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SPE 96571

Black Oil Delumping

K. Ghorayeb, SPE, and J. Holmes, SPE, Schlumberger

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

needed compositional information, yet adds negligible
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and computational time to the simulation.
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9 – 12 October 2005.
Delumping a black oil wellstream consists of retrieving the
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
detailed components’ molar rates to convert the black oil
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to wellstream into a compositional wellstream. It reconstitutes
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at the composition and component molar rates of the production
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Black oil delumping can be achieved with differing degrees
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous of accuracy by using options ranging from setting constant oil
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
and gas composition for the whole run to using the results of a
depletion process (CVD, CCD, DL, …).
Abstract The simplest method is to assign a fixed composition
Black oil reservoir simulation still has wide application in the (component mole fraction) to stock-tank oil and gas. This
petroleum industry, because it is computationally far less could be applied over the whole reservoir or, if the
demanding than compositional simulation. But a principal hydrocarbon mixture properties vary across the reservoir,
limitation of black oil reservoir simulation is that it does not different oil and gas compositions can be reassigned at any
provide detailed compositional information necessary for time during the run.
surface process modeling. Some black oil simulators have an API tracking feature
Black oil delumping overcomes this limitation by that allows oils of different properties to mix within the
converting a black oil wellstream into a compositional reservoir. The PVT properties of the oil mixture are
wellstream, enabling the composition and component molar parameterized using the oil surface density. To provide a
rates of a production well in a black oil reservoir simulation to delumping option compatible with the API tracking, stock-
be reconstituted. tank oil and gas compositions may be tabulated against the
We present a comprehensive black oil delumping method density of oil at surface conditions.
based primarily on the compositional information generated in The third option, which offers the greatest accuracy, is to
the depletion process that is used initially to provide data for provide tables of reservoir liquid and vapor component mole
the black oil simulation in a typical workflow. Examples fractions vs. saturation pressure. These can be obtained from a
presented in this paper show the accuracy of this method in depletion process, ideally the same process that was initially
different depletion processes: natural depletion, water used to generate the black oil PVT tables. This technique, as
injection, and gas injection. The paper also presents a we show in this paper, provides very accurate results in natural
technique for accurately applying the black oil delumping depletion processes and production processes involving
method to wells encountering crossflow. reservoir re-pressurization by water-injection. Weisenborn and
Schulte1 reported a similar delumping technique. However,
Introduction they used the grid-block pressure instead of saturation pressure
With advances in computing speed, it is becoming more usual (or averaged saturation pressure in the case of a well-
to employ a fully compositional fluid description in completion spanning multiple grid-cell connections) in the
hydrocarbon reservoir simulation. However, the faster delumping scheme. The latter, as we will show, provides
computers become, the stronger is simulation engineers’ better results in the case of production processes involving
tendency to build more challenging, and thus more CPU reservoir re-pressurization by water injection.
intensive, models. Compositional simulation in today’s multi- Black oil delumping based on composition vs. saturation
million-cell models is still practically unfeasible. pressure tables may not provide an accurate wellstream
Black oil fluid representation is a proven technique that composition in production processes involving gas injection.
continues to find wide application in reservoir simulation. This is the case when the depletion experiment, and
However, an important limitation of black oil reservoir consequently the resulting tabulated vapour and liquid
simulation is the lack of detailed compositional information composition vs. saturation pressure, may not adequately
necessary for surface process modeling. The black-oil account for the proportion and composition of injected gas in
delumping technique described in this paper provides the the wellstream. In this situation, using tables of liquid and
vapor composition vs. the liquid phase’s gas/oil ration (Rs)
2 SPE 96571

and/or the vapor phase’s oil/gas ratio (Rv) for the delumping In Equations 1 and 2, QmgV , QmoV , QmoL and QmgL denote the
process improves accuracy, as we illustrate.
mass rates of the free gas, vaporized oil, liquid oil, and
Another important aspect of black oil delumping is the
dissolved gas respectively. These quantities can be obtained
level at which delumping takes place: the well level or the
completion level.
Delumping at the completion level could be necessary in QmgV = ρ g q gV , ……………………………………..…..…... (3)
the case of reservoirs with multiple PVT description regions, QmoV = ρ o q oV , .…………………….…………....…..…….... (4)
because different completions in the same well may be located
in different PVT regions. This will be discussed later in the QmoL = ρ o q oL , …..………….…….…….………………..….. (5)
paper. and,
Finally, special care should be taken in the case of QmgL = ρ g q gL . ….……………….……………..………….... (6)
production wells experiencing crossflow, where some of the
fluid mixture in the wellbore is re-injected into low-pressure In the above, q gV , q oV , q oL , and q gL denote the free-gas,
layers. The “injection” rate in these completions should be vaporized-oil, liquid-oil, and dissolved-gas surface volume
accounted for appropriately as described later.
rates respectively; ρ g and ρ o are the surface gas and oil
Formulation densities, respectively.
The following formulation applies to black oil delumping both
at the well level and well-completion level. Here we describe Step 2. Phase Composition Calculation
delumping methods that use one of the following tables: The phase component mole fraction (vapor and liquid
• Liquid/vapor composition vs. liquid/vapor mass rate component mole fractions yi and xi , i = 1, ..., N c ) calculation
averaged saturation pressure; that is, the average of takes place through a table lookup. First, the quantity upon
the saturation pressure over all the well’s (or which tables are based is calculated (if needed):
completion’s) grid-cell connections, weighted by the • The liquid (vapor) mass-rate-averaged saturation
connection’s liquid/vapor mass rate. This is mainly pressure.
suitable for natural-depletion production processes
and processes involving water-injection. Note that, • The liquid-phase gas/oil ratio ( Rs = q gL q oL ) and/or
when the completion spans just a single grid cell, the the vapor-phase oil/gas ratio ( Rv = q oV q gV ).
average saturation pressure of the completion reduces Once this is done, table lookup is performed to obtain the
to the saturation pressure of the fluid in the grid cell. vapor and liquid compositions.
• Oil/gas composition vs. oil surface density. This is
mainly suitable for API tracking black oil models Step 3. Total Composition Calculation
(allowing mixing of different types of oil with
The total composition zi of component i ( i = 1, ..., N c ) is
different surface densities and PVT properties).
• Liquid/vapor composition vs. Rs and/or Rv. This is related to the vapor and liquid component mole fractions yi
mainly suitable for production processes involving and xi , respectively by:
gas-injection. zi = αyi + (1 − α )xi , ….……………………………….….... (7)
The formulation considers the general context of a live-
oil/wet-gas black oil model. Black oil delumping for simpler where α is the vapor fraction defined by:
black oil models (i.e. live-oil/dry-gas and dead-oil/dry-gas nV
α= V ; ………………………………………..…….. (8)
models) is a particular case of this general formulation. n + nL
The purpose of the delumping process is to retrieve the nV and nL are the total number of moles in the vapor and liquid
component molar rates zi , i = 1, ..., N c (feed composition), phases respectively.
Equation (8) can be written as:
where N c is the number of components. The component molar
rate is then simply the product of the total molar rate mV M V
α= V ; ….……………………....……….. (9)
multiplied by the component’s mole fraction. In the following m M V + mL M L
calculations, liquid and vapor refer to the hydrocarbon phases mV, MV, mL and ML are the mass and molar weight of the vapor
existing at reservoir conditions, while oil and gas refer to and liquid phases respectively. In terms of molar rates, α can
hydrocarbon phases at stock-tank conditions. The delumping be written as:
process comprises the following three steps: QmV M V
α= V ; ………………………..……..... (10)
Step 1. Phase Mass Rate Calculation Qm M V + QmL M L
From mass conservation, the mass rates of the vapor and QmV and QmL are calculated as described above. The vapor and
liquid phases, respectively, are given by:
liquid molar weights M V , and M L , respectively, are given
QmV = QmgV + QmoV , ………………………..……….….…….. (1) by:
and Nc

QmL = QmoL + QmgL , ……………………………….….……….. (2) M V = ∑ yi M i , ……………………………………….….. (11)

i =1
SPE 96571 3

and Let q g and q o denote the “net” surface volume gas and oil
M L = ∑ xi M i .……………………..…………..………... (12) production rates of the production well. q g and q o are both ≥ 0
i =1
(for a production well).
Knowing the total composition, the vapor (liquid) mass
( )
rate of component i, i = 1, ..., N c is the product of the total q g = q Pg − q Ig = ∑ q Pk
+ q Pk
− q Ikg ,…….……………..... (17)
k =1
vapor (liquid) mass rate multiplied by the component’s vapor
( )
(liquid) mole fraction yi ( xi ). q o = q Po − q Io = ∑ q Pk
+ q Pk
− q Iko .………..….………… (18)
k =1

Black oil delumping at the completion level In a black oil delumping process at the completion level,
A well connects with the simulation grid through a set of grid- the completions’ production rates should be adjusted to
cell connections. For the purpose of modeling workover account for the well’s injecting connections. The well’s
operations, the simulator can lump connections together into injection rates qIg and qIo are apportioned among all producing
completions; all the connections in the same completion are completions according to their overall production rates.
opened or closed together. In the case where crossflow occurs
Let qakgV , qak
, qak
and qakgL denote the adjusted values of
in a production well, some of the connections might be
injecting instead of producing. Even within the same gV
q Pk , q Pk
, q Pk
and q Pk
, respectively. These adjusted values
completion, some connections might be producing and others should satisfy:
might be injecting (especially if connections in different
( )
poorly-communicating reservoir layers are lumped into the q g = ∑ qakgV + qakgL ,..…………………………………….. (19)
same completion). A completion in a production well might k =1

( )
therefore have an injection rate as well as a production rate. q o = ∑ qak
+ qak
..………………………….…………... (20)
The completion injection rate should thus be accounted for k =1
when calculating the production well’s component molar rates The following thus apply:
based on those obtained by delumping each completion’s
⎛ q g ⎞ gV
black oil stream into a compositional stream. qakgV = ⎜⎜1 − Ig ⎟⎟q Pk ,…….…………...……………..……... (21)
Consider a well that has n completions. Generally, some ⎝ qP ⎠
(or all) of the connections in a completion may be injecting ⎛ qg ⎞ gL
due to crossflow. Both oil and gas injection may be taking qakgL = ⎜⎜1 − Ig ⎟⎟q Pk ,……...……………………...….……... (22)
place in the injecting connections. ⎝ qP ⎠
In a wet-gas/live-oil black oil model, let q Pk
, q Pk
, q Pk
⎛ q o ⎞ oL
qak = ⎜⎜1 − Io ⎟⎟q Pk ,.…………...……………….………..... (23)
and q Pk denote the free-gas, vaporized-oil, liquid-oil and ⎝ qP ⎠

dissolved-gas production surface volume rates, respectively, ⎛ q o ⎞ oV

for completion k. These are the flow rates from the producing
qak = ⎜⎜1 − Io ⎟⎟q Pk ...…………...………………….……... (24)
connections in the given completion. ⎝ qP ⎠
Let qPg and qPo denote the “gross” surface volume gas and Note that since q g = q Pg − q Ig is ≥ 0 in a production well,
oil “production rates” of the production well, respectively (1 − q g
I )
q Pg is always ≤1. The same applies for 1 − qIo qPo . ( )
defined as:
This implies that q gV
, q oV
, q and q
oL gL
are all ≥ 0.
( )
n ak ak ak ak
q Pg = ∑ q Pk
+ q Pk
,………….…….…......……………… (13)
k =1
Delumping Procedure
( ) The ECLIPSE® black oil and compositional reservoir
q = ∑ q Pk
+ q Pk
.……………………...……………… (14)
k =1 simulator is used in this work. Black oil delumping in this
In the following we assume that qPg and qPo are both > 0 paper is performed using the Reservoir to Surface Link
software, R2SL®, which is linked to ECLIPSE through an
(for a production well). Let q Ikg and q Iko denote the surface open interface.2, 3 The following is a brief description of the
volume gas and oil injection rates of completion k, procedure it uses to implement black oil wellstream delumping
respectively. These are the flow rates of the injecting at the well level. The black oil delumping method uses liquid
connections in the given completion. (vapor) composition vs. saturation pressure tables. Similar
Let qIg and qIo denote the surface volume gas and oil processes are used for the other delumping methods.
• Queries the well’s information specifically needed for
“injection rates” of the production well, respectively:
black oil wellstream delumping (as described in the
q Ig = ∑ q Ikg ,……...………….………………………….... (15) equations above). This information includes:
i =1 o Free and solution gas and oil rates.
n o Surface gas and oil densities.
q Io = ∑ q Iko .…………….....…………………………....... (16)
i =1

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4 SPE 96571

o Average saturation pressure in the well’s Table 1 shows the set of components/pseudo-components
connected grid blocks weighted by liquid and the fluid compositions used in the following examples.
mass inflow rate. Pressure/temperature diagrams corresponding to these
o Average saturation pressure in the well’s compositions are depicted in Fig. 1. Examples 1, 3 and 4 use
connected grid blocks weighted by vapor Fluid 1 while different layers are initialized with different
mass inflow rate. fluids in Example 2.
• Uses the well’s vapor (liquid) vs. dewpoint
(bubblepoint) pressure table to calculate vapor Example 1—Water Injection
(liquid) component mole fractions (composition). This example shows that delumping using composition vs.
Having only one row in the table implies a constant saturation pressure tables provides highly accurate results in
vapor (liquid) composition vs. saturation pressure. natural depletion processes and production processes
• Calculates vapor and liquid molar weights based on involving reservoir re-pressurization using water injection.
the calculated vapor and liquid compositions using Delumping in this example takes place at the well level.
Eqs. 11 and 12. We compared these results with those obtained by delumping
• Calculates vapor and liquid mass rates using Eqs. 1 to 6. at the completion level and observed no significant difference.
• Calculates vapor faction, based on Eq. 10. Note that each completion consists of a single grid-cell
• Calculates total composition and component molar connection in this example (as is also the case in all other
rates using Eq. 7. examples).
The initial composition for this example is that of Fluid 1
Example Applications (see Table 1). The initial pressure in the reservoir is 5000 psi.
We present a set of examples in which we investigate the The entire reservoir is initially in the liquid phase
accuracy of the delumping technique for a variety of (undersaturated). Oil is produced at a constant total rate of
production processes and reservoir behaviors: 2500 STB/D through seven wells.
• Reservoir re-pressurization through water injection A CVD depletion process was used to build the live-
(Example 1). oil/wet-gas black oil model. We also tried using a black oil
model containing dry gas (instead of wet gas), but this gave a
• Reservoirs with multiple fluid regions (Example 2).
significant discrepancy in the gas breakthrough time and the
• Wells encountering crossflow (Example 3).
composition of the delumped black oil wellstream. This is to
• Gas injection. (Example 4).
be expected, since quality of the delumped results is directly
The validation process principally involves comparing the
related to quality of the black oil model.
well composition over time from a compositional reservoir
A natural depletion process is applied for the first 3 years.
model with the delumped black oil wellstream from an
Re-pressurization by water injection, injecting twice the
equivalent black oil model.
reservoir volume of the produced fluids, is applied over the
In all examples (unless indicated otherwise), the following
remaining production time (5 years).
descriptions apply:
The average reservoir pressure decreases to approximately
• The reservoir has three layers. 4200 psi at the end of the third year and increases back to
• The reservoir has seven producers (with different around 4500 psi (which is above the bubblepoint pressure) at
drawdowns) and three water injectors. the end of the seventh year, as shown in Fig. 2.a. Note that re-
• The reservoir temperature is fixed at 284 oF. pressurization of the reservoir by water injection is accounted
• The same set of components/pseudo-components is for in the delumping process by using the hydrocarbon
present. liquid/vapor composition vs. liquid/vapor phases’ averaged
• The two-parameter Peng-Robinson equation of state saturation pressures instead of using the well’s “average
is used in the compositional models as well as in the pressure” (see Appendix A). When the pressure increases in a
depletion processes used to generate the black oil grid cell due to water injection, the saturation pressure does
models’ PVT properties. not increase correspondingly; therefore, using the pressure
• A constant-volume depletion scheme (CVD) is used instead of the saturation pressure can result in a substantially
to construct the black oil model. erroneous delumped black oil stream.
• The oil production rate of the reservoir is fixed to Fig. 2.b shows the gas production over a period of 8 years.
5000 STB/D. Wells are set to produce, when There is an excellent match between the compositional model
possible, with equal shares of the field’s oil and the delumped black oil model.
production limit. Fig. 3 shows the methane composition (a) and the
• The fluid in the reservoir is initially liquid (the composition of the pseudo-components C7-C12 (b) vs. time. As
pressure is higher than the bubble point pressure in with the gas production rate, composition of the delumped
every layer of the reservoir). black oil wellstream is in very good agreement with the
• The following economic limits apply to the wellstream from the compositional model.
production wells:
o Minimum oil production rate of 250 STB/D. Example 2—Multiple Fluid Regions
o Maximum water cut of 0.7. This example illustrates the accuracy of the delumping scheme
o Maximum gas/oil ratio (GOR) of 5.0. in the case of reservoirs with multiple fluid regions.
SPE 96571 5

In the compositional model, Fluids 1, 2 and 3 (Table 1) are mole fraction vs. time for well PA4 from both the
used to initialize the bottom, middle and top layers of the compositional model and its equivalent black oil model are
reservoir respectively. Note that the methane content decreases presented in Fig. 9, which shows a very good match in terms
with depth while the heavy components’ and pseudo- of the delumped black oil stream despite the substantial
components’ mole fractions increase with depth. The initial crossflow that takes place.
reservoir pressure is 5000 psi, which is slightly higher than the
bubblepoint pressure of the liquid in the top of the reservoir. Example 4—Gas Injection
The equivalent black oil model has three PVT regions The aim of this example is to discuss issues related to black oil
corresponding to the fluid regions in the equivalent delumping in the presence of gas injection.
compositional models. The reservoir initial composition corresponding to this
As shown in Fig. 4.a, the black oil model is in agreement example is that of Fluid 1 (Table 1). Initial pressure in the
with the compositional model in terms of gas rate vs. reservoir is 5500 psi, and the entire reservoir is initially in the
production time. Agreement between the compositional model liquid phase (undersaturated).
and the equivalent black oil model in the example, however, is No water injection takes place in this example. An 80%
not as good as that observed in Example I (Fig.2.a). We did voidage replacement gas-injection scheme is applied from the
not refine the black oil model to obtain a better agreement. beginning of the production process. Field production is
Black oil delumping takes place at the completion level in limited to 10000 RB/D. This rate is apportioned equally
this example. Consequently, three different sets of tables are among producers (when possible). Unlike the three examples
used to delump the black oil stream from well completions above, no economic limits are applied.
belonging to the three different layers of the reservoir. The Fig. 10 shows the field gas rate, the field GOR and the
composition of the delumped wellstream is then calculated as reservoir average pressure from the compositional model as
described in the Formulation section. well as its equivalent black oil model. Since most of the
A natural depletion process is applied during the first 3 reservoir is mainly in the undersaturated region during
years. A 100% voidage replacement water injection scheme is production, a good match is obtained between these two
applied for the remaining production time (5 years). The models. Fig. 11 shows the gas rate and the GOR for Well PA1
average reservoir pressure decreases to around 4000 psi at the from both models. PA1 is the first well experiencing gas
end of the third year and increases back to around 4250 psi at breakthrough, which occurs in the fifth production year, as
the end of the eighth year as shown in Fig. 4.b. shown in Fig. 12, which depicts both total gas production rate
The methane composition and the C7-C12 pseudo- and free gas production rate. As seen from these figures, a
component composition vs. time depicted in Fig. 5 show a better match is obtained in terms of GOR before breakthrough
good match between the compositional model and the takes place.
delumped black oil model. Back oil delumping in this example is performed using
tabulated liquid and vapour composition vs. R S . Appendix B
Example 3—Well with Crossflow details the process through which these tables are obtained.
This example is similar to Example 1, with one major Delumping takes place at the well completion level.
difference: the three layers of the reservoir are initialized with Figs. 13 and 14 present the methane mole fraction vs. time
different pressures, causing the wells to crossflow. A natural from both the compositional model and its equivalent black oil
depletion process is applied during the first three years. A model. An excellent match is obtained in the production
100% voidage replacement water injection scheme is applied period prior to gas breakthrough. The delumped compositional
for the remaining production time (5 years). stream matches less accurately after gas breakthrough;
The initial pressures of the three layers are as follow: 5500 however, the results are acceptable. Note that this match is
psi (top4800 psi (middle) and 6500 psi (bottom). The three obtained even though the table of vapor composition vs.
layers use, however, the same PVT model: that of Fluid 1 (Fig. R S assumes that the entire gas cap is in equilibrium with the
1). Initial pressure in these three layers is higher than the
bubblepoint pressures, which are 4958 psi (top), 4722 psi liquid phase.
(middle) and 4522 psi (bottom).
Fig. 6 depicts the gas rate vs. time from both the Concluding Remarks
compositional model and its equivalent black oil model. A general conclusion can be drawn from the above examples:
Results from these figures show a very good match between the level of agreement between black oil model and its
the two models. Composition vs. time from the two models is equivalent compositional model, in terms of composition
presented in Fig. 7. (component molar rates or mole fractions) vs. production time,
Crossflow takes place mainly during the few first months is proportional to the agreement between the two models in
of production and later during the water-injection phase. Fig. 8 terms of gas (or oil) production vs. time. The higher the
shows the gas production rate from one producer and the gas quality of the black oil model (compared with the
injection rate due to crossflow of the well’s three completions. compositional model), the better the agreement between the
Completion 3 in the figure corresponds to the bottom layer. two models in terms of composition vs. time.
Because of the higher initial pressure in this layer, completion The delumping method presented in this paper uses tables
3 is the only one that produces in the first few months while of liquid and vapor composition vs. saturation pressure, which
the completions belonging to the low-pressure layers inject are typically obtained from a depletion process. This method
due to crossflow. Gas production rate vs. time and methane allows us to retrieve the most detailed compositional
6 SPE 96571

information possible in a black oil delumping process, Acknowledgments

provided that the saturation pressure intervals in these tables The authors would like to thank Schlumberger for permission
are the same as those in the black oil PVT tables (obtained, to publish this paper. Richard Torrens from Schlumberger is
basically, using the same depletion simulation). Having finer gratefully acknowledged for contributing in the
pressure intervals than those in the black oil PVT tables does implementation of the necessary open-interface in the
not necessarily result in a better compositional fluid reservoir simulator. The authors would also like to thank Jan
description. Joost Van Roosmalen and Vidar Haugse from Statoil for
More investigation is needed in the case of production useful discussions.
processes involving gas injection in the saturated region. It
should be mentioned that black oil modeling might, basically, 1. Weisenborn, A.J., and Schulte, A.M.: “Compositional
fail to simulate the process accurately in such configurations. Integrated Sub-Surface-Surface Modeling,” paper SPE
65158 presented at the SPE European Petroleum
Nomenclature Conference, Paris, France (October 24–25, 2000).
Bo = oil formation factor, L3/ L3, RB/STB 2. Ghorayeb, K. et al.: “A General Purpose Controller for
CCD = constant-composition depletion Coupling Multiple Reservoir Simulations and Surface
CVD = constant-volume depletion Facility Networks,” paper SPE 79702 presented at the 2003
DE = differential liberation SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas,
USA (February 3–5, 2003).
GOR = gas/oil ratio L3/ L3, Mscf/STB
3. Ghorayeb, K., Holmes, J.A., and Torrens R.: “Field
Hw = well bore pressure head, m/Lt2, psi Planning Using Integrated Surface/Subsurface Modeling,”
m = Mass. m, lbm paper SPE 92381 presented at the 14th SPE Middle East Oil
M = molar weight, m, lbm/mole & Gas Show and Conference, Bahrain (March 12–15,
Mf = phase mobility 2005).
n = number of moles 4. Barroux, C.C. et al.: "Linking Reservoir and Surface
PVT = pressure/volume/temperature Simulators: How to Improve the Coupled Solutions," paper
p = pressure, m/Lt2, psi SPE 65159 presented at the SPE European Petroleum
pw = bottom hole pressure, m/Lt2, psi Conference, Paris, France (October 24-25, 2000).
q = surface volumetric rate
qg = gas surface volumetric rate, m3/ t, Mscf/D Appendix A – Well average pressure
qo = oil surface volumetric rate, m3/ t, STB/D In the following we summarize the well’s average pressure
Q = mass rate, m/t, lbm/D (grid-block equivalent pressure4) calculation.
Rs = liquid phase gas/oil ratio, L3/ L3, Mscf/STB The inflow performance relationship can be written in
Rv = vapor phase oil/gas ratio, L3/ L3, STB/Mscf terms of the volumetric production rate of each phase at stock
Tw = transmissibility factor tank conditions as:
t = time, t, yr ( )
q jf = Twj M jf p j − pw − H wj ……………….………..….. (25)
x = liquid composition (component mole fractions) where:
y = vapor composition (component mole fractions) • q jf is the volumetric flow rate of phase f in
z = feed composition (component mole fractions)
= surface gas density, m/L3, lbm/Mscf connection j at stock-tank conditions. The flow is
ρ g
taken as positive from the formation into the well,
ρo = surface oil density, m/L3, lbm/STB and negative from the well into the formation,
• Twj is the connection transmissibility factor,
Subscripts • M jf is the phase mobility at the connection,
0 = initial state
a = adjusted • p j is the pressure in the grid block containing the
bub = bubble point connection,
I = injection • pw is the bottom hole pressure of the well, and
i = components
• H wj is the well bore pressure head between the
j = well-connection
k = well-completion connection and the well’s bottom hole datum depth.
m = mass By summing up over all the well’s Ng grid cells one
P = production obtains:
s = surface Ng Ng Ng Ng

v = volume ∑ q jf = ∑ Twj M jf p j − pw ∑ Twj M jf − ∑ Twj M jf H wj …...(26)

j =1 j =1 j =1 j =1

Superscripts The well’s averaged pressure pa is defined by:

Ng Ng
f = phase
p a = ∑ Twj M jf p j ∑ Twj M jf ……….....…………..…...(27)
g = gas j =1 j=1
L = liquid
The phase with highest mass rate is selected in Eq. 27.
o = oil
V = vapor
SPE 96571 7

Appendix B – Look-up tables for Example 4

Black oil delumping tables for Examples 1, 2 and 3 were
automatically generated by the software package used for
simulating the black oil model depletion process (CVD). This
is not the case for the tables used for black oil delumping in
Example 4 (involving gas injection).
In Example 4, a swelling-test experiment simulation is
performed to investigate the effect of the injected gas on the
fluid behavior. This consists of adding prescribed volumes of
gas at given GOR I (volume of injection gas at standard
conditions per volume of original reservoir fluid at its
saturation pressure). Among other information, the experiment
provides tabulated liquid composition vs. GOR I . The
experiment also provides tables of vapor composition (in
equilibrium with the liquid) vs. GOR I .
Let R S 0 denote the gas-oil ratio of the initial mixture
(corresponding to zero injected gas). The liquid gas-oil ratio
that corresponds to a given added volume of gas can be
approximated by the following:
V0gL + V gI
RS = , ……….……….……………………….. (28)
where V 0gL and V 0oL denote the gas and oil volumes resulting
from flashing a volume of liquid (with no injected gas) at
surface conditions; V gI is the surface volume of the injected
In Eq. 28, the following is assumed:
• The total surface gas volume equals the sum of the
injected surface gas volume and the liquid phase
surface gas volume.
• The injected gas does not affect the surface oil
volume from the liquid phase.
Eq. 28 implies:
RS = RS 0 + GORI × B o , ………………………………….. (29)
where B o is the oil formation volume factor (of the order of
2.1 Rb/STB in Example 4).
Tabulated liquid and vapor composition vs. R S are thus
used in the black oil delumping for Example 4.

SI Metric Conversion Factors

F (°F+459.67)/1.8 = K
Mscf х 3.048* E+02 = m3
STB х 1.589 873 E–01 = m3
psi х 6.894 757 E+00 = pa
*Conversion factor is exact
8 SPE 96571

Table 1. Component mole fractions for the three fluids

used in the examples.

Component/ Fluid 1 Fluid 2 Fluid 3

N2 0.0069 0.0066 0.0062
CO2 0.0314 0.0300 0.0285
C1 0.528 0.5480 0.5709
C2-C3 0.1515 0.1450 0.1377
C4-C6 0.0703 0.0673 0.0639
C7-C12 0.0867 0.0830 0.0788
C13-C18 0.0529 0.0506 0.0480
C19-C25 0.034 0.0325 0.0309
C26-C42 0.0238 0.0227 0.0216 Fluid 1
C43+ 0.0145 0.0138 0.0131
Pbub at 4522 psi 4722 psi 4958 psi
284 °F
Rs at Pbub at 1.86 Mscf/STB 1.97 Mscf/STB 2.12 Mscf/STB
284 °F

Fluid 2

Fluid 3

Fig. 1: Phase plot for the fluids used in the examples

SPE 96571 9

a- Field gas production rate vs. time a- Methane mole fraction vs. time

b- Field average pressure vs. time b- C7-C12 mole fraction vs. time

Fig. 2. Example 1 Fig. 3. Example 1: Delumped composition

10 SPE 96571

a- Field gas production rate vs. time a- Methane mole fraction vs. time

b- Field average pressure vs. time b- C7-C12 mole fraction vs. time

Fig. 4. Example 2 Fig. 5. Example 2: Delumped composition

SPE 96571 11

Fig. 8. Example 3: Gas production rate vs. time for well

PA4 and gas injection rate of the three completions of well
Fig. 6. Example 3: Field gas production rate vs. time PA4

a- Methane mole fraction vs. time a- Gas production rate vs. time

b- C7-C12 mole fraction vs. time b- Methane mole fraction vs. time

Fig. 7. Example 3: Delumped composition Fig. 9. Example 3: Well PA4

12 SPE 96571

a- Well PA1 gas production rate vs. time

a- Field gas production rate vs. time

b- Well PA1 GOR vs. time

b- Field GOR vs. time Fig. 11. Example 4

c- Field average pressure vs. time

Fig. 12. Example 4: Total and free gas production rates vs.
time; Well PA1
Fig. 10. Example 4
SPE 96571 13

Fig. 13. Example 4: Field methane mole fraction vs. time

Fig. 14. Example 4: Well PA1 methane mole fraction vs.


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