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Different people from any part of the world like pickles, they can be purchased in stores or they

can be made from home. A clear example is the cucumbers that, being a vegetable after a certain
time, a delicious delicacy is obtained. It all depends on where we want to go.
Many hobbyists and qualified personnel seek to improve the attributes of food, so they make
pickles, simply and quickly, and do not require canning.

What is a quick pickle?

The products are soaked in brine, which is composed of vinegar, salt, sugar and spices. Well, in a
few days they are ready to be consumed. On the other hand, the fermentation process is a little
different and the taste is less pleasant.
For best results, fresh vegetables that are around us are used, if they become soft or bruised it is
customary to keep them and use them at another time.
The brine is basically made of water and vinegar, and can be adjusted to any preference.

Quick manufacturing steps.


The first step in any cooking process is to wash and clean the vegetables to remove dirt.
When it comes to pickling cucumbers, tomatillos, turnips, tomatoes, and other similar vegetables,
dice them the size and shape you want.
Vegetables recommended for blanching include carrots, okra, green beans, bell peppers, ginger,
beets, Brussels sprouts, and others.
To start by getting the glass jars with wide mouths, it is recommended to wash them very well to
eliminate any impurities they have and if you want to pack a different variety of foods because you
should buy little more than one jar, it is recommended that they are transparent to observe the
degree to which they are find.


After having chopped, scaled and sliced the vegetables should be divided into the number of jars,
in which you want to put, ensuring that the packaging is at an acceptable level with the brine.
Verify that the vegetables move through the liquid, which will indicate that everything is ready to


There is no right or wrong combination of flavorings and spices, so herbs are often used that are
more attractive to the cook's palate.

Dried herbs: rosemary, thyme, marjoram, oregano

Whole spices: mustard seeds, peppercorns, red pepper flakes, bay leaves
Ground spices: smoked paprika, Cajun seasoning, or pepper

When it comes to additions, everything is in our kitchen cabinets, the idea is to adapt spices or
ingredients such as garlic or jalapeño to the brine to make it a little sweeter or spicier as required.
Here is a recipe for sour pickle:

3 cups distilled apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar)

3 cups of water
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons sea salt
2 tablespoons sugar
Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil until nothing remains undissolved.
Let it boil for two minutes and then remove the pan from the heat.
Sweet brine recipe:
3 cups distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
3 cups of water
1 1/2 cups plus 1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon of sea salt
Now describe how it is done. In a saucepan or a pot, we put the ingredients. We proceed to mix
them and pour boiling water over it for 2 minutes and remove it.
After the games are mixed, we pour it into the jars to a measure of ½ of an inch, always realizing
that it covers a large part because of course all those juices in the mixture are not necessary, we
need it to be good and not sticky.
After you put the brine in the glass jars with the vegetables and the flavorings, you may notice that
some bubbles are created on the top. It is best to remove them in a practical way by tapping them
gently with a flat base without breaking the jar. In addition, if it persists, I could choose to remove
some brine.


After all products are stored in glass jars, seal them and make sure they are in proper condition
for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Since all vegetables are good for up to two months if they are kept
to special characteristics.


Attention to the size of your chop

When cutting the vegetables, have the idea of the size and the way you want, because if you want
to accompany a hamburger or salad you should look for a softer condition or if it is something
stronger, it is better to let it harden for a while longer.
Before preparing your brine, know what you need
When making brine for our products, it is recommended to make an amount higher than what you
need since we do not want that later on it is not enough and we are left with spaces to fill.

Give the brine some time

Although the recipe requires that your vegetables must be left to rest for 24 hours, it does not
mean that the longer we leave it will give us better results than expected, the only thing that will
cause it is that its use time passes and it becomes a food toxic later, then it is better to let it serve
a reasonable time and use it for what we need it.

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