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600 12th Street, Suite 300, Golden, CO 80401

Pipeline Safety Information

for Farmers and Ranchers
Our records indicate that a SourceGas
transmission or gathering pipeline is
located on or adjacent to your farm or ranch.

Learn more about our pipeline at
or call us at 1-800-563-0012.

Know What’s Below

Call 811 to locate pipelines before
plowing, drain tiling or installing a fence.

Safe Farming Near Pipelines Video

Scan with your smartphone's QR reader or visit to watch a short safety video
about farming near pipelines. This video includes lessons learned from a farmer who didn't call 811
before a drain tile installation project. 1-800-563-0012
Safe Farming & Ranching Near Gas Pipelines

Signs of a Natural Gas Pipeline Leak:

 A “rotten egg” odor near a gas appliance or pipeline (if odorant is added).
 Hissing, whistling or roaring sounds.
 Dirt spraying into the air, continuous bubbling in a pond or creek.
 Dead or dying vegetation in an otherwise moist area.
 A leak involving an un-odorized section of our transmission gas line
will not be detectable by a “rotten egg” odor.
Call 811 & SourceGas at
1-800-563-0012 before you
Farm and ranch activities increasingly pose a safety risk to those living and working near under- initiate any project listed below.
ground natural gas pipelines. Farm equipment is getting more powerful and can dig deeper. At the A SourceGas representative may elect to be
same time, weather and erosion can reduce the land above an underground pipeline. Follow these on-site or conduct a field inspection during
safety tips to protect those working near pipelines: these and other deep excavation activities.

Step 1: Call 811 Before Deep Plowing, Drain Tile Installation

Agricultural Drain Tile Projects
or Land Contour Modifications
SourceGas engineers will work with you
Never rely on pipeline markers or previous temporary markings to identify the location of under-
or your installation company and
ground pipelines. Markers indicate the general, but not exact, location of underground pipelines,
may also be on-site during the
identify the product transported and include an emergency number.
installation of pipeline crossings.
Crossings should be as near to
Always call 811 at least two working days before you initiate deep plowing, drain
90 degrees (perpendicular to the
tile installation, scraping, land contour modifications or other deep excavation
pipeline) as possible and should
activities. Calling 811 connects you to One Call, a free service that coordinates
clear the pipeline by at least 24
with SourceGas and other utility companies to identify the location of pipelines
inches. Use solid tile at the point where field
and help keep you safe when digging near lines. For larger projects, please call
tile crosses the pipeline and pea gravel to
in advance of your project start date to allow time for a local engineering
prevent settling. Plastic pipe is preferred when
representative to contact you.
crossing the pipeline.

Step 2: Wait for Operators to Mark Lines or Confirm “All Clear”

Deep Plowing
Identify the excavation area by pre-marking using white paint or coordinate a time to be available
Remain cautious when deep plowing
for a consultation meeting to discuss your project. SourceGas typically marks the location of under-
and try to stay clear of SourceGas
ground gas lines within two working days using yellow flags, stakes and paint. “All clear” markings
pipeline right-of-way. We may
at the jobsite or an “all clear” phone call indicate there are no SourceGas lines near the area where
need to meet with you to
you plan to dig. Call 811 to confirm locates are complete or if you have questions.
discuss the risks of deep
plowing in certain areas,
Step 3: Dig with Care & Backfill Properly
particularly areas where the
Once lines are marked, use care when working near the line. For your safety, do not use mechani-
existing depth of SourceGas
cal equipment within approximately 24 inches on each side of the pipeline or as required by
pipelines may not be adequate for this
your state One Call Law. A SourceGas employee may elect to be on-site during your project. Do
not remove the flags, stakes or paint marks until you have finished digging. If you expose the
pipeline, a SourceGas employee will request to inspect the pipe before you backfill and compact
Land Contour Modification
the soil.
SourceGas engineers will work
Step 4: Notify the Operator Regarding Damage or Leaks
with you during the project-
Under certain circumstances, a gas leak can ignite resulting in fire. Protect yourself and others. If
planning phase if you want to
you dent, scrape or hit a SourceGas pipeline while digging or farming, notify us immediately regard-
alter the land contour near our
ing the damage. We will inspect and repair the line to prevent a future leak or serious accident.
pipeline by installing ponds,
lakes or drainage ditches.
If you suspect a gas leak, leave the area and warn others to stay away. From a safe location,
SourceGas typically requires at least
call 9-1-1 and notify SourceGas at 1-800-563-0012. Do not operate mechanical equipment in an
36 inches of cover over the top of the pipeline
area where you suspect a leak. Do not touch or operate pipeline valves.
but not more than 60 inches.

SourceGas safely transports natural gas through our gathering, transmission and distribution pipeline system in Arkansas, Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming. Our pipeline system
also includes compressor stations and storage facilities. Some sections of our pipeline system are un-odorized and a leak will not be detectable by smell. Know the sounds and
visual indicators of a possible leak. We protect our pipelines and the communities we serve through employee training, regular maintenance and testing, corrosion protection and
inspections to check for leaks or other damage. We also conduct regular maintenance activities within the pipeline easement, including mowing, trimming and tree removal. For
more information about SourceGas, call us at 1-800-563-0012 or visit View a map of all transmission pipelines using the National Pipeline Mapping System at

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