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Annie Altamirano • Viv Lambert

Series advisor: David Nunan

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 1 28/04/2017 16:09
C o n t ents
Scope and sequence 4
Introduction 6
Cross-curricular teaching 7
Literacy 8
What is Assessment for Learning? 9
Components 11
Unit walkthrough 13
How to use stories 18
Classroom management tips 19
Game bank 20
Extension bank 22
Unit worksheet teaching notes 23
Lesson notes and worksheets 24
Festivals 182
Evaluation 184
Evaluation teaching notes 186
Evaluation sheets 190

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 3 28/04/2017 16:09
S c op e a n d sequence
Vocabulary: Adjectives: funny, smart, shy, kind, quiet
Structures: I’m taller than Sophie/you/him/her. He’s/She’s taller than Sophie/you/me.
You’re taller than Sophie/me/him/her. My hands are bigger.

1 Free time
Vocabulary: Free-time activities: cooking, playing the guitar, chatting online, playing computer games, Phonics: /sk/ and /sw/
skateboarding, watching TV, skiing skiing, skateboarding,
More free-time activities: riding my bike, riding my scooter skipping
What children like/don’t like doing: lighthouse, climbing the stairs, castle swimming, swans

Structures: What does he/she like doing? He/She likes (skiing). Cross-curricular:
Does he/she like (skiiing)? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. Social Science:
What do you like doing? I like (skiing). what children like/don’t
Do you like (playing the guitar)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. like doing

2 Animals
Vocabulary: Animals: giraffe, lion, elephant, crocodile, hippo, monkey Phonics: /iː/
Animal foods: meat, grass, fruit, leaves sixteen, green, leaves,
Animal activities: sleeping treat, eat, thirteen, meat,
Amazing animals: only, trunk, every day, tongue, facts sleeping

Structures: What do (giraffes) eat? They eat (leaves). Cross-curricular:

Do giraffes eat leaves? Yes, they do. Science:
Do giraffes eat meat? No, they don’t. amazing animals
(Lions) live in (Africa).
(My cat) lives with me.

3 Weather
Vocabulary: Weather: storm, the sun, hot, cloud, rain, wet, cold, snow, wind Phonics: /əʊ/ and /aʊ/
Activities: splash, kite blow, snow, rainbow
Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter, year mouse, house, clouds
Hurricanes: camera, knock down, waves
Structures: What’s the weather like today? It’s (rainy) and (wet). Science: hurricanes
It (rains) in the (spring). I (splash) in the (rain).

4 My week
Vocabulary: Scheduled activities: study Maths, have music lessons, study English, practise the piano, Phonics: /s/ and /z/
have ballet lessons, learn to draw, do gymnastics, do karate goes, swimming, has,
Time: (4) o’clock, half past (2) Music, lessons, does, yes
How children go to school: by bus, by car, by bike
Ways to go to school: roads, internet, plane, skidoo, How do you go to school? Cross-curricular:
Social Science:
Structures: I (go swimming) at (11 o’clock). ways to go to school
He (does gymnastics) at (half past 4).
What do you do on (Saturdays)?
How does she go to school? She goes to school (by bus).
He (walks) to the park.

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 4 28/04/2017 16:09
5 Jobs
Vocabulary: Common jobs: an astronaut, a mechanic, a builder, a firefighter, a basketball player, Phonics: /ɘ/
a police officer, a ballet dancer, a film star, a photographer farmer, firefighter, pasta,
More common jobs: teacher, doctor, farmer doctor, builder, pizza
What people want to be: champion, win, medals, Olympic Games, go running,
go shopping Cross-curricular:
Structures: What do you want to be? what people want to be
I want to be an (astronaut).
I don’t want to be a (builder).
Does he/she want to be a (builder)?
Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.

6 Rainforest
Vocabulary: Places in the rainforest: path, river, valley, bridge, mountain, waterfall, hut, cave, Phonics: silent letters
Prepositions: behind, next to, under, in front of walk, listen, autumn
What animals have got: strong tails, tiny eyes, sharp claws, silent wings, curly tails
The Amazon rainforest: tapir, hummingbird, nectar, giant tarantula Cross-curricular:
Structures: Where’s the (snake)? It’s (behind) (the mountain). the Amazon rainforest
Where are the (crocodiles)? They’re (under) (the bridge).
They’ve got (curly tails).

7 Feelings
Vocabulary: Feelings: scared, angry, sad, happy, tired Phonics: /hæ/ and /hʌ/
Feelings verbs: smiling, crying, shouting, laughing Harry
Structures: Why is he/she (laughing)? He’s/She’s (laughing) because (it’s funny).
What makes you feel (happy)? (Sunny days) make me feel (happy). Cross-curricular:
What makes you (cry)? (Sad films) make me (cry). Social Science:
how music and films make
me feel

8 By the sea
Vocabulary: Outdoor activities: fishing, surfing, snorkelling, sailing, kayaking, horse-riding Phonics: /ɔː/ and /ɜː/
Places: beach, sea horse, snorkelling
Emotions: bored with, keen on, scared of, terrified of nurse, surfing
Protecting nature: save, coral reefs, sea animals, global warming, dead, in danger
Structures: What are you (scared of)? I’m (scared of) (sharks). Science: protecting nature

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 5 28/04/2017 16:09
Dear Teachers, is a six-level course
for children learning
English at primary level. It offers best
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Poptropica English. This is practice methodology in the
the most exciting and important series for teaching English to classroom, while also offering teachers
young learners on the market today. It is designed to educate and pupils an innovative digital
learners for the twenty-first century. This involves more than environment in the shape of the unique
teaching learners to communicate in English. It also involves Poptropica English Island
helping learners to socialise and work cooperatively, to have a Adventure Game.
sense of responsibility to others, to develop their ability to reflect
Poptropica English is designed to
on their learning processes and to begin learning and using English
provide teachers and pupils with a
truly blended English language learning
The series is based on some key educational principles. The most environment. It takes into account
important of these is that of catering to the whole learner. the current movement towards using
This means that you are not just responsible for developing the an increased amount of technology in
ability of learners to communicate through English, you are also the classroom and also at home, as
responsible for their emotional, social and moral development. more and more families use computers
This is a very challenging task, but Poptropica English will provide and want safe, effective, educational
you with resources to help you meet that challenge. material for their children.
Through these materials, learners engage with English by using Poptropica English motivates
it in a wide range of interesting and fun situations that relate children by introducing them to
to their everyday lives. Yes, they have to learn vocabulary and an online area which extends and
master the pronunciation and grammar of the language, but they enhances their learning. Children
do so through engaging tasks that keep them motivated and show follow the characters through their
them the relevance of English to their lives beyond the language book, while listening to stories,
classroom. singing songs, communicating
The journey from infancy to adulthood is an amazing adventure, and playing games along the way.
of which language learning is a part. I hope that you enjoy taking Most importantly, pupils will enjoy
your pupils on the adventure with Poptropica English. themselves and make their own
discoveries in English.
David Nunan
Series Advisor
Poptropica English

Practice is provided in the form of controlled and
Poptropica English assumes no previous
more open activities using the presented language.
knowledge of English and takes a ‘5Ps’ approach
to communication in order to provide support and Production activities encourage pupils to use
encourage production from an early stage. The PPP the language either to speak or write something.
(Presentation, Practice and Production) method is These activities encourage pupils to become more
a tried and tested approach which is favoured by autonomous and to manipulate the language in order
many teachers in the primary classroom. The lesson to communicate.
sequence is clear and easy to follow and works in a
Personalisation activities are also included in the
structured way. Poptropica English ‘5Ps’ approach
lesson structure to engage pupils further with the unit
adds also Personalisation and Pronunciation.
language and to help them with language recall.
Presentation is the first stage. The teacher
Pronunciation is a key area in language teaching and
demonstrates the key language while providing a model
it is addressed in all units. Pupils practise it through fun
on audio for pupils to hear the correct pronunciation.
and engaging songs and chants that help them acquire
the stress, rhythm and intonation of English.

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 6 28/04/2017 16:09
Cross - curricular teaching
Children are naturally curious about the world • What the pupils hear or read about a topic can later
around them. They want to know how nature works provide realistic reasons for speaking and writing
(Science), how man’s inventions function (Technology), about it.
they are drawn to the exciting stories behind man’s
Tip 2: As the pupils do the activities in the lesson,
achievements and artistic creations (History/Art), as
highlight any new vocabulary relating to the topic and
well as the fascinating landscapes and customs of far-
collect it in a simple list on the board. At the end of
away places (Geography/Social Science). Therefore,
the lesson, invite the pupils to copy the list into their
it seems natural and appropriate for their foreign
notebooks for later reference.
language classroom to provide opportunities for them
to explore this world and to integrate the resulting • Cross-curricular lessons can lead to very motivating
knowledge and understanding with language learning. individual or small group projects.
Here are some other reasons for integrating content Tip 3: Invite pupils to read the instructions and help
with language learning, as well as some tips for them visualise what the end product will be (a written
making the most of the cross-curricular pages in list of physical exercises, possibly illustrated with
Poptropica English: drawings or photos or a poster with pictures, captions
and a short text describing an animal from their
• Young pupils already bring an incredible amount of country). Help pupils think about what to write, how
previous knowledge of the world to the language-
to draft and edit and, finally, how to make it look nice
learning classroom.
(layout, design). Depending on the time available, allow
Tip 1: Start the lesson by inviting pupils to focus on the pupils to do the project in class or write a draft in class
images on the page and ask a few warm-up questions, and complete the project at home.
e.g. What can you see on the page? What is the lesson
about? What do you know about the topic? What else • Mini projects can lead to research opportunities.
would you like to know? Use the children’s first language Tip 4: Help the pupils brainstorm sources of
if necessary. information for their mini project (the school library,
the internet, an ‘expert’ from school, a relative or
Unit 3 Science project model family friend). Teach them to gather – and check the
relevance and reliability of – information.
Tip 5: You might like to give pupils feedback. You could
give pupils two stars and one wish e.g. Beautiful
pictures!, Excellent colouring! Add one more picture label.
This could be given in L1.

Unit 7 Social Science project model

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 7 28/04/2017 16:09
In Level 3, reading is introduced in the Pupil’s Book and Activity Book in the form of short paragraphs.
In the Activity Book, pupils write short sentences and paragraphs to practise the new language.
The Sounds fun notebook is something pupils prepare in class to be used at the end of Lesson 4 of each
unit. Pupils record the sounds learnt in each unit in their Sounds fun notebook and find or draw pictures of
words with these sounds. More confident pupils could also write the words below their drawings. With the
introduction of target vocabulary at the beginning of every unit, teachers should encourage pupils to add
these new words to the appropriate page in their Sounds fun notebook. In this way, pupils are consistently
recycling the sounds introduced in this level. Pupils could use an exercise book as their Sounds fun notebook
and then carry it through into next year. Alternatively, you could help them to make their own mini book
using the instructions below and three sheets of A4 paper.

Making a Sounds fun notebook

• Take one A4 sheet for every 8 pages needed in the book, i.e. three A4 sheets for a 24-page book.
• Put the sheets neatly one on top of the other. Fold the pile in half so that the short sides touch, then in
half again in the other direction. You should now have a small book shape.
• Cut along the folds at the top/bottom of the book so that the pages can turn, then staple at the top
and bottom of the spine.

Pronunciation table
Consonants Vowels
Symbol Keyword Symbol Keyword
p pen short ɪ bit
b back e bed
t ten æ cat
d day ɒ dog
k key ʌ cut
g get ʊ put
f fat ə about
v view i happy
θ thing u actuality
ð then long iː sheep
s soon ɑː father
z zero ɔː four
ʃ ship uː boot
ʒ pleasure ɜː bird
h hot eɪ
diphthongs make
x loch aɪ lie
ʧ cheer ɔɪ boy
ʤ jump əʊ note
m sum aʊ now
n sun ɪə real
ŋ sung eə hair
w wet ʊə sure
l let uə actual
r red iə peculiar
j yet

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 8 28/04/2017 16:10
What is Assessment for Learning?
Poptropica English includes elements of Assessment Where is the learning adventure used?
for Learning methodology, which help to enhance
learning by supporting pupils in understanding what The learning adventure is used in Vocabulary,
they know and what they need to do next, empowering Cross-curricular and I can do it! lessons.
them to move themselves forward and making them
active in their own learning, as well as helping teachers How do I introduce the learning adventure to
understand where their pupils are. Assessment for my pupils?
Learning is looking for ways to understand how pupils It’s a good idea to model with pupils how to use the
are doing and using this information to help them learning adventure poster. The learning adventure
improve, as well as helping teachers make decisions poster can be put up in the classroom and the image
about how to help pupils improve. used in a sequence of activities in conjunction with both
the Pupil’s Book and accompanying teaching notes.
Assessment: isn’t this testing?
There are four steps on the learning adventure:
It can be, but when we talk about Assessment for
Learning, we’re really talking about assessing pupils 1 Let’s go! – This means that pupils have started a
formatively, watching and listening to our pupils to new learning objective and are at the beginning of
see how much they understand and using this to help their learning; maybe they know one or two words.
decide what we need to do next. This can be during 2 I’m on my way! – This means that pupils are moving
any activity in class – the kind of assessment you along their journey with increasing understanding or
already do every day! knowledge; maybe they know five or six words.
3 I’m almost there! – This means that pupils
Why is Assessment for Learning important in are feeling increasingly confident about what
Poptropica English? they have learnt; they have a good (though not
Poptropica English provides fun and engaging necessarily 100%) knowledge or understanding.
material to help your pupils have an exciting and 4 I’ve arrived! – This means that pupils are very
motivating early experience with English. A handful of confident about what they have learnt; they have a
Assessment for Learning techniques and activities good (though not necessarily 100%) knowledge or
have been integrated into each lesson, to build on understanding.
this positive experience. These activities give pupils
an awareness of what and how they are learning,
How do I use the poster with my class?
while giving you, the teacher, lots of opportunities
to assess how each pupil is doing. Introducing the It’s really useful if you can have the poster on the wall
learning adventure in your lessons to talk about for every class. The poster is used in two different ways.
pupils’ learning, makes each step along their English
language adventure visible and interactive, engaging
and motivating pupils while also developing self- Where are ou on your learning adven
assessment skills. ture

What is the learning adventure?

The learning adventure, based on each of the Let’s go ost
I’m alm
Poptropica English Islands, is a path which on
I’m ay

represents how confident the pupil feels about a my


particular learning objective. Using this poster in class I’ve

enables pupils to develop self-assessment skills by
reflecting on how well they can remember vocabulary,
for example, from the lesson or unit. It can also help
gather evidence for the teacher on who is confident
about the lesson and who needs more practice. M04_POP_POS_01GLB_1525_U04.indd 1 7/7/16 4:16 PM

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 9 28/04/2017 16:10
For Vocabulary lessons Pop quiz – Gives you a quick end-of-lesson activity
The poster works in the same sequence each time and to help you check who has ‘got it’ and who needs
the lesson plans show you exactly when and how. more help.
Every lesson begins with pupil-friendly objectives – Provides opportunities to see where pupils are in their
these will appear in the teaching notes for each lesson. learning, enabling you to provide useful feedback and adjust
You can write these on the board. The first activity in your teaching in line with individual needs.
these lessons is What do you know? – this is a Pupil’s Extension questions – Asks pupils a question to help
Book activity asking pupils which words they know extend their thinking and learning.
on this topic before the main class presentation. This
will find out what pupils already know about a topic, Requires more than only remembering what they have
engage them and give pupils confidence that they learnt; illustrates that they have understood it.
know something already. Now, using the poster, ask I can do it! – Self-assessment lessons develop pupils’
the pupils, Where are you on your learning adventure? skills to assess where they are in their learning and what
Ask pupils to think about how many words they know they need to do next to achieve their learning goals,
and to say which stage on the poster they think they are motivating them to continue learning.
at, e.g. if they know two or three words they might say, Developing the skills to identify what you know and what you
Let’s go! as they are at the beginning of their learning. don’t forms a huge part of learning. With practice, this should
You should respond positively, as they are already facilitate learning and produce confident pupils, not afraid to
moving along their learning adventure! At the end of ask for help from their teachers and classmates.
the lesson, ask the pupils again, Where are you on your
learning adventure? Pupils think how many words they
know now and choose another stage on the poster, When can I use the learning adventure?
e.g. if they know eight words they might say, I know You can use the learning adventure in any lesson
teddy bear, car, kite, doll, boat, bike, ball, train. It’s a with learning objectives. For pupils new to this concept,
good idea to remind pupils of where they were at the it’s good to begin with vocabulary, where it’s easy to
beginning of the lesson and where they are now, to identify what you know and have learnt.
really emphasise the progress they are making.

I can do it! What if my pupils do not use the learning

adventure accurately?
The poster is used to help pupils develop the skills
needed to identify what they know and what they don’t It doesn’t matter too much about accuracy. They aren’t
know, to help them focus and move themselves forward. giving themselves grades, they’re simply increasing their
With practice, this should make learning more efficient, awareness about their own learning. What matters
produce confident pupils not afraid to ask for help from is helping your pupils to increase their awareness by
teachers and classmates and underline that everyone modelling how to use the poster, using examples to
can make progress. As with every lesson, we begin with show how many words you might know for each stage
Pupil-friendly objectives. We ask pupils, What can you on the poster. Also, by encouraging pupils to think more
remember? This requires pupils to recall what topics/ positively about their progress if they underestimate
language they learnt in the unit. Ask pupils, Where are on the learning adventure. Or, if pupils indicate
you on your learning adventure? For each topic/language too confidently where they are, ask pupils to think a
area, ask pupils to say where they are on their learning little more carefully about how many words they can
adventure. The pupils then complete a set of activities to remember, for example. For strong pupils, keep them
help them review and consolidate the unit topic/language. motivated by asking them to find out more about the
topic or new words on the topic. Also, using the poster
What other Assessment for Learning activities regularly in class will help pupils integrate this into their
are there? Why should I use them? learning more easily.

What do you know? – Asks pupils if they know any What if my pupils are very shy?
words associated with the unit topic before the main
vocabulary presentation. If pupils don’t want to say where they are, you can
make cards that pupils can hold up in class. Each pupil
Pupils will feel confident that they already know some can make a card for each stage, e.g. Let’s go!
words from the topic so they aren’t at the beginning of
their learning.

10 Assessment for Learning

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 10 28/04/2017 16:10
For the pupil

Poptropica English
The Pupil’s Book presents materials to

Poptropica English
effectively present and practise the target
Welcome to Poptropica English,
a six level primary English series that
materials and
Welcome to Popt
young learners like
ropic a English, a six level
never before. The
fun-filled online activit unique combination
primary English series
that engages
unique combination of beautiful in-class of beautiful in-clas

language and the Activity Book provides

ies, songs and games
young learners like never before. The and adventure that children won’t , creates a world s materials and
games, creates a world of excitement want to leave. of excitement and
fun-filled online activities, songs and adventure
that children won’t want to leave. Poptropica Engl


reinforcement, consolidation and freer • Empowers pupils

Poptropica English: , putting them at

the heart of the learnin
at the heart of the learning experience • Engages pupils, g experience
• Empowers pupils, putting them sparking imaginations

practice. Additional features include:

through captivating


adventures characters and online
through captivating characters and online • Evaluates pupil adventures
• Engages pupils, sparking imaginations performance in every
e in every lesson • Elevates learnin
• Evaluates pupil performanc g to a whole new


• Four Wider World units; AC TI VI TY BO OK
• Elevates learning to a whole new Poptropica Engl
ish makes learn
English ing English
Poptropica English makes learning an unforgettable
an unforgettable adventure.

• Goodbye unit to consolidate and wrap up;

• Festival pages and cutout activities;
• Picture dictionary at the back of the
Activity Book.
The Poptropica English Island Adventure
Game provides a safe, engaging, highly- GSE
Level 5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Salaberri • Lambert • Nunan

motivating environment where pupils meet
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2

the characters from the Pupil’s Book plus

Level 1

Salaberri • Lambe
Level 0
A1 A2 <A1 +
B1 +

a host of other exciting characters and

Learn more about B2 + C1 C2
the Globa l Scale
of Englis h at englis /gse Sagrario Salaberri • Viv Lambert
Series Advisor: David Nunan

rt • Nunan
follow them on an adventure. Pupils will POPENG_BR_L3_A
CB_CVR.indd 1
7/26/16 4:18 PM
Sagrario Salaberri
Series advisor:
• Viv Lambert

engage in safe ‘closed-chat’ dialogues

David Nunan

with the characters they meet, practising

23/03/2017 08:05

target language from the units. They will

also follow instructions to help them solve
puzzles, learning supplementary language
along the way. The Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game is a great tool
to make learning happen in an interactive
way and it further consolidates and extends
the language learning process. Most of all,
pupils will enjoy learning through play and
will absorb English without realising it!

For the parent

Parents may wish to encourage their children to do
additional practice at home.
The Activity Book provides reinforcement and
consolidation of the language presented in the Pupil’s
Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus
personalisation and further listening and reading texts.


F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 11 28/04/2017 16:10
For the teacher The flashcards present main target vocabulary in each
The Teacher’s Book provides step-by-step lesson unit. The teaching notes in the Teacher’s Book clearly
plans covering all the course material. explain how the flashcards can be used to present,
practise and consolidate language through games and
Each lesson plan is clearly structured into stages: activities.
• Starting the lesson
• Presentation 57

• Practice
• Ending the lesson.
The lesson notes are designed to provide flexible angry
support for all teachers, including those who may
lack time for planning or who have limited access to
resources. The Introduction includes recommended
© Pearson Educa
ion Limi ed 2016
Pop ropica English,
Level 3, Uni 7, Pic
ure Card 57

procedures for using games and stories effectively.

For maximum flexibility and variety, the following The posters accompanying the course are of two
photocopiable materials can be found in the types. Learning adventure posters help pupils and
Teacher’s Book: teachers gain awareness of what and how the pupils
• Unit worksheets are learning. Vocabulary posters serve as another
• Unit and End-of-year evaluations tool for teaching and consolidating vocabulary.
The Class Audio CDs contain all the songs (including The video stories are available on the Active Teach.
karaoke versions), chants, stories and listening They give pupils a new context in which to recycle the
activities which appear in the Pupil’s Book. They also language of the Pupil’s Book.
contain audio for the evaluations which are at the back The evaluations (unit and End-of-year) can be found
of the Teacher’s Book. at the back of the Teacher’s Book. The audio for these
evaluations is on the Audio CD.


Spring Summer

Autumn Winter

M04 Pop Eng POS Pack Global 91525 U04A.indd 1 19/10/2016 12:26

12 Components

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 12 28/04/2017 16:10
Unit walkthrough
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Presentation and practice of Presentation and practice of
vocabulary with audio support grammar with audio support
Previous knowledge of the topic is activated through The new structure is presented in the unit chant and
an Assessment for Learning activity. practised in a listening activity.
The unit grammar is summarised in a Look! box on the
Pupil’s Book page.

1 Free time 5
Listen and chant. Count the activities.

Finley Keen… he’s so cool.

1 What do you know?
skateboarding watching TV He likes playing football,
He likes going to the pool.
Does he like skiing and watching TV?
2 Listen and find. Yes, he does, just like me!
Does he like singing? Does he like cleaning?

playing the guitar No, he doesn’t.

And he doesn’t like reading.

What does he/she like doing? He/She likes skiing.
Yes, he/she does.
cooking chatting online Does he/she like skiing?
No, he/she doesn’t.
playing computer games

What do Sophie and Oliver like?
Listen, think and choose.
1 2

Listen and tick (✓) 4
Listen and say.
or cross (✗).

1 2 3 4

7 Ask and answer.

5 6 7
Does Oliver like cleaning? No, he doesn’t.

6 Lesson 1 Can identify some free-time activities Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about what people like doing in their free time 7

Pupils listen to the key unit vocabulary in the context Pupils also locate the Poptropica English Island
of a dialogue between the characters. They then listen Adventure Game card on the opening spread.
and repeat the vocabulary.
Clear and concise learning objectives help clarify the
Target vocabulary is highlighted and labelled in the aim of the lesson for the teacher and parent.
opening scene.

Further practice of the target language

is provided in the Activity Book for
all lessons.
1 Free time 3 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).

Sophie doesn’t like skiing.

She likes cooking and she likes playing
Oliver likes cooking and he
likes skateboarding. He doesn’t like
computer games. She likes reading. reading. He likes skiing.
1 Read and match.
1 2 a
playing watching TV
computer games g

✗ f

3 4 5 skiing c
the guitar

chatting online h

6 7 d

Sophie Oliver

2 Look and write. 4 Look at Activity 3 and write. Use the words in the box.

No, he doesn’t. No, she doesn’t. Yes, he does. Yes, she does.
1 I like watching TV .
2 I like . 1 Does Sophie like cooking? Yes, she does.

3 I . 2 Does Oliver like skateboarding?

3 Does Sophie like skiing?

4 I don’t like .
4 Does Oliver like cooking?
5 I don’t .
5 Does Sophie like playing computer games?
6 Does Oliver like reading?

4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Chant. (See Pupil’s Book page 7.) 5



F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 13 28/04/2017 16:10
Lesson 3
8 Listen and sing.

Presentation and practice of

1:20 /

What do you, do you like doing?

What do you, do you like doing?
vocabulary with audio support 1

Do you like riding your bike?


Yes, I do. I like riding my bike.

A second grammar structure is presented in the Do you like playing the guitar?
Yes, I do. Look! Look! I’m a pop star.
unit song, summarised in a Look! box on the Chorus
Do you like playing computer games?
Pupil’s Book page. No, I don’t. I like riding my scooter.
Do you like skateboarding, too?
Yes, I like skateboarding! How about you? riding my scooter
The song also presents a new set of vocabulary riding my bike
which is linked to the unit topic. This may be 4
additional words or a separate vocabulary set.
Karaoke versions of the songs are included in the
class audio. 1:22

What do you like doing?

The language of the lesson is then practised in a Do you like playing Yes, I do.
the guitar?
speaking activity. No, I don’t.

9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.

What do you I like playing
like doing? the guitar.

Number 3. HOME

8 Lesson 3 Can identify more free-time activities

1 Lesson 4
10 Read and match.

1 2 3
Skills practice and pronunciation
A reading text and comprehension activity help to
consolidate the grammar and vocabulary of the unit.
a This is my dog, Timmy.
b c
The Sounds fun pronunciation feature with audio
He likes skateboarding.
Look! He’s cool! presents English sounds with humorous characters and
tongue twisters.
Listen and answer. A mini-card game provides opportunity for interaction
and speaking, while consolidating the target language
Listen and say.
of the unit.
She likes skiing,
and skipping. He likes swimming with swans.

13 Play the game.

Does he like
Yes, he does.

Lesson 4 Can read and talk about what other children like doing / Can pronounce words that include /sk/ and /sw/ 9

14 Unit walkthrough

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 14 28/04/2017 16:10
Lesson 5
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.


1 Hmm, he likes Wow! Look at Coco. 2

What does skateboarding.

The story is provided with speech bubbles and Coco like doing? Try the skate park.
audio support. It consolidates vocabulary
and structures from previous lessons and
introduces new functional language.
3 Yippee! I love Come on! Quick, Sophie! 4
riding a scooter!

It’s OK! I’m

faster than him.
You’re faster
5 than me 6
Uh-oh! And I like
but I can jump! climbing!

15 Act out the story.

10 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

1 Fr ee tim e
Stor y card 1

1:27 SOPHIE What does Coco like doing?

FILM DIRECTOR Hmm, he likes skateboarding. Try the
skate park.

17/10/2016 08:51 Who can you see? [Sophie, Oliver and

the film director]
3 Global 91808.indd 34
Where are they? [The skate park]
M01 Poptropica Story Cards Level
Is Coco in the skate park? [Pupils’ own

M01 Poptropica Story Cards Level

3 Global 91808.indd 33

17/10/2016 08:51

Unit walkthrough 15

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 15 28/04/2017 16:11
Lesson 6
16 What do you know?
Listen and read. Then tick (✓) and say. Cross-curricular content and
Do you
p like
al hmy shouse?
es Target language is practised and extended through a
cross-curricular topic in English. The material in Level 3
is related to Geography, Science, Health, Social Science
and PE.
The project encourages production of the unit
This is Rosa. Look at her house. This is Will. This is his house.
It’s a boat. Rosa likes her boat. It’s a lighthouse! Will likes living in language.
She doesn’t like watching TV. the lighthouse but he doesn’t like
She likes chatting online and climbing the stairs. He likes playing
playing the guitar. She also likes computer games and watching TV.
riding her bike but not on the boat! He likes cooking, too.

Rosa Will
1 likes chatting online

2 likes cooking Design an unusual house.

3 likes playing computer games 1 Think about an unusual house.
2 Draw a picture of the house.
4 doesn’t like climbing the stairs 3 Write about things you can do
in it.
5 doesn’t like watching TV 4 Share your design with the class.

Rosa likes… Will doesn’t like…

Lesson 6 Can understand short texts about what other children like or don’t like doing / Can design an unusual house 11

Lesson 7
18 Listen and tick (✓).
Self-assessment and review

1 2
a b a b
Pupils complete a self-assessment in every unit.
This involves pupils completing three activities – one
vocabulary, one grammar and one communicative. 3
a b
a b

After completing each activity, pupils are invited to

self-assess what they can now do by shading the
19 Write in your notebook.
Assessment for Learning bar next to the relevant 1 What does she 2 ?
statement in the ‘I Can’ feature. like doing? He likes playing the
She . guitar.

3 Do they like playing 4 Does she ?

computer games? Yes, she does!
No, .

20 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.

What does he like doing? He likes cooking.

I can identify some free-time activities.

I can talk about what people like doing in their free time.
I can understand short texts about what other children like doing.

12 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 1

16 Unit walkthrough

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 16 28/04/2017 16:11
Lesson 8
21 Write in your notebook.
Review and consolidation
Pupils consolidate and practise the unit language
through a fun language game.

Family member 1 Family member 2 Friend 1 Friend 2

(man) (woman) (boy) (girl)


My friend

22 Now play.

Friend 1. Does he like

No, he doesn’t.

Does he like cooking?

No, he doesn’t.

Does he like watching TV?

No, he doesn’t. My turn.

Now go to Poptropica
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 1 13

Wider World
Wider World 1 3

Culture lesson At the weekend

Hi, I’m Anne. I’m from
France. I like riding my

After Units 1, 3, 5 and 7, pupils 1 What do you know? bike with my mum and
dad. It’s good exercise.
I like riding my bike on
complete a Wider World lesson. 2
Listen and read. Who has got
a brother?
sunny days. My little
brother likes riding, too!

Pupils read a text that explores an Hi, I’m Kelly. I’m from Canada.

element of international culture It’s snowy here. I like skiing.

It’s fun. I can go very fast.
Do you like skiing?

linked to one of the unit topics. Hi, I’m Carlos. I’m from Mexico.

Each Wider World lesson includes 2

Look! I’m at a beautiful water
park in Cancun. I like swimming
and going down the stream with
a ‘Tell the Class’ activity, which Hi, I’m Tumelo. I’m from South
my friends. It’s great!

encourages personalisation and

Africa. I like playing football at
school with my friends. I can see the
Soccer City stadium from my house.
Read, think and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
extension of the topic.
It’s really big. My favourite team is
the Mamelodi Sundowns.
1 Kelly can’t ski fast.
2 Tumelo likes playing football at school.
3 Anne likes riding her bike with her family.
4 Carlos goes to the water park with his family.

5 Ask your friend about his/her hobbies.

Do you like playing football? Yes, I do.

Listen and say the names.

14 Wider World 1 Can understand texts about what other children like doing at the weekend Wider World 1 Can ask and answer about hobbies 15

Unit walkthrough 17

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 17 28/04/2017 16:11
How to use stories
Stories are an essential part of language learning Stage 4 – Role playing the story
because they allow pupils to absorb information in a
fun and stimulating way. Learning outside the normal After listening to the story several times, pupils are
boundaries of a teacher-based classroom environment ready to role play it in groups, providing them with the
creates the opportunity for pupils to develop their opportunity to reproduce larger chunks of language.
creative and communicative skills. Using stories in the Props can be brought to class and used to make the
classroom greatly enhances pupils’ ability to listen and experience even more stimulating. Teachers may play
to actively respond to target language and structures the audio or read the audioscript from the Teacher’s
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Stories increase Book, while pupils role play or pupils may recite the
motivation and encourage less confident pupils to story from memory. Try to ensure that, as far as
contribute with their ideas and opinions because they possible, every pupil gets an opportunity to be involved
are not confined to the limits of a certain structure. in the role play.
They provide larger chunks of language in a context Below are some suggestions for extra work with the
and provide an opportunity for pupils to produce stories:
• While pupils listen to the story, they perform a
There’s a story in Lesson 5 of each unit, featuring specific action for target vocabulary (e.g. pupils clap
the characters. These stories serve to review and when they hear the word purple or stamp their feet
reinforce the target language and structures of the when they hear the word blue).
unit. The artwork is visually stimulating and the audio • Pupils draw a new picture for any frame of the story.
effects ensure pupils listen avidly from start to finish. • Pupils create a new ending for the story.
Below is a four-step method for using stories in the • Pupils draw or describe their favourite character.
classroom that starts with anticipation and ends with • Pupils discuss real-life situations that are related to
(assisted) performance. the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel or how they
Stage 1 – Anticipating the story would behave if they were in a similar situation to one
of the story characters.
Before listening to the audio, ask pupils questions • You might like to give pupils feedback. You could give
or carry out a simple discussion in English or L1 to pupils two stars and one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions!,
get them thinking about the story. This will enable Great teamwork!, Speak a bit louder next time. This
pupils to begin forming an idea of the theme of the could be given in L1.
story and how it might develop. It also provides an
opportunity to introduce any new vocabulary or to Story card activities
review previously learnt language, allowing teachers to
assess how thoroughly pupils have absorbed the target The story cards are greatly versatile and can be used
language of the unit. Teachers should not provide any in conjunction with a number of activities:
answers at this stage but rather allow pupils to think • Stick the story cards in random order on the board
for themselves. and pupils put them in the correct order.
• Stick the story cards on the board in order. Ask pupils
Stage 2 – Hearing and seeing the story to close their eyes while you remove one card. Pupils
guess which card is missing.
At this stage, pupils listen to the story and work • Hide the story cards around the classroom. Pupils find
through it to find answers to your questions. If access the cards and stick them on the board in the correct
to technology is limited or if it fails during the lesson, order.
teachers can simply read from the book. • Pupils invent a new dialogue for one or all of the cards.
• Read the audioscript printed on the back of the story
Stage 3 – Checking the story cards, making deliberate mistakes (e.g. say red instead
Some suggested questions to be asked after listening of yellow). Pupils correct your mistakes.
to the story are provided in the teaching notes. • Hand each story card to a different pupil. When you
This gives teachers the possibility to further assess read the audioscript, the pupil with the appropriate
the depth of pupils’ comprehension of the story and of story card stands up and shows it to the class.
the language used. It also sparks pupils’ creativity and • Show any story card and pupils remember and recite
imagination by encouraging them to visualise how the the audioscript.
story develops.


F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 18 28/04/2017 16:11
Classroom management tips
Poptropica English presents different classroom Strategic grouping: Depending on the activity,
dynamics. It goes from individual work to pairwork, you may want to group pupils using one of these
group work and whole-class activities. When working combinations: stronger and weaker pupils together,
in pairs, groups or in a whole-class setting, pupils stronger pupils together, weaker pupils together,
foster cooperative learning; learning with and from talkers and listeners together. Whatever you choose,
each other. The following suggestions focus on do not let pupils know what your strategy is.
different ways of grouping or pairing pupils. All the
activities presented here are suited to any group size, Signalling that the activity has finished
age or interest.
When assigning speaking activities and playing games
in large classes, it can often be hard to grab pupils’
Ideas on how to divide pupils into pairs attention. With this in mind, here are some suggestions
and groups to help you deal with this situation.
Grouping by order: Organise pupils in a specific order Can you hear me? Start talking to them in a very
and then divide them up. Ask pupils to get in line in low voice and say, If you can hear me, raise your hand.
alphabetical order (according to their first name, last Pupils who hear you raise their hand, which will get the
name or the number of letters in their name), order of attention of other pupils, who will do the same.
birthdays (grouped either by month or by their date of
birth), months of the year, days of the week or height. Clapping: Clap your hands in different patterns and
speed. Pupils have to join you in clapping. Say, Clap
Animal sounds: This is a loud but fun way to divide once if you can hear me. Some pupils join you. Then say,
pupils up. Write names of animals on slips of paper. Clap twice if you can hear me. And finally, Clap three
Distribute them and ask pupils not to show their slips times if you can hear me. At this point, pupils will notice
to each other. When they are ready, ask them to start that the activity has finished.
making the sound of the animal that is written on their
slip of paper. They have to find the other members of Eyes on me: Count to three saying, One, two, three…
their animal family. eyes on me! Pupils stop the activity and say, One, two,
three… eyes on you! This way, if the other pupils have
Pick and mix: Pupils can be divided into groups or not heard you, they will hear the pupils and then notice
pairs by having them pick objects from a bag. Then you that the activity is finished.
can ask them to find their teammates. Some examples
of objects you can use are: Give me five: Put your hand up and say, Give me
five. Pupils put their hands up and say, five. Then they
Coloured counters: (e.g. ask pupils to team with same start to count from one to five. If that does not grab
colours together; different colours together; two same everyone’s attention, say, Give me five again. Pupils
colour counters and two different ones, etc.) repeat the count.
Coloured pencils: (e.g. pupils who pick the same colours Putting hands up: Put your hands up. Wait until pupils
from the bag are in the same group/pair; light and dark notice your hands up and gradually stop talking.
of the same colour makes a pair; four different colours
makes a group, etc.) Ring a bell: Set a timer for the amount of time you
would like the activity to last or ring a bell. When
Numbered lolly sticks: Prepare lolly sticks by writing pupils hear the sound, they stop the activity.
a number on the end of each stick and placing them
number down in a small can or container. Each Silent request: Create a signal for silence.
pupil picks one and finds their group/pair (e.g, same Then practise the signal with your pupils until they
numbers, sequential numbers, odd numbers, etc.). know that every time you make that signal it’s time to
stop the activity.
Word jumble: Write vocabulary words from a topic on
slips of paper and put them in a bag or box. Ask pupils Singing: Play or sing a Poptropica English song or
to pick one and find the rest of their group or pair. chant. Have pupils join you.
Pupils should look for others who have similar words Traffic light: Make a traffic light with removable
or things (e.g. animals – all dogs together, all birds coloured circles. When green, pupils can talk in pairs
together, all cats together), others who group together or in groups. When orange, they must be ready to end
(e.g. jungle animals, farm animals, sea animals) or the conversation. When red, it’s time to stop talking.
others whose word starts with the same letter (e.g. If they’re too loud, you can quickly go from green to
roses, rainbow, red, rock). red. If they’re quieter again, go back to green.


F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 19 28/04/2017 16:11
Game bank
Flashcard games Pass the ball: Pupils stand in a large circle. Make a
Guess the card: Cut out a small square in the centre paper ball (or use a soft ball), then call out a category,
of a sheet of A4 paper. Hold the sheet in front of a e.g. family, and throw the ball to a pupil. He/She must
flashcard, allowing pupils to see only a small part of say a word in the category, then throw the ball to
the picture through the hole. Pupils guess the item. another pupil, who says another word in the same
category. If a pupil drops the ball, he/she must sit
Memory game: Stick flashcards on the board. down. Continue until one pupil remains. This game can
After pupils memorise the cards, remove them also be used to have pupils ask and answer questions
and pupils list the items. To make the game more or practise vocabulary that follows a sequence,
challenging, ask pupils to say the cards in the order e.g. days of the week, months of the year, etc.
they appeared on the board.
Teacher says: Give the pupils instructions but
Flashcard mime: Invite a pupil to the front. tell them to follow the instructions only if they are
Show him/her a card or a written word while hiding preceded by ‘Teacher says’. If you say, Pick up a pencil,
it from the rest of the class. He/She mimes the word pupils should do nothing, but if you say, Teacher says
silently. The pupil who correctly guesses the word is pick up a pencil, pupils must pick up a pencil. They
the next one to come forward. Alternatively, split the are out of the game if they do an action when they
class into two teams and ask a member of each team shouldn’t.
to mime the same word for their teams.
Sort the cards: Divide the class into small groups.
Team games
Mix flashcards from different units, then divide them Category writing: Divide the class into groups.
into piles according to the number of groups. Pupils Each group chooses their ‘captain’. Write the name of
sort them back into categories. The first group to a vocabulary category on the board, e.g. sports, food
finish wins. or animals. Each group helps their captain to write as
many words as they can which belong to that category
Noughts and crosses: Divide the class into two in two minutes.
teams. One is noughts and the other is crosses. Draw a
large grid on the board with nine spaces. Stick one Drawing race: Divide the class into two teams and
flashcard in each space, facing toward the board. invite a pupil from each team to the front. Whisper a
Pupils select a card, turn it over and say the word on word to the two pupils. Each pupil draws the item on
the flashcard. If it’s correct, remove the flashcard and the board. The first team to identify the item correctly
write a nought or a cross accordingly. wins a point.
Hot seat: A pupil sits with his/her back to the class. Parachute: Play a guessing game in teams. Draw a
The teacher shows the class a flashcard, e.g. lion. large parachute on the board with some strings
Pupils make sentences about the animal, e.g. They live leading to a stick figure hanging from the parachute.
in Africa. They can run fast. They eat meat. The pupil Think of a word pupils have learnt and draw a dash
in the hot seat has to guess the animal as quickly inside the parachute for each letter in the word.
as possible. Set a limit for the number of sentences/ Pupils from one team try to guess the word. For
guesses pupils can make. each incorrect guess, rub out one of the parachute’s
strings. Award points to the team when they guess
TPR games the word correctly. If all the parachute’s strings are
Aye, aye, Captain! You are the captain. Give orders rubbed out before pupils guess the word, the other
to the class. This is a useful activity for reviewing team can try.
actions, parts of the body, colours, numbers and Reading race: Write sets of sentences on strips of
classroom objects. For example, you say, Jump three paper describing flashcards, e.g. It’s big. It’s black and
times. Touch your head. Turn around. Pupils say, Aye, white. It’s got four legs. Divide the class into teams
aye, Captain! and carry out the action. Model a few and ask each team to stand in a line. Place a set of
times and then invite pupils to be the captain. sentences face down at the front of each line. Stick the
Basketball: Ask a question to a pupil. If he/she flashcards on the board. When you say, Go! one pupil
answers correctly, he/she has a shot at the ‘basket’ from each team picks up a sentence, sticks it below the
(the bin or a small box). If the pupil gets the ‘ball’ (of appropriate flashcard on the board and goes back to
paper) in the basket, he/she wins two points. If the ball his/her team. The first team to stick all its sentences
hits the basket without going in, he/she wins one point. under the correct cards wins.


F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 20 28/04/2017 16:11
Literacy and spelling games Miscellaneous games
Spelling bee: Divide the class into two teams. The first Bingo: Play bingo with any topic. Ask pupils to draw
player in Team A is given a word to spell. If correct, the bingo grids. Then they write or draw in the boxes
the team gets a point. This can also be done as a class the vocabulary items you wish to review. Call out the
competition by having pupils line up to be given words words in random order. The winner is the first pupil to
one by one. When they make a mistake, they sit down. tick off all the items in his/her grid.
The last pupil standing is the winner.
Drawing game: Pupils draw pictures of target
Little books labelling: Do an activity to practise vocabulary on the board. They must do this slowly,
spelling words with the target sounds/graphemes. line by line. The class tries to guess what each pupil
Give each pupil a sheet of paper and have them fold is drawing before he/she finishes the picture. The first
and tear it in half lengthways, then join the ends of pupil to guess draws the next item.
the two strips with tape. Now fold the paper like a
I spy: Choose something you can see and say, I spy
fan and stick some tape along the spine to make an
with my little eye, something beginning with (g). Pupils
eight-page book. Pupils write their name on the cover
guess the object. The pupil who guesses correctly has a
and then draw four simple illustrations on alternate
turn at choosing an item.
pages. Next they swap books with a partner and label
the illustrations in each other’s books. Then check the Pass the secret: Have pupils sit in a circle. Start
books together. the secret by whispering a simple sentence to the
pupil next to you, e.g. I’ve got a yellow hat. The pupils
Letter mess: Write a selection of letters on the board.
whisper the secret around the circle. The last pupil says
Explain to the class that they have to make as many
the secret out loud. Compare how close it is to your
words as possible from the given letters. Model one or
original secret sentence. If necessary, write the original
two examples on the board for them. Then give pupils
secret sentence on the board.
a time limit to do the activity in pairs or small groups.
Picture dictation: Divide the class into pairs. Pupil A
Speedy sounds: Make letter cards to review the key
describes a picture for Pupil B to draw. Then they
sounds from a unit. Show the cards in random order
switch roles. This game can be played with any
and have pupils chorus the letter sounds. Gradually
lexical set.
increase the speed. Then show a card and elicit a word
containing that sound. Repeat with the other cards. Stop the bus: Write a letter on the board and shout,
Start the bus! Pupils write as many words beginning
Rhyming tennis: Play a game to practise spelling
with this letter as they can think of. When you shout,
words with target sounds that rhyme, (e.g. ou, ow, all,
Stop the bus!, everyone stops writing. Pupils get one
aw, ew or y graphemes). Put the class in two teams
point for each correctly spelt word.
with a different set of letter cards. The first team must
make a word using their first letter card, e.g. y and Song or chant extension: Have pupils work in pairs
write it on the board, e.g. try. The second team must or small groups. Prompt them to write a new verse for
make a word that rhymes with try and write it on the song, using the lyrics on the Pupil’s Book pages.
the board, e.g. my. The first team must hit back with You can change just some words or all the lyrics
another rhyming word, e.g. fly. The teams go back and depending on their level.
forth until one team can’t make a word. The game is
over when all the cards are gone.
Spin the pencil: Play a game to practise spelling
words with target sounds/graphemes. Put the pupils
in pairs. Have them draw a large circle on a sheet of
paper with graphemes around the edge of the circle
(like a clock face). They take it in turns to spin a pencil
in the circle and spell a word from the letter sound that
the pencil is pointing to.
Spell check: Do an activity to practise spelling words
with target sounds and to focus on punctuation.
Write five sentences on the board, each with two
errors, e.g. the sentence does not begin with a capital
letter, the final punctuation is missing or wrong,
sample words are misspelt. In pairs, pupils correct
the mistakes.

Game bank 21

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Extension bank
Welcome Unit 5
Question chain: Play a questions game to review Important jobs: In pairs, pupils write down all the
question forms and vocabulary the pupils already know jobs they can think of. Collect the class’s ideas on the
in English. Have pupils sit in a circle. Ask the pupil on board. Ask pupils to choose the six most important
your right a question, e.g. about their name, colours, jobs. Then ask pupils to work in pairs. Have each pair
pupils next to them, etc. The pupil answers, then give each job a number depending on how important
asks another question to the pupil on his/her right. they think it is (1 = the most important). They should
Pupils continue asking and answering questions around make a list of reasons why they think it is important.
the circle until they can’t think of any more questions Pupils then share their ideas with the class.
to ask.
Unit 6
Unit 1 My diary: Give each pupil a piece of A3 paper and tell
Make a mini-poster: Pupils make a mini-poster of the them they are going to create a diary entry. Have them
activities they like doing with their family and friends. write a few sentences and draw pictures of a place
They write a few sentences on the poster, e.g. I like (real or imaginary) where animals live, using Activity
watching TV with my friends. Make a class display of the 10 on page 55 of the Pupil’s Book as a model. When
pupils’ posters if you wish, and use them for further they have finished, they can present their diary entries
speaking practice, e.g. What does (Lucy) like doing? to the class.

Unit 2 Unit 7
Jump the line: Draw an imaginary line and designate Mini blog: Have pupils write a blog post reviewing
one side Yes and the other side No. Ask questions a favourite film and explaining how the film makes
about animals, e.g. Do elephants eat leaves? Do lions live them feel. They can also write about how the main
in Africa? Have giraffes got long tongues? Have pupils characters in the film feel. Brainstorm ideas with the
jump to the Yes or No side of the line depending on the class first. Then have pupils write their blogs and read
answer. Pupils who jump to the wrong side are out of them out to the class.
the game.
Unit 8
Unit 3 My postcard: Give pupils a piece of A4 paper. Have
Weatherman: Explain what a weather presenter them imagine they are on holiday. Tell them to write a
is. Tell the pupils to imagine they’re presenting the postcard to their grandma and grandpa, telling them
weather on TV. Model an example on the board, about what they are doing on their holiday. They
e.g. Good morning. The weather today is hot and describe the sports they are doing and how they feel
wet. It’s 30 degrees. It’s cloudy and rainy. There’s a about them, using the text on page 73 of the Pupil’s
hurricane warning. Goodbye. In pairs, they choose the Book as a model. Have them draw a picture for the
expressions they like (or think of their own). Have them front of the postcard too.
write a weather report for a city/region of their choice
and draw weather symbols on pieces of card. Have Goodbye
pairs come to the front and present their weather Reading race: Write sets of sentences on strips of
reports as if they were on TV. paper describing flashcards from the level, e.g. It’s big
and grey. It’s got a trunk. It lives in Africa. It’s got four
Unit 4 legs. Divide the class into teams and ask each team to
My diary: On a piece of A4 paper, pupils create a stand in a line. Place a set of sentences face down at
detailed diary for one day of their week. They write the front of each line. Stick the flashcards on the board.
the time of each of their activities and add pictures to When you say ‘Go’, one pupil from each team picks up
illustrate them. Then they take turns presenting their a sentence, sticks it below the appropriate flashcard
diaries to the class. on the board, then runs back to their team. Check that
pupils are sticking the sentences in the correct place
and call them back to the board if they make a mistake.
The first team to stick all its sentences under the
correct cards is the winner.


F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 22 28/04/2017 16:11
Unit worksheet teaching notes
Consolidation and extension worksheet 1 2 Write your timetable for the weekend.
1 Look, think and write. What does Peter Pitty like doing? • Pupils write their own timetables for Saturday and Sunday.
• Pupils find things that show what Peter Pitty likes doing. 3 Now write about it. Use some of the words in the box.
Answer key: Pupils need to find: a pair of skis, a football, • Pupils use their timetables and words from the word bank to
a basketball, a bike, a skateboard, some books, a picture with a write sentences about their weekend.
photo of a boy with a towel wearing swimming goggles, a guitar
Consolidation and extension worksheet 5
• Pupils write what Peter Pitty likes doing. 1 Look and find. Then write the jobs.
Answer key: He likes skiing, playing football, playing basketball,
riding his bike, skateboarding, reading, swimming and playing • Pupils look for the hidden items that represent jobs.
Then they write the jobs.
the guitar.
Answer key: 1 astronaut, 2 film star, 3 police officer, 4 ballet
2 Look again. Think and write. dancer, 5 farmer, 6 basketball player, 7 firefighter, 8 doctor,
• Pupils decide what Peter Pitty doesn’t like doing. 9 teacher, 10 builder
Answer key: He doesn’t like cooking and cleaning. 2 What do you want to be? Draw yourself in the clothes
3 Draw your bedroom with things you use for your hobbies. for your job, with things you need. Then write.
• Pupils draw their bedroom with things that relate to their • Pupils think about their favourite job, draw themselves in the
hobbies. clothes of that job and write about it. They then compare
jobs in pairs or read them to the class.
4 Now write.
• Pupils complete the sentences. Then they show their pictures Consolidation and extension worksheet 6
and read their sentences to the class. 1 Look and write.
Consolidation and extension worksheet 2 • Pupils look at the pictures and complete the words.
1 Look and circle eleven words from Unit 2. Then write. Answer key: 1 waterfall, 2 mountain, 3 rainforest, 4 river,
5 valley, 6 bridge, 7 next to, 8 behind, 9 in front of, 10 under
• Pupils find the words in the wordsearch. They then write the
food and animal words in the spaces. 2 Read and answer.
Answer key: FOOD: meat, grass, leaves, insects, fruit • Pupils read the quizzes and write the answers.
ANIMAL: crocodile, lion, monkey, giraffe, hippo, elephant Answer key: monkey, eagle
2 Look and correct these false sentences. Consolidation and extension worksheet 7
• Pupils read and correct the sentences. 1 Look and write. Use the words in the box.
Answer key: 1 Ants aren’t birds. / Ants are insects.
2 Ants aren’t big. / Ants are small. 3 An ant can climb trees.
• Pupils look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
the words in the word bank.
4 An ant hasn’t got eight legs. / An ant has got six legs.
Answer key: 1 She’s sleeping because she’s tired. 2 She’s
3 Write false sentences about a different animal. drinking because she’s thirsty. 3 He’s eating because he’s
• Pupils write similar false sentences about an animal of their hungry. 4 He’s shouting because he’s angry. 5 He’s smiling
choice. Their partner corrects them. because he’s happy. 6 She’s crying because she’s sad. 7 He’s
screaming because he’s scared.
Consolidation and extension worksheet 3
2 Draw the film posters.
1 Complete.
• Pupils read and then complete the sentences. • Pupils draw and colour a scary and a funny film poster and
complete the sentences about them. They then compare
Answer key: 1 weather, 2 summer, 3 spring, 4 windy, 5 cold, posters in pairs or tell the class.
6 autumn, 7 winter, 8 eye, 9 snowy
Consolidation and extension worksheet 8
2 Draw the weather symbols on the map. Then write a
forecast. 1 Look and complete.
• Pupils draw the weather symbols and complete the forecast. • Pupils look at the pictures and complete the words.
They compare their forecasts in pairs or read them to the class. Answer key: 1 surfing, 2 sailing, 3 snorkelling, 4 swimming,
5 horse-riding, 6 fishing, 7 climbing
Consolidation and extension worksheet 4
2 Now write.
1 Look at the timetable and write.
• Pupils complete the sentences with Linda’s daily activities. • Pupils look at Activity 1 and complete the sentences with the
correct form of the activities.
Answer key: 1 On Mondays, Linda has music lessons at
Answer key: 1 Tom is surfing. 2 Maria is sailing. 3 Mum is
nine o’clock and she does gymnastics at half past ten. 2 On
snorkelling. 4 Maria is swimming. 5 Tom is horse-riding.
Tuesdays, she has ballet lessons at half past ten and she has
6 Dad is fishing. 7 Tom is climbing.
music lessons at half past three. 3 On Wednesday, she does
karate at half past eleven. 4 On Thursday, she goes swimming 3 Write things you are keen on, bored with, scared of and
at nine o’clock. 5 On Friday, she goes skateboarding at half terrified of.
past ten and she does karate at half past eleven. • Pupils complete the sentences with what they are keen on,
bored with, scared of and terrified of doing.

F01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 23 28/04/2017 16:11
Lesson 1 PB pages 2–3 1 Talk about the pictures. Then listen
and read.
Learning objective • Ask pupils to look at the story. Point to the main
Can understand a simple story characters in frame 1 and ask, Where are they? Prompt
pupils to look for clues in the story and make guesses.
Target language
Use L1, if necessary.
cool, film, film star, script, strong, studio
• Tell the pupils that the main characters, Sophie,
Oliver and Oliver’s Uncle James are in a film studio
Warm-up called Discovery Studios. Ask pupils questions about
the pictures.
• Greet pupils, saying, Hello/Welcome! as they come • Play the audio (CD1:02). Ask pupils to listen and follow
into the classroom. Introduce yourself, saying, the story in their books.
I’m (name). or I’m Miss/Mrs/Mr (surname). depending • Play the audio again, pausing occasionally to ask
on school culture. some comprehension questions, e.g. Does Sophie like
• Point to a pupil and ask, What’s your name? Pupil Finley Keen? (Yes, she does.) Is he her favourite film star?
answers. Turn to another pupil and repeat. Continue (Yes, he is.) Can Sophie and Oliver act? (Yes, they can.)
until all pupils have introduced themselves. Who takes the script? (Coco, the monkey.)
• If there are new pupils in the class, introduce them in
a special way, e.g. Children, this is (name), a new friend. Practice
Say Hello to (name).
• Divide pupils into five groups (Oliver, Sophie, Uncle
Game James, the film director and Coco) and assign each
group a role. Groups read their parts as a class from
• Play Famous pairs. Prepare sets of cards with names their seats.
of famous pairs, e.g. Batman/Robin, Asterix/Obelix,
Beauty/Beast, Lilo/Stitch, Luke Skywalker/Princess Extension questions
Leia. You can prepare the cards in class, asking pupils
to suggest famous partnerships to write on them. Write the following questions on the board:
Write one name on each card. Give each pupil a card. Do you need to be funny, tall and fast to be an
They go around the class, asking, What’s your name? actor? (No, you don’t. Actors can be any shape or size.
until they find their match. This is a good game to do Not all actors are funny.) What do you need to be a good
as an ice-breaker or to encourage more interaction actor? (e.g. You need to be good at acting. You need to be
between pupils. able to learn your lines and make them sound believable.)
Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner
Learning adventure to answer them.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the story.

• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
We’re reading a story. them to use as much English as possible.

• Ask pupils to look at the pictures and encourage them
to guess (in L1) what the story is about. They can look
at other pages in the book to get ideas.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 24 27/04/2017 10:31
W e l c om e
7 How
FAST 8 Because
Because it’
it’ss 11 o’clock!
are you
you both?
Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

1 Wow,
Wow, Oliver!
Oliver! Finley
Finley 2 Oh,
Oh, cool!
cool! Finley
Finley isis my
Keen isis making
making aa film!
film! favourite
favourite film
film star!

Look, Sophie!

Welcome to to Discovery
Discovery Well
Well done!
done! Now
9 10 read
read this
this script.
Studios! Can
Can you
you act?
LOVES Finley!
Finley! Yes,
Yes, look!

3 Oh,
Oh, Uncle
Uncle James,
James, he’
he’ss 4 ‘Can
‘Can you
you act?
Are you
you funny,
funny and
and clever…
Aah… tall
tall and
and fast?
Auditions 11 p.m.’
II can
act, too!

11 Argh!
The script!
script! Please
Please help
help me!
me! 12
WOW! Find
Find the
the script!
I’m funnier
funnier Coco!
Coco! Stop!
Stop! Ok!
Ok! Let’
Let’ss go.
Look! I’m
I’m taller
5 than
than you,
you, Sophie.
Sophie. No,
No, you’re
you’re not.
not. 6
than you,
you, Sophie.


2 Lesson 1 Can understand a simple story Can understand a simple story 3

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Pop quiz
Make some sentences about the story, including
some deliberate errors. Ask pupils to put their
hands up each time they hear an error. Ask individual
pupils to correct the errors, e.g. The children and Uncle
James are in Poptropica Studios. (No, they’re in Discovery
Studios.) Uncle James is a film star. (No, Finley Keen is a
film star.) The auditions for the film are at 2 o’clock. (No,
they’re at 1 o’clock.), etc.

Making a mini-book
• Take one A4 sheet for every 8 pages needed in the
book, i.e. three A4 sheets for a 24-page book.
• Put the sheets neatly one on top of the other. Fold the
pile in half so that the short sides touch and then in
half again in the other direction. You should now have
a small book shape.
• Cut along the folds at the top/bottom of the book
so that the pages can turn and staple at the top and
bottom of the spine.

Cards with names of famous pairs

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 25 27/04/2017 10:31
Lessons 2 & 3 PB pages 4–5
I’m Coco. I’ve
Listen and read. got the script!

Learning objectives
Can introduce myself, Can talk about film stars And my name’s I’m Finley Keen.
I like and don’t like, Can talk about daily routines, Sophie. I love
Finley Keen!
I’m a film star!
Hello! I’m Uncle James.
I like computers. Do you

Can name the months, Can count to 100 Hi! I’m Oliver.
I’m ten. I like films.
like computers?

Target language
Hello! Hi! I’m (Oliver). / My name’s (Sophie).
I’m a (film star). I like (films).
Do you like (Daniel Radcliffe)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
morning, afternoon, evening, night
get up, go to bed/school, have breakfast/dinner 3
Listen. Say the names.

Months, Numbers 50–100 4 Ask and answer.

Do you like…? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Recycled language 1

Clothes, Colours, Numbers 1–50 2 4

Daniel Radcliffe
Zac Efron Jennifer Lawrence

Warm-up Miranda Cosgrove Robert Pattinson

• Tell pupils (in L1) they are going to meet the story 4 Lesson 2 Can introduce myself / Can talk about film stars I like and don’t like

characters. Say, Hello, my name’s (name). I’m (age). A02_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_WELC.indd 4 02/02/2017 09:46

What’s your name? Elicit some answers.

Learning adventure 1 Uncle James 2 Finley Keen 3 Oliver 4 Sophie

Open books and ask pupils, to look at the activities.

Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson 4 Ask and answer.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re • Ask individuals to read the speech bubbles aloud.
learning to introduce ourselves and talk about film stars we • Then divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer.
like/don’t like.
AB page 2
2 Listen and read. 1 Read and write Sophie, Oliver, Uncle James
• Play the audio (CD1:03). Pupils follow in their books. or Finley Keen. Then match.
• Point to each character and elicit their names.
• Pupils read the descriptions, write the correct names
• Ask, What has Coco got? (the script).
and match the descriptions with the pictures.
3 Listen. Say the names.
• Play the audio. Ask pupils to point to each character. 2 Sophie 3 Finley Keen 4 Uncle James

CD1, Track 04 2 Read and complete. Then draw yourself.

1 He’s got blond hair. He’s wearing jeans and blue
trainers. He likes computers. Who is he? • Model your own description first, e.g. I’m (age). I’ve
2 He is a film star. He’s got black hair. He’s got a got (brown) hair. I like (animals). Pupils complete their
brown jacket and a yellow scarf. Who is he? description and draw themselves.
3 He’s got blond hair. He’s wearing black shorts and
green trainers. He’s ten. He likes films. Who is he? Pop quiz
4 She’s got black hair. She’s wearing a yellow Ask some pupils to show their portraits in Activity 2
T-shirt and a blue skirt. She’s nine. She loves in the Activity Book and talk about them.
Finley Keen. Who is she?

• Play the audio again. Ask pupils to write the names.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 26 27/04/2017 10:31
9 Listen and say.
Listen and say. 6
Listen and chant.

I get up in the morning,

• Play the audio (CD1:10). Pupils point and repeat.
Have breakfast, go to school.

Home in the afternoon.
That’s cool!
10 Listen and point.
Have dinner in the evening,
Then we go and play. • Play the audio (CD1:11). Pupils point to the numbers.
I go to bed at night
And get up the next day…
evening night

CD1, Track 11
Listen and say. 8
1:08 /
Listen and sing.
89 77 98 54 66 81 75 53
January, February, July, August,
March, April, September, October,
May or June. November or December.
What’s your favourite? What’s your favourite? AB page 3
What’s your favourite? What’s your favourite?
What’s your favourite month? What’s your favourite month?

3 Look and write. Use the words in the box.

9 Listen and say. 10 Listen and point.
• Pupils complete the table with the words in the box.
53 77 54
1:10 1:11

81 75 89 ANSWER KEY
98 66 Morning: get up; go to school Afternoon: go home
Evening: have dinner Night: go to bed
Lesson 3 Can talk about daily routines / Can name the months / Can count to 100 5

A02_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_WELC.indd 5 02/02/2017 09:46

Warm-up 4 Look and number. Then listen and check.

• Play Spelling bee (see page 21) for numbers 1–50. • Tell pupils to number the months in the correct order.
Learning adventure CD1, Track 12
1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April
Open books and ask pupils, to look at the activities.
5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson
10 October 11 November 12 December
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re
learning to talk about daily routines, to name the months
and to count to 100. 5 Listen and circle.
Presentation • Play the audio. Pupils circle the numbers they hear.
• Present the times of day vocabulary (morning, CD1, Track 13
afternoon, evening, night) Brainstorm (in L1) some
things that you do at those times, e.g. get up. 30 40 15 60 17 18 90

5 Listen and say. 6 Say a number from Activity 5. Ask your

• Play the audio (CD1:05). Pupils point and repeat. friend to point.
6 Listen and chant. • Pupils take turns to say a number and point.
• Play the audio (CD1:06). Pupils listen and join in. Pop quiz
7 Listen and say. Play the Months song (CD1:08). Ask pupils to listen
and join in. If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke
• Play the audio (CD1:07). Pupils listen and repeat. version of the song on the Audio CD (CD1:09).
8 Listen and sing.
• Play the audio (CD1:08). Pupils follow in their books.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and join in.
• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version on the
Audio CD (CD1:09).


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 27 27/04/2017 10:31
1 Free time
Worksheet 1
Name: Class:

1 Look, think and write. What does Peter Pitty like doing?

He likes

2 Look again. Think and write.

He doesn’t like .

3 Draw your bedroom

with things you use for
your hobbies.
Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

4 Now write.
I like .
I don’t like .

28 Consolidation and extension worksheet 1

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 28 27/04/2017 10:31
1 Free time
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about free-time activities

Target Free time: chatting online, cooking, playing computer games, playing the
vocabulary guitar, riding my bike, riding my scooter, skateboarding, skiing, watching TV

What does he/she like doing? He/She likes (skiing).

Target Does he/she like (skiing)? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.
structures What do you like doing?
Do you like (playing the guitar)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Phonics: /sk/ and /sw/

Features Values: Sharing time with friends and family
Cross-curricular: Social Science: what children like/don’t like doing


• Can understand a simple story

Reading • Can understand details of a story
• Can understand short texts about what children like/don’t like doing

• Can complete simple sentences about what people like/don’t like doing in
their free time

• Can design an unusual house
• Can write questions and answers about what people like/don’t like doing
(Activity Book)
• Can complete sentences about my goals (Activity Book)
Listening • Can identify free-time activities

• Can ask and answer about what people like doing in their free time
• Can pronounce words that include the sounds /sk/ and /sw/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about setting goals


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 29 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 1 PB page 6 2 Listen and find.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters and
Learning objective ask, Who are they? (Sophie, Phil O’Fax, Oliver, Uncle
Can identify some free-time activities James, the film director.) Explain that they are in Finley
Keen’s trailer at the film studios.
Target language
chatting online, cooking, playing computer games, • Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the actions in
the main scene.
playing the guitar, skateboarding, skiing,
watching TV
CD1, Track 14
Recycled language
Film director: I’m making a film. Do you like
Do you like (skateboarding)?
Oliver: Mmmm, it’s OK… I like chatting
I like (skiing).
Film director: Do you like skateboarding, Uncle
Uncle James: No, I don’t. I like playing
• Sing the Months song from the Welcome unit (CD1:08). computer games.
• Revise actions that pupils know with a game of Aye, Film director: Does the girl with skis like
aye, Captain! (see page 20). skateboarding?
Sophie: No, she doesn’t. She likes skiing.
Learning adventure Sophie &
Phil O’Fax: And we like cooking.
1 What do you know?
Film director: I’ve got it! Coco likes
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning skateboarding.
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or
look at it on the screen: We’re learning words for free-
time activities.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for free-time activities, e.g. play Practice
football, swim. Write them on the board.
• Introduce pupils to the learning adventure poster. • Play the audio again and make sentences, e.g. Oliver
Use this poster with pupils to help them indicate how likes chatting online. Pupils say, Yes. or No.
confident they feel about the lesson objectives to
show you who may need more help. See page 7 in the 3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
Introduction for how to use this with your classes. • Play the audio. Pupils listen and look only.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
CD1, Track 15
Presentation 1 I like skiing.
2 I like cooking.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 1–7. 3 We like chatting online.
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils
4 She likes playing the guitar.
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say
5 We like cooking.
each word.
6 I like skateboarding.
• Mime a sport or an activity and say, I like (playing the
7 She likes playing computer games.
guitar). Give more examples. Then point to individual
pupils and ask, What do you like doing? Pupils mime
and answer. • Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
• Mime other activities and say grumpily, I don’t like Pupils write a tick (true) or a cross (false) in the boxes.
(cooking). Elicit similar mimes and sentences.
1✓ 2✓ 3✗ 4✓ 5✗ 6✓ 7✗


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 30 27/04/2017 10:31
AB page 4

1 Free time 1 Read and match.

• Pupils read the phrases and match them with
the correct picture. Check with the class.
1 What do you know?

2 Listen and find.

2 cooking 3 watching TV
playing the guitar
4 skateboarding 5 chatting online
6 skiing 7 playing computer games

2 Look and write.

cooking chatting online
playing computer games • Pupils look at the pictures. Ask (in L1) which
picture shows the activities Finley Keen likes
and which shows the activities he doesn’t like.
• Pupils imagine they are Finley Keen and
complete the sentences.
Listen and tick (✓) 4
Listen and say.
or cross (✗).
1 2 3
2 skiing/playing football
3 like playing football/skiing
4 cooking/reading
5 like reading/cooking
5 6 7

Learning adventure
6 Lesson 1 Can identify some free-time activities
Ask pupils, How many words for free-time
M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 6 01/03/2016 14:40
activities do you know now? Give pupils a
minute to tell their partner the new words they
4 Listen and say.
know. Ask them, Where are you on your learning
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. adventure now? Ask pupils which words they
find easiest or most difficult to remember.
CD1, Track 16 Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress
cooking playing the guitar chatting online they are making.
skateboarding playing computer games watching TV
skiing Pop quiz
Hand out Flashcards 1–7. Call out one of
• Read the labels next to each picture one by one. Pupils find the the free-time activities. The pupil holding
words as they hear them and repeat them. the activity must hold the flashcard up. If the
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and pupil is correct, he/she passes it to another pupil.
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs.

Game Show homework

• Shuffle Flashcards 1–7 and choose one. If you smile, pupils say, I • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them various
like (skiing). If you frown, they say, I don’t like (skiing). Pupils then
activities they could do as homework.
take turns to choose a flashcard, show it to the class and make
a sentence.

Flashcards 1–7

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 31 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 2 PB page 7 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD1:18).
Can ask and answer about what people like doing • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that
in their free time we use an action ending in -ing after like.
Target language
• Ask what extra word we use in questions and short
answers (does).
What does he/she like doing?
He/She likes (skiing).
• Pupils look at the main illustration and make more
example sentences, questions and answers. Write the
Does he/she like (skiing)?
examples on the board.
Yes, he/she does.
No, he/she doesn’t.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.

Recycled language Pairwork

cleaning, going to the pool, reading, singing • Ask pupils to think of an activity that someone in
Actions, Free-time activities, Sports their family likes doing. They draw an object that
represents this activity.
• When they have finished their picture, divide pupils
Warm-up into pairs to play a guessing game. Pupil A asks
• Hold up Flashcards 1–7 in turn and smile or frown. questions to guess what the person likes, e.g. Does
Pupils say the correct sentence, e.g. I like (cooking). (he) like (swimming)? Pupil B answers, only saying, Yes,
he/she does. when Pupil A is asking about the activity
Learning adventure in the picture. When Pupil A guesses correctly, they
change roles.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write 6 What do Sophie and Oliver like?
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the Listen, think and choose.
screen: We’re learning to ask and answer about what
people like doing in their free time.
• Focus on the pictures. Point to the characters and
objects and ask Who’s this? (Sophie and Oliver.)
What activity is this?
5 Listen and chant. Count the activities. • Play the audio once. Pupils point to the objects as the
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about what activities are mentioned.
Finley Keen likes and doesn’t like doing.
• Play the audio (CD1:17). Pupils listen and follow the CD1, Track 19
words. They then count the activities. Finley Keen: What does Sophie like?
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give Does Sophie like skiing?
pupils time to repeat the words. Uncle James: No, she doesn’t.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along. Finley Keen: Does she like playing football?
Uncle James: Yes, she likes playing football.
ANSWER KEY And she likes watching TV.
seven: playing football, going to the pool, skiing, Finley Keen: How about Oliver? Does he like
watching TV, singing, cleaning, reading cooking?
Uncle James: Yes, he does. But he doesn’t like
Finley Keen: Does he like reading?
Practice Uncle James: No, he doesn’t.
• Divide pupils into two groups and practise the chant.
One group asks the questions and the other says the • Play the audio again, pausing after watching TV. Point
answers. Then switch roles so that all pupils have a to the objects around the picture of Sophie and ask,
chance to practise the whole chant. What does Sophie like? Pupils answer.
• Then do the same with the second half of the audio
and the objects around Oliver.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 32 27/04/2017 10:31
AB page 5

Listen and chant. Count the activities. 3 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Pupils look at the completed example and
Finley Keen… he’s so cool. the pictures.
watching TV He likes playing football,
He likes going to the pool.
• They read and put ticks and crosses to show
Does he like skiing and watching TV? what each child likes and dislikes.
Yes, he does, just like me!
Does he like singing? Does he like cleaning?
No, he doesn’t.
And he doesn’t like reading.
b✓ c✓ d✓ e✓ f✗ g✓ h✓

What does he/she like doing? He/She likes skiing.
Yes, he/she does.
4 Look at Activity 3 and write.
Does he/she like skiing?
No, he/she doesn’t. Use the words in the box.
6 What do Sophie and Oliver like?
• Pupils look at the word bank and the
Listen, think and choose. questions. Pupils look at the sentences
1 2 and pictures in Activity 3 and answer the
• To check the answers, read the questions
aloud in turn. Ask individual pupils to read
the answers aloud.

7 Ask and answer. 2 Yes, he does. 3 No, she doesn’t.
4 Yes, he does. 5 Yes, she does.
Does Oliver like cleaning? No, he doesn’t. 6 No, he doesn’t.

Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about what people like doing in their free time 7

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Pop quiz
Divide the class into pairs. Play Picture
ANSWER KEY dictation (see page 21) using the lexical
Sophie likes playing football and watching TV. set from Lesson 1.
Oliver likes cooking.
Show homework
• Ask individual pupils to choose an activity and make affirmative • Direct pupils’ attention to the toy horse
and negative sentences about Sophie and Oliver, e.g. Sophie likes
playing football. Sophie doesn’t like skiing. card on page 6 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell
pupils to go online to the Poptropica
7 Ask and answer. English Island Adventure Game and find
the item. Once pupils click on it, they are
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud. taken to a supplementary language task.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take turns to ask and answer
questions about what Sophie and Oliver like.

Flashcards 1–7

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 33 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 3 PB page 8 8 Listen and sing.
• Play the song (CD1:20) with books closed. Lead the
Learning objective class in performing the actions while listening.
Can identify more free-time activities • Play the song again with books open. Ask pupils to
join in with the actions and the words.
Target language
playing the guitar, riding my bike, riding my scooter • If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD1:21).
What do you like doing?
Do you like (playing the guitar)?
Yes, I do. Practice
No, I don’t. • Divide pupils into boys and girls. They sing alternate
Recycled language lines of the verses and sing the chorus all together.
Free-time activities • Switch groups and sing the song again.
I like (riding my bike).
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Warm-up the audio (CD1:22).
• Play the chant from Lesson 2 (CD1:17). Pupils chant • Focus on the highlighted words. Point out the use and
and smile and frown to show what Finley Keen likes position of do in the questions.
and doesn’t like doing. • Elicit more examples from the class and write a few
on the board.
Learning adventure • Pupils then copy the sentences into their notebooks.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Ask a pair of pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Pupils work in pairs. Explain (in L1) that Pupil A asks,
screen: We’re learning more words for free-time What do you like doing? Pupil B answers, using I like…
activities. and an activity from Activity 8.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for free-time activities, e.g. skiing, Home–school link
cooking. Write them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! • Ask pupils to create a table like the one in Activity 6
You are moving along your learning adventure! in the Activity Book, with columns for members of
their family. They ask their family the questions and
put ticks or crosses in the columns.
• Present the new vocabulary (riding my bike and riding AB page 6
my scooter) on page 8. Point to the pictures in turn,
say the words and pupils repeat. Stick the flashcards 5 Read and circle.
on the board as you say the words.
• Point to a picture in Activity 8 and ask pupils, Do you • Pupils look at the pictures and decide if the children
like (playing the guitar)? They answer, Yes. or No. If like or don’t like the activity they’re doing. They circle
they answer, No, ask, What do you like doing? Repeat the correct option.
with the other pictures. • Ask individual pupils to read the sentences aloud.

2 like 3 don’t like 4 like


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 34 27/04/2017 10:31
Pop quiz

8 Listen and sing.

Each pupil asks two other pupils, What
1:20 /
do you like doing? The pupils answer
What do you, do you like doing? with an activity that they like doing and one
What do you, do you like doing? that they don’t. Pupils note down the
1 2
responses and report back to the class, e.g.
Do you like riding your bike?
Yes, I do. I like riding my bike. Susana likes playing computer games. She
Do you like playing the guitar? doesn’t like playing the guitar.
Yes, I do. Look! Look! I’m a pop star.
Do you like playing computer games?
No, I don’t. I like riding my scooter.
Do you like skateboarding, too?
Yes, I like skateboarding! How about you? riding my scooter

riding my bike 5

3 4


What do you like doing?

Do you like playing Yes, I do.
the guitar? No, I don’t.

9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.

What do you I like playing
like doing? the guitar.

Number 3. HOME

8 Lesson 3 Can identify more free-time activities

M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 8 01/03/2016 14:40

6 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗). Then ask your friend.
• Pupils read the questions and put ticks for yes and crosses for
no in the ‘Me’ column.
• Then, in pairs, they take turns to ask and answer. They put ticks
and crosses in the ‘My friend’ column.

7 Look at Activity 6 and complete the sentences.

• Pupils complete the sentences based on their ticks and crosses
in Activity 6.
• Ask individual pupils to read their sentences to the class.
Collect the information on the board.

Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How many words for free-time activities do you
know now? Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
new words they know. Ask them, Where are you on your learning
adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress
they are making.

Poster 35

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 35 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 4 PB page 9 11 Listen and answer.
• Play the audio, stopping after each question.
Learning objectives • Ask pupils to find the answers to the questions in the
Can read and talk about what other children like texts in Activity 10.
Can pronounce words that include /sk/ and /sw/
CD1, Track 23
Target language 1 Does Timmy like skateboarding?
skipping 2 Does Anna like playing the guitar?
Use of he/she for pets 3 Does Charlie like watching TV?
Recycled language
Free-time activities ANSWER KEY
I like (swimming). 1 Yes, he does.
I don’t like (watching TV). 2 Yes, she does.
Does he/she like (skiing)? 3 No, he doesn’t.
Yes, he/she does.
No, he/she doesn’t.
12 Listen and say.
Warm-up • Explain to the class (in L1) what a tongue twister is.
Ask pupils if they know any tongue twisters in L1.
• Play the song from Lesson 3 (CD1:20). Ask pupils to • Pupils look at the tongue twisters and say which
sing along in two groups, e.g. boys and girls.
sounds the blue letters make.
• You could also play the karaoke version of the song
• Play the audio (CD1:24) to check.
(CD1:21) for pupils to sing along to.
• Say the sounds /sk/ and /sw/ in isolation a few times
and have pupils repeat.
Learning adventure
• Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
Open books and ask pupils to look at the pupils time to repeat.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Pupils practise saying the tongue twisters as a class.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re reading and talking about what other 13 Play the game.
children like doing and learning to pronounce words that • Ask pupils to cut out their Unit 1 mini cards (see
include /sk/ and /sw/. Pupil’s Book page 81).
• Ask two pupils to read the text in the speech
10 Read and match. bubbles aloud.
• Tell pupils that they will read about what a girl, a boy • Pupils work in pairs. Ask them (in L1) to put one set of
mini cards face down on their desk.
and a dog like doing.
• Pupils read the descriptions and match them with the • Pupils take turns to pick up a card and show it to
their partner without being able to see it themselves.
correct photo. Check the answers as a class.
(You could ask them to put the card on their
• Explain (in L1) that in English, they can use he/she to
forehead.) They ask, Does he/she like (skiing)? Their
refer to their pets because they are special to them.
partner answers, Yes, he/she does. or No, he/she
doesn’t. He/She likes (reading). They win a point for
ANSWER KEY every question that gets a Yes. answer.
1b 2c 3a
AB page 7

8 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).

• Play the audio. Pupils put ticks in the table for the
activities that the speakers like and crosses for the
activities they don’t like.
• Play the audio again and check the answers as a class.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 36 27/04/2017 10:31
9 Look at Activity 8. Complete.
10 Read and match.
1 • Pupils complete the sentences using the
information in the table in Activity 8.

2 don’t like 3 doesn’t like 4 likes
5 doesn’t like 6 likes

a This is my dog, Timmy.

He likes skateboarding.
b c
10 Listen and complete the words
Look! He’s cool! with sk or sw.
• Point to the first two words and check pupils
understand the activity.
11 Listen and answer.
• They then complete each word with sk or sw.
• Play the audio a few times. Pupils listen and
Listen and say. check their answers.

She likes skiing, CD1, Track 26

He likes swimming with swans.
1 skiing
and skipping.
2 swimming
3 skateboarding
13 Play the game. 4 swans
Does he like
5 skipping
Yes, he does.
6 skirt
7 sweets

Lesson 4 Can read and talk about what other children like doing / Can pronounce words that include /sk/ and /sw/ 9
M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 9 01/03/2016 14:40
2 sw 3 sk 4 sw 5 sk 6 sk 7 sw

CD1, Track 25
Hi, I’m Fiona. I like skateboarding and I like swimming. Pop quiz
I don’t like watching TV. I like riding my bike.
My mum doesn’t like skateboarding and she doesn’t like Before the end of the lesson, ask the
swimming. She likes riding her bike and watching TV. class to say the tongue twisters in
My dad likes watching TV, too and he likes skateboarding. Activity 12 as fast as they can.
He doesn’t like riding his bike but he likes swimming.

Me My mum My dad
skateboarding ✓ ✗ ✓
swimming ✓ ✗ ✓
watching TV ✗ ✓ ✓
riding my bike ✓ ✓ ✗

Unit 1 mini cards

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 37 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 5 PB page 10 • Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding
of the story by pointing to the pictures and
Learning objectives asking questions, e.g. What does Coco like doing?
Can understand a simple story (skateboarding) What does Sophie like doing? (riding
Can act out a story a scooter)
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story,
Functional language play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
Try the skate park. to read along with the characters.
Wow! Look at Coco.
Come on! Extension questions
Quick, Sophie!
I love riding my scooter. Write the following questions on the board: What
is more dangerous, riding a scooter or riding a bike?
Receptive language Why? (Riding a scooter is safer because you can ride on
I’m faster than him. the pavement.) How can you stay safe when riding a bike/
You’re faster than me but I can jump! skateboarding? (Wear a helmet and elbow/knee pads.)
Values Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner
Sharing time with friends and family to answer them.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Warm-up Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Ask pupils to look at the story on pages 2 and 3. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Ask questions, e.g. Where are the children? (at a film them to use as much English as possible.
studio) Who likes Finley Keen? (Sophie.) Who has got the
script? (Coco.)
15 Act out the story.
• See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
Learning adventure more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
with roleplays.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the story.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson
• Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
Play the audio while pupils act out the story first or
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re say the lines and pupils repeat.
reading a story and acting it out.
• Divide pupils into groups of four (Sophie, film
director, Coco, Oliver). Give groups time to practise
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen their roleplay.
and read. • Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see? out the story.
(Oliver, Sophie, the film director, Coco.) Where are they? You might like to give the pupils feedback on their
(at the skate park) What are they doing? roleplay.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story.
• Play the audio (CD1:27) and ask pupils to listen to the Values
story as they follow along in their books.
• Speak about what you like doing with your friends
and family. Say, e.g. I like playing computer games with
my dad. Write some examples on the board and ask
pupils to give similar examples.
• Discuss (in L1) the importance of sharing time with
friends and family.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 38 27/04/2017 10:31
Pop quiz

14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

Close books. Read a phrase from the
story aloud, e.g. Try the skate park.
1 Hmm, he likes Wow! Look at Coco. 2 Pupils put their hands up if they know who
What does skateboarding. said it. They give the answer and repeat the
Coco like doing? Try the skate park.
phrase, using the correct intonation. Repeat
with other phrases from the story.

Show homework
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
3 Yippee! I love Come on! Quick, Sophie! 4 Island Adventure Game. Show them
riding a scooter!
various activities they could do as

Role playing the story

It’s OK! I’m
faster than him. Below are some suggestions for extra
You’re faster work with the stories:
5 than me 6
Uh-oh! And I like
but I can jump! climbing! • While pupils listen to the story, they
perform a specific action for target
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
• Pupils create a new ending for the story.
• Pupils draw or describe their favourite
15 Act out the story. • Pupils discuss real-life situations that are
related to the story.
10 Lesson 5
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 10 01/03/2016 14:40 or how they would behave if they were

AB page 8 in a similar situation to one of the story
11 Number the pictures in order. • You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
• Ask the class (in L1) if they can remember what happened in the one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
story. Then ask individual pupils to read the speech bubbles in teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
Activity 11. This could be given in L1.
• Ask the pupils to number the pictures in the order in which they
occur in the story. Story card activities
• They can look back at their Pupil’s Books to check.
For suggestions on how to use the story
activities, please see page 18.
a3 c5 d2 e4

12 Write. Use the words in the box.

• Pupils complete the sentences with words from the word bank.
• Ask individual pupils to read the sentences aloud.
1 climbing 2 riding 3 faster 4 jump


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 39 27/04/2017 10:31
Lesson 6 PB page 11 • Play Rosa’s part again. Ask, What does she like
doing there?
Learning objectives • Before playing Will’s part, ask, Does Will like climbing
Can understand short texts about what other stairs? Mime to show the meaning of stairs. Play the
children like or don’t like doing second half of the audio. Pupils answer, No, he doesn’t.
Can design an unusual house • Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the statements
and tick the correct boxes. Do the first sentence with
Cross-curricular the class.
Social Science: what children like/don’t like doing
Target language ANSWER KEY
castle, climb the stairs, lighthouse, stairs 1 Rosa 2 Will 3 Will 4 Will 5 Rosa
Recycled language
boat, favourite food, fish • Ask individual pupils to make sentences about Rosa
Activities or Will: Rose likes (reading). Will doesn’t like (climbing
Rosa likes (reading). the stairs). Then ask pupils to do this in pairs, using the
Rosa doesn’t like (watching TV). words in the speech bubble as prompts.

Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
• Ask pupils to talk about where they live. Prompt them Which house do you like best? Which would you like
with questions, e.g. Do you live in a house or a flat? Have to live in? Why?/Why not? Use L1, if necessary. Ask
you got a garden? What’s your favourite room?, etc. pupils to work with a partner to answer them.

Learning adventure
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
16 What do you know? Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning them to use as much English as possible.
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look
at it on the screen: We’re reading short texts about Project
what other children like or don’t like doing and we’re
designing an unusual house. • Tell pupils that they are going to design an unusual
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words house. Ask pupils to think about unusual houses and
they know in English for homes, e.g. bedroom, kitchen. choose one idea.
Write them on the board. • Provide the materials and give pupils time to draw a
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! picture of the house.
You are already moving along your learning adventure! • Ask them to write about their unusual house and
about the things they like doing in it.
Presentation • When they are ready, ask pupils to show their houses
to the class and talk about them.
• Draw a boat slowly on the board and ask the class to • Display the houses in the classroom and ask pupils to
guess. Introduce boat. choose their favourite.
• Repeat with lighthouse. Ask the class what a You may also wish to give pupils feedback on
lighthouse is for (in L1). Would they like to live in one? their projects.
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) and say.
Optional Home–school link
• Tell the class that they are going to listen and read • Ask pupils to take their work home and share their
about two children who live in special houses.
work with their families. They may wish to show their
• Ask pupils, Does Rosa like living in a boat?
parents or siblings their unusual house and compare
• Play the audio (CD1:28), stopping at the end of Rosa’s
how it makes different people feel.
text. Pupils answer, Yes.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 40 27/04/2017 10:32
14 Listen and tick (✓).
16 What do you know?
1 • Play the audio. Pupils look at each picture
carefully, listen and decide which is
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) and say. Rosa’s bedroom.

CD1, Track 29
Do you
p like
al hmy shouse?
es Look, this is my bedroom.
I like skateboarding. I don’t like
watching TV.
I like reading and I like playing the guitar.
I don’t like cleaning.

This is Rosa. Look at her house. This is Will. This is his house. ANSWER KEY
It’s a boat. Rosa likes her boat. It’s a lighthouse! Will likes living in
She doesn’t like watching TV. the lighthouse but he doesn’t like
Picture 2
She likes chatting online and climbing the stairs. He likes playing
playing the guitar. She also likes computer games and watching TV.
riding her bike but not on the boat! He likes cooking, too.
15 Look at Activity 14. Read, think
and write 1 or 2.
Rosa Will

1 likes chatting online

• Explain (in L1) that pupils have to write
the correct picture number next to each
2 likes cooking Design an unusual house. sentence.
3 likes playing computer games 1 Think about an unusual house.
2 Draw a picture of the house.
• Pupils do the activity, then check as a class.
4 doesn’t like climbing the stairs 3 Write about things you can do Ask pupils to explain (in L1) why they have
in it.
5 doesn’t like watching TV 4 Share your design with the class. chosen a particular picture.
Rosa likes… Will doesn’t like… • Fast finishers could write more sentences
about the pictures, e.g. I’ve got a teddy.
Lesson 6 Can understand short texts about what other children like or don’t like doing / Can design an unusual house 11

M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 11 01/03/2016 14:41

22 31 42 52 61
AB page 9

13 Find out about Megan. Read and complete. Learning adventure

• Ask (in L1) what type of house is in the picture and teach the Ask pupils, How much do you know
word in English (a castle). Check the meaning of the words in the
table and teach description, if necessary. about unusual houses now? Tell pupils to
work with a partner. Give pairs a minute to
• Pupils complete the table. Check as a class.
think of ideas. Accept any answers and
promote discussion. Ask them, Where are you
ANSWER KEY on your learning adventure now? Tell pupils,
house: castle Well done! to reinforce the progress they
description: 21 rooms and a big garden are making.
birds: swans
likes: playing in the garden and reading outside Pop quiz
doesn’t like: cleaning the castle
Tell pupils to close their books and
stand up. Make some true or false
statements about the reading passages, e.g.
Rosa lives in a lighthouse. She likes reading on
the boat. Rosa can ride a bike on the boat.
Pupils stand if the statement is false.

Poster, materials to make the project (a large sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens or pencils)

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 41 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 7 PB page 12
1a 2a 3b 4a
Learning objective
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 1
Recycled language Game
Free-time activities
What does he/she like doing? • Say, I like reading. Ask a pupil to repeat the sentence,
adding another activity, e.g. I like reading and
He/She likes (playing the guitar).
swimming. Continue in the same way and after three
turns say, but I don’t… ! The next pupil has to say a
negative sentence about an action that hasn’t been
mentioned before, e.g. I like reading and swimming and
• Say and mime, e.g. I like skiing. Ask a pupil to repeat skiing but I don’t like playing football. The pupil after
the sentence, adding another activity and mime, that starts a new round.
e.g. I like skiing and skateboarding. Continue in the
same way around the class. 19 Write in your notebook.
Learning adventure • Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write words from pupils.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils if they can 1 likes skateboarding
remember the things they have been learning in the 2 What does he like doing
unit, e.g. How many words for free-time activities can 3 they don’t
you remember? Put their ideas on the board. 4 like riding her scooter
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are
less confident that they will have opportunities for
more practice. 20 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
18 Listen and tick (✓). questions about the pictures on this page and on
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask, e.g. What’s the other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
boy in picture 3b doing? Pupils answer, He’s skipping. speech bubbles as a starting point.
Ask about all the pictures. • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to support where needed. Encourage pupils to use
the pictures. as much language as possible from the unit, e.g.
Does he like chatting online? No, he doesn’t. He likes
skateboarding. Tell pupils to ask their partner for help
CD1, Track 30 if they don’t know a word.
1 He likes chatting online.
2 She likes playing football. AB page 10
3 He likes skipping.
4 They like playing computer games. 16 Complete the puzzle.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick • Ask pupils (in L1) if they have ever done a puzzle and
the pictures. elicit/explain how to do one.
• Play it a third time, pausing after each sentence to • Pupils solve the puzzle individually or in pairs.
check the answers. • Check as a class, asking, e.g. What’s number (two)?
Pupils answer.
• Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
about the pictures they didn’t tick.
2 skateboarding 3 playing 4 riding
5 swimming 6 cleaning 7 cooking


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 42 27/04/2017 10:32
Pop quiz

18 Listen and tick (✓).

I C AN In groups of four, pupils tell the others
T! the answers to the following questions:
1 2 Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
a b a b
Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
is your favourite new word? Which word is the
most difficult for you?
3 4
a b a b

General poster activities

19 Write in your notebook.
• Before displaying the poster for the first
time, pupils can anticipate and predict
1 What does she 2 ?
like doing?
who and what they will see within a
He likes playing the
She .
topic area and then see how many
items they guessed correctly once the
poster is visible.
3 Do they like playing 4 Does she ? • Pupils can create their own posters,
computer games? Yes, she does! based on a similar topic.
No, . • Using a large piece of paper placed over
the top of the poster (with a 5 cm hole
cut out), pupils can be asked to identify
20 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
what they can see through the hole.
What does he like doing? He likes cooking.
• Through description, pupils can identify
objects that are being described orally,
e.g. It’s fat. It’s white. It’s an animal.
What is it? It’s a cat.
I can identify some free-time activities.
I can talk about what people like doing in their free time. • With a time limit, pupils can look at the
I can understand short texts about what other children like doing. posters and try to remember as much
12 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 1
language and content as possible and
then in pairs or led by the teacher, they
M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 12 01/03/2016 14:41
can try to recall the content through
17 Read, think and complete. questions and answers, e.g. Is there a
hat? What colour is it?
• Direct pupils’ attention to the lists of likes and dislikes. Tell them • By pointing to an object and making
to use this information to complete the sentences. a statement, pupils can reply, Yes. or
• When they have finished, ask individual pupils to read the No. if the information is correct or
sentences to the class. incorrect, e.g. This is a library.
• In teams or pairs, pupils can write
ANSWER KEY down as many words as possible for the
2 reading 3 playing 4 riding 5 bike 6 watching TV items in each poster.
8 likes 9 doesn’t like

Learning adventure
Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about their learning in this
unit. Ask pupils to tell you what they found easiest or most
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the I Can statements at
the bottom of page 12 of their Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils
shade the corresponding bar to reflect how confident they feel.
(For this first unit, explain that the faces indicate, from left: not
confident, confident and very confident.) Ask them, Where are
you on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate where they think
they are on the learning adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done!
to reinforce the progress they are making.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 43 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 8 PB page 13 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective Which activities are safe for children to do alone?
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 1 (e.g. reading, playing the guitar) Which activities need
Recycled language help or supervision from an adult? (e.g. skiing, cooking)
Free-time activities Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to suggest three
Does he/she like (skateboarding)? activities per question and to work with a partner to
Yes, he/she does. answer the questions.
No, he/she doesn’t. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class. They
Warm-up can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage them to
use as much English as possible.
• Divide pupils into two teams. Show one of Flashcards
1–7, e.g. playing the guitar, with either a smile or
AB page 11
a frown. Ask pupils from each team to put up their
hands and say what they like/don’t like doing, e.g. You
like/don’t like (playing the guitar). The first pupil to put 18 What do you like? Tick (✓) or cross (✗).
up their hand and say a correct sentence wins a point Then tell your friend.
for their team. • Point at the pictures. Pupils say the words.
• They then tick the activities they like doing and cross
Learning adventure those they don’t like doing.
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activities.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils tell each other what
they like and don’t like.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: 19 Write two sentences about your friend.
We’re playing a game about free-time activities.
• Ask pupils to complete the sentences about what their
21 Write in your notebook. friend likes and doesn’t like.
• Ask individuals to read their sentences to the class.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures at the top of
the page. For each picture ask, What’s he/she doing? AB page 70
Prompt pupils to answer, He’s/She’s (skiing).
• Tell pupils to copy the table into their notebooks and • Pupils play a game in pairs using the Free time
explain how to complete it. Each pupil chooses four pictures in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes
activities that their friends and family like doing, using turns to say a word and his/her partner points to the
the pictures as prompts. They write the activities in correct picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the
the ‘Me’ row of the table. written words below each picture.

22 Now play. Consolidation and extension worksheet 1

• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Tell them they will try • Pupils complete the consolidation and extension
to guess what their partner’s friends and family like activities on Worksheet 1 (page 28). See also teaching
doing. Read the speech bubbles at the bottom of the notes on page 23.
page aloud with a volunteer.
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who I want to know more!
goes first. They then ask each other questions in
pairs, e.g. Does he/she like (chatting online)? (Yes, he/ Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from
she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.) Each pupil has three the unit and to go and find out more. You might
guesses. If they guess an activity correctly, they like to set this activity as homework with a quick
write the activity in the ‘My friend’ row of the table. feedback session at the beginning of the next lesson,
Give pupils a time limit, e.g. ten minutes. The pupil e.g. find out more free-time activities or find out more
who guesses the most activities within the time limit about unusual houses.
wins the game.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 44 27/04/2017 10:32
21 Write in your notebook.
1 Preparation for evaluation
Procedure the day before the evaluation
• Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
content of the evaluation might be, using
the children’s first language as needed.
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
procedure on the day of evaluation.

Family member 1 Family member 2 Friend 1 Friend 2

(man) (woman) (boy) (girl)


My friend

22 Now play.

Friend 1. Does he like

No, he doesn’t.

Does he like cooking?

No, he doesn’t.

Does he like watching TV?

No, he doesn’t. My turn.

Now go to Poptropica
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 1 13

M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 13 01/03/2016 14:41

Are you ready for Unit 2?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit.
Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything
as they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using Evaluation sheet 1
(pages 190 and 191). See also teaching notes on page 186.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 1
Flashcards 1–7

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 45 27/04/2017 10:32
Wider World 1
At the weekend PB pages 14–15 • Then play each part of the audio separately and ask
questions to check comprehension.
Learning objectives • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of any words
Can understand texts about what other children they don’t know, e.g. stadium, stream.
like doing at the weekend
Can ask and answer about hobbies
3 Listen and say the names.
Target language • Tell pupils to listen to the audio and say who is
Canada, France, Mexico, South Africa
stadium, stream, water park • Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to
the children.
Recycled language
CD1, Track 32
I like (skiing).
1 I like going down the stream.
I can (go very fast).
2 I like riding my bike on sunny days.
Do you like (playing football)?
3 I like skiing.
4 I like playing football at school with my friends.
• Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
• Write on the board: Canada, South Africa, France, Pupils listen and say the names of the children.
Mexico. Locate them on the map of the world.
Say, Where’s (Canada)? Look, it’s here.
• Ask pupils what they know about each country, ANSWER KEY
e.g. Canada. It’s big/cold/snowy. 1 Carlos 2 Anne 3 Kelly 4 Tumelo

Learning adventure
4 Read, think and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
1 What do you know?
• Pupils read the sentences. They reread the
• Ask pupils what words they know in English for information about the children and decide if the
hobbies and activities they do at the weekend, e.g. sentences are true or false.
watching films, swimming. Write them on the board. • You may ask them to correct the false sentences.
• Ask them what type of activities children might like
doing in Canada, South Africa, France and Mexico.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the photos. 1✗ 2✓ 3✓ 4✗
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re learning and talking about what other children like
doing at the weekend. Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
2 Listen and read. Who has got a Which hobbies are best in sunny places?
brother? (e.g. swimming, playing football, riding a bike)
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to four children Which hobbies are best in cold places? (e.g. skiing,
speaking about what they like doing at the weekend. snowboarding and indoor hobbies like watching TV,
Ask them to listen and find out who has got a brother. playing the guitar or chatting online). Use L1, if
• Play the audio (CD1:31) once for pupils to follow in necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner.
their books.
• Elicit the answer to the question in the rubric. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
ANSWER KEY They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Anne has got a brother. them to use as much English as possible.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 46 27/04/2017 10:32
Wider World 1 3

At the weekend Hi, I’m Anne. I’m from

1 France. I like riding my
1 What do you know? bike with my mum and
dad. It’s good exercise.
I like riding my bike on
2 Listen and read. Who has got sunny days. My little
brother likes riding, too!
a brother?

Hi, I’m Kelly. I’m from Canada.

It’s snowy here. I like skiing.
It’s fun. I can go very fast. 4
Do you like skiing?

Hi, I’m Carlos. I’m from Mexico.

Look! I’m at a beautiful water
2 park in Cancun. I like swimming
and going down the stream with
my friends. It’s great!
Hi, I’m Tumelo. I’m from South
Africa. I like playing football at
school with my friends. I can see the
Soccer City stadium from my house.
It’s really big. My favourite team is
4 Read, think and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
the Mamelodi Sundowns.
1 Kelly can’t ski fast.

2 Tumelo likes playing football at school.

3 Anne likes riding her bike with her family.

4 Carlos goes to the water park with his family.

5 Ask your friend about his/her hobbies.

Do you like playing football? Yes, I do.

Listen and say the names.

14 Wider World 1 Can understand texts about what other children like doing at the weekend Wider World 1 Can ask and answer about hobbies 15

M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 14 01/03/2016 14:41 M01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U01.indd 15 01/03/2016 14:42

5 Ask your friend about his/her hobbies.

• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Encourage pupils to
think about and note down some ideas before they
start. They then take turns to ask and answer about
their partner’s hobbies, using the speech bubbles
as a model. They note down the hobbies that their
partner likes/dislikes.
• Ask pupils to look over the notes and then present
their findings to the class, e.g. At the weekend, Simon
likes playing tennis. He also likes swimming and watching
TV. He doesn’t like skateboarding and he doesn’t like

Pop quiz
In pairs, pupils make a plan with activities for the
next weekend. They include times for the activities
and ensure that they include activities that they both
like. Encourage pupils to talk in English while they are
putting together their plan, e.g. On Saturday, swimming.
Do you like swimming? (Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.)

Map of the world

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 47 27/04/2017 10:32
2 Animals
Worksheet 2
Name: Class:

1 Look and circle eleven words from Unit 2. Then write.

Food Animal

t d c r o c o d i l e
l e p p t l i o n n l
o m o n k e y q s h e
h e g i r a f f e o p
i a r h b v m a c h h
p t a a h e e e t a a
p c s j t s l i s n n
o i s z r n f r u i t

2 Look and correct these false sentences.

1 Ants are birds.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

2 Ants are big.

3 An ant can’t climb trees.
4 An ant has got eight legs.

3 Write false sentences about a different animal.

48 Consolidation and extension worksheet 2

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 48 27/04/2017 10:32
2 Animals
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about animals

Animals: crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, monkey
Animal food: fruit, grass, leaves, meat

What do (giraffes) eat? They eat (leaves).

Target Do giraffes eat (leaves)? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
structures (Lions/They) live in (Africa).
(My cat/He/She/It) lives (with me).

Phonics: /iː/
Features Values: Respecting animal life
Cross-curricular: Science: amazing animals


• Can understand a simple story and details of it
• Can understand short texts about amazing animals

• Can complete simple sentences about animals

• Can write simple sentences about animals
Writing • Can make a poster about an amazing animal
• Can copy simple sentences about animals (Activity Book)
• Can complete simple sentences about animals (Activity Book)

• Can identify animals and their food
• Can identify more animals and where they live

• Can ask and answer about wild animals and their food
• Can pronounce words that include the sound /iː/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about an amazing animal


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 49 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 1 PB page 16
CD1, Track 33
Uncle James: Here we are in the Wildlife
Learning objective Studio.
Can identify some animals and their food Sophie: Look at the lion! I’m scared!
Target language Lions eat meat!
crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, insects, Oliver: I’m scared of the crocodile.
lion, monkey Crocodiles eat meat, too!
fruit, grass, leaves, meat Sophie: I like the giraffe and the
elephant. They eat leaves.
Recycled language Oliver: And I like the hippo. Hippos eat
eat, scared grass.
Uncle James: Who are you?
Animal keeper: I’m the animal keeper.
Warm-up Oliver: Look! There’s a monkey in the
• Brainstorm all the animals pupils have learnt so far. tree! Is it Coco?
Write them on the board. Animal keeper: No, I’m sorry. It’s not Coco.
• Write headings Pets, Farm, Forest, Insects and check It’s Bobo. He eats fruit. He loves
meaning (in L1). Point to one of the category names. bananas!
Pupils say the animals from the list on the board that
go in that category. • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
Learning adventure Practice
1 What do you know? • Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning questions, e.g. What is Sophie scared of? (She’s scared
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or of the lion.) What do lions eat? (They eat meat.) What
look at it on the screen: We’re learning words for wild is Oliver scared of? (He’s scared of the crocodile.) Is the
animals and their food. monkey Coco? (No, it isn’t. It’s Bobo.) What does Bobo
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words eat? (He eats fruit.)
they know in English for animals and their food, e.g.
monkey, banana. Write them on the board.
3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
CD1, Track 34
Presentation 1 Giraffes eat leaves. 2 Crocodiles eat grass.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 8–17. 3 Lions eat meat. 4 Monkeys eat fruit.
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils 5 Hippos eat meat. 6 Elephants eat leaves.
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board. 7 The grass is green. 8 These leaves are yellow.

2 Listen and find. • Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
• Focus on the scene. Elicit the characters pupils know Pupils write a tick (true) or a cross (false) in the boxes.
(Oliver, Uncle James, Sophie). Explain that the other
character in the scene is an animal keeper. ANSWER KEY
• Ask (in L1) what they can remember about the 1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✓ 5✗ 6✓ 7✓ 8✗
characters’ adventures so far.
• Ask, Where are they now? Elicit (in L1) that they are on
a film set which looks like a jungle. 4 Listen and say.
• Tell pupils (in L1) that they are going to listen and
point to the animals and food in the picture. • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
CD1, Track 35
giraffe lion elephant crocodile monkey
hippo meat grass fruit leaves


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 50 27/04/2017 10:32

Animals a7 b3 c5 d2 e4 f8 g6

2 Look and write. Use the words in

1 What do you know? the box.
Listen and find. • Explain (in L1) that pupils have to work out
lion what animal is in each picture.
• They then write the sentences as in the
elephant example, using the words in the word bank.

2 It’s an elephant. 3 It’s a monkey.
4 It’s a hippo. 5 It’s a crocodile.
6 It’s a giraffe.

Learning adventure
3 Listen and tick (✓) 4 Listen and say.
or cross (✗).
Ask pupils, How many words for animals
and their food do you know now?
1 2 3 Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
new words they know. Ask them, Where are
you on your learning adventure now? Ask pupils
5 6 7
which words they find easiest or most difficult
to remember. Tell pupils, Well done! to
reinforce the progress they are making.
16 Lesson 1 Can identify some animals and their food

Pop quiz
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Play a guessing game. Ask pupils to think

• Read the labels next to each picture one by one. Pupils find the of an animal. Ask questions to guess
words as they hear them and repeat them. what animal it is, e.g. Is it (big)? Has it got (four
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and legs)? When pupils have grasped the idea,
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs. think of an animal and tell pupils to ask
the questions.
AB page 12
Show homework
1 Listen and number.
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the pictures. Island Adventure Game. Show them
various activities they could do as
CD1, Track 36 homework.
1 What’s that? It’s a giraffe. 2 I can see a lion. 3 It’s
grass. 4 What’s that? It’s a crocodile. 5 What’s this?
It’s a monkey. 6 Are there any leaves? Yes, there are.
7 What’s this? It’s a hippo. 8 I can see an elephant.

• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and number the pictures.
• Play it a third time so pupils can check they have numbered the
pictures correctly.

Flashcards 8–17

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 51 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 2 PB page 17 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD1:38).
Can ask and answer about what animals eat • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that
we use do in questions and short answers about more
Target language
than one person, animal or thing.
What do (giraffes) eat?
They eat (leaves).
• Ask pupils to give more example questions,
e.g. Do cats eat insects? Write them on the board.
Do (giraffes) eat (leaves)?
Yes, they do.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
No, they don’t.
Recycled language • Write on the board: meat, insects, fruit, leaves and
grass. Brainstorm with pupils the animals they
Animals, Animal food
know that like to eat these, e.g. Dogs eat meat.
Frogs eat insects.
Warm-up • You may wish to explain (in L1) that animals that like
meat are carnivores, those that eat fruit, grass and
• Use Flashcards 8–17 to revise the new vocabulary vegetables are herbivores and the ones that eat both
from Lesson 1. Hold up the flashcards in turn and are omnivores, e.g. bears and people.
elicit the words. Then show the words and pupils read
them aloud. Alternatively, with stronger classes, ask 6 Listen and say the missing words.
individual pupils to come to the front and write the
words on the board.
• Ask pupils to look at the sentences and guess what
words are represented by the question marks.
Learning adventure • Tell them that you are going to play the audio and
they have to say the words to complete the sentences.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the activities. • Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: CD1, Track 39
We’re learning to ask and answer about what animals eat. Oliver: What do lions eat?
Sophie: They eat meat. Crocodiles eat meat, too.
5 Listen and chant. Circle the animals. Oliver: And giraffes? Do they eat meat?
Sophie: No, they don’t. Giraffes eat leaves.
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about animals. Oliver: Do hippos eat insects?
Use Flashcard 14 to present grass.
Sophie: No, they don’t. They eat grass.
• Play the audio (CD1:37). Pupils listen and follow the
Oliver: And what about elephants? Do they eat
words. They then circle the animal words.
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give
Sophie: Yes, they do. And they eat leaves, too.
pupils time to repeat the words.
Oliver: And monkeys?
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along.
Sophie: They eat fruit. They love fruit!

hippos, monkeys, lions, giraffes
• Play the audio again. Pupils say the missing words.
• Then ask individual pupils to read the sentences to the
class, including the missing words.


• Divide pupils into two groups and practise the chant. 1 meat 2 leaves 3 insects 4 love
One group asks the questions and the other says the
answers. Then switch roles so that all pupils have a
chance to practise the whole chant.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 52 27/04/2017 10:32
• When they have finished, have pairs of
pupils ask, What do (monkeys) eat? and
Listen and chant. Circle the animals. answer by reading their sentences aloud.
Do hippos eat insects?
No, they don’t. Hippos eat grass. ANSWER KEY
Do monkeys eat grass? 2 Monkeys eat fruit.
No, they don’t. Monkeys eat fruit.
Do lions eat meat?
3 Elephants eat grass.
monkey Yes, they do. Lions eat meat. 4 Crocodiles eat meat.
Do giraffes eat leaves? 5 Lions eat meat.
Yes, they do. Giraffes eat leaves.
6 Birds eat insects.
7 Giraffes eat leaves.

What do giraffes eat? They eat leaves.

leaves? Yes, they do.
Do giraffes eat
meat? No, they don’t.
4 Look and write. Add two animals
and complete. Then ask and
Listen and say the missing words. answer.
fruit 1 Crocodiles eat , too.
• Explain (in L1) that the table shows what
2 Giraffes eat ! different animals eat and don’t eat.
3 Do hippos eat ? • Pupils add two animals to complete the table.
4 They eat fruit. They fruit! • Read the example and tell pupils (in L1)
to complete the questions and answers in a
4 7 Ask and answer. similar way.
What do giraffes eat? • Ask individual pupils to read a question
and answer in turn.
They eat leaves.

2 (suggested answers) grass/fruit/
leaves/insects, No, they don’t. OR
Lesson 2 17
meat, Yes, they do.
Can ask and answer about what animals eat

M02_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U02.indd 17 18/02/2016 08:43 3 No, they don’t.

4 Pupils’ own answers
• Ask a few questions about the sentences in Activity 6 to check
comprehension, e.g. Do crocodiles eat leaves? Do giraffes eat Pop quiz
meat? Play the audio (CD1:39) again to check.
Show the class some photos of wild
7 Ask and answer. animals. Go around the class asking
pupils to identify the animals and to say what
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud. Say the they eat, e.g. Lions eat meat. Try to ensure
question and ask pupils to repeat a few times.
that all pupils get the chance to respond.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take turns to ask and answer
questions about what animals like eating. Tell the class to ask
about a variety of animals and not just the ones that appear in Show homework
the lesson.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the bottle card
on page 16 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell pupils
AB page 13 to go online to the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game and find the item.
3 What do the animals eat? Write. Once pupils click on it, they are taken to a
• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. Point to the animals in supplementary language task.
turn and ask, What’s this? Pupils answer.
• Now turn their attention to the words in the word banks and
the example sentence. Pupils then combine words from each
word bank to make sentences about what each animal eats.

Photos of wild animals (cut from magazines)
Flashcards 8–17

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 53 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 3 PB page 18 8 Listen and sing.
• Focus on the song illustration. Read the words with
Learning objective the pupils.
Can talk about where animals live and what • Play the audio (CD1:40). Pupils listen and follow the
they eat words. Mime to make meaning clear. Explain (in L1)
the meaning of all day long, catch and flat.
Target language
Africa, catch, flat, live • Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with
(Lions/They) live (in Africa). the words.
(My cat/He/She/It) lives (with me). • If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD1:41).
Recycled language
eat, sleeping Presentation
Activities, Animals, Animal food
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Receptive language the audio (CD1:42).
crunch • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that we
add -s to live with he, she and it but we do not add -s
with they or when we are speaking about more than
Warm-up one person, animal or thing.
• Play the chant from Lesson 2 (CD1:37). Pupils say it in • Ask pupils for more examples and write them on
two groups. Group A asks the questions and Group B the board.
answers. They then switch roles. • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.

Learning adventure 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the activities.

• Divide the class into pairs. Pupil A says a sentence
about lions or Oscar, e.g. They run fast. Pupil B
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson answers, e.g. Lions. They then switch roles.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re learning to talk about where animals live and what
Home–school link
they eat.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words • Tell the class to teach their parents the song and sing
they know in English for animals and animal food, e.g. it at home together. They can also sing it on their way
lion, meat. Write them on the board. to and from school.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! AB page 14
You are moving along your learning adventure!

Presentation 5 Read and circle.

• Show the map of the world and ask, Where’s Africa? • Pupils look at the sentences. Remind them of the rules
Invite pupils to answer. Point to the map and say, they learnt in the Look! box and focus on the example.
Here, this is Africa. Ask, e.g. Are there (monkeys/snakes/ Tell them to circle the correct word in the other
lions) in Africa? Pupils answer. sentences.

2 lives 3 run 4 eat 5 runs 6 eats


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 54 27/04/2017 10:32
7 Look, think and complete.
8 Listen and sing.
• Pupils complete the sentences with eat
1:40 /
1:41 or eats.
Lions live in Africa. Oscar lives with me.
They’re big and strong. He’s a very small cat.
They like sleeping all day long. He likes sleeping in my flat.
They run very fast He runs very fast
2 eats 3 eat 4 eats 5 eat
To catch their lunch. To get his lunch.
What do they eat? What does he eat?
They eat meat. He eats meat.
Crunch, crunch, munch! Crunch, crunch, munch!
Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How much do you know
about animal life now? Give pupils a
minute to tell their partner the new words
they know. Ask them, Where are you on your
learning adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done!
to reinforce the progress they are making.

Pop quiz
Lions live in Africa.
They live in Africa.
Divide pupils into two groups. One
My cat lives with me. pupil from Group A describes an
He/She/It lives with me. animal, e.g. It’s got four legs. It eats leaves.
9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer. It’s very tall. Group B guesses what animal it
HOME is, e.g. A giraffe! Allow a limited number of
They eat meat.
He eats meat.
LINK guesses to make the game more challenging.
Lions. Oscar.

18 Lesson 3 Can talk about where animals live and what they eat

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6 Listen and number.

• Pupils look at the pictures and say the animal words.
• Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.
CD1, Track 43
1 It lives in a house, it eats meat and it can swim.
2 They live in Africa, they eat meat and they can swim.
3 It lives in a house, it eats meat and it likes sleeping.
4 It lives in the garden, it eats grass and it likes jumping.
5 They live in Africa, they eat leaves and they’re tall.
6 They live in Africa, they eat fruit and they can climb trees.

• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and number the animals in the
pictures in the order they hear the descriptions.
• Play it once more so pupils can check their answers.
From left to right: 3, 6, 4, 2, 5

Poster, map of the world

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Lesson 4 PB page 19
CD1, Track 44
1 Where do crocodiles live?
Learning objectives 2 Do crocodiles eat fish?
Can read and talk about animals 3 Can they swim?
Can pronounce words that include /iː/ 4 Are crocodiles big or small?
Target language 5 What do crocodiles like doing?
Recycled language
Australia, treat ANSWER KEY
Animals 1 They live in rivers in Africa and Australia.
They like (swimming). 2 Yes, they do.
They can (run). 3 Yes, they can.
They eat (meat). 4 They are very big.
5 They like sleeping in the sun and swimming.

• Describe animals that pupils know, making deliberate 12 Listen and say.
mistakes, e.g. Elephants live in Africa. They eat meat. • Pupils look at the tongue twisters and say which
They can swim. They like playing tennis. Pupils stand up sound the blue letters make.
when they hear a mistake and correct you. • Play the audio (CD1:45) to check.
• Say the sound /iː/ in isolation a few times and have
Learning adventure pupils repeat.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
pupils time to repeat.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Pupils practise saying the tongue twisters as a class.
screen: We’re reading and talking about animals and 13 Play the game.
learning to pronounce words that include /iː/.
• Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 2 mini cards on page 83
10 Look and read. What do crocodiles eat? of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
• Ask a pupil to read the texts in the speech bubbles
• Tell pupils (in L1) that this text is a blog entry. aloud.
Explain what an animal park keeper is. Ask the class • Pupils work in pairs. Ask them (in L1) to shuffle two
what they know about crocodiles (in L1). sets of mini cards and deal them evenly, face down in
• Pupils read and see if their predictions were correct. two piles.
• After reading, explain watch out! and river. Ask pupils • Pupils take turns to turn over the top card from their
to name a river in their region or country. pile to start their own face-up pile. When two face-up
cards match, pupils race to call, Snap! The pupil who
ANSWER KEY calls, Snap! first makes two sentences about the
Crocodiles eat meat and fish. animals on the cards, wins both piles and adds them
to the bottom of his/her face-down pile. The winner is
the pupil with the most cards when the game ends.
11 Listen and answer.
AB page 15
• Play the audio, pausing after each question.
• Ask pupils to find the answers to the questions in the 8 Listen and circle.
text in Activity 10.
• Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.


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9 Find, think and write the questions.
10 Look and read. What do
2 • Pupils unscramble and write the questions.
crocodiles eat? • To check, ask individual pupils to read them
Blog posted by: Paul, animal park keeper
• Ask other pupils to answer, based on the
Hi, I’m Paul. There are a lot of crocodiles here at the
information in Activity 8.
Animal Park. This is Snapper. Look at the bird in her
mouth! It’s cleaning her teeth.
These crocodiles live in rivers in Africa and
Australia. They are very big and strong.
They like sleeping in the sun and swimming. 2 Do they eat fruit? 3 Can they run?
Crocodiles eat meat and fish. They can eat
you too, so watch out! 4 What do they like doing?

Listen and answer.
10 Complete the words with ee or
Listen and say. ea. Then listen and check.
• Point to the first two words and check pupils
understand the activity.
Sixteen green leaves Thirteen lions like eating
• They then complete each word with ee or ea.
are a treat to eat. meat and sleeping.
• Play the audio a few times to check answers.
13 Play the game. CD1, Track 47
Snap! They’re 1 eating EA 2 sixteen EE
crocodiles. 3 leaves EA 4 tree EE
5 three EE 6 jeans EA
eat meat. 7 peas EA 8 beans EA
9 meat EA 10 sleeping EE

Lesson 4 Can read and talk about animals / Can pronounce words that include /iː/ 19
M02_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U02.indd 19 18/02/2016 08:43
2 ee 3 ea 4 ee 5 ee 6 ea 7 ea
8 ea 9 ea 10 ee
CD1, Track 46
Keeper: There are a lot of different monkeys here at the
zoo. Have you got any questions? Pop quiz
Pupil A: Where do monkeys live?
Keeper: They live in Africa. Divide pupils into two groups. Have
Pupil B: Are they big or small? pupils from Group A describe an
Keeper: They’re small. animal, e.g. It’s got four legs. It eats meat.
Pupil C: What do they eat? It lives in Africa. It’s brown. Group B guesses
Keeper: They eat fruit, leaves and insects. They like bananas. what the animal is, e.g. A lion. Allow a limited
Pupil C: Do they eat meat? number of guesses to make the game more
Keeper: No, they don’t. challenging.
Pupil B: Can they run?
Keeper: Yes, and they can climb trees.
Pupil A: What do they like doing?
Keeper: They like playing and climbing trees.

• Ask pupils to read the sentences.

• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and circle the correct option.
• Play it once more so pupils can check their answers.
2 small 3 insects 4 run 5 playing

Unit 2 mini cards

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Lesson 5 PB page 20 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board: Why
Learning objectives have giraffes got long necks? (to reach the leaves on
Can understand a simple story tall trees) Why have lions and crocodiles got sharp teeth?
Can act out a story (for catching and eating meat) Why are hippos grey? (so
Target language they can’t be seen in the water) Use L1, if necessary. Ask
gorilla, page, paper pupils to work with a partner.

Functional language
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Can I help you?
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Recycled language They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
banana, lunch them to use as much English as possible.
Do (giraffes) eat paper?
15 Act out the story.

Warm-up • See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for

more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
• Pupils look back at the main scene in Lesson 1. with roleplays.
Ask, Where are the children? (in a jungle film set) • Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
What animals are there? Pupils name the animals. Play the audio while pupils act out the story first or
• Play a guessing game. Begin drawing a giraffe very say the lines and pupils repeat.
slowly and pupils guess what it is. Draw a gorilla to • Divide pupils into groups of seven (the animal keeper,
teach this word. Sophie, Oliver, Uncle James, giraffe, gorilla, Coco).
Give groups time to practise their roleplay.
Learning adventure • Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning out the story.
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or
You might like to give the pupils feedback on their
look at it on the screen: We’re reading a story and acting
it out.
AB page 16
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen
and read.
11 Number the pictures in order.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions
about the characters and the scene: Who can you • Ask the class (in L1) if they can remember what
see? (Oliver, Sophie, Uncle James, the animal keeper) happened in the story. Then ask individual pupils to
What animals can you see? (a giraffe, a gorilla, Coco read the speech bubbles in Activity 11.
the monkey) • Ask the pupils to number the pictures in the order in
which they occur in the story.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story.
• Play the audio (CD1:48) and ask pupils to listen to the • They can look back at their Pupil’s Books to check.
story as they follow along in their books.
• Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding ANSWER KEY
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking a2 b4 c6 e3 f5
questions, e.g. Who are the children looking for? (Coco.)
What time of day is it? (lunchtime) What is the giraffe
eating? (a page from the script) What do monkeys eat? 12 Look at Activity 11 and circle.
(bananas) What do gorillas eat for lunch? ( fruit/bananas)
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story, • Pupils complete the sentences by circling the
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils correct options.
to read along with the characters. • Ask individual pupils to read the sentences aloud.

2 a page from the script 3 Uncle James
4 bananas 5 eating a banana 6 can


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Role playing the story
Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. Below are some suggestions for extra
1 2
work with the stories:
Hello. Can I help you? Hmm. I don’t know.
It’s his lunchtime. • While pupils listen to the story, they
perform a specific action for target
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
Yes, please. Where’s Coco? Um… do giraffes eat paper?
• Pupils create a new ending for the story.
• Pupils draw or describe their favourite
No, they don’t! Look! Bananas!
• Pupils discuss real-life situations that
are related to the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
or how they would behave if they were
in a similar situation to one of the story
Yum! It’s a page of the script!
Monkeys eat bananas. characters.
Aargh! Help!
6 • You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
Ha ha! This could be given in L1.
Uh-oh! Gorillas
My Gorillas love
eat bananas, too!
fruit for lunch!
banana! Story card activities
For suggestions on how to use the story
15 Act out the story.
activities, please see page 18.

20 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

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Pop quiz
Ask pupils to stand up. Say some true or false statements
about the story, e.g. The children and Uncle James are
looking for Bobo. (false) It’s Coco’s lunchtime. (true) The gorilla eats
the page from the script. (false) Pupils stand/stay standing if the
statements are true and sit/stay sitting if they are false. Ask
pupils to correct the false statements.

Show homework
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English Island Adventure
Game. Show them various activities they could do as


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Lesson 6 PB page 21 17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or
cross (✗).
Learning objectives • Pupils read the title of the article. Explain the meaning
Can understand short texts about amazing animals of amazing.
Can talk about an amazing animal • Play the audio (CD1:49) once. Pupils listen with books
closed. Ask, What animals are these? Pupils answer,
Elephants and giraffes.
Science: amazing animals
• Play the audio again. This time pupils open their
Target language books and follow.
a lot of, amazing, every day, India, taller than, • Explain the meaning of trunk, standing up, tongue, (not)
tongue, trunk very much, every day, using mime or L1 as appropriate.
Values • Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the sentences
Respecting animal life below the texts and decide if they are true or false.
Do the first sentence with the class.
Recycled language • You could ask the pupils to help you correct the wrong
Africa, ear, teeth, tree, water sentences on the board.
Animals, Animal food
They eat (a lot of grass).
They can (clear their ears with their tongues)!
1✓ 2✗ 3✗ 4✗ 5✗ 6✓

Extension questions
• Say a few sentences about animals, using can/can’t
and have got, e.g. They’ve got two legs. They can fly. Write the following questions on the board:
Pupils guess what animals they are (birds). Which two facts do you find the most interesting?
Why? In what ways are humans very different from
Learning adventure giraffes and elephants? (e.g. Humans live in towns and
cities almost anywhere in the world. We eat a lot of
16 What do you know? different foods. We’ve got a lot of teeth. We can eat meat.
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning We sleep more than giraffes. We’ve got pink tongues.)
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner
look at it on the screen: We’re reading short texts and to answer them.
talking about amazing animals. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
they know in English for animals and their bodies, e.g. Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
bird, tail. Write them on the board. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! them to use as much English as possible.
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
• Have a short discussion (in L1) about the importance
• Ask pupils if they know any amazing facts about of respecting animal life and about wildlife that is
animals. Ask, e.g. Which birds have got wings but endangered. Introduce endangered species, extinction,
can’t fly? Which animals sleep for months when it’s illegal hunting and show photos of endangered animals
cold? Mime to support meaning. Pupils answer, in reference books.
in L1 if necessary, e.g. penguins, emus and hens; • Discuss reasons why species become endangered.
bears and squirrels. Ask their opinion about hunting animals for their fur
or skin, like crocodiles, which are hunted to make bags
and shoes.


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AB page 17

16 What do you know?

2 13 Complete the crossword.
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or cross (✗). • Ask pupils to look at the example sentence
and the word written in the crossword.
• Pupils then read the other sentences and
complete the crossword.
• To check, write numbers 2–6 on the board
and ask individual pupils to write the words.
Elephants live in Africa and India.
They don’t eat meat. They have only ANSWER KEY
got four teeth. They eat a lot of
leaves, fruit and flowers. Elephants 2 hello 3 sleep 4 tongues 5 grass
say hello with their trunks. 6 water
Giraffes live in Africa. They’re taller
elephants. They eat leaves from tall
14 Find out about an animal to
They also eat fruit and flowers. They
every day. They can live for one week
don’t drink complete the fact file. Then tell
with no
water. They have got long black tongu
es. They can your friend.
clean their ears with their tongues!
• Copy the fact file template onto the board.
Choose an animal and, with pupils’ help,
1 Elephants eat a lot. complete the fact file.
2 Elephants have got a lot of teeth. • Pupils choose an animal they know well and
Write about an amazing complete the fact file in their Activity Book.
3 Elephants say hello with their ears. animal.
4 Giraffes drink a lot of water. 1 Think about an amazing animal.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take turns to
2 Draw or print a picture of the read the information in their fact file aloud
5 Giraffes have got pink tongues. animal.
3 Write five interesting facts to their partner.
about the animal.
6 Giraffes are taller than elephants. 4 Share your facts with the class.
Lesson 6 Can understand details of a story / Can talk about ways to protect wildlife
Learning adventure
Lesson 6 Can understand short texts about amazing animals / Can talk about an amazing animal 21

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Ask pupils, What do you know now
about amazing animals? Tell pupils to
Project work with a partner. Give pairs a minute to
• Tell pupils that they are going to make a poster or a fact file think of ideas. Accept any answers and
about an amazing animal. promote discussion. Ask them, Where are you
• Give pupils some time to find out some facts for their poster/ on your learning adventure now? Tell pupils,
fact file (in reference books or on the internet). Elicit some ideas Well done! to reinforce the progress they
and write them on the board. are making.
• Provide the materials and give pupils time to draw a picture of
their animal (or print out a photo of it). Pop quiz
• Ask pupils to write five interesting facts about the animals they
Say a statement based on the text, e.g.
have chosen. Provide vocabulary and support where required.
They’ve got long necks. (giraffes) They
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their posters/fact files
eat grass and leaves. (elephants) Pupils call out
to the class and talk about them.
whether the statement is about elephants or
• Display the posters/fact files on the classroom wall and ask
giraffes. Alternatively, display the flashcard
pupils to choose their favourite.
of the elephant and of the giraffe (Flashcards
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on 8 and 11 respectively) and ask pupils to point
their projects. to the correct animal.

Optional Home–school link

• Ask pupils to take their work home and share it with their
families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings the
animal poster and talk with their parents or siblings about their
favourite animals.

Poster, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens or pencils), reference books or internet access
Flashcards 8 and 11

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 61 27/04/2017 10:32
Lesson 7 PB page 22 • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They describe the
pictures they didn’t tick.
Learning objective
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 2 ANSWER KEY
1b 2b 3a 4a
Recycled language
Animals, Animal food
Do (lions) eat (meat)?
Yes, they do. Game
No, they don’t.
Where do (giraffes) live?
• Say a sentence, e.g. Lions eat meat. Ask a pupil
to repeat the sentence and add another element,
e.g. Lions eat meat. Monkeys eat fruit. Continue in the
same way until you say, but they don’t eat… and the
Warm-up next pupil has to make a negative statement, e.g. but
• Play Question chain (see page 22) to revise the they don’t eat pizza! The next pupil starts a new round.
questions learnt in this unit and a variety of other
questions related to animals, e.g. Do (lions) eat (grass)? 19 Write in your notebook.
What do (giraffes) eat? Can elephants (swim)? • Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
Learning adventure • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
words from pupils.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the ANSWER KEY
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure. 1 they do 2 eat leaves 3 they don’t
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils if they can 4 eat insects
remember the things they have been learning in the
unit, e.g. How many words for animals and animal food
can you remember? Put their ideas on the board. 20 Choose a picture from Activity 18. Ask
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on and answer.
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are
less confident that they will have opportunities for • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
questions about the pictures in Activity 18 and on
more practice.
other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
speech bubbles as a starting point.
18 Listen and tick (✓).
• Go around the class, monitoring and providing
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask pupils to support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
identify the animals and food. much language as possible from the unit, e.g. Do lions
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to eat leaves? (No, they don’t. They eat meat.) Do hippos
the pictures. eat grass? (Yes, they do.) What do crocodiles eat?
(They eat meat and fish.) Tell pupils to ask their partner
CD1, Track 50 for help if they don’t know a word.
1 Hippos eat grass.
2 Lions eat meat. Practice
3 Giraffes eat leaves. • Write on the board: lion, crocodile, horse, cat.
4 Monkeys eat bananas. Ask pupils (in L1) to decide which is the odd one out
and give a reason, e.g. The horse. Lions, crocodiles and
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick cats eat meat. Horses eat grass. Accept more than one
the pictures. correct answer if pupils can give you a reasonable
• Play it a third time, pausing after each sentence to explanation for their choice.
check the answers. • In pairs, pupils write down more sets of four animals.
They then work with another pair. They look at the
other pair’s sets of animals and decide which animals
are the odd ones out, giving reasons for their choices.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 62 27/04/2017 10:32
18 Listen and tick (✓).
I C AN 2 Monkeys live in the forests.
T! 3 Monkeys have got long tails.
1 2 4 Monkeys can climb.
a b a b
5 Monkeys can’t ski.

17 Now ask and answer questions

3 4
a b a b with your friend.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take it in
turns to ask and answer questions about
monkeys, based on the sentences in
19 Write in your notebook. Activity 16, e.g. Can monkeys ski? Do they
1 Do lions eat meat? 2 What do giraffes eat?
like eating fruit?
Yes, . They . • When they have finished, elicit some of their
questions and write them on the board.
3 Do crocodiles eat fruit? 4 What do birds eat?
No, . They .
Learning adventure
Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
20 Choose a picture from Activity 18. Ask and answer. their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
Where do giraffes live? tell you what they found easiest or most
They live in Africa.
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
I Can statements at the bottom of page 22 of
their Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
I can identify some animals and their food.
the corresponding bar to reflect how
I can talk about animals. confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
I can understand short texts about animals.
on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
22 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 2 where they think they are on the learning
M02_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U02.indd 22 18/02/2016 08:44
adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
reinforce the progress they are making.
AB page 18
Pop quiz
15 Find and write the words.
In groups of four, pupils tell the others
• Ask pupils to look at the silhouettes of the animals and the answers to the following questions:
unscramble the words. They write the words under each animal. Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
• Check by asking individual pupils to come to the front and write Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
the words. is your favourite new word? Which word is the
most difficult for you?
2 monkey 3 crocodile 4 hippo
General poster activities
For general poster activities see Lesson 7
16 Write about monkeys. Use the words in the box. of Unit 1.
• Read the example to the class.
• Ask pupils to make more sentences about monkeys using the
words in the word bank.
• You could write some prompts on the board to help less
confident pupils, e.g. live, have got, can’t, can.
• Fast finishers may add more sentences, e.g. Monkeys like apples/
don’t eat pizza.


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Lesson 8 PB page 23 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective Which animals in the game are the most dangerous
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 2 to humans? Why? (e.g. Lions, because they run fast and
Recycled language have got sharp teeth.) Which are the least dangerous?
Animals, Animal food Why? (e.g. Birds, because they are small.) Why are
Do they live (in the forest)? humans the most dangerous animals? (e.g. Only humans
Do they eat (fish)? use guns.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with
Yes, they do. a partner to answer them.
No, they don’t. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Warm-up They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
them to use as much English as possible.
• Write sequences of scrambled words, e.g. food words
(sevale, ssrga, ctienss). Divide pupils into pairs and ask
AB page 19
them to unscramble them.

Learning adventure 18 Draw your favourite animal. Write notes.

Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activity.

• Direct pupils’ attention to the frame. Explain that they
are going to draw a picture and write notes.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
• Ask them to choose an animal that they like very
much, draw a picture in the frame and write notes
We’re playing a game about animals. about their favourite animal.
21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer. 19 Write about your favourite animal.
• Ask pupils to name the animals. Then describe it to your friend.
• Tell pupils they will try to guess the animal their • Ask one pupil to show his/her animal picture to the
partner has chosen by asking a maximum of three class. Elicit a description of it using the sentence
questions. starters given.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Tell them to choose an • Then ask pupils to write a description of their own
animal without telling their partner what it is. animal by completing the sentences.
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer
goes first. They then take turns to ask the other three questions about their animals.
questions and respond, e.g. Do they eat meat? Do they • When they have finished, ask stronger pupils to read
live in forests? Are they brown? After they have asked their description to the class.
three questions, they can give a final guess. If they are
correct, they win a point. Give pupils a time limit, e.g. AB page 70
ten minutes. The pupil with the most points within the
time limit wins the game. Go around the classroom • Pupils play a game in pairs using the Animals pictures
and help pupils who may be having difficulty. in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes turns to
say a word and his/her partner points to the correct
picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the written
words below each picture.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 2

• Pupils complete the consolidation and extension

activities on Worksheet 2 (page 48). See also teaching
notes on page 23.


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21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.

2 • Watch the video story Is it real?. Ask
pupils what happened in the story. Watch
again, stopping at key points and ask them
about the language, the images or the
story. Ask the pupils to act out the story.
Assign the roles of two of the characters
to confident speakers and let other pupils
play the other parts. Encourage them to
say as much of the dialogue as they can
Animals and prompt where necessary.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using
Evaluation sheet 2 (pages 192 and 193).
See also teaching notes on page 186.

Preparation for evaluation

Do they live in the forests?
No, they don’t. Procedure the day before the evaluation
• Review unit content using games to give
Do they eat fish?
practice for the coming evaluation.
Yes, they do. • Ask pupils to predict what they think the
content of the evaluation might be, using
Do they live in rivers? the children’s first language as needed.
Yes, they do.
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
Now go to Poptropica
procedure on the day of evaluation.
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 2 23

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I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next class, e.g. find out more words for wild
animals, think of more ideas for protecting wildlife, find out more
interesting facts about an amazing animal.

Are you ready for Unit 3?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit. Tell
pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything as
they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 2

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3 Weather
Worksheet 3
Name: Class:

1 Complete.
1 What’s the 6 I fly my kite in the
            like?             .
2 It’s hot and sunny in the 7 I play in the snow in the
           .            .
3 There are a lot of flowers 8 The             is the
in the            . centre of a hurricane.
4 In autumn it’s            . 9 There’s a lot of snow!
5 It’s             in winter. It’s            .

2 Draw the weather symbols on the map. Then write a forecast.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Today in .
In                    it’s .
Here, in .
And in .

66 Consolidation and extension worksheet 3

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3 Weather
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about the weather and the seasons

Weather: cloud, cold, hot, rain, snow, storm, the sun, wind, wet
Seasons: autumn, spring, summer, winter

Target What’s the weather like today? It’s (rainy and wet).
structures It (rains) in the (spring). I (splash in the rain).

Phonics: /ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/

Features Values: Helping others in different seasons and weather conditions
Cross-curricular: Science: hurricanes


• Can understand a simple story

Reading • Can understand details of a story
• Can understand a text about hurricanes

• Can make a mini-book about a natural disaster

• Can complete a weather forecast (Activity Book)
Writing • Can write simple sentences about the weather and activities (Activity Book)
• Can write answers to questions about a story (Activity Book)
• Can write an email about my favourite season (Activity Book)

• Can identify some weather words
• Can identify activities you can do in different seasons

• Can ask and answer about what the weather is like

• Can pronounce words that include the sounds /ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about activities and seasons


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Lesson 1 PB page 24 2 Listen and find.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters
Learning objective and ask, Who are they? (Oliver, Sophie, Finley Keen.)
Can identify some weather words Explain that the actress in the scene is Favolina Jolly
and that the man operating the machine is a special
Target language
effects man.
cloud, cold, hot, rain, snow, storm, the sun, wind
• Point to Oliver and Sophie and ask, Where are they?
Recycled language (in a film studio, under a weather machine)
very • Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio
Receptive language and that they have to point to the weather conditions
Are you ready? in the main scene.
The weather machine is broken. • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.

CD1, Track 51
Warm-up Special effects man: Welcome to my studio. This
is my weather machine. Are
• Bring in some clothes or display some photos of you ready? Look! Wind!
clothes the class has learnt. You need a mix of
summer and winter clothes, e.g. T-shirt, trousers, Favolina Jolly: Brrrrrrr! Wow! Snow! It’s
skirt, socks, shoes, dress, boots, jumper, hat, coat, very cold.
trainers, shirt, shorts, scarf. Revise hot and teach cold, Finley Keen: Aaaarrrggghh! A storm.
using mime. Show a garment and ask, Is it for hot Help! Stop the machine!
weather or cold weather? Pupils, say Hot. or Cold. Sophie: Oooohhhh! Rain! It’s wet!
Oliver: Phew! It’s hot. I’m hot…
very hot!
Learning adventure
Special effects man: Mmmm… strange… My
weather machine is broken.
1 What do you know? Sorry, everyone!
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
at it on the screen: We’re learning weather words. circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for weather, e.g. sunny, hot. Write Practice
them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! • Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
questions: Is Favolina Jolly cold? (Yes.) Is Sophie wet?
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
(Yes.) Is Oliver hot? (Yes.)
Presentation 3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 18–26. • Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
each word.
CD1, Track 52
1 It’s very cold.
2 There’s a storm.
3 It’s wet.
4 There’s a strong wind.
5 He’s wet.
6 It’s hot.


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AB page 20

3 Weather 1 Read and match. Then say.

• Pupils look at the map and the symbols
on it. Tell the class to read the weather
1 What do you know? 2
Listen and find. words and match them with the pictures.

cloud c rain e snow a storm d
storm rain
wind b
the sun
2 Look, read and complete.
• Pupils use the words from Activity 1 to
complete the weather forecast according to
the picture prompts.
• Check by asking individual pupils to read the

2 storm 3 wind 4 rain 5 cloud
3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗). 4 Listen and say.
1:52 1:53
6 snow
1 3 5
2 4

Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How many words for weather
24 Lesson 1 Can identify some weather words do you know now? Give pupils a minute
to tell their partner the new words they
know. Ask them, Where are you on your
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• Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence. Pupils write a learning adventure now? Ask pupils which
tick or a cross in the boxes depending on whether the sentence words they find easiest or most difficult to
is true or false. remember. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce
the progress they are making.
1✓ 2✓ 3✗ 4✗ 5✓ 6✗ Pop quiz
Hand out Flashcards 18–26 to several
pupils. Call out one of the weather
4 Listen and say. conditions. The pupil holding the flashcard
you call must stand up, hold the flashcard up
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. and say a sentence about it, e.g. It’s cold.

CD1, Track 53 Show homework

the sun wind rain snow storm cloud
hot cold • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica
English Island Adventure Game.
Show them various activities they could do
• Focus on the labels next to each picture. Read them to the as homework.
class one by one. Pupils find the words as they hear them and
repeat them.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs.

Poster, photos of summer and winter clothes (cut from magazines) or real clothes
Flashcards 18–26

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Lesson 2 PB page 25 Practice
• Divide pupils into two groups and practise the chant.
Learning objective One group asks the questions and the other says the
Can ask and answer about what the weather is like answers. Then switch roles so that all pupils have a
chance to practise the whole chant.
Target language
cloudy, rainy, snowy, stormy, sunny, wet, windy
What’s the weather like today?
It’s rainy and wet. • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
the audio (CD1:55).
Recycled language
happy, sad, scared • Explain that we call the weather rain but we say,
It’s rainy. or It’s a rainy day.
• Write some example sentences on the board,
e.g. Look at the rain. Today it’s rainy. Ask pupils for
more examples.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
• Use Flashcards 18–26 to revise the new vocabulary
from Lesson 1. Hold up the flashcards in turn and 6 Listen and number.
elicit the words. Then show the words and pupils read • Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to
them aloud. Alternatively, with stronger classes, ask the pictures.
individual pupils to come to the front and write the
words on the board.
CD1, Track 56
Learning adventure 1 What’s the weather like today?
It’s cloudy and hot.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the activities. 2 What’s the weather like today?
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson It’s cold and snowy.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: 3 What’s the weather like today?
We’re learning to ask and answer about what the weather It’s stormy.
is like. 4 What’s the weather like today?
It’s rainy and wet.
Presentation 5 What’s the weather like today?
It’s hot and sunny.
• Show one of Flashcards 18–26, e.g. rain. Ask, What’s
the weather like? If pupils answer, Rain, say, Yes, it’s
rainy. Ask the class to repeat It’s rainy. after you. • Play the audio again. Pupils listen and number
the pictures.
• Repeat with sunny, cloudy, snowy, stormy and windy.
• Say, I’m sad. and make a sad face. Elicit the meaning.
Pupils make a sad face and say I’m sad. ANSWER KEY
• Repeat with happy and scared. a2 b5 c4 d3 e1

5 Listen and chant. Circle the weather

words. 7 Ask and answer.
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about weather. • Ask pupils to read the speech bubbles at the bottom
• Play the audio (CD1:54). Pupils listen and follow the of the activity.
words. They then circle the weather words. • Explain the activity. Pupils work in pairs. Pupil A
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give points to a picture in Activity 6. Pupil B looks at the
pupils time to repeat the words. picture and answers. They then switch.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along.

cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, cold, wet, stormy,
hot, sunny


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4 Look and write. Use the words in
the box.
5 Listen and chant. Circle the
weather words. • Direct pupils’ attention to the word bank.
Point to the example and explain that
What’s the weather like today? they have to read the sentences under
It’s cloudy and rainy. We’re sad, we can’t play.
What’s the weather like today? each picture (1–6) and complete with the
It’s snowy and windy. We’re sad, we can’t play. correct words.
What’s the weather like today?
It’s cold, wet and stormy. We’re scared, • When they have finished, ask individual
we can’t play. pupils to read their sentences to the class.
What’s the weather like today?
It’s hot and sunny. We’re happy, let’s play!
• Focus on question 7 at the end of the
wind activity. Ask the class to answer and write,
e.g. It’s snowy. I’m cold.

What’s the weather

It’s rainy and wet.
like today? ANSWER KEY
2 sunny 3 windy 4 snowy 5 stormy
Listen and number. 6 cloudy 7 Pupils’ own answers
a b c

Pop quiz
d e Play Spelling bee (see page 21), using
weather nouns and adjectives. You
could also include words from other
categories, e.g. clothes, animals, activities.
7 Ask and answer.
Show homework
What’s the weather like today? It’s…
• Direct pupils’ attention to the computer
card on page 24 of their Pupil’s Book.
Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about what the weather is like
Tell pupils to go online to the Poptropica
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English Island Adventure Game and find
AB page 21 the item. Once pupils click on it, they are
taken to a supplementary language task.
3 Listen and number. Then say.
• Tell the class (in L1) that they are going to listen to the audio and
that they have to number the pictures in the order they hear them.
• Play the audio once. Allow time for pupils to number the

CD1, Track 57
1 It’s sunny. 2 It’s windy. 3 It’s stormy.
4 It’s cloudy. 5 It’s rainy. 6 It’s snowy.

• Play the audio again to check the answers as a class.

From left to right: 4, 5, 3, 6, 2

Flashcards 18–26

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Lesson 3 PB page 26 Practice
• Divide pupils into boys and girls. Boys sing the spring
Learning objective and autumn verses and girls the summer and winter
Can identify activities you can do in different ones. They sing the chorus together. They then switch
seasons groups and sing the song again so that all the class
has a chance of singing the whole song.
Target language
spring, summer, autumn, winter
blow, kite, rain, sea, season, shine, splash, year
Recycled language • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
the audio (CD1:60).
fly, play, swim
Months, Weather • Point out that in the first sentence the word rain has
an s at the end because it comes after it; splash in the
second sentence doesn’t have an s at the end because
it comes after I.
• Give more examples with other verbs, e.g. I play
• Show Flashcards 18–26 in turn and ask, What’s the tennis. He plays football. The wind blows. Write them on
weather like? Pupils answer, e.g. It’s windy. the board.
• Ask pupils for more examples and write them on the
Learning adventure board, too.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re learning words for activities you can do in • Divide the class into pairs. Pupil A makes two
different seasons. sentences, following the examples in the first speech
bubble about a picture in Activity 8. Pupil B guesses
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words the season. Tell pupils that they can look at the words
they know in English for activities, e.g. swimming,
of the song to help them.
riding a bike. Write them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! Home–school link
You are moving along your learning adventure!
• At home, pupils think about the activities they do
Presentation in a particular season with their parents and other
members of the family. They make a mini poster
• Show the calendar to the class and revise the months. showing the activities they do in their chosen season
• Then say, Twelve months is one… Elicit year in L1 and with the family, either with drawings or printed
say, Yes, one year. Pupils repeat year.
photos. When they have finished, they write a
• Write, e.g. 21 June, 21 September and ask (in L1) what few sentences describing their poster. They show
season it is. Teach spring, summer, autumn and winter.
their work and read their sentences aloud in the
• Then ask, Is it (cold) in (spring)? What’s the weather like next lesson.
in (spring)? Repeat with the other seasons.
AB page 22
8 Listen and sing.
• Focus on the song illustration. Read the words with 5 Look and write. Use the words in the box.
the pupils.
• Play the audio (CD1:58). Pupils listen and follow the • Pupils write the correct season from the word bank
words. Mime to make meaning clear. Explain (in L1) under each picture.
the meaning of blows and shines. • Check as a class. Point to a picture and ask, What’s
• Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with the weather like? Pupils answer. Then ask, What season
the words. is it? Pupils answer.
• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD1:59). ANSWER KEY
2 summer 3 winter 4 spring


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 72 27/04/2017 10:33
Learning adventure

8 Listen and sing.

Ask pupils, How many words for
1:58 /
activities and seasons do you know now?
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
Four seasons in a year.
new words they know. Ask them, Where are
It’s spring! It’s spring! It’s autumn! It’s autumn! you on your learning adventure now?
It rains in the spring. The wind blows in the autumn.
Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
I jump and splash in the rain. I fly my kite in the sky.
Chorus Chorus
progress they are making.
It’s summer! It’s summer! It’s winter! It’s winter!
The sun shines in the summer. It snows in the winter. Pop quiz
I splash and swim in the sea. I laugh and play in the snow.
Chorus Play Category writing (see page 20) to
spring revise seasons, months and
weather words.



autumn 1:60

It rains in the spring.

I splash in the rain.

9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.

It snows. I play
in the snow. It’s winter. HOME

26 Lesson 3 Can identify activities you can do in different seasons

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6 Look and write. Then match.

• Direct pupils’ attention to pictures 1–4 and the pictures of
the children. Explain (in L1) that they have to complete the
sentences using the words in the word bank.
• When they have finished, tell them (in L1) to match a season
picture (1–4) with the correct picture of a child doing something
and write the numbers in the boxes.

2 summer 3 autumn 4 snows
I play in the snow. 4
I fly my kite. 3
I swim in the sea. 2

Poster, a calendar
Flashcards 18–26

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Lesson 4 PB page 27
1 summer 2 spring 3 winter 4 autumn
Learning objectives
Can read and talk about the seasons and activities
Can pronounce words that include /ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/ 12 Listen and say.
Target language
• Pupils look at the tongue twisters and say which
sounds the blue letters make.
Recycled language • Play the audio (CD1:62) to check.
Food, Seasons, Weather • Say the sounds /ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/ in isolation a few times
I like (birds/listening to the rain). and have pupils repeat. Explain rainbow.
I can (fly my kite). • Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
pupils time to repeat.
• Pupils practise saying the tongue twisters as a class.
13 Play the game.
• Write the day on the board, e.g. Monday. Ask What’s
the weather like today? Draw the appropriate weather • Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 3 mini cards on page 85
symbol. Pupils copy in their notebooks. of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
• Ask a pupil to read the text in the speech
Learning adventure bubble aloud.
• Pupils choose six cards and put them face up on the
Open books and ask pupils to look at the table. Say the weather words. If you say one of the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write pupils’ cards, they turn it over. The winner is the pupil
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the who turns over all six cards first.
screen: We’re reading and talking about the seasons and
activities and learning to pronounce words that include AB page 23
/ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/.
7 Listen and number.
10 Read and match.
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the pictures.
• Look together at the pictures. Pupils say what they
can see, e.g. I can see flowers.
CD1, Track 63
• Pupils read each text silently.
1 I swim in the sea. I like eating peaches. It’s hot
• Then ask a pupil to read the first text aloud.
and sunny. What season is it?
Ask, What season is it? Pupils answer and match
with the correct season picture. Yes, it’s summer.
2 I like wearing my coat and hat. There are no
• Repeat with the remaining texts.
leaves on the trees. It’s cold and it snows.
What season is it?
ANSWER KEY Yes, it’s winter.
1c 2b 3a 4d 3 I like listening to the birds. I like watching
the flowers grow. It rains but it isn’t cold.
What season is it?
11 Listen and name the season. Yes, it’s spring.
4 It’s windy and stormy. I fly my kite. I like the
• Play the audio, pausing after each question. colours of the leaves. They’re red, orange and
• Ask pupils to find the answers to the questions in the yellow. What season is it?
texts in Activity 10.
Yes, it’s autumn.

CD1, Track 61
1 It’s hot. I can eat strawberries and peaches.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and number the
2 There are lots of flowers and the birds sing.
3 It’s cold and snowy. Brrrr!
4 It’s cloudy and windy. Let’s go to the park.


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9 Listen and complete the words
10 Read and match.
3 with ow or ou.
• Point to the first two words and check pupils
1 2 My favourite season 3 4 understand the activity.
• They then complete each word with ow
or ou.
spring summer autumn winter
• Play the audio a few times. Pupils listen and
check their answers.
a It’s windy and I can fly It’s hot and there’s no school!
my kite. There are a lot
I go to the park and I eat a CD1, Track 64
of apples on the tree in lot of fruit. My favourites are 1 blows
my garden. Yum! strawberries and peaches.
What’s your favourite season? 2 mouse
3 snow
I like flowers. The birds sing 4 rainbow
in the trees. I like listening It snows and it’s lovely.
to the rain. d
Some birds don’t like the 5 cloud
cold and they fly to hot 6 trousers
places. Some animals sleep.
7 house
Listen and name the season.

Listen and say. ANSWER KEY
2 ou 3 ow 4 ow 5 ou 6 ou 7 ou
The wind blows the snow on the rainbow.
There’s a mouse in a house in the clouds.

13 Play the game.

Rain! Pop quiz
Ask pupils to draw something that
represents their favourite season of the
year, e.g. a kite for autumn or skis for winter.
Lesson 4 Can read and talk about the seasons and activities / Can pronounce words that include /ɘʊ/ and /aʊ/ 27
Ask individual pupils to show their pictures
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to the class. Other pupils name the season,
e.g. Winter!
• Play it once more so that pupils can check their answers.
From left to right: 2, 4, 3

8 Think and write the words.

• Elicit which season each word box represents: the sunhat for
summer, the leaf for autumn, the woolly hat for winter and the
umbrella for spring.
• Pupils classify the words in the correct season.

Autumn: windy, apples
Winter: cold, snows
Spring: rains, flowers
Summer: strawberries, hot

Unit 3 mini cards

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Lesson 5 PB page 28 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board: How
Learning objectives does the weather change our lives? (e.g. When the
Can understand a simple story weather is snowy, it can be difficult to travel to other
Can act out a story places. We have to wear warm clothes and we can play in
Target language the snow. If it is very windy, it can damage trees and
go camping houses. If it is too hot, we need to wear cool clothing,
drink more water, use sunblock, etc.) Use L1 if necessary.
Functional language Ask pupils to work with a partner.
Ready? Action!
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Help! Here I am!
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Let me help.
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Recycled language them to use as much English as possible.
15 Act out the story.

Warm-up • See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for

more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they can remember about the with roleplays.
story from Unit 2. Elicit the names of the animals that • Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
appeared in the story. Play the audio while pupils act out the story first or
• Ask pupils to look back at page 24. Ask pupils to say the lines and pupils repeat.
identify the different weather conditions in the scene. • Divide pupils into groups of four (the film director,
Oliver, Uncle James, Sophie). Give groups time to
Learning adventure practise their roleplay.
• Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or out the story.
look at it on the screen: We’re reading a story and acting
You might like to give the pupils feedback on their
it out.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen AB page 24
and read.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions 10 Write. Then number the pictures in order.
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see?
(Oliver, Sophie, Uncle James, the film director, Coco.) • Ask the class (in L1) if they can remember what
Where are they? (in a film studio) What’s the weather like happened in the story. Then ask individual pupils to
in picture (2)? (It’s hot.) Who has got the script? (Coco.) match the sentences in the box with the pictures.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story. • Ask the pupils to number the pictures in the order in
• Play the audio (CD1:65) and ask pupils to listen to the which they occur in the story.
story as they follow along in their books. • They can look back at their Pupil’s Books to check.
• Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking ANSWER KEY
questions, e.g. What do they do in the summer in the a 2 Phew! It’s hot!
film? (go camping) In which picture can you see stormy b 6 Hot milk. Thank you!
weather? (picture 3) Who is making the weather bad? d 5 Where’s Sophie?
(Coco.) Who is the snowman in picture 5? (Sophie.) e 4 And now it’s snowy and cold!
What has Sophie got in picture 6? (some hot milk) f 3 It’s very stormy!
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story,
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
to read along with the characters.


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Show homework

14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
1 2 various activities they could do as
OK! We go camping in Phew! It’s hot. homework.
the summer in this film.

Role playing the story

Below are some suggestions for extra
Ready? Action!
work with the stories:
Yes! It’s very hot!

3 4
• While pupils listen to the story, they
perform a specific action for target
Look! vocabulary.
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
Brrr! And now it’s • Pupils create a new ending for the story.
It’s very stormy!
snowy and cold!
• Pupils draw or describe their favourite
Stop! character.
Here, let me help.
6 • Pupils discuss real-life situations that
Where’s Sophie? are related to the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
or how they would behave if they were
in a similar situation to one of the story
Here I am!
Mmm! Hot milk.
Thank you!
• You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
15 Act out the story. teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
This could be given in L1.
28 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

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Story card activities
11 Look at Activity 10 and write. For suggestions on how to use the story
activities, please see page 18.
• Pupils answer the questions about the pictures in Activity 10.
• Ask individual pupils to read the questions and answers aloud.
b Yes, she does. c Yes, they do. d No, she isn’t.
e Yes, it is. f No, it isn’t.

Pop quiz
Close books. Make some sentences about the story,
including some deliberate errors. Ask pupils to put their
hands up each time they hear an error. Ask individual pupils to
correct the errors, e.g. They go skiing in the winter in this film.
(No, they go camping in the summer in this film.) Oliver is very cold.
(No, he’s very hot.), etc.


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Lesson 6 PB page 29 • Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the sentences
below the text and decide if they are true or false.
Learning objectives Do the first sentence with the class.
Can understand a text about hurricanes • You could ask the pupils to help you correct the wrong
Can make a mini-book about a natural disaster sentences on the board.

Science: hurricanes ANSWER KEY 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 ✗

Target language
camera, hurricane, knock down, wave 18 Cover Activity 17. Ask and answer.
Values • Divide the class into pairs. Tell pupils to reread the text
Helping others in different seasons and weather about hurricanes in Activity 17.
conditions • When they have finished, they cover the text with a piece
Recycled language of paper and take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Seasons, Weather
This man likes (storms). ANSWER KEY
There’s (a lot of wind). 1 It’s a big storm. 2 It’s the centre of the
There are (big waves). hurricane. 3 In the summer and the autumn.

Extension questions
• Put a world map on the board. Point to places on
the map and ask questions about the weather there Write the following questions on the board: Why are
that pupils should be able to answer from general hurricanes so dangerous? (They are powerful. They can
knowledge: Is it (cold) in (Canada) in the (winter)? blow away people, trees and small buildings.) How can
What’s the weather like in (the Sahara Desert)?, etc. people stay safe in a hurricane? (If possible, leave the area of
the hurricane. If not possible, stay indoors, listen to the radio
Learning adventure for news of the storm, stay away from windows, lie on the
floor under a table, close doors, have a supply of bottled
16 What do you know? water, torches and batteries, etc.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning today? pupils to work with a partner to answer them.
Write the lesson objective on the board or look at it • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
on the screen: We’re reading a text about hurricanes They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
and making a mini-book about a natural disaster. Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage them
they know in English for weather, e.g. wind, rain. to use as much English as possible.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are already moving along your learning adventure! Values
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or • Have a short discussion (in L1) about their experience
of bad weather. Give examples of how they can help
cross (✗). other people in bad weather, e.g. I can give my friend an
• Focus on the photos and ask, What’s the weather like? umbrella.
• Look together at the title of the article and ask, • Talk about the weather and seasons in L1. Discuss
What’s a hurricane? Ask pupils to predict the answer. the kind of activities that are suitable for the different
• Play the audio (CD1:66). Pupils listen and follow seasons. Use as much English in the discussion as
the text in their books. Ask them to confirm their possible.
predictions. (A hurricane is a big storm.)
• Ask, What’s the weather like in a hurricane? (It’s Project
windy and rainy.) Is it windy and rainy in the eye of a
hurricane? (No.) • Tell pupils that they are going to make a mini-book
about a natural disaster. Ask pupils to think about
natural disasters and choose one idea.


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AB page 25

16 What do you know?

3 12 Read and circle. Then listen,
check and write.
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Pupils read the quiz items carefully and circle
HURRICANE the correct answer.
Do you like storms? What’s the eye of a hurricane? • When they have finished, play the audio. Pupils
This man likes storms. The eye is the centre
He’s flying into a hurricane of the hurricane. It isn’t
listen and check if their answers are right.
with his camera. windy and rainy there.
Can you see the eye
What is a hurricane?
of the hurricane in
A hurricane is a big storm. There’s a lot of
the photo? CD1, Track 67
wind and rain. The hurricane goes around in a
big circle. It can When are there hurricanes? 1 The centre of the hurricane is the eye.
knock down trees There are hurricanes in the summer
and houses. There and the autumn.
2 In the centre of the hurricane it isn’t
are big waves on
the sea, too.
windy. 3 There are hurricanes in the
autumn and summer.
1 The man with the camera likes storms.

2 A hurricane is a big storm. • They then complete the sentences.

3 It’s hot and sunny in a hurricane.

4 The eye isn’t the centre of the hurricane. ANSWER KEY

1 B 2 B 3 A 1 The centre of a hurricane
18 Cover Activity 17. is the eye. 2 No, it isn’t. 3 Yes, there are.
Ask and answer.
1 What is a hurricane? Make a mini-book about
a natural disaster.
2 What’s the eye of a hurricane?
1 Think about a natural disaster. 13 Read and circle.
2 Fold a piece of paper to make
3 When are there hurricanes? a mini-book. Draw or stick
photos in your book.
3 Write about the natural disaster
• Focus pupils’ attention on the picture of the
in your book. tornado. Ask pupils (in L1) what they know
4 Share your ideas with the class.
about tornadoes and listen to their ideas.
Lesson 6 29
• Pupils then read the sentences and circle the
Can understand a text about hurricanes / Can make a mini-book about a natural disaster
correct words.
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• Give pupils some time to find out some facts for their 2 summer and spring 3 are 4 is
mini-books (in reference books or on the internet). Elicit some
ideas and write them on the board.
• Provide the materials and give pupils time to make a mini-book
and draw pictures (or print out photos) of the natural disaster Learning adventure
they have chosen.
Ask pupils, What do you know now about
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their mini-books to the
extreme weather? Tell pupils to work with
class and talk about them.
a partner. Give pairs a minute to think of
• Display the mini-books in the classroom and ask pupils to
ideas. Accept any answers and promote
choose their favourite.
discussion. Ask them, Where are you on your
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on learning adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done!
their projects. to reinforce the progress they are making.

Optional Home–school link Pop quiz

• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with Tell pupils to close their books and stand
their families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings up. Make some true or false statements
their mini-book and talk about natural disasters and what they about the text in Activity 17, e.g. Hurricanes can
can do to protect themselves. knock down trees. Pupils stand if the statement is
true and sit down if the statement is false.

Poster, map of the world, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens
or pencils), reference books or internet access

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 79 27/04/2017 10:33
Lesson 7 PB page 30 • Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to
check the answers.
Learning objective • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 3 about the pictures they didn’t tick.

Recycled language
Seasons, Weather
1b 2a 3a 4b
What’s the weather like?
It’s (wet).
I like (swimming) in the (summer).

• Play a memory game. Say the weather for each day
of the week, putting Flashcards 18–26 on the board
• Divide pupils into two teams. They stand up. Show one as prompts, e.g. It’s Monday. It’s rainy. It’s Tuesday.
of Flashcards 18–26 and say a sentence, e.g. It’s sunny. It’s cold., etc. Pupils say the sentences.
Make some mistakes. If the sentence is correct, pupils, • Remove one of the flashcards and ask pupils to say all
say Yes. and turn around. If you make a mistake, they the sentences again. Continue in this way, removing
say, No. and sit down. Model a few times. Then ask one flashcard each time, until pupils are saying the
stronger pupils to take your role. whole sequence of sentences from memory.

Learning adventure 20 Write in your notebook.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
words from pupils.
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils if they can
remember the things they have been learning in ANSWER KEY
the unit, e.g. How many words for weather can you 1 summer 2 in the spring 3 in the autumn
remember? Put their ideas on the board. 4 in the winter
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are
less confident that they will have opportunities for Game
more practice.
• Say a sentence, e.g. I swim in the sea in the summer.
19 Listen and tick (✓). Ask a pupil to repeat the sentence and then add
another element, e.g. I swim in the sea in the summer.
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask, e.g. Look at I splash in the rain in the autumn. Continue in the same
picture 1b. What’s the weather like? Pupils answer, It’s way until someone makes a mistake or forgets part of
wet/rainy. Ask about all the pictures. the sentence.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to
the pictures. 21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
CD1, Track 68 questions about the pictures on this page and on
1 What’s the weather like today? It’s wet. other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
2 What’s the weather like today? It’s hot. speech bubbles as a starting point.
3 What’s the weather like today? It’s stormy. • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
4 What’s the weather like today? It’s windy. support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
much language as possible from the unit, e.g. What’s
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick the weather like? It’s cold and snowy. What’s the weather
the pictures. like in a hurricane? It’s very wet and windy. Tell pupils to
ask their partner for help if they don’t know a word.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 80 27/04/2017 10:33
15 Read the email. Then complete the
19 Listen and tick (✓).
T! • Pupils read the first text. Ask some
comprehension questions about it, e.g. What
1 2
a b c a b season is it? (winter) What’s the weather like?
(It’s cold.) Does Joe like winter? (Yes, he does.)
• Pupils read the second text and complete it
with their own choice of words. If any pupils
3 4 find this difficult, you could put up a word
a b c a b
bank on the board with the missing words in
jumbled order.

20 Write in your notebook. ANSWER KEY

1 I like swimming in the . 2 I like riding 2 hot/sunny 3 like 4 go
my bike . 5 football/tennis/basketball
6 favourite 7 don’t
3 I like walking . 4 I like skiing .

Learning adventure
21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer. Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
Picture 1b. What’s the weather like?
their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
It’s wet.
tell you what they found easiest or most
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
I Can statements at the bottom of page 30 of
I can identify some weather words.
their Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
I can talk about the seasons and activities. the corresponding bar to reflect how
I can understand a text about hurricanes. confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
30 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 3 on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
where they think they are on the learning
adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
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AB page 26 reinforce the progress they are making.

14 Complete the puzzle. Pop quiz

• Direct pupils’ attention to the crossword. Explain (in L1) In groups of four, pupils tell the others
that they have to look at the picture clues and write the the answers to the following questions:
corresponding words in the boxes. Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
• Check pupils know the meaning of across and down. Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
Draw arrows on the board to illustrate the meaning. is your favourite new word? Which word is the
• Pupils solve the puzzle individually or in pairs. most difficult for you?
• Check as a class, asking, e.g. What’s number (six)? Pupils answer.

ANSWER KEY General poster activities

Across: 2 wet 3 rainy 4 cloudy 5 windy For general poster activities see Lesson 7
Down: 6 snowy 7 stormy of Unit 1.

Flashcards 18–26

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Lesson 8 PB page 31 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective Which activity on page 31 do you want to do in the
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 3 winter? Why? (e.g. Skiing, because you need cold, snowy
Recycled language weather.) Which activity do you not want to do in the
Activities, Seasons, Weather winter? Why? (e.g. Riding my bike, because it could be too
You like (swimming). cold and wet.) Use L1 if necessary. Ask pupils to work
with a partner to answer them.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Warm-up They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Ask pupils to sit in a circle. Whisper a ‘secret’ to one They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
pupil, e.g. I like skiing in the winter. The pupil whispers
them to use as much English as possible.
the ‘secret’ to the next pupil and so on. The last pupil
says the sentence out loud. Compare how close it is to
AB page 27
the original sentence. Repeat with other ‘secrets’.

Learning adventure 16 Draw and write notes about your favourite

Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activities.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
• Direct pupils’ attention to the frame. Explain that they
are going to draw a picture and write notes.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re playing a game about seasons and activities.
• Ask them to choose a season that they like very much
and draw a picture or write notes related to this
season in the picture frame.
22 Draw the chart in your notebook.
Then write. 17 Write about your favourite season.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures at the top Then tell your friend.
of the page. For each picture ask, What’s she doing? • Ask one pupil to show his/her picture from Activity 16
Prompt pupils to answer, She’s watching TV. to the class. Elicit a description of it by answering the
• Tell pupils they will try to guess which activities their question and completing the sentences given, e.g. I like
partner likes doing. skiing/eating ice cream. I go to the park / have got a coat
• Tell pupils to copy the chart into their notebooks and and a scarf.
explain how to complete it. Pupils write an activity for • Then ask pupils to write a description of their own
each season in the ‘Me’ row of the chart. They don’t picture in the same way.
show their chart to their partner at this point. • Divide the class into pairs. Pupils ask and answer
questions about their pictures.
23 Now play.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Tell them to try and guess AB page 70
what activities their partner likes doing in different
seasons. Read the speech bubbles at the bottom of
• Pupils play a game in pairs using the Weather pictures
in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes turns to
the page aloud with a volunteer. say a word and his/her partner points to the correct
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the written
first. Pupil A reads their first guess aloud, e.g. Spring. words below each picture.
You like playing football. Pupil B answers, Yes. or No.
If the answer is yes, Pupil A ticks the box in the chart.
If the answer is no, Pupil B takes his/her turn and
reads one of his/her guesses aloud. Pupils take turns
to read their guesses aloud. Each pupil is allowed to
make one guess for each activity. The player with
the most correct guesses wins the game. Go around
the classroom and help pupils who may be having


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Are you ready for Unit 4?

22 Draw the chart in your notebook.

3 Ask pupils if they are ready to move
Then write. onto the next unit. Tell pupils that it is
fine if they do not remember everything as
they will continue to practise throughout the
level. Encourage pupils to ask if they’ve got
any questions about what they learnt in the
unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
progress they are making.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using
Evaluation sheet 3 (pages 194 and 195).
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
See also teaching notes on page 186.

Preparation for evaluation
Procedure the day before the evaluation
friend • Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
23 Now play.
content of the evaluation might be, using
the children’s first language as needed.
Summer. You like swimming. See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
No, my turn. procedure on the day of evaluation.
Now go to Poptropica
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 3 31

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Consolidation and extension worksheet 3

• Pupils complete the consolidation and extension activities on

Worksheet 3 (page 66). See also teaching notes on page 23.

I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. think of more activities you can
do in different seasons, find out more interesting facts about
extreme weather.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 3

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 83 27/04/2017 10:33
Wider World 2
Wildlife parks PB pages 32–33 Presentation
• Focus on the photos. Ask pupils to name the animals:
Learning objectives orangutans, lions, giraffes. Explain lion cub. Say, Look,
Can understand texts about wildlife parks these are baby lions. They’re lion cubs.
Can ask and answer about zoos and animals • Explain (in L1) what a national park is (a large area of
countryside where animal habitats are protected).
Target language
Borneo, Kenya, London
• Teach the word zoo and discuss (in L1) the differences
between national parks and zoos.
cub, national park, orangutan, rainforest, sharp
claws, zoo 2 Listen and read. Which animals eat
Recycled language leaves?
Food, Weather
They’re (tall).
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to three children
speaking about animals. Ask them to listen and find
They’ve got (long necks). out which animals eat leaves.
They (drink milk).
They like (climbing trees).
• Play the audio (CD1:69) once for pupils to follow in
their books.
Receptive language • Elicit the answer to the question in the rubric.
cute, shines
Giraffes eat leaves.
• Write on the board: Borneo, London and Kenya. • Then play each part of the audio separately and ask
Locate them on the map of the world. Say, Where’s questions to check comprehension.
(Borneo)? Look, it’s here. • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of any words
• Ask pupils what they know about each place. they don’t know, e.g. sharp claws, cute.
Tell them an interesting fact about each place.
3 Read and say the names.
Learning adventure
• Ask pupils to read the sentences and say who
1 What do you know? is speaking.
• When they have finished, divide pupils into pairs.
• Say an animal word, e.g. a lion. Throw a soft ball or Pupil A says one sentence and Pupil B says the name.
bean bag to a pupil. He/She says a different animal They then switch roles.
word and throws the ball/bean bag to another pupil.
Continue until someone makes a mistake or can’t
think of an animal. ANSWER KEY
• Ask pupils to tell you words in English for places 1 James 2 orangutans 3 giraffes
where animals live and what they eat, e.g. Africa, river, 4 lions / lion cubs 5 Surian
meat. Write them on the board.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the photos.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson 4 Read and answer in your notebook.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: • Pupils read the sentences. They reread the
We’re learning and talking about animals and texts in Activity 2 and answer the questions in
wildlife parks. their notebooks.
• When they have finished, ask individual pupils to tell
the class their answers.


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Wider World 2 3

Wildlife parks 1

1 What do you know?

Listen and read.
Which animals eat leaves? I’m Akeyo. I live in the Serengeti
I’m Surian. I live in Borneo. There is National Park in Kenya. The sun
an orangutan centre near my house. shines every day here and it’s very
Baby orangutans are cute. They hot. There are a lot of different
drink milk and eat bananas every animals in the park. I like the
day. Orangutans have got long red giraffes. They’re tall and they’ve
hair and long arms. They live in the got long necks. They eat the leaves
rainforests. They like climbing trees. off the tops of the trees.

4 Read and answer in your notebook.

I’m James. I live in 1 Where do orangutans live?
London. I like going to
the zoo to see animals. 2 What do baby orangutans eat?
My favourite animals
are the lions. There 3 What does James like doing?
are some cute lion
cubs, too. They like 4 Where does Akeyo live?
playing but they’ve got
sharp claws. 5 Which animals does Akeyo like?

3 Read and say the names. 5 Ask and answer.

1 He lives in London. 1 Is there a zoo near you? Which animals can
2 They drink milk and eat bananas. you see there?

3 They eat the leaves at the top of the trees. 2 Do you go to the zoo with your family?

4 They’ve got sharp claws. 3 Are there national parks in your country? Where are they?

5 His house is near an orangutan centre. 4 What’s your favourite animal? Does it live in your country?

32 Wider World 2 Can understand texts about wildlife parks Wider World 2 Can ask and answer about zoos and animals 33

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5 Ask and answer.

1 They live in the rainforests. • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Encourage pupils to think
2 They eat bananas. 3 He likes going to the zoo. about and note down some ideas before they start.
4 She lives in Kenya. 5 She likes the giraffes. They then take turns to ask and answer the questions,
noting down their partner’s responses.
• Ask pupils to look over the notes and then present
Extension questions their findings to the class, e.g. Sara doesn’t live
Write the following questions on the board: Why near a zoo. She goes to the zoo when she visits her
is it important to have wildlife parks? (e.g. To grandparents. She goes there with all her family. She can
protect wildlife from hunters and protect the habitat for see elephants, giraffes and lions at the zoo.
endangered plants and animals – this helps to preserve
biodiversity and helps humans to study these plants and Pop quiz
animals, enjoy them and teach others about them.) What
Read single sentences from the texts aloud, e.g. I
animals do you think are endangered? (e.g. tigers, hippos,
like the giraffes. Ask pupils, Who am I? (Akeyo.) Ask
rhinos, gorillas, pandas, etc.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask
pupils to call out the name or put up one, two or three
pupils to work with a partner.
fingers to show who said it. Call on pupils to read
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers. They sentences aloud for the class to guess.
might like to write their ideas in their notebooks. Ask
pupils to share their answers with the class. They can
do this in L1 if necessary but encourage them to use
as much English as possible.

Map of the world, a soft ball or a bean bag

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4 My week
Worksheet 4
Name: Class:

1 Look at the timetable and write.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9.00 Music Swimming
10.30 Gymnastics Ballet Skateboarding
11.30 Karate Karate
3.30 Music

1 On Mondays, Linda .
2 On Tuesdays, she .
3 On Wednesday, she .
4 .
5 .

2 Write your timetable for the weekend.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

3 Now write about it. Use some of the words in the box.

walk bus train bike

On Saturday at                   , I

86 Consolidation and extension worksheet 4

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4 My week
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about my week

Scheduled activities: do gymnastics, do karate, go skateboarding,
Target go swimming, have ballet lessons, have music lessons, learn to draw,
vocabulary practise the piano, study Maths, study English
Time: (two) o’clock, half past (two)

I (go swimming) at (11 o’clock.) He/She (goes swimming) at (11 o’clock).

How does he/she go to school? He/She goes to school by (bus).
He/She walks to the (park).

Phonics: /s/ and /z/

Features Values: Making sacrifices to study and valuing the importance of education
Cross-curricular: Social Science: ways to go to school


• Can read about scheduled activities

Reading • Can understand a simple story and details of it
• Can understand short texts about how other children go to school

• Can write simple sentences about scheduled activities

• Can do a class survey on how we go to school
• Can write answers to questions about a story (Activity Book)
• Can write simple sentences about how we go to school (Activity Book)

• Can identify scheduled activities
• Can identify times of day and the time

• Can ask and answer about scheduled activities

• Can pronounce words that include the sounds /s/ and /z/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about how children go to school


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Lesson 1 PB page 34
CD2, Track 01
Uncle James: Oliver, do you have music lessons
Learning objective every day?
Can identify some scheduled activities Oliver: No, Uncle James, only on Mondays.
Target language I study Maths on Mondays, too.
do gymnastics, do karate, have ballet lessons, have Uncle James: Sophie, what do you do on
music lessons, learn to draw, practise the piano, Mondays?
study Maths, study English Sophie: I learn to draw and I study English.
Uncle James: Great! And, Phil O’Fax, what do
Recycled language you do?
Monday Phil O’Fax: I do karate and I do gymnastics on
Actions, Sports Mondays.
Uncle James: Wow! And what about Finley Keen?
Phil O’Fax: He has ballet lessons and he
Warm-up practises the piano on Mondays.
• Revise sports and actions. Tell pupils that you are Oliver: And what about you, Uncle James?
going to give some orders and they have to follow Uncle James: Well, I have music lessons, too.
them. Say, e.g. Move your legs. Shake your body. Monday is a very busy day!
Play tennis. You might want to do this to music.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
Learning adventure circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
1 What do you know? Practice
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning • Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or questions, e.g. Does Oliver have music lessons every
look at it on the screen: We’re learning words for day? (No.) Does Uncle James have music lessons? (Yes.)
scheduled activities.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words 3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
they know in English for sports and activities, e.g.
dance, football. Write them on the board. • Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
CD2, Track 02
Presentation 1 She has ballet lessons. 2 He studies English.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 27–36. 3 She learns to draw. 4 He does gymnastics.
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils 5 She practises the piano. 6 He studies Maths.
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say 7 He has music lessons. 8 She does karate.
each word.
• Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
2 Listen and find. Pupils write a tick or a cross in the boxes depending
whether the sentence is true or false.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters
and ask, Who are they? Where are they? (on a stage
or in a gym). Ask, Can you see Coco? Where is he? ANSWER KEY
(by the window) 1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✓ 5✗ 6✓ 7✓ 8✗
• Ask or remind pupils (in L1) where the story
characters were in Unit 2 (a jungle film set) and Unit 3
(a film set with a weather machine).
• Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio
and that they have to point to the activities in the
main scene.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.


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AB page 28

4 My week study English

1 Look and write. Use the words in
the box.
• Focus on the pictures and the word bank.
1 What do you know? Pupils match the phrases with the pictures.
Check as a class.
Listen and find.
practise the piano

study maths
2 do gymnastics 3 have ballet lessons
4 study English 5 practise the piano
6 have music lessons 7 do karate
8 study Maths

2 Look, think and complete.

• Focus on the question and the answers.
have music lessons have ballet lessons learn to draw Tell them to complete the answers with the
correct word from the word bank.
3 Listen and tick (✓) 4 Listen and say.
or cross (✗).
• When they have finished, ask individual
1 2 3 pupils to read the answers.

5 6 7
2 do 3 study 4 learn 5 have 6 have

Learning adventure
34 Lesson 1 Can identify some scheduled activities
Ask pupils, How many words for
M04_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U04.indd 34 18/02/2016 08:46
scheduled activities do you know now?
Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
4 Listen and say.
new words they know. Ask them, Where are
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. you on your learning adventure now? Ask pupils
which words they find easiest or most difficult
CD2, Track 03 to remember. Tell pupils, Well done! to
study Maths have music lessons practise the piano reinforce the progress they are making.
have ballet lessons study English learn to draw
do gymnastics do karate Pop quiz
Play Mime and guess. A pupil chooses
• Focus on the labels next to each picture. Read them to the an activity from this lesson and mimes
class one by one. Pupils find the words as they hear them and it. The other pupils guess the activity and say
repeat them. the name of the character who is doing it or
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and thinking about it in the main scene.
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs.

Game Show homework

• Shuffle Flashcards 27–36 and choose one. Hold it up and pupils • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
say and mime the action, e.g. go skateboarding. Pupils take turns
various activities they could do as
to choose a flashcard and say the action to the class.

Flashcards 27–36

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 89 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 2 PB page 35 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD2:05).
Can ask and answer about scheduled activities • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that
they should use go with I and goes with he, she and it.
Target language
Also explain that they should use at before times.
What do you do on Saturdays?
I (go swimming) at 11 o’clock.
• Pupils give more examples. Write them on the board.
He/She (goes swimming) at 11 o’clock.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.

Recycled language 6 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or

at (11) o’clock cross (✗).
at half past (2)
• Focus on the four sentences. Explain that pupils
have to listen to the audio and decide if they are
true or false.
Warm-up • Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.

• Play Aye, aye, Captain! (see page 20) to practise CD2, Track 06
hobbies and actions, including the vocabulary from Reporter: Hi, Oliver, what time do you study
Lesson 1. Maths?
Oliver: At 9 o’clock.
Learning adventure Reporter: And, Sophie, what time do you
Open books and ask pupils to look at the study English?
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write Sophie: At 3 o’clock.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the Reporter: And, Phil O’Fax, what time do you
screen: We’re learning to ask and answer about do gymnastics?
scheduled activities. Phil O’Fax: At 4 o’clock.
Reporter: Finley, what time do you practise
the piano?
Presentation Finley Keen: At 8 o’clock.
• Bring a toy clock to the class. Show 10 o’clock and say,
It’s ten o’clock. Pupils repeat. • Play the audio again and pupils note their answers.
• Give more examples. Encourage pupils to say the time • Play it a third time, pausing after each sentence
without help. giving the time of the characters’ activities. Pupils
• Show half past 10. Say, It’s half past ten. Practise half say their answer. You may ask them to correct the
past as you did with ten o’clock. false sentences.
• Ask individual pupils, Do you (play tennis)? If the
answer is yes, ask, What time do you (play tennis)?
Pupils answer. Repeat with other activities. ANSWER KEY
1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✗
5 Listen and chant. Point to the clocks.
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about activities. 7 Ask and answer.
• Play the audio (CD2:04). Pupils listen, follow the words
and point to the clock. • Read the speech bubbles aloud. Pupils repeat.
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give • Divide pupils into pairs. They take turns to ask and
pupils time to repeat the words. answer questions about what they do on Saturdays.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along.
• Draw blank clock faces on the board and write,
It’s nine o’clock, It’s half past two, etc. next to each.
Ask pupils to say what the time is and draw the
clock hands.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.


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• To check the answers, use a toy clock or
ask individual pupils to draw the clocks on
Listen and chant. Point to the board.
the clocks.

What do you do on Saturdays? ANSWER KEY

What do you do on Saturdays?
I do gymnastics at 10 o’clock. 2 half past 2 3 11 o’clock 4 4 o’clock
She does gymnastics at 10 o’clock.
I go swimming at 11 o’clock.
do gymnastics He goes swimming at 11 o’clock.
I have ballet lessons at half past 2.
She has ballet lessons at half past 2.
4 Look at Activity 3 and complete
I go skateboarding at 4 o’clock. the sentences.
He goes skateboarding at 4 o’clock.
• Pupils complete the sentences with the
times from the word bank to correspond
with the information in Activity 3.
I go swimming at 11 o’clock.
He goes swimming at 11 o’clock. • When pupils have written their sentences,
check as a class.
do karate
Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or cross (✗).
1 Oliver studies Maths at 9 o’clock.
2 at half past 2 3 11 o’clock
2 Sophie studies English at half past 3.
4 4 o’clock
3 Phil O’Fax does gymnastics at 4 o’clock.
4 Finley Keen practises the piano at half past 8.

7 Ask and answer.

5 Look at the diary and write.

What do you do
• Explain (in L1) that this is a page from the
on Saturdays? man’s diary. Focus on the diary entries and
I do karate on explain that pupils have to write sentences
about his timetable, as in the example.
• When pupils have written their sentences,
Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about scheduled activities 35 check as a class.
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2 He goes swimming at 2 o’clock.
3 He does karate at half past 3.
3 Listen and draw the times.
4 He goes skateboarding at half past 5.
• Focus on the example and explain the activity (in L1).
• Play the audio a few times so that pupils have enough time to
draw the times. Pop quiz

CD2, Track 07 Say a time, e.g. nine o’clock. Pupils, with

1 What time do you do gymnastics? books closed, try to remember what
I do gymnastics at 10 o’clock. one of the characters does at the time, e.g.
2 What time do you have ballet lessons? Oliver studies Maths. You can divide pupils
I have ballet lessons at half past 2. into two groups and play it as a game.
3 What time do you go swimming?
I go swimming at 11 o’clock. Show homework
4 What time do you go skateboarding?
I go skateboarding at 4 o’clock.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the parasol card
on page 34 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell pupils
to go online to the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game and find the item.
Once pupils click on it, they are taken to a
supplementary language task.

A toy clock

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 91 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 3 PB page 36 8 Listen and sing.
• Play the song (CD2:08) with books closed. Mime the
Learning objective actions to make meaning clear.
Can ask and answer about how children go to • Play the song again with books open. Pupils listen,
school follow the words and mime.
Target language • Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with the
actions and the words.
How does he/she go to school? • If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD2:09).
He/She goes to school by (bus).
He/She walks to (the park).
Recycled language
bike, boat, bus, car, train • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
the audio (CD2:10).
• Focus on the highlighted words. Elicit that we use by
Warm-up with a vehicle and that walk has an -s at the end with
he and she.
• Play the chant from Lesson 2 (CD2:04). Divide pupils • Elicit more examples with names of pupils and write
into two groups, boys and girls. They all chant the them on the board.
first two lines. The girls chant lines 3, 6, 7 and 10. • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
The boys chant lines 4, 5, 8 and 9.
9 Play the game.
Learning adventure
• Ask a pair of pupils to read the text in the speech
Open books and ask pupils to look at the activities. bubbles aloud.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson • Pupils work in pairs. Explain (in L1) that Pupil A asks
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: the question. Pupil B turns the spinner or throws a die
We’re learning to ask and answer about how children go and answers depending on the number he/she gets,
to school. e.g. Five! He goes to school by train.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words Home–school link
they know in English for transport, e.g. bike, car.
Write them on the board. • Tell the class to teach their parents the song and sing
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! it at home together. They can also sing it on their way
You are moving along your learning adventure! to and from school.

Presentation AB page 30
• Focus on the song illustration. Point to the three
vehicles in turn and revise the words. Use board 6 How does he/she go to the park?
drawings to elicit boat and train. Look, think and write.
• Say, I go to school by (bus). I go to (the beach) by (car). • Focus on the main picture. Point to each character
And you? Point to two or three pupils and elicit an in turn and ask, How does he/she go to the park?
answer, e.g. bus. Pupils answer.
• Display a map of the pupils’ city or local area. • Explain (in L1) that the little pictures in items 1–4 are
Locate the school and some pupils’ homes. Point to details from the main picture. Pupils find them and
one of the homes and ask, Is the school far? Mime to complete the sentences accordingly.
make the meaning clear. Pupils answer. Repeat with a
few more examples, e.g. important buildings in town.
2 bus 3 car 4 walks


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 92 27/04/2017 10:34
Pop quiz

8 Listen and sing.

Pupils sing the song. Divide pupils into
2:08 /
two groups. One group sings the
questions (lines 1–4) and the other sings the
How does she go to school? answers (lines 5–8).
Does she go by bike or car? by car
Does she go by bus or does she walk?
Is it very far? Is it very far?
She goes to school by bus.
Yes, she goes to school by bus.
She doesn’t go by bike or car.
by bike
She goes to school by bus.
How does he go to the park? by bus
Does he go by bike or car?
Does he go by bus or does he walk?
Is it very far? Is it very far?
He goes to the park by bike. 2:10

Yes, he goes to the park by bike. How does she go to school?

He doesn’t walk or go by bus. She goes to school by bus.
He goes to the park by bike. He walks to the park.
9 Play the game.

How does he go Two. He goes to

to school? school by bike.

36 Lesson 3 Can ask and answer about how children go to school

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7 Follow and write.

• Explain (in L1) that pupils have to find the method of transport
children 1–3 use to go to school by following the maze lines.
Look at the example together.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs to follow the other lines and write
the sentences.

2 She goes to school by bus.
3 He goes to school by car.

Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How many words for means of transport do you
know now? Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
new words they know. As a whole class or in pairs, ask pupils to
say where they are on their learning adventure now. Tell pupils,
Well done! to reinforce the progress they are making.

Poster, map of your local area, a spinner or a die for each pair of pupils

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Lesson 4 PB page 37 11 Listen and answer. True or false?
• Play the audio, pausing after each sentence.
Learning objectives • Ask pupils to decide whether the sentences are true
Can read and talk about scheduled activities or false. Give them time to find the information in the
Can pronounce words that include /s/ and /z/ text in Activity 10.
Target language
busy CD2, Track 11
What does (Fifi) do on (Saturdays)? 1 Fifi has ballet lessons at 10 o’clock.
What do you do on (Saturdays)? 2 She walks to her ballet lesson.
3 She has ballet lessons in the afternoon.
Recycled language
4 She goes skateboarding in the afternoon.
5 She likes Saturdays.
in the morning/afternoon/evening
Days of the week, Hobbies, The time
• Encourage more confident pupils to correct the
false sentences.
• Bring a toy clock to the class. Show different times ANSWER KEY
and say, It’s (half past six). Pupils say, Yes. or No. and 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T
correct the false sentences.
• Ask, What do you do in the (afternoon)? What time do
you (play tennis)? 12 Listen and say.

Learning adventure • Pupils look at the tongue twister and say which
sounds the blue letters make.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Play the audio (CD2:12). Pupils describe (in L1) what
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write they have noticed about the pronunciation of s.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Explain (in L1) that the letter s can sound like the hiss
screen: We’re reading and talking about scheduled of a snake or like the buzz of bees.
activities and learning to pronounce words that include /s/ • Say the sounds /s/ and /z/ in isolation a few times and
and /z/. have pupils repeat.
• Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
10 Look and read. What does Fifi do at pupils time to repeat.
2 o’clock? • Pupils practise saying the tongue twister as a class.
• Focus on the four pictures. Ask, Where is Fifi? 13 Play the game.
Teach/Revise the word party.
• Pupils read about Fifi’s busy day. Ask them what she • Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 4 mini cards on page 87
of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
does at 2 o’clock.
• Ask a pupil to read the texts in the speech
bubbles aloud.
ANSWER KEY • Pupils play a game in pairs. Pupil A looks at a card
She goes skateboarding in the park. but does not show it to Pupil B. Pupil B asks, What do
you do on Saturdays? Pupil A mimes the activity on the
card and Pupil B guesses.

AB page 31

8 Listen and draw the times.

• Focus on the pictures and explain the activity using
the example.
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the pictures.


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9 Find and write the sentences.
10 Look and read. What does Fifi do
4 • Pupils write the words in the jumbled
at 2 o’clock? sentences in the correct order.

What does Fifi do on Saturdays? How does she go to

her ballet lesson? ANSWER KEY
She has a busy day! Does she walk?
She has ballet lessons
2 She does gymnastics at half past 11.
No, she goes by car!
in the morning. She doesn’t like 3 She goes to the park at 2 o’clock.
She loves dancing! walking.
4 She goes swimming at half past 4.
What does she do
in the afternoon?
What time does she She goes skateboarding
have her ballet lesson? in the park at 2 o’clock. 10 Think and circle the z sounds.
At 10 o’clock. Then she goes to a party
with her friends. She has a Then listen and check.
lot of fun on Saturdays!
• Pupils read the sentence and circle every s
that is pronounced /z/.
11 Listen and answer. True or false?
• Play the audio (CD2:14) to check.
Listen and say.
She goes swimming She says she has short music lessons on
and has music lessons.
Does she? Saturdays.
Yes, she does.

13 Play the game.

What do you do
11 Listen and circle the words
on Saturdays? with the z sounds.
You do
• Play the audio (CD2:15). Pupils circle the
correct words.

Lesson 4 Can read and talk about scheduled activities / Can pronounce words that include /s/ and /z/ 37 ANSWER KEY
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tomatoes, does, lessons, has, music,
CD2, Track 13
This is my cat, Midge. What does she do on Saturdays?
At 10 o’clock she has music lessons. Learning adventure
At half past 11 she does gymnastics. Have pupils reread the text in Activity
She goes to the park at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. 10, then close their books. In pairs,
Then, she goes swimming at half past 4. She doesn’t like pupils take turns to ask and answer questions
swimming but she likes fish! about what Fifi does on Saturdays, e.g. What
does Fifi do on Saturday morning? (She has
• Play the audio a few more times. Pupils listen and draw ballet lessons.) What time does she have ballet
the times. lessons? (at ten o’clock) Does she walk to her
• To check the answers, use a toy clock or ask individual pupils to ballet lessons? (No, she goes by car.)
draw the clocks on the board.

2 half past 11 3 2 o’clock 4 half past 4

Unit 4 mini cards, a toy clock

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 95 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 5 PB page 38 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objectives Why is it good to have scheduled activities?
Can understand a simple story (You can learn new things and maybe make new friends.
Can act out a story You can follow your interests and talents. It makes life
Functional language more interesting and varied.) What activity/activities do
Listen! What’s that? you most enjoy every week? Why do you enjoy it/them?
He’s very good. • In pairs, pupils think of their answers. They might like
Stop! to write their ideas in their notebooks. Ask pupils to
Wait! share their answers with the class. Encourage them to
I can swing! use as much English as possible.
Recycled language 15 Act out the story.
Scheduled activities
• See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
Warm-up with roleplays.
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they can remember about the • Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
Play the audio while pupils act out the story first or
story from Unit 3. Elicit the weather conditions that say the lines and pupils repeat.
the main characters experience in the story (hot,
stormy, snowy and cold).
• Divide pupils into groups of four (Sophie, Uncle
James, Coco, Oliver). Give groups time to practise
their roleplay.
Learning adventure
• Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning today? Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
Write the lesson objective on the board or look at out the story.
it on the screen: We’re reading a story and acting it out. You might like to give the pupils feedback on their
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen
and read. AB page 32
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions 12 Number the pictures in order.
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see?
(Oliver, Phil O’Fax, Coco, Sophie, Uncle James.) Look at • Check if they remember what happened in the story.
Coco in (picture 2). What can he do? (He can play the Ask individual pupils to read the speech bubbles.
piano.) • Pupils number the pictures in order. They can look
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story. back at their Pupil’s Books to check.
• Play the audio (CD2:16) and ask pupils to listen to the
story as they follow along in their books.
• Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding
a3 b6 d4 e2 f5
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking
questions, e.g. When does Coco have music lessons?
(in the afternoon) Is Coco good at playing the piano?
(Yes, he is.) What is Coco doing in picture 4? (learning to 13 Look at Activity 12 and write.
draw) What does Coco do at the end of the story? (He • Pupils look at the pictures in Activity 12 and answer
jumps and swings and takes the script.) the questions about Coco.
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story, • Ask individual pupils to read the questions and the
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils answers aloud.
to read along with the characters.
2 Yes, he does. 3 No, he doesn’t. 4 Yes, he can.
5 Yes, he can.


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Show homework

14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
1 2 various activities they could do as
Listen! What’s that? homework.
He practises
the piano?
Role playing the story
Below are some suggestions for extra
Coco has music lessons work with the stories:
in the afternoon. He’s very good.

3 4
• While pupils listen to the story, they
Then he has perform a specific action for target
ballet lessons. Then he learns to draw.
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
• Pupils create a new ending for the story.
He’s great! Stop! That’s
the script!
• Pupils draw or describe their favourite
And I can
6 • Pupils discuss real-life situations that
Wait! swing! Goodbye! are related to the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
or how they would behave if they were
in a similar situation to one of the story
I can jump… characters.
He can do gymnastics, too.
Wow! • You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
15 Act out the story. teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
This could be given in L1.
38 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

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Story card activities
14 Look and write about Coco’s activities. For suggestions on how to use the story
activities, please see page 18.
• Ask pupils to read the days of the week and name the activities
shown in the pictures.
• Point to picture 1 and ask, What does Coco do on Mondays?
Elicit, Coco practises the piano on Mondays.
• Pupils write the remaining two sentences.
1 Coco practises the piano on Mondays.
2 Coco/He has ballet lessons on Wednesdays.
3 Coco/He learns to draw on Fridays.

Pop quiz
Ask pupils to stand up. Say some true or false statements
about the story, e.g. Sophie has music lessons in the
afternoon. (false) Coco practises the piano. (true) Coco isn’t good at
ballet dancing. (false) Coco gives the script to Oliver and Sophie.
(false) Coco swings and jumps and takes the script. (true) Pupils
stand/stay standing if the statements are true and sit/stay sitting
if they are false. Ask pupils to correct the false statements.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 97 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 6 PB page 39
cold: text 3, line 2 boat: text 1, line 9
Learning objectives home: text 2, line 5 skidoo: text 3, lines 6 & 8
Can understand short texts about how other teacher: text 2, line 7 car: text 1, line 2
children go to school
Can do a class survey
19 Look at Activity 17. Ask and answer.
Social Science: ways to go to school • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer questions
about the texts using the language in the speech bubbles.
Target language
cold, internet, plane, road, skidoo Extension questions
How do you go to school?
Write the following questions on the board:
Why do children use different ways to go to school?
Making sacrifices to study and valuing the
(Some children live near school, some children live far
importance of education away.) Which ways of going to school are best for the
Recycled language environment? Why? (Walking and riding a bike because they
boat, car, rivers, walk don’t burn petrol). Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to
work with a partner to answer them.

• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
• Divide pupils into two groups. Group A writes a Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
means of transport on a piece of paper and gives it to They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage them
one pupil from Group B. This pupil comes to the front to use as much English as possible.
and mimes, e.g. a car. Group B guesses what it is.
Learning adventure • Have a short discussion (in L1) about how children go to
school in their country or area.
16 What do you know?
• Focus on the difficulties some children face to receive
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning classes and the efforts they and their families make to
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look provide an education for them.
at it on the screen: We’re reading shorts texts about • Talk (in L1) about the role of education in their lives.
how other children go to school and doing a class survey. Highlight the importance of studying to create a better
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words future for them.
they know in English for transport, e.g. car, train.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! Project
You are already moving along your learning adventure! • Tell pupils that they are going to do a class survey.
Explain (in L1) what a survey is if necessary.
17 Listen and read. Then match. • Give them enough time to go around the classroom and
ask and answer the question, How do you go to school?
• Tell the class that they are going to listen and read an Explain that they should write down the answer from
article entitled How do you go to school? Ask them to
every pupil in the class.
answer the question for themselves.
• Play the audio (CD2:17). Pupils listen and follow the • Provide the materials and ask pupils to record their
results using a diagram. Pupils draw and colour their
words in their books. Ask them to match the texts
diagrams. They may also write a few sentences about
with the pictures.
the results.
• Check the answers as a class.
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their survey
results to the class and talk about them.
ANSWER KEY 1 b 2 c 3 a • Display the survey results on the wall and ask pupils to
choose their favourite.
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on
18 Find the words. their projects.
• Pupils find the words in the texts and underline them.
• Ask individual pupils to read the sentences with the
words aloud. Check meaning.


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16 What do you know?
4 3 Jodie, how do you go to school?
I can’t walk to school. The school is far
away from my house so I go to school
17 Listen and read. Then match. by bus. I like going on the bus with my

4 Kabir, how do you go to school?

How do you go to school? I go to school by train. There are a lot of
1 Lanau doesn’t go to 2 Ricky doesn people on the train!
’t go to 3 Susanna lives in
school by car. His school! His school
family hasn’t got a a cold place. She
is very far away.
car. There aren’t many doesn’t walk to
roads where he lives
He has classes
at home – on
school. She goes
to school by
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and
but there are a lot of the internet. On complete the sentences.
rivers. So Lanau and skidoo. She likes
his friends go to school
Fridays, his teacher
goes to his house
riding her skidoo.
It’s cool!
• Play it once more and ask pupils to number
by boat. Their school is
on the water, too!
by plane. the transport pictures in the correct order.

2 bike 3 bus 4 train
Image with train 4, Image with bike 2,
Image with school bus 3

18 Find the words. 16 Ask your friends How do you go to

cold boat home school? Then write.
How does your class go
skidoo teacher car to school? Do a survey. • First, pupils tick the means of transport they
19 Look at Activity 17. 1 Ask your classmates: How do use to go to school.
Ask and answer.
you go to school?
2 Write down the answers.
3 Draw and colour a diagram to
• They then write the names of two friends in
Does Susanna go to
No, she doesn’t.
show the results. the Name column and ask them, How do you
4 Share the results with the class.
school by boat?
go to school? They tick the correct means of
Lesson 6 Can understand short texts about how other children go to school / Can do a class survey 39
• Finally, they write the sentences using the
M04_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U04.indd 39 18/02/2016 08:47
information in their table. Remind them to
Optional Home–school link use walk/go for themselves and walks/goes
for their friends.
• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with
their families. They may wish to talk with their parents or Learning adventure
siblings about how they go to work/school.
Ask pupils, What do you know now
AB page 33 about different ways to go to school?
Tell pupils to work with a partner. Give pairs
15 Listen and write. Then number. a minute to think of ideas. Accept any
answers and promote discussion. Ask them,
• Explain (in L1) that pupils are going to listen to the children Where are you on your learning adventure
in the pictures talking about how they go to school. now? Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
• Play the audio. Pupils just listen. progress they are making.

CD2, Track 18 Pop quiz

1 Alex, how do you go to school?
I walk to school. I like keeping fit. In pairs or small groups, pupils make a
2 Meiling, how do you go to school? list of as many different ways to go to
I don’t like going to school by bus. I like riding my bike. school as they can think of. The winner is the
I go to school by bike. group or pair with the longest list of ways.

Poster, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens or pencils)

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 99 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 7 PB page 40 • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
about the pictures they didn’t tick.
Learning objective
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 4 ANSWER KEY
1b 2b 3a 4b
Recycled language
Scheduled activities
What does he/she do on (Mondays)?
He/She (studies English). Practice
• Write some simple anagrams for the days of the week
on the board and ask the class to solve them.
Warm-up • Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to write similar
• Divide pupils into two teams and play Spelling bee anagrams on a sheet of paper. They exchange their
(see page 21) to revise spelling of days of the week, anagrams with another pair and solve them.
hobbies and means of transport.
21 Write in your notebook.
Learning adventure • Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
words from pupils.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils if they can ANSWER KEY
remember the things they have been learning in the 1 She has ballet lessons on Mondays.
unit, e.g. How many words for scheduled activities can 2 learns to draw
you remember? Put their ideas on the board. 3 What does she do on Saturdays and Sundays
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on 4 does he do karate
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are
less confident that they will have opportunities for
more practice. 22 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
20 Listen and tick (✓). • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
questions about the pictures on this page and on
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask pupils to other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
identify the activities and say the times on the clocks. speech bubbles as a starting point.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
the pictures. support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
much language as possible from the unit, e.g. Does
CD2, Track 19 she have ballet lessons on Mondays? What does he
1 What does he do on Thursdays? do on Mondays? What time is it? What does Fifi do on
He studies Maths on Thursdays. Saturdays? What is Coco doing? How does he go to
2 What do you do on Saturdays? school? Tell pupils to ask their partner for help if they
I have ballet lessons on Saturdays. don’t know a word.
3 When does she do gymnastics?
She does gymnastics at half past 6. AB page 34
4 When does he have music lessons?
He has music lessons at 5 o’clock. 17 Write the letters and find the answer.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the sentences and tell them
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick to complete the words with the missing letters.
the pictures. • When they have finished, they write the same letters
• Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to at the bottom of the activity to spell the day of
check the answers. the week.


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20 Listen and tick (✓).
I C AN 2 I do karate in the park at 11 o’clock.
T! 3 I go swimming in a river at 2 o’clock.
1 2
a b a b 4 I go to a party at 4 o’clock.
5 I go home by plane at 8 o’clock.

3 4
a b c a b c
Learning adventure
Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
21 Write in your notebook.
their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
1 What does she do on Mondays? tell you what they found easiest or most
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
2 She on Mondays and Wednesdays. I Can statements at the bottom of page 40 of
their Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
the corresponding bar to reflect how
3 ? confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
She studies English on Saturdays and Sundays. on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
where they think they are on the learning
4 When ?
adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
He does karate at half past 2 on Sundays. reinforce the progress they are making.
22 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
What does he do on Thursdays? He studies English. Pop quiz
In groups of four, pupils tell the others
I can identify some scheduled activities. the answers to the following questions:
I can talk about scheduled activities. Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
I can understand short texts about how other children
go to school. Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
is your favourite new word? Which word is the
Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 4
most difficult for you?
M04_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U04.indd 40 18/02/2016 08:47

General poster activities
2 u 3 e 4 s 5 d, a 6 y For general poster activities see Lesson 7
Tuesday of Unit 1.

18 Look at the diary and write about your day.

• Direct pupils’ attention to the diary. Explain (in L1) that they
should each imagine that this is their own diary and make
sentences about their day.
• Look together at the example, focusing particularly on the
use of to (for direction), by (for a means of transport) and at
(for a time).
• Do the second sentence together, checking that pupils
understand they should use in the park.
• Pupils then write the other sentences.
• To check the answers, ask individual pupils to read their
sentences to the class. With stronger classes you could invite
pupils to come to the front and write the sentences.


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Lesson 8 PB page 41 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective Which activities are good for our bodies? Why?
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 4 (e.g. Karate and dancing because they make us fit.)
Recycled language Which activities are good for our brains? Why?
Days of the week, Scheduled activities (e.g. Drawing and learning a language because they help
You (practise the piano) on (Mondays). us concentrate.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to
work with a partner to answer them.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Warm-up They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Put Flashcards 27–36 face down on your table or in They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
a box. One pupil picks a flashcard and says the first
them to use as much English as possible.
letter of the word. The class guesses what it is. If the
first guess is wrong, the pupil says another letter.
AB page 35
Learning adventure
19 What do you do on Saturdays? Draw the
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activities. times and write notes.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
• Direct pupils’ attention to the clock and the words
morning and afternoon.
We’re playing a game about scheduled activities.
• Ask pupils to think about what they do on Saturdays.
• They draw the times and write notes about their
23 Draw the chart in your notebook. Saturday morning and afternoon activities.
Then write.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures at the 20 Write about what you do on Saturdays.
top of the page. Ask pupils to identify and name Then tell your friend.
the activities. • Ask one pupil to show his/her picture from Activity 19
• Tell pupils to copy the chart into their notebooks to the class. Elicit a description of it by completing the
and explain how to complete it. Each pupil chooses sentences.
activities that he/she does on different days of the • Then ask pupils to write a description of their own
week. They write the activities in the ‘Me’ column of picture in the same way.
the chart. • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer
questions about their pictures.
24 Now play. • When they have finished, ask stronger pupils to read
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Tell them they will try to their description to the class.
guess which activities their partner does. Read the
speech bubbles at the bottom of the page aloud with AB page 71
a volunteer.
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes
• Pupils play a game in pairs using the My week pictures
in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes turns to
first. Pupil A reads their first guess aloud, e.g. You do say a word and his/her partner points to the correct
gymnastics on Mondays. Pupil B answers, Yes/No. If the picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the written
answer is yes, Pupil A ticks the box in the chart. If the words below each picture.
answer is no, Pupil B takes his/her turn and reads one
of his/her guesses aloud. Pupils continue taking turns Consolidation and extension worksheet 4
to read their guesses aloud. The player with the most
correct guesses wins the game. • Pupils complete the consolidation and extension
activities on Worksheet 4 (page 86). See also teaching
notes on page 23.


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23 Draw the chart in your notebook.

4 • Watch the video story The horror film. Ask
pupils what happened in the story. Watch
Then write.
again, stopping at key points and ask them
about the language, the images or the
story. Ask the pupils to act out the story.
Assign the roles of two of the characters
to confident speakers and let other pupils
play the other parts. Encourage them to
say as much of the dialogue as they can
and prompt where necessary.

Tuesday • You can check your pupils’ progress using
Evaluation sheet 4 (pages 196 and 197).
See also teaching notes on page 187.

Preparation for evaluation
Procedure the day before the evaluation
• Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
24 Now play. content of the evaluation might be, using
You practise the piano
the children’s first language as needed.
on Mondays.
Yes! My turn. See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
Now go to Poptropica
procedure on the day of evaluation.
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 4 41

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I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. find out more interesting ways
children around the world go to school, etc.

Are you ready for Unit 5?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit. Tell
pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything as
they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 4
Flashcards 27–36

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 103 27/04/2017 10:34
5 Jobs
Worksheet 5
Name: Class:

1 Look and find. Then write the jobs.

1a      a  
2 f     t  
3  o   e o  i   
4 b      d     
5      r
6          tb       p          
7 f         ig        
8    t  
9 t  c e 
10   u     d    

2 What do you want to be? Draw yourself in the clothes for your job,
with things you need. Then write.

I’ve got
Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

I like
I want to be

104 Consolidation and extension worksheet 5

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5 Jobs
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about jobs

Jobs: an astronaut, a ballet dancer, a basketball player, a builder, a doctor,
a farmer, a film star, a firefighter, a mechanic, a photographer, a police
officer, a teacher

What do you want to be?

Target I want to be (a builder). I don’t want to be (an astronaut).
structures What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be (a builder).
Does he/she want to be (a builder)? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.

Phonics: /ə/
Features Values: The importance of discipline to achieve aims in life
Cross-curricular: PE: what people want to be


• Can understand a simple story and details of it
• Can understand short texts about what another person wants to be

• Can make a collage about my dream job

• Can write the words for common jobs (Activity Book)
Writing • Can write simple sentences about what I want to be (Activity Book)
• Can write simple sentences about what people want/don’t want to be
(Activity Book)

Listening • Can identify common jobs

• Can ask and answer about what people want to be

• Can pronounce words that include the sound /ə/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about the importance of discipline to achieve aims in life


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 105 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 1 PB page 42
CD2, Track 20
Costume designer: Everyone, quiet, please!
Learning objective What’s the problem,
Can identify some common jobs Uncle James?
Target language Uncle James: I don’t want to be a builder.
an astronaut, a ballet dancer, a basketball player, I want to be an astronaut!
a builder, a film star, a firefighter, a mechanic, Costume designer: And you, Oliver? What do
a photographer, a police officer you want to be? A mechanic?
Oliver: No, I don’t want to be a
Recycled language mechanic.
Clothes Costume designer: Do you want to be a
basketball player?
Oliver: No, no, I want to be a
Warm-up firefighter.
• Brainstorm the clothes words that pupils know and Costume designer: Sophie, what do you want to
write them on the board. Then say, I’m wearing (a red be? A ballet dancer? A police
T-shirt and black trousers). Ask, What are you wearing? officer?
Listen to individual pupils’ answers. Sophie: No, I want to be a
• Focus on the main scene. Pupils describe what the photographer. I want to take
characters are wearing. photos of my favourite film
star, Finley Keen!
Learning adventure
1 What do you know? • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look Practice
at it on the screen: We’re learning words for jobs. • Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words questions, e.g. Does Uncle James want to be a builder?
they know in English for jobs, e.g. doctor, teacher. (No.) Does he want to be an astronaut? (Yes.)
Write them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! 3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
Presentation • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 37–45. CD2, Track 21
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board. 1 She’s an astronaut.
2 He’s a firefighter.
2 Listen and find. 3 She’s a police officer.
4 He’s a basketball player.
• Focus on the scene. Elicit the main characters (Uncle 5 He’s a mechanic.
James, Oliver, Sophie, Finley Keen) and explain that 6 She’s a builder.
the other characters are actors. They are in the 7 He’s an astronaut.
costume department at the film studio. 8 He’s a film star.
• Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio 9 She’s a mechanic.
and that they have to find the jobs in the main scene.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
Pupils write a tick (true) or a cross (false) in the boxes.

1✗ 2✓ 3✓ 4✓ 5✗ 6✗ 7✓ 8✗ 9✓


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AB page 36

a film star

Jobs 1 Complete the words. Use the

letters in the box.
• Focus on the pictures and the example.
1 What do you know? a basketball player Pupils complete the other words in the same
way. Check as a class.
Listen and find.
a mechanic
a police officer 2 basketball player 3 ballet dancer
4 police officer 5 builder 6 film star
7 astronaut 8 photographer 9 mechanic

2 Look and write.

an astronaut
a firefighter
• Pupils complete the speech bubbles with the
a builder correct jobs. Check as a class.
a ballet dancer

Listen and tick (✓) 4
Listen and say. 2 firefighter 3 farmer 4 astronaut
or cross (✗).
5 police officer
1 2 3 4

6 7 8 Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How many words for jobs do
you know now? Give pupils a minute to
42 Lesson 1 Can identify some common jobs
tell their partner the new words they know.
Ask them, Where are you on your learning
M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 42 18/02/2016 08:50
adventure now? Ask pupils which words they
find easiest or most difficult to remember.
4 Listen and say. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. they are making.

CD2, Track 22 Pop quiz

a firefighter a police officer a film star
a ballet dancer a basketball player an astronaut Draw a word map with the class. Draw a
a mechanic a photographer a builder circle and write Jobs in it. Ask individual
pupils to come to the front and write one job
name on the board. They may use words from
• Focus on the labels and read them one by one. Pupils find the this lesson as well as any other words they
words as they hear them and repeat them. remember from previous lessons.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs.
Show homework
Game • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
• Shuffle Flashcards 37–45 and choose one. Hold it up. Pupils say various activities they could do as
and mime the job.

Flashcards 37–45

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 107 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 2 PB page 43 • Pupils look at the main scene and make more example
questions and answers. Write the examples on
Learning objective the board.
Can ask and answer about what people want to be • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.

Target language 6 Read and match. Then listen and

What do you want to be? check.
I want to be a (builder).
I don’t want to be an (astronaut). • Ask pupils to look at the four sentences and the
pictures. Tell pupils that they have to match the
Recycled language sentences with the characters.
Jobs • When they have finished, play the audio, pausing after
each answer. Pupils listen and check.

Warm-up CD2, Track 25

• Play Spelling bee (see page 21) to revise jobs from Man: What do you want to be, Cathy?
Lesson 1. Cathy: I want to be a ballet dancer. I love
Learning adventure Man: What do you want to be, Di?
Di: I want to be a farmer. I love animals.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the Man: And what about you, Al?
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write Al: I like playing basketball. I want to be a
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the basketball player.
screen: We’re learning to ask and answer about what Man: And you, Ben? What do you want to be?
people want to be. Ben: I want to be a police officer.

5 Listen and chant. Circle the jobs.

• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about jobs. ANSWER KEY
• Play the audio (CD2:23). Pupils listen and follow the 1 Cathy 2 Di 3 Al 4 Ben
words. They then circle the jobs.
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give
pupils time to repeat the words.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along. Practice
• Focus on the jobs in Activity 3. Ask a pupil, What do
ANSWER KEY you want to be, number (six)? (I want to be a ballet
film star, farmer, firefighter dancer.)
• This pupil then chooses another pupil and asks them
What do you want to be, number (two)? Continue until
all the class has asked and answered.
• Divide pupils into two groups. One group says the 7 Ask and answer.
questions What do you want to be? and the other says
the rest of the chant. They then switch lines.
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud.
Say the question and ask pupils to repeat a few times.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take turns to ask and
answer questions about what they want to be.
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
the audio (CD2:24).
• Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that
they use do to make a question and don’t to give the
sentence a negative meaning.


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• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and
number the items.
Listen and chant. Circle the jobs. • Play it a third time for pupils to check their
What do you want to be? (x2)
I want to be, I want to be, • They then complete the question.
I want to be a film star.
I don’t want to be a farmer.
I don’t want to be a firefighter. ANSWER KEY
I want to be, I want to be,
I want to be a film star. From left to right (top row): 7, 3
What do you want to be? (x2) From left to right (bottom row): 5, 4, 2, 6
I want to be, I want to be,
I want to be a film star. Question: What do you want to be?


What do you want to be? 4 Look at Activity 3 and write.

want to be
don’t want to be
a builder.
an astronaut.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the characters.
Pupils write the sentences using the
information in Activity 3.
6 Read and match. Then listen and check.
• To check answers, ask individual pupils to
1 I want to be a ballet dancer. read the sentences.
2 I want to be a farmer.
3 I want to be a basketball player.
a photographer
4 I want to be a police officer.
2 I want to be a film star.
5 Al 3 I want to be a ballet dancer.
Ben Cathy Di
4 I want to be a farmer.
5 I want to be a basketball player.
7 Ask and answer. 6 I want to be an astronaut.
What do you want to be?
7 I want to be a firefighter.
I want to be a police officer.

Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about what people want to be 43

Pop quiz
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AB page 37 Say, I don’t want to be a firefighter.

I want to be a police officer. Point to a
pupil and ask, And you? The pupil says, I don’t
3 Listen and number. Complete the question. want to be a police officer. I want to be a
• Point to each object. Pupils say the jobs. farmer. The next pupil says, I don’t want to be
• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the audio. a farmer. I want to be a ballet dancer. and so
They number the jobs in the order they are mentioned. on. Continue until every pupil has had a turn.
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the pictures.
Show homework
CD2, Track 26 • Direct pupils’ attention to the coat hanger
1 What do you want to be? card on page 42 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell
I want to be a police officer. pupils to go online to the Poptropica
2 I don’t want to be a farmer. I want to be a film star. English Island Adventure Game and find
3 What do you want to be? the item. Once pupils click on it, they are
I want to be a ballet dancer. taken to a supplementary language task.
4 What do you want to be?
I want to be a farmer.
5 I don’t want to be a firefighter. I want to be a basketball
6 I don’t want to be a ballet dancer. I want to be an
7 What do you want to be?
I want to be a firefighter.


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Lesson 3 PB page 44 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD2:29).
Can identify more common jobs • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) that
they always use want to be in the question but that
Target language
with he and she they use does/doesn’t instead of
builder, doctor, farmer, teacher
Does he/she want to be a builder?
Yes, he/she does.
• Elicit more questions and answers and write them on
the board.
No, he/she doesn’t.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
Recycled language
Jobs 9 Play the game.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the chart and the questions.
Explain (in L1) that this is a guessing game.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupil A chooses one girl,
• Show one of Flashcards 37–45 and say an incorrect e.g. Number 1. Pupil B asks questions about her until
sentence, e.g. I want to be a ballet dancer. Pupils say, he/she guesses which girl it is. They then switch roles.
No. Ask them to make a correct sentence about the The winner of each round is the player who guesses
picture, e.g. I want to be a firefighter. Repeat with the correct girl after the fewest questions.
other jobs, sometimes saying the right sentence for
the flashcard, sometimes the wrong sentence. Game

Learning adventure • Work together as a class to write some new words

for the song. You could include jobs such as dancer,
Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning film star, pilot. Sing it to the karaoke version of the
today? Write the lesson objective on the board song (CD2:28).
or look at it on the screen: We’re learning more words
for jobs. Home–school link
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words • Pupils find out the English words for the jobs members
they know in English for jobs, e.g. builder, police officer. of their family do. They tell the class in the next
Write them on the board. lesson, e.g. My (dad)’s a (plumber).
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are moving along your learning adventure! AB page 38

8 Listen and sing. 5 Find the jobs and write.

• Focus on the song illustration. Read the words with • Direct pupils’ attention to the words and tell them
the pupils to revise the names of the jobs. (in L1) to unscramble them.
• Point to each picture in turn and say, He’s a (builder). • When they have finished, tell the class to use the
Do you want to be a (builder)? Pupils answer, Yes, I do. words to complete the sentences.
or No, I don’t. • Check as a class by asking individual pupils to come
• Play the audio (CD2:27). Pupils listen, follow the words to the front and write the sentences.
and point to the correct picture when they hear a
job mentioned.
• Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with
2 to be a builder 3 wants to be a farmer
the words.
4 She wants to be a teacher.
• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of
the song on the Audio CD (CD2:28).


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 110 27/04/2017 10:34
8 Listen and sing.
2 Does she want to be a teacher?
2:27 /
Yes, she does.
Teacher, farmer, builder, doctor, 3 Does he want to be a builder?
What does he want to be? Yes, he does.
Teacher, farmer, builder, doctor, 4 Does she want to be a doctor?
Just a minute! Let me see… No, she doesn’t.
Does he want to be a teacher? builder teacher
No, no, no, he doesn’t.
Does he want to be a farmer?
No, no, no, he doesn’t.
Does he want to be a builder?
Learning adventure
No, no, no, he doesn’t.
Does he want to be a doctor? Ask pupils, How many words for jobs do
Yes, yes, yes, he does. you know now? Give pupils a minute to
doctor farmer
He wants to be a doctor.
tell their partner the new words they know.
2:29 Ask them, Where are you on your learning
Does he/she want Yes, he/she does. adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done! to
9 Play the game.
to be a builder?
No, he/she doesn’t. reinforce the progress they are making.

Pop quiz
✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ Divide pupils into groups. Stick six of the
Does she want
to be a teacher? jobs flashcards (Flashcards 37–45) on
✗ ✗ ✗ ✓ the board. Number them 1–6. Have pupils
Yes, she does.
throw a die (without showing the rest of the
Number 2.
✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ group) and mime the job on the corresponding
✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
SCHOOL flashcard. The group guesses, He/She wants to
LINK be a (builder).

44 Lesson 3 Can identify more common jobs

M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 44 18/02/2016 08:50

6 Find and write the questions. Then listen and

write the answers.
• Focus on the example. Explain that pupils have to rearrange the
words to make correct questions. Read the words and then the
• In pairs or individually, pupils write the questions.
• Check as a class by asking individual pupils to read them.
• Then tell them that they are going to listen to the audio and
they have to write the correct answer.
• Play the audio a few times. Pause after each sentence to give
pupils time to understand and write.

CD2, Track 30
1 I don’t want to be a farmer.
2 I want to be a teacher.
3 I want to be a builder.
4 I don’t want to be a doctor.

Poster, a die for each group of pupils
Flashcards 37–45

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 111 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 4 PB page 45 • Play the audio again, stopping after each question.
Give them some time to look at the texts in
Learning objectives Activity 10. Check the answers as a class.
Can read and talk about what people want to be
Can pronounce words that include /ə/ ANSWER KEY
1 Emma 2 Tim 3 Bob 4 Mary
Recycled language
I can (sing).
I like (running). 12 Listen and say.
I want to be (a firefighter). • Focus on the illustration. Ask, What are they eating?
Elicit or teach pizza and pasta.
• Pupils look at the tongue twisters and say which
Warm-up sound the blue letters make.
• Play Teacher says (see page 20). Give instructions and • Play the audio (CD2:32) to check. Elicit that all the
pupils mime but only if your instructions are preceded letters correspond to the same sound.
by Teacher says. • Say the sound /ə/ in isolation a few times and have
pupils repeat.
Learning adventure • Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
pupils time to repeat.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Pupils practise saying the tongue twisters as a class.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the 13 Play the game.
screen: We’re reading and talking about what people
want to be and learning to pronounce words that • Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 5 mini cards on page 89
of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
include /ə/.
• Ask a pupil to read the text in the speech
bubble aloud.
10 Read and match. • Pupils work in pairs. Ask them (in L1) to shuffle two
• Ask pupils to look at the photos at the top of the sets of mini cards and deal them evenly, face down in
activity and name the jobs that they show. two piles.
• Pupils read the texts and match each child with the • Pupil A turns over two cards and makes a sentence
correct photo (1–4). Check as a class. about each one. If they are a pair, he/she keeps the
cards. If not, he/she puts the cards face down again.
Then Pupil B plays. The winner is the player with the
ANSWER KEY most pairs at the end of the game.
1 Emma 2 Tim 3 Bob 4 Mary
AB page 39

11 Look at Activity 10. Listen and answer. 7 Listen and tick (✓).
• Explain (in L1) that pupils will listen to the children in
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and point to the pictures.
Activity 10. They listen and say who is speaking.
• Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.
CD2, Track 33
1 I like cars. I want to wear a uniform. I want to
CD2, Track 31 be a police officer.
1 I can sing and dance. I like films. 2 I like music. I can dance. I want to be a ballet
Who is it? dancer.
2 I’m tall and strong. I don’t want to be a 3 I like helping people. I like wearing a white coat.
basketball player. I want to help people. I want to be a doctor.
Who is it? 4 I like books. I like school. I want to be a teacher.
3 I like sports. I’m tall and I can run fast.
Who is it?
4 I like music. I can’t sing but I can dance. • Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick the correct
Who is it? picture in each pair.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 112 27/04/2017 10:34
9 Complete the words with or,
10 Read and match.
5 er or a. Then listen and check.
• Point to the first two words and check pupils
understand the activity.
1 2 3 4
• They then complete each word with or, er
or a.
• Play the audio a few times. Pupils listen and
check their answers.
Mary Emma Tim Bob
CD2, Track 34
I like dancing. I can sing and 1 farmer ER 6 sofa A
I’m strong.
I have ballet lessons on dance. I can act,
too. I don’t want to
I like climbing.
I like running. I can jump
2 pasta A 7 pizza A
Saturdays. I want to be I like helping
a ballet dancer. be a ballet dancer.
people. I don’t
and I can catch a ball. 3 doctor OR 8 firefighter ER
I want to be a I’m very tall. I want to
want to be a 4 banana A 9 computer ER
film star. be a basketball player.
police officer.
I want to be a 5 builder ER 10 water ER

Look at Activity 10. Listen and answer.

Listen and say. ANSWER KEY
2 a 3 or 4 a 5 er 6 a 7 a 8 er
9 er 10 er
The farmer and the firefighter like pasta.
The doctor and the builder like pizza.
Pop quiz
13 Play the game.
Choose one of the Unit 5 mini cards but
I want to be a
don’t show it to the class. Pupils ask
questions, e.g. Is it a man? Is he wearing a
Lesson 4
uniform?, etc. You can only answer, Yes. or
Can read and talk about what people want to be / Can pronounce words that include /ǝ/ 45
No. The first player to guess correctly takes
M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 45 18/02/2016 08:50
over your role. Pupils can also play in pairs.

2 ballet dancer 3 doctor 4 teacher

8 Look, think and write.

• Focus on the example and the s at the end of wants.
• Pupils write three similar sentences about the other two children
with has got, likes and wants to be.
• You might want to do the activity orally first to help
weaker pupils.

2 He’s got a basketball. He likes playing basketball.
He wants to be a basketball player.
3 She’s got (ballet) shoes. She likes dancing. She wants to
be a ballet dancer.

Unit 5 mini cards

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 113 27/04/2017 10:34
Lesson 5 PB page 46 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objectives Why have some jobs got uniforms? (So that you can
Can understand a simple story see who is a police officer, a firefighter, etc. Some
Can act out a story uniforms provide protection.) Why do firefighters wear
Target language helmets? (To protect them from fire.) What other jobs
space film need helmets? Why? (e.g. Astronauts – to protect them
and so they can breathe in space.) Use L1, if necessary.
Functional language Ask pupils to work with a partner.
It’s very messy.
Hey! That’s my cap!
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Blast off!
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Recycled language them to use as much English as possible.
I want to be (a firefighter). 15 Act out the story.
• See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
Warm-up with roleplays.
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they remember about the story • Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
from Unit 4. Retell the story, making some deliberate Play the audio while pupils act out the story or say
mistakes. Every time pupils spot a mistake, they put the lines and pupils repeat.
up their hands and correct it. • Divide pupils into groups of six (Sophie, the costume
designer, Oliver, Uncle James, the film director, Coco).
Learning adventure Give groups time to practise their roleplay.
• Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the story. Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson out the story.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
You might like to give the pupils feedback on
We’re reading a story and acting it out.
their roleplay.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen AB page 40
and read.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions 10 Look and write. Use the words in the box.
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see?
(Sophie, the costume designer, Oliver, Coco, Uncle James, • Check that pupils know the meaning of all the
the film director.) Who is the firefighter? (Oliver.) Who is words in the word bank. Elicit the names of jobs in
the photographer? (Sophie.) the pictures.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story. • Remind pupils to use likes and wants in items 2 and 3.
• Play the audio (CD2:35) and ask pupils to listen to the • Check answers by asking individual pupils to read
story as they follow along in their books. sentences.
• Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking ANSWER KEY
questions, e.g. What type of film are they making? 1 helping people, firefighter
(a space film) Who is the astronaut? (Coco.) Who has got 2 likes taking photos, wants to be a photographer
the script? (Coco.) 3 He likes space. He wants to be an astronaut.
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story,
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
to read along with the characters.


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Show homework

14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
It’s very messy. 1 I want to be a 2
various activities they could do as
firefighter, please. homework.

Role playing the story

Below are some suggestions for extra
It’s that monkey! And I want to work with the stories:
What do you want to be? be a photographer.
3 4
• While pupils listen to the story, they
Hey! That’s my cap!
Oh, yes!
Yippee! We’re perform a specific action for target
in a space film!
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
• Pupils create a new ending for the story.
Who is the • Pupils draw or describe their favourite
astronaut? character.
Blast off!
6 • Pupils discuss real-life situations that
5… 4… 3… 2… 1… are related to the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
or how they would behave if they were
in a similar situation to one of the story
Look! It’s Coco!
Smile, Coco!
• You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
15 Act out the story. teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
This could be given in L1.
46 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 46 18/02/2016 08:51 Story card activities

11 Read and complete. Use the words in the box. For suggestions on how to use the story
activities, please see page 18.
• Check that pupils know the meaning of all the words in the word
bank and a lot of and difficult in the text.
• Pupils then complete the text with the words.
• Check by asking individual pupils to read a sentence each.
2 cows 3 o’clock 4 morning 5 day 6 bed 7 tired
8 winter

Pop quiz
Close books. Read a phrase from the story aloud. Pupils put
their hands up if they know who said it. They give the
answer and repeat the phrase, using correct intonation.
Repeat with other phrases.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 115 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 6 PB page 47 • Play the audio again. Pupils match the paragraphs
with the photos. Check as a class.
Learning objectives
Can understand a text about what another person ANSWER KEY
wants to be 1b 2a 3c
Can make a collage about my dream job
PE: what people want to be 18 Ask and answer.
Target language • Divide pupils into pairs. Explain (in L1) that pupils
champion, go shopping, medal, Olympic Games, should imagine they are training to be sports
win champions. They use the prompts to ask and answer
questions about each other.
Recycled language
Days of the week, Food, Hobbies, Sports, Times Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board: What
The importance of discipline to achieve aims in life
is your dream job? Why do you want to do this job?
How can you make your dream come true? Use L1, if
Warm-up necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner to
answer them.
• Play a guessing game. Divide pupils into two groups. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Group A writes a job on a piece of paper and gives They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
it to one pupil from Group B, who mimes it. Group B Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
guesses what it is. They then switch roles. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
them to use as much English as possible.
Learning adventure
16 What do you know? Values
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning • Discuss (in L1) the importance of discipline. Focus on
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look Naomi’s timetable and diet. Ask pupils what
at it on the screen: We’re reading a text about what sportspeople should eat to be fit. Make a list in
another person wants to be and making a collage about English on the board.
my dream job. • Pupils choose a sport and write a training timetable,
e.g. Monday: Get up at 6 o’clock. Go running at 7 o’clock.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
Have cereal for breakfast at 8 o’clock.
they know in English for jobs, e.g. firefighter, builder.
Write them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! Project
You are already moving along your learning adventure! • Tell pupils that they are going to make a collage about
their dream job. Ask pupils to think what they want to
Presentation be and choose one job.
• Write some sports champions on the board, e.g. • Provide the materials and give pupils time to draw
Rafael Nadal, Usain Bolt. Ask (in L1) who these people pictures (or print out photos from the internet).
are. (They’re sports champions.) Explain champion. They may write some words or simple sentences on
Ask, What sports do they do? (tennis, running). their collages.
• Introduce Olympic Games. Ask (in L1) the location of • When they are ready, ask pupils to show their
the 2016 Games (Brazil) and the 2020 Games (Tokyo). collages to the class and talk about them.
• Display the collages in the classroom and ask pupils to
17 Listen, read and match. choose their favourite.
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on
• Pupils look at the photos and predict (in L1) what the their projects.
text is about. Point to photo b and introduce medal.
• Play the audio (CD2:36) once. Pupils listen and follow
in their books.


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16 What do you know?
5 Woman: What do you do on Sundays?
Boy: I play computer games with
my friends. I do karate, too.
Listen, read and match.
• Play the audio again. Pupils circle the
I want to be a champion! correct pictures.
1 Naomi Johnson wants to be
• Play it once more. Pupils check their
a champion. She wants to win a
three medals at the next Olympic
Games. She wants to be the best!
2 At 6 o’clock in the morning
Naomi goes swimming. She swims
for two hours. Then she has 2 7 o’clock 3 pasta, chicken and fruit
a big breakfast. She eats four
eggs, a lot of bread, cheese and 4 play football 5 play computer games
fruit. Then she goes running.
At 12 o’clock, she has chicken and b c
pasta for lunch. In the afternoon,
she goes swimming again.
She swims 70–80 km every week! 13 Look at Activity 12. Complete the
3 Sundays are a special day. Naomi
doesn’t go swimming. She likes article.
watching TV and she goes
shopping. She loves shoes! • Pupils complete the article using the
information in Activity 12 and the words in
the word bank.
18 Ask and answer.
1 What/want to be?
Make a collage about ANSWER KEY
2 What time/play/go/do…? your dream job. 2 goes 3 morning 4 lunch 5 plays
3 What/eat for breakfast? What do you want
to be? 1 Think about what you want to be. 6 playing
2 Make a collage about your
4 What/do after lunch? dream job.
3 Talk about your dream job with
5 What/do on Sundays? I want to be a tennis a classmate.
champion. 4 Share your ideas with the class.
Learning adventure
Lesson 6 47
Can understand a text about what another person wants to be / Can make a collage about my dream job
Ask pupils, What do you know now
M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 47 18/02/2016 08:51 about what Naomi does to become a
champion? Tell pupils to work with a partner.
Optional Home–school link Give pairs a minute to think of ideas. Accept
• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with any answers and promote discussion. Ask
their families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings them, Where are you on your learning
their dream job collage and talk about everyone’s dream jobs. adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done! to
reinforce the progress they are making.
AB page 41
Pop quiz
12 Listen and circle.
Play Hot seat (see page 20) using
• Focus on the questions and the pictures. Flashcards 37–45, e.g. Astronaut: I don’t
• Play the audio once. Pupils just listen and read. want to be an astronaut. Doctor: Doctors wear
white uniforms.
CD2, Track 37
Woman: Hello, Matthew. What do you want to be?
Boy: I want to be a football player.
Woman: What time do you go running in the morning?
Boy: I go running at 7 o’clock.
Woman: What do you eat for lunch?
Boy: I eat a lot of pasta, chicken and fruit.
Woman: What do you do after lunch?
Boy: I play football with my team.

Poster, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens or pencils), internet access (optional)
Flashcards 37–45

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 117 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 7 PB page 48
3 What does she want to be?
She doesn’t want to be a firefighter. She wants
Learning objective to be a police officer.
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 5 4 What does he want to be?
Recycled language He doesn’t want to be a teacher. He wants to be
Jobs an astronaut.
What do you want to be?
I want to be (a ballet dancer). • Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick the photos.
What does he/she want to be? • Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to
He/She wants to be (a mechanic). check the answers.
Does he/she want to be (a mechanic)? • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
Yes, he/she does. about the photos they didn’t tick.
No, he/she doesn’t.
Warm-up 1a 2a 3b 4b

• Ask questions with can related to the jobs in the unit,

e.g. Can you swim? Can you make films? Can you play
basketball?, etc. Pupils mime these actions when you
say, OK. Go! • Put Flashcards 37–45 in a bag. Begin to take out one
of the flashcards very slowly, saying I want to be a… .
Learning adventure The class guesses what picture it is and completes
your sentence. Stronger classes can guess without
Open books and ask pupils to look at the help, e.g. You want to be… . The first pupil to make a
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write correct guess takes your role.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure. 20 Write in your notebook.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils if they can • Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
remember the things they have been learning in the and complete them.
unit, e.g. How many words for jobs can you remember?
Put their ideas on the board.
• Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
words from pupils.
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are
less confident that they will have opportunities for ANSWER KEY
more practice. 1 he does
2 she want to be a doctor
19 Listen and tick (✓). 3 wants to be a
4 do you want to be
• Ask pupils to look at the photos. Ask pupils to identify
and name the jobs that photos show.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to 21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
the photos.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
CD2, Track 38 questions about the pictures on this page and on
1 What do you want to be? other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
I don’t want to be a doctor. I want to be a ballet speech bubbles as a starting point.
dancer. • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
2 What do you want to be? support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
I don’t want to be a builder. I want to be a much language as possible from the unit, e.g. What
photographer. does she want to be? (She wants to be a police officer.)
Tell pupils to ask their partner for help if they don’t
know a word.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 118 27/04/2017 10:35
CD2, Track 39
19 Listen and tick (✓).
I C AN I love sport. I play basketball on Sundays
T! at 11 o’clock. In the afternoon I go to
1 2 the park with my friends. I want to be a
a b a b
basketball player and I want to be the
best! My favourite player is Rajon Rondo.
He’s so cool! What do you want to be?
3 4
a b a b
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen again and
write the differences.

20 Write in your notebook. ANSWER KEY

1 ✓ 2 ✗ 2 Sundays (cross out ‘Mondays’)
3 afternoon (cross out ‘evening’)
4 basketball player (cross out ‘film star’)
Does he want to be a photographer? Does ?
5 be (cross out ‘do’)
Yes, . No, she doesn’t.

3 What does he want to be? He mechanic.

4 What ? I want to be a firefighter. Learning adventure

21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.

Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
What does he want to be? He wants to be a builder.
tell you what they found easiest or most
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
I Can statements at the bottom of page 48 of
I can identify some common jobs. their Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
I can ask and answer about what people want to be.
I can understand short texts about what other children want to be.
the corresponding bar to reflect how
confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
48 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 5
on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 48 18/02/2016 08:51
where they think they are on the learning
adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
AB page 42 reinforce the progress they are making.
14 Look and write. Pop quiz
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. Tell the class to write the
jobs associated with these objects next to each picture. In groups of four, pupils tell the others
the answers to the following questions:
Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
ANSWER KEY Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
2 ballet dancer 3 basketball player 4 firefighter is your favourite new word? Which word is the
5 doctor 6 builder 7 teacher 8 film star 9 farmer most difficult for you?
10 astronaut

General poster activities

15 Listen, read and find the differences. For general poster activities see Lesson 7
Listen again and write. of Unit 1.
• Focus on the text. Tell pupils to listen and read the text on the
page. Explain (in L1) that they have to find the differences.
• Play the audio, stopping after the first sentence to focus on the
example. They hear I love sport and the text is I don’t like sport.
• Play the audio. Pupils listen and read.

Poster, a bag
Flashcards 37–45

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 119 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 8 PB page 49 • Pupils play Round 2. They repeat the activity, this
time trying to guess the dream job of their partner’s
Learning objective brother/sister/friend. (Does he/she want to be a film
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 5 star? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.)

Recycled language Extension questions

Do you want to be (a firefighter)? Write the following questions on the board:
Yes, I do. Which jobs do you think are the most important in
No, I don’t. our lives? Why? (e.g. Doctors and nurses, because they
Does he/she want to be (a teacher)? help people who are sick.) Use L1, if necessary.
Yes, he/she does. Tell pupils to work with a partner.
No, he/she doesn’t. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Warm-up They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
them to use as much English as possible.
• Write on the board: TTRNSAAOU (astronaut), OORCTD
(doctor), FFGHTRREEII (firefighter), AERRMF (farmer),
UEIRDLB (builder), AELLTB DERACN (ballet dancer). AB page 43
Divide pupils into pairs and ask them to unscramble
these words for jobs. 16 What do you want to be? Write notes.
Then tell your friend.
Learning adventure • Direct pupils’ attention to the frame. Explain that they
are going to make notes about what they want to be.
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activities.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson • Ask them to choose a job and write notes about what
they like and what they can do.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re playing a game about jobs. • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils tell each other what
they want to be.
22 Choose and draw in your notebook. 17 Write about what you and your friend want
Then write. to be.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures at the top of • Ask pupils to complete the sentences about what they
the page. Ask pupils to identify and name the jobs. want to be and what their friend wants to be.
• Tell pupils to copy the two frames into their • Ask individuals to read their sentences to the class.
notebooks and explain how to complete them. In the
first frame, pupils draw and write about their dream AB page 71
job. In the second frame, they draw and write about
their brother’s, sister’s or friend’s dream job. • Pupils play a game in pairs using the Jobs pictures in
the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes turns to say a
23 Now play. word and his/her partner points to the correct picture.
Stronger pupils may wish to cover the written words
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Tell them they will try to below each picture.
guess their partner’s dream job (Round 1) and that
of their brother, sister or friend (Round 2). Read the Consolidation and extension worksheet 5
speech bubbles at the bottom of the page aloud with
a volunteer. • Pupils complete the consolidation and extension
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who activities on Worksheet 5 (page 104). See also
goes first. Pupils play Round 1. Pupil A asks, e.g. Do teaching notes on page 23.
you want to be a (ballet dancer)? Pupil B answers, Yes.
or No. Pupil A can ask a maximum of five questions
to guess Pupil B’s dream job. Pupil B then has his/her
turn to guess Pupil A’s dream job. The winner is the
pupil who asked the fewest questions to guess their
partner’s dream job.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 120 27/04/2017 10:35
22 Choose and draw in your notebook. Then write.
5 Preparation for evaluation
Procedure the day before the evaluation
• Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
content of the evaluation might be, using
the children’s first language as needed.
astronaut ballet dancer basketball player builder
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
doctor firefighter mechanic photographer police officer
procedure on the day of evaluation.
Rou n d 1 Rou n d 2
My dream job ’s dream job
(name of brother, sister or friend)

oesn’t. wants to be
I want to be
. .

23 Now play.
Rou n d 1
Do you want to be a firefighter?
No, I don’t.

Rou n d 2
Does he/she want to be a teacher?
Yes, he/she does! Well done!
Now go to Poptropica
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 5 49

M05_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U05.indd 49 18/02/2016 08:51

I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. find out more words for jobs or
find out more information about a particular job.

Are you ready for Unit 6?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit.
Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything
as they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using Evaluation sheet 5
(pages 198 and 199). See also teaching notes on page 187.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 5

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 121 27/04/2017 10:35
Wider World 3
My hero PB pages 50–51 Presentation
• Focus on the large photos of famous people.
Learning objectives Ask (in L1) what pupils know about these people.
Can understand short texts about other children’s • Write on the board: Spain, United States, Russia,
heroes Argentina, Ireland. Locate them on the map of the
Can talk about my hero world. Say, Where’s (Spain)? Look, it’s here.
Target language 2 Listen and read. Does Kate want to be
Argentina, Ireland, Russia, Spain, United States a photographer?
score (v)
Recycled language
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to four children
speaking about their heroes. Ask them to listen and
Hobbies, Jobs find out if Kate wants to be a photographer.
I (play basketball).
I want to be a (basketball player).
• Play the audio (CD2:40) once for pupils to follow in
their books.
My favourite (film star) is (Emma Watson).
• Elicit the answer to the question in the rubric.


No, she doesn’t.
• Write some anagrams on the board to recycle jobs,
e.g. tanusrota (astronaut), latleb nardec (ballet dancer),
uribeld (builder). Divide pupils into pairs and ask them • Then play each part of the audio separately and ask
to unscramble the words. questions to check comprehension.
• Put Flashcards 37–45 around the class and play I spy • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of any words
(see page 21). they don’t know, e.g. score.

Learning adventure 3 Read and say the names.

• Ask pupils to read the questions and find
1 What do you know? the information.
• When they have finished, check the answers as
• Ask pupils to tell you the names of some famous a class.
people they admire in sports, films, TV, music, etc.
Ask them to tell you (in L1) why they like these people
and the words for their jobs. Write them on the board. ANSWER KEY
1 Elena 2 Kate 3 Alejandro 4 Santiago
Open books and ask pupils to look at the photos.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re learning and talking about other children’s heroes.
4 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Pupils read the sentences. They reread the texts in
Activity 2 and decide if the sentences are true or false.
• When they have finished, ask individual pupils to tell
the class their answers.

1✗ 2✗ 3✓ 4✗ 5✗


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 122 27/04/2017 10:35
Wider World 3 3

I’m Santiago. I’m from Argentina.

I want to be a football player.
My hero My favourite team is Boca Juniors.
My favourite football player is Lionel
Messi. He scores a lot of goals.
1 What do you know?

Listen and read. Does Kate want to be a photographer?

Hi! I’m Alejandro. I’m from

Spain and I love basketball. 4
1 I play every week. I want to
be a famous basketball player. Hello! I’m Kate. I’m from Ireland.
My favourite basketball player I have singing and dancing
is Pau Gasol. He’s from Spain lessons at school. I want to be a
but he plays in the film star. My favourite film star is
United States. Emma Watson.

4 Read and tick (✓) or cross (✗).

1 Alejandro plays basketball every day.

2 Pau Gasol is from the United States.

My name is Elena. I’m from 3 Elena has ballet lessons every day.
Russia and I want to be a
4 Santiago hasn’t got a favourite football team.
ballet dancer. I go to ballet
school and I have ballet lessons 5 Kate doesn’t like film stars.
every day. My favourite ballet
dancer is Natalia Osipova.
She’s from Russia. 5 Work with a friend. Talk about a
famous person you admire.
3 Read and say the names. 1 What’s his/her name?
Who wants to be… 2 What does he/she do?
1 a ballet dancer? 2 a film star? 3 Where is he/she from?
3 a basketball player? 4 a football player? 4 What can he/she do?

50 Wider World 3 Can understand short texts about other children’s heroes Wider World 3 Can talk about my hero 51

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Extension questions Pop quiz

Write the following questions on the board: Describe yourself as if you were a famous person
What makes a hero? Have you got a hero who is and pupils guess who you are, e.g. I’m from the
not famous? If so, why do you admire this person? Use United States. I’m famous. I’ve got long hair. I’m a good
L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner. actor. I’ve got a lot of children. (Angelina Jolie.) Stronger
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers. pupils can write about themselves in the first person in
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks. the same way. The rest of the class guesses who
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class. they are.
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
them to use as much English as possible.

5 Work with a friend. Talk about a famous

person you admire.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Encourage pupils to think
about and note down some ideas before they start.
They then take turns to ask and answer the questions,
noting down their partner’s responses.
• Ask pupils to look over the notes and then present
their findings to the class, e.g. Simon admires Pharrell
Williams. Pharrell is a singer. He’s from the USA. He can
sing and dance. His songs are very good.

Map of the world
Flashcards 37–45

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 123 27/04/2017 10:35
6 Rainforest
Worksheet 6
Name: Class:

1 Look and write.


4 5v
5 7n                t         under

6 9i         f        o        10

10 u under

2 Read and answer.

This animal has got two strong legs, This animal has got strong wings
Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

two long arms and a curly tail. It can and sharp claws. It can fly fast and
run and jump. It can climb trees and it lives in the mountains. It eats
walk. It eats insects and fruit but it small animals. What is it?
doesn’t like fish. What is it?

124 Consolidation and extension worksheet 6

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6 Rainforest
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about the rainforest


Target Rainforest: bridge, cave, hut, mountain, path, river, valley, waterfall
vocabulary Animals: curly tails, sharp claws, silent wings, strong tails, tiny eyes

Where’s the (snake)? It’s (behind the mountain / next to the waterfall).
Where are the (crocodiles)? They’re (under the bridge / in front of the hut).
They’ve got (curly/strong tails).

Phonics: Silent letters

Features Values: Being prepared
Cross-curricular: Geography: the Amazon rainforest


• Can understand a text about the environment/rainforest
• Can understand a simple story and details of it

• Can make a fact file about a rainforest animal

• Can complete simple sentences about where animals or things are
Writing • Can write simple sentences that describe animals and where they are
(Activity Book)
• Can complete sentences about a story (Activity Book)
Listening • Can identify some places in the rainforest

• Can ask and answer about where things are

• Can talk about where animals live and what they can do
• Can talk about the environment
• Can pronounce words that include silent letters
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about being prepared


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Lesson 1 PB page 52
CD2, Track 41
Oliver: Phew! It’s hot and wet in the
Learning objective rainforest!
Can identify some places in the rainforest Sophie: Yikes! There are crocodiles in
Target language the river. Where’s Coco?
bridge, cave, hut, mountain, path, river, valley, Uncle James: I can’t see him! Look at this
waterfall bridge! Ooh, hello!
Jungle man: I can help you. I’ve got a map
Recycled language for you.
rainforest Uncle James: Oh, thanks!
There’s a (waterfall). Sophie: Uhmmm! The rainforest is
There are (crocodiles). beautiful! Look! There’s a
waterfall. And there’s a valley.
Look at the mountain!
Warm-up Uncle James: Come on! We’re in a hurry.
• Brainstorm with the class the names of animals they Sophie: I can see a hut near the path.
have learnt so far. Oliver: And look – there’s a cave in the
• Direct pupils’ attention to the title of the unit. mountain!
Ask, What’s a rainforest? What can you see in a Uncle James: Oliver and Sophie, hurry up!
rainforest? Pupils answer (in L1). Ask if any of the Let’s look at the map.
animals from the brainstorm live in the rainforest. Sophie & Oliver: Yes, Uncle James!

Learning adventure • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
1 What do you know?
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning Practice
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look
at it on the screen: We’re learning words for places in
• Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
questions, e.g. Is it cold in the rainforest? (No.)
the rainforest.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words 3 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
they know in English for natural places, e.g. pond, rock.
Write them on the board. • Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
CD2, Track 42
Presentation 1 What’s that? 4 There’s a river.
It’s a hut. 5 There’s a valley.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 46–53. 2 Is it a bridge? 6 What’s that?
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say Yes, it is. It’s a mountain!
each word. 3 Oh, I can see 7 I can see a path.
a waterfall. 8 There’s a hut.
2 Listen and find.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters and • Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
Pupils write a tick or a cross in the boxes depending
ask, Who are they? (Oliver, Sophie, Uncle James, Coco.)
on whether the sentence is true or false.
Explain that they are in the rainforest film studio and
that the man talking to Uncle James is a jungle man.
• Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio ANSWER KEY
and that they have to point to the natural features in 1✓ 2✓ 3✗ 4✗ 5✓ 6✓ 7✓ 8✗
the main scene.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.


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AB page 44

6 Rainforest
Rainforest 1 Look and match.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. Tell
them to read the words in the boxes and
1 What do you know? match them with the numbers on the picture.

2 Listen and find.


1 path 3 mountain 4 waterfall
5 river 6 valley 7 hut 8 cave

2 Look, find and write the sentences.

path bridge • Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures and
the jumbled sentences. Tell the class to
river reorder the sentences correctly.
• Check as a class by asking individual pupils
to read one sentence each.
Listen and tick (✓) 4
Listen and say.
or cross (✗).
2 I can climb the mountain.
3 I’m on the bridge. Look!
4 I can walk in the valley.
5 6 7

Learning adventure
52 Lesson 1 Can identify some places in the rainforest Ask pupils, How many words for places
in the rainforest do you know now?
Give pupils a minute to tell their partner the
M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 52 18/02/2016 08:51

4 Listen and say. new words they know. Ask them, Where are
you on your learning adventure now?
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. Ask pupils which words they find easiest or
most difficult to remember. Tell pupils,
CD2, Track 43 Well done! to reinforce the progress they
path river valley bridge mountain waterfall are making.
hut cave
Pop quiz
• Focus on the labels next to each picture. Read them to the Play Spelling bee (see page 21) to
class one by one. Pupils find the words as they hear them and
practise the spelling of the new words.
repeat them.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs. Show homework
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Game Island Adventure Game. Show them
• Use Flashcards 46–53. Pupil 1 chooses a flashcard and whispers various activities they could do as
the word to Pupil 2. He/She passes this word to Pupil 3. They homework.
go on passing the secret word around the class. The last pupil
tells you the word and draws it on the board. Pupil 1 shows the
flashcard to check.

Flashcards 46–53

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 127 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 2 PB page 53 5 Listen and chant. Find the animals.
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about animals.
Learning objective • Play the audio (CD2:44). Pupils listen, follow the words
Can ask and answer about where things are and point to the pictures.
Target language • Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give
pupils time to repeat the words.
Where’s the (snake)?
It’s behind the (mountain). • Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along.
It’s next to the (waterfall).
Where are the (crocodiles)? Practice
They’re under the (bridge). • Divide pupils into two groups and practise the chant.
They’re in front of the (hut). One group asks the questions and the other says the
Recycled language answers. Then switch roles so that all pupils have a
Places and animals in the rainforest chance to practise the whole chant.

Warm-up • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
the audio (CD2:45).
• Revise the new vocabulary from Lesson 1, using
Flashcards 46–53. Hold up a flashcard. Ask a pupil to • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain (in L1) when
come to the front and write the word on the board. we use is and are.
Repeat with other words. • Ask pupils to give more example sentences, e.g.
Where’s the frog? It’s in front of the tree. Write them on
• Bring a large box and put it where it is visible to all
the board.
the class. Take different toy animals pupils know the
names of in English and revise prepositions in, on • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks and draw
and under. Ask, Where’s the (monkey)? Pupils answer, pictures illustrating them.
It’s (under) the box.
6 Where are they? Listen and say the
Learning adventure missing words.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the

• Ask pupils to look at the sentences and guess what
words are represented by the question marks.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Tell them that you are going to play the audio and
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the they have to say the words to complete the sentences.
screen: We’re learning to ask and answer about where • Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to the
things are. things in the main illustration as they are mentioned.

Presentation CD2, Track 46

• Point to a pupil and say, (Name) is in front of (name). 1 Where’s Sophie?
Repeat with a few more pupils. Pupils repeat each She’s on the bridge. She’s behind Uncle James.
sentence after you to practise pronunciation. 2 Where’s Coco?
Ask, Where’s (name)? Pupils answer, He’s/She’s in He’s in front of the cave.
front of… . 3 Where’s the hut?
• Repeat with behind and next to. It’s next to the waterfall.
• Use the toy animals to practise the new prepositions. 4 Where are the crocodiles?
Pupils come to your table and place the toys in They’re under the bridge.
different positions. They ask the class, e.g. Where’s the
(cat)? The class answers. • Play the audio again. Pupils say the missing words.
• Then ask individual pupils to read the sentences to the
class, including the missing words.

1 behind 2 in front of 3 next to 4 under


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 128 27/04/2017 10:35
4 Look and write. Use the words in
the box.
Listen and chant. Find the animals.
• Pupils look at the picture and identify the
different items of furniture (TV, table, picture,
Where’s the fish? sofa, chair).
It’s under the bridge.

Where’s the snake?
It’s behind the tree.
• They then complete the sentences using the
Where’s the bird?
words in the word bank.
It’s next to the mountain.
Where’s the frog?
• When they have finished, ask a few pupils to
It’s in front of the tree.
read the sentences to the class.

2:45 2 under the table 3 next to the sofa
Where’s the behind the mountain. 4 behind the sofa 5 on the chair
snake? It’s
next to the waterfall.

Where are under the bridge.

the crocodiles?
in front of the hut. Learning adventure

6 Where are they? Listen and say

Play Teacher says (see page 20)
the missing words. practising the prepositions from this
1 Sophie is Uncle James. lesson, e.g. Sit on your chair. Stand next to
2 Coco is the cave.
your chair. Girls stand behind boys. Put your
bag in front of the board. Put your books under
3 The hut is the waterfall.
the table.
4 The crocodiles are the bridge.

8 7 Ask and answer. Show homework

Where’s Oliver?
He’s next to the bridge.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the guitar card
on page 53 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell pupils
to go online to the Poptropica English
Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about where things are
Island Adventure Game and find the item.
M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 53 18/02/2016 08:51
Once pupils click on it, they are taken to a
supplementary language task.
7 Ask and answer.
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take turns to ask and answer
questions about the characters and natural features in the
main scene.

AB page 45

3 Read, look and circle.

• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures and the sentences.
Tell them to choose the correct option and circle it.

2 in front of 3 next to 4 behind

A large box, a couple of toy animals
Flashcards 46–53

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 129 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 3 PB page 54 8 Listen and sing.
• Play the audio (CD2:47). Pupils read and follow the
Learning objective words. Use gesture to help show the meaning of swing
Can talk about where animals live and what they and all around us.
can do • Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with
the words.
Target language
eagles, monkeys, whales • If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD2:48).
curly/strong tails, sharp claws, silent wings, tiny
They’ve got (strong tails). Practice
Recycled language • Divide pupils into smaller groups. Each group works
forest, mountain, sea together to write a new verse about a different
Animals animal. Go around the class to help with ideas and
Receptive language • Write the new verses on the board.
all around us, swing • Pupils sing them to the karaoke version of the
song (CD2:48).

Warm-up Presentation
• Play the chant from Lesson 2 (CD2:44). Pupils listen • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
and chant along. Play the chant again, pausing the audio (CD2:49).
after each question. Ask pupils to chant the answer • Focus on the highlighted words. Elicit more examples
each time. of similar expressions, e.g. long arms, big ears.
Write the examples on the board.
Learning adventure • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils look at the picture and
screen: We’re learning to talk about where animals live the song. Pupil A describes an animal and Pupil B
and what they can do. guesses which animal it is.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words • For extra practice, pupils may also make sentences
they know in English for animals, e.g. giraffe, lion. about the colour and size, e.g. They’re blue. They’re
Write them on the board. very big. They can swim. (whales) They can fly. (eagles)
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! Home–school link
You are moving along your learning adventure!
• At home, pupils draw a wild animal and tell their
Presentation family about it in English.
• Focus on the song illustration. Point to the whale in AB page 46
the picture and say, Is it a fish? No, it’s a whale. Look!
It’s got a strong tail. Point to the eyes and say, Look at
the eyes. Are they big or small? They’re very small. 5 Find and write the words.
They’re tiny. • Pupils unscramble the animal words and write them
• Point to the eagles and ask, Are these birds? Pupils on the lines provided.
answer. Say, They’re eagles. Introduce claws and wings.
• Point to the monkeys. Explain (in L1) that monkeys
have got curly tails.
a whales b monkeys c eagles


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 130 27/04/2017 10:35
7 Read and complete. Use the words
in the box.
8 Listen and sing.
2:47 /
• Pupils complete the descriptions with the
Animals live all around us, words in the word bank.
All around you and me. • Check by asking a few pupils to read each
Animals live in the forest, sentence in turn.
The mountains and the sea.

Monkeys live in the forest

And they can swing in the trees.
sharp claws
They’ve got long arms and curly tails silent wings
2 tails 3 sharp 4 wings 5 strong
And they can swing in the trees.
Chorus 6 eyes
Eagles live in the mountains
And they can fly in the sky.
They’ve got sharp claws and silent wings
And they can fly in the sky.
Learning adventure
curly tails
Whales live in the sea
And they can swim and sing. Ask pupils, How much do you know
They’ve got strong tails and tiny eyes about animals now? Give pupils a minute
And they can swim and sing.
to tell their partner what they know.
Ask them, Where are you on your learning
strong tails adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done! to
tiny eyes

curly/strong tails.
reinforce the progress they are making.
They’ve silent wings.
got tiny eyes. Pop quiz
sharp claws.
Play Flashcard mime (see page 20).
9 Look at Activity 8. SCHOOL
SCHOOL Instead of miming animals, mime
Ask and answer. They’ve got LINK different clues about them, e.g. mime big and
curly tails. Monkeys.
pupils say, It’s a big animal. Mime swimming
and pupils say, It can swim. Point to your
54 Lesson 3 Can talk about where animals live and what they can do
eyes and mime very small and pupils say,
It’s got tiny eyes. It’s a whale! Use Flashcards
M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 54 18/02/2016 08:51
8–13, if you wish.
6 Look at Activity 5. Listen and number.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and look.
CD2, Track 50
1 They’ve got sharp claws. They’ve got big wings and small
heads. They eat meat. They live in the mountains.
What are they?
2 They live in the rainforest and play in the waterfalls.
They’ve got curly tails and long arms. They eat fruit,
insects and leaves. What are they?
3 They live in the sea. They haven’t got arms or legs.
They’ve got strong tails and tiny eyes. They can sing.
What are they?

• Play the audio again. Pupils number the pictures in Activity 5 in

the order they hear the animals.
• Check as a class. Ask, Which is number (one)?
a3 b2 c1

Flashcards 8–13 (optional)

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 131 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 4 PB page 55 11 Listen and answer. True or false?
• Play the audio, pausing after each sentence.
Learning objectives • Pupils find the information in the text in Activity 10
Can read and talk about the environment and decide if the sentences are true or false.
Can pronounce words that include silent letters
Target language CD2, Track 51
hippopotamus, jaw 1 Victoria Falls is a small waterfall.
2 A lot of animals live next to the waterfalls.
Recycled language
3 Hippos have got big jaws.
by boat, cool, hippo, river, sharp teeth, waterfall
4 Hippos have got long legs.
Animals, Prepositions
5 Hippos can swim.

• Play the song from Lesson 3 (CD2:47). Ask pupils to ANSWER KEY
sing along and mime some of the adjectives. 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T

Learning adventure
12 Listen and say.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the activities.
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson • Focus pupils on the blue letters. Play the audio
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re (CD2:52) twice. Elicit (in L1) that the highlighted letters
reading and talking about the environment and learning to are not pronounced.
pronounce words that include silent letters. • Play the audio again. Pupils practise saying the
sentence as a class.
10 Look and read. Which animals live near the
Victoria Falls?
13 Play the game.

• Focus on the photo of the waterfall. Ask, What’s this? • Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 6 mini cards on page 91
of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
Elicit waterfall.
• Point to the hippo. Ask, Where do hippos live? Are there • Ask a pupil to read the speech bubble aloud.
hippos in (pupils’ country)? • Pupils work in pairs. Ask them (in L1) to shuffle the
cards, place them face up on the table and memorise
• Explain (in L1) that the text is a diary someone has
which card is where. They turn them face down and
written while on holiday.
take turns to guess where two cards are, using next to
• Pupils read and look for names of places: Victoria Falls
and under. They turn the cards over to check. If they
and Zambezi River. Help pupils to locate these places
are right, they win those cards. If not, they turn the
on a map of the world.
cards face down again. The winner is the player with
• Pupils read the text and answer the question in
the most cards at the end of the game.
the rubric.
AB page 47
Elephants, giraffes, monkeys, crocodiles and 8 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).
hippos live near the Victoria Falls. What animal is it?
• Direct pupils’ attention to the sentences.
• Play the audio. Pupils decide if the sentences are true
or false.

CD2, Track 53
A: Do they live in the rainforest? B: Yes, they do.
A: Can they fly? B: No, they can’t. And they
can’t run. A: Have they got short legs? B: No.
They haven’t got legs. A: Ah! Have they got
strong jaws? B: Yes, they have.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 132 27/04/2017 10:35
10 Look at Activity 9 and complete
10 Look and read. Which animals live
6 the sentences.
near the Victoria Falls? • Pupils look at the table and complete
the sentences using the information they
Victoria Falls Look! You can see a hippo in the have ticked.
Today I’m at Victoria Falls. There are a river. Hippos are very big and strong.
lot of big waterfalls here. They are on They’ve got big jaws with a lot of big,
the Zambezi River. You can go by boat sharp teeth. They’ve got short legs
on the river and watch the animals. and big feet. ANSWER KEY
Monkeys live in the rainforests. They’ve
It’s cool! There are They can swim.
elephants, giraffes, They move their got curly tails.
monkeys, crocodiles feet on the river bed Giraffes live in the valleys. They’ve got
and hippos. like ballet dancers
and walk in the water! long necks.
Hippo is short for hippopotamus.
Do you know that ‘hippopotamus’
means ‘river horse’?

11 Circle the silent letters. Then

Listen and answer. True or false? listen and check.
12 Listen and say. • Pupils look at the words and circle all
silent letters.
• Play the audio to check.
Walk in the mountains and
listen to the autumn trees. CD2, Track 54
1 ballet The silent letter is ‘t’.
The eagle is next
13 Play the game. to the rainforest. 2 cupboard The silent letter is ‘p’.
3 climb The silent letter is ‘b’.
4 Wednesday The silent letter is the
first ‘d’.
5 half The silent letter is ‘l’.
6 know The silent letter is ‘k’.
Lesson 4 Can read and talk about the environment / Can pronounce words that include silent letters 55 7 talk The silent letter is ‘l’.
8 write The silent letter is ‘w’.
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• Play the audio again. Pupils check their answers and decide
what animal it is.
2 cupboard 3 climb 4 Wednesday
ANSWER KEY 5 half 6 know 7 talk 8 write
2✗ 3✗ 4✓
a snake
Pop quiz

9 Read, think and complete. Tell the class to say the sentence from
Activity 12 as fast as they can. Check
• Focus on the table. Pupils tick two items for each animal. that they are not pronouncing any of the
• Draw the table on the board. Pupils come and tick their answers. silent letters.

Monkeys: live in the rainforests, curly tails
Giraffes: live in the valleys, long necks

Unit 6 mini cards, map of the world

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 133 27/04/2017 10:35
Lesson 5 PB page 56 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objectives Why are maps useful? (They show us where places
Can understand a simple story are so we can find them.) What types of maps are there?
Can act out a story (e.g. Maps of the world, of countries, of a particular area,
Values of a city/town/village, of transport, of the stars, etc.)
Being prepared When do people use maps? (e.g. To find their way in a
place they don’t know, to plan a trip, etc.)
Target language
map, rope
• In pairs, pupils think of their answers. They might like
to write their ideas in their notebooks. Ask pupils to
Functional language share their answers with the class. Encourage them to
Let’s go this way. use as much English as possible.
Can we look at the map now?
Thanks, Coco! It’s OK! 15 Act out the story.
Recycled language • See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
snake more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
Places and animals in the rainforest, Prepositions with roleplays.
• Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
Play the audio while pupils act out the story or say
Warm-up the lines and pupils repeat.
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they can remember about • Divide pupils into groups of four (the jungle man,
Oliver, Sophie, Coco). Give groups time to practise
the story from Unit 5. Ask, What does Sophie want
their roleplay.
to be? (a photographer) What does Oliver want to
be? (a firefighter) What type of film are they making? • Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
(a space film)
out the story.
Learning adventure You might like to give the pupils feedback on their
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or Values
look at it on the screen: We’re reading a story and acting
it out. • Have a short dicussion (in L1) about why it is
important to be prepared. Write Be prepared on the
board and explain what this means.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen
and read. • Explain that things can go wrong, so you need,
e.g. a first aid kit in case an accident happens.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions Ask, What activities do you need to be prepared for?
about the characters and the scene: Who can you Elicit, e.g. swimming, climbing, skiing, a trip to the beach,
see? (Oliver, Sophie, Uncle James, the jungle man, Coco.) cooking a meal. Ask, What activities don’t you need to
What can you see in picture 1? (a mountain, a cave) be prepared for? Elicit, e.g. reading, watching TV.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story.
• Play the audio (CD2:55). Pupils listen and follow AB page 48
• Ask, Where is Coco the monkey? (next to the cave) What
does the jungle man give to Sophie? (a map) Does Oliver 12 Number the pictures in order.
like maps? (No, he doesn’t.) What does Sophie use to
swing in front of the waterfall? (a snake) Do they find • Ask the class (in L1) if they can remember what
Coco? (Yes, they do.) happened in the story. Then ask individual pupils to
read the speech bubbles.
• Play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
to read along with the characters. • Ask the pupils to number the pictures in order.
They can look back at their Pupil’s Books to check.

a3 b5 d6 e2 f4


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Show homework

14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.

• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
1 2 various activities they could do as
I don’t like maps.
Look! The monkey Let’s go this way. homework.
is next to the cave.

Role playing the story

Below are some suggestions for extra
work with the stories:
Here’s a map. Um… OK…

3 4
• While pupils listen to the story, they
Run! There are crocodiles Swing in front of perform a specific action for target
in the river! the waterfall!
• Pupils draw a new picture for any frame
of the story.
• Pupils create a new ending for the story.
It isn’t a rope!
It’s a snake! Woah!
• Pupils draw or describe their favourite
Please can we look Look! There’s a
• Pupils discuss real-life situations that
at the map now? path to the cave. Thanks, Coco! are related to the story.
• Pupils comment on how they would feel
or how they would behave if they were
in a similar situation to one of the story
It’s OK!
Um… OK… • You might like to give pupils feedback.
You could give pupils two stars and
one wish, e.g. Fantastic actions! Great
15 Act out the story. teamwork! Speak a bit louder next time.
This could be given in L1.
56 Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 56 18/02/2016 08:52 Story card activities

13 Look at Activity 12 and complete. Use the words in For suggestions on how to use the story
the box. activities, please see page 18.

• Pupils look at the pictures in Activity 12 and complete the

sentences with the words in the word bank.
• Ask individual pupils to read the sentences aloud.
b water c next to d in front of e Sophie f under

14 Choose a picture from Activity 12 and write.

• Focus on the example. Then pupils choose a different picture
from Activity 12 to write about. Individual pupils read their
descriptions aloud.

Pop quiz
Ask pupils to stand up. Say some true or false statements
about the story, e.g. Coco is in the hut. (false) The jungle man
gives them a map. (true) Pupils stand/stay standing if the
statements are true and sit/stay sitting if they are false.
Ask pupils to correct the false statements.


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Lesson 6 PB page 57 • Play the audio (CD2:56) once. Pupils follow in their
books and answer.
Learning objectives • Play the audio again. Ask comprehension questions,
Can understand a text about the rainforest e.g. Is the Amazon River long or short? Have tapirs got
Can make a fact file about a rainforest animal long necks? What do hummingbirds drink? Where do
giant tarantulas live?
Cross-curricular • Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the statements
Geography: the Amazon rainforest under the texts and decide if they are true or false.
Target language Do the first sentence with the class.
giant tarantula, hummingbird, nectar, tapir • You could ask the pupils to help you correct the wrong
sentences on the board.
Recycled language
Animals, Animal food, Places in a forest
1✓ 2✗ 3✗ 4✗
• Play a guessing game. Divide pupils into two teams. 18 Describe one of the animals in Activity 17.
Call one pupil from Group A to the front. Whisper an Ask your friends to guess.
animal word. He/She mimes the animal. His/Her group
guesses what animal it is. If they guess correctly, they • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take it in turns to
get a point. Continue with Group B. describe an animal, e.g. It’s big. It’s got eight legs.
It lives under the leaves on the ground. The other pupil
Learning adventure guesses which animal it is.

16 What do you know? Extension questions

• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write the following questions on the board:
Write the lesson objective on the board or look at it Why is the Amazon rainforest special? (There are a
on the screen: We’re reading a text about the rainforest lot of animals and plants that can only be found in the
and we’re making a fact file about a rainforest animal. rainforest. Many plants are used for medicines. The trees
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words in the rainforest produce oxygen and take in carbon
they know in English for animals and natural features, dioxide.) What damages the rainforest? (e.g. Cutting
e.g. giraffe, waterfall. Write them on the board. down the trees to make way for cattle farming; extracting
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! oil; pollution; hunting of rare species. Also, global warming
You are already moving along your learning adventure! changes the climate so there is less rain.) Use L1, if
necessary. Ask pupils to work with a partner to
Presentation answer them.
• Bring a map of the world to the class. Ask, Where’s • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
the Amazon rainforest? Pupils guess (in L1). Locate They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
the Amazon rainforest on the map. Say, It’s in Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
South America. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
• Focus on the photos. Introduce tapir, hummingbird them to use as much English as possible.
and giant tarantula. Ask pupils (in L1) what they know
about the animals. Project
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or • Tell pupils that they are going to make a fact file
cross (✗). about a rainforest animal.
• Give pupils some time to find out some facts for
• Tell the class that they are going to listen and read their fact file (in reference books or on the internet).
about the Amazon rainforest. Elicit some ideas and write them on the board.
• Ask pupils to listen to the audio, read and find out
which animal eats birds.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 136 27/04/2017 10:36
AB page 49

16 What do you know?

6 15 Read and write. Use the words in
the box.
17 Listen and read. Then tick (✓) or cross (✗).
• Check meaning of the words in the word
• Pupils then read the descriptions of the
It’s hot and wet in the Amazon rainforest animals and write the animal names.
and there are a lot of tall trees.
The Amazon River runs through the
rainforest. It’s very long. A lot of animals hummingbird
live in the rainforest and the river. ANSWER KEY
These birds are very small.
These animals have got They drink nectar from flowers. 1 tapir 2 hummingbird 3 tarantula
short necks. They live They like red, orange and
next to the river. They yellow flowers.
eat leaves and fruit.
They love bananas.
tapir 16 Read and complete. Use the words
in the box.
These big spiders have got long legs.
They live under the leaves on the ground.
They can eat a bird or a mouse.
• Check meaning of the words in the word
giant tarantula
• Pupils read the text and write the words.
• Check by asking a few pupils to read each
1 It’s hot and wet in the Amazon. sentence in turn.
2 Hummingbirds like blue flowers.
Make a fact file about
3 Tapirs eat meat. a rainforest animal. ANSWER KEY
4 Giant tarantulas live in trees. 1 Choose a rainforest animal.
2 strong 3 teeth 4 River 5 meat
2 Draw a picture or find a photo
of the animal.
18 Describe one of the animals 3 Write some facts about
your animal.
in Activity 17. Ask your friend
to guess.
4 Share the facts with the class.
Learning adventure
Lesson 6 Can understand a text about the rainforest / Can make a fact file about a rainforest animal 57 Ask pupils, What do you know now
about the Amazon rainforest? Tell pupils
to work with a partner. Give pairs a minute
M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 57 18/02/2016 08:52

• Provide the materials and give pupils time to draw a picture of to think of ideas. Accept any answers and
their animal (or print out a photo of it). promote discussion. Ask them, Where are you
• Ask pupils to write some facts about the animals they have on your learning adventure now? Tell pupils,
chosen. Provide vocabulary and support where required. Well done! to reinforce the progress they
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their fact files to the are making.
class and talk about them.
• Display the fact files on the classroom wall and ask pupils to Pop quiz
choose their favourite.
In pairs, pupils imagine a new animal
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on
for the rainforest. Ask them to draw
their projects.
the animal and write a description. Pupils
present their imagined rainforest animals to
Optional Home–school link the rest of the class.
• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with
their families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings
their rainforest animal fact file and talk about ways to protect
rainforest plant and animal life.

Poster, map of the world, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens
or pencils), reference books or internet access

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 137 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 7 PB page 58 • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
about the pictures they didn’t tick.
Learning objective
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 6 ANSWER KEY
1b 2a 3b 4b
Recycled language
Places and animals in the rainforest, Prepositions
Where’s the (giraffe)?
It’s (next to) the (hut). 20 Write in your notebook.
• Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
Warm-up • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
• Ask pupils to vote between the chant from Lesson words from pupils.
2 (CD2:44) and the song from Lesson 3 (CD2:47).
Chant or sing the preferred one as a class. ANSWER KEY
1 in front of 2 under 3 behind the tree
Learning adventure 4 next to the mountain
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the 21 Look at Activity 19. Choose a picture.
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure. Then ask and answer.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils, How many • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
rainforest words can you remember? Put their ideas on questions about the pictures in Activity 19 and on
the board. other pages in this unit, using the phrases in the
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on speech bubbles as a starting point.
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
less confident that they will have opportunities for support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
more practice. much language as possible from the unit, e.g. Where
are the hippos? Where are the parrots? What is
19 Listen and tick (✓). this animal? Where does it live? What does it eat?
Where’s Coco? Where’s the cave? Tell pupils to ask their
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask, e.g. What can partner for help if they don’t know a word.
you see in picture 1a? (crocodiles next to a waterfall) Ask
about all the pictures.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to
the pictures. • Play Bingo (see page 21) but instead of drawing
pictures on a grid, tell the class to get their Unit 2 and
CD2, Track 57 Unit 6 mini cards. They choose six cards and put them
1 Where are the crocodiles? face up in front of them.
They’re behind the waterfall. • Pick a card and ask a pupil to say what it is. The pupils
2 Where are the parrots? who have that card put it face down on their tables.
Look! They’re under the bridge. Repeat with the rest of the cards until a pupil has all
3 Where’s the monkey? their mini cards turned face down on the table and
It’s next to the hut. calls out, Bingo!
4 Where’s the lion?
It’s in front of the cave. AB page 50

17 Find, circle and write ten words from

• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick Unit 6.
the pictures.
• Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to • Direct pupils’ attention to the wordsearch. Pupils
check the answers. solve it individually or in pairs.
• Check as a class. Ask, e.g. What’s number (two)?
Pupils answer.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 138 27/04/2017 10:36
18 Look, find and write.
19 Listen and tick (✓).
I C AN • Direct pupils’ attention to the picture.
T! Tell the class to answer the questions in
1 2
pairs, then write their answers.
a b a b
• When they have finished, ask pairs to read
the questions and answers.

3 4
a b a b ANSWER KEY
2 next to the waterfall 3 in the river
4 They’re in front of the tree.
5 It’s behind the tree.
20 Write in your notebook.
1 Where’s the giraffe?
It’s the hut.
Learning adventure
2 Where are the hippos?
They’re the bridge. Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
3 Where’s the elephant? their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
It’s . tell you what they found easiest or most
4 Where are the eagles? difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
They’re . I Can statements at the bottom of page 58 of
the Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
21 Look at Activity 19. Choose a picture. the corresponding bar to reflect how
Then ask and answer.
confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
Picture 4a. Where’s the lion? It’s in the cave.
on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
where they think they are on the learning
I can identify some places in the rainforest.
adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
I can talk about where things are. reinforce the progress they are making.
I can understand a text about the rainforest.

58 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 6 Pop quiz

In groups of four, pupils tell the others
M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 58 18/02/2016 08:52

the answers to the following questions:

ANSWER KEY Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
2 claw 3 mountain 4 river 5 valley 6 cave 7 tail Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
8 hut 9 wing 10 water is your favourite new word? Which word is the
most difficult for you?
r c o n h c l a w i
u a m o u n t a i n General poster activities
w v i x t i w x n b For general poster activities see Lesson 7
of Unit 1.
a e l n r v a o g r
z n o g f r t i l i
r i v e r o e q a g
e t y w i f r l t a
v a l l e y f e e p
m i k s t e a c s u
u l r f i m l o m t

Poster, Unit 2 and Unit 6 mini cards

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 139 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 8 PB page 59 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective Which natural environment do you most want to
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 6 visit? (e.g. the grasslands of Africa, the Amazon
Recycled language rainforest, the Alps, the Arctic or Antarctic) Why?
Animals, Places in a rainforest, Prepositions What can you see/do there? Use L1, if necessary.
Tell pupils to work with a partner.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Warm-up They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Tell pupils (in L1) you are going to draw an animal and They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
they have to help. Ask a pupil, Has it got a curly tail?
them to use as much English as possible.
Pupil answers, No, it hasn’t. It’s got… . Ask another
pupil, Can it climb? Continue and draw the animal
AB page 51
according to their answers.

Learning adventure 19 Look, think and write.

Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activity.

• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. Tell the class to
look at the word prompts and make sentences about
What are we learning today? Write the lesson the birds.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re playing a game about the rainforest.
• You might like to help them by writing possible
sentence starters on the board, e.g. They live… They’ve
got… They eat… . Ask them to write their answers.
22 Spot the differences. Ask and answer. • When they have finished, ask individuals to read
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Each pupil chooses a their sentences.
picture and covers the other picture. Explain that they
need to describe their picture to find the differences ANSWER KEY
between the two pictures. Ask two pupils to read the 2 long tails
texts in the speech bubbles at the bottom of the page 3 They can fly.
aloud. Encourage pupils to circle the differences as 4 They eat fruit and insects.
they find them. 5 They’re pretty.
• When pupils have found several differences, ask them
to uncover the pictures and look carefully at both
pictures side-by-side to check that they have found all 20 Choose a rainforest animal and write
the differences. about it. Then tell your friend.

• Pupils choose a rainforest animal and write sentences
describing it. They can use the prompts in Activity 19.
1 In picture a the snake is on the bridge. In picture
b the snake is behind the tree.
• They then read their description to their partner.
2 In picture a the monkey is in front of the tree. AB page 71
In picture b the monkey is on the bridge.
3 In picture a the bird is next to the mountain. • Pupils play a game in pairs using the Rainforest
In picture b the bird is on the path. pictures in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes
4 In picture a the crocodile is under the bridge. turns to say a word and his/her partner points to the
In picture b the crocodile is next to the river. correct picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the
5 In picture a the fish is in front of the waterfall. written words below each picture.
In picture b the fish is under the bridge.
Consolidation and extension worksheet 6

• Pupils complete the consolidation and extension

activities on Worksheet 6 (page 124). See also teaching
notes on page 23.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 140 27/04/2017 10:36

22 Spot the differences. Ask and answer.

6 • Watch the video story The action film. Ask
pupils what happened in the story. Watch
again, stopping at key points and ask them
a b
about the language, the images or the
story. Ask the pupils to act out the story.
Assign the roles of two of the characters
to confident speakers and let other pupils
play the other parts. Encourage them to
say as much of the dialogue as they can
and prompt where necessary.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using
Evaluation sheet 6 (pages 200 and 201).
See also teaching notes on page 188.

Preparation for evaluation

Procedure the day before the evaluation
Where’s the snake in your picture?
• Review unit content using games to give
It’s on the bridge.
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
Your turn. content of the evaluation might be, using
the children’s first language as needed.
Where’s the monkey in your picture?
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
Now go to Poptropica
procedure on the day of evaluation.
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 6 59

M06_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U06.indd 59 18/02/2016 08:52

I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. find more words for places in
nature, discover more about the Amazon rainforest and the
animals that live there.

Are you ready for Unit 7?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit.
Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything
as they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 6

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 141 27/04/2017 10:36
7 Feelings
Worksheet 7
Name: Class:

1 Look and write. Use the words in the box.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

angry crying hungry scared smiling thirsty tired

1 She’s sleeping because .

2 She’s drinking because .
3 He’s eating .
4 He’s shouting .
5 He’s he’s happy.
6 She’s because she’s sad.
7 He’s screaming because .

2 Draw the film posters.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

                 me feel scared. laugh.

142 Consolidation and extension worksheet 7

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 142 27/04/2017 10:36
7 Feelings
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about feelings

Target Feelings: angry, happy, hungry, sad, scared, thirsty, tired
vocabulary Feelings verbs: crying, laughing, shouting, smiling

Why is he/she laughing? He’s/She’s laughing because (it’s funny).

What makes you feel (happy)? (Sunny days) make me feel (happy).
What makes you (cry)? (Sad films) make me (cry).

Phonics: /hæ/ and /hʌ/

Features Values: Being sensitive to other people’s feelings
Cross-curricular: Social Science: how music and films make me feel


• Can understand a text about feelings

• Can understand a simple story
• Can understand details of a story
• Can recognise how music and films make me feel

• Can complete questions and answers about actions and feelings using
Why and Because
Writing • Can complete simple sentences about feelings
• Can write simple sentences about how I feel and what makes me feel
that way (Activity Book)

Listening • Can identify some feelings

• Can ask and answer about people’s feelings using Why and Because
• Can talk about how you feel and what makes you feel that way
Speaking • Can talk about being sensitive to other people’s feelings
• Can pronounce words that include the sounds /hæ/ and /hʌ/
• Can act out a story


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 143 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 1 PB page 60
CD3, Track 01
Sophie: I’m taking photos of film stars!
Learning objective It’s amazing! Are you OK, Oliver?
Can identify some feelings Oliver: No. I’m scared. Look at that man.
Target language He’s very angry.
angry, happy, hungry, sad, scared, thirsty, tired Harry: Oliver! Don’t be scared. He’s just
Receptive language Sophie: Oh, look! It’s Finley Keen! Haha!
He’s just acting! He can’t ride a horse!
Sad actress: [crying]
Sophie: Hey! Why are you crying?
Warm-up Sad actress: I’m crying because I’m very sad in
• Mime and the pupils guess: You’re tall. You’re beautiful. the film.
You’re sleeping. You’re drinking., etc. You could then ask Oliver: Look, Sophie! Why is Coco so
individual pupils to take over your role. happy?
Coco: I’m laughing at Finley Keen!
Learning adventure He’s funny!
Oliver: Uncle James?
1 What do you know? Uncle James: I’m tired… tired of running after
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning Harry: OK, everyone! Let’s stop for lunch,
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look
at it on the screen: We’re learning words for feelings. I’m hungry and thirsty.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for feelings, e.g. happy, sad. Write • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
them on the board. circle the pictures when they hear the related words.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are already moving along your learning adventure! Practice

Presentation • Play the audio again, then ask comprehension questions,

e.g. Is Sophie happy or sad? (happy) Is Oliver angry or
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 54–60. scared? (scared) Can Finley Keen ride a horse? (No.)
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say 3 Listen and circle.
each word.
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
2 Listen and find. • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters and CD3, Track 02
ask, Who are they? (Oliver, Sophie, Uncle James, Finley 1 He’s sad.
Keen, Coco.) Explain that they are in the wild west 2 She’s hungry.
studio, making a film and that the photographer is 3 He’s tired.
Harry Clapperboard. 4 He’s angry.
• Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio 5 He’s happy.
and that they have to point to the actions in the 6 He’s thirsty.
main scene. 7 She’s scared.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
Pupils circle the words that correspond with the audio.
• Check the answers with the class. Say, Number (one),
sad or angry?


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 144 27/04/2017 10:36
AB page 52

7 Feelings 1 Look and write. Use the words in

the box.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. Tell
1 What do you know? them to write the correct sentence for each
picture, using the words in the word bank.
Listen and find. • Check as a class. Ask What’s number (five)?
Pupils answer.

sad 2 She’s tired. 3 She’s thirsty.
4 He’s happy. 5 He’s angry.
6 She’s scared. 7 She’s sad.


2 Draw how you and your friend are
feeling. Then write.
3 Listen and circle. 4 Listen and say. • Tell pupils to draw how they are feeling in
3:02 3:03
one of the silhouettes.
1 2
scared /
• They then choose a friend and draw him/her
hungry in the other.

sad / angry tired / sad
When they have finished, they write the
sentences, e.g. I’m tired. (Name) is happy.
5 6

happy / tired tired / thirsty Learning adventure

Ask pupils, How many words for feelings
60 Lesson 1 Can identify some feelings
do you know now? Give pupils a minute
M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 60 01/03/2016 14:42
to tell their partner the new words they
know. Ask them, Where are you on your
learning adventure now? Ask pupils which
ANSWER KEY words they find easiest or most difficult to
1 sad 2 hungry 3 tired 4 angry 5 happy 6 thirsty remember. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce
7 scared the progress they are making.

Pop quiz
4 Listen and say.
Play Mime and guess. Divide pupils into
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. pairs. They take it in turns to choose a
character from the main scene. They mime
CD3, Track 03 what the character is doing. The other pupil
sad scared tired angry happy hungry thirsty guesses who it is and how they are feeling,
e.g. You’re Uncle James. You’re tired.
• Focus on the labels next to each picture. Read them to the
class one by one. Pupils find the words as they hear them and Show homework
repeat them.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs. Island Adventure Game. Show them
various activities they could do as

Flashcards 54–60

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 145 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 2 PB page 61 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD3:05).
Can ask and answer about people’s feelings using • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain that we use
Why and Because Why for the question and Because for the answer.
Target language
• Ask pupils to give a few more examples. Write them
on the board.
crying, laughing, shouting, smiling
Why is he/she (laughing)?
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
He’s/She’s (laughing) because (it’s funny).
• Ask pupils to mime an action, e.g. crying. Turn to one
pupil and ask, Why are you (crying)? Help pupil with the
Warm-up answer: Because I’m sad. Write this exchange on the
board and practise it with the class.
• Ask a pupil to come to the front. Show him/her one of
the Flashcards 54–60 (or whisper a word) and have 6 Listen and answer. True or false?
the pupil act it out. The pupil who correctly guesses
the word is the next one to come forward. • Focus on the four sentences. Tell pupils to listen and
decide if the sentences are true or false.
Learning adventure • Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write CD3, Track 06
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the Harry: OK, are you ready? Why are you
screen: We’re learning to ask and answer about people’s smiling, Sophie?
feelings using Why and Because. Sophie: Because Oliver is funny. He’s scared
of that man.
Oliver: Yes, I’m scared! That man is
Presentation shouting at me.
• Smile and say, I’m happy. Look! I’m smiling. Point to Harry: He’s acting, Oliver! And who’s
your smiling mouth to make meaning clear. Point to crying?
a pupil and ask And you? Are you smiling? Encourage Sad actress: It’s me. I’m crying because I’m sad
pupil to smile and say, Yes, I’m smiling. in this film.
• Repeat with crying, shouting and laughing. Harry: Stop crying! You’re sad at the end
of the film. Not now! Why are you
5 Listen and chant. Circle the feelings. laughing, Coco?
Coco: I’m laughing at Finley Keen. He can’t
• Tell pupils they will listen to a chant about feelings. ride a horse.
• Play the audio (CD3:04). Pupils listen and follow the
words. They then circle the words for feelings.
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give • Play the audio a few more times so that pupils
pupils time to repeat the words. have got time to read and decide. Check as a class.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along. You may ask pupils to correct the false answers.


happy, sad, thirsty, hungry, angry 1T 2F 3F 4T


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 146 27/04/2017 10:36
4 Look at Activity 3. Read and
5 Listen and chant. Circle the feelings.

• Tell pupils to read the questions and
1 answers carefully.
Why is she smiling? • Then focus on the picture in Activity 3.
Because she’s happy.
Why is she crying?
crying Tell the class to match the questions with
Because she’s sad. the answers.
Why is he drinking?
Because he’s thirsty. • Check as a class. Ask pairs of pupils to read
Why is he eating? the questions and the answers.
Because he’s hungry.
Why is he shouting?
Because he’s angry.
3 Why is she laughing? 4 ANSWER KEY
Because it’s funny! 2a 3e 4f 5b 6d
shouting laughing

Learning adventure
He’s/She’s laughing
Why is he/she laughing?
because it’s funny. Stick Flashcards 54–60 on the board
tired and write the corresponding feeling
6 Listen and answer. True or false?
words in random order to the right of the
flashcards. Select individual pupils to come to
1 Sophie is smiling.
the front and draw a line between a flashcard
2 Oliver is shouting.
and the correct word. They then make a
happy / angry
3 Finley Keen is crying. sentence using one of the words, e.g. I’m
4 Coco is laughing. laughing because I’m happy. Repeat with
7 other pupils.
7 Ask and answer.

sad / scared
Number 1. Why is she smiling? Because she’s happy. Show homework
Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about people’s feelings using Why and Because 61 • Direct pupils’ attention to the camera card
on page 61 of their Pupil’s Book. Tell pupils
M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 61 01/03/2016 14:42
to go online to the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game and find the item.
7 Ask and answer. Once pupils click on it, they are taken to a
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud. supplementary language task.
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils take it in turns to ask and answer
questions about the pictures in Activity 3.

AB page 53

3 Look and write. Use the words in the box.

• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. Tell pupils to complete
the sentences using the words in the word bank.
• Make sure they realise the numbers in the picture refer to
the sentences.
• Check by asking individual pupils to read the sentences.
2 hungry 3 thirsty 4 angry 5 laughing 6 crying

Flashcards 54–60

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 147 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 3 PB page 62 Practice
• Divide pupils into four groups. All groups sing the
Learning objective questions and each group sings the answers of one
Can talk about how you feel and what makes you verse. Switch verses until all the groups have sung all
feel that way the verses.
Target language
What makes you feel (happy)? • Read through the Look! box with the class and play
(Sunny days) make me feel (happy). the audio (CD3:09).
What makes you (cry)? • Focus on the highlighted words. Explain that we use
(Sad films) make me (cry). make(s) you/me with either feel + a feeling, e.g. happy,
sad, angry or with an action, e.g. cry, laugh.
Recycled language
Feelings, Weather • Ask pupils questions. Write the questions and answers
on the board.
• Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
Warm-up 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.
• Play I spy (see page 21) to revise feelings, saying,
• Look together at the words and phrases in the word
I spy with my little eye a feeling beginning with (h).
bank. Ask pupils for suggestions of places/people/
items that make them feel or do these things.
Learning adventure
• Ask a pair of pupils to read the texts in the speech
Open books and ask pupils to look at the bubbles aloud.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the questions using the words and phrases in the
screen: We’re learning to talk about how you feel and word bank.
what makes you feel that way.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for feelings, e.g. happy, sad. Write • Remind pupils of some of the vocabulary they have
them on the board. learnt so far. Brainstorm this vocabulary and classify
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! it into categories, e.g. nature, sports, activities,
You are moving along your learning adventure! animals, etc. Use the corresponding flashcards or a
collection of pictures to help them remember.
Presentation • Ask pupils to choose a picture or flashcard and tell the
class, e.g. Mountains make me feel happy. Hippos make
• Bring a variety of flashcards from earlier units to the me feel scared. Ice cream makes me feel hungry.
class. Show a flashcard of something you really like,
e.g. the sea, look very happy and say, The sea makes
me feel happy. What about you?
Home–school link
• Show a picture of something scary, e.g. a snake and • Tell the class to teach their parents the song and sing
say, Snakes make me feel scared. Make appropriate it at home together. They can also sing it on their way
gestures to make meaning clear. to and from school. Ask pupils to tell their parents
• Repeat with feeling angry/sad. what makes them feel happy.

8 Listen and sing.

• Focus on the song illustration. Ask pupils to say how
the children in the pictures are feeling, e.g. She’s sad.
• Play the audio (CD3:07). Pupils listen, follow the words
and point to the correct pictures. Explain naughty.
• Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with
the words.
• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of the
song on the Audio CD (CD3:08).


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 148 27/04/2017 10:36
6 Look, think and write.
8 Listen and sing.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. Then
3:07 /
3:08 focus on the example and tell the class to
write similar sentences about each picture.
What makes you feel happy?
What makes you feel happy?
What makes you feel scared?
What makes you feel scared?
• Check as a class. Ask a few pupils to read
Sunny days. Big storms.
the sentences to the class.
Sunny days and holidays Big storms and green monsters
Make me feel happy. Make me feel scared.
What makes you cry? What makes you laugh? 2 feel happy 3 make me feel hungry
What makes you cry? What makes you laugh? 4 make me feel thirsty 5 make me
Sad films. My friends.
feel tired
Sad films and long goodbyes My friends and naughty monkeys
Make me cry. Make me laugh.

naughty Learning adventure

Ask pupils, How many words for feelings
do you know now? Give pupils a minute
to tell their partner the new words they
know. Ask them, Where are you on your
learning adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done!
3:09 to reinforce the progress they are making.
What makes you feel happy?
9 Look at Activity 8. Sunny days make me feel happy.
Ask and answer.
What makes you cry?
Pop quiz
cry feel angry feel happy Sad films make me cry.
feel sad feel scared laugh
Sing the song in groups. This time
divide pupils into two groups. One
What makes you feel scared? Storms make me feel scared. SCHOOL
SCHOOL group sings the questions and the other sings
the answers. Encourage pupils to mime the
62 Lesson 3 Can talk about how you feel and what makes you feel that way
words when they aren’t singing.
M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 62 01/03/2016 14:42

AB page 54

5 Read the answers and complete the questions. Use

the words in the box.
• Tell pupils that these questions and answers are based on the
words of the song.
• Pupils complete the questions using the words in the word bank.
• When they have finished, check as a class. Ask pairs of pupils to
read the questions and the corresponding answers.

2 happy 3 laugh 4 cry

Poster, various flashcards or photos of nature, sports, activities, animals, etc.

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 149 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 4 PB page 63 • Play the audio again, stopping after each question
to allow time for the class to look back at the text in
Learning objectives Activity 10 and answer.
Can read and talk about feelings
Can pronounce words that include /hæ/ and /hʌ/ ANSWER KEY
1 Singing, playing the guitar, his friends and
Target language
summer make Ricky feel happy.
make funny faces
2 Funny films and his brother make Sam laugh.
Use of because
3 When his brother doesn’t want to play football
Recycled language with him.
Animals, Hobbies, Sports, Weather 4 Winter makes Ricky feel sad.
What makes you feel (happy)?
What make you (laugh)?
12 Listen and say.
Warm-up • Pupils look at the tongue twisters and say which
sounds the blue letters make.
• Play the song from Lesson 3 (CD3:07). Ask pupils to • Play the audio (CD3:11) to check.
listen and join in with the words.
• Say the sounds /hæ/ and /hʌ/ in isolation a few times
and have pupils repeat. Focus on the difference
Learning adventure between a in ha (angry) and u in hu (hungry).
Open books and ask pupils to look at the • Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write pupils time to repeat.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Pupils practise saying the tongue twisters as a class.
screen: We’re reading and talking about feelings and
learning to pronounce words that include /hæ/ and /hʌ/.
13 Play the game.
• Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 7 mini cards on page 93
10 Look and read. What does Ricky do with of the Pupil’s Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
his friends? • Ask a pupil to read the texts in the speech
bubbles aloud.
• Focus on the article. Ask the class (in L1) if they have • Pupils work in pairs to play Snap! Pupil A shuffles
visited websites of favourite singers or actors. both sets of cards and deals them evenly. Each pupil
• Point to the photos of Ricky. Ask, What does Ricky places his/her cards face down in a pile in front of
like doing? him/her. In turns, pupils turn over a card and put it in
• Pupils read the text and find the answer to the a face-up pile. If two cards are the same, pupils race
question in the rubric. to say, Snap! and make a sentence about the pictures.
• Explain make funny faces by demonstrating some for The pupil who calls, Snap! first wins the cards.
the class.
AB page 55
They go skateboarding and play computer games. 7 Listen and tick (✓).
• Pupils look at the pictures and say what they can see.
Teach email if necessary.
11 Listen and answer.
• Play the audio. Pupils listen while focusing on the
• Play the audio, pausing after each question. pictures.
Pupils just listen.

CD3, Track 10
1 Which four things make Ricky feel happy?
2 Which two things make Sam laugh?
3 What makes Sam feel sad?
4 What makes Ricky feel sad?


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 150 27/04/2017 10:36
8 Read and match.
10 Look and read. What does Ricky
7 • Write on the board the sentences from the
do with his friends? text in Activity 10 in the Pupil’s Book with
because. Ask pupils to give more examples.
Write some sentences on the board.
RICKY FANTASTIC • Focus on the example in Activity 8 in the
Funny films make me laugh. My brother Activity Book. Explain that pupils have to
Dear Ricky makes me laugh because he can make
What makes you feel happy? funny faces. But it makes me feel sad read the sentences and match the halves.
Sam when he doesn’t want to play football
with me. What makes you feel sad?
Hi Sam,
Singing and playing the guitar make me
feel happy. My friends make me feel happy Winter makes me feel sad
because they make me laugh. We go because it ’s cold. But I love 2c 3a 4d
skateboarding and play computer games. summer. Sunny days make me
What makes you laugh? feel happy.
Ricky Ricky

9 Listen and circle the correct

Listen and answer. picture.
12 Listen and say.
• Play the audio a few times. Pupils circle the
correct option in each pair.
Harry’s angry and Henry’s
hungry. Henry’s hungry and
Harry Henry Harry’s angry. CD3, Track 13
1 It’s a bag.
13 Play the game. 2 She’s angry.
Snap! 3 Cut.
4 A cup.
5 Hannah.
I’m hungry.

Lesson 4 Can read and talk about feelings / Can pronounce words that include /hæ/ and /hʌ/ 63
2 angry 3 cut 4 cup 5 Hannah
M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 63 01/03/2016 14:43

CD3, Track 12 Pop quiz

1 Man: Hello, what makes you feel scared?
Woman: Oh! Crocodiles make me feel scared because Have a spelling test. Allow pupils to
they’ve got sharp teeth. study page 63 of their Pupil’s Book for
2 Man: What makes you feel tired? a minute, then ask them to close their books.
Woman: Oh! Flying makes me feel tired. I like sleeping Read a list of words from the tongue twisters
on planes. in Activity 12 aloud for the pupils to write
3 Man: What makes you feel happy? down. Pupils then switch their notebooks
Woman: Swimming makes me feel happy because I love with a partner to check. Write the words on
the sea. the board.
4 Man: What makes you cry?
Woman: Emails from my family make me cry because
they aren’t here.

• Play the audio again. Pupils tick the correct picture.

• Play it a third time so pupils can check their answers.
2 flying 3 swimming 4 emails

Unit 7 mini cards

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 151 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 5 PB page 64 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objectives Why have people got different feelings in the same
Can understand a simple story situation? (We are all different – some people are more
Can act out a story sensitive than others and different things make us angry,
Target language scared or nervous.) What things make most people
dinosaur, noise, real, roar scared? (Things like tests, performing on stage, dangerous
animals, scary films, dangerous situations make most
Functional language people scared.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work
What’s the matter, Oliver? with a partner.
Don’t worry!
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Values They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Being sensitive to other people’s feelings Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Recycled language
them to use as much English as possible.
15 Act out the story.
Warm-up • See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they can remember about the with roleplays.
story from Unit 6. Ask, Which animals do Sophie and
Oliver see in the rainforest? (crocodiles, a snake, a frog, • Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
Play the audio while pupils act out the story or say
a monkey) Which places in the rainforest can you see in
the lines and pupils repeat.
the story? (e.g. a cave, a river, a waterfall, a path)
• Divide pupils into groups of four (Sophie, Oliver,
Uncle James, Coco). Give groups time to practise
Learning adventure their roleplay.
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning today? • Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Write the lesson objective on the board or look at Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
it on the screen: We’re reading a story and acting it out. out the story.
You might like to give the pupils feedback on
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen their roleplay.
and read.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the story and ask questions
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see? • Have a discussion (in L1) about the things that make
(Sophie, Oliver, Uncle James, Coco) What big animal can people sad at school, e.g. being laughed at, not being
you see? (a dinosaur) allowed to join in a game, etc.
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story. • Ask (in L1), What can pupils do to avoid making people
• Play the audio (CD3:14) and ask pupils to listen to the sad? (Think before they say something rude, be careful
story as they follow along in their books. not to hurt people by playing too roughly, etc.) How can
• Play the audio again. Check pupils’ understanding they help if someone else in their class is feeling sad?
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking (Be friendly, be a good listener, etc.)
questions, e.g. How does Oliver feel? (scared) What is
he scared of? (He’s scared of dinosaurs.) Who is in the
dinosaur? (Coco)
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story,
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
to read along with the characters.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 152 27/04/2017 10:36
11 Look and write about the dinosaur.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.
• Ask pupils to look at the picture. Ask, What
can you see? Elicit that the picture shows
1 2 a dinosaur.
Ooh! The Dinosaur What’s the
Park Studio! matter, Oliver? • Read the questions to the class. Give them a
few minutes to answer them.
• Check as a class. Ask a few pupils to read
the sentences to the class.

Dinosaurs make
me feel scared… I’m a bit worried! ANSWER KEY
3 4 The dinosaur is big. It’s got a long tail.
What’s that noise?
Ahhgh! It’s got sharp claws.
A dinosaur!
Quick! Run!

Pop quiz
I’m very scared. Close books. Read a phrase from the
Can we go now?
story aloud, e.g. Ooh! The Dinosaur Park
5 6
Don’t worry! It’s Studio! Pupils put their hands up if they know
not a real dinosaur. who said it. They give the answer and repeat
It’s Coco! Look,
he’s laughing. the phrase, using correct intonation. Repeat
with other phrases from the story.

Phew! I’m happy now.

Ha ha!
Show homework
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
15 Act out the story.
various activities they could do as
Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story

M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 64 01/03/2016 14:43

For the next lesson
AB page 56 • Tell pupils that they are going to make a
feelings box in the next lesson. Ask them
10 Look and complete. Use the words in the box. to bring a shoe box and some small objects
that make them feel happy/sad/tired, etc.
• Ask pupils to read the questions over the pictures and the to class.
sentences under them.
• Pupils use the words in the word bank to complete the sentences
and answer the questions. Story card activities
For suggestions on how to use the story
ANSWER KEY activities, please see page 18.
2 running 3 happy 4 laughing


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 153 04/05/2017 09:56
Lesson 6 PB page 65 • Play the audio again, stopping after each piece of
music. Pupils write words that the music inspires in
Learning objectives them in English or L1. Help with additional vocabulary,
Can recognise how music and films make me feel if necessary.
Can make a feelings box • Pupils can compare in pairs to see if they thought of
the same words.
Social Science: how music and films make me feel 18 Listen and read. Then number.
Target language • Direct pupils’ attention to the posters and explain that
How does (it/number 6) make you feel? they are posters of films.
Recycled language • Play the audio (CD3:16). Pupils listen and follow the
cry, dance, laugh, sing texts in their books. Then ask pupils to match the
Feelings descriptions with the correct posters.
It makes me feel (sad).
1c 2d 3a 4b
• Show a flashcard (e.g. showing an animal, a weather
condition or a free-time activity) to a pupil. The pupil 19 Look at Activity 18. Ask and answer.
mimes his/her feeling about it. For example, show • Focus on the question and answer in the example.
the rain flashcard and the pupil mimes sad. The rest Read them and ask pupils to repeat after you to
of the class guesses the feeling, e.g. Rainy days make practise pronunciation.
(name) feel sad. Repeat with other flashcards and • Divide the class into pairs. Pupils ask each other how
other pupils. the films make them feel.

Learning adventure Extension questions

16 What do you know? Write the following questions on the board:
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning What song makes you feel happy? Why? What film
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or makes you laugh? Why? What film character makes you
look at it on the screen: We’re learning to recognise scared? Why? Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work
how music and films make me feel and we’re making a with a partner to answer them.
feelings box. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
they know in English for feelings, e.g. happy, sad. Write Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
them on the board. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! them to use as much English as possible.
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
• Tell pupils that they are going to make a feelings
• Ask pupils (in L1) if they like music and what type box. If necessary, explain (in L1) that a feelings box
of music they like. Ask, Who’s your favourite singer? is a special box containing things that make us feel
What’s your favourite group? certain emotions.
• Ask (in L1) if they ever notice the music in films. • Provide the materials and give pupils time to decorate
Have they got any favourite film music? Discuss (in L1) their shoe boxes attractively.
how music in films can help to set the atmosphere. • Check that pupils have brought some items that make
them feel certain emotions. For each item, pupils write
17 Listen to the music. How does it make a short note that explains how this object makes
you feel? them feel, e.g. This is my favourite music. It makes me
• Play the audio (CD3:15). Stop after each piece of feel happy.
music and ask several pupils, How does it make you
feel? Pupils answer.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 154 27/04/2017 10:36
13 Listen and write.
16 What do you know?
7 • Tell the class that you are going to play the
music for the scenes in Activity 12. They
17 Listen to the music. have to listen and write how each piece
makes them feel.
How does it make you feel?

Listen and read. Then number.

• Play the audio (CD3:17). Pupils just listen.
• Play the audio again, stopping after each
piece to allow pupils time to write.
1 3 4
• To check, ask pupils to read what they
have written.

CD3, Track 17
1 [sound effects: sad music]
b There are a lot of people. They’re
2 [sound effects: party noises, someone
a It’s the end of the film. They’re at
the train station. They’re friends
laughing. They’re learning to dance.
The music is great. It makes me feel
ripping open a present]
and they’re saying goodbye. They’re
crying. It makes me feel sad. It makes
happy. I want to sing and dance, too. 3 [sound effects: comic drum roll then
me cry, too. bumping and falling, followed by
applause and laughter]
There’s a big, green monster. The
monster has got big, sharp teeth. 4 [sound effects: spooky music and
c There are two boys. They have
a lot of fun. They’re funny. They
It makes me feel scared.
a creaky door opening, as in a
make me laugh.
horror film]

19 Look at Activity 18. Make a feelings box.

Ask and answer.
1 Find a shoe box and decorate it.
2 Collect things that make you
ANSWER KEY (sample answers)
How does number 3 make you feel?
feel happy, sad, scared…
3 Write about your feelings.
2 It makes me feel happy.
It makes me feel sad. Stick notes on the things.
4 Share your feelings box with
3 It makes me laugh.
your class. 4 It makes me feel scared.
Lesson 6 Can recognise how music and films make me feel / Can make a feelings box 65

M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 65 01/03/2016 14:43

Learning adventure
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their box to a partner Ask pupils, What do you know now
and to talk about the objects in their box. about how films and music make us feel?
• Display the feelings boxes in the classroom and ask pupils to Tell pupils to work with a partner. Give pairs
choose their favourite. a minute to think of ideas. Accept any
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on answers and promote discussion. Ask them,
their projects. Where are you on your learning adventure
now? Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
Optional Home–school link progress they are making.
• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with Pop quiz
their families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings
their feelings box, go through the contents and compare feelings. Ask pupils to invent a title for a film.
They write a short review of their film,
AB page 57 using the texts on page 65 of their Pupil’s
Book as a model. Go around the class,
12 Read and circle. checking how pupils are doing and providing
• Pupils look at the film scenes and circle the correct words in support where needed.
the sentences.

2 laugh 3 happy 4 sad

Poster, various flashcards, materials to make the project (a shoe box for each pupil, sticky notes, scissors,
coloured pens or pencils), pupils’ items for the project

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 155 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 7 PB page 66 • Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to
check the answers.
Learning objective • Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 7 about the pictures they didn’t tick.

Recycled language
1b 2a 3a 4b
Why is he (shouting)?
Because he’s (angry).
What makes you feel (happy)?
(Going to the beach) makes me (happy). 21 Write in your notebook.
• Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
and complete them.
Warm-up • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
• Play the chant from Lesson 2 (CD3:04). Divide pupils words from pupils.
into two groups and practise the chant. Group A
chants the questions and Group B chants the answers. ANSWER KEY
Then switch roles. 1 is he shouting 2 tired 3 Because
4 makes you
Learning adventure
Open books and ask pupils to look at the
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write 22 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
screen: We’re thinking about our learning adventure. questions about the pictures on this page and on
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils, How many other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
words for feelings can you remember? Put their ideas on speech bubbles as a starting point.
the board. • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are much language as possible from the unit, e.g. How
less confident that they will have opportunities for does he/she feel? Why is Oliver scared? What makes him
more practice. feel happy? Tell pupils to ask their partner for help if
they don’t know a word.
20 Listen and tick (✓).
AB page 58
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask, e.g. Look at
picture 1b. How does he feel? Pupils answer, He’s scared.
Ask about all the pictures. 14 Look and circle. Draw and write the one
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to that is missing.
the pictures. • Direct pupils’ attention to the wordsnake. Explain that
they have to read and find the words for feelings and
CD3, Track 18 circle them. They use the pictures as clues.
1 Do you like this film, Ben? • When they have finished, ask pupils to say what
No, I don’t. I’m scared. words they have found.
2 Why is she eating? • Elicit the feeling that is missing (tired).
She’s eating because she’s hungry. • Then tell pupils to write the word and draw a
3 Why is she crying? tired face.
She’s crying because she’s saying goodbye to
her friend. ANSWER KEY
4 Why is he sleeping? scared, angry, happy, tired, hungry
He’s sleeping because he’s tired. Pupils draw the face of a tired child and write the
word ‘tired’.
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick
the pictures.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 156 27/04/2017 10:36
Learning adventure

20 Listen and tick (✓).

I C AN Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
T! their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
1 2 tell you what they found easiest or most
a b a b
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
I Can statements at the bottom of page 66 of
the Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
3 4 the corresponding bar to reflect how
a b a b
confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
where they think they are on the learning
21 Write in your notebook. adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
1 Why ? reinforce the progress they are making.
Because he’s angry.

2 Why are you ? Pop quiz

Because it’s 11 o’clock.
In groups of four, pupils tell the others
3 Why are you smiling? the answers to the following questions:
it’s my birthday. Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
4 What feel happy? Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
Going to the beach makes me feel happy.
is your favourite new word? Which word is the
most difficult for you?
22 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
Why is she crying? Because she’s saying ‘goodbye’.
General poster activities
For general poster activities see Lesson 7
I can identify some feelings.
I can talk about feelings using Why and because.
of Unit 1.
I can recognise how music and films make me feel.

66 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 7

M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 66 01/03/2016 14:43

• Divide pupils into pairs. Give each pair a sheet of paper and tell
them to make a wordsnake using words they like from this unit.
• When they have finished, they exchange papers with other pairs
and circle the words in the wordsnakes.

15 Look, think and complete.

• Focus on the example. Ask two pupils to read the question and
the answer.
• Explain (in L1) that pupils have to write questions using Why and
the words in the word bank on the left and answer them using
Because and the words in the word bank on the right.
• Remind pupils that we use he/she/it is but they are.
• When they have finished, ask pairs of pupils to read the
questions and answers to the class.

2 is it crying, sad
3 is he laughing, his friend is funny
4 are they smiling, they’re happy

Poster, a sheet of paper for each pair of pupils

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 157 27/04/2017 10:36
Lesson 8 PB page 67 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objective What’s your favourite (or least favourite) day of the
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 7 week? How do you feel on that day? Why? Use L1, if
Recycled language necessary. Tell pupils to work with a partner.
Feelings • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Are you (crying)? They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Yes, I am. Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
No, I’m not. They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Why are you (crying)? them to use as much English as possible.
Because (my mum is angry).
AB page 59

Warm-up 16 What makes you feel happy and scared?

• Ask pupils to sit in a circle. Pass one of Flashcards Write notes.
54–60 around the circle. When you clap your hands, • Direct pupils’ attention to the picture frames and elicit
the pupil holding the flashcard must make a sentence what feeling each one represents (happy and scared).
using the word on the card. • Tell them to write notes about things that make them
feel happy and scared in the correct frames.
Learning adventure
17 Write about what makes you feel happy
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activity. and scared. Then tell your friend.
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
objective on the board or look at it on the screen: • Ask one pupil to read the speech bubble
We’re playing a game about feelings. aloud. Elicit how to complete the sentences.
Provide additional vocabulary as necessary.
23 Play. • Then ask pupils to complete the sentences about
themselves in the same way.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the sentences at the • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils ask and answer
top of the page. Ask them to read the sentences questions about their feelings.
and say if they agree with them. Help with any • When they have finished, ask stronger pupils to read
unknown vocabulary. their description to the class.
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures below the sentences
and identify the feelings, e.g. He’s laughing/crying. AB page 72
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. Explain the game to the
class. Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide • Pupils play a game in pairs using the Feelings pictures
who goes first. Pupil A goes first, chooses an emotion/ in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes turns to
action and thinks of a reason for that emotion/action. say a word and his/her partner points to the correct
He/She can use a sentence from the top of the page picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the written
or his/her own idea. Pupil A then mimes the emotion/ words below each picture.
action. Pupil B asks, Are you (crying)? Pupil A answers,
Yes. or No. If Pupil B guesses incorrectly, he/she has Consolidation and extension worksheet 7
two more guesses. If Pupil B guesses correctly, he/
she gets a point and asks, Why are you (crying)? Pupil • Pupils complete the consolidation and extension
A answers, e.g. I’m crying because I’m sad. Pupil B then activities on Worksheet 7 (page 142). See also
has his/her turn. teaching notes on page 23.
• Allow five minutes for the game. The pupil with the
most points at the end of the game is the winner.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 158 27/04/2017 10:37
23 Read and match.
7 Preparation for evaluation
Procedure the day before the evaluation
I’m smiling because it’s Friday.
I’m sad because it’s rainy.
• Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
I’m tired because it’s Monday. I’m hungry because it’s lunch time. • Ask pupils to predict what they think the
content of the evaluation might be, using
I’m angry because it’s noisy.
I’m happy because it’s the holidays. the children’s first language as needed.
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
I’m scared because there’s a spider. procedure on the day of evaluation.

24 Now play.

Are you crying?


Why are you crying?

Because my mum
is angry.
Now go to Poptropica
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 7 67

M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 67 01/03/2016 14:43

I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. find out more words for feelings
and actions that show feelings or find out some information
about dinosaurs.

Are you ready for Unit 8?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the next unit.
Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not remember everything
as they will continue to practise throughout the level. Encourage
pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what they learnt
in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the progress they
are making.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using Evaluation sheet 7
(pages 202 and 203). See also teaching notes on page 188.

Consolidation and extension worksheet 7
Flashcards 54–60

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 159 27/04/2017 10:37
Wider World
It makes me feel happy PB pages 68–69
1 Zhi is from China. 2 Diego is from Peru.
Learning objectives 3 Mark is from the United Kingdom.
Can understand texts about what makes people 4 Victoria is from Africa.
Can talk about what makes me happy
• Locate the countries on the map of the world.
Target language Say, Where’s (China)? Look, it’s here.
Africa, China, Peru, United Kingdom • Then play each part of the audio separately and ask
Bonfire Night, Lunar New Year, Spring Festival questions to check comprehension.
choir, concert, dragon, fireworks, lantern, • Use the photos to present lantern, traditional dress,
traditional dress choir and fireworks. Encourage pupils to guess the
meaning of any other words they don’t know.
Recycled language
Clothes, Feelings, Months 3 Listen and say the names.
(Dancing) makes me feel (happy).
Receptive language • Tell pupils to listen to the audio and say who
is speaking.
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to
the children.
CD3, Track 20
• Review the months of the year by writing each month 1 Bonfire Night is fun. It makes me feel happy.
on a piece of card. Hand the cards out to several
I’m not scared of fireworks.
pupils in the class. Ask them to line up in the correct
2 Singing makes me feel happy. I love music.
order from January to December.
3 Dancing is good exercise. It makes me feel
Learning adventure 4 Lunar New Year makes me feel happy. I visit
1 What do you know? family and friends.

• Ask pupils to tell you the names of some activities • Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
that they enjoy, e.g. singing, dancing, playing football.
Pupils listen and say the names of the children.
Write them on the board. Ask them to tell you (in L1)
why they like these activities.
Open books and ask pupils to look at the photos. ANSWER KEY
Ask, What are we learning today? Write the lesson 1 Mark 2 Victoria 3 Diego 4 Zhi
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We’re learning and talking about what makes
people happy. 4 Read and answer in your notebook.
• Have pupils read the questions and answer them in
2 Listen and read. Where are the English. Ask pupils to report back to the class.
children from?
• Tell pupils they are going to listen to four children ANSWER KEY
speaking about what makes them happy. Ask them to 1 It’s in January or February.
listen and to find out where the children are from. 2 It makes him feel happy because it’s good exercise.
• Play the audio (CD3:19) once for pupils to follow in 3 No, he isn’t.
their books. 4 They go to other schools by bus and train.
• Elicit the answer to the question in the rubric.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 160 27/04/2017 10:50
Wider World 4 4

It makes me feel happy

1 What do you know? Hi! I’m Victoria. I sing in
the African Children’s Choir.
At school we have singing
Listen and read. Where are the children from? and dancing lessons every
day. We go by bus and train
to other schools and sing choir
I’m Zhi. I’m from China.
1 in concerts. Singing in the
Lunar New Year makes me
feel happy because it’s fun. choir makes me feel happy
It’s in January or February because I love music.
and it’s called the Spring
Festival. There are dragons
and pretty lanterns. We visit
dragon dance family and friends.
Listen and say the names.

I’m Diego. I’m from Peru. Dancing makes 4 Read and answer in your notebook.
me feel happy because it’s good exercise.
Here I am with my friends. We’re dancing 1 When is Lunar New Year?
and wearing traditional dress and hats.
Do you like our clothes? 2 Why does dancing make Diego feel happy?
3 Is Mark scared of fireworks?
4 How does Victoria’s choir go to other schools?
traditional dress
5 Ask and answer.

My name’s Mark. I’m from the 1 What activity or festival makes you feel happy?
United Kingdom. Bonfire Night 2 When is it?
makes me feel happy because it’s
fun. It’s in November. I go to watch 3 What do you do?
fireworks fireworks in the park with my 4 What do you wear?
family. I’m not scared of fireworks.
In the photo, we’re wearing hats 5 Why does it make you feel happy?
and scarves because it’s cold.

68 Wider World 4 Can understand texts about what makes people happy Wider World 4 Can talk about what makes me happy 69

M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 68 01/03/2016 14:44 M07_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U07.indd 69 01/03/2016 14:44

Extension questions 5 Ask and answer.

Write the following questions on the board: Can • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Encourage pupils to think
simple things make you happy? Why is it important about and note down some ideas before they start.
to be happy? (e.g. Happy people live longer and have They then take turns to ask and answer about the
healthier lives. Happy people have got more friends and activities or festivals that make their partner feel
more success in their lives.) Use L1, if necessary. Ask happy, using the speech bubbles in Activity 2 as a
pupils to work with a partner. model. They note down their partner’s answers.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers. They • Ask pupils to look over the notes and then present
might like to write their ideas in their notebooks. Ask their findings to the class, e.g. Christmas makes Susana
pupils to share their answers with the class. They can happy. It is in December. Her family eats special food and
do this in L1 if necessary but encourage them to use gives presents. She wears her favourite dress. It makes
as much English as possible. her happy because she’s with her family.

Pop quiz
Pupils think about their favourite festival and
write a short paragraph about it, using the texts
on pages 68–69 of their Pupil’s Book as a model.

Twelve pieces of card with months, map of the world

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 161 27/04/2017 10:37
8 By the sea
Worksheet 8
Name: Class:

1 Look and complete.

2    l   
3     k      
4 s    i  
5         e-r          
6 7
6 f      
7     b   

2 Now write.
1 Tom  is surfing .
2 Maria .
3 Mum .
4 Maria .
5 Tom .
Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

6 Dad .
7 Tom .

3 Write things you are keen on, bored with, scared of and terrified of.
I’m keen on                . I’m .
I’m bored                  . I’m .

162 Consolidation and extension worksheet 8

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 162 27/04/2017 10:37
8 By the sea
Unit overview
Unit objective

• I can talk about outdoor activities

Target Outdoor activities: fishing, horse-riding, kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, surfing
vocabulary beach, sea

Target What are you scared of? I’m scared of (sharks).

structures I’m bored with (watching TV). I’m keen on (fishing). I’m terrified of (sharks).

Phonics: /ɔː/ and /ɜː/

Features Values: Enjoying all activities
Cross-curricular: Science: protecting nature


• Can understand a text about outdoor activities

• Can understand a simple story
• Can understand details of a story
• Can understand a text about coral reefs

• Can make a leaflet about protecting nature

• Can complete simple sentences about how I feel about different activities
Writing • Can complete simple sentences about outdoor activities (Activity Book)
• Can write simple sentences about how I feel about different activities
• Can write a postcard about my holiday at the beach (Activity Book)
Listening • Can identify outdoor activities

• Can ask and answer about what people are scared of

• Can say how I feel about hobbies and animals
Speaking • Can pronounce words that include the sounds /ɔː/ and /ɜː/
• Can act out a story
• Can talk about enjoying all activities


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 163 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 1 PB page 70
CD3, Track 21
Film director: Is everyone ready? … Action!
Learning objective Uncle James: Who is that boy?
Can identify some outdoor activities Film director: Oh, that’s Joe – he’s fishing.
Target language Uncle James: Great… and I can see Sophie –
fishing, horse-riding, kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, she’s in the sea. She’s surfing.
surfing And there’s Oliver – he’s snorkelling!
beach, sea Film director: Right. And can you see Finley Keen?
He’s sailing.
Recycled language Uncle James: Who’s kayaking?
Actions, Sports Film director: Oh, that’s Jane. She loves kayaking.
Present continuous Uncle James: And who’s horse-riding on the
Film director: It’s Coco, the monkey!
Warm-up Uncle James: Oh yes, it’s Coco… and he’s got
• Revise sports and actions. Tell the pupils that you the script!
are going to give some orders and they have to
follow them. Say, e.g. play tennis, clean the floor, • Play the audio again. Pupils listen to the dialogue and
play basketball, skateboard, etc. Pupils mime. circle the pictures when they hear the related words.

Learning adventure Practice

1 What do you know? • Play the audio again, then ask some comprehension
questions, e.g. Where are the children and Uncle James?
• Look at the main scene. Ask, What are we learning (at the beach) Is Uncle James fishing? (No.) Who’s riding
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look
a horse? (Coco)
at it on the screen: We're learning words for outdoor
activities. 3 Listen and tick ((✓) or cross (✗).
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words
they know in English for sports and activities, e.g. • Ask pupils to look at the pictures.
swimming, skiing. Write them on the board. • Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are already moving along your learning adventure! CD3, Track 22
1 She’s horse-riding.
Presentation 2 She’s surfing.
• Present the new vocabulary with Flashcards 61–68 3 He’s sailing.
Show the flashcards in turn, say the words and pupils 4 He’s snorkelling.
repeat. Stick the flashcards on the board as you say 5 He’s fishing.
each word. 6 He’s horse-riding.

2 Listen and find. • Play the audio again, pausing after each sentence.
• Focus on the scene. Point to the main characters Pupils write a tick or a cross in the boxes depending
and ask, Who are they? (Uncle James, the film director, on whether the sentence is true or false.
Sophie, Oliver, Finley Keen, Coco) Explain (in L1) that
they are by the sea shooting a scene from a film. ANSWER KEY
• Tell pupils (in L1) that you are going to play the audio 1✗ 2✓ 3✓ 4✗ 5✓ 6✓
and that they have to point to the outdoor activities
in the main scene.
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first.


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AB page 60

8 By the sea 1 Match.

• Focus on the pictures and the words in the
boxes. Ask pupils to match them.
1 What do you know? 2 Listen and find. • To check the answers, ask, What’s number
(one)? Pupils answer.

sailing horse-riding 3 kayaking 1 sailing 6
fishing snorkelling 2 surfing 5


2 Look and complete.

• Focus on the description of the picture.
Pupils complete it with the correct words.
• Check as a class.
Listen and tick (✓) 4
Listen and say. ANSWER KEY
or cross (✗). 2 sea, snorkelling 3 surfing
1 2 3 4 beach, horse-riding 5 sailing
6 kayaking
5 6

Learning adventure
Ask pupils, How many words for outdoor
activities do you know now? Give pupils
70 Lesson 1 Can identify some outdoor activities
a minute to tell their partner the new words
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 70 18/02/2016 08:52
they know. Ask them, Where are you on your
learning adventure now? Ask pupils which
4 Listen and say. words they find easiest or most difficult to
remember. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce
• Play the audio and ask pupils to listen first. the progress they are making.

CD3, Track 23 Pop quiz

sailing surfing snorkelling fishing
horse-riding kayaking sea beach Play Guess the action. Draw an object,
e.g. a fishing rod and the class has to
guess the activity by saying, e.g. fishing. Ask
• Focus on the labels next to each picture. Read them to the class individual pupils to take your role. You can
one by one. Pupils find the words as they hear them and repeat
them. turn this into a competition by dividing pupils
into two teams. They draw for their own
• Play the audio again. Pupils listen, point to the pictures and
team to guess.
repeat the words. Pupils then continue in pairs.

Pairwork Show homework

• Ask, What’s number (three)? Pupils look at the Activity 1 pictures • Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
and answer. Then divide pupils into pairs. Pupil A says the Island Adventure Game. Show them
number of one of the small pictures, e.g. Number 4. Pupil B says various activities they could do as
the action, kayaking. They then switch roles. homework.

Flashcards 61–68

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 165 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 2 PB page 71 Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Learning objective the audio (CD3:25).
Can ask and answer about what people are • Focus on the highlighted words. Point out the word
scared of order. Explain (in L1) that of goes after scared, even in
a question.
Target language
What are you scared of?
• Show pictures of animals you are scared of and say,
I'm scared of (spiders).
I’m scared of (sharks).
• Point to a pupil and ask, What are you scared of?
Recycled language Pupil answers. Repeat with a few other pupils.
scared, shark Write some example answers on the board.
Outdoor activities • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.

6 Listen and answer the questions.

• Focus on the three questions. Tell pupils to listen
• Play Aye, aye, Captain! (see page 20) to revise the and answer.
activities from Lesson 1. • Play the audio a few times. Pupils write the answers.
Learning adventure CD3, Track 26
Open books and ask pupils to look at the Film director: Are you OK, Sophie?
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write Sophie: Wooah! I’m a bit scared.
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the Film director: What are you scared of?
screen: We're learning to ask and answer about what Sophie: I’m scared of sharks!
people are scared of. Film director: Don’t worry, Sophie. There aren’t
any sharks here.
Sophie: What about crocodiles?
5 Listen and chant. How does the Finley Keen is scared of crocodiles.
shark feel? Finley Keen: Yes, I’m scared of crocodiles.
• Focus on the pictures either side of the chant. Heeelp! It’s a crocodile!
Ask, How does the girl feel? (scared). Film director: That isn’t a crocodile! It’s Oliver.
• Play the audio (CD3:24). Pupils listen and follow the He’s snorkelling.
words. Ask, How does the shark feel? Oliver: Yes, it’s me. I’m not scared of
• Play the audio again. Pause after each line to give crocodiles or sharks. I’m scared of
pupils time to repeat the words. horses.
• Play the chant and ask pupils to chant along. Coco: I’m not scared of horses! Byeeee!
Film director: Coco! Come back.
The shark is scared.
1 I’m scared of sharks.
2 I’m scared of crocodiles.
3 I’m scared of horses.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 166 27/04/2017 10:37
AB page 61

a 5
Listen and chant. How does the
shark feel?
3 Find and write the sentences.
• Pupils write the words in the jumbled
What are you scared of? sentences in the correct order.
I’m scared of sharks.
What are you scared of? • To check the answers, ask individual pupils
I’m scared of sharks. to read the sentences.
kayaking I like the beach and I like the sea.
But I’m scared of sharks
And they’re scared of me! ANSWER KEY
2 I’m scared of crocodiles.
3 I’m scared of horses.
horse-riding 3:25
4 What are you scared of?
What are you scared of? I’m scared of sharks.

6 Listen and answer the questions.

3:26 4 Look, think and write. What do
1 What are you scared of, Sophie? you like? What are you scared of?
2 What are you scared of, Finley Keen?

3 What are you scared of, Oliver?

• Focus on the pictures. Say, e.g. I like sharks.
I don’t like crocodiles. I’m scared of storms.
7 Ask six friends.
And you? Ask a few pupils to answer in the
same way.
4 What are you
scared of?
I’m scared of • Working individually, pupils complete the
insects. exercise. They may write about the pictures
or other things.
• To check the answers, ask a few pupils to
read their sentences to the class.

Learning adventure
Lesson 2 Can ask and answer about what people are scared of 71 Divide pupils into two groups.
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 71 18/02/2016 08:53
One pupil from Group A mimes an
action. Ask, What’s he/she doing? Group A
Practice answers. Then a pupil from Group B mimes.
• Ask pupils to help you reconstruct the dialogue. Play the audio You may turn this into a class competition.
(CD3:26) again, stopping after each exchange. Continue until
you have written all the dialogue on the board. Show homework
• Divide pupils into five groups and assign a character to each
• Direct pupils’ attention to the crab card
group. They read their parts from their seats. Then invite a few on page 70 of the Pupil’s Book. Tell pupils
pupils to read and act out the dialogue for the rest of the class. to go online to the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game and find the item.
7 Ask six friends. Once pupils click on it, they are taken to a
• Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles aloud. Say the supplementary language task.
question and ask pupils to repeat a few times.
• Pupils write down the names of six friends on a sheet of paper.
They then go around the class, asking their friends, What are
you scared of? They write down the answers.
• When they have finished, find out about some pupils and say,
(Name) is scared of (spiders). Pupils report back to the class in the
same way.
• Write down the results on the board and see what things pupils
are most scared of.

A sheet of paper for each pupil, pictures of scary animals

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 167 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 3 PB page 72 8 Listen and sing.
• Play the audio (CD3:27). Pupils listen and follow
Learning objective the words.
Can say how I feel about hobbies and animals • Play the song again. Ask pupils to join in with
the words.
Target language
bee • If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version of
the song on the Audio CD (CD3:28).
I’m scared of (lions).
I’m bored with (watching TV).
I’m keen on (fishing). Practice
I’m terrified of (sharks). • Divide pupils into three groups. Each group sings
Recycled language a verse and all groups sing the last two lines.
Animals, Hobbies Then switch verses until all the groups have sung
the whole song.
Receptive language
Anything else? Presentation
• Read through the Look! box with the class and play
Warm-up the audio (CD3:29).
• Focus on the highlighted words. Ask pupils to give
• Play I spy (see page 21) with flashcards displayed more examples. Write them on the board.
around the room. Use flashcards from units 2 and 8 • Pupils then copy them into their notebooks.
(Flashcards 8–17 and 61–68).
Learning adventure
• Prepare eight word cards, each with one word on it:
Open books and ask pupils to look at the scared, bored, keen, terrified, of, of, on and with.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Stick the preposition cards on the board. Shuffle the
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the adjective cards and place them face down on
screen: We're learning to say how we feel about hobbies your table.
and animals. • Ask individual pupils to come to the table and pick one
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils what words card. They put the adjective up on the board in front
they know in English for hobbies and feelings, e.g. of the correct preposition.
swimming, sad. Write them on the board.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great! 9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer.
You are moving along your learning adventure! • Look together at the words and phrases in the word
Presentation • Ask a pair of pupils to read the texts in the speech
bubbles aloud.
• Focus on the song illustration. Point to the different
animals and insects and ask, What are they? • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupil A says an activity from
Introduce bees. the word bank and Pupil B says how he/she feels
about it. They then switch roles.
• Look enthusiastic as you pretend to read a book and
say, I’m keen on reading.
• Then say, I’m bored with reading. and look bored and Home–school link
fed up. • At home, pupils ask their family what they are keen
• Then point to the floor and say, Oh, no! A spider. on and bored with. They make a mini poster with
I’m very, very scared of spiders. I’m terrified of spiders! drawings or photos showing some of the things their
Mime to make the meaning clear. family mentions and captions, e.g. My dad is scared of
snakes. My sister is keen on Johnny Depp. They show
their work and read their sentences aloud in the next


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 168 27/04/2017 10:37
Oh, dear! Lucy is terrified of spiders.
8 Listen and sing.
This isn’t a very good day!
3:27 /

What am I keen on?

• Play the audio a second time if necessary.
I’m keen on these: • Then ask individual pupils to read one
Film stars and fishing, sentence each.
Pasta and cheese. bee

What am I bored with? ANSWER KEY

I’m bored with these: 3 sunny 4 keen on 5 plays tennis
Dancing and toy cars,
6 walking 7 bus 8 scared of
Watching TV.
9 terrified of 10 watching
What am I scared of? 11 drinking 12 terrified of
I’m scared of these:
Lions and crocodiles
Spiders and bees.
Anything else, you ask? 3:29
Learning adventure
I’m terrified of sharks! I’m scared of lions.
I’m bored with watching TV. Ask pupils, How many words for feelings
I’m keen on fishing.
HOME and hobbies do you know now? Give
I’m terrified of sharks. SCHOOL
LINK pupils a minute to tell their partner the new
words they know. Ask them, Where are you
9 Look at Activity 8. Ask and answer. I’m bored with on your learning adventure now? Tell pupils,
cooking crocodiles football
Football. Well done! to reinforce the progress they
horse-riding spiders are making.
surfing swimming

bored with keen on

Pop quiz
scared of terrified of
Divide pupils into two teams. Have a
pupil from one team come to the front.
72 Lesson 3 Can say how I feel about hobbies and animals
Ask, What are you (keen on)? Then whisper to
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 72 18/02/2016 08:53
the pupil, e.g. I’m (keen on) (horse-riding). He/
She mimes the answer using hand gestures
AB page 62 or full body movements and his/her team
guesses it. If the teams say the answer
5 Read and complete. Use the words in the correctly, they win a point.
boxes. Then listen and check.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the faces. Explain (in L1) that
every time they find one of these in the text, they write the
corresponding phrase (bored with, keen on, etc.).
• Pupils read the text about Lucy and complete it with these
phrases and the words in the word bank.
• When they have finished, play the audio. Pupils listen and check
their answers.

CD3, Track 30
Lucy is bored with the weather. It’s raining. She likes sunny
weather because she’s keen on tennis. She plays tennis on
Tuesdays. Today is Tuesday but it’s raining.
Lucy is walking to the tennis club. She doesn’t go by bus
because she’s scared of buses. ZAP! A storm!
Lucy is terrified of storms. Poor Lucy!
Lucy is home again. She’s watching TV and she’s drinking
some hot chocolate. She’s happy. But there’s a spider in the
living room.

Poster, eight cards with adjectives and prepositions from this lesson
Flashcards 8–17 and 61–68

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 169 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 4 PB page 73
1 It’s hot and sunny.
Learning objectives 2 He likes swimming in the sea.
Can read and talk about outdoor activities 3 Dad likes horse-riding.
Can pronounce words that include /ɔː/ and /ɜː/ 4 No, he isn’t.
Target language 5 She’s climbing in the mountains.
Dear, lots of love, today
I’m having fun.
Recycled language Practice
dolphins, nurse • Play the questions from Activity 11 (CD3:31).
Animals, Sports Ask pupils to help write them on the board. Then ask
It makes me feel (happy). individual pupils to write the answers. Pupils copy in
I’m (scared of) (horses). their notebooks.
• Ask pupils (in L1) to find phrases used to talk about
locations in the text: in the sea, at the beach, in the
Warm-up mountains. Write them on the board. Pupils copy in
their notebooks. Tell them to highlight the phrases in
• Ask pupils where they like to go on holidays, e.g. in the different colours.
sea, in the mountains. Brainstorm things they can do in
each place and vote for the most popular. • Focus on the address of the postcard. Explain how
to write addresses. Give a few examples. Each pupil
Learning adventure writes his/her address in his/her notebook.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the 12 Listen and say.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Pupils look at the tongue twister and say which
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the sounds the blue letters make.
screen: We're reading and talking about outdoor activities • Play the audio (CD3:32) to check.
and learning to pronounce words that include /ɔː/ and /ɜː/. • Say the sounds /ɔː/ and /ɜː/ in isolation a few times
and have pupils repeat.
10 Look and read. What is Tom scared of? • Play the audio again. Stop after each line to give
pupils time to repeat.
• Pupils look at the photo and tell you what they can
see, e.g. I can see the sea. There are white umbrellas at • Pupils practise saying the tongue twister as a class.
the beach, etc.
13 Play the game.
• Pupils then read the postcard and find one thing
Tom is scared of. • Ask pupils to turn to the Unit 8 mini cards on page 95
of their Pupil's Book. Pupils cut out their mini cards.
ANSWER KEY • Ask a pair of pupils to read the texts in the speech
He’s scared of horses. bubbles aloud.
• Pupils work in pairs. Pupils shuffle both sets of cards
and put them face down in one pile on the table.
Pupil A chooses one card, puts it face up and says,
11 Listen and answer. e.g. horse-riding. Pupil B says a sentence with an
• Play the audio, pausing after each question. appropriate location, e.g. I’m horse-riding at the beach.
• Ask pupils to find the answers to the questions in the or I’m climbing in the mountains.
text in Activity 10.
AB page 63
CD3, Track 31
1 What’s the weather like? 6 Listen and complete the postcard.
2 What does Tom like doing? • Tell pupils to listen to Emily and complete her
3 What does Dad like doing? postcard. Play the audio once. Pupils just listen.
4 Is Tom keen on horse-riding?
5 What is Mum doing?


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 170 27/04/2017 10:37
10 Look and read. What is Tom
2 horse-riding 3 happy 4 love
scared of? 5 climbing 6 raining 7 scared
Dear Granny and Grandad, 8 swimming 9 Green 10 River
I’m having fun here on holiday. It ’s hot and Mr and Mrs Smith 11 7TH
sunny and there are a lot of things to do. I like 22 The Street
swimming in the sea. The sea is beautiful and
blue. There aren’t any sharks but there are London
dolphins. I’m not scared of dolphins. They eat NW18 9TF
fish. They don’t eat people. I like swimming UK
7 Complete the words with or or
with them. It makes me feel happy. ur. Then listen and check.
Dad likes horse-riding on the beach but I’m not
very keen on horse-riding. I’m scared of horses! • Point to the first two words and check pupils
Mum is bored with the beach. Today she’s understand the activity.
climbing in the mountains.
Lots of love
• They then complete each word with or or ur.
Tom • Play the audio a few times. Pupils listen and
check their answers.
Listen and answer.
CD3, Track 34
12 Listen and say. 1 horse OR 2 surfing UR 3 nurse UR
4 snorkelling OR 5 storm OR 6 turn
UR 7 morning OR 8 short OR
The horse is snorkelling
and the nurse is sur fing!

13 Play the game. I’m horse-riding ANSWER KEY

on the beach.
2 ur 3 ur 4 or 5 or 6 ur 7 or
8 or


Lesson 4 Can read and talk about outdoor activities / Can pronounce words that include /ᴐː/ and /ɜː/ 73 Learning adventure
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 73 18/02/2016 08:53 Play Stop the bus! (see page 21) with
sports activities and emotions. Write a
CD3, Track 33 letter on the board, e.g. S. Say, Start the bus!
Dear Mum and Dad, Pupils write as many sports activities or
I’m having fun here in the mountains. There are a lot of emotions beginning with this letter as they can
things to do. Every morning I go horse-riding. It makes me think of (e.g. skateboarding, surfing,
feel happy because I love horses. I like climbing but today snowboarding, skiing, smiling, sad). When you
it’s raining and I’m writing postcards in the hotel. William is call out, Stop the bus! everyone stops writing.
scared of climbing! He likes swimming in the river. I’m not Pupils get one point for each word. Play again,
keen on the river. Are there crocodiles here? using a different letter.
See you soon.
Lots of love,
Mr and Mrs Green
32 River Road

• Play the audio a few times. Pupils complete the text.

Unit 8 mini cards

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 171 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 5 PB page 74 Extension questions
Write the following questions on the board:
Learning objectives Why do you wear a life jacket when you go sailing
Can understand a simple story or kayaking? (To keep you safe and help you to float if you
Can act out a story fall in the water.) Which sports do you think are the most
Functional language dangerous? (e.g. snorkelling, snowboarding, climbing)
Let’s go fishing. What safety equipment have people got in dangerous
Great idea. sports to help or protect them? (e.g. helmets, special suits,
I’ve got an idea. a rope) Use L1, if necessary. Ask pupils to work with
Let’s make a film. a partner.
I know all the words! • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
Enjoying all activities
They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
Recycled language them to use as much English as possible.
Feelings, Outdoor activities 15 Act out the story.
Receptive language • See the ‘How to use stories’ section on page 18 for
life jacket more ideas on how to build your pupils’ confidence
with roleplays.
• Invite a group of pupil volunteers to act out the roles.
Warm-up Play the audio while pupils act out the story or say
the lines and pupils repeat.
• Ask pupils (in L1) what they can remember about • Divide pupils into groups of six (Uncle James,
the story from Unit 7. Ask, What is Oliver scared of?
Oliver, Sophie, Finley Keen, the film director, Coco).
(dinosaurs) Is the dinosaur small? (No, it's big.)
Give groups time to practise their roleplay.
Learning adventure • Play the audio again and ask pupils to speak along.
Ask other groups of pupils to come to the front to act
Look at the story. Ask, What are we learning out the story.
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or You might like to give the pupils feedback on
look at it on the screen: We're reading a story and acting their roleplay.
it out.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen
and read. • Focus on frame 3 of the story. Ask, What makes Uncle
James happy? (sailing) Talk (in L1) about other activities
• Direct pupils' attention to the story and ask questions that make pupils happy.
about the characters and the scene: Who can you see? • Explain (in L1) why it is important to enjoy all school
(Uncle James, Oliver, Sophie, Coco, Finley Keen, the film activities, e.g. if we enjoy activities, we do them better
director.) Where are they? (at the beach) Ask pupils and learn more from them.
to identify the sports activities represented in the • Ask, How can you enjoy the activities you like least?
pictures. Explain that they should try to find something that
• Ask pupils to predict what will happen in the story. makes the activity more enjoyable – e.g. imagine
• Play the audio (CD3:35) and ask pupils to listen to the you are a superhero when you are cleaning up the
story as they follow along in their books. classroom.
• Play the audio again. Check pupils' understanding
of the story by pointing to the pictures and asking
questions, e.g. How does Uncle James feel? (He’s tired.)
What’s Oliver doing? (He’s fishing.) Do they find Coco?
(Yes.) Does he give them the script? (Yes, he does.)
• After pupils have a clear understanding of the story,
play the audio again and ask different groups of pupils
to read along with the characters.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 172 27/04/2017 10:37
9 Read and complete. Use the words
in the box.
14 Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read.
• Pupils complete the text with the words in
Phew, I’m tired. 1 2 the word bank.
Here’s a life jacket.
Let’s go fishing.
• Ask individual pupils to read one sentence
Thank you!

2 making 3 keen on 4 monkey
Great idea. 5 horse-riding 6 bananas
3 4
I love sailing. Look! There’s
Pop quiz
Ask pupils to stand up. Say some true
or false statements about the story,
Ah! I feel happy now.
e.g. Oliver wants to go horse-riding. (false)
I’ve got an idea…
Sophie doesn’t like sailing. (false) Sailing makes
5 Thank you for the script! 6
Uncle James feel happy. (true) They find Coco
Yum! A banana! Now let’s make a film.
in the end. (true) Coco doesn’t know the words
in the script. (false) Pupils stand/stay standing
if the statements are true and sit/stay sitting
if they are false. Ask pupils to correct the
false statements.
My monkey! Yes! I know
Thank you! all the words!
Show homework
15 Act out the story.
• Invite pupils to play the Poptropica English
Island Adventure Game. Show them
Lesson 5 Can understand a simple story / Can act out a story
various activities they could do as
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 74 18/02/2016 08:53
AB page 64
Story card activities
8 Number the pictures in order. For suggestions on how to use the story
• Ask the class (in L1) if they can remember what happened in activities, please see page 18.
the story. Then ask individual pupils to read the speech bubbles
in Activity 8.
• Ask the pupils to number the pictures in the order in which they
occur in the story.
• They can look back at their Pupil’s Books to check.

a2 b5 d4 e6 f3


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 173 04/05/2017 09:56
Lesson 6 PB page 75 • Ask pupils to read the first part of the text again and
answer the question at the end of this paragraph.
Learning objectives • Now ask pupils to look at the photo of the dead reef.
Can understand a text about coral reefs Ask, What colour is it? Can you see any fish? Why not?
Can make a leaflet about protecting nature Encourage pupils to guess why the coral is white.
• Then play the second part of the audio (CD3:36).
Cross-curricular Ask pupils to listen and follow in their books to check
Science: protecting nature their predictions.
Target language • Encourage pupils to guess the meaning of dead and
coral reef, dead, global warming, in danger, save global warming. Then have them answer the question
Sea animals at the end of this paragraph.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the questions
Recycled language under the text and answer them.
hot, sunny
How does it make you feel?
1 You can find coral reefs in the sea in hot and
Warm-up sunny places.
2 They are called the rainforests of the sea because
• Whisper an action to a pupil, e.g. I’m horse-riding/ a lot of fish and sea animals live on them.
sailing. He/She mimes it for the class to guess. 3 (any 3) seahorses, sea snakes, starfish, butterfly
fish, parrotfish
Learning adventure 4 Because of global warming the sea is too hot
and the coral reef is dead.
16 What do you know?
• Look at the activities. Ask, What are we learning
today? Write the lesson objective on the board or look 18 Talk to your friend.
at it on the screen: We’re reading a text about coral
reefs and we're making a leaflet about protecting nature. • Check the meaning of in danger. Brainstorm with
pupils names of places that may be in danger locally
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils words they
and write them on the board.
know in English related to the sea, e.g. beach, fish.
Write them on the board. • Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils discuss the questions,
using reference books or the internet.
• Refer to the learning adventure poster and say, Great!
You are already moving along your learning adventure!
Extension questions
Presentation Write the following questions on the board:
• Point to the photo on the right. Say, This is a coral reef. How are coral reefs like the rainforests of the sea?
Where can you find coral reefs? Locate some on a map, (A variety of sea animals live in the coral reefs. They are in
e.g. the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Belize Barrier danger.) Is global warming good or bad for the coral
Reef in the Caribbean, the Red Sea Coral Reef. reefs? (It’s bad for the coral reefs because it makes the
sea too hot and the coral reefs die.) Use L1, if necessary.
17 Listen and read. Then answer the Ask pupils to work with a partner to answer them.
questions. • Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
• Ask, What are coral reefs made of? Are coral reefs in hot They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
places or cold places? Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Play the first part of the audio (CD3:36). Pupils listen They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
and follow the words in their books to check their them to use as much English as possible.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 174 27/04/2017 10:37
AB page 65

16 What do you know?

8 10 Complete the word maps with
17 Listen and read. Then answer the questions.
• Check the meaning of land and brainstorm
with pupils animals that live in the sea and
on land.
You can find coral reefs in the sea in hot and • Working individually, pupils complete the
sunny places. They are called the rainforests word maps.
of the sea because a lot of fish and sea animals
live on them. There are seahorses, sea snakes,
starfish, butterfly fish, parrotfish and many
• To check the answers, ask a few pupils to
more. There are a lot of pretty colours in the
read what they have written to the class.
reef. How does this coral reef make you feel?

ANSWER KEY (suggested answers)

Now look at this coral reef. It ’s white and
there are no fish or sea animals on it. Sea: fish, seal, whale, shark, seahorse,
The sea is too hot because of global warming
and the coral reef is dead. How does this coral
sea snake, parrotfish
reef make you feel? Land: elephant, giraffe, hippo, monkey,
Please help us save the coral reefs.
eagle, hummingbird

1 Where can you find coral reefs?

2 Why are they called the rainforests
of the sea?
11 Read. Then match.
Make a leaflet about
3 Name three sea animals that live protecting nature. • Pupils read the text about Adélie Penguins.
on a coral reef.
Why is the coral reef white?
1 Fold a piece of paper in half. • They then match the questions and answers.
2 Draw or stick photos inside and
on the back of the leaflet.
3 Write a title and things we can
18 Talk to your friend. do to protect nature.
4 Share your leaflet with the class.
1 Which places are in danger in your country? 2f 3c 4e 5a 6b
2 Which animals live there?

Lesson 6 Can understand a text about coral reefs / Can make a leaflet about protecting nature 75 Learning adventure
Ask pupils, What do you know now
M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 75 18/02/2016 08:53

Project about coral reefs? Tell pupils to work

with a partner. Give pairs a minute to think
• Tell pupils that they are going to make a leaflet about of ideas. Accept any answers and promote
protecting nature. discussion. Ask them, Where are you on your
• Give pupils some time to find out some useful facts for their learning adventure now? Tell pupils, Well done!
leaflet (in reference books or on the internet). Elicit some ideas to reinforce the progress they are making.
and write them on the board.
• Provide the materials. Pupils fold a sheet of paper in half and
Pop quiz
draw some pictures (or stick photos) inside their leaflet.
• Ask pupils to write some interesting facts about protecting Play a game to practise vocabulary.
nature. Provide vocabulary and support where required. Say, In the coral reef, I can see a
• When they are ready, ask pupils to show their leaflets to the seahorse. Nominate a pupil to add to the
class and talk about them. sentence, e.g. In the coral reef, I can see a
• Display the leaflets in the classroom and ask pupils to choose seahorse and a big fish. Continue around the
their favourite. class in this way.
You may also wish to give pupils feedback on their

Optional Home–school link

• Ask pupils to take their work home and share their work with
their families. They may wish to show their parents or siblings
their leaflet and talk about more ways to protect nature.

Poster, a map of the world, materials to make the project (a sheet of paper for each pupil, coloured pens
or pencils), reference books or internet access

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 175 27/04/2017 10:37
Lesson 7 PB page 76 • Play the audio again. Pupils listen and tick the
Learning objective • Play it a third time, pausing after each dialogue to
Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 8 check the answers.
• Now ask pupils to work in pairs. They ask and answer
Recycled language about the pictures they didn't tick.
Outdoor activities
I’m (keen on) (snorkelling).
What are you (bored with)?
1a 2b 3b 4a
Are you (terrified of) (sharks)?
Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.
20 Write in your notebook.
• Ask pupils to copy the sentences into their notebooks
Warm-up and complete them.
• Display Flashcards 61–68 on the board and divide • Write the answers on the board, eliciting the missing
pupils into two teams. One pupil from each team words from pupils.
chooses an activity and uses it correctly in a sentence,
e.g. I’m scared of surfing. Teams can repeat items but ANSWER KEY
they cannot repeat the sentence. Give a point for each 1 fishing 2 scared of 3 with sailing
correct sentence. 4 I’m terrified of

Learning adventure
Open books and ask pupils to look at the 21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write • Ask pupils to work in pairs. Pupils ask and answer
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the questions about the pictures on this page and on
screen: We're thinking about our learning adventure. other pages in the unit, using the phrases in the
• If using books, close them. Ask pupils, How many speech bubbles as a starting point.
words for outdoor activities can you remember? Put their • Go around the class, monitoring and providing
ideas on the board. support where needed. Encourage pupils to use as
• For each example, ask pupils, Where are you on much language as possible from the unit, e.g. Are you
your learning adventure? Reassure pupils who are keen on sailing? Is he keen on fishing? Tell pupils to ask
less confident that they will have opportunities for their partner for help if they don't know a word.
more practice.
19 Listen and tick ((✓).
• Divide pupils into pairs. Pupils lay their Unit 8 mini
• Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask, Look at the girl cards face down in a line. Pupil A points to the first
in picture 1b. Does she like snorkelling? (No, she doesn't.) card and asks, What are you doing? Pupil B tries to
Ask about all the pictures. guess what the picture on the mini card is, saying,
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to the e.g. I’m (sailing). Pupil B turns the card over. If he/she
pictures. guessed correctly, he/she keeps the card. If he/she
was wrong, he/she points to the next card and asks
CD3, Track 37 Pupil A, What are you doing? and Pupil A’s turn begins.
1 I’m keen on snorkelling.
2 I’m bored with sailing. AB page 66
3 What are you keen on?
I’m keen on horse-riding. 12 Find the odd one out.
4 What are you scared of? • Direct pupils’ attention to the example and explain
I’m terrified of crocodiles. (in L1) that pupils should read the words and choose
the odd one out.
• In pairs or individually, pupils choose the words that
do not belong in the group.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 176 27/04/2017 10:37
Learning adventure

19 Listen and tick (✓).

I C AN Ask pupils (in L1) how they feel about
T! their learning in this unit. Ask pupils to
1 2 tell you what they found easiest or most
a b a b
difficult to learn in the unit. Pupils review the
I Can statements at the bottom of page 76 of
the Pupil’s Book. For each one, pupils shade
3 4 the corresponding bar to reflect how
a b a b
confident they feel. Ask them, Where are you
on your learning adventure? Pupils indicate
where they think they are on the learning
20 Write in your notebook. adventure poster. Tell pupils, Well done! to
1 What are you keen on? reinforce the progress they are making.
I’m keen on .

2 Are you keen on spiders? Pop quiz

No, I’m not.
I’m . In groups of four, pupils tell the others
3 Are you keen on sailing?
the answers to the following questions:
No, I’m bored . Which is your favourite activity in the unit?
Why? Which activity don’t you like? Why? What
4 What are you terrified of?
is your favourite new word? Which word is the
sharks. most difficult for you?
21 Choose a picture. Ask and answer.
Are you keen on snorkelling? Yes, I am.
General poster activities
For general poster activities see Lesson 7
I can identify some outdoor activities.
I can talk about doing outdoor activities.
of Unit 1.
I can understand a text about coral reefs.

76 Lesson 7 Can assess what I have learnt in Unit 8

M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 76 18/02/2016 08:54

• Check as a class. You could ask pupils to say (in L1) why they
have made their choice.

2 cry 3 November 4 scared 5 beach 6 plane
7 winter

13 Read and complete. Use the words in the box.

• Tell pupils to complete the text with words from the word bank,
as in the example.
• When they have finished, check as a class.
2 of 3 terrified 4 ballet dancer 5 past 6 morning
7 by 8 Saturday 9 skateboarding

Poster, Unit 8 mini cards
Flashcards 61–68

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 177 27/04/2017 10:38
Lesson 8 PB page 77 • They do the same to try and guess the activities their
partner’s friend is terrified of. They ask, Is your friend
Learning objective terrified of sharks?, etc. The winner is the pupil who has
Can use what I have learnt in Unit 8 got the most correct guesses.
• In Round 2, pupils repeat the activity but this time
Recycled language trying to guess the activities their partner is bored
bored with, keen on, terrified of, scared of with and their partner’s friend is scared of.
Are you (keen on) (surfing)?
Yes, I am. Extension questions
No, I’m not.
Is your friend (terrified of) (sharks)? Write the following questions on the board: What
Yes, he/she is. things do you need to perform each sport from this
No, he/she isn’t. page? Which sport would you most like to try? Why? Use
L1, if necessary. Tell pupils to work with a partner.
• Give pairs two minutes to think of their answers.
Warm-up They might like to write their ideas in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
• Play a game with Flashcards 61–68 to revise actions They can do this in L1 if necessary but encourage
and feelings. Hold up a card but hide the picture by
covering it with a sheet of paper. Slowly pull down the them to use as much English as possible.
paper so that the picture is revealed. Ask pupils to
guess the word as quickly as they can. AB page 67

Learning adventure 14 Look, think and complete.

Open books and ask pupils, Look at the activities. • Direct pupils' attention to the example and explain
(in L1) that pupils should read the postcard, look at
What are we learning today? Write the lesson
the pictures and complete the missing words.
objective on the board or look at it on the screen:
We're playing a game about outdoor activities. • When they have finished, check as a class.

22 Draw the chart in your notebook. ANSWER KEY

Then write. 2 snowy 3 skiing 4 pizza

• Direct pupils' attention to the pictures at the top of

the page. For each picture ask, What's he/she doing?
Prompt pupils to answer, He's/She's (fishing).
15 Write a postcard about a holiday at the
• Tell pupils to copy the chart into their notebooks and
explain how to complete it. Ask pupils to write four • Ask pupils to complete the postcard about a holiday
activities in the ‘Me’ column and four activities in the at the beach. Provide additional vocabulary as
‘My friend’ column for Round 1. necessary.
• When they have finished, divide them into pairs and
23 Now play. ask them to read their postcards to their partner.
• Ask pupils to work in pairs. In Round 1 they must try AB page 72
to guess the activities their partner is keen on and
the activities that their partner’s friend is terrified of.
Read the speech bubbles at the bottom of the page
• Pupils play a game in pairs using the By the sea
pictures in the Picture dictionary. Each pupil takes
aloud with a volunteer. turns to say a word and his/her partner points to the
• Each pair plays rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes correct picture. Stronger pupils may wish to cover the
first. Pupil A asks, e.g. Are you keen on surfing? Pupil B written words below each picture.
answers, Yes. or No. If the answer is yes, Pupil A can
ask another question. If the answer is no, Pupil B asks
a question. Pupils can ask up to ten questions.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 178 27/04/2017 10:38

22 Draw the chart in your notebook. Then write.

8 • Watch the video story ‘To be or not to be…’.
Ask pupils what happened in the story.
Watch again, stopping at key points and ask
them about the language, the images or the
story. Ask the pupils to act out the story.
Assign the roles of two of the characters
to confident speakers and let other pupils
play the other parts. Encourage them to
Me My friend say as much of the dialogue as they can
Round 1
and prompt where necessary.
Keen on Terrified of
1 1 Evaluation
2 2
• You can check your pupils’ progress using
3 3 Evaluation sheet 8 (pages 204 and 205).
4 4 See also teaching notes on page 189.
Round 2
Bored with Scared of
1 1 Preparation for evaluation
2 2 Procedure the day before the evaluation
3 3
• Review unit content using games to give
4 4 practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
23 Now play. content of the evaluation might be, using
Are you keen
on surfing?
the children’s first language as needed.
No, I’m not.
My turn.
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
Now go to Poptropica
procedure on the day of evaluation.
English World

Lesson 8 Can use what I have learnt in Unit 8 77

M08_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_U08.indd 77 18/02/2016 08:54

Consolidation and extension worksheet 8

• Pupils complete the consolidation and extension activities on

Worksheet 8 (page 162). See also teaching notes on page 23.

I want to know more!

Ask pupils to choose anything they enjoyed from the unit
and to go and find out more. You might like to set this
activity as homework with a quick feedback session at the
beginning of the next lesson, e.g. find more words for outdoor
sporting activities and the feelings associated with these sports,
discover more about coral reefs and the animals that live there.

Are you ready for the Goodbye lesson?

Ask pupils if they are ready to move onto the Goodbye
lesson. Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not remember
everything as they will continue to practise throughout the level.
Encourage pupils to ask if they’ve got any questions about what
they learnt in the unit. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
progress they are making.

A sheet of paper, consolidation and extension worksheet 8
Flashcards 61–68

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 179 27/04/2017 10:38
PB page 78
• Play the audio again, pausing occasionally so that
pupils can number the characters.
Learning objective
Can talk about what people are doing
Can say goodbye
1 Uncle James 2 Finley Keen 3 Favolina Jolly
Recycled language 4 Sophie and Oliver 5 Coco
Vocabulary and structures from Units 1–8

• Ask some comprehension questions about the scene,
• Play a Category game to review vocabulary. Divide e.g. Who is reading? (Uncle James.) What is Finley Keen
pupils into two or three groups. Have each group doing? (He’s eating a banana.) What is Favolina Jolly
choose a captain. Write on the board the name of a keen on? (camping)
category, e.g. jobs. Each group tells their captain to
write down as many words as they can think of that 2 Read and match.
belong to that category. Give them a time limit of, e.g.
one minute. Each group wins a point for each word • Ask pupils to work in pairs. They read the sentence
they have written correctly. Repeat with a different halves and match them to make complete sentences
category, e.g. sports, activities, feelings, weather. about the characters.
• Check the answers as a class. Say, e.g. Number one.
Learning adventure Favolina Jolly… Pupils add, is keen on camping.

Open books and ask pupils to look at the

activities. Ask, What are we learning today? Write
1e 2d 3c 4b 5a
the lesson objective on the board or look at it on the
screen: We’re talking about what the story characters are
doing and saying goodbye.
Pop quiz
1 Listen and number. Ask pupils to study the scene for one minute,
• Explain to the pupils that the picture is a scene from then close their books. In pairs, they write down
Finley Keen’s new film, Return to Banana Valley, and as many things or activities or as they can remember
this time Coco the monkey is the star of the film. in the scene. Ask pupils to tell you the things they have
• Play the audio once. Pupils listen and point to the noted down. Write them on the board. Ask pupils to
characters. check their lists against the list on the board, then
against the scene in the book. Ask if there is anything
missing from the list on the board.
CD3, Track 38
1 Uncle James is reading a magazine. He’s very
tired. End-of-year project
2 Finley Keen is eating a banana next to a • To make an end-of-year mini book take one A4 sheet
waterfall. for every 8 pages needed in the book, i.e. three A4
3 Favolina Jolly is wearing a hat and shorts. sheets for a 24-page book.
She’s smiling – she’s keen on camping. • Put the sheets neatly one on top of the other. Fold the
4 Sophie and Oliver are kayaking. They’re having pile in half so that the short sides touch, and then in
fun. half again in the other direction. You should now have
5 Coco is skateboarding – he loves skateboarding. a small book shape.
He’s a big film star!


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 180 27/04/2017 10:38
Preparation for evaluation

G o o d b ye
Procedure the day before the evaluation
• Review unit content using games to give
practice for the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the
Listen and number. content of the evaluation might be, using
the children’s first language as needed.
See Teacher’s Book page 184 for
procedure on the day of evaluation.

Assessment for Learning review

• Poptropica English includes elements of
Assessment for Learning methodology,
which help to enhance learning by
supporting pupils in understanding what
they have learned and what they need to do
next, empowering them to move themselves
forward and making them active in their
own learning.
2 Read and match.
1 Favolina Jolly a is keen on skateboarding.
• Encourage pupils to ask if they’ve got any
questions about what they have learnt in
2 Finley Keen b is very tired. the level. It’s a good idea to remind pupils
3 Sophie c is kayaking with Oliver. of where they were at the beginning of the
4 Uncle James d is eating a banana next to a waterfall. year and where they are now, to really
5 Coco e is keen on camping. emphasize the progress they are making.
• Tell pupils that it is fine if they do not
78 Lesson 1
Goodbye Can talk aboutCan
areI doing
remember everything as they will continue
Z01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_GOOD.indd 78 18/02/2016 08:54
to practise in the next level. For strong
pupils, keep them motivated by asking them
• Cut along the folds at the top/bottom of the book so that the to find out more about the topic or new
pages can turn, and staple at the top and bottom of the spine. words on the topic. Tell pupils, Well done! to
• Pupils may use the book to show things they’ve learnt reinforce the progress they have made.
throughout the year. They draw pictures of things that they
have learnt in each unit. They could also write sentences to
show the structures from each unit. Allow pupils to use their
Pupil’s Books as reference.

• You can check your pupils’ progress using the End-of-year
evaluation sheet (pages 206 and 207). See also teaching notes
on page 189.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 181 27/04/2017 10:38
Festivals PB pages 79–80
1 She opens her Christmas presents in the morning.
2 They eat a special meal on Christmas Day.
Learning objective 3 They eat turkey, potatoes, carrots, sprouts and
Can talk about Christmas Christmas pudding.
Can talk about Mother’s Day 4 She’s wearing a paper hat.
Target language 5 Yes, she’s got a brother.
Christmas cracker, snowman, sprouts, turkey, box
of chocolates, Mother’s Day card, rose, tea, toast
2 Listen and sing.
Recycled language
Christmas, Food, Feelings • Tell pupils you are going to play the Christmas song.
• Play the audio (CD3:40). Pupils follow in their books.
• Play it a second time for pupils to join in. Repeat until
Warm-up pupils remember the song without help from the book.
• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version on the
• Put up a calendar on the board and ask the class (in L1) Audio CD (CD3:41).
if they celebrate Christmas. If they do, ask when and
how they celebrate it. AB page 68
• Talk about local traditions, food, presents and music.
1 Read and circle.
Learning adventure
• Pupils read and choose the correct answer (a or b)
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the book. What to complete the beginnings of the sentences.
are we learning today? Write the lesson objective • To check, ask individual pupils to read a complete
on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re learning sentence aloud.
to talk about Christmas.
2b 3a 4b 5a
• Have a short discussion (in L1) or elicit information
about British Christmas customs. Direct pupils’ 2 Look, think and write.
attention to the photo and use it to present the words.
• Explain (in L1) that Christmas crackers are an important • Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. Explain that
Father Christmas has brought presents and they have
part of Christmas celebrations in the UK and countries
to write what each child likes by looking at the presents
such as Canada, New Zealand and Australia. A cracker
they have received.
is a cardboard tube wrapped in a brightly decorated
twist of paper. It is pulled by two people. The split is
accompanied by a small bang. Inside the cracker there 2 cooking 3 She likes reading. 4 He likes
is usually a paper hat, a joke and a small present. playing football. 5 She likes skateboarding.

1 Listen and read. Then answer the

questions. Learning adventure
• Tell the class that they are going to listen to the girl in Ask pupils, What do you know now about Christmas?
the photo (Grace) speaking about Christmas traditions. Give them a minute to tell their partner. As a whole
• Play the audio (CD3:39). Pupils follow in their books. class or in pairs, ask pupils to say where they are on their
• Ask pupils to answer the questions. adventure now. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce the
• Ask a few pupils to read the answers. progress they are making.

182 Materials

M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 182 27/04/2017 10:38
C h r i s t ma s Mo th e r’s Da y 1 Sunday is Mother’s Day. 2 She’s having
1 Listen and read. Then answer the questions.
breakfast in bed. 3 She’s having toast and tea.
Listen and read.

4 There are chocolates in the box.

3:39 1
Then answer the questions.
Hi! I’m Grace. This is me and my Today is Sunday and it’s Mother’s
family on Christmas Day. We open Day. This is breakfast in bed for
our presents in the morning, then my mum. It’s a treat because she
mum cooks a special lunch. We eat makes breakfast for me and my
turkey turkey, potatoes, carrots and sprouts.
dad every day. My mum likes toast
Then we have Christmas pudding. rose
and tea for breakfast. Today she’s
Yum! We pull Christmas crackers.
got a rose and some presents, too.
They go ‘bang’ and inside there are
sprouts little presents, jokes and paper hats. My present for Mum is a box of

Listen and sing.

What colour is my hat in the photo?

Christmas crackers
In the afternoon I play with my
presents. If it’s snowy, I play snowball
games with my brother or make a Mother’s tea
box of chocolates
Day card
snowman snowman in the garden. toast

1 When does Grace open her

Christmas presents?
2 When do Grace and her
family eat a special meal? • Play the audio (CD3:43). Pupils follow in their books.
• Explain any difficult language, e.g. You really care.
1 Which day is Mother’s Day? 2 Where is Mum having breakfast?
3 What do they eat? 4 What is Grace wearing in
3 What is Mum having for breakfast? 4 What’s in the box?
5 Has Grace got any brothers or sisters? the photo?

• Play it a second time for pupils to join in. Repeat until the
3:43 /
Listen and sing.
2 Listen and sing. 3:44
3:40 /
3:41 My dad is hanging Christmas lights.
On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day.
My dad is hanging Christmas lights. When I’m happy, when I’m sad, When I’m hungry, when I’m scared,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

My mum is cooking Christmas lunch…

You’re always there.
When I’m good, when I’m bad,
You really care.
You know what to do.
So today’s the day to say
class remembers the song without help from the book.
Lesson 2
My sister’s playing snowball games…
And we are singing a Christmas song…

I learn 79 80 Festival
Happy Mother’s Day!

Can talk about Mother’s Day

• If pupils feel confident, use the karaoke version (CD3:44).
Z01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_GOOD.indd 79 18/02/2016 08:54 Z01_POEN_PUB_03GLB_BR_1778_GOOD.indd 80 18/02/2016 08:54

AB page 69
AB page 72

• Direct pupils to the Christmas pictures in the Picture 1 Look at the chart and complete the sentences.
dictionary: turkey, pudding, cracker, snowman and • Direct pupils’ attention to the chart. They use the
snowball. information in the chart to complete the sentences.
Pop quiz
2 November 3 Kenya 4 October
Write some new verses for the song, e.g. And we 5 Pupils’ own answers
are eating Christmas lunch. My granny’s wearing a
paper hat, etc. Write them on the board, then sing them
to the karaoke version of the song (CD3:41). 2 Draw, colour and write a Mother’s Day card.
Warm-up • Pupils draw and colour the card, and write one of the
• Put up a calendar on the board and ask pupils (in L1)
how they celebrate Mother’s Day. Learning adventure
Learning adventure Ask pupils, What do you know now about Mother’s
Day? Give them a minute to tell their partner. As a
Open books and ask pupils, Look at the book. What whole class or in pairs, ask pupils to say where they are
are we learning today? Write the lesson objective on their adventure now. Tell pupils, Well done! to reinforce
on the board or look at it on the screen: We’re learning the progress they are making.
to talk about Mother’s Day.
AB page 72
• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture and use it to • Direct pupils to the Mother’s Day pictures in the Picture
present the new vocabulary. Ask pupils to predict dictionary: card, box of chocolates, tea, toast and rose.
(in L1) what they think the people in the picture are
going to do with the things on the tray. Pop quiz
Divide pupils into pairs. Ask them to tell their
1 Listen and read. Then answer the partner two things that they want to give to or do
questions. for their mums for Mother’s Day, e.g. I want to make
• Tell the class that they are going to listen to a boy breakfast for my mum. I want to give her a rose. Go around
speaking about celebrating Mother’s Day. the class and help with vocabulary if necessary.
• Play the audio (CD3:42). Pupils follow in their books.
• Ask pupils to answer the questions.
• Ask a few pupils to read the answers.


M01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 183 27/04/2017 10:38

Evaluation can be described as an attempt to analyse Poptropica English provides eight photocopiable
the learning that a pupil has achieved over a period evaluations for use at the end of each unit and a
of time as a result of the classroom teaching/learning further end of year evaluation. A photocopiable
situation. It plays an integral part in the teaching and evaluation chart to record pupils’ progress can be
learning process. found on page 185.
The evaluation material included in Poptropica English
has been designed to analyse pupils’ progress with the Preparation for evaluation
aim of reinforcing the positive aspects and identifying
Procedure the day before the evaluation
areas for improvement.
There are five main reasons for evaluation: • Review unit content using games to give practice for
the coming evaluation.
• Ask pupils to predict what they think the content
Formative – to increase motivation by making of the evaluation might be, using the pupils’ first
evaluation a part of the continuous learning process. language as needed.

Procedure on the day of evaluation

Summative – to give pupils feedback on their • Copy the test for pupils, and direct pupils to write
progress or achievement at a particular point in their names at the top of the page.
time, often formally through tests. • Play a game, and sing a song or chant to help pupils
to move from L1 to English.
• Play the audio, and direct pupils to complete the
listening activities.
Informative – to give pupils and parents feedback
on progress or achievements.
• Depending on your classroom setup, you may wish to
set pupils up in pairs to complete the speaking activity
and monitor the class as a whole. Alternatively, you
may prefer to have pupils speak individually to you
Diagnostic – to monitor individual pupils’ needs while the remainder of the class works through the
and help identify pupils who need special support. reading and writing exercises.
• As with the audio throughout this course, you
may wish to pause the audio to allow your class to
complete each question.
Evaluative – to identify pupils’ level of achievement
and select or order pupils according to merit, to
• Set pupils a time limit within which to complete the
remainder of the test.
check effectiveness of teaching methods, teaching
materials and teachers.
• Have some small pieces of scrap paper available for
students to make notes for their speaking evaluation.
Emphasise that they should make notes, and try to
avoid full sentences or scripts being written.
• Check the answers against the Answer Key on
pages 186–189. Write the total score in the
space provided.
• When handing tests back to pupils, go through
the answers and explain any errors.
Poptropica English also encourages self-evaluation at
the end of each unit, giving the pupils an important
opportunity to express their own opinion about their


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PUPIL’S NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EoY

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MARKING CRITERIA   1–6 = Still developing     7–13 = Progressing well       14–20 = Excellent
EoY:   1–10 = Still developing     11–20 = Progressing well       21–30 = Excellent


Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 185 26/04/2017 16:47
Evaluation teaching notes
Evaluation sheet 1 CD3, Track 46
A: What do lions eat, Mrs Hall? B: They eat
1 What do the children like? Listen to Emma
meat. Crocodiles eat meat, too. A: And giraffes?
and Jake and put (E) or (J). (4 points)
Do giraffes eat meat? B: No, giraffes and
• Direct the pupils’ attention to the pictures. Explain elephants don’t eat meat. They eat leaves. Elephants
that they are going to listen and write E or J in the eat grass, too. A: Do hippos eat grass?
answer box if the person likes the activity. Play the B: Yes, they do. A: And monkeys? Do monkeys
audio several times. eat meat and fish? B: No, crocodiles eat meat and
fish. Monkeys eat fruit.
CD3, Track 45
J: Hi Emma! Do you like skateboarding? E: No, I
don’t but I like riding my bike. And you? J: I like
riding my scooter! And I like skiing and playing
football. What do you like doing? E: I like playing
my guitar and watching TV. Do you like playing Elephants ✓ ✓
computer games? J: Yes, I do! And you? Giraffes ✓
E: Well… No. I don’t. Monkeys ✓
Lions ✓
Crocodiles ✓ ✓
Hippos ✓
2J 3J 4E 5J

2 Look at the pictures. Then say. (6 points)

2 Look at the pictures. Then say. (6 points)

• Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and the ticks/ • Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They use
the words in the speech bubbles to help them form
crosses. They talk about what the people like or don’t
like doing.
3 Read then circle. (4 points)
3 Read and ✓ or ✗. Then correct the wrong
sentences. (6 points) • Pupils read the sentences and circle the correct words.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the sentences. They ✓ if
the sentence is correct or ✗ if it is wrong. Then, they 2 monkeys 3 live 4 live 5 do
rewrite the incorrect sentences.

2 ✗ They like chatting online. 3 ✓

4 Unscramble and write the questions.
4 ✗ She doesn’t like playing computer games. 5 ✓ Then write answers. (6 points)

• Direct pupils’ attention to the example. They put the

words in order to form questions. They then write
4 Write about you and your family. (4 points) answers.

Evaluation sheet 2 2 Do giraffes eat meat? No, they don’t. 3 What

do hippos eat? They eat grass. 4 Do lions eat
1 Listen and tick the correct food. (4 points) insects? No, they don’t.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the table. Explain that they
are going to listen to Natalie and her teacher. They
listen and tick the correct box for each animal’s diet. Evaluation sheet 3
Play the audio several times.
1 Listen and number. (2 points)

• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They listen and

number the pictures 1–3. Play the audio several times.


Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 186 26/04/2017 16:47
CD3, Track 47 b half past ten c one o’clock d half past three
1 A: What’s the weather like today, Dad? e eight o’clock
B: It’s snowy and windy. A: Ohhh! I can’t play.
2 A: What’s the weather like today, Dad?
B: It’s wet and stormy. A: Oh, I’m scared! 2 Look and read. Then say. (6 points)
3 A: What’s the weather like today, Dad?
B: It’s hot and it’s sunny. Let’s play football! • Ask pupils to read the chart. They use the words in
the speech bubbles to form sentences.
3 Read. Then match. (4 points)
b3 c2
• Pupils draw lines to match the questions and answers.
2 Look at Activity 1. Then say. (6 points)
2d 3e 4c 5a
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They use the
words in the speech bubbles to form sentences.
4 Read. Then answer the questions. (6 points)
3 Read. Then number. (4 points)
• Pupils read the dialogue and then fill in the blanks.
• Ask pupils to read the text and number each picture
with the matching sentence.
2 She has music lessons on Wednesday.
3 He does gymnastics at 2.30.
b5 c3 d2 e1 4 He studies Maths on Saturday morning.

4 Look at Activity 3. Then read

and choose. (4 points) Evaluation sheet 5
• Pupils complete the sentences using the words in the 1 Listen, look and circle. (3 points)
word bank.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They listen and
circle the correct job.
b autumn c summer d winter e rain
CD3, Track 49
A: What do you want to be, Scarlett? B: I want
5 Write about your favourite season. (4 points) to be a ballet dancer. I love dancing! A: What
do you want to be, Suzy? C: I love films. I want
Evaluation sheet 4 to be a film star. A: What do you want to
be, Mark? Do you want to be a film star, too?
1 What does Maria do on Saturdays? D: Oh, no! I like playing basketball. I want to be a
Listen and draw the times. (4 points) basketball player. I want to play with the Lakers!
A: And you, Aiden? Do you want to be a basketball
• Direct pupils’ attention to the sentences and the clock player, too? E: No! I don’t like basketball. I like
faces. They listen and draw the clock hands to show animals! I want to be a farmer.
the time for each activity. Play the audio several times.

CD3, Track 48 Suzy film star, Mark basketball player, Aiden farmer
Today is Saturday and Maria has a busy day.
She does gymnastics at nine o’clock. At half past
ten she has Music lessons. She loves music! At one
o’clock she goes home by bus. In the afternoon,
she goes swimming with her mother at half past
three and at five o’clock she goes skateboarding
with her friends. At eight o’clock she has dinner
and she goes to bed at nine o’clock.


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Evaluation teaching notes
2 Draw what you want to be and don’t 3 Look and read. Then circle. (4 points)
want to be. Then say. (6 points)
• Pupils to look at the pictures, read the sentences and
• Pupils draw pictures of a job they like and a job they circle the correct words.
do not. They use the words in the speech bubbles to
form sentences. 2 live 3 got 4 next to 5 sharp teeth
3 Read and circle. (5 points)

• Pupils read the sentences and circle the correct words. 4 Draw a rainforest animal. Then write. (5 points)
• Pupils draw a rainforest animal and fill in the blanks to
2 does 3 wants 4 want 5 don’t want 6 Does describe it.

Evaluation sheet 7
4 Look and write. (6 points)
1 Listen, look and match. (4 points)
• Pupils look at the pictures and write the questions and
answers. • Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They match
them to the correct feeling. Play the audio several
2 Does he want to be a a police officer? No, he
doesn’t. 3 Does she want to be a film star? Yes,
she does. 4 Does she want to be a doctor? No, CD3, Track 51
she doesn’t. 1 Naomi: (sounds really angry) Where’s my
skateboard? I can’t find my skateboard!
2 Ben: (sounds exhausted) Hi, Mum. I’m very tired!
Evaluation sheet 6 3 Laura: (sounds excited) Look Dad! That’s Madley
Kool! My favourite film star! OOOHHHHH!
1 Listen and draw. (5 points)
4 Greg: (eating food very quickly) I’m hungry Mum!
• Pupils listen and draw the things they hear in the 5 Emma: (sounds scared) LOOK! A frog! I’m scared
correct places. Play the audio several times. of frogs!

CD3, Track 50
A: Have you got a skateboard? B: Yes, it’s next 2 Ben tired 3 Laura happy
to the sofa. Hey, where are my books? A: They’re 4 Greg hungry 5 Emma scared
under the table. B: … and where’s my basketball?
A: Mmm… . There! It’s behind you! Where are my
skis? B: They’re behind the sofa. A: Aggghhh! 2 Draw two pictures of yourself.
Look! A snake! B: Where? A: There! In front Then say how you feel in each. (6 points)
of you!
• Pupils draw and write about themselves. They use the
words in the speech bubbles to form sentences.

skateboard next to the sofa books under the 3 Read and circle A or B. (4 points)
table basketball behind the boy skis behind
the sofa snake in front of the boy • Pupils read the dialogues and circle the correct
questions and answers.

2 Look at the picture. Then say. (6 points) 2b 3a 4a 5b

• Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. They use the

words in the speech bubbles to form sentences. 4 Look and write. (6 points)

• Pupils look at the pictures and write the questions and



Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 188 26/04/2017 16:47
Evaluation sheet 8 End-of-year evaluation sheet
1 Listen and match. (3 points) 1 Listen, read and circle True or False. (7 points)

• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures and the speech • Direct pupils’ attention to the picture. They listen and
bubbles. They listen and match the people with decide if the sentences are true or false. Play the audio
the actions. several times.

CD3, Track 52 CD3, Track 53

A: What’s Nicola doing? B: She’s sailing. A: Is A: Good morning! Today is hot and sunny and
Stephen fishing? B: No, he isn’t. He’s snorkelling. we’re on the beach with the film star, D-Ratz.
A: And Ellie? Is she surfing? B: No, Ellie is scared Good morning! B: Good morning! I’m very
of sharks. She’s horse riding. excited because I like the sea. I’m bored with the
mountains! A: What do you like doing? B: I like
swimming, surfing and skiing. A: Do you like
cooking? B: Noooo! I’m bored with cooking!
Nicola – sailing, Stephen – snorkelling, A: What’s your favourite animal? B: I’m keen on
Ellie – horse-riding birds and I love eagles because they’re big but I’m
terrified of crocodiles and sharks! A: What do
you do on the beach, D-Ratz? B: At ten o’clock
2 Look at the feelings and activities. I go swimming, at one o’clock I have lunch, at
Talk about what you’re keen on, half past three I go surfing and at five o’clock I
scared of and bored with. (6 points) like sitting in the sun. A: Thank you, D-Ratz.
It’s been great talking with you!
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures and the
sentences. They use the words in the speech bubbles
to form sentences.
2F 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T
3 Read. Then circle. (5 points)

• Pupils read the email and the sentences and circle the 2 Look and say. Describe the picture. (8 points)
correct words.
• Pupils look at the picture and talk about it. They use
2 bored with 3 keen on 4 scared of 5 keen on the words in the speech bubbles to form sentences.
6 terrified of
3 Read and and complete. (7 points)

• Pupils read the text and fill in the blanks.

4 Look at the pictures. Write questions
and answers. (6 points)
3 sunny 4 because 5 on 6 be 7 football
• Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures. They fill in the 8 player 9 swimming
blanks using the pictures for ideas.

4 Make notes about your week.

Then write sentences. (8 points)

• Direct pupils’ attention to the chart and the example

sentences. They write about their week.


Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 189 26/04/2017 16:47
1 Free time Name:


Evaluation sheet 1

1 3:45
What do the children like? Listen to Emma and Jake and
put (E) or (J).

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look at the pictures. Then say.

1 2 3

✓ ✓ ✓
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✗ ✓ ✗

What does he He/she

like doing? likes… .
Does she

190 1 4 points 2 6 points

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3 Read and ✓ or ✗. Then correct the wrong sentences.

1 What does you like doing? ✗

  What do you like doing?
2 They likes chatting online.

3 I like playing the guitar.

4 She don’t like playing computer games.

5 He likes watching TV.

4 Write about you and your family.

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1 I like
2 I don’t like .
3 My dad likes .
4 My mum doesn’t like .

3 6 points 4 4 points Total 191

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2 Animals Name:


Evaluation sheet 2

1 3:46
Listen and tick the correct food.

Elephants ✓
Giraffes ✓
Lions ✓
Crocodiles ✓

2 Look at the pictures. Then say.

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Do… eat…?
It’s a/an…

What do… eat?

They eat… … live in…

192 1 4 points 2 6 points

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 192 26/04/2017 16:47


3 Read then circle.

1 ( Do / Does ) crocodiles eat meat?
2 What do ( monkeys / monkey ) eat?
3 Crabs and hippos ( live / lives ) in rivers.
4 Do giraffes ( live / lives ) in Africa?
5 What ( do / does ) lions eat?

4 Unscramble and write the questions. Then write answers.

1 monkeys / fruit / eat / Do / ?

 Do monkeys eat fruit?
 Yes, they do.
2 giraffes / eat / Do / meat / ?

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3 do / What / hippos / eat / ?

4 lions / insects / eat / Do / ?

3 4 points 4 6 points Total 193

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3 Weather Name:


Evaluation sheet 3

1 3:47
Listen and number.

a b c

2 Look at Activity 1. Then say.

What’s the weather What’s the weather

like in picture a? like in picture b?
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It’s… It’s…

What’s the weather

like in picture c?

194 1 2 points 2 6 points

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3 Read. Then number.

1 It’s snowy. a
2 It’s cold and wet in the winter.
3 It’s hot and sunny in the summer.
4 It’s cloudy. 4
5 It’s windy.
b d

4 Look at Activity 3. Then read and choose.

autumn rain spring summer winter

a I skateboard in the     spring    .

b The wind blows in the              .
c The sun shines in the              .

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d It’s cold in the              .
e I splash in the              .

5 Write about your favourite season.

My favourite season is .
I like it because it’s .
I .

3 4 points 4 4 points 5 4 points Total 195

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4 My week Name:


Evaluation sheet 4

1 3:48
What does Maria do on Saturdays? Listen and draw the times.

a b c

She does gymnastics. She has Music lessons. She goes home.

d e

She goes swimming. She has dinner.

2 Look and read. Then say.

Activity Day Time
Jane study English Tuesday 10 o’clock
Ben do karate Thursday 6 o’clock
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Sally have music lessons Saturday 8 o’clock

What does… do on…?

He/She… on… What time does…?
He/She… at…

196 1 4 points 2 6 points

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 196 26/04/2017 16:48


3 Read. Then match. Yes, she does.

What do you do I have ballet
on Thursday? 2 lessons.
What does Jenny c

3 do on Friday?
I go by bus.
What does Robert
do on Saturday? 4 d

How do you go She learns

to school? to draw.
Does Sara walk He does
to school? gymnastics.

4 Read. Then answer the questions.

When do you have , Bob? On Monday at . When

do you have , Sue?
On Wednesday. When
does Frankie do ? On Tuesday at .

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What do you do on Saturday morning? I on Saturday morning.

1 What does Bob do on Monday? lessons  at  10.00 .

He has  music
2 When does Sue have music lessons? She has                  on         .
3 What does Frankie do on Tuesday? He                    at             .
4 When does Bob study Maths? He                       on              .

3 4 points 4 6 points Total 197

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5 Jobs Name:


Evaluation sheet 5

1 3:49
Listen, look and circle.

2 Draw what you want to be and don’t want to be. Then say.
want to be don’t want to be
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What do you I don’t want to be…

want to be? I don’t like… / I can’t…

I want to be a/an…
I like… / I can…

198 1 3 points 2 6 points

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3 Read and circle.

1 What ( do / does ) you want to be?
2 What ( do / does ) Tina want to be?
3 Helena ( want / wants ) to be a ballet dancer.
4 What do you ( want / wants ) to be?
5 I ( don’t want / don’t wants ) to be a police officer.
6 ( Does / Do ) he want to be a builder?

4 Look and write.


 Does he want to be a firefighter ?

✓  Yes, he does.



? Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017


3 5 points 4 6 points Total 199

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6 Rainforest Name:


Evaluation sheet 6

1 3:50
Listen and draw.

2 Look at the picture. Then say.

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Where’s the The crocodile

hut? is…
Where are the The lions
elephants? are…

200 1 5 points 2 6 points

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3 Look and read. Then circle.

1 They ( are / can ) run very fast. 2 They ( live / have ) in Africa.

3 They’ve ( got / can ) long necks. 4 They live ( behind / next to ) rivers.

5 Alligators have got ( sharp teeth / curly tails ).

4 Draw a rainforest animal. Then write.

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This is a
It’s got
It lives

3 4 points 4 5 points Total 201

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 201 26/04/2017 16:48
7 Feelings Name:


Evaluation sheet 7

1 3:51
Listen, look and match.

1 Naomi 2 Ben 3 Laura 4 Greg 5 Emma

tired hungry happy angry scared

2 Draw two pictures of yourself. Then say how you feel in each.
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How do you feel? Why are you…?

I feel… What are you I’m… because…

202 1 4 points 2 6 points

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 202 26/04/2017 16:48


3 Read and circle A or B.

1 A What makes you feel happy?
Rainy days make me feel sad.
B What makes you feel sad?

A I’m laughing because I’m happy.

2 What makes you feel happy?
B Holidays make me feel happy.

3 A What makes you cry?

Sad films make me cry.
B What makes you feel sad?

A Big storms make me feel scared.

4 What makes you feel scared?
B I’m crying because I’m scared.

5 A What makes you feel happy?

My friends make me laugh.
B What makes you laugh?

4 Look and write.

1 2

 Why is she yawning ? ?

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 Because she’s tired .

3 4

? ?

3 4 points 4 6 points Total 203

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 203 26/04/2017 16:48
8 By the sea Name:


Evaluation sheet 8

1 3:52
Listen and match.




2 Look at the feelings and activities. Talk about what you’re keen on,
scared of and bored with.
5 3:20 Read and complete. Use the words
in the boxes. Then listen and check.

5 3:20 Read and complete.

bored withUse the words
keen on scared of terrified of
in the boxes. Then listen and check.
sunny walking watching raining plays tennis drinking bus
Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2017

Lucy is 1
bored with the weather. It’s
raining. She likes 3
weather because

ad and complete.
bored withUse the words
she’s keen on
scared of She 5 terrified of
the boxes. Then listen and check. What are
sunny walking watching Today
raining plays tennis drinking bus
on Tuesdays. is Tuesday but it’s raining. you…?
Lucy is 1
bored with the weather. It’s
Lucy is 6 to the tennis club. She doesn’t
raining. She likes weather because 3

go by 7 because she’s

h she’s keen on 4
scared of She terrified of
tennis. 5

buses. ZAP! A storm! Lucy is 9

alkingon watching
Tuesdays. Today raining plays tennis
is Tuesday but it’s drinking
raining. bus
Poor Lucy!
bored with the weather. It’s
She likes 3 204 Lucy1 is 6
3 points
is home because
to the tennis club.
again. She’s 10
She doesn’t
2 6 points
TV and she’s
go by 7 because she’s 8

tennis. She115 some hot chocolate. She’s happy. But

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 204 26/04/2017 16:48
buses. ZAP! A storm! Lucy is 9


3 Read. Then circle.

Hi, I’m Jo. I love water sports. I’m keen on surfing, I go surfing
every weekend. My sister Kelly is bored with surfing, she is keen
on horse-riding. I’m scared of horses so I don’t like horse-riding.
We’re both keen on snorkelling, but we’re both terrified of sharks.

1 Jo is ( keen on / scared of ) surfing.

2 Kelly is ( terrified of / bored with ) surfing.
3 Kelly is ( keen on / scared of ) horse-riding.
4 Jo is ( bored with / scared of ) horses.
5 Kelly is ( keen on / terrified of ) snorkelling.
6 Jo is ( terrified of / keen on ) sharks.

4 Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers.

 What are you bored with?

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 I’m bored with fishing.

3 5 points 4 6 points Total 205

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 205 26/04/2017 16:48
End of year Name:


End-of-year evaluation sheet

1 3:53
Listen, read and circle True or False.

1 He’s a film star. True / False

2 He likes mountains. True / False
3 He’s bored with surfing. True / False
4 He’s bored with cooking. True / False
5 He likes birds. True / False
6 He goes surfing at ten o’clock. True / False
7 He has lunch at half past three. True / False
8 He likes sitting in the sun at five o’clock. True / False

2 Look and say. Describe the picture.

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I can see… There are… They’re…

There is… It’s…

206 1 7 points 2 8 points

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 206 26/04/2017 16:48


3 Read and complete.

It’s  nine o’clock  and       it’s       hot and

1 2

              . Ali is at school. He’s happy                he plays 4

football at nine o’clock. He’s keen                sports. He wants to


               a                              . He also likes
7 8

               and reading.


4 Make notes about your week. Then write sentences.


Study Maths,

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 On Sunday I study Maths. I study Maths at
 11 o’clock. 

3 7 points 4 8 points Total 207

Z01 Poptropica TB3 Global British English for Argentina 91815.indd 207 26/04/2017 16:48

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