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ASJA BOYS’ COLLEGE CHARLIEVILLE END OF TERM EXAMINATION TERM II- 2012/13 PHYSICS PAPER O1 1 hour 15 minutes FORM FOUR - 4NR (41 students) THE ING DIRE‘ ‘AREFULLY 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 2. In addition to this booklet you will receive an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. Sample Item. Which of the following processes describes the physical change from liquid water to ice? (A) sublimation as (B) melting ‘ 6 ¢ (C)photosynthesis, (D) freezing ‘The best answer to this item is “freezing”, so answer space (D) has been shaded. 4. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. 1. What is physics? a. A study of energy in al its forms, b_ A study of all that is physical ¢. A form of mathematics, 4. All of the above 2. Which of these individuals was a famous scientist? a, Humphrey Bogart b. Sir Garfield Sobers ¢. Sir Isaac Newton d.aand © 3. He observed apples falling from a tree and discovered the force of gravity a, Humphrey Bogart . Thomas Edison ¢. Sir Isaac Newton d. Albert Einstein 4, Which of the following statements about weight and mass is true? a, They are the same b. They are forces. c. Weight is a force and mass is not a force 4. They are measured in newtons 5, Which of the following is NOT a device for measuring something? a, Lever Arm Balance b. Pipette c, Ammeter d. Nanometer 6. Which value is the largest mass? a1 Mg b. 100Kg ©. 1000mg, d_ 10000 7. Which of the following fundamental quantities is matched with its SI unit? a. current.....watts b. temperature......°c . time..,....minutes dd. mass.......Kg 8, 200.8 written in standard form is a. 20x 10" b. 2008 x 10° ©. 2.0x 107 4d. 2.008 x 107 9. Which of the following time readings is the most accurate? a3s b.3.0s c. 3.000s d. 3.00s 10. Mass per unit volume is another way of saying a. Volume b. Density c. Weight, 4, Pressure 11. Which of the following is measured in cube units? a volume b. Pressure ©. area d. distance 12, Why is it possible that a small piece of lead can be much heavier than a much larger piece of aluminum? a. Size b. Volume c. Density d. Strength 13, Relative density compares the density of a substance to the density of a water b. gold . paper 4. none of the above 14, Which is the formula for finding density? a density = mv b. density = vim . density = m/v 4. density = mv” 15, What is meant by parallax error? a, When lines are not parallel b. A visual reading error ¢, Too much time none of the above 16. To measure the diameter of a very thin piece of wire a, Use a vernier caliper b. Use a plum line c. Use a micrometer screw gauge 4, Use a laser 17, Drawing a ‘line of best fit’ for a graph means a. The straightest line possible b. The line passes through all the points c. The line meets the origin 4. The straight line or smooth curve that passes nearest to most or all the points 18, The best instrument for drawing a line of best fit is a a. wooden ruler with blade on side b. clear ruler c. metal rule d. set square 19. What is meant by ‘centre of gravity?” a. All weight is in the middle . Balance point c. All weight acts through this point 4, None of the above 20. The principle of conservation of energy states that a. energy is ever changing and is not lost or made b. energy exists only where there is matter ¢. fossil fuels should be conserved 4, All of the above 21. What is a force? a. Apull b. A push c. A push or a pull exerted by one object on another d, energy 22. Which of these actions involves both a push and a pull? a. Twisting b. Stretching «. Pressing d. Lifting 23. What effect does a stretching force have ‘ona rubber band? a, Changes its shape b. Changes its size c. Both shape and size are affected dd, Damages it 24. Which of the following is an effect of forces? a, Changes in speed . Change in direction of movement c. Friction 4. All (a,b and c) a state of rest unless a force is, called remain applied a. Inertia b. Friction c. Blocking d. Resting 26. Which of the following is not a type of force? a. Friction b. Magnetism ©. Mass d. Weight 27. Which of the following will not occur without friction? a Wind b. Flying . Gravity d. Walking 28. Gravitational force can be BEST described as a. Aforee b. A pulling force c. A force of attraction between two objects 4. Solar force 29. Which scientist formulated the three laws of motion? a. Mary Curie b Albert Einstein oc. Pascal d. Sir Isaac Newton: 30. The tyres of a car become worn due to a. Heat . Friction c. Driving d. Pressure 31, What is an clectric force? a. The force between two electric charges b. Lightning . Current 4, Amps 32. The magnitude or size of a force is ‘measured in a, Kilograms b. Hentz c. Metres 4d. Newtons 33. The upward force exerted on an object by a fluid is called a, Buoyaney b. Floating c. Upthrust d. Resistance 34. Which of the following is experiencing tension? a. Table with weight on it b. Rope holding up weight ¢. Glass of water d. Man on top of a tree 35. Why can a spring be used to measure forces? a. They are strong b, It stretches according to force applied ©. Their shape 4. Gravity 36. What is the formula W = mg used for? a. To calculate work done b. To find power in watts ©. To find Weight d. Wind power 37. Inthe formula W = mg, what does the ‘m’ stand for? a. Minutes b. Mass ¢. Months. d. Metres: 38. Which formula determines momentum? 39. Extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force acting on it was determined by a. Mary Curie b. Newton . Robert Hooke 4. Pascal 40. The law stated in question 19 is applicable only when a, elastic limit is not exceeded b. temperatures are above 0 degrees Celsius . there is no wind d, elastic limit is exceeded 41, What is pressure? a, Stress on an object b. Force/Area ©. A perpendicular force 4. A pushing force 42. The S.1. unit for pressure is a. mmHg b.Nm © Pa ap 43. A box exerts 5 N of force on a Scm’ area ofa table, What’s the pressure involved? a. 0.1 N/em b. 25Nem* ©. INiem* 4. 1Nm 44, What is atmospheric pressure? a. Pressure exerted by the atmosphere b. Space pressure ©. Atomic force No such thing 45, Which of the following is compressible? a. Solid b. Liguid © Gas 4d. Compression Liquid 46. Why is it possible to sip through a straw? a, Mouth suction b. Gas pressure . Mouth suction & atmospheric pressure d. Breathing 47. Which scientist found that pressure of a gas at constant temperature was inversely proportional to its volume? a. Robert Boyle b. Charles Darwin. «. Pascal d. Albert Einstein 48, What is the value of atmospheric pressure at sea level? a.0Pa b. IPa ¢. 1 atmosphere 0.1 atmoshpere 49. The pressure exerted by gases is due to a. Squeezing b Wind c. Bombardment of gas particles on container walls d. Heat 50, Hydraulic systems make use of a, Liquid pressure b. Gas pressure ©. Solid pressure d. Hydrolysis 51. Which of the following is true of forces? a. Forces have only magnitude ». Forces have only direction ¢. Forces have both magnitude and direction 4, Forces are measured in joules. 52. Which of the following is true of scalar quantities? a. Scalar Quantities have both magnitude and direction b. Scalar quantities have only magnitude ¢. Scalar quantities have only direction 4. Scalar quantities are measured using scales. 53. Which statement best defines weight? a. Mass and weight are the same b. Weight is the force acting on a body due to gravity ¢. Weight is measured in kilograms 4, Weight is measured on a scale 54. Which statement is closest in defining Hooke’s Law? a, All springs extend according to the force applied no matter what b. The extension of a spring is dependent on the spring size © Extension of spring is directly related to load applied once spring is not damaged . Force applied to spring is dependent on load attached to spring 55. Which statement is totally true of friction? a, Friction is of no use ~ it’s only a nuisance b. Friction opposes motion c. Friction creates pressure d. Friction is heat 56. Which statement is true? a. A small pointed surface will exert less pressure than a broad flat surface b. A small pointed surface will exert more pressure than a broad flat surface . Pressure is equal to area divided by force 4, Pressure is measured in watts 57. Which statement is true about liquids? a. Liquids are very compressible . Liquids have a fixed shape ¢. Liquids are not compressible 4. Liquids exist only at room temperature 58. Which statement best explains why our bodies do not implode? a. The pressure due to the atmosphere is, greater than the pressure in our bodies b. The pressure in our bodies is greater than atmospheric pressure ¢. The skeleton prevents implosion d. The pressure in our body and the atmosphere are just about equal ~I~ 59. Which formulae represent the same relationship? aF=ma and W=mg bm=We and = W=mg ca=Fim and m= Wg. d.F=ma and a=mE 60. A broader form of footwear below one’s feet makes walking on soft snow easy because ait reduces pressure which is useful when walking on soft snow or ground b. it increases pressure to harden snow c. aheavier footwear moves snow out of the way d. it’s more comfortable END OF EXAMINATION TOTAL 60 MARKS Prepared by Mr. Shareek Ali Taniegaetggutgeec tease Class: ASJA BOYS’ COLLEGE CHARLIEVILLE FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2 Teacher: Mr. Shareek Ali ‘TERM 2 EXAM (12/13) ‘TIME: 2 1/2 hours INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of TWO SECTIONS. 2. Section A consists of THREE (3) structured questions. ‘Write answers in spaces provided. 3. Section B consists of THREE (3) essay type questions. Write answers in exam booklet. 4. Answer ALL questions. 5. Shade selected letter on slip provided. 6. Scientific calculators may be used. 7, Answer ALL questions. FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2 Section A 1. a, Describe an experiment that can be used to determine the pressure exerted by a man on the ground when he is standing on both his feet. Smarks: [A student is given the following information where a constant load (force) is acting upon different areas. (ae 40.0 [40.0 [400 [400 [400 [400 [400 [40.0 | oa 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 31.0 36.0 1. b. Use these values to plot a graph of pressure against arca on a sheet of graph paper. 15 marks 1c. Find the slope, S, of the graph and explain the shape of the graph. FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2|201 2/2013 oe i ___ 5 marks 2. b. Draw and label a laboratory thermometer in the space provided. $ marks 2. c. i, State the formula for converting degrees Celsius to Kelvin. oe ae = __2.marks 2. € ii, Define what is meant by upper and lower fixed points on a Celsius scale. a a __2 marks 2. ¢. iii. What is meant by ‘absolute zero temperature?” FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2|201 2/2013 3 a. i, Distinguish between heat capacity and specific heat capacity. 4 marks 3. a. ji. State the formula involving specific heat capacity for calcuiating heat energy. a 1 mark 3... Calculate the heat energy needed to raise 300g of gold from 12°e to 30°e. ( specific heat capacity of gold: 0.13 KW/KeK) 4 marks 3. b. ii. Express the result in b. i. in standard form. 1 mark FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2| 2012/2013 3.6: Determine the specific heat capacity of aluminum if it takes 18200 of energy to raise 2000g of aluminum by 10K. 5 marks END OF SECTION A Section B |. a. What are the TWO principal ideas of the Kinetic theory of matter? Describe the model of each state of matter. 8 marks i, Calculate the amount of heat energy which must be added to 2.5ky of water atts boiling Point in order to evaporate it completely. (specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2260000Jkg""). 3 marks bi, Explain why specific latent heat of vaporization is greater than the Specific latent heat of fusion using the kinetic theory of matter. 3 marks ©-i, If steam in b.i, was captured in a closed container at 100 degrees Celsius and then heated, ii. Use kinetic theory to explain why ink will spread through water. 3 marks FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2! 2012/2013 2. a, Define the following: i. Boyle's Law ii, Charles’ Law iii, Pressure Law 9 marks b. State the Universal Gas Equation, 2 mark c. The temperature of a car’s engine while operating increases from 727°c to 2227". If the volume inside of the engine is constant and the initial pressure in the engine is 100,000 KPa, what is the new pressure in the engine? 6 marks d. i, Which of the laws stated in 2a applies to question 2c? 1 mark ii, Prove using the Universal Gas Equation that when pressure is constant V\/T; = VoT2, 2 marks 3. ai. Define the term ‘latent heat.’ 2 marks a ii, Define the following: i, Latent heat of fusion ii, Latent heat of vaporization iii, Latent heat of solidification 6 marks FORM 4 PHYSICS PAPER 2|2012/2013 3.b. i. A Skg block of ice melts when placed in an oven. If the temperature of the water after all the ice had melted had risen to 10°c, what was the total heat involved gained? 5 marks (p= 334kI/Kg, ¢ = 42001/KgK) ii, State the answer for 3bi in standard form. 1 mark . i, Define the term ‘efficiency’ and state its equation. 3 marks ii. Determine the efficiency for the process in question 3bi if the heat added to the ice from the oven was 2000KJ. 3 marks END OF TEST SA ASJA BOYS COLLEGE CHARLIEVILLE FORM 4 PHYSICS TERM 2 2012/2013 PAPER 1 MARK SCHEME LA 2C 3.C 4C 5D 6A 7D 8D 9C 13.4 14.C 15.B 16€ 17.D 18B 19.C 20. 10.B A 21.C 22.A 23.C 24D 25.A 26.C 27.D 28C BLA 41.B 51.6 32.D 33.C 34B 35.B 36C 37.B 42.C 43.C 44.A 45.C 46.C 47.4 52.B 53.B 54.C 55.B 5S6B 57.C Prepared by ‘Mr. Shareek Ali 38.4 48. 58D ILA 29.D 39.C 49.C SOB 30.B 40. A 50. A 60. Form 4 Physics Pap 2 /Term 2 - 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers Instructions | KC mark | UK mark Sect. A. ai. Acquire mass of man usinga | 1 UK mark fori 1 4 1 scale. ii, Convert to Newtons. toiv. Use graph paper and trace out his__| 1KC for v. feet to determine area of his feet. iv. Check the small blocks to on graph to get feet’s area in mm?, v. Use formual P = F/A. . Graph with a descending slope. | Suk marks for See attachment. each correct 8 p/n pressure value. is 2 uk marks for each scale on x 4 and y axis. 2 ke marks for best fit line. 2 M0 1 ke mark for fish 1 me ale Aire | OEP. ©. S=(¥2—yila = x1) 1 ke for formula 1 $= -0.06 2 uk for working ‘The slope is descending because | and 1 for answer. 3 as the area increases the pressure decreases. Luk for explanation. 1 Form 4 Physics Pap 2: (Term, 2- 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers: Instructions KC UK mark | mark Sect. A. | a. Electrical Conductivity, Density, Vapour Ske 5 2 | pressure, Size, Soulubility b. Ske 5 seen ge ety tigen reat ‘ogo Sratibacmeconite Sinha eom AC sme ame HC HC TORE HRC HOME 1H may Seti ei, Pe +273]K c.ii. Lower fixed pt. on Celsius scale is freezing 2ke 2 pt. of water (0°), Upper fixed pt. on Celsius scale is the boiling pt. of water at sea level (100°). ciiii, Absolute zero temperature is the lowest temperature theoretically possible on earth. It is =273°c or OK. Ike 1 Form 4 Physics Pap 2 /Term 2 - 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers Instructions | KC mark | UK mark ‘Sect. A. | ai. Heat Capacity is the heat energy | 2ke marks each 4 3 required to raise a given amount of a substance by 1K. Specific Heat Capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise IKg of substance by 1K. aii. Eyx=meae Ike 1 mcA@ 300/100 kg x 0.13Ku/KgK 4uk 4 x@0-12) 702 KS or 7023 bai. 7.02 x 10° J or 7.02 x 10" KI luk 1 Suk 5 8200/2 x 10 ¢ for gold = 910S/Kgk Question Possible Answers Instructions | KC mark | UK mark ‘Sect. B. | a. Matter consists of particles. 2ke 8 1 ‘These particles are in random motion (Brownian motion). Solid: Tightly packed particles with 2ke a fixed shape. Liquid: Loosely packed particles 2ke that take shape of their container. Gas: Particles are far apart and 2ke randomly arranged. Completely fills its container. bi Ey= mle Suk 3 Ey=2.5 x 2,260,000 = 5.65 x 10°F Form 4 Physics Pap 2 /Term 2 - 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers Instructions | KC mark | UK mark Sect. B. _| bil, Particles in solid closely 3uk 3 1 packed. Strong bonds. Ina liquid they are a little further apart. Weaker bonds. Ina gas particles are far apart. Weakest bonds. To get to a gaseous state where the particles are furthest apart requires more energy. c.i. Particles in a gas completely fill their container. These particles 3ke 3 bombard the inner surface of their container due to Brownian motion. {As temperature increases the energy of the particles also increases. As a result they bombard the inner surface of their container at a more rapid rate; thus increasing pressure. ci. The particles in the ink and in the water are in constant motion. As 3ke 3 ink is placed into water its particles ‘mix with those of the water. This is known as diffusion where particles move from high concentration to lower concentration (they spread out). Form 4 Physics Pap 2 /Term 2 - 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers Instructions [KC mark | UK mark Sect.B | a. Boyle’s Law states that pressure 3ke each 9 5 and volume of a gas at constant temperature in an enclosed space are inversely proportional to each other. ». Charles’s Law states that the volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure are directly proportional to each other. c. The Pressure Law states that the pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume are directly proportional to each other. 2b. PVT) = P2V2/T2 2ke 2 ¢, PT) = Pa/Ta 6uk 6 convert temps. to Kelvin, Po= PVT x Tz 100,000Kpa/ 1000 X 2500 = 280.000KPa di. The Pressure Law Ike 1 ii, PLV/T = P2Vo!Ta2 2uk 2 Looking at the equation it becomes obvious that if P; = P2 then by removing these values which are inconsequential leaves VT; = Va/Tp. Form 4 Physics Pap 2 /Term 2 - 2013 MARK SCHEME Question Possible Answers Instructions KC mark UK mark Sect. B 3 ai. Latent Heat is defined as the hidden heat involved when a change of state occurs without a change in temperature. a.ii, Latent heat of fusion (I) is the heat gained in changing a solid to a liquid. Latent heat of vaporization (I,) is the heat gained in changing a liquid to a gas. Latent heat of solidification (I,) is the heat lost when a liquid changes to a solid. bi. Ey= mlr E,= 5.x 334= 1670 KJ y= mcA@ E,=5 x 4200 x 10=210KJ Total Ey = 1670+ 210 = 1880KJ aii. 1.880 x 10° KJ cai. Efficiency is defined as the ratio percentage of output energy vs input energy. Eff. = (Output/ Input) x 100 fF. = (Output/ Input) x 100 2ke 2ke each Suk luk 3ke 3uk 2

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