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Legal REsearch

R~tionale: · ., it: woulil .. !. ~be c:Jlactically" ., '-~e ~e0~ion 10 MeJnbers ofthe·supreme Court.
impos~ible to .Jt.i,9"jfr:J1! re\(lsl9M-tof. e_lt1i V"r.fite~J,.d~fi·e::i f.1 ~·o~tiqr ·. that ·~.A. No.
6735 is

Constit1:1tion.:t~roug~~'a c'tiorii'.:by_ :t;d~~tir~~. ..~:&yf!ic._i.ift·t 'a ricf · . aiJ~quate to

amehd- . the

electo~a_l . popt,.!lati9n ·:{D_elibe~.!fan, ~;§K~f:i'~,- . 'y,.OJ1f1ttj:i io~_,.th_ru a '1cr~1~·s i

n!tiative .(Lambino. v.

. Const,tultonalp ommis~ton;p : 1~!-4 .8)~~lE?,:)'-s1:1pr.a .)j l. , · · ,. · . · .

. :Formlil~tion :of pro~is~s ·r~v~in~~Q.IEN'Qtt~":h~i~edbi.t·~h~e th~d ~ pro~o·sal

Constitution ·requires °both e:lbQ~-~a~"R~ftl'a..~tt-r{°e~¢Jbsifo}i~reotiof nth e l~islature ((3onzaies.

·debat? which _can ,only be done'<!,lfr~-':'9~ a n..;•'[,:A_10Jr1.E~e. sup,:a). · .. :· ...

C()ll~g1al body (BERNAS, ; ·1.987 P"ftfltR./J)ne . l\ ·i.L "": i~ .'. · · · . · · · · · . . . ..

Constitution' Reviewer (2Q11);. p. ·546:~~- -""".'2~~ Submlssi.on of Pro·pqsal to.the People
... [here,inafier BERNAS;Revfewer]), . Either Congress as a .Constituent-Assembly or .

. . .- . . .. tb~ ·G.9nstitutio1;1al,{;om.1ei,tfon shall·-sLiomit:the

· ii:. :'No ameridm~nt 1A .this .rnanner·sh~II be . prop.osed .. changes, td·th'e people.

However, if:

:·. autl)orized _wjth,in. 5 -years:-/ollowing. th~ . ' · · . neither C~ngress.!'is a c;_on~tit\,lent Assembly por
r~tificatior.i .. of"·this ConstitutiOl'l· {o( until . . the Constifutiohal ·convention. submits the

· 'FebrUary·:2; 1-9.92); ·no,:_ otiener·thc!n ·. · .changes;·.that·is', designates· the· time and

. one~ every. 5 ·years{ · · ·· ' .. · circunista11ces for: the.plebiscite, Cong re~· as an

· · · · . ; · · ordii:iary legis·l~tive bodi· may do sc;i· (BERNAS,

iii: TJ:ie Congress.· shall provide _f~, fhe . ·.; suprq_ at.54_4). · · · ·: , ·
. im plementatioi:i. of; .. the . exercise qf: this . .

right.(CQNST:. Art..XV/1,' Sec . .'2) .. ·. · · : ·:· Doctrine_of.P~oper·SUbmissjon .

. . . . · : , , . · ·,. . . . · , . . . . . : . . . .- . Submission . o_f .· piecen'l,fi?a_l: .amendme"r-)ts is

The. lnitiath,e 'and' Referendum. A~t .: (R~A... . No. . , .. · lincon·stituttCinal. Al) · the amenarnerits .

must. be

. 67~5) · ·. .. . , · ·. ·. '. . ·. · . ·:_ . · . ·: · · · . · S!Jbrn.itted for ri:itification. at ·one: plebiscit~ only: The ·

RA No. 6735 ls Jrfcqmplele;· inadeqiJa..fe, or wa'nting people ~ave .to: be· given-·a. proper frame ·of


./n essential tf:lrms·and;ccfndffipns. insofar .as Initiative · :in arriving-at their de.cisfon (Tolentino-v.


on tfle Cqnstitution is ·concerned. G_.R. No; L-34150;-0ctober 16, 1971).

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