid into the vessel. The molecular size, 1 g of albumin, at 69,000 daltons, will
effect of COP on fluid flux is modulated by the protein exert twice the oncotic force as 1 g of globulin averaging
reflection coefficient (!), which decreases as the capillary 150,000 daltons and more than five times the force as 1 g
becomes permeable to proteins. Reducing plasma COP of fibrinogen 490,000 daltons. It is noteworthy that
has twice the effect on fluid flux from the vasculature to oncotic pressure becomes osmotic pressure as the nega-
tive charges surrounding the protein molecules attract
sodium and water.
An imbalance in the Starling forces may lead to
edema formation in a given tissue or organ. Common
clinical examples include ‘‘cardiogenic’’ pulmonary
edema when pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure
is increased and acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) when pulmonary capillary permeability is in-
creased. When the oncotic pressure gradient is dimin-
ished, as in states of hypoalbuminemia (e.g., cirrhosis),
edema formation may occur at lower hydrostatic pres-
sures.3 Experimental models have shown that pulmonary
edema begins to form at left atrial pressures > 24 mm
Hg when COP is normal, whereas edema may form at
Figure 2 The Starling equation describing filtration of fluid
across a semipermeable membrane, often applied clinically to
11 mm Hg when COP is reduced.4 This finding has
predict forces responsible for edema fluid accumulation across been replicated with varying success in critically ill
the vascular endothelium. patients, simplified to the COP-hydrostatic pressure

gradient, in which filtration and edema formation are hypernatremia was rare and without clinical conse-
proportional to the difference between plasma COP and quence. Other risks include hypokalemia, metabolic
pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP).5 acidosis, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, and impaired pla-
telet aggregation.9

Perhaps the largest controversy in the management of Colloids
shock patients centers on the type of fluid chosen for As already mentioned, colloid solutions more rapidly
intravascular volume resuscitation. This has resulted in a expand the intravascular compartment with about one
myriad of physiological studies, several meta-analyses, fourth to one half the volume required from iso-tonic
and one of the largest clinical trials ever conducted in crystalloid solutions. Because of the smaller infusion
critically ill patients. volume, they may restore circulating volume more ra-
pidly.10 Colloids cause less plasma protein and red blood
cell dilution, and they have a longer-lasting effect on
Crystalloids intravascular volume than crystalloids. In addition,
Crystalloid solutions are composed of various physiolo- maintenance of normal COP may limit extravascular
gical combinations of electrolytes and have advantages in fluid accumulation in the lungs, as described by Starling’s
acquisition cost, shelf life, and ease of administration. equation.11 This is particularly important in patients
For these reasons, normal saline and lactated Ringer’s with shock requiring fluid resuscitation and who are at
(LR) solution are often the preferred agents for volume risk for protein leak across the injured alveolar–capillary
resuscitation. See Table 1 for a comparative description membrane. Clinically, a low serum albumin concentra-
of common intravenous solutions. Crystalloid solutions tion is a marker for increased mortality, but increasing
rapidly redistribute to the ECF compartment and re- serum levels with administration of albumin does not in
quire larger infusions to expand intravascular volume, in and of itself improve survival.12 See Table 1 for a
addition to diluting serum protein concentrations and comparative description of common intravenous solu-
packed red cell volume. One may expect a higher rate of tions.
pulmonary edema formation with less intravascular vo-
lume expansion from these solutions, and normal saline ALBUMIN
particularly may cause hypernatremia and hyperchlore- Albumin is the final product in the Cohn fractionation
mic metabolic acidosis. and precipitation process from pooled human plasma,
Hyper-tonic crystalloid solutions are increasingly thus some Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse albumin infusions.
recognized as an alternative resuscitation fluid in hypo- Albumin was first used clinically at Pearl Harbor and was
volemic shock. They are characterized by a high tonicity approved for use in the United States in 1943. It is
and work by rapidly increasing plasma osmolality, which diluted with physiological quantities of sodium and is
subsequently creates a high osmotic gradient across available in two primary forms: iso-oncotic (4–5% solu-
cellular membranes. This gradient encourages volume tion) and hyper-oncotic (20–25% solution). There have
expansion by movement of fluid from the intracellular been no reports of serious viral illnesses transmitted via
and interstitial compartments to the intravascular com- albumin.
partment. Hyper-tonic solutions increase plasma volume In one of the largest critical care trials to date,
by 2 to 4 times the volume infused, depending on investigators from the Australia and New Zealand In-
tonicity of the chosen fluid. This effect is short-lived, tensive Care Society randomized 7,000 critically ill pa-
however, as fluid rapidly redistributes into all compart- tients requiring fluid resuscitation to receive iso-oncotic
ments. Hyper-tonic solutions may favorably influence albumin or iso-tonic crystalloid solutions. There was no
capillary permeability,6 whereas the addition of a colloid overall difference in morbidity or mortality, although
component to the hyper-tonic solution may prolong and traumatically injured patients with brain injuries ap-
augment the volume expansion effect of the hyper-tonic peared to fare better with crystalloids, while septic shock
solution alone.7 An advantage of hyper-tonic solutions is patients may have fared better with colloids.12a
the ability to facilitate field transport of small-volume
resuscitation solutions. STARCHES
Hyper-tonic agents are not without risk. The first Starches, such as hydroxyethyl starch (HES) and penta-
concern for hyperosmolarity has not materialized; pa- starch, are synthetic polymers derived from the starch
tients treated in clinical trials were not found to have amylopectin. HES is a polydispersed molecular weight
prolonged hyperosmolarity nor did they experience ad- substance composed of D-glucose units linked by a
verse effects from infusion.8 The second concern rests on branching polysaccharide backbone. It is predominantly
the hyper-tonic electrolyte load. In a study of trauma renally excreted but is distributed throughout the body,
patients given 7.5% NaCl with dextran, significant including deposition in the reticuloendothelial system

Table 1 Characteristics of Commonly Used Intravenous Fluids

Albumin Solutions Starches Dextrans Gelatins Crystalloids

Iso-oncotic Hyper-oncotic Heta-starch Penta-starch Dextran-40 Iso-tonic Hyper-tonic
Common Formulations 5% 25% 6% 10% 10% Dextran-70 6% 3% 0.9% 3%, 7.5%
Osmolality (mOsm/L) 300 300 325 280–325 300 250–310 900–2400
Molecular weight (avg, kDa) 69 450 280 40 70 30 0
Colloid osmotic pressure (mm Hg) 20 100 30 60 30 24 20 0
Volume expansion* (%) 100 500 100 150 150 100 75 25 200–400
Duration of volume expansion (h) 12–24 8–36 12–24 1–2 " 8–24 4–6 0.5–4
Potential for adverse reactions þ þþ þþþ þþþ þ
Possible side effects Allergic reactions Renal dysfunction Anaphylactoid reactions High calcium content Metabolic Hyper-tonicity,
Transmitted infection Coagulopathy Allergic reactions (urea-linked forms) acidosis metabolic

Pruritus Anaphylactoid Interference Anaphylactoid acidosis

reactions with blood cross-matching reactions

*Expressed as a percentage of administered volume.


and skin where it may cause prolonged pruritis. overall outcome difference, there was a significant survi-
Although relatively unpopular in the United States, val benefit for the restrictive transfusion strategy in
these agents are among the most common volume patients who were younger (age < 55 years) and less
expanders used in European intensive care units.13 severely ill [acute physiology and chronic evaluation
Limitations to the widespread use of starch preparations (APACHE II) score " 20]. The restrictive transfusion
lie in their association with altered coagulation, includ- strategy may be safe for general patients with cardiovas-
ing increases in prothrombin time, partial thromboplas- cular disease, though patients with active coronary vas-
tin time, and bleeding time as well as a decrease in cular disease may benefit from a higher hemoglobin
platelet aggregation.14 concentration.23,24 Prevention of anemia in the intensive
care unit may be the best way to conserve blood, through
DEXTRANS either minimized phlebotomy or use of erythropoietin.25
Dextrans are large glucose polymers, available as
dextran-40 (molecular weight 40,000 daltons) or
dextran-70 (70,000 daltons). Dextrans alter platelet Meta-analyses
and red blood cell function and interfere with blood For 40 years, the crystalloid-or-colloid question has been
cross-matching. They are associated with a moderate hotly debated without a satisfactory conclusion. At least
risk for anaphylaxis and thus may require antigen-bind- 12 meta-analyses have evaluated the issue of colloid
ing premedication. Dextrans improve microvascular cir- administration and mortality or morbidity in critically
culation by decreasing blood viscosity and minimizing ill patients. The first meta-analysis in 1989 examined
platelet and red blood cell aggregation. Because of their data from eight clinical studies and reported discordant
low molecular weight and short half-life, they are rarely results according to patient type: mortality favored
used as volume expanders except when combined with crystalloids for trauma patients and favored colloids for
hypertonic crystalloid solutions. nontrauma patients.26 These findings highlight the
conflicts in underlying evidence and reinforce the het-
erogeneity of critically ill patients.
A large meta-analysis comparing colloids and
Gelatins are colloidal solutions derived from bovine
crystalloids in critically ill patients was published in
sources. The most common gelatin formulation has a
1998 and reignited the controversy.27 In this review,
mean molecular weight of 30,000 daltons, is relatively
data from 19 of the 48 identified studies were examined
inexpensive, and has a long shelf-life. Gelatins have a
with respect to mortality (N ¼ 1315). A heterogeneous
short half-life in the circulation and may induce a
group of crystalloids were analyzed together and com-
coagulopathy, limiting their usefulness in critically ill
pared with a heterogeneous colloid group that included
patients with shock. In addition, they have the highest
hyper-tonic solutions. The authors concluded that col-
rates of anaphylactoid reactions of any colloid.15 There
loid resuscitation is associated with a relative risk for
are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-
death of 1.16, thus increasing the risk of death by 4% for
approved gelatin formulations.
critically ill patients. Shortly thereafter, the Cochrane
Injuries Group published a meta-analysis of albumin
administration in critically ill patients.28 Twenty-four
Blood Products trials (N ¼ 1204) were separated according to use of
The amount of oxygen available to the tissues is related albumin with or without globulins, or any formulation
to cardiac output, hemoglobin levels, and dissolved of crystalloid. They observed a 6% increased mortality in
arterial oxygen content. In patients with normal physiol- the albumin % globulin group that was most significant
ogy, adaptive mechanisms prevent decompensation from for thermally injured patients.
acute moderate anemia.16 In critically ill individuals, Two subsequent meta-analyses have not quieted
anemia may have systemic consequences of reduced the conflict. Choi et al analyzed 17 studies (N ¼ 814)
tissue oxygen delivery that are further complicated by comparing iso-tonic crystalloids to colloids.29 They
coincident inflammatory processes.17 However, mainte- reported no overall difference in outcome, yet a reduc-
nance of normal hemoglobin concentration has not tion in mortality for the subgroup of trauma patients
shown clinical benefit, and blood products carry a finite receiving crystalloids. To explore reasons for the appar-
risk of infection, allergic reaction, immunosuppres- ent mortality difference in prior meta-analyses, they also
sion,18,19 and microcirculatory dysfunction.20,21 analyzed adverse outcomes such as the occurrence of
A large, controlled trial randomized 838 critically pulmonary edema and hospital length of stay, but found
ill patients to a standard ‘‘liberal’’ red blood cell transfu- no difference. Most recently, Wilkes and Navickis re-
sion strategy (hemoglobin concentration of 10.0 g/dL) ported the largest meta-analysis to date, specifically
or a ‘‘restrictive’’ transfusion strategy at a hemoglobin examining albumin compared with crystalloids in criti-
concentration of 7.0 g/dL.22 Although there was no cally ill patients.30 In analyzing a total of 42 trials

(N ¼ 2958) for differences in mortality, the investigators Most clinicians agree that the maintenance of
found no significant outcome difference according to tissue perfusion is tantamount to patient survival, but
fluid type. there is still controversy regarding the strict use of
Some of these meta-analyses have been criticized hemodynamic optimization in resuscitation. Rivers
for omission of relevant trials, heterogeneity of included et al conducted a study in which 263 severe sepsis and
trials with intrinsic study design flaws, improper meta- septic shock patients were randomized upon arrival in
analytic techniques, lack of mortality data as the primary the emergency department to either standard therapy or
endpoint, and difficulty comparing studies in which ‘‘goal-directed therapy’’ guided by central venous oxygen
resuscitation goals were different.31 Unfortunately, the saturation.38 A strict protocol governed the use of fluid
discrepant results in primary trials and systematic reviews boluses, vasoactive drug use, and red blood cell transfu-
preclude a uniform statement about the effect of crystal- sions during the 6-hour treatment period. Patients as-
loids and colloids on outcome.32 signed to the early goal-directed group received 40%
more intravenous fluids and more vasoactive drugs and
red blood cell transfusions, and were more likely to
GOALS OF FLUID RESUSCITATION achieve hemodynamic goals during the 6-hour treat-
The goals of fluid resuscitation for patients with shock ment. These differences translated into reduced illness
are: (1) to rapidly replace intravascular volume and severity at 72 hours and improved survival at 28 days
restore tissue perfusion, and (2) to minimize organ compared with patients in the standard care group.
dysfunction through timely interventions that either Although it is unclear which component of the proto-
halt or reverse the physiological derangements. Tradi- colized care produced the benefits, this study highlights
tionally, the achievement of these goals is measured by our inability to assess hypoperfusion and suggests that, at
numeric parameters that have been arbitrarily chosen; in a minimum, septic shock patients should receive greater
addition, clinicians must determine whether these para- fluid resuscitation than is required to reach traditional
meters are better monitored via invasive or noninvasive endpoints.
methods (see Thompson article on monitoring). Invasive A more extensive discussion of the methods and
methods, such as pulmonary artery catheters (PACs), goals of hemodynamic monitoring may be found in the
may produce complications such as pneumothorax, ar- Monitoring section of this volume.
terial puncture, infection, or bleeding. Furthermore,
these catheters require a significant amount of skill
from the nursing staff and the clinician to use them SPECIFIC STRATEGIES
effectively.33 PAC use has been associated with worsened
survival,34 thus it remains to be proven that invasive Septic Shock
monitoring methods may improve patient outcomes Like antimicrobial therapy, fluid resuscitation is a key
despite the fact that they may provide a more precise component to improving outcomes for septic shock and
understanding of individual patient hemodynamics. It must be administered early and appropriately. The
may be argued that conventional hemodynamics are less choice of fluid for resuscitation of patients with septic
important endpoints for forms of shock dominated by shock is hotly debated. The nature of sepsis as an
dysregulation of the immune system in septic shock.35 immunologic insult and the preponderance of vascular
Two recently published studies addressed the use leakage introduce a new element to the resuscitation
of the PAC in patients with shock. The first used an question: is there a fluid replacement strategy that
observational design comparing sepsis patients who improves intravascular volume and tissue perfusion and
underwent PAC placement to those without a PAC also offers biochemical advantages?
and adjusted for the risk of receiving a PAC by a The distribution of intravenous fluids can be
propensity score.36 By these methods, there was no predicted by knowledge of the body fluid compartments
difference in resource consumption or mortality attribu- discussed previously. Iso-tonic fluids, such as normal
table to the PAC. The second study randomized 681 saline or Ringer’s lactate, will distribute into the ECF.
patients with shock or ARDS to standard intensive care Thus, 1 L of iso-tonic fluid will provide ! 250 mL of
unit monitoring with or without a PAC.37 The investi- intravascular volume expansion, with the remainder
gators did not impose a strict treatment protocol, leaving distributing to the interstitial space. Similar calculations
patient management to the discretion of the clinician. may be performed for colloids, though they are con-
They found no evidence of a mortality benefit at 28 days founded by our inability to measure the oncotic reflec-
between groups, nor did they find evidence of increased tion coefficient (!) that determines colloid distribution
morbidity or significant complications in the PAC between the vasculature and the interstitium. Studies of
group. Thus there remains no firm evidence that invasive patients with sepsis show that administration of iso-
monitoring either improves or worsens outcomes for oncotic albumin results in plasma volume expansion
patients with shock. equal to the volume infused, with an equivalent

expansion of the interstitial space.39 Thus, even when The hypothesis that maintenance of COP
capillary permeability is compromised, colloids are more through colloid administration will reduce pulmonary
effective volume expanders per unit administered than edema in patients with septic shock remains unproven.56
crystalloids. Reductions in COP are generally associated with pul-
Experimental sepsis models support colloids as monary edema5,59–61 and ARDS,62 whereas increases in
the superior fluid for intravascular resuscitation. Colloids COP reduce tissue-directed fluid flux in the lung.11
demonstrate superiority in speed of resuscitation and Although the data are not conclusive in states of im-
tissue perfusion,40,41 primarily because oncotic solutions paired capillary integrity, available evidence suggests that
achieve similar resuscitation goals with less than half the crystalloid administration produces more pulmonary
infusion volume of crystalloids.42–44 Resuscitation spe- edema than colloids.56,63 Importantly, colloid adminis-
cifically with albumin may have benefits for the myo- tration does not exacerbate edema formation in states of
cardial depression of sepsis by altering nitric oxide capillary permeability if hydrostatic pressures are un-
expression and increasing myocyte contractility.45 Albu- changed.64 For patients with established respiratory
min may also confer benefits to patients with sepsis by dysfunction (e.g., ARDS), colloid administration shifts
improving redox balance and thus preventing oxidative Starling forces in favor of lung fluid resorption65 and
cellular damage.46 After acute resuscitation, albumin reduces intrapulmonary shunt.66 This nonresuscitation
administration in experimental sepsis preserves micro- effect of colloids may be more potent when combined
vascular surface area for tissue oxygen exchange, result- with diuretics.67,68
ing in less tissue injury.47 This may relate to a direct
albumin-mediated effect on capillary permeability,48
though this has not been confirmed in humans.49 HES Hypovolemic Shock
solutions have been similarly shown to reduce capillary
permeability, apparently by starch macromolecules ‘‘seal- TRAUMATIC HEMORRHAGE
ing’’ the injured endothelial gaps.50 Fluids used in resuscitation of patients with traumatic
The individual side-effect profiles may best dif- injuries need to be readily available and capable of rapidly
ferentiate colloids. In a randomized trial of patients with restoring plasma volume. Fluid resuscitation should
severe sepsis comparing HES to gelatin resuscitation, typically be initiated upon recognition of unstable he-
HES recipients were more likely to develop acute renal modynamic parameters, or in anticipation of instability.
failure.51 This finding is consistent with observations of However, a controlled delay in resuscitation may benefit
renal dysfunction in HES-treated cadaveric kidney certain patients with trauma-related shock. In a study of
transplants.52 In addition, starch solutions and dextrans hemorrhagic shock from penetrating torso injuries, 598
have potent effects on the coagulation system and may patients were randomized to receive standard prehospital
increase the risk of bleeding in susceptible pa- fluid resuscitation or resuscitation that was delayed until
tients.14,53,54 Although there have not been adequate arrival in the operating room.69 Subjects randomized to
studies specifically in patients with septic shock, drugs delayed resuscitation had improved survival, shorter
that increase the risk of bleeding are concerning in this hospital stay, and probably fewer postoperative compli-
condition where activation of the coagulation system is cations. The magnitude of this effect has been disputed
universal and disseminated intravascular coagulation is in other prospective studies,69a making confirmation of
common.55 these benefits difficult in a systematic review.70
There are insufficient clinical data to proclaim Although unproven, the theoretical benefit lies in per-
superiority of a given intravenous solution. The best level missive controlled hypotension that avoids resuscitation-
of evidence for the importance of fluid resuscitation in induced loss of blood and clotting factors, until mechan-
septic shock comes from the study by Rivers et al,38 ical control of bleeding can be achieved.
mentioned earlier, in which patients identified in the Similar to experimental models of sepsis, colloid
emergency department and aggressively resuscitated ac- administration in hemorrhagic shock is superior in
cording to goal-directed hemodynamic therapy achieved rapidity of resuscitation and tissue perfusion.71–73
better survival than patients randomized to standard Furthermore, albumin specifically reduces inflammatory
resuscitation endpoints. Both colloids and crystalloids cytokine expression after hemorrhagic shock.44,72 By
were allowed in this study protocol, precluding con- comparison, crystalloid solutions promote adhesion mo-
trolled analysis and failing to provide evidence of benefit lecule expression74 and cellular apoptosis.75–77
for a given intravenous solution. It is clear, however, Is there a clinical advantage to a particular in-
that crystalloid solutions require two to four times travenous solution? Historically, iso-tonic crystalloids
greater volume to achieve similar hemodynamic resusci- have been used for trauma resuscitation, requiring infu-
tation endpoints in patients with septic shock.56,57 sion of seven to 10 times the volume of blood lost.78 The
Albumin and synthetic colloids are equivalent for these physiological aspects of colloids are similar to its use in
purposes.56,58 sepsis: a smaller infusion volume may be achieved with

colloids,56,79 although the impact of colloids on the Cardiogenic Shock

development of respiratory failure80,81 or ARDS79 re- There are no studies intended to define the best type of
mains uncertain. However, colloids have been shown to fluid in cardiogenic shock. As in other critical illnesses,
resuscitate traumatically injured patients more rapidly Starling forces predict the development and resolution
due to smaller infusion volumes10 and to produce greater of pulmonary edema.93 Care of patients with this
increases in oxygen delivery than crystalloid solutions.82 condition is discussed in depth in the article devoted to
Alternatively, hyper-tonic–colloid combination solu- this subject.
tions may benefit trauma patients with hemorrhagic
shock. A multicenter trial randomizing traumatic injury
patients to hyper-tonic saline plus dextran (HSD) or iso-
tonic crystalloid suggested benefit of the former for the
Shock represents one of the most common clinical
subset of hemorrhagic shock patients requiring sur-
scenarios in the intensive care unit. Patients with this
gery.83 A subsequent smaller trial in this population
condition require prolonged and intensive hospital care,
found a survival benefit for HSD84 that has been
supported by meta-analysis of the literature.85 consuming tremendous health care resources. Fluid
management for these patients is the cornerstone of
therapy and must be administered early and judiciously.
GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING The ideal intravenous resuscitation fluid in shock would
Massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage is a common clin- be immediately available, would rapidly restore both
ical scenario in the intensive care unit. Similar to patients global and microvascular hemodynamics, and would
who sustain penetrating traumatic wounds, patients with favorably influence the nature of the insult (i.e., promote
gastrointestinal bleeding lose whole blood and are ap- hemostasis in hemorrhage or abrogate inflammation in
propriately resuscitated with a combination of blood sepsis). Although colloids, and in particular albumin,
products. There have been no trials that have compared may possess some of these characteristics, their acquisi-
resuscitation strategies in patients with gastrointestinal tion costs are greater and there is no conclusive evidence
bleeding. Although serum albumin is often subnormal, it that any physiological benefit described here may trans-
is an independent predictor of mortality.86,87 late into improved outcomes. Unfortunately, there are
inadequate data on which to build consensus for the best
NONHEMORRHAGIC, HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK strategies regarding the type of intravenous fluid. Ran-
Dialysis-related hypotension may result in the adminis- domized, controlled trials with clinical endpoints are
tration of volume expanders and vasopressors, thus needed to optimize care for these patients.
hindering the goals of fluid and electrolyte removal
necessary for optimal patient management. In ambula-
tory patients, albumin priming for dialysis results in REFERENCES
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