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Construction of Important Bridges on Rural Roads


Table of Contents
SECTION 1: GENERAL AND SITE FACILITIES______________________________________________________________1
1.1 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC_____________________________________________________1
1.1.1 General........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Passage of Traffic along a part of the Existing Carriageway under Improvement........................................................1
1.1.3 Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion..........................................................................................................1
1.1.4 Traffic Safety and Control............................................................................................................................................1
1.1.5 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices...............................................................................................2
1.1.6 Barriers........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.7 Removal of temporary works......................................................................................................................................2
1.1.8 Measurement and Payment........................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Field Office................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Office Equipment......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Survey Equipment........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.4 Ownership...................................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.5 Project Profile Sign Boards...........................................................................................................................................4
1.2.6 Responsibility for Offices and Equipment....................................................................................................................5
1.2.7 Measurement and Payment........................................................................................................................................5
1.3 MATERIALS TESTING_________________________________________________________________________________6
1.3.1 Embankment and Pavement........................................................................................................................................6
1.3.2 Sealing and Surfacing...................................................................................................................................................7
1.3.3 Concrete...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Reinforcement............................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.5 Elastomeric bearings....................................................................................................................................................9
1.3.6 Geo-textiles............................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.7 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.8 Special Testing........................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 FIELD LABORATORY_________________________________________________________________________________11
1.4.1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.4.3 Laboratory Equipment...............................................................................................................................................11
1.4.4 Approval of Laboratory..............................................................................................................................................13
1.4.5 Ownership................................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.4.6 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.4.7 Personnel................................................................................................................................................................... 14
1.4.8 Measurement and Payment......................................................................................................................................14
1.5 CONTRACTOR’S GENERAL OBLIGATIONS________________________________________________________________14
1.5.1 Health and Safety......................................................................................................................................................14
1.5.2 Safety Relating to Temporary Structures...................................................................................................................15
1.5.3 Safety Relating to Navigable Waterways...................................................................................................................15
1.5.4 Environmental Requirement......................................................................................................................................15
1.5.5 Security...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.5.6 Cleaning..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.5.7 Sanitation.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
1.6 SUPPLY OF COLOUR RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS AND ALBUMS________________________________________________20
1.6.1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.6.2 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 20
1.6.3 Measurements........................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.6.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.7 SUPPLY OF VIDEOGRAPHS AND DVDS__________________________________________________________________20

1.7.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 20
1.7.2 Measurements........................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.3 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.8 METHODOLOGY AND SEQUENCE OF WORK_____________________________________________________________21
1.9 USE OF SURFACES BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC__________________________________________________________22
SECTION 2: SITE CLEARANCE_________________________________________________________________________23
2.1. CLEARING AND GRUBBING___________________________________________________________________________23
2.1.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 23
2.1.2 Preservation of Property/ Amenities.........................................................................................................................23
2.1.3 Methods of Execution................................................................................................................................................23
2.2.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 24
2.2.2 Methods of Execution................................................................................................................................................24
2.2.3 Back Filling................................................................................................................................................................. 25
2.2.4 Disposal of Materials.................................................................................................................................................25
2.2.5 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.2.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION 3: EARTHWORKS__________________________________________________________________________27
3.1 ROADWAY EXCAVATION_____________________________________________________________________________27
3.1.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 27
3.1.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................27
3.1.4 Playing of Construction Traffic...................................................................................................................................28
3.1.5 Preservation of Property............................................................................................................................................28
3.1.6 Preparation of Excavated Area..................................................................................................................................29
3.1.7 Finishing Operations..................................................................................................................................................29
3.1.8 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.1.9 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 CHANNEL EXCAVATION______________________________________________________________________________30
3.2.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.2.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................30
3.2.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.2.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES_______________________________________________________________________31
3.3.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 31
3.3.2 Construction Operations............................................................................................................................................31
3.4 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION_______________________________________________________________________33
3.4.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 33
3.4.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.4.3 Construction Operations............................................................................................................................................35
3.4.4 Construction of Embankment and Subgrade under Special Conditions.....................................................................37
3.4.5 Plying of Traffic.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.6 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work...............................................................................................................39
3.4.7 Subgrade Strength.....................................................................................................................................................39
3.4.8 Measurements........................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.9 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.5 TURFING WITH SODS_______________________________________________________________________________41
3.5.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 41
3.5.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.5.3 Construction Method................................................................................................................................................41
3.5.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 42
3.5.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.6 SURFACE/SUB-SURFACE DRAIN_______________________________________________________________________42
3.6.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 42
3.6.2 Surface Drains............................................................................................................................................................ 42
3.6.3 Sub-surface Drains.....................................................................................................................................................43
3.6.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 44
3.6.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 45
3.7 PREPARATION AND SURFACE TREATMENT OF FORMATION________________________________________________45
3.8 WORKS TO BE KEPT FREE OF WATER___________________________________________________________________45
3.9 WATER COURSES AT CULVERTS_______________________________________________________________________45
3.9.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 45
3.9.2 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 46
3.9.3 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 46
SECTION 4: GROUND IMPROVEMENT WORKS__________________________________________________________47
4.1 General__________________________________________________________________________________________47
4.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) with surcharge________________________________________________________47
4.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.3 Construction and installation requirements..............................................................................................................48
4.3 Rammed Stone Columns using non-displacement method of construction____________________________________51
4.3.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 51
4.3.2 Material..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.3.3 Construction and Installation Requirements.............................................................................................................51
4.3.4 Field Control.............................................................................................................................................................. 52
4.3.5 Field Loading Test......................................................................................................................................................52
4.3.6 Load Test Results.......................................................................................................................................................52
4.3.7 Certification............................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.3.8 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 52
4.3.9 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.4 Stone Column using Vibro-replacement (Vibroflot) method of construction___________________________________52
4.4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.4.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 53
4.4.3 Construction and Installation.....................................................................................................................................53
4.4.4 Field Controls............................................................................................................................................................. 55
4.4.5 Field Loading Tests.....................................................................................................................................................55
4.4.6 Tolerances................................................................................................................................................................. 55
4.4.7 Personnel................................................................................................................................................................... 55
4.4.8 Certification............................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.4.9 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 56
4.4.10 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.5 Sand compaction piles______________________________________________________________________________56
4.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.2 Sand Compaction Pile Construction by Drop Hammer...............................................................................................56
4.5.3 Sand Compaction Pile construction by Composer.....................................................................................................57
4.5.4 Performance.............................................................................................................................................................. 57
4.5.5 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 57
4.5.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 57
4.6 Jet Grouting_______________________________________________________________________________________58
4.6.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.6.2 Method Statement for Jet Grouting..........................................................................................................................58
4.6.3 Jet Grouting Trial....................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.6.4 Drilling and Grouting..................................................................................................................................................59
4.6.5 Records...................................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.6.6 Quality Control.......................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.6.7 Control of Ground, Building and Utility Movement...................................................................................................60
4.7 Dynamic Compaction_______________________________________________________________________________61
4.7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 61
4.7.2 Method Statement for Dynamic Compaction............................................................................................................61
4.7.3 Dynamic Compaction Trial.........................................................................................................................................61
4.7.4 Conducting Dynamic Compaction..............................................................................................................................61
4.7.5 Records...................................................................................................................................................................... 62
4.7.6 Quality Control.......................................................................................................................................................... 62
4.7.7 Control of Ground, Building and Utility Movements and Vibration...........................................................................62
SECTION 5: GEOTECHNICAL WORKS___________________________________________________________________63
5.1 General__________________________________________________________________________________________63
5.2 Boring___________________________________________________________________________________________ 63
5.3 Disturbed Samples_________________________________________________________________________________63
5.4 Undisturbed Samples_______________________________________________________________________________63
5.5 Handling and labeling of Samples_____________________________________________________________________63
5.6 Standard Penetration Test___________________________________________________________________________64
5.7 Dispatch of Samples________________________________________________________________________________64
5.8 Laboratory Tests___________________________________________________________________________________64
5.8.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
5.8.2 Preparation of the test specimens.............................................................................................................................64
5.8.3 Unconfined compression test....................................................................................................................................64
5.8.4 Triaxial test................................................................................................................................................................ 65
5.8.5 Consolidation test......................................................................................................................................................65
5.8.6 Routine test............................................................................................................................................................... 65
5.8.7 Report and records....................................................................................................................................................65
5.9 Measurement_____________________________________________________________________________________65
5.10 Payment__________________________________________________________________________________________65
SECTION 6: ROAD WORKS__________________________________________________________________________66
6.1 GENERAL_________________________________________________________________________________________66
6.2 EARTHWORKS_____________________________________________________________________________________66
6.3 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE_________________________________________________________________________66
6.3.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 66
6.3.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.3.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................66
6.3.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 67
6.3.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 67
6.4 IMPROVED SUB-GRADE_____________________________________________________________________________67
6.4.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 67
6.4.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 67
6.4.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................67
6.4.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 68
6.4.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 68
6.5.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 69

6.5.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.5.3 Construction Method................................................................................................................................................69
6.5.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 69
6.5.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.6 SHOULDERS_______________________________________________________________________________________69
6.6.1 Improved Shoulders...................................................................................................................................................69
6.6.2 HBB Hard Shoulder....................................................................................................................................................71
6.6.3 Earth Shoulders......................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.6.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 71
6.6.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.7 BRICK ON END EDGING______________________________________________________________________________71
6.7.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 71
6.7.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.7.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................72
6.7.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 72
6.7.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 72
6.8 HBB PAVEMENT___________________________________________________________________________________72
6.8.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 72
6.8.2 Subgrade and Improved Subgrade.............................................................................................................................72
6.8.3 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 72
6.8.4 Brick on End Edging...................................................................................................................................................72
6.8.5 Single Layer Brick Flat Soling......................................................................................................................................72
6.8.6 Brick on Edge Pavement in Herringbone Bond..........................................................................................................72
6.8.7 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 73
6.8.8 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 73
6.9 SUB-BASE_________________________________________________________________________________________73
6.9.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 73
6.9.2 Aggregate-Sand Sub-base..........................................................................................................................................73
6.9.3 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 75
6.9.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.10 WATER BOUND MACADAM BASE COURSE______________________________________________________________76
6.10.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 76
6.10.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 76
6.10.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................77
6.10.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 77
6.10.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.11 WET MIX MACADAM BASE COURSE___________________________________________________________________77
6.11.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 77
6.11.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 78
6.11.3 Construction Operations............................................................................................................................................78
6.11.4 Opening to Traffic......................................................................................................................................................80
6.11.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work...............................................................................................................80
6.11.6 Rectification of Surface Irregularity...........................................................................................................................81
6.11.7 Arrangement for Traffic.............................................................................................................................................81
6.11.8 Measurements........................................................................................................................................................... 81
6.11.9 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 81
6.12.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 81
6.12.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 81
6.12.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................81

6.12.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 82
6.12.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 82
6.13 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BITUMINOUS SURFACING__________________________________________________82
6.13.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 82
6.13.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 83
6.13.3 Construction.............................................................................................................................................................. 84
6.13.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 91
6.13.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 91
6.14 PRIME COAT______________________________________________________________________________________91
6.14.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 91
6.14.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 91
6.14.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................91
6.14.4 Maintenance and Opening to Traffic.........................................................................................................................92
6.14.5 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 92
6.14.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 92
6.15 TACK COAT_______________________________________________________________________________________93
6.15.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 93
6.15.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 93
6.15.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................93
6.15.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 93
6.15.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 93
6.16 PREMIX BITUMINOUS CARPETING (MANUAL METHOD)___________________________________________________94
6.16.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 94
6.16.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 94
6.16.3 Construction Methods...............................................................................................................................................95
6.16.4 Measurement............................................................................................................................................................ 97
6.16.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................... 97
6.17 PREMIX BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT (MANUAL METHOD)____________________________________________________98
6.17.1 Description................................................................................................................................................................ 98
6.17.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................... 98
6.17.3 Construction Method................................................................................................................................................98
6.17.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 100
6.17.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 100
6.18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT__________________________________________________________________101
6.18.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 101
6.18.2 Single Bituminous Surface Treatment (SBST)...........................................................................................................101
6.18.3 Double Bituminous Surface Treatment....................................................................................................................103
6.19 DENSE BITUMINOUS SURFACING (PLANT METHOD)______________________________________________________105
6.19.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 105
6.19.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 106
6.19.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................106
6.19.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 108
6.19.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 108
6.20 MASTIC ASPHALT_________________________________________________________________________________108
6.20.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 108
6.20.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 109
6.20.3 Mix Design............................................................................................................................................................... 110
6.20.4 Construction Operations..........................................................................................................................................110
6.20.5 Repair and Replacement..........................................................................................................................................113
6.20.6 Opening of Traffic....................................................................................................................................................113

6.20.7 Test Section............................................................................................................................................................. 114
6.20.8 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work.............................................................................................................114
6.20.9 Arrangements for Traffic..........................................................................................................................................114
6.20.10 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 114
6.20.11 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 114
6.21 DRY LEAN CONCRETE SUB-BASE______________________________________________________________________114
6.21.1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 114
6.21.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 114
6.21.3 Proportion of Materials...........................................................................................................................................116
6.21.4 Sub-grade................................................................................................................................................................ 116
6.21.5 Construction............................................................................................................................................................ 117
6.21.6 Trial Mixes............................................................................................................................................................... 119
6.21.7 Trial Length.............................................................................................................................................................. 119
6.21.8 Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness, Density and Strength..............................................................119
6.21.9 Traffic....................................................................................................................................................................... 120
6.21.10 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 120
6.21.11 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 120
6.22 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT______________________________________________________________________120
6.22.1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 120
6.22.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 120
6.22.3 Proportioning of Concrete.......................................................................................................................................122
6.22.4 Sub-base.................................................................................................................................................................. 123
6.22.5 Separation Membrane.............................................................................................................................................124
6.22.6 Joints....................................................................................................................................................................... 124
6.22.7 Weather and Seasonal Limitations..........................................................................................................................126
6.22.8 Side Forms, Rails and Guidewires............................................................................................................................127
6.22.9 Construction............................................................................................................................................................ 127
6.22.10 Trial Length.............................................................................................................................................................. 136
6.22.11 Preparation and Sealing of Joint Grooves................................................................................................................138
6.22.12 Measurement of Texture Depth – Sand Patch Method...........................................................................................139
6.22.13 Opening to Traffic....................................................................................................................................................140
6.22.14 Acceptance Criteria in Quality and Distress.............................................................................................................140
6.22.15 Pavement thickness.................................................................................................................................................140
6.22.16 Measurements.........................................................................................................................................................140
6.22.17 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 141
6.23 MAINTENANCE OF CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT______________________________________________________141
6.23.1 Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar or Epoxy Concrete...............................................................................141
6.23.2 Repair Involving Removal of Old Joint Sealant and Sealing with Fresh Sealant in Cement Concrete Pavements.....142
SECTION 7: QUALITY CONTROL OF ROAD WORKS_______________________________________________________143
7.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________143
7.2 CONTROL OF ALIGNMENT, LEVEL AND SURFACE REGULARITY______________________________________________144
7.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 144
7.2.2 Horizontal Alignment...............................................................................................................................................144
7.2.3 Surface Levels.......................................................................................................................................................... 144
7.2.4 Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses.................................................................................................................145
7.2.5 Rectification............................................................................................................................................................. 145
7.3 QUALITY CONTROL TEST DURING CONSTRUCTION_______________________________________________________146
7.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 146
7.3.2 Test on Earthwork for Embankment, Subgrade Construction and Cut Formation...................................................146
7.3.3 Tests on Sub-bases and Bases..................................................................................................................................147
7.3.4 Tests on Bituminous Construction...........................................................................................................................148
7.3.5 Quality Control Tests for Concrete Road Construction............................................................................................148
SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE______________________________________________________________152
8.1 BRICKS__________________________________________________________________________________________152
8.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 152
8.1.2 First class bricks.......................................................................................................................................................152
8.1.3 Picked jhama bricks.................................................................................................................................................152
8.2 AGGREGATES_____________________________________________________________________________________152
8.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 152
8.2.2 Coarse aggregate.....................................................................................................................................................153
8.2.3 Fine aggregate......................................................................................................................................................... 155
8.3 CEMENT_________________________________________________________________________________________156
8.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 156
8.3.2 Mechanical Requirements.......................................................................................................................................156
8.3.3 Physical Requirements.............................................................................................................................................156
8.3.4 Rejection of cement.................................................................................................................................................157
8.3.5 Storage of cement...................................................................................................................................................157
8.4 ADMIXTURE______________________________________________________________________________________157
8.4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 157
8.4.2 Physical and Chemical Requirements......................................................................................................................158
8.5 REINFORCEMENT_________________________________________________________________________________158
8.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 158
8.5.2 Dimensions, masses and tolerances........................................................................................................................159
8.5.3 Chemical Composition.............................................................................................................................................160
8.5.4 Mechanical Properties.............................................................................................................................................161
8.5.5 Testing of mechanical properties.............................................................................................................................162
8.5.6 Cleaning and storage...............................................................................................................................................163
8.6 PRESTRESSING REINFORCEMENT_____________________________________________________________________163
8.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 163
8.6.2 Storage of Prestressing Steel...................................................................................................................................164
8.7 WIRE MESH FOR BRICK MATTRESS___________________________________________________________________165
8.8 WATER__________________________________________________________________________________________165
8.9 TIMBER_________________________________________________________________________________________165
8.9.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 165
8.9.2 Inspection................................................................................................................................................................ 166
8.9.3 Wrought Faces and Allowances on Joiner’s Work...................................................................................................166
8.9.4 Timber Piles............................................................................................................................................................. 166
8.10 PIPE____________________________________________________________________________________________166
8.10.1 M.S. Pipe.................................................................................................................................................................. 166
8.10.2 PVC Pipe.................................................................................................................................................................. 166
8.10.3 Storage and handling of pipe...................................................................................................................................166
8.11 GUNNY BAGS_____________________________________________________________________________________166
8.12 SYNTHETIC GEOTEXTILE____________________________________________________________________________167
8.12.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 167
8.12.2 Geotextile filter........................................................................................................................................................167
8.12.3 Geotextile bags........................................................................................................................................................167
8.12.4 Testing, handling, certification and acceptance.......................................................................................................168
8.13 JUTE GEOTEXTILE (JGT)_____________________________________________________________________________169
8.13.1 Woven DW plain weave JGT for Rural Road Construction (RRC).............................................................................169
8.13.2 Woven DW plain weave JGT for River Bank Protection (RBP)..................................................................................169
8.13.3 Open weave JGT for Hill Slope Management (HSM)................................................................................................170
8.13.4 Prefabricated Vertical Jute Drains (PVJD)................................................................................................................170
8.13.5 Storage.................................................................................................................................................................... 171
8.13.6 Site Handling............................................................................................................................................................ 171
8.14 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS___________________________________________________________________________171
8.15 WATER PROOFING POLYTHENE SHEET_________________________________________________________________172
8.15.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 172
8.15.2 Construction Requirement......................................................................................................................................172
8.15.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 172
8.15.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 172
SECTION 9: TEMPORARY WORKS____________________________________________________________________174
9.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________174
9.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 174
9.1.2 Working Drawings...................................................................................................................................................174
9.1.3 Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................... 175
9.1.4 Removal................................................................................................................................................................... 175
9.2 FALSEWORK AND FORMS___________________________________________________________________________175
9.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 175
9.2.2 Falsework Materials.................................................................................................................................................175
9.2.3 Form Materials........................................................................................................................................................ 176
9.2.4 Falsework Design and Construction.........................................................................................................................177
9.2.5 Formwork Design and Construction........................................................................................................................183
9.2.6 Removal of Falsework and Forms............................................................................................................................186
9.2.7 Re-Use of Falsework and Forms...............................................................................................................................188
9.2.8 Specialized Formwork..............................................................................................................................................188
9.2.9 Tests and Standards of Acceptance.........................................................................................................................189
9.2.10 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 189
9.2.11 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 189
9.3 COFFERDAMS AND SHORING________________________________________________________________________189
9.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 189
9.3.2 Protection of Concrete............................................................................................................................................190
9.3.3 Removal................................................................................................................................................................... 190
9.3.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 190
9.3.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 190
9.4 DE-WATERING SYSTEM_____________________________________________________________________________191
9.4.1 Types of De-watering System..................................................................................................................................191
9.4.2 Contractor’s Responsibilities...................................................................................................................................191
9.4.3 Site Information.......................................................................................................................................................191
9.4.4 De-watering by Sub-surface Water Control System.................................................................................................191
9.4.5 De-watering by Surface Water Control System........................................................................................................192
9.4.6 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 193
9.4.7 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 193
9.5 EARTHEN RING/CROSS BUND________________________________________________________________________193
9.5.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 193
9.5.2 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................193
9.5.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 193
9.5.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 194
9.6 TEMPORARY BRIDGES______________________________________________________________________________194
9.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 194
9.6.2 Detour Bridges.........................................................................................................................................................194
9.6.3 Haul Bridges............................................................................................................................................................. 194
9.6.4 Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................ 194
9.6.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 194
9.6.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 195
SECTION 10: PILE FOUNDATIONS____________________________________________________________________196
10.1 BORED CAST IN SITU PILES__________________________________________________________________________196
10.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 196
10.1.2 Accessories.............................................................................................................................................................. 196
10.1.3 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 197
10.1.4 Length of Piles......................................................................................................................................................... 198
10.1.5 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................198
10.1.6 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 205
10.1.7 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 205
10.2 PRE-CAST REINFORCED CONCRETE PILES_______________________________________________________________206
10.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 206
10.2.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 206
10.2.3 Production of Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete Piles...................................................................................................207
10.2.4 Marking of Piles.......................................................................................................................................................208
10.2.5 Protection of Finished Piles.....................................................................................................................................208
10.2.6 Handling and Storage of Piles..................................................................................................................................208
10.2.7 Pilot (Test) Piles.......................................................................................................................................................208
10.2.8 Driving of Piles......................................................................................................................................................... 209
10.2.9 Repair of Pile Heads.................................................................................................................................................212
10.2.10 Extension of Piles.....................................................................................................................................................212
10.2.11 Defective Piles......................................................................................................................................................... 212
10.2.12 Cutting off Pile Heads and Bonding..........................................................................................................................212
10.2.13 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 212
10.2.14 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 213
10.3 TIMBER PILES_____________________________________________________________________________________213
10.3.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 213
10.3.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 213
10.3.3 Preservatives and Treatments.................................................................................................................................213
10.3.4 Handling and Storage of Piles..................................................................................................................................214
10.3.5 Driving of Piles......................................................................................................................................................... 214
10.3.6 Pile Driving Procedure.............................................................................................................................................214
10.3.7 Pile Cut-off............................................................................................................................................................... 215
10.3.8 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 215
10.3.9 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 215
10.4 PILE LOAD TESTING________________________________________________________________________________216
10.4.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 216
10.4.2 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 216
10.4.3 Definitions............................................................................................................................................................... 216
10.4.4 Supervision.............................................................................................................................................................. 216
10.4.5 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................................................217
10.4.6 Construction of a Pilot Pile to be Test Loaded.........................................................................................................217
10.4.7 Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested.............................................................................................................218
10.4.8 Reaction System......................................................................................................................................................218
10.4.9 Equipment for Applying Load..................................................................................................................................218
10.4.10 Measurement of Load.............................................................................................................................................219
10.4.11 Adjustability of Loading Equipment.........................................................................................................................219
10.4.12 Measuring Movement of Pile Heads........................................................................................................................219
10.4.13 Protection of Testing Equipment.............................................................................................................................220
10.4.14 Supervision.............................................................................................................................................................. 220
10.4.15 Test Procedure.........................................................................................................................................................220
10.4.16 Presentation of results.............................................................................................................................................221
10.4.17 Completion of a Test................................................................................................................................................222
10.4.18 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 222
10.4.19 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 222
10.5 PILE INTEGRITY TEST (PIT)___________________________________________________________________________223
10.5.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 223
10.5.2 Testing Equipment...................................................................................................................................................223
10.5.3 Testing Requirements..............................................................................................................................................223
10.5.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 224
10.5.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 224
10.6 CROSSHOLE SONIC LOGGING (CSL) TEST_______________________________________________________________224
10.6.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 224
10.6.2 CSL Consultant......................................................................................................................................................... 225
10.6.3 Assistance by the Contractor to the CSL Testing Consultant....................................................................................225
10.6.4 Testing Schedule......................................................................................................................................................225
10.6.5 CSL Test Equipment.................................................................................................................................................225
10.6.6 CSL Access Tube Preparation...................................................................................................................................225
10.6.7 CSL Logging Procedures...........................................................................................................................................226
10.6.8 Abandoning CSL Access Tubes.................................................................................................................................226
10.6.9 CSL Testing Results..................................................................................................................................................226
10.6.10 Evaluation of CSL Test Results.................................................................................................................................227
10.6.11 Coring and/or Repair of Drilled Shafts.....................................................................................................................227
10.6.12 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 227
10.6.13 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 227
10.7 POST-GROUTING OF PILE___________________________________________________________________________227
10.7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 227
10.7.2 Types of Post-Grouting............................................................................................................................................228
10.7.3 Specification for Materials and Equipment..............................................................................................................228
10.7.4 Base Grouting Procedure.........................................................................................................................................229
10.7.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 230
10.7.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 230
SECTION 11: WELL FOUNDATIONS___________________________________________________________________231
11.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 231
11.1.2 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 231
11.1.3 Setting Out and Preparations for Sinking.................................................................................................................231
11.1.4 Artificial Island and other Temporary Works...........................................................................................................231
11.1.5 Equipment............................................................................................................................................................... 232
11.1.6 Cutting Edge............................................................................................................................................................. 232
11.1.7 Well Curb................................................................................................................................................................. 233
11.1.8 Well Steining............................................................................................................................................................ 233
11.1.9 Well Sinking............................................................................................................................................................. 234
11.1.10 Precautions during Sinking......................................................................................................................................236
11.1.11 Tilts and Shifts..........................................................................................................................................................237
11.1.12 Seating of Wells.......................................................................................................................................................237
11.1.13 Bottom Plugging......................................................................................................................................................238
11.1.14 Testing Wells........................................................................................................................................................... 238
11.1.15 Filling the Well......................................................................................................................................................... 238
11.1.16 Top Plug................................................................................................................................................................... 238
11.1.17 Well Cap.................................................................................................................................................................. 239
11.1.18 Tolerances............................................................................................................................................................... 239
11.1.19 Load Testing of Foundations....................................................................................................................................239
11.1.20 Measurements.........................................................................................................................................................240
11.1.21 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 240
SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK___________________________________________________________242
12.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________242
12.2 PROTECTION OF REINFORCEMENT____________________________________________________________________242
12.3 BENDING OF REINFORCEMENT_______________________________________________________________________242
12.4 PLACING OF REINFORCEMENT_______________________________________________________________________242
12.4.1 Lateral Reinforcement for Pier/Columns.................................................................................................................243
12.4.2 Lateral reinforcement for beams.............................................................................................................................244
12.4.3 Spacing of Reinforcement........................................................................................................................................244
12.5 BAR SPLICES______________________________________________________________________________________244
12.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 244
12.5.2 Lapping.................................................................................................................................................................... 244
12.5.3 Welding................................................................................................................................................................... 245
12.5.4 Mechanical Couplers for Reinforcing Bars...............................................................................................................248
12.6 SUBSTITUTIONS___________________________________________________________________________________250
12.7 CONCRETE COVER TO REINFORCEMENT_______________________________________________________________250
12.8 PROTECTIVE COATING_____________________________________________________________________________251
12.9 BUNDLED BARS___________________________________________________________________________________251
12.10 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE_________________________________________________________________________251
12.11 INSPECTION______________________________________________________________________________________251
12.12 MEASUREMENT___________________________________________________________________________________251
12.13 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________251
SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE________________________________________________________________253
13.1 NOTATION_______________________________________________________________________________________253
13.2 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________253
13.2.1 DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................................... 253
13.2.2 Related Work........................................................................................................................................................... 253
13.2.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................253
13.3 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________253
13.4 GRADES OF CONCRETE_____________________________________________________________________________253
13.5 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE_____________________________________________________________________255
13.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 255
13.5.2 Requirements of Consistency..................................................................................................................................255
13.5.3 Proportioning Concrete Mix on the Basis of Field Experience and/or Trial Mixtures...............................................255
13.5.4 Average Strength Reduction....................................................................................................................................257
13.5.5 Additional Requirements.........................................................................................................................................257
13.5.6 Suitability of Proposed Mix Proportions..................................................................................................................258
13.5.7 Checking of mix proportions and water cement ratio.............................................................................................258
13.5.8 Grading of aggregates for concrete.........................................................................................................................258
13.6 Admixture_______________________________________________________________________________________259
13.7 SIZE OF COARSE AGGREGATES_______________________________________________________________________259
13.8 EQUIPMENT______________________________________________________________________________________259
13.9 MANUFACTURE OF CONCRETE_______________________________________________________________________260

13.9.1 Batching and Mixing of Concrete.............................................................................................................................260
13.9.2 Concreting Process..................................................................................................................................................261
13.9.3 Sampling and Testing...............................................................................................................................................261
13.9.4 Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete..................................................................................................................261
13.10 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS_________________________________________262
13.10.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 262
13.10.2 Rain Protection........................................................................................................................................................ 263
13.10.3 Hot-Weathering Protection.....................................................................................................................................263
13.10.4 Sulfate Exposures....................................................................................................................................................263
13.10.5 Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement...................................................................................................................263
13.10.6 Sulfate plus Chloride Exposures...............................................................................................................................264
13.10.7 Salt Weathering.......................................................................................................................................................264
13.11 CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT_________________________________________________________264
13.11.1 Cast-in-place Concrete (non-prestressed)...............................................................................................................264
13.11.2 Cast-in-place Concrete (Prestressed).......................................................................................................................265
13.11.3 Bundled Bars............................................................................................................................................................ 265
13.11.4 Corrosive environments..........................................................................................................................................265
13.11.5 Future extensions....................................................................................................................................................265
13.11.6 Fire protection......................................................................................................................................................... 265
13.12 HANDLING, PLACING AND COMPACTION OF CONCRETE__________________________________________________266
13.12.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 266
13.12.2 Sequence of Placement...........................................................................................................................................266
13.12.3 Placing Methods......................................................................................................................................................267
13.12.4 Consolidation........................................................................................................................................................... 268
13.12.5 Underwater Placement............................................................................................................................................268
13.12.6 Special Requirements for Bridge Decks...................................................................................................................269
13.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS____________________________________________________________________________269
13.13.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 269
13.13.2 Horizontal Joints......................................................................................................................................................269
13.13.3 Vertical Joints.......................................................................................................................................................... 269
13.13.4 Bonding................................................................................................................................................................... 269
13.13.5 Bonding and Dowelling to Existing Structures.........................................................................................................270
13.13.6 Forms at Construction Joints...................................................................................................................................270
13.14 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION JOINTS_______________________________________________________________270
13.14.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 270
13.14.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 270
13.14.3 Installation............................................................................................................................................................... 272
13.15 FINISHING CONCRETE______________________________________________________________________________272
13.15.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 272
13.15.2 Roadway Surface Finish...........................................................................................................................................273
13.15.3 Pedestrian Walkway Surface Finish.........................................................................................................................274
13.15.4 Trowelled and Brushed Finish..................................................................................................................................274
13.15.5 Surface under Bearings............................................................................................................................................274
13.16 PROTECTION AND CURING OF CONCRETE______________________________________________________________274
13.16.1 Water Curing........................................................................................................................................................... 275
13.16.2 Steam Curing........................................................................................................................................................... 275
13.16.3 Curing Compound....................................................................................................................................................275
13.17 REPAIR OF CONCRETE______________________________________________________________________________275
13.18 FINISHING FORMED CONCRETE SURFACES_____________________________________________________________276
13.18.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 276

13.18.2 Class 1 – Ordinary Surface Finish.............................................................................................................................276
13.18.3 Class 2 –Rubbed Finish.............................................................................................................................................277
13.18.4 Class 3- Tooled Finish...............................................................................................................................................277
13.18.5 Class 4- Sandblasted Finish......................................................................................................................................277
13.18.6 Class 5- Wire-Brushed or Scrubbed Finish...............................................................................................................277
13.19 CONTROL OF HEAT IN STRUCTURES___________________________________________________________________277
13.20 APPLICATION OF LOAD_____________________________________________________________________________277
13.20.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 277
13.20.2 Earth Load................................................................................................................................................................ 278
13.20.3 Construction Loads..................................................................................................................................................278
13.20.4 Traffic Loads............................................................................................................................................................. 278
13.21 TOLERANCES_____________________________________________________________________________________278
13.22 TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE______________________________________________________________278
13.22.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 278
13.22.2 Sampling.................................................................................................................................................................. 278
13.22.3 Density of Fresh Concrete........................................................................................................................................279
13.22.4 Density of Hardened Concrete.................................................................................................................................279
13.22.5 Permeability Test.....................................................................................................................................................279
13.23 Measurement____________________________________________________________________________________280
13.24 Payment________________________________________________________________________________________ 280
SECTION 14: PRESTRESSING________________________________________________________________________282
14.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________282
14.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 282
14.1.2 Definitions............................................................................................................................................................... 282
14.1.3 Detail of Design........................................................................................................................................................282
14.2 SUPPLEMENTARY DRAWINGS_______________________________________________________________________282
14.2.1 Working Drawings and Shop Drawings....................................................................................................................282
14.2.2 Integrated Drawings................................................................................................................................................283
14.3 SUBMITTALS_____________________________________________________________________________________283
14.4 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________284
14.4.1 Pre-stressing Reinforcement...................................................................................................................................284
14.4.2 Grout....................................................................................................................................................................... 287
14.4.3 Ducts........................................................................................................................................................................ 288
14.5 CONSTRUCTION___________________________________________________________________________________289
14.5.1 General Tensioning Requirements...........................................................................................................................289
14.5.2 Pre-Tensioned Members.........................................................................................................................................291
14.5.3 Post-Tensioned Members........................................................................................................................................292
14.5.4 Identification and Testing........................................................................................................................................295
14.5.5 Protection of Pre-stressing Steel..............................................................................................................................296
14.5.6 Corrosion Inhibitor...................................................................................................................................................296
14.5.7 Grouting................................................................................................................................................................... 296
14.5.8 Tolerances............................................................................................................................................................... 300
14.6 Measurement____________________________________________________________________________________302
14.7 Payment________________________________________________________________________________________ 302
SECTION 15: STEEL STRUCTURES____________________________________________________________________303
15.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________303
15.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 303
15.1.2 Notice of Beginning of Work....................................................................................................................................303
15.1.3 Inspection................................................................................................................................................................ 303

15.1.4 Shipping, Handling and Storing Materials................................................................................................................303
15.1.5 Falsework................................................................................................................................................................. 304
15.1.6 Continuous Members..............................................................................................................................................304
15.2 DRAWINGS______________________________________________________________________________________304
15.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 304
15.2.2 Shop Drawings......................................................................................................................................................... 304
15.2.3 Erection Drawings....................................................................................................................................................305
15.2.4 Camber Diagram......................................................................................................................................................305
15.2.5 Transportation Drawings.........................................................................................................................................305
15.3 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________305
15.3.1 Structural Steel........................................................................................................................................................ 305
15.3.2 High-Strength Fasteners..........................................................................................................................................306
15.3.3 Welded Stud Shear Connectors...............................................................................................................................308
15.3.4 Steel Forgings and Steel Shafting.............................................................................................................................308
15.3.5 Steel Castings........................................................................................................................................................... 308
15.3.6 Iron Castings............................................................................................................................................................ 309
15.3.7 Galvanizing.............................................................................................................................................................. 309
15.3.8 Storage of Materials................................................................................................................................................309
15.4 FABRICATION_____________________________________________________________________________________309
15.4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 309
15.4.2 Quality of Workmanship..........................................................................................................................................309
15.4.3 Identification of Steels during Fabrication...............................................................................................................309
15.4.4 Plates....................................................................................................................................................................... 310
15.4.5 Fit of Stiffeners........................................................................................................................................................ 311
15.4.6 Abutting Joints......................................................................................................................................................... 311
15.4.7 Facing of Bearing Surfaces.......................................................................................................................................311
15.4.8 Straightening Material.............................................................................................................................................311
15.4.9 Annealing and Stress Relieving................................................................................................................................312
15.4.10 Bolt Holes................................................................................................................................................................ 312
15.4.11 Pins and Rollers....................................................................................................................................................... 313
15.4.12 Eyebars.................................................................................................................................................................... 314
15.4.13 Curved Girders.........................................................................................................................................................314
15.4.14 Orthotropic-Deck Superstructures...........................................................................................................................315
15.4.15 Full-Size Tests.......................................................................................................................................................... 315
15.4.16 Marking and Shipping..............................................................................................................................................316
15.5 ASSEMBLY_______________________________________________________________________________________316
15.5.1 Bolting..................................................................................................................................................................... 316
15.5.2 Welded Connections................................................................................................................................................316
15.5.3 Preassembly of Field Connections...........................................................................................................................316
15.5.4 Match-Marking........................................................................................................................................................317
15.5.5 Connections Using Unfinished, Turned, or Ribbed Bolts..........................................................................................317
15.5.6 Connections Using High-Strength Bolts...................................................................................................................317
15.5.7 Welding................................................................................................................................................................... 324
15.6 ERECTION________________________________________________________________________________________324
15.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 324
15.6.2 Handling and Storing Materials...............................................................................................................................324
15.6.3 Bearings and Anchorages.........................................................................................................................................324
15.6.4 Erection Procedure..................................................................................................................................................324
15.6.5 Field Assembly......................................................................................................................................................... 325
15.6.6 Pins Connections.....................................................................................................................................................325

15.6.7 Misfits...................................................................................................................................................................... 325
15.7 EXPANSION JOINTS________________________________________________________________________________325
15.8 ACCEPTANCE_____________________________________________________________________________________325
15.9 MEASUREMENT___________________________________________________________________________________326
15.10 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________327
SECTION 16: SUB-STRUCTURE______________________________________________________________________328
16.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________328
16.2 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________328
16.3 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________328
16.4 PIERS AND ABUTMENTS____________________________________________________________________________328
16.5 PIER CAP AND ABUTMENT CAP______________________________________________________________________328
16.6 DIRT WALL, RETURN WALL AND WING WALL___________________________________________________________329
16.7 TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE______________________________________________________________329
16.8 TOLERANCES IN CONCRETE ELEMENTS________________________________________________________________329
16.9 MEASUREMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________329
16.10 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________329
SECTION 17: CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE____________________________________________________________331
17.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________331
17.2 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________331
17.3 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________331
17.4 REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION______________________________________________________________331
17.4.1 Solid Slabs................................................................................................................................................................ 331
17.4.2 RCC T-Beam and Slab...............................................................................................................................................331
17.5 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION_____________________________________________________________332
17.5.1 PSC Girder and Composite RCC Slab........................................................................................................................332
17.5.2 Box Girder................................................................................................................................................................ 332
17.5.3 Cantilever Construction...........................................................................................................................................332
17.6.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................... 332
17.6.2 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................................. 333
17.6.3 PRESTRESSING FOR STRUCTURES............................................................................................................................333
17.7 PRECAST CONCRETE MEMBERS______________________________________________________________________336
17.7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 336
17.7.2 Working Drawings...................................................................................................................................................336
17.7.3 Materials and Manufacture.....................................................................................................................................336
17.7.4 Curing...................................................................................................................................................................... 337
17.7.5 Storage and Handling...............................................................................................................................................337
17.7.6 Erection................................................................................................................................................................... 337
17.7.7 Epoxy-Bonding Agents for Precast Segmental Box Girders......................................................................................337
17.8 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEGMENTAL BRIDGES_____________________________________________________340
17.8.1 Geometry Control....................................................................................................................................................340
17.8.2 Tolerances............................................................................................................................................................... 341
17.8.3 Shop Drawings and Design Calculations for Construction Procedures.....................................................................342
17.8.4 Forms....................................................................................................................................................................... 343
17.8.5 Special Provision for Cast-in-Place Segmental Construction....................................................................................344
17.8.6 Special Provision for Precast Concrete Segmental Construction..............................................................................346
17.8.7 Special Provisions for Incremental Launching..........................................................................................................347
17.8.8 Defects and Breakage..............................................................................................................................................348
17.9 TEST AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE_______________________________________________________________348

17.10 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT______________________________________________________________________348
17.11 RATE____________________________________________________________________________________________348
SECTION 18: DECK SURFACING______________________________________________________________________349
18.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________349
18.2 CEMENT CONCRETE WEARING COURSE________________________________________________________________349
18.2.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 349
18.2.2 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 349
18.2.3 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 349
18.2.4 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................350
18.2.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 350
18.2.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 350
18.3 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE_____________________________________________________________________350
SECTION 19: BEARING DEVICES_____________________________________________________________________352
19.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________352
19.2 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________352
19.3 WORKING DRAWINGS_____________________________________________________________________________352
19.4 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________353
19.4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 353
19.4.2 Special Material Requirements for Elastomeric bearings........................................................................................353
19.4.3 Special Material Requirements for Pot and Disk Bearing.........................................................................................355
19.4.4 Special Material Requirements for Rocker and Roller Bearings...............................................................................356
19.4.5 Metal Plates Used in Masonry, Sole and Shim Plates..............................................................................................356
19.4.6 Special Material Requirements for PTFE Sliding Surfaces........................................................................................356
19.4.7 Special Requirements for Anchor Bolts....................................................................................................................357
19.4.8 Special Material Requirements for Bedding of Masonry Plates...............................................................................358
19.5 FABRICATION_____________________________________________________________________________________358
19.6 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE_________________________________________________________________________358
19.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 358
19.6.2 Tests........................................................................................................................................................................ 359
19.6.3 Performance Criteria...............................................................................................................................................361
19.6.4 Special Testing Requirements..................................................................................................................................361
19.6.5 Use of Tested Bearing in the Structure....................................................................................................................365
19.7 PACKAGING, HANDLING, AND STORAGE_______________________________________________________________365
19.8 INSTALLATION____________________________________________________________________________________365
19.8.1 Elastomeric Bearings...............................................................................................................................................365
19.8.2 Pot and Disc Bearings..............................................................................................................................................366
19.8.3 Rocker and Roller Bearings......................................................................................................................................366
19.8.4 Spherical Bearings....................................................................................................................................................366
19.8.5 Bronze or Copper-Alloyed Plates for Bearings.........................................................................................................367
19.8.6 Masonry, Sole, and Shim Plates for Bearings...........................................................................................................367
19.8.7 Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Surfaces for Bearings...............................................................................................367
19.8.8 Anchor Bolts............................................................................................................................................................ 368
19.8.9 Load Plates.............................................................................................................................................................. 368
19.8.10 Other Requirements for Guides...............................................................................................................................368
19.8.11 Installation for Guide-ways and Restraints..............................................................................................................369
19.9 MEASUREMENT___________________________________________________________________________________369
19.10 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________369
SECTION 20: RAILINGS____________________________________________________________________________370
20.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________370

20.2 MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS______________________________________________________370
20.2.1 Steel Railing............................................................................................................................................................. 370
20.2.2 Aluminum Railing.....................................................................................................................................................372
20.2.3 Metal beam railing...................................................................................................................................................372
20.2.4 Concrete Railings.....................................................................................................................................................372
20.2.5 Temporary Railing....................................................................................................................................................372
20.2.6 Railings Accessories and Reinstallation of Railings...................................................................................................372
20.3 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE_________________________________________________________________________373
20.4 MEASUREMENT___________________________________________________________________________________373
20.5 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________373
SECTION 21: PORTABLE STEEL BRIDGE________________________________________________________________374
21.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________374
21.2 ELEMENTS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE_________________________________________________________________374
21.3 ERECTION METHOD________________________________________________________________________________374
21.3.1 Tools and equipment...............................................................................................................................................374
21.3.2 Launching on staging method..................................................................................................................................375
21.4 ERECTION PROCEDURE_____________________________________________________________________________376
21.5 ERECTION STRESSES_______________________________________________________________________________376
21.6 MAINTAINING ALIGNMENT AND CAMBER_____________________________________________________________376
21.7 FIELD ASSEMBLY__________________________________________________________________________________377
21.7.1 Pin connections....................................................................................................................................................... 377
21.7.2 Misfits...................................................................................................................................................................... 377
21.8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT______________________________________________________________________377
SECTION 22: RIVER TRAINING WORK AND PROTECTION WORK___________________________________________378
22.1 General_________________________________________________________________________________________378
22.2 Grass Turf_______________________________________________________________________________________378
22.2.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 378
22.2.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 378
22.2.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................378
22.2.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 378
22.2.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 378
22.3 Hand Placed Riprap________________________________________________________________________________379
22.3.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 379
22.3.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 379
22.3.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................379
22.3.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 379
22.3.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 379
22.4 Brick Mattressing_________________________________________________________________________________379
22.4.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 379
22.4.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 380
22.4.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................380
22.4.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 380
22.4.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 380
22.5 Boulder Mattressing_______________________________________________________________________________380
22.5.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 380
22.5.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 381
22.5.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................381
22.5.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 381
22.5.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 381

22.6 Sacked RIP-RAP___________________________________________________________________________________381
22.6.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 381
22.6.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 382
22.6.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................382
22.6.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 382
22.6.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 382
22.7 Brick Masonry Blocks______________________________________________________________________________382
22.7.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 382
22.7.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 383
22.7.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................383
22.7.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 383
22.7.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 383
22.8 Pre-Cast Cement Concrete Blocks____________________________________________________________________383
22.8.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 383
22.8.2 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................384
22.8.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 384
22.8.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 384
22.9 Cast-In-Place Cement Concrete Slope Paving___________________________________________________________384
22.9.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 384
22.9.2 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................384
22.9.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 385
22.9.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 385
22.10 Filter Materials___________________________________________________________________________________385
22.10.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 385
22.10.2 Brick Aggregate Filter...............................................................................................................................................385
22.10.3 Inverted Filter Materials..........................................................................................................................................385
22.10.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 386
22.11 Geo-textile filter__________________________________________________________________________________386
22.11.1 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 386
22.12 Geo-jute on Embankment Slopes_____________________________________________________________________386
22.12.1 Measurement and Payment....................................................................................................................................386
22.13 Toe Walls________________________________________________________________________________________386
22.14 RCC Palisading____________________________________________________________________________________387
SECTION 23: REPAIR OF EXISTING CONCRETE STRUCTURES_______________________________________________388
23.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________388
23.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 388
23.1.2 Environmental Aspect..............................................................................................................................................388
23.1.3 Phasing.................................................................................................................................................................... 388
23.1.4 Traffic Management................................................................................................................................................388
23.1.5 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................................................388
23.1.6 Dismantling and Removal of Material......................................................................................................................388
23.2 SEALING OF CRACKS BY INJECTION OF EPOXY RESIN_____________________________________________________388
23.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 388
23.2.2 Methodology........................................................................................................................................................... 388
23.2.3 Personnel................................................................................................................................................................. 388
23.2.4 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 388
23.2.5 Equipment for Injection...........................................................................................................................................389
23.2.6 Preparation.............................................................................................................................................................. 389
23.2.7 Epoxy Injection........................................................................................................................................................ 389
23.2.8 Precautions for Application.....................................................................................................................................389
23.2.9 Testing..................................................................................................................................................................... 390
23.2.10 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 392
23.2.11 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 392
23.3 EPOXY MORTAR FOR REPLACEMENT OF SPALLED CONCRETE______________________________________________392
23.3.1 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 392
23.3.2 Proportioning and Mixing........................................................................................................................................392
23.3.3 Surface Preparation.................................................................................................................................................392
23.3.4 Application............................................................................................................................................................... 393
23.3.5 Coverage.................................................................................................................................................................. 393
23.3.6 Cleaning and Maintenance of Equipment................................................................................................................393
23.3.7 Testing..................................................................................................................................................................... 393
23.3.8 Handling Precautions...............................................................................................................................................393
23.3.9 Personnel and Environment Safety..........................................................................................................................393
23.3.10 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 394
23.3.11 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 394
23.4 EPOXY BONDING OF NEW CONCRETE TO OLD CONCRETE_________________________________________________394
23.4.1 Testing..................................................................................................................................................................... 394
23.4.2 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 394
23.4.3 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 395
23.5 CEMENT GROUTING_______________________________________________________________________________395
23.5.1 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 395
23.5.2 Preparation.............................................................................................................................................................. 395
23.5.3 Proportioning, Mixing and Equipment for Grouting................................................................................................395
23.5.4 Application............................................................................................................................................................... 395
23.5.5 Cleaning of Equipment............................................................................................................................................395
23.5.6 Testing..................................................................................................................................................................... 396
23.5.7 Measurement & Payment........................................................................................................................................396
23.6 REPAIR OF VOIDS IN GIRDER SOFFIT__________________________________________________________________396
23.6.1 Reinforcement Preparation.....................................................................................................................................396
23.6.2 Reinforcement Priming............................................................................................................................................396
23.6.3 Concrete Surface Priming for Bond..........................................................................................................................396
23.6.4 Cementitious Repair Mortar....................................................................................................................................397
23.7 SHOTCRETE/GUNITING_____________________________________________________________________________397
23.7.1 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 398
23.7.2 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 398
23.8 REPLACEMENT/RECTIFICATION OF BEARINGS__________________________________________________________398
23.8.1 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 399
23.8.2 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 399
23.9 DISMANTLING OF CONCRETE WEARING COAT__________________________________________________________399
23.9.1 Commencement of Dismantling..............................................................................................................................399
23.9.2 Precautions during Dismantling Work.....................................................................................................................399
23.9.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 399
23.9.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 399
23.10 EXTERNAL PRESTRESSING___________________________________________________________________________400
23.10.1 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 400
23.10.2 Workmanship.......................................................................................................................................................... 400
23.10.3 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 400
23.10.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 400
SECTION 24: MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH_______________________________________________________403
24.1 DESCRIPTION_____________________________________________________________________________________403
24.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 403
24.1.2 Design Requirements...............................................................................................................................................403
24.1.3 Installer Qualification...............................................................................................................................................403
24.1.4 Submittals................................................................................................................................................................ 403
24.1.5 Pre-Activity Meeting................................................................................................................................................404
24.2 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________404
24.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 404
24.2.2 Concrete Panel Wall................................................................................................................................................404
24.2.3 Segmental Block Wall..............................................................................................................................................405
24.2.4 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Backfill......................................................................................................................406
24.2.5 Metallic Soil Reinforcement.....................................................................................................................................407
24.2.6 Geogrid Soil Reinforcement.....................................................................................................................................407
24.3 CONSTRUCTION___________________________________________________________________________________407
24.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 407
24.3.2 Concrete Panel Wall................................................................................................................................................409
24.3.3 Segmental Block Wall..............................................................................................................................................409
24.4 MEASUREMENT___________________________________________________________________________________410
24.5 PAYMENT________________________________________________________________________________________410
SECTION 25: SOIL NAIL RETAINING WALLS____________________________________________________________411
25.1 General_________________________________________________________________________________________411
25.2 MATERIALS______________________________________________________________________________________411
25.2.1 Concrete Facing.......................................................................................................................................................411
25.2.2 Soil Nails.................................................................................................................................................................. 411
25.2.3 Soil Nail Appurtenances...........................................................................................................................................412
25.2.4 Bearing Plates, Nuts and Head-Stud Shear Connectors...........................................................................................412
25.2.5 Welded-Wire Mesh..................................................................................................................................................412
25.2.6 Reinforcing Steel......................................................................................................................................................412
25.2.7 Geocomposite Sheet Drain......................................................................................................................................413
25.2.8 Underdrain and Perforated Pipe..............................................................................................................................413
25.2.9 Wall Drainage Systems............................................................................................................................................413
25.2.10 Shotcrete................................................................................................................................................................. 413
25.2.11 Reinforcing Steel......................................................................................................................................................413
25.2.12 Leveling Pads........................................................................................................................................................... 413
25.2.13 Masonry................................................................................................................................................................... 413
25.2.14 Joint Materials......................................................................................................................................................... 413
25.3 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS______________________________________________________________________414
25.4 Submittals_______________________________________________________________________________________414
25.4.1 Soil Nail Wall Contractor Personnel and Experience Submittal................................................................................414
25.4.2 Soil Nail Wall Design Submittal................................................................................................................................414
25.4.3 Soil Nail Wall Construction Plan Submittal...............................................................................................................415
25.5 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING_______________________________________________________________________415
25.6 STORAGE AND HANDLING__________________________________________________________________________416
25.7 CONSTRUCTION METHODS__________________________________________________________________________416
25.7.1 Excavation............................................................................................................................................................... 416
25.7.2 Soil Nail Installation.................................................................................................................................................416
25.7.3 Wall Drainage Systems............................................................................................................................................417
25.7.4 Shotcreting.............................................................................................................................................................. 417
25.7.5 Leveling Pads and Concrete Facing..........................................................................................................................418
25.8 GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS___________________________________________________________________________418
25.8.1 Soil investigation......................................................................................................................................................418
25.8.2 Bond strength.......................................................................................................................................................... 418
25.8.3 Suitable in-situ ground conditions...........................................................................................................................418
25.9 CONSTRUCTION RECORDS__________________________________________________________________________419
25.10 TESTING_________________________________________________________________________________________419
25.10.1 Testing Equipment...................................................................................................................................................419
25.10.2 Test Nails................................................................................................................................................................. 419
25.10.3 Verification Tests.....................................................................................................................................................420
25.10.4 Proof Tests............................................................................................................................................................... 420
25.10.5 Test Nail Acceptance................................................................................................................................................421
25.10.6 Test Nail Results.......................................................................................................................................................421
25.11 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT______________________________________________________________________422
SECTION 26: RIVER WORKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BRIDGE______________________________________________423
26.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________423
26.1.1 General Requirements.............................................................................................................................................423
26.1.2 Fill Materials............................................................................................................................................................ 423
26.1.3 Formwork................................................................................................................................................................ 423
26.1.4 Steel Reinforcement................................................................................................................................................423
26.1.5 Concrete.................................................................................................................................................................. 423
26.1.6 Joints in Concrete....................................................................................................................................................423
26.2 RIVER VESSELS AND CRAFT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS_________________________________________________423
26.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 423
26.2.2 River Traffic Operation.............................................................................................................................................423
26.2.3 Work Boats.............................................................................................................................................................. 424
26.2.4 Communications......................................................................................................................................................424
26.2.5 Safety....................................................................................................................................................................... 424
26.2.6 Guard and Safety Vessels.........................................................................................................................................424
26.2.7 Requirements Prior to Commencement of Construction.........................................................................................424
26.2.8 Marking of River Works...........................................................................................................................................425
26.2.9 Requirements during Construction..........................................................................................................................425
26.2.10 Concreting in locations affected by changing river levels........................................................................................425
26.2.11 Maintenance of Water Depth..................................................................................................................................426
26.2.12 Temporary River level gauges..................................................................................................................................426
26.3 SUBMISSIONS____________________________________________________________________________________426
26.3.1 Particulars of River works........................................................................................................................................426
26.3.2 Particulars of dredging.............................................................................................................................................426
26.4 RIVER SURVEYING WORKS__________________________________________________________________________426
26.5 DREDGING_______________________________________________________________________________________427
26.5.1 Commencement of Dredging...................................................................................................................................427
26.5.2 Dredging.................................................................................................................................................................. 427
GROWTH CENTER MARKETS AND LANDING GHATS_____________________________________________________428
27.1 INTRODUCTION___________________________________________________________________________________428
27.2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE_________________________________________________________________________428
27.2.1 Clearances, Approvals and Permits..........................................................................................................................428
27.2.2 Land Acquisition......................................................................................................................................................428
27.2.3 Training.................................................................................................................................................................... 429
27.2.4 Worksite Survey, Pegging and Approval..................................................................................................................429
27.2.5 Construction Machinery and Vehicles.....................................................................................................................430
27.2.6 Construction Stage..................................................................................................................................................430

27.2.7 Vegetation Clearance...............................................................................................................................................431
27.2.8 Retaining and Toe Wall Construction.......................................................................................................................431
27.2.9 Formation Widening................................................................................................................................................432
27.2.10 Stabilizing Batter Slopes...........................................................................................................................................432
27.2.11 Drainage.................................................................................................................................................................. 433
27.2.12 Topsoil Saving and Re-use........................................................................................................................................433
27.2.13 Disposal of Unsuitable Excess Materials /Spoil........................................................................................................434
27.2.14 Reinstatement of Services.......................................................................................................................................434
27.2.15 Borrow Pits.............................................................................................................................................................. 435
27.2.16 Stockpiling............................................................................................................................................................... 436
27.2.17 Workforce Camps....................................................................................................................................................436
27.2.18 Workforce Management.........................................................................................................................................437
27.2.19 Dust Nuisance and Noise Pollution..........................................................................................................................437
27.2.20 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control..................................................................................................................438
27.2.21 Wetland / Ponds / Rivers / Canal.............................................................................................................................438
27.2.22 Hazards and Hazardous Materials...........................................................................................................................439
27.2.23 Grassing/ Turfing.....................................................................................................................................................440
27.2.24 Construction of Bathing Ghats.................................................................................................................................440
27.2.25 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic....................................................................................................................440
27.2.26 Environmental Monitoring......................................................................................................................................440
27.2.27 Barrel Composting for solid waste management in Growth Center Markets..........................................................440
27.3 POST-CONSTRUCTION STAGE________________________________________________________________________441
27.3.1 Re-vegetation.......................................................................................................................................................... 441
27.3.2 Ancillary Site Rehabilitation.....................................................................................................................................442
27.4 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETED WORKS FOR PAYMENTS_________________________________________________442
27.5 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN (EMAP)_________________________________________________442
27.6 ENVIRONMENTAL CODES OF PRACTICE (ECP)___________________________________________________________443
SECTION 28: SPECIFICATIONS FOR SOCIAL ASPECTS_____________________________________________________444
28.1 GENERAL________________________________________________________________________________________444
28.2 CHILD LABOUR____________________________________________________________________________________444
28.3 GENDER ISSUE____________________________________________________________________________________444
28.5 SAFETY AND SECURITY_____________________________________________________________________________444
28.6 CULTURAL PROPERTIES_____________________________________________________________________________444
SECTION 29: INCIDENTALS_________________________________________________________________________445
29.1 BRICK MASONRY WORKS___________________________________________________________________________445
29.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 445
29.1.2 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 445
29.1.3 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 445
29.1.4 Soaking of Bricks......................................................................................................................................................445
29.1.5 Mortars.................................................................................................................................................................... 445
29.1.6 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................446
29.1.7 Scaffolding............................................................................................................................................................... 447
29.1.8 Protection and Curing..............................................................................................................................................447
29.1.9 Finishing of Surfaces................................................................................................................................................447
29.1.10 Repairing of Masonry Brickwork..............................................................................................................................447
29.1.11 Extension to Existing Masonry Brickwork................................................................................................................447
29.1.12 Replacement of Defective Masonry Brickwork........................................................................................................447
29.1.13 Re-pointing of Existing Masonry Brickwork Joints...................................................................................................448

29.1.14 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 448
29.1.15 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 448
29.2 BRICK FLAT SOLING________________________________________________________________________________448
29.2.1 Single layer brick flat soling.....................................................................................................................................448
29.2.2 Double layer brick flat soling...................................................................................................................................449
29.3 APPROACH SLAB__________________________________________________________________________________450
29.4 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS_______________________________________________________________450
29.4.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 450
29.4.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 450
29.4.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................451
29.4.4 Opening of Traffic....................................................................................................................................................453
29.4.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 453
29.4.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 453
29.5 DRAINAGE SPOUTS________________________________________________________________________________454
29.5.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 454
29.5.2 Fabrication............................................................................................................................................................... 454
29.5.3 Placement................................................................................................................................................................ 454
29.5.4 Finishing................................................................................................................................................................... 454
29.5.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 454
29.5.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 454
29.6 WEEP HOLES_____________________________________________________________________________________454
29.6.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 454
29.6.2 Screening Holes.......................................................................................................................................................455
29.6.3 Backup Material.......................................................................................................................................................455
29.6.4 Tests and Standards of Acceptance.........................................................................................................................455
29.6.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 455
29.6.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 455
29.7 DRAINAGE AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES___________________________________________________455
29.7.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 455
29.7.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 456
29.7.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................456
29.7.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 456
29.7.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 456
29.8 EXCAVATION OF SIDE DRAINS_______________________________________________________________________457
29.8.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 457
29.8.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 457
29.8.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................457
29.8.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 457
29.8.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 457
29.9 BRICK LINING OF SIDE DRAINS_______________________________________________________________________457
29.9.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 457
29.9.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 457
29.9.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................457
29.9.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 458
29.9.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 458
29.10 KILOMETER POSTS_________________________________________________________________________________458
29.10.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 458
29.10.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 458
29.10.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................458
29.10.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 458

29.10.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 458
29.11 GUARD POSTS____________________________________________________________________________________459
29.11.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 459
29.11.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 459
29.11.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................459
29.11.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 459
29.11.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 459
29.12 GUARD RAIL______________________________________________________________________________________459
29.12.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 459
29.12.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 459
29.12.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................459
29.12.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 459
29.12.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 460
29.13 BOUNDARY PILLARS_______________________________________________________________________________460
29.13.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 460
29.13.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 460
29.13.3 Finishes.................................................................................................................................................................... 460
29.13.4 Measurement for Payment......................................................................................................................................460
29.13.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 460
29.14 ROAD MARKING__________________________________________________________________________________460
29.14.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 460
29.14.2 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 460
29.14.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................461
29.14.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 462
29.14.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 462
29.15 ROAD SIGNS_____________________________________________________________________________________462
29.15.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 462
29.15.2 Design...................................................................................................................................................................... 462
29.15.3 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 463
29.15.4 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................463
29.15.5 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 463
29.15.6 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 463
29.16 RIGHT OF WAY MARKER POST_______________________________________________________________________463
29.16.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 463
29.16.2 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 463
29.16.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................463
29.16.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 463
29.16.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 463
29.17 KERBS AND DRAINAGE OUTLETS_____________________________________________________________________464
29.17.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 464
29.17.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 464
29.17.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................464
29.17.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 464
29.17.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 464
29.18 BUS BAY_________________________________________________________________________________________464
29.18.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 464
29.18.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.18.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................465
29.18.4 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.19 MEDIAN OR LANE DIVIDER__________________________________________________________________________465

29.19.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.19.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.19.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................465
29.19.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 465
29.19.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.20 FOOTPATHS______________________________________________________________________________________465
29.20.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 465
29.20.2 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 466
29.20.3 Construction Method..............................................................................................................................................466
29.20.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 466
29.20.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 466
29.21 TOLL PLAZA______________________________________________________________________________________466
29.21.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 466
29.21.2 Material................................................................................................................................................................... 466
29.21.3 Construction............................................................................................................................................................ 466
29.21.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 466
29.21.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 466
29.22 PAINTING WORK__________________________________________________________________________________467
29.22.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 467
29.22.2 Materials & Construction Methods.........................................................................................................................467
29.22.3 Measurement and Payment....................................................................................................................................467
29.23 BRIDGE LIGHTING_________________________________________________________________________________467
29.23.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................... 467
29.23.2 Constructional Requirement....................................................................................................................................470
29.24 SOLAR BRIDGE/APPROACH/STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM___________________________________________________474
29.24.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 474
29.24.2 Duty Cycle................................................................................................................................................................ 474
29.24.3 PV Modules.............................................................................................................................................................. 474
29.24.4 Battery..................................................................................................................................................................... 475
29.24.5 Lamp........................................................................................................................................................................ 475
29.24.6 Electronics............................................................................................................................................................... 475
29.24.7 Electronic Protections..............................................................................................................................................475
29.24.8 Mechanical Hardware..............................................................................................................................................475
29.24.9 Other Features.........................................................................................................................................................476
29.24.10 Documentation........................................................................................................................................................476
29.24.11 Quality and Warranty..............................................................................................................................................476
29.25 DRAINAGE OF STRUCTURES_________________________________________________________________________476
29.25.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 476
29.25.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 477
29.25.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................477
29.25.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 478
29.25.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 478
29.26 INSERTS AND FITTINGS_____________________________________________________________________________478
29.26.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 478
29.26.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 478
29.26.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................478
29.26.4 Measurement.......................................................................................................................................................... 479
29.26.5 Payment.................................................................................................................................................................. 479
29.27 RELOCATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES____________________________________________________________________479
29.27.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 479

29.27.2 Materials.................................................................................................................................................................. 479
29.27.3 Construction Methods.............................................................................................................................................479
29.27.4 Measurement and Payment....................................................................................................................................480




1.1.1 General
From the date of commencement of the Contract to the date of issue of Certificate of Completion for the whole of the
Work as provided in the Contract, the Contractor shall at all time maintain the traffic flow along the existing roads,
rivers and canals and take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic, pedestrians and workers . The Contractor shall
provide and maintain all detours, temporary roads, temporary bridges, necessary barricades, warning lights and guide
signs as well as other equipment at all hours during the day and night throughout the period of construction . However,
all traffic maintenance and protection, safety measures including their design, drawings etc. to be provided by the
contractor must have prior approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall follow the existing guidelines, ‘Traffic Signs Manual – Bangladesh Road Transport Authority,
Section E7 ‘Safety at Roadworks’ – A Code of Practice for Signing at Roadworks. The Contractor shall follow the
guidelines where applicable, in the course of carrying out the works throughout the period of construction.
Areas of roadway designated in the Contractor’s Working Plans for the use of traffic shall not be obstructed or used in
any way by the Contractor or his suppliers or sub-contractors. Materials dumped or Contractor’s equipment parked in
any public roadway area shall be promptly removed by the Contractor at the direction of the Engineer.
At least 30 days before commencing work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for the
maintenance of traffic including Working Drawings of traffic arrangements, showing all detours, temporary roads,
temporary bridges, necessary barricades, warning lights, road signs, etc.
Upon completion of the work, all temporary roads, temporary bridges, barricades, signs and other equipment shall be
completely removed.

1.1.1 Passage of Traffic along a part of the Existing Carriageway under Improvement
For widening/ strengthening existing carriageway where part width of the existing carriageway is proposed to be used
for passage of traffic, treated shoulders shall be provided on the side on which work is not in progress. The treatment to
the shoulder shall consist of providing atleast 150 mm thick granular base course covered with / without bituminous
surface dressing in a width of atleast 1.5 m and the surface shall be maintained throughout the period during which
traffic uses the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
In case of widening existing two-lane to four-lane, the additional two-lanes would be constructed first and the traffic
diverted to it and only thereafter the required treatment to the existing carriageway would be carried out. However, in
case where on the request of the Contractor, work on existing two-lane carriageway is allowed by the Engineer with
traffic using part of the existing carriageway, stipulations as in para above shall apply.
After obtaining permission of the Engineer, the treated shoulder shall be dismantled, the debris disposed of and the
area cleared as per direction of the Engineer.

1.1.2 Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion

In stretches where it is not possible to pass the traffic on part width of the carriageway, a temporary diversion shall be
constructed with atleast 3 m carriageway, and 1.25m earthen shoulders on each side (total width of roadway 5.5 m;
Design Type – 8) with the various layers as per Road Design Standard, 2005.
The location of such stretch, alignment and longitudinal section of diversion including junctions and temporary cross
drainage provision shall be as approved by the Engineer.

1.1.3 Traffic Safety and Control

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and
maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Engineer for the
information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the road under improvement .
Before taking up any construction, an agreed phased programme for the diversion of traffic on the road shall be drawn
up in consultation with the Engineer.

Page | 1

The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway/ portion of the carriageway closed to traffic, shall be strong
design to resist violation, and painted with alternate black and white stripes conforming to Bangladesh Road Signs
Manual 2000. Red lanterns or warning lights of similar type shall be mounted on the barricades at night and kept lit
throughout from sunset to sunrise.
At the points where traffic is to deviate from its normal path (whether on temporary diversion or part width of the
carriageway) the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings, painted drums or a
similar device to the directions of the Engineer. At night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable
light source.
One-way traffic operation shall be established whenever the traffic is to be passed over part of the carriageway
inadequate for two-lane traffic. This shall be done with the help of temporary traffic signals or flagmen kept positioned
on opposite sides during all hours. For regulation of traffic, the flagmen shall be equipped with red and green flags and
lanterns/ lights.
On both sides, suitable regulatory/ warning signs as approved by the Engineer shall be installed for the guidance or
road users. On each approach, at least two signs shall be put up, one close to the point where transition of carriageway
begins and the other 120 m away. The signs shall be approved design and of reflective type, if so directed by the
Engineer. Maintenance of Existing Road

Within the limits of the site all sections of existing carriageway, shoulder and sidetracks which are being used by traffic
shall be maintained in a safe and trafficable condition by the Contractor during the period of the Contract . Potholes,
cracks washouts and pavement defects shall be promptly repaired to a safe condition.
The Contractor shall take care that the construction equipment and vehicles do not damage weak bridges on adjacent
sections of road. Weak bridges required to carry loads in excess of their apparent capacity shall be propped or
otherwise strengthened. The Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement, at his own cost, of weak bridges
damaged by his overloaded vehicles, flood damage or other causes initiated by his activities and will have no claim on
the Engineer for time lost or disruption of his work due to collapse of a weak bridge, which provides access to his Work .
In the event of a bridge failure, which severs public access through his Contract area the Contractor will provide
temporary bridging or a serviceable by-pass without delay and in no case more than 48 (forty eight) hours following the
severance of access.

1.1.4 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices

Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices, as well as the riding surface of diversions shall be maintained in a
satisfactory condition till such time they are required as directed by the Engineer. The temporary travelled way shall be
kept free of dust by frequent application of water, if necessary.

1.1.5 Barriers
Barriers shall be used for closing of lanes or roads, the protection of workmen and guidance of vehicular traffic . The
barriers shall be distinctly visible and be mounted with red lamps during all hours of darkness . These shall be strong and

1.1.6 Removal of temporary works

Immediately upon completion of the Contract all temporary roads, temporary bridges, barricades, signs and other
equipment shall be completely removed.

1.1.7 Measurement and Payment

The construction, maintenance and ultimate removal of all temporary constructions as well as provision and
maintenance of barricades, signs and other equipment shall be paid for at a lump sum price.
This sum shall cover all earthworks, temporary bridges and culverts, pavement and surfacing materials, warning signs,
lights, control of traffic, including single lane working, by day and by night and all other items to ensure the smooth and
safe flow of traffic and for their removal after the period of construction.
Partial payments to be inserted in the monthly certificates shall be directly proportional to the value of the completed
works. However, payments shall not exceed the lump sum inserted in the Bill of Quantities.

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Payment will be made as indicated in Table 1 -1.

Table 1-1 : Pay Items - Traffic Maintenance and Protection
Clause No. Description Units
10.1 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Lump Sum


1.2.1 Field Office

In addition to the office space required for his own use the Contractor shall provide and maintain Field Office space with
toilet facilities, furniture and office equipment for the use of the Engineer and his staff.
Field Office for the Engineer shall mean a building having a minimum 81 square meter net clear internal floor area
exclusive of walls and partitions, staircase and toilet and have number of rooms as required by the Engineer . It shall be
constructed in 250mm thick brick wall in appropriate cement mortar with C.I. sheet roofing and a protective ceiling
made of hard board and timber to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The floor shall be 75mm thick lean concrete with
mirror polished floor tiles. The foundation of this building shall be sound to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The
building shall have required number of doors and windows. Uninterrupted power supply facility, if necessary, shall be
made available by means of arranging a stand-by generator.
Access road to the Field Office, sufficient parking accommodation and hard standing sheds for vehicles along with
boundary fencing shall be constructed by the Contractor.
Offices shall be maintained watertight and shall be provided with ventilation. All doors shall be fitted with approved
locks. Windows shall be provided with separate screens and blinds and shall have interior locking devices too.
All offices, complete with furnishings, fittings, access roads and hard standings shall be ready for occupation by the
Engineer within four weeks of the date when the Contractor first occupies the site.
All offices shall be regularly and properly cleaned as long as they are in use.
All access roads and hard standings shall be maintained in a convenient trafficable condition throughout the Contract
The contractor shall provide a cook and office staff in the field office throughout the contract period
The general location of the Field Office shall be decided by the Engineer in consideration of the Contractor ’s Work
Plans. The Field Office shall be situated at locations that shall be free from flooding.
The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer, along with the Tender, Plans and Drawings showing the
details for the building including Plans and Designs for foundations, access roads, sheds, etc. Plans shall also be
submitted showing architectural and structural details and the proposed layout of electrical and running water supply,
roads and hard standings thereto. The Engineer may require revision of the said Plan prior to the approval for
Prior to the occupation of the office, the Engineer may specify to the Contractor the defects in the works whereupon he
may occupy the office and withhold payment for the works in this item until the Contractor remedies and makes good
the said defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain the following list of furniture for each office
Table 1- 2 : List of Furniture to be provided and maintained for Engineer’s Site Office
Sl. No. Item Specification * Nos. Required *
01 Executive Table (For the Engineer) 2
02 Executive Chair (For the Engineer) 2
03 Table (For site Engineer, Accountant, Head Clerk) 2
04 Ordinary Chair Type I (For the Site Engineer, 4
Accountant, Head Clerk)
05 Visitors Chair (For Visitors) 10
06 Table (For all other staff) 2
07 Ordinary Chair Type II (For all other staff) 4
08 Steel Almirah 1
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09 Racks 2
10 File Cabinet 2
11 Computer with Printer(A3 Size) & Internet connection 2
12 Photocopier (A3 Size) 1
13 Air Coolers 2
14 Ceiling Fans 5
15 Cooking burner (double) 1
* Specifications and Numbers to be decided by the Engineer as per requirements of the Project
Offices shall be maintained watertight and shall be provided with ventilation. All doors shall be fitted with approved
Windows shall be provided with separate screens and blinds and shall have interior locking devices.
All offices, complete with furnishings, fittings, access roads and hard standings shall be ready, for occupation by the
Engineer, within four weeks of the date when the Contractor first occupies the site and not later than ten weeks after
the issue of the Notice to Proceed.
All offices shall be regularly and properly cleaned as long as they are in use.
All access roads and hard standings shall be maintained in a well-drained, conveniently trafficable condition,
throughout the contract period.
The general location of the Field Office shall be decided by the Engineer in consideration of the Contractor's work plans .
The field office shall be situated at locations that shall not be liable to flooding.

1.2.2 Office Equipment

Minor items of field office equipment such as filing trays, punches, staplers etc. shall be supplied in reasonable
quantities as requested by the Engineer.
Consumables such as paper, pens, files etc. shall be supplied in reasonable quantities as requested from time to time by
the Engineer.

1.2.3 Survey Equipment

As per requirement of the program, survey equipment shall be provided on each contract Site for use by the staff of the
Contractor and the Engineer. A tentative list of such survey equipment is given below:
Optical square 1 no.
Spirit level (metal 1m long) 1 no.
Steel measuring tape 25m long 1 no.
Steel measuring tape 5m long 1 no.
Leveling staff 3m long 1 no.
Ranging poles 5 nos.
Surveyor’s plumb bob 1 no.
Wild T-1A Theodolite with tripod (or equivalent) 1 no.
Wild NA-2 Automatic level with tripod (or equivalent) 1 no.
Traversing targets with tripods. 1 no.
Magnetic Compass. 1 no.

Miscellaneous tools and minor items of survey equipment such as umbrellas, hammers, knives etc. shall be made
available at site in reasonable numbers at all times for use by the staff of the Contractor and the Engineer.
Consumables such as pegs, stakes, string lines, paint, marking crayons, etc., shall be made available at site in reasonable
numbers and quantities at all times for use by the staff of the Contractor and the Engineer.
Upon completion of the Contract, the survey equipment listed above shall remain the property of the Contractor.

1.2.4 Ownership
Upon completion of the Contract, the furniture & office equipment listed above shall become the property of the
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1.2.5 Project Profile Sign Boards

The Contractor shall supply, erect and maintain in good condition at least two Identification Signboards of sizes to be
specified by the Engineer to be fixed one at each end of the Work at a place clearly visible to the public . The Signboards
shall be mounted on steel pipe frames with the required sizes at a height 2m above the ground and shall be sufficiently
strong to withstand the wind forces. The board shall be fabricated from steel angle and plates and painted with suitable
colors and written in English and/or Bengali as per direction of the Engineer.
Each board shall display:
- the name of the Implementing Agency
- the name of the Project
- the name of the Employer
- cost of the project
- completion time
- all other details as may be required by the Engineer.

1.2.6 Responsibility for Offices and Equipment

The Contractor shall provide and maintain all the furnishings and equipment detailed and shall replace any equipment
which is lost or irreparably damaged subject to the conditions that the Engineer shall ensure his staff to take all
reasonable precautions in the handling, operation and transport of such equipment. Maintenance includes the day to
day upkeep of the building and the surroundings, attending to repairs to various parts of the building, furniture, fittings,
office equipment and the connected services as and when necessary, including the periodic white / colour washing of
building and painting of wood work, steel work, replacing the broken window/ door/ ventilator glasses, furniture and
other hardware and maintaining necessary watch and ward during day and night.
The Contractor shall arrange to provide uninterrupted supply of electricity (where available) and water for the office
building. In case of failure of main power/ water supply, alternate source shall be available for providing supply. All
sources, tappings and connected equipment and fittings, piping, tanks, wiring and all accessories of the main alternate
power/ water supply, for the site office accommodation shall be the property of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall pay all expenses in respect of water, electricity (where available), garbage cleaning etc. necessary
for running the Office and maintaining conducive environment.
The Contractor shall place all necessary support staff such as office boys, cleaners, messengers, road-men, chain-men
etc. in required number to the Engineer and his personnel in smooth performing of his responsibilities.

1.2.7 Measurement and Payment

Payment for all the Field Office, equipment, project profile sign boards, photographs, services etc . detailed in this article
shall be made as described below, where price and payment shall be full compensations for complying with this section
of the Specification and the Conditions of Contract.
Payment of the rates for the Pay Items shall be full compensation for supplying, erecting and maintaining the Field
Offices for the Engineer, including all furniture and fittings, access roads, office equipment, sign boards, etc. all in
accordance with the requirements of the above provisions.
If the Contractor fails to hand over the finished office accommodation within the period stipulated under Clause 1.2.1,
an amount of TK. 15,000 per month or part thereof shall be debited to the Contractor’s account for the period of delay.
If at any stage, the Contractor fails to carry out the required maintenance satisfactorily, an amount of Tk . 5,000 per
month or part thereof shall be debited to the Contractor’s account. In addition, the month/ months during which the
Contractor fails to carry out the required maintenance satisfactorily shall not be measured for payment.
If the Contract works are not completed within the stipulated period or within the granted extended time of
completion, maintenance of site office accommodation shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost and as
such no payment shall be made for the same. In case of any failure by the Contractor to do so, an amount of TK. 15,000
per month or part thereof shall be debited to the Contractor’s account.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 1 -3.

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Table 1- 3 : Pay Items – Office Space and Facilities for the Engineer
Clause No. Description Units
1.2 Provide, erect and maintain office for the Engineer including Lump Sum


Notwithstanding the requirements stated in the detailed specifications for individual items, the following minimum
tests shall be carried out in the LGED specific laboratories and in the field . In cases the testing facilities are not available
in the LGED laboratory, the tests shall be performed elsewhere as directed by the Engineer.
Contractor’s Materials Engineer will be responsible for liaison and coordination with the site laboratory, the Engineer,
field sampling/testing staff and off-site laboratories to ensure that all sampling, specified tests and inspections are
carried out in a timely manner.
No inspection or approval by the Engineer shall relieve the Contractor of any of his duties and obligations under the
All test types and quantities described in the following Article 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 are considered "Normal Testing", whereas
anything beyond that in type and quantity is considered as "Special Testing". The Engineer may increase the frequency
of testing as required.

1.3.1 Embankment and Pavement Earthworks/Embankment Fill
Table 1- 4 : Testing Frequency for Embankment
i) Plasticity Index(PI) One / 2000 m3
ii) 4 day soaked CBR One / 2000 m3
iii) MDD(Standard) One / 2000 m3
iv) FDD One/ 600 m3
v) DCP One / 200 m3 Sub-grade
Table 1- 5 : Testing Frequency for Sub-Grade
i) Plasticity Index(PI) One / 7500 m2
ii) 4 day soaked CBR One / 7500 m2
iii) MDD One / 7500 m2
iv) FDD One / 2500 m2
v) DCP One / 900 m2 Improved Sub-grade

Table 1-6 : Testing Frequency for Improved Sub-Grade
i) FM / Gradation One / 500 m
ii) 4 day soaked CBR One / 1500 m3
iii) MDD One / 1500 m3
iv) FDD One / 500 m3
v) DCP One / 150 m3 Sub-Base

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Table 1- 7 : Testing Frequency for Sub-Base

(a) For approval of materials to be used in works the
following tests are to be done
i) Gradation One / 500 m3
ii) 4 day soaked CBR One / 1500 m3
iii) LAA One / 1000 m3
iv) MDD One / 1500 m3
v) W/A(Stone/Brick) One / 500 m3
(b) Field Test
vi) FDD One / 500 m3
vii) DCP One / 150 m3 Base course

Table 1-8 : Testing Frequency for Base Course (WBM/ WMM)
(a) For approval of materials to be used in works the
following tests are to be done
i) Gradation One / 500 m3
ii) 4 day soaked CBR One / 1500 m3
iii) LAA One / 1000 m3
iv) MDD One / 1500 m3
v) W/A(Stone/Brick) One / 500 m3
(b) Field Test
vi) FDD One / 500 m3
vii) DCP One / 150 m3 HBB Pavement

Table 1-9 : Testing Frequency for HBB Pavement
(a) For each consignment not exceeding 100,000 bricks,
minimum 6 (six) bricks shall be tested to ascertain
Dimensions and unit weight One / 2500 m3
Compressive strength One / 2500 m3
Water absorption One / 2500 m3

1.3.2 Sealing and Surfacing Bitumen Manufactures Certificates
The contractor shall provide the Engineer with Manufactures Certificates relating to separate batches of bituminous
material provided for sealing and surfacing operations.
These should include, but may not be limited to the following:
a) Penetration Grade
b) Specific Gravity
c) Softening Point
d) Flash Point
e) Solubility
f) Ductility
The contractor shall perform the above tests on bitumen or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Bitumen Application Rates

a) Prime Coat
b) Tack Coat
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c) Bituminous Surface Treatment

d) Otta Seal
Testing Frequency:
Manual Spray rates shall be measured in liters for each 10m 2 of spray area. Mechanical spray rates shall be measured in
liters per square meter of spray area. Aggregates
Gradation of Combined Aggregate (Fine and Course)
Testing Frequency:
I test per 500m (or greater than one if material character changes). Bituminous Carpeting

(a) Bitumen Content
As per specification and on the basis of laboratory tests.
(b) Stability of Mixture
(c) Density of Mixture
As per specification and on the basis of laboratory tests. Temperature Control

(a) Prime Coat
(b) Tack Coat
(c) Bituminous Carpet
(d) Bituminous Surface Treatment
(e) Otta Seal Coat
Testing Frequency
i) Temperature shall be checked during each day Prime Coat or Tack Coat operations as frequently as required by
the Engineer.
ii) For Bituminous Carpeting temperature shall be checked before mixing with aggregates, at the time of laying
and also during rolling.

1.3.3 Concrete Cement
For each consignment of a particular brand not exceeding 25 tons, at least 3 (three) samples collected random shall be
tested prior to the cement be incorporated in to the works to ascertain:
a) Setting time
b) Compressive strength
In addition to above tests, fineness test shall be performed for each consignment of particular brand not exceeding 100
tons. Aggregates Coarse Aggregate

The tests mentioned below tests shall be carried out for each day’s casting or per 15m3 of concrete, which ever
provides the greater number of tests.
a) Gradation
b) Water Absorption
c) Los Angeles Abrasion (ASTM C131 Grade B with 11-Ball Charges)
d) Specific Gravity
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e) Soundness test
f) Salinity Test Fine aggregate

The tests mentioned below shall be carried out for each day’s casting or per 15 m3 of concrete whichever provides the
greater number of tests.
a) Gradation
b) Fineness Modulus (F.M.).
c) Specific Gravity and Absorption
d) Salinity Workability
(a) Slump
Testing Frequency
The above tests shall be carried out as frequently as required by the Engineer and not less than one per hour during
concreting operations. Concrete Strength

(a) Cube/Cylinder Strength at 7 days and 28 days
(b) Density/Unit weight
Testing Frequency
At least 6 cylinders shall be kept from each class of concrete for each days casting or 15m 3 of concrete for testing at 7
days and 28 days. The location in the structure of the concrete from which the samples were taken should be recorded .
Each and every twenty-eight days Cylinders shall attain the minimum specified compressive strength.
The twenty-eight days strength tests shall be used as a basis for acceptance of the concrete. Seven days tests are made
to obtain advance information on the adequacy of strength development. Age-strength relationships shall be pre-
established for the materials and proportion used.

1.3.4 Reinforcement
For each consignment not exceeding 50 (fifty) tons or as directed, 3 (three) representative samples of each size of M.S.
bar shall be tested for:
a) Diameter/Area
b) Unit/Weight
c) Tensile Strength
d) Yield strength
e) Bend Test
f) Elongation at Fracture and
g) Total Elongation at Maximum Force
Only test Certificates issued by LGED, BUET, RUET, KUET & CUET shall be accepted by the Engineer.

1.3.5 Elastomeric bearings

No bearing shall be installed unless an approved laboratory on sampled bearings has completed tests in accordance
with AASHTO M 251 and the Engineer has approved the bearings, having achieved all requirements.
The Contractor shall supply all the requisite number of bearings required for a bridge to the respective Office of the
Executive Engineer. Samples for inspection and testing shall be selected from within the lot at random. A minimum of 1
one) bearing shall be taken from the lot when the requirement of bearings remains within 12 (twelve), 2 (two) bearings
shall be taken for testing when the number of required bearings is more than 12 (twelve) but not exceeding 30 (thirty).
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When it exceeds 30 (thirty), then additional testing requirement shall be 1 (one) for each additional 30 (thirty), or part
thereof. The selected samples shall be sent to the authorized laboratory (preferably BUET) in sealed condition.
The test shall be conducted to verify the results in accordance with the requirements specified in the Table given under
‘Elastomeric Bearings’ in the Sub-section of ‘Construction Materials’ of this Specification.

1.3.6 Geo-textiles
Tests of mass per unit area, thickness and tensile strength in accordance with the Standards listed under the Section on
‘Construction Materials’ shall be carried out by an approved testing laboratory on samples taken from each quantity of
10,000 m2 of geo-textile fabric supplied. The k and 090 values shall be tested on samples taken from every 50,000 m 2 of
geo-textile fabric supplied. Seams shall be tested for tensile strength every 10,000 m of seam.
The geo-technical test results of the underlying embankment soil together with the manufacturer’s specification and
installation instructions for the proposed cloth, including permeability and porosity (with methods of testing) and a
sample of the cloth shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer.
The sample size for the fabric shall be 2 square meter and shall be marked to indicate its upper side, longitudinal and
transverse directions, type of geo-textile and the date that the sample was taken. Seam samples shall be at least 1m in
length and the ends of the threads are to be firmly tied of by the Contractor or Supplier at the time the samples are
taken. Each test shall be carried out on at least five samples.
The Contractor shall bear the expenses of all routine tests. Notwithstanding the submission of reports to the effect that
the geo-textile conforms to the Specification, the Engineer shall at all times be entitled to have additional samples of
geo-textile tested, if he is of the opinion that the geo-textile does not conform to the Specification. The Engineer shall
only select samples from ends of geo-textile rolls or geo-textile, which has been cut already.
A geo-textile will be regarded as defective, if any of the specified values are not achieved other than those of unit
weight and effective opening size, for which the following tolerances will be permitted:
(a) Single layered geo-textiles:
Unit weight - minus 10%
O90 - plus or minus 20%
(b) Composite geo-textiles:
Total weight - minus 15%
Single layer weight - minus 20%
O90 - plus or minus 20%

1.3.7 Payment Normal Testing
(a) The cost of providing and transporting samples to the Laboratory specified by the Engineer shall be borne by
the contractor.
(b) The cost of all normal testing as specified in article 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 are to be borne by the contractor at LGED
current Standard Rates, or, if they cannot be carried out by the LGED laboratory, at the rate charges by the
respective laboratory.

1.3.8 Special Testing

(a) All tests instructed by the Engineer in type and quantity beyond those specified in article 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 shall
be paid to the contractor.
(b) The cost of these tests is covered by a provisional sum. Only in case of failure of the test results to meet the
required Specifications, the cost will be charged to the contractor.
In addition to the above Tests thickness of every items on pavements should be checked at an interval of 100m or may
be increased as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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1.4.1 Scope
The work covers the provision and maintenance of an adequately equipped field laboratory as required for site control
on the quality of materials and the works.

1.4.2 Description
The Contractor shall arrange to provide fully furnished and adequately equipped field laboratory constructed as shown
in drawings. The field laboratory shall preferably be located adjacent to the site office of the Engineer and provided
with amenities like water supply, electric supply etc. as for the site office of the Engineer in Clause 1.2.
The floor space requirement for the field laboratory shall be as indicated in the drawing, it shall include office space for
the Materials Engineers, one from the Contractor's side and another from the Engineer's side and a store for the
storage of samples. The remaining space shall be provided for the installation of equipment, laboratory tables and
cupboards, working space for carrying out various laboratory tests, besides a wash basin, toilet facility and a curing tank
for the curing of samples, around 4m x 2m x 1m in size and a fume chamber. The furnishing in each of two offices of the
Materials Engineers shall be as provided for the Site Engineer in Table 1 -2. Wooden/concrete working table with a
working platform area of about 1m x 10m shall be provided against the walls, also providing wooden cupboards above
and below the working tables to store accessories such as sample moulds etc.

1.4.3 Laboratory Equipment

For the purpose of establishing laboratory, projects are categorized under the following categories:
a) Projects costing Tk. 100 crore and above; and
b) Projects costing less than Tk. 100 crore
The items of laboratory equipment shall be provided in the field laboratory depending upon the items to be executed
as per Table 1 -10.
Table 1-10 : List of Laboratory Equipment
Sl. Name Project Costing
No. < 100 Crore ≥ 100 Crore
01 Weight Balances
a) 7 kg to 10 kg capacity semi-self indicating type – Accuracy 1 gm 1 No. 2 Nos.
b) 500 gm capacity semi-self indicating Electronic Type Accuracy 0.01 gm 1 No. 3 Nos.
c) Pan balance 5 Kg capacity Accuracy 0.5 gm 1 No. 1 No.
d) Platform Scale – 300kg capacity 1 No. 1 No.
e) Chemical Balance 100gm capacity – Accuracy 0.001 - 1 No.
02 Oven-electrically operated, thermostatically controlled (including 1 No. 1 No.
thermometer), stainless steel interior
a) From 100°C to 220°C Sensitivity 1°C
03 Sieves: as per ASTM
a) ASTM Sieves 450 mm internal diameter of sieve sets of required sieve 1 Set 2 Sets
sizes complete with lid and pan
b) ASTM Sieves 200 mm internal diameter (brass frame and steel/or brass 2 Sets 2 Sets
wire cloth mesh) consisting of sieve sets of required sieve sizes
complete with lid and pan
04 Sieve shaker capable of taking 200 mm and 450 mm diameter sieves-electrically 1 No. 1 No.
operated with time switch assembly (As per ASTM)
05 200-ton compression testing machine 1 No. 1 No.
06 Stop watches 1/5 sec. accuracy 1 No. 2 Nos.
07 Glassware comprising beakers, pipettes, dishes, measuring cylinders (100 to As required 1 Doz
1000 cc capacity) glass roads and funnels, glass thermometers range 0°C to
100°C and metallic thermometers range up to 300°C.
08 Hot plates 200 mm diameter (1500 watt) 1 No. 2 Nos.
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09 Enamel Trays:
a) 600 mm x 450 mm x 50 mm 2 Nos. 6 Nos.
b) 450 mm x 300 mm x 40 mm 2 Nos. 6 Nos.
c) 300 mm x 250 mm x 40 mm 2 Nos. 6 Nos.
d) Circular Plates of 250 mm diameter 1 No. 1 No.
10 Water Testing Kit 1 No. 1 No.
11 Bentonite Slurry Test Kit Box 1 No. 1 No.
01 Water still - 1 No.
02 Liquid limit device with ASTM Grooving tools 1 No. 2 Nos.
03 Sampling pipettes fitted with pressure and suction inlets, 10 ml. Capacity 1 set 1 set
04 Standard Proctor Compaction apparatus as per AASHTO T 99 complete with 1 No. 2 Nos.
collar, base plate and hammer and all other accessories
05 Modified Proctor Compaction apparatus as per AASHTO T 180 complete with 1 No. 2 Nos.
collar, base plate hammer and all other accessories.
06 Sand pouring cylinder with conical funnel and tap and complete as per AASHTO 2 Nos. 6 Nos.
T 191 including modern equipment.
07 Sampling tins with lids 100 mm dia. x 75 mm ht. ½ kg capacity and 4 Nos. 24 Nos.
miscellaneous items like moisture tins with lid 50 grams etc.
08 Lab CBR testing equipment for conducting CBR testing, load frame with 5 Ton 1 Set 1 Set
capacity, electrically operated with speed control as per IS 2720 (Part 16) and
consisting of following:
a) CBR moulds 150 mm diameter – 175 mm ht. Complete with collar, base
plate etc.
b) Tripod stands for holding dial gauge holder
c) CBR plunger with settlement dial gauge holder
d) Surcharge weight 147 mm diameter 2.5 kg wt. With central hole
e) Spacers disc 148 mm diameter 47.7 mm ht. With handle
f) Perforated plate (Brass)
g) Soaking tank for accommodating 6 CBR moulds
h) Proving rings of 1000kg, 2500kg capacity
i) Dial gauges 25 mm travel – 0.01 mm/division
09 Standard penetration test equipment 1 No. 2 Nos.
10 Nuclear moisture Density meter or equivalent - 1 No.
11 Speedy moisture meter complete with chemicals 1 No. 2 Nos.
12 Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus 1 No. 1 No.
01 Constant temperature bath for accommodating bitumen test specimen, 1 No. 1 No.
electrically operated, and thermostatically controlled
02 Penetrometer automatic type, including adjustable weight arrangement and 1 No. 1 No.
03 Soxhlet extraction or centrifuge type apparatus complete with extraction 1 No. 1 No.
thimbles with solvent and filter paper
04 Bitumen laboratory mixer including required accessories 1 No. 1 No.
05 Marshall compaction apparatus automatically operated as per ASTM 1559 1 Set 1 Set
complete with accessories
06 Distant reading thermometer 1 No. 1 No.
07 Rifle box - 1 No.
08 Automatic Asphalt content Meter - 1 No.
09 Mastic Asphalt Hardness testing equipment - 1 Set
10 Sand Equivalent test apparatus 1 Set 1 Set
11 Core cutting machine suitable for upto 150 mm diameter core 1 Set 1 Set
12 Thermometers 4 sets 4 sets

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01 Water Still 1 No. 1 No.

02 Vicat Needle apparatus for setting time with plungers as per AASHTO T 129 1 No. 1 No.
03 Moulds
a) 150 mm x 300 mm ht. cylinder with capping component along with the As required As required
capping seta and compound as per ASTM
b) Cube 150 mm, and 100 mm (each size) As Required As Required
04 Concrete permeability apparatus - 1 No.
05 High frequency mortar cube vibrator for cement testing - 1 No.
06 Concrete mixer power driven, 1 cft capacity - 1 No.
07 Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating table size 1 m x 1 m as per the - 1 No.
relevant British Standard
08 Flakiness Index Test Apparatus 1 No. 1 No.
09 Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus 1 No. 1 No.
10 Los Angeles Abrasion Test Apparatus 1 No. 1 No.
11 Flow Table - 1 No.
12 Equipment for Slump Test 1 No. 4 Nos.
13 Equipment for determination of specific gravity for fine and coarse aggregate 1 No. 4 Nos.
14 Compression and Flexural strength testing machine of 200T capacity with 1 No. 1 No.
additional dial for flexural testing
15 Core cutting machine with 100 mm dia diamond cutting edge 1 No. 2 Nos.
16 Needle Vibrator 2 Nos. 4 Nos.
17 0.5 Cft, 1 Cft cylinder for checking bulk density of aggregate with temping rod As required As required
18 Soundness testing apparatus for cement 1 Set 1 Set
01 Total Station 1 No. 1 No.
02 Precision automatic level with micrometer attachment 1 Set 2 Sets
03 Distomat or equivalent 1 Set 1 Set
04 Theodolite: Electrically operated with computerized output attachment 1 Set 1 Set
05 Precision staff 2 Sets 3 Sets
06 3 meter straight edge and measuring wedge 1 Set 1 Set
07 Camber template 2 Lane
a) Crown type cross-section 1 Set 1 Set
b) Straight run cross-section 2 Sets 2 Sets
08 Steel Tape
a) 5 m long 2 Sets 2 Sets
b) 10 m long 2 Sets 2 Sets
c) 20 m long 2 Sets 2 Sets
d) 30 m long 2 Sets 2 Sets
e) 50 m long 1 Set 2 Sets
Note: The items and their numbers listed above in this section shall be decided by the Engineer as per requirements
of the Project and modified accordingly.

1.4.4 Approval of Laboratory

The Contractor shall complete the field laboratory to the satisfaction of the Engineer within 90 days of the Notification
of Award. Prior to acceptance of the laboratory and the equipment, the Engineer shall inspect the said laboratory for
compliance with this specification.
The Contractor shall order all required equipment for the laboratory within 10 days of the issue of the Notification of
Award and shall provide documentary evidence of having placed the necessary orders.
If the Contractor fails to complete the laboratory within the specified period, the Engineer reserves the right to delay
approval for commencement of the permanent works in the Contract and / or carry out any sampling and laboratory
testing in any other laboratory with any fees and charges to be deducted from any amounts due to the Contractor.

1.4.5 Ownership
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The field laboratory building shall be the property of the Contractor. The Employer and the Engineer shall have free
access to the laboratory during construction and defect liability period of the Contract.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the contractor shall, upon completion of the Works, remove and clear away
the laboratory building from the Site and reinstate the areas to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The laboratory equipment shall be handed over to the Employer after being completely refurbished.

1.4.6 Maintenance
The Contractor shall all times be responsible for maintain the laboratory and all testing equipment in an acceptable
condition for use. The Contractor shall provide replacement equipment where required by the Engineer whilst
equipment is being repaired. Disposable supplies and consumables, reagents, etc. associated with laboratory
operations and testing shall at all times be kept replenished so as to prevent testing delays.
The Contactor shall also include for routine maintenance of the facility which shall include, but not be limited to: daily
dusting, cleaning and janitorial work; window washing and wet floor mopping; necessary maintenance and repair to
mechanical, air-conditioning, heating, electrical and plumbing systems; providing potable water and toilet supplies;
disposal of all wastes; maintenance of interior and exterior of laboratory building, grounds and paved areas, including
any repairs thereto. Maintenance shall also include providing water, gas, electricity, and local telephone services, and
any other maintenance or service as specified herein or as further directed by the Engineer. Maintenance work by the
Contractor shall be generally scheduled outside of the normal working hours of the Engineer and as directed by the
The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay all charges, fees or other expenses for maintaining water, gas,
electricity and telephone services, and other utilities for the whole of the construction period for the Works until the
issue of Taking-Over Certificate.

1.4.7 Personnel
The Contractor shall employ a suitably qualified and experience Materials Engineer throughout the Contract to take
primary responsibility for formulation and implementation of the Contractor’s Quality Plan. He shall be responsible for
liaising and coordinating with the Engineer’s laboratories. Engineer’s field sampling/ testing staff and off-site
laboratories to ensure all sampling, specified tests and inspections applicable to the Contract are carried out in a timely
The Contractor shall provide suitably experienced and capable laboratory technicians and labourers to assist the
Engineer with the taking of samples and testing.

1.4.8 Measurement and Payment

Payment will be made as indicated in Table 1 -11.

Table 1-11 : Pay Items – Provision and Maintenance of Field Laboratory

Clause No. Description Units
1.4 Provide and maintain full equipped Field Laboratory Lump Sum


1.5.1 Health and Safety

The Contractor shall in addition to complying with the specific requirements of the General Conditions and with the
national standards of the Government of Bangladesh in respect of health and safety, observe and maintain standards,
towards all of his employees, not less than those laid down by his own national standards or statutory regulations.
He should take all reasonable steps including training and safety drill to ensure the safety of all persons on the site,
whether in his employ or not. Safety is paramount.
The Contractor shall provide all appropriate protective clothing and equipment for the work to be done and ensure its
proper use. Where required safety nets, belts, belts harnesses and life belts and rescue works shall be provided . All
safety and rescue equipment shall be fully maintained and available for use at all times.

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The Contractor shall provide and maintain in prominent and well-marked positions all necessary first-aid equipment,
medical supplies and other facilities. A sufficient number of trained personnel shall be available at all times to render
first aid. A suitably equipped room shall be made available with beds and stretchers for emergency medical treatment,
and a planned system for removal to hospital for authorized persons requiring further treatment shall be provided by
the contractor.
The contractor shall report to the Engineer promptly and in writing particulars of any accident or unusual or unforeseen
occurrences on the site, whether likely to affect progress of the work or not.
The primary objective is always to maintain the safety of the workforce and the travelling public through the work zone
area during the period of construction. The Contractor’s shall follow the existing guidelines, ‘Traffic Signs Manual –
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, Section E7 ‘Safety at Roadworks’ – A Code of Practice for Signing at Roadworks.
No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemed to have been included in the
general obligation of the Contractor.

1.5.2 Safety Relating to Temporary Structures

The contractor must submit complete design calculations plans and technical details of all proposed temporary
structure for the Engineer’s prior approval before their construction commences. The Engineer’s approval will not
relieve the contractor of any contractual liabilities.
The contractor must also ensure that all necessary safety regulations and precautions must be complied with during the
erection, use and dismantling of temporary structures.
No separate payment will be made for temporary structures which are not scheduled in the Bill of Quantities. They will
be deemed to have been included in the rate items listed in the Bill of Quantities.

1.5.3 Safety Relating to Navigable Waterways

The Contractor shall in addition to complying with the specific requirements of the General Conditions and with the
national standards of the Government of Bangladesh in respect of navigable waterways, shall comply with all orders
and directions given by the Engineer in respect of the safety of navigation and with requirement for marking, watching
and lighting any structure, craft or equipment which may be used in the construction of the works.
Minimum one 65m span shall be kept always navigable during the construction period .
The contractor shall not lay down or provide permanent moorings for his floating plant. The Contractor’s temporary
moorings shall be positioned and installed to the approval of the Engineer and the Bangladesh Inland Waterway
Transportation Authority (BIWTA). Prior notification of their installation shall be officially given to BIWTA.
Spoil excavated or dredged by the Contractor shall be deposited in an unobjectionable place outside the site premises
which will not create silting up of existing low water channels with minimum water way traffic disruption and the
Procuring Entity will not responsible for any irregularities by the party regarding disposing of the earth.
The Contractor shall without delay raise and remove or recover any material, construction plant (floating or otherwise)
or vessel belonging to or hired by him which may be sunk, stranded or gone adrift in the course of construction
completion or maintenance of the works, or otherwise deal with the same as the Engineer may direct.
If the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to fulfill his obligations under these Special Requirements the Employer
shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons or entity to carry out such work as the Engineer may consider
urgently necessary. The costs so incurred shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Engineer .
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and measures to avoid interruption of services of the existing ferry
or navigation as a consequence of his temporary works or construction of the permanent works.
No payment would be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemed to have been included in the
general obligation of the Contractor.

1.5.4 Environmental Requirement

The Contractor shall comply, in addition to the specific requirements of the General Conditions and other parts of these
Specifications, with the requirements of the Environmental Monitoring guideline prepared in accordance with the
requirement of Statutes/Law of Bangladesh and International standards. In respect of controlling damage to the

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environment and controlling pollution the Contractor shall be bound to follow the regulation /law of Bangladesh and
any statutory bodies or the requirement of such laws of his own home country whichever is more stringent Specific Environmental Concerns

The specific environmental concerns are:
 Emissions to air (dust, smoke etc.)
 Emissions to land (solid and liquid domestic & industrial waste etc.)
 Emission to water (dredge spoil, surface & foul water drainage etc.)
 Noise and visual pollution
These are now described one by one while it will be indicated to which particular contract they are applicable. Emissions to air Generation of dust

The spread of wind-blown soil particles derived from unpaved haulage and access roads, reclaimed areas and stockpiles
of soil, and dust from rock handling may cause a problem during the dry season if strong winds prevail . Such dust may
cause the health risks for the labourers and for the population living nearby.
As part of his obligation to minimize disturbance to other users, the Contractor is required to water unpaved roads
under dry weather conditions and impose speed limits on access and haulage roads.
The nature of a major earthworks operation inevitably gives rise to a dust nuisance the effects of which are to be
minimized as far as practicable by watering and route and speed control of vehicles . The dust nuisance from the
Contractor’s crushing plant is to be controlled by the use of water sprays. Air pollution

Exhaust emissions caused by the use of vehicles, machinery and other engine driven equipment used by the contractors
should not exceed the exhaust emission standards as set forward in the tables below, which are based on the
Bangladesh EQS for emission standards for gaseous exhausts.
Emission standard values for Motor Vehicle Exhaust
Parameters determinates Unit Standard Value
- Black smoke (1) Hatridge Smoke Unit (HSU) 65(3)
- CO(2) g/m3 24
- hydrocarbon(2) percent volume 4(4)
- NOx(2) g/m3 2
ppm 180
g/m3 2
ppm 600

(a) measured at two thirds of maximum rotating speed

(b) whichever is lower out of two values expressed in two different units
(c) for vehicles more than 5 years old, or that have completed 80,000 km the standard value is 75 HSU
(d) Two and three wheeler vehicles with engine displacement less than cm 3 the standard value is 5 volume
Emission standard values for Black Smoke Emission from boat/ship/vessel
Parameters Unit Standard Value
-Black smoke (1) Hatridge Smoke Unit (HSU) 65 (3)
measured at two thirds of maximum rotating speed
The ambient air quality in and around the work site should meet the standard values for ambient air quality described
in the following table. Regular maintenance of engines and equipment is considered to be important for reducing
emissions. The Bangladesh EQS for air quality are presented in the next table.
Ambient air quality standards for different categories of environments.

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Category of Environment Concentration { µg/m3}

Suspended SO2 CO No.
Particular Mater
Industrial and mixed use 500 120 5000 100
Commercial and mixed use 400 100 5000 100
Residential and rural 200 80 2000 800
Sensitive 100 30 1000 300
The category of environment of the area surrounding the work site can be characterized as rural . For ambient air
quality the standards for residential and rural areas should therefore be met. Garbage separation

- All chemical products must be collected separately from the “normal garbage”
- Used oil must be collected into “used oil” drums
- Used batteries must be collected in “used batteries” storage for recycling
- Used oil fuel filters must be collected in a leakage free drum
Garbage collecting system: The location of the garbage containers will be set out in the plan of the working area and
camp area. The garbage from any vessels will be brought ashore.
Garbage discharge: The garbage will be brought to a dedicated area approved for disposal by the Engineer. Other environmental procedures:

- Building/construction materials must be ordered from the stores in the exact amounts needed, if possible in
the right size, to minimize wastage.
- All materials must be stored in the correct way.
- Leftover material (usable) must be re-used or recycled.
- Discharging or charging of chemicals shall take place above a “leakage bin”.
- Cleaning of tools (painting) shall take place in a bin, suitable for handing solvents.
- Causing nuisance shall be kept to a minimum.
- The working area must be kept clean and tidy.
- The gaseous pollutant emissions shall be reduced by proper maintenance of the construction equipment. Emission to water

The Engineer is required to approve all work method associate with the excavating of soil below water level and
subsequent disposal. Locations for disposal of soil excavated from below water level in order of preference are:
a) Disposal on land through hydraulic fill;
b) Disposal on char land if not occupied for agriculture;
c) Aquatic disposal into the deepest channels of the river,
d) During construction, the contractor shall ensure that the embankments, construction materials such as fill
sand, and gravel are not washed out with the rainwater.
Unless approved otherwise, dredged material shall be deposited on land. Land disposal

- Test have revealed the presence of any toxic or polluting substance in the river bed material.
- the bunds or embankments for the hydraulic fill are to be of such quality that no spills or breaches occur,
damaging neighboring land;
- to prevent water logging of agricultural areas in the flood plains surrounding hydraulic fill areas, drains shall be
constructed around the embankments to evacuate water by gravity to the river;

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- If the fill materials are taken from farm topsoil or upper layer, the contractor shall ascertain that the silt
deposition is sufficient to rehabilitate the farmland within three years and the deposited soil is not at the
expense of the fertility of adjacent properties.
- Farmland shall be given the lowest priority in sourcing the fill materials . Farmlands shall be used only if there is
no other alternative within 5 km from the construction site.
- The use of dredge materials from rivers and creeks should be given priority especially if the materials are sandy
and relatively free from organic materials compared to farmland topsoil.
- The second preferred source of fill materials is excavation from pond construction . If the borrow pit is not used
for aquaculture, it should be taken care to compact the side of the pit to prevent soil erosion and to introduce
fish and other aquatic life to control insects such as mosquitoes. Waste material disposal

The concentration of suspended sediment in the effluent from the excavation works, discharged into natural or existing
water courses shall never exceed 4,000 ppm.
Disposal of dredged materials shall only take place on char land if not occupied for agricultural purposes or in the major
river channel minimizing the impact on riverine transport and on aquatic organisms living in or at the river bottom. Noise and visual pollution Visual pollution

The contractor shall ensure all temporary works are kept neat and tidy and the site cleaned regularly. Noise pollution

- Dense road side vegetation barriers shall be provided at sensitive sites.
- Good traffic control shall be provided at construction sites to minimize congestion and honking.
The Contractor, in planning his works must recognize the distinction between noise pollution as experienced by the
villagers living around the works and noise hazards to the labour working on the construction site.
In the case of villagers, the main forms of noise pollution will be:
- pile driving
- crushing plant
- generators
- haulage and compaction equipment
- earth and rock moving equipment is of consideration

These activities should be confined to day time operation and not after 10pm.
In the case of Contractors labour the impact of noise pollution on operators and adjacent personnel could be much
more of a problem:
Ear protectors shall be used in any environment where the noise may exceed the level of 80 dB(A).
Notice boards must be placed in areas where the noise exceeds this level and where ear protectors must be worn .
Noise levels should be measured if any doubt exists.
Spot checks shall be made by Engineer with the assistance of Department of Environment to verify whether ear
protectors (a) are provided by the various contractor and (b) are in fact used by the labour working in the noisy area.
Table 1-12 : Pay Items – Environmental Monitoring Plan
Clause No. Description Units
1.5.4 Provision for environmental monitoring km

1.5.5 Security
The Contractor’s responsibility for the security and safe working environment of the site commences from the time
possession is given to him by the Employer.

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As soon as possible after possession has been given, the boundary of the site shall be marked out, and the contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for approval his proposals for maintaining the boundary and the security within.
The Contractor’s proposals shall include a security control system which shall consist of sufficient equipment and
personnel to prevent unauthorized access and which can meet the prevailing circumstances to ensure the safety and
security of persons and property on the site.
The Contractor shall erect and maintain at his own expense suitable and approved temporary fencing and gates to
enclose certain areas of the works being carried out, the office and accommodation compounds, and other areas of
land as may be necessary to implement his obligations under the contract or as directed by the Engineer.
All authorized persons shall be registered by the Engineer and this register shall be provided and maintained by the
No payment will be made for services under this clause as the same shall be deemed to have been included in the
general obligation of the Contractor.

1.5.6 Cleaning Description
During the period of construction activity, the contractor shall maintain the works free from accumulations of waste,
debris, and rubbish, caused by the constructions. At the completion of the works all waste and surplus materials,
rubbish, tools, equipment and machinery shall be removed, all sight-exposed surfaces shall be cleaned and the project
left in a condition ready for occupancy to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Cleaning During Construction

- Execute regular cleaning to ensure that the site works, structures, temporaries, offices and accommodation
quarters, are maintained free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from
the site work operations and maintain the site in neat and orderly condition free from environmental hazards
at all times.
- Ensure that the drainage system is maintained free of debris and loose material and in an operational
condition at all times.
- Ensure that grass growing on the existing or newly constructed berms and side slopes is regularly trimmed and
- When required, spray dry materials and rubbish with water to prevent blowing dust or sand.
- Ensure that traffic signs and the like are regularly cleaned free of dirt and other materials.
- Provide on-site drum containers for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish awaiting removal
from site.
- Dispose of waste material, debris and rubbish at designed dumping areas and in accordance with National
ordinance and pollution laws.
- Do not bury rubbish and waste material on the project site without the approval of the Engineer.
- Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinners in storm or sanitary drains or in
places not approved by the Engineer or Statutory Authority having jurisdiction in such mattress.
- Do not dispose of wastes into streams or waterways.
- Should it come to the Contractor’s attention that the side drainage ditches or other parts or the drainage
system are being used, whether by the Contractor’s employees or by others for the disposal of anything other
than surface water he shall immediately report the circumstances to the Engineer and shall take action as
directed by the Engineer to prevent any further pollution from occurring.
- At the completion of the Works the site shall be left clean and ready for use by the Employer . The Contractor
shall also restore to original condition those portions of the site not designated for alternation by the Contract

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- At the time of final cleaning, all pavements, curbs, and structures shall be inspected for physical damage
before final sweeping. Paved areas of the site and all public paved areas directly adjacent to the site shall be
broomed clean. Other surfaces shall be raked clean and all resultant debris shall be completely removed. Basis of Payment

No separate payment will be made for the Contractor’s cleaning operations executed in accordance with this Clause of
the specifications, the cost of this work being deemed to be included in the various lump sum pay items or unit rates of
the tender for routine maintenance operations as specified in other Clauses of these Specifications.

1.5.7 Sanitation
The contractor shall provide adequate water-borne sanitation and refuse collection and disposal complying with the
laws of Bangladesh and all local By-Laws and to the satisfaction of the Engineer for all Offices, Laboratories, Workshops
and houses etc. erected on the site. Adequate sanitary arrangement should be provided for the people working on the
site preferably separate arrangement for the women workers.


1.6.1 Scope
The work covers the supply of photographs, negatives and albums to serve as a permanent record of various stages/
facets of the work needed for an authentic documentation as approved by the Engineer.

1.6.2 Description
The Contractor shall arrange to take colour photographs at various stages/ facets of the work including interesting and
novel features of the work as desired by the Engineer. The photographs shall be of acceptable quality and they shall be
taken by a professionally competent photographer with camera having the facility to record the date of photographs
taken in the prints. The Contractor shall supply two colour prints of each of the photographs taken to the standard 4R
size mounted in albums of acceptable quality. Also the soft copy in JPEG format shall be supplied for each photograph.
Each photograph in the album shall be suitably captioned.

1.6.3 Measurements
Supply of two copies of colour record photographs mounted in the albums and the soft copy thereof shall be measured
in number of record photographs supplied.
Supply of additional prints of colour record photographs shall be measured in number of additional prints supplied.

1.6.4 Payment
The rate for the supply of record photographs shall include the cost of taking the photographs, developing and
obtaining colour prints, cost of album, mounting of photographs and captioning the same etc.
The rate for additional colour prints shall similarly include all costs incurred.
The photographs and materials including negatives shall form a part of the records of the Procuring Entity and the
prints of the same cannot be supplied to anybody else or published without the written permission of the Procuring
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 1 -13.
Table 1-13 : Pay Items – Supply of Colour Record Photographs
Clause No. Description Units
1.6 Colour Record Photographs Hour


1.7.1 Description
The work consists of taking videos of important activities of the work as directed by the Engineer during the currency of
the project and editing them to a video film of playing time not less than 60 minutes and upto 180 minutes as directed
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by the Engineer. It shall narration of the activities in English/ Bengali by a competent narrator. The edition of the video
film and the script for narration shall be as approved by the Engineer. The video firm shall be of acceptable quality and
the film shall be capable of producing colour pictures.

1.7.2 Measurements
The measurement shall be days or part of days required to shoot the specific film and sets of original & narrated DVDs
each with two copies thereof.

1.7.3 Payment
The contract unit rate shall include all expenses for making video films with the help of a professionally competent
videographer, editing, narration and supplying the master and final edited DVDs along with two copies thereof.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 1 -14.
Table 1-14 : Pay Items – Supply of Videographs and DVDs
Clause No. Description Units
1.7 Videography Day


Prior to start of the construction activities at site, the Contractor shall, within 28 days after the date of the agreement
unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, submit to the Engineer for approval, the detailed method statement. The
method statement shall be submitted in two parts.
The general part of the method statement shall describe the Contractor’s proposals regarding preliminary works,
common facilities and other items that require consideration at the early stage of the contract. The general part shall
include information on:
a) Sources of materials like coarse aggregates and fine aggregates, quantity and quality of materials available in
different sources;
b) Sources of manufactured materials like bitumen, cement, steel reinforcement, pre-stressing strands and
bearings etc. He shall also submit samples/test certificates of materials for consideration of the Engineer;
c) Locations of the site facilities such as batching plant, hot mix plant, crushing plant, aggregate processing unit
d) Details of facilities available for transportation of men/material and equipment;
e) Information on procedure to be adopted by the Contractor for prevention and mitigation of negative
environmental impact due to construction activities;
f) Safety and traffic arrangement during construction:
g) Any other information required by the Engineer.
Special part of the method statement shall be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor for each important item of
work as directed by the Engineer. The statement shall be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the commencement
of the activity of item of work unless otherwise stipulated in the contract. The statement shall give information on:
a) Details of the personnel both for execution and quality control of the work;
b) Equipment deployment with details of the number of units, capacity, standby arrangement;
c) Sequence of construction and details of temporary or enabling works like diversion, cofferdam, formwork
including specialized formwork for superstructure, details of borrow areas, method of construction of
embankment, sub-grade and pavement, pile concreting, proprietary processes and products and equipment to
be deployed. Wherever required technical literature, design calculations and drawings shall be included in the
method statement;
d) Testing and acceptance procedure including documentation;
e) The special part for the particular item of work shall accompany the method statement for the concerned

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The Engineer shall examine and approve the method statement with the required modifications . The modified method
statement if required shall be submitted within 14 days of the receipt of the Engineer’s approval. The sole responsibility
for adequacy and safety of the method adopted by the Contractor shall rest on the Contractor irrespective of any
approval given by the Engineer.


Ordinarily, no construction traffic shall be allowed on pavement under construction unless authorized by the Engineer .
Even in that case, the load and intensity of construction traffic should be so regulated that no damage is caused to the
sub-grade or pavement layers already constructed. Where necessary, service roads shall be constructed for this
purpose and the same shall be considered as incidental to the work.
The wheels or the tracks of plant moving over the various pavement courses shall be kept free of deleterious materials.
Bituminous base course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated as long as the same remains uncovered by a wearing
course or surface treatment. The only traffic permitted access to the base course shall be that engaged in laying and
compacting the wearing course or that engaged on such surface treatment where the base course is to be blinded
and/or surface dressed. Should the base course or tack coat on the base course become contaminated, the Contractor
shall make good by clearing it to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and if this is impracticable, by removing the layer and
replacing it to Specifications without any extra cost to the Employer.

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2.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of all clearing and grubbing necessary for the performance of the work covered by the Contract
in accordance with the Specification.
The clearing and grubbing shall consist of clearing the designated areas of all down timber, vegetation, rubbish and
objectionable materials and shall include grubbing roots and stumps and disposing of all material resulting from the
clearing and grubbing. It shall also include the demolition, removal and disposal of structures that obtrude the work
except where provided for in Section 2.3 of this Specification.
Clearing shall be confined the areas enclosed within the Site. Grubbing shall be confined to areas covered by the

2.1.2 Preservation of Property/ Amenities

Roadside trees, shrubs and other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all
road facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are not to be disturbed shall be protected from injury or
damage. The Contractor shall provide and install at his own expense, suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer
for this purpose.
During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil erosion, water pollution
etc. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, his work plan including the
procedure to be followed for disposal of waste materials, etc.

2.1.3 Methods of Execution Clearing
Clearing shall consist of the removal and disposal of everything above ground level including overhanging branches
except those things the Engineer directs are to be left undisturbed. The material to be cleared shall include but not
necessarily be limited to trees of any diameter & height, stumps, logs, bush, undergrowth, grass, crops, loose
vegetable matter and structures unless provided for elsewhere.
Within the limits of earthworks tree stumps shall be completely removed.
Clearing shall also include the removal of existing fences, remnants of buildings, pavements, etc. Grubbing
The original ground surface shall be disturbed as little as possible. Grubbing shall, therefore, be confined to major
roots beneath the road embankment, ditches, canal diversions and footing excavations'. Topsoil shall be removed as
agreed with the Engineer and will be measured as roadway excavation. Grubbing beneath the embankment shall be
as per at the direction of the Engineer.
In agricultural areas where the ground has been formed into ridges of dikes, the ground shall be roughly leveled or
graded to form a surface suitable for embankment foundation and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Ownership of Cleared Material

All cleared material shall, unless otherwise provided for in the Contract, be the property of the Procuring Entity. Disposal of Cleared Material

All useable materials arising from Clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of the Government and all
unsuitable waste materials shall be the property of the Contractor. Waste materials shall be removed from the Site by
the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense.
Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and slacked . Also boulders, stones and other
materials usable in road construction shall be neatly stacked as directed by the Engineer. Stacking of stumps,
boulders, stones etc., shall be done as specified spots with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
All products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used or auctioned shall be
cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the Engineer . Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable

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waste materials are disposed of in such a manner that there is no likelihood of these getting mixed up with the
materials meant for embankment, subgrade and road construction. Measurement
Clearing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross drainage structures shall not be measured.
Neither the work of clearing nor grubbing disposal sites, material sites, nor imported borrow pit sites shall be paid for
when such sites are outside the areas designated for clearing or grubbing and the Contractor is permitted to exercise
his own option as to whether he elects to use such disposal sites or borrow pit sites. Payment
Clearing and grubbing will be paid at a lump sum price. The payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all
labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidental necessary to do the work and for doing all the clearing and
grubbing in the designated area or as directed by the Engineer included the removal and disposal of all resulting
Where a Contract does not include separate items of clearing and grubbing, the same shall be considered incidental
to the earthwork items and the Contract unit prices for the same shall be considered as including clearing and
grubbing operations.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 2 -15.
Table 2-15 : Pay Items – Clearing and Grubbing
Clause No. Description Units
2.1. Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum


2.2.1 Description
This work shall consist of removing, as hereinafter set forth, existing culverts, bridges, pavements, kerbs and other
structures like guard rails, fences, utility services, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc., which are in place but interfere
with the new construction or are not suitable to remain in place, and of salvaging and disposing of the resulting
materials and back filling the resulting trenches and pits.
Existing culverts, bridges, pavements and other structures which are within the roadway and which are designated for
removal, shall be removed upto the limits and extent specified in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Dismantling and removal operations shall be carried out with such equipment and in sucah a manner as to leave
undisturbed, adjacent pavement, structure and any other work to be left in place.
All operations necessary for the removal of any existing structure which might endanger new construction shall be
completed prior to the start f new Work.

2.2.2 Methods of Execution Dismantling Culverts and Bridges

The structures shall be dismantled carefully and the resulting materials so removed as not to cause any damage to the
serviceable materials to be salvaged, the part of the structure to be retained and any other properties or structures
Unless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts/ bridges shall be entirely removed and other parts
removed below the ground level or as necessary depending upon the interference they cause to the new
construction. Removal of overlying or adjacent materials, if required in connection with the dismantling of the
structures, shall be incidental to this items.
Where existing culverts/ bridges are to be extended or otherwise incorporated in the new work, only such part or
parts of the existing structure shall be removed as are necessary and directed by the Engineer to provide a proper
connection to the new work. The connecting edges shall be cut, chipped and trimmed to the required lines and grades
without weakening or damaging any part of the structure to be retained. Due care should be taken to ensure that
reinforcing bars which are to be left in place so as to project into the new work as dowels or ties are not injured
during removal of concrete.

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Pipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to the pipes.
Steel structures shall, unless otherwise provided, be carefully dismantled in such a manner as to avoid damage to
members thereof. If specified in the drawings or directed by the Engineer that the, structure is to be removed in
condition suitable for re-erection, all members shall be math-marked by the Contractor with white lead paint before
dismantling; end pins, nuts, loose plates, etc., shall be similarly marked to indicate their proper location; all pins, pin
holes and machined surfaces shall be painted with a mixture of white lead and tallow and all loose parts shall be
securely wired to adjacent members or packed in boxes.
Timber structures shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to such timber or lumber as is designated by
the Engineer to be salvaged.
Use of explosives will not be permitted except on direction of the Engineer. Dismantling Pavements and Other Structures

In removing pavements, kerbs, gutters and other structures like guard-rails, fences, manholes, catch basins,
inlets etc. where portions of the existing construction are to be left in the finished work, the same shall be
removed to an existing joint or cut and chipped to a true line with a face perpendicular to the surface of the
existing structure, Sufficient removal shall be made to provide for proper grades and connections with the
new work as directed by the Engineer.
All concrete pavements, base course in carriageway and shoulders etc. designated for removal shall be
broken to pieces and stockpiled at designated locations if the material is to be used later otherwise arranged
for disposal as directed.
Use of explosives will not be permitted except on direction of the Engineer.

2.2.3 Back Filling

Holes and depressions caused by dismantling operations shall be backfilled with excavated or other
approved materials and compacted to required density as directed by the Engineer.

2.2.4 Disposal of Materials

All materials obtained by dismantling shall be the property of the Procuring Entity. Unless otherwise specified,
materials having any salvage value shall be placed in neat stacks of like materials within the right -of-way, as directed
by the Engineer with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
Pipe culverts that are removed shall be cleaned and neatly piled on the right-of-way at points designated by the
Engineer with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m.
Structural steelwork and Bailey bridge components removed from old structures shall, unless otherwise specified or
directed, be stored in local XEN Office compound in a neat and presentable manner. Structures or portions thereof
which are specified in the Contract for re-erection shall be stored in separate piles.
Timber or lumber from old structures which is designated by the Engineer as materials to be salvaged shall have all
nails and bolts removed therefrom and shall be stored in neat piles in locations suitable for loading.
All materials obtained from dismantling operations which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used or auctioned
shall be disposed of as directed by the Engineer with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.

2.2.5 Measurement
The dismantling or rehabilitation, disposal of the material and the backfilling after dismantling of structure shall be
measured as per clause 2.2.6

2.2.6 Payment
The Contract unit rates for the various items of dismantling shall be paid in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safeguards and incidents necessary
to complete the work. These will also include excavation and backfilling where necessary to the required compaction
and for handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the dismantled materials within all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 2 -16.

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Table 2- 16 : Pay Items – Dismantling of Existing Structure

Clause No. Description Units
2.2 Dismantling RCC Works Cubic meter
Dismantling PCC Works Cubic meter
Dismantling Flexible and Cement Concrete Pavement Cubic meter
Dismantling Brick Work Cubic meter
Dismantling Steel Work Ton
Dismantling timber works Cubic meter
Dismantling Wooden Bullah Linear Meter
Dismantling Pipes, guard rails, kerbs, gutters and fencing Linear Meter
Utility Services Nos.

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3.1.1 Description
The work shall consist of all the requirement excavation within the limits of the Site, the removal, hauling and proper
utilization or disposal of all excavated materials and shaping of excavation and preparation of exposed surfaces of
excavation on the entire length of the roadway, in accordance with these Specifications and to the lines, levels,
grades, dimensions and cross section shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer.
Roadway excavation shall include the following:
(a) All excavation indicated on the Drawings within the faces of the cross sections and excavation of all materials for
side roads and intersections.
(b) The removal and disposal of existing pavement, sidewalks, kerbs or kerbs and gutters within the limits of
(c) Excavations directed by the Engineer.

3.1.2 Materials
Excavated materials shall be the property of the Department and shall be classified as suitable and unsuitable soil and
salvaged materials.
To be suitable as fill material as described above, the soil must not contain roots, sod or other deleterious materials
and must conform to the requirements of Clause 3.4.2. The Engineer will decide if the soil is suitable or unsuitable.
Different type of salvaged materials shall be stockpiled separately on site as directed by the Engineer and the
Contractor shall remain responsible for these until such time as they are disposed of by the Engineer.

3.1.3 Construction Methods Setting out
After the site has been cleared as per SECTION 2: SITE CLEARANCE, the limits of excavation shall be set out true to
lines, curves, slopes, grades and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall provide all labour, survey instruments and materials such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, lime, mortar,
concrete, etc., required in connection with the setting out of works and the establishment of bench marks. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of bench marks and other marks and stakes as long as in the
opinion of the Engineer, they are required for the works. Stripping & Storing top soil

When so directed by the Engineer, the topsoil existing over the sites of excavation shall be stripped to specified
depths and stockpiled at designated locations for re-use in covering embankment slopes, cut slopes, berms and other
disturbed areas where re-vegetation is desired. Prior to stripping the topsoil, all trees, shrubs etc. shall be removed
along with their roots, with approval of the Engineer. Excavated Material used in the Works

Suitable soil from the roadway excavation may be used as fill material as shown on the typical cross sections and
described in Clause 3.4 of these Specifications provided that prior approval is obtained from the Engineer.
All suitable excavated material shall be used so far as practicable in constructing the roadway.
Where necessary, the excavated material to be reused for the Works shall be temporarily stockpiled in a suitable and
safe area, in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. Excavation of Road Shoulders/ verge/ median for widening of pavement or providing treated shoulders
In works involving widening of existing pavements or providing treated shoulders, unless otherwise specified, the
shoulder/ verge/ median shall be removed to their full width and to level shown on drawings or as indicated by the
Engineer. While doing so, care should be taken to see that no portion of the existing pavement designated for
retention is loosened or disturbed. If the existing pavement gets disturbed or loosened, it shall be dismantled and cut

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to a regular shape with sides vertical and the disturbed/ loosened portion removed completely and re-laid as directed
by the Engineer, at the cost of the Contractor. Excavation for surface/sub-surface drains

Where the Contract provides for construction of surface/sub-surface drains, the same be done as per Clause 3.6.
Excavation for these drains shall be carried out in proper sequence with other works as approved by the Engineer. Waste
Unsuitable material and required roadway excavation in excess of that needed for construction of any part of the
Works shall be known as waste. Waste material shall be disposed of in accordance with the instructions of the
Engineer. Unsuitable Materials

If unsuitable material is encountered at or below sub-grade level in cut areas or at or below embankment foundation
level in fill areas it shall be excavated to limits as directed by the Engineer and be backfilled in accordance with Clause
3.4of these Specifications. Slopes & Slides

All slopes shall be finished in a neat and workmanlike manner and to accuracy appropriate to the material, and care
shall be taken that no material is loosened below the required slopes.
If slips, slides, over-breaks or subsidence occur in cuttings during the process of construction, they shall be removed at
the cost of the Contractor as ordered by the Engineer. Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that during
construction, the slopes are not rendered unstable or give rise to recurrent slides after construction . If finished slopes
slide into the roadway subsequently, such slides shall be removed and paid for at the Contract rate for the class of
excavation involved, provided the slides are not due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor. The classification
of the debris material from the slips, slides etc. shall conform to its condition at the time of removal and payment
made accordingly regardless of its condition earlier. Drainage & Dewatering

During construction, the road and ditches shall be maintained in such condition as to ensure proper drainage at all
times. No excavation will be permitted in areas under water.
If water is met with in the excavations due to springs, seepage, rain or other causes, it shall be removed by suitable
diversions, pumping or bailing out and the excavation kept dry whenever so required or directed by the Engineer.
Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water into suitable outlets as not to cause damage to the works, crops or
any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such damage is caused, it shall be the
sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/ restore to the original condition at his own cost or compensate for the
damage. Disposal of excavated materials

All the excavated materials shall either be reused with the approval of the Engineer or disposed off with all leads and
lights as directed by the Engineer. Rates quoted by the Contractor deemed to include credit for usable material and
salvage value of unusable materials. Backfilling
Backfilling of masonry/concrete pipe drain excavation shall be done with approved material with all lifts and leads
after concrete/masonry pipe is fully set and carried out in such a way as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the
structure and/or not to cause differential settlement. All space between the drain walls and the side of the excavation
shall be refilled to the original surface making due allowance for settlement, in layers generally not exceeding 150 mm
compacted thickness to the required density, using suitable compaction equipment such as trench compactor,
mechanical tamper, rammer or plate compactor as directed by the Engineer.

3.1.4 Playing of Construction Traffic

Construction traffic shall not use the cut formation and finished subgrade without the prior permission of the
Engineer. Any damage arising out of such use shall become good by the Contractor at his own expense.

3.1.5 Preservation of Property

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The Contractor shall undertake all reasonable precautions for the protection and preservation of any or all existing
roadside trees, drains, sewers, sub-surface drains, pipes, conduits and any other structures under or above ground,
which may be affected by construction operations and which, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall be continued in use
without any change. Safety measures taken by the Contractor in this respect, shall be got approved from the
Engineer. However, if any, of these objects is damaged by reason of the Contractor’s negligence, it shall be replaced
or restored to the original condition at his cost. If the Contractor fails to do so, within the required time as directed by
the Engineer or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the actions initiated by the Contractor to replace / restore the
damaged objects are not satisfactory, the Engineer shall arrange the replacement/restoration directly through any
other agency at the risk and cost of the Contractor after issuing prior notice to the effect.

3.1.6 Preparation of Excavated Area

The surface of the excavated areas which serves as a subgrade shall be neat and workmanlike and shall have the
required form, super elevation, levels, grades and cross section to receive the sub -base/ base course as directed by
the Engineer.
Where the material in the subgrade (i.e. within 500 mm from the lowest level of the pavement crust) has a density
less than specified in Table 3 -20, the same shall be loosened to a depth of 500 mm and compacted in layers in
accordance with the requirements of Clause 3.4. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade level shall be
removed as directed by the Engineer, replaced with suitable material and compacted in accordance with Clause 3.4.
In rocky formations, the surface irregularities shall be corrected and the levels brought up to the specified elevation
with granular base material as directed by the Engineer, laid and compacted in accordance with the respective
Specifications for these materials. The unsuitable material shall be disposed of in accordance with Clause
After satisfying the density requirements, the cut formation shall be prepared to receive the sub-base/ base course in
accordance with Clause 3.7and 3.8

3.1.7 Finishing Operations

Finishing operations shall include the work of properly shaping and dressing all excavated surfaces.
When completed, no point on the slope shall vary from the designated slopes by more than 150mm measured at right
angles to the slope, except where excavation is in rock (hard or soft) where no point shall vary more than 300mm
from the designated slope. In no case shall any portion of the slope encroach on the roadway.
The finished cut formation shall satisfy the surface tolerances described in Clause 7.2
Where directed, the topsoil removed earlier and conserved (Clause shall be spread over cut slopes, where
feasible, berms and other disturbed areas, slopes may be roughened and moistened slightly, prior to the application
of topsoil in order to provide satisfactory bond. The depth of topsoil shall be sufficient to sustain plant growth, the
usual thickness being from 75mm to 100mm.

3.1.8 Measurement
All required and accepted roadway excavation including excavation of unsuitable soil shall be measured for payment
in its original position and the volume determined in cubic meters by the end area method as computed from the
original and final geometric cross sections of the required and completed work.

3.1.9 Payment
The quantities of road way excavation measured as specified above will be paid for at the Contract unit price per
cubic meter. Such price shall include excavation, shaping and completion of all surfaces and for furnishing all labour,
materials, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work including handling of excavated materials stock
piling and disposing off surplus excavated materials to a place as directed by the Engineer.
Waste roadway excavation shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of at his cost in an
unobjectionable place outside the site premises with minimum traffic disruption and the Procuring Entity will not
responsible for any irregularities by the party regarding disposing of the earth.
Excavation in suitable material which is to be used for embankment fill material shall not be measured separately.
Excavation in borrow pits whether within the Site or not shall not be paid under this item but shall be deemed to be
included in the relevant fill item.

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The above price and payment shall be full compensation for all work involved in performing the roadway excavation
completely as shown on the Drawings and as specified in these Specifications and as directed by the Engineer,
including the cost of temporary stockpiling, selecting and protecting the materials to be reused.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 3 -17.
Table 3-17 : Pay Items – Roadway Excavation
Clause No. Description Units
3.1 Road way excavation in any classified material and disposal of Cubic meter
spoil to fill in embankment, stockpile or otherwise.
Road way excavation (Picking up flat soling and HBB) Square meter
Road way excavation in Edging Linear meter
Road way excavation in sub-base, base, WBM & RCC pavement Cubic meter
Stripping including storing and reapplication of topsoil Cubic meter


3.2.1 Description
This work shall consist of excavation for channels/ditches and ponds and for discharging water from side ditches
where shown on the Drawings, required in the Specifications or directed by the Engineer. The work shall include the
proper utilization and hauling or disposal of all excavated materials, and constructing, shaping and finishing of all

3.2.2 Materials
Excavated materials shall be classified as unsuitable and suitable soil.
To be suitable as fill material as described above, the soil must not contain muck, roots, sod or other deleterious
materials and must conform to be requirements of Clause 3.4.2. The Engineer will decide if the soil is suitable or
unsuitable and whether such soil can be used in the roadway, or shall be waste for the disposal by the Contractor at
his own expense.

3.2.3 Construction Methods Alignment and Levels
Channel work shall be constructed in a neat and workmanlike manner correct to alignments, levels, grades and cross
sections required on the Drawings, in the Specifications or by the Engineer Excavation
Deepening and realignment of existing canals and channels shall be carried out in a way to allow free flow of water.
During excavation of new channels these shall as far as possible be kept drained.
All suitable materials removed from the excavation shall be used as far as practicable in constructing the roadway. Filling of Obsolete Channels

Any obsolete canals and channels within the embankment area shall be cleaned up and backfilled with sand (FM 0.80)
to obtain sufficient stability. When sand fill is at a level of 500mm above water level, compaction shall be carried out
as specified in Clause 3.4. Waste
Unsuitable material from channel excavations shall be known as waste and shall be the property of the Contractor .
Waste shall be removed from the site by the Contractor and disposed of by the Contractor as his own expense and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.2.4 Measurement
Quantities of channel excavation in any material shall be measured in cubic meters determined by end area methods
computed from the original and final geometric cross sections of the authorized and completed excavation
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Payment for backfilling of existing channels shall be in accordance with Clause 3.4.

3.2.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per cubic meter . The payment shall
be full compensation for all excavation, for maintaining free flow in the channel where necessary and for all labour,
materials, tools equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
The above prices and payments shall be full compensation for all work involved in performing the channel excavation
completely as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 3 -18.
Table 3- 18 : Pay Items – Channel Excavation
Clause No. Description Units
3.2 Channel Excavation in any material and disposal to fill, stockpile Cubic meter
or otherwise


3.3.1 Description
Excavation for structures shall consist of the removal of material for the construction of foundations for bridges,
culverts, retaining walls, headwalls, cutoff walls, pipe culverts and other similar structures, in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications and the lines and dimensions shown on the drawings or as indicated by the
Engineer. The work shall include construction of the necessary cofferdams and cribs and their subsequent removal; all
necessary sheeting, shoring, bracing, draining and pumping; the removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other
deleterious matter and obstruction, necessary for placing the foundations; trimming bottoms of excavations;
backfilling and clearing up the site and the disposal of all surplus material.

3.3.2 Construction Operations Setting Out
After the site has been cleared according to Clause 2.1., the limits of excavation shall be set out true to lines, curves
and slopes to Clause Excavation
Excavation shall be taken to the width of the lowest step of the footing and the sides shall be left plumb where the
nature of soil allows it. Where the nature of soil or the depth of the trench and season of the year do not permit
vertical sides, the Contractor at his own cost shall put up necessary shoring, strutting and planking or cut slopes to a
safer angle or both with due regard to the safety of personnel and works and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The depth to which the excavation is to be carried out shall be as shown on the drawings, unless the type of material
encountered is such as to require changes, in which case the depth shall be as ordered by the Engineer. Propping shall
be undertaken when any foundation or stressed zone from an adjoining structure is within a line of 1 vertical to 2
horizontal from the bottom of the excavation. Dewatering and Protection

Normally, open foundations shall be laid dry. Where water is met with in excavation due to stream flow, seepage,
springs, rain or other reasons, the Contractor shall take adequate measures such as bailing, pumping, constructing
diversion channels, drainage channels, bunds, depression of water level by well-point system, cofferdams and other
necessary works to keep the foundation trenches dry when so required and to protect the green concrete /masonry
against damage by erosion or sudden rising of water level. The methods to be adopted in this regard and other details
thereof shall be left to the choice of the Contractor but subject to the approval of the Engineer . Approval of the
Engineer shall, however, not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of dewatering and
protection arrangements for the quality and safety of the works.
Where cofferdams are required, these shall be carried to adequate depths and heights, be safely designed and
constructed and be made as watertight as is necessary for facilitating construction to be carried out inside them . The
interior dimensions of the cofferdams shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for the construction and inspection
and to permit installation of pumping equipment, etc., inside the enclosed area.
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If it is determined beforehand that the foundations cannot be laid dry or the situation is found that the percolation is
too heavy for keeping the foundation dry, the foundation concrete shall be laid under water by tremie pipe only. In
case of flowing water or artesian springs, the flow shall be stopped or reduced as far as possible at the time of placing
the concrete.
Pumping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a manner as to preclude the possibility
of the movement of water through any fresh concrete. No pumping shall be permitted during the placing of concrete
and for a period of at least 24 hours thereafter, unless it is done from a suitable sump separated from the concrete
work by a watertight wall or other similar means.
At the discretion of the Contractor, cement grouting or other approved methods may be used to prevent or reduce
seepage and to protect the excavation area.
The Contractor shall take all precautions in diverting channels and in discharging the drained water as not to cause
damage to the works, crops or any other property. Preparation of foundation

The bottom of the foundation shall be levelled both longitudinally and transversely or stepped as directed by the
Engineer. Before footing is laid, the surface shall be slightly watered and rammed. In the event of excavation having
been made deeper than that shown on the drawings or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer, the extra depth shall
be made up with concrete or masonry of the foundation at the cost of the Contractor as per Clause 2104.1. Ordinary
filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the foundation to level.
When rock or other hard strata is encountered, it shall be freed of all soft and loose material, cleaned and cut to a
firm surface either level or stepped as directed by the Engineer. All seams shall be cleaned out and filled with cement
mortar or grout to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In the case of excavation in rock, annular space around footing
shall be filled with lean concrete Grade 15 upto the top level of rock.
When foundation piles are used, the excavation of each pit shall be substantially completed before beginning pile -
driving operations therein. After pile driving operations in a given pit are completed, all loose and displaced materials
therein shall be removed to the elevation of the bottom of the footings. Slips and Slip-outs

If there are any slips or slip-outs in the excavation, these shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost. Public safety

Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation pits shall be securely fenced, provided with
proper caution signs and marked with red lights at night to avoid accidents. The Contractor shall take adequate
protective measures to see that the excavation operations do not affect or damage adjoining structures. Backfilling
Backfilling shall be done with approved material after concrete or masonry is fully set and carried out in such a way as
not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure. All space between foundation masonry or concrete and the
sides of excavation shall be refilled to the original surface in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness. The
compaction shall be done with the help of suitable equipment such as trench compactor, mechanical tamper,
rammer, plate vibrator etc., after necessary watering, so as to achieve a density not less than the field density before
excavation. Disposal of surplus excavated materials

Clause shall apply. Measurements
Excavation for structures shall be measured in cum for each class of material encountered, limited to the dimensions
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Excavation over increased width, cutting of slopes,
production/support to the existing structures shoring, shuttering and planking shall be deemed as convenience for the
Contractor in executing the work and shall not be measured and paid separately. Payment
The Contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for:
(i) setting out;
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(ii) construction of necessary cofferdams, cribs\sheeting, shoring and bracing and their subsequent removal;
(iii) removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, for placing the foundations
including trimming of bottoms of excavations;
(iv) foundation sealing, dewatering including pumping when no separate provision for it is made in the Contract:
(v) backfilling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus material with all lifts and leads or as otherwise
specified; and
(vi) all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures, diversion of traffic and incidentals necessary to
complete the work to Specifications.


3.4.1 Description
This work shall consist of the construction of embankments including sub-grades, earthen shoulders and
miscellaneous backfills by furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping suitable material of acceptable quality
obtained from approved sources, including material from roadway and drain excavation, borrow pits or other
sources. All embankments sub-grades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be constructed in
accordance with the requirements of these specifications and in conformity with the lines, levels, grades, dimensions
and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer
The location of borrow pit shall be approved by the Engineer and must be at a distance of 3 .0m or 1.5 times the
height of the embankment, whichever is higher from the toe to the designed embankment. The depth of excavation
in borrow pits shall not exceed 0.8m from existing ground level under normal conditions.

3.4.2 Materials Physical requirements
The materials used in embankments, subgrades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be soil, moorum,
gravel, pond ash, a mixture of these or any other material approved by the Engineer. Such materials shall be free of
logs, stumps, roots, rubbish or any other ingredient likely to deteriorate or affect the stability of the
The following types of material shall be considered unsuitable for embankment:
a) Materials from swamps, marshes and bogs;
b) Peat, log, stump and perishable material;
c) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion;
d) Clay having liquid limit exceeding 50 and plasticity index exceeding 20; and
e) Materials with salts resulting in leaching in the embankment.
Expansive clay exhibiting marked swell and shrinkage properties (“free swelling index” exceeding 50 percent) shall not
be used as a fill material. Where an expansive clay having “free swelling index” value less than 50 percent is used as a
fill material, subgrade and top 500 mm portion of the embankment just below sub -grade shall be non-expansive in
The size of the coarse material in the mixture of earth shall ordinarily not exceed 75 mm when placed in the
embankment and 50 mm when placed in the subgrade. However, the Engineer may at his discretion permit the use of
material coarser than this also if he is satisfied that the same will not present any difficulty as regards the placement
of fill material and its compaction to the requirements of these Specifications . The maximum particle size in such
cases, however, shall not be more than two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.
Ordinarily, only the materials satisfying the density requirements given in Table 3 -19 shall be employed for the
construction of the embankment and the sub-grade.
Table 3-19 Density Requirements of Embankment and Sub-Grade Materials
Sl. Type of Work Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight
No. when tested as per ASTM D 698
01. Embankments up to 3m height, not subjected to extensive Not less than 16 KN/cum

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Sl. Type of Work Maximum Laboratory dry unit weight

No. when tested as per ASTM D 698
02. Embankments exceeding 3m height or embankments of any Not less than 17 KN/cum
height subject to long periods of inundation
03 Subgrade and earthen shoulders/ verges/ backfill Not less than 18 KN/cum
1) This Table is not applicable for lightweight fill material, e.g., cinder pond ash, etc.
2) The Engineer may relax these requirements at this discretion taking into account the availability of
materials for construction and other relevant factors.
3) The material to be used in subgrade should also satisfy design CBR at the dry unit weight applicable as
per Table 3 -20. General requirements

The materials for embankment shall be obtained from approved sources with preference given to acceptable
materials becoming available from nearby roadway excavation under the same Contract.
The work shall be so planned and executed that the best available materials are saved for the subgrade and the
embankment portion just below the subgrade. Borrow materials

No borrow area shall be made available by the Employer. The arrangement for the source of supply of the material
for embankment and sub-grade complying with the guidelines as well as compliance to environmental requirements
in respect of excavation and borrow areas as stipulated, from time to time by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India and the local bodies, as applicable shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
Area where pond ash is available for construction of embankment, borrowing of the earth shall be avoided to the
extent possible. Embankment constructed out of pond ash shall be properly designed to ensure stability against
uplifting etc. A suitable thick cover may preferably be provided at intervening layers of pond ash for this purpose. A
thick soil cover shall bind the edge of the embankment to protect it against erosion. Minimum thickness of such soil
cover shall be 500 mm.
Borrow pits along the road shall be discouraged. If permitted by the Engineer, these shall not be dug continuously.
Ridges of not less than 8 m width should be left at intervals not exceeding 300 m. Small drains shall be cut through the
ridges to facilitate drainage. The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that their bottom does not cut an imaginary
line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of the final section of the bank, the maximum
depth in any case being limited to 1.5 m. Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the
embankment required as per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10 m.
Haulage of material to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading and
compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition.
Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and unacceptable materials, the Contractor shall, unless
otherwise agreed by the Engineer, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the acceptable materials are
excavated separately for use in the permanent works without contamination by the unacceptable materials. The
acceptable materials shall be stockpiled separately.
The Contractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation or fills by the methods of
stockpiling materials, use of plants or siting of temporary buildings or structures.
The Contractor shall obtain representative samples from each of the identified borrow areas and have these tested at
the site laboratory following a testing programme approved by the Engineer. It shall be ensured that the subgrade
material when compacted to the density requirements as in Table 3 -20 shall yield the design CBR value of the sub-
Table 3-20 Compaction Requirements of Embankment and Sub-Grade
Type of work/material Relative compaction as percentage of max. Minimum Soaked
laboratory dry density as per ASTM D 698 CBR %
Subgrade and earthen shoulders Not less than 98% STD 4%
Embankment Not less than 95% STD 3%
Expansive Clays

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Type of work/material Relative compaction as percentage of max. Minimum Soaked

laboratory dry density as per ASTM D 698 CBR %
a)Subgrade and 500mm portion just Not allowed -
below the sub-grade
b)Remaining portion of embankment Not less than 90% 3%

In case the sub-grade CBR is less than the specified in the Table 3 -20, the subgrade shall be stabilized with lime,
cement or any other stabilizer accredited by AASHTO or by mechanical stabilization so as to raise field CBR is not less
than 15 percent.
The Contractor shall at least 7 working days before commencement of compaction submit the following to the
Engineer for approval:
i) The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in accordance with ASTM D
698, appropriate for each of the fill materials he intends to use.
ii) A graph of density plotted against moisture content from which each of values in (i) above of maximum dry
density and optimum moisture content were determined.
Once the above information has been approved by the Engineer, it shall form the basis for compaction.

3.4.3 Construction Operations Setting out
After the site has been cleared to Clause 2.1., the work shall be set out to Clause The limits of
embankment/sub-grade shall be marked by fixing batter pegs on both sides at regular intervals as guides before
commencing the earthwork. The embankment/sub-grade shall be built sufficiently wider than the design dimension
so that surplus material may be trimmed, ensuring that the remaining material is to the desired density and in
position specified and conforms to the specified side slopes. Dewatering
If the foundation of the embankment is in an area with stagnant water, and in the opinion of the Engineer it is feasible
to remove it, the same shall be removed by bailing out or pumping, as directed by the Engineer and the area of the
embankment foundation shall be kept dry. Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water so as not to cause
damage to the works, crops or any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such
damage is caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore it to original condition or
compensate the damage at his own cost.
If the embankment is to be constructed under water, Clause shall apply. Stripping and storing topsoil

In localities where most of the available embankment materials are not conducive to plant growth, or when so
directed by the Engineer, the topsoil from all areas of cutting and from all areas to be covered by embankment
foundation shall be stripped to specified depths not less than 150 mm and stored in stockpiles of height not exceeding
2 m for covering embankment slopes, cut slopes and other disturbed areas where re-vegetation is desired. Topsoil
shall not be unnecessarily trafficked either before stripping or when in a stockpile. Stockpiles shall not be surcharged
or otherwise loaded and multiple handling shall be kept to a minimum. Compacting ground supporting embankment/sub-grade

Where necessary, the original ground shall be leveled to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified,
mixed with water and then compacted by rolling in accordance with Clauses and so as to achieve
minimum dry density as given in Table 3 -20.
In case where the difference between the sub-grade level (top of the sub-grade on which pavement rests) and ground
level is less than 0.5 m and the ground does not have 98 percent relative compaction with respect to the dry density
(as given in Table 3 -20), the ground shall be loosened upto a level 0.5 m below the sub-grade level, watered and
compacted in layers in accordance with Clauses and to achieve dry density not less than 98 percent
relative compaction as given in Table 3 -20.
Where so directed by the Engineer, any unsuitable material occurring in the embankment foundation (500 mm
portion just below the sub-grade) shall be removed, suitably disposed and replaced by approved materials laid in
layers to the required degree of compaction. All fill materials shall be free from roots, sods or other deleterious

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materials. Materials for embankments shall be stockpiled outside the working areas. Materials shall be tested and
approved by the Engineer.
Any foundation treatment specified for embankments especially high embankments, resting on suspect foundations
as revealed by borehole logs shall be carried out in a manner and to the depth as desired by the Engineer . Where the
ground on which an embankment is to be built has any of such material types (a) to (e) in Clause at least 500
mm of such material must be removed and replaced by acceptable fill material before embankment construction
commences. Spreading material in layers and bringing to appropriate moisture content

The embankment and sub-grade material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 200 mm
compacted thickness over the entire width of embankment by mechanical means, finished by a motor grader and
compacted as per Clause 305.3.6. The motor grader blade shall have hydraulic control suitable for initial adjustment
and maintain the same so as to achieve the specific slope and grade. Successive layers shall not be placed until the
layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted to the specified requirements as in Table 3 -20 and got
approved by the Engineer. Each compacted layer shall be finished parallel to the final cross-section of the
Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the site of placement prior to commencement of compaction; if
found to be out of agreed limits, the same shall be made good. Where water is required to be added in such
constructions, water shall be sprinkled from a water tanker fitted with sprinkler capable of applying water uniformly
with a controllable rate of flow to variable widths of surface but without any flooding . The water shall be added
uniformly and thoroughly mixed in soil by blading, discing or harrowing until a uniform moisture content is obtained
throughout the depth of the layer.
If the material delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and exposure to the sun, till the
moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Should circumstances arise, where owing to wet weather, the
moisture content cannot be reduced to the required amount by the above procedure, compaction work shall be
Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked in accordance with ASTM D 698, and unless otherwise
mentioned, shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for evaporation losses, that at the time of compaction it is in
the range of 1 percent above to 2 percent below the optimum moisture content determined in accordance with ASTM
D 698 as the case may be. Expansive clays shall, however, be compacted at moisture content corresponding to the
specified dry density, but on the wet side of the optimum moisture content obtained from the laboratory compaction
After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of graders, harrows, rotary mixers or
as otherwise approved by the Engineer until the layer is uniformly wet. Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken
to have a maximum size of 75 mm when being placed in the embankment and a maximum size of 50 mm when being
placed in the sub-grade.
Embankment and other areas of fill shall, unless otherwise required in the Contract or permitted by the Engineer, be
constructed evenly over their full width and their fullest possible extent and the Contractor shall control and direct
construction plant traffic shall be made good by the Contractor with material and other vehicular traffic uniformly
over them. Damage by construction plant and other having the same characteristics and strength as the material had
before it was damaged.
Embankments and other areas of unsupported fills shall not be constructed with steeper side slopes, or to greater
widths than those shown in the Contract, except to permit adequate compaction at the edges before trimming back,
or to obtain the final profile following any settlement of the fill and the underlying material,
Whenever fill is to be deposited against the face of a natural slope, or sloping earthworks face including
embankments, cuttings, other fills and excavations steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal, such faces shall be benched
as per Clause 305.4.1 immediately before placing the subsequent fill.
All permanent faces of side slopes of embankments and other areas of fill shall, subsequent to any trimming
operations, be reworked and sealed to the satisfaction of the Engineer by tracking a tracked vehicle, considered
suitable by the Engineer, on the slope or any other method approved by the Engineer. Compaction
Only the compaction equipment approved by the Engineer shall be employed to compact the different material types
encountered during construction. Static three wheel roller, self propelled single drum vibratory roller, vibratory
tandem roller, pneumatic tyred, pad foot rollers, etc., of suitable size and capacity as approved by the Engineer shall
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be used for the different types and grades of materials required to be compacted either individually or in suitable
The compaction shall be done with the help of self-propelled single drum vibratory roller or pad foot vibratory roller
of 80 to 100 kN static weight or heavy pneumatic tyre roller of adequate capacity capable of achieving required
compaction with nine wheels and 200 to 300 KN weight with minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MPa. The Contractor shall
demonstrate the efficacy of the equipment he intends to use by carrying out compaction trials . The procedure to be
adopted for these site trials shall first be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter category of plant to
provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into account.
Each layer of the material shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in Table 3 -20. Subsequent layers
shall be placed only after the finished layer has been tested according to AASHTO Standard and accepted by the
Engineer. The Engineer may permit measurement of field dry density by a nuclear moisture /density gauge used in
accordance with agreed procedure and the gauge is calibrated to provide results identical to that obtained from tests
in accordance with ASTM D 798. A record of the same shall be maintained by the Contractor.
When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment/sub-grade/earthen shoulders, further
compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. If in spite of that the specified compaction is not
achieved, the material in the soft areas shall be removed and replaced by approved material, compacted using
appropriate mechanical means such as light weight vibratory roller, double drum walk behind roller, vibratory plate
compactor, trench compactor or vibratory tamper to the density requirements and satisfaction of the Engineer. Drainage
The surface of the embankment/sub-grade at all times during construction shall be maintained at such a crossfall (not
flatter than that required for effective drainage of an earthen surface) as will shed water and prevent ponding. Repairing of damages caused by rain/spillage of water

The soil in the affected portion shall be removed in such areas as directed by the Engineer before next layer is laid and
refilled in layers and compacted using appropriate mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor
or power rammer to achieve the required density in accordance with Clause If the cut is not sufficiently wide
for use of required mechanical means for compaction, the same shall be widened suitably to permit their use for
proper compaction. Tests shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer to ascertain the density requirements of the
repaired area. The work of repairing the damages including widening of the cut, if any, shall be carried out by the
Contractor at his own cost, including the arranging of machinery/equipment for the purpose. Finishing Operations

Finishing operations shall include the work of shaping and dressing the shoulders/verge/roadbed and side slopes to
conform to the alignment, levels, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Both the upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off to improve appearance and to merge
the embankment with the adjacent terrain.
The topsoil, removed and conserved earlier (Clause and shall be spread over the fill slopes as per
directions of the Engineer to facilitate the growth of vegetation. Slopes shall be roughened and moistened slightly
prior to the application of the topsoil in order to provide satisfactory bond. The depth of the topsoil shall be sufficient
to sustain plant growth, the usual thickness being from 75 mm to 150 mm.
Where directed, the slopes shall be turfed with sods in accordance with Clause 3.5.
When earthwork operations have been substantially completed, the road area shall be cleared of all debris, and ugly
scars in the construction area responsible for objectionable appearance eliminated.

3.4.4 Construction of Embankment and Subgrade under Special Conditions Earthwork for widening existing road embankment
When an existing embankment and/or sub-grade is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than 1 vertical on 4
horizontal, continuous horizontal benches, each at least 300 mm wide, shall be cut into the old slope for ensuring
adequate bond with the fresh embankment/sub-grade material to be added. The material obtained from cutting of
benches could be utilized in the widening of the embankment / subgrade. However, when the existing slope against
which the fresh material is to be placed is flatter than 1 vertical on 4 horizontal, the slope surface may only be
ploughed or scarified instead of resorting to benching.

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Where the width of the widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of conventional rollers, compaction shall be
carried out with the help of light weight vibratory roller, double drum walk behind roller, vibratory plate compactor or
vibratory tamper or any other appropriate equipment approved by the Engineer. End dumping of material from
trucks for widening operations shall be avoided except in difficult circumstances when the extra width is too narrow
to permit the movement of any other types of hauling equipment. Earthwork for embankment and subgrade to be placed against sloping ground
Where an embankment/subgrade is to be placed against sloping ground, the latter shall be appropriately benched or
ploughed/scarified as required in Clause before placing the embankment/sub-grade material. Extra earthwork
involved in benching or due to ploughing/scarifying etc. shall be considered incidental to the work.
For wet conditions, benches with slightly inward fall and subsoil drains at the lowest point shall be provided as per the
drawings, before the fill is placed against sloping ground.
Where the Contract requires construction of transverse subsurface drain at the cut-fill interface, work on the same
shall be carried out to Clause 309 in proper sequence with the embankment and sub-grade work as approved by the
Engineer. Earthwork over existing road surface

Where the embankment is to be placed over an existing road surface, the work shall be carried out as indicated
a) If the existing road surface is of granular type and lies within 1 m of the new sub -grade level. The existing
granular base/sub-base, as the case, may be, shall be scarified to a depth of 50 mm or as directed so as to
provide ample bond between the old and new material ensuring that at least 500 mm portion below the top
of new sub-grade level is compacted to the desired density;
b) ii) If the existing road surface is of bituminous type and lies within 1 m of the new sub -grade level, the
bituminous layer shall be removed completely, so as to avoid presence of impermeable layer beneath the
new thin earthen layer and also provide ample bond between the old and new material ensuring that at least
500 mm portion below the top of new subgrade level is compacted to the desired density;
c) If the existing road surface is of cement concrete type and lies within 1 m of the new sub -grade level, the
same shall be removed completely;
d) If the level difference between the existing road surface and the new formation level is more than 1 m, the
existing surface shall be permitted to stay in place without any modification. Embankment and subgrade around structures

To avoid interference with the construction of abutments, wing walls or return walls of culvert/bridge structures, the
Contractor shall, at points to be determined by the Engineer suspend work on embankment forming approaches to
such structures, until such time as the construction of the latter is sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of
approaches without the risk of damage to the structure.
Unless directed otherwise, the filling around culverts, bridges and other structures upto a distance of twice the height
of the road from the back of the abutment shall be carried out independent of the work on the main embankment.
The fill material shall not be placed against any abutment or wing wall, unless permission has been given by the
Engineer but in any case not until the concrete or masonry has been in position for 14 days. The embankment and
sub-grade shall be brought up simultaneously in equal layers on each side of the structure to avoid displacement and
unequal pressure. The sequence of work in this regard shall be got approved from the Engineer.
The material used for backfill shall not be an organic soil or highly plastic clay having plasticity index and liquid limit
more than 20 and 40 respectively when tested according to ASTM D 4318.
Where the provision of any filter medium is specified behind the abutment, the same shall be laid in layers
simultaneously with the laying of fill material.
Where it may be impracticable to use conventional rollers, the compaction shall be carried out by appropriate
mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor or power rammer . Care shall be taken to see that
the compaction equipment does not hit or come too close to any structural member so as to cause any damage to
them or excessive pressure against the structure. Construction of embankment over ground incapable of supporting construction equipment

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Where embankment is to be constructed across ground which will not support the weight of repeated heavy loads of
construction equipment, the first layer of the fill may be constructed by placing successive loads of material in a
uniformly distributed layer of a minimum thickness required to support the construction equipment as permitted by
the Engineer. The Contractor, if so desired by him, may also use suitable geosynthetic material to increase the bearing
capacity of the foundation. This exception to normal procedure will not be permitted where, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the embankments could be constructed in the approved manner over such ground by the use of lighter or
modified equipment after proper ditching and drainage have been provided. Where this exception is permitted, the
selection of the material and the construction procedure to obtain an acceptable layer shall be the responsibility of
the Contractor. The cost of providing suitable traffic conditions for construction equipment over any area of the
Contract will be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra payment will be made to him . The remainder of the
embankment shall be constructed as specified in Clause 3.4.3. Embankment construction under water

Where filling or backfilling is to be placed under water, only acceptable granular material or rock shall be used unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer. Acceptable granular material shall consist of graded, hard durable particles with
maximum particle size not exceeding 75 mm. The material should be non-plastic having uniformity coefficient of not
less than 10. The material placed in open water shall be deposited by end tipping without compaction.
Coarse sand blanket layer shall be made for construction of embankment in water logged and marshy areas. Earthwork for high embankment

In the case of high embankments (more than 6 m), the Contractor shall normally use the material from the specified
borrow area. In case, he desires to use different material for his own convenience, he shall have to carry out
necessary soil investigations and redesign the high embankment at his own cost. The Contractor shall then furnish the
soil test data and design of high embankment for approval of the Engineer, who reserves the right to accept or reject
If necessary, stage construction of fills and any controlled rates of filling shall be carried out in accordance with the
Contract including installation of instruments and its monitoring.
Where required, the Contractor shall surcharge embankments or other areas of fill with approved material for the
periods specified in the Contract. If settlement of surcharged fill results in any surcharging material, which is
unacceptable for use in the fill being surcharged, lying below formation level, the Contractor shall remove the
unacceptable material and dispose it as per direction of the Engineer. He shall then bring the resultant level up to
formation level with acceptable material. Cladding Layer

Where the embankment fill consists of sand it will require a cladding layer minimum 300mm thickness of soil having
Plasticity Index of 15 to 20. This layer shall cover the embankment slope and the earthen shoulder. After placing the
cladding will be compacted in the desired level, trimmed and finished to the desired line, level & grade and weep
holes to be placed horizontally & vertically. Settlement period

Where settlement period is specified in the Contract, the embankment shall remain in place for the required
settlement period before excavating for abutment, wingwall, retaining wall, footings, etc., or driving foundation piles.
The duration of the required settlement period at each location shall be as provided for in the Contract or as directed
by the Engineer.

3.4.5 Plying of Traffic

Construction and other vehicular traffic shall not use the prepared surface of the embankment and/or sub-grade
without the prior permission of the Engineer. Any damage arising out of such use shall, however, be made good by
the Contractor at his own cost as directed by the Engineer.

3.4.6 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of construction of sub-grade shall conform to the requirements of Clause 7.2 Control on the quality
of materials and works shall be exercised in accordance with Clause 7.3

3.4.7 Subgrade Strength

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It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the borrow area material to be used in the sub-grade satisfies the
requirements of design CBR.
Sub-grade shall be compacted and finished to the design strength consistent with other physical requirements. The
actual laboratory CBR values of constructed subgrade shall be determined on undisturbed samples cut out from the
compacted sub-grade in CBR mould fitted with cutting shoe or on remoulded samples, compacted to the field density
at the field moisture content.

3.4.8 Measurements
Each embankment/sub-grade construction shall be measured separately by taking cross sections at various intervals
after completion of clearing and grubbing (not the virgin ground level) and after completion of embankment/sub-
grade and computing the volumes of earthwork in cubic meters by the method of average end areas.
The measurement of fill material from borrow areas shall be the difference between the net quantities of compacted
fill and the net quantities of suitable material brought from roadway and drainage excavation . For this purpose, it
shall be assumed that one cum of suitable material brought to site from road and drainage excavation forms one cum
of compacted fill and all bulking or shrinkage shall be ignored.
The embankment constructed out of pond ash with soil cover at intervening layer and at edge shall be measured in
cum including soil cover volume. Construction of embankment under water shall be measured in cum.
Construction of high embankment with specified material and in specified manner shall be measured in cum.
Stripping including storing and reapplication of top soil shall be measured in cum.
Work involving loosening and re-compacting of ground supporting embankment/subgrade shall be measured in cum.
Removal of unsuitable material at embankment/sub-grade foundation and replacement with suitable material shall
be measured in cum.
Scarifying existing granular/bituminous road surface shall be measured in square meters.
Dismantling and removal of existing cement concrete pavement shall be measured vide Clause 2.2.5.
Filter medium and backfill material behind abutments, wing walls and other retaining structures shall be measured as
finished work in position in cum.

3.4.9 Payment
The Contract unit rates for the items of embankment and sub-grade construction shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for:
a) Cost of arrangement of land as a source of supply of material of required quantity for construction unless
provided otherwise in the Contract;
b) Setting out;
c) Compacting ground supporting embankment/sub-grade except where removal and replacement of suitable
material or loosening and re-compacting is involved;
d) Scarifying or cutting continuous horizontal benches 300 mm wide on side slopes of existing embankment and
sub-grade as applicable;
e) Cost of watering or drying of material in borrow areas and/or embankment and sub-grade during
construction as required;
f) Spreading in layers, bringing to appropriate moisture and compacting to Specification requirements;
g) Shaping and dressing top and slopes of the embankment and subgrade including rounding of corners;
h) Restricted working at sites of structures;
i) Working on narrow width of embankment and sub-grade;
j) Excavation in all soils from borrow pits/designated borrow areas including clearing and grubbing and
transporting the material to embankment and sub-grade site with all lifts and leads unless otherwise
provided for in the Contract;
k) All labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work to the Specifications;

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l) Dewatering; and
m) Keeping the embankment/completed formation free of water as per Clause 3.8
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per cubic meter . Payment shall be
full compensation for performing the work, furnishing the materials and providing all labour, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work, including all payments for obtaining, carrying and stockpiling of the
embankment fill.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 3 -21.
Table 3- 21 : Pay Items – Embankment Construction
Clause No. Description Units
3.4 Embankment fill from any approved source outside the site Cubic meter
Embankment fill from roadway excavation Cubic meter
Providing cladding layer in earthen shoulder and slope with suitable material Cubic meter
Sand backfill to Swamp Cubic meter


3.5.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing and laying of the live sod of perennial turf forming grass on embankment slopes,
verges (earthen shoulders) or other locations shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise
specified, the work shall be taken up as soon as possible following construction of the embankment, provided the
season is favorable for establishment of the sod.

3.5.2 Materials
Grass shall be of species native to Bangladesh, harmless and inoffensive to persons and animals and not of a kind
recognized as a nuisance to agriculture. It shall be free of disease and noxious weeds, deep-rooted and sufficiently
rapid growing and spreading to give complete cover over the planted area within the Defects Liability Period . At the
time the sod is cut, the grass on the sod shall have a length of approximately 50mm and the sod shall have freed of
Thickness of the sod shall be as uniform as possible, with some 50-80mm or so of soil covering the grass roots
depending on the nature of the sod, so that practically all the dense root system of the grasses is retained in the sod
strip. The sods shall be cut in rectangular strips of uniform width, not less than about 250 mm x 300 mm in size but
not so large that it is inconvenient to handle and transport these without damage . During wet weather, the sod shall
be allowed to dry sufficiently to prevent rearing during handling and during dry weather shall be watered before
lifting to ensure its vitality and prevent the dropping of the soil in handling.
The term "grass" embraces turf and sods and, if the Engineer permits, may include plants of other types capable of
giving effective protection.
Fertilizer shall be approved cow dung or mixtures of plant nutrients or both.

3.5.3 Construction Method Preparation of the earth bed
The area to be sodded shall have been previously constructed to the required slope and cross section. Soil on the area
shall be loosened, freed of all debris larger than 50 mm size, sticks, stumps and any undesirable foreign matter, and
brought to a reasonably fine granular texture to a depth of not less than 25 mm for receiving the sod.
Where required, topsoil shall be spread over the slopes. Prior to placing the topsoil, the slopes shall be scarified to a
depth which, after settlement, will provide the required nominal depth shown on the plans . Spreading shall not be
done when the ground is excessively wet.
Following soil preparation and top soiling, where required, fertilizer and ground limestone when specified shall be
spread uniformly at the rate indicated on the plans. After spreading, the materials are incorporated in the soil by
discing or other means to the depths shown on the plans.

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The prepared sod bed shall be moistened to the loosened depth, if not already sufficiently moist, and the sod shall be
placed thereon within approximately 24 hours after the same had been cut. Each sod strip shall be laid edge to edge
and such that the joints caused by abutting ends are staggered. Every strip, after it is snugly placed against the strips
already in position, shall be lightly lamped with suitable wooden or metal tampers so as to eliminate air pockets and
to press it into the underlying soil.
On side slopes steeper than 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical), the laying of sods shall be started from bottom upwards. At
points where water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod strips shall be turned into the soil below
the adjacent area and a layer of earth placed over tin’s followed by its thorough compaction Staking the sods

Where the side slope is 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) or steeper and the distance along the slope is more than 2 m, the
sods shall be staked with pegs or nails spaced approximately 500 to 1000 mm along the longitudinal axis of the sod
strips. Stakes shall be driven approximately plumb through the sods to be almost flush with them Top Dressing

After the sods have been laid in position, the surface shall be cleaned of loose sod, excess soil and other foreign
material. Thereafter, a thin layer of topsoil shall be scattered over the surface of top dressing and the area thoroughly
moistened by sprinkling with water. Watering and Maintenance

The sods shall be watered by the Contractor for a period of at least four weeks after laying. Watering shall be so done
as to avoid erosion and prevent damage to sodded areas by wheels of water tanks.
The Contractor shall erect necessary warning signs and barriers, repair or replace sodded areas failing to show
uniform growth of grass or damaged by his operations and shall otherwise maintain the grass at his expense until the
end of the Defects Liability Period. Maintenance shall consist of preserving, protecting and replacing grass and such
other work as may be necessary to keep it in a satisfactory condition to prevent erosion and to present a dense and
uniform appearance. The Contractor shall be responsible for satisfactory growth and shall water, fertilize, and mow
the grass at such intervals as will ensure good ground cover of live grass all through the Defects Liability Period.

3.5.4 Measurement
This work shall be measured for payment as the area in square meters of turfed or sodded surface whether horizontal
or sloping, of required and accepted grassing well established in place.

3.5.5 Payment
The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per square meter. The payment will be full
compensation for supplying all materials to be incorporated in the Works with all leads and lifts and all labour, tools,
equipment and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with these specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 3 -22.
Table 3- 22 : Pay Items – Turfing with Sods
Clause No. Description Units
3.5 Turfing with Sods Square Meter


3.6.1 Description
The work shall consist of constructing surface and/or sub-surface drains in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications and to the lines, grades, dimensions and other particulars shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Schedule of work shall be so arranged that the drains are completed in proper sequence with road works to
ensure that no excavation of the completed road works is necessary subsequently or any damage is caused to these
works due to lack of drainage.

3.6.2 Surface Drains

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Surface drains shall be excavated to the specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions to the requirements of Clause
301. The excavated material shall be removed from the area adjoining the drains and if found suitable, utilized in
embankment/sub-grade construction. All unsuitable material shall be disposed of as directed.
The excavated bed and sides of the drains shall be dressed to bring these in close conformity with the specified
dimensions, levels and slopes.
Where so indicated, drains shall be lined or turfed with suitable materials in accordance with details shown on the
All works on drain construction shall be planned and executed in proper sequence with other works as approved by
the Engineer, with a view to ensuring adequate drainage for the area and minimizing erosion/sedimentation.

3.6.3 Sub-surface Drains General
Sub-surface drains shall be of close-jointed perforated pipes, open-jointed unperforated pipes, surrounded by
granular material laid in a trench or aggregate drains to drain the pavement courses. Sub-surface drains designed
using Geosynthetics and approved by the Engineer can also be used. Materials Pipe
Perforated pipes for the drains may be metal/asbestos cement/cement concrete/PVC, and unperforated pipes of
vitrified clay/ cement concrete/asbestos cement. The type, size and grade of the pipe to be used shall be as specified
in the Contract. In no case, however, shall the internal diameter of the pipe be less than 100 mm. Holes for perforated
pipes shall be on one half of the circumference only and conform to the spacing indicated on the drawings . Size of the
holes shall not ordinarily be greater than half of D 85 size of the material surrounding the pipe, subject to being
minimum 3 mm and maximum 6 mm. D85 stands for the size of the sieve that allows 85 percent of the material to
pass through it. Backfill material

Backfill material shall consist of sound, tough, hard, durable particles of free draining sand-gravel material or crushed
stone and shall be free of organic material, clay balls or other deleterious matter. Unless the Contract specified any
particular grading for the backfill material or requires these to be designed on inverted filter criteria for filtration and
permeability to the approval of the Engineer, the backfill material shall conform to the grading shown in Table 3 -23.
Table 3- 23 Grading requirements of Drain Backfill Material

Sieve Designation % Passing by Weight

10mm 100
4.8mm 80-100
2.4mm 65-95
1.2mm 50-80
600 micron 25-50
300 micron 10-20
150 micron 0-10
75 micron 0-2

Thickness of backfill material around the pipe shall be as shown on the drawings subject to being at least 150 mm
alround in all cases.
Geosynthetics for use with subsurface drain shall conform to the requirements as per Clause 8.12 Trench Excavation

Trench for sub-surface drain shall be excavated to the specified lines, grades and dimensions shown in the drawings
provided that width of trench at pipe level shall not be less than 450 mm. The excavation shall begin at the outlet end
of the drain and proceed towards the upper end. Where unsuitable material is met with at the trench bed, the same
shall be removed to such depth as directed by the Engineer and backfilled with approved material which shall be
thoroughly compacted to the specified degree. Laying of pipe and backfilling

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Laying of pipe in the trench shall be started at the outlet end and proceed towards the upper end, true to the lines
and grades specified. Unless otherwise provided, longitudinal gradient of the pipe shall not be less than 1 in 100.
Before placing the pipe, backfill material of the required grading(s) shall be laid for full width of the trench bed and
compacted to a minimum thickness of 150 mm or as shown on the drawings. The pipe shall then be embedded firmly
on the bed.
Perforated pipes, unless otherwise specified, shall be placed with their perforations down to minimize clogging . The
pipe sections shall be joined securely with appropriate coupling fittings or bands.
Non-perforated pipes shall be laid with joints as close as possible with the open joints wrapped with suitable pervious
material (like double layer of Hessian, suitable Geosynthetics or some other material of not less than 150 mm width )
to permit entry of water but prevent fines entering the pipes. In the case of non-perforated pipes with bell end, the
bell shall face upgrade.
Upgrade end sections of the pipe installation shall be tightly closed by means of concrete plugs or plugs fabricated
from the same material as the pipe and securely held in place to prevent entry of soil materials.
After the pipe installation has been completed and approved, backfill material of the required grading (s) (see Clause
309.3.2B) shall be placed over the pipe to the required level in horizontal layers not exceeding 150 mm in thickness
and thoroughly compacted. The minimum thickness of material above the top of the pipe shall be 300 mm.
Unless otherwise provided, sub-surface drains not located below the road pavement shall be sealed at the top by
means of 150 mm thick layer of compacted clay so as to prevent percolation of surface water. Use of geosynthetics in laying of pipe and backfilling

After excavating the trench for subsurface drain, the filter fabric shall be placed, the pipe installed and the trench
backfilled with permeable material according to dimensions and details shown on the plans. Surfaces to receive filter
fabric prior to placing shall be free of loose or extraneous material and sharp objects that may damage the filter fabric
during installation. Adjacent rolls of the fabric shall be overlapped a minimum of 450 mm. The preceding roll shall
overlap the following roll in the direction the material is being spread.
Damage to the fabric resulting from Contractor’s vehicles, equipment or operations shall be replaced or repaired by
the Contractor at his Cost. Drain outlet

The outlet for a sub-surface drain shall not be under water or plugged with debris but should be a free outlet
discharging into a stream, culvert or open ditch. The bottom of the pipe shall be kept above high water in the ditch
and the end protected with a grate or screen. For a length of 500 mm from the outlet end, the trench for pipe shall
not be provided with granular material but backfilled with excavated soil and thoroughly compacted so as to stop
water directly percolating from the backfill material around the pipe. The pipe in this section shall not have any
perforations. Aggregate Drains

Aggregate drains shall be placed within the verge/ shoulders after completion of the pavement. Depth, thickness and
spacing of the aggregate drains shall be as shown on the plan.
Trenches for aggregate drains shall be excavated to a minimum width of 300 mm and to the depth shown on the
plans or ordered by the Engineer. The bottom of the trench shall be sloped to drain and shall be free from loose
particles of soil. The trench shall be excavated so as to expose clearly the granular pavement courses to be drained.
Aggregate for the drains shall be durable gravel, stone or slag and shall be free from vegetable matter and other
deleterious substances. The grading requirements are given in Table 3 -24
Table 3- 24 Grading requirements for Aggregate Drain
Sieve Designation % Passing by Weight
63mm -
37.5mm 100
19mm -
9.5mm 45-100
4.75mm 25-80
600 micron 8 – 45
150 micron 0 – 10
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75 micron 0–5

3.6.4 Measurement
Sub-surface drains shall be measured in linear meters of drain completed and accepted.
Drains shall extend from a point vertically below the outer edge of the carriageway surfacing layer to the finished face
of the embankment, or side ditch, side slope. In the event that the Contractor constructs the embankment to
dimensions in excess of those shown on the plans and sections the Contractor shall extend the sub-grade drains to
the embankment face at his own expense.

3.6.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above shall be paid at the Contract unit rate per linear meter. Payment shall be full
compensation for performing the work and providing all labour, equipment, materials, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the works.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 3 -25.
Table 3- 25 : Pay Items – Surface/Sub-Surface Drain
Clause No. Description Units
3.6 Surface/ Sub-surface Drain Meter


Preparation and surface treatment of the formation, that is top of the subgrade, shall be carried out only after
completion of any specified sub-grade drainage and unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, immediately prior to
laying the sub-base or the road base where no sub-base is required. The sequence of operations shall be as follows:
a) All surfaces below carriageway, laybyes, footways and hard shoulders shall, after reinstatement of any soft
areas to the required Specifications be well cleaned and freed of mud and slurry.
b) The surface shall be compacted by 4 passes of a smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 KN weight after spraying
requisite amount of water, if required, before the commencement of rolling.
c) The formation shall, wherever necessary be regulated and trimmed to the requirements of Clause
with motor grader.
d) The trimmed formation shall be rolled by one pass of smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 KN weight after
spraying requisite amount of water, if required, before the commencement of rolling.
Where the completed formation is not immediately covered with sub-base or road base material, its moisture
content shall be maintained to prevent cracking in the formation by suitable measures as approved by the Engineer .
The entire work of surface treatment of formation shall be deemed as incidental to the work of sub-base/base course
to be provided for the same.


The Contractor shall arrange for the rapid dispersal of water collected/ accumulated on the earthwork or completed
formation during construction or on the existing roadway or which enters the earthwork or any other item of work
from any source, and where practicable, the water shall be discharged into the permanent outfall of the drainage
system. The arrangements shall be made in respect of all earthwork including excavation for pipe trenches,
foundations or cuttings.
The Contractor shall provide, where necessary, temporary water courses, ditches, drains, pumping or other means for
maintaining the earthwork free from water. Such provisions shall include carrying out the work of forming the cut
sections and embankments in such manner that their surfaces have at all times a sufficient minimum crossfall and,
where practicable, a sufficient longitudinal gradient to enable them to shed water and prevent ponding.
The works involved in keeping the earthwork or any other item of works free of water shall be deemed as incidental
to the respective item of work and as such no separate payment shall be made for the same.


3.9.1 Description
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Excavation carried out in the diversion, enlargement, deepening or straightening water courses at culverts, where
necessary, shall include the operations such as clearing, grubbing, removal of vegetation, trimming of slopes, grading
of beds, disposal of excavated materials, pumping, timbering etc. necessary for dealing with the flow of water.
The beds and sloping sides of water courses shall, where shown on the drawings, be protected against the action of
water by rubble paving to form a flat or curved surface as indicated . The protection shall consist of large smooth
faced stones or of blocks of precast concrete. Stones for rubble paving shall be roughly dressed square. No stone shall
be less than 225 mm in depth nor less than 0.02 cum in volume and no rounded boulders shall be used. After
completion of construction of culverts, temporary diversion of water course, if any, shall be closed and water course
restored for flow through the culvert as per the direction of the Engineer.

3.9.2 Measurement
The work for water courses at culverts as stated above shall be measured in terms of units specified in the Bill of
Quantities for respective items. The temporary diversion of channel to facilitate construction of culverts, its closure
and restoration to original water course shall be considered incidental to the work of construction of culvers and no
extra payment shall be made for the same.

3.9.3 Payment
The Contract unit rates for different items of water courses at culverts shall be payment in full for carrying out all
required operations including full compensation for all cost of materials, labour, tools, equipment and other
incidentals to complete the work to the Specifications.

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4.1 General
The scope for improving the ground of problematic sub-soil conditions comprises of several alternatives and one out
of the following alternatives may be chosen based on the sub-soil conditions:
a) Excavation and replacement of weak sub-soil layer with well-draining coarse sand (natural or crushed)
conforming to grading given in Table 3 -20 Compaction Requirements of Embankment and Sub-Grade,
compacted to a relative density of 75 to 80 percent shall be provided.
b) Stage construction of embankment and controlled rate of filling (build the embankment for a height the sub-
soil strength permits, wait for settlements to happen, build next lift of the embankment and so on).
c) Using Geosynthetic drains [Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)] with surcharge involving design and
installation of PVD to achieve 90% consolidation of sub-soil by a prescribed time (6 months, 12 months, etc.)
d) Rammed stone columns.
e) Stone columns formed by vibroflot technique.

4.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) with surcharge

4.2.1 General
The design and construction of this drain shall generally comply with the requirements of IS:15284 (Part 2), including
all latest amendments and specifically with the requirements of this Particular Specification . In the case of conflict
between the requirements of IS:15284 and this Particular Specification the requirements of this Particular
Specification shall prevail.

4.2.2 Materials Geosynthetic Drain
Geosynthetic strip or band drain manufactured conforming to ISO 9001 certification shall consist of a corrugated or
studded or 3-d mesh consisting of an inner core of thick polyester fused at intersection, wrapped in a non-woven
geotextile. Band drain shall be 100 mm wide and 5 mm thick. The core shall serve as the drainage medium conveying
the core water from the soft subsoil to the drainage layer at the top. The core shall be of three-dimensional mesh,
made of polyester or equivalent. The filter should be Non-woven needle punched adhesive-bonded fabric. The filter
and the core shall be ultrasonically welded together at edges to produce a fully integrated product. The drain shall
meet the following properties:
Table 4-26 Typical specifications of vertical drain
Item/ Properties Unit Mean Value Test Method
Weight G/m 75 + 10% ASTM D 5261
Width mm 100
Thickness mm 5.0 ASTM D 5199
Tensile Strength KN 2.2 ASTM D 4595
Elongation at 2.0 KN % 25 ASTM D 4595
Strength at 10% elongation KN 1.3 ASTM D 4595
Discharge Capacity, q
Index text using deformable foam layers m3/s 60 x 10-6 (300 KPa) ASTM D 4716
40 x 10-6 (500 KPa)
Straight – embedded in bentonite m3/s 90 x 10-6 ASTM D 4716
Buckled – embedded in bentonite m3/s 80 x 10-6 ASTM D 4716
Filter Fabric
Puncture Strength N 150 ASTM D 4595
Tear Strength N 200 ASTM D 4595
Grab Tensile Strength N 550 ASTM D 4595
Apparent opening size (AOS), O95 mm 100 ASTM D 4751
Permeability/ Permittivity cm/s 200 x 100 ASTM D 4491

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The drains shall be installed to depths and at spacing as per the design . The contractor shall submit to the Engineer
the complete design considering 90 percent consolidation to be achieved by a prescribed time (6 months, 12 months,
etc.) and scheme for installation of vertical band drains along with the particulars of brand of drain being used with its
properties, the equipment and the methodology being used for installation of the drains. Granular Sand Blanket

After installation of the vertical band drains in the sub-soil, a blanket of well-draining coarse sand (natural or crushed)
conforming to Class I grading given in Table 300-3 of suitable thickness compacted to a relative density of 75 to 80
percent shall be provided. This blanket shall be exposed to atmosphere at its periphery for pore water pressure
dissipation. Geotextile Fabric for separation and drainage:

The finished sand blanket shall be covered with a geotextile layer on top and bottom before applying pre -load/
construction of embankment. The geotextile used for this purpose shall be a non-wowen, manufactured conforming
to ISO 9001 certification and made of polyprophylene using endless continuous filament of polypropylene and
thermally bonded by heat set. The geotextile and the threads used shall be resistant to chemical attack, mildew and
rot. The requirements of polypropylene, needle punched, non woven geotextile fabric used for this purpose are given
Table 4- 27 Typical specifications of non woven geotextile fabric
Item/ Properties Unit Value
Grab Tensile Strength KN 0.900
Grab Tensile Elongation % 50
Mullen Burst KPa 2750
Puncture KN 0.575
Trapezoid Tear KN 0.355
UV Resistance %@hr 70/500
Apparent opening size (AOS), O95 mm 0.150
Permittivity sec 1.5
Flow Rate 1/min/m2 3225
Life Period years 120

4.2.3 Construction and installation requirements Shipment and Storage
The Geosynthetic Band Drain shall be dry and wrapped such that it is protected from the exposure to ultraviolet light
during shipping and storage. At no time shall the band drain be exposed to ultraviolet light for a period exceeding
fourteen days. If stored outdoor, they shall be elevated and protected with a waterproof cover . The Geosynthetic
Band Drain shall be labeled as per ASTM D 4873, “Guide for identification, storage, and handling of geotextile. Drain installation

Band Drains in roll shall be installed using an installation rig/sticher mounted on a base machine (Hydraulic or
Mechanical). The end of the drain shall be attached to a hollow rectangular mandrel or shoe, which will be driven into
the soft clay by appropriate mechanism, such as lance. On reaching the refusal strata (stiff soil), the mandrel with the
drain shall be left behind and the lance withdrawn. The top of the drain above the ground level shall be cut off at
design level (150 mm into the drainage blanket). The rig/ sticher moves on to the next location. Blanket Installation

After installation of vertical band drains, a blanket of granular coarse sand as mentioned above shall be spread over
the entire area and covered with geotextile layer on top and bottom as directed by the Engineer. Installation of geotextile fabric for separation and drainage: Shipment and Storage:

The geotextile shall be kept dry and wrapped such that it is protected from the exposure to ultraviolet light during
shipping and storage. At no time shall the paving fabric be exposed to ultraviolet light for a period exceeding fourteen

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days. Geotextile rolls shall be stored in a manner, which protects them from elements. If stored outdoor, they shall be
elevated and protected with a waterproof cover. The geotextile shall be labeled as per ASTM D 4873, “Guide for
identification, storage and handling of geotextiles”. Fabric Placement:

The geotextile shall be laid smooth without wrinkles or folds on the sand blanket in the direction of construction
traffic. Adjacent geotextile rolls shall be overlapped, sewn or jointed, (Preferably sewn or joined). On curves the
geotextile may be folded or cut & overlap to conform to the curves. The fold or overlap shall be in the direction of
construction and held in place by pins, staples, or piles of fill or rock. Prior to covering, the geotextile shall be
inspected by the Engineer to ensure that the geotextile has not been damaged (i.e. holes, tears, rips) during
installation. Damaged geotextiles, as identified by the Engineer, shall not be allowed. The surcharge shall be placed
such that atleast the minimum specified lift thickness shall be between the geotextile and the equipment tyres or
tracks at all times. Turning of vehicles shall not be permitted on the first lift above the geotextile. Seaming:
A sewn seam is to be used for the seaming of the geotextile. The thread used shall consist of high strength
polypropylene or polyester. Nylon thread shall not be used. The thread shall also be resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
The thread shall be of contrasting color to that of the geotextile itself. For seams which are sewn in the filed, the
contractor shall provide at least a 2 meter length sewn seam for sampling by the Engineer before the geo-textile is
installed. For seams which are sewn in the factory, the Engineer shall obtain samples of the factory seams at random
from any roll of geotextile which is used on the project. For seams that are field sewn, the seams sewn for sampling
shall be sewn using the same equipment and procedures as will be used for the production seams. If seams area sewn
in both the machine and cross machine direction, samples of seams from both directions shall be provided . The seam
assembly description shall be submitted by the Contractor along with the sample of the seam. The description shall
include the seam type, stitch type, sewing thread and stitch density. Addition of Surcharge:

Addition of surcharge load by approved embankment material shall be placed over the geotextile layer upto a height
as per the design requirement. The addition of surcharge shall be placed with adequate side slope to avoid any slope
failure. The addition of surcharge needs to be kept in place for a period as per the design to achieve desired degree of
consolidation. After ascertaining that the desired degree of consolidation is achieved, the addition of surcharge which
is not forming part of permanent work/ embankment shall be removed to the required level as per drawings.
Removal of additional surcharge material shall be done without damaging the road embankment. After removal of
additional surcharge, the damaged embankment top, if any, shall be made good as instructed by the Engineer -in-
charge. The addition and removal of surcharge is incidental to the work except for payment of additional surcharge
quantity forming part of permanent embankment. The quantity for payment will be determined based on the
settlements readings observed through instrumentation. Instrumentation and Monitoring the behavior of sub-soil/ embankment:

Monitoring the behavior of the sub-soil/ embankment construction shall form part of the scope. The design is based
on the gain in the shear strength of the subsoil due to consolidation process. It is therefore necessary to monitor the
following critical parameters: Monitoring the buildup and dissipation of Pore Pressure:

Casagrande open standpipe type piezometers shall be used for the measurement of changes in pore pressure . The
specifications for the casagrande piezometer are as follows.
a) The piezometer shall be 38 mm in dia and 300 mm in length;
b) The air entry value shall be of the order of 0.3 kg/cm2. The standpipe shall be more than 16 mm in diametre;
c) The piezometer shall be installed in 150 mm borehole, at specified depths. Sand cover around the
piezometer tip and bentonite seal above shall be provided; and
d) Suitable electronic sensor shall be used to record the water level
Piezometers including dummy piezometers shall be installed at locations specified by the Engineer. Rate and Magnitude of Vertical Settlements of the Subsoil under the surcharge load:
Settlements shall be measured by installing platform type settlement gauges, which consist of the following:
a) Wooden base plate 1000 mm square and 50 mm thick;
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b) GI pipe of 25 mm ö fitted to the base plate with a suitable sleeve arrangement and nuts and bolts;
c) Outer loose fitting sleeve, to prevent soil form coming into contact with the inner pipe;
d) The pipe and the sleeve consist of 1.5m long sections, which can be screwed on at the top, so that as the
surcharge is built up, the top of the pipe is well clear of the fill;
Settlement gauges shall be installed at the ground level, before the starting of the fill construction. These shall be
installed locations specified by the Engineer. The readings of settlement gauges also form the basis to estimate the
quantity of surcharge forming part of permanent work. The number of settlement gauges is also to be decided by the
Engineer keeping in view this aspect. Measurement of Shear Strength:

The shear strength parameters of the subsoil [unconfined compressive strength (UCS)] shall be measured at locations
specified by the Engineer at the end of each stage of surcharge loading in order to compare the actual details with the
design assumptions. For the recovery of undisturbed samples from the subsoil for determining UCS, before start of
construction of surcharge, 100 mm dia. casing pipe shall be installed into the ground to 3 m depth, preferably by
driving; the top of the casing pipe shall have provision for adding extensions at top by screw coupling; and as the
surcharge construction proceeds the casing pipe is extended. This procedure ensures avoiding drilling through the
surcharge already placed as well as any damage to the installed band drains. Undisturbed samples (UDS) are
recovered and UCS is determined in the site laboratory (sending UDS sample to distant laboratories would result in
loss of water content and disturbance of the samples leading to erroneous values of UCS). Undisturbed samples shall
be recovered at every 1.5m depth at the specified locations, so that complete strength profile of subsoil is obtained. Playing of Contraction Traffic

During the placing of the surcharge and compaction, the contractor shall take utmost care so that the monitoring
instruments are not damaged. Compaction by small vibratory rollers shall be done for 1.5m around the monitoring
instruments and bigger rollers shall not be used near the monitoring instruments . Similarly, care shall be taken that
movement of dumpers does not damage the monitoring instruments. Frequency of Observations:

The readings of the piezometers and the settlement gauges shall be recorded at the following frequency.
a) Daily reading shall be taken in stretches where filling/ surcharge operations are in progress. Weekly readings
shall be taken in stretches, where no filling/ surcharge is being done.
b) Weekly readings shall be taken after the desired fill/ surcharge height is achieved, till the next stage filling
commences. All data shall be recorded in a register and maintained properly.
c) The Data from the monitoring instruments provides the background for regulating the rate of placing the
fill/surcharge as well as the waiting period between stages. Precautions against Pilferage:

The observation data would have to be recorded during construction and for three Months thereafter . It is therefore
essential that the equipment is not tampered and stolen. Suitable precautions shall be taken in this regard by the
contractor. Drainage of Ground Water:

The water which will come out from the subsoil through vertical drains will be accumulated at temporary ditches to
be digged at nearby areas and the accumulated water will be dewatered regularly from the ditches to the outfalls as
directed by the Engineer. Certification from the manufacturer of band drain and geotextile fabric for separation and drainage:
a) The contractor shall provide to the Engineer, a certificate stating the name of the manufacturer, product
name, style number, chemical composition of the filament or yarns and other pertinent information to fully
describe the material. Each roll shall be labeled or tagged to protect product identification as well as
inventory and quality control.
b) The manufacturer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control programme to assure
compliance with the requirement of the specification. Documentation describing the quality control
programme shall be made available upon request.

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c) The manufacturer’s certificate shall state that the furnished material meets minimum averages roll values
(MARV) requirements of the specifications as evaluated under the Manufacturer’s quality control
programme. The certificate shall be attested by a person having legal authority to bind the Manufacturer. Measurement
(i) The Geosynthetic Band Drains (or geodrain) shall be measured in liner meter of its length.
(ii) The granular sand blanket shall be measured in cubic meter.
(iii) The geo-synthetic fabric shall be measured in square meter of plan area of final finished work.
(iv) Instrumentation and Monitoring the behaviour of sub-soil/ embankment shall be measured in number of
(v) The additional surcharge quantity forming part of permanent embankment shall be measured in cum.
The overlaps, patches, sewn seams and securing pins shall not to be measured. Payment
Rate shall include cost of design, materials, installation, operations involved in pre-loading/ additional surcharge,
dewatering, labour, plant hire, material storage and handling expenses for completing the work including submission
of construction drawings and provision of specialist attendance & supervision at site for (i) geodrain; (ii) sand blanket;
(iii) geofabric; (iv) instrumentation and monitoring; and (v) permanent embankment part of surcharge as described
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 4 -28.
Table 4- 28 : Pay Items – Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)
Clause No. Description Units
4.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) using Synthetic Geo-Textile Linear Meters
Prefabricated Vertical Jute Drain (PVJD) using Jute Geo-Textile (JGT) Linear Meters

4.3 Rammed Stone Columns using non-displacement method of construction

4.3.1 Description
The design and construction of this column shall generally comply with the requirements of IS: 15284 (Part 2),
including all latest amendments and specifically with the requirements of this Particular Specification. In the case of
conflict between the requirements of IS: 15284 and this Particular Specification the requirements of this Particular
Specification shall prevail.

4.3.2 Material
Stone columns are columns formed from well-graded crushed stone and gravel compacted to a dense state. The size
of the well graded crushed aggregate varies from 2 mm to 75 mm conforming to the gradation given below.
Size of the Crushed Aggregate % Passing
75 mm 90 -100
50 mm 80 -90
38 mm 55-75
20 mm 10-20
12 mm 5-13
2 mm 5
The crushed aggregate shall be chemically inert, hard and resistant to breakage. It may be noted that stones of
uniform size permit penetration of fines into the large voids thereby jeopardizing the capacity of the column and / or
its function as a vertical drain. Granular Blanket

A compacted and well-draining layer of gravel or coarse sand, of specified thickness, compacted in layers to a relative
density of 75 to 80 percent shall be provided above the existing ground. This blanket shall be exposed to atmosphere
at its periphery for pore water pressure dissipation.

4.3.3 Construction and Installation Requirements

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The “Rammed Stone Columns” shall be constructed by non-displacement technique namely “Bailer and Casing
Method” as given in IS:15284 (Part 1). A certain depth of stone columns at the top remains uncompacted due to
absence of confinement in this region. After ensuring complete removal of slush deposited during boring operations,
a minimum depth of 0.5 m, preferably 0.75 below the granular blanket shall be compacted by other suitable means
such as rolling/ tamping to the specified densification criteria.

4.3.4 Field Control

In the above method, the following minimum field controls shall essentially be observed.
The set criteria and the consumption of granular fill form the main quality control measures for the columns
constructed by the non-displacement technique. The set criteria shall be established as given in IS 15284 (Part 1). For
ascertaining the consumption of fill, the diameter of the column as formed during field trials shall be measured in its
uppermost part along the four diameters and average of these observations taken as the column diameter.

4.3.5 Field Loading Test

Initial and routine tests shall be carried out as given in IS 15284 (Part 1).
Recording of Data shall be done as given in IS 15284 (Part 1).

4.3.6 Load Test Results

The ultimate load capacity of single column is, with reasonable accuracy, determined form load tests . The settlement
of a stone column obtained at safe/ working load from load test results on a single column shall not be directly used
in forecasting the settlement of the structure unless experience form similar foundations in similar soil conditions on
its settlement behavior is available. The average settlement may be assessed on the basis of sub-soil data and loading
details of the structures as a whole using the principles of soil mechanics.

4.3.7 Certification
The Contractor is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control programme to assure compliance with
the requirements of the specifications.

4.3.8 Measurement
a) The rammed stone column shall be measured in linear meter of its compacted length.
b) The sand blanket shall be measured in cum.
c) The initial and routine load tests, unless otherwise specified in the contract, shall be measured in numbers
and paid.

4.3.9 Payment
The rate shall include the cost of providing all materials, tools, equipment, labor, supervision and incidentals
necessary to complete the work as per these specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 4 -31.
Table 4- 29 : Pay Items – Rammed Stone Column
Clause No. Description Units
4.3 Rammed Stone Column (Pile Diameter 300 mm) Linear Meters
Rammed Stone Column (Pile Diameter 500 mm) Linear Meters

4.4 Stone Column using Vibro-replacement (Vibroflot) method of construction

4.4.1 General
The design and construction of this column shall generally comply with the requirements of IS :15284 (Part 2),
including all latest amendments and specifically with the requirements of this Particular Specification. In the case of
conflict between the requirements of IS:15284 and this Particular Specification the requirements of this Particular
Specification shall prevail. The scope of work includes:
a) construction of stone columns, complete in-place including layout;

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b) furnishing crushed stone, equipment, electrical power, water and any other necessary items for stone
column and its installation;
c) Control and disposal of surface water resulting from stone column construction operations;
d) Construction of sand (or stone) working platform and necessary access to site (this may be included under
another contract);
e) Construction and removal of silt settling ponds or similar facilities as required, and the regrading of the site
as required;
f) Stockpiling and disposal of silt from the site if necessary; and
g) Load testing of stone columns as specified
Stone Column with maximum compacted density shall extend to the full depth of the compressible stratum and shall
be proven to reach the Dense Sand Layer/Stiff Clay Layer through the monitoring records for each column.
The Contractor shall
a) Meet all applicable laws and regulations concerning surface runoff, siltation, pollution and general disposal
of the effluent from the construction of the stone columns and general site work.
b) Construct and relocate temporary ditches, swales, banks, dams, and similar facilities as necessary to control
the flow of surface water during the work. Remove them when no longer required, and regrade the affected
areas for acceptable drainage as specified for site grading.
c) Construct silt settling ponds as required in locations indicated or approved. Ensure that earth banks and
water control devices are safely designed and prevent inadvertent discharge into watercourses off the site.
Stockpile and dispose of all silt as approved by the Engineer.
d) Remove settling ponds and other structures when no longer required and regrade the areas for acceptable
drainage as specified for site grading.

4.4.2 Materials Stone Aggregate for Compacted Column:
The crushed stone and gravel for column backfill shall be clean, hard, angular, chemically inert, resistant to breakage
and free from organic, trash, or other deleterious materials. It shall be well-graded stones of 75 mm down to 12 mm
size conforming to the gradation given below. The uniformity co-efficient shall be greater than 3 and the grain size
distribution curve shall reflect well graded material. The crushing value of the stone shall not be more than 30 percent
and impact value not more than 25 percent.
Size of the Aggregate % Passing
75 mm 90 -100
50 mm 40-90
20 mm 0-10
12 mm 0-5

It may be noted that stones of uniform size may permit penetration of clay into the large voids thereby jeopardizing
the capacity of the column and/or its function as a vertical drain. Drainage Blanket:

Sand/crushed stone, which is hard, inert, resistant to chemical change and free from organic, trash, or other
deleterious materials shall only be used in drainage blanket. The blanket shall be well graded and free draining
granular material of thickness 50 cm or more, compacted in layers to a relative density of 75 to 80 percent . This
blanket shall be exposed to atmosphere at its periphery for pore water pressure dissipation.

4.4.3 Construction and Installation

The stone columns shall be installed by vibroflot method given in IS 15284 (Part 1). Stones shall be fed by mechanical
means i.e. use of loader/ hopper/ chute etc. The slush, muck and other loose materials at work site shall be removed/
disposed off suitably by the contractor as instructed by the Engineer. The contractor shall take adequate measures to
ensure stability of bore holes made for installation of stone column.
A detailed installation procedure/method statement shall be submitted by the Contractor including:
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a) Type and number of vibroflots and general method of operation including construction schedule.
b) Mechanical arrangement for placing stones (s) around the probe point
c) Quality control, Quality Assurance Procedure covering details on automatic recording devices to monitor and
record stone consumption
d) Type of Equipment to be deployed
e) Manpower to be engaged
f) The proposed sequence and timing for constructing stone columns having regard to the avoidance of
damage to adjacent stone columns
g) Bar chart for the entire foundation work
Stone column installation procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer. The construction technique and probe shall
be capable of producing and/or complying with the following:
a) The holes shall be close to circular.
b) The probe and follower tubes shall be of sufficient length to reach the elevations shown on the plans. The
probe, used in combination with the flow rate and available pressure to the tip jet, shall be capable of
penetrating to the required tip elevation. Preboring of stiff lenses, layers or strata is permitted.
c) The probe shall have visible external markings at one (1) foot/suitable increments to enable measurement of
penetration and re-penetration depths
d) The equipment to be used shall be instrumented with sensors and the data processed by a micro-processing
unit to enable continuous monitoring and data capture of the following during construction of each stone
i) depth of vibrator and vibrator movements (depth of penetration)
ii) power consumption (compaction effort)
Data captured shall be continuously displayed on a LCD unit and graphical output (plots of depth versus time and
power consumption) generated by automated computerized recording device throughout the process of stone
column installation for each point shall be submitted to the Engineer.
a) Sufficient quantity of wash water shall be provided to the tip of the probe to widen the probe hole to a
diameter to allow adequate space for stone backfill placement around the probe. The flow of water from the
bottom jet shall be maintained at all times during backfilling to prevent caving or collapse of the hole and to
form a clean stone column. The flow rate will generally be greater as the hole is jetted in, and decrease as
the stone column comes up
b) After forming the hole, the vibrator shall be lifted up a minimum 3 m, dropped at least twice to flush the hole
out. The probe shall not, however, be completely removed from the hole
c) The column shall be formed by adding stone in lifts having each lift height between 600cm and 1000cm. The
stone aggregate in each lift shall be compacted by re-penetrating it at least twice with the horizontally
vibrating probe so as to densify and force the stone radially into the surrounding in-situ soil. The stone in
each increment shall be re-penetrated a sufficient number of times to develop a minimum ammeter reading
on the motor of at least 40 amps more than the free-standing (unloaded) ampere draw on the motor, but no
less than 80 amps total
d) Stone columns shall be installed so that each completed column will be continuous throughout its length
If erosion of upper granular working plat-form material occurs, the depressions shall be backfilled with sand/ granular
material which meets the specification for the working platform. Such backfilling shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
The working surface shall be cleaned at the completion of the stone column construction of all unsuitable materials
washed up from the stone column holes. Such unsuitable materials include clay or silt lumps, wood fragments or
other organic matter. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, these materials create “soft spots” or zones of compressibility
or weakness in connection with the placement of overlying embankment materials, these unsuitable materials shall
be disposed of in a manner approved by the Engineer
In the event of obstructions preventing the penetration of the vibroflot, the Contractor shall stop work, move to
another compaction point and immediately notify the Engineer. The Engineer may at his option authorize one or
several of the following: (i) position the compaction point a short distance away from the original position, (ii)
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additional compaction points to bridge the obstruction, (iii) remove the obstruction, replace removed soils, and again
jet the column hole in the indicated location or (iv) perform other removal or relocation operations.

4.4.4 Field Controls

In the above method, the following minimum field controls shall essentially be observed.
a) Vibroflot penetration depth including the depth of embedment in firm strata.
b) Monitoring of volume of backfill added to obtain an indication of the densities achieved, and
c) Monitoring of ammeter or hydraulic pressure gauge readings to verify that the maximum possible density
has been achieved in case of vibrofloted columns.
Recording of Data shall be done as given in IS 15284 (Part 1).

4.4.5 Field Loading Tests

The Initial load tests shall be performed at a trial test site to evaluate the load-settlement behavior of the soil-stone
column system. The tests shall be conducted on a single and also on a group of minimum three columns in
accordance with IS:15284 (Part-1). The number of initial tests shall be as follows:
Single column tests – 1 test per 500 or part thereof stone columns.
Three column group tests – 1 test per 1000 or part thereof stone columns.
The Routine load tests shall be carried out on a single job column in accordance with IS:15284 (Part-1). The job
columns shall be loaded for a test load of 1.1 times the design load intensity with kentledge minimum 1.3 times the
design load pattern. The number of routine tests shall be as follows:
Single column tests – 1 test per 500 or part thereof stone columns.
The test load shall be applied at increments of 1/10th of the design load upto a maximum of 1.5 times the design load.
Each load stage shall be maintained till the settlement rate is less than 0.1 mm/30 min.
The test load shall be maintained for a minimum period of 24 hours. The ultimate load on the stone column shall be
determined by double tangent diagram. The test load shall be removed in five/six stages. Each unloading stage shall
be maintained till the rebound attains a rate of 2.0 mm/30 min.
Safe and efficient working of the loading arrangements is entirely the Contractor’s responsibility and any impediment
resulting in the failure of the test arrangement may debar the contractor from payment for the test . Alternatively, it
may make the contractor liable to repeat the test on separate column/columns without any extra cost to the
The Engineer shall approve the location of this test and the construction of stone columns shall, to the satisfaction of
the Engineer, be carried out using the same procedure as all the rest of the stone columns on site . The stone columns
under the test shall be a part of a larger stone column group. The interpretation of the results shall be free from
ambiguity and shall be subject to the Engineers approval. No works shall proceed unless the Contractor shall satisfy
the Engineer beyond reasonable doubt that the performance of the stabilized soil material will be compliant with the

4.4.6 Tolerances Setting Out:
Setting out shall be carried out from reference lines and points shown in the drawings . Immediately before
installation of the stone columns, the stone column positions shall be marked with suitable identifiable markers. Position:
No vibration center or stone column shall be more than 150 mm off its correct center location in any direction at the
working platform level as shown on the approved plans. Verticality:
Stone Columns shall be constructed as vertical as possible. The axis of the stone column shall not be inclined from the
vertical by more than 1h: 20v as indicated by the tilt of vibrator and follower tubes.

4.4.7 Personnel
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The Contractor shall employ personnel having atleast 4 – 5 years experience in the construction of stone columns.

4.4.8 Certification
The Contractor is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control programme to assure compliance with
the requirements of the specifications.

4.4.9 Measurement
a) The stone column by vibroflot method shall be measured in linear meter of its compacted length.
b) The sand blanket shall be measured in cum.
c) The initial and routine load tests, unless otherwise specified in the contract, shall be measured in numbers
and paid.

4.4.10 Payment
The rate shall include the cost of providing all materials, tools, equipment, labor, supervision and incidentals
necessary to complete the work as per these specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 4 -30.
Table 4-30 : Pay Items – Stone Column using Vibroflot
Clause No. Description Units
4.4 Stone Column using Vibroflot (Pile Diameter 300 mm) Linear Meters
Stone Column using Vibroflot (Pile Diameter 500 mm) Linear Meters

4.5 Sand compaction piles

4.5.1 General
Sand compaction pile shall generally be used for improvement of sandy as well as clayey soil in alluvial plain, mostly
plains, reclaimed land and marshy land.

4.5.2 Sand Compaction Pile Construction by Drop Hammer Equipment
The equipment used for sand compaction piles are:
 Derrick/winch
 Casing pipe
 Drop hammer
Drop hammer weighing 1 ton and above shall be of solid cylinder and sectional area shall be such that it can play
within the casing pipe. Diameter of hammer section shall be about 6mm to 8mm lower than the opening of the casing
pipe. The casing pipe shall be of Mild Steel. Construction Method

A small hole of about 50mm depth shall be made on the ground with the hammer . Casing pipe shall be installed at
that point and kept vertical. The casing pipe shall be held in position with the wire rope connected to the winch i.e.
downward movement of the casing pipe shall be restrained.
Coarse sand of F.M. between 1.5 and 2.5 or sand gravel mix as provided in the design shall be placed within the casing
pipe (250mm to 300mm diameter) upto a depth of about 1.0 to 1.5m.
The coarse sand or sand gravel mix placed at the tip of casing pipe shall then be compacted to form a solid mass by
the hammer holding the casing pipe in position.
Casing pipe shall then be allowed to go downward with application of hammer blows on the shoe formed at the tip
and shall be penetrated to the desired depth.

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As the casing pipe reaches the desired depth, the pipe shall be pulled back by about 30cm from the lowest position
and then held firmly from the winch. Artificial shoe shall then be detached from the casing pipe with the hammer
The casing shall be drawn to a desired height and sand be discharged into the casing pipe upto a depth of about 1 .5 to
2 times the drawn up height of the casing pipe.
The discharged sand shall be compacted by the hammer and the process of compaction shall continue until the casing
pipe reaches the ground surface.
The removed volume of sand or sand gravel mix, measured on the ground, shall be between 120 % and 130% of the
designed volume.
Effect of improvement of the foundation soil shall be confirmed by SPT, CPT or any other method as approved by the
Engineer between and at the centre of piles so as to satisfy the desired bearing capacity.

4.5.3 Sand Compaction Pile construction by Composer General:
A 4.5 to 6.0 ton hydraulic or electric vibrator is attached to the top of a steel pipe. The pipe casing is slightly longer
then the desired length of the sand compaction pile so as to protrude out of the ground after reaching the design
depth. The pipe fully supports the surrounding soil at all times during construction . Water jets may be used on the
outside of the pipe when layers are encountered that have a standard penetration test (SPT) resistance greater than
about 15 to 20. Water jet pressure up to 1200 psi have been used to aid driving piles using vibratory hammers
(Hayashi, 1981)
The casing with attached vibratory hammer is suspended from a crawler crane and is guided by leads. Proper pile
alignment is maintained by a guide attached to the vibrator that moves up and down the crane leads. Filling steel casing:

The steel casing is usually filled with sand as it is being driven down so that extraction of the casing can begin
immediately upon reaching the required depth. After filling the skip with a front end loader, the sand is mechanically
lifted and dumped into the hopper located at the top of the pipe as the pipe is being vibrated down. Sand Removal:

Upon filling the casing with sand, a 40 to 70 psi air pressure is applied to the top of the sand column. The air pressure
on the top of the sand prevents soft soil from flowing into the pipe and helps to force the sand out during withdrawal .
Water is usually not utilized during the construction of a sand compaction pile. If the sand is dry, however, contractors
frequently add some water to the sand to prevent it from sticking in the tube due to arching. Sand Densification:

A sand compaction pile is constructed using a stroking motion of the casing as it is withdrawn . The casing is first
pulled up 1.5 to 3.0 meters, using the crane, and then vibrated back down 1.0 to 2.0 meters. This up and down
stroking motion is repeated until the casing has been completely withdrawn from the ground. The stroking motion
apparently plays a n important role in achieving a strong, dense sand compaction pile, and in densifying the
surrounding sands. As the sand compaction pile is constructed, the depth of the casing tip, power consumption and
approximate volume of sand consumed are usually continuously recorded. Closing casing end during driving:

During driving the lower end of the casing is closed using one of the special end cover assemblies. This tip consists of
several hinged metal fingers that are manually pushed together to form a closed end before driving begins . As the
casing is withdrawn the fingers open out under the action of gravity allowing the sand to flow out.

4.5.4 Performance
Performance of sand compaction piles shall be monitored by conducting Standard Penetration Test (SPT) before
improvement (Pre Test) and after improvement (Post Test) in the treated area. A trial plot measuring 10m x 10m shall
be compacted first with compaction piles for square/ triangular pattern. Post compaction Penetration Test will be
carried out to check the adequacy of the compaction. The Test (SPT) has to be carried out minimum one week after
installation of sand compaction piles.

4.5.5 Measurement
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Measurement shall be taken for payment in linear meter of pile constructed in accordance with the Specifications
stated herein and/or as per the provisions of the BOQ and/or as shown on the Drawings and/or as directed by the
Engineer. Only the completed works as accepted by the Engineer will be eligible for payment.

4.5.6 Payment
Sand compaction pile as measured above shall be paid at the Contract unit price per linear meter. The rate shall
constitute the full compensation of furnishing all materials like sand, gravel and other materials, driving pile holes,
lowering casing pipe, placing of materials and their compaction, SPT/CPT or any other method and tests for
determining the improvement in the bearing capacity, arranging all equipment and machinery, labour, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the Work as per requirements described under this item of work, the Bill of
Quantities, as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
No payment shall be made for unauthorized, defective, unsound or unsatisfactorily piles or for any costs incurred by
the Contractor for such piles.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 4 -31.
Table 4-31 : Pay Items – Sand Compaction Pile Construction
Clause No. Description Units
4.5 Sand Compaction Pile (Pile Diameter 200, Sand Volume 0.075 – 0.150 cum/m) Linear Meters
Sand Compaction Pile (Pile Diameter 250, Sand Volume 0.100 – 0.250 cum/m) Linear Meters
Sand Compaction Pile (Pile Diameter 200, Sand Volume 0.150 – 0.350 cum/m) Linear Meters

4.6 Jet Grouting

4.6.1 General
Jet Grouting is a process of improving the ground by cutting it with high pressure jet(s) and mixing and replacing the
resulting slurry with cement grout. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 12716 – Execution of
Special Geotechnical Works – Jet Grouting.
The Jet Grouting mentioned in this Chapter applies to mass treatment of soil to meet the strength and stiffness
criteria. If it is used for other applications, the designer shall apply relevant codes to the acceptance of Engineer.

4.6.2 Method Statement for Jet Grouting

The Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement for the grouting works . It shall include the minimum
information required in BS EN12716. The method statement shall also include:
a) the target strength and stiffness of the piles
b) ground movement monitoring plans
c) proposals for a jet grouting trial including the location and monitoring of the trial.
The method statement shall be reviewed in the light of the results of the trial and if necessary resubmitted for the
acceptance of the Engineer prior to the commencement of the main Jet Grouting works

4.6.3 Jet Grouting Trial

Before carrying out the proposed jet grouting, the Contractor shall carry out a jet grouting trial to demonstrate the
suitability of the proposed method. This shall be carried out in full accordance with the Contractor's method
One minimum trial test shall be carried out at site for each soil type (based on the DC Chapter 5 classification) to be
The trial jet grouting shall consist of a minimum of six overlapping columns formed at the depth and in similar ground
conditions as the proposed jet grouting.
The effectiveness of the trial grouting shall be demonstrated with a minimum of four boreholes used to obtain cores
through the full depth of the grouted block. Of the four boreholes, one shall be targeted at the centre of a pile, one at
a point two third of a pile radius from the centre, and the remaining two at the overlapping areas of the piles . The
cores shall be fully logged and shall be tested for strength and stiffness. A minimum of 3 samples shall be taken from
top and middle and bottom of each core for strength and stiffness testing.
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If TCR fails to achieve 85% or any of the strength or stiffness tests fail the target value, the Jet Grouting trial is deemed
to fail, further trial(s) with more conservative operation parameters shall be carried out.
A minimum of 3 SPT tests at the overlapping areas of the piles shall be carried out at each borehole . The strength and
stiffness test results shall be used to correlate with SPT values. The correlation shall be agreed with the Engineer, and
used only as supplementary to the more direct TCR, strength and stiffness tests for the subsequent quality control.
A grid of settlement/heave monitoring points shall be established over the trial area, at a spacing of not greater than
5m. All buildings, structures and utilities within a distance of 1.5 times the maximum depth of grouting shall also be
monitored for movement. All points shall be monitored at least twice per day when drilling or grouting work is in
The Contractor shall submit the results of the trial Jet Grouting to the Engineer, together with an interpretative report
assessing the results of the trial and proposing any necessary changes to his method statement.

4.6.4 Drilling and Grouting

The drilling and grouting plant shall be equipped with automatic, data loggers collection system(s) to allow the
operating parameters to be checked and recorded continuously during drilling and grouting operation . All the
measuring devices shall be calibrated before the start of the work, and the records of the calibration submitted to the
Materials used as a flushing medium for drilling or as part of the grout mix shall be non -toxic and subject to the
acceptance of the Engineer. Materials data sheets for each material shall be submitted to the Engineer for
All drilling and grouting effluent shall be collected in trenches, pits or tanks and not allowed to spread over or outside
the site. Measures shall be taken to ensure that the effluent cannot enter the public drainage system . All effluent shall
be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with the regulations.
The requirement for settlement/heave monitoring shall be the same as for the jet grouting trial.

4.6.5 Records
A record sheet shall be made for every jet grout pile installed. This record sheet shall include:
a) reduced levels for the ground level, the top and base of the pile
b) inclination of the pile
c) operating parameters as used for the pile installation
d) details of casing size and length
e) length of drilling
f) type of flushing medium
g) duration and timing of each major activity
h) total materials used, for example, Delivery Order
i) observations on slurry return, breakdowns, interruptions during drilling or grouting and any other relevant
The format of records shall be submitted by the Contractor to the acceptance of Engineer prior to the
commencement of works at site.
At the completion of any continuous block or section of Jet Grouting, a summary report shall be submitted to the
Engineer. This report shall provide:
a) As-built drawings showing the layout, inclination and installed depth of each Jet Grout pile
b) The results of all site investigation carried out related to the Jet Grouting works
c) The location and final values of all monitoring carried out during and after the Jet Grouting works
d) The results of the quality control testing carried out at site

4.6.6 Quality Control

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The operating parameters shall be checked and recorded continuously by the automatic, data logger collection
system(s), which shall include the following as a minimum:
a) All fluids (pressure, flow rate) being injected at any time including air, water and grout
b) All pressure gauges in hydraulic oil lines to quantify a “specific drilling energy” from the rig power unit.
Parameters are to include torque and thrust (down).
c) Drilling head, including rotation speed, depth, lifting speed, and mast inclination mounted on the drilling
d) Drill string, including borehole deviation to clearly demonstrate the borehole orientation/inclination at all
depths (horizontal location and inclination)
The continuously recorded data shall be monitored by suitably qualified personnel who shall take necessary action
should any data falls below the designed working parameters.
Recorded data shall be provided to the Engineer in both hardcopy and electronic format compatible with Microsoft
Excel. The format shall be agreed upon and approved by the Engineer before commencement of the works . The
recorded data shall be submitted to the Engineer within 24 hours after the completion of each Jet Grout column.
The grout mix shall be checked by measuring the specific gravity using a mud balance . This shall be done at random,
but not less than twice a day per rig.
The specific gravity and viscosity of the effluent return shall be checked using mud balance and Marsh cone. This shall
be done at least once per pile, during grouting.
The quality of the jet grout shall be confirmed by SPT tests and coring.
There shall be 8 boreholes for each 1,000 cubic meters (rounded up to the nearest whole number of boreholes) of
treated soil. The boreholes shall be at the overlapping area of the piles. In each borehole, the SPT tests shall be done
at the top, middle and bottom of the treated zone. SPT tests may be replaced by Cone penetration tests to the
acceptance of the Engineer.
There shall be 4 numbers of coring through the full depth of the piles for each 1,000 cubic meters (rounded up to the
nearest whole number of cored holes) of treated soil. The cores shall be taken from the overlapping areas of the piles.
The cores shall not be less than 50mm in diameter. The quality of the jet grouting shall be determined from the total
core recovery (TCR) and the strength and stiffness of the recovered core. The TCR shall not be less than 85%. Where
TCR is found to be less than 85%, two additional cores to the adjacent Jet Grout piles shall be carried out at no
additional cost to the Authority. In the event that either of the additional coring fails to conform with the
requirement, the Jet Grouting work is deemed to have failed.
A minimum of 3 samples shall be taken from top and middle and bottom of each core for strength and stiffness
testing. The selection of coring locations shall be determined by the Engineer.
The strength and stiffness shall comply with the minimum requirements specified in the design . The cored holes shall
be backfilled by cement bentonite grout. If either of the strength or stiffness test fails to achieve its target value, two
additional samples in the same core shall be tested for strength and stiffness at no additional cost to the Authority . In
the event that either of the additional samples fails to conform with the requirement, the Jet Grouting work is
deemed to have failed.
If the jet grouting work is deemed to have failed, the Contractor shall propose remedial measures to the Acceptance
of Engineer. The designer shall re-assess the design parameters of the JGP and carry out the design checks to evaluate
his original design to the acceptance of Engineer.
The quality, strength and stiffness of the JGP will have a major impact on the overall behavior of the temporary works,
especially in the case of sacrificial JGP layers. All data relating to the JGP quality tests shall be assessed by the
Professional Engineer responsible for the design of temporary works. The PE shall ensure that the upper bound and
lower bound values of the strength and stiffness of the as built JGP have been catered for in his original design.
The Contractor shall submit a full report on the testing results, including his assessment of the results and any
proposals for remedial work, to the Engineer.

4.6.7 Control of Ground, Building and Utility Movement

The Contractor shall propose measures to control ground movements during jet grouting works.

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Unless accepted otherwise by the Engineer, the following measures to control ground movements shall be
implemented, as a minimum requirement:
a) minimize the angle of inclination of the grout monitor, as far as is practical
b) use a casing of not less than 200mm diameter during grouting
c) ensure that the lower end of the casing is no higher than 3.5m above the lowest grouting jet during grouting
d) Pre-cut the Jet Grout column with water jetting
e) ensure that there is a free flow of effluent at all times
The empty bore above the jet grout pile shall be filled with grout during the extraction of the grouting monitor.
The Contractor shall immediately cease jet grouting works when settlement or heave trigger levels are exceeded at
any monitoring point, or there is any visible damage to buildings or utilities, during jet grouting works . He shall not
recommence Jet Grouting work until he has proposed additional measures to control the ground movements.

4.7 Dynamic Compaction

4.7.1 General
Dynamic compaction involves high-energy impact using a heavy weight dropped from height.

4.7.2 Method Statement for Dynamic Compaction

The Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement for the dynamic compaction . The method statement shall
a) drawings indicating the location of each tamper drop
b) shape and weight of tamper
c) height of tamper drop for each pass
d) planned number of blows per pass and the number of passes
e) capacity and height of equipment
f) methods used to monitor and control ground movement and heave during and after compaction
g) proposal for a dynamic compaction trial, including the location and monitoring of the trial
h) safety precautions to be taken while carrying out dynamic compaction
i) proposal for testing as part of the quality control measures to ensure good quality of dynamic compaction
The method statement shall be reviewed in the light of the trial results and if necessary resubmitted to the Engineer
for acceptance.

4.7.3 Dynamic Compaction Trial

Before commencement of dynamic compaction works, the Contractor shall conduct a trial to demonstrate the
suitability of the proposed method. The field trial shall also be used to determine the optimum parameters for grid
spacing, energy level of blows, number of blows per pass, number of passes, etc.
The field trial shall be carried out in accordance with the Contractor’s method statement.
A trial area of minimum 40m x 40m in similar ground conditions shall be used.
The field trial shall include the following field measurements and in-situ tests:
a) crater depth and diameter
b) average ground settlement after each complete pass;
c) in-situ tests including in-situ density tests, standard penetration tests (SPT), cone penetration tests (CPT) and
pressuremeter tests (PMT) for soil before and after treatment
d) pore water pressure monitoring by piezometer during and after compaction

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e) lateral movement monitoring of adjacent ground by inclinometers at 10m interval up to 50m away from the
tamping area during and after compaction, and
f) Ground vibration monitoring of adjacent ground at 10m interval up to 50m away from the tamping area.

4.7.4 Conducting Dynamic Compaction

Before execution of dynamic compaction, the compaction positions shall be marked.
The Contractor shall provide a working platform made up of a layer of granular fill of a minimum 1m thick for working.
A final, low energy pass (ironing pass) shall be employed at least once over the whole area treated with dynamic
compaction. For the ironing pass a weight of square footprint shall be used and each print shall overlap at least 0 .25
times the size of the adjacent print. If the top 1m of the material is still not compacted properly after the ironing pass,
standard surface compaction equipment shall be used for densification.
The sequence of the dynamic compaction shall be planned in such a way to ensure that no area can be easily missed
without treatment. Blow nos., pass nos. for each print and crater depth and diameter shall be recorded for each drop
and countersigned by the Engineer’s representative.
The Contractor shall minimize the vibration on adjacent structures and utilities.

4.7.5 Records
The Contractor shall submit daily progress reports and record sheets on the works. The record sheets shall include:
a) operational parameters
b) (b) duration and time of the works
Within one month upon completion of the dynamic compaction works, the Contractor shall submit a report to the
Engineer. The report shall include:
a) as-built drawings showing the layout of the area treated with dynamic compaction
b) results of pre and post treatment boreholes and in-situ tests
c) ground monitoring results

4.7.6 Quality Control

The following quality control measures shall be adopted:
a) Two numbers each of in-situ density tests, SPT, CPT, and PMT at every 200m interval.
b) Four samples from two cores at every 200m interval from different depths for density tests. The size of core
shall be not less than 50 mm in diameter.
c) Settlement monitoring of at every 25m interval.

4.7.7 Control of Ground, Building and Utility Movements and Vibration

The Contractor shall employ appropriate equipment for the dynamic compaction works to ensure minimum
disturbance to the surrounding ground and structures. The Contractor shall protect all surrounding properties
including structures and services throughout operations. Additional measures, such as cut-off trenches for vibration
shall be utilized, where necessary.
The Contractor shall immediately cease dynamic compaction works when the settlement, heave or vibration exceeds
the trigger levels at any monitoring point, or there is any visible damage to buildings or utilities, during the dynamic
compaction works. He shall not recommence the dynamic compaction works until he has proposed additional
measures acceptable to the Engineer to control the ground movements.

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5.1 General
Confirmatory Sub-Soil investigation shall be carried out at the actual locations of each foundation. In order to
ascertain the actual soil strata at the location, the engineering properties at each stratum and to ascertain the level at
which the foundation can be laid. The investigation shall be carried out as per the following specifications and as
directed by the Engineer.

5.2 Boring
Boring shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications of ASTM D 1586 and D 1587 . The bore holes shall
have a minimum diameter of 100mm and shall be lined throughout. Minimum depths shall be 20m unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer. The toe of the lining shall at no time be more than 1m above the level to which the soil has
been removed from the bore hole.
Before taking any undisturbed sample or making any in-situ test, the lining shall be carried down to the bottom of the
bore hole at the test depth.
Auger of proper size shall be used in very soft to soft clays and silts to avoid suction. The use of shell shall only be
restricted to moderately stiff to very stiff and hard clays and also in sandy strata below water table. The use of a chisel
would be permitted only in case of boulder or rock formation or through local obstructions or other situation
demanding its use as would be decided by the Engineer.
Uncased bore holes may be permitted only up to a depth where the sides of the hole can stand unsupported . In case
of side fall or squeezing, steps shall be taken immediately to stabilize the sides of the bore hole by casing pipes as
directed by the Engineer. Use of Bentonite slurry of 5% concentration may be permitted to stabilize the bore hole.
No water shall be added while boring through cohesive soils and non-cohesive soils above the water table. While
boring through non-cohesive soil below water table, water level in the casing shall always be maintained at or above
the water table.
The cutting brought up by the auger shell or the split-spoon or undisturbed sampler shall be carefully examined and
the soil description duly recorded after performing field identification tests.
On completion of boring at any bore hole, a bore log shall be prepared in an approved standard format in
consultation with the Engineer and submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. Position of the water table shall be
observed after 24 hours and back filling of the bore hole shall be carried out with approved materials in a manner as
directed by the Engineer.

5.3 Disturbed Samples

Disturbed samples shall be taken from bore hole cuttings and split-spoon for visual classification tests at the site. The
samples shall be taken at 1.5m interval or at every identifiable change of strata, whichever is met earlier to give a
reliable record of the variation in the conditions of the soils. Disturbed samples shall be sent to the laboratory in
airtight plastic container with proper label for the purpose of record and laboratory testing.

5.4 Undisturbed Samples

Undisturbed samples from cohesive soil layers shall be taken from the bore holes at an interval of 1.5m.
The size of the thin walled sampler should be such that a sample having a minimum size of 50mm diameter and
900mm length can be recovered. The sampler shall be pushed strictly by jacking in soft to firm deposit and no
hammering shall be allowed. Where this is not possible, the sampler may be driven in the blows of a monkey having
sufficient weight. Area ratio of all samplers shall be limited to 10% for soft to firm cohesive deposit and use of thick
walled samplers may be permitted in case of deposits of very high consistency subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Recovery ratio shall be observed and reported in the bore-logs for every sample. The top and bottom of a
sample must be indicated clearly on the sample tube to facilitate the laboratory testing in proper orientation.

5.5 Handling and labeling of Samples

The following conditions of handling and protection of undisturbed samples shall be undertaken on undisturbed
 Immediately after being taken from the bore hole, the ends of the sample shall be cut and removed to a depth of
about 2.5cm (or more in the top to cover any obviously disturbed soil). Several layers of molten wax should then

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be applied to each end to give a plug about 2.5cm thick. If the sample is very porous, a layer of waxed paper
should first be placed over the ends of the sample.
 Any space left between the end of the sample tube and the top of the wax should be tightly packed with saw dust
or other suitable materials and a close fitting lid or screwed cap shall be placed on each end of the sample tube.
 The lids should, if necessary, be held in position by adhesive tape.
 A label bearing the number of the sample, bore hole no, depth of sample, date, etc. preferably typed, shall be
placed inside the container just under the lid. It shall be placed at the top of the sample. In addition, the number
of the sample shall be painted on the outside of the container and the top or bottom of the sample shall be
 Undisturbed soil sample tubes shall be placed in a strong wooden box and packed with moist saw dust, paper,
etc. to prevent damage during dispatch to the laboratory.

5.6 Standard Penetration Test

Standard penetration test shall be conducted as per ASTM D 1586 at an interval of 1.5m or at every identifiable
change of strata, whichever is earlier.
The driving of split-spoon shall be recorded for every 150mm penetration till the total penetration is 450mm.
Driving of the split-spoon shall be terminated when standard penetration resistance value, N>100 blows /30cm of
penetration is received, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The test shall be conducted after driving the
casing to the bottom of the bore hole and after cleaning it. N-values, as observed in the field, shall be reported in the
bore logs without any correction.

5.7 Dispatch of Samples

Samples shall be dispatched to the laboratory as soon as possible after being obtained and shall not be allowed to
accumulate at site. In the event a danger of sample’s deterioration through further storage is noticed, the Contractor
shall dispatch such samples immediately on receiving direction from the Engineer.

5.8 Laboratory Tests

5.8.1 General
Laboratory tests shall be carried out as per relevant ASTM specifications, the results of all tests shall be submitted in
the format as approved by the Engineer.

5.8.2 Preparation of the test specimens

Preparation of test specimens for the various tests shall be carried out as per the procedures laid down in the various
relevant ASTM Codes.
In case of soft to firm cohesive undisturbed soil samples, test samples for all types of shear tests shall be prepared
strictly by hand trimming on soil lathe. Care shall be taken against bending of soil samples at the time of horizontal
ejection of the samples from the sampling tubes. Samples shall be ejected from the sampling tubes preferably in the
same direction of travel in which the samples entered the sampling tubes.
Similarly test specimens for consolidation tests shall also be prepared to the required size by hand trimming only and
the ring of the consolidation apparatus shall be inserted by pressing gently with the hands and carefully removing the
material around the ring. In no case the ring should be forced into the soil. Great cares shall be taken during trimming
of the sample from the top and the bottom of the ring. The test specimen shall be prepared in the same orientation as
that to the actual strata so that the laboratory test load compresses the soil in the same direction relative to the soil
strata as the applied load in the field.

5.8.3 Unconfined compression test

Unconfined compression test shall be carried out as per ASTM Specification. The test shall be conducted both on
natural and remoulded soil samples. Remoulded soil specimen shall be prepared by the dynamic method of
Each unconfined compression test (natural or remoulded) shall comprise tests on minimum of three soil specimens,
not less than 38mm diameter and a height to diameter ratio of 2 together with the determination of natural moisture

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content and density. Water content of the specimen shall be taken from the failure zone of the specimen. Test results
shall be observed and reported as per the standard practice.

5.8.4 Triaxial test

Triaxial test shall be conducted on the undisturbed samples selected by the Engineer . Each test shall be conducted on
a minimum of three specimens tested at different cell pressures (0.5 kg/cm2, 1.0 kg/cm2 and 1.5 kg/cm2). The
moisture content before and after the test and the density shall be determined.
The stress-strain diagrams as well as the Mohr circle envelop for these tests shall be submitted.

5.8.5 Consolidation test

Consolidation tests shall be conducted on undisturbed samples selected by the Engineer. The coefficient of
consolidation (cv), the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv), Compression Index (Cc) and the coefficient of
permeability (k) shall be determined as per ASTM specification and results shall be submitted.
The loading on the test specimens shall be applied in the stages of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 kg/cm2.
Unloading of the test specimens shall be done in suitable stages.

5.8.6 Routine test

All routine tests like natural moisture content, bulk density, liquid and plastic limits, grain size distribution, specific
gravity, swell test shall be conducted on selected representative samples as directed by the Engineer.

5.8.7 Report and records

On completion of each bore hole, three copies of a bore hole log shall be submitted to the Engineer together with one
copy of the list of disturbed and undisturbed samples taken from the bore hole.
These bore logs shall show:
1. Ground level referred to the reduced level.
2. Locations of the bore holes on a plan.
3. Detailed description of each stratum.
4. Position, type and identification of each sample and SPT value.
5. Any other site test results available.
6. Levels at which each separate ground water level is first encountered and at which it comes to rest
(standing water level).
On completion of all field and laboratory tests, all results shall be submitted to the Engineer in 3 (three) copies in the
form of reports with comments and views.

5.9 Measurement
The work will be measured for payment as an item on a lump sum basis as specified in the Schedule of Items and

5.10 Payment
Payment shall only be admissible on completion of the item as measured and provided above and on being certified
by the Engineer that the investigations have been carried out as per specifications as contained herein . Payment shall
be made as lump sum rate, which shall cover the full costs of boring, collection and dispatch of samples, standard
penetration test and all necessary Laboratory tests, preparation and submission of records, cost of all labour,
equipment, materials, tools, test fees and all incidentals required for undertaking the test and submission of requisite
reports to the Engineer. No payment shall be made until the testing results and other information in the form of
reports with requisite number of copies are submitted to the Engineer.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 5 -32.
Table 5- 32 : Pay Items – Sub-soil Investigation
Section/ Clause No. Description Units
SECTION 5: Sub-soil investigation Lump Sum
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This Specification is applicable to all road works.
This chapter refers closely to ASTM, AASHTO and BS standards. The term asphalt used in ASTM can be referred to
bitumen used in BS.
Before work on any pavement above formation level commences all ducts, drains, and other works beneath the road
must be completed and backfilled.

Earthworks below formation level shall comply with the requirements of SECTION 3: EARTHWORKS.


6.3.1 Description
This work shall consist of the preparation of sub-grade in embankment in cut by scarifying, watering, aerating,
compacting and shaping existing or previously placed material in accordance with these specifications and to the
lines, levels grades, dimensions, camber and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.
This item shall only be applicable where the existing embankment level is within 440mm of the designed formation

6.3.2 Materials
All sub-grade material shall be suitable material in accordance with the requirements of Clause 3.4.2.
Any sub-grade material in cut or existing old embankment which is found to be unsuitable shall be removed and
replaced as directed by the Engineer.

6.3.3 Construction Methods

The sub-grade shall be prepared over the full width of the embankment including shoulders. Half width working may
be allowed only with the prior written approval of the Engineer.
The sub-grade shall be prepared in lengths of not less than 100 meters and not more than 500 meters at a time.
When existing sub-grade compaction is found less than 98% STD, sub-grade material shall be excavated to a depth of
150mm and stockpiled and a further 150mm should be scarified and compacted to 98% STD. The excavated top layer
material, if suitable as per Clause 3.4.2, shall then be spread and compacted as specified. But if natural compaction of
subgrade is 98% STD, two to three passes of 3-5 ton vibratory roller over natural subgrade are specified to compact
loose lump there upon and achieve rolled surface.
When necessary, each layer, before being compacted, shall be allowed to dry or be watered to bring the moisture
content with ± 5% of optimum to make possible its compaction to the required density. The material shall be so
worked as to have a uniform moisture content through the entire layer (Quality Control Manual, September-2005).
The sub-grade material shall be compacted uniformly by use of adequate and appropriate mechanical compaction
equipment. The compaction shall be done in a longitudinal direction along the embankment and shall generally begin
at the outer edges and progress toward the centre in such a manner that each section receive equal compactive
Samples to determine the compaction shall be taken regularly with at least one satisfactory sample for each 100
linear meters per finished layer or as directed by the Engineer. Such density tests will be carried out according to
AASHTO T 193. The Contractor shall carry out further compaction to obtain at least the required density.
The sub-grade material will be tested for CBR in accordance with In-situ Methods. The sub-grade material shall be
compacted to 95% Maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 99/ ASTM D 698 (Standard Compaction), with
at least one satisfactory sample per 100 liner meters per finished layer. Where existing ground or embankment is
encountered at sub grade level, then a minimum of one satisfactory CBR test shall be performed per contract or more
frequently if the material character changes. If the CBR proves to be unsatisfactory then appropriate steps will be
ordered by the Engineer in writing.

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6.3.4 Measurement
Sub-grade preparation shall be measured in square meters based on the surface area of compacted sub-grade, in
accordance with the specification, to the lines, levels, grades and cross sections required as directed by the Engineer .
No allowance will be made for overlapping of areas due to half width working.

6.3.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price per square meter. Payment shall be
full compensation for performing the work and providing all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.
The rates shall include the cost of furnishing the additional sub-grade materials to reach a compacted thickness of
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -33.
Table 6- 33 : Pay Items – Preparation of Subgrade
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.3 Preparation of sub-grade: 300mm compacted depth by manual labour Square Meter
Preparation of sub-grade: 300mm compacted depth by mechanical means Square Meter
Preparation of sub-grade: 450mm compacted depth by manual labour Square Meter
Preparation of sub-grade: 450mm compacted depth by mechanical means Square Meter

The surface of the finished sub-grade shall be neat and workmanlike and have the required form, super elevation,
levels, grades and cross section. The finished surface shall be constructed with a tolerance of 20mm above or below
the specified levels at any point. Separate item for this where no sub-grade operation required.


6.4.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing placing and compacting improved sub-grade material on a prepared and accepted
sub-grade in accordance with these Specifications and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections
shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.

6.4.2 Materials
Material shall be of natural sand or soil or mixture of sand and soil, free from vegetable matter, from soft particles
and from excess clay. If the material is sand the F.M. shall not be less than 0.8. However, the material should fulfill the
following criteria.
a) Plasticity: The fraction passing the 425 micron sieve shall, have a Plasticity Index not greater than 6 (Quality
Control Manual, September-2005, Chapter-10).
b) CBR: The material shall have a soaked CBR value not less than 8% when compacted to 98% of maximum dry
density (Modified) as determined by AASHTO T 180/ ASTM D 1557.
c) The material shall be free draining.

6.4.3 Construction Methods Preparation of improved Sub-grade
The subgrade shall be shaped and compacted in conformity with the provisions of Section 6.3 and completed for at
least 100 meters ahead of the placing of the improved subgrade materials. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of
improved sub-grade, any damage to or deterioration of improved sub-grade shall be made good before sub-base is
Preparation of the subgrade shall be carried out, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, immediately prior to laying
the improved sub-grade. Spreading

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All sub-grade drainage shall be completed prior to spreading the improved sub-grade material. Improved sub-grade
materials shall be spread in layers, with a compacted thickness up to 150mm subject to the approval of the Engineer,
and the layers shall be as nearly equal in thickness as possible.
Prior to spreading the improved sub-grade, a partial width of shoulder, not less than 750mm wide, shall be
constructed to the elevation of the top of each uncompact layer being placed and the inside edge made as straight as
practicable. After the partial completion of the shoulders, the improved sub-grade shall be spread upon the sub-grade
and against the previously formed shoulders, in layers of uniform thickness, as herein specified, to give the required
compacted depth shown on the Drawings. Sprinkling, Rolling and Compacting

Immediately after each layer has been spread and shaped to camber or super elevation satisfactorily, it shall be
thoroughly compacted with mechanical compaction equipment approved by the Engineer. Rolling operations shall
begin from the outer edge of roadbed toward the centre, gradually in a longitudinal direction, except on super-
elevated curves, where rolling shall begin at the low side and progress towards the high side
The moisture content at the time of compaction shall be the optimum moisture content (Standard Compaction) ±3%.
Each layer shall be compacted to at least 98% of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180/ ASTM D
1557. 3 Nos. in situ density tests in accordance with AASHTO T 193/ ASTM D 4429 shall be taken each 100 linear
meters of compacted improved sub-grade.
If the density measurement fall below the specified density level then further compaction shall be required,
irrespective of the field compaction trial results.
In order to ensure uniform bearing capacity at the finished improved sub-grade level CBR tests shall be made. The
CBR shall be such that the Laboratory Value obtained tested in accordance with AASHTO T 191 or AASHTO T 204, at
the specified compaction and after 4 days soaking, shall exceed 8 percent. In areas where these requirements are not
met, correction shall be made by such measures, as the Engineer deems necessary.
Improved sub-grade material which does not contain sufficient moisture to be compacted in accordance with the
requirements of this section shall be reworked and watered as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall carry
out this work at his own expense.
Improved sub-grade material containing excess moisture shall be reworked and dried prior to or during compaction .
Drying of wet material shall be performed by methods approved by the Engineer, at the expense of the Contractor.
The finished improved sub-grade at any point shall not vary more than 20mm above or below the planned grade or
adjusted grade. The thickness of the finished improved sub-grade shall be on average not less than the required
thickness and not thinner than 20mm less than the required thickness at any point and the average of five thickness
measurements in any 100 meters of road shall be not thinner than 15mm less than the required thickness. Improved
sub-grade which does not conform to the above requirements shall be reworked, watered and thoroughly
recompacted to conform.
Where the CBR value of Sub-grade obtained more than 8% improved sub-grade may be discarded with the approval
of proper authority.

6.4.4 Measurement
Improved sub-grades described in this article shall be measured by the cubic meters of material compacted in place
and accepted. Measurement shall be based on the average width and thickness of the improved sub -grade shown on
the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer and actual length measured horizontally along the centerline of the
surface of the road

6.4.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit rate per cubic meter for improved sub-
grade as detailed below. The payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, hauling, placing,
compacting, sprinkling, finishing and shaping, and for all labour, equipment, tools and other incidentals necessary to
complete the work specified.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -34

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Table 6-34 : Pay Items – Improved Sub-grade

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.4 Improved Sub-Grade (FM 0.50) Cubic Meter
Improved Sub-Grade (FM 0.80) Cubic Meter
Improved Sub-Grade (Passing ≤ 15% through # 200 Sieve Cubic Meter
Labour charge for spreading & compaction of Improved Sub-Grade Cubic Meter



6.5.1 Description
This item will consist of leveling, dressing, cambering and compacting the existing improved sub -grade surface
exposed after removal of the brick flat soling, HBB and the edging to receive new sub-base and base course. Where
necessary additional improved sub-grade materials shall be added to make the finished compacted improved sub-
grade as per drawing

6.5.2 Materials
Materials should meet the requirements of Clause 6.4.2

6.5.3 Construction Method

The picking up of the brick pavement shall not done for more than 100m at a time in order to avoid disturbance to
traffic and damage to the sub-grade. The salvaged bricks shall be stacked separately from half or broken bricks on
such a way that disturbance to traffic is minimized.
Before picking up the brick pavement the contractor must provide sub-base or base materials ready at the site so that
this shall be placed and compacted immediately after preparation of the improved sub-grade.
The improved sub-grade shall be levelled, graded and cambered according to the design and compacted to 98% of
MDD (Modified) using an appropriate roller. Where necessary additional improved sub-grade materials shall be added
to make the finished compacted thickness as per drawing.

6.5.4 Measurement
The preparation of improved sub-grade shall be measured in square meters.

6.5.5 Payment
The payment will be in full compensation for doing the work according to Specification and drawings including
supplying of additional materials, if any, labour, tools and machineries for leveling, dressing, cambering, and
compacting the Improved sub-grade.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -35.
Table 6- 35 : Pay Items – Preparation of Improved Sub-Grade
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.5 Preparation of Improved sub-grade Square Meter


6.6.1 Improved Shoulders Description
This work shall consist of providing, laying and compacting Aggregate-Sand-hard shoulder on the prepared and
accepted Improved Sub-grade to the lines levels, dimensions, and cross section shown on the Drawings or as directed
by the Engineer. The soaked CBR of AS sub-base should be more than 65% when compacted to 100% of MDD.
However, the proportion would be subjected to re-fixation at the time of designing if the situation is different. The
materials for improved shoulder shall of the quality same as those of Base Coarse. Materials
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The material shall consist of a homogeneous mixture of crushed brick aggregate and local sand . The PI value shall be
of combined material and should not be more than 6 (portion passing # 40 or 0.425mm sieve).
The aggregate shall be crushed First class and or Picked Jhama Bricks. The crushed bricks shall comply with the
following requirements:
 water absorption shall not exceed 15%
 Maximum nominal size of aggregate shall be 38mm.
 Aggregate Impact Value not more than 32 or Los Angeles Abrasion 45 or as directed by the Engineer in the
case of reuse of salvaged materials.
 The unit weight shall comply with the minimum values stated in these Specifications.
The Material shall conform to the grading envelope shown in Table 6 -36 given below and have a 4 days soaked CBR
value not less than 35% when compacted to 100% of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180/ ASTM D
Table 6-36 : Grading Requirements for Improved Shoulder
Sieve Size % Passing by Weight
38mm 100
25mm 80-95
10mm 60-80
2mm 40-60
# 200 Sieve 0-15 Construction Methods

The Improved Shoulder materials shall be at or near the optimum moisture content (OMC) at the time of placing. The
brick aggregate, sand and soil shall be mixed thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mix complying with the grading
requirements of this Section. Water shall be added during mixing to keep the mixed material moist so as to prevent
segregation during transportation.
The compacted thickness of improved shoulder should be minimum 150mm. Before laying the Improved shoulder,
the existing surface shall be watered. The mixed Improved Shoulder material shall then be spread in equal layers so
that the compacted thickness of each layer shall not be more than 150mm. On completion of the spreading and
watering, the surface shall be shaped according to the cross-section shown in the drawing and compacted using
approved mechanical compaction plant. Compaction shall continue until the material has attained the required
density. The Improved Shoulder shall be compacted to have 100% maximum dry density (Standard) and soaked CBR
of 35%. The field density shall be checked at least once every 250 linear meters of hard shoulder surface . Moisture
content at the time of compaction shall be optimum moisture content ±3%.
The finished surface of the base course shall in no place be more than ± 10mm from the designed level longitudinally .
But in no case the thickness of the hard shoulder shall vary ± 5mm. Measurement
The Improved Shoulder shall be measured in cubic meters. It shall be based on the average width and thickness of
improved shoulder course as shown on the drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the centerline
of the surface of the road. Payment
This work as measured above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for improved shoulder course . Payment shall
be full compensation for performing the work as per specification including furnishing the materials, water, carrying
out all placing and compaction etc. all complete is including other incidental charges.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -37.
Table 6- 37 : Pay Items – Improved Shoulder
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.6.1 Improved Shoulder Course Cubic Meter

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6.6.2 HBB Hard Shoulder

HBB Hard Shoulder shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6.8.

6.6.3 Earth Shoulders Description
This work consists of the provision of specified wide strips of shoulders adjacent to the pavement on either side . The
shoulders shall be constructed in accordance with the lines, levels, dimensions and cross sections shown on the
Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Materials
The material used shall met the same requirements as that shown in Clause 3.4.2. Construction Methods

Pre-work measurement should be taken just before commencing the work. The material shall be spread in layers of
uniform thickness to achieve 150mm of compacted thickness and sprinkled with water . After approval by the
Engineer, compaction shall be carried out on each layer by approved mechanical plant. The material shall be
compacted to a density of 95% (STD) of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180/ ASTM D 1557 and
DCP maximum 45mm per blow to ensure minimum 3% soaked CBR. Samples to determine the compaction shall be
taken regularly with a minimum one sample for each 100 linear meters per layer of each finished shoulder or as
decided by the Engineer. Such density tests will be carried out according to AASHTO T 193. The compacted layer shall
be approved by the Engineer before the Contractor can commence a new layer. If the test results show that the
density is less than the required density the Contractor shall carry out further compaction to obtain at least the
required density.

6.6.4 Measurement
This item of work shall be measured in cubic meters of the completed accepted works on the basis of pre and post
work. The volume to be measured will be the net volume of required and accepted shoulder, actually constructed and
completed in accordance with the Specification, to the lines, levels, grades and cross sections required or as directed
by the Engineer.

6.6.5 Payment
Payment will be made as per the requirements of Clause 6.8.


6.7.1 Description
This work consists of provided and placing brick on end edging along the road adjacent to the side of the pavement of
single layer brick flat soling and herringbone bond brick or of water bound macadam and bitumen carpet.

6.7.2 Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks which should meet the requirements given below. Bricks
First Class Bricks shall be made from good brick earth free from saline deposits, and shall be sand moulded . They shall
be thoroughly burnt by coal without being vitrified, of uniform and good colour, shall be regular and uniform in size,
shape and texture with sharp square edges and parallel faces. They must be homogeneous in texture and emit a clear
metallic ringing sound when struck one against the other. They shall be free from flaws, cracks, chips, stones, modules
of lime or canker and other blemishes. A first Class Brick shall not absorb more than 15% of its weight of water after
being soaked for one hour, and shall show no sign of efflorescence on drying.
Picked Jhama bricks are those which are so over burnt as to become vitrified. Those bricks may be broken and used
for aggregate in road works provided the vitrified mass has not become porous or spongy as a result of over burning
and the aggregate satisfies the requirements of these Specifications.
First Class Bricks should have the following dimensions after burning: 250mm x 120mm x 70mm. Picked Jhama Bricks
may have dimensions slightly below those for other brick but not less than 235mm x 110mm x 70mm. The unit weight

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of First Class Bricks shall not be less than 1100 kg per m 3 and the unit weight of picked Jhama Bricks shall not be less
than 1200 kg per m3.
The crushing strength of bricks shall be tested in accordance with Quality Control Manual 2005. The average crushing
strength of Bricks shall not be less than 17 MPa, but not less than 14 MPa in individual case.

6.7.3 Construction Methods

Bricks shall be laid on end edging with their longest side vertical and 75mm /125mm side across the road including
necessary excavation filling and ramming to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The completed work shall be true to line
and level and grade as indicated on the Drawings. Interstices between brick edging and adjacent paving or soling shall
be filled by brushing in sand until voids are filled; the edging shall be sprinkled then with water. End Edging shall be
done before commencing Base Course.

6.7.4 Measurement
This item shall be measured in linear meters of completed brick on end edging.

6.7.5 Payment
This work shall be measured as provided above and shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per unit of
measurement. The prices and payment shall be full compensation for preparation of the edging including excavation,
furnishing and placing of materials, backfilling, ranging including provision of labour, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the works as specified in this Section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -38.
Table 6- 38 : Pay Items – Brick on End Edging
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.7 Brick on End Edging (75mm across) Linear Meter
Brick on End Edging (125mm across) Linear Meter


6.8.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing and laying bricks on a prepared and accepted subgrade or improved subgrade to
form brick pavement in accordance with these Specifications, and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross
sections shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.

6.8.2 Subgrade and Improved Subgrade

The subgrade or improved subgrade shall conform to the provisions of Clause 6.3 and 6.4

6.8.3 Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks, which meet the requirements of Clause of
these specifications.

6.8.4 Brick on End Edging

Brick on end edging shall conform to the provisions of Clause 6.7

6.8.5 Single Layer Brick Flat Soling Description
This item consists of providing single layer brick flat soling on the accepted sub-grade or improved sub-grade. Construction Method

The bricks shall be laid flat in one layer or as specified on the Sand Cushion of 125mm over consolidated and prepared
surface. Bricks shall be laid in a regular and uniform manner. Interstices of bricks shall be filled with sand of min. FM
0.5 and water shall be applied by sprinkling. No bricks shall be laid on a foundation or any surface until the same has

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not been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The gaps between two adjacent bricks should not exceed 10mm.
The pattern and placing of bricks shall be as indicated in the drawings.

6.8.6 Brick on Edge Pavement in Herringbone Bond Description
This work shall consist of a base composed of bricks, laid on edge in a herringbone pattern, placed on a prepared
single layer brick flat soiling in accordance with these specifications and to the lines, grades levels, dimensions and
cross sections shown in the Drawings and as required by the Engineer. Construction Method

A sand cushion of 25mm thickness (minimum) with sand of FM not less than 0.5 will be placed over the brick flat
soling. The brick then shall be laid on edge with 125mm across the surface in a single layer in a herringbone pattern to
the lines, grades, levels, dimensions and cross section shown on the Drawings and as required by the Engineer. The
edge of the layer shall be made with cut bricks to produce a line, which is compatible with brick edging. The joints
shall be filled with sand of FM 0.5 brushed in and the completed layer shall be sprinkled liberally with water. Surface Tolerance

In those areas in which pavement is to be placed, any deviation in excess of five millimeters from the specified surface
within 3 meters shall be corrected by removal.

6.8.7 Measurement
Brick on end edging shall be measured in linear meters of completed and accepted work. Brick flat soling and
herringbone bond brick pavement shall be measured in square meters of completed and accepted work.

6.8.8 Payment
This work, measured as described above shall be paid for at the Contract unit rates detailed below . The rates shall
include the supply of all required materials and all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
works as specified.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -39.
Table 6-39 : Pay Items – HBB Pavement
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.8 Brick on End Edging Clause 6.7.5
Single Layer Brick Flat Soling including 75mm thick Compacted Sand Cushion Square Meter
(FM < 0.50)
Single Layer Brick Flat Soling including 75mm thick Compacted Sand Cushion Square Meter
(FM 0.50)
Single Layer Brick Flat Soling including 75mm thick Compacted Sand Cushion Square Meter
(FM 0.80)
Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement including 25mm Sand Cushion (FM < 0.50) Square Meter
Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement including 25mm Sand Cushion (FM 0.50) Square Meter
Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement including 25mm Sand Cushion (FM 0.80) Square Meter


6.9.1 Description
This work shall consist of providing, laying and compacting sub-base on the finished approved sub-grade or improved
sub-grade, to the lines, levels, dimensions and cross section shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

6.9.2 Aggregate-Sand Sub-base Materials
The sub-base shall consist of AS (Aggregate & Sand), a homogeneous mixture of crushed brick or Stone aggregates
and local sand or natural or artificial mixture of sand free from vegetation and excess clay . The portion of sand in the

Page | 74

mix shall not be more than 50 percent unless otherwise mentioned in the Bill of Quantities . The FM of sand shall not
be less than 0.8 unless otherwise written permission of the authority.
The aggregate shall be crushed First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks or stones. The crushed bricks or stones shall comply
with the following requirements:
- water absorption shall not exceed 15%
- maximum size of aggregate shall be 38mm,
- LAA not greater than 40 or as directed by the Engineer in the case of reuse of salvaged materials.
- The material shall be well graded having no excess or deficiency in any size.
The Engineer may change the above requirements when the laboratory results of the above proportion do not meet
the quality requirements of the specification.
The resultant mixture Coarse Aggregate-Sand shall meet grading envelops as in Table 6 -40 and also the following
Table 6- 40 : Grading Requirements for Resultant Mixture of Sub-base Material

Sieve Size % Passing by Weight

38mm 100
20mm 55-95
10mm 35-75
4.75mm 25-60
2.36 mm 15-50
600 micron 1 0-35
300 micron 1 0-25
75 micron 5-15

a) Plasticity: The fraction passing the 425 micron sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than 25% and a
plasticity index not greater than 6%. (Quality Control Manual, September-2005)
b) CBR: The materials shall have a 4 day soaked CBR value not less than 30% when compacted to 98%
(Modified) of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180/ ASTM D 1557. Strength of Sub-base

It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the sub -base satisfies the requirements of
CBR and actual physical requirements when compacted and finished.
When directed by the engineer, this shall be verified by performing CBR tests in the laboratory as required on
specimens remoulded at field dry density and moisture content and any other tests for the quality of materials, as
may be necessary. Construction Method

Sub-base materials shall be at or near the optimum moisture content (OMC) at the time of mixing. The coarse
aggregate and sand shall be mixed thoroughly preferably over temporary stack yards made of steel plain sheets to
obtain a homogeneous mix complying with the grading requirements of this Section before placing it on the sub -
grade or improved sub-grade. The mixing may be done by mechanical means or a combination of manual labour and
The mixed materials shall be spread uniformly upon the prepared and approved sub-grade or improved sub-grade in
such quantities that the thickness of the layer after compaction shall not exceed 150mm. The material shall be mixed
or sprinkled with water to bring it to the correct moisture content. Total thickness required shall be in accordance
with the drawings. The relationship between the loose thickness and compacted thickness shall be determined from
field trials and used in controlling the loose thickness at the time of spreading the mix.
After spreading has been completed and the surface shaped according to the cross sectional requirements, rolling
shall commence. Rolling should be done by a power roller weighing 8 to 10 tons or equivalent vibratory roller . Rolling
shall begin at the outer edge towards the centre of the road with the rear wheel overlapping the shoulder . When the
broken aggregates become firm, the roller will be shifted to the opposite side of the road and the operation will be
repeated. After both edges rolled modestly firm, the roller will be gradually moved towards the centre by overlapping

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150mm of the rolled width until the mix has attained the required density. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5
km per hour.
The rolled surface shall be checked for correctness of levels and cross-falls and any irregularities therein shall be
corrected by loosening the affected areas, adding or removing the necessary quantities of aggregate and re -rolling
until the entire surface conforms to the correct levels and cross levels and cross-falls.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density for the material
determined as per AASHTO T 180 or ASTM D 1557. The field density shall be checked at least once in every 100 linear
meters of sub-base surface. The prepared sub-base layer shall be protected against damage until covered by the base
course. Moisture content at the time of compaction shall be the optimum moisture content: ±3%.
Any irregularities or depressions that develop under rolling shall be corrected by loosening the material at these
places and adding or removing material until the surface is smooth and uniform.
Along obstacles, and at all places not accessible to the roller, the subbase course material shall be tamped thoroughly
with mechanical tampers or compactors.
Compaction and moisture control, whether adding or removing moisture shall be an obligation of the Contractor
under this specification with the cost included in the contract unit price for the subbase course.
The depth over each 100m shall be measured in at least 3 places by digging holes. The average depth should be as per
drawings but the minimum depth shall not be less than 95% of the specified depth. Testing of the Finished Surface

After compaction, the finished surface shall be within a tolerance of ± 10mm or of the elevation shown in the
drawings and it shall nowhere vary more than 10mm from the straight edge 3m long applied to the surface parallel to
the centre line of the pavement and not more than 12mm from a template conforming to the cross-section.
Such portions of the completed subbase course which are defective in finish, density or compaction, or not complying
in all respects to the requirements of these specifications and of the plans shall be corrected at the Contractor ’s
expense, including any contamination or damage caused by the contractor’s operations or equipment.

6.9.3 Measurement
Sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic meters. It shall be based on the average width and
compacted thickness of sub-base as shown on the drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the
centre line of the surface of the road or where changes have been ordered, from the payment lines established by the

6.9.4 Payment
The Contract unit rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including
full compensation for:
- making arrangements for traffic;
- furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, rents where necessary and
all leads and lifts;
- all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the Specifications;
- carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed; and
- carrying out the required tests for quality control.
Separate measurements should be taken at the bends if found necessary.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -41.
Table 6-41 : Pay Items – Sub-Base
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.9 Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Brick Aggregate with Cubic Meter
Sand of FM < 0.50, proportion 1:1)
Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Brick Aggregate with Cubic Meter
Sand of FM 0.50, proportion 1:1)
Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Brick Aggregate with Cubic Meter
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Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units

Sand of FM 0.80, proportion 1:1)
Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Brick Aggregate with Cubic Meter
Sand of FM 0.80, proportion 70:30)
Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Stone Aggregate with Cubic Meter
Sand of FM 0.50, proportion 1:1)
Providing Compacted Aggregate Sand Sub-base course (Stone Aggregate with Cubic Meter
Sand of FM 0.80, proportion 1:1)
Labour for mixing, spreading & compacting of Sub-base Cubic Meter


6.10.1 Description
This work shall consist of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by roiling and bonding together with
screening, binding material where necessary and water laid on a properly prepared sub-base, as the case may be and
finished in accordance with the requirements of these specifications and in close conformity with the lines, grades,
cross-sections and thickness as per approved plans or as directed by the Engineer.
It is, however, not desirable to lay water bound macadam on an existing thin black topped surface without providing
adequate drainage facility for water that would get accumulated at the interface of existing bituminous surface and
water bound macadam.

6.10.2 Materials Coarse Aggregates
Coarse aggregates shall be crushed Picked Jhama brick aggregates of suitable quality and must be hard, durable and
free from excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated particles, dirt and other deleterious material . The aggregates
shall conform to the physical requirements set forth in the following table.
Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Water Bound Macadam for Base Courses
Test Name Test Method Requirements Remarks
Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM C 131/ ≤ 40% Aggregate may satisfy requirements of either
Value AASHTO T 96 of the two tests.
Aggregate Impact Value BS-812 30% (Max)
Combined Flakiness and BS-812: Part 3 15% (Max) The requirements of flakiness index and
Elongation Indices elongation index shall be enforced only in the
case of crushed broken stone.
Water Absorption ASTM C 127 15% Grading requirement of coarse aggregates:

The coarse aggregates shall conform to the grading envelope shown in the Table 6 -42 and have a soaked CBR Value
not less than 80% when compacted to 98%(Modified) of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180/
ASTM D 1557.
Table 6-42 : Grading Requirements of Coarse Aggregate for Water Bound Macadam
Sieve Size % Passing by Weight
38mm 100
20mm 60 - 80
10mm 40 - 60
4.75mm 25 - 45
2.36mm 15 - 32
600 micron 10 - 20
300 micron -
75 micron 0 - 15

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The material shall be well graded with the envelope having no excess or deficiency in any size . The above grading may
be changed by the Engineer when the laboratory results of the above proportion do not meet the quality
requirements of the specification. Binding Material

Binding material to be used for water bound macadam as a filler material meant for preventing raveling, shall
comprise of a suitable material approved by then Engineer having a plasticity Index (PI) value of less than 6.
The quantity of binding material where it is to be used, will depend on the type of screenings . Generally, the quantity
required for 75mm compacted thickness of water bound macadam will be 0.06-.09 m3/10m2 and 0.08-0.10 m3/10m2
for 100mm compacted thickness.
The above mentioned quantities should be taken as a guide only, for estimation of quantities for construction etc.

6.10.3 Construction Methods

Prior to laying of base course the sub-base layer shall be shaped true to cross fall or super elevation and shall be
rolled as necessary till the surface is smooth, firm and tight. The prepared sub-base layer shall be protected against
damage until covered by the base course.
Mixing of various course aggregates should be carried out in a stockyard to achieve the specified grading . Different
kinds of materials shall not be mixed together except that sand or naturally occurring granular materials finer than
5mm size can be mixed with any of these materials to meet the grading requirements . The mixing may be done by
mechanical means or a combination of manual labour and machinery. The materials shall be mixed thoroughly and
uniformly to have a homogeneous mass also satisfying the grading requirements. During mixing, water is to be added
to keep the mixed material moist, so as to prevent segregation during transportation.
The materials shall be spread in layers, the compacted thickness of which shall not exceed 100mm . However, the
Engineer may allow higher compacted thickness upto 150mm if he is satisfied that the specified degree of compaction
can be imparted throughout such greater thickness of layer with the contractor's equipment and methods used by
the contractor. The spreading shall be done using methods acceptable to the Engineer. The required amount of
water, predetermined from laboratory tests and field trials, shall be added and mixed thoroughly. The moisture
content of the material during compaction shall be guided by the optimum moisture content (OMC) as determined
from laboratory compaction tests but subject to variations as needed for achieving specified density as decided by the
Engineer on the basis of trial compaction.
Rolling should be done by a power roller weighing 8 to 10 tons or equivalent vibratory roller . Rolling shall begin at the
outer edge with the rear wheel overlapping the shoulder. When the broken aggregates become firm, the roller will be
shifted to the opposite side of the road and the operation will be repeated. After both edges rolled modestly firm, the
roller will be gradually moved towards the centre by overlapping 150mm of the rolled width until the entire base
course thoroughly compacted.
The base course shall be compacted to have 100% maximum dry density (standard) and soaked CBR as specified in
Article 3.9.2. The field density shall be checked at least once every 100 linear meter of base course surface . Moisture
content at the time of compaction shall be the optimum moisture content ±3%.
The finished surface of the base course shall in no place be more than ±10mm from the designed level and the mean
of five measurements of thickness taken in any 200 meters long section shall be equal to or more than the required
base course thickness.

6.10.4 Measurement
Base course shall be measured in cubic meters of material complete in place and accepted. It shall be based on the
average width and compacted thickness of base course as shown on the Drawings and the actual length measured
horizontally along the centre line of the surface of the road.

6.10.5 Payment
The work as measured above shall be paid for at the contract unit prices for each of the items listed below and shown
in the Bill of Quantities. Payment shall be for full compensation for performing the work including furnishing the
materials, water, carrying out all, placing, compaction, protection work, trials, tests and all other procedures
described herein and providing all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to do the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -43.

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Table 6-43 : Pay Items – Water Bound Macadam

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.10 Wet Mix Macadam Base Course by using Stone Aggregates Cubic Meter
Wet Mix Macadam Base Course by using Brick Aggregates Cubic Meter


6.11.1 Description
This work shall consist of laying and compacting clean, crushed, graded aggregate and granular material, premixed
with water, to a dense mass on a prepared sub-grade/subbase/ base or existing pavement as the case may be in
accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as
necessary to lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The thickness of a single compacted Wet Mix Macadam layer shall not be less than 75 mm. When vibrating or other
approved types of compacting equipment are used, the compacted depth of a single layer of the sub-base course may
be upto 200 mm with the approval of the Engineer.

6.11.2 Materials Aggregates Physical Requirements

Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone. If crushed gravel/shingle is used, not less than 90 percent by weight of the
gravel/shingle pieces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. The aggregates shall conform
to the physical requirements set forth in Table 6 -44.
Table 6-44 : Physical Requirements of Course Aggregates for Wet Mix Macadam Base Courses
Test Name Test Method Requirements Remarks
Los Angeles Abrasion Value ASTM C 131/ ≤ 40% Aggregate may satisfy requirements of
AASHTO T 96 either of the two tests.
Aggregate Impact Value BS-812 30% (Max)
Combined Flakiness and BS-812: Part 3 40% (Max)* The requirements of flakiness index and
Elongation Indices elongation index shall be enforced only in
the case of crushed broken stone.
Water Absorption ASTM C 127 15% Max
* To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a representative sample should first be separated out . Flakiness
index is weight of flaky stone metal divided by weight of stone sample. Only the elongated particles be separated out from
the remaining (non-flaky) stone metal. Elongation index is weight of elongated particles divided by total non-flaky particles.
The values of flakiness index and elongation index so found are added up.

If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness test shall be carried out
on the material delivered to site as per ASTM C 88. Grading Requirements

The aggregates shall conform to the grading given in Table 6 -45.
Table 6-45 : Grading Requirements of Aggregate for Wet Mix Macadam Base Courses
Sieve Size % Passing by Weight
38mm 100
20mm 60 - 80
10mm 40 - 60
4.75mm 25 - 45
2.36mm 15 - 32
600 micron 10 - 20
300 micron -
75 micron 0 - 15
Material finer than 425 micron shall have Plasticity Index (PI) not exceeding 6.
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The final gradation approved within these limits shall be graded from coarse to fine and shall not vary from the low
limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve or vice versa.

6.11.3 Construction Operations Preparation of Base
The surface of the sub-grade/sub-base/base to receive the macadam course shall be prepared to the specified grade
and camber and cleaned of dust, dirt and other extraneous material. Any ruts or soft yielding places shall be corrected
in an approved manner and rolled until firm surface is obtained.
Where the WMM is to be laid on an existing metalled road, damaged area including depressions and potholes shall be
repaired and made good with the suitable material. The existing surface shall be scarified and re-shaped to the
required grade and camber before spreading the coarse aggregate for WMM.
As far as possible, laying wet mix macadam course over existing bituminous layer may be avoided since it will cause
problems of internal drainage of the pavement at the interface of two courses . It is desirable to completely pick out
the existing thin bituminous wearing course where wet mix macadam is proposed to be laid over it. Provision of lateral confinement of aggregates

While constructing wet mix macadam, arrangement shall be made for the lateral confinement of wet mix. This shall
be done by laying materials in adjoining shoulders along with that of wet mix macadam layer and following the
sequence of operations described in Clause Preparation of mix

Wet Mix Macadam shall be prepared in an approved mixing plant of suitable capacity having provision for controlled
addition of water and forced/ positive mixing arrangement like pugmill or pan type mixer of concrete batching plant.
The plant shall have following features:
a) Cold aggregates with minimum four bin feeders with variable speed motor
b) Vibrating screen for removal of oversize aggregates
c) Conveyor Belt
d) Controlled system for addition of water
e) Forced/positive mixing arrangement like pug-mill or pan type
f) Anti-segregation hydraulically operated gob/surge hopper
g) Centralized control panel for sequential operation of various devices and precise process control
h) Safety devices
Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 180 after replacing the aggregate
fraction retained on 20 mm sieve with material of 4.75 mm to 20 mm size. While adding water, due allowance should
be made for evaporation losses. However, at the time of compaction, water in the wet mix should not vary from the
optimum value by more than agreed limits. The mixed material should be uniformly wet and no segregation should be
permitted. Spreading of mix

Immediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade/sub-
base/base in required quantities. In no case shall these be dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to
be laid nor shall their hauling over a partly completed stretch be permitted.
The mix may be spread by a paver finisher. The paver finisher shall be self-propelled, of repute make, proven design
and adequate capacity with following features:
a) Tractor unit shall have crawler tracks or pneumatic tyre.
b) Racks provide greater traction and suitable to work on soft or loose sub-bases and laying large width up to 10
m or more. Wheeled paver is faster and normally preferred to work on hard surfaces with width up to 8 m.
c) Material distribution system comprising of hopper, two conveyor belts each working independently,
conveyor speed adjustable with limit switches and auger system easily capable of raising and lower; to
provide a smooth uninterrupted material flow for different layer thicknesses from the tipper to the screed.

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d) Hydraulically operated telescopic screed for paving width upto to 8.5 m and fixed screed beyond this. The
screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial compaction of the layer.
e) The drive shall be hydrostatic with infinite variable speed.
f) Automatic leveling control system with electronic sensing device to maintain mat thickness and cross slope
of mat during laying procedure.
In exceptional cases where it is not possible for the paver to be utilized, mechanical means like motor grader may be
used with the prior approval of the Engineer. The motor grader shall be capable of spreading the material uniformly
all over the surface. For portions where mechanical means cannot be used, manual means as approved by the
Engineer shall be used only in restricted areas.
The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully checked with templates and all high or low spots remedied by
removing or adding aggregate as may be required. The layer may be tested by depth blocks during construction. No
segregation of larger and fine particles should be allowed. The aggregates as spread should be of uniform gradation
with no pockets of fine materials.
The Engineer may permit manual mixing and /or laying of wet mix macadam where small quantity of wet mix
macadam is to be executed. Manual mixing/laying in inaccessible/ remote locations and in situations where use of
machinery is not feasible can also be permitted. Where manual mixing/laying is intended to be permitted, the same
shall be indicated in the Contract. Compaction
After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and crossfall/camber the same shall be uniformly
compacted to the full depth with suitable roller. If the thickness of single compacted layer does not exceed 200 mm, a
smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100kN weight may be used. For a compacted single layer upto 200 mm, the compaction
shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 KN with on amplitude not
exceeding 0.7 mm or equivalent capacity roller. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km/h.
In portions having unidirectional cross fall/superelevation, rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress
gradually towards the upper edge. Thereafter, roller should progress parallel to the center line of the road, uniformly
over-lapping each preceding track by at least one-third width until the entire surface has been rolled. Alternate trips
of the roller shall be terminated in stops at least 1 m away from any preceding stop.
In portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running forward and backward until the edges
have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually towards the center parallel to the center line of
the road uniformly overlapping each of the preceding track by at least one-third width until the entire surface has
been rolled.
Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing of the direction of a roller or from any other cause shall be
corrected at once as specified and/or removed and made good.
Along forms, kerbs, walls or other places not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with
mechanical tampers or a plate compactor. Skin patching of an area without scarifying the surface to permit proper
bonding of the added material shall not be permitted.
Rolling should not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a wave-like motion in the sub-
base/base course or sub-grade. If irregularities develop during rolling which exceed 12 mm when tested with a 3 m
straight edge, the surface should be loosened and premixed material added or removed as required before rolling
again so as to achieve a uniform surface conforming to the desired grade and crossfall. In no case shall the use of
unmixed material be permitted to make up the depressions.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density for the material
as determined by the method outlined in AASHTO T 180.
After completion, the surface of any finished layer shall be well-closed, free from movement under compaction
equipment or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks and loose material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective
areas shall be made good to the full thickness of the layer and recompacted. Setting and drying

After final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the road shall be allowed to dry for 24 hours.

6.11.4 Opening to Traffic

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No vehicular traffic of any kind shall be allowed on the finished wet mix macadam surface till it has dried and the
wearing course laid.

6.11.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work Surface evenness
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 7.2. Quality control

Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with SECTION 7:

6.11.6 Rectification of Surface Irregularity

Where the surface irregularity of the wet mix macadam course exceeds the permissible tolerances or where the
course is otherwise defective due to sub-grade soil getting mixed with the aggregates, the full thickness of the layer
shall be scarified over the affected area, re-shaped with added premixed material or removed and replaced with fresh
premixed material as applicable and recompacted in accordance with Clause 6.11.3. The area treated in the aforesaid
manner shall not be less than 5 m long and 2 m wide. In no case shall depressions be filled up with unmixed and
ungraded material or fines.

6.11.7 Arrangement for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be done as per Clause 1.1.

6.11.8 Measurements
Wet mix macadam base course shall be measured in cubic meters of material complete in place and accepted . It shall
be based on the average width and compacted thickness of base course as shown on the Drawings and the actual
length measured horizontally along the centre line of the surface of the road.

6.11.9 Payment
The work as measured above shall be paid for at the contract unit prices for each of the items listed below and shown
in the Bill of Quantities. Payment shall be for full compensation for performing the work including furnishing the
materials, water, carrying out all, placing, compaction, protection work, trials, tests and all other procedures
described herein and providing all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to do the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -46.
Table 6- 46 : Pay Items – Wet Mix Macadam Base Course
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.11 Wet Mix Macadam Base Course by using Stone Aggregates Cubic Meter
Wet Mix Macadam Base Course by using Brick Aggregates Cubic Meter


6.12.1 Description
The top 75mm of existing Water Bound Macadam/Wet Mix Macadam Base Course shall be loosened, reshaped and
compacted, as directed by the Engineer, to the proper grade and camber, supplying additional quantities of base
course material if required to bring the grading of the scarified salvaged material to the specification described in
Clause 6.10.2 & 6.11.2; spreading the properly mixed and graded salvaged and additional materials on top of the
prepared and accepted exposed layer of the Base Course, compacting the spreaded materials to the specified grade
and camber to make the total thickness as per design to the line, levels, dimensions and cross-section shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

6.12.2 Materials
The materials required for this item should meet the specifications described for Water Bound Macadam and for Wet
Mix Macadam Base Course.

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6.12.3 Construction Methods

The top 75mm layer of the existing water bound macadam/ wet mix macadam base course shall be scarified or
loosened by any suitable means.
The grading of the salvaged materials shall be checked and additional base course materials shall be added to bring to
the required shape, size and quality as specified and mixed to bring the grading of the mixed base course materials
within the grading envelope specified.
The scarified surface of the exposed layer shall be reshaped, watered and compacted to bring it to the proper line,
levels, dimensions and cross-section.
Additional materials to the specified grading and quality shall then be spread over the prepared and accepted surface .
The base course materials shall be spread in such a way that the compacted thickness of the base course is not less
than the design thickness. On the completion of the spreading and watering, the surface shall be shaped according to
the cross-section shown in the drawings and compacted using approved mechanical compaction equipment.
Compaction shall continue until the material has attained the required density. The base course shall be compacted to
have 100% maximum dry density (standard proctor) and a soaked CBR as specified in the Drawing. The in-situ density
shall be checked at every 100 linear meters of recompacted surface.

6.12.4 Measurement
The salvaged material and supplying of additional material shall not be measured . Only the accepted base course
compacted as specified shall be measured in square meters. It shall be based on the average width and thickness of
base course shown on the drawings and the actual length measured horizontally along the centre line of the surface
of the road.

6.12.5 Payment
This work as measured above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for the additional works required to the base
course. Payment shall be full compensation for performing the work including but not limited to scarifying and picking
up the existing top layer, supplying additional base course materials, mixing to the proper grading spreading the
mixed base course materials, watering, compacting to the specified density, grade, cross-section and thickness.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -47.
Table 6-47 : Pay Items – Upgrading the old existing WBM/WMM Base Course
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.12 Scarifying and loosening the existing surface Square Meter
Spreading and supply of additional material Cubic Meter
Compaction Cubic Meter


6.13.1 Description General
This work shall cover the general requirements that are applicable to all types of bituminous bound surfacing
irrespective of gradation of mineral aggregate, grade and amount of bituminous materials used. Deviations from
these general requirements are indicated in the specific requirements as set forth in the respective clauses of the
Clause 6.14 is for PRIME COAT
Clause 6.15 is for TACK COAT

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The work shall consist of one or more courses of pre-mixed bituminous mixtures constructed on a prepared and
accepted base course or other road bed in accordance with these Specifications and the specific requirements of the
type under Contract, and in conformity with the required lines, levels, grades, dimensions and typical cross sections. General Composition of Mixtures

The bituminous mix shall be composed basically of coarse mineral aggregate, fine mineral aggregate, filler and
bituminous material. The several mineral constituents shall be sized, uniformly graded and combined in such
proportions that the resulting blend meets the grading requirements for the specific type under the Contract. To such
composite blended aggregate shall be added bitumen within the percentage limits set in the specifications for the
specific type. Formula for Job-Mix

Before starting work, the Contractor shall submit in writing to the Engineer a job-mix formula for each type of
proposed asphaltic mixture. This shall state the sources and types of the various materials to be used, the mixing
proportions of the various constituents, the method of mixing, the methods of heating bitumen and aggregates
(including means of temperature control) and the means of transportation, laying and compaction. The formula so
submitted shall stipulate a single definite temperature for the emptying of the mixture from the mixer, and, for
mixtures to be laid hot, a single definite temperature at which the mixture is to be delivered on the road, all of which
shall fall within the ranges of the general composition and temperature limits. The job-mix formula for the mixture
shall indicate the percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size and the percentage of bitumen to be
added to the aggregate.
The contractor shall not commence bituminous surfacing work until the job mix formula has been approved in
writing by the Engineer, including any adjustments to the job mix formula which the Engineer considers are
Following approval of the mix formulae the Contractor shall produce trial mixes and lay trial sections of surfacing for
each formula. As many samples of the materials shall be taken and tested as the Engineer considers necessary for
checking the required uniformity of the mixture and ensuring compliance with the Specification. Following approval
of the trial sections by the Engineer in writing the actual surfacing works may be carried out strictly in accordance
with the approved mix formulae and trial sections.
Should a change in a material be encountered or should a change in a source of material be made, a new mix formula
shall be submitted and approved before the mixture containing the new material is delivered for trials and approval
on the surfacing works. Application of Job-Mix Formula and Allowable Tolerances

All mixture furnished shall conform to the job-mix formula, within the ranges of tolerance given below and subject to
the maximum temperatures as given in clauses and
Passing sieves 10 mm and larger ± 8%
Passing sieves between 10 mm and 0.075 mm ± 5%
Passing 0.075 mm sieve ± 1%
Bitumen content (single test result) ± 0.50%
Bitumen content (three consecutive test results) ± 0.40%
Temperature of mixture when emptied from mixer ± 15°C
Temperature of mixture at delivery on road ± 15° C
These tolerances are applicable to individual test results. The mean value for a series of test results should be as close
as possible to the approved job mix formula. The grading shall not be allowed to vary from coarser side on one sieve
to finer side on another sieve within the approved job mix grading envelope.
Each day as many samples of the materials and mixture shall be taken and tested as the Engineer considers necessary
for checking the required uniformity of the mixture. When unsatisfactory results are obtained the Contractor should
take immediate corrective action. If the Engineer is not satisfied with the actions taken he may halt production, which
will not be allowed to resume until the Contractor demonstrates that the problem has been corrected.
Job materials will be rejected if they are found not to conform to the requirements of the Specification.

6.13.2 Materials Coarse Mineral Aggregate

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The portion of the aggregate retained on the 5 mm sieve shall be known as coarse aggregate and shall be crushed
stone, or crushed gravel. Only one source of coarse aggregate shall be used except by written permission from the
Engineer. Approval of sources of supply of aggregate shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to delivery of the
material. Samples and test results shall be submitted for approval of the Engineer at least 14 days in advance of its
Crushed stone and crushed gravel shall consist of clean, tough, durable material free from coherent coatings,
decomposed stone, soft particles, organic matter, shale, clay and any other substances, which in the opinion of the
Engineer may be deleterious to the mixture. Coarse aggregate shall meet the following requirements.

Sl. Wearing Course

Name of Test Testing Procedure Base Course
1 Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) (%) BS 812 Less than 25% Less than 30%
2 Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA) (%) AASHTO T 96 Less than 30% Less than 35%
3 Water Absorption ASTM C 127 Not more than 2% Not more than 2%
Loss in weight (after 5 cycles) with Sodium
4 Soundness AASHTO T 104
Sulphate Solution – not more than 10%
5 Coating and Stripping Test AASHTO T 182 Min. 95% retained coating
When crushed gravel is used, not less than 90% by weight of the particles retained on a 5 mm sieve shall have at least
two fractured faces.
The flakiness index as determined in accordance with BS 812 shall not exceed 30%. Fine Mineral Aggregate

The portion of the aggregate passing a 5 mm sieve shall be known as fine mineral aggregate, and shall consist of
natural sand, stone screenings, or a combination of both. Stone screenings shall be produced from stone meeting the
requirements for coarse mineral aggregate in Clause Fine aggregate shall be composed of clean, hard
durable particles, rough surfaced and angular, free from vegetable matter, soft particles, clay balls or other
objectionable material.
The PI for material passing the 0.425 mm sieve shall be less than 4. Sand Equivalent of material passing 4.75 mm
sieve, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 176, shall be minimum 50.
When the fine aggregate is tested for soundness as per AASHTO T 104, the loss in weight after 5 cycles with sodium
sulphate shall not exceed 15%.
Approval of sources of supply of aggregate shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to delivery of the material .
Samples and test results shall be submitted for approval of the Engineer at least 14 days in advance of its use. Mineral Filler

Mineral filler where required shall consist of limestone dust, dolomite dust, or similar rock dust, Portland cement,
hydrated lime, silica cement or other mineral matter from sources approved by the Engineer. It shall be non-plastic
and free from foreign or other objectionable material. It shall be dry and free from lumps and when tested by means
of laboratory sieves shall meet the following grading requirements:
Sieve Designation Percentage by weight
0.600 mm 100
0.150 mm 95 – 100
0.075 65 - 100
Mineral filler shall be considered to include any mineral dust naturally present in the bitumen.
Approval of sources of supply of mineral filler shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to delivery of the material.
Samples and test results shall be submitted for approval of the Engineer at least 14 days in advance of its use. Bituminous Materials

Details as to the source and type of bitumen must be submitted for approval at least 14 days before the proposed use
of the material and should conform to the requirements of specific Clause. The Engineer may instruct for samples of
the bitumen to be taken from the consignment before leaving the place of manufacture and that these should be
forwarded to a laboratory nominated by the Engineer for analysis and testing. The material from which these samples

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for testing are taken must be segregated at the place of manufacture until the satisfactory completion of the
aforesaid tests permit release.
Each consignment of bituminous material delivered to the site must be accompanied by a certificate showing the
place of manufacture and the results of standard tests carried out on the bulk supply from which the material was
extracted. No bituminous material other than that represented by the sample submitted shall be used by the
Contractor except with the written consent of the Engineer. The contractor shall when so directed by the Engineer,
arrange for sampling and testing, at an approved testing laboratory, of all bituminous materials delivered to and
stored at site. Blending of bituminous materials from different refineries shall not be permitted.

6.13.3 Construction Weather Limitation
Bituminous mixtures shall be placed only when the surface is dry, when the weather is not rainy and when the
prepared road bed is in a satisfactory condition. However, the Engineer may permit, in case of sudden rain, the
placing of mixture then in transit if laid at proper temperature and if the road bed is free from pools of water. Such
permission shall in no way relax the requirements for quality and smoothness of surface. Progress of Work

No work shall be performed when there is insufficient hauling, spreading or finishing equipment or labour to ensure
progress at a rate consistent with meeting proper temperatures and rates of compaction. Plant and Equipment Requirements for all Mixing Plants

All plant used by the Contractor for the preparation of bituminous mixtures shall conform to all of the requirements
below, except that scale requirements shall apply only where weight proportioning is used; and in addition, any batch
mixing plants shall conform only to the relevant special requirements herein and any continuous mixing plants shall
conform only to the relevant special requirements herein.
The mixing plant, which can be a batching plant or a continuous mixing plant, shall have a capacity sufficient to supply
the paver on the road continuously when spreading the bituminous mix at normal speed and required thickness.
a) Uniformity: The plants shall be so designed, coordinated and operated as to produce a mixture within the job
- mix tolerances.
b) Plant scales and weigh house : Scales for any weigh box or hopper may be either of the beam or spring less
dial type and shall be of a standard make and design accurate to within one-half of 1 percent of the
maximum load required.
Scales shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be checked as often as the Engineer may deem necessary
to ensure their continued accuracy.
The Contractor shall provide and have at hand not less than 25 kilogram weights for frequent testing of all
c) Equipment for preparation of bituminous material : Tanks for storage of bituminous material shall be capable
of heating the material under effective and positive control at all times, to a temperature within the range
specified. The circulating system for the bituminous material shall be of adequate size to ensure proper and
continuous circulation during the entire operating period. Suitable means shall be provided for maintaining
the specified temperature of the bituminous material in the pipe lines, meters, weigh buckets, spray bars,
and other containers or flow lines. The storage tank capacity shall be sufficient for at least 1 day’s run.
Bituminous material may be partially heated in the tanks and brought to the specified temperature by means
of booster heating equipment between the tanks and the mixer.
d) Feeder for drier: The plant shall be provided with an accurate mechanical means for uniformly feeding the
mineral aggregate into the drier so that uniform production and uniform temperatures are obtainable.
e) Drier: A rotary drier of approved design for drying and heating the mineral aggregate shall be provided . The
drier shall be capable of drying and heating the mineral aggregate to the specified temperature.
f) Screens: Plant screens, capable of screening all aggregate to the specified sizes and proportions and having
normal capacities slightly in excess of the full capacity of the mixer, shall be provided . The screens shall be
readily exposed for inspection by the Engineer.

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g) Bins: The plant shall include storage bins of sufficient capacity to supply the mixer when it is operating at full
capacity. Bins shall be divided into at least three compartments and shall be arranged to ensure separate and
adequate storage of appropriate fractions of the aggregate. For a mineral filler admixture a separate feeder
bin and/or weighing hopper arrangement may be required. Bins shall be so constructed that representative
samples can readily be obtained, and the aggregate level observed.
h) Bituminous control unit: Satisfactory means either by weighing or metering shall be provided to obtain the
proper amount of bituminous material in the mix within the tolerance specified for the job-mix.
For use with batching plants, it shall provide the designated quantity of bituminous material for each batch .
For continuous mixing plants, the operating speed of the pump shall be synchronized with the flow of
aggregate in the mixer by an automatic locking control, and the device shall be easily and accurately
adjustable. Means shall be provided for checking the quantity or rate of flow of bituminous material into the
mixer. An accuracy within 1% of the specified amount is required.
i) Thermometric equipment: An armoured thermometer reading from 50°C to 200°C shall be fixed in the
bituminous feed line at a suitable location near the discharge valve at the mixer unit.
The plant shall be further equipped with a thermometric instrument so placed at the discharge chute of the
drier as to register automatically or indicate the temperature of the heated aggregate.
j) Dust collector: The plant shall be equipped with a dust collector constructed to waste or return uniformly to
the elevator all or any part of the material collected. The material to be returned from the dust collector shall
be weighed over the filler scale.
k) Control of mixing time: The plant shall be equipped with accurate positive means to govern the time of
mixing and to maintain it constant unless changed at the direction of the Engineer. The time of mixing shall
be considered as the interval between the time the bituminous material is spread on the aggregate and the
time the same aggregate leaves the mixing unit.
When bitumen is applied by a spray system, the mixing time shall begin with the start of the bitumen spray.
When the bitumen is not applied by a spray system, a minimum dry mixing period of five seconds shall
precede the addition of the bitumen to the mix.
l) Safety requirements: Adequate and safe stairways to the mixer platform and guarded ladders to other plant
units shall be placed at all points required for accessibility to all plant operations. All gears, pulleys, chains,
sprockets, and other dangerous moving parts shall be thoroughly guarded and protected. Ample and
unobstructed space shall be provided on the mixing platform. A clear and unobstructed passage shall be
maintained at all times in and around the truck loading space. This space shall be kept free from drippings
from the mixing platform. Flexible pipe connections carrying hot bitumen shall be shielded. Special Requirements for Batch Mix Plants

a) Weigh box or hopper: The equipment shall include a means for accurately weighing each bin size of
aggregate in a weigh box or hopper, suspended on scales, ample in size to hold a full batch without hand
raking or running over. The weigh box or hopper shall be supported on fulcrums and knife edges so
constructed that they will not easily be thrown out of alignment or adjustment. All edges, ends, and sides of
weighing hoppers shall be free from contact with any supporting rods, columns or other equipment that will
in any way affect the proper functioning of the hopper. There shall also be sufficient clearance between
hoppers and supporting devices to prevent accumulations of foreign materials. The discharge gate of the
weigh box shall be so hung that the aggregates will not be segregated when dumped into the mixer and shall
close tightly when the hopper is empty so that no material is allowed to leak into the batch in the mixer
during the process of weighing the next batch.
b) Mixer: The batch mixer shall be capable of producing a continuous uniform mixture within the job - mix
tolerances. It shall be of such design as to permit visual inspection of the mix.
The mixer shall be equipped with a sufficient number of paddles or blades with proper arrangement to
produce a properly and uniformly mixed batch. The clearance of blades from all fixed and moving parts shall
not exceed 20 mm unless the maximum diameter of the aggregate particle in the mix exceeds 25 mm. Special Requirements for Continuous Plants

a) Gradation control unit: The plant shall include a means for proportioning accurately each bin size of
aggregate either by weighing or by volumetric measurement.

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When gradation control is by volume, the unit shall include a feeder mounted under the compartment bins.
Each bin shall have an accurately controlled individual gate to form an orifice for volumetrically measuring
the materials drawn from each respective bin compartment. Indicators shall be provided for each gate to
show the respective gate opening in centimeters.
b) Weight calibration of aggregate feed : The plant shall include provision for a calibration of the gate openings
by means of weight test samples so that each of the materials fed out of the bins through individual orifices
may be by-passed satisfactorily to suitable test boxes, each bin material being confined separately.
The plant shall be equipped to handle conveniently such test samples weighing not less than 150 kilograms
combined weight of samples from all bins, and not less than 50 kilograms for any one bin sample.
c) Synchronization of aggregate and bitumen feed : Satisfactory means shall be provided to afford positive
interlocking control between the flow of aggregate from the bins and the flow of bitumen from the meter or
other proportioning source. This control shall be accomplished by interlocking mechanical means or by a
positive method satisfactory to the Engineer.
d) Mixer: The plant shall include a continuous mixer of an approved type capable of producing a continuous
uniform mixture within the job - mix tolerances.
Determination of the mixing time shall be by a weight method, using the following formula (the weights shall
be determined for the job): -
Mixing time in seconds = Pugmill dead capacity in kilograms/ Pugmill output in kilograms per second
e) Hopper: The mixer shall be equipped with a hopper at the discharge end, of such size and design that no
segregation of mix occurs. Any elevator used for loading mixture into vehicles shall have an equally
satisfactory hopper. Equipment for Hauling and Placing

a) Trucks: Trucks for hauling bituminous mixtures shall have tight, clean and smooth metal beds that have been
sprayed with soapy water, thinned fuel oil, paraffin oil, or lime solution to prevent the mixture from adhering
to the beds. The amount of sprayed fluid shall however be kept to the practical minimum. Each load shall be
covered with canvas or other suitable material of such size as to protect the mixture from the weather. Any
truck causing excessive segregation of material by its spring suspension or other contributing factors, or that
shows oil leaks in detrimental amounts, or that causes undue delays, shall upon direction of the Engineer be
removed from the Works until such conditions are corrected. When necessary, in order that the mixture shall
be delivered on the road at the specified temperature, truck beds shall be insulated to maintain workable
temperature of the mixture and all covers shall be securely fastened.
Trucks or any other equipment leaking petroleum products will not be allowed admittance to paved areas or
areas where paving is under construction.
b) Spreading and finishing equipment: The equipment for spreading and finishing shall be approved mechanical,
self-powered pavers, capable of spreading and finishing the mixture true to the lines, grades, levels
dimensions and cross sections.
The pavers shall be equipped with hoppers and distributing screws of the reversing type to place the mixture
evenly in front of adjustable screeding devices and shall have reverse as well as forward travelling speeds.
The pavers shall maintain the grade and confine the edges of the pavement to true lines without the use of
stationary side forms. The equipment shall include blending or joint levelling devices for smoothing and
adjusting longitudinal joints between lanes. The assembly shall be adjustable to give the cross-section shape
prescribed and shall be so designed and operated as to place the thickness or weight per square meter of
material required.
Pavers shall be equipped with activated screeds and devices for heating the screeds to the temperature
required for the laying of the mixture without pulling or marring.
The term “screed” includes any cutting, crowding, or other practical action that is effective in producing a
finished surface of the evenness and texture specified, without tearing, shoving, or gouging.
If, during construction, it is found that the spreading and finishing equipment in operation leaves in the
pavement surface tracks or indented areas of other objectionable irregularities that are not satisfactorily
corrected by scheduled operations, the use of such equipment shall be discontinued and other satisfactory
spreading and finishing equipment shall be provided by the Contractor forthwith.
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Rollers shall be pneumatic typed rollers and smooth wheel rollers with or without vibration. The rolling
procedure is described in Clause
c) Small tools: The Contractor shall provide suitable means for keeping all small tools clean and free from
accumulation of bituminous material. He shall provide and have ready for use at all times enough tarpaulins
or covers, as may be directed by the Engineer, for use in any emergency such as rain, chilling wind, or
unavoidable delay, for the purpose of covering or protecting any material that may have been dumped and
not spread. Preparation and Placing Preparation of Existing Surface

Where local irregularities in an existing surface would otherwise result in a course more than 75 mm thick after
compaction, the surface shall be brought to uniform contour by patching with a bituminous mixture to be approved
by the Engineer, and thoroughly tamping or rolling until it conforms with the surrounding surface. The mixture used
shall be the same as that specified for the next course, unless the size of the largest aggregate in the mixture
precludes this when the Engineer will decide the mixture to be used.
Where the existing roadbed is broken or shows instability, the unstable material shall be removed and disposed of as
directed by the Engineer and be replaced with the same mixture as specified for the next course, compacted to the
standard and elevation of the adjacent surface.
The surface upon which the mixture is to be placed shall be swept thoroughly and cleaned of all loose dirt and other
objectionable material immediately before spreading the mixture. Preparation of Bituminous Material

The bituminous material shall be heated to the specified temperature in kettles or tanks so designed as to avoid local
overheating and to provide a continuous supply of the bituminous material to the mixer at a uniform temperature at
all times. Preparation of Mineral Aggregate

The mineral aggregates for the mixture shall be dried and heated before being placed in the mixer . Flames used for
drying and heating shall be adjusted properly to avoid adversely affecting the aggregate and to avoid forming a heavy
coating of soot on the aggregate. The aggregates shall be heated to the temperature specified in the applicable
The aggregates, immediately after heating, shall be screened into three or more fractions and conveyed into separate
bins ready for combining and mixing with bituminous material. The fraction of aggregate deposited in any bin shall
not contain more than 10% of material outside the specified size limits for that bin. Preparation of Mixture

The dried mineral aggregates prepared as prescribed above, shall be combined in the amount of each fraction of
aggregate required to meet the job-mix formula for the particular mixture. The bituminous material shall be
measured or gauged and introduced into the mix in the amount determined in the job mix formula . The proper
amount of bituminous material shall be distributed over the mineral aggregate and the whole thoroughly mixed for a
period of at least 30 seconds, or longer if necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture in which all particles of the
mineral aggregate are coated uniformly. For a continuous mixing plant, the mixing time shall be determined from the
formula in Clause and may be regulated by fixing a minimum gauge in the mixer unit and/or by other
mixing unit adjustment. Transportation and Delivery of Mixture

The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to the point of use in vehicles conforming to the requirements
of Clause (a. Loading and transporting shall be such that spreading, compaction and finishing shall all be
carried out during daylight hours unless satisfactory illumination is provided by the Contractor. Spreading and Finishing

Upon arrival at the point of use, the mixture shall be spread and struck off to the grade, elevation, and cross -section
shape intended, either over the entire width or over such partial width as may be practicable. Bituminous mixture
pavers conforming to the requirements of Section shall be used for this purpose. The mixture shall be
laid upon an approved surface and only when weather conditions are considered suitable by the Engineer.

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In narrow base widening, deep or irregular sections, turn outs or driveways where it is impractical to spread and finish
the mixture by use of a paver, the Contractor shall use approved spreading equipment or acceptable hand methods as
directed by the Engineer.
On areas where in the opinion of the Engineer, the use of spreading equipment is considered impractical, the mixture
shall be dumped on steel boards then spread, raked and luted by hand to provide the correct weight or uniform
thickness of material without segregation. Mixture shall not be applied faster than can be properly handled and
spread. Compaction of Mixture

a) General. Immediately after the mixture has been spread and struck off, the surface shall be checked and any
inequalities adjusted. The mixture shall then be thoroughly and uniformly compacted by rolling. Each course
shall be rolled as soon after being placed as the material will support the roller without undue displacement
or cracking.
b) Roller Requirements. With each paver, two steel wheeled tandem rollers and one pneumatic tyred roller will
be required.
All rollers shall be self-propelled, capable of being reversed without backlash and equipped with power
steering, dual controls allowing operation from either the right or left side, water tanks, sprinkler systems
and coco-mats to ensure even wetting of rolls or tyres. The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer for each
type of roller a calibration chart showing the relation between depth of ballast and weight and giving the
tare weight of the roller. Each roller shall be in good condition and worked by a competent and experienced
Steel wheeled tandem rollers shall weigh not less than 8 metric tons and each tandem roller used for final
compaction (finish rolling) shall have at least one roll capable of applying a minimum rolling pressure of 35
kilograms per centimeter of roll width.
Pneumatic tyred rollers shall be of an approved type having not less than seven wheels with smooth treat
compactor tyres of equal size and construction capable of operating at inflation pressures up to 8.5 kg/cm².
Wheels shall be equally spaced along both axle lines and arranged so that tyres on one axle line track midway
between those on the other with an overlap. Each tyre shall be kept inflated to the specified operating
pressure such that the pressure difference between any two tyres shall not exceed 0.35 kg/cm². Means shall
be provided for checking and adjusting the tyre pressures on the job at all times. Each roller shall be so
equipped that its total weight is adjustable by ballasting allowing the load per wheel to be varied from 1,500
to 2,500 kilograms. In operation, the tyre inflation pressure and the wheel load shall be adjusted, as required
by the Engineer, to meet the requirements of each particular application. In general, the compaction of any
course with a pneumatic tyred roller shall be accomplished with contact pressures as high as the material will
c) Procedure. Rolling of the mix shall consist of six separate operations as follows:
- transverse joint
- longitudinal joint
- edges
- initial or breakdown rolling
- second or intermediate rolling
- finish rolling
The first rolling of all joints and edges, the initial or breakdown rolling and the final or finish rolling shall all be
done with the steel wheeled tandem rollers. The second or intermediate rolling shall be done with the
pneumatic tyred roller except on small operations.
Rolling shall start longitudinally at the sides and proceed toward the centre of the pavement except that on
super-elevated curves rolling shall begin at the low side and progress toward the high side. Successive trips
of the roller shall overlap by at least one half of the width of the roller and alternative trips shall not
terminate at the same point. For initial rolling, the drive roll should be nearest the paver.
The speed of the rollers shall not exceed 4 kilometers per hour for steel wheeled rollers and 6 kilometer per
hour for pneumatic tyred rollers and shall at all times be slow enough to avoid displacement of the hot
mixture. Any displacements occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller or from any other
cause shall at once be corrected with rakes and fresh mixture where required. Care shall be exercised in
rolling not to displace the line and grade of the edges.

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Rolling shall progress continuously as may be necessary to obtain uniform compaction while the mixture is in
a workable condition and until all roller marks are eliminated. Heavy equipment or rollers shall not be
permitted to stand on the newly laid surface until it has thoroughly cooled.
To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened, but excess
water will not be permitted.
Any petroleum products dropped or spilled from the vehicles or equipment employed by the Contractor
upon any portion of the pavement under construction is cause for the removal and replacement of the
contaminated pavement by the Contractor.
Along kerbs, headers, manholes, and similar structures and at all places not accessible to the roller, thorough
compaction shall be secured by means of hot hand tampers or with mechanical tampers giving equivalent
compaction. Each hand tamper shall weigh not less than 10 kilograms and shall have a tamping face area of
not more than 250 square centimeters.
The surface of the mixture after compaction shall be smooth and true to the established crown and grade
within the tolerance specified. Any mixture that becomes loose and broken, mixed with dirt, or which is
defective in any way, shall be removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture, which shall be compacted
immediately to conform with the surrounding area. Any area of 1,000 square centimeters or more showing
an excess or deficiency of bituminous material shall be removed and replaced. All high spots, high joints,
depressions, and honeycombs shall be adjusted as directed by the Engineer. Joints
Both longitudinal and transverse joints in successive courses shall be staggered so as not to be one above the other .
Longitudinal joints shall be staggered a minimum of 20cm and so arranged that the longitudinal joint in the top course
shall be at the location of the line dividing the traffic lanes. Lateral joints shall be staggered a minimum of 100cm
centimeters and shall be straight.
Spreading shall be as nearly continuous as possible and rollers shall pass over the unprotected end of freshly laid
mixture only when authorized by the Engineer. In all such cases provision shall be made for a properly bonded and
sealed joint with the new surface for the full depth of the course as specified above.
Before placing mixtures against them, all contact surfaces of kerbs, gutters, headers, manholes etc . shall be given a
thin uniform coating of hot bitumen and the joints between these structures and the surface mixture shall be
effectively sealed by the subsequent spreading, finishing and compaction operations.
When the wearing course is placed adjacent to kerbs to form a bitumen gutter it shall be sealed with bitumen for a
distance of 30 centimeters from the kerb. The seal shall be evenly applied to the surface by means of hot irons or
squeegees so that the surface voids are completely filled and no excess bitumen remains on the surface . The desired
drainage pattern shall be maintained. Surface Test of the Pavement

The finished surface of the pavement for both base (binder) and wearing courses shall not vary from the specified
levels and grades by more than ±5mm. The surface shall be also tested by a crown template and 3 meter straight
edge, furnished by the Contractor, applied respectively at right angles and parallel, to the centerline of the road. The
Contractor shall designate some employees to use the template and straight edge under the direction of the Engineer
in checking all surfaces. The crown template shall conform to the typical cross section shown on the Drawings.
The variation of the surface from the testing edge of the crown template and the straight edge between any two
contacts with the surface shall not exceed 5 millimeters for both binder and wearing courses.
Tests for conformity with the specified crown and grade shall, when agreed by the Engineer, be made immediately
after initial compaction and variations shall be corrected by removing or adding materials as may be necessary.
Rolling shall then be continued as specified. After final rolling, the smoothness of the course shall be checked again
and any irregularity of the surface exceeding the above limits and any areas defective in texture, compaction, or
composition, shall be corrected as directed by the Engineer, including removal and replacement at the Contractor ’s
expense if so directed by the Engineer.
The average thickness of the compacted bituminous layer, as computed from 5No successive determinations for
every 400 to 800 m2 of pavement area, shall not be less than the specified thickness nor shall any particular point be
thinner than 5mm less than the specified thickness. Any section of paving having thickness measurements outside
these limits shall be rectified at the contractor’s expense as directed by the Engineer, including where necessary

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removal and replacement. In case of removal and relaying of the pavement layer a minimum length of 50m shall be
removed for its full width.
The edges of the pavement shall follow a smooth alignment and, where not bound by kerbs or other edgings, shall
not deviate from the specified alignment by more than ±20mm. Any material laid out of alignment is to be corrected
as directed by the Engineer. Excess material shall be cut off square after final rolling, and disposed of by the
Contractor. Control and Testing

The Contractor shall supply qualified personnel to be in charge of the tests and controls required to ensure correct
operation of the plant and the manufacture of a satisfactory product.
The Contractor shall keep a diary and maintain records of times, batch numbers, areas paved and other observations,
and he shall follow such instructions as may be given by the Engineer in order to obtain the required quality of the
bituminous bound material.

6.13.4 Measurement
All work prescribed above shall be measured and paid for as provided in the respective Sections for each type of
pavement. The quantity measured and paid for shall always be the quantity ordered with any permitted excess, or the
actual quantity used whichever is the less.

6.13.5 Payment
The work shall be paid for as provided in the respective Clause for each type of bituminous layer.


6.14.1 Description
This work shall consist of the careful cleaning of the surface of the granular base material to be primed and furnishing
and applying bituminous material in accordance with these Specifications to the areas shown on the Drawings and as
directed by the Engineer.

6.14.2 Materials Bituminous materials
Bituminous prime coat material shall be a cut back bitumen, conforming to the requirements of ASTM/ AASHTO.
The bituminous material shall be approved by the Engineer. Cut back bitumen may be prepared by cutting back 60/70
or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen with kerosene/diesel in the ratio of 100 parts by volume of bitumen
to 40-60 parts by volume of kerosene depending on the porosity of the surface and will be decided by field trials or as
directed by the Engineer. The correct amount is the quantity that is completely absorbed within 24 hours. The
spraying temperature of the cutback bitumen shall be 100 oC to 120oC. Blotting material

Blotting material shall be approved clean dry free-flowing sand or stone screenings free from any cohesive materials
or organic matter. Not more than 10 percent of the sand shall be finer than the 75 micron sieve.

6.14.3 Construction Methods Equipment
The Engineer may approve Construction equipment and methods (including labour intensive methods) other than
those specified hereinafter provided that the contractor can demonstrate his ability to carry out the work to a
satisfactory standard using his proposed equipment and methods to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer . Such
approval shall be in writing and may be withdrawn at any time if the work is found to be unsatisfactory in any respect.
The equipment used by the Contractor shall include, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, a power brush, a
pressure bituminous distributor, and, when necessary, equipment for heating bituminous material.
The distributor shall have pneumatic tyres and shall be so designed, equipped, maintained and operated that
bituminous material at constant temperature may be applied uniformly on variable widths of surface up to 4 meters
at readily determined and controlled rates of from 0.2 to 2.0 liters per square meter with uniform pressure, and with
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an allowable variation from any specified rate not to exceed 0.1 liter per square meter. Distribution equipment shall
include an instrument for measuring the speed of travel accurately at low speeds, and the temperature of the
contents of the tank.
The spray bar on the distributor shall be controlled by a man riding at the rear of the distributor in such a position
that operation of all sprays is in his full view.
The tanks of distributors shall be fitted with accurately calibrated dipsticks or contents gauges.
All measuring equipment on the distributor shall have been recently calibrated and an accurate and satisfactory
record of such calibration shall be supplied to the Engineer. If, after beginning the work, the distribution of
bituminous material is found to be in error, the distributor shall be withdrawn from the work and calibrated to the
satisfaction of the Engineer before any further work is undertaken.
The Engineer may require such tests, as he considers necessary to check the performance of the distributor. As and
when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall make the distributor and its equipment
available for field testing and shall supply any assistance required for this purpose . Any distributor, which does not
operate satisfactorily or conform to the requirements of the Specifications in all respects, may be rejected by the
Engineer for further use on the Works. Weather Limitations

Prime coat shall be applied at a time when the surface to be treated is dry or slightly damp, when the ambient
temperature is above 13°C and rising, or above 16°C if falling, and when the weather is dry. Cleaning Surface

Immediately before applying the prime coat material, all loose stones, dirt and other objectionable materials shall be
removed from the surface with a broom or power brush as appropriate. When so directed by the Engineer, a light
application of water shall be made just before the application of the prime coat. Application of Bituminous Material

Bituminous material shall be applied by mechanical distributor or manually at a uniform rate 1.20 liters/square meter
as directed by the Engineer, and at a temperature between 100°C to 120°C. Additional primer shall be applied where
surface conditions indicate this to be necessary, if the Engineer so directs. No further coatings shall be applied until
the prime coat has been cured.
The contractor may be required to lay a trial section of prime coat for the approval of the Engineer with regard to the
method of operations and to establish the optimum spray rate for the prime coat to achieve adequate penetration .
Following the approval of the Engineer in writing of such trial section (s), the prime coat works may then be carried
out strictly in accordance with the approved method and spray rates and the specification.
The surfaces of structures and trees adjacent to the areas being treated shall be protected in such a manner as to
prevent their being splashed or damaged. No bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit or gutter.

6.14.4 Maintenance and Opening to Traffic

After application of the prime coat there shall be a curing period of 24 hours or more, when traffic shall not be
permitted on the coated surface. In case of any damage caused by traffic, the surface shall be rectified at the cost of
the contractor. The period of curing shall be extended if necessary till the bituminous material has penetrated and
dried and, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not be picked up by traffic. At the end of the curing period, minor areas
where prime coat material is still not dry shall be treated by sprinkling, blotting sand as necessary to avoid picking up
of prime coat material before allowing traffic to use the coated areas. For existing roads, the work shall be done over
half width at a time, the other half being used to carry the traffic.

6.14.5 Measurement
Prime coat shall be measured in square meter. Blotting material shall not be measured for payment and shall be
considered to be included in the rate for prime coat

6.14.6 Payment
This work, measured as provided above, shall be paid at the Contract unit price. The price and payment shall be full
compensation for preparation of the surface and furnishing and placing the materials including all labour, equipment,
tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in the Clause.

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Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -48.

Table 6- 48 : Pay Items – Prime Coat

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.14 Prime Coat (Hand Device) Square Meter
Prime Coat (Mechanical Distributor) Square Meter


6.15.1 Description
This work shall consist of the cleaning and preparation of the bituminous surface specified, or otherwise as directed
by the Engineer, together with the furnishing and application of the tack coat in accordance with these Specifications
to the areas shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
Tack Coat should be applied only in between two bituminous surfaces.

6.15.2 Materials
Bituminous tack coat material shall be 60/70 (preferable) or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen
complying with the requirements of ASTM / AASHTO. The bituminous material shall be approved by the Engineer.

6.15.3 Construction Methods Equipment
The Engineer may approve Construction equipment and methods (including labour intensive methods) other than
those specified hereinafter provided that the contractor can demonstrate his ability to carry out the work to a
satisfactory standard using his proposed equipment and methods to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer . Such
approval shall be in writing and may be withdrawn at any time if the work is found to be unsatisfactory in any respect .
The equipment shall be as specified in Clause 6.14: PRIME COAT. Weather Limitations

Tack coat work shall not be carried out when the weather conditions are, in the opinion of the Engineer, likely to
adversely affect the stability of wet tack coat material. Such conditions may include but shall not necessarily be
limited to rain, low temperatures or storms: Cleaning Surfaces

The full width of surface to be treated shall be cleaned with a broom or power brush as appropriate to remove loose
dirt, sand, dust and other objectionable material immediately before applying the tack coat. The surface to be treated
shall be dry. Application of Bituminous Material

Immediately after cleaning the surface, bituminous material shall be applied by mechanical distributor or manually at
a rate of 0.5kg or 0.75kg /m2 and at a temperature between 175oC and 185o C. Additional tack coat shall be applied
where surface conditions indicate this to be necessary, if the Engineer so directs. The tack coat shall be applied only
when the surface is dry.
The surfaces of structures and trees adjacent to the areas being treated shall be protected in such a manner as to
prevent their being splashed or damaged. No bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit, gutter or
After the tack coat is applied the Contractor shall protect it from damage until the surface course is placed . No
surfacing layer will be permitted to be placed unless the tach coat is in a satisfactory condition to receive it and as
such the tack coat shall be applied only so far in advance of surface course placement as is necessary for this to occur.

6.15.4 Measurement
Tack coat shall be measured in square meter as shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, complete, in
place and accepted.

6.15.5 Payment
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This work, measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per unit of measurement stated
below. The price and payment shall be full compensation for preparation of the surface and furnishing and placing the
materials including supply of all materials, labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -49.

Table 6-49 : Pay Items – Tack Coat

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.15 Tack Coat (Hand Device) @ 0.50 kg/sqm Square Meter
Tack Coat (Hand Device) @ 0.75 kg/sqm Square Meter
Tack Coat (Mechanical Distributor) @ 0.50 kg/sqm Square Meter
Tack Coat (Mechanical Distributor) @ 0.75 kg/sqm Square Meter


6.16.1 Description
This work shall consist of a premix bituminous carpet of a bituminous macadam type of material constructed on a
prepared and primed base course in accordance with these Specifications and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions
and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The bituminous carpeting shall consist of
a compacted single layer of surfacing of thickness as shown on the drawings.

6.16.2 Materials Bituminous material
Bituminous material shall be 60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen complying with the
requirement of ASTM / AASHTO. Coarse aggregate

The coarse aggregate shall be the material component fully retained on a 4.75mm sieve and shall consist of clean
crushed rock or crushed gravel or blended combinations of both, free from decomposed stone, organic matter, shale,
clay and any other substances which, in the opinion of the Engineer, may be deleterious to the mixture . Coarse
aggregate shall satisfy the following physical characteristics when tested:
- LAA value not greater than 35.
- Bulk specific gravity not less than 2.50
- Flakiness index not greater than 35% except where specially approved by the Engineer.
The course aggregate shall have weight loss not more than 12% when subjected to 5 alternations of the sodium
sulphate soundness test, AASHTO T 104.
Not less than 75% by weight of the particles of course aggregate shall have at least two fractured faces. Fine aggregate

The portion of the aggregate passing a 4.75mm sieve shall be known as fine aggregate and shall consist of natural
sand, stone dust, or a combination of both. Fine aggregate shall be composed of clean, hard durable particles, rough
surfaced and angular, free from vegetable matter, soft particles, clay balls or other objectionable material. Overall aggregate grading

The mix of the coarse and fine aggregates combined shall comply with the following grading given in Table 6 -50.

Table 6- 50 : Aggregate Grading for Bituminous Carpeting

For 25mm Dense For 40mm Dense For 25mm For 50/40mm
Sieve Size Graded BC Graded BC Normal BC Normal BC
% Passing by Weight
25mm 100 95-100 95-100 -
20mm 100 85-95 85-95 100

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For 25mm Dense For 40mm Dense For 25mm For 50/40mm
Sieve Size Graded BC Graded BC Normal BC Normal BC
% Passing by Weight
16mm 100 - - -
12.5mm 75-90 60-80 58-77 75-90
10mm 60-80 53-73 45-65 50-70
4.75mm 35-55 35-52 25-40 25-40
2.36mm 25-40 23-38 15-30 15-27
600 micron 15-25 13-24 8-18 8-18
75 micron 4-10 4-10 2-8 2-8
% of Bitumen Content by
weight of total mix or as Min 5.5% Min 5.4% Min 5.2% Min 4.9%
determined by job mix design

Required bitumen content should be determined by trials. Bituminous Mixture Requirements

The resultant density of the compacted bituminous mixture shall be between 2250 and 2400 kg/m3. The bitumen
content (Marshall Test) and stability of mixture shall be as per specification or as decided by the Engineer . The
Contractor shall carry out regular checks at frequency to be determined by the Engineer on the composition of the
mixed material and shall submit results to the Engineer within 3 days of sampling.

6.16.3 Construction Methods General
Following approval of the mix formula the Contractor shall lay trial sections of surfacing of approximately 10 meters
length prior to commencing contract surfacing. These trials are to demonstrate that the contractor and the laying
staff understand, and can apply the specification correctly to produce the quality of works specified on a consistent
basis. The trials will also be used to fine tune the mix design if required.
If the trial works are suitable, they may be accepted in the contract works. If the trial work has to be rejected, they
can be permitted to remain in the works until replacement near the end of the contract, so that unspecified work can
be monitored and used to demonstrate to other contractors and supervision staff the defects that will manifest
themselves if work is carried out using unspecified materials, workmanship or methodology.
Once the Contractor has demonstrated an acceptable procedure he shall submit in writing his full method statement
for the Engineer’s approval. No surfacing works will be permitted until the Engineer’s approval has been granted in
writing and once approved the method should not be varied in any way without reference to, and approval of the
The Contractor shall furnish a thermometer at each mixing unit to ensure that temperature of bitumen, mineral
aggregates and bituminous mixture shall be within the specified ranges stipulated in through Preparation of the road base

A prime coat shall be applied and cured to the surface of the granular base material or a tack coat to an existing
bituminous surface in accordance with Clause 6.14 or 6.15before spreading the premixed bituminous carpet. Preparation of Bituminous Material

Bitumen shall be heated to a temperature between 140°C and 155°C. Locally produced, wood fired boilers are
satisfactory for this purpose, however, the boiler should be approximately 30% full before the firebox is filled with
wood and the wood ignited.
In practice the boilers are generally kept over 50% full during operation by allowing up to two drums of bitumen to
drain down through a manhole, on top of the boiler, into the main heating tank.
The temperature control at the boiler is critical to the success of this methodology. When the thermometer within the
mass of bitumen in the main tank reaches 145°C the firebox must be emptied or the fire extinguished. The residual
heat within the tar boiler will continue to heat the bitumen to the required maximum temperature of 155 ° C. When
the temperature is falling and reaches 150°C the fire box should be refilled with wood and re-ignited as the
temperature will soon fall below 145°C. The operation is repeated as the temperature again regains 150°C. With

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experience the operator can soon judge how much firewood is required to achieve and maintain the specified
temperatures. Preparation of Mineral Aggregate

Once the aggregates and the job mix has been approved, the Contractor shall construct gauging boxes to the required
size which, when filled and struck off level, deliver the desired volume of each size of aggregate to provide the
optimum gradation, for each batch.
The stone is batched into a rectangular steel pan with handles at each corner and heated on top of a metal frame
under which heating is provided by firewood and sawdust. The aggregates are continually raked to ensure thorough
mixing and even heating. The temperature of the aggregate must reach between 150°C and 170°C after which the pan
shall be transferred to an unheated frame where raking should continue until the aggregate temperature has reduced
to the maximum mixing temperature permitted in the specification (160°C). Preparation of Mixture

The heated bitumen is drawn off from the tar boiler, decanted into gauge tins and added to the aggregate in the pan
on the unheated frame. As the two ingredients are at approximately the same temperature there is no risk of fire,
overheating or the clouds of black smoke (indicating hot bitumen being applied to very hot aggregates) associated
with other manual methods. The mixing is carried out on the unheated frame and, when satisfactorily completed, the
pan is carried to the adjacent work head for placing.
The mixture shall after mixing be at a temperature within the limits of 140°C and 160°C . The Contractor shall record
and submit the measured temperatures for the Engineer’s records.
Bitumen aggregate mixture, which has been overheated at any time, shall be rejected. The minimum percentage of
bitumen in the mix shall be
- 5.5% or as determined by job Mix Design by weight of total mix for 25mm Dense Graded BC
- 5.4% or as determined by job Mix Design by weight of total mix for 40mm Dense Graded BC.
- 5.2% or as determined by job Mix Design by weight of total mix for 25mm Normal BC
- 4.9% or as determined by job Mix Design by weight of total mix for 50/40mm Normal BC.
The final combined grading shall be within the limits of the specification and the actual bitumen content shall be
determined on the basis of laboratory tests by the Engineer and the final grading of the combined aggregates and the
bitumen content shall be approved by the Engineer. Spreading and Compaction

Unless the bituminous premix is laid directly onto a clean prime coat, a tack coat shall be applied in accordance with
Clause 6.15, to the underlying surface prior to spreading the binder course.
The depth of the finished surfacing, and the density of the material after compaction, is controlled by using mild steel
angles as side shutters (32 × 32 mm for a finished 25 mm surfacing, 50 x 50mm for a finished 40 mm thick surfacing,
and 65 × 65 mm for a finished 50 mm surfacing) and marking on the prime coat with chalk the area that each pan of
mixed material should cover. The cross-fall or super elevation is controlled in a similar way using 32 mm rods for 25
mm surfacing and 50 x 6 mm steel plate for 40mm thick surfacing, and 65 × 6 mm steel plate for 50 mm surfacing at
intermediate points between the edge of the road and the crown of the road.
The mixture shall be compacted as soon after being placed as the material will support the roller without undue
displacement or cracking and sufficient compaction plant should be deployed so that the required degree of
compaction is achieved before the mat has cooled to a temperature of 90°C.
The bituminous premix shall be compacted using an approved roller (preferably a pneumatic tyre roller of 8-10 ton)
and a minimum of five passes shall be made, or as directed by the Engineer from time to time. Material that falls
below the minimum working temperature of 90°C, that has not been compacted as described, may be rejected and
shall be replaced by new material to the required specification and compaction by the contractor at his own
If the Contractor is using a 3-5 ton vibrating roller the initial pass shall be with NO vibration. The side and
intermediate shutters are then moved to their next location while the roller, with vibration ON, completes the
compaction process. Trials will be required to assess the number of passes to achieve full compaction for each type of
roller and is relative to the thickness of the surfacing provided and the ambient temperature . Compaction is generally
achieved when all roller marks have been removed.
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When the temperature of the bituminous premix falls below 90°C no further compaction should be permitted.
The premix carpeting shall be fully compacted maintaining the proper grade and camber. The compacted thickness as
shown in the drawing and as provided in the Bill of Quantities shall be uniformly maintained all along the road
Rollers shall not be allowed to stand on newly laid material that may be deformed thereby. Sections of newly laid
base course and binder course shall be kept clean prior to laying the surface course and no traffic except in
connection with laying the surface course shall be permitted on the prepared base course or binder course.
To avoid traffic disruption, the spreading and compaction is often carried out over half the road width only.
For regulation courses the thickness of a compacted layer shall not be less than twice the maximum grain size.
Unless the Engineer directs otherwise the seal coat specified in Clause 6.17 shall be applied immediately after laying
of the carpet course and the seal coat and carpet course shall be rolled together. The combined thickness of the two
layers shall not be less than the sum of the two specified layer thickness. Joints
The work shall be organized so that transverse joints are kept to a minimum and, where practical, only occur at
specified positions (i.e. bridges etc.). All transverse joints are to be cut back to well compacted full depth material to
produce a straight vertical joint which is to be painted with bitumen before laying of new material.
To attain a strong and even connection in the longitudinal direction, joints shall be pre-heated in front of laying the
adjacent bituminous mix. Alternatively, if approved by the Engineer, the joint can be cut back and painted with
bitumen. Edge Treatment

On 38 mm Bituminous Carpeting works the mix at the edge of the road may be open textured after compaction and
chippings can be displaced by traffic during the initial maturing period (four to eight weeks). This will be overcome by
placing a narrow strip of pea-gravel bitumen seal (approximately 75 mm wide) against the shoulder side steel angle
prior to the placing of the Bituminous Carpeting. This, when compacted along with the Bituminous Carpeting, will
provide a dense, true edge to the road and will minimize ragged edges. Protection of the Pavement

Sections of the newly finished work shall be protected from traffic of any kind until the mixture has cooled to
approximately ambient air temperature. Traffic shall not normally be permitted on the newly laid surface less than 6
hours after completion of the pavement, except with the approval of the Engineer.
The speed of traffic shall be temporarily reduced to avoid the damage to the surface. Maximum speed limit of 30-40
km/hour shall, therefore, be enforced during the first month after construction (by speed breaker as an example or
any other method approved by the Engineer.) Pavement Samples

The Contractor shall, after final rolling and before opening the surface to traffic, cut samples from the finished work
for testing. Samples for the full depth of the course shall be cores with diameters of 100 or 150 mm as directed, and
cut by an approved coring machine, from the locations directed by the Engineer.
At least one sample for density and thickness measurement shall be taken for each 50 m of completed surfacing.
Samples for analysis and other tests shall be taken from the surfacing when the Engineer so directs. Where samples
have been taken from the surface course, fresh material shall be placed, thoroughly compacted and finished to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Surface Texture

The surface finish of the finished surfacing shall be close and tight. The finished surface shall be within a tolerance of
±5mm or of the elevation shown in the drawings and it shall nowhere vary more than 5mm from the straight edge 3m
long applied to the surface both longitudinally and transverse.

6.16.4 Measurement
Bituminous carpeting shall be measured as the number of square meters of finished surface of the specified thickness
completed in place and accepted by the Engineer. Measurement shall be based upon the nominal width of surface
course at its top surface as shown on the Drawings. Surface widening will be measured extra, if directed by the

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Engineer. Mean of the three measurements of thickness taken in any 100 meter long section shall at least equal to or
more than the required thickness.

6.16.5 Payment
The quantities measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit shown below . The price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing, placing and compacting all materials, for all labour, equipment,
tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -51.

Table 6- 51 : Pay Items – Premix Bituminous Carpeting (Manual Method)

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.16 25mm pre-mixed Bituminous Carpeting Square Meter
40mm pre-mixed Bituminous Carpeting Square Meter
50mm pre-mixed Bituminous Carpeting Square Meter
25mm pre-mixed Dese Graded Bituminous Surfacing – Wearing Course Square Meter
40mm pre-mixed Dese Graded Bituminous Surfacing – Wearing Course Square Meter


6.17.1 Description
The work shall consist of a premix bituminous seal coat applied to a prepared and primed granular base course or
over the existing bituminous surfacing in accordance with these specifications or as directed by the Engineer . The
thickness of the premix bituminous seal coat shall be 7 mm or 12 mm as directed and shall be to the lines, levels,
grades, dimensions and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer.

6.17.2 Materials Bituminous Material
Bituminous material shall be of 60/70 (preferable) or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen complying with
the requirements of ASTM/ AASHTO. Aggregate
Aggregates shall consist of 6.33mm or 10mm downgraded crushed stone chips free from any organic matter, clay and
any other objectionable meter.
Where required to achieve the specified grading the aggregate shall be mixed with natural sand/ stone dust. Sand/
stone dust shall be non-plastic clean and free from any deleterious substances. The FM of sand for the sealing premix
shall be between 2.00 to 2.80 and that of sand to be spread over the seal coat as blotting material shall be between
0.80 to 1.00. Overall Aggregate Grading

The mixture (aggregates and sand/stone dust) shall comply with the following grading given in Table 6 -52, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer in writing.

Table 6-52 : Aggregate Grading for Bituminous Seal Coat (SC)

For 7mm Seal Coat For 12mm Surfacing Wearing Course
Sieve Size
% Passing by Weight
12.5mm - 100
10mm - 95-100
6.3mm 100 85-95
4.75mm 80-100 65-85
2.36mm 70-95 35-55
600 micron 20-50 15-25
75 micron 5-15 3-10

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The Contractor shall carry out regular checks at frequency to be determined by the Engineer on the composition of
the mixed material and shall submit results to the Engineer within 3 days of sampling.

6.17.3 Construction Method General
Following approval of the mix formula the contractor shall undertake short trial sections of approximately 10 meters
length, prior to commencing contract surfacing. These trials are to demonstrate that the contractor and the laying
staff understand, and can apply the specification correctly to produce the quality of work specified on a consistent
basis. The trials will also be used to fine tune the mix design if required.
If the trial works are suitable, they may be accepted in the contract works. If the trial work has to be rejected, they
can be permitted to remain in the works until replacement near the end of the contract, so that unspecified work can
be monitored and used to demonstrate to other contractors and supervision staff the defects that will manifest
themselves if work is carried out using unspecified materials, workmanship or methodology.
Once the Contractor has demonstrated an acceptable procedure he shall submit in writing his full method statement
for the Engineer’s approval. No surfacing works will be permitted until the Engineer’s approval has been granted, in
writing, and once approved the method shall not be varied in any way without reference to, and approval of the
The Contractor shall furnish a thermometer at each mixing unit to ensure that temperature of bitumen, mineral
aggregates and bituminous mixture shall be within the specified ranges stipulated in through Preparation of Bituminous Material

Bitumen shall be heated in a tar boiler to a temperature between 140°C and 155°C. Locally produced, wood fired
boilers are satisfactory, and at the ambient temperatures experienced in Bangladesh the 80/100 penetration grade
bitumen required under the specification can be poured (albeit slowly) into the tar boiler. When the boiler is
approximately 30% full the fire box is filled with wood and the wood ignited. In practice the boilers are generally kept
over 50% full during operation by allowing up to two drums of bitumen to drain down through a manhole, on top of
the boiler, into the main heating tank.
The temperature control at the boiler is critical to the success of this methodology. When the thermometer within the
mass of bitumen in the main tank reaches 145°C the firebox must be emptied or the fire extinguished. The residual
heat within the tar boiler will continue to heat the bitumen to the required maximum temperature of 155°C . When
the temperature is falling and reaches 145°C the fire box should be refilled with wood and re-ignited as the
temperature will soon fall below 145°C. The operation is repeated as the temperature again regains 150°C. With
experience the operator can soon judge how much firewood is required to achieve and maintain the specified
temperatures. Preparation of Mineral Aggregate

Once the aggregates and the job mix has been approved, the Contractor shall construct gauging boxes to the required
size which, when filled and struck off level, deliver the desired volume for that size of stone.
The stone chips and sand/stone dust are batched into a rectangular steel pan with handles at each corner and heated
on top of a metal frame under which heating is provided by firewood and sawdust. The mixture is continually raked to
ensure thorough mixing and even heating. The temperature of the mixture must reach between 150°C and 170°C
after which the pan shall be transferred to an unheated frame where raking should continue until the mixture
temperature has reduced to the maximum temperature permitted in the specification (160°C). Preparation of Premix Seal Coat

The heated bitumen is drawn off from the tar boiler, decanted into gauge tins and added to the aggregate in the pan
on the unheated frame in the proportion of 1.0kg of bitumen to 0.01m3 of aggregate mixture, which shall be laid on
1.0m2 of road surface for 7mm thickness seal coat. The proportions will be increased to 1.36kg of bitumen to 0.016m3
of aggregate mixture on 1.0m2 of road surface for 12 mm thickness seal coat. As the two ingredients are at
approximately the same temperature there is no risk of fire, overheating or the clouds of black smoke (indicating hot
bitumen being applied to very hot aggregates) associated with other manual methods. The mixing is carried out on
the unheated frame and, when satisfactorily completed, the pan is carried to the adjacent work head for placing.
The mixture shall after mixing be at a temperature within the limits of 140°C and 160°C . The Contractor shall record
and submit the measured temperatures for the Engineer’s approval.

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The mixed bituminous seal coat shall be placed and spread over the granular base course which has been primed or
bituminous carpeting to a uniform thickness which shall be a minimum of 25% greater than the specified compacted
thickness, and immediately compacted with a power driven road roller to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Static tandem steel wheel rollers will require trials to assess the number of passes to achieve full compaction .
Compaction is generally achieved when all roller marks have been removed. Rollers shall not be allowed to stand on
newly laid material that may be deformed thereby.
The mixture shall be compacted as soon after being placed as the material will support the roller without undue
displacement or cracking and sufficient compaction plant should be deployed so that the required degree of
compaction is achieved before the mat has cooled to a temperature of 90°C.
To avoid traffic disruption, the spreading and compaction on sections of existing bituminous surface is often carried
out over half the road width only.
Unless the Engineer directs otherwise the seal coat where specified shall be applied immediately after laying of the
bituminous carpeting and the seal coat and bituminous carpeting shall be rolled together. The combined thickness of
the two layers shall not be less than the sum of the two specified layer thickness. Joints
The work shall be organized so that transverse joints are kept to a minimum and, where practical, only occur at
specified positions (i.e. bridges etc.). All transverse joints are to be cut back to well compacted full depth material to
produce a straight vertical joint which is to be painted with bitumen before laying of new material.
To attain a strong and even connection in the longitudinal direction, joints shall be pre -heated in front of laying the
adjacent bituminous mix. Alternatively, if approved by the Engineer, the joint can be cut back and painted with
bitumen. Protection of the Pavement

Sections of the newly finished work shall be protected from traffic of any kind until the mixture has cooled to
approximately ambient air temperature. Traffic shall not normally be permitted on the newly laid surface less than 6
hours after completion of the pavement, except with the approval of the Engineer.
The speed of traffic shall be temporarily reduced to avoid the damage to the surface. Maximum speed limit of 30-40
km/hour shall, therefore, be enforced during the first month after construction (by speed breaker as an example or
any other method approved by the Engineer.) Pavement Samples

If the seal coat is placed on to the carpet course specified in Clause 6.16the Contractor shall, after final rolling and
before opening the surface to traffic, cut samples from the finished work for testing. Samples for the full depth of the
course and seal shall be cores with diameters of 100 or 150 mm as directed, and cut by an approved coring machine,
from the locations directed by the Engineer. At least one sample for density and thickness measurement shall be
taken for each 50 m of completed surfacing.
When the seal coat is placed over an existing bituminous surfacing samples for analysis and other tests shall be taken
from the surfacing when the Engineer so directs.
Where samples have been taken from the surface course, fresh material shall be placed, thoroughly compacted and
finished to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Surface Texture

The surface finish of the finished surfacing shall be close and tight. The finished surface shall be within a tolerance of
±5mm or of the elevation shown in the drawings and it shall nowhere vary more than 5mm from the straight edge 3m
long applied to the surface both longitudinally and transverse.

6.17.4 Measurement
The quantity of bituminous seal coat measured for payment shall be the number of square meters completed and
accepted to the thickness shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer . Bitumen used in the mix shall be
deemed to be included and shall not be measured separately irrespective of its quantity. No price adjustment shall be
made if the quantity of bitumen used increases or decreases due to a change in the job mix formula during the works.

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6.17.5 Payment
The quantities measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit rates. The prices and payments shall
be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials including all labour, equipment, tools, trials, preparation
of job-mix formulas, testing, making good test holes, and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -70.

Table 6- 53 : Pay Items – Premix Bituminous Carpeting (Manual Method)

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.17 7mm Compacted Pre-Mixed Bituminous Seal Coat Square Meter
12mm Compacted Pre-Mixed Bituminous Surfacing-Wearing Course Square Meter


6.18.1 Description
This work shall consist of application of bituminous material and cover aggregates over primed aggregate base course
or over cleaned, prepared and accepted bituminous surface in accordance with these specifications and the lines,
dimensions and cross-section shown on the drawing or as required by the Engineer. Specifications for application of
bituminous surface treatment may be divided into the following categories:
- Single Bituminous Surface Treatment (SBST)
- Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST)

6.18.2 Single Bituminous Surface Treatment (SBST) Materials Bituminous Materials

Bituminous material shall be of 60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen complying with the
requirements of ASTM / AASHTO. The bituminous material shall be approved by the Engineer. Aggregate
Aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, dry, tough, sound, crushed stone of uniform quality free from dust, clay, dirt
and other deleterious matter and from excess of flat or laminated pieces. Crushed stone shall comply with ASTM C 33.
Aggregate shall be of such a nature that, when thoroughly coated with the bituminous material proposed for the
work, the coating will not be removed upon contact with water.
The aggregate, when tested shall have an Aggregate Impact Value not more than 30 and Los Angeles Abrasion 40 and
water absorption of not more than 2%. The flakiness index, as determined in accordance with BS 812, shall not
exceed 35%.
The size of stone chips shall be in accordance with the following Table:

Type of Construction Nominal size of Stone Chips Specifications
Single bituminous surface 100 percent passing through 16 mm
1. 14mm
treatment sieve and retained on 10 mm sieve Quantities of Materials

The quantities of materials required for one square meter shall in general, be within the range specified in the
following Table:
SL. Stone Chips
Type of Construction Bitumen
No. Nominal Size Quantity
1. Single bituminous surface treatment 14mm 0.015m3 1 .2 to 1 .4 Kg

The actual quantity of stone chips and bitumen will be decided on the basis of field trials. Stockpiling of Aggregates

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Stockpiling of aggregates will be permitted only where agreed by the Engineer. A separate stockpile shall be made for
each nominal size of aggregate at each location.
The site of the stockpile shall be cleared of all vegetation and debris, graded and drained, and where the Engineer
deems it necessary, the area shall be surfaced with an approved separation layer to keep the aggregate clear and
clean without any contamination.
The bottom 5 centimeter layer of aggregate, or any contaminated aggregate, shall not be used in the work. Construction Methods Weather and Seasonal Limitations

The surface treatment work shall be carried out only when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is above 100C .
No bituminous material shall normally be applied when the material of the surface to be covered is damp, when the
weather is foggy or rainy, or during dust storms. Preparation of Base

The base on which surface dressing is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified lines,
grades and cross-sections in accordance with the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Where the existing
surface shows signs of fatting up, this shall be rectified.
The surface shall be thoroughly swept and scraped clean of dust and any other extraneous matter before the spraying
of the binder. As necessary, the cleaning shall be done first with hard brushes, then with softer brushes and finally by
blowing with a blower or wiping with clean sacks or gunny bags. Application of Bituminous Material

Bitumen shall be heated between 140°C to 155°C and the specified quantity shall be sprayed on to the dry surface in a
uniform manner preferably with the help of mechanical sprayers if available. In absence of mechanical sprayers, hand
sprayers may also be used.
Excessive deposits of binder caused by stopping or starting spraying operations or through leakage or for any other
reason shall be rectified before the stone chippings are spread. Application of Stone Chippings

Immediately after the application of binder, stone chippings in a dry and clean state, shall be spread uniformly in the
surface, preferably by means of a mechanical gritter or approved aggregate spreader, or otherwise manually so as to
cover the surface completely, if necessary, the surface shall be broomed to ensure the uniform spread of chippings .
The stone chippings shall be spread over the binder coat and initial rolling not later than 3 (three) minutes after
application of the binder coat. Rolling
Immediately after the application of the stone chippings, the entire surface shall be rolled with an approved smooth
wheeled steel roller or with a pneumatic tyred roller having sufficient weight to embed the stone chippings into the
bituminous binder layers. Rolling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre except in super -
elevated portions where it shall proceed from the lowest level to the highest level. Each pass of the roller shall
uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track made in the preceding pass. While rolling is in progress
additional chippings shall be spread by hand in whatever quantities required to make up irregularities.
Rolling shall continue until all aggregate particles are firmly bedded in the binder and present a uniform closed
surface. In case of steel roller, it shall not be too heavy so that the aggregates are not crushed during rolling. Opening to Traffic

Traffic shall not be permitted to run on any newly surface dressed area until the following day . In special
circumstances, however, the Engineer may open the road to traffic immediately after rolling, but in such cases speed
shall be limited to 16 km, per hour until the following day (by speed breaker as an example or any other method
approved by the Engineer). Measurement
Single bituminous surface treatments shall be measured in square meters of materials of the specified quantities
provided, placed and accepted. Measurements shall be based upon the nominal width of the surface course at its top
surface as shown in drawings and measured at site and the actual length measured horizontally along centerline of
the surface of the road.
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Priming on the aggregate base course shall be measured and paid separately. Payment
The quantities measured for surface treatment shall be paid for at the contract unit price for the item listed below
and as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The prices and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the works.
Where defective work is corrected, or additives are used which have not been specified or ordered by the Engineer,
no payments shall be made in respect of the extra work or materials used in excess of the quantities specified or
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -54.

Table 6-54 : Pay Items – Single Bituminous Surface Treatment

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.18.2 Single Bituminous Surface Treatment (SBST) Square Meters

6.18.3 Double Bituminous Surface Treatment Materials Bituminous Materials

The binder material shall be of 60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade straight run bitumen complying with the
requirements of ASTM / AASHTO. Aggregate
Aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, dry, tough, sound, crushed stone or crushed gravel of uniform quality free from
dust, clay, dirt and other deleterious matter and from excess of flat or laminated pieces. Crushed stone shall comply
with BS 63 and gravel shall comply with BS: 1984.
Aggregate shall be of such a nature that, when thoroughly coated with the bituminous material proposed for the
work, the coating will not be removed upon contact with water.
The aggregate, when tested shall have an Aggregate Impact Value not more than 30 and Los Angeles Abrasion 40 and
water absorption of not more than 2%. The flakiness index, as determined in accordance with BS: 812, shall not
exceed 35%.
The size of stone chips shall be in accordance with following Table:
SL. Type of Construction Nominal size of Stone Chips Specifications
1. First coat of double bituminous 14mm 100 percent passing through 16 mm sieve
surface treatment and retained on 10 mm sieve
2. Second coat of double 7mm 100 percent passing through 10.00 mm
bituminous surface treatment sieve and retained on 5.00 mm sieve Quantities of Materials

The quantities of materials required for one Square Meter of Double Bituminous Surface Treatment shall in general,
be within the range specified in the following Table:
SL. Type of Construction Stone Chips Bitumen
No. Nominal Size Quantity
First coat of double
1. 14mm 0.015 m3 1 .2 to 1 .4 Kg
bituminous surface treatment
2. Second coat of double
7mm 0.008 m3 0.8 to 1.0 kg
bituminous surface treatment
The actual quantity of stone chips and bitumen will be decided on the basis of field trials. Stockpiling of Aggregates

Stockpiling of aggregates will be permitted only where agreed by the Engineer. A separate stockpile shall be made for
each nominal size of aggregate at each location.
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The site of the stockpile shall be cleared of all vegetation and debris, graded and drained, and where the Engineer
deems it necessary, the area shall be surfaced with an approved separation layer to keep the aggregate clear and
clean without any contamination.
The bottom 5 centimeter layer of aggregate, or any contaminated aggregate, shall not be used in the work. Construction Methods Weather and Seasonal Limitations

The surface treatment work shall be carried out only when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is above 10 0C.
No bituminous material shall normally be applied when the material of the surface to be covered is damp, when the
weather is foggy or rainy, or during dust storms. Preparation of Base

The base on which surface dressing is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified lines,
grades and cross-sections in accordance with the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Where the existing
surface shows signs of fatting up, this shall be rectified.
The surface shall be thoroughly swept and scraped clean of dust and any other extraneous matter before the spraying
of the binder. As necessary, the cleaning shall be done first with hard brushes, then with softer brushes and finally by
blowing with a blower or wiping with clean sacks or gunny bags. Application of Bituminous Material

Bitumen shall be heated between 1400C to 1550C and the specified quantity shall be sprayed on to the dry surface in a
uniform manner preferably with the help of mechanical sprayers if available. In absence of a mechanical sprayers
hand sprayers may also be used. Excessive deposits of binder caused by stopping or starting spraying operations or
through leakage or for any other reason shall be rectified before the stone chippings are spread. Application of Stone Chippings for the first Coat

Immediately after the application of binder, stone chippings in a dry and clean state, shall be spread uniformly in the
surface, preferably by means of a mechanical gritter or approved aggregate spreader, or otherwise manually so as to
cover the surface completely, if necessary, the surface shall be broomed to ensure the uniform spread of chippings .
The stone chippings shall be spread over the binder coat and initial rolling not later than 3 (three) minutes of after
application of the binder coat. Rolling
Immediately after the application of the stone chippings, the entire surface shall be rolled with an approved smooth
wheeled steel roller or with a pneumatic tyred rollers having sufficient weight to embed the stone chippings into the
bituminous binder layers. Rolling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre except in super -
elevated portions where it shall proceed from the lowest level to the highest level. Each pass of the roller shall
uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track made in the preceding pass. While rolling is in progress
additional chippings shall be spread by hand in whatever quantities required to make up irregularities . Rolling shall
continue until all aggregate particles are firmly bedded in the binder and present a uniform closed surface . In case of
steel roller, it should not be too heavy so that the aggregates are not crushed during rolling. Application of the Second Coat of Surface Dressing

The second coat shall be applied immediately or within 15 days of laying the first coat as decided by the Engineer on
the basis of field condition, and volume and type of traffic. The construction operations for the second coat shall be
the same as described in clauses up to Opening to traffic

Traffic shall not be permitted to run on any newly surface dressed area until the following day . In special
circumstances, however, the Engineer may open the road to traffic immediately after rolling, but in such cases speed
shall be limited to 16 km per hour until the following day (by speed breaker as an example or any other method
approved by the Engineer). Measurement
Double bituminous surface treatments shall be measured in square meters of materials of the specified quantities
provided, placed and accepted. Measurements shall be based upon the nominal width of the surface course at its top

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surface as shown in drawings and measured at site and the actual length measured horizontally along centerline of
the surface of the road.
Priming on the aggregate base course shall be measured and paid separately. Payment
The quantities measured for surface treatment shall be paid for at the contract unit price for the item listed below
and as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The prices and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the first coat and the second
coat of the double bituminous surface treatment.
Where defective work is corrected, or additives are used which have not been specified or ordered by the Engineer,
no payments shall be made in respect of the extra work or materials used in excess of the quantities specified or
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -55.

Table 6-55 : Pay Items – Double Bituminous Surface Treatment

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.18.3 Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) Square Meters


6.19.1 Description General
This work shall consist of a surfacing of dense graded bituminous material, constructed on a prepared aggregate base
in accordance with these Specifications, to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections shown on the
Drawings, or as required by the Engineer.
All the provisions of Clause 6.13shall form a part of this Section of the Specifications unless otherwise stipulated
The surfacing shall consist of one or two layers of the thickness shown on the Drawings. If the surfacing is of two
layers the top layer shall be denoted as the wearing course and the lower layer as the base course. General Composition of the Mixture

The mixture shall consist of mineral aggregate added with 2% hydrated lime powder or Portland Cement filler
complying with Clause of these Specifications, if needed, coated with bitumen with the materials complying
with Section 6.13.2 of these Specifications and with Table 6 -56. The mixture shall not contain more than 15% of
natural sand by weight of total aggregate.
When the total thickness of bituminous surfacing exceeds 75 mm, the material may be laid in two courses if directed
by the Engineer.
The base course shall be within the limits set by mix classification 1 or 2 in Table 6 -56 and the wearing course by mix
classification 2 or 3 in the same table. The mix classification shall be as specified in the contract; in case the mix
classification is not specified in the contract, it shall be the one instructed by the Engineer.
When the total thickness of bituminous concrete is 50 mm or less the material shall be laid in a single course within
the limits set by mix classification 2 in Table 6 -56.
Table 6-56 :
Mix Classification 1 2 3
Course Base Base/ Wearing Course Wearing Course
Thickness (mm) 60 – 75 40 – 60 40 – 50
Sieve Size (mm) Total % by weight passing (including filter)
25 100 - -
20 90 – 100 100 100
14 - 85 – 100 85 – 100
10 55 – 82 65 – 90 70 – 90
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5 35 – 57 45 – 65 52 – 72
2.4 20 – 40 25 – 45 40 – 58
1.2 15 – 33 15 – 35 30 – 48
0.6 10 – 26 12 – 30 20 – 38
0.3 6 – 20 9 – 20 14 – 28
0.15 5 – 13 5 – 15 8 – 20
0.075 3–7 3–7 6 – 10
Bitumen Content by total weight of mixture, percentage by weight found by
4.0 – 6.0 4.5 – 6.5 5.0 – 7.0
The ratio of total material passing the 0.075 mm sieve to effective bitumen content shall be within the range 0.6 to
In addition to meeting the requirements of the job-mix formula and the allowable tolerances in Clause 6.13,
laboratory samples shall be prepared according to standard Marshall Methods as specified in ASTM D 1559 using 50
blows per face. The sample shall be of approved material to the gradation and bitumen content stated and shall have
the following characteristics.
a) Marshall Stability at 60°C not less than 550 kg.
b) Marshall Flow not less than 2 mm nor more than 4 mm.
c) Air voids in mix, base course, 3 – 5%’.
d) Air voids in Mix, wearing course, 3 - 5%
e) Voids filled with Bitumen, base course, 65 - 80%
f) Voids filled with Bitumen, wearing course, 70 - 80%
The bituminous mix for base/wearing course, when subjected to Water Sensitivity Test as per AASHTO T 283, the loss
in strength shall not exceed 20% of the original mix. This test shall be carried out at the time of mix design and
subsequently as and when required by the Engineer.
g) Voids in Mineral Aggregates, 15 - 20%
For road pavements carrying heavy traffic, the requirement for Marshall Sample preparation may be increased, at the
discretion of the Engineer, from 50 blows per face to 75 blows per face; the requirement for Marshall stability shall be
correspondingly increased to min. 820 kg.

6.19.2 Materials General
The materials shall conform to Clause 6.13.2 of these Specifications with the additional requirements noted below. Bituminous Materials

The bituminous material shall be of 60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade. Bitumen Additive

An adhesion and anti-stripping agent shall be added to the bituminous material where so specified or when the
Engineer’s so directs or approves. The additive shall be of a type approved by the Engineer and the required
percentage of additive shall be thoroughly mixed with the bituminous material in accordance with the manufacturer ’s
instructions, or as directed by the Engineer, for such time as is necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture. Coarse Mineral Aggregates

The provisions of Clause shall apply. Fine Mineral Aggregate

The provisions of Clause shall apply. Mineral Filler

The provisions of Clause shall apply. Mixture

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Regular checks shall be made on the composition of the mixed material. The Contractor shall take samples at either
the batching plant or at the job site, as directed by the Engineer, and shall arrange for Marshall Specimens to be
prepared (ASTM D 1559) and tested for stability and flow. Samples shall also be analyzed to determine the mix
composition, by extraction of the bitumen in accordance with ASTM D 172 and aggregate grading.
A minimum of three Marshall Specimens shall be prepared for each day or part of a day that the batching plant is
operated and dense bituminous surfacing is laid and a minimum of two bitumen extractions and aggregate grading
shall also be carried out. If the contractor can demonstrate good quality control of the plant, through consistent and
acceptable test results being obtained, then less frequent testing may be permitted, at the discretion of the Engineer.

6.19.3 Construction Methods General
Construction methods shall conform to the requirements of Clause 6.13.3 of these Specifications subject to the
following modifications. Preparation of Bituminous Material

Bitumen shall be heated to a temperature between 140°C and 155°C. The Contractor shall submit a single definite
temperature for the Engineer’s approval. Preparation of Mineral Aggregate

The mineral aggregates shall be dried and heated to a temperature between 150°C and 170°C so that the surfaces of
aggregates are clean and free of carbon and unburned fuel oil. The Contractor shall submit a single definite
temperature for the Engineer’s approval.
The mineral aggregates shall be dried so that no steaming, bubbling, foaming, brown coloring or slumping of the
newly produced mixture can be seen when the mix is loaded on the trucks or placed on the road.
If any traces of insufficient drying are observed, the Contractor shall take such of the following steps as are necessary
to provide properly dried aggregates:
a) Maintain the level of the material in the hot bins above the two-thirds level.
b) Reduce the rate of cold feed.
c) Lower the slope of the drier as much as practicable.
d) Adjust exhaust fan, burner and air intake so as to provide longer flame penetration into the drier.
If all the preceding steps have been carried out and the mineral aggregate is still not dried to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, double drying will be required for all or part of the aggregate. Preparation of Mixture

The mixture shall when emptied from the mixer be at a temperature within the absolute limits of 140°C and 160°C. A
single definite temperature shall be submitted for the Engineer’s approval in accordance with Clause Spreading and Compaction

Unless the bituminous premix is laid directly onto a clean prime coat, a tack coat shall be applied in accordance with
Clause 6.15, to the underlying surface prior to spreading the base and wearing courses.
Non-inclusion of Tack Coat as a separate BOQ item or insufficient quantity of Tack Coat in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
shall not relieve the contractor from the obligation of applying Tack Coat to the underlying surfaces.
For regulation courses the thickness of a compacted layer shall not be less than twice the maximum stone size.
To avoid traffic disruption, the spreading and compaction is often carried out over half the road width only. Rollers
shall not be allowed to stand on newly laid material that may be deformed thereby. Sections of newly laid base
course shall be kept clean prior to laying the surface course and no traffic except in connection with laying the surface
course shall be permitted on the prepared base course.
The mixture shall be compacted as soon after being placed as the material will support the roller without undue
displacement or cracking and sufficient compaction plant should be deployed so that the required degree of
compaction is achieved before the mat has cooled to a temperature of 107°C. Smoothing rolling may continue longer,
if necessary, as long as the temperature of the mat is above 90°C. The average field density of any bed of base course

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and wearing course shall not be less than 98% of the laboratory density. No individual density test result shall fall
below 97% of the laboratory density of the Marshall density. Joints
The work shall be organized so that transverse joints are kept to a minimum and, where practical, only occur at
specified positions (i.e. bridges etc.). All transverse joints are to be cut back to well compacted full depth material to
produce a straight vertical joint which is to be painted with bitumen before laying of new material.
To attain a strong and even connection in the longitudinal direction, joints shall be pre-heated in front of laying the
adjacent bituminous mix. Alternatively, if approved by the Engineer, the joint can be cut back and painted with
bitumen. Protection of the Pavement

Sections of the newly finished work shall be protected from traffic of any kind until the mixture has cooled to
approximately ambient air temperature. Traffic shall not normally be permitted on the newly laid surface less than 6
hours after completion of the pavement, except with the approval of the Engineer. Pavement Samples

The Contractor shall, after final rolling and before opening the surface to traffic, cut samples from the finished work
for testing. Samples for the full depth of the course shall be cores with diameters of 100 or 150 mm, as directed, and
cut using an approved coring machine, from the locations directed by the Engineer.
At least two samples for density measurement shall be taken for each day or part of a day that the plant operates or if
the output exceeds 100 tons per day, then at the rate of two per 100 tons or part thereof.
Samples for analysis and other tests shall be taken from the surfacing when the Engineer so directs. Where samples
have been taken from the surface course, fresh material shall be placed, thoroughly compacted and finished to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Surfacing Texture

The surface finish of the base course shall be close and tight, while the surface finish of the wearing course shall be
equally well bound, though where the mix permits the surface shall be textured so as to enhance surface friction, but
free from dragging cracks or other surface blemishes. Back casting shall not normally be permitted but when dragging
occurs under the screed of the spreader, fine bituminous material may be cast over the surface to fill the dragging
cracks, providing that this is done before the initial rolling and providing that rolling is carried out at specified
temperature. Should dragging occur frequently the reason is to be determined and rectified.

6.19.4 Measurement
The quantities of dense bituminous pavement measured for payment shall be the number of cubic meters of
accepted and completed surfacing, of the widths and thickness shown on the Drawings. However, the Contractor
should allow in his rates for additional material used for forming sloping edges, waste, over spill, joints, cut-backs etc.
Should the widths and/or thickness of completed and accepted surfacing be less than indicated on the Drawings, the
quantities measured for payment will be based on the actual widths and/or thickness. No adjustment in payment will
be made where the pavement widths and thickness as laid and approved are greater than those specified.
The surface profiles of courses will be used in the measurement of course thickness, unless an alternative method,
such as core thickness, is approved by the Engineer.

6.19.5 Payment
The quantities of dense bituminous surfacing measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit rates .
The rates and payments shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials including all labour,
equipment, tools, trials, preparation of job-mix formulae, testing, making good test holes and all incidentals necessary
to complete the work. Tack coat shall not be paid for separately except where specifically provided in the Contract
When Tack Coat is included as a separate BOQ item in the Contract Document, but the quantity is not sufficient to
cover all the bituminous works under the BOQ, the cost of quantity of Tack Coat required in addition to the BOQ
provision shall be considered to be included within the rates of bituminous layer. The contractor is advised to make
necessary adjustments accordingly in his rates of bituminous layers.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -57.

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Table 6- 57 : Pay Items: Dense Bituminous Surfacing (Plant Method)

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.19 Dense Bituminous Surfacing - Base Course Cubic Meter
Dense Bituminous Surfacing - Wearing Course Cubic Meter


6.20.1 Description
This work shall consist of constructing a single layer of mastic asphalt wearing course on bridge deck of concrete slab
in conformity with the lines grade and cross sections shown in the drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
Mastic asphalt is an intimate homogenous mixture of selected well-graded aggregates, filler and bitumen in such
proportions as to yield a plastic and void less mass, which when applied hot can be trowelled and floated to form a
very dense impermeable surfacing.

6.20.2 Materials Bitumen
Subject to the approval of the Engineer, the bitumen shall be a paving/ Industrial grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in Table 6 -58.
Table 6-58: Requirements for Physical Properties of Bitumen
Property Test Method Requirements
Penetration at 25°C 15 ± 5
Softening point, °C 65 ± 10
Loss on heating for 5h at 163°C, % by mass (Max.) 2.0
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % by mass (Min.) 95
Ash (mineral matter), % by mass (Max.) 1.0 Coarse aggregates

The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel/shingle or other stones. They shall be clean,
hard, durable, of fairly cubical shape, uncoated and free from soft, organic or other deleterious substances. They shall
satisfy the physical requirements given in Table 6 -59.
Table 6-59: Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate
Property Test Requirements Test Method
Cleanliness Grain Size Analysis Max. 5% passing 0.075
Particle Shape Flakiness Index Max. 16%
Elongation Index Max 24%
Strength Loss Angeles Abrasion Value Max. 40%
Aggregate Impact Value Max. 30%
Durability Soundness (sodium Sulphate), 5 Cycles Max. 12%
Soundness (Magnesium Sulphate), 5 Max. 18%
Water absorption Water absorption Max. 2%

Stripping Coating and Stripping of bitumen Min. Retained Coating 95%

Water Sensitivity Retained Tensile Strength* Min. 80% AASHTO 283

* If the minimum retained tensile strength falls below 80%, use of anti-stripping agent is recommended to meet the
minimum requirements.

The percentage and grading of the coarse aggregates to be incorporated in the mastic asphalt depending upon the
thickness of the finished course should be as specified in Table 6 -60. Fine aggregates

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The fine aggregates shall be the fraction passing the 2.36 mm and retained on the 0.075 mm sieve consisting of
crusher run screening, natural sand or a mixture of both. These shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry, and free
from soft or flaky pieces and organic or other deleterious substances.
Table 6- 60: Grade and Thickness of Mastic Asphalt Paving and Grade of Coarse Aggregates
Application Thickness range (mm) Nominal size of course Course aggregate content,
aggregate (mm) % by mass of total mix
Roads and Carriageways 25 – 50 13 40 ± 10
Heavily stressed areas i.e. 40 – 50 13 45 ± 10
Junctions and toll plazas
Nominal size of Coarse Aggregate 13 mm
Sieve Designation (mm)
Cumulative % passing by weight
19 100
13.2 88-96
2.36 0-5 Filler
The filler shall be limestone powder passing the 0.075 mm sieve and shall have a calcium carbonate content of not
less than 80 percent by weight when determined in accordance with IS:1514.
The grading of the fine aggregate inclusive of filler shall be as given in Table 6 -61.
Table 6-61: Grading of Fine Aggregate (inclusive of Filler)
Sieve Designation (mm) Percentage by weight of aggregate

Passing 2.36 mm but retained on 0.600 mm 0 – 25

Passing 0.600 mm but retained on 0.202 mm 10 – 30
Passing 0.212 mm but retained on 0.075 mm 10 – 30
Passing 0.075 mm 30 - 55

6.20.3 Mix Design Hardness Number
The mastic asphalt shall have a hardness number at the time of manufacture of 60 to 80 at 25°C prior to the addition
of coarse aggregate and 10 to 20 at 25°C at the time of laying after the addition of coarse aggregate.
The hardness number shall be determined in accordance with the method specified in IS:1195-1978. Binder Content

The binder content shall be so fixed as to achieve the requirements of the mix specified in Clause 518.3.1 and shall be
in the range of 14 to 17 percent by weight of total mix as indicated in Table 6 -62.
Table 6- 62: Composition of Mastic Asphalt Blocks without Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Designation Percentage by weight of mastic asphalt
Minimum Maximum
Passing 2.36 mm but retained on 0.600 mm 0 22
Passing 0.600 mm but retained on 0.212 mm 4 30
Passing 0.212 mm but retained on 0.075 mm 8 18
Passing 0.075 mm 25 45
Bitumen Content % by mass 14 17 Job Mix Formula

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval at least one month before the start of the work the job mix
formula proposed to be used by him for the work, indicating the source and location of all materials, proportions of all
materials such as binder and aggregates, single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate and
results of the tests recommended in the various Tables and Clauses of this Specification.

6.20.4 Construction Operations

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Contractor shall submit a Paving Plan for the Engineer’s review a minimum of five (5) working days prior to initiating
paving operations. The plan shall consist of at least the following items:
a) Paving schedule to include sequence of operations.
b) Operation details to include:
i) Plant operating capacity and target production rate. Process control testing frequency for gradation,
moisture, asphalt cement content, and compaction.
ii) Number and capacity of trucks, cycle time, and delivery rate.
iii) The manufacturer and model of the paver and pick-up machine, to include information on grade
followers, sensors, operating speed, and production rate of the pavers.
iv) Number, type, weight, and operating speed of rollers, including replacement roller.
v) Location and method of constructing longitudinal and transverse joints.
vi) Construction plan for paving intersections and driveways. Weather & seasonal limitations

Laying shall be suspended:
- In presence of standing water on the surface;
- When rain is imminent and during rains, fog or dust storm;
- When the base / binder course is damp;
- When the air temperature at the surface on which the Mastic Asphalt is to be laid is less than 10°C for mix
with conventional bitumen as binder and is less than 15°C for mix with modified bitumen as binder;
- When the wind speed at any temperature exceeds the 40 km per hr at 2 m height. Preparation of the base

The base on which mastic asphalt is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the profile required, in
accordance with Clause 6.13or 7.2as appropriate or as directed by the Engineer. Under no circumstances shall mastic
asphalt be spread on a base containing a binder which might soften under high application temperatures . If such
material exists, the same shall be cut out and repaired before the mastic asphalt is laid. Tack coat

A tack coat in accordance with Clause 6.15shall be applied on the base or as directed by the Engineer. Preparation of mastic asphalt

Preparation of mastic asphalt consists of two stages. The first stage shall be mixing of filler and fine aggregates and
then heating the mixture to a temperature of 170°C to 210°C. Required quantity of bitumen shall be heated to 170°C
to 180°C and added to the heated aggregated. They shall be mixed and cooked in an approved type of mechanically
agitated mastic cooker for some time till the materials are thoroughly mixed. Initially the filler alone is to be heated in
the cooker for an hour and then half the quantity of binder is added. After heating and mixing for some time, the fine
aggregates and the balance of binder are to be added and further cooked for about one hour. The second stage is
incorporation of coarse aggregates and cooking the mixtures for a total period of 3 hours. During cooking and mixing
care shall be taken to ensure that the contents in the cooker are at no time heated to a temperature exceeding 210°C.
Where the material is not required for immediate use it shall be cast into blocks consisting of filler, fine aggregates
and binder, but without the addition of coarse aggregate, weighing about 25 kg each. Before use, these blocks shall
be reheated to a temperature of not less than 175°C and not more than 210°C, thoroughly incorporated with the
requisite quantity of coarse aggregates and mixed continuously. Mixing shall be continued until laying operations are
completed so as to maintain the coarse aggregates in suspension. At no stage during the process of mixing shall the
temperature exceed 210°C.
The mastic asphalt blocks (without coarse aggregate) shall show on analysis a composition within the limits as given in
Table 6 -62.
The mix shall be transported to the laying site in a towed mixer transporter having arrangements for stirring and
keeping the mix hot during transportation.

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The mastic asphalt shall be laid, normally in one coat, at a temperature between 175°C and 210°C and spread
uniformly by hand using wooden floats or by machine on the prepared and regulated surface. The thickness of the
mastic asphalt and the percentage of added coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with Table 6 -60 or as specified
by the Engineer. Where necessary, battens of the requisite dimensions should be employed. Any blow holes that
appear in the surface shall be punctured while the material is hot, and the surface made good by further floating. Laying surface over old existing bridge deck

Before laying bitumen over old existing bridge deck, the existing cross fall/camber, expansion joint members and
water drainage spouts shall be carefully examined for their proper functioning in the bridge deck structure and any
deficiency found shall be removed. Loose elements in the expansion joint shall be firmly secured. The cracks in the
concrete surface, if any, shall be repaired and filled up properly or replaced by new concrete of specified grade before
laying the bitumen mastic over bridge deck. Laying over new bridge deck

New concrete bridge deck which is not in camber/cross fall shall first be provided with required camber and cross fall
by suitable concrete or bituminous treatment. In case of laying over concrete surface, following measures shall be
a) For proper bond with new concrete deck, surface shall be roughened by means of stiff broom or wire brush
and it shall be free from ridges and troughs.
b) A thin bituminous tack coat (with bitumen of grade 60/70) shall be applied on the concrete deck before
pouring mastic. The quantity of bitumen for tack coat shall not exceed 5-6 kg per 10 sqm.
c) On surface in longitudinal slope, after applying tack coat, chickenmesh reinforcement of 1.5 mm diameter
steel wire with hexagonal or rectangular openings of 20-25 mm shall be placed and held properly in position
on the concrete surface before pouring mastic. Compaction
Immediately after the Mastic Asphalt mix has been spread, struck-off, and surface irregularities adjusted, it shall be
thoroughly and uniformly compacted by rolling.
Due to the nature of Mastic Asphalt mixtures, the surface shall be rolled immediately. Rolling shall be accomplished
with a minimum of three steel wheel rollers of a minimum weight of twelve (12) tons each. Rolling procedures shall
be adjusted to provide the specified pavement density. Rollers shall move at a uniform speed to obtain no less than
three or four (10-12) impacts per meter with the drive roller nearest the paver. The rollers vibratory eccentric’s shall
be set for high frequency and low amplitude. Rolling shall continue until all roller marks are eliminated and the
minimum density has been obtained.
To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the rollers, it shall be necessary to keep the wheels properly moistened with
water mixed with detergent or other approved material. Rollers showing evidence of excessive pick-up will be
Once sufficient in-place density has been achieved, rolling operations shall cease. If migration of asphalt cement and
filler to the compacted pavement surface has occurred, Contractor shall remove the defective area and replace it with
fresh Mastic Asphalt at his expense.
The surface will be tested after final rolling at selected locations using a three meter straightedge . The variation of the
surface from the testing edge of the straightedge between any two contacts with the surface shall not exceed 4 .75
mm. The Mastic Asphalt in all defective areas shall be removed and replaced. All costs associated with removal and
replacement of Mastic Asphalt in the defective areas shall be borne by Contractor.
Areas not accessible to the rollers shall be graded with rakes and lutes and compacted with mechanical tampers . For
depressed areas a trench roller may be used to achieve the required compaction.
Mastic Asphalt that becomes loose and broken, segregated, mixed with dirt, or is any other way defective shall be
removed and replaced with fresh Mastic Asphalt, which shall be compacted to conform with the surrounding area .
Areas where asphalt cement, stabilizing additive and/or filler has migrated to the compacted pavement surface and
produced “flushing” or segregated coarse aggregate has formed “rock pockets” shall be removed and replaced with
fresh Stone Mastic Asphalt, by the contractor without compensation.
The Stone Mastic Asphalt Pavement shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety-three (93%) and maximum of ninety-
eight percent (98%) of maximum specific density (MSD) as determined in accordance with AASHTO T 209. The
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compacted specimens, on which the maximum density is determined, shall be calculated from a laboratory specimen
produced from a field sample of the same days mix. Acceptance testing for field density shall be determined in
accordance with AASHTO T 166/T 275.
Rollers or other vehicles shall not be parked or left standing on pavement that has not cooled sufficiently to prevent
indentation by wheels. Joints
Joints shall be constructed to ensure a continuous bond between old and new sections of the course. All joints shall
present the same texture and smoothness as other sections of the course.
All construction joints shall be properly and truly made. These joints shall be made by warming existing mastic asphalt
by the application of an excess quantity of the hot mastic asphalt mix which afterwards shall be trimmed to leave it
flush with the surfaces on either side. Surface finish

The mastic asphalt surface can have poor skid resistance after floating. In order to provide resistance to skidding, the
mastic asphalt after spreading, while still hot and in a plastic condition, shall be covered with a layer of stone
aggregate This aggregate shall be 13.2 mm size (passing the 19.0 mm sieve and retained on the 6.7 mm sieve) or 9.5
mm size (passing the 13.2 mm sieve and retained on the 6.7 mm sieve) subject to the approval of the Engineer. Hard
stone chips, complying with the quality requirements of Table 6 -63, shall be precoated with bitumen at the rate of 2
± 0.4 percent. The addition of 2 percent of filler complying with Table 6 -64 may be required to enable this quantity of
binder to be held without draining. The chips shall then be applied at the rate of 0.005 cum per 10 sqm and rolled or
otherwise pressed into the surface of the mastic layer when the temperature of the mastic asphalt is not less than
Table 6-63: Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate for Bituminous Concrete
Property Test Requirements Test Method
Cleanliness (dust) Grain Size Analysis Max. 5% passing 0.075 ASTM C 136
Particle Shape Flakiness Index Max. 15% BS 812 Part:1
Elongation Index Max 20%
Strength Loss Angeles Abrasion Value Max. 30% ASTM C 131
Aggregate Impact Value Max. 24%
Durability Soundness (Sodium Sulphate), 5 Cycles Max. 12%
Soundness (Magnesium Sulphate), 5 Max. 18%
Polishing Polished stone Value Min. 55 ASTM E 660

Water absorption Water absorption Max. 2% ASTM C 127

Stripping Coating and Stripping of bitumen Min. Retained Coating 95% ASTM D 1664
aggregate Mix
Water Sensitivity Retained Tensile Strength* Min. 80% AASHTO T 283

* If the minimum retained tensile strength falls below 80%, use of anti-stripping agent is recommended to meet the
minimum requirements.

Table 6-64: Grading Requirements for Mineral Filler

Sieve Designation (mm) Cumulative percent passing by weight of total aggregate

0.60 100
0.30 95 – 100
0.075 85 – 100

6.20.5 Repair and Replacement

Mastic Asphalt mixture that becomes contaminated with foreign material or is in any way defective as determined by
the Engineer shall be removed. Skin patching is not permitted. Defective materials shall be removed for the full
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thickness of the course. The pavement shall be cut so that all edges are vertical, the sides are parallel to the direction
of traffic, and the ends are skewed between 15°C and 25°C. Edges shall be coated with a thin tack coat of material.
Fresh Stone Mastic Asphalt Concrete mixture shall be placed in sufficient quantity so that the finished surface will
conform to grade and smoothness requirements. The Stone Mastic Asphalt Concrete mixture shall be compacted to
the density specified. No payment shall be made for material replacing defective material. All costs associated with
the patching of defective areas shall be borne by Contractor.

6.20.6 Opening of Traffic

Traffic may be allowed after completion of the work when the mastic asphalt temperature at the mid-depth of the
completed layer has cooled to the daytime maximum ambient temperature. Any portion of the Mastic Asphalt
Concrete mixture that becomes loose and broken, rutted, or damaged in any way due to vehicular traffic on the
asphaltic mat surface prior to it cooling to below 50°C, shall be removed and replaced with fresh hot Mastic Asphalt,
which shall be compacted to conform with the surrounding area at the specified density.

6.20.7 Test Section

A minimum five (5) days prior to proceeding with Stone Mastic paving, Contractor shall place Mastic Asphalt in a test
section not less than 100 m2 at a location approved by the Engineer. The test section will be used to adjust the Job-
Mix Design asphalt cement content and to also familiarize Contractor’s personnel with the laydown and compaction
of Mastic Asphalt Concrete mixture.
Mastic Asphalt placed in the test strip that meets specifications will be measured and paid for at Contract prices. No
payment will be made for mixture that does not meet specifications. If the test strip is placed within the project limits
and does not meet specifications it shall be removed at Contractor’s expense.

6.20.8 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 7.2.
For control of the quality of materials and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of SECTION 7: QUALITY
The surface of the mastic asphalt, tested with a straight edge 3 cm long, placed parallel to the centre line of the
carriageway, shall have no depression greater than 7mm. The same shall also apply to the transverse profile when
tested with a camber template.

6.20.9 Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause

6.20.10 Measurement
Mastic asphalt shall be measured as finished work in square meters at a specified thickness as stated in the Contract.

6.20.11 Payment
The contract unit rate for mastic asphalt shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials including all labour, equipment, tools, trials, preparation of job -
mix formulae, testing, making good test holes and all incidentals necessary to complete the work . Tack coat shall not
be paid for separately except where specifically provided in the Contract Documents.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -65Table 6 -57.
Table 6-65 : Pay Items: Mastic Asphalt
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.20 Mastic Asphalt Wearing Course Square Meter


6.21.1 Scope
The work shall consist of construction of dry lean concrete sub-base for cement concrete pavement in accordance
with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on
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the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials
and labour and performing all operations, in connection with the work, as approved by the Engineer.
The design parameters of Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) sub-base, viz., width, thickness, grade of concrete, details of joints,
if any, etc. shall be as stipulated in the Contract drawings.

6.21.2 Materials Source of Materials
The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of all materials with relevant test data to be used in the dry
lean concrete work sufficiently in advance and the approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45
days before the scheduled commencement of the work in trail length. If the Contractor later proposes to obtain the
materials from a different source, he shall notify the Engineer for his approval at least 45 days before such materials
are to be used. Cement
Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval of the Engineer.
Sl. No. Main Type Types of Common Cement Conforming to
i) CEM I Portland Cement CEM I 52.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
ii) CEM II Portland-Slag Cement CEM II/A-S 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-silica fume Cement CEM II/A-D 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-pozzolana Cement CEM II/A-P 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-fly ash Cement CEM II/A-V 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-limestone Cement CEM II/A-L 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-composite Cement CEM II/A-M 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003 Aggregates
Aggregates for lean concrete shall be natural material and free from dirt. In case the Engineer considers that the
aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for at least 72 hours before batching, or as
directed by the Engineer. Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or
crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery
pieces. The crushed gravel/aggregate shall have atleast one fracture faces. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate
shall be 26.5 mm. The coarse aggregate shall comply with Clause Fine Aggregates

The fine aggregates shall consist of clean, natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two and shall
conform to ASTM C 33. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica,
organic and other foreign matter. The fine aggregate shall comply with Clause
The coarse and fine aggregates may be obtained in either of the following manner:
a) In separate nominal sizes of coarse and fine aggregates and mixed together intimately before use.
b) Separately as 26.5 mm nominal, 25 mm nominal single size, 12.5 mm nominal size graded aggregates and
fine aggregate of crushed stone dust or sand or a combination of these three. They shall be mixed together
in prescribed proportion before use.
c) Combined flakiness and elongation index shall not be more than 35 percent.
The material after blending shall conform to the grading as indicated in Table 6 -66.
Table 6- 66 : Aggregate Gradation for Dry Lean Concrete
Sieve Designation Percentage Passing the Sieve (by Weight)
26.50 mm 100
19.00 mm 75 – 95
9.50 mm 50 – 70
4.75 mm 30 – 55
2.36 mm 17 – 42
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600 micron 8 – 22
300 micron 7 – 17
150 micron 2 – 12
75 micron 0 - 10 Water
Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be free from injurious amounts of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter
or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It should meet the requirements stipulated in ASTM C 1602. Storage of Materials

All materials shall be stored in accordance with these Specifications and other relevant Specifications. All efforts must
be made to store the materials in proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or contamination by foreign
matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for use in the work. The storage place must also permit easy
inspection, removal and storage of materials. All such materials even though storage in approved godowns must be
subjected to acceptance test immediately prior to their use. The requirements of storage yard specified in Clause shall also be applicable.
In case of aggregates, the storing place must be elevated from the ground atleast by 150 mm and should be a pucca
paved platform i.e. cementitious treated GSB or soil or any other granular material or brick paving.

6.21.3 Proportion of Materials

The mix should have a maximum aggregate cement ratio of 10:1. The water content shall be adjusted to the optimum
as per Clause for facilitating compaction by rolling. The strength and density requirements of concrete shall
be determined in accordance with Clause 6.21.6 by making trial mixes. Care should be taken to prevent one fraction
of aggregate falling into the other fraction of the hopper of the feeding bin while loading the individual fraction of
aggregates into the bins. Moisture Content

The right amount of water for the lean concrete in the main work shall be decided so as to ensure full compaction
under rolling and shall be assessed at the time of rolling the trial length. Too much water will cause the lean concrete
to be heaving up before the wheels and picked up on the wheels of the roller and too little will lead to inadequate
compaction, a low in-situ strength and an open-textured surface.
The optimum water content shall be determined and demonstrated by rolling during trial length construction and the
optimum moisture content and degree of compaction shall be got approved from Engineer . While laying in the main
work, the lean concrete shall have a moisture content between the optimum and optimum +2 percent, keeping in
view the effectiveness of compaction achieved and to compensate for evaporation losses. Cement Content

The minimum cement content in the lean concrete shall be 150 kg/cum of concrete. In case flyash/ limestone/slag is
blended as part replacement of cement, the quantity of flyash/limestone/slag shall not be more than 20 percent by
weight of CEM I cement and the content of CEM I shall not be less than 135 kg/cum. If this minimum cement content
is not sufficient to produce concrete of the specified strength, it shall be increased as necessary by the Contractor at
his own cost. Concrete strength

The average compressive strength of each consecutive group of 5 cubes made in accordance with Clause
shall not be less than 10 MPa at 7 days. In addition, the minimum compressive strength of any individual cube shall
not be less than 7.5 MPa at 7 days. The design mix complying with the above Clauses shall be got approved from the
Engineer and demonstrated in the trial length construction.

6.21.4 Sub-grade
The sub-grade shall conform to the grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings and shall be uniformly
compacted to the design strength in accordance with these Specifications. The dry lean concrete sub-base shall not be
laid on sub-grade softened by rain after its final preparation; surface trenches and soft spots, if any, must be properly
back-filled and compacted to avoid any weak or soft spot. As far as possible, the construction traffic shall be avoided
on the prepared sub-grade. DLC shall not be laid directly on any sub-grade.

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Dry Lean Concrete acting as sub-base to the Paving Quality Concrete (PQC) shall be laid only on a granular sub-
base/drainage layer. A day before placing of the subbase/drainage layer, the sub-grade surface shall be given a fine
spray of water and rolled with one or two passes of a smooth wheeled roller . If Engineer feels it necessary, another
fine spray of water may be applied just before placing drainage layer. If the subgrade CBR is less than 8 percent, the
subgrade shall be stabilized with lime, cement or any other stabilizer accredited by AASHTO or by mechanical
stabilization so as to raise the CBR to not less than 15 percent in the field.

6.21.5 Construction General
The pace and programme of the Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) subbase construction shall be matching suitably with the
programme of construction of the PQC over it. The DLC sub-base shall be overlaid with PQC only after 7 days of sub-
base construction. Batching and mixing

The batching plant shall be capable of proportioning the materials by weight, each type of material being weighed
separately in accordance with Clause The cement from the bulk stock shall be weighed separately from the
aggregates. The capacity of batching and mixing plant shall be at least 25 percent higher than the proposed capacity
for the laying arrangements. The batching and mixing shall be carried out preferably in a forced action, central
batching and mixing plant having necessary automatic controls to ensure accurate proportioning and mixing. Other
types of mixing plant shall be permitted subject to demonstration of their satisfactory performance during the trial
length. The type and capacity of the plant shall be got approved by the Engineer before commencement of the trial
length. The weighing balances shall be calibrated by weighing with large weighing machine or in a weigh bridge. The
accuracy of weighing scales of the batching plant shall be within ±2 percent in the case of aggregates and ±1 percent
in the case of cement, fly ash, ground granulated slag and water.
The design features of Batching Plant should be such that the shifting operations of the plant will not take long time
when they are to be shifted from place to place with the progress of the work. Transporting
Plant mix lean concrete shall be discharged immediately from the mixer, transported directly to the point where it is
to be laid and protected from the weather by covering the tipping trucks with tarpaulin during transit . The concrete
shall be transported by tipping trucks, sufficient in number to ensure a continuous supply of material to feed the
laying equipment to work at a uniform speed and in an uninterrupted manner. The lead of the batching plant to
paving site shall be such that the travel time available from mixing to paving as specified in Clause will be
adhered to. Tipping truck shall not have old concrete sticking to it. Each tipping truck shall be washed with water jet
before next loading as and where required after inspection. Placing
Lean concrete shall be placed by a paver with electronic sensor on sub-base/base. The equipment shall be capable of
laying the material in one layer in an even manner without segregation, so that after completion the total thickness is
as specified. The paving machine shall have high amplitude tamping bars to give good initial compaction to the sub -
base. One day before placing of the dry lean cement concrete sub-base, the surface of the untreated granular sub-
base/drainage layer shall be given a fine spray of water and rolled with a smooth wheeled roller.
The laying of a two-lane road sub-base may preferably be done in full width. In case of unavoidable situation lane by
lane laying may be done. Preferably the lean concrete shall be placed and compacted across the full width of the
road, by constructing it in one go or in two lanes paved forward simultaneously. No joints shall normally be
constructed in Dry Lean Concrete construction except in the following situations.
Transverse butt type joint shall be provided at the end of the construction in a day. Longitudinal construction joint
shall be provided only when lane by lane construction is done or in case of multiple lane exceeding two -lane, where
pavers of adequate width capable of paving in one go are not available. Transverse joints in PQC shall not be co-
terminous with the construction butt type joint of DLC. It shall be staggered from the construction butt type joint in
DLC by 800-1000 mm.
Longitudinal joint in DLC shall be similarly staggered by 300-400 mm from the longitudinal joint of PQC.
The DLC shall be laid in such a way that it is atleast 500 mm wider on each side than the proposed width including
paved shoulders of PQC. Compaction
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The compaction shall be carried out immediately after the material is laid and levelled. In order to ensure thorough
compaction, rolling shall be continued on the full width till there is no further visible movement under the roller and
the surface is closed. The minimum dry density obtained shall be 98 percent of that achieved during the trial length
construction vide Clause 6.21.7. The densities achieved at the edges i.e. 0.5 m from the edge shall not be less than 96
percent of that achieved during the trial construction vide Clause 6.21.7.
The spreading, compacting and finishing of the lean concrete shall be carried out as rapidly as possible and the
operation shall be so arranged as to ensure that the time between the mixing of the first batch of concrete in any
transverse section of the layer and the final finishing of the same shall not exceed 90 minutes when the temperature
of concrete is between 25°C and 30°C, and 120 minutes if less than 25°C. This period may be reviewed by the
Engineer in the light of the results of the trial run but in no case shall it exceed 120 minutes. Work shall not proceed
when the temperature of the concrete exceeds 30°C. If necessary, chilled water or addition of ice may be resorted to
for bringing down the temperature. It is desirable to stop concreting when the ambient temperature is above 35°C.
After compaction has been completed, roller shall not stand on the compacted surface for the duration of the curing
period except during commencement of next day’s work near the location where work was terminated the previous
Double drum smooth-wheeled vibratory rollers of minimum 80 to 100 KN static weight are suitable for rolling dry lean
concrete. In case any other roller is proposed, the same shall be got approved from the Engineer, after demonstrating
its performance. The number of passes required to obtain maximum compaction depends on the thickness of the dry
lean concrete, the compatibility of the mix and the weight and type of the roller used. In-Situ density in green
concrete by sand replacement method shall be determined and it will not be less 98 percent of the density in the trial
length. The requirement of number of rollers shall be determined from the scale of the work to be undertaken.
In addition to the number of passes required (4-6) for compaction there shall be a preliminary pass without vibration
to bed the Dry Lean Concrete down and again a final pass without vibration to remove roller marks and to smoothen
the surface.
Special care and attention shall be exercised during compaction near joints, kerbs, channels, side forms and around
gullies and manholes. In case adequate compaction is not achieved by the roller at these locations, use of plate
vibrators shall be made, if so directed by the Engineer.
The final lean concrete surface on completion of compaction and immediately before overlaying, shall be well closed,
free from movement under roller and free from ridges, low spots, cracks, loose material, pot holes, ruts or other
defects. The final surface shall be inspected immediately on completion and all loose, segregated or defective areas
shall be corrected by using fresh lean concrete material laid and compacted as per Specifications. For repairing
honeycombed/hungry surface, concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below shall be spread and compacted . It
is necessary to check the level of the rolled surface for compliance. Any level/thickness deficiency should be corrected
after applying concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below after roughening the surface. Similarly the surface
regularity also should be checked with 3 m straight edge.
Segregation of concrete in the tipping trucks shall be controlled by moving the dumper back and forth while
discharging the mix into the same or by any appropriate means. Even paving operation shall be such that the mix does
not segregate. Joints
Construction and longitudinal joints shall be provided as per the drawings.
At longitudinal or transverse construction joints, unless vertical forms are used, the edge of compacted material shall
be cut back to a vertical plane where the correct thickness of the properly compacted material has been obtained. Curing
As soon as the lean concrete surface is compacted, curing shall commence. One of the following two methods shall be
a) Where water is available, curing may be done by covering the surface by gunny bags/hessian, which shall be
kept wet continuously for 7 days by sprinkling water.
b) Where water is scarce, one of the following may be used
i) The initial curing shall be done by spraying with white pigmented liquid curing compound
conforming to ASTM C 309. The curing compound shall be white pigmented or transparent type
with water retention index of 90 percent when tested in accordance with BS 7542. Curing

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compound shall be sprayed immediately after rolling is completed. As soon as the curing compound
has lost its tackiness, the surface shall be covered with wet hessian for four days.
ii) Wax-based white pigmented curing compound with water retention index of 90 percent shall be
used to cure the dry lean concrete. The curing compound shall conform to BS 7542. The compound
shall be applied uniformly with a mechanical sprayer and with a hood to protect the spray from the
wind. The curing compound shall be applied over the entire exposed surface of the DLC, including
sides and edges, at the rate of 0.2 liters/sqm. The first application, referred to as curing application
shall be applied immediately after the final rolling of DLC is completed.
As soon as the curing compound loses tackiness, the surface shall be covered with wet hessian for
four days. The second application of curing compound also referred to as the debonding application,
shall be applied 24 to 48 hours prior to the PQC placement. Any damaged DLC shall be corrected
prior to the second application. Normally, the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed for its
application. After the second applications, no polythene separation membrane may be required.

6.21.6 Trial Mixes

The Contractor shall make trial mixes of dry lean concrete with moisture contents like 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0
percent using cement content specified and the specified aggregate grading but without violating the requirement of
aggregate-cement ratio specified in Clause 6.21.3. Optimum moisture and density shall be established by preparing
cubes (150 mm x 150 mm) with varying moisture contents. Compaction of the mix shall be done in three layers with
vibratory hammer fitted with a square or rectangular foot as described in Clause After establishing the
optimum moisture, a set of six cubes shall be cast at that moisture for the determination of compressive strength on
the third and the seventh day. Trial mixes shall be repeated if the strength is not satisfactory either by increasing
cement content or using higher grade of cement. After the mix design is approved, the Contractor shall construct a
trial section in accordance with Clause 6.21.7.
If during the construction of the trial length, the optimum moisture content determined as above is found to be
unsatisfactory, the Contractor may make suitable changes in the moisture content to achieve the satisfactory mix. The
cube specimens prepared with the changed mix content should satisfy the strength requirement. Before production
of the mix, natural moisture content of the aggregate should be determined on a day-to-day basis so that the
moisture content could be adjusted. The mix finally designed should neither stick to the rollers nor become too dry
resulting in ravelling of surface.

6.21.7 Trial Length

The trial length shall be constructed at least 14 days in advance of the proposed date of commencement of work . At
least 30 days prior to the construction of the trial length, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer ’s approval a
“Method Statement” giving detailed description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment, mix proportions, and
procedure for batching, mixing, laying, compaction and other construction procedures. The Engineer shall also
approve the location and length of trial construction which shall be a minimum of 100 m length laid in two days and
for full width of the pavement. The trial length shall contain the construction of at least one transverse construction
joint involving hardened concrete and freshly laid DLC sub-base. The construction of trial length shall be repeated till
the Contractor proves his ability to satisfactorily construct the DLC subbase.
Trial mixes shall be prepared as per Clause 6.21.6 in order to determine and demonstrate the optimum moisture
content which results in the maximum dry density of the mix compacted by the rolling equipment and the minimum
cement content that is necessary to achieve the strength stipulated in the drawing.
After the construction of the trial length, the in-situ density of the freshly laid material shall be determined by sand
replacement method with 200 mm dia. density cone. Three density holes shall be made at locations equally spaced
along a diagonal that bisects the trial length, average of these densities shall be determined. These main density holes
shall not be made in the strip 500 mm from the edges. The average density obtained from the three samples collected
shall be the reference density and is considered as 100 percent. The field density of regular work will be compared
with this reference density in accordance with Clauses and Atleast three (evenly spread) cores of
minimum 100 mm diameter per km shall be cut to check segregation or any other deficiency like strength etc.
The hardened concrete shall be cut over 3 m width and reversed to inspect the bottom surface for any segregation
taking place. The trial length shall be constructed after making necessary changes in the gradation of the mix to
eliminate segregation of the mix. The lower surface shall not have honey-combing and the aggregates shall not be
held loosely at the edges.

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The trial length shall be outside the main works and shall not be less than 100 min length; laid in two days . The main
work shall not start until the trial length has been approved by the Engineer . After approval has been given, the
materials, mix proportions, moisture content, mixing, laying, compaction plant and construction procedures shall not
be changed without the approval of the Engineer.

6.21.8 Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness, Density and Strength
The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness, density and strength shall conform to the requirements given in
Clause 7.3.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with SECTION

6.21.9 Traffic
No heavy commercial vehicles like trucks and buses shall be permitted on the dry lean concrete sub -base after its

6.21.10 Measurement
The unit of measurement for dry lean concrete pavement shall be in cubic meter of concrete placed, based on the net
plan area for the specified thickness shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

6.21.11 Payment
The Contract unit rate payable for dry lean concrete sub-base shall be for carrying out the required operations
including full compensation for all labour, materials and equipment, mixing, transport, placing, compacting, finishing,
curing, rectification of defective surface testing and incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, all
royalties, fees, storage and rents where necessary and all leads and lifts.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -67.
Table 6- 67 : Pay Items - Dry Lean Concrete Sub-base
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.21 Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub-base using Concrete Mixture Cubic Meter
without Concrete Paver
Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub-base using Batching Plant Cubic Meter
without Concrete Paver
Dry Lean Cement Concrete Sub-base using Batching Plant Cubic Meter
with Concrete Paver


6.22.1 Scope
The work shall consist of construction of reinforced/un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement in
accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross sections
shown on the drawings. The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labour and
performing all operations in connection with the work, as approved by the Engineer.
The design parameters, viz., thickness of pavement slab, grade of concrete, joint details etc. shall be as stipulated in
the drawings.

6.22.2 Materials Source of Materials
The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of all materials to be used in the concrete work with relevant
test data sufficiently in advance, and the approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45 days
before the scheduled commencement of the work in trial length. If the Contractor subsequently proposes to obtain
materials from a different source during the execution of main work, he shall notify the Engineer, with relevant test
data, for his approval, at least 45 days before such materials are to be used. Cement
Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval of the Engineer.
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Sl. No. Main Type Types of Common Cement Conforming to

i) CEM I Portland Cement CEM I 52.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
ii) CEM II Portland-Slag Cement CEM II/A-S 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-silica fume Cement CEM II/A-D 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-pozzolana Cement CEM II/A-P 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-fly ash Cement CEM II/A-V 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-limestone Cement CEM II/A-L 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-composite Cement CEM II/A-M 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003 Chemical Admixtures

Admixtures conforming to ASTM C 494 shall be permitted to improve workability of the concrete or extension of
setting time, on satisfactory evidence that they will not have any adverse effect on the properties of concrete with
respect to strength, volume change, durability and have no deleterious effect on steel bars. The particulars of the
admixture and the quantity to be used, must be furnished to the Engineer in advance to obtain his approval before
use. Satisfactory performance of the admixtures should be proved both on the laboratory concrete trial mixes and in
the trial length paving. Fibers
Fibers may be used subject to the provision in the design/approval by the Engineer to reduce the shrinkage cracking
and post-cracking. The fibers may be steel fiber as per ASTM A 820 within the following range of specifications:
- Effective Diameter 10 micron – 1.0 mm
- Length 6-48 mm
- Specific gravity more than 1.0
- Suggested dosage 0.6-2.0 kg/cum (0.2 -0.6 % by Weight of cement in mix). Usage will be regulated as
stipulated in ACI 211.1 or any other specialist literature.
- Water absorption less than 0.45 percent
- Melting point of this fiber shall not be less than 160°C.
- The aspect ratio generally varies from 200 to 2000.
- These synthetic fibers will have good alkali and UV light resistance.
When fibers are used, the mix shall be so designed that the slump at paving concrete is 30±15 mm site. Aggregates
Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with ASTM C 33 but with a Los Angeles
Abrasion Test result not more than 35 percent. The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or other
silica in a form that can react with the alkalies in the cement. In addition, the total chlorides content expressed as
chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.06 percent by weight and the total sulphate content expressed as sulphuric
anhydride (SO3) shall not exceed 0.25 percent by weight. In case the Engineer considers that the aggregates are not
free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for atleast 72 hours before batching, as directed by the
Engineer. Coarse aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or
crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery
pieces. The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 26.5 mm for pavement concrete. Continuously graded
aggregates shall be used as per Table 6 -66, No aggregate which has water absorption more than 2 percent shall be
used in the concrete mix. The aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with ASTM C 38. After 5 cycles
of testing, the loss shall not be more than 12 percent if sodium sulphate solution is used or 18 percent if magnesium
sulphate solution is used. The combined flakiness and elongation index of aggregate shall not be more than 35
Dumping and stacking of aggregates shall be done in an approved manner. Fine aggregates

The fine aggregates shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two and shall
conform to ASTM C 33. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica
and organic and other foreign matter. Water

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Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be cleaned and free from injurious amount of oil, salt, acid,
vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the requirements s tipulated in
ASTM C 1602. Mild steel bars for dowels and tie bars

a) Dowel Bar shall be of plain mild steel conforming to BDS ISO 6932-1:2006 and will have yield stress of 400
b) Tie bar shall be of ribbed mild steel conforming to BDS ISO 6935 -2:2006 and will have yield stress of 500
MPa. Premoulded joint filler

Joint filler board for expansion joints shall be used only at abutting structures like bridges and shall be of 20-25 mm
thickness within a tolerance of ± 1.5 mm and of a firm compressible material and complying with the requirements of
BS 2630 “Preformed Joint Filler”. It shall be 25 mm less in depth than the thickness of the slab within a tolerance of ±
3 mm and provided to the full width between the side forms. It shall be in suitable lengths which shall not be less than
one lane width. Holes to accommodate dowel bars shall be accurately bored or punched out to give a sliding fit on the
dowel bars. Joint sealing compound

The joint sealing compound shall be of hot poured, elastomeric type or cold polysulphide/polyurethene/silicon type
having flexibility, resistance to age hardening and durability as per ASTM D 2628. Manufacturer’s certificate shall be
produced by the Contractor for establishing that the sealant is not more than six months old and stating that the
sealant complies with the relevant standard as in Clause The samples shall meet the requirements as
mentioned in ASTM D 2628. Hot applied sealant shall be as per ASTM D 3406 or ASTM D 3405.
Cold poured sealant shall be as under:
- Polysulphide BS 5212
- Polyurethene BS 5212
- Silicon ASTM D 5893 Storage of materials

All materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of the
Specifications and other relevant ASTM/AASHTO Specifications. All efforts must be made to store the materials in
proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or contamination by foreign matter and to ensure their satisfactory
quality and fitness for the work. The platform where aggregates are stock piled shall be on a levelled platform
elevated from the ground atleast by 150 mm. This platform will be a pucca paved platform. The area shall have slope
and drain to drain off rain water. The storage space must also permit easy inspection, removal and storage of the
materials. Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in partitioned stack-yards. All such materials even though
stored in approved godowns must be subjected to acceptance test as per Clause 7.3of these Specifications
immediately prior to their use.

6.22.3 Proportioning of Concrete

After approval by the Engineer of all the materials to be used in the concrete, the Contractor shall submit the mix
design based on weighed proportions of all ingredients for the approval of the Engineer. The mix design shall be
submitted at least 30 days prior to the paving of trial length and the design shall be based on laboratory trial mixes
using the approved materials and methods as per ACI 211.1 (Recommended Guidelines for Mix Design). The target
mean strength for the design mix shall be determined as indicated in Clause The mix design shall be based
on the flexural strength of concrete. Cement content

When CEM I cement (as per BDS EN 197-1:2003) is used the quantity of cement shall not be less than 360 kg /m3cum.
In case CEM II Type A cement (as per BDS EN 197-1:2003) is used, the quantity of fly ash shall be upto 20 percent by
weight of cement and the quantity of clinker in such a blend shall not be less than 310 kg /m3. If this minimum cement
content is not sufficient to produce concrete of the specified strength, it shall be increased as necessary by the
Contractor at his own cost. Concrete strength

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The characteristic flexural strength of concrete shall not be less than 4.5 MPa (Grade 40). Target mean flexural
strength for mix design shall be more than 4.5 MPa + 1.65*s, where s is standard deviation of flexural strength
derived by conducting test on minimum 30 beams. While designing the mix in the laboratory, correlation between
flexural and compressive strengths of concrete shall be established on the basis of at least thirty tests on samples .
However, quality control in the field shall be exercised on the basis of flexural strength . It may, however, be ensured
that the materials and mix proportions remain substantially unaltered during the daily concrete production . The
water content shall be the minimum required to provide the agreed workability for full compaction of the concrete to
the required density as determined by the trial mixes or as approved by the Engineer and the maximum free water
cement ratio shall be 0.45 when CEM I is used and 0.50 when CEM II Type A cement is used.
The ratio between the 7 and 28 day strength shall be established for the mix to be used in the slab in advance, by
testing pairs of beams and cubes at each stage on at least six batches of trial mix . The average strength of the 7 day
cured specimens shall be divided by the average strength of the 28 day specimens for each batch, and the ratio “R’
shall be determined. The ratio ‘R’ shall be expressed to three decimal places.
If during the construction of the trial length or during some normal working, the average value of any four
consecutive 7 day test results falls below the required 7 day strength as derived from the value of ‘R’ then the cement
content of the concrete shall, without extra payment, be increased by 5 percent by weight or by an amount agreed by
the Engineer. The increased cement content shall be maintained at least until the four corresponding 28 day strengths
have been assessed for in conformity with the requirements as per Clause 6.22.3. Whenever the cement content is
increased, the concrete mix shall be adjusted to maintain the required workability. Workability
The workability of the concrete at the point of placing shall be adequate for the concrete to be fully compacted and
finished without undue flow. The optimum workability for the mix to suit the paving plant being used shall be
determined by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The control of workability in the field shall be exercised
by the slump test as per ASTM C 143.
The workability requirement at the batching and mixing plant and paving site shall be established by slump tests
carried during trial paving. These requirements shall be established from season to season and also when the lead
from batching and mixing plant site to the paving site changes. The workability shall be established for the type of
paving equipment available. A slump value in the range of 30 ± 15 mm is reasonable for paving works but this may be
modified depending upon the site requirement and got approved by the Engineer . These tests shall be carried out on
every truck/dumper at batching and mixing plant site and paving site initially when the work commences but
subsequently the frequency can be reduced to alternate trucks or as per the instructions of the Engineer. Design mix

The Contractor shall carry out laboratory trials of design mix with the materials from the approved sources to be
used. Trial mixes shall be made in presence of the Engineer or his representative and the design mix shall be subject
to the approval of the Engineer. They shall be repeated, if necessary, until the proportions that will produce a
concrete which complies in all respects with these Specification, and conform to the requirements of the
The proportions determined as a result of the laboratory trial mixes may be adjusted, if necessary, during the
construction of the trial length. Thereafter, neither the materials nor the mix proportions shall be varied in any way
except with the written approval of the Engineer.
Any change in the source of materials or mix proportions proposed by the Contractor during the course of work shall
be assessed by making laboratory trial mixes and the construction of a further trial length unless approval is given by
the Engineer for minor adjustments like compensation for moisture content in aggregates or minor fluctuations in the
grading of aggregate.

6.22.4 Sub-base
The cement concrete pavement shall be laid over the DLC sub-base constructed in accordance with the relevant
drawings and Specifications contained in Clause 6.20. If the DLC sub-base is found damaged at some places or it has
cracks wider than 10 mm, it shall be repaired with fine cement concrete or bituminous concrete before laying
separation membrane layer. Prior to laying of concrete it shall be ensured that the separation membrane as per
Clause 6.22.5 is placed in position and the same is clean of dirt or other extraneous materials and free from any
Mixing and Granular sub base material or in a pug mill shall be done mechanically in a separate yard through motor
grader to ensure uniform mixing. Mix-in-place method will normally not be allowed except in exceptional situation,
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with the approval of the Engineer. The DLC sub-base/WMM/WBM base of grading specified in the Contract shall be
spread on the prepared sub-grade with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity, its blade having hydraulic
controls suitable for initial adjustment and for maintaining the required slope and grade during the operation or other
means as approved by the Engineer.
Emerging literature suggests alternative for both DLC and separation membrane. Due to lack of indigeneous
experience available, the same are not provided in these Specifications. It is, however, felt that these alternative
Specifications may be tried atleast on experimental basis, by consulting specialist literature. Some of such possible
alternatives are laying PQC on base course like WBM, WMM as instead of DLC . Design of PQC in such cases, shall
include checking against pumping/erosion besides fatique. Two courses of wax based curing compound or two coats
of bitumen or 5 mm thick non-woven geo-fabric sheet, instead of polythene film are some of the emerging
alternatives for membrane. DLC sub-base shall be laid with paver and not with grader.

6.22.5 Separation Membrane

A separation membrane shall be used between the concrete slab and the sub-base. Separation membrane shall be
impermeable PVC sheet 125 micron thick transparent or white in colour laid flat with minimum creases . Before
placing the separation membrane, the sub-base shall be swept clean of all the extraneous materials using air
compressor. Wherever overlap of plastic sheets is necessary, the same shall be at least 300 mm and any damaged
sheathing shall be replaced at the Contractor’s cost. The separation membrane may be nailed to the lower layer with
concrete nails.

6.22.6 Joints
The locations and type of joints shall be as shown in the drawing. Joints shall be constructed depending upon their
functional requirement. The location of the joints should be transferred accurately at the site and mechanical saw
cutting of joints done as per stipulated dimensions. It shall be ensured that the required depth of cut is made from
edge-to-edge of the pavement. Transverse and longitudinal joints in the pavement (PQC) and DLC sub-base shall be
staggered so that they are not coincident vertically and are at least 800 to 1000 mm and 300 to 400 mm apart
respectively. Sawing of joints shall be carried out with diamond studded blades soon after the concrete has hardened
to take the load of the sawing machine and personnel without damaging the texture of the pavement.
Sawing operation could start as early as 5-6 hours after laying of PQC but not later than 18 to 20 hours depending
upon the ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity and required maturity of concrete achieved for
this purpose.
When the kerb is cast integrally with the main pavement slab, the joint cutting shall also be extended to the kerb.
When on instructions of the Engineer, the use of maturity meter is specified, sawing should not be initiated when the
compressive strength of the concrete is less than 2 MPa and should be completed before it attains the compressive
strength of 7 MPa. Transverse joints

Transverse joints shall be contraction and expansion joints constructed at the spacing described in the drawings .
Transverse joints shall be straight within the following tolerances along the intended line of joints which is the straight
line transverse to the longitudinal axis of the carriageway at the position proposed by the Contractor and agreed to by
the Engineer, except at road junctions or roundabouts where the position shall be as described in the drawings:
a) Deviations of the filler board in the case of expansion joints from the intended line of the joint shall not be
greater than ± 10 mm.
b) The best fit straight line through the joint grooves as constructed shall be not more than 25 mm from the
intended line of the joint.
c) Deviations of the joint groove from the best fit straight line of the joint shall not be greater than 10 mm.
d) Transverse joints on each side of the longitudinal joint shall be in line with each other and of the same type
and width. Transverse joints shall have a sealing groove which shall be sealed in compliance with Clause
6.22.11. Contraction joints

The contraction joints shall be placed transversely at pre-specified locations as per drawings/design using dowel bars.
These joints shall be cut as soon as the concrete has undergone initial hardening and is hard enough to take the load
of joint sawing machine without causing damage to the slab.

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Contraction joints shall consist of a mechanical sawn joint groove, 3 to 5 mm wide and ¼ th to ⅓rd depth of the slab ± 5
mm or as stipulated in the drawings and dowel bars complying with Clause
Contraction joint shall be widened subsequently accommodate the sealant as per Clause 6.22.11, to dimensions
shown on drawings. Expansion joints

The expansion joints shall consist of a joint filler board complying with Clause and dowel bars complying with
Clause and as detailed in the drawings. The filler board shall be positioned vertically with the prefabricated
joint assemblies along the line of the joint within the tolerances given in Clause and at such depth below the
surface as will not impede the passage of the finishing straight edges or oscillating beams of the paving machines. The
adjacent slabs shall be completely separated from each other by providing joint filler board . Space around the dowel
bars, between the sub-base and the filler board shall be packed with a suitable compressible material to block the
flow of cement slurry. Transverse construction joint

Transverse construction joint shall be placed whenever concreting is completed after a day’s work or is suspended for
more than 30 minutes. These joints shall be provided at location of constructing joints using dowel bars . The
construction joints may preferably coincide with the pre-specified location of construction joints by properly planning
the day to day concreting work of PQC. The joint shall be made butt type. At all construction joints, steel bulk heads
shall be used to retain the concrete while the surface is finished. The surface of the concrete laid subsequently shall
conform to the grade and cross sections of the previously laid pavement. When positioning of bulk head/stop-end is
not possible, concreting to an additional 1 or 2 m length may be carried out to enable the movement of joint cutting
machine so that joint grooves may be cut and the extra 1 or 2 m length is cut out and removed subsequently after
concrete has hardened.
Like contraction joint, the construction joint shall also be widened to dimensions shown on drawing, not before 14
days curing of PQC. Longitudinal joint

The longitudinal joints shall be saw cut as per details of the joints shown in the drawing. The groove may be cut after
the final set of the concrete. Joints should be sawn to at least ⅓ rd the depth of the slab ±5 mm as indicated in the
Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per dimensions and spacing shown in the drawing and in
accordance with Clause
Longitudinal joint shall also be widened to dimensions shown on drawing, not before 14 days curing of PQC. Dowel bars

Dowel bars shall be mild steel rounds in accordance with Clause with details/dimensions as indicated in the
drawings and free from oil, dirt, loose rust or scale. They shall be straight, free of irregularities and burring restricting
slippage in the concrete. The sliding ends shall be sawn or cropped cleanly with no protrusions outside the normal
diameter of the bar. To remove any protrusions, the ends of the dowel bars shall be suitably grounded. The dowel bar
shall be supported on cradles/dowel chairs in pre-fabricated joint assemblies positioned prior to the construction of
the slabs or mechanically inserted with vibration into the plastic concrete by a method which ensures correct
placement of the bars besides full re-compaction of the concrete around the dowel bars. Modern slip form pavers are
equipped with automatic dowel bar inserter (DBI).
Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, dowel bars shall be positioned at mid depth of the slab within a tolerance
of ±20 mm, and centered equally about intended lines of the joint within a tolerance of ±25 mm. They shall be aligned
parallel to the finished surface of the slab and to the centre line of the carriageway and to each other within
tolerances given hereunder, the compliance of which shall be checked as per Clause
a) For bars supported on cradles prior to the laying of the slab:
i) All bars in a joint shall be within ±3 mm per 300 mm length of bar
ii) ⅔rd of the number of bars shall be within ±2 mm per 300 mm length of bar
iii) No bar shall differ in alignment from an adjoining bar by more than 3 mm per 300 mm length of bar
in either the horizontal or vertical plane

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iv) Cradles supporting dowel bar shall not extend across the line of joint i.e. no steel bar of the cradle
assembly shall be continuous across the joint.
b) For all bars inserted after laying of the slab the tolerance for alignment may be twice as indicated in (a)
Dowel bars, supported on cradles in assemblies, when subject to a load of 110 N applied at either end and in either
the vertical or horizontal direction (upwards and downwards and both directions horizontally) shall conform to be
within the limits given in Clause
The assembly of dowel bars and supporting cradles, including the joint filler board in the case of expansion joints,
shall have the following degree of rigidity when fixed in position:
a) For expansion joints, the deflection of the top edge of the filler board shall be not greater than 13 mm, when
a load of 1.3 KN is applied perpendicular to the vertical face of the joint filler board and distributed over a
length of 600 mm by means of a bar or timber packing, at mid depth and midway between individual fixings,
or 300 mm from either end of any length of filler board, if a continuous fixing is used . The residual deflection
after load shall be not more than 3 mm.
b) The joint assembly fixing to sub-base shall not fail under the 1.3 KN load applied for testing the rigidity of the
assembly but shall fail before the load reaches 2.4 KN.
c) The fixings for contraction joint shall not fail under 1.3 KN load and shall fail before the load reaches 2.6 KN
when applied over a length of 600 mm by means of a bar or timber packing placed as near to the level of the
line of fixings as practicable.
d) Fixings shall be deemed to fail when there is displacement of the assemblies by more than 3 mm with any
form of fixing, under the test load. The displacement shall be measured at the nearest part of the assembly
to the center of the bar or timber packing.
Dowel bars in the contraction joints, construction joints and expansion joints shall be covered by a thin plastic sheath .
The sheath shall be not more than 125 microns thick and shall be tightly fitted on the bar for at least two -thirds of the
length from one end for dowel bars in contraction joints or half the length plus 50 mm for expansion joints . The
sheathed bar shall comply with the following pull-out tests:
a) Four bars shall be taken at random from stock and without any special preparation shall be covered by
sheaths as required in this Clause. The ends of the dowel bars which have been sheathed shall be cast
centrally into concrete specimens 150 mm x 150 mm x 600 mm, made of the same mix proportions to be
used in the pavement, but with a maximum nominal aggregate size of 20 mm and cured in accordance with
ASTM C 39. At 7 days a tensile load shall be applied to achieve a movement of the bar of at least 0 .25 mm.
The average bond stress to achieve this movement shall not be greater than 0.14 MPa.
For expansion joints, a closely fitting cap 100 mm long consisting of waterproofed cardboard or an approved synthetic
material like PVC or GI pipe shall be placed over the sheathed end of each dowel bar. An expansion space (about 25
mm) at least equal in length to the thickness of the joint filler board shall be formed between the end of the cap and
the end of the dowel bar by using compressible sponge. To block the entry of cement slurry between dowel and cap it
shall be taped. Tie bars

Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be deformed steel bars of strength 500 MPa complying with BDS ISO 6935 -2 and in
accordance with the requirements given in this Clause. The bars shall be free from oil, dirt, loose rust and scale.
Tie bars projecting across the longitudinal joint shall be protected from corrosion for 75 mm on each side of the joint
by a protective coating of bituminous paint with the approval of the Engineer. The coating shall be dry when the tie
bars are used. In the case of coastal region, tie bars shall be epoxy coated as per ASTM A 775.
Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be made up into rigid assemblies with adequate supports and fixings to remain
firmly in position during the construction of the slab. Alternatively, tie bars at longitudinal joints may be mechanically
or manually inserted into the plastic concrete from above by vibration using a method which ensures correct
placements of the bars and recompaction of the concrete around the tie bars. The modern slip form pavers are
equipped with automatic tie bar inserter (TBI).
Tie bars shall be positioned to remain within the upper middle third of the slab depth as indicated in the drawings and
approximately parallel to the surface and approximately perpendicular to the line of the joint, with the center of each
bar on the intended line of the joints within a tolerance of ±50 mm, and with a minimum cover of 30 mm below the
joint groove.
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6.22.7 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Concreting during monsoon months
Concreting should be avoided during rainy season. However, when concrete is being placed during monsoon months
and when it may be expected to rain, sufficient supply of tarpaulin or other waterproof cloth shall be provided along
the line of the work. Any time when it rains, all freshly laid concrete which had not been covered for curing purposes
shall be adequately protected. Any concrete damaged by rain shall be removed and replaced. If the damage is limited
to texture, it shall be retextured in accordance with the directions of the Engineer. Temperature limitation

No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature is above 30°C. Besides, in adverse conditions like high
temperature, low relative humidity, excessive wind velocity, imminence of rains etc., tents on mobile trusses may be
provided over the freshly laid concrete for a minimum period of 3 hours as directed by the Engineer . The temperature
of the concrete mix on reaching the paving site shall not be more than 30°C. To bring down the temperature, if
necessary, chilled water or ice flakes should be made use of. When the ambient temperature is more than 35°C, no
concreting shall be permitted.
No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature is below 5°C and the temperature is further falling.

6.22.8 Side Forms, Rails and Guidewires Side forms and rails
These shall be provided in case of fixed form paving. All side forms shall be of mild steel of depth equal to the
thickness of pavement or slightly less to accommodate the surface regularity of the sub -base. The forms can be
placed in series of steel packing plates or shims to take care of irregularity of sub-base. They shall be sufficiently
robust and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by a paving equipment. Side forms for use with wheeled
paving machines shall incorporate metal rails firmly fixed at a constant height below the top of the forms . The forms
and rails shall be firmly secured in position by not less than 3 stakes/pins for every 3 m length so as to prevent
movement in any direction. Forms and rails shall be straight within a tolerance of 3 mm in 3 m and when in place shall
not settle in excess of 1.5 mm in 3 m while paving is being done. Forms shall be cleaned and oiled immediately before
each use. The forms shall be bedded on a continuous bed of low moisture content lean cement mortar or concrete
and set to the line and levels shown on the drawings within tolerances ±10 mm and ±3 mm respectively . The bedding
shall not extend under the slab and there shall be no vertical step between adjacent forms of more than 3 mm . The
forms shall be got inspected by the Engineer for his approval before 12 hours on the day before the construction of
the slab and shall not be removed until at least 12 hours afterwards.
At all times sufficient forms shall be used and set to the required alignment for at least 300 m length of pavement
immediately in advance of the paving operations, or the anticipated length of pavement to be laid within the next 24
hours whichever is more. Use of guidewires

Where slip form paving is proposed, a guidewire shall be provided along both sides of the slab . Each guidewire shall
be at a constant height above and parallel to the required edges of the slab as described in the contract /drawing
within a vertical tolerance of ±3 mm. Additionally, one of the wires shall be kept at a constant horizontal distance
from the required edge of the pavement as indicated in the contract drawing within a lateral tolerance of ±10 mm.
The guidewires shall be supported on stakes not more than 6 m apart by connectors capable of fine horizontal and
vertical adjustment. The guidewire shall be tensioned on the stakes so that a 500 gm weight shall produce a
deflection of not more than 20 mm when suspended at the midpoint between any pair of stakes. The ends of the
guidewires shall be anchored to fixing point or winch and not on the stakes. On the curves, the stakes shall be fixed at
not more than 3 m centre-to-centre.
The stakes shall be positioned and hammered into the ground and the connectors will be maintained at their correct
height and alignment from 12 hours on the day before concreting takes place until 12 hours after finishing of the
concrete. The guidewire shall be erected and tensioned on the connectors at any section for at least 2 hours before
concreting that section.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval of line and level, the stakes and connectors which are
ready for use in the length of road to be constructed by 12 hours on the working day before the day of construction of
slab. Any deficiencies noted by the Engineer shall be rectified by the Contractor who shall then re-apply for approval

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of the affected stakes. Work shall not proceed until the Engineer has given his approval. It shall be ensured that the
stakes and guidewires are not affected by the construction equipment when concreting is in progress.

6.22.9 Construction General
A systems approach may be adopted for construction of the pavement, and the Method Statement for carrying out
the work, detailing all the activities, indication of time-cycle, equipment, personnel etc., shall be got approved from
the Engineer before the commencement of the work. This shall include the type, capacity and make of the batching
and mixing plant besides the hauling arrangement and paving equipment. The capacity of paving equipment, batching
plant as well as all the ancillary equipment shall be adequate for a paving rate of atleast 500 m in one day. The
desirable paving speed of slipform pavers is 1.0 m per minute, but it shall not be less than 0.6 m per minute average.
The concreting should proceed continuously without stop & start. Batching and mixing

Batching and mixing of the concrete shall be done at a central batching and mixing plant with automatic controls,
located at a suitable place which takes into account sufficient space for stockpiling of cement, aggregates and
stationary water tanks. This shall be, however, situated at an approved distance, duly considering the properties of
the mix and the transporting arrangements available with the Contractor.
The dose of plasticizer/super plasticizer shall be added in the end of input of all ingredients i.e. when cement,
aggregate, fly ash and water etc. have been thoroughly mixed. Proper dispersal of plasticizer/super plasticizer and air
entraining agent (when used) shall be ensured.
Tipping trucks shall be washed at a regular frequency as prescribed by the Engineer to ensure that no left-over mix of
previous loading remains stuck. Desirably each tipping truck shall be washed with water jet before next loading. Equipment for proportioning of materials and paving

Proportioning of materials shall be done in the batching plant by weight, each type of material being weighed
separately. The cement from the bulk stock may be weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall be
measured by volume. Specified percentage of plasticizer in volume will be added by weight of cement. Wherever
properly graded aggregate of uniform quality cannot be maintained as envisaged in the mix design, the grading of
aggregates shall be controlled by appropriate blending techniques. The capacity of batching and mixing plant shall be
at least 25 percent higher than the proposed capacity of the laying/paving equipment. Batching plant and equipment

a) General: The batching plant shall include minimum four bins, weighing hoppers, and scales for the fine
aggregates and for each size of coarse aggregate. If cement is used in bulk, a separate scale for cement shall
be included. The weighing hoppers shall be properly sealed and vented to preclude dust during operation.
Approved safety devices shall be provided and maintained for the protection of all personnel engaged in
plant operation, inspection and testing. The batch plant shall be equipped with a suitable non-resettable
batch counter which will correctly indicate the number of batches proportioned.

b) Bins and hoppers: Bins with minimum number of four adequate separate compartments shall be provided in
the batching plant.

c) Automatic weighing devices: Batching plant shall be equipped to proportion aggregates and bulk cement by
means of automatic weighing devices using load cells.

d) Mixer: Mixers shall be pan type, reversible type or any other mixer capable of combining the aggregates,
cement, and water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period, and of
discharging the mix, without segregation. Each stationary mixer shall be equipped with an approved timing
device which will automatically lock the discharge lever when the drum has been charged and release it at
the end of the mixing period. The device shall be equipped with a bell or other suitable warning device
adjusted to give a clearly audible signal each time the lock is released. In case of failure of the timing device,
the mixer may be used for the balance of the day while it is being repaired, provided that each batch is mixed
in 90 seconds or as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. The mixer shall be equipped with a suitable
non-resettable batch counter which shall correctly indicate the number of batches mixed. The mixers shall be
cleaned at suitable intervals. The pickup and throw-over blades in the drum or drums shall be repaired or
replaced when they are worn down 20 mm or more. The Contractor shall (1) have available at the job site a

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copy of the manufacturer’s design, showing dimensions and arrangements of blades in reference to original
height and depth, or (2) provide permanent marks on blade to show points of 20 mm wear from new
conditions. Drilled holes of 5 mm diameter near each end and at midpoint of each blade are recommended.
Batching Plant shall be calibrated in the beginning and thereafter at suitable interval not exceeding 1 month.

e) Control cabin: An air-conditioned centralized computer control cabin shall be provided for automatic
operation of the equipment. Paving equipment

The concrete shall be placed with an approved fixed form or slip form paver with independent units designed to (i)
spread, (ii) consolidate, screed and flat-finish, (iii) texture and cure the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass
of the machine in such a manner that a minimum of hand finishing will be necessary and so as to provide a dense and
homogeneous pavement in conformity with the plans and Specifications. The paver shall be equipped with electronic
sensor controls to control the line and grade from either or both sides of the machine.
Vibrators shall operate at a frequency of 8000-10000 impulses per minute under load at a maximum spacing of 600
mm. The variable vibration setting shall be provided in the machine. Concrete saw

The Contractor shall provide adequate number of concrete saws with sufficient number of diamond-edge saw blades.
The saw machine shall be either electric or petrol/diesel driven type. A water tank with flexible hoses and pump shall
be made available in this activity on priority basis. The Contractor shall have at least one standby saw in good working
condition. The concreting work shall not commence if the saws are not in working condition. Hauling and placing of concrete

Freshly mixed concrete from the central batching and mixing plant shall be transported to the paver site by means of
tipping trucks of sufficient capacity and approved design in sufficient numbers to ensure a constant supply of
concrete. Covers shall be used for protection of concrete against the weather. While loading the concrete trucks shall
be moved back and forth under the discharge chute to prevent segregation. The tipping trucks shall be capable of
maintaining the mixed concrete in a homogeneous state and discharging the same without segregation and loss of
cement slurry. The feeding to the paver is to be regulated in such a way that the paving is done in an uninterrupted
manner with a uniform speed throughout the day’s work.
Concrete mixed in central mixing plant shall be transported to the site without delay and the concrete which, in the
opinion of the Engineer has been mixed too long before laying will be rejected and shall be removed from the site.
The total time taken from the addition of the water to the mix, until the completion of the surface finishing and
texturing shall not exceed 120 minutes when concrete temperature is less than 25°C and 90 minutes when the
concrete temperature is between 25°C and 30°C. Tipping trucks delivering concrete shall normally not run on plastic
sheathing nor shall they run on completed slabs until after 28 days of placing the concrete.
The placing of concrete in front of the PQC paver should preferably be from the side placer to avoid damage to DLC by
concrete tipping trucks. In case of unavoidable situation, truck supplying PQC concrete to the paver may be allowed to
ply on the DLC with the approval of the Engineer. The paver shall be capable of paving the carriageway as shown in
the drawings, in a single pass and lift. Equipment or accessory to support the edges of concrete by means of steel
plates shall be maintained in position by screwed jacks.
Where fixed form pavers are to be used, forms shall be fixed in advance as per Clause 6.22.8. Before any paving is
done, the site shall be shown to the Engineer, in order to verify the arrangement for paving besides placing of dowels,
tie-bars etc., as per the relevant Clauses of these Specifications. The mixing and placing of concrete shall progress only
at such a rate as to permit proper finishing, protecting and curing of the concrete in the pavement.
In all cases, the temperature of the concrete shall be measured at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle.
The addition of water to the surface of the concrete to facilitate the finishing operations will not be permitted except
with the approval of the Engineer when it shall be applied as a mist by means of approved equipment.
If considered necessary by the Engineer, the paving machines shall be provided with approved covers to protect the
surface of the slab under construction from direct sunlight and rain or hot wind.
While the concrete is still plastic, its surface shall be textured by brush or tines as per the instructions of the Engineer
in compliance with Clause The surface and edges of the slab shall be cured by the application of a sprayed
liquid curing membrane in compliance with Clause After the surface texturing, but before the curing
compound is applied, the concrete slab shall be marked with the chainage at every 100 m interval by embossing.
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As soon as the side forms are removed, edges of the slabs shall be corrected wherever irregularities have occurred by
using fine concrete composed of one part of cement to 3 parts of aggregate [1:1:2, cement: sand: coarse aggregate
(10 mm down)] and fine aggregates under the supervision of the Engineer.
If the requirement of Clause 7.2.4 for surface regularity fails to be achieved on two consecutive working days, then
normal working shall cease until the cause of the excessive irregularity has been identified and remedied. Construction by fixed form paver

The fixed form paving train shall consist of separate powered machines which spread, compact and finish the
concrete in a continuous operation.
The concrete shall be discharged without segregation into a hopper spreader which is equipped with means for
controlling its rate of deposition on to the sub-base. The spreader shall be operated to strike off concrete upto a level
requiring a small amount of cutting down by the distributor of the spreader. The distributor of spreader shall strike off
the concrete to the surcharge adequate to ensure that the vibratory compactor thoroughly compacts the layer . If
necessary, poker vibrators shall be used adjacent to the side forms and edges of the previously constructed slab. The
vibratory compactor shall be set to strike off the surface slightly high so that it is cut down to the required level by the
oscillating beam. The machine shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in average and differential
surcharge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or crossfall. The final finisher shall be able to finish the surface to
the required level and smoothness as specified, care being taken to avoid bringing up of excessive mortar to the
surface by over working. Construction by slip form paver

The slip form paving train shall consist of power machine which spreads, compacts and finishes the concrete in a
continuous operation. The slip form paving machine shall compact the concrete by internal vibration and shape it
between the side forms with either a conforming plate or by vibrating and oscillating finishing beams . The concrete
shall be deposited without segregation in front of slip form paver across the whole width and to a height which at all
times is in excess of the required surcharge. The deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary average and
differential surcharge by means of the strike off plate or a screw auger device extending across the whole width of the
slab. The equipment for striking-off the concrete shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes of the average
and differential surcharge necessitated by change in slab thickness or crossfall.
The level of the conforming plate and finishing beams shall be controlled automatically from the guide wires installed
as per Clause 6.22.8 by sensors attached at the four corners of the slip form paving machine . The alignment of the
paver shall be controlled automatically from the guide wire by at least one set of sensors attached to the paver. The
alignment and level of ancillary machines for finishing, texturing and curing of the concrete shall be automatically
controlled relative to the guide wire or to the surface and edge of the slab.
Slip-form paving machines shall have vibrators of variable output, with a maximum energy output of not less than 2.5
KW per meter width of slab per 300 mm depth of slab for a laying speed upto 1.5 m per minute. The machines shall
be of sufficient mass to provide adequate reaction during spreading and paving operations on the traction units to
maintain forward movements during the placing of concrete in all situations.
If the edges of the slip formed slab slump to the extent that the surface of the top edge of the slab does not comply
with the requirements of Clause 6.22.14, then special measures such as fixing of side forms held in position by
screwed jacks or any other suitable device approved by the Engineer shall be taken to support the edges to the
required levels and work shall be stopped until such time as the Contractor can demonstrate his ability to slip form
the edges to the required levels.
Pavers with adequate width to pave the entire carriageway width in one go will be employed . Paving in part width will
be avoided, except in unavoidable circumstances. In case of part width paving, care will be taken to ensure that while
paving the next lane bond between the old concrete and newly laid concrete is properly formed to develop adequate
bond strength between tie bars and concrete. Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the previous lane.
Work on next lane shall be permitted when the previously paved lane is cured for at least 14 days and is in a position
to bear the weight of paving machines. When the wheels or crawler tracks are to ply on the already paved surface,
necessary precautions shall be taken by placing protective pads of rubber or similar material so that texture is not
damaged. The wheel or track shall be reasonably away from the edge to avoid damage to the previously paved slab.
Upon the instructions of the Engineer, Contractor shall scrape the concrete surface when in plastic state with a 3 m
long tube float fixed with a long and stable handle before texturing. Tube float shall be of an alloy steel tube of 50 to
60 mm diameter with a long and stable handle. The length of tube float shall preferably be longer than half the length
of slab i.e., half the distance between two transverse contraction joints. This operation shall be done to improve
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surface irregularity caused due to varied causes like frequent stoppages of work, surface deformation due to plastic
flow etc. The tube float shall be placed at the centre of the slab parallel to longitudinal joint and pulled slowly and
uniformly towards the edges. After the use of float tube, it shall be frequently cleaned before further use. The slurry
removed shall be discarded. This activity shall be advanced laterally by providing an overlap of half the length of tube
float. The removal of the cement slurry from the surface shall be sufficient enough such that the texture is formed on
a firm surface and is more durable. This operation, however, shall be carried out after removing bleeding water. This
operation shall be done in the case of pavement construction using fixed form or slip form paving technique. Semi-Mechanized and Labour-Oriented Construction Technique:

Areas in which hand-guided methods of construction become indispensable shall be got approved by the Engineer in
writing in advance. Such work may be permitted only in restricted areas in small lengths. Work shall be carried out by
skilled personnel as per methods approved by the Engineer. The acceptance criteria regarding level, thickness, surface
regularity, texture, finish, strength, of concrete and all other quality control measures shall be the same as in the case
of machine laid work. General
Use of very sophisticated paving machines and high capacity concrete batch mixer may not be possible in small
concrete road projects and also in remote hilly terrains or near bridge structures, although with the use of such
machines and plants the end product is always of better quality. Without these advanced equipment concrete roads
can be constructed using semi-mechanized and labour-oriented constructions but the resulting quality and surface
may not be the same as achieved with mechanized constructions. Forms
In large sized projects, it is common to use slip form paving technique where no side forms are necessary to retain the
shape of green concrete slab. The fixed-forms made of steel channels or fabricated steel sections are generally made
use of. Wooden forms, although, can be used, are liable to get damaged after each usage. Therefore, wooden forms
are to be considered as a last resort. Steel Forms

All side forms shall be of mild steel unless use of wooden section is specially permitted by the Engineer. The steel
forms shall be mild steel channel sections of depth equal to the thickness of the pavement or a few millimeters less
than the thickness of the pavement to match with the plus level tolerances specified for sub-base. In the latter case,
the forms shall be levelled by using metal wedges or shims. The thickness of flange and web shall not be less than 6
mm and shall be capable of resisting all loads applied in the paving process. The length of form shall not be less than 3
m except in the case of installations along curves.
The sections shall have a length of at least 3 m except on curves of less than 45 m radius, where shorter sections may
be used. When set to grade and staked in place, the maximum deviation of the top surface of any section from a
straight line shall not exceed 2 mm in the vertical plane and 5 mm in the horizontal plane. The method of connection
between sections shall be such that the joint formed shall be free from difference in level, play or movement in any
direction. The use of bent, twisted or worn-out forms will not be permitted. At least three stake pickets for each 3 m
of form and the bracing and support must be ample to prevent springing of the forms under the pressure of concrete
or the weight or thrust of machinery operating on the forms.
The supply of forms shall be sufficient to permit their remaining in place for 12 hours after the concrete has been
placed. Any unevenness in the form work particularly the top will affect riding quality. Wooden forms

Wooden forms may be used only when specifically permitted in the drawing with the exception that their use is
herein approved for all curves having radii of less than 45 m, wooden forms shall be dressed and planed on the inside
face. They shall have minimum base width of 100 mm for slab thickness upto 200 mm and a minimum base width of 1
50 mm for slabs over 200 mm thick. Their depth shall be equal or slightly less than the thickness of the pavement but
it would be made up by metal shims. These forms when used on straights shall have a minimum length of 3 m. Forms
shall be held by stakes set at intervals not exceeding 2 m. Two stakes, one on each side, shall be placed at each joint.
The forms shall be firmly nailed or secured to the side stakes, and securely braced at joints, where necessary, so that
no movement will result from the pressure of the concrete or the impact of the tamper and during finishing work.
Wooden forms shall be capped along the inside upper edge with 50 mm angle iron, well recessed and kept flush with
the face of the wooden forms. The maximum deviation of the top surface of any section from a straight line shall not
exceed the stipulations laid.

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The forms shall be jointed neatly and shall be set with exactness to be required grade and alignment. Both before and
after the forms are placed and set, the subgrade or sub-base under the forms shall be thoroughly tamped in an
approved manner. Sufficient rigidity shall be obtained to support the forms in such a position that during the entire
operation of compacting and finishing of concrete they shall not at any time deviate more than 3 mm from a straight
edge 3 m in length. Forms which show a variation from the required rigidity or alignment and levels shown in the
drawing, shall be reset or removed, as directed. The length and number of stakes shall be such as to maintain the
forms at the correct line and grade. All forms shall be cleaned and oiled each time before they are used. Forms shall
be set ahead of the actual placing of concrete for the entire day's work. Placement of steel

In placing reinforcing steel, the initial layer of concrete shall be struck off to the entire width of the slabs and of
sufficient length to permit sheet or mat of reinforcement to be laid full length without further manipulations of the
reinforcement. Displacement of the reinforcement during concreting operations shall be prevented. Dowels
Transverse joints shall be provided with dowels and of the dimension and at the spacing and location indicated on the
drawing. They shall be firmly supported in place, accurately aligned parallel to the subgrade/sub-base, parallel to each
other and parallel to the centre line of the pavement, by means of appropriate dowel supports/chairs. Tie bars

Tie bars are provided in longitudinal joints to prevent opening of such joints and shall be bonded to the adjacent slabs
on both sides of the longitudinal joint. These are installed by providing appropriate chair or these are installed by
providing appropriate (drilled) holes in the side forms depending on the size and spacing of bars. These are
sometimes bent aside temporarily to avoid obstruction to construction traffic and straightened later at the time of
laying of slab in the adjacent lane. Plants equipment and tools

The requirements of concrete quality in road construction being large which again is to be supplied continuously, the
mixes are normally to be produced from mixers. The plants and equipment considered essential in semi-mechanized
and labour-oriented construction are:
a) A couple of tilting type drums mixers of at least 0.2 cum capacity. The number of mixers to be employed in a
project shall be decided on the basis of the size of the project.
b) Vibrating screeds for tamping and compacting pavement surface. These are moved on the levelled fixed
forms or side forms to achieve the required smoothness, grade and surface regularity.
c) A couple of needle vibrators. Alternatively fixed pavers fitted with vibrators and finisher can also be used.
d) Concrete-saw: This is required for forming contraction joints in a continuously constructed lane.
e) Hand held sprayer for applying liquid curing compound at least 1 0-20 kg capacity container/tank.
f) Texturing brooms
g) Straight edges of 3 m length.
h) Appropriate tools for sealing joints.
i) Fixed side forms measuring at least 1 00-1 50 m length.
j) Stop-end and start-end made of steel or wooden sections or bulk heads. These gadgets are required for
commencing and stopping the paving activity Hauling of mix

Transporting of concrete mix from mixer to paving site with steel pans is not permitted in major works. However,
these can be permitted in small size works only with the written permission of the Engineer. The mix tends to get
segregated during such handling. It is desirable to use wheel-barrows or trolleys for carrying mix to the paving site.
The workability of the mix can be controlled better with the use of wheel-barrows. Placing of concrete

Where semi-mechanized construction technique is adopted, concrete shall be deposited between the forms directly
from head loads or wheel barrows. Where a certain amount of redistribution is necessary, it shall be done with
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shovels and not with rakes. The concrete shall be compacted with needle vibrators and vibrating screeds in semi-
mechanized construction where a paver finisher is not available. Use of vibrator near side forms is essential to
eliminate honey combing. To effect adequate compaction, the concrete shall be placed with appropriate surcharge
over the final slab thickness. The amount of surcharge will depend on the mode of placement of concrete and shall be
determined by trial. In general, the required surcharge is about 20 percent of the required slab thickness. Any portion
of the batch of concrete that becomes segregated while depositing it on subgrade/ sub-base shall be thoroughly
mixed with the main body of the batch during the process of spreading. In case of unavoidable interruption, a full
depth transverse joint shall be made at the point of stoppage of work provided the section on which the work has
been suspended is about 2 to 3 m long. Compaction
Where semi-mechanized and labour-oriented technique is adopted, compaction of the pavement shall be
accomplished by a vibrating screed supplemented by plate/internal vibrators. For slabs of thickness more than 125
mm, vibrating screeds may be supplemented by portable needle vibrators. The vibrating screed shall rest on side
forms. It shall be lowered vertically on to the concrete surface, evenly spread to the appropriate level above the base
to provide the required surcharge for compaction; allowed to remain in position for a few seconds until compaction is
complete, then lifted vertically and lowered to the adjacent strip of uncompacted concrete. The amplitude of
vibration of the screed shall not be less than 1 .5 mm and the speed of travel not more than 0.6 m per minute. The
screed shall again be taken slowly over the surface, sliding with its axis slightly tilted away from the direction of sliding
and the operation repeated until the required dense, close knit textured surface is obtained. Compaction of concrete
slabs upto 125 mm thickness may be done by means of vibrating screed alone, while for thickness greater than 125
mm both internal vibrators, like, needle and vibrating screeds shall be used. Even in the case of slabs of lower
thickness, internal vibrators may be used with advantage of compacting the slab corners and edges. The working of
the vibrators shall be regularly checked and stand by shall always be maintained for emergency use. Segregated
particles of coarse aggregate which collect in front of the screed shall be discarded. Under no circumstances shall such
segregated particles be carried forward and pushed on to the base in front of the mass. Compaction by screeding shall
be carried on till the mortar in the mix just works upto the surface. Care shall be exercised and the operation of
tamping so controlled as to prevent an excess of mortar and water from being worked on the top. Repeated
operation other than to secure the necessary compaction and to eliminate voids shall be avoided. Immediately after
the screeding has been completed and before the concrete has hardened, i.e. while the concrete is still in the plastic
stage, the surface shall be inspected for irregularities with a profile checking template and any needed correction
made by adding or removing concrete followed by further compaction and finishing. Floating
As soon as practicable after the concrete has been compacted, its surface shall be smoothened by means of a
longitudinal float, operated from a foot-bridge. The longitudinal float shall be worked with a sawing motion, while
held in a floating position parallel to the carriageway centerline and passed gradually from one side of the pavement
to the other. Movements ahead along the centerline of the carriageway shall be in successive advances of not more
than one half the length of the float. This process may also be carried out in slip form or fixed form paving method.
Forms shall not be removed from freshly placed concrete unit it has set, or at least 12 hours, whichever is later. They
shall be carefully removed in such a manner that no damage is done to the edges of the pavement. After the forms
have been removed, the slab edges shall be cleaned and any limited honey-combed areas pointed with 1 .2 cement:
sand mortar, after which the sides of the slab shall be covered with wet hessian for curing. Slabs with excessive
honey-combing as a result of inadequate compaction shall be removed between nearest transverse joints and re-laid. Straight edging

After the longitudinal floating has been completed, the excess water has disappeared, but while the concrete is still
plastic, the slab surface shall be tested for trueness with a 3 m straight edge. The straight edge shall be held in
successive positions parallel to the road centerline in contact with the surface and the whole area gone over from one
side of the slab to the other. Advance along the road shall be in successive stages of not more than one-half length of
the straight edge. Any area of depression found shall be scooped to a depth of 40-50 mm. The depression will be
made up with fresh concrete, compacted, and refinished. High areas shall be cut down and refinished. The straight
edging and refloating shall continue until the entire surface is found to be free from observable departures from the
straight edge and the slab has the required grade and camber.
The slab surface shall be retested for trueness, before the concrete begins to set, with the 3 m long master straight
edge and the graduated wedge gauge.

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The straightedge shall be placed on the surface in successive positions, parallel to the carriageway centre line.
Irregularities shall be measured with the help of the wedge gauge moved transversely at various points until it
touches both the straight edge and the concrete surface.
At any point tested, the concrete shall not show a departure greater than 3 mm from the true surface. If at any place
the departure exceeds this value, not more than 3 passes of the vibrating screed shall be allowed and the surface
tested again in the specified manner. If the irregularity still exceeds the limit aforesaid, the concrete shall be removed
to a depth of 50 mm or upto the top surface of the reinforcement, if any . The area of concrete to be removed shall be
demarcated by the length of the straight edge in the position of measurement across the full width of the slab. The
concrete so removed shall not be re-used in the carriageway. Fresh concrete shall be placed, compacted and finished
in the manner already described in these Specifications and shall again be subject to test for accuracy of finish.
Although, the concrete may be removed immediately following measurement of the irregularity and while it is still
wet, this shall not mean any waiver from complying with the requirements of this clause, if for any reason the
concrete is to be removed which has already hardened.
After straight edging of the surface, it shall be finished by belting and brooming. Texturing
Just before the concrete becomes non-plastic, the surface shall be textured with an approved long handled steel or
fiber broom. The broom shall be pulled gently over the surface of the pavement from edge to edge. Adjacent strokes
shall be slightly overlapped. Brooming shall be perpendicular to the centre line of the pavement and so executed that
the corrugations thus produced will be uniform in character and width, and about 1 .5 mm deep in case of texturing
by broom/ brush and 3-4 mm texture depth in case of texturing by tining method. Brooming/Tining shall be
completed before the concrete reaches such a stage that the surface is likely to be torn or unduly roughened by the
operation. The broomed/tyned surface shall be free from porous or rough spots, irregularities, depressions and small
pockets, such as may be caused by accidentally disturbing the particles of coarse aggregate embedded near the
surface. Edging
After belting and/or brooming/tining have been completed, but before the concrete has taken its initial set, the edges
of the slab shall be carefully finished with an edging or arising tool of 3 mm radius so as to leave the pavement edges
smooth and true to line. Transition slabs

At the interface of rigid and flexible pavement, at least 3 m long reinforced buried slab should be provided to give a
long lasting joint at the interface. The details shall be as given in the Drawings. Anchor beam and terminal slab beam adjoining bridge structures:
Cement concrete slabs will expand during hot season and this will result in the building up of horizontal thrust on
adjoining bridge structure. To contain this thrust RCC anchor beams are to be provided in the terminal slab. The
terminal slab also needs to be provided with reinforcement to strengthen it. In case of culverts, etc. where the
concrete slabs are provided above the superstructure, there is no need to construct anchor beams and terminal slab .
In case the concrete slab abuts with culvert structure, the construction of anchor beam and terminal slab will be
necessary. The details of anchor beams/terminal slab beam shall be as given in the contract Drawings. The treatment of PQC on Culverts

The PQC shall be taken over the culverts. At both ends of the abutment walls, expansion joint with 12 mm thick
synthetic board shall be provided. When the span of the culvert is long and normal contraction joint is necessitated
between these expansion joints the same shall be provided. Surface texture Tining
After final floating and finishing of the slab and before application of the liquid curing membrane, the surface of
concrete slabs shall be textured either in the transverse direction (i.e., at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the
road) or in longitudinal direction (i.e., parallel to the centerline of the roadway). The texturing shall be done by tining
the finished concrete surface by using rectangular steel tines. A beam or a bridge mounted with steel tines shall be
equipped and operated with automatic sensing and control devices from main paver or auxiliary unit . The tining unit
shall have facility for adjustment of the download pressure on the tines as necessary to produce the desired finish .
The tining rakes shall be cleaned often to remove snots of slurry. The tines will be inspected daily and all the damaged
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and bent tines shall be replaced before commencing texturing. Tined grooves shall be 3 mm wide and 3 to 4 mm
deep. Before commencing texturing, the bleeding water, if any, shall be removed and texturing shall be done on a
firm surface Normally, transverse tining will be preferred.
Transverse tining:
When the texturing is specified in transverse direction, a beam of at least 3 m length mounted with tines shall be
moved in transverse direction to produce the texture. The grooves produced shall be at random spacing of grooves
but uniform in width and depth. The spacing shall conform to a pattern shown below:
Random spacing in mm
10 14 16 11 10 13 15 16 11 10 21 13 10

The above pattern shall be repeated. Texturing shall be done at the right time such that the grooves after forming
shall not close and they shall not get roughened. Swerving of groove patterns will not be permitted. The completed
textured surface shall be uniform in appearance. The texture depth shall be measured with gauge and Vernier Caliper
Longitudinal tinning:
Longitudinal tinning shall be done, if specified in the Contract. The texturing bridge shall be wide enough to cover the
entire width of the carriageway but within 75 mm from the pavement edge. The centre to centre spacing between
the tins shall be 18 to 21 mm. The width of tine texture shall be 3 mm and depth shall be 3 to 4 mm . The texture
depth shall be measured with gauge and Vernier Caliper (simple/digital) Brush Texturing

Alternatively, on the instructions of the Engineer, the brushed texturing shall be applied. The brushed surface texture
shall be applied evenly across the slab in one direction by the use of a wire brush not less than 450 mm wide but
wider brushes normally of 3 m length are preferred. The brush shall be made of 32-gauge tape wires grouped
together in tufts placed at 10 mm centers. The tufts shall contain an average of 14 wires and initially be 100 mm long.
The brush shall have two rows of tufts. The rows shall be 20 mm apart and the tufts in one row shall be opposite the
centre of the gap between tufts in the other row. The brush shall be replaced when the shortest tuft wears down to
90 mm long.
The texture depth shall be determined by the Sand Patch Test as described in the Clause 6.22.12. This test shall be
performed at least once for each day’s paving and wherever the Engineer considers it necessary at times after
construction as under:
Five individual measurements of the texture depth shall be taken at least 2 m apart anywhere along a diagonal line
across a lane width between points 50 m apart along the pavement. No measurement shall be taken within 300 mm
of the longitudinal edges of a concrete slab constructed in one pass.
Texture depths shall not be less than the minimum required when measurements are taken as given in Table 6 -68
nor greater than a maximum average of 1.25 mm.
Table 6-68 : Texture Depth
Time of Test Number of Required Texture Depth (mm)
Specified Value Tolerance
Between 24 hours and 7 days after the construction, of An average of 5 1.00 ±0.25
the slab or until the slab is first used by vehicles. measurements
Not later than 6 weeks before the road is opened to An average of 5 +0.25
traffic. measurements -0.35

After the application of the brushed texture, the surface of the slab shall have a uniform appearance.
Where the texture depth requirements are found to be deficient, the Contractor shall make good the texture across
the full lane width over length directed by the Engineer, by retexturing the hardened concrete surface in an approved
manner. Curing

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Immediately after the surface texturing, the surface and sides of the slab shall be cured by the application of
approved resin-based aluminized reflective curing compound which hardens into an impervious film or membrane
with the help of mechanical sprayer.
Curing compounds shall contain sufficient flake aluminium in finely divided dispersion to produce a complete
coverage of the sprayed surface with a metallic finish. The compound shall become stable and impervious to
evaporation of water from the surface of the concrete within 60 minutes of application and shall be of approved type .
The curing compounds shall have a water retention efficiency index of 90 percent in accordance with BS 7542 or
ASTM C 309, type-2.
The curing compound shall not react chemically with the concrete and the film or membrane shall not crack, peel or
disintegrate within three weeks of application. Immediately prior to use, the curing compound shall be thoroughly
agitated in its containers. The rate of spread shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions checked
during the construction of the trial length and subsequently whenever required by the Engineer. The mechanical
sprayer shall incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation and mixing of the compound during
spraying. To give continuous covering, the curing compound may be sprayed in two layers.
In addition to spraying of curing compound, the fresh concrete surface shall be protected for at least 3 hours by
covering the finished concrete pavement with tents as described in Clause, during adverse weather
conditions as directed by the Engineer. After three hours, the pavement shall be covered by moist hessian laid in two
layers and the same shall then be kept damp for a minimum period of 14 days after which time the hessian may be
removed. The hessian shall be kept continuously moist. All damaged/torn hessian shall be removed and replaced by
new hessian on a regular basis.
The Contractor shall be liable at his cost to replace any concrete damaged as a result of incomplete curing or cracked
on a line other than that of a joint.

6.22.10 Trial Length

The trial shall be constructed at least one month in advance of the proposed start of concrete paving work. At least
one month prior to the construction of the trial length, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval a
detailed method statement giving description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment and construction methods .
All the major equipments like paving train, batching plant, tipping trucks etc., proposed in the construction are to be
approved by the Engineer before their procurement. No trials of new materials, plant, equipment or construction
methods, nor any development of them shall be permitted either during the construction of trial length or in any
subsequent paving work, unless they form part of further approved trials. These trial lengths shall be constructed
away from the carriageway but with at least a subbase layer below it.
The Contractor shall demonstrate the materials, plant, equipment and methods of construction that are proposed for
concrete paving, by first constructing a trial length of slab, at least 100 m but not more than 300 m long for
mechanized construction and at least 50 m long for hand guided methods. If the first trial is unsatisfactory, the
Contractor shall have to demonstrate his capability to satisfactorily construct the pavement in subsequent trials.
The trial length shall be constructed in two parts over a period comprising at least part of two separate working days,
with a minimum of 50 m constructed each day for mechanized construction and a minimum of 25 m on each day for
hand guided construction. The trial length shall be constructed at a paving rate (speed, around 1 m/hr similar) to that
which is proposed for the main work.
Transverse joints and longitudinal joints of each type that are proposed for dowel-jointed unreinforced concrete slabs
in the main work shall be constructed and assessed in the trial length. If in the trial length the construction of
expansion joint and longitudinal joint is not demonstrated, the first 2 expansion joints and at least the first 150 m of
longitudinal construction joint for mechanized paving in the main work, shall be considered as the trial length for
these joints.
The trial length shall comply with the Specifications in all respects, with the following additions and exceptions: Surface levels and regularity

a) In checking for compliance with Clause 7.2.3 the levels shall be taken at intervals at the locations specified in
this Clause along any line or lines parallel to the longitudinal centre line of the trial length.
b) The maximum number of permitted irregularities of pavement surface shall comply with the requirements of
Clause 7.2.4. shorter trial lengths shall be assessed pro-rata based on values for a 300 m length. Joints

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a) Alignment of dowel bars shall be inspected as described in Clause in any two consecutive
transverse joints. If the position or alignment of the dowel bars at one of these joints does not comply with
Clause, if that joint remains the only one that does not comply after the next 3 consecutive joints of
the same type have been inspected, then the method of placing dowels shall be deemed to be satisfactory.
In order to check sufficient joints for dowel bar alignment without extending the trial length unduly, the
Contractor may, by agreement with the Engineer, construct joints at shorter intervals than the normal
spacing required in the Contract.
b) If there are deficiencies in the first expansion joint that is constructed as a trial, the next expansion joint shall
be a trial joint. Should this also be deficient, further trial expansion joints shall be made as part of the trial
length which shall not form part of the permanent works, unless agreed by the Engineer.
c) Direction of Dowel bars/Tie bars: The direction of dowel bars/tie bars at the curve portion shall be in such a
way that these shall be radially in the direction of the radii and parallel to the top surface. These shall also be
perpendicular to the direction of transverse joint and longitudinal joint at the middle of the slab depth
respectively. The direction of bonded portion of the dowel bars shall preferably be in approaching side of the
traffic and unbonded portion shall be on the side where traffic is leaving the joint. Density
In-situ density in trial length shall be assessed as described in Clause from at least 3 cores drilled from each
part of the trial length when the concrete is not less than 7 days old . Should any of the cores show honey-combing in
the concrete, the trail length shall be rejected and the construction in the main carriageway shall not be permitted
until further trials have shown that modification has been made which would result in adequate compaction. Position of tie bars

Compliance with Clause for the position and alignment of tie bars shall be checked by drilling additional cores
from the slab unless they can be determined from cores taken for density.
Minimum of thirty (30) beams for flexural strength and thirty (30) cubes for compressive strength shall be prepared
from the concrete delivered in front of the paving plant. Each pair of beams and cubes shall be from the same
location/batch but different sets of beams and cubes shall be from different locations /batches. Compressive and
flexural strength shall be tested after 28 days water curing in the laboratory.
At the age of 28 days, thirty (30) cores with diameter 150 mm shall be cut from the pavement slab when the thickness
of PQC is more than 300 mm. In case the PQC thickness is less than 300 mm, the dia of core shall be 100 mm. The
cores shall be suitably cut at both ends to provide a specimen of plain surface on both ends . The dia to height ratio of
core shall be 1 to 2. (for cylindrical specimen of PQC of dia 150 mm, the variation in dia shall be + 0.5 mm, a tolerance
on height shall be + 1 mm for a specimen of cylindrical height 300 mm or more). The test shall be conducted as per
ASTM C 39.
Concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be considered acceptable, if the average equivalent cube
strength of the cores is equal to at least 85 percent of the cube strength (characteristic strength) of the grade of the
concrete specified for the corresponding age (28 days) and no individual core has a strength less than 75 percent. Approval and acceptance

Approval of the materials, plant, equipment and construction methods shall be given when the trial length complies
with the Specifications. The Contractor shall not proceed with normal working until the trial length has been
approved. If the Engineer does not notify the Contractor of any deficiencies in any trial length within 10 days after the
completion of that trial length, the Contractor may assume that the trial length, and the materials, plant, equipment
and construction methods adopted are acceptable after accepting the 28 days strength test cubes and cores intracted
from trial length.
When approval has been given, the materials, plant, equipment and construction methods shall not thereafter be
changed, except for normal adjustments and maintenance of plant, without the approval of the Engineer. Any
changes in materials, plant, equipment, and construction methods shall entitle the Engineer to require the Contractor
to lay a further trial length as described in this Clause to demonstrate that the changes will not adversely affect the
permanent works.
Trial lengths which do not comply with the Specifications, with the exception of areas which are deficient only in
surface texture and which can be remedied in accordance with Clause 602.9.8.6 shall be removed immediately upon
notification of deficiencies by the Engineer and the Contractor shall construct a further trial length. Inspection of dowel bars

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Compliance with Clause for the position and alignment of dowel bars at construction and expansion joints
shall be checked by measurements relative to the side forms or guide wires.
When the slab has been constructed, the position and alignment of dowel bars and any filler board shall be measured
after carefully exposing them in the plastic concrete across the whole width of the slab . When the joint is an
expansion joint, the top of the filler board shall be exposed sufficiently in the plastic concrete to permit measurement
of any lateral or vertical displacement of the board. During the course of normal working, these measurements shall
be carried out in the pavement section at the end of day’s work by extending slab length by 2 m. After sawing the
transverse joint groove, the extended 2 m slab shall be removed carefully soon after concrete has set to expose
dowels over half the length. These dowels can be tested for tolerances.
If the position and alignment of the bars in a single joint in the slab is unsatisfactory then the next two joints shall be
inspected. If only one joint of the three is defective, the rate of checking shall be increased to one joint per day until
the Engineer is satisfied that compliance is being achieved. In the event of non-compliance in two or more successive
joints, the Contractor shall revert to the construction of fresh trial lengths and make any necessary alteration to
concrete mix, paving plant or methods until the dowel bar position and alignment are satisfactory.
After the dowel bars have been examined, the remainder of the concrete shall be removed over a width of 500 mm
on each side of the line of the joint and reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The dowels shall be inserted on
both sides of the 1 m wide slab by drilling holes and grouting with epoxy mortar . Plastic sheath as per Clause
shall be provided on dowels on one of the joints. The joint groove shall be widened and sealed as per Clause 6.22.11.

6.22.11 Preparation and Sealing of Joint Grooves General
All transverse joints in surface slabs shall be sealed using sealants described in Clause Preparation of joint grooves for sealing

Joint grooves usually are constructed in first instance to provide the minimum width specified in the drawings when
saw cut joints are adopted. They shall be widened subsequently by sawing before sealing. Depth/width gauges shall
be used to control the dimension of the groove. Grooves are constructed in first instance just to provide a minimum
width (3-5 mm) to facilitate development of cracks at such locations.
Subsequently before sealing, grooves are widened by sawing as per the dimensions in the drawing . Dimension of the
grooves shall be controlled by depth/width gauge.
If rough arrises develop when grooves are made, they shall be ground to provide a chamfer approximately 5 mm
wide. If the groove is at an angle upto 10° from the perpendicular to the surface, the overhanging edge of the groove
shall be sawn or ground perpendicular. If spalling occurs or the angle of the former is greater than 10 degrees, the
joint sealing groove shall be sawn wider and perpendicular to the surface to encompass the defects upto a maximum
width, including any chamfer, of 20 mm for transverse joints and 10 mm for longitudinal joints. If the spalling cannot
be so eliminated, then the arrises shall be repaired by an approved thin bonded arrises repair using cementitious
All grooves shall be cleaned of any dirt or loose material by air blasting with filtered, oil -free compressed air. The
Engineer shall instruct cleaning by pressurized water jets. Depending upon the requirement of the sealant
manufacturer, the sides of the grooves shall be sand blasted to increase the bondage between sealant and concrete.
The groove shall be cleaned and dried at the time of priming and sealing.
Before sealing the temporary seal provided for blocking, the ingress of dirt, soil etc ., shall be removed. A highly
compressible heat resistant paper-backed debonding strip as per drawing shall be inserted in the groove to serve the
purpose of breaking the bond between sealant and the bottom of the groove and to plug the joint groove so that the
sealant may not leak through the cracks. The width of debonding grip shall be more than the joint groove width so
that it is held tightly in the groove. In the case of longitudinal joints, heat resistant tapes may be inserted to block the
leakage through bottom of the joint When hot poured sealant is used . When cold poured sealant is used a debonding
tape of 1.0-2.0 mm thickness and 6 to 8 mm width shall be inserted to plug the groove so that the sealant does not
enter in the initially cut groove. Sealing with sealants

When sealants are applied, an appropriate primer shall also be used if recommended by the manufacturer and it shall
be applied in accordance with his instructions. The sealant shall be applied within the minimum and maximum drying

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times of the primer recommended by the manufacturer. Priming and sealing with applied sealants shall not be carried
out when the naturally occurring temperature in the joint groove to be sealed, is below 7°C.
If hot applied sealant is used (MAF more than 10 percent) it shall be heated and applied from a thermostatically
controlled, indirectly heated preferably with oil jacketed melter and pourer having recirculating pump and extruder.
For large road projects, sealant shall be applied with extruder having flexible hose and nozzle . The sealant shall not be
heated to a temperature higher than the safe heating temperature and not for a period longer than the safe heating
period, as specified by the manufacturer. The dispenser shall be cleaned out at the end of each day in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations and reheated material shall not be used.
Cold applied sealants with chemical formulation like polysulphide/ polyurethene/silicon shall be used when
requirement of MAF is 25 percent or more. These shall be mixed and applied within the time limit specified by the
manufacturer. If primers are recommended they shall be applied neatly with an appropriate brush.
The sealants applied at contraction phase of the slabs would result in bulging of the sealant over and above the slab .
Therefore, the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer, shall establish the right temperature and time for
applying the sealant. Thermometer shall be hung on a pole at the site for facilitating control during the sealing
Sealant shall be applied, slightly to a lower level than the slab with a tolerance of 3 ± 1 mm.
During sealing operation, it shall be seen that no air bubbles are introduced in the sealant either by vapours or by the
sealing process. The sealant after pouring, shall be allowed to cured for 7 days or for a period as per instructions of

6.22.12 Measurement of Texture Depth – Sand Patch Method Apparatus
The following apparatus shall be used:
a) A cylindrical container of 25 ml internal capacity;
b) A flat wooden disc 64 mm diameter with a hard rubber disc, 1.5 mm thick, next to one face, the reverse face
being provided with a handle;
c) Dry natural sand with a rounded particle shape passing a 300 micron ASTM sieve and retained on a 150
micron ASTM sieve. Method
The surface to be measured shall be dried, any extraneous mortar and loose material removed and the surface swept
clean using a wire brush both at right angles and parallel to the carriageway . The cylindrical container shall be filled
with the sand, tapping the base 3 times on the surface to ensure compaction, and striking off the sand level with the
top of the cylinder. The sand shall be poured into a heap on the surface to be treated. The sand shall be spread over
the surface, working the disc with its face kept flat in a circular motion so that the sand is spread into a circular patch
with the surface depressions filled with sand to the level of peaks.
The diameter of the patch shall be measured to the nearest 5 mm. The texture depth of concrete surface shall be
calculated from 31000/(DxD) mm where D is the diameter of the patch in mm.
The dimensions of Tining i.e. width, depth and landwidth shall be controlled by depth/width gauge. Measurement of Texture Depth - Tining

The following apparatus shall be used:
a) Tire Tread Depth Gauge
A stainless steel tire tread depth gauge with graduations with least count of 1.0 mm. The gauge end may be
modified to measure depth of tine texture.
b) A stainless steel caliper to measure spacing of tines. If necessary, the caliper may be modified to measure the
spacing and width of tine texture. The gauge shall be used after making necessary calibration.
c) Wire brush
d) Carborundum stone

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e) Steel straight edge to remove snots etc. sticking to be surface. The straight edge may be of 6 x 25 x 300 mm
size. Test Section

A unit of testing shall be 75 m per lane. If the length of construction is less than 75m it shall be taken as one unit. Test Procedure

In each 75 m section, along the diagonal line, 10 points shall be selected for making checks of depth, width and
spacing of tine grooves. The surface where tests are to be conducted shall be cleared carefully with a wire brush or a
steel straight edge or using a Carborundum to remove any upward projection of concrete . When the base plate of the
gauge is in contact with the concrete surface, the gauge shall be pressed to the bottom of groove shall also be
measured and recorded at this location. At the same location, the spacing of tines shall be measured to verify
whether the pattern recommended in Clause is complied or not. Calculation
The average of depth and width at 10 locations shall be calculated and recorded to the nearest 1mm. The spacing of
spectrum measured at 10 locations shall be recorded separately.
The average depth shall be within 3 to 4 mm. When the depth is less than 2.5mm and in excess of 4.5 mm, the
Contractor shall stop concreting till he corrects his tine brush or replaces it . The sensors associated with work shall be
again calibrated to achieve the required texture. The textured groove less than 2.5 mm shall be re-grooved using
concrete saw at the cost of Contractor variation in texture width in the range of 3+1 mm and 3 - 0.5 mm will be
acceptable. Variation of width in excess of this range, the contractor shall stop his work to correct his brush and
technique. When the spacing of spectrum is not satisfactory, the contractor shall replace the entire brush.

6.22.13 Opening to Traffic

No vehicular traffic shall be allowed to ply on the finished surface of a concrete pavement within a period of 28 days
of its construction and until the joints are permanently sealed. The road may be opened to regular traffic after
completion of the curing period of 28 days and after sealing of joints is completed including the construction of
shoulder, with the written permission of the Engineer.

6.22.14 Acceptance Criteria in Quality and Distress Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness and Strength:
The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness and strength shall conform to the requirements given in Clause
7.3.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with SECTION 7:
QUALITY CONTROL OF ROAD WORKS. Tolerances in Distress:

The acceptance criteria with regard to the types of distresses in rigid pavement shall be as per IRC: SP-83. “Guidelines
for Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Cement Concrete Pavements”. The cracks (of severity rating not more
than 2) which may appear during construction or before completion of Defect Liability Period shall be acceptable with
suggested treatments as given in Table 6 -69.
Table 6- 69 : Repair Actions for Severity Rating upto 2 in Concrete Pavements
Sl. Measured Degree of Assessment Rating Repair Action for
Type of Distress
No. Parameter Severity the case d<D/2
w = Width of Crack 0 Nil, not discernible No action
Single Discrete Crack L = Length of Crack 1 W<0.2mm, hair cracks
1 Not intersecting with any d = depth of crack 2 W=0.2-0.5mm, discernible Seal without
joint D = depth of slab from slow-moving car delay
Single Transverse (or w = Width of Crack 0 Nil, not discernible No action
Diagonal) Crack L = Length of Crack 1 W<0.2mm, hair cracks Route and seal
intersecting with one or d = depth of crack 2 W=0.2-0.5mm, discernible with epoxy
more joints D = depth of slab from slow vehicle
3 Single Longitudinal Crack w = Width of Crack 0 Nil, not discernible No action
Not intersecting with any L = Length of Crack 1 W<0.5mm, discernible from Seal wit Epoxy,
joint d = depth of crack slow moving vehicle if L>1m

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D = depth of slab 2 W=0.5-3.0mm, discernible Route seal and

from fast vehicle stitch if L>1m
w = Width of Crack 0 Nil, not discernible No action
Multiple Cracks L = Length of Crack 1 W<0.2mm, hair cracks Seal, and stitch
4 intersecting with one or d = depth of crack 2 W=0.2-0.5mm, discernible if L>1m
more joints or cracks D = depth of slab from slow vehicle

In case of PQC slabs having cracks of severity rating more than 2 i.e. cracks of width more than 0.5 mm for single
discrete cracks, multiple and transverse cracks and cracks of width more than 3 mm in case of longitudinal cracks and
of depth more than half of the PQC slabs, shall be removed and replaced.

6.22.15 Pavement thickness

All precautions and care shall be taken to construct pavements having uniform thickness as shown on the plans.
A day’s work is considered as a ‘lot’ for calculating the average thickness of the slab. Average thickness of the slab
shall be within tolerance limits prescribed in Table 7 -73 : Tolerances in Surface Levels. No extra payment shall be
made for the thickness more than the thickness prescribed in the drawing.

6.22.16 Measurements
Cement Concrete pavement shall be measured as a finished work in square meters with specified thickness . The
volume to be paid for will be calculated on the basis of thickness and plans shown on the drawings and adjusted for
the deficiency in thickness. No additional payment shall be made for extra thickness of the slab. The full payment will
be made for this item after 28 days strength of the concrete is found to be satisfactory . Interim payment may be
made after 14 days of curing.
The unit for measurement for concrete pavement shall be the cubic meter of concrete placed, based on the net plan
areas for the specified thickness shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer. The rate shall include all
provisions of these Specifications and shall include the provision of all materials, their storage, polythene film,
concrete, mixing, transport, placing, compacting, finishing, curing together with all formwork, and including testing
and submission of test certificates and records. The unit rate as entered in the Bill of Quantities shall also include all
costs of contraction, expansion, construction, and longitudinal joints. It shall also include provision of joint filler,
caulking rod, debonding strip, sealant primer, joint sealant, dowel bar and tie rod.

6.22.17 Payment
The Contract unit rate for the construction of the cement concrete shall be payment in full for carrying out the
operations required for the different items of the work as per these Specifications including full compensation for all
labour, tools, plant, equipment, testing and incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, providing all
materials i.e. aggregates, dowel bars, tie bars, PVC membrane, cement, stabilizers (lime, cements or any other
stabilizers) etc. to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, storage, rents where necessary and all
leads and lifts. No separate payment will be made for construction of trial length and the tests carried out on the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -70.
Table 6- 70 : Pay Items: Cement Concrete Pavement
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.22 Cement Concrete Pavement (20 MPa) Cubic Meter
Cement Concrete Pavement (25 MPa) Cubic Meter
Cement Concrete Pavement (30 MPa) Cubic Meter


6.23.1 Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar or Epoxy Concrete Description
The work shall consist of repair of spalled joint grooves of contraction joints, longitudinal joints and expansion joints
in a concrete pavement using epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete. Materials
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The type/grade of epoxy compatible with the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete shall be used with either
processed fine aggregate or fine stone chips to produce a dry mix for repairing spalled or damaged edges. Repairing Procedure

Spalled or broken edges shall be shaped neatly with a vertical cut with chisels into the shape of rectangle . Small
pneumatic chisels also may be used, provided the cutting depth can be controlled. The depth of the cut shall be the
minimum to effect repair. After shaping the spalled area, it shall be cleaned and primed. The epoxy mortar/concrete
is then applied using hand tools like trowels, straight edges, brushes etc. The repaired edge shall be in line with the
joint groove and shall be flush with the concrete slabs. During the repair work, any damage noticed to the joint
sealant shall be made good by raking out the affected portion and resealing. Traffic
Although the epoxy mixes set in 2-3 hours time, it is desirable to divert the traffic for 12 hours or as per the
recommendation of the manufacturer. Measurements
Repair of joint grooves shall be measured in linear meters. Payment
The Contract unit rate for repair of joint grooves with epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete shall be in full compensation
a) supply and application of epoxy primer, epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete;
b) All tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with the Specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -71.
Table 6- 71 : Pay Items – Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar or Epoxy Concrete
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.23.1 Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar or Epoxy Concrete Linear Meters

6.23.2 Repair Involving Removal of Old Joint Sealant and Sealing with Fresh Sealant in Cement
Concrete Pavements Description
The repair of sealant of contraction, longitudinal or expansion joints shall include removal of the existing sealant and
resealing the joint with fresh sealant material. Material
Sealant material to be replaced shall be either hot poured rubberised bitumen or polysulphide type of sealant as per
Clause “Joint sealing compound”. As per the recommendation of the manufacturer, appropriate type of
primer also shall be applied. Repairing procedure

The existing sealant shall be raked out with the help of a metal raker such that most of the sealant is removed .
Subsequently, the sealant stuck to the sides of the grooves shall be removed thoroughly either by using saw cutting
machine so that grooves may be widened by 1 mm or by sand blasting. In no case the old sealant shall be present
during resealing operation. If joint grooves are found inadequate in depth, they shall be deepened as directed by the
Before commencing the sealing operation, compressed air shall be used to clean the joint grooves. A heat resistant,
paper backed compressible debonding strip or tape should be inserted in accordance with the requirement of Clause “Preparation of joint grooves for sealing”. Sealant may be poured either using hand held pourer or using
mechanized sealing machines. Sealants should not be heated directly but in double jacketed machine. All precautions
and arrangements shall be taken not to spill the sealant on the concrete pavement. The sealant may be poured to a
depth of 5 ± 2 mm from the pavement surface. Measurements
Repair of joint sealant shall be measured in linear meters.

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Contract unit rate for repair of joint sealant shall be in full compensation for:
a) Removal of old sealant, regrooving or sand blasting the sealing groove and placing of debonding strip or
b) All tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work in accordance with the Specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 6 -72.
Table 6-72 : Pay Items – Repair Involving removal of Old Joint Sealant and Sealing with Fresh Sealant in Cement
Concrete Pavement
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
6.23.2 Repair Involving removal of Old Joint Sealant and Sealing with Linear Meters
Fresh Sealant in Cement Concrete Pavement

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All materials to be used, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be strictly in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor shall set up a field laboratory at locations approved by the
Engineer and equip the same with adequate equipment and personnel in order to carry out all required tests and
Quality Control work as per Specifications and/or as directed by the Engineer. The internal layout of the laboratory
shall be as per Clause 1.4and/or as directed by the Engineer. The list of equipment and the facilities to be provided
shall be got approved from the Engineer in advance.
The Contractor's laboratory should be manned by a qualified Materials Engineer/Civil Engineer assisted by
experienced technicians, and the set-up should be got approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall carry out quality control tests on the materials and work to the frequency stipulated in
subsequent paragraphs. In the absence of clear indications about method and or frequency of tests for any item, the
instructions of the Engineer shall be followed.
For satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work, quality control tests will also be conducted by the
Engineer (by himself, by his Quality Control Units or by any other agencies deemed fit by him), generally to the
frequency set forth herein under. Additional tests may also be conducted where, in the opinion of the Engineer, need
for such tests exists.
The Contractor shall provide necessary co-operation and assistance in obtaining the samples for tests and carrying out
the field tests as required by the Engineer from time to time. This may include provision of labour, attendants,
assistance in packing and dispatching and any other assistance considered necessary in connection with the tests.
For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of subsequent layer of same or other material
over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining permission from the Engineer. Similar permission from the
Engineer shall be obtained in respect of all other items of works prior to proceeding with the next stage of
The Contractor shall carry out modifications in the procedure of work, if found necessary, as directed by the Engineer
during inspection. Works falling short of quality shall be rectified/redone by the Contractor at his own cost, and
defective work shall also be removed from the site of works by the Contractor at his own cost.
The cost of laboratory building including services, essential supplies like water, electricity, sanitary services and their
maintenance and cost of all equipment, tools, materials, labour and incidentals to perform tests and other operations
of quality control according to the Specification requirements shall be deemed to be incidental to the work and no
extra payment shall be made for the same. If, however, there is a separate item in the Bill of Quantities for setting up
of a laboratory and installing testing equipment, such payment shall be paid separately.
For testing of samples of soils/soil mixes, granular materials, and mixes, bituminous materials and mixes, aggregates,
cores etc., samples in the required quantity and form shall be supplied to the Engineer by the Contractor at his own
For cement, bitumen, mild steel, and similar other materials where essential tests are to be carried out at the
manufacturer’s plants or at laboratories other than the site laboratory, the cost of samples, sampling, testing and
furnishing of test certificates shall be borne by the Contractor. He shall also furnish the test certificates to the
For testing of cement, concrete at site during construction, arrangements for supply of samples, sampling, testing and
supply of test results shall be made by the Contractor as per the frequency and number of tests specified in relevant
ASTM/ AASHTO standards or relevant clauses of these Specifications, the cost of which shall be borne by the
The method of sampling and testing of materials shall be as required by relevant sections of these Specifications .
Where they are contradicting, the provision in these Specifications shall be followed. Where they are silent, sound
engineering practices shall be adopted. The sampling and testing procedure to be used shall be as approved by the
Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
The materials for embankment construction shall be got approved from the Engineer. The responsibility for arranging
and obtaining the land for borrowing or exploitation in any other way shall rest with the Contractor who shall ensure
smooth and uninterrupted supply of materials in the required quantity during the construction period.

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Similarly, the supply of aggregates for construction of road pavement shall be from quarries approved by the
Engineer. Responsibility for arranging uninterrupted supply of materials from the source shall be that of the
Defective Materials
All materials which the Engineer/his representative has determined as not conforming to the requirements of the
Contract shall be rejected whether in place or not; they shall be removed immediately from the site as directed.
Materials, which have been subsequently corrected, shall not be used in the work unless approval is accorded in
writing by the Engineer. Upon failure of the Contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer /his representative,
given under this Clause, the Engineer/his representative shall have authority to cause the removal of rejected
material and to deduct the removal cost thereof from any payments due to the Contractor.
Imported Materials
At the time of submission of tenders, the Contractor shall furnish a list of materials/finished products manufactured,
produced or fabricated outside Bangladesh which he proposes to use in the work. The Contractor shall not be entitled
to extension of time for acts or events occurring outside Bangladesh and it shall be the Contractor ’s responsibility to
make timely delivery to the job site of all such materials obtained from outside Bangladesh.
The materials imported from outside Bangladesh shall conform to the relevant Specifications of the Contract. In case
where materials/finished products are not covered by the Specifications in the Contract, the details of Specifications
proposed to be followed and the testing procedure as well as laboratories/ establishments where tests are to be
carried out shall be specifically brought out and agreed to in the Contract.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a certificate of compliance of the tests carried out. In addition, certified
mill test reports clearly identified to the lot of materials shall be furnished at the Contractor’s cost.


7.2.1 General
All works performed shall conform to the lines, grades, cross sections and dimensions shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer, subject to the permitted tolerances described herein-after.

7.2.2 Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal alignments shall be reckoned with respect to the center line of the carriageway as shown on the drawings .
The edges of the carriageway as constructed shall be correct within a tolerance of ±10 mm there from . The
corresponding tolerance for edges of the roadway and lower layers of pavement shall be ± 25 mm.

7.2.3 Surface Levels

The levels of the subgrade and different pavement courses as constructed, shall not vary from those calculated with
reference to the longitudinal and cross-profile of the road shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer
beyond the tolerances mentioned in Table 7 -73.
Table 7- 73 : Tolerances in Surface Levels
Pavement Courses Tolerance
1. Subgrade +20 mm, -25 mm
a) Flexible Pavement +10 mm, -20 mm
b) Concrete Pavement +6 mm, -10 mm
(Dry lean concrete/ Rolled Concrete
Base-course for flexible pavement
a) Bituminous Course ± 6 mm
3 b) Other than Bituminous
i) Machine Laid ± 10 mm
ii) Manually Laid ± 15 mm
Wearing Course for Flexible Pavement
4 a) Machine Laid ± 6 mm
b) Manually Laid ± 10 mm
5 Cement Concrete Pavement +5 mm, -6 mm*
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* This may not exceed -8 mm at 0 -300 mm from the edges

Provided, however, that the negative tolerance for wearing course shall not be permitted in conjunction with the
positive tolerance for base course, if the thickness of the former is thereby reduced by more than 6 mm for flexible
pavements and 5 mm for concrete pavements.
For checking compliance with the above requirement for subgrade, sub-base and base courses, measurements of the
surface levels shall be taken on a grid of points placed at 6.25 m longitudinally and 3.5 m transversely. For any 10
consecutive measurements taken longitudinally or transversely, not more than one measurement shall be permitted
to exceed the tolerance as above, this one measurement being not in excess of 5 mm above the permitted tolerance.
For checking the compliance with the above requirements for bituminous wearing courses and concrete pavements,
measurements of the surface levels shall be taken on a grid of points spaced at 6.25 m along the length and at 0.5 m
from the edges and at the center of the pavement. In any length of pavement, compliance shall be deemed to be met
for the final road surface, only if the tolerance given above is satisfied for any point on the surface.

7.2.4 Surface Regularity of Pavement Courses

The longitudinal profile shall be checked with a 3 meter long straight edge/moving straight-edge desired by the
Engineer at the middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the center line of the road.
The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities shall be as per
Table 7-74 : Maximum permitted number of surface irregularities
Surfaces of laybys, service areas and all
Road Category Surfaces of carriageways and paved shoulders
bituminous base courses
Irregularity 4 mm 7 mm 4 mm 7 mm
Length (m) 300 75 300 75 300 75 300 75
40 18 4 2 60 27 6 3

The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and underside of a 3 m straight-edge when placed
parallel with, or at right angles to the center line of the road at points decided by the Engineer shall be:
For pavement surface (bituminous and cement concrete) 3 mm
For bituminous base courses 6 mm
For granular sub-base/base courses 8 mm
For sub-bases under concrete pavements 10 mm

7.2.5 Rectification
Where the surface regularity of subgrade and the various pavement courses fall outside the specified tolerances, the
Contractor shall be liable to rectify these in the manner described below and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Subgrade
Where the surface is high, it shall be trimmed and suitably compacted. Where the same is low, the deficiency shall be
corrected by scarifying the lower layer and adding fresh material and recompacting to the required density . The
degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall conform to the requirements of Clause 3.4. Granular Sub-base

Same as Clause above, except that the degree of compaction and the type of material to be used shall
conform to the requirements of Clause 6.9. Water Bound Macadam/Wet Mix Macadam Base

Where the surface is high or low, the top 75 mm shall be scarified, reshaped with added material as necessary and
recompacted to Clause 6.10. This shall also apply to wet mix macadam to Clause 6.11. Bituminous Construction

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For bituminous construction other than wearing course, where the surface is low, the deficiency shall be corrected by
adding fresh material over a suitable tack coat if needed and recompacting to specifications. Where the surface is
high, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications.
For wearing course, where the surface is high or low, the full depth of the layer shall be removed and replaced with
fresh material compacted to specifications. In all cases where the removal and replacement of a bituminous layer is
involved, the area treated shall not be less than 5 m in length and not less than 3.5 m width. Dry Lean Concrete Sub-base

The defective length of the course shall be removed to full depth and replaced with material conforming to Clause
6.20. The area treated shall be at least 3 m long, not less than 1 lane wide and extend to the full depth. Before
relaying the course, the disturbed subgrade or layer below shall be corrected by leveling, watering and compacting. Cement Concrete Pavement

The defective areas having surface irregularity exceeding 3 mm but not greater than 6 mm may be rectified by bump
cutting or scrabbling or grinding using approved equipment. When required by the Engineer, areas which have been
reduced in level by the above operation(s) shall be retextured in an approved manner either by cutting grooves (5 mm
deep) or roughening the surface by hacking the surface. If high areas in excess 6 mm or low areas in excess of 3 mm
occur, exceeding the permitted numbers and if the Contractor cannot rectify, the slab shall be demolished and
reconstructed at the Contractor’s expense and in no case the area removed shall be less than the full width of the
lane in which the irregularity occurs and full length of the slab.
If deemed necessary by the Engineer, any section of the slab which deviates from the specified levels and tolerances
shall be demolished and reconstructed at the Contractor’s expense.


7.3.1 General
The materials supplied and the works carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the specifications prescribed in
the preceding Clauses.
For ensuring the requisite quality of construction, the materials and works shall be subjected to quality control tests,
as described hereinafter. The testing frequencies set forth are the desirable minimum and the Engineer shall have the
full authority to carry out additional tests as frequently as he may deem necessary, to satisfy himself that the
materials and works comply with the appropriate specifications. However, the number of tests recommended in
Table 7 -75 may be reduced at the discretion of the Engineer if it is felt that consistency in the quality of materials can
still be maintained with the reduced number of tests.
Test procedures for the various quality control tests are indicated in the respective Sections of these Specifications or
for certain tests within this Section. Where no specific testing procedure is mentioned, the tests shall be carried out as
per the prevalent accepted engineering practice to the directions of the Engineer.

7.3.2 Test on Earthwork for Embankment, Subgrade Construction and Cut Formation Borrow Material
Grid the borrow area at 25 m c/c (or closer, if the variability is high) to full depth of proposed working. These pits
should be logged and plotted for proper identification of suitable sources of material. Tests on representative samples
as per frequencies indicated in Table 7 -75 shall be carried out. Compaction Control

Control shall be exercised on each layer by taking at least one measurement of density for each 1000 square meters
of compacted area, or closer as required to yield the minimum number of test results for evaluating a day ’s work on
statistical basis. The determination of density shall be in accordance with AASHTO Standard. Test locations shall be
chosen only through random sampling techniques. Control shall not be based on the result of any one test but on the
mean value of a set of 5-10 density determinations. The number of tests in one set of measurements shall be 6 (if
non-destructive tests are carried out, the number of tests shall be doubled) as long as it is felt that sufficient control
over borrow material and the method of compaction is being exercised. If considerable variations are observed
between individual density results, the minimum number of tests in one set of measurement shall be increased to 10.
The acceptance criteria shall be subject to the condition that the mean density is not less than the specified density

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1 . 65
( 1 . 65−
( No. of Samples )0 .5
×the standard deviation [ Ref .: MORTH Specification , 4 th Ed .]However,

for earthwork in shoulders (earthen) and in the subgrade, at least one density measurement shall be taken for every
500 square meters for the compacted area provided further that the number of tests in each set of measurements
shall be at least 10. In other respects, the control shall be similar to that described earlier. Cut formation:

Tests for the density requirements of cut formation shall be carried out in accordance with Clause

7.3.3 Tests on Sub-bases and Bases

The tests and their frequencies for the different types of bases and sub-bases shall be as given in Table 7 -75. The
evaluation of density results and acceptance criteria for compaction control shall be on lines similar to those set out in
903.3.3.1. Acceptance criteria: The acceptance criteria for tests on the strength of cement/lime stabilized soil and
distribution of stabilizer content shall be subject to the condition that the mean value is not less than the specified
value plus:

1 . 65
( 1 . 65−
( No. of Samples )0 .5
×the standard deviation [ Ref .: MORTH Specification , 4 th Ed .]

Table 7-75 : Control Tests and Their Minimum Frequency for Road works
Sl. No. Item of Works Type/ Name of Test Test Frequency (min.)
Plasticity Index (PI) One test per 2000 m3
4 days Soaked CBR One test per 2000 m3
1 Embankment MDD (Standard) One test per 2000 m3
FDD One test per 600 m3
DCP One test per 200 m2
Plasticity Index (PI) One test per 7500 m2
4 days Soaked CBR One test per 7500 m2
2 Subgrade MDD (Standard) One test per 7500 m2
FDD One test per 2500 m2
DCP One test per 900 m2
FM/ Gradation One test per 500 m3
4 days Soaked CBR One test per 1500 m3
3 Improved Subgrade MDD (Standard) One test per 1500 m3
FDD One test per 500 m3
DCP One test per 150 m3
Gradation One test per 500 m3
4 days Soaked CBR One test per 1500 m3
LAA One test per 100 m3
4 MDD One test per 1500 m3
WBM/WMM Base Course
FDD One test per 500 m3
Water absorption (stone/brick) One test per 500 m3
DCP One test per 150 m3
Compressive Strength One set per 4000 m
5 Brick on End Edging
Water Absorption One set per 4000 m
Compressive Strength One set per 2500 m2
6 HBB Pavement
Water Absorption One set per 2500 m2
7 Bituminous Materials Softening Point One test per 15000 m2
Flash Point One test per 15000 m2
Penetration One test per 7500 m2
Gradation of FA One test per 7500 m2
Gradation of CA One test per 7500 m2
WA of CA One test per 7500 m2
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Sl. No. Item of Works Type/ Name of Test Test Frequency (min.)
LAA One test per 7500 m2
Flakiness Index One test per 7500 m2
- If the number of test(s) to be performed as per specified test-frequency for any item becomes a whole
number with a fraction equal to 0.20 or less, in that case the actual number of test(s) shall be the whole
number only. On the other hand, if the fraction is more than 0.20 then the actual number of test(s) for that
item shall be rounded to next whole number. Engineer has the right to increase the no. of tests for any item
beyond the set frequency as he deems required to ensure the quality and contractor is to perform the
additional tests on his own.
- Implementation of various items of work should be carried out according to the set frequency and costs of
all tests even additional to the frequency requirement should be covered by the quoted rate.

7.3.4 Tests on Bituminous Construction

The test and their minimum frequencies for the different types of bituminous works shall be as given in Table 7 -75. Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria for tests on density and Marshall stability shall be subject to the condition that the mean
value is not less than the specified value plus:

1 . 65
( 1 . 65−
( No. of Samples )0 .5)×the standard deviation [ Ref .: MORTH Specification , 4 th Ed .]

7.3.5 Quality Control Tests for Concrete Road Construction Dry Lean Concrete Sub-base Sampling and testing of cubes

Samples of dry lean concrete for making cubes shall be taken from the uncompacted material from different locations
immediately before compaction at the rate of 3 samples for each 1000 sq . m. or part thereof laid each day. The
sampling of mix shall be done from the paving site.
Test cubes of 150 mm size shall be made immediately from each mix sample.
Cubes shall be made in accordance with the methods described in BS 1881 except that the cubes shall be compacted
by means of a vibratory hammer with the moulds placed on a level and rigid base. The vibrating hammer shall be
electric or pneumatic type fitted with square or rectangular foot having an area of between 7500 to 14000 sq . mm.
The compaction shall be uniformly applied for 60 ± 5 seconds with a downward force of between 300 N and 400 N on
to each of the three layers of the lean concrete material placed into the mould. The surface of each compacted layer
shall be scarified before the next layer is added to give key for the next layer. The final layer shall be finished flush
with the top of the cube mould.
The dry lean concrete cubes shall be cured in accordance with BS 1881. In-situ density

The dry density of the laid material shall be determined from three density holes at locations equally spaced along a
diagonal that bisects each 2000 square meter or part thereof laid each day and shall comply with the requirements as
per Clause This rate of testing may be increased at the discretion of the Engineer in case of doubt or to
determine the extent of defective area in the event of non-compliance. Density holes at random may be made to
check the density at edges. Thickness
The average thickness of the subbase layer as computed by the level data of sub-base and subgrade or lower sub-base
shall be as per the thickness specified in the contract drawings. The thickness at any single location shall not be 10
mm less than the specified thickness. Such areas shall be corrected as stated in Clause Areas which cannot
be repaired should be replaced over full width. The extent of deficient area should be decided based on cores. Frequency of quality control tests

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The frequency of quality control tests for levels, alignment and materials shall be as in in Table 7 -75. Pavement concrete Sampling and testing of beam and cube specimens

At least two beams and two cube specimens, one each for 7 day and 28 day strength testing shall be cast for every
150 cu. m (or part thereof) of concrete placed during construction. On each day’s work, not less than three pairs of
beams and cubes shall be made for each type of mix from the concrete delivered to the paving plant . Each pair shall
be from a different delivery of concrete and tested at a place to be designated by the Engineer in accordance with the
testing procedure as outlined in Clause Groups of four consecutive results from single specimens tested at
28 days shall be used for assessing the strength for compliance with the strength requirements . The specimens shall
be transported in an approved manner to prevent sudden impact causing fractures or damage to the specimen . The
flexural strength test results shall prevail over compressive strength tests for compliance.
A quality control chart indicating the strength values of individual specimens shall be maintained for continuous
quality assurance. Where the requirements are not met with, or where the quality of the concrete or its compaction is
suspect, the actual strength of the concrete in the slab shall be ascertained by carrying out tests on cores cut from the
hardened concrete at such locations. The cores shall be cut at the rate of 2 cores for every 150 cu. m. of concrete. The
results of crushing strength tests on these cores shall not be less than 0.8 times the corresponding crushing strength
of cubes, where the height to diameter ration of the core is two. Where height to diameter ration is varied, then the
necessary corrections shall be made in calculating the crushing strength of cubes in the following manner.
The crushing strengths of cylinders with height to diameter ratios between 1 and 2 may be corrected to correspond to
a standard cylinder of height to diameter ration of 2 by multiplying with the correction factor obtained from the
following equation:
f = 0.11n + 0.78
Where, f = correction factor and
n = height to diameter ratio
The corrected test results shall be analyzed for conformity with the specification requirements for cube samples.
Where the core tests are satisfactory, they shall have precedence for assessing concrete quality over the results of
moulded specimens. The diameter of cores shall not be less than 150 mm.
If, however, the tests on cores also confirm that the concrete is not satisfying the strength requirements, then the
concrete corresponding to the area from which the cores were cut should be replaced, i.e., at least over an area
extending between two transverse joints where the defects could be isolated or over larger areas, if necessary, as
assessed by additional cores and their test results. The equivalent flexural strength at 28 days shall be estimated in
accordance with Clause
In order to ensure that the specified minimum strength at 28 days is attained in 99 per cent of all test beams, the mix
shall be proportioned to give an average strength at 28 days exceeding the specified strength by 2.33 times the
standard deviation calculated first from the flexural strengths of test beams made from the trial mix and subsequently
from the accumulating result of flexural strengths of job control test beams.
The standard deviation shall be re-calculated from the test results obtained after any change in the source or quality
of materials and the mix shall be adjusted as necessary to comply with the requirements.
An individual 28 day test strength below the specified strength shall not be evidence for condemnation of the
concrete concerned if the average 28 day strength of this beam plus the preceding 5 and succeeding 4 beams exceeds
the specified strength by 2.33 times the standard deviation and provided that there is no other evidence that the
concrete mix concerned is substandard.
Beams shall be made each day in pairs at intervals, each pair being from a different batch of concrete . At the start of
the work, and until such time as the Engineer may order a reduction in the number of beams required, at least six
pairs of beams and cubes shall be made each day, one of each pair for testing at 28 days for determination of the
minimum permissible flexural strength and the other for testing at an early age for the Engineer to assess the quality
of the mix. When the first thirty number of 28-day results are available, and for so long as the Engineer is satisfied
with the quality of the mix, he may reduce the number of beams and cubes required.
During the course of construction, when the source of any material is to be changed, or if there is any variation in the
quality of the materials furnished, additional tests and necessary adjustments in the mix shall be made as required to
obtain the specified strength.

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The flexural strengths obtained on beams tested before 28 days shall be used in conjunction with a correlation
between them and the 28 day flexural strengths to detect any deterioration in the quality of the concrete being
produced. Any such deterioration shall be remedied without awaiting the 28 day strengths but the earlier strengths
shall not constitute sole evidence of non-compliance of the concrete from which they were taken.
Concrete shall not comply with the Specification when more than one test beam in a batch has a 28 day strength less
than the specified strength and the average 28 day flexural strength of the batch of beams is less than the specified
strength plus 2.33 times the standard deviation of the batch.
Should the concrete fail to pass the Specification for strength as described above, the Contractor may, all at his own
expense, elect to cut cores from the suspect concrete as the Engineer shall direct. From the relation between cube
strength and flexural strength, the core strength shall be converted to flexural strength.
Any concrete that fails to meet the strength specification shall be removed and replaced at Contractor’s expense. In-situ density

The density of the compacted concrete shall be such that the total air voids are not more than 3 per cent . The air
voids shall be derived from the difference between the theoretical maximum dry density of the concrete calculated
from the specific gravities of the constituents of the concrete mix and the average value of three direct density
measurements made on cores at least 150 mm diameter. Three cores shall be taken from trial lengths and in first two
km length of the pavement, while the slab is being constructed during normal working. The proportions of the mix
and the vibratory effort imparted i.e. the frequency and magnitude of vibration shall be adjusted to achieve the
maximum density.
All cores taken for density measurement in the trial section shall also be checked for thickness. The same cores shall
be made use of for determining in-situ strength. In case of doubt, additional cores may be ordered by the Engineer
and taken at locations decided by him to check the density of concrete slab or the position of dowel/tie bars without
any compensation being paid for the same.
In calculating the density, allowance shall be made for any steel in cores.
Cores removed from the main carriageway shall be reinstated with compacted concrete with mix proportions of 1
part of Portland cement: 2 parts of fine aggregate: 2 parts of 10 mm nominal size single sized coarse aggregate by
weight. Before filling the fine mix, the sides shall be hacked and cleaned with water. Thereafter cement-sand slurry
shall be applied to the sides just prior to filling the concrete mix. Thickness
Thickness shall be controlled by taking levels as indicated in Clause 7.2.3. Thickness of the slab at any point checked as
mentioned above shall be within a tolerance of –5 mm to + 25 mm of the specified thickness as per Drawing.
Thickness deficiency more than 5 mm may be accepted and paid for at a reduced rate given in Clause 6.22.15. In no
case, however, thickness deficiency shall be more than 25 mm. Summary of control tests

Table 7 -76 gives a summary of frequency of testing of pavement quality concrete (PQC).
Table 7- 76 : Frequency of Quality Control Tests for Paving Quality Concrete (PQC)
1. Levels, alignment and texture
Level tolerance Clause 7.2.3
Width of pavement and position of paving edges Clause 7.2.2
Pavement Thickness Clause 7.2.3 and Clause
Alignment of joints, widths, depths of dowel grooves To be checked @ one joint per 400m length or a day’s
work whichever is more
Surface regularity both transversely and longitudinally Once a day or one day’s work, without disturbing the
curing operation.
Alignment of dowel bars and their accuracy/ tie bars To be checked in trial length as per Clause
and once on every 2 km.
Texture Depth Clause
2. Quality of Material and Concrete
ASTM C 109 Once for each source of supply and occasionally when
Physical and Chemical ASTM C 191 called for in case of long/improper storage. Besides, the
Tests ASTM C 184 Contractor also will submit daily test data on cement
BDS EN 196-1 released by the Manufacturer.
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One test for every day’s work of each fraction of coarse

Gradation ASTM C 136 aggregate and fine aggregate, initially, may be relaxed
later at the discretion of the Engineer.
Coarse and
Deleterious Constituents ASTM C 295 -do-
Regularly as required subject to a minimum of one test a
ASTM C 127 day for coarse aggregate & two tests a day for fine
Water Absorption
ASTM C 128 aggregate. This data shall be used for correcting the
water demand of the mix on daily basis.
Los Angeles Abrasion Once for each source of supply and subsequently on
ASTM C 131
Value or Aggregate Impact monthly basis.
BS 812
Coarse Value
Aggregate Before approving the aggregates and every month
Soundness ASTM C 88
Alkali aggregate reactivity ASTM C 1260 -do-
Once for approval of source of supply, subsequently only
Water Chemical Tests ASTM C 1602
in case of doubt.
2 cubes and 2 beams per 150m3 or part thereof (one for
Strength of Concrete 7 day and other for 28 day strength) or minimum 6 days
BS 188
cubes and 6 beams per day’s work whichever is more.
As per the requirement of the Engineer; only in case of
Core Strength on
ASTM C 42 doubt.
Concrete Hardened Concrete
One test for each dumper load at both Batching plant
Workability of fresh site and paving site initially when work starts.
ASTM C 143
concrete-Slump Test Subsequently sampling may be done from alternate
From the level data of concrete pavement surface and
Thickness determination
sub-base at grid points of 5/6.5 m x 3.5 m
Thickness measurement 3 cores per trial length.
for trial length
Verification of level of String line or steel forms shall be checked for level at an
string line in the case of interval of 5.0m or 6.5m. The level tolerance allowed
slip from paving and steel shall be ±2 mm. These shall be got approved 1-2 hours
forms in the case of fixed before the commencement of the concreting activity.
form paving

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8.1.1 General
Bricks shall be manufactured from clay or shale or a combination of these materials and shall be uniformly burnt
throughout. They shall be hard and sound and give a clear metallic ring when struck with a small hammer or another
brick and should not break when dropped to the earth from a height of 1.5m with one brick above another in the
formation of a ‘T’. The surface should be too hard to be scratched with the fingernail.
Bricks shall be stacked on dry firm ground in regular tiers. Each stack shall comprise 50 bricks in length and 10 bricks in
height, the bricks being placed on edge. The width of each stack shall be formed with two bricks. Clear distance
between adjacent stacks shall be not less than 800mm.
Bricks shall be loaded or un-loaded with care, and shall not be thrown or dumped. They shall be carried from the
stack to the Site of placement in small batches as and when necessary.

8.1.2 First class bricks

First Class Bricks shall comply with the following requirements:
- Appearance: Sound, hard and well burnt, uniform in size, shape and colour, homogeneous in texture and
shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp straight right-angled edges. This shall be of
uniform colour (generally deep red or copper), homogeneous in texture and free from cracks, flaws and
nodules of free lime. A fractured surface shall show a uniform compact structure free from holes, lumps or
grits. Shall emit clear metallic sound when struck. When scratched by steel or nails there should be no
permanent mark on the surface.
- Unit Weight: Unit-weight to be determined by breaking bricks to the following sizes.
Sieve Sizes (mm) Percentage Min. weight
Passing Retained of sample in gm.
38 25 25 750
25 19 25 750
19 12.5 25 750
12.5 9.5 25 750

Crushing strength 170 kg/cm2 (average) but not less than 140 kg/cm2 in any individual bricks.
Maximum water absorption capacity 20% of dry weight
Efflorescence Nil
Dimensions (+3mm) 240mm x 115mm x 70mm

8.1.3 Picked jhama bricks

Picked Jhama Bricks shall be over-brunt first Class Bricks, uniformly vitrified throughout with good shape, hard,
slightly black in colour and without cracks or spongy areas.
Picked Jhama Bricks may have dimensions slightly below those for first class bricks but not less than 235mm x 110mm
x 70mm.
Water absorption, as a percentage of the dry weight, shall not exceed 15%.
Crushing strength should be on average 210 kg/cm2, but not less than 170 kg/cm2 in any individual bricks
All other requirements for First class bricks shall also apply to Picked Jhama Bricks.


8.2.1 General
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Aggregates shall be hard, strong, durable, dense and free from injurious amount of adherent coatings, clay, lumps,
dust, soft or flaky particles, shell, mica, alkali, organic matter and other deleterious substances . The various sizes of
particles of which an aggregate is composed of shall be uniformly distributed throughout the mass.
Testing of aggregates shall be in accordance with ASTM C 136/ AASHTO T 27.
Approval of a source of aggregate by the Engineer shall not be construed as constituting the approval of all materials
to be taken from that source and the Contractor shall be responsible for the specified quantity and quality of all such
materials used in the Work. Aggregates shall not be obtained from sources, which have not been approved by the
The Contractor shall provide means of storing the aggregates at each point where concrete is made such that
 aggregates shall be stored on a hard and dry patch of ground covered with a 50mm thick layer of lean concrete
 each nominal size of coarse aggregate and the fine aggregate shall be kept separated at all times
 contamination of the aggregates by the ground or other foreign materials shall be effectively prevented at all
 each heap of aggregate shall be capable of draining freely
 the aggregates shall be handled so as to avoid segregation
The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer such samples of the aggregate as he may require . Such samples
shall be collected at the point of discharge of aggregate to the batching plant /mixer machine. If any such sample does
not conform to the Specifications, the aggregate shall promptly be removed from the site and the Contractor shall
carry out such modifications to the supply and storage arrangements as may be necessary to secure compliance with
the Specifications.

8.2.2 Coarse aggregate General
Coarse aggregate shall be obtained from breaking hard durable rock or gravel or Picked Jhama Bricks, which conform
to the requirements of AASTHO M 80. Coarse aggregate shall be clean, free from dust and other deleterious
materials. They shall not consist pieces of disintegrated stones, soft, flaky, elongated particles, salt, alkali, vegetable
matter or other deleterious materials in such quantities as to reduce the strength and durability of the concrete, or to
attach the steel reinforcement. Coarse aggregate having positive alkali silica reaction shall not be used. The grading of
the coarse aggregate shall be such that when combined with the approved fine aggregate and cement, it shall
produce a workable concrete of maximum density.
Aggregate pieces shall be angular in shape and have granular or crystalline or smooth, but not glossy non -powdery
Maximum allowable limits of deleterious substances that shall not be exceeded for coarse aggregate have been
shown in the following table:
Material Mass Percent
Soft fragments 2.00
Clay lumps 0.25
Material passing the 0.075mm sieve 0.50 for clay
1.50 for fracture dust
Thin or elongated pieces: Flakiness index less than 30.00

The Aggregate Crushing Value (BS 812) shall be less than 30% and the ten percent fine value (BS 812) shall be greater
than 150 KN.
Grading for nominal size coarse aggregate shall comply with the following ASTM C 33 standard gradations:

20mm nominal size Coarse Aggregate 40mm nominal size Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight
25 100 50 100
19 90-100 37.5 95-100
12.50 20-55 19 35-70
9.50 0-15 9.5 10-30
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20mm nominal size Coarse Aggregate 40mm nominal size Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight
4.75 0-5 4.75 0-5

Coarse aggregate subject to five cycles of the Soundness Test, specified in ASTM C 88, shall not show a loss exceeding
10% when magnesium sulphate solution is used except where otherwise approved.
The flakiness and elongation indices of the predominant size fractions in each single sized coarse aggregate,
determined in accordance with BS 812, shall not exceed 20% and 35% by weight respectively.
Aggregate for use in concrete which is subject to abrasion and impact shall comply with the Test requirements of BS
812 and the Specification of BS 63 Part 1 and BS 63 Part 2 and BS 882 respectively.
Coarse aggregate shall be tested for drying shrinkage characteristics in accordance with BRS Digest No.35.
Grading tests shall be carried out before the start of any production and at weekly intervals when concrete is being
produced. The Engineer reserves the right to draw samples of aggregates from any stockpile at any time for testing
and the contractor shall deliver the samples at his cost to any approved accredited laboratory . Aggregates whose
grading, are found to fall outside the accepted zone shall be rejected.
Coarse aggregate shall be stored at site in such a manner that it is not contaminated by fine aggregate, earth or other
foreign matter. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent segregation of the coarse aggregate while it is being
transported and stacked. Stone aggregate

The boulders to be used as coarse aggregate in concrete shall be composed of limestone, sandstone, granite, trap
rock or rock of similar nature and shall have the following properties:
Compressive strength (minimum) 490 kg/cm2
Specific gravity 2.4 – 2.7
Unit-weight 2245 – 2566 kg/cum
Porosity 2% – 6%
Water absorption 1.5% – 5% by weight
Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) Less than 30%
Los Angles Abrasion test (LA) Shall not exceed 30%
Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) Less than 30%

The boulder shall be of uniform light colour as approved and shall be free from thin lamination, adherent coatings and
deleterious substances. The wear loss of coarse aggregate of all types shall not exceed 30% by weight when tested by
the Los Angles Abrasion Test.
The boulders shall be supplied in sizes that can be handled manually by one person. Stock piling shall be such as to
permit ready identification of the materials and shall be approved by the Engineer. Site for stockpiles shall be clean
prior to storing materials. The stockpiles shall be built up in layers not to exceed 1.22m. In height and each layer shall
be inspected before the next layer is started. The crushed boulder chips shall be stacked in accordance with the
specified sizes in different stacks as directed by the Engineer. Height of each stack should not exceed 33% of the
minimum base dimension of the stack. Brick aggregate

Brick aggregate shall be as far practically as possible of uniform specific gravity . Blown bricks or unevenly burnt bricks
shall not be crushed for purposes of providing aggregates. Best possible first class picked jhama bricks of selected
quality only shall be allowed to be crushed.
Brick aggregate shall consist of first class Picked Jhama Brick chips graded as stated above under the Sub -section
‘General’. All brick aggregates shall be screened and washed at Contractor’s own costs and shall consist of clean, well-
shaped cubical particles, free from splintered or flaky particles, soil, organic matter or any deleterious material. Storage of coarse aggregate

Aggregate of different sizes or grades and from different sources of supply shall not be mixed . All aggregate shall be
stored separately free from contact with earth and other deleterious matter. The coarse aggregate should be
stockpiled in different stacks, according to the sieve sizes.

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All precautions shall be taken during transport and stockpiling of coarse aggregate to prevent segregation . Segregated
aggregate shall not be used until they have been thoroughly re-mixed and the resulting stack is of uniform and
acceptable gradation.
Aggregate shall be stock-piled at least 7 (seven) days prior to their anticipated use to permit the Engineer to sample
each stock-pile to determine the acceptability of the material for the intended use.

8.2.3 Fine aggregate General
Fine aggregate for use in the concrete and masonry work shall be non-saline clean natural sand and have a Specific
Gravity not less than 2.6 and conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 6 and ASTM C 144. It shall be angular (gritty
to touch), hard and durable, free from clay, mica and soft flaky pieces. All sands must be well washed and clean
before use.
Fine aggregate shall not contain dust, lumps, soft or flaky materials, mica or other deleterious materials in such
quantities as to reduce the strength and durability of concrete, or to attack the embedded steel. Motorised sand
washing machines should be used to remove impurities from sand. Fine aggregate having positive alkali-silica reaction
shall not be used.
A well graded sand should be used for cement work as it adds to the density of the mortars and concretes . Sand
required for brick work needs to be finer than that for stone work.
Sand which contains 90% of particles of size greater than 0.06mm and less than 0.2mm is fine sand. On the other
hand, sand which contains 90% of particles of size greater than 0.6mm and less than 2mm is coarse sand.
Supply methods and stock piling of sand shall be such as to permit ready identification of the materials delivered and
shall be approved by the Engineer. Impurities
Sand shall be clean and free from injurious amount of organic impurities. Deleterious substances shall not exceed the
following percentage by weight.
Material passing No. 200 sieve 2.0
Shale, coat, soft or flaky fragments 1.0
Sulphur compounds 0.3
Clay Lumps (wet, on No. 4 sieve) 0.00
Fine aggregate subject to five cycles of the soundness test, specified in ASTM C 88 shall not show a loss exceeding 10
mass percent when magnesium sulphate solution is used except where otherwise approved. Grading
Sand shall be well graded from coarse to fine within the limits given below or shall conform to the specified Fineness
Fine aggregate for concrete Fine aggregate for masonry
Sieve No. % Passing by Weight Sieve No. % Passing by Weight
9.5mm 100 4 100
4 95-100 8 95-100
16 45-80 16 70-100
50 10-30 30 40-75
100 2-10 50 10-35
100 2-15 Sand fill

Sand for sand fill shall consist of hard, dense, durable materials free from injurious amounts of clay lumps, lightweight
materials or other deleterious substances.
Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, sand fill with gunny bags shall have Fineness Modulus not less than 0.8.
Sand fill for the Geo-textile bags shall, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, comply with the following grading:

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d90 0.60 to 0.30
d86 0.50 to 0.25
d60 0.40 to 0.20
d50 0.35 to 0.20
d10 0.20 to 0.05


8.3.1 General
Cement used in the works shall be obtained from manufacturers, approved in writing by the Engineer and shall be
cement complying with the requirements of BDS EN 197.1: 2003. Any of the following types of cement may be used
with prior approval of the Engineer.
Sl. No. Main Type Types of Common Cement Conforming to
i) CEM I Portland Cement CEM I 52.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
ii) CEM II Portland-fly ash Cement CEM II/A-V 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
CEM II/A-W 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-limestone Cement CEM II/A-L 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003
Portland-composite Cement CEM II/A-M 42.5 N BDS EN 197-1:2003

Special cements shall conform to the requirements provided in writing by the Engineer.
Each consignment of cement delivered to the site must be accompanied by a certificate showing the place of
manufacture and the results of standard tests carried out on the bulk supply from which the cement was extracted.
The Engineer may make any test, which he considers advisable or necessary to ascertain, if the cement has
deteriorated in any manner during transit or storage. Any cement which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is of doubtful
quality shall not be used in the Work until it has been re-tested and test result sheets, showing that it complies in all
respects with the relevant standard, have been delivered to and accepted by the Engineer.
Cement that becomes lumpy or otherwise deteriorated in transit or storage shall not be used for brick masonry or
concrete works. All cement unfit for use shall be removed from the site immediately.
The Engineer shall ask to carry out sampling, inspection and testing of all cement as may consider be necessary .
Samples shall be taken as instructed from the site store, or from elsewhere on the Work or from any places where
cement is used for incorporation in the work.
The Contractor shall not change the cement brand or source of any approved cementitious material until he has
obtained permission in writing from the Engineer prior to the change.

8.3.2 Mechanical Requirements Standard Strength:
The standard strength of a cement is the compressive strength determined in accordance with EN 196 -1 at 28 days
and shall conform to the requirements in Table 8 -77.
Table 8-77 Mechanical and Physical requirements given as characteristic values
Strength Compressive Strength Initial Setting Soundness
Class MPa Time (Expansion)
min mm
Early Strength Standard Strength
2 days 7 days 28 days
52.5 N ≥ 20.0 - ≥ 52.5 - ≥ 45 ≤ 10
42.5 N ≥ 10.0 - ≥ 42.5 ≤ 62.5 ≥ 60 Early Strength:

The early strength of a cement is the compressive strength determined in accordance with EN 196-1 at either 2 days
or 7 days and shall conform to the requirements in Table 8 -77.
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8.3.3 Physical Requirements Initial Setting Time:
The initial setting time, determined in accordance with EN 196-3 shall conform to the requirements in Table 8 -77.
The final setting time shall not be more than 375 minutes. Soundness:
The expansion, determined in accordance with EN 196-3, shall conform to the requirement in Table 8 -77.
Cement, when tested for fineness, shall have a specific surface of not less than 160m 2/kg. The unit weight of cement
shall be 14.16 KN/m3.

8.3.4 Rejection of cement

The Engineer may reject any cement as the result of any tests thereof notwithstanding the manufacturer ’s certificate.
The Engineer may also reject cement, which has deteriorated owing to inadequate protection or from other causes
where the cement is not to his satisfaction. The Contractor shall remove at his costs all rejected cement from the site
without delay.

8.3.5 Storage of cement

Cement shall be delivered to the Work site in sound and properly sealed jute/paper bags, each plainly marked with
manufactures name or registered mark. Cement shall be well protected from weather by tarpaulins or other
approved cover during transit. Weight of individual bag containing cement shall be 50 kg and weight of all bags shall
be uniform. Weight of cement shall be legibly marked on each bag. Bags in broken or damaged condition shall be
The Contractor shall provide waterproof and well-ventilated godowns at the specified or approved location at the site
having a floor of wood or concrete raised platform at minimum 450mm above the ground so as to protect the cement
against moisture from air or from any other source. Sheds shall be large enough to allow a minimum 300mm gap
between the stacked cement and the godown walls to store cement in sufficient quantity to ensure continuity of work
and to permit each consignment to be stacked separately therein to permit easy access for inspection. All storage
facilities shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
Immediately upon arrival at the site, cement shall be stored in the godowns with adequate provisions to prevent
absorption of moisture. The Contractor shall use the consignments in the order in which they are received. Cement
delivered to the site in drums or bags provided by the supplier or manufacturer, shall be stored in the drums or bags
until used in the Work. Any cement in drums or bags which has been opened shall be used immediately on opening .
Cement shall not be stored in a godown for more than 3 (three) months if bagged or 6 (six) months, if in bulk or a
lessor period as directed by the Engineer. After this period is over, any unused cement shall be removed from the site.


8.4.1 General
Admixtures are materials added to the concrete before or during mixing with a view to modify one or more of the
properties of concrete in the plastic or hardened state.
Information to be submitted for the Engineer's acceptance before any admixture is supplied shall be in accordance
with ASTM C 494.
Concrete admixtures are proprietary items of manufacture and shall be obtained only from established
manufacturers with proven track record, quality assurance and full-fledged laboratory facilities for the manufacture
and testing of concrete. All admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
The contractor shall provide the following information concerning each admixture after obtaining the same from the
a) Normal dosage and detrimental effects, if any, of under dosage and over dosage.
b) The chemical names of the main ingredients in the admixtures.
c) The chloride content, if any, expressed as a percentage by the weight of the admixture.

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d) Values of dry material content, ash content and relative density of the admixture which can be used for
Uniformity Tests.
e) Whether or not the admixture leads to the entertainment of air when used as per the manufacturer’s
recommended dosage, and if so to what extent.
f) Where two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, confirmation as to their
g) There would be no increase in risk of corrosion of the reinforcement or other embedments as a result of
using the admixture.

8.4.2 Physical and Chemical Requirements

All admixtures for use in concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 494. In addition, the following
conditions shall be satisfied.
a) “Plasticisers”/ “Normal Range” and “Super-Plasticisers”/ “High Range” shall meet the requirements indicated
for “Water reducing Admixture”.
b) The chloride content of the admixtures shall not exceed 0.2 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM C
494. In addition, the maximum permissible limit of chloride content of all the constituents as indicated in this
section shall also be observed.
c) Uniformity tests on the admixtures are essential to compare qualitatively the composition of different
samples taken from batch to batch or from the same batch at different times.
The tests that shall be performed along with permissible variations in the same are indicated below:
a. Dry Material Content: to be within 3 per cent and 5 per cent of liquid and solid
b. Ash content: to be within 1 per cent of the value stated by the manufacturer.
c. Relative Density (for liquid admixtures): to be within 2 per cent of the value stated by the
d) All tests relating to the concretes admixtures shall be conducted periodically at an independent laboratory
and compared with the data given by the manufacturer.
If more than one admixture is used, the admixtures shall be compatible with each other and shall be incorporated
into the concrete mix in correct sequence so that the desired effects of all admixtures are obtained . If such
combination of admixtures has not been used before by the constructor and the manufacturer does not give any
guidance, short term and long term properties of concrete with the untested combination shall be examined by an
expert to assess any vulnerabilities of the concrete to accelerated degradation as a result of such new combination.
A Certificate of Compliance (COC) signed by the manufacturer of the admixture shall be furnished to the Engineer for
each shipment of admixture used in the work. The Certificate of Compliance shall be based upon laboratory test
results from an approved testing facility and shall certify that the admixture meets the above specifications.


8.5.1 General
The Contractor shall submit mill certificates and other test results to show that each batch of reinforcement,
delivered to site, complies with the following standards: Deformed Reinforcement:

Reinforcing steel under this type comprises Grade 300, 400, 420 & 500 deformed re-bars with yield strength of not
less than 300 MPa, 400 MPa, 420 MPa & 500 MPa respectively. Deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to the
following BDS and ASTM standards;
a) BDS ISO 6935-2:2006, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Part-2: Ribbed bars;
b) BDS ISO 6935-2:2015, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Part-2: Ribbed bars;
c) ASTM A 615, Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement;
d) ASTM A 706, Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars for Concrete
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e) ASTM A 767, Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement and
f) BDS ISO 14654: 2013, Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of Concrete.
g) ASTM A 775, Standard Specification for Epoxy-coated Steel Reinforcing Bars Plain Reinforcement:

Reinforcing steel under this type comprises Grade 300 plain and round in shape re-bars with yield strength of not less
than 300 MPa. Plain reinforcement shall conform to the following BDS and ASTM Standards.
a) BDS ISO 6935-1:2006, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Part-1: Plain bars;
b) ASTM A 615, Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement;
Reinforcement shall be accurately formed to the dimensions indicated on the Drawings. All bars shall be cut and/or
bent in accordance with ACI 318.
Reinforcement shall not be surrounded by concrete unless it is free from mud, oil, paint, retarders, loose rust, loose
mill scale, grease or any other substance which can be shown to affect adversely the steel or concrete chemically, or
reduce the bond.
No splices shall be made in the reinforcement except where shown on the Drawings or where accepted by the
Engineer. In such splices, the bar shall be placed in contact and wired. Splices in adjacent bars shall be staggered.
Where reinforcement mesh has to be lapped, the amount of lap shall be either determined as for plain bars
considering the bars of mesh which are being lapped or one whole mesh whichever is greater . Laps shall be in
accordance with ACI 318.
Only new steel shall be delivered to the site. Every bar shall be inspected before assembling on the work and
defective, brittle or burnt bar shall be discarded. Cracked ends of bars shall be discarded.
The client/employer may exercise occasional checks of material conformity with the test certificates of Main/Major
producers including supply from agent through chemical analysis by any third party, in case of doubt regarding the
quality of steel supplied
Fusion-bonded epoxy coated reinforcing bars shall meet the requirements of BDS ISO 14654/ ASTM A 775. Additional
requirements for the use of such reinforcement bars have been given below:
a) Patch up materials shall be procured in sealed containers with certificates from the agency who has supplied
the fusion bonded epoxy bars.
b) PVC coated G.I. binding wires of 18G shall only be used in conjunction with fusion bonded epoxy bars.
c) Chairs for supporting the reinforcement shall also be of fusion bonded epoxy coated bars.
d) The cut ends and damaged portions shall be touched up with repair patch up material.
e) The bars shall be cut by saw-cutting rather than flame cutting.
f) While bending the bars, the pins of work benches shall be provided with PVC or plastic sleeves.
g) The coated steel shall not be directly exposed to sun rays or rains and shall be protected with opaque
polyethyelene sheets or such other approved materials.
h) While concreting, the workmen or trolley shall not directly move on coated bars but can move on wooden
planks placed on the bars.
When specified in the contract, Zinc Rich Cold galvanized coated reinforcement conforming to specifications given in
ASTM A 767 shall be provided in protection against corrosion. This type of coating work on the principle of composite
actions of sacrificial and barrier protection of corrosion process. Additional requirements for the use of such
reinforcement bars are given below:
a) While bending the bars, the pins of work benches shall be provided with PVC or plastic sleeves.
b) The bundling of the coated steel bars shall be done so that no rubbing on surface takes place during
c) Storage and staging of the coated bars shall be so as to avoid direct cont5ract with the soils.
d) For longer storage the coated steel shall not be exposed to sun rays or rains and shall be protected with
opaque polythelene sheets.

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8.5.2 Dimensions, masses and tolerances

Dimensions, masses and tolerances are given in Table 8 -78.
Table 8- 78 : Dimensions, masses and tolerances
Nominal Bar Diameter a Nominal cross-sectional area b Mass per unit length
d So Nominal c Permissible deviation d
(mm) (mm ) (kg/m) (%)
6 28.3 0.222 ±8
8 50.3 0.395 ±8
10 78.3 0.617 ±5
12 113 0.888 ±5
14 154 1.21 ±5
16 201 1.58 ±5
20 314 2.47 ±5
25 491 3.85 ±4
28 616 4.84 ±4
32 804 6.31 ±4
40 1256 9.86 ±4
50 1964 15.42 ±4
Diameters larger than 50 mm should be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser. The permissible
deviation on mass for such bars shall be ± 4 %.
S0 = 0.7854 x d2
Mass per unit length = 7.85 x 10-3 x S0.
Permissible deviation refers to a single bar.

Preferred standard lengths of straight bars are 12 m or 18 m. Permissible deviation on delivery length from rolling mill
shall be ± 100 mm.

8.5.3 Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of steel, as determined by cast analysis, shall conform to Table 8 -79.
The carbon equivalent CEV is calculated according to the formula

Mn (Cr +V + Mo) (Cu+ ¿)

CEV =C+ + +
6 5 15
where C, Mn, Cr, V, Mo, Cu and Ni are the mass fractions, expressed as percentages of the respective chemical
elements of the steel.
The permissible deviation of the product analysis relative to the cast analysis as specified in Table 8 -79 is given in
Table 8-4.
Table 8-79 : Chemical composition based on cast analysis – Maximum values of mass fractions in percentage
Steel Grade Cb Si Mn P S Nc Ceq b,d
6935-2: 2006 6935-2: 2015
RB 300 B300A-R - - - 0.060 0.060 - -
RB 400 B300B-R
RB 500 B300C-R
RB 400W B400AWR 0.22 0.60 1.60 0.050 0.050 0.012 0.50
RB 500W B400BWR

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Steel Grade Cb Si Mn P S Nc Ceq b,d

6935-2: 2006 6935-2: 2015
B400DWR 0.29 0.55 1.8 0.040 0.040 0.012 0.56
B420DWR d 0.30 0.55 1.50 0.040 0.040 0.012 0.56
The first “B” stands for steel for reinforcing concrete. The next 3 digits represent the specified characteristic value
of minimum upper yield strength. The fifth symbol stands for ductility class. The sixth symbol relates to welding;
“-“ means not intended for welding and “W” means intended for welding. The last “R” stands for ribbed bar.
For RB 400W, RB 500W, B400AWR, B400BWR, B400CWR, B500AWR, B500BWR and B400CWR with diameters
larger than 32mm, the maximum carbon content (C) is 0.25% and the maximum carbon equivalent (CEV) is
A higher mass fraction of nitrogen may be used, if sufficient quantities of nitrogen-binding elements are present.
Other CEV formulae and values may be sued by agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.
Alloy elements, such as Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, V, Nb, Ti and Zr, may be added by agreement between the manufacturer
and purchaser.

Table 8-80 : Permissible deviation in product analysis in percentage by mass a

Elements Specified maximum value in cast Permissible deviation in product analysis from the
analysis in Table 8 -79 specified limits of the cast analysis in Table 8 -79
% %
C ≤ 0.25 + 0.02
> 0.25 +0.03
Si ≤ 0.60 +0.05
Mn ≤ 1.65 + 0.06
> 1.65 +0.08
P ≤ 0.05 + 0.008
> 0.05 +0.010
S ≤ 0.05 + 0.008
> 0.05 +0.010
N ≤ 0.012 +0.002
In case of product analysis, the maximum value of CEV shall be as given in Table 8 -79 with a tolerance of 0.05.

8.5.4 Mechanical Properties Tensile properties
The material shall conform to the requirements for specified characteristic tensile properties specified in Table 8 -81.
Table 8-81 : Tensile Properties
Ductility Steel Specified characteristic Tensile Ductility Properties
Class Grade value of upper yield Strength
Specified Specified characteristic
strength Rm
characteristic value of elongation a
value of %
MPa c
Minimum Maximum Minimum A Agt
Minimum Minimum
RB 300 300 330 16 2.5
RB 400
400 440 14 2.5
RB 400W
RB 500
500 550 14 2.5
RB 500W

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Ductility Steel Specified characteristic Tensile Ductility Properties

Class Grade value of upper yield Strength
Specified Specified characteristic
strength Rm
characteristic value of elongation a
value of %
MPa c
Minimum Maximum Minimum A Agt
Minimum Minimum
B300A-R 300 - 16
A 400 - 1.02 14 2
500 - 14
B300B-R 300 - 16
B 400 - 1.08 5
500 -
B300C-R 300 - 16
C 400 - 1.15 7
500 -
B300D-R -
D 300 1.25 17 b 8
B300DWR 1.3 x ReH(min.)
B400DWR 400
B420DWR 420 16 b
B500DWR 500 13 b
By agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser, the type of elongation shall be selected between A and A gt.
If the type of elongation is not specified by agreement, Agt should be used.
In the case of the bars with diameter 32mm or more in ductility class D, the minimum specified characteristic value
for A may be decreased by 2% for each 3 mm increase in diameter. However, the maximum diminution from the
minimum specified characteristic value stated in above table is limited to 4%. Bending properties

The bend test shall be performed in accordance with After testing, the bars shall show neither rupture nor
cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected vision. Rebinding properties

Regarding steel grades of RB 400, RB 400W, RB 500, RB 500W, B400A-R, B400B-R, B400C-R, B400AWR, B400BWR,
B400CWR, B400DWR, B420DWR, B500A-R, B500B-R, B500C-R, B500AWR, B500BWR, B400CWR and B500DWR, if
required by the purchaser, the rebend test shall be performed in accordance with
The rebend test is used to verify the ageing properties of bent bars. After testing, the bars shall show neither rupture
nor cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected vision. Fatigue properties

If required by the purchaser, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the fatigue properties of the product based on
axial-force-controlled fatigue testing in the fluctuating tension range in accordance with

8.5.5 Testing of mechanical properties Tensile test
The tensile test shall be carried out according to ISO 15630-1.
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For the determination of percentage total elongation at maximum force, A gt, equidistance marks shall be made on the
free length of the test piece.
For determination of tensile properties, the nominal cross-sectional area of the bar shall be used. Bend test

The bend test shall be carried out according to ISO 15630-1.
The test piece shall be bent to an angle between 160° and 180° over a mandrel of the diameter specified in Table 8
-82. Rebend test

The rebend test shall be carried out according to ISO 10065. The test piece shall be bent over a mandrel of the
diameter specified in Table 8 -83.
The angle of bend before heating (ageing) shall be 90° and the angle of rebend shall be 20°. Both angles shall be
measured before unloading.
Table 8- 82 : Mandrel diameter to be used for the bend test
Dimensions in millimeters
Nominal bar diameter Mandrel Diameter
d (max.)
≤ 16 3d
16 < d ≤ 32 6d
32 < d ≤ 50 7d

Table 8- 83 : Mandrel diameter to be used for the rebend test

Dimensions in millimeters
Nominal bar diameter Mandrel Diameter
d (max.)
≤ 16 5d
16 < d ≤ 32 8d
32 < d ≤ 50 10d Fatigue Test

The fatigue test shall be carried out according to ISO 15630-1.

8.5.6 Cleaning and storage

Steel reinforcement bars and structural steel shall be stored in a way to prevent distortion, corrosion, scaling and
rusting. Reinforcement bars and structural steel sections shall be coated with cement wash before stacking, specially
in humid areas. In case of long time storage or storage in coastal areas, reinforcement bars and steel sections shall be
stacked at least 200mm above the ground level.
Steel sections shall be stacked upon platforms, skids or any other suitable supports. Bars of different sizes and lengths
and structural sections shall be stored separately to facilitate issues in required sizes and lengths without cutting from
standard lengths. Ends of bars and sections of each type shall be painted with separate designated colors.
Tag line shall be used to control the load in handling reinforcing bars or structural steel when a crane is used . Heavy
steel sections and bundles of reinforcing bars shall be lifted and carried with the help of slings and tackles.
All bars, prior to its use, shall be cleaned with wire brush to make them free from nail scale, loose rust, dirt, paint, oil,
grease or other foreign substances.
Bars of reduced sectional area to excessive rust shall be rejected.
All reinforcing steel shall be stored properly under shed not to be contaminated by oil, grease, dirt or mud.
All stacking and storing of bars shall be the Contractor’s responsibility and contingent upon his Tenders.

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8.6.1 General
Pre-stressing reinforcement shall be high-strength seven-wire strand, high-strength steel wire, or high strength alloy
bars of the grade and type called for on the plans or in the special provisions and shall conform to the requirements of
the following Specifications.
1. Strand
Uncoated seven-wire strand shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 203M/M 203 (ASTM A 416/A 416M: :
Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed Concrete) Supplement S1 (Low-
Relaxation) shall apply when specified.
2. Wire
Uncoated stress-relieved steel wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 204 (ASTM A 421/A 421 M).
3. Bars
Uncoated high-strength bars shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 275M/M 275 (ASTM A 722/A 722M).
Bars with greater minimum ultimate strength, but otherwise produced and tested in accordance with AASHTO M
275M/M 275 (ASTM A 722/A 722M), may be used provided they have no properties that make them less satisfactory
than the specified material.
Data in respect of modulus of elasticity, relaxation loss at 1000 hours, minimum ultimate tensile strength, stress strain
curve etc. shall be obtained from manufacturer. Pre-stressing steel shall be subjected to acceptance tests prior to
actual use on the works. Guidance in this regard be taken from SECTION 14: PRESTRESSING. The modulus of elasticity
value, as per acceptance tests shall conform to the design value which shall be within a range not more than 5 %
between the maximum and minimum.

8.6.2 Storage of Prestressing Steel

All prestressing steel, sheathing, anchorages and sleeves or coupling must be protected during transportation,
handling and storage. The prestressing steel, sheathing and other accessories must be stored under cover from rain or
damp ground and protected from the ambient atmosphere if it is likely to be aggressive. Storage at site must be kept
to the absolute minimum. Tendon
Wire, strand and bar from which tendons are to be fabricated shall be stored about 300mm above the ground in a
suitably covered and closed space so as to avoid direct climatic influences and to protect them from splashes from
any other materials and from the cutting operation of an oxy-acetylene torch or are welding process in the vicinity.
Under no circumstances, tendon material shall be subjected to any welding operation or on site beat treatment or
metallic coating such as galvanizing. Storage facilities or on site heat treatment or matalic coating such as galvanizing.
Storage facilities and the procedures for transporting material into or out of store, shall be such that the material
does not become kinked or notched. Wire or strand shall be stored in large diameter coils which enable the tendons
to be laid out straight. As a guide, for wires above 5mm dia, coils of about 3m dia without breaks or joints shall be
obtained from manufacturer and stored. Protective wrapping for tendons shall be chemically neutral. All prestressing
steel must be provided with temporary protection during storage. Anchorage Components

The handling and storing procedures shall maintain the anchorage components in a condition in which they can
subsequently perform their function to an adequate degree. Components shall be handled and stored so that
mechanical damage and detrimental corrosion are prevented. The corrosion of the gripping and securing system shall
be prevented. The use of correctly formulated oils and greases or of other corrosion preventing material shall be
guaranteed by the producer to be non-aggressive and non-degrading.
Prestressing steel shall be stored in a closed store having single door with double locking arrangements and no
windows. Also the air inside the store shall be kept dry as far as possible by using various means to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. Also instrument measuring the air humidity shall be installed inside the store. This is with a view to
eliminating the possibility of initial rusting of prestressing steel during storage. The prestressing steel shall be coated
with water solvable-grease. The prestressing steel should be absolutely clean and without any signs of rust.
All prestressing steel shall be stored at least 30 cm above ground level and it shall be invariably wrapped by protective
cover of tar paper or polythene or any other approved material.
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The Contractor should see that prestressing steel shall be used within 3 months of its manufacture . He should chalk
out his programme in this respect precisely, so as to avoid initial corrosion before placing in position.


The wire mesh to be used for anchoring and encasing the brick mattress shall be made of 12 BWG Galvanized Iron
wire twisted to form hexagonal openings of uniform size. The mesh opening shall not have more than 112mm in
linear dimension with maximum opening area of 51centimeter square. The wire netting roll shall be as large as

Water used in mixing and curing of concrete shall be subject to approval and shall be reasonably clean, fresh and free
from injurious amounts of oils, acid, alkali, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious
to concrete, reinforcement, or any imbedded components in the concrete. Water shall be tested in accordance with,
and shall meet the suggested requirements of ASTM C 1602 or AASHTO T 26. Water shall be obtained from a supply
where possible, and shall be taken from any other source only, if approved. No water from excavation shall be used.
Only water of approved quality shall be used for washing shuttering, curing of concrete and similar other purposes.
In case of doubt regarding development of strength, the suitability of water for making concrete shall be ascertained
by the compressive strength and initial setting time tests.
The sample of water taken for testing shall represent the water proposed to be used for concreting, due account
being paid to seasonal variation. The sample shall not receive any treatment before testing other than that envisaged
in the regular supply of water proposed for use in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a clean container previously
rinsed out with similar water.
Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three concrete cylinders prepared with water proposed to be used
shall not be less than 90 percent of the average strength of three similar concrete cylinders prepared with distilled
water. The cylinders shall be prepared, cured and tested in accordance with the requirement of ASTM C 470, ASTM C
31 and ASTM C 39 respectively.
The initial setting time of test block made with the appropriate cement and the water proposed to be used shall not
be less than 30 minutes and shall not be more than 30 minutes from the initial setting time of control test block
prepared with the same cement and distilled water. The test blocks shall be prepared and tested in accordance with
the requirements of ASTM C 191.
pH value of water shall be less than 6. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete. Mixing
and curing with sea water shall not be permitted.
Water to be used in construction shall be stored in tanks, bottom and the sides of which shall be constructed with
brick or concrete. Contact with any organic impurities shall be prevented.
The tank shall be so located as to facilitate easy storage and filling in, and supply for construction works and other
Mixing water for prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete or for concrete that will contain aluminum embedments,
including that portion of mixing water contributed in the form of free moisture on aggregates, shall not contain
deleterious amounts of chloride ion.
Non-potable water shall not be used in concrete unless the following are satisfied:
- The following limits of water for concrete (mixing or curing) shall not be exceeded: alkali carbonate and
bicarbonate 1000 ppm, chlorides 1000 ppm, sulfates 1300 ppm, alkalis 600 ppm, and pH 4 (minimum). These
limits shall be confirmed by testing at regular interval during the construction.
- Mortar test cubes made with non-potable mixing water containing more than 2000 ppm of total dissolved
solids shall have 7-day and 28-day strengths equal to at least 90 percent of strengths of similar specimens
made with potable water. Strength test comparison shall be made on mortar, identical except for the mixing
water, prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM C 109.


8.9.1 General

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All timber for temporary or permanent works shall be of best quality, sound, straight, well -seasoned, free from sap,
defects, radial cracks, cup-shakes, large/loose/dead knots, or other imperfections and shall show a clean surface with
Timber shall be stored in stacks on well treated and even surfaced beams, sleepers or brick pillars so as to be at least
200mm above the ground level. Members shall be stored separately in layers according to the lengths.
A space of 25mm shall be kept between the members. The longer pieces shall be placed in the bottom layers and at
the shorter pieces in the top layers. At least one end of the stack shall be in true vertical alignment.
The recommended width and height of a stack are 1.5m and 2.0m respectively. Minimum distance between two
stacks shall be 800mm.
The stacks of the timbers shall be protected from hot dry wind, direct sun and rain . Weights may be placed on top of
the stacks to prevent wrapping of timber. Nails, metal straps, etc. attached to used timber shall be removed before

8.9.2 Inspection
All timbers shall be subject to inspection at site piece by piece and shall be to the approval of the Engineer who may
reject such timber as is considered by him to be under-specified. In the case of timber specified to be creosoted, the
Engineer may reject such timber before or after creosoting, if specifications are not correctly followed. The Contractor
shall provide all necessary labour for handling the timber during inspection free of charge.

8.9.3 Wrought Faces and Allowances on Joiner’s Work

All joiner’s work shall be wrought and finished with a clean, even and smooth face, the thickness given to include
2mm for each wrought face in soft wood and 1.5mm for hard wood.

8.9.4 Timber Piles

Timber piles shall be made of Sal, Sundari, Gajari or any other approved hard wood . They shall be matured, straight
and free from large or loose knots, cracks and other defects.
Piles shall have a minimum diameter of 100mm measured at one third point from the thickest end (butt) without
bark. Piles should be straight and a straight line drawn from the centre of the butt to the centre of the tip shall be
contained entirely within the pile.
Timber piles exposed permanently above water shall be treated with a water repellent preservative such as creosote
for a minimum period of 24 hours in accordance with BS 5268, Para 5, 1977.

8.10 PIPE

8.10.1 M.S. Pipe

M.S. Pipe shall be made from low carbon steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 53 and physical
requirements as specified therein.

8.10.2 PVC Pipe

PVC pipe shall be of unplasticized polyring/chloride and shall conform to BS 3500: 1968/3506: 1969 or equivalent. The
pipes shall be laid and jointed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

8.10.3 Storage and handling of pipe

Pipes shall be stored in stacks with stoppers provided at the bottom layer to keep the pipe stack stable. The stack,
particularly of smaller diameter pipes, shall be in pyramid shape. Pipes shall not be stacked more than 1.5m in height.
Each stack shall have pipes of the same type and size only. Removal of pipes shall start from the top layer and by
pulling from one end. A pipe shall not be stored inside another pipe. The pipes may also be placed alternately length
and crosswise.
PVC pipes shall be stored in a shaded area. The ends of pipe, particularly those specially prepared for jointing, shall be
protected from abrasion. Damaged portion of a pipe shall be cut out completely.

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Pipes of conducting materials shall be stacked on solid level sills and contained in a manner to prevent spreading or
rolling of the pipe. For storage in large quantity, suitable packing shall be placed between the layers. During
transportation, the pipes shall be so secured as to prevent displacement/rolling.


The gunny bags used in the permanent works shall be new, 50/75 kg capacity bags similar to those normally used. The
Contractor shall submit sample bags to the Engineer for his approval.


8.12.1 General
All Geo-textiles shall be manufactured and supplied by a firm or firms of reputable geo-textile manufacturers. The
Engineer shall approve the quality of geo-textile and the manufacturer as well.
Before placing an order for any quantity of geo-textile, the Contractor shall submit samples and test reports to the
Engineer for approval for each type of geo-textile from an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer.
The geo-textiles to be incorporated within the works shall comply with the appropriate Codes and Standards including
the following:
ASTM D4491 Standard test methods for water permeability of geo-textile by permittivity.
DIN 53936 (pt1) Determination of the water permeability coefficient k v1 normal to the geo-textile plane with
constant head.
ISO 9073-1 Determination of mass per unit area for non-woven textiles.
ISO 9073-2 Determination of thickness of non-woven textiles.
ISO 9073-3 Determination of tensile strength and elongation of non-woven textiles.

The filter effective opening size, O 90, defined as being the grain size of a standard sand corresponding to 90% retention
by weight on a sample of the geo-textile in a vibrating sieve apparatus, shall be measured in a wet apparatus using
the BAW (Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau – German Federal Institute for Waterways Engineering) method.
All geo-textiles shall be clearly and uniformly marked on the upper face. The marking shall take the form of an
indelible repeat roll imprint at the edge of each geo-textile roll recurring at least every 1.5m.

8.12.2 Geotextile filter

Geo-textile fabric used for the filter layer below the slope protection shall be a non -woven needle punched of
different grades with a specifications mentioned below:
Properties Requirements
Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V
Mass (minimum), gm/m 170 190 240 310 365
Thickness under pressure 2 kpa (minimum), mm 1.55 1.8 2.0 2.6 3.0
Strip Tensile Strength (minimum), kN/m 12.0 14.0 18.0 22.0 25.0
Elongation (minimum), % 35% 35% 35% 40% 40%
Grab Tensile Strength (minimum), N 700 750 1000 1300 1500
CBR Puncture Resistance (minimum), N 2000 2200 2700 3700 4000
Effective Opening Size (maximum), mm 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08
Permeability vertical under 2 kPa pressure h is 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
100mm (minimum), m/s
Permeability horizontal under2 kPa pressure 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
(minimum), m/s

The Contractor shall undertake the necessary grading and permeability tests of the embankment soils to determine
the required filter cloth characteristics.

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8.12.3 Geotextile bags

Geo-textile bags shall be manufactured from short staple non-woven geo-textile weighing not less than 0.8 kg/m2,
and with O90 not greater than 0.07mm or similar material approved by the Engineer.
Geo-textile bags shall be manufactured to the dimensions and capacity specified on the Drawings and filled with sand
which complies with the requirements stated in the preceding Sub-section.
Each bag shall be double stitched along all edges except for the opening at the top of each bag, which shall be wide
enough to allow the filling of the bag. The minimum tensile strength of the seam shall be not less than 90% of the
tensile strength of the geo-textile. The top of each bag shall have a flap, which shall be closed tightly after filling and
then double stitched.
The bags shall be stored under cover, well covered from direct sunlight and to prevent the ingress of dust or mud .
They shall be protected from damage by insects or rodents.

8.12.4 Testing, handling, certification and acceptance

Geotextile shall be tested in accordance with tests prescribed by ASTM for respective applications . In absence of
ASTM Codes, tests prescribed either by British Standards or International Standards Organization, shall be conducted .
The supplier of the geotextile should provide to the Engineer, a certificate stating the name of the manufacturer,
product name, style number, roll number, chemical composition of the filaments or yarns and other pertinent
information regarding property values of individual roll to fully describe the geotextile.
The manufacturer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control programme to assure compliance
with the requirements of the specifications. Documentation describing the quality control programme shall be made
available upon request. The manufacturer certificate shall state that the furnished geotextile meets MARV
requirements of the specifications as evaluated under the Manufacturer’s quality control programme and are in
conformance as per ASTM D 4759. The certificate shall be attested by a person having legal authority to bind the
manufacturer. Handling and Storage of Geotextile

Geotextile must be handled and stored properly to ensure that the specified physical properties are retained to serve
project needs. Geotextile rolls shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture, and
extended ultraviolet exposure to ultraviolet exposure prior to placement. Each roll should be labeled or tagged to
provide product identification sufficient for inventory and quality control purposes. Rolls should be stored in manner
which protects them for elements. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and protected with water proof cover.
The damages caused on this account can significantly reduce the geotextile ability to perform its intended function in
some applications.
The objective of geotextile handling and storage is to safely transport and store the geotextile rolls at the project site
without damaging the geotextile or unduly exposing it to sun light (ultraviolet light), moisture or other contamination.
The following are some of the general recommendations to be followed while working with geotextile at site. Site Handling

Rolls of geotextile should always be lifted off the ground surface prior to moving. Dragging the geotextile and
operating equipment on the geotextile, which results in physical damage, shall be avoided at all times. Site Storage

The geotextile rolls shall be adequately protected from ultraviolet light exposure during storage on site. A protective
wrapping shall be kept on rolls until the geotextile are installed. If stored outside, the geotextile should be elevated
from the ground surface and adequately covered to protect them from site construction damage, precipitation,
ultraviolet radiation including sun light, chemicals that are strong acid/bases, flames including welding sparks,
temperature in excess of 71°C and any other environmental condition that may damage the geotextile. Steps to be taken if geotextile roll or protective wrapping is damaged

In most cases, damage to a roll of geotextile is limited to the protective wrapping . If the wrapping is damaged, proper
storage of the geotextile is particularly critical. The rolls must be elevated off the ground surface and securely covered
with a tarpaulin or opaque plastic sheet. If the outer layer of the geotextile itself is damaged, it is permissible during
installation to remove the outermost wraps of the roll and discard the damaged material . The remaining undamaged
material is suitable for use. Removing the outermost wrap of geotextile is also acceptable when a roll is exposed to
sunlight for a period beyond that permitted by the project specifications. The remaining unexposed material is
suitable for construction. Exposing geotextile rolls to moisture or water prior to installation can lead to serious
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handling problems. Non-woven geotextiles in particular can absorb water upto three times their weight. Further, the
cores on which the geotextile rolls are wound are manufactured from laminated paper . When wet, the strength of
these cores is seriously diminished to the point where the core will not support the weight of the geotextile.
Consequently, it can be extremely difficult to install wet rolls of geotextile. In addition, it is nearly impossible to unroll
wet, frozen geotextile without first allowing it to thaw. If geotextile rolls become wet, it is permissible to remove the
waterproof cover to allow for a few days of exposure to wind in order to dry the fabric . It is essential that the rolls be
elevated during the process. It is also possible to remove the protective wrapping from one end of the roll and elevate
the opposite end of the roll. The majority of excess water will then flow out of the geotextile. In most cases, these
procedures will not allow the fabric to dry completely. Once unrolled during installation, the geotextile will dry very
quickly in the sun and wind. However, it should be noted that non-woven geotextiles used in conjunction with
bitumen overlays of existing pavements must be completely dry prior to installation.


8.13.1 Woven DW plain weave JGT for Rural Road Construction (RRC)
The woven Double Warp Plain Weave Jute Geotextile shall meet the requirements given in the following Table.
Properties Test Standard Double Warp Plain Weave JGT for
Rural Road Construction
724 gsm (untreated) 627 gsm (untreated)
Width (cm) ≥ 100 ≥ 100
Weight (gsm) at 20% MR ASTM D 5261 724 ± 5% 627 ± 5%
Threads [Ends x Picks] (/dm) ASTM D 3775 ≥ 94 x 39 ≥ 85 x 32
Thickness (mm) ASTM D 5199 1.85 ± 10% 1.7 ± 10%
Wide width Tensile Strength (kN/m) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≥ 25 x 25 ≥ 20 x 20
Elongation at break (%) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≤ 12 x 12 ≤ 12 x 12
Puncture resistance (kN) ASTM D 4833 0.500 ± 10% 0.400 ± 10%
Burst Strength (KPa) ASTM D 3786 3500 ± 10% 3100 ± 10%
Permittivity (/s) at 50 mm constant head ASTM D 4491 0.35 ± 10% 0.35 ± 10%
Apparent Opening Size (AOS), O95 (μm) ASTM D 4751 150 – 400 150 – 400

8.13.2 Woven DW plain weave JGT for River Bank Protection (RBP)
This Clause provides requirements of woven jute geotextile (JGE) treated with Bitumen/ chemical additive in control
of erosion in rivers and waterways.
Usually, woven JGT possessing tensile strength of 20 kN/m should serve the purpose. The fabric needs to be
impregnated with bitumen preferably polymer modified bitumen/bitumen emulsion, in absence of suitable natural
additive, to add to its desired durability against its constant contact with water. Porometry shall be decided on the
basis of grain size distribution of the bank soil. The JGT shall meet the requirements given in following Table.
Properties Test Standard Double Warp Plain Weave JGT for
River Bank Protection (RBP)
624 gsm (Treated 627 gsm (Treated
with Bitumen) With Additive)
Width (cm) ≥ 100 ≥ 100
Weight (gsm) at 20% MR ASTM D 5261 627 ± 5% 627 ± 5%
Threads [Ends x Picks] (/dm) ASTM D 3775 ≥ 85 x 32 ≥ 85 x 32
Thickness (mm) ASTM D 5199 1.7 ± 10% 1.7 ± 10%
Wide width Tensile Strength (kN/m) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≥ 20 x 20 ≥ 20 x 20
Elongation at break (%) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≤ 12 x 12 ≤ 12 x 12
Puncture resistance (kN) ASTM D 4833 0.400 ± 10% 0.400 ± 10%

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Burst Strength (KPa) ASTM D 3786 3100 ± 10% 3100 ± 10%

Permittivity (/s) at 50 mm constant head ASTM D 4491 0.35 ± 10% 0.35 ± 10%
Apparent Opening Size (AOS), O95 (μm) ASTM D 4751 150 – 400 150 – 400

8.13.3 Open weave JGT for Hill Slope Management (HSM)

The open weave JGT shall meet the requirements given in the following Table.
Properties Test Standard Open Weave JGT (soil saver) for
Hill slope management (HSM)
500 gsm 600 gsm 700 gsm
Width (cm) ≥ 122 ≥ 122 ≥ 122
Weight (gsm) at 20% MR ASTM D 5261 500 ± 10% 600 ± 10% 700 ± 10%
Threads [Ends x Picks] (/dm) ASTM D 3775 ≥ 6.5 x 4.5 ≥8x7 ≥8x8
Thickness (mm) ASTM D 5199 4.5 ± 10% 5.25 ± 10% 5.5 ± 10%
Wide width Tensile Strength (kN/m) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≥ 6.5 x 6.0 ≥ 12 x 6 ≥ 14 x 7
Elongation at break (%) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≤ 14 x 14 ≤ 14 x 14 ≤ 14 x 14
Open Area (%) CWO 22125 50 – 65 45 – 50 40 -
Water Holding Capacity (%) on dry weight 450-500 450-500 550

8.13.4 Prefabricated Vertical Jute Drains (PVJD)

An ideal material for soft soil consolidation especially in coastal zones with soft marine clay. PVJD is a better substitute
of sand drains which can drains out water by capillary action. Made of 100mm wide woven JGT-sheath (jacket) with 4-
coir wicks separated by stitched compartments.
a) The base fabric for PVJD will be 724 gsm double warp plain weave of specification given in Table 8 -85:
b) There will equally spaced four channels in the PVJD.
c) The hemming stitch (sewing) may be used for the making of the channels. The stitches/dm will be 11-12.
d) The sewing yarn may be 8.5lb to 9lb single yarn.
e) There will be equally spaced three stitches along the length of the PVJD.
f) The width of the PVJD strictly will be 100 mm.
g) There will be coir yarn core along all the channels.
h) The PVJD roll diameter must be 1060 mm.
i) The running length of PVJD in a roll should be approx. 150 meter.
j) The PVJD roll should have a paper core of diameter 70mm.
k) Each pallet of drain rolls to be wrapped with black plastic to prevent UV light / moisture.

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Table 8-84: Schematic figure of PVJD

Table 8-85: Specification for 724 gsm double warp plain weave for PVJD
Properties Test Standard Double Warp Plain Weave JGT for
Prefabricated Vertical Jute Drain (PVJD)

Width (mm) IS 1954 ≥ 100

Weight (gsm) at 20% MR ASTM D 5261 724 ± 5%
Threads [Ends x Picks] (/dm) IS 1963 ≥ 94 x 39
Thickness (mm) ASTM D 5199 5 ± 10%
Wide width Tensile Strength (kN/m) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≥ 25 x 25
Elongation at break (%) (MD x CD) ASTM D 4595 ≤ 12 x 12
Puncture resistance (kN) ASTM D 4833 0.500 ± 10%
Burst Strength (KPa) 3500 ± 10%
Permittivity (/s) at 50 mm constant head IS 14324 0.35 ± 10%
Apparent Opening Size (AOS), O95 (μm) ASTM D 4751 150 – 400

8.13.5 Storage
Prolonged storage of JGT in warehouse is discouraged as JGT is susceptible to microbial action and loss of strength .
JGT shall be provide with a water-proof cover for protection against rains and moisture. Its direct contact with soil
during storage shall also be avoided.
Humidity, temperature variation, lack of air-circulation and abnormal moisture absorption affect the quality of JGT
and, therefore, calls for attention. The main thrust shall be on safe transportation and storage of JGT at site without
damaging and unduly exposing the material to adverse climatic conditions.

8.13.6 Site Handling

A fork lift or front-end loader fitted with a long tapered pole (carpet pole/ stinger) is recommended for unloading JGT
rolls. The carpet pole is inserted into the core of the JGT roll which is then unloaded from the truck. Nylon
straps/ropes/roll pullers may also be used. Not more than three JGT rolls should be lifted/ unloaded at a time. Use of
chains and cables for unloading purposes is discouraged. A tarpaulin, a sheet of plastic or the like should be placed on
ground for initial storage of JGT.


The raw elastomer to be used for bearings shall be made either from virgin Neoprene (polychloroprene) or virgin
natural rubber (polyisoprene) chloroprene rubber only satisfying to the requirements of these specifications.

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However, unless specifically mentioned in plans or directed by the Engineer in writing, only virgin Neoprene
(polychloroprene) shall be used in the manufacture of bearings.
Grades of raw elastomer of proven use in elastomer bearings with low crystallization rates and adequate shelf life
shall be used. No reclaimed elastomer or vulcanized wastes shall be used. The raw elastomer content of the
compound shall not be lower than 60% and the ash content shall not exceed 5%. Elastomer shall have high
environmental resistance compatible with conditions of use. The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum
requirement of the following Table.
Properties of Polychloroprene
Physical Properties
ASTM D 2240 Hardness (Shore A Dorometer) 50±5 60±5 70±5
ASTM D 412 Tensile Strength, Minimum psi 2250 2250 2250
Ultimate Elongation, Minimum% 400 350 300
Heat Resistance
ASTM D 573 Change in Durometer hardness, Maximum
15 15 15
70 Hours at 100°C Points
Change in Tensile Strength Maximum% -15 -15 -15
Change in Ultimate Elongation, Maximum % -40 -40 -40
Compression Set
ASTM D 395 22 Hours @100 C, Maximum %
35 35 35
Method B

If the material is specified by its shear modulus, its measured shear, modulus shall lie within 15% of the specified
value. A consistent value of hardness shall also be supplied for the purpose of defining limits for the tests mentioned
in the above Table. If the hardness is specified, the measured shear modulus must fall within the range of the Table
Shear Modulus
ASTM D 4014 Hardness (Shore “A”) 50 60 70
23± 2° C Shear Modulus (G) at 23+ 2ºC (MPa) 0.68-0.93 0.093-1.43 1.43-2.14

Steel laminates used for reinforcement shall be made from rolled mild steel conforming to ASTM A 36, A 570, or
equivalent unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. The laminates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 16
gauges. Holes in plates for manufacturing purposes will not be permitted unless they have been accounted for in the
design, as shown on the plans.
Steel laminated bearings shall develop minimum peel strength of 7 KN/m. ASTM D 429, Method B, shall perform Peel
strength tests.


8.15.1 Description
The work covered under this item shall consist of supplying and laying in place one layer of 0.076mm thick polythene
sheets in accordance with the applicable plans, schedules and these specifications.

8.15.2 Construction Requirement

The sheets shall be laid covering the entire inside area under the Cement Concrete or for any other purpose as
desired by the Engineer. Before laying the sheets, the surface shall be cleaned to give a surface free from damage,
tear or other imperfections and shall be laid such that there is a minimum of 225mm overlap of the adjacent strips.

8.15.3 Measurement
Measurement for payment shall be made in square meter of area covered by the sheets. No allowance shall be made
for overlaps.

8.15.4 Payment
The amount of completed and accepted work measured as provided above shall be made at the Contract unit price
per square meter and the payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all materials, equipment including

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their storage, handling and transport and all labours, cleaning, preparing, cutting, laying, fixing and all incidentals
necessary to complete the work as per specifications contained in this Sub-section and acceptance of the Engineer.
Item of payment
Supplying and laying polythene sheet Square meter

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9.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of the construction and removal of temporary facilities that are generally designed by the
Contractor and employed by the Contractor in the execution of the work, and whose failure to perform properly
could adversely affect the character of the contract work or endanger the safety of adjacent facilities, property, or the
public. Such facilities include but are not limited to falsework, forms and form travelers, cofferdams, shoring, water
control systems, and temporary bridges. Appropriate reductions in allowable stresses and decreases in resistance
factors or imposed loads shall be used for design when other than new or undamaged materials are to be used . To
the extent possible, calculations shall include adjustments to section properties to account for damage or section loss.
Forms are the enclosures or panels which contain the fluid concrete and resist the forces due to its weight,
placement, and consolidation. Forms may in turn be supported on falsework.
Falsework is any temporary structure which supports structural elements of concrete, steel, masonry or /and other
materials during their construction or erection until the structure is completed to the point it can support itself.
Form travelers, as used in segmental cantilever construction, are considered to be a combination of falsework and
Unless otherwise permitted, the design of the temporary works shall be based on AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications load factors specified in Articles 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, and all applicable load combinations shall be
investigated. Such investigation shall include construction loads; member capacity based on field condition which
account for section loss, deterioration of capacity, and any alterations of the structure; support conditions during all
construction phases; and the appropriate distribution of construction stockpiled materials and construction

9.1.2 Working Drawings

The Contractor shall provide working drawings with design calculation and supporting data in sufficient detail to
permit a structural review of the proposed design of temporary work. Drawings shall include the following, as
applicable, and delineated in the following subsections. General
The Contractor shall design and show the details for constructing falsework that provides the necessary rigidity,
supports the imposed loads, and produces the required lines and grades in the finished structure . A professional
Engineer in structural design shall be used to design, sign, and seal the drawings . The design calculations shall show
the stresses and deflections in load supporting members. Submission Sets

The Contractor shall submit three sets of falsework drawings and one set of design calculations for approval. Design Details

The Contractor shall include the information and details necessary to enable falsework construction without
reference to any supplemental drawing, calculation sheet, design standard, or other source document . He shall show
all design-controlling dimensions, including beam length, beam spacing, post location and spacing, vertical distance
between connections in diagonal bracing, height of falsework bents, and similar dimensions controlling falsework
design and erection. Foundation Loads

The Contractor shall show the maximum applied structural load on the foundation material including a drainage plan
or description of how foundations will be protected from saturation, erosion, and/or scour. Materials Specifications

The Contractor shall precisely describe all proposed falsework material. He shall describe also the material that is not
designated by standard nomenclature (such as AASHTO or ASTM specifications) based on manufacturer‘s tests and
recommended working loads. The Contractor shall evaluate falsework material and ascertain whether the physical
properties and conditions of the material are such that it can support the loads assumed in the design.

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The Contractor shall provide an outline of the proposed concrete placement operation listing the equipment, labor,
and procedures to be used for the duration of each operation. Include proposed placement rates and design
pressures for each pour. He shall include a superstructure placing diagram showing the concrete placing sequence
and construction joint locations. Settlements
The Contractor shall show anticipated total settlements of falsework and forms. Include falsework footing settlement
and joint take-up. He shall design for anticipated settlements not to exceed 25 mm. The falsework shall be designed
and constructed to elevations that include anticipated settlement during concrete placement and required camber to
compensate for member deflections during construction. Traffic
Where openings through the falsework are required to permit the passage of public traffic, the location of all such
openings shall be shown, including horizontal and vertical clearances and the location of temporary railing . For
falsework over traffic, the sequence of falsework erection and removal shall be shown.
Separate falsework drawings shall be submitted for each structure, except for identical structures with identical
falsework design and details. The construction of any unit of falsework shall not be started until the drawings for that
unit are reviewed and approved.

9.1.3 Requirements
The temporary works must be designed so as to support all loads imposed and to provide the necessary rigidity to
enable the production of the final structure.
The design of temporary works shall conform to the AASHTO Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary
When using manufactured devices, the design shall not result in loads on such devices in excess of the strength load
recommended by their manufacturer.
For equipment where the rated capacity is determined by load testing, the design load shall be as stated in the
generally accepted design code or specification for such work.
The load rating used for special equipment, such as access scaffolding, may be under the jurisdiction of local
regulations. However, in no case shall the rating exceed eighty percent (80%) of maximum load sustained during load
testing of the equipment.
When required or specified in the contract documents, the design and the drawings shall be prepared and signed by a
Professional Engineer.
Temporary works shall be constructed in agreement with the approved working drawings. The contractor shall verify
that the quality of the materials and workmanship employed are consistent with that assumed in the design.

9.1.4 Removal
Unless otherwise specified, all temporary works shall be removed and shall remain the property of the Contractor
upon completion of their use. The area shall be restored to its original or planned condition and cleaned of all debris.


9.2.1 General
The working drawings for falsework shall be prepared and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer whenever the
height of falsework exceeds 4.3 meter or whenever traffic, other than workers involved in constructing the bridge,
will travel under the bridge.
Falsework and forms shall be of sufficient rigidity and strength to safely support all loads imposed and to produce in
the finished structure the lines and grades indicated in the contract documents . Forms shall also impart the required
surface texture and rustication and shall not detract from the uniformity of color of the formed surfaces.

9.2.2 Falsework Materials

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Materials to be used may be new or used, manufactured components, or a combination of these materials in
falsework construction. Concrete, reinforcing steel and structural steel to be used shall be conforming to the
following Sections.
If directed, material certifications for new materials should be supplied. All salvaged and used material and
manufactured components are subject to approval. Salvaged Steel

Structural steel tubes used as support for forms shall have a minimum wall thickness of 4 mm . Used structural steel
satisfying ASTM A 6 criteria for surface imperfections may be used in Falsework construction at the allowable working
stress for new material if the grade of steel can be identified. Unidentified steel shall not be permitted. Timber
All wood species assigned allowable stresses in Bangladesh are acceptable for use in falsework construction. Used Lumber

Used lumber of known species may be used in falsework construction under following conditions:
- If the grade is known and the lumber is in good condition, the allowable stresses shall not exceed those for
new lumber of the same grade,
- If the grade in unknown, it shall not be permitted, unless its grade is established by appropriate standard
tests. Manufactured Components

Manufactured components of the following proprietary product classes may be used:
- Vertical shoring systems including tubular welded frame shoring, tube and coupler shoring, and components
- Manufactured assemblies including single-post shores, brackets, jacks, joists, clamps, and similar devices
manufactured for commercial use.

9.2.3 Form Materials General
All materials shall comply with the requirements of ACI Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork (ACI 347-78) or
AASHTO Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works. Materials and components used for formwork shall
be examined for damage or excessive deterioration before use/ re-use and shall be used only if found suitable after
necessary repairs. In case of timber formwork, the inspection shall not only cover physical damages but also signs of
attacks by decay, rot or insect attack or the development of splits.
Forms shall be constructed with metal or timber. The metal used for forms shall be of such thickness that the forms
remain true to shape. All bolts and rivets should be countersunk and well-grounded to provide a smooth plane
surface. The use of approved internal steel ties or steel or plastic spacers shall be permitted.
Form ties shall be prefabricated rod, flat band, or wire type, or threaded internal disconnected type, of sufficient
tensile capacity to resist all imposed load of freshly placed concrete and having external holding devices of adequate
bearing area. Ties shall permit tightening and spreading of forms and shall leave no metal closer than 25mm from
surface. Ties shall fit tight to prevent mortar leakage at holes in forms. Removable ties shall be coated with non-
staining bond breaker. All ties shall be protected from rusting at all times. No wire ties or wood spreaders shall be
permitted. Cutting ties back from concrete face will not be permitted. Tolerances
The forms shall be made so as to produce a finished concrete true to shape, lines, levels, plumb and dimensions as
shown on the Drawings subject to the following tolerances unless otherwise specified in this document or Drawings
or as directed by the Engineer.
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Table 9-86 : Maximum Dimensional Tolerance for Cast-in-Place Formed Concrete (1)
Item Tolerance (mm)
Deviation from plan line ±25
Cross-sectional dimensions of columns, piers and ±5
beams, slabs and walls
Bridges deck thickness +25 – 6
Plumb ±1 in 1000 of height
Levels +3 mm before any deflection has been taken place
Note (1): Variations are to be compared with dimensions shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer.
Note (2): Tolerance measurement is perpendicular to the plan line or surface. This tolerance includes measurement
of alignment, plumb, grade and level. Plumb (or batter) of retaining walls will be inspected both before
and after backfilling.

Tolerances given above are specified for local aberrations in the finished concrete surface and should not be taken as
tolerance for the entire structure taken as a whole or for the setting and alignment of formwork which should be as
accurate as possible to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Errors, if noticed in any lift/tilt of the structure after
stripping of forms, shall be corrected in the subsequent work to bring back the surface of the structure to its true
alignment. Sheathing
For exposed concrete surfaces, materials fulfilling such standard which produces a smooth and uniform concrete
surface shall be used. Form panels to be used should be in good condition free of defects on exposed surfaces . If form
panel material other than plywood is used, it shall have flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, and other physical
properties equal to or greater than the physical properties for the type of plywood specified. Where timber is used it
shall be well seasoned, free from loose knots, projecting nails, splits or other defects that may mark the surface of
concrete. Structural Support

Materials for structural support of forms shall comply with the materials requirements for falsework. Vertical side
forms, wall forms and column forms and related studs, walers, etc. are considered formwork or structural support for
formwork Prefabricated Formwork

If prefabricated formwork is to be used, shop drawings under Clause 9.1.2 and technical data substantiating load-
carrying capacity and detailing application instructions and limitations of use shall be furnished. Prefabricated
products shall be used according to manufacturer‘s recommendations. Stay-in-Place Steel Deck Forms

Stay-in-place steel deck forms may be used only when permitted in the contract documents or approved by the
Engineer. If used, the prefabricated formwork requirements shall be met. Design calculations with shop drawings shall
be furnished. Stay-in-place steel deck forms and supports shall be fabricated from steel conforming to ASTM A 653,
Grades 275 and 340, having a coating class of G165 according to ASTM A 525. Stay-in-Place Prestressed Concrete Deck Forms

Stay-in-place prestressed concrete deck forms may be used only when permitted in the contract documents or
approved by the Engineer.
If used, the prefabricated formwork requirements shall be met. Complete deck design calculations with the shop
drawings shall be furnished. And stay-in-place deck forms shall be fabricated according to SECTION 15: “STEEL

9.2.4 Falsework Design and Construction Design Loads
The design load for falsework shall consist of the sum of dead and live vertical load, and any horizontal loads. Vertical loads:

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Dead load: As a minimum, dead load shall include the weight of the falsework and all construction material to be
supported. The combined unit weight of concrete, reinforcing and prestressing steel and form shall be assumed to not
be less than 26 kN/m³ for normal weight concrete or 21 kN/m³ for light weight concrete that is supported.
Live load: Live load shall consist of actual weight of any equipment to be supported applied as concentrated loads at
the points of contact and a uniform load of not less than 1 kN/m2 applied over the area supported, plus 1.1 kN/m
applied at the outside edge of deck overhangs.
Redistributed Prestress load: For post-tensioned structures, the falsework shall also be designed to support any
increase or distribution of loads caused by prestressing of the structure.
Impact: When impact can occur, the design load causing the impact on steel members and manufactured
components shall be increased by at least thirty percent (30%).
Minimum Vertical Load: The total vertical design load to be used shall not be less than 5 kN/m2. The total vertical
design load for falsework is the sum of dead and live vertical loads. Horizontal loads

An assumed horizontal design load on falsework structures shall be used to verify lateral stability. This assumed
horizontal load shall be the sum of the horizontal loads due to equipment, construction sequence, including
unbalanced hydrostatic forces from fluid concrete, stream flow when applicable, and an allowance for wind.
The Falsework shall be designed with sufficient rigidity to resist the assumed horizontal load without vertical dead
Wind Load
The minimum requirements for wind loads are to be used if there is no site specific wind study. However, if such
study exists, the wind loads that produce more severe effects of either the site specific wind study or the minimum
requirements shall be used.
Table 9-87 : Design Wind Pressure – Heavy Duty Steel Shoring
Height Zone Above Ground (m) Wind Pressure Value (kN/m2)
Adjacent to Traffic At other Locations
0 0.96 0.72
9 – 15 1.2 0.96
15 – 30 1.45 1.2
Over 30 1.675 1.45

The minimum wind allowance on all other types of falsework, including falsework supported on heavy -duty shoring, is
the sum of the products of the wind impact area and the applicable wind pressure value for each height zone . The
wind impact area is the gross projected area of the falsework and unrestrained portion of the permanent structure,
excluding the areas between falsework posts or towers where diagonal bracing is not used. Unless otherwise
specified the design wind pressures in Table 9 -88 shall be used.
Table 9- 88 : Design Wind Pressure – Other Types of Falsework
Height Zone Above Ground (m) Wind Pressure Value (kN/m2) for members over and bents
Adjacent to Traffic Openings At other Locations
0 0.320 Q (1) 0.240 Q
9 – 15 0.400 Q 0.320 Q
15 – 30 0.480 Q 0.400 Q
Over 30 0.560 Q 0.480 Q
Note (1): Q = 0.3 + 0.2W, but not more than 3. Where W is the width of the falsework system in meters measured in
the direction of the wind force being considered.
Stream flow
When falsework supports are placed in flowing water, water pressure shall be determined by the following formula:
Pw = 514 CDV2
Where Pw is the pressure of flowing water in N/m2, V is the water velocity in (m/s), and CD is the drag coefficient having
the following values:
0.7 for a semicircular nosed pier,
1.4 for a square ended pier,

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1.4 for debris lodged against a pier,

0.8 for a wedged nosed pier with nose angle 90° or less.
Scour depths shall be investigated if directed by the Engineer.
Lateral fluid pressure
For concrete with retarding admixture, fly ash, or other pozzolan replacement for cement, forms, form ties, and
bracing shall be designed for a lateral fluid pressure based on concrete with a density of 24 kN/m3. For concrete
containing no pozzolans or admixtures, which affect the time to initial set, the lateral fluid pressure based on concrete
temperature and rate of placement shall be determined according to ACI Standard 347R, ―Guide for Formwork for
Minimum Horizontal Load
However, in no case shall the horizontal load to be resisted in any direction be less than two percent (2%) of the total
dead load. Load Combinations

Falsework should be designed for the load combinations shown in Table 9 -89.
Table 9- 89 : Load Combinations
Load Combinations Basic Allowable Stress or Load (%)
DL+DP+LL+I+H 100
DL+DP+PS+H 100
DL = design dead load,
DP = dead load of support permanent structure,
LL = construction live load,
I = impact load,
H = minimum horizontal design load,
PS = redistributed prestress load,
W = wind load,
SF = stream flow load. Slenderness
For compression members, the slenderness ratio, L/r, should be limited to the following values:
- Main load-carrying members:
145 for steel,
80 for aluminum.
- Bracing members:
160 for steel,
150 for aluminum.
Also for tension members use 190 and 240 for main bracing respectively.
L = Unsupported length.
r = Radius of gyration of the member. Allowable Design Stresses

Certified data from authorized agency shall be accepted after review and approval from the Engineer.
The maximum allowable design stresses listed in this section are based on the use of undamaged, high-quality
material. If lesser quality material is used, allowable stresses shall be reduced significantly.
The maximum allowable stresses in the design of falsework shall be as follows: Timber
The different allowable stresses in timber are listed in Table 9 -90.

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Table 9- 90 : Allowable design limitations in timber

Type of stress or characteristic Value
Compression perpendicular to the grain 3.1 MPa
Compression parallel to the grain (1) 3309/(L/d)3 MPa
Flexural Stress 12.4 MPa
Horizontal Shear 1.3 MPa
Axial tension 8.3 MPa
Modulus of elasticity (E) 11.7 GPa
Maximum axial loading on timber piles 400 kN
Note (1): Not to exceed 11 MPa
L = Unsupported length
d = Least dimension of a square or rectangular column or the width of a square
of equivalent cross-sectional area for round columns
Note (2): Reduced to 10 MPa for members with a nominal depth of 200 millimeters or less.

Timber connections shall be designed according to the stresses allowed in the generally accepted design code or
specification for such work except:
- Reductions in allowable loads required therein for high moisture condition of the lumber and service
conditions do not apply.
- The value of seventy-five percent (75%) of the tabulated design value shall be used as the design value of
bolts in two member connections (single shear). Steel
The design stresses, for identified grades of steel, shall not exceed the values specified in the AISC Manual of Steel
Construction. Or corresponding national agency from the country of the producer/ and or the supplier.
For all grades of steel, the value of design stressed shall not exceed the value indicated in Table 9 -91.
Table 9- 91 : Allowable stresses in steel
Type of stress or characteristic Value
Axial and flexural tension 150 MPa
Axial Compression (1) 110 – 0.0026(L/R)2 MPa
Web crippling for rolled shapes 185 MPa
Shear on web gross section for rolled shapes 100 MPa
Flexural compression (2) (for all grades of steel) 82750/[(Lxd)(bxt)] MPa
Modulus of Elasticity (E) 210 GPa
Note(1): (L/r) shall not exceed 120
L = Unsupported length
r = Radius of gyration of the member
Note(2): Not to exceed 150 MPa for unidentified steel or steel conforming to ASTM A 36 . Not to exceed (0.6 x fy) for
other identified steel.
L = Unsupported length
d = Least dimension of a square or rectangular column or the width of a square of equivalent cross-
sectional area for round columns or the depth of beams.
b = Width of the compression flange.
t = Thickness of the compression flange.
fy = Specified minimum yield stress for the grade of steel used. Other requirements

The falsework design calculations shall show:
a) The stresses and deflections in load supporting members.

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b) The anticipated total settlements of falsework and forms, which shall not exceed 25 mm, including falsework
footing settlement and joint take-up.
c) The details of falsework supporting deck slabs and overhangs on girder bridges so there is no differential
settlement between the girders and the deck forms during placement of deck concrete.
d) The elevations of falsework including anticipated settlement during concrete placement and required
camber to compensate for member deflections during construction.
e) The details of strengthening and protecting falsework over or adjacent to roadways and railroads during each
phase of erection and removal.
f) The intended steel erection procedures with calculations in sufficient detail to substantiate that the girder
geometry will be correct.
The falsework spans supporting T-beam girder bridges shall be limited to 4.3 meters plus 8.5 times the overall depth
of T-beam girder. Manufactured Assemblies

For jacks, brackets, columns, joists and other manufactured devices, the ultimate load carrying capacity of the
assembly shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommendations or forty percent (40%) of the ultimate load carrying
capacity that has been determined by actual testing.
The contractor shall furnish catalog or equivalent data showing the manufacturer's recommendations or perform
tests, as necessary, to demonstrate the adequacy of any manufactured device proposed for use. The contractor shall
not substitute other manufacturer's components unless the manufacturer's data encompasses such substitutions or
field tests reaffirm the integrity of the system.
If a component of the falsework system consists of a steel frame tower exceeding 2 or more tiers high, the differential
leg loading within the steel tower unit shall not exceed 4 to 1. An exception may be approved if the manufacturer of
the steel frame certifies, based on manufacturer's tests, that the proposed differential loadings are not detrimental to
the safe load carrying capacity of the steel frame. Foundation
Falsework shall be founded on a solid footing safe against undermining, protected from softening, and capable of
supporting the loads imposed on it. When requested by the Engineer, the contractor shall demonstrate by suitable
load tests that the soil bearing values assumed for the design of the falsework footing shall not exceed the supporting
capacity of the soil (The maximum allowable bearing capacity for foundation material, other than rock, is 190 kN/m2).
The contractor shall include in working drawing a drainage plan or description of how foundations will be protected
from saturation, erosion, and/or scour.
Falsework which cannot be founded on a satisfactory footing shall be supported on pilling which shall be spaced,
driven, and removed in an approved manner.
The contractor shall verify in field all ground elevations at proposed foundation locations before design.
The edge of footings shall not be located closer than 300 mm from the intersection of the bench and the top of the
slope. Unless the excavation for footings is adequately supported by shoring, the edge of the footings shall not be
closer than 1.2 m or the depth of excavation, whichever is greater, from the edge of the excavation.
When falsework is supported by footings placed on paved, well-compacted slopes of berm fills, the falsework shall
not be strutted to columns unless the column is founded on rock or supported by piling.
When individual steel towers have maximum leg loads exceeding 130 kN, provide for uniform settlement under all
legs or each tower under all loading conditions.
The foundation shall be protected from adverse effects for the duration of its use. Advise the Contractor of actions
that will be taken to protect the foundation. Deflection
For cast-in-place concrete structures, limit the calculated deflections of falsework and formwork members as follows:
a) Falsework members vertical deflection: 1/360 of the span under the dead load of the concrete only,
regardless of the fact that deflection may be compensated for by camber strips.

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b) Formwork (other than sheathing): 1/360 of the span under the dead load of the concrete only or the lateral
pressure of fluid concrete only.
c) Formwork (sheathing): 1/270 of the center-to-center distance between studs, joists, form stiffeners, form
fasteners, or wales. Clearance
The minimum dimensions of clear horizontal opening for roadways which are to remain open to traffic during
construction shall be at least 1.5 meter greater than the width of the approach traveled way, between barriers, and
5.50 meters high, as the minimum vertical clearance over Primary, Secondary and Feeder Roads. Construction
Falsework shall be constructed and set to grades which allow for its anticipated settlement and deflection, and for the
vertical alignment and camber indicated on the plans or ordered by the Engineer for the permanent structure.
Camber shall be provided for the falsework to account for the Falsework deflection and anticipated structure
deflection. Variable depth camber strips shall be used between falsework beams and soffit forms to accomplish this
when directed by the Engineer.
Suitable screw jacks, pairs of wedges or other devices shall be used at each post to adjust falsework to grade, to
permit minor adjustments during the placement of concrete or structural steel shall observed settlements deviate
from those anticipated, and to allow for the gradual release of the falsework. Telltales attached to the forms and
extending to the ground, or other means, shall be provided by the Contractor for accurate measurement of falsework
settlement during the placing and curing of the concrete.
Falsework or formwork for deck slabs on girder bridges shall be supported directly on the girders so that, there will be
no appreciable differential settlement during placing of the concrete. Girders shall be braced and tied to resist any
forces that would cause rotation or torsion in the girders, caused by the placing of concrete for diaphragms or deck.
Welding of falsework support brackets or braces to structural steel members or reinforcing steel shall not be allowed
unless specifically permitted.
Telltales shall be attached to soffit forms in enough systematically placed locations to be able to determine from the
ground the total settlement of the structure while concrete is being placed.
Dead loads shall not be applied, other than forms and reinforcing steel, to any falsework until authorized.
If unanticipated events occur, concrete placement shall be discontinued and corrective actions shall be made to the
settlements that cause a deviation of more than 10 mm from those shown on the falsework drawings. All
unacceptable concrete shall be removed if corrective action is not taken before the initial set. Falsework Over or Adjacent to Roadways and Railroads

Falsework shall be designed and constructed to be protected from vehicle impact. This includes falsework and
formwork posts that support members crossing over a roadway or rail road and other falsework posts if they are
located in the row of falsework posts nearest to the roadway or railroad and if the horizontal distance from the traffic
side of the falsework to the edge of pavement or to a point 3 meters from the centerline of track is less than the total
height of the falsework.
Additional features shall be provided to ensure that this falsework will remain stable if subjected to impact by
vehicles. Vertical design loads shall be used for these falsework posts, columns, and towers (but not footings) that are
greater than or equal to either of the following:
a) One hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the design load calculated but not including any increased or
readjusted loads caused by prestressing forces
b) The increased or readjusted loads caused by prestressing forces
Temporary traffic barriers shall be installed before erecting falsework towers or columns adjacent to an open public
roadway. The location of barriers shall be so placed that the Falsework footings or pile caps shall be at least 75 mm
clear of concrete traffic barriers and all other falsework members are at least 300 mm clear. These barriers shall not
be removed until approved Engineer.
The minimum section modulus about each axis of columns used in falsework shall be (156 x 103 mm3) for steel
columns and (4 x 103 mm3) for timbers.

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The base of each column or tower frame supporting falsework over or immediately adjacent to an open public road
shall be mechanically connected to its supporting footing laterally restrained to resist a force of not less than 9 kN
applied to the base of the column in any direction.
Such columns or frames shall be mechanically connected to the falsework cap or stringer to resist a horizontal force of
not less than 4.5 kN in any direction.
The effects of frictional resistance shall be neglected.
Exterior girders, upon which overhanging bridge deck falsework brackets are hung, to the adjacent interior girders as
necessary, shall be braced or tied to prevent rotation of exterior girders or overstressing the exterior girder web.
All exterior falsework stringers and stringers adjacent to the end of discontinuous caps shall be mechanically
connected (the stringer or stringers over points of minimum vertical clearance and every 5 th remaining stringer) to
the falsework cap or framing.
Connections shall be installed before traffic is allowed to pass beneath the span . These connections shall be capable
of resisting a load in any direction, including uplift on the stringer, of not less than 2.2 kN.
Falsework bents shall be sheathed within 6 meters of the centerline of a railroad track side in the area between 1 and
5 meters above the track on the side facing the track. Sheathing of plywood (not less than 16 mm thick) or lumber
(not less than 25 mm nominal thickness) shall be constructed.
Bracing on such bents shall be provided adequately so that the bent resists the required assumed horizontal load or
22 kN, whichever is greater, without the aid of sheathing.
Minimum required vertical and horizontal clearances through falsework for roadways, railroads, pedestrians, and
boats shall be provided. Falsework for Steel Structures

a) Falsework design loads shall consist of the mass of structural steel, the load of supported erection equipment
and all other loads supported by the falsework.
b) Falsework and forms for concrete supported on steel structures shall be designed so that loads are applied to
girder webs within 150 mm of a flange or stiffener. The loads shall be distributed in a manner that does not
produce local distortion of the web. Deck overhang forms that require holes to be drilled into the girder
webs shall not be used.
c) Exterior girders supporting overhanging deck falsework brackets shall be strutted and tied to adjacent
interior girders to prevent distortion and overstressing of the exterior girder web.
d) The loads to be applied on new or partially completed structures shall not exceed the load carrying capacity
of any part of the structure.
e) Supporting falsework that will accommodate the proposed method of erection shall be built without
overstressing the structural steel, as required, and will produce the required final structural geometry,
intended continuity, and structural action.

9.2.5 Formwork Design and Construction General
Formwork shall be of wood, steel, or other approved material and shall be mortar tight and of sufficient rigidity to
prevent objectionable distortion of the formed concrete surface due to pressure of the concrete and other loads
incidental to the construction operations.
Forms for concrete surfaces exposed to view shall produce a smooth surface of uniform texture and color
substantially equal to that which shall be obtained with the use of plywood conforming to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology Product Standard PS 1 for Exterior B-B Class I Plywood. Panels lining such forms shall be
arranged so that the joint lines form a symmetrical pattern conforming to the general lines of the structure. The same
type of form lining material shall be used through-out each element of a structure. Such forms shall be sufficiently
rigid so that the undulation of the concrete surface shall not exceed 3 mm when checked with a 1.5 m long
straightedge or template. All sharp corners shall be filleted with approximately 20 mm chamfer strips.
Concrete shall not be deposited in the form until all work connected with constructing the forms has been completed,
all debris has been removed, all materials to be embedded in the concrete have been placed for the unit to be cast,
and the Engineer has inspected and approved the forms and materials.
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The Contractor shall furnish the design and drawing of complete formwork (i.e. the forms as well as their supports)
for approval of the Engineer before any erection is taken up. If proprietary system of formwork is used, the Contractor
shall furnish detailed information to the Engineer for approval.
Notwithstanding any approval or review of drawing and design by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be entirely
responsible for the adequacy and safety for formwork.
The structural design of formwork shall conform to the ACI Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork (ACI 347-
78) or AASHTO Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works or other generally accepted and permitted
standards. It shall ensure that the forms can be conveniently removed without disturbing the concrete . The design
shall facilitate proper and safe access to all parts of formwork for inspection.
In selecting the hydrostatic pressure to be used in the design of forms, consideration shall be given to the maximum
rate of concrete placement to be used, the effects of vibration, the temperature of the concrete and any expected use
of set-retarding admixtures in the concrete mix.
In the case of prestressed concrete superstructure, careful consideration shall be given to redistribution of loads on
props due to prestressing. Construction
Forms shall be set and held true to the dimensions, lines and grades of the structure prior to and during the
placement of concrete. Forms may be given a bevel or draft at projections, such as copings, to ensure easy removal.
Prior to reuse, forms shall be cleaned, inspected for damage and, if necessary, repaired. When forms appear to be
defective in any manner, either before or during the placement of concrete, the Engineer may order the work to be
stopped until defects have been corrected.
Forms shall be treated with form oil or other approved release agent before the reinforcing steel is placed. Material
which will adhere to or discolor the concrete shall not be used.
Except as provided herein, metal ties or anchorages within the form, shall be so constructed as to permit their
removal to a depth of at least 25 mm from the face without injury to the concrete. Ordinary wire ties may be used
only when the concrete will not be exposed to view and where the concrete will not come in contact with salts or
sulfates. Such ties, upon removal of the forms, shall be cut back at least 6 mm from the face of the concrete with
chisels or nippers; for fluid concrete, nippers shall be used. Fittings for metal ties shall be of such design that, upon
their removal, the cavities shall be filled with cement mortar and the surface left sound, smooth, even, and uniform in
When epoxy–coated reinforcing steel is required, all metal ties, anchorages or spreaders which will remain in the
concrete shall be of corrosion resistant material or coated with a dielectric material.
For narrow walls and columns, where the bottom of the form is inaccessible, an access opening shall be provided in
the forms for cleaning out extraneous material immediately before placing the concrete. Tube Forms

Tubes used as forms to produce voids in concrete slabs shall be properly designed and fabricated or otherwise treated
to make the outside surface waterproof. Prior to concrete placement such tubes shall be protected from the water
and stored and installed by methods the prevent distortion or damage. The ends of tubes forms shall be covered with
cap that shall be made mortar tight and waterproof. If wood or other material that expands when moist is used for
capping tubes, premolded rubber joint filler 6 mm in thickness shall be used around the perimeter of the cap to
permit expansion. A PVC vent tube shall be provided near each end of each tube. These vents shall be constructed to
provide positive venting of the voids. After exterior form removal, the vent tube shall be trimmed to within 15 mm of
the bottom surface of the finished concrete.
Anchors and ties for tube forms shall be adequate to prevent displacement of the tubes during concrete placements. Stay-in-Place Forms

Stay-in-place deck soffit forms, such as corrugated metal or pre-cast concrete panels, may be used if shown on the
plans or approved by the Engineer. Prior to the use of such forms the contractor shall provide a complete set of
details to the Engineer for view and approval. The detailed plans for structures, unless otherwise noted, are
dimensioned for the use of removable forms and any changes necessary to accommodate stay-in-place forms, if
approved, shall be at the expense of the contractor. Formed Surface and Finish

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The formwork shall be lined with material approved by the Engineer so as to provide a smooth finish of uniform
texture and appearance. This material shall leave no stain on the concrete and so fixed to its backing as not to impart
any blemishes. It shall be of the same type and obtained from only one source throughout for the construction of any
one structure. The Contractor shall make good any imperfections in the resulting finish as required by the Engineer.
Internal ties and embedded metal parts shall be carefully detailed and their use shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Preparation of Formwork before Concreting

The inside surfaces of forms shall, except in the case of permanent formwork or where otherwise agreed to by the
Engineer be coated with a release agent supplied by approved manufacturer or of an approved material to prevent
adhesion of concrete to the formwork. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement or prestressing tendons and
anchorages. Different release agents shall not be used in formwork for exposed concrete.
Before re-use of forms, the following actions shall be taken:
a) The contact surfaces of the forms shall be cleaned carefully and dried before applying a release agent.
b) It should be ensured that the release agent is appropriate to the surface to be coated. The same type and
make of release agent shall be used throughout on similar formwork materials and different types should not
be mixed.
c) The form surfaces shall be evenly and thinly coated with release agent. The vertical surface shall be treated
before horizontal surface and any excess wiped out.
d) The release agent shall not come in contact with reinforcement or the hardened concrete.
All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately before concreting.
The Contractor shall give the Engineer due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to inspect
and approve the formwork. However, such inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for safety of
formwork, men, machinery, materials and finish or tolerances of concrete. Workmanship
a) The formwork shall be robust and strong and the joints shall be leak-proof. Balli shall not be used as staging.
Staging must have cross bracings and diagonal bracings in both directions. Staging shall be provided with an
appropriately designed base plate resting on firm strata.
b) The number of joints in the formwork shall be kept to a minimum by using large size panels . The design shall
provide for proper “soldiers” to facilitate alignment. All joints shall be leak proof and must be properly
sealed. Use of PVC JOINT sealing tapes, form rubber or PVC T-section is essential to prevent leakage of grout.
c) As far as practicable, clamps shall be used to hold the forms together. Where use of nails is unavoidable,
minimum number of nails shall be used and these shall be left projecting so that they can be withdrawn
easily. Use of double headed nails shall be preferred.
d) Use of ties shall be restricted, as far as practicable. Wherever ties are used they shall be used with HDPE
sheathing so that the ties can easily be removed. No parts prone to corrosion shall be left projecting or near
the surface. The sheathing shall be grouted with cement mortar of the same strength as that of the
e) Unless otherwise specified, or directed, chamfers or fillets of size 25 mm x 25 mm shall be provided at all
angles of the formwork to avoid sharp corners. The chamfers, beveled edges and mouldings shall be made in
the formwork itself. Opening for fixtures and other fittings shall be provided in the shuttering as directed by
the Engineer.
f) Shuttering for walls, sloping members and thin sections of considerable height shall be provided with
temporary openings to permit inspection and cleaning out before placing of concrete.
g) The formwork shall be constructed with pre-camber to the soffit to allow for deflection of the formwork. Pre-
camber to allow for deflection of formwork shall be in addition to that indicated for the permanent structure
in the drawings.
h) Where centering trusses or launching trusses are adopted for casting of superstructure, the joints of the
centering trusses, whether welded, riveted or bolted should be thoroughly checked periodically . Also,
various members of the centering trusses should be periodically examined for proper alignment and
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unintended deformation before proceeding with the concreting. They shall also be periodically checked for
any deterioration in quality due to steel corrosion.
i) The formwork shall be so made as to produce a finished concrete true to shape, line and levels and
dimensions as shown on the drawings, subject to the tolerances specified in respective sections of these
Specifications, or as directed by the Engineer.
j) Where metal forms are used, all bolts and rivets shall be countersunk and well ground to provide a smooth,
plane surface. Where timber is used it shall be well seasoned, free from loose knots, projecting nails, splits or
other defects that may mar the surface of concrete.
k) Forms shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging
between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand all pressure, ramming and vibration during and
after placing the concrete. Screw jacks or hard wood wedges where required shall be provided to make up
any settlement in the formwork either before or during the placing of concrete.
l) The formwork shall take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to ensure
the correct final shape of the structures, having regard to the deformation of falsework, scaffolding or
propping and the instantaneous or deferred deformation due to various causes affecting prestressed
m) Suitable camber shall be provided to horizontal members of structure, specially in long spans to counteract
the effects of deflection. The formwork shall be so fixed as to provide for such camber.
n) The formwork shall be coated with an approved release agent that will effectively prevent sticking and will
not stain the concrete surface. Lubricating (machine oils) shall be prohibited for use as coating. Precautions
a) Special measures in the design of formwork shall be taken to ensure that it does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete. The soffit of the formwork shall be so designed as to ensure that the formwork does not restrain
the shortening and/or hogging of beams during prestressing. The forms may be removed at the earliest
opportunity subject to the minimum time for removal of forms with props retained in position.
b) Where necessary, formwork shall be so arranged that the soffit form, properly supported on props only can
be retained in position for such period as may be required by maturing conditions.
c) Any cut-outs or openings provided in any structural member to facilitate erection of formwork shall be
closed with the same grade of concrete as the adjoining structure immediately after removal of formwork
ensuring watertight joints.
d) Provision shall be made for safe access on, to and about the formwork at the levels as required.
e) Close watch shall be maintained to check for settlement of formwork during concreting. Any settlement of
formwork during concreting shall be promptly rectified.
f) Water used for curing should not be allowed to stagnate near the base plates supporting the staging and
should be properly drained.

9.2.6 Removal of Falsework and Forms General
Falsework or forms shall not be removed without approval of the Engineer. In the determination of the time for the
removal of falsework and forms, consideration shall be given to the location and character of the structure, the
weather, the materials used in the mix, and other conditions influencing the early strength of the concrete.
Methods of removal likely to cause overstressing of the concrete or damage to its surface shall not be used . Supports
shall be removed in such a manner as to permit the structure to uniformly and gradually take the stresses due to its
own weight.
Any remedial treatment to surfaces shall be agreed with the Engineer following inspection after removing the
formwork and shall be carried out without delay. Any concrete surface which has been treated before being inspected
by the Engineer, shall be liable to rejection.
Defects that will need repair, when removal of entire defective portions is not directed by the Engineer, shall also
include crazing, cracks, spalls, popouts, air bubbles, honeycomb, and holes left by rods and bolts; other surface

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deficiencies that penetrate to the reinforcement; fins and other objectionable projections on the surface, as
determined by the Engineer; and stains and discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning.
Falsework for arch bridges shall be removed uniformly and gradually. The removal shall begin at the crown and work
toward the springing. The falsework for adjacent arch spans shall be removed simultaneously.
Forms used to support the deck of box girders and forms in hollow abutments or pieces may remain in place when no
permanent access is available into the cells. Where it is intended to re-use formwork, it shall be thoroughly cleaned
and made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to re-use.
Forms that do not support the dead load of concrete members and forms for railings and barriers shall be removed 24
hours after the concrete is placed. Exposed concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage.
Formwork shall be removed and shall remain the property of the Contractor upon completion of their use. The area
shall be restored to its original or planned condition and cleaned of all debris. Time of Removal

The removal of forms and supports shall not be started (When CEM I Cement is used without any admixture at an
ambient temperatures exceeding 10°C) before the periods indicated in Table 9 -92 as follows.
Table 9- 92 : Time of Removal
Structural Member Time of Removal
1 Forms and Falsework Supporting
Slabs (with props left under) 3 days
Beams/ Girders (with props left under) 7 days
Removal of Props for Slabs:
i) Slabs spanning up to 4.5 m 14 days
ii) Slabs spanning over 4.5 m 21 days
Removal of Props for Beams/ Girders and Arches:
i) Span up to 6.0 m 21 days
ii) Span over 6.0 m 28 days
2 Forms (Not supporting the dead weight of concrete)
Walls, piers, abutments, columns and vertical faces of structural members 24 to 48 hours as may be
decided by the Engineer
Railing and barriers 12 hours
Interior cells of box girders 12 hours

Special notes on the plans relative to the removal of formwork under arches, continuous spans, and other special
structures shall have precedence over the above time limits for removal of formwork.
Time of removal for supporting forms or falsework (except those for walls piers, side forms for abutment, pier caps,
columns, vertical faces of structural members, railing and barriers) may be shortened at the discretion of the Engineer
if the concrete has attained eighty percent (80%) of the specified strength.
In addition to above requirements where field operations are controlled by cylinder tests:
a) Generally, the removal of supporting forms or falsework shall not begin until the concrete is found to have
the specified compressive strength.
b) In no case shall supports be removed in less than seven days after placing the concrete.
c) Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has sufficient strength to prevent damage to the surface.
d) Falsework for post-tensioned portions of structures shall not be released until the prestressing steel has
been tensioned.
e) Falsework supporting any span of a continuous or rigid frame bridge shall not be released until the
aforementioned requirements have been satisfied for all of the structural concrete in that span and in the
adjacent portions of each adjoining span for a length equal to at least one -half the length of the span where
falsework is to be released.
f) Where there are re-entrant angles in the concrete sections, the formwork should be removed at these
sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set, in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of

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Unless otherwise specified or approved, falsework shall be released before the railings, copings or barriers are placed
for all types of bridges. For arch bridges, the time of falsework release relative to the construction of elements of the
bridge above the arch shall be as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Extent of Removal

All formwork shall be removed except:
a) Portion of driven falsework piles which are more than 300 mm below subgrade within roadbeds, or 600 mm
below the original ground or finished grade outside of roadbeds, or 600 mm below the established limits of
any navigation channel.
b) Footing forms where their removal would endanger the safety of cofferdams or other work.
c) Forms from enclosed cell where access is not provided.
d) Deck forms in the cells of box girder bridges that do not interfere with the future installation of utilities
shown in the contract documents.

9.2.7 Re-Use of Falsework and Forms

When the form is dismantled, its individual components shall be examined for damage and damaged pieces shall be
removed for rectification. Such examination shall always be carried out before their use again. Before re-use all
components shall be cleaned of deposits of soil, concrete or other unwanted materials. Threaded parts shall be oiled
after cleaning.
All bent steel props shall be straightened before re-use. The maximum deviation from straightness is 1/600 of the
length. The maximum permissible axial loads in used props shall be suitably reduced depending upon their condition.
The condition of the timber components, plywood and steel shuttering plates shall be examined closely for distortion
and defects before re-use.

9.2.8 Specialized Formwork

Specialized formwork may be required in the case of slipform work, underwater concreting, segmental construction
etc. Such specialized formwork shall be designed and detailed by competent agencies and a set of complete working
drawings and installation instructions shall be supplied to the Engineer. The site personnel shall be trained in the
erection and dismantling as well as operation of such specialized formwork. In case proprietary equipment is used,
the supplier shall supply drawings, details, installation instructions, etc. in the form of manuals along with the
formwork. Where specialized formwork is used, close co-ordination with the design of permanent structure is
In order to verify the time and sequence of striking/removal of specialized formwork, routine field tests for the
consistency of concrete and strength development are mandatory and shall be carried out before adoption.
For specialized formwork, the form lining material may be either plywood or steel sheet of appropriate thickness .
Plywood is preferred where superior quality of surface is desired, whereas steel sheeting is normally used where large
number of repetitions are involved. Slipforms General
Slipforms can be used for vertical structures, such as beams, piers and well etc. These forms are usually moved by
jacks riding on steel rods or pipes embedded in or attached to the hardened concrete. The movement of forms may
be continuous process until the structure is completed or in a phased sequence of finite placements.
Slipforms shall be designed, constructed and the sliding operations carried out under the supervision of persons
experienced in slipform work.
Jacking rods or pipes may be left in place or withdrawn as conditions permit.
The design of the yokes must provide for adequate clearance to install horizontal reinforcing bars and embedment.
Forms shall be of about one meter height and may be of timber, plywood or steel. Special care must be taken in
building the forms and arranging the jacks so that the forms will draw straight without twist.
Forms shall be constructed with a slight batter so that they will be self-clearing as they slide. A range of 6 mm to 8 mm
in height of 1 m of forms is indicative of current practice.

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The sliding speed is determined by the rate of setting and hardening of the freshly placed concrete, the rate at which
the concrete can be supplied, placed and compacted, and the rate at which reinforcement steel can be supplied and
fixed. When using CEM I cement, the average sliding speed is in the rage of 150 mm – 300 mm per hour.
For slipform the rate of slipping the formwork shall be designed for each individual case taking into account various
parameters including the grade of concrete, concrete strength, concrete temperature, ambient temperature,
concrete admixtures, etc. In the case of segmental construction, the concrete mix shall be normally designed for
developing high early strength so that the formwork is released as early as possible.
Alignment and plumbness of the structure shall be checked at the beginning and at least once in eight hours of
operation. Travelling Forms

Travelling forms consist of formwork mounted on moveable frames or scaffolding called travelers . After the purpose
of the formwork is served at one section of the structure, the forms are released and moved along the structure to
the next section to be concreted.
Travelling forms are suitable for many types of bridges particularly where a number of repetitions are involved . These
forms can be used both for members of constant cross-section and variable cross-sections
Each set of forms and travelers shall be designed for the particular job. Forms are attached to the traveler mounted
on wheels, skids, etc. Jacks are generally used for de-shuttering and for adjustment to profile at the next section.
Travelling cantilever formwork for cantilever bridges is a particular example of use of travelling forms for bridge deck
construction. Such formworks, because of their importance and large loads involved, are designed with the same care
as that for a permanent structure.
Cantilever formwork eliminates falsework together. The deck is constructed as a series of segments progressively
cantilevering out of the pier. The forms are suspended form a structural frame anchored to the already concreted
segment of the deck and cantilevering out to sustain the forms for the next segment.
The cantilever forms shall be so arranged as to facilitate continuous concreting of the entire segment in one
operation. Necessary provision shall be made to enable adjustments in profile to cater to the camber requirements of
the bridge deck.

9.2.9 Tests and Standards of Acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work
shall conform to these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

9.2.10 Measurement
Unless stated otherwise, the rate for concrete in Plain Concrete or Reinforced Concrete or Prestressed Concrete shall
be deemed to include all formwork required in accordance with this section and shall not be measured separately.
Where it is specifically stipulated in the Contract that the formwork shall be paid for separately, measurement of
formwork shall be taken in square meters of the surface area of concrete which is in contact with formwork.

9.2.11 Payment
The unit rate of the Plain Concrete or Reinforced Concrete or Prestressed Concrete as defined in respective sections
shall be deemed to cover the costs of all falsework and forms, including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant
required for design, construction and removal of faslework and supervision as described in this section including
properly supporting the members until the concrete is cured, set and hardened as required.
Where the contract unit rate for falsework is specially provided as a separate item in the contract, it shall include the
cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant required for design, construction and removal of falsework and
supervision as described in this Section including properly supporting the members until the concrete is cured, set and
hardened as required.


9.3.1 General

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Cofferdams and shoring are temporary structures constructed to:

a) Keep water and soil out of excavations in which bridge piers, pile caps or other substructures are to be built.
b) Protect adjacent property and facilities during construction of the permanent work.
Usually, cofferdams are dewatered so that the substructures can be built under dry conditions . After the
substructures have been completed, the cofferdams are removed.
Cofferdams shall be constructed to adequate depths to assure stability and to adequate heights to seal off all water .
They shall be safely designed and constructed, and be made as watertight as is necessary for the proper performance
of the work which must be done inside them. In general, interior dimensions of cofferdams shall be such as to give
sufficient clearance for the construction of forms and the inspection of their exteriors, and to permit pumping from
outside the forms. Cofferdams that are tilted or moved laterally during the process of sinking shall be righted, reset,
or enlarged so as to provide the necessary clearance. This shall be solely at the expense of the contractor.
The contractor shall control the ingress of water so that concrete can be placed in the dry . The Contractor shall
determine if a seal is required, and, if required, shall determine the depth of the seal and the cure time required and
shall be fully responsible for the performance of the seal. Concrete seal shall conform to the requirements of SECTION
13: , “STRUCTURAL CONCRETE” and shall be placed under water. After the seal has cured, the cofferdam shall be
pumped out and the balance of the masonry placed in the dry. When weighted cofferdams are employed and the
weight is utilized to partially overcome the hydrostatic pressure acting against the bottom of the foundation seal,
special anchorage such as dowels or keys shall be provided to transfer the entire weight of the cofferdam into the
foundation seal. During the placing and curing of a foundation seal, the elevation of the water inside the cofferdam
shall be controlled to prevent any flow through the seal and, if the cofferdam is to remain in place, it shall be vented
or ported at or below low-water level.
Shoring shall be adequate to support all loads imposed and shall comply with any applicable safety regulations.

9.3.2 Protection of Concrete

Cofferdams shall be constructed so as to protect fluid/green concrete against damage from sudden fluctuation in
water level and to prevent damage to the foundation by erosion. No struts or braces shall be used in cofferdams or
shoring system in such a way as to extend into or through the permanent work, without written permission from the

9.3.3 Removal
Unless otherwise provided or approved, cofferdams and shoring with all sheathing and bracing shall be removed after
the completion of the substructure, with care being taken not to disturb or otherwise injure the finished work. The
Engineer may order the Contractor to leave any part or the whole of the cofferdam in place and this shall not entitle
the Contractor to claim for any additional payment.
The natural stream bed adjacent to the cofferdam shall not be disturbed without the permission of the Engineer. Any
excavation adjacent to the cofferdam shall be back-filled to the original ground level to the satisfaction of the
The Contractor shall submit Drawings showing his proposed methods of cofferdam construction . However, the
Contractor shall remain fully responsible for the adequacy of the design for strength and stability and for the safety of
the people working therein.

9.3.4 Measurement
The area required for cofferdam shall be measured in square meter.
The volume of excavation and back-fill shall not be measured or paid separately but shall be deemed included within
the rate for cofferdam.
Backfilling with previously excavated material shall not be measured or paid separately but shall be deemed included
within the rate for cofferdam.
Volumes to be excavated for blinding concrete shall not be measured and the price for the excavation thereof shall be
included in the above measured item for cofferdam.
Removal of cofferdams, cave-ins, silting or filling shall neither be measured nor paid for.

9.3.5 Payment
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The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per square meter as shown in the Bill of Quantities .
The payment shall be the full compensation for all excavations and back-filling for structures including supply of all
materials, labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to the successful completion of the work. The payment
shall also be the full compensation for excavation and subsequent back-filling of working space around the foundation
structure for shoring and other protective supports, for construction and removal of cofferdams, for de -watering and
for disposal of surplus excavated materials by hauling to any distance at approved locations.
All payment for the back-filling and compaction of those areas, which were removed as structural excavation shall be
included in the appropriate unit rates below.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 9 -93.
Table 9- 93 : Pay Items- Cofferdams and Shoring
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
9.3 Construction of Steel Cofferdam Square Meter


9.4.1 Types of De-watering System

One or both of the following de-watering systems shall be adopted considering the actual field conditions and
requirements for proper execution of work.
- De-watering by Sub-surface Water Control System
- De-watering by Surface Water Control System

9.4.2 Contractor’s Responsibilities

The Contractor shall be solely responsible and include in his rates for the following tasks:
- The design of the de-watering system including the collection of the requisite data, preparation of Plans and
Drawings of the necessary de-watering system.
- Providing all equipment and accessories required for de-watering by the Surface Water Control System and
Sub-surface Water Control System for satisfactory execution of the work.
- Transportation, furnishing, installation, safe operation and maintaining of the system including operators,
mechanics, supply of power, fuel, lubricants, spares, repairing, etc. throughout and the removal of the
equipment at the end of the construction period under this Contract.
The Contractor shall provide continuous supervision of the system by the persons competent to recognize adverse
conditions as they develop and take immediate corrective measures. The supervisor whose name and hours of duty
duly furnished to the Engineer by the Contractor, shall have thorough knowledge of the system including the ability to
make minor emergency repairs.
The control of water throughout the time of this Contract shall be the full responsibilities of the Contractor . The
ground water table shall be maintained at minimum of 0.9m below the lowest designed excavation level. Control
methods shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer including the Contractor’s equipment, plans, methods,
installation and operation procedures, etc.
The control methods adopted by the Contractor shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer including equipment,
plans, methods, installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance procedures and precautions against the failure of
any part of the system. The precautions shall include sufficient standby pumping plant and essential spare parts. The
standby pumping plant shall comprise at least one pump and the standby pumping capacity shall be at least 10 % of
the total working capacity.

9.4.3 Site Information

Any sub-soil investigation conducted by the LGED will be made available for the Contractor’s review. The LGED
assumes no responsibility regarding the correctness of these data. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to verify all
sub-surface conditions prior to submitting his tender.

9.4.4 De-watering by Sub-surface Water Control System

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De-watering by Sub-surface Water Control System is defined as controlling water accumulated from any source
requiring the use of well point or tube-well system
Works to be performed under this Section include furnishing, installing, maintaining, operating and removing the sub -
surface water control system including observation wells, so that the required excavation can be safely and properly
performed and the structure built and back-filled to the elevation as shown on the Drawings. Pre-cautionary measures

Excavation shall not be made below a level 1m above the ground water level shown to exist by the water level in the
observation wells. If the distance to the ground water table becomes less than 1m or the Engineer has any reason to
believe that rising ground water is likely to endanger either the open excavation or the structure, back-filling may be
ordered by the Engineer as a precaution against failure.
If for any reason, ground water control is lost and ground water appears in any portion of the excavation, the
Contractor shall take immediate action to control and confine the flow. Any portion of the final grade which, in the
opinion of the Engineer, has been damaged by the action of the ground water shall be excavated as directed by the
Engineer and back-filled in accordance with the Specifications at no extra cost to the Contract.
If it becomes necessary for any reason to stop the sub-surface de-watering operations before the construction of sub-
structure is complete, the Engineer may order the site to be flooded up to the surrounding ground water level as de-
watering is discontinued. Under no circumstance shall the site be flooded by allowing the ground water to rise
through the soil. If it becomes necessary to flood the site as described above, all equipment that can be damaged
shall be removed to safety/a safe place.
The cost of all such back-filling, flooding and subsequent draining and re-excavation shall be included in the lump sum
price for de-watering and no extra payment beyond the Contract price will be allowed. Operation
The sub-surface De-watering System shall be operated 24 hours of a day on all days of a week during the period that
de-watering is required. The Contractor shall take prior precautions against failure of any part of the system. Monitoring wells

Observation wells of 40mm diameter GI pipes with 1.25m long wire mesh strainer and full filters shall be installed by
the Contractor to suitably monitor the ground water levels maintained by the Contractor’s de-watering system. The
depth of wells shall be a minimum of 3m below the lowest level of the foundation excavation . The Contractor shall
provide a secured means for blocking access to the observation wells and shall maintain a log book with daily readings
of sub-soil water levels recorded every three hours, which shall be made available at all times for inspection . The
logbook shall be periodically checked and authenticated by the Engineer’s Representative. Removal of system

The de-watering system shall be removed when the construction has progressed to a stage that site de -watering is no
longer required; but only after receiving a written permission from the Engineer. Certain portions of the Contractor’s
de-watering system may be left in the ground when construction procedures will so require and when written
permission of the Engineer is obtained. Any such portion of the de-watering system shall be plugged, capped and/or
otherwise rendered harmless to the Work and the public.

9.4.5 De-watering by Surface Water Control System General
Evacuation of surface water is defined as controlling surface water levels within the ring bunds by use of pumps, sump
pump, gravel drain or other mechanical devices; but without requiring the use of a well point or tube well system .
Such water may accumulate from percolation, rain or pumping floodwater into the area or any other source or
combination of sources. The water level inside the ring bunds shall not exceed the level as directed by the Engineer.
Work to be performed under this Sub-section include furnishing, installing, maintaining, operating and removal of the
surface water control system for de-watering the accumulated water from the area within the ring bunds so that the
desired construction can safely and properly be performed. The discharge line or the drainage system for the disposal
of the evacuated water shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own costs in accordance with the approved
Drawing along with the arrangement of private land, if needed.

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The Contractor shall make all arrangements for pumps, fuel, lubricants, maintenance and operation of the equipment
and the whole Surface De-watering System and shall take precautions in advance against failure of any part of the
system. Removal of system

The Surface De-watering System shall be removed upon obtaining written permission from the Engineer when the
construction has progressed at a stage that site de-watering is no longer required.

9.4.6 Measurement
The work shall be measured for payment as an item on a lump sum basis as specified in the Schedule of Items.

9.4.7 Payment
Payment shall only be admissible on implementation of the items of the BOQ and on the basis of the Engineer
certifying that the work was necessary and implemented for the proper execution of construction work satisfying all
specifications described above. Payment shall be made at Lump Sum rate as quoted in the Contract. The rate shall
cover the full compensation for all measures including the cost of labour, equipment, materials, tools required for this
purpose and other incidentals necessary to complete the work as accepted by the Engineer.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 9 -94.
Table 9-94 : Pay Items- De-Watering System
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
9.3 Pumping and bailing out Water Lump Sum
Making arrangement of De-watering system for construction of pile Square Meter


9.5.1 Description
This Work shall consist of construction of the earthen Ring/Cross Bund by furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping
with suitable fill in accordance with the specifications and direction of the Engineer including palisading. The earthen
Ring/Cross Bund shall be maintained in proper condition by the Contractor until the completion of work for which this
temporary structure has been constructed.
The provisions given hereunder are applicable only to guide bunds for bridges across alluvial rivers.

9.5.2 Construction Method

The work of this temporary structure shall be carried out with adequate height as instructed by the Engineer to
protect the permanent Work and shall provide required clearance around the permanent structure.
The Contractor shall submit, upon request, Drawings showing his proposed method of construction of the earthen
Ring/Cross Bundh. Approval of the Drawings shall not, in anyway, relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the
adequacy of the design for strength and stability of this temporary structure and for the safety of the people working
The interior dimensions of the Ring Bund shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for the construction work of the
permanent structure, the inspection of the interior and to permit the pumping.
In constructing the earthen Ring Bund, palisading wall shall be erected on both sides with bullah/ bamboo posts/pins
walling with double Tarja mat or bitumen drum sheets forming an enclosed area for filling earth . The local soil, which
will meet the requisite criteria shall be arranged by the Contractor from the locality, carried to the site and to be filled
inside the enclosed area with manual compaction layer by layer. When necessary, bailing out water shall be carried
out by the Contractor through pumping with pumps or by any other appropriate methods.
The temporary earthen Ring/Cross Bund shall be removed on completion of the permanent structure. The removal of
this temporary structure shall be effected in such a manner as not to disturb the finished permanent work . The
Engineer may order the Contractor to leave any part or the whole of the earthen Ring/Cross Bund in place and this
shall not entitle the Contractor to any additional payment.

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The responsibility shall remain with the Contractor to keep the enclosed area at the level of the foundation bottom of
the permanent structure dry by ensuring all arrangements to prevent percolation of water from the surroundings
during the construction of the permanent structure for a period as required by the Engineer.
Where the alignment of guide bund or the approach embankment crosses branch channel of the river, the branch
channel may be either diverted to the main channel of the river with the help of spurs, etc . or closed by a properly
designed closing dyke or closure bund before taking up construction of guide bund.

9.5.3 Measurement
The work shall be measured for payment as an item on a lump sum basis as specified Schedule of Items and in the

9.5.4 Payment
The payment shall be made for the completed work which shall include the design, construction, maintenance of the
temporary structures until the completion of work for which the temporary structures are made and removal of this
temporary structure on completion of the Work or as directed by the Engineer . This item shall include the full
compensation for the cost of all labour; arranging, carrying and dumping of the full quantity of earth or sand or any
other fill as required by the work; shoring, sheeting, palisading and cost of all materials, tools, equipment and all
incidentals necessary to complete the work as per specifications contained in this Sub-section and acceptance of the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 9 -95.
Table 9-95 : Pay Items- Earthen Ring/Cross Bund
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
9.5 Earthen Ring/ Cross Bund Lump Sum


9.6.1 General
Temporary bridges shall be constructed, maintained, and removed in a manner that will not endanger the work or the
Temporary bridges include detour bridges for use by the public, haul road bridges, and other structures, such as
conveyor bridges, used by the Contractor.

9.6.2 Detour Bridges

The “design of detour bridges” refers to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2007.
When a design is furnished by the Department, detour bridges shall be constructed and maintained to conform to
either such design or an approved alternative design. When permitted by the Specifications, the Contractor may
submit a proposed alternative design. Any alternative design must be equivalent in all respects to the design and
details furnished by the Owner and is subject to approval by the Engineer. The working drawings and design
calculations for any alternative design shall be signed by a Registered Professional Engineer.
When a design is not furnished by the Owner, the Contractor shall prepare the design and furnish working drawings
to the Engineer for approval. The design shall provide the clearances, alignment, load capacity, and other design
parameters specified or approved in the contract documents. The design shall conform to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications. If design live loads are not otherwise specified in the contract documents, 75 percent of the
HL93 loading may be used. The working drawings and design calculations shall be signed by a Registered Professional

9.6.3 Haul Bridges

The design of haul bridges refers to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2007.
When haul road bridges or other bridges which are not for public use are proposed for construction over any right -of-
way that is open to the public or that is over any railroad, working drawings showing complete design and details,
including the maximum loads to be carried, shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval . Such drawings shall be

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signed by a Registered Professional Engineer. The design shall conform to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
when applicable or to other appropriate standards.

9.6.4 Maintenance
The maintenance of temporary bridges for which working drawings are required shall include their replacement in
case of partial or complete failure. In case of the Contractor's delay or inadequate progress in making repairs and
replacement, the Owner reserves the right to furnish such labor, materials, and supervision of the work as may be
necessary to restore the structure for proper movement of traffic. The entire expense of such restoration and repairs
shall be considered a part of the cost of the temporary structure and where such expenditures are incurred by the
Owner, they shall be charged to the Contractor.

9.6.5 Measurement
The work shall be measured for payment as an item on a lump sum basis as specified Schedule of Items and in the

9.6.6 Payment
Payment includes full compensation for all costs involved with the furnishing of all materials and the construction,
maintenance, and removal of temporary bridges.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 9 -96.
Table 9- 96 : Pay Items- Temporary Bridges
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
9.6 Installation, maintenance and Removal of Temporary Bridges Lump Sum

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10.1.1 Description
This work shall comprise of boring and construction of bored cast in place piles for foundation of the bridge
structures. The item includes the provisions of all labour, materials, equipment, boring and all incidentals necessary to
complete the work in accordance with these Specifications, in conformity with the requirements of the Drawings, as
required in the other places of the Contract Document and/or as per direction of the Engineer.
Piles through the water and soft upper soil layers shall be provided with permanent steel casing, if shown on the
The pile boring shall be carried out using a temporary steel casing bored to the pile toe or to a level approved by the
Engineer. The temporary casing shall be withdrawn.
Under certain circumstances the Contractor may be permitted to bore all or part of the pile without casing under
water or using drilling fluid to stabilize the bore hole.
Concrete and reinforcement of the piles shall be strong enough to resist pile loads and horizontal forces on the pile

10.1.2 Accessories Temporary steel casing
Temporary steel casing pipe of required diameter shall be used at least for the upper 6m from the ground level during
drilling to stabilize the hole. The casing pipe shall be fabricated to the specified size and shape from mild steel . It shall
be smooth, clean, water tight and sufficiently strong to withstand both handling and driving stresses and the pressure
of both concrete and the surrounding earth materials. It shall be free from significant distortion and shall have
uniform cross-section throughout each continuous length. Size of the shaft shall be less than the inside diameter of
the casing. However, it shall not be less than 10mm. During pouring of concrete, it shall be free from internal
projections and encrusted concrete, which might prevent the proper formation of piles.
Temporary steel casing used above the permanent casing to hold and protect pile concrete from water shall not be
removed until developing appropriate strength of concrete. No additional payment shall be made for this special
arrangement. Permanent steel casing

The steel of the permanent steel casing shall conform to the ASTM A 252 (AASHTO M 183) having sufficient strength
and rigidity to prevent distortion by soil pressure or for drilling of adjacent piles.
Minimum wall thickness of the permanent steel casing shall be 6mm. Minimum length shall be from 100mm above
the bottom of the pile cap to 5m inside the ground or into firm strata or as shown on the Drawings or as directed by
the Engineer. If the permanent casing is used in the boring operation or if the handling and transport require a greater
thickness to avoid deformation or buckling, the increase in thickness shall be provided by the Contractor at his own
The steel casing shall be furnished in appropriate length and the joints shall be approved by the Engineer . The plates
shall be cut and rolled to the inner diameter not less than the nominal diameter of the pile or such larger diameter as
to allow the requisite pile diameter hole in the unlined length of pile . The rolled plates shall be connected by full
penetration butt welds generally complying with AWS 1.3, Structural Welding Code – Sheet Steel. No more than three
(3) longitudinal seam welds shall be employed in any one cross-section and such welds shall be staggered in position
in the cross-section between one length and the next. The dimensional accuracy of the lining shall be as stated on the
drawings and to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
Casing pipes may be transported to the site at suitable lengths in pieces and shall be welded as per specifications to
fabricate the designed length. The casing shall be handled and stored in a manner that shall prevent buckling and
other deformation as well as accumulation of dirt, oil and paint. When placed in the work, it shall be free from dirt,
oil, grease, paint, mill scale and loose or thick rust or any deleterious substance that may affect the concrete.

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The outside surface of the permanent casing of piles to river piers, for a maximum depth of 5m from the underside of
the pile cap, shall receive two coats of anti-corrosive Tar type paint. The paint shall be approved by the Engineer and
its application shall follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
In the case of steel shells or pipes, after being driven and prior to placing reinforcing steel and concrete therein, the
steel shells or pipes shall be examined for collapse or reduced diameter at any point. Any shell or pipe, which is
improperly driven or broken or shown partial collapse to such an extent as to materially decrease its bearing value,
will be rejected. Rejected shells or pipes shall be removed and replaced, or a new shell or pipe shall be driven
adjacent to the rejected one. Rejected shells or pipes, which cannot be removed, shall be filled with lean concrete by
the Contractor at his expense. Tremie pipe

A Tremie shall consist of a steel tube having a diameter of not less than 200mm, sufficiently long to reach the bed of
water keeping its one end above the water level, constructed in sections having flanged couplings fitted with gaskets .
The tube shall be fitted with a hopper at its upper end for pouring concrete inside the tube . The Tremie shall be
supported so as to permit free movement of the discharge end over the entire top surface of the work so as to permit
rapid lowering when necessary to retard or stop the flow of concrete.

10.1.3 Materials Concrete
The concrete for bored cast-in-place piles shall conform all requirements as described under the SECTION 13:
STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of this Specification. Cement CEM I shall be used and the characteristic cylinder strength
shall not be less than 30 MPa or as shown on the Drawings.
Concrete placed under water or drilling mud by Tremie shall have a cement content of not less than 370 kg/m3.
The density and consistency of the concrete shall conform to the Tremie Casting Method. Sufficient workability
(slump) of all concrete shall be maintained during the casting and casing handling period. Reasonable calculated
delays shall be secured by a design mix (including the necessary retarders and plasticisers) which is tested by trial
mixes prior to the pile construction.
All relevant concrete properties such as slump, time of setting, temperature and strength shall be measured on the
trial mixes. Reinforcement
Reinforcement bar and binding wires used in the construction of bored cast-in-place piles shall conform to the
requirements stated under the SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK of these Specifications. Welding Electrodes

Where welding is specified for fabrication of the reinforcement, the electrodes shall conform to the American
Welding Society (AWS) Standards and shall be of the size and classification number recommended by the
manufacturer. Drilling fluid

The following instructions shall be complied with, if bentonite mud is used to stabilize the boreholes: Supply
Bentonite, if required and supplied at the Site shall be in accordance with the specifications conforming to DFCP 4 of
the Oil Companies Materials Associations.
The Contractor shall obtain a certificate from the manufacturer of the bentonite powder showing the properties of
the consignment delivered at the site. This certificate shall be made available to the Engineer on request. The
properties to be given by the manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in centipoises) and the gel strength
range for solids in water, liquid limit, swelling index and pH value.
Any other materials for the drilling fluid shall receive approval from the Engineer. Mixing
Bentonite and any other materials shall be mixed thoroughly with clean water to make a suspension, which shall
maintain the stability of the pile excavation for a period, necessary to pour concrete and complete construction.

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Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, special precautions shall be taken to modify the
Bentonite in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respect for the construction of piles. Tests
The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of sampling shall be proposed by the Contractor
and approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the work. The frequency may subsequently be varied as
required depending upon the consistency of the results obtained. The control tests shall cover the determination of
density, viscosity, gel strength, sand content and pH values.
For average soil conditions, the results shall generally be within the ranges stated in the Table shown below . The tests
shall be carried out until a consistent working pattern has been established.

Property to be measured Range of Results at 20oC Test Method

Density 1.03 – 1.1 g/ml Mud density balance
Viscosity 30-90s or less than 20 cP Marsh cone method Fann viscometer
Shear strength (10 min. gel 1.4 - 10.0 N/m2 or 4.0 – 40.0 N/m2 Shearometer Fann Viscometer
Sand Content <4% Bentonite Slurry Test Kit Box

pH value 9.5 – 12.0 pH indicator paper strips or electrical

pH meter

The Contractor shall supply all equipment and engage experienced operators required for carrying out tests on the
drilling mud. No additional payment shall be made to the Contractor for these tests, which shall be considered as an
essential part of the drilling operations.

10.1.4 Length of Piles

The basic length of pile and its diameter is shown on drawings. The final length shall be decided by the Engineer on
the basis of study of the results of initial load test on piles and on the basis of actual boring data observed on site for
individual pile. Test piles shall be installed as directed by the Engineer at selected location of the bridge.

10.1.5 Construction Method General Preparation
Before starting drilling operation, the Contractor shall plan the sequence and stages of operation for different piles
and establish levels, grades and alignment of all piles with reference to Bench Marks (BM) previously established at
site. The Contractor shall have all casing pipes and reinforcing bars fabricated as per design and shall be ready for
lowering the pipes on completion of drilling. All necessary equipment such as pump, welding set, etc. and materials
for concrete work including Tremie pipe shall be made available before the start of drilling operation. Drilling
The Engineer shall approve the drilling method and the equipment to be used for this purpose . The Contractor shall
prepare all suitable cofferdam/artificial island/staging or any other approved means, if required, for the drilling
operation and pouring concrete of the piles in water. Bentonite slurry, if required, shall be used to stabilize the hole. Pile cluster

Where there are more than 4 (four) piles in a cluster, the center pile shall be installed first. All piles in a cluster shall
be of the same depth. Obstruction during drilling

When obstructions make it extremely difficult to drill certain holes in the location shown and upto the proper bearing
strata, the Contractor shall take all usual methods to install piles as required including jetting, cutting, drilling or other
feasible means. If in the judgment of the Engineer the Contractor is unable to complete properly any pile by resorting
to such methods, the Engineer may order for an additional hole drilled at another selected location at the
Contractor’s own expenses.
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The depth of hole shall be checked by the Engineer by lowering suitable drop to determine the length of pile .
Immediately after approval of the bore, the steel casing pipe shall be installed up to the design depth, if provided in
the BOQ and then the reinforcement cage shall be lowered.
Pile type and construction methods shall ascertain that the pile shaft shall not be weakened by contamination of the
concrete, by sectional reduction, by washing out of cement, by breaking during pulling of temporary casings or by any
other way including construction of neighboring piles. Assumed procedure

The following construction procedures shall be assumed in the Design. The Engineer shall approve the final
construction procedures or any subsequent modification prior to commencing piling operations.
a) If required, placing the permanent steel casing in position and embedding the casing toe in to the firm strata .
If no permanent steel casing is specified, a sufficient length of temporary steel casing shall be used to
stabilize the upper part of the bore hole.
b) Boring and excavating the inside of the steel casing down to the casing toe level or to a level approved.
Excavating up to the final pile tip level using either temporary casing under water or using drilling mud .
Water level inside the casings shall, at all times, be at least 2m higher than the outside of the casings.
c) The bore must be washed by fresh bentonite solution flushing to ensure clean bottom at two stages viz. after
completion of boring and prior to concreting after placing of reinforcement case (Air Lift Cleanup Method
shall be followed for 2 nd step of borehole cleaning). Flushing of bentonite shall be done continuously with
fresh bentonite slurry till the consistency of inflowing and out-flowing slurry is similar.
d) Placing reinforcement cage, inspecting pipes, etc.
e) Pouring concrete continuously under water or drilling fluid by use of the Tremie method.
f) Withdrawing the temporary casing concurrently with pouring of concrete up to the instructed level.
g) Breaking the top section of the concrete pile after hardening in order to reach sound concrete. Approval of construction method

In the Tender, the Contractor shall describe his proposed construction methods, which shall include information on
boring equipment, materials, methods of work, quality control and bearing capacity and also the name of the Sub-
contractor, if any. The Contractor shall submit references from similar jobs carried out by him or by the Sub-
Prior to making Contract, the Contractor shall submit all requested supplementary information in writing.
After the Contract has been awarded to the Contractor, he shall prepare a detailed programme and establish a
procedure for the pile construction in accordance with the above information.
The detailed programme shall contain all information as requested on materials, equipment, methods of work, etc .
and be approved in writing by the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his full responsibilities
for the entire pile construction.
No boring equipment or material shall be mobilize at Site before the Contractor has received the approval of the
Engineer as stated above. Setting out piles

Before starting drilling operation, the Contractor shall plan the sequence and stages of operation for different piles
and establish levels, grades and alignment of all piles with reference to Bench Marks, previously established at Site .
The Contractor shall have all casing pipes and reinforcing bars fabricated as per design and ready for lowering on
completion of drilling. All necessary equipment and materials for concrete work including Tremie pipe shall be made
available before the start of drilling operation.
The positions of the piles shall be set out in accordance with the Drawings from established Bench Mark . The position
of each pile shall be approved by the Engineer before drilling commences.
Where there are more than four piles within a cluster, the center pile shall be constructed first . No concrete shall be
placed until all drilling within a radius of 2.5m has been completed. If this is not possible, no drilling shall be done
within 2.5m radius of a cast-in-situ pile until the concrete has set for at least four days after pouring.

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The diameter of a pile shall be not less than the specified diameter. Tolerances
Bores shall be accurately drilled in the locations as shown on the Drawings. All piles shall be drilled with a lateral
tolerance of not more than 75mm from the point specified. Pile that deviates by more than 75mm in lateral location
or pile whose slope deviate from the vertical by more than 2%, shall be rejected. Additional piles shall then be
furnished and installed by the Contractor in such locations as the Engineer may direct . The Contractor shall provide
suitable equipment, such as an inverted pendulum, to check the verticality of the bore holes at intervals during
drilling and prior to pouring concrete. All costs for such additional piles as required to suit the changed pile locations,
shall be borne by the Contractor at his own costs. Boring Method
Generally, two methods are followed while excavation. One is Percussion Drilling Method and the other is Hydraulic
Rotary Drilling Method. However, method of excavation shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the
Engineer. Water or air jetting for boring of the piles shall not be allowed. Boring near recently cast piles

Piles shall not be bored so close to other piles which have recently been cast and which contain workable or unset
concrete so that flow of concrete could be induced from or damage caused to any of the piles. Boring and excavation
for a pile shall not be commenced until 96 hours after completion of any pile within a radius of 2.5m center to center. Steel casings

A temporary steel casing pipe of approved quality and specifications stated earlier shall be used and lowered
simultaneously with the progress of drilling for the purpose of stabilizing at least the top 6m of the hole . Where a
permanent steel casing pipe is specified in the Drawings, this shall either be lowered as drilling progresses instead of
the temporary pipe, or installed immediately on completion of drilling. The inside of the casing pipe shall be cleaned
of oil, grease, paint and other deleterious substances before lowering.
A pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of temporary casing or other form of support shall be
bored and concreted without prolonged delay and in any case soon enough to ensure that the soil characteristics are
not significantly impaired. Stability of pile excavation using drilling fluid

Where a bore hole is formed without casing under water or using drilling fluid for maintaining the stability of a boring,
the level of water or fluid in the excavation shall be maintained so that the water fluid pressure always exceeds the
pressure exerted by the soils and external ground water. The water or fluid level shall be maintained at a level not less
than 2m above the level of the outside water level or any artesian pressure level.
Drilling mud shall be used at least from the level of sub-soil water or from the level of the bottom of the guide casing
depending on site conditions and the hole shall then always be kept almost full with fluid, which should preferably be
kept in motion. The density and composition of the fluid shall be such as to suit the requirements of the ground
condition and to maintain the fine materials from the boring in suspension. A five percent Bentonite suspension
would generally be suitable.
Where saline or chemically contaminated ground water occurs, special precautions shall be taken to modify the
Bentonite suspension or pre-hydrate the Bentonite in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respect for
construction of the piles.
In the event of a rapid loss of water or Bentonite suspension from the pile excavation, the excavation shall be
backfilled without any delay and the instructions of the Engineer shall be obtained before excavation at the location is
resumed. Disposal of excavated material

No excavated material shall be dumped into the river or any connecting waterway without the written approval of the
Engineer. Excavated materials shall be removed, from the site and dumped either beyond areas affected by dredging,
or taken to the Contractors dumping areas on land. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all costs involved in
removing the excavated materials to spoil.

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Pumping from a bore hole shall not be permitted unless a casing has been placed in to a stable stratum, which
prevents the flow of water from other strata in significant quantities in to the boring, or unless it can be shown that
pumping will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding soils and/or properties. Obstructions
Where boulders or other obstructions render it impossible to bore the pile, excavation operations inside the pile
casing, as directed by the Engineer, shall be carried out to remove the obstructions. The Contractor shall be
reimbursed for such operations only when the largest dimension of the obstruction exceeds 250mm and the
obstruction is found more than 4m below the ground level or water bed. However, the amount of compensation shall
be proposed by the Contractor and agreed by the Engineer beforehand the removal works start. Unexpected ground conditions

The Contractor shall report immediately to the Engineer any circumstances, which indicates that in the Contractor’s
opinion the ground conditions differ from those expected by him from his interpretation of the Site Investigation
Reports. Boring records

During the boring of the pile, the Contractor shall compile a boring log indicating depths and types of the various soil
layers encountered. Disturbed samples shall be submitted to the Engineer, as per requests.
The Contractor shall carry out sampling and tests to check soil strengths and shall not be reimbursed for this work. Final pile toe level

The final pile toe level shall be as indicated on the Drawing(s) or as instructed by the Engineer after due consideration
of the Contractor’s proposals, boring logs and test results.
The final toe level of other piles may subsequently be altered according to the results of the test loading detailed
under Sub-section captioned ‘Pile Load Testing’ of this Specifications. Inspection and cleaning of bottom of excavation

The time between final excavation and bottom cleaning and the start of pouring concrete shall be reduced as much as
possible and shall not exceed six hours. To achieve this, the final 2m of excavation shall not start until all preparations
for cleaning, reinforcing and pouring concrete are finished. In case of unexpected delay, the Contractor shall dump
sand or gravel in the bore up to 2m above the toe level.
Immediately after excavation, the bottom of the excavation shall be carefully cleaned for mud and sediments and
other soft materials. A short interruption is recommended to allow the fine materials to settle.
The cleaning shall be made by an approved method. Before cleaning of every pile, notice shall be given to the
The Contractor shall carry out ‘Sedimentation Tests’ in presence of the Engineer.
For boring without casing, the diameter of the boring hole for a representative number of piles shall be measured by
a Caliper prior to the pouring of concrete. The verticality of the bore holes shall be maintained by the Contractor using
approved equipment for which the Contractor shall not be paid any compensation. Placing reinforcement

The reinforcing steel cage consisting of the steel shown on the Drawings along with cage stiffener bars, spacers,
centralizers, and other necessary appurtenance shall be completely assembled and placed as unit immediately after
the excavation is inspected and accepted and prior to concrete placement.
The reinforcement shall be placed as indicated on the Drawings. Reinforcement in the form of a cage shall be
assembled with additional support, such as spreader forks and laciness, necessary to form a rigid cage. Hoops, links or
helical reinforcement shall fit closely around the main longitudinal bars and be bound by approved wire, the ends of
which shall be turned into the interior of the pile or pour. Hoops, links or helical reinforcement may also be placed
and fitted with main longitudinal bars by staggered spot or line welding of approved quality.
The reinforcing steel shall be tied and supported so that it will remain within allowable tolerances until the concrete
will support the reinforcing steel.
The cover to all reinforcement shall be not less than 75mm.

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Joints in longitudinal steel bars shall be permitted unless otherwise specified. Joints in reinforcement shall be such
that the full strength of the bar is effective across the joint and shall be made so that there is no relative displacement
of the reinforcement during the construction of the pile.
Joints in longitudinal steel bars in piles with tension (for instance for test loading) shall be carried out by welding
unless another method has been approved by the Engineer.
In case the final pile toe level, instructed by the Engineer, is deeper than that indicated on the Drawings, the section
of the pile, deeper than the toe level indicated on the Drawings, will not require any reinforcement. Placing Access Tubes for Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL)

When CSL access tubes are specified in the contract documents, provide CSL testing access tubes for all piles including
test piles as per instruction given in the drawings.
The use of access tubes shall be made of steel pipe and having an inside diameter of 50 mm . The tubes, including pipe
joints, shall have a round, regular internal diameter free of defects or obstructions to permit the free, unobstructed
passage of a 33 mm diameter source and receiver probes. The tubes and joints shall be watertight and free from
corrosion with clean internal and external surfaces to ensure passage of the probes and a good bond between the
concrete and the tubes.
The installation of each access tube shall be of the full depth of each pile to permit access of CSL testing equipment .
Using the planned pile diameter, the number of access tubes in each pile shall be determined and installed as
specified in Table 10 -97 unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
Table 10- 97 : Minimum Number of Access Tubes per Cast-in-Situ Pile
Planned Pile Diameter (mm) Minimum Number of Access Tubes
D ≤ 900 3
900 < D ≤ 1200 4
1200 < D ≤ 1500 5
1500 < D ≤ 1800 6
1800 < D ≤ 2400 7
2400 < D ≤ 3000 8

Each tube shall be fitted with a watertight shoe on the bottom and a removable cap on the top . Securely attach the
tubes to the interior of the reinforcement cage in a regular, symmetric pattern such that each tube is equally spaced
from the others around the perimeter of the cage. Tubes shall be installed as near as possible to parallel and vertical
as possible. Tubes shall be started at the pile bottom and end at least 0.9 m above the pile top. If the pile top is
subsurface, the tubes shall be extended at least 0.9 m above the ground and/or water surface level.
Care shall be taken during reinforcement installation operations in the pile hole so as not to damage the tubes . Before
placement of concrete, fill the access tubes with clean water and cap the tube tops to keep out debris . After concrete
placement, extensive care shall be taken when removing caps to avoid applying excess torque, hammering, or other
stresses that could break the bond between the access tubes and the concrete. Final cleaning of pile bores by Air Lift Cleanup Method

Airlifting shall be carried out prior to concreting to remove debris and clean the base of pile bores . It essentially acts
as an airlift pump by using compressed air. The setup of a typical airlifting operation is as follows:
- A hollow tube is placed centrally inside the pile bore and a side tube is connected to the end of the tube near
pile bottom for the passage of compressed air inside the tube;
a) The upper end of the tube is linked to a discharge tank for the circulation of pumped fluid from pile base.
The efficiency of airlifting operation is dependent on the performance of air compressor. During airlifting, compressed
air is piped down the tube and it returns up to the discharge tank carrying it with the fluid . It functions by imparting
energy to the fluid and forces the fluid to move vertically upwards. The injected air mixes with the fluid, resulting in
the formation of lower unit weight of the combined mixture when compared with surrounding fluid. This hydrostatic
pressure forces the fluid/air mixture up to the discharge tanks. Placing concrete Approval

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No pouring of concrete shall take place before the bottom of the excavation has been cleaned, the bore hole
inspected and approval has been obtained in writing from the Engineer. Method
The method for mixing the concrete shall be as specified under the SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of this
Specification. The concrete shall be placed using a Tremie pipe long enough to reach the bottom of the hole and
having an internal diameter of not less than 150mm. The Tremie pipe shall be gradually withdrawn as the pouring of
the concrete progresses but shall always be kept below the surface of the poured concrete.
The method of placing and the workability of the concrete shall be such that a continuous monolithic concrete pile of
the full cross-section is formed.
The concrete shall be placed continuously and without such interruption as would allow the previously placed batch
to have hardened. In this respect the Contractor shall submit details of his contingency plans, standby plant, etc. to be
utilized in the event of any equipment breakdown.
The use of pumped concrete and the methods in its use shall be approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to avoid arching of the
concrete in a casing. No spoil, liquid or other foreign matters shall be allowed to contaminate the concrete. Workability of concrete

Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile boring shall be minimum 100mm and maximum 150mm. Placing concrete under water or drilling fluid

Concrete to be placed under water or drilling fluid shall be placed by Tremie and shall not be discharged freely into
the water or drilling fluid.
The internal diameter of the pipe of the Tremie shall be not less than 200mm. It shall be so designed that external
projections are minimized allowing the Tremie to pass through reinforcing cages without causing damage . The
internal face of the pipe of the Tremie shall be free from projections.
Before placing concrete, all measures shall be taken to ensure that there is no accumulation of silt or other materials
at the base of the boring and the Contractor shall ensure that heavily contaminated Bentonite suspension that could
impair the free flow of concrete from the pipe of the Tremie, has not accumulated at the bottom of the hole.
A sample of the Bentonite suspension shall be taken from the base of the boring using an approved sampling device .
If the specific gravity of the suspension exceeds 1.25, pouring of concrete shall not proceed. In this event, the
Contractor shall modify the mud quality.
The concrete shall be a rich coherent mix of high workability in accordance with the provisions stated in SECTION 13:
STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of this specification.
The concrete shall be placed in such a manner that segregation does not occur.
During and after pouring concrete, all cares shall be taken to avoid damage to the concrete from pumping and de -
watering operations.
The hopper and pipe of the Tremie shall be clean and watertight throughout. The pipe shall be sufficiently long to
reach the base of the boring and a sliding plug or barrier shall be placed in the pipe to prevent direct contact between
the first charge of concrete in the pipe of the Tremie and the water or drilling fluid. The discharge end shall be sealed
closed at the start of work so as to prevent water from entering the tube before the tube is filled with concrete . After
placement of concrete has started the Tremie pipe shall be kept full of concrete upto the bottom of the hopper. The
pipe shall, at all times, penetrate the concrete, which has previously been placed and shall not be withdrawn from the
concrete until the concrete pouring is completed. The bottom of the Tremie pipe shall be kept at least 1.5m under the
surface of the concrete. At all times a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to ensure
that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or drilling fluid . If water enters the tube after placement of
concrete has started, the Tremie shall be withdrawn, the discharge end resealed and the placement restarted . When
a batch is dumped into the hopper, the flow of concrete shall be induced by slightly raising the discharge end, always
keeping it in the deposited concrete. The flow shall be continuous until the work is completed.
The Contractor shall maintain a continuous record of the volume of the concrete used and the level of the concrete in
the pile. Any deviation from the theoretical or expected volume/ level relationship shall immediately be reported to
the Engineer.

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When the top of the pile elevation is above the ground, portion of the pile above the ground shall be formed with a
removable form or permanent casing when specified.
The concrete shall be vibrated to a depth of 1.5m below the ground surface except where soft uncased soil or slurry
remaining in the excavation will possibly mix with the concrete.
After placement, the temporarily exposed surfaces of the shaft concrete shall be cured in accordance with the
provisions of curing of concrete described under the Sub-section captioned “Concrete for Structure” of this
For at least forty-eight hours after concrete has been placed, no construction operation other than mild vibration shall
be conducted that would cause soil movement adjacent to the shaft.
Portions of the pile exposed to a body of water shall be protected from the action of water by keeping the forms in
place for a minimum of seven days after concrete placement. Extraction of Temporary Casing Workability of concrete

Temporary casing shall be extracted while the concrete within them remains sufficiently workable to ensure that the
concrete is not lifted. Concrete level

When the casing is being extracted, a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within it to ensure that
pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither reduced in section nor
contaminated. The toe of the temporary casing shall be kept minimum 2m under the outlet of the Tremie.
No concrete shall be placed in the boring once the bottom of the casing has been lifted above the top of the concrete .
It shall be placed continuously as the casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is obtained.
Adequate precautions shall be taken in all cases where excess head of water or drilling fluid could be caused as the
casing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete as it flows into its final position
against the walls of the shaft.
The pile shall be concreted at least one pile diameter above the designed cut off level to allow for chiseling off the top
concrete down to sound hard concrete.
The pile top shall, after clean cutting, be embedded 75mm in the foundation. Vibrating Extractors

The use of vibrating casing extractors shall be permitted. Reinforcement Cage

When concrete is placed by Tremie method, temporary hold-down devices shall be used to prevent uplifting of the
steel cage during concrete placement. Concrete spacers or other approved non-corrosive spacing devices shall be
used at sufficient intervals not exceeding 1.5m along the drilled depth to insure concentric location of the cage within
the boring. When the size of the longitudinal reinforcing steel exceeds 25mm, such spacing shall not exceed 3m. Supervision
The execution of the pouring of concrete in the pile shall be supervised by a qualified person of the Contractor ’s staff
in addition to the Engineer’s representative(s), who will keep records on the relation between quantity of concrete
used, level of concrete and withdrawal of casing. Temporary Support

The Contractor shall ensure that free standing piles are temporarily braced or stayed immediately after driving to
prevent loosening of the piles in the ground and to ensure that no damage resulting from oscillation, vibration or
movement of any free-standing pile length can occur. Records
The Contractor shall keep records as indicated below for the installation of each pile and shall submit two signed
copies of these records to the Engineer no later than noon of the next working day after the pile has been installed .
The signed records shall form a record of the work. The following data are requested:

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a) Contract
b) Pile reference number (location)
c) Pile type
d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameter
e) Date and time of boring
f) Date and time of pouring of concrete
g) River bed level at commencement of installation of pile
h) Working level
i) Pile toe level
j) River water level
k) Pile head level
l) Length of temporary casing
m) Length of permanent casing
n) Soils samples taken and in-situ test carried out
o) Standing water level
p) Length and details of reinforcement
q) Concrete mix
r) Volume of concrete supplied to pile and corresponding levels of concrete and casings
s) All information regarding obstructions, delays and other interruptions to the sequence of work.
t) Bentonite samples taken and laboratory test reports.
u) Sequence of installation of piles in a group Measures in Case of Rejected Piles

If any pile is found unsatisfactory in the opinion of the Engineer for utilization in the structure, it shall be cut off below
the pile cap when so ordered by him.
The pile shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. All additional expenses shall be borne by the Contractor, which
would not be reimbursable.
When the safe bearing value of any pile is found by tests to be less than the design load, longer piles or additional
piles shall be installed as ordered in writing by the Engineer. Other requirements

Reinforcement cages of piles selected by the Engineer shall be fitted at the Contractors expenses with watertight
50mm diameter G.I pipe from datum level down to pile toe level. Bottom of the pipes shall be closed waterproof.
Piles with diameter above 800mm shall have four G.I pipes while piles with diameter below or equal to 800mm shall
have three G.I pipes.
The Contractor shall test piles by an electronic ultrasonic device as per the instruction of the Engineer . The Contractor
shall submit a report in two samples within two days of testing. Ultrasonic testing will not be paid separately and the
Contractor shall make provisions that piles shall be tested in several lots as required by the work.
The Contractor shall cut off pile heads carefully but shall not cut, bend or damage starter bars. If required, the
Engineer may instruct the Contractor to cut starter bars to the top level indicated on the Drawings.

10.1.6 Measurement
The unit of measurement shall be the linear meter in case of boring. The payable length shall be measured from the
ground level upto the toe level of each pile.
The unit of measurement for concrete shall be in cubic meter. The payable length of the satisfactory bored piles shall
be measured from the toe level to cut-off level of pile cap as shown on the Drawing. In case of bent-up piles, the
length of the satisfactory pile shall be measured from the top of the permanent casing up to the toe level.
The volume of grout materials required for filling the access tube shall not be measured.
Breaking of pile heads shall be measured in linear meter.
Permanent casing shall be measured in linear meter for each size.
Temporary casing shall not be measured for payment.

10.1.7 Payment

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The amount of completed and accepted boring works, as measured above, shall be paid at the Contract unit price per
linear meter. The payment shall constitute the full compensation for furnishing all related accessories and equipment
related to boring with all support arrangements like Rigs, Crane, Jets, Frames, Leads etc . including temporary casing,
drilling and removal of obstruction in course of drilling, drilling fluid circulation, disposal of excavated materials, all
labour and incidentals to complete the Work as provided in this Sub-section.
The amount of completed and accepted work, as measured above in cubic meter of concrete, shall be paid at the
Contract unit price. The payment shall constitute the full compensation for all costs for furnishing all materials of
concrete including setting out piles, placing of reinforcement cage and keeping it in proper position, placing concrete
by Tremie casting method, testing of cement, concrete, sand, all costs of labour, equipment and plants, inspection
and control, all related tools and all incidentals necessary to complete the work as per Specifications . The payment
shall exclude the costs for reinforcement.
Breaking of Pile Heads shall include removal of the dismantled materials such as concrete to a safe distance including
scrapping and removing concrete from steel/M.S. rods, preparation and making platform where necessary, leveling
and dressing the site and clearing the river bed, etc.
Permanent casing shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per linear meter . Such payment shall be the full
compensation for furnishing and placing the casing above the costs attributable to the work paid for under associated
pay items.
No payment shall be made for unauthorized, defective, unsound or unsatisfactorily piles or for any costs incurred by
the Contractor for such piles. Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -98.
Table 10-98 : Cast-in-Situ Pile Pay Items
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.1 Bored Cast in Place Piles (Percussion method)
(Diameter as stated in the Bill of Quantities/Drawings)
a) Boring Linear Meter
b) Concreting Cubic Meter
Bored Cast in Place Piles (Rotary Drilling method)
(Diameter as stated in the Bill of Quantities/Drawings)
a) Boring Linear Meter
b) Concreting Cubic Meter
Breaking of Pile Heads Cubic Meter
Permanent Casing Linear Meter


10.2.1 General
This work shall consist of the production and driving of pre cast reinforced concrete piles in accordance with these
specifications and of the types and dimensions designated on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Pre-cast piles shall be manufactured in a casting yard in accordance with the Drawings.
Concrete shall be placed in one continuous pour for each pile. Pouring of concrete shall begin at the head and be
progressed to the driving end of the pile.
Each pile shall be indelibly marked with its sequential number and date of manufacture.

10.2.2 Materials Concrete
The concrete for pre-cast piles shall conform to the requirements illustrated under the SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL
CONCRETE of this Specification with a minimum concrete strength (cylinder) of 25 - 30 MPa at 28 days. Reinforcement
Reinforcing bar and binding wire used in the production of pre-cast piles shall conform to the requirements illustrated
under the SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK of this Specification.

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The reinforcement shall be assembled before placing in the moulds and all hoops and links shall be of uniform length
firmly wired into position. Ends of helical reinforcement shall be firmly secured. Diagonal fork spacers shall be of an
approved pattern.
Joints in main longitudinal bars will be permitted only where, in the opinion of the Engineer, each bar cannot be
supplied in one complete length. Where permitted, joints shall be provided at agreed centers, designed to develop
the full strength of the bar across the joint, provided with adequate links or stirrups and staggered in position from
those of adjacent longitudinal bars, all to the acceptance of the Engineer.
The main longitudinal reinforcing bars in piles, not exceeding 12m in length, shall be in one continuous length unless
otherwise specified. In piles exceeding 12m long, joints will be permitted in main longitudinal bars at 12m nominal
intervals. Joints in adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 1m apart along the length of the pile.
Joints in reinforcement shall be such that the full strength of the bar is effective across the joint.
Welding of joints in main longitudinal bars will not be permitted unless agreed in writing by the Engineer.
Concrete cover shall be maintained at the joints. Formwork
Formwork shall comply with the provisions under the Sub-section on 9.2 “FALSEWORK AND FORMS” of this
Specification except as specified below.
When the sides of adjacent piles are used as formwork, an approved method shall be used to prevent adhesion
between concrete surfaces.
Holes for toggle bolts shall be at right angles to the faces of the pile and lined with steel tubes or other approved
materials. Holes for lifting, handling and pitching shall be formed in the positions and according to the details shown
on the Drawings or otherwise approved by the Engineer and lined with steel tubes.
Details of all pile shoes shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to fabrication or supply. All shoes shall be
fitted to the reinforcement as shown on the Drawings. Pile shoes/helmet

Where applicable, pile shoes shall be manufactured by an approved supplier and consist of cast iron, cast steel or
fabricated steel as shown on the Drawings.
Cast iron shoes shall be formed from chill hardened iron grade 10 in accordance with BS 1452 “Specification for Grey
iron castings”. Cast steel shoes shall be formed from steel to grade A, of BS 3100 “Specification for steel castings for
general engineering purposes”. Fabricated steel shoes shall be formed from steel to grade 43 A1 and steel straps and
fastenings to Grade 43 A of BS 4360 “Weldable structural steels”.
Castings shall be free from sand, honeycomb, porosity, blowholes or other defects. For cast shoes, straps and
fastenings shall be of mild steel or wrought iron, cast into and running continuously through the base.

10.2.3 Production of Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete Piles Length of piles
The pile lengths shown on the Drawings are based on site investigations prior to driving of test piles . The lengths of
the piles shall be finally determined and ordered by the Engineer, after driving of pilot piles . Pilot piles shall be
produced to the lengths shown on the Drawings. Pile dimensions

Piles shall be cast to the cross-sectional dimensions shown on the Drawings. The cross-section on dimensions shall not
be less than those specified and shall not exceed them by more than 6mm.
The head of each pile shall be square to the longitudinal axis. The edges of the head and of the pile for a distance of
30mm from the head, shall be chamfered 25mm x 25mm. Any face of a completed pile shall not deviate by more than
1/1000th of the length of the pile from the straight line connecting the centroids of the end faces. Casting of piles

All pre-cast concrete piles shall be cast on the site or at the Contractor’s pile casting yard. In case where piles are
manufactured off-Site, the Contractor shall ensure that adequate notices have been given to the Engineer and he has
been provided with appropriate facilities for inspection of the manufacturing process.

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Piles shall be cast in a horizontal position on an accurately leveled casting platform. The formwork shall conform to
the requirements defined under the relevant clause of this Specification.
Reinforcing bar shall be of the types and dimensions and shall be placed, as shown on the Drawings . The construction
method for reinforcement shall conform in all respect to the requirements defined under the relevant Sub-section
(Reinforcement for RCC) of this Specification.
The formwork and reinforcement for each pile shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before pouring of
concrete commences.
Concrete shall be placed continuously and shall be compacted by mechanical vibration. Special cares shall be taken to
produce a pile free from air pockets or honeycomb.
The forms shall be slightly overfilled, the surplus shall be scraped off and the top surface shall be finished to a uniform
texture similar to that specified to be produced by the forms. The pile surfaces shall be true, smooth and even. Casting tolerances

The cross sectional dimensions of piles shall not be less than those specified or shown on the Drawings and shall not
exceed such dimensions by more than 6mm.
Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, any face of a pile shall not deviate by more than 6mm from a straight edge
3m long laid on the face and the centroid of any cross section of the pile shall not deviate by more than 10mm from
the straight line connecting the centroid of the end faces of the pile. Curing and removal of formwork

Curing shall conform to the requirements defined in the relevant portion of the Sub-section on ‘Concrete for
Structures’ of this Specification. Side forms may be removed not less than 24 hours after placing the concrete, but the
entire pile shall remain fully supported for at least seven days. When accelerated curing is used, the curing
procedures shall have to be accepted by the Engineer.

10.2.4 Marking of Piles

The head of each pile shall be permanently marked with its date of casting and reference number . The pile shall be
indelibly marked at 1m interval along its length showing the distance from pile shoe. The top 3m of the pile shall be
marked at 250mm interval.

10.2.5 Protection of Finished Piles

Protection of finished piles against aggressive soil conditions shall be provided by one of the following methods:
a) Impervious liners to LWL – 2m
b) Tanking/waterproofing of the piles to the depth referred under (a) above
c) Painting with an approved two parts coal tar epoxy paint product suitable for mixing at Site immediately
before application.

10.2.6 Handling and Storage of Piles

Pre-cast piles shall be lifted, handled, transported and stacked so that no damage occurs. The lifting points for each
size of pile shall be marked as shown on the Drawings and as stated above with waterproof paint and to be approved
by the Engineer. The piles shall be transported and stacked with supports at the lifting points.
Piles are to be handled only when concrete has reached its characteristic strength as determined by field control test
cylinders. Piles shall be handled carefully to avoid being dropped or severely jarred.

10.2.7 Pilot (Test) Piles

The Contractor shall construct and drive pilot piles prior to commencement of piling for the permanent works . The
permanent work piles shall not proceed until the testing of the pilot piles has been completed meeting all
requirements of acceptance to the satisfaction of the Engineer
Pilot piles shall be furnished for the lengths ordered and driven at the locations and to the elevations directed by the
Engineer. In general, the ordered length of pilot piles will be greater than the estimated length of production piles in
order to provide for variation in soil conditions.

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The driving equipment used for driving pilot piles shall be identical to that which the Contractor shall propose to use
in case of production piling.
Pilot piles shall be driven in positions specified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in advance of
driving and shall supply the Engineer daily with a detailed record of the driving of the pilot piles.
Pilot piles shall be driven to a hammer blow count established by the Engineer at the estimated tip elevation . Pilot
piles which do not attain the hammer blow count specified above at a depth of 0.3m above the estimated tip
elevation shown on the plants, shall be allowed to “set-up” for a period of 12 to 24 hours as determined by the
Engineer, before being re-driven. If the specified hammer blow count is not attained on re-driving, the Engineer may
direct the Contractor to drive a portion or all of the remaining pilot pile length and repeat the “set-up”– re-drive
Driving of a pilot pile shall continue until the Engineer directs that it shall cease, in order to demonstrate that driving
resistance continues to increase.

10.2.8 Driving of Piles General
The Contractor shall establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positioning of all piles . Setting out
shall be carried out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure. Immediately before installation, the pile
position shall be marked with suitable identifiable pins or markers.
The position of the piles shall be set out in accordance with the Drawings from the established Bench Mark.
The pre-cast piles shall be driven to a pre-planned sequence approved by the Engineer and in the presence of the
Engineer’s authorized representative in order to minimize the detrimental effects of heave and lateral displacement
of the ground. No pile driving will be allowed at night unless prior permission is obtained from the Engineer.
Piles shall be protected with an approved cushion and cap while being driven . Pile driving shall be stopped when the
maximum blows per 0.3m or the number specified on the Drawings are reached or if the pile head is damaged due to
improper driving.
Piles shall be rigidly secured by leads or temporary guide structure against lateral movement during driving and shall
be driven without interruption right from the first blow of the hammer until the required penetration has been
Piles shall be driven to the positions, lines and elevations shown on the Drawings so that the pile center is within
75mm of the specified location point and with a deviation from the vertical of not more than two percent . If any pile
is damaged or driven out of the specified tolerance, the Contractor shall immediately submit proposals for remedial
measures to the Engineer for his written approval. Notwithstanding the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor shall be
solely responsible for the design and cost of the remedial measures.
The Contractor shall keep a pile driving register in a format approved by the Engineer, where he shall record all data
covering dimensions, elevation of point, top elevation after cut off, type, make and weight of hammer, height of fall of
hammer, average penetration per blow under the last 20 blows and blow count per 0 .3m throughout the full length
of that pile. Five copies of the report shall be submitted to the Engineer before any payment will be made for this
work. Driving equipment

Before any driving takes place, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for his approval, full details of all pile
driving equipment, including the driving hammer, hammer cushion, drive head, pile cushion and other appurtenances
and the proposed methods to be followed. The Contractor’s proposal shall not be on using water-jetting method.
Piles shall be driven by continuous vibratory percussion using steam, air, diesel or gravity hammers . The equipment
shall have sufficient capacity to drive the pile to the design depth and set without damaging the pile.
Pile driving hammers, other than gravity hammers, shall be of the size needed to develop the energy required to drive
piles at a penetration rate of not less than 2.5mm per blow at the required bearing value.
Gravity hammers shall not be used for concrete piles or for piles where design load capacity exceeds 30 MT . When
gravity hammers are permitted, the ram shall weigh not less than 900 kg and the height of drop shall not exceed
4.5m. In no case the ram weight of a gravity hammer shall be less than the combined weight of the drive cap and pile.
All gravity hammers shall be equipped with hammer guides to insure concentric impact on the drive head or pile
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Open-end (single acting) diesel hammers shall be equipped with a device to permit the Engineer to determine
hammer stroke at all times during pile driving operations. Closed-end (double acting) diesel hammers shall be
equipped with a bounce chamber pressure gauge, in good working order and mounted near the ground level, to
facilitate easy reading by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide a correlation chart on bounce chamber pressure
and delivered hammer energy.
Vibratory or other pile driving methods may be used only when specifically allowed by the special provisions or in
writing by the Engineer. Except when pile lengths have been determined from load test piles, the bearing capacity of
piles driven with vibratory hammers shall be verified. Such verification shall be carried out by re-driving the first pile
driven in each group of 10 piles with an impact hammer of suitable energy to measure the pile capacity before driving
the remaining piles in the group.
In case the required penetration is not obtained by the use of a hammer complying with the above minimum
requirements, the Contractor shall be required to provide a hammer of greater energy or, when permitted, resort to
supplemental methods such as jetting or pre-boring. Driving appurtenances Hammer cushion

All impact pile driving equipment, except gravity hammer, shall be equipped with a suitable thickness of hammer
cushion material to prevent any damages to the hammer or pile and to insure uniform driving behaviour. Hammer
cushions shall be made of durable manufactured materials, which will retain uniform properties during driving . Wood,
wire rope, and asbestos hammer cushions shall not be used. The Contractor shall replace the hammer cushion before
driving is permitted to continue whenever there is a reduction of hammer cushion thickness exceeding twenty-five
percent of the original thickness. Pile drive head

Pile, driven with impact hammer, shall be fitted with an adequate drive head to distribute the hammer blow to the
pile head. The drive head shall be axially aligned with the hammer and the pile. The drive head shall be guided by the
leads and not be free-swinging. The drive head shall fit around the pile head in such a manner as to prevent transfer
of torsion forces during driving while maintaining proper alignment of hammer and pile. The pile head shall be plain
and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pile to prevent eccentric impacts from the drive head. Pile cushion

When the nature of the driving of a concrete pile is such as to unduly injure it, shall be protected by a pile cushion .
When plywood is used, the minimum thickness placed on the pile head, prior to driving, shall not be less than
100mm. A new pile cushion shall be provided, if the cushion is either compressed more than one -half the original
thickness or begins to burn during driving. The pile cushion dimensions shall be such, as to distribute the blow of the
hammer throughout the cross-section of the pile. Leads
Pile driving leads, which support the pile and the hammer in proper positions throughout the driving operation, shall
be used. Leads shall be constructed in a manner that allows movement of the hammer while maintaining alignment of
the hammer and the pile to insure concentric impact for each blow. The leads shall be of sufficient length to make the
use of a follower redundant and shall be so designed as to permit proper alignment of battered piles. Followers
Followers shall only be used when approved in writing by the Engineer, or when specifically allowed as special
provision. The follower and pile shall be held and maintained in equal and proper alignment during driving. The
follower shall be of such material and dimensions to permit the piles to be driven to the length determined necessary
from the driving of the full-length piles. Driving procedure

Pile heads shall be squared up prior to driving. In addition, pile shoes may be used to protect the piles when hard
driving is anticipated. The pile shoes shall be of the types and quality as shown on the Drawings and as specified in
this Specification and/or as directed by the Engineer. They shall be used at the locations specified or ordered by the
Engineer either.
Each pile shall be driven continuously until the specified set or depth has been reached except that the Engineer may
permit the suspension of driving, if he is satisfied that the rate of penetration prior to the cessation will be

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substantially re-established on resumption or if he is satisfied that the suspension of driving is beyond the control of
the Contractor.
Pile shall be driven to the minimum tip elevations and bearing capacity shown on the plans, specified in the special
provisions or approved by the Engineer. Piles that heave more than 6mm upward during the driving of adjacent piles
shall be re-driven.
Piles shall be driven with a variation of not more than 6mm per 0 .3m from the vertical or from the batter shown on
the Drawings, except that piles for trestle bents shall be so driven that the cap may be placed in its proper location
without inducing excessive stresses in the piles. Foundation piles shall not be out of the position as shown on the
Drawings by more than one-fourth of their diameter or 150mm, whichever is greater after driving. Any increase in
footing dimensions or reinforcing due to out-of-position piles shall be at the Contractor’s own expenses.
At the start of work and in new sections, sets shall be taken at intervals during the last 3m of the driving to establish
the behavior of the piles.
The Contractor shall give adequate notice and provide all facilities to enable the Engineer to check the driving
resistance. A set shall be taken only in the presence of the Engineer unless otherwise approved.
The final set of each pile shall be recorded either as the penetration in millimeter per 10 blows or as the number of
blows required to produce a penetration of 250mm. The exposed part of the pile and the driving equipment shall be
in good condition when the final set is measured.
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer immediately in the event of an unexpected change in driving characteristics
is noted.
When required, levels and measurements shall be taken to determine the movement of the ground or any pile
resulting from the driving process.
When problems are encountered in the resistance to the pile being driven or with a pile rising as a result of driving of
an adjacent pile, the Contractor shall seek and comply with the instructions of the Engineer on methods and
procedures to overcome the problem. One of the methods may be that the Contractor shall provide a heavier
hammer as decided by the Engineer or resort to jetting at his own expenses. The drop hammers shall be equipped
with proper leads and hoisting equipment to handle the work efficiently. The fall of hammer shall not be more than
2.43m. Jets
Jetting shall only be permitted, if approved in writing by the Engineer or when specifically allowed in the special
provisions. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to the site caused by the jetting operations.
When water jetting is followed, the number of jets, and the volume and pressure of water at the jet nozzles shall be
adequate to freely erode the material adjacent to the pile. The plant shall have sufficient capacity to deliver at all
times a minimum pressure of 293 kg/cm2 at two number 20mm jet nozzles. In either case, unless otherwise indicated
by the Engineer, jet pipes shall be removed when the pile tip is a minimum 1.52m above the prescribed tip elevation
and the pile shall be driven to the required bearing capacity with an impact hammer to secure the final penetration.
All jet water shall be controlled, treated if necessary and disposed of by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the
Engineer. Driving records

The Contractor shall keep a record of the installation of each pile and shall submit two signed copies to the Engineer,
not later than noon of the next working day after the pile is installed. The record shall include the following data:
a) Pile location
b) Pile reference number
c) Pile type
d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions
e) Length of preformed pile
f) Date and time of driving or re-driving
g) Ground level at the commencement of installation of pile
h) Working level
i) Pile toe level
j) Type, weight, drop and mechanical condition of hammer and equivalent information for other equipment
k) Numbers and type of packing and type and condition of dolly used.
l) Final set of pile
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m) If required, the sets taken at intervals during the last 3m of driving

n) If required, temporary compression of ground and pile from the time of a marked increase in driving
resistance until the pile reaches its final level
o) All information regarding obstructions, delays and interruptions to the sequence of work.

10.2.9 Repair of Pile Heads

When repairing the head of a pile, the head shall be cut off square at sound concrete and all loose particles shall be
removed by wire brushing followed by washing with water.
If the pile is to be subjected to further driving, the head shall be replaced with concrete of an approved grade.
Repaired piles shall not be driven until the added concrete has reached the specified strength of the concrete of the
If the driving of a pile has been accepted but sound concrete remained below the cut-off level, the pile shall be made
good to the cut-off level with concrete of a grade not inferior to that of the pile.

10.2.10 Extension of Piles

Where it is necessary to extend a pile, the concrete at the end of the pile shall be broken away to leave the
reinforcing bars exposed for a length of 40 bar diameters. Additional reinforcement shall be attached as per the
relevant Section of this Specification and in line with the pile axis . The additional concrete shall be of the same quality
as that used in the pile. Prior to placing concrete, a construction joint shall be made in accordance with the
specifications of the relevant Section of this Specification. Forms shall remain in place for a minimum of seven days.

10.2.11 Defective Piles

The driving procedure shall not subject the piles to excessive abuse producing crushing and spalling of the concrete or
deformation of the steel. Manipulation of piles to force them into proper position, considered by the Engineer to be
excessive, shall not be permitted. Any pile damaged by reason of internal defects or improper driving, or driven out of
its proper location or below the specified elevation, shall be corrected at the Contractor ’s expenses by one of the
following methods approved by the Engineer.
a) The pile shall be withdrawn and replaced by a new and if, necessary, a longer pile.
b) A second pile shall be driven adjacent to the defective or low pile.
c) The pile shall be spliced or built up, or a sufficient portion of the footing shall be extended to properly embed
the pile.
d) All piles, pushed up by the driving of adjacent piles or by any other cause, shall be driven down again.

10.2.12 Cutting off Pile Heads and Bonding

On completion of installation of piles, they shall be cut off to the required level as shown on the Drawings and to a
tolerance of + 20mm or otherwise instructed by the Engineer. For pre-cast reinforced concrete piles, the main
reinforcement shall be exposed and left reasonably straight for bonding into the pile cap. The minimum bond length
of main reinforcement to be exposed shall be as given in the following table.
Grade of Pile Cap Concrete 30 40 or more
High Tensile Steel (fy = 460 N/mm ) 37D 32D
Mild Steel (fy = 250 N/mm2) 30D 25D

D = nominal diameter of bar.

In the stripping of pile heads, the concrete shall be stripped to such a level that the remaining concrete will project
75mm into the pile cap.
Where a pile has been formed below the required cut-off level, it shall be built-up and the reinforcement shall project
for such length as given above.
The method of cutting the pile heads shall be accepted by the Engineer.

10.2.13 Measurement
This work shall be measured separately for production of piles, pile driving and providing pile shoe.
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Production of piles for concrete shall be measured in cubic meters of pre-cast reinforced concrete produced and
accepted on the basis of specified pile length.
Driving of pile shall be measured in linear meters of the length of pile driven complete and accepted . Cut off length
shall not be measured for payment. The length of pile driven shall be measured from the pile toe to the cut-off level.
Pile shoe shall be measured by number.

10.2.14 Payment
The concrete work as measured above shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per cubic meter of pile produced
and linear meter of pile driven, as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be the full compensation for the
production of concrete, transportation of piles, all materials used, equipment and all labour, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work but excluding the cost of reinforcement with its fabrication and pile shoe.
Reinforcement and pile shoe shall be paid separately as shown in the Bill of Quantities . No payment shall be made for
precast pile concrete until concrete test results demonstrate that the piles have achieved the specified strength.
The pile driving work as measured above shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per linear meter of pile driven .
The payment shall be the full compensation for the driving of the piles including, pile head breaking and repair,
squaring up pile heads, construction and removal of any cofferdam, arranging rigs, cranes, hammers, leaders and all
other necessary driving equipment, driving and all labour, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work as
described in this Section. No payment shall be made for driving piles until the piles have been driven to the specified
The pile shoe as measured above shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per number, as shown in the Bill of
When pilot piles are incorporated in the foundation as working piles, no additional payment shall be made for the
piles so utilized other than as for a pilot pile. Pilot piles which the Enquiry for no fault of the Contractor, refused to
include in the foundations as working piles shall be paid for.
No payment shall be made for unauthorized, defective, unsound or unsatisfactory driven piles for any cost incurred by
the Contractor for such piles.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -99.

Table 10- 99 : Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete Pile pay items

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.2 Supply of pre-cast reinforced concrete piles Cubic Meter
(excluding cost of reinforcement)
Mobilization and demobilization of Drop Hammer/ Set/Site
Automatic Diesel Hammer/ Hydraulic Static Pile Driver
Driving of pre-cast reinforced concrete piles by Drop Linear Meter
Hammer/ Automatic Diesel Hammer/ Hydraulic Static Pile
Supplying, fitting and fixing MS Shoe at pre-cast reinforced Each
concrete pile tip
Supplying, fitting and fixing prefabricated square shaped Each
two steel caps for pre-cast spliced pile
Breaking of Pile Heads Cubic Meter


10.3.1 Description
This work shall consist of supplying and driving foundation piles made of timber of the type and dimension in
accordance with these specifications and as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

10.3.2 Materials
Timber piles shall adhere to the requirements of the Specifications for Wood Products, AASHTO M 168 . The grades of
timber to be used shall be as shown in the Plans or in the special provisions. They should be sound and free from

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sharp crooks and bends or decay and sufficiently straight so that a line drawn from the centre of the head to the point
at the bottom will be wholly within the pile.

10.3.3 Preservatives and Treatments

Timber piles shall be treated or untreated. When specifications demand treatment of timber piles it should follow
strictly the requirements and methods conforming AASHTO M 133. Unless and otherwise specially required on the
design Drawings, timber piles those are required to be treated should be impregnated with solignum, creosote or
treated with some such anti-rot compounds. Timber piles those are required to be painted may be treated with
pentachlorophenol with a Type C solvent or with a water borne preservative. Preservative treatment may not be
necessary for piles, which will be completely and permanently submerged in waterlogged ground. In this case
seasoning is not necessary and piles may be stored in water prior to use.

10.3.4 Handling and Storage of Piles

Timber piles shall be lifted, handled, transported and stacked in a way, which will keep the damages to the piles at
minimum. Untreated material shall be open-stacked on supports at least 300mm above the ground surface to avoid
absorption of ground moisture and allow free circulation of air. When necessary, the Contractor shall provide shade
or appropriate protection from the weather by a suitable covering. The storage area shall be such that no water shall
collect under or near the stored timber pile.

10.3.5 Driving of Piles

The Contractor shall establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positions of all piles . Setting out shall
be carried out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure. Immediately before installation of the pile, the pile
position shall be marked with suitable identifiable pins or markers.
The position of the piles shall be set out in accordance with the Drawings from established Bench Marks.
The bark of the piles shall be removed before driving. The bottom is shaped conically for a length of from 1½ to 2
times the diameter or about 0.3m and where the ground is hard it is protected with an iron shoe of V shape. Piles
protected by shoes should have a blunt end 100mm to 200mm in diameters. The top is provided with an iron ring or
band of size 75mm.
The piles shall be driven to a pre-planned sequence approved by the Engineer in presence of the Engineer’s
authorized representative in order to minimize the detrimental effects of heave and lateral displacement of the
ground. No pile driving shall be allowed at night without prior permission from the Engineer.
The pile heads shall be cut squarely and a drive head provided to hold the longitudinal axis of the pile in line with the
axis of the hammer. Pile driving shall be stopped, if the pile head is damaged due to improper driving.
Piles shall be rigidly secured by leads or temporary guide structure against lateral movement during driving and shall
be driven without interruption from first blow of the hammer until the required penetration has been attained.
Piles shall be driven to the positions, lines and elevations shown on the Drawings so that the pile centre is within
75mm of the specified location point and with a deviation from the vertical of not more than 2 %. If any pile is
damaged or driven out of the specified tolerance, the Contractor’s proposed remedial measures shall be submitted to
the Engineer for his written approval. Notwithstanding the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor shall be solely
responsible for the design and cost of the remedial works.
Piles should never be driven to “refusal”. Piles are considered to be sufficiently driven when five blows fail to drive
more than 12mm or when the last blow does not sink the head more than 7mm.
If concrete cap is provided, the piles should be embedded for a depth sufficient to ensure transmission of load . The
concrete should be at least 150mm outside the piles and be suitably reinforced to prevent splitting.
The Contractor shall keep a pile driving register in a format approved by the Engineer recording all data covering
dimensions, elevation of point, top elevation after cut off, type, make and weight of hammer, height of fall of
hammer, average penetration per blow under the last 5 blows. Five copies of the report shall be submitted to the
Engineer before any payment will be made for this work.

10.3.6 Pile Driving Procedure

Pile driving equipment shall secure that it will not damage the pile during driving . List of all driving equipment and
appurtenances shall be furnished by the Contractor, which shall be approved by the Engineer in advance of any

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driving taking place. However, approval of pile driving equipment shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities of driving piles without damage.
Collars, bands or other devices shall be provided to protect piles against splitting and brooming as and when it would
be necessary under the driving conditions. Pile shall be pointed where soil conditions would demand it. If necessary,
metal shoes of a design, approved by the Engineer, shall be provided. The points of the piles shall be carefully shaped
to secure an even and uniform bearing of the shoes.
Each pile shall be driven continuously until the specified set or depth has been reached except that the Engineer may
permit the suspension of driving, if he is satisfied that the rate of penetration prior to the cessation will be
substantially re-established on resumption or if he is satisfied that the suspension of driving is beyond the control of
the Contractor.
At the start of work and in new sections, sets shall be taken at intervals during the last 3m of the driving to establish
the behavior of the piles.
The Contractor shall give adequate notice and provide all facilities to enable the Engineer to check the driving
resistance. A set shall be taken only in the presence of the Engineer, unless otherwise approved.
The final set of each pile shall be recorded either as the penetration in millimeter per 10 blows or as the number of
blows required to produce a penetration of 250mm. The exposed part of the pile and the driving equipment shall be
in good condition when the final set is measured.
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer immediately in the event of an unexpected change in driving characteristics
is noted.
When required, levels and measurements shall be taken to determine the movement of the ground or any pile
resulting from the driving process.
When problems are encountered in the resistance to the pile being driven or with a pile rising as a result of driving of
an adjacent pile, the Contractor shall seek and comply with the instructions of the Engineer on methods and
procedures to overcome the problem.

10.3.7 Pile Cut-off

Timber piles shall be cut-off to a true plane at the elevations required and anchored to the structure, as shown on the
Drawings. All cut-off lengths of piling shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be properly disposed of.
Timber piles, which support timber caps or grillage, shall be sawed to conform to the plane of the bottom of the
superimposed structure. In general, the length of piles above the elevation of cut-off shall be sufficient to permit the
complete removal of all materials injured by driving, but piles driven to very nearly the cut -off elevation shall be
carefully adzed or otherwise freed from all broomed, splintered, or otherwise injured materials.
Immediately after making final cut-off on treated timber foundation piles, the cut area shall be given two liberal
applications of preservative followed by a heavy application of approved sealer. Treated timber piles which will have
the cut-off exposed in the structure shall have the cut area treated with three coats of a compatible preservative
material meeting the requirements of American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA) Standard M4-A minimum time
period of 2 hours shall elapse between each application.

10.3.8 Measurement
This work shall be measured separately as the length in linear meters of timber pile supplied and accepted and the
length in linear meters of pile driven complete and accepted. The length of pile produced shall be measured as the
specified length. The length of piles driven shall be measured from the pile toe to the cut-off level.

10.3.9 Payment
The amount of completed and accepted work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit
prices per linear meter of pile supplied and linear meter of pile driven, as shown in the Bill of Quantities . The payment
shall constitute the full compensation for the supply, treatment, handling and driving of piles including all driving,
equipment and all incidentals. Pile shoe shall be paid separately as shown in the Bill of Quantities.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -100.

Table 10-100 : Timber Pile pay items

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
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10.3 Supply of timber piles Linear Meter

Driving of timber pile Linear meter
Supply and fitting of pile shoe Each


10.4.1 Description
In carrying out the Initial Test, the works shall consist of the application of compression load tests to pre-cast and
driven or cast in-situ piles selected by the Engineer to determine the potential bearing capacity and adequacy of the
piles by measurement of their settlement behavior under the test loads.

10.4.2 General
This Sub-section deals with the testing of a pile by the application of an axial load or force. It covers vertical piles
tested in compression.

10.4.3 Definitions Allowable load
The load which may be safely applied to a pile after taking into account its ultimate bearing capacity, negative friction,
pile spacing, overall bearing capacity of the ground below and allowable settlement. Compression pile

A pile, which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to penetrate further into the ground. Kentledge
The dead weight used in a load test. Maintained load test

A loading test in which each increment of load is held constant either for a defined period of time or until the rate of
movement (settlement or uplift) falls to a specified value. Pilot pile

A pile installed before the commencement of the main piling works or a specific part of the works for the purpose of
establishing the suitability of the chosen type of pile and for confirming its design, dimensions and bearing capacity .
Pilot piles may be utilized as working piles, subject to the Engineer’s approval. Proof load

A load applied to a selected pile to confirm that it is suitable for the load at the settlement specified . A proof load
should not normally exceed 200% of the working load on a pile except in the circumstances where special provisions
are provided for the testing of pre-cast piles driven to a set. In these circumstances 300% is specified. Reaction system

The arrangement of kentledge, piles, anchors or rafts that provides a resistance against which the pile is tested. Tension pile

A pile, which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to be extracted from the ground. Test pile

Any pile to which a test loading is or is to be applied. Ultimate bearing capacity

The load at which the resistance of the soil becomes fully mobilized. Working load

The load which the pile is designed to carry.

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One of the piles forming the foundation of a structure.

10.4.4 Supervision
All tests shall be carried out under the direction of an experienced and competent supervisor conversant with the test
equipment and test procedures. All personnel, operating the test equipment, shall have been trained in the use.

10.4.5 Safety Precautions General
When preparing for conducting and dismantling a pile test, the Contractor shall carry out the requirement of the
various regulations and other statutory requirements those are applicable to the work for the provision and
maintenance of safe working conditions and shall, in addition, make such other provisions as may be necessary to
safeguard against any hazard that is involved in the testing or preparations for testing. Kentledge
Where kentledge is used, the Contractor shall construct the foundations for the kentledge and any crib work, beams
or other supporting structure in such a manner that there will be no differential settlement, bending or deflection of
an amount that constitutes a hazard to safety or impairs the efficiency of the operation. The kentledge shall be
adequately bonded, tied or otherwise held together to prevent it falling apart or becoming unstable because of
deflection of the supports.
The weight of kentledge shall be greater than the maximum test load and if the weight is estimated from the density
and volume of the constituent materials, an adequate factor of safety against error shall be allowed. Tension pile and ground anchors

Where tension piles or ground anchors are used, the Contractor shall ensure that the load is correctly transmitted to
all the rods or bolts. The extension of rods by welding shall not be permitted unless it is known that the steel will not
be reduced in strength by welding. The bond stresses of the rods in tension shall not exceed normal permissible bond
stresses for the type of steel and grade of concrete used. Testing equipment

In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load measuring devices are mounted on the
pile head, the whole system shall be stable upto the maximum load to be applied . Means shall be provided to enable
dial gauges to be read from a position clear from the kentledge stack or test frame in conditions where failure in any
part of the system due to overloading, buckling, loss of hydraulic pressure and so on might constitute a hazard to
The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other apparatus to be operated under hydraulic pressure shall
be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 1.5 times the maximum working pressure without leaking.
The maximum test load or test pressure, expressed as a reading on the gauge in use, shall be displayed and all
operators shall be aware of this limit.

10.4.6 Construction of a Pilot Pile to be Test Loaded Notice of construction
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice of the commencement of construction of any pilot pile,
which is to be test loaded. Method of construction

Each pilot test pile shall be constructed in a manner similar to that to be used for the construction of the working piles
and by the use of similar equipment and materials. Any variation shall only be permitted with prior approval of the
Extra reinforcement and concrete of increased strength shall be permitted in the shafts of pilot piles at the discretion
of the Engineer. Boring or driving record

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For each pilot pile, a detailed record of the soils encountered during boring or of the progress during driving shall be
made and submitted to the Engineer daily on the next working day.
Where the Engineer requires soil samples to be taken or in situ tests to be made in bored pile, the Contractor shall
give the results of such tests to the Engineer without delay. Cut off level

The pile shaft shall terminate at the normal cut off level or at a level required by the Engineer.
The pile shaft shall be extended where necessary above the cut-off level of working piles so that gauges and other
apparatus to be used in the testing process are not damaged by water or falling debris. Pile for compression tests

A pile shall not be tested until the curing period is over. In the case of a driven pile, the period shall not be earlier than
72 hours after the driving of the pile is complete.
For a pile that is tested in compression, the head of the test pile shall be cut off, leveled and capped with a steel plate
to produce a level bearing surface, square to the axis of the pile and sufficiently large to accommodate the loading
and settlement measuring equipment and adequately reinforced or protected to prevent damage from the
concentrated application of load from the loading equipment.
The pile cap shall be concentric with the test pile; the joint between the cap and the pile shall have a strength
equivalent to that of the pile.
Sufficient clear space shall be made under any part of the cap projecting beyond the section of the pile so that, at the
maximum expected settlement, load is not transmitted to the ground except through the pile.

10.4.7 Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested

If a test is required on a working pile the Contractor shall cut down or otherwise prepare the pile for testing as
required by the Engineer in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Sub-sections of this Specifications.

10.4.8 Reaction System Compression tests
Compression tests shall be carried out using kentledge, tension piles or specially constructed anchorage.
Where kentledge is to be used, it shall be supported on cribwork disposed around the pile head so that its center of
gravity is on the axis of the pile. The bearing pressure under supporting cribs shall be such as to ensure stability of the
kentledge stack, and if necessary, the contractor shall provide a pile support system to the kentledge. Kentledge shall
not be carried directly on the pile head, except when directed by the Engineer. Working piles

Where working piles are used as reaction piles, their movement shall be measured within an accuracy of 0.5mm. Spacing
Where kentledge is used for loading vertical piles in compression, the distance from the edge of the test pile to the
nearest part of the crib supporting the kentledge stack in contact with the ground shall be not less than 1.5m.
The center to center spacing of vertical reaction piles, including working piles used as reaction piles, from a test pile
shall be not less than three times the diameter of the test pile or the reaction piles or 2m, whichever is the highest. Adequate reaction

The size, length and number of the piles or anchors, or the area of rafts, shall be adequate to transmit the maximum
test load to the ground in a safe manner without excessive movement or influence on the test pile. Care of piles

The method employed in the installation of any reaction pile, anchor or raft shall be such as to prevent damage to any
test pile or working pile. Loading arrangement

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The loading arrangement used shall be designed to transfer safely to the test pile the maximum load required in
testing. Full details shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to any work related to the testing process being carried
out at the site.

10.4.9 Equipment for Applying Load

The equipment used for applying load shall consist of one or more hydraulic rams or jacks . The total capacity of the
jacks shall be at least equal to the required maximum load. The jack or jacks shall be arranged in conjunction with the
reaction system to deliver an axial load to the test load required for the test.

10.4.10 Measurement of Load

The load shall be measured by a load measuring device and by a calibrated pressure gauge included in the hydraulic
system. Readings of both the load measuring device and the pressure gauges shall be recorded . In interpreting the
test data, the values given by the load measuring device shall normally be used; the pressure gauge readings are
required as a check.
The load measuring device may consist of a proving ring, load measuring column, pressure cell or other appropriate
system. A spherical seating shall be used in conjunction with any devices that are sensitive to eccentric loading; care
must be taken to avoid any risk of buckling. Load measuring devices and jacks shall be short in axial length in order to
achieve the best possible stability; the Contractor shall pay attention to details in order to ensure that axial loading is
The load measuring devices shall be calibrated before and after each series of tests, whenever adjustments are made
to the device or at intervals appropriate to the type of equipment. The pressure gauge and hydraulic jack shall be
calibrated together. Certifications of calibrations shall be supplied to the Engineer.
The approval of the Engineer shall be obtained on the type of gauges to be used and other details on the
In addition, large diameter (exceeding 1.2m) test piles shall be instrumented at 5 (five) different depths to measure
the load distribution along the piles. The instrumentation shall consist of both a mechanical system and strain gauges
for measuring the pile deformation. The mechanical system shall consist of 6mm steel rods or high tensile steel wires
(Gauge No. 23) placed in steel tubes down to the various depths and connected to dial gauges at the top . The strain
gauges shall be of a stable type, wholly protected by a steel capsule. They shall be welded to the steel reinforcement,
2 (two) gauges at each depth.

10.4.11 Adjustability of Loading Equipment

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth increase of load or to
maintain each load constant at the required stages of a maintained loading test.

10.4.12 Measuring Movement of Pile Heads General
In a maintained load test, movement of the pile head shall be measured by two of the methods as described below .
One method for settlement measurements and the other for control. Leveling method

An optical or any other leveling method by reference to an external datum may be used.
Where a level and staff are used, the level and scale of the staff shall be chosen to enable readings to be made to
within an accuracy of 0.5mm. A scale attached to the pile or pile cap may be used instead of a leveling staff . At least
two datum points shall be established on permanent objects or other well-founded structures, or deep datum points
shall be installed. Each datum point shall be situated so that only one setting up of the level is needed.
No datum point shall be affected by the test loading or other operations at the site.
The written approval of the Engineer shall be required in the case any other method of leveling is proposed. Independent reference frame

An independent reference frame may be set up to permit measurement of the movement of the pile . The supports
for the frame shall be founded in such a manner and at such a distance from the test pile, kentledge support cribs,
reaction piles, anchorage and rafts that movements of the ground in the vicinity of the equipment do not cause
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movement of the reference frame during the testing. Check observations of any movement of the reference frame
shall be made and a check shall be made of the movement of the pile head in relation to an external datum during the
progress of the test. In no case shall the supports be less than 3 (three) test pile diameters or 2m, whichever is
greater, from the center of the test pile.
The measurement of pile movement shall be made by two dial gauges rigidly mounted on the reference frame that
bear on surfaces normal to the pile axis fixed to the pile cap or head. Alternatively, the gauges may be fixed to the pile
and bear on the surfaces on the reference frame. The dial gauges shall be placed in diametrically opposite positions
and be equidistant from the pile axis. The dial gauges shall enable the readings to be made within an accuracy of
The reference frames shall be protected from sun and wind. Other methods

The Contractor may submit for approval of the Engineer any other method for measuring the movement of pile

10.4.13 Protection of Testing Equipment Protection from weather
Throughout the test period, all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be protected from weather. Prevention of disturbance

Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept at away a sufficient
distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement apparatus.

10.4.14 Supervision Notice of test
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours notice of the commencement of the test. Records
During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of the test as required under this Specification
shall be available for inspection by the Engineer.

10.4.15 Test Procedure Loading procedures
The test load shall be concentrically applied to the pile by such a method that the load acting on the pile at any time
may be determined, adjusted and controlled. The load shall be applied to the pile as near to the ground surface as
The load shall be applied and removed in increments based on the anticipated working load of the pile with the
following Table 10 -101.
Table 10- 101 : Loading Sequence
Load as Percentage of Working Load Minimum Time of
Bored Piles Driven Piles Holding Load
25 50 1 hour
50 100 1 hour
75 125 1 hour
100 150 1 hour
75 125 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour
100 150 6 hours
125 200 1 hour
150 250 6 hours
175 275 1 hour
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Load as Percentage of Working Load Minimum Time of

Bored Piles Driven Piles Holding Load
200 300 24 hours - Proof Load
175 275 10 minutes
150 250 10 minutes
125 225 10 minutes
100 200 10 minutes
75 150 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour

Following application of each increment of load, the load shall be held for not less than the period shown in the Table
10 -101 and until the rate of settlement is less than 0.25mm per hour and is slowing. Readings of settlement and of
the time at which they are made, shall be taken immediately before and after the application of each load increment
and at intermediate intervals 20 (twenty) minutes apart for the first four hours and 60 (sixty) minutes apart
Each stage of unloading shall proceed to the schedule shown in the Table. During unloading, readings of rebound and
of the time at which they are made, shall be taken immediately after each increment of load is removed and at
intermediate intervals of 20 (twenty) minutes. A final rebound reading shall be taken 24 (twenty-four) hours after the
entire test loads have been removed.
A check for the accuracy of the measurement of settlement shall be made from a fixed reference point on a
permanent object or well-founded structure. This reference point shall be at least 3m off from the nearest point of
the test pile.
During the progress of the test, all readings taken shall be available for inspection by the Engineer. Safe load through initial test (Single pile)

The safe load on single pile shall be the smallest of the following:
a) Two thirds of the final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 12mm unless it is established that
a total settlement different from 12mm is permissible in a given case on the basis of nature and type of
structure. In the latter case the actual total settlement permissible shall be used for assessing the safe load
instead of 12mm.
b) Two-thirds of the final load at which the net settlement attains a value of 6mm.
c) 50 percent of the final load at which the total settlement equals one tenth of pile diameter.
The safe load on groups shall be the smallest of the following:
a) The final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 25mm unless a total settlement different from
25mm is specified in a given case on the nature and type of structure.
b) Two-thirds of the final load at which the total settlement attains a value of 40mm.

10.4.16 Presentation of results

Within 24 hours of completion of the test, the Contractor shall submit a summary of results to the Engineer stating,
for each stage of loading and unloading, the period for which the load was held and the maximum settlement or
Within seven days of completion of the test the Contractor shall submit a full schedule of test data to the Engineer,
which shall include the following:
a) General
- Project.
- Contract identification.
- Proposed structure.
- Date of test.
b) Pile details
- Date of casting.

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- Pile reference number and location.

- Brief description of location (e.g. in cofferdam, in cutting, over water)
- Type of pile (e.g. precast reinforced concrete, steel H, bored cast-in-situ etc.)
- Length on ground.
- Level of toe.
- Ground level at pile position.
- Head level at which test load applied.
- Condition of pile head.
- Details of permanent casing.
c) Installation details
- Dates and times of boring, driving and pouring concrete of test pile and adjacent piles.
- Date and time of casting concrete.
- Driven length of pile or temporary casing at final set.
- Hammer type, size or weight.
- Dolly and packing, type and condition before and after driving.
- Driving length (depth, blows per 250mm, interruptions or breaks in driving).
- At final set and at re-drive set, for drop of single action hammer the length of the drop or stroke, for diesel
hammer the length of the stroke and the blows per minutes, for double-acting hammers the number of
blows per minute.
- Condition of pile head or temporary casing after driving.
d) Test procedure
- Weight of kentledge
- Tension pile, ground anchor or compression pile details
- Plan of test arrangements showing position and distances of kentledge supports, rafts, tension or
compression piles and reference frame to test pile
- Jack capacity
- Method of Load measurement
- Method(s) of penetration or uplift measurement
- Relevant dates and times
e) Full test results
- In tabular form
- In graphical form
i) Load verses Time
ii) Load verses gross settlement and rebound for each cycle of loading
iii) Load verses net settlement and rebound for each cycle of loading.

The scales used for plotting load/settlement (uplift) curves shall be such that a settlement of 10 mm is equivalent to a
load of 100 tons. The same scales shall be used for the load and settlement (uplift) against time curves.

10.4.17 Completion of a Test Measuring equipment
On completion of a test all equipment and measuring devices shall be dismantled, checked and either stored so that
they are available for use in further tests or removed from the site. Kentledge
Kentledge and its supporting structure shall be removed from the test pile and stored so that they are available for
use in further tests or removed from the site. Temporary piles

On completion of a preliminary test, temporary tension piles shall be cut off below ground level, removed from the
site and the ground made good with approved materials as specified.

10.4.18 Measurement
This work shall be measured as the number of pile compression load tests satisfactorily conducted and completed.

10.4.19 Payment

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The amount of completed and accepted work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit
prices per load test as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall constitute the full compensation for
conducting the test including all test equipment, provision of kentledge, carrying out tests, dismantling of equipment
and removal from site, cleaning of site, preparation of all reports, materials, personnel, tools and all incidentals
necessary to complete the entire tests.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -102.

Table 10- 102 : Static Pile Load Test Pay Items

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.4 Conducting Static Load Test as per ASTM D 1143 for Cast-in-
Situ/ Pre-cast Pile
Upto 1500 Ton Each
Above 1500 Ton LS


10.5.1 Description
Pile Integrity test is to be performed in accordance with ASTM D 5882 (Standard Test Method of Low Strain Impact
Integrity Testing of Deep Foundation) through any reputed firm appointed by the Engineer on a number of
constructed working piles at the location of each abutment and pier position of a structure to verify the integrity of
the constructed piles. The apparatus for the Integrity Test shall be selected and arranged by the testing firm . Tests
shall be carried out only under the direction of experienced and competent professionals conversant with the test
equipment and test procedure.

10.5.2 Testing Equipment

Use Pile Integrity Testing Equipment that meets the following requirements:
a) Use Equipment that has a digital data acquisition system with a dynamic signal analyzer, magnetic disk
storage and hardcopy plotting capabilities. Ensure that the analyzer has both signal conditioning and power
supply with high signal-to-noise ratios and variable frequency filtering to mitigate steel reinforcing and
surface waves vibration noise. Ensure that the data is displayed in the field so that a preliminary data quality
evaluation is possible;
b) Provide a receiver that is a suitable velocity transducer or accelerometer and place on the pile head.

10.5.3 Testing Requirements Pile Head Preparation
Ensure that the pile head is perpendicular to the pile’s vertical axis and is made of sound concrete. Remove weak,
poor quality, or broken concrete from the pile head to expose sound concrete. Clearly expose the pile head and free it
of debris and water. Ground the pile head center impacted by the impulse hammer smooth along with the pile edge
area where transducers are attached to provide a flat, horizontal surface for the Pile Integrity Test. Pile Integrity Testing Procedure

Perform pile integrity testing only when specified or when required by the Engineer due to potential defects indicated
during construction. Impact the pile head with a hammer that can produce a compression wave capable of being
reflected from the pile toe. Pile Integrity Test may only be effective to depths of 20 times to 30 times the pile
diameter. Take PIT measurements in both the time and frequency domains.
Display the motion record (pile top velocity) on a hard copy as a function of time. High soil friction may require
velocity signal magnification using integration with exponentially increasing magnitude to enhance the pile toe
reflection. Average several consistent records. In addition to the velocity records as a function of time, the amplified
and averaged difference between velocity and force may be displayed to provide additional information about the
pile top quality, including dynamic stiffness.
Use transient response or impulse response, using hammer force in the frequency domain (mobility) to provide
additional defect determination of the pile. Pile Integrity Testing Results

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Pile Integrity test is a quick method to check the continuity of pile shape and size up to desired level . This method
detects pile defects like cracks, Breaking, Necking, soil intrusion and variation of pile shape. The final length can also
be measured indirectly.
Report PIT testing results completed at a given Substructure element within 10 Days after completing testing for that
element. Provide report copies to the Engineer that contain the following information:
- Pile length and concrete quality analyses;
- Pile integrity opinions based on Pile Integrity testing;
- Correlation of potential defects to those indicated by the Pile Integrity test results, if performed;
- Pile head dynamic stiffness;
- Mobility, a measure of cross-sectional area and concrete quality;
- Plots of the averaged, amplified velocity and acceleration versus time, and, if required, the mobility versus
frequency; and
- Narrative. Acceptance and Rejection of Piles

Engineer will accept piles if pile integrity testing reports verify the structural integrity of the piles . Pile rejection will
require conclusive evidence that a defect exists that may result in inadequate or unsafe performance under service
loads. If the report is inconclusive, the State Geotechnical Engineer may require the Contractor to drill a core hole into
the defective pile.
Engineer will reject shafts where velocities are less than 3,050 meter per second and the anomalous velocity is less
than 25% of the baseline velocity of the PIT record. Such rejection may be due to tubes not being tied in a plumb
position and with equal offsets from adjacent tubes.
If any pile after Integrity test is found unsatisfactory in the opinion of the Engineer for utilization in the structure, the
pile shall be replaced as suggested by the Design Unit and directed by the Engineer. All extra expanses shall be borne
by the contractor and payment shall be made in accordance with article Measures in Case of Rejected Piles
of these specifications.

10.5.4 Measurement
The unit of measurement shall be number of pile tested.

10.5.5 Payment
The following Work and items will be considered as included in the payment for the main items and no direct
payment will be made therefore;
- Furnishing all Materials, labor, tools and Equipment necessary to complete the Work;
- Assistance to the consultant or engineer personnel necessary to complete the Work; and
- Calculations and Working Drawings stamped by a registered professional Geotechnical Engineer for all
foundation elements requiring remedial action, and all labor and materials necessary to complete
corrections for rejected piles. If a defect is confirmed by coring of the concrete, materials and labor for coring
will be at the expense of the Contractor. If no defects are found, the Department will pay for all coring costs,
including pressure grouting of the core holes. The time period allowed to perform testing shall be no less
than 48 hours to no more than 10 Days from time of completion of the construction of the pile.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -103
Table 10- 103 : Pile Integrity Test Pay Items
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.5 PIT on 10 (ten) nos. piles or less of a single bridge Set
For PIT on each additional pile after 10(ten) piles tested. Each


10.6.1 Description
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By sending ultrasonic pulses through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in parallel tubes), the CSL
test inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and extent and location of defects, if any. At the receiver probe,
pulse arrival time and signal strength are affected by the concrete. For equidistant tubes, uniform concrete yields
consistent arrival times with reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strength. Non-uniformities such as
contamination, soft concrete, honeycombing, voids and inclusions exhibit delayed arrival times with reduced signal
strength. CSL testing shall be provided in accordance with ASTM D 6760 (Standard Test Method for Integrity Testing
of Concrete Deep Foundation by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing).
If CSL access tubes are required by the contract document but CSL testing was not required by the contract
documents and, in the opinion of the Engineer, a construction problem was observed during shaft construction, the
Department will conduct CSL testing. If access tubes were not specified or installed, the Engineer may require full
depth coring to determine the soundness of a questionable drilled shaft.

10.6.2 CSL Consultant

When CSL testing is required by the contract documents, the Contractor shall provide a disinterested Nondestructive
Testing (NDT) consultant experienced in CSL testing and interpretation of results. The CSL Consultant shall be an
independent testing agency with suitable experience in CSL Testing. The consultant shall have a minimum of three
years experience of CSL testing. The consultant qualifications and the specifications for the equipment used shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to beginning drilled shaft installation.

10.6.3 Assistance by the Contractor to the CSL Testing Consultant

The Contractor shall provide cooperative assistance, suitable access to the site and drilled shafts to be tested, and
labor as required to assist the CSL Consultant in performing the required tests. Prior to testing, provide the drilled
shaft lengths, tube lengths and positions, and drilled shaft construction dates to the CSL Consultant.

10.6.4 Testing Schedule

The Contractor shall wait at least 24 hours after the placement of all concrete in a shaft before CSL testing . After
placement of concrete, CSL testing shall be finished within 30 days for steel access tubes.

10.6.5 CSL Test Equipment

Furnish CSL test equipment as follows:
i) Include ultrasonic transmitter and receiver probes for 38 or 50mm I.D. pipe, which produce measurements
with consistent signal strength and arrival time in uniform, good quality concrete with all tube spacings on
the project.
ii) Include a microprocessor based data acquisition system for display, storage, and transfer of data. Graphically
display First pulse Arrival Time (FAT) during data acquisition.
iii) Electronically measure and record the relative position (depth) of the probes in the tubes with each CSL
iv) Print the CSL logs for report presentation.
v) Provide report quality plots of CSL measurements that identify each individual test.
vi) Electronically store each CSL log in digital format, with shaft identification, date, time and test details,
including the transmitter and receiver gain.

10.6.6 CSL Access Tube Preparation

Install minimum 4 (four) access tubes in each diameter drilled shaft. Every drilled shaft shall be equipped with access
tubes to permit possible inspection by CSL. The number of drilled shafts to be tested by CSL shall be as shown in the
BOQ and/or as directed by the Engineer. The drilled shafts to be tested shall be chosen after installation by the
Nominal 38 to 50 mm inside diameter standard weight steel tubes or PVC (Class E) pipes shall be provided for probe
access in each drilled shaft all according to the recommendations of the equipment supplier . Round tubes will a
regular internal diameter free of defects and obstructions, including any tube joints, shall be used to permit the free,
unobstructed passage of the probes. Tubes shall be watertight and free from corrosion with clean internal and
external faces to ensure a good bond between the concrete and the tubes. Tubes may be extended with mechanical
couplings. Duct tape or other wrapping material to seal the joints and butt welding of joints are prohibited . Tubes
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shall be installed by the Contractor in a manner such that the CSL probes pass through the entire length of the tube
without binding. Ensure that the access tubes are plumb and verify that unobstructed passage of the probes is
achievable before the CSL Consultant arrives.
The tubes shall be fit with a watertight shoe on the bottom and a removable cap on the top . Tubes shall be secured to
the interior of the reinforcement case at regular intervals not to exceed 1m. Tubes shall be installed uniformly and
equidistantly around the circumference such that each tube is spaced parallel for the full length and at the maximum
distance possible form each adjacent tube. Tubes shall be spaced as far as possible from the main axial reinforcing
steel. Tubes shall be extended to within 150mm of the bottom of the drilled shaft, to at least 1 .0m above the top of
the concrete, and to at least 0.6m, but not more than 1.5m above the ground surface. Tubes shall not be damaged
during installation of the reinforcement cage.
After placement of the reinforcement cage, the access tubes shall be filled with clean fresh water as soon as possible
but within at the latest one hour after concrete placement. Tube tops shall be capped to prevent debris from entering
the access tubes. Do not apply excessive torque, hammering or other stresses which could break the bond between
the tube and the concrete when removing caps from the tubes.
The tubes should preferably be filled with water prior to concrete placement, but must be filled with water within at
most 4 hours after placing concrete to prevent debonding of access tubes due to differential temperatures . This is
particularly important for PVC tubes.

10.6.7 CSL Logging Procedures

All perimeter tube pairs and major diagonal tube pairs shall be tested. If a possible defect is indicated, CSL testing
shall be conducted between additional pairs of tubes as determined by the CSL consultant.
If the Contractor determines at any time during the non-destructive testing and evaluation of the drilled shaft that the
drilled shaft should be replaced, no further testing or evaluation of that shaft is required.
Perform Crosshole sonic logging between 24 hours and 30 calendar days of shaft concrete placement and after the
concrete compressive strength exceeds 20 MPa. Furnish information regarding the shaft, tube lengths and depths,
construction dates, and other pertinent shaft installation observations and details to the Department at the time of
testing. Verify access tube lengths and their condition in the presence of the Engineer, at least 24 hours prior to CSL
testing. If the access tubes do not provide access over the full length of the shaft, repair the existing tube (s) or core
additional hole(s), as directed by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the Procuring Entity.
Pull the probes simultaneously, starting from the bottoms of the tubes, over an electronic depth measuring device.
Perform the CSL tests with the source and receiver probes in the same horizontal plane. Continuously record CSL
signals at depth intervals of 60mm inches or less from the bottom of the tubes to the top of each shaft . Remove all
slack from the cables prior to pulling to provide accurate depth measurements in the CSL records.
Report any anomalies indicated by longer pulse arrival times and significantly lower amplitude/energy signals to the
Engineer and conduct further tests as required to evaluate the extent of possible defects. Conduct offset CSL
measurements between all tube pair combinations in any drilled shafts with 30 % or greater in velocity reduction.
Record offset measurements with source and receiver vertically offset in the tubes. These measurements add four
measurements per tube combination to the horizontal measurements described in this section. Offset measurements
are described by the angle (in degrees) and direction the signal travels between the probes with respect to the
horizontal plane: +45, +22.5 (source below receiver), and -45, -22.5 (source above receiver). Record offset
measurements from the point where the higher probe is at least 5 feet below the velocity reduction to the point
where the lower probe is at least 1.5 meter above the velocity reduction. Provide offset CSL logs and 3-D tomographic
analysis of all CSL data at no additional cost to the Procuring Entity in the event 30% or greater in velocity reductions
are detected.

10.6.8 Abandoning CSL Access Tubes

After all CSL testing has been completed, and after acceptance of the drilled shaft by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall remove the water in the tubes, place grout tubes extending to the bottom of the access tube, and fill all access
tubes in the drilled shafts with grout. The grout mix design and grouting method shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval.

10.6.9 CSL Testing Results

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The Contractor shall provide a preliminary report to the Engineer within 72 hours after the CSL testing has been
finished and furnish, within 10 working days of testing, two copies of the final CSL testing report sealed by the
Professional Engineer supervising the testing. The final report shall include:
i) CSL logs with analyses of the initial pulse arrival time versus depth and pulse energy/amplitude versus depth.
ii) Summary of the CSL test results which covers drilled shaft identification, test date, shaft age at time of CSL
testing (days from concrete placement to CSL testing), drilled shaft diameter, number of CSL tubes tested,
test length, average compression velocity, and a description of defects detected
The Contractor shall present a CSL log for each tube pair tested with any defect zones indicated on the logs and
discussed in the test report as appropriate. In each defect description, the CSL tube shall include number, depth
below top of concrete, percent concrete wave speed reduction, and recommended concrete condition rating.

10.6.10 Evaluation of CSL Test Results

The Engineer will evaluate the observations during drilled shaft construction and CSL test results to determine
whether or not the drilled shaft construction is acceptable. Drilled shafts with velocity reduction exceeding 30% are
not acceptable without an engineering analysis. The contractor shall not perform any load testing or other
construction associated with these drilled shafts until after acceptance by the Engineer. If the drilled shaft is accepted
by the Engineer, the Contractor may then procced with construction. If the Engineer determines the drilled shaft is
not acceptable, the drilled shaft shall be cored, repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor ’s expense
and with no increase in contract time.

10.6.11 Coring and/or Repair of Drilled Shafts

If the Engineer determines a drilled shaft is unacceptable based on the CSL tests and tomographic analysis, other
tests, or observes problems during drilled shaft construction, core the shaft to allow further evaluation and repair, or
replace the shaft. If coring to allow further evaluation of the shaft and repair is chosen, one or more core samples
shall be taken from each unacceptable shaft for full depth of the shaft or to the depth directed by the Engineer . The
Engineer will determine the number, location, and diameter of the cores based on the results of the 3 -D tomographic
analysis. Keep an accurate log of cores. Properly mark and place the cores in a crate showing the shaft depth at each
interval of core recovery. Transport the cores, along with five copies of the coring log to the Engineer . Perform
strength testing by an AASHTO certified lab on portions of the cores that exhibit questionable concrete as determined
by the Engineer. If the drilled shaft offset CSL testing, 3-D tomographic analyses and coring indicate the shaft is
defective, propose remedial measures for approval by the Engineer. Such improvement may consist of, but is not
limited to correcting defective portions of the shaft, providing straddle shafts to compensate for capacity loss, or
providing a replacement shaft. Repair all detected defects and conduct post repair integrity testing using horizontal
and offset CSL testing and 3-D tomographic imaging as described in this Section. Engage a Specialty Engineer to
perform gamma-gamma density logging to verify the integrity of the shaft outside the reinforcing cage in the same
locations offset CSL data was/is required. Submit all results to the Engineer within five days of test completion for
approval. Perform all work described in this Section at no additional cost to the Procuring Entity, and with no increase
in contract time.

10.6.12 Measurement
The unit of measurement shall be number of pile tested.

10.6.13 Payment
The following Work and items will be considered as included in the payment for the main items and no direct
payment will be made therefore;
- Furnishing all Materials, labor, tools and Equipment necessary to complete the Work;
- Assistance to the consultant or engineer personnel necessary to complete the Work;
- CSL Access tubes; and
- Calculations and Working Drawings stamped by a registered professional Geotechnical Engineer for all
foundation elements requiring remedial action, and all labor and materials necessary to complete
corrections for rejected piles. If a defect is confirmed by coring of the concrete, materials and labor for coring
will be at the expense of the Contractor. If no defects are found, the Procuring Entity will pay for all coring
costs, including pressure grouting of the core holes. The time period allowed to perform testing shall be no
less than 48 hours to no more than 10 Days from time of completion of the construction of the pile.
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Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -104.

Table 10-104 : Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) Pay Items

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.6 CSL in accordance with ASTM D 6760 LS


10.7.1 General
Post-grouting is a process where grout is added to the shaft (side/skin) and/or base (tip) of the pile after construction
is complete. Post-grouting increases the axial capacity of pile by improving the friction along the sides of the pile and
bearing at the tip. Moreover, it improves the behavior of soils adjacent to grouted piles and minimizes the effect of
disturbance caused during construction. In essence, post-grouting helps to improve the bond between soils and grout,
thereby enhancing better skin friction and end bearing between them. Post-grouting of pile shall be carried out in
accordance with EN 1536.
Only permanent grouting pipes are allowed and their arrangement shall be appropriate to the zones and materials to
be grouted.

10.7.2 Types of Post-Grouting Base grouting
Base grouting shall be carried out
- By means of a flexible box structure installed with the reinforcement, allowing the spread of grout over the
whole base area of the pile; or
- With sleeved perforated cross pipes (tube-a-manchettes) arranged at the pile bottom.
- Grout is injected which makes its way to the surrounding soils and into soft regions to develop an interlock
with harder soil zones.
In this process, the effect of soil disturbance by installation of casings and subsequent lifting up of casings would be
lessened significantly. Shaft grouting

Shaft grouting shall be carried out through grouting pipes fixed to the reinforcement cage or tube or a precast
concrete element as applicable.
During the process of shaft grouting, some tube-a-manchettes pipes are designed at regular spacing to the
reinforcement case at the periphery of the pile. Within a short duration (e.g. should be carried out within 24 hours) of
concreting of pile, the fresh concrete cover is cracked by injecting water. After that, shaft grouting is conducted where
the grout travels along the interface between concrete and soil and compacts the surrounding soils which are
loosened or disturbed during excavation. The hydraulic fracturing of surrounding soils by grout during the grouting
operation generates planes of higher shear strength. The grout would penetrate and improve the strength of soils
around the pile.

10.7.3 Specification for Materials and Equipment Shop Drawings for Post-Grouting Hardware to be incorporated in the Pile
The Contractor shall prepare adequately detailed “Shop drawings” and materials proposals for the grout pipe and
tube-a-manchettes system indicated in the Drawings, for the review and technical acceptance of Design Unit, LGED .
The main items to be covered include
- Nominal 40mm diameter steel grout pipes and 40mm diameter steel tube-a-manchettes arrangements
(materials, coupling details for water/grout pumps and pressure gauges, joints in the 40mm diameter pipes,
caps and valves for the pipes, etc.). It is preferred that standard proprietary screw thread fittings capable of
reliably accommodating the expected maximum water/grout pressure (5 MPa) but alternatives may be
- The rubber/neoprene sleeve material to be used to temporarily seal the tube-a-manchettes outlet holes
during construction of the pile, including how it is attached to the pipes.
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The Contractor shall immediately commence preparation of mix design for the grout to be used . The indicative
properties required for the grout included:
- Compressive strength (target 20MPa at 28 days)
- Water cement ratio (target range 0.45 to 0.55, or higher if bentonite and admixtures are used)
- Pumpability (e.g. Marsh cone flow rate 50 – 60 seconds). Admixture will be required.
- Effective “life” before initial set occurs or the viscosity becomes too high for pumping and flow into the sand
materials at the base of the pile (target minimum 2 hours). It is probable that a suitable admixture will be
- Bleeding resistance, as determined by standard test
- No shrinkage, as confirmed by standard test
A suggested starting point mix design, which may have the required properties, is as follows
- Cement (CEM I) = 1 part (by weight)
- Water = 0.74 part (by weight)
- Bentonite = 5% weight of cement (assists to keep grout materials in suspension, reduce bleeding before
hardening, and pumpability)
- Admixture (May re retarder/ water reducer/ water reducer high range, as necessary to produce required mix
However, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine a mix design which meets the requirements. Water Pump and Pressure Gauge

Required for “Hydraulic Cracking” of the pile base concrete below the tube-a-manchettes, before the concrete attains
too much strength. This pump may also function as the grout pump if its characteristics are as required for grouting.
Minimum pressure capacity required is 5 MPa
Minimum flow capacity required is 30 liters per minute
An accurate and robust pressure gauge is required to monitor water pressure during the “hydraulic cracking”
operations. Grout Mixer

A high shear grout mixer is required which is capable of producing a consistently high quality semi-colloidal grout in
the required quantities. The mixer should have a minimum rotational capacity of 1500 rpm (a lower quality paddle
mixer with slow rotational speed will not be acceptable). This grout mixer will also be very suitable for producing
grout for the post-tensioned tendon ducts for the superstructure girders. Grout Pump and Pressure Gauge

A cyclic grout pump (e.g. single stage piston type) capable of pressures upto 10 MPa and a minimum flow rate 30
liters per minute is required, together with reliable and accurate pressure gauge . Associated with this pump, a reliable
method of monitoring and estimating quantities of grout being injected into the pipe/ tube-a-manchettes system is
required. This type of pump is also potentially very suitable for grouting post-tensioned ducts. System for Monitoring Pile uplift (during “Hydraulic Cracking” and base grouting)
A system with acceptable reference frame, comprising two dial gauges (50mm range) plus a separate scale backup
monitored by survey level is required to monitor top of pile uplift, which is critical during “hydraulic cracking” and bae
grouting operations.

10.7.4 Base Grouting Procedure “Hydraulic Cracking” of Concrete below tube-a-manchettes Assemblies
- To be carried out within 24 – 48 hours of casting of the bored pile concrete, before the concrete attains a
strength in excess of about 5 MPa. The actual time will depend on the Tremie concrete mix properties, to be

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determined by laboratory testing of concrete mix design samples at 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 hours after
- Apply water pressure up to maximum 5 MPa (to be reconfirmed) while carefully monitoring uplift of the top
of the pile (which normally shall not be allowed to exceed 6mm). When cracking of the concrete at the base
of the pile is achieved, there will be a sudden loss of water pressure and the water flow rate will increase.
- A follow up “hydraulic cracking” exercise shall be carried out 24 hours after completing the first exercise, to
confirm that the cracks resulting from the first exercise have not re-sealed (due to residual unhydrated
cement in the concrete mix). Grouting
- Usually base grouting can proceed within 7 – 10 days after construction of the pile. The load test on the test
pile may be carried out about 14 days after completion of base grouting (assuming the grout has attained the
required minimum compressive strength).
- There are two separate grouting loop circuits to be grouted. It is critical that there is no equipment or
materials malfunction during the grouting process of any one grouting loop circuit . Therefore, the Contractor
is required to have necessary backup measures in place before grouting can proceed (including backup
power, provision for rapidly replacing/ repairing hoses/ couplings, etc.)
- Consistency of the grout mix being injected is critical to the success of the grouting exercise.
- Second stage grouting may be carried out about 48 hours after the initial grout has been set . Therefore, on
completion of the first round, the grout injection pipes and tube-a-manchettes assemblies shall be flushed
clean with fresh water before the grout has hardened in these pipes.
- Uplift of the top of the pile to be carefully monitored during the grouting injection process . Under no
circumstances shall pile uplift of the top of the pile exceed 6 mm, unless authorized by Design Unit, LGED.
The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the Engineer detailed records of the complete
“hydraulic cracking” and subsequent base grouting operations, using forms approved by Design Unit, LGED. If
successful, these forms will be used to record similar operations on working piles to be base grouted.
The critical parameters and criteria to be monitored and achieved during base grouting are:
- Grout properties before injection by pump, with samples to be taken for testing
- Grout pressure during injection (not to exceed 5 MPa – value to be re-confirmed by Consultant) to be
monitored and recorded at one minute intervals initially
- The approximate rate of injection during grouting (in liters per minute, at one minute intervals)
- The volume of grout injected into the system (including quantity discharged to waste from the outlet pipe on
the loop circuit) Note that the outlet pipe will have a valve which is to be closed once the system has been
primed and there is no air in the pipes.
- Closely monitoring and recording pipe top uplift at one minute intervals initially.
Where grouting of a pile base and shaft is to be carried out, the shaft grouting is to be carried out before the base
grouting, unless otherwise agreed prior to commencement of the process.

10.7.5 Measurement
The unit of measurement shall be number of post-grouted piles.

10.7.6 Payment
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 10 -104.

Table 10-105 : Post-Grouting of pile Pay Items

Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
10.7 Base Grouting in accordance with EN 1536 LS
Shaft Grouting in accordance with EN 1536 LS

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11.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of construction of well, taking it down to the desired founding levels by open dredging or any
other approved method of sinking through all kinds of soil strata and other materials, plugging the bottom, filling the
inside and plugging the top of well in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings and these Specifications, or
as directed by the Engineer.
A well foundation is also known as caisson.

11.1.2 General
The well foundations shall rest on a firm stratum satisfying the desired bearing capacity at that level as indicated in
the working Drawing. The Contractor shall undertake confirmatory sub-soil investigations at the actual location of
such well foundations prior to taking up the work of each well foundation.
Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer, all works for the construction of well foundations shall
conform to the provisions of brickwork, concrete, formwork and reinforcement made in the relevant sections of this
All items of concrete work shall conform to the relevant Sub-section of these Specifications under ’Concrete for
Structures’. The concrete classes used in the well foundations shall be as tabulated below:
Well Component Concrete Class
Bottom plug B-1
Curb A-5
Steining A-5
Top plug A-5
Reinforced Concrete Capping A-5

The steining members shall be constructed to the lines and levels shown on the Drawing either from appropriate
Class of Concrete or brick masonry.
The well curb and steining shall be of Reinforced Cement Concrete in conformity with grades of concrete as indicated
in the drawings and in the Specifications hereinafter.
At the top of the well steining, an adequately designed ‘well cap’ is laid to transmit the loads and forces from the sub-
structures to the foundations.
The cutting edge shall be of mild steel of specified grade and to details as shown on the Drawings and shall be strong
enough to facilitate sinking of well through the types of strata likely to be encountered.
The appropriate method for construction of well shall depend upon field conditions, i.e. depth and flow of water
actually encountered at the location of well foundation.
In case of dry beds, the site shall be excavated down to 0.30m above the sub-soil water level and properly leveled
before the cutting edge is placed.
The curb and steining have to be specifically designed for special loading when pneumatic sinking is adapted.

11.1.3 Setting Out and Preparations for Sinking

Necessary reference points shall be fixed, away from the zone of blow-ups or possible settlements resulting from well
sinking operations. Such reference points shall be connected to the permanent Theodolite stations with the base -line
on the banks. The centre of the individual well shall be marked with reference to these stations. The distance,
wherever practicable, shall be checked with the help of accurate tapes and precision distomat.
Reference points shall also be fixed to mark X-X axis (usually traffic direction) and Y-Y axis (normal to X-X axis)
A temporary Bench Mark shall also be established near the well foundation, away from the zones of blow -ups or
possible settlement. The Bench Mark shall be checked regularly with respect to the permanent Bench Mark
established at the bridge site.

11.1.4 Artificial Island and other Temporary Works

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When the wells are to be pitched in shallow water of depth less than 1m, an earthen /sand island shall be constructed
raising the site of work, so as to make the construction in the dry. If the water depth is less than 1.0m, simple sand
islands shall be constructed protected by laying a few rings of sand bags. Where the water depth is in between 1.0m
and 5.0m, the sand island be made by driving sheet piling and filling inside or by driving two rings of poles with their
inside filled with sand bags or other materials and the central space filled with sand . The island can also be
constructed by driving timber piles at requisite spacing and bamboo pins in between and with tarja or drum sheet
The plan dimensions of sand islands shall be such as to have a working space of at least 2.0m all around the steining.
The dimension of the sand islands shall however, be not less than twice the dimension in plan of the well or caisson .
Sand islands shall be maintained to perform their functions until the well is sunk to a depth below the bed level at
least equal to the depth of water. Sand island shall be protected against scour and the top level shall be sufficiently
above the prevailing water level to be decided by the Engineer so that it is safe against wave action . The top surface
of the island shall be adequately leveled and curb placed or constructed thereon.
For greater depths or in fast flowing rivers or for locations where soil is too weak to sustain an ordinary sand island,
‘floating caissons’ may have to be adopted.
Floating caissons may be of steel or of reinforced concrete or a combination of the two . They should have at least
1.5m free board above water level and increased, if considered necessary, in case there is a possibility of caissons
sinking suddenly owing to reasons such as scour likely to result from the lowering of caissons, effect of waves, sinking
in very soft strata, etc.
Stability of floating caissons shall be ensured against overturning and capsizing while being towed and during sinking
for the action of water current, wave pressure, wind etc.
For floating caissons, a detailed method statement for fabrication, floating and sinking of caissons shall be prepared
and furnished to the Engineer. Such statement shall include the total tonnage of steel involved, fabrication and
welding specifications, list of materials and plant and a description of operations and manpower required for the
work. The caisson shall be tested for leakages before being towed at site.
Appropriate method to be adopted during actual construction shall receive the approval of the Engineer well in
The Contractor shall construct the diversion channel, if found necessary from site conditions.

11.1.5 Equipment
Equipment shall be deployed for construction of well foundation as required and as directed by the Engineer.
Generally, the following equipment may be required for the work:
Crane with grab buckets of capacity 0.5 to 2.0 Cubic meter.
Submersible pumps.
Air compressors, air locks and other accessories where pneumatic sinking of well is anticipated.
Chisels of appropriate sizes.
Aqua-header for cutting rocky strata.
Diving helmets and accessories.
Equipment for concrete production, transportation, placing and compaction.
Jackdown facilities where specified.
Air jetting facilities with piping and compressors.
Water jetting facilities with nozzles, piping and compressors.

11.1.6 Cutting Edge

The cutting edge shall be fabricated from mild steel rolled sections, angles, plates and flats, as per details shown on
the Drawings. Steel materials shall conform to the specifications of AASHTO M 270 (ASTM A 709) Grade 36.
The fabrication may be carried out in the shop or at site. Steel sections shall not be heated and forced into shape.
However, ‘V’ cuts may be made in the horizontal portion, uniformly throughout the length, to facilitate cold bending .

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After bending, such ‘V’ cuts should be closed by welding. Joints in the lengths of structural sections, unless otherwise
specified, shall be fillet welded using single cover plate to ensure the requisite strength of the original section.
After staking out the bridge centerline, the location of the centre point of well shall be correctly marked and the
cutting edge placed, truly in position, commensurate with both the axes of the well . The cutting edge shall be placed
on a leveled ground over dry bed and the starter bars shall be placed on proper position, as indicated on the
Drawings, by means of welding. For checking the correctness of level plane, leveling instrument of spirit level method
may be used. Care must be taken to see that the bars are properly fixed to the cutting edge in correct position with
sufficient length for anchoring to the well curb and not to be displaced during pouring concrete. The cutting edge may
be supported on flat bottomed wooden sleepers underneath at appropriate intervals depending on the diameter of
well for uniform distribution of load over the bed on which the cutting edge is placed. The sleepers shall however, be
removed after the shuttering of the well curb has been stripped off once the concrete of the well has set . Proper
precaution must be taken at the time of removing the sleepers so as not to develop any tilt of well curb that may
occur during settlement of well curb due to the self weight.
When there are two or more compartments in a well, the bottom end of the cutting edge of the inner wall of such
wells shall be kept at about 300mm above that of outer wall.

11.1.7 Well Curb

The well curb may be pre-cast or cast in situ. Steel formwork for well curb shall be fabricated strictly in conformity
with the dimension and shape of the curb as shown on the Drawings. It should satisfy the following requirements:
 should have a shape offering the minimum resistance while the well is being sunk.
 be strong enough to be able to transmit super-imposed loads from the steining to the bottom plug. To satisfy this
requirement, the shape and the outline dimensions of the curb shall be as given on the relevant Drawings. The
curb shall invariably be reinforced concrete of mix not leaner than f ’c=250 kg/cm2 with minimum reinforcement
of 72 kg per cubic meter excluding bond rods. This quantity of steel shall be suitably arranged as shown on the
relevant Drawing to prevent spreading and splitting of the curb during sinking and in service.
 in case pneumatic sinking is indicated, the internal angle of the well curb shall be made steep enough to provide
easy access for the pneumatic tools.
 in case blasting is anticipated, the outer faces of the curb shall be protected with suitable steel plates of thickness
not less than 6mm upto half the height of the well curb on the outside and on the inner face not less than 10mm
thick upto top of well curb, suitably reduced to 6mm to a height of 3.0m above the top of the curb. The steel
plates shall be properly anchored to the curb and steining. The curb in such a case shall be provided with
additional hoop reinforcement of 10mm diameter mild steel or deformed bars at 150mm centres. The latter
reinforcement shall also extend upto a height of 3.0m into the well stenining above the curb, in which portion the
mix of concrete in the well steining shall not be leaner than 1 : 1½ : 3. The grade of concrete in bottom 3.0m of
steining shall not be leaner than A-5 or as shown on the Drawings.
The outer face of the curb shall be vertical. Steel reinforcements shall be securedly assembled as shown on the
Drawings. The bottom ends of vertical bond rods of steining shall be fixed to the cutting edge with check nuts or by
The cutting edge shall be properly anchored to the well curb so that the well curb will be able to transmit
superimposed loads from the steining to the bottom plug.
Care must be taken to see that the vertical bars have been projected sufficiently beyond the top of the well curb to
facilitate proper lapping with vertical bars of well steining.
Pouring of all concrete in the well curb shall be done in one continuos operation upto its full height. The formwork on
outface of the curb may be removed within 24 hours on pouring concrete but the inner face shall be removed at least
after 72 hours.
Since the pouring of concrete of well steining will be done with some time lag, provision of concrete shear keys at
suitable intervals in zigzag manner shall be kept on the top finished level of well curb.

11.1.8 Well Steining

Well steining may be built of either brick masonry or concrete.
The dimensions and the shape of the well shall strictly conform to those shown on the Drawings. The steining
member of the well shall be built in one straight line from bottom to top in such away that if the well is tilted, the next

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stage of steining will be aligned in the direction of the tilt. The work will be checked carefully with the aid of straight
edges of lengths approved by the Engineer. Plumb Bob or Spirit Level shall not be used for alignment.
Steining built in the first stage above the well curb shall not be more than 2m and in subsequent stage it shall not
exceed the diameter of the well or the depth of well sunk below the adjoining bed level at a time, whichever is less .
For stability, the first stage of steining shall be constructed only after sinking the curb at least partially for stability.
After sinking of a stage is complete, damaged portions, if any, of steining at top of the previous stage shall be properly
repaired before construction of the next stage begin.
The height of steining shall be calibrated by making at least 4 gauges distributed equally on the outer periphery of the
well each in the form of a 10 cm wide strip painted on the well, with every meter mark shown in red paint . Further,
sub-division mark shall be shown in black paint. The gauges shall start with zero at the bottom of the cutting edge.
Marking of the gauges shall be done carefully with a measuring steel tape.
In case of steining member built with concrete, concrete strength and reinforcements of the well shall strictly
conform to those shown on the Drawings. At the completion of each stage construction, before the concrete sets,
concrete shear keys in requisite numbers shall be constructed so as to make the concrete in the successive stages
monolithic with the previous ones.
Once the first lift is complete, all pouring of concrete of steining may be carried out on subsequent lifts of about 2m to
2.5m. Attempts should be made to minimize the number of construction joints. The pouring layers of concrete shall
be limited to about 450mm restricting the free fall of concrete to not more than 1.5m. Laitance formed at the top
surface of a lift shall be removed to expose coarse aggregates before setting of concrete at the proposed construction
joint. As far as possible, work stages shall be planned to avoid construction joints at the location of laps in the vertical
steining bars.
Any concrete surface in the well steining, which shows excessive honeycomb and exposure of reinforcement or
exhibits any fault, which in the opinion of the Engineer seriously impairs its function, may be declared defective
concrete. Such defects shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer by the Contractor at his own cost.

11.1.9 Well Sinking

The process of taking down the well to the founding level is known as ‘Well Sinking’.
All precautions shall be taken against possible damages to the foundations of structures in the vicinity of the wells
prior to commencement of dredging of the material from inside the well. Dredging may be undertaken by manual or
mechanical means.
The well shall as far as possible be sunk true and vertical through all types of soils . The method of sinking shall ensure
that the well does not go out of position or out of plumb beyond the specified tolerance through all types of soils.
The well shall be sunk to the minimum depth of founding level shown on the Drawing provided the bearing capacity
of the stratum at that level is not less than the desired minimum for that level as indicated in the working Drawing .
Failing to satisfy this, the sinking of well shall continue to a further depth. The well shall be founded at a firm stratum
deeper than the minimum depth shown, satisfying the desired bearing capacity for the level as indicated in the
working Drawing.
The well shall be sunk by excavating materials uniformly from inside the dredge hole . Pneumatic sinking, whenever
necessary, may have to be resorted to where obstacles such as tree trunks, large size boulders, etc ., are met at the
bottom or when there is hard patches which cannot be removed by open dredging. The necessity for pneumatic
sinking shall be decided by the Contractor and shall be undertaken only with prior written permission of the Engineer
with additional precautions as per standard practice. Nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor for adopting
pneumatic method of sinking.
Sinking or loading of the well with kentledge shall be commenced only after the steining has been cured for at least
48 hours.
During the operation of sinking of a well, the Contractor shall keep record of various strata of soil obtained, their
respective depths and samples of soil in each stratum and behaviour of sinking of well through the various strata . This
record shall be countersigned daily by the authorized representative of the Engineer and when completed shall be
handed over to the Engineer.

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The Contractor shall obtain approval of the Engineer with regard to the depth upto which a well is to be sunk . During
final stage of sinking when the well will reach the final foundation level, suitably designed cofferdam shall be
constructed to prevent outside soil from falling inside the dredge hole, if necessary.
Kentledge or sinking load
Kentledge shall be placed in an orderly and safe manner and in such a way that it does interfere with the excavation
of the material from inside the dredge hole and also does not in any way damage the steining of the well . Where the
tilts are present or there is a danger of well developing a tilt, the position of the load shall be regulated in such a
manner as to provide greater sinking effort on the higher side of the well.
De-watering of well
Normally de-watering of well shall not be permitted as a means for sinking the well. It also shall never be resorted to,
if there is any danger of sand blowing under the well.
Water jetting
Sinking of well may also be expedited, if necessary by water jetting along the external surface of the well. All jets shall
be arranged symmetrically to induce straight sinking. The water jet shall be capable of exerting a pressure of 100 to
150 bars without any failure and or in-efficiency in the system.
Air jetting
Air jetting would be used for reducing the soil friction on the outer periphery of caisson to facilitate the sinking . In this
method, PVC pipes shall be left on periphery of steining just touching the surface of formwork in first four lifts after
casting of curb. After removal of formwork 4mm diameter holes at maximum 1m spacing are to be made on the pipes
from outside and the holes are to be protected with rubber flaps so that those do not get chocked inside by soil . The
pipes of each row are to be carried right upto the top in subsequent lifts of the steining.
Compressed air from compressors are to be blown through these pipes and nozzle holes to facilitate sinking . Intensity
and extent of air jetting have to be controlled by operating one or more rows of pipes at a time or even on one side of
the caisson. Pressure of air at any stage of sinking shall be kept 50% more than the water pressure at the bottom of
the caisson. Maximum air pressure shall be limited to 7 bars. After the bottom plugging, cement grouting of soil mass
around the caisson, in order, shall be taken up through these pipes and nozzles.
Use of explosives
Explosives shall not be generally used as an aid for well sinking. However, in the cases when explosives are to be used,
prior approval of the Engineer shall be obtained. Blasting of any sort shall only be done in presence of the Engineer
and not before the concrete in the steining has hardened sufficiently and is more than 7 days old. For wells going
through boundary strata requiring use of explosives as an aid for well sinking, the entire inside surface of the well
curb, shall be protected by a 6mm thick mild steel plate, which shall be suitably stiffened.
If blasting has been used for setting the well after it has reached the design foundation level, 24 hours shall be
normally allowed to lapse before the bottom plug is laid.
The charges shall be exploded well below the cutting edge by making a sump so as to avoid chances of any damages
to the curb or to the steining of the well.
All prevalent laws concerning handling, storing and using of explosives shall be strictly followed.
There should be no equipment inside the well nor shall there be any labour in the close vicinity of the well at the time
of exploding the charges.
Jackdown methods
Use of divers
Use of divers may be made both for sinking purpose like removal of obstructions, rock blasting and for inspection. All
safety precautions shall be taken as per any acceptable safety code for sinking with divers or any statutory regulations
in force.
Only persons trained for the diving operation shall be employed and shall be certified to be fit for diving by an
approved doctor.
They shall work under expert supervision. The diving and other equipment shall be of acceptable standard and
certified to this effect by an approved independent agency. It shall be well maintained for safe use.

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Arrangement for ample supply of low-pressure clean cool air shall be ensured through an armoured flexible hose
pipe. Standby compressor plant shall be provided in case of breakdown.
Separate high-pressure connection for use of pneumatic tools shall be made. Electric lights, where provided, shall be
at 50 volts (maximum). The raising of the diver from the bottom of wells shall be controlled so that decompression
rate conforms to the rate as laid down in appropriate regulations.
Use of pneumatic sinking
The Engineer shall familiarize himself with particular reference to ‘caisson diseases’ and working of the medical
airlock. A doctor competent to deal with cases of ‘Caisson Diseases’ or other complications arising as a result of
working under high pressure, shall be stationed at the construction site when pneumatic sinking is under progress.
The Contractor shall provide complete facilities including the issuing of orders to ensure strict enforcement of the
requirements outlined in these specifications.
The basic principal of jackdown method is to push down the caisson into the ground by applying load from top of
steining through jacks which will take reactions from soil anchors. Soil anchors shall firstly be installed at the pre-
determined locations in the bed as per requirement outside the periphery of the caissons and below the depth of the
caisson nature of subsoil strata and load to be applied on each anchors. The vertically downward load is to be applied
through hydraulic jacks on the steining walls through fabricated steel girders, which are placed on top of steining . The
jacks shall be operated individually or collectively and load on each jack shall be varied to control the tilts of caissons
during sinking.
The design of the full system of jack down method including the ground anchors, steel girders and jacks shall be taken
up by the Contractor and shall have to be approved by the Engineer prior to its implementation . Any such approval by
the Engineer on the material, equipment or the system as a whole will not relieve the Contractor for any failure of the
system in terms of rate of progress, breakdown of any component or endangering safety of personnel and property or
any modification necessary arising out of sinking by jack-down method.

11.1.10 Precautions during Sinking

When the wells have to be sunk close to each other and clear distance between them is not greater than the diameter
of wells, sinking shall be taken up on all wells and they shall be sunk alternately so that sinking of wells proceeds
uniformly. Simultaneous dredging shall be carried out in the wells in such a manner that the difference in the levels of
the sump and cutting edge in the adjacent wells does not exceed half the clear gap between them. Plugging of all the
wells shall be done together.
A sinking history record be maintained at site.
Bore chart shall be referred to constantly during sinking for taking adequate care while piercing different types of
strata. The type of soil as obtained during the well sinking should be compared with bore chart so as to take prompt
Before seasonal floods all wells, on which sinking is in progress, shall be sunk to sufficient depths below the designed
scour level. Further, they shall be temporarily filled and plugged so that they do not suffer from any tilt or shift during
All necessary precautions shall be taken against any possible damage to the foundations of existing structures in the
vicinity of the wells, prior to commencement of dredging from inside the well.
The dredged material shall not be allowed to accumulate over the well. It shall be dumped and spread, as far away as
possible from the well and then continuously and simultaneously be removed as directed by the Engineer . In case the
river stream flows along one edge of the well being sunk, the dredged material shall not be dumped on the dry side of
the bank but on the side on which the river current flows.
Very deep sump shall not be done below the well curb, as it entails risk of jumping (sudden sinking) of the well. The
depth of sump shall be generally limited to one-sixth of the outer diameter/least lateral dimension of the well in plan.
Normally, the depth of sump shall not exceed 3m below the level of the cutting edge unless otherwise specifically
permitted by the Engineer.
In case a well sinks suddenly with a jerk, the steining of the well shall be examined to the satisfaction of the Engineer
to see that no damage has occurred to it.
In pneumatic sinking, the well shall not, at any time, be dropped to a depth greater than 500mm by the method of
“blowing down”.

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When sinking in clay, the work may be done in dry by de-watering but precautions shall be taken regarding the
heaving or bursting of the base soil.
De-watering shall be avoided, if sand blows are expected. Any equipment and men working inside the well shall be
brought out of the well as soon as there are indications of a sand blow . Sand blowing in wells can often be minimized
by keeping the level of water inside the well higher than the water table and also by adding heavy kentledge.
In soft strata, prone to settlement/creep, the construction of the abutment wells shall be taken up only after the
approach embankment for a sufficient distance near the abutment has been completed.

11.1.11 Tilts and Shifts

The inclination of the well from the vertical is known as tilt and the horizontal displacement of the centre of the well
at founding level from its theoretical position is known as shift.
Unless otherwise specified, the tilt of any well shall not exceed 1 (horizontal) in 80 (vertical), and the shift at the well
base shall not be more than 150mm in any resultant direction inclusive of any shift caused due to tilts.
Tilts and shits of each well shall be carefully checked, measured and recorded in the format given by the Engineer
regularly during sinking operations. Observations to this effect shall be taken at each stage of casting of the steining.
Simultaneously as the sinking proceeds, necessary corrective measures be taken to contain the tilts and shifts within
the permissible limits.
For the purpose of measuring the tilts along the two axes of the bridge, reduced level of the marks painted on the
surface of the steining of the well shall be taken. For determination of shift, locations of the ends of the two
diameters shall be precisely measured along the two axes with reference to fixed reference points.
Remedial measures to be undertaken
Wherever any tilt is noticed, adequate preventive measures like placing eccentric kentledge, pulling, strutting,
anchoring or dredging unevenly and depositing dredge material unequally, putting obstacles below cutting edge,
water jetting etc., shall be adopted before any further sinking. After correction, the dredged material shall be spread
out uniformly.
A pair of wells close to each other have a tendency to come closer while sinking . Timber struts may be introduced in
between the steining of these wells to prevent tilting.
Tilts occurring in a well during sinking in dipping rocky strata can be safeguarded by suitably supporting the curb.
In case of wells where the permissible limits of tilt and or shift are exceeded, approved remedial measures shall be
taken by the Contractor to bring the tilt and/or shift within the permissible limits at no extra cost to the Employer.
Acceptance of wells with excessive tilt and/or shift
If the tilt and/or shift of any well exceed the specified permissible values, the well so sunk shall be regarded as not
conforming to specifications and may be accepted by the Engineer, provided:
 the tilt and/or shift in any direction do not exceed the extreme limits of 1 in 50 tilt and 300mm shift.
 calculations for foundation pressures and steining stresses, accounting for the actual tilt and shift, furnished
by the Contractor, shall show that the well is safe. Any remedial measures, required to bring the stresses
within the permissible values (such as increase in the dimension of the well cap, provision of dummy weights
on the well cap, adjustment of span lengths and redesign of superstructure etc.), shall get approved by the
Engineer and shall be carried out by the Contractor without claiming for any extra costs.

Action on rejection of a well

In the event of a well being rejected on account of noncompliance with the extreme tilt and /or shift mentioned
above, the Contractor shall dismantle the rejected well to the extent directed by the Engineer and remove the debris .
The Contractor shall further at his own risk and expenses, complete the bridge with modified span arrangement
acceptable to the Engineer.

11.1.12 Seating of Wells

The well shall be uniformly seated at the founding strata. It shall be ensured by test borings that the properties of the
soil encountered at the founding strata and upto a depth of one and a half time the well diameter is identical to that
adopted in the Design. The procedure for test borings shall satisfy the provisions of these specifications. Incase the
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encountered soil is inferior to that adopted in the design, the well shall be re -designed by the Engineer adopting the
soil properties actually encountered and the founding level intimated to the Contractor, who shall carry out the work.
In case of seating of wells in hard rocky strata, where the rock profile is steeply sloped, pneumatic methods of sinking
may be adopted to seat the well evenly as directed by the Engineer. The decision of adopting pneumatic sinking shall
be taken by the Engineer. The cutting edge may also be embedded for a suitable depth in the rocky strata, as decided
by the Engineer keeping in view the quality of rock. As an additional measure of safety, the well shall be anchored to
the rocky strata by anchor bars provided in the steining of the well, as shown on the Drawing irrespective of tension
develops or not at the base of the well under design loads.
Inspection of bedding of wells
After the well has been evenly seated on good hard strata, arrangements shall be made by the Contractor to facilitate
proper inspection by the Engineer in dry and visible conditions before the bottom plug is laid at no extra cost to the

11.1.13 Bottom Plugging

Before plugging the bottom, it shall be ensured by test borings that the soil properties of the founding strata
encountered are identical to those adopted in the design and that the founding strata extends for a sufficient depth
below the founding level i.e. not less than twice the diameter or the least dimension of the well. The procedure for
test borings shall satisfy the stipulations contained under the relevant Sub-section of ‘Sub-soil Boring and Testing’. In
case the soil encountered is inferior to that adopted in the design, the well shall be redesigned adopting the soil
properties actually encountered and the founding level of the well duly revised.
Each well, after being sunk to its final position and ensuring that the curb and whole steining has not developed cracks
for its entire length, shall be suitably plugged at its bottom.
For bottom plug, the concrete mix shall be designed (in dry condition) to attain the concrete strength as shown on the
Drawing and shall contain 10 percent more cement than that required for the same mix placed dry, to cater for
pouring concrete under water. However, the total cement content shall not be less than 363 kg per meter cubic of
concrete with a slump in the range of 150mm to 200mm. Admixtures may be added to the concrete to impart the
required characteristics indicated herein.
Concrete for the bottom plug shall be laid by ‘Tremie Pipe’ method. Tremie concreteing, when started, shall be
continued without interruption for full pouring of concrete in the bottom plug. The concrete production equipment
and placement equipment should be sufficient to enable pouring concrete under water within stipulated time .
Necessary standby equipment should be made available for emergency situation.
Pouring of Concrete shall be done in one continuous operation till the dredge hole is filled upto the required height
and thereafter sounding shall be taken up to ensure that the concrete has been laid to the required height. Least
disturbance shall be caused to the water inside the well while laying concrete in the bottom plug. Concrete shall not
be disturbed in any way for at least 14 days.

11.1.14 Testing Wells

In order to check any rise in the level of the bottom plug, soundings shall be taken at the close of laying concrete and
for 3 days thereafter once every day. Soundness of each bottom plug, if considered necessary by the Engineer, shall
be tested by de-watering the well by 5.0m below the surrounding water level and checking the rise of water. The rate
of rise shall preferably be less then 10 cm per hour. In case the rate of rise is higher than that, suitable remedial
measures, acceptable to the Engineer, shall be taken. The test shall be done not earlier than 14 days after pouring
The test shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost.

11.1.15 Filling the Well

The well shall be filled with sand not before a minimum period of 3 days after the bottom plug has been accepted by
the Engineer.
Before filling with sand the height of the bottom plug shall be verified.
Sand fill shall be clean and free from earth, clay clods, roots, boulders, shingles etc. Filling shall be carried upto the
height shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

11.1.16 Top Plug

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After filling the sand up to the required height, top plug shall be laid over it. Thickness of this plug and the grade of
concrete to be used shall conform specifications shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

11.1.17 Well Cap

A Reinforced Cement Concrete well cap will be provided over the top of the steining in accordance with the provisions
of the Drawings. Formwork will be prepared conforming the shape of well cap. Pouring concrete shall be carried out
in dry condition. A properly designed false steining may be provided where possible to ensure that the well cap is laid
in dry conditions.
The bottom of the well cap shall be laid preferably as low as possible taking into account the water level prevalent at
the time of casting.
Bond rods of steining shall be anchored into the well cap.

11.1.18 Tolerances
The permissible tilt and shift shall not exceed 1 (horizontal) in 80 (vertical) and the shift at the well base shall not be
more than 150mm in any resultant direction.
For the well steining and well cap the permissible tolerances shall be as follows:
(a) Variation in dimension +50mm – 10mm
(b) Misplacement from specified position in Plan 15mm
(c) Surface irregularities measured with 3m straight edge 5mm
(d) Variation of levels at the top +25mm

11.1.19 Load Testing of Foundations

It may be necessary to test wells for acceptance or otherwise to the requirement and satisfaction of the Engineer .
Load test shall be performed after the wells are sunk to their designed levels or to the levels as may be decided by the
Engineer and before plugging.
The loading shall be normally in the form of sand bags and rolled steel channel sections . However, application of test
load by using hydraulic jacks and or any other suitable device may be permitted entirely at the cost and risk of the
The Contractor shall prepare all necessary calculations and details of arrangements for such load test . The magnitude
of the test load made and method of carrying out the test load and the observations to be made during and after
placing the test loads in position, etc. shall all be done at no extra cost to the Employer. The test loading of well shall
be carried out on lines of following specifications in general.
The well to be tested shall first be relieved of all kentledge and other superimposed loads, if any and then filled inside
to a depth of at least 3m above the cutting edge with sand. The sand filling may be done through water, if there is
water standing in the well, but it shall be ascertained that the well has been evenly filled to a depth of not less than
3m as stated above. Standing water need not be pumped out. But before commencing the loading it shall be allowed
to attain a permanent level. No extra cost shall be payable for sand filling in the well before the test or for its removal
after the test.
Marks for taking levels will then be made on the well steining at upstream and downstream and on the left and right
side of the well. The reduced levels of all these marks shall be recorded carefully before commencing the test load.
The test load to be applied to a particular well will be determined by the Engineer. The procedure of computing the
test load shall be:
Steining Area

Test Load = ----------------------- is it a multiplication (Dead Load + 2 x Live Load)

Total Area of Well

The test load to be determined by the Engineer shall then be applied to a particular well in equal increments . The load
will then be allowed to remain for 12 hours and the levels of all the marks taken herein are recorded.
Unloading shall be done in regular decrements of test increments adopted with an interval of 12 hours between each
unloading operation and the levels observed at each stage just after unloading as well as 12 hours after that i .e. just
before further unloading.

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The results of settlement, if any against test load, recovery of settlement against removal of test load and permanent
settlement of the well if any shall be noted. For this purpose, average of the reading of all marks shall be adopted.
Necessary report together with all graphical details and the tabulated results of loading unloading observations made
regarding settlement recovery etc., respectively for the loading and unloading condition drawn therefrom shall be
furnished to the Engineer by the Contractor.
No extra cost shall be paid for sand filling in the well before the test or for its removal after the test.
Should any well be determined unacceptable from the results of the load test, the said well shall be sunk further and
additional load test shall be undertaken by the Contractor and the acceptable founding level shall be determined.

11.1.20 Measurements
All quantities shall be measured from the Drawing, or as ordered by the Engineer, excepting those required to be
provided by the Contractor at his cost which include all setting out, making islands/cofferdams or floating caissons
and all other works incidental to concrete well construction excluding the items of measurement indicated below.
The cutting edge shall be measured in tons based on the net weight of metal actually used in it as shown on the
The concrete in curb, well steining and well cap shall be measured in cubic meters actually used in each of the items
as per the relevant Sub-section. The reinforcements shall be measured separately in tons actually used in each of the
items, as per the requirements shown of the Drawings.
The measurement for well sinking shall be made in running meters for different depths irrespective of types of
strata/soil. The depth of sinking shall be measured from the level specified in the Contract. If no level has been
specified in the Contract, sinking shall be measured from the low water level or from the level at which the cutting
edge was laid, whichever is higher.
The quantity of concrete in bottom and top plug shall be measured in cubic meters actually used as per the relevant
The quantity of sand filling shall be measured in cubic meters. The sand filling made to fill up the excess excavation
below the bottom plug shall not be measured nor paid for.
Pneumatic sinking, where required, shall be paid as a separate item and shall be measured in cubic meters of material
to be excavated.
The Jack Down method, where required, shall be measured as follows will be divided in two items:
Employed number of reusable assembly of jack down system comprising a set of jacks along with associated oil
pumps, piping and control system, reaction girders and anchor holding attachments required for one well sinking. One
complete reusable assembly of Jack Down system adequate for one well fabricated, assembled and ready for use shall
be treated as one unit on lump sum basis. This termed as '‘recoverable assembly of Jack Down system'’ complete set
for one well shall be measured as number of sets ordered and actually used at site.
All non-recoverable items in sinking of one well by Jack Down method like supply and installation of necessary ground
anchors, transport and installation of assembly of Jack Down system, its use in jacking down (sinking) the wells to the
specified or required depth of bottom plugging, removal of assembly of Jack Down systems and clearance of
undesirable debris for the site along with associated labour and equipment as lump sum per well shall be treated as
one unit. The whole operation termed as sinking of well by Jack Down method shall be measured as number of wells
where Jack Down method have been ordered and successfully accomplished.
Artificial island shall be measured per number.

11.1.21 Payment
The Contract unit rates of cutting edge shall cover all costs of labour, material, tools, plant and equipment, including
placing in position, sampling, testing, supervision, all incidentals and as described under the relevant Sub -Section of
this Specifications.
The Contract unit rates for concrete in curb, steining, bottom plug, top plug and well cap, shall cover all costs of
labour, material, tools, plant and equipment, formwork and staging including placing in position, sampling, testing
and supervision, all as per Sub-section titled ‘Concrete for Structures’, all incidentals and for the works as described
under the relevant the Sub-section of this Specification.

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The Contract unit rates for reinforcement in curb, steining and well cap, shall cover all costs of labour, material, tools,
plant and equipment, including bending to shape, placing in position, sampling, testing and supervision, all as per the
Section titled ‘Reinforcing Steel’, all incidentals and for the work as described under the relevant Sub-section of this
The Contract unit rates for sand filling shall cover all costs of labour, material, tools, plant and equipment, including
placing in position, sampling, testing and supervision, all incidentals and all as described under the relevant Sub-
section of this Specifications.
The unit rates for sinking shall cover the costs of formation and removal of sand island with or without cofferdams or
cost of floating caisson, all costs of labour, tools and equipment and plant and for all operations and other incidentals
for sinking of well including seating. It shall also include other operations required like diversion channel, de-watering,
excavation and bailing out material, providing and placing kentledge on the top of well and removing the same, sand
filling and contingencies warranting provision of temporary top plug in the event of floods being expected at site
making further sinking not possible and also other incidental works to sink the well to the level shown on the
Drawings. It shall also include blasting or use of divers for removal of obstacles from under the cutting edge of the
well. The rate shall be applicable for all types of soils including gravel, pebbles, boulders etc.
The Contract unit rates of material to be excavated by pneumatic sinking shall cover all costs of labour, material,
tools, plant and other equipment and other incidentals and safety provisions and supervision required for pneumatic
sinking as per the relevant Sub-section of this Specification.
The Contract unit rates for sinking by Jack Down method shall be treated as extra over the unit rate of sinking by
conventional method indicated above. The rates shall cover the costs of labour, tools and equipment and plant and
for all operations and other incidentals for sinking of wells including seating. The payment will be divided in two items
of measurement as indicated under the Sub-Section ‘Measurements’ stated above.
The Contract unit rates for artificial island shall be the full compensation for the cost of furnishing all materials like
timber piles, bamboo pins, drum/tarja sheets, nails, earth/sand etc. all labours for driving, walling, earth/sand filling,
all equipment and incidentals for doing all other works in completing the artificial island in all respect.
Payment will be made as indicated in .
Table 11- 106 : Well Foundations
Section/ Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
SECTION 11: WELL Cutting edge M.Tons
FOUNDATIONS Concrete in curb, well steining and well cap Cubic Meter
Well sinking Running Meter
Concrete in bottom and top plug Cubic Meter
Sand filling Cubic Meter
Pneumatic sinking Cubic Meter
Jack-down sinking (re-usable assembly) Set
Jack-down sinking (non-recoverable) Lump sum
Making artificial island Each

Reduction in Contract unit rates for sinking as a penalty, in pursuance of the Sub -section titled ‘Tilts and Shifts’ as
stated above.
If any well with tilt and/or shift exceeding beyond permissible values is accepted by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
give a reduction in the rates as follows:
Sl. No. Amount of tilt and/or shift Percent deduction on the rate(s)
for sinking of whole well
1. Tilt exceeding the specified permissible value but equal to or 5 percent
within 1 in 60
2. Tilt exceeding 1 in 60 10 percent
3. Tilt exceeding 1 in 50 20 percent
4. Shift exceeding the specified permissible value but equal to or 2 percent
within 200mm

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This work shall consist of furnishing and placing coated or uncoated mild steel or high strength deformed
reinforcement bars of the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings and conforming to these Specifications or as
approved by the Engineer.
Steel for reinforcement shall meet with the requirements of Clause 8.5“REINFORCEMENT”. Reinforcements may be
either mild steel or high strength deformed bars. They may be uncoated or coated with epoxy or with approved
protective coatings.


Uncoated reinforcing steel shall be protected from rusting or chloride contamination. Reinforcements shall be free
from rust, mortar, loose mill scale, grease, oil or paints. This may be ensured either by using reinforcement fresh from
the factory or thoroughly cleaning all reinforcement to remove rust using any suitable method such as sand blasting,
mechanical wire brushing, etc., as directed by the Engineer. Reinforcements shall be stored on blocks, racks or
platforms and above the ground in a clean and dry condition and shall be suitably marked to facilitate inspection and
Portions of uncoated reinforcing steel and dowels projecting from concrete, shall be protected within one week after
initial placing of concrete with a brush coat of neat cement mixed with water to a consistency of thick paint . This
coating shall be removed by lightly tapping with a hammer or other tool not more than one week before placing of
the adjacent pour of concrete. Coated reinforcing steel shall be protected against damage to the coating. If the
coating on the bars is damaged during transportation or handling and cannot be repaired, the same shall be rejected.


Bar bending schedule shall be furnished by the Contractor and got approved by the Engineer before start of work.
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the dimensions and shapes given in the approved Bar Bending Schedules.
Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or as directed by the Engineer using a proper bar
bender, operated by hand or power to obtain the correct radii of bends and shape.
Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage the parent material or the coating.
Bars bent during transport or handling shall be straightened before being used on work and shall not be heated to
facilitate straightening.


a) The reinforcement cage should generally be fabricated in the yard at ground level and then shifted and
placed in position. The reinforcement shall be placed strictly in accordance with the drawings and shall be
assembled in position only when the structure is otherwise ready for placing of concrete . Prolonged time gap
between assembling of reinforcement and casting of concrete, which may result in rust formation on the
surface, shall not be permitted.
b) Reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown on the drawings. The bars, crossing one
another shall be tied together at every intersection with binding wire (annealed), conforming to IS:280 to
make the skeleton of the reinforcement rigid such that the reinforcement does not get displaced during
placing of concrete, or any other operation. The diameter of binding wire shall not be less than 1 mm.
c) Bars shall be kept in position usually by the following methods:
i) In case of beam and slab construction, industrially produced polymer cover blocks of thickness equal
to the specified cover shall be placed between the bars and formwork subject to satisfactory
evidence that the polymer composition is not harmful to concrete and reinforcement. Cover blocks
made to concrete may be permitted by the Engineer, provided they have the same strength and
specification as those of the member.
ii) In case of dowels for columns and walls, the vertical reinforcement shall be kept in position by
means of timber templates with slots cut in them accurately, or with cover blocks tied to the
reinforcement. Timber templates shall be removed after the concreting has progressed upto a level
just below their location.

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iii) Layers of reinforcements shall be separated by spacer bars at approximately one meter intervals.
The minimum diameter of spacer bars shall be 12 mm or equal to maximum size of main
reinforcement or maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. Horizontal reinforcement
shall not be allowed to sag between supports.
iv) Necessary stays, blocks, metal chairs, spacers, metal hangers, supporting wires etc. or other
subsidiary reinforcement shall be provided to fix the reinforcements firmly in its correct position.
v) Use of pebbles, broken stone, metal pipe, brick, mortar or wooden blocks etc., as devices for
positioning reinforcement shall not be permitted.
d) Bars coated with epoxy or any other approved protective coating shall be placed on supports that do not
damage the coating. Supports shall be installed in a manner such that planes of weakness are not created in
hardened concrete. The coated reinforcing steel shall be held in place by use of plastic or plastic coated
binding wires especially manufactured for the purpose. Reference shall be made to Section 1000 for other
e) Placing ad fixing of reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before concrete is

12.4.1 Lateral Reinforcement for Pier/Columns Spirals
Spiral reinforcement for columns shall conform to the following:
a) Spirals shall consist of evenly spaced continuous bar or wire of such size and so assembled as to permit
handling and placing without distortion from designed dimensions.
b) Size of spirals shall not be less than 10mm diameter for cast-in-place construction.
c) The minimum and maximum clear spacing between spirals shall be 25mm and 75mm respectively.
d) Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by 1.5 extra turns of spiral bar or wire at each end of a
spiral unit.
e) Splices in spiral reinforcement shall be lap splices of 48 spiral diameter, but not less than 300mm.
f) Spirals shall extend from the top of footing or slab in any story to the level of the lowest horizontal
reinforcement in members supported above.
g) Spirals shall extend above termination of spiral to bottom of slab or drop panel, where beams or brackets do
not frame into all sides of a column.
h) Spirals shall extend to a level at which the diameter or width of capital is 2 times that of the column, in case
of columns with capitals.
i) Spirals shall be held firmly in place and true to line. Ties
Tie reinforcement for compression members shall conform to the following:
a) All bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties, at least 10mm diameter in size for longitudinal bars 30mm diameter
or smaller, and at least 12mm diameter in size for 35mm diameter to 55mm diameter and bundled
longitudinal bars
b) Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters or 48 tie diameters, or the least
dimension of the compression members.
c) Ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support
provided by the corner of a tie with an included angle of not more than 135°. No vertical bar shall be farther
than 150mm clear on each side along the tie from such a laterally supported bar . Where longitudinal bars are
located around the perimeter of a circle, a complete circular tie is allowed.
d) The lowest tie in any storey shall be placed within one-half the required tie spacing from the top most
horizontal reinforcement in the slab or footing below. The uppermost tie in any storey shall be within one-
half the required tie spacing from the lowest horizontal reinforcement in the slab or drop panel above.

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e) Where beams or brackets provide concrete confinement at the top of the column on all (four) sides, the top
tie shall be within 75mm of the lowest horizontal reinforcement in the shallowest of such beams or brackets.

12.4.2 Lateral reinforcement for beams

Compression reinforcement in beams shall be enclosed by ties or stirrups satisfying the size and spacing limitations as
stated above. Such ties or stirrups shall be provided throughout the distance where compression reinforcement is
Lateral reinforcement for flexural framing members subject to stress reversals or to torsion at supports shall consist
of closed ties, closed stirrups, or spirals extending around the flexural reinforcement.
Closed ties or stirrups shall be formed in one piece by overlapping standard stirrup or tie end hooks around a
longitudinal bar, or formed in one or two pieces lap spliced with a lap of development length.

12.4.3 Spacing of Reinforcement

The minimum clear spacing between parallel bars in a layers shall be equal to one bar diameter, but not less than
Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, bars in the upper layers shall be placed directly above
those in the bottom layer with clear distance between layers not less than 25mm.
For compression members, the clear distance between longitudinal bars shall be not less than 1 .5 bar diameters or
Clear distance limitation between bars shall apply also to the clear distance between a contact lap splice and adjacent
splices or bars.
In walls and one-way slabs, the maximum bar spacing shall be three times the wall or slab thickness (h) but not more
than 450mm.
For two-way slabs, maximum spacing of bars shall be 2h but not more than 450mm.
For temperature steel only, maximum spacing shall be 5h but not more than 450mm.


12.5.1 General
All reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated on the Drawings unless otherwise permitted. Except
for splices shown on the Drawings and splices for No. 5 [16mm ], or smaller bars, splicing of bars will not be
permitted without the written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be staggered as far as possible.
Where the Drawings do not detail laps that will be necessary, the Contractor shall furnish working Drawings to the
Engineer for his approval.
If such additional lap splices are approved, the extra weight occasioned by such lap splices shall not be included in the
measurement of reinforcement for payment unless provided for in these Specifications.

12.5.2 Lapping
All reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated on the drawing. No splicing of bars, except where
shown on the drawing, will be permitted without approval of the Engineer. The lengths of the splice shall be as
indicated on drawing or as approved by the Engineer. Where practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch each other,
and shall be kept apart by 25 mm or 1 1/4 times the maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. If this is
not feasible, overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed steel binding wire not less than 1 mm diameter and
twisted tight in such a manner as to maintain minimum clear cover to the reinforcement from the concrete surface.
Lapped splices shall be staggered or located at points, along the span where stresses are low.
All splices for high yield strength steel bars shall have a lap length as shown on the Drawings or if not shown therein
shall be in accordance with ACI 318.
All splices for mild steel shall have a lap length as shown on the Drawings or if not shown therein, of not less than 40
diameters of the smaller bar when hooks are used and 50 diameters for bars without hooks.

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Lap splices shall not be used for 35mm diameter bars and larger, except when bars of different diameters are lap
spliced in compression, the splice length shall be the larger development length of the larger bar, or the splice length
of the smaller bar.
Lap splices of bundled bars shall be based on the lap splice length required for individual bars within the bundle,
increased in accordance with development of bundled bars. Individual bar splices within a bundle shall not overlap.
Entire bundles shall not be lap spliced.
Bars spliced by non-contact lap splices in flexural members shall not be spaced transversely farther apart than one -
fifth the required lap splice length, nor 150mm.
Lap splices shall generally be located at points of minimum tension in bars. Except where otherwise shown on the
Drawings, lap splices shall be made with the bars placed in contact and securely wired together.

12.5.3 Welding General
All welding shall be performed by certified welders and in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) D 1.4
‘Structural Welding Code’ or similar approved standard.
The principal forms of welding metals are as follows:
 Electric arc welding
 Gas welding
The electric arc welding process is the most important and is most extensively used for mild steels ranging from light
articles with a wall or thickness of 16 gauge to heavy fabrications. This is a process whereby the metal of the two
members to be welded is fused together through hit generated by an electric arc . Fusion should be complete over the
whole area of the joint surface.
Gas welding is done using oxy-acetylene flame and is not adapted to structural steel work but is generally used for
small jobs. The flame produced by burning oxy-acetylene is fed through a blow pipe, which is ignited at its tip . The
flame is played on the two pieces to be welded until the metal becomes hot enough to fuse together adding
additional metal to the joint as necessary by melting in to it a suitable electrode.
Unless otherwise specified, all welding shall be performed by the shielded metal arc process with low hydrogen
electrodes for manual welding.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the welding performed by his welding organization . All welding
by the Contractor shall be carried out by the electric arc method using coated electrodes or other means whereby the
air is excluded from the molten metal and where applicable, automatic machines with correct procedure control shall
be used. Workmanship and Visual Quality Requirements

In addition to conforming with the procedural and quality requirements set forth in the Structural Welding Code
and/or these Specifications, all manual welding shall meet the following requirements for workmanship and visual
- Each weld shall be uniform in width and size throughout its full length and each layer of welding shall be
smooth, free of slag, cracks, pinholes and undercut and shall be completely fused to the adjacent weld beads
and base metal. In addition, the cover pass shall be free of coarse ripples, irregular surface, non -uniform
bead pattern, high crown, deep ridges or valleys between beads and shall blend smoothly and gradually in to
the surface of the base metal.
- Butt Welds shall be slightly convex, of uniform height and shall have full penetration.
- Fillet Welds shall be of specified size with full throat and with each leg of uniform length.
- Repair, Chipping or Grinding of welds shall be done in such a manner as not to gouge, groove, or reduce the
base metal thickness. Welding Repairs

All weld defects which are determined unacceptable, shall be removed by chipping, grinding, arc or flame gouging,
following which the area shall be properly prepared for welding, repaired by an approved qualified welding procedure

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and re-tested as necessary. The Contractor shall establish the cause of all defects and show that such defects have
been corrected before welding will be permitted. All repairing shall be done by and at the expenses of the Contractor. Peening
The Contractor shall not be allowed to peen welds without prior approval of the Engineer. Electrodes
All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed containers and shall be thoroughly dry when used . Electrodes, taken from
sealed containers, shall be used within four hours. Electrodes not used within four hours shall be stored in electrode
storage ovens. The electrode storage oven temperature shall be in accordance with the electrode manufacturer’s
recommendations. Electrodes with wet or damaged coatings shall not be used.
A simple test indicates the quality of an electrode or welding or welding wire can be made by laying the wire flat on a
clean surface and applying the welding flame to it for a distance of about 8 - 10cm by moving the flame backward and
forward until the wire becomes red and then slowly melting the wire, moving the flame in such a manner so that the
wire melts only half-way through its diameter. If the flame is withdrawn as soon as the rod metal begins to melt, the
impurities can readily be seen being thrown off in the form of sparks, or a boiling action in the case of inferior metal .
When cold, an inferior metal will contain numerous spongy, volcano-like irregularities. A good metal welding rod will
melt and flow evenly without any disturbing actions.
Cracks may occur in welding alloy steels owing to the rapidity with which these harden. This may largely be avoided
by preheating the parent metal at 300oC or above in advance of welding to lower the normal cooling rate.
The maximum diameter of electrodes for welding have been shown in the following table:
Average thickness of Maximum gauge or diameter of
plate or section electrode to be used
Less than 5mm 3.2mm – 10 SWG
5mm to less than 8mm 4mm – 8 SWG
8mm to less than 10mm 5mm – 6 SWG
10mm to less than 16mm 6mm – 4 SWG
16mm to less than 25mm 9mm
25mm and over 9mm

The maximum width of any bead of welding, other than a cover pass, shall not exceed 3 times the diameter of the
electrode being used.
Subject to the approval of the Engineer, electrodes shall be carefully selected in order to provide metal welds with
mechanical properties similar to those of the metal being welded, except that for welding higher strength steel to
lower strength steel, the electrodes shall be chosen to provide metal welds with mechanical properties comparable to
those of the lower strength material. Cutting and Edge Preparation

Members of structural steel and miscellaneous metal works, which are to be joined by welding shall be cut accurately
to size and where required, shall be rolled or pressed to the proper curvature in accordance with dimensions shown.
The edges of these members shall be sheared, flame-cut or machined to suit the required type of welding and to
allow thorough penetration. The cut surfaces shall expose sound metal, free from laminations, surface defects caused
by shearing or flame-cutting operations, or other injurious defects. The surface to be welded shall be free from rust,
grease, paint and other foreign matter for a distance of at least 150mm back from the edge of the weld. Grinding Wheels

Grinding wheels, which leave a deposit detrimental to subsequent welding will not be permitted. Grinding wheels,
which are determined by the Engineer to be detrimental to welding shall not be used. Qualification of Welders and Welding Operators

All welders and welding operators assigned to the work shall have passed the qualification test for welding operators
as specified in the AWS Structural Welding Code. If, as determined by the Engineer, the work of any welder appears
questionable, such welder will be required to pass additional qualification tests to determine his ability to perform the
type of work on which he/ she is engaged. Such additional qualification tests for welders and the physical tests of the
welded specimens shall be made in the presence of the Engineer. If required, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Engineer a certified copy of reports of the results of physical tests of specimens welded in the qualification tests .
Fulfillment of such qualification shall be at the expenses of the Contractor.
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Methods which are essentially required to be followed while welding are as follows:
- Welds should be made in the flat position as far as practicable.
- Freedom of movement of one member should be allowed as far as possible.
- The work should be securely held in position by means of spot welds, service bolts, clamps or jigs before
commencing welding so as to prevent any relative movement due to distortion, wind or other causes.
- The parts to be welded must be thoroughly cleaned and proper flux used. Any paint or rust and loose mill
scales, etc. should be removed from the surfaces to be welded and surrounding materials for a distance of at
least 12mm from the weld. A coating of boiled linseed oil may be permitted. Steel to be welded should not
be painted or oiled until after erection, unless all ends to be welded are left bare.
- The sequence of welding should be such that when possible the members, offering the highest resistance to
compression, are welded first.
Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that correct welding sequences and procedures are observed to avoid any
strains and internal stresses arising in welding. Welding of stainless steel

Unless otherwise specified, all welding shall conform with AWD D 1.4. Electrodes used for welding of stainless steel
shall be Series E308 and electrodes used for welding of stainless steel to carbon steel shall be Series E309.
Welders and welding operators assigned to the work shall have passed the qualification test for welding operators as
specified above under ‘Qualification of Welders and Welding Operators’ of this Sub-section. Welding of reinforcement

Electric Arc Butt-welding is most suitable for bars of diameter greater than 20mm and lap welding for smaller
diameters and lap welding with longitudinal beads for 6mm to 40mm diameters. However, reinforcement, specified
to be welded, shall be welded by any process the Contractor can demonstrate by bend and tensile tests, which will
ensure that the strength of the parent metal is not reduced and that the weld possesses a strength no less than that
of the parent metal. The welding procedure established by the successful weld tests shall be maintained and no
departure from this procedure shall be permitted. Following the establishment of a satisfactory welding procedures,
each welder to be employed on the work shall carry out welder performance qualification tests on reinforcing bars of
the same metal and size as those on the works.
Welds in positions other than those shown on the Drawings shall not be permitted. Defects in Welded Joints

The usual defects in welded joints are:
- Lack of penetration or fusion of the metal to the bottom of the joint or welded members.
- Laps in the metal of the weld not properly fused together.
Defects are most likely to occur at the root of the weld and in this position they are liable to have the maximum
effects in reducing the strength of the weld. Inspection and Testing of Welds

The metal in a good weld when cold should show its original color. If the metal has a rusty or dull red color or appears
crystallized, it is an indication that the heat has become too high and the metal has been burnt. A good weld will show
an evenness of ripples or waves and well formed beads with good fusion along the edges of the welds. There should
be no unfilled cavities, small pockets of slags or burnt metal and small air or gas pockets.
The strength of a welded joint may be taken only about 75 per cent of the stress usually allowed for common works,
although tests have shown that if the welding is properly done it is possible to develop the full strength of the
members jointed.
The following tests shall be carried out on the procedure, qualification, test plates and production test plates:
- Tensile and bend tests: all welds shall be subject to visual inspection.
- The procedures of visual examination shall conform to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessels Code.

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The following defects are unacceptable unless otherwise noted:

- Dimensional defects such as insufficient throat or leg length, excess convexity, excess or insufficient
- Undercuts, overlap, blowholes, slag inclusion, seams and excess weave.
- Any crack or liner indication.
Plates with laminations discovered during gas cutting, welding or any other time shall be rejected, unless approval to
repair the plate is obtained from the Engineer.
Welds may also be subject to anyone or a combination of the examinations as may be required to establish the
soundness of welds.
The inspection procedure for testing of all welds shall be prepared on the above basis by the Contractor and
submitted to the Engineer for approval before any fabrication work is started. Measurement and Payment

Welding shall not be measured and no direct payment shall be made. All costs of welding shall be deemed included in
the related items of the Bill of Quantities unless otherwise it has been specifically mentioned in the BOQ.

12.5.4 Mechanical Couplers for Reinforcing Bars

All mechanical couplers for tension and compression connections shall be of a type which are simple to install and
which can be confirmed by quick visual inspection to have been correctly installed and to have achieved a connection
providing the required full strength of the parent bars. Threaded systems shall have parallel metric threads to
facilitate fixing. Where couplers are required for remedial works, they shall be submitted for the Engineer ’s
acceptance, and shall in general comply with the requirements below.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his acceptance a method statement for mechanically connecting the
reinforcement, and for the installation and verification inspection of couplers. This shall take into account any special
requirements for horizontal, vertical and inclined couplers and shall include a rectification procedure if the connection
is incorrectly made. It shall also cover the correct handling of tools and equipment for mechanical connecting on site .
The following information shall also be included: For threaded couplers

a) requirements for cleanliness
b) equipment for threading bars
c) equipment and method for torquing (as required), force required and method of measurement
d) method of locking the connections on both rebars
e) method of verification of final rebar alignment and coupler integrity For swaged couplers

a) requirements for cleanliness
b) bar end preparation and permissible deviation
c) equipment and method of swaging, minimum and maximum number of swages per sleeve
d) swaging pressure/stresses, method of measurement and
e) tolerance on pressure/stress method of verification that the sleeve is swaged for the full length on both bars
f) method of verification of final rebar alignment and coupler integrity
Couplers shall be installed strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations. Where couplers are cast-
in to concrete, but the connection is not to be completed for a period of more than 28 days from the date of casting
(or shorter time if appropriate), the couplers shall be internally greased and plastic capped to a protection detail
acceptable to the Engineer.
The Manufacturer of the couplers shall operate at least an ISO 9002 approved quality assurance program, or
equivalent, for the manufacture of couplers. The Supplier/Installer shall operate at least an ISO 9002 approved quality
assurance program, or equivalent, for reinforcement bar end processing and for coupler installation. All couplers shall
be clearly stamped with the batch or heat number. This number shall be traceable to the original cast. The relevant
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material mill certificates for couplers are to be submitted with each delivery. The certificates shall show the salient
material properties of the couplers.
Packaging to couplers shall not be removed until they are to be used in the jointing process.
For threaded systems every prepared bar end shall undergo a load test prior to leaving the supplier ’s workshop.
Minimum test loading shall be to 75% of the characteristic strength and maximum test loading shall be to 100% of
characteristic strength. A positive indication shall be stamped on the rebar to indicate that this operation has been
carried out.
Any special tools and equipment required for use with the couplers shall be in accordance with the recommendations
of the Manufacturer for the accepted couplers. Such tools and equipment shall be serviced and calibrated at intervals
recommended by the Manufacturer. The Contractor shall retain documentation in respect of servicing and calibration
for inspection by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall arrange for a suitably qualified Manufacturer’s representative experienced in mechanically
connecting reinforcement to be present at site before the start of work for initial training of personnel, and also to
demonstrate the equipment and techniques as necessary.
Each coupler shall be visually examined prior to use to ensure the absence of rust and of any foreign material on the
inside surface. All completed couplers shall be inspected and verified in accordance with the Contractor’s accepted
method statement. The Contractor shall establish to the acceptance of the Engineer a procedure for documenting the
inspection of the couplers and to show that every coupler installed complies with the requirements of this
specification. The Contractor shall retain inspection records and shall submit copies to the Engineer within 7 days of
the installation of the couplers. Couplers that do not meet the acceptance standards shall be completely removed and
the bars re-connected as required.
All couplers shall satisfy the following criteria:
a) Permanent Elongation Test:
When a test is made in accordance with the methodology in SS2 of a representative gauge length assembly
(comprising reinforcement of the size, grade and profile to be used and a coupler of the precise type to be
used), the permanent elongation after loading to 60% of the characteristic strength and returning the load to
zero should not exceed 0.1 mm.
b) Static Tensile Test:
The tensile strength of the coupled bar in a representative gauge length assembly when tested to failure in
accordance with the methodology in SS2 shall exceed 287.5 MPa for grade 300 and 529 MPa for grade 400
hot rolled steel; in addition, the failure of the coupled bar assembly shall occur in the bar clear of the coupler
and of the testing machine grips.
Permanent Elongation Tests and Static Tensile Tests shall be carried out as follows at the frequency specified:
i) Proving tests.
Prior to use of any of the accepted systems on site, the Supplier/Installer shall prepare representative gauge
length assemblies and subject each one to a Permanent Elongation Test and to a Static Tensile Test. In
addition, the Supplier/Installer shall prepare control bars and shall subject each one to a Static Tensile Test .
For each type, size of bar and coupler type, the number of samples and tests required are;
Representative gauge length assemblies Control Bars
Min no. of samples per 2 1
coupler type & size
Test Type Static Tensile Permanent Elongation Static Tensile
Min no. of Tests per 1 1 1

Note: A control rebar refers to a specimen length of reinforcement bar cut from the same continuous length as that of
the test specimen. All specimens and control bars are to be cut from 1 continuous length of reinforcing bar. Should it
be necessary to use more than 1 length of bar, then a control bar shall be taken per length and tested for comparison
against corresponding specimens.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for acceptance a report on these Proving Tests, within seven working
days of the tests. The report shall provide full details including:
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a) Results of all tests

b) Details of dimensions, geometry and torquing and if applicable swaging pressures
c) Details of test procedures
d) Description of test rig / load cell
e) Description of load monitoring, strain measurements
f) Calibration certificates
From each test on the coupler and control bar specimens the following information shall be provided:
a) Stress – Strain (or Load Displacement) curves
b) Yield Load & Yield Strength
c) Elongation of the mechanical connection
d) Ultimate load & Ultimate Tensile Strength
e) Mode of failure
f) Gauge length used for strain measurement and statement of how gauge length was determined.
ii) Production testing:
Sacrificial couplers together with adequate lengths of reinforcement attached shall be installed next to
working couplers at the same time and using the same equipment as the working couplers to form sample
gauge length assemblies and control bars for production testing. The samples and the control bars shall be
removed for production testing. Each sample assembly shall be subjected to a Permanent Elongation Test
and to a Static Tensile Test, and each control bar to a Static Tensile Test. The sample frequency for each bar
size shall be:
a. One gauge length assembly and one control bar for the first 10 couplers;
b. One gauge length assembly and one control bar for the next and subsequent units of 200 couplers.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for acceptance a monthly report of the production testing
containing full details of the testing, including the same information as that for the proving tests above.

Substitutions of different size bars shall be permitted only with specific authorization by the Engineer and at no
additional cost to the Employer. If bars are substituted, they shall have a cross sectional area equivalent to the design
area or larger.
The Contractor shall also provide, also in the case of substitutions, at his own expenses and to the approval of the
Engineer, such necessary detailing of the reinforcement as he requires for the execution of the work to the Engineer ’s


Unless specified on the Drawings, the clear concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as tabulated below:
Description of Concrete Element Clear Cover (mm)
Normal Exposure Saline Water
Wall and Floor Slab
a) contact with earth 60 75
b) exposed to weather and water 50 75
a) cast-in-place bored(piledia grater then 1000mm) 75 125
b) cast-in-place bored(pile dia Less then 1000mm) 75 75
c) pre-cast 40 50
Beam, Girder, Column,pile cap,pier/Pier cap 40 75
Floor Slab 25 25
Bridge Pier 50 75
Bridge Deck Slab 40 40
Railing 25 40
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All exposed reinforcing steel at construction joints shall be protected with a brush coat of neat cement mixed to a
consistency of thick paint within one week after the placing of the initial concrete, unless it is definitely known that
the steel will be embedded within 30 days. This coating shall be entirely removed, by light tapping with a hammer or
other tools, not more than one week before the placing of the final pour.


a) Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to act as a unit shall be limited to four in any one
b) Bundled bars shall be enclosed within stirrups or ties.
c) Bars larger than 35mm diameter shall not be bundled in beams.
d) Individual bars within a bundle terminated within the span of flexural members shall terminate at different
points with at least 40 times the nominal diameter of bar staggered.
e) Where spacing limitations and minimum concrete cover are based on nominal bar diameter, a unit of
bundled bars shall be treated as a single bar of a diameter derived from the equivalent total area.
f) Minimum concrete cover shall be equal to the equivalent diameter of the bundle, but need not be greater
than 50mm.


The material shall be tested in accordance with relevant BDS or ASTM specifications and necessary test certificates
shall be furnished. Additional tests, if required, will be got carried out by the Contractor at his own cost.
The fabrication, furnishing and placing of reinforcement shall be in accordance with these specifications and shall be
checked and accepted by the Engineer.
Manufacturer’s test certificate regarding compliance with the BDS or ASTM specification for each lot of steel shall be
obtained and submitted to the Engineer. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out confirmatory tests
in the presence a person authorized by the Engineer. Cost of these tests shall be borne by the Contractor. The
sampling and testing procedure shall be as laid down in ISO 15630-1. If any test piece selected from a lot fails, no
retesting shall be done and lot shall be rejected.

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when the steel has been placed in position and ready for concrete placing . No
concrete shall be placed until the Engineer inspected the steel and given his approval in writing.

Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different diameters as actually used
in work, excluding overlaps. From the length so measured, the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in Kilogram
on the basis of BNBC. Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed
steel wire or other methods for binding and placing shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to
be included in the rates for reinforcement.

The contract unit rate for coated/uncoated reinforcement shall cover the cost of material, fabricating, transporting,
storing, bending, placing, binding and fixing in position as shown on the drawings as per these specifications and as
directed by the Engineer, including all labour, equipment, supplies, incidentals, sampling, testing and supervision.
The unit rate for coated reinforcement shall be deemed to also include cost of all material, labour, tools and plant,
royalty, transportation and expertise required to carry out the work. The rate shall also cover sampling, testing and
supervision required for the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 12 -107.
Table 12-107 : Pay Items – Steel Reinforcement Work
Section/ Clause Description Units
SECTION 12: RB 300 Kg
RB 400/ 400W/ B420DWR Kg
Page | 253

RB 500/ 500W kg
12.5.4 Suppling, fitting and fixing mechanical couplers of various Each
diameter (25 mm/ 32 mm/ 40 mm)

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f’c = Specified Compressive Strength of Concrete, MPa.
f’cr = Required average compressive strength of concrete used as the basis for selection of concrete proportions, MPa.
s = Standard deviation, MPa.


The work shall consist of furnishing, transporting, placing, finishing and curing structural concrete in bridges, culverts,
and miscellaneous structures including fixing formwork and temporary works etc. and incidental construction in
accordance with these Specifications and conforming to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the contract
documents. The work includes elements of structures constructed by cast-in-place and precast methods using either
plain (unreinforced), reinforced, or Prestressed concrete or any combination thereof.
Whatever mentioned in other sections of these specifications, only standard cylinders of 6 by 12 or 4 by 8 shall be
used for this bridge construction work.

13.2.2 Related Work

Other works involved in the structural concrete shall be as specified in the applicable sections of these specifications,

13.2.3 Construction Methods

Whenever the contract documents permit the Contractor to select the method or equipment to be used for any
operation, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to employ methods and equipment which will produce
satisfactory work under the conditions encountered such that no damage is imparted on completed or partially
completed work.
Falsework and forms shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 9: TEMPORARY .

All materials shall conform to SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications.


The grades of concrete shall be minimum design compressive strength as given in Table 13 -108.
Table 13- 108 : Grades of Concrete
Grade Designation Specified Compressive Strength (f’c) of standard
cylinders at 28 days, in MPa
Grade 15 15
Grade 20 20
Grade 25 25
Grade 30 30
Grade 35 35
Grade 40 40
Grade 45 45
Grade 50 50
Grade 55 55
Grade 60 60

For high strength concrete, design parameters may be obtained from the specialized literature and experimental
The lowest grades of concrete in bridges and corresponding minimum cement contents and water-cement ratios shall
be maintained as indicated in Table 13 -109 and Table 13 -110.

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Table 13- 109 : For Bridges with Prestressed Concrete or those with Individual Span Lengths more than 60m or those
that are built with innovative Design/Construction
(A) Minimum Cement Content and Maximum Water Cement Ratio
Structural Members Minimum cement content for all Maximum Water Cement Ratio for
exposure conditions (Kg/cum) all exposure conditions
PCC Members 360 0.45
RCC Members 380 0.45
PSC Members 400 0.40
(B) Minimum Strength of Concrete
Structural Members Condition of Exposure
Moderate Severe
PCC Members Grade 25 Grade 30
RCC Members Grade 35 Grade 35
PSC Members Grade 35 Grade 40

Table 13-110 : For Bridges other than those mentioned in Table 13 -109 and for Culverts and other Incidental
(A) Minimum Cement Content and Maximum Water Cement Ratio
Structural Members Minimum cement content (Kg/cum) Maximum Water Cement Ratio
Exposure Condition Exposure Condition
Moderate Severe Moderate Severe
PCC Members 250 310 0.50 0.45
RCC Members 310 360 0.45 0.40
(B) Minimum Strength of Concrete
Structural Members Condition of Exposure
Moderate Severe
PCC Members Grade 15 Grade 20
RCC Members Grade 20 Grade 25

Notes Applicable to Table 13 -109 and Table 13 -110

i) The minimum cement content is based on 20 mm aggregates (nominal max. size). For 40 mm and larger size
aggregates, it may be reduced suitably but the reduction shall not be more than 10 percent.
ii) For underwater concreting, the cement content shall be increased by 10 percent.
iii) Severe conditions of exposure shall mean alternate wetting and drying due to sea spray, alternate wetting
and drying combined with freezing and buried in soil having corrosive effect, members in contact with water
where the velocity of flow and the bed material are likely to cause erosion of concrete.
iv) Moderate conditions of exposure shall mean other that those mentioned in (iii) above.
The cement content shall be as low as possible but not less than the quantities specified above . In no case shall it
exceed 450 kg/cum of concrete.
Concrete used in any component or structure shall be specified by designation along with prescribed method of
design of mix i.e. “Design Mix” or “Nominal Mix”. For all items of concrete, only “Design Mix” shall be used, except
where “Nominal Mix” concrete is permitted as per drawing or by the Engineer. “Nominal Mix” may be permitted only
for minor bridges and culverts or other incidental construction where strength requirements are upto Grade 25 only .
“Nominal Mix” may also be permitted for non-structural concrete or for screed below open foundations.
If the Contractor so elects, the Engineer may permit the use of higher grade concrete than that specified on the
drawing, in which event the higher grade concrete shall meet the specifications applicable thereto without additional


13.5.1 General
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The Contractor shall select the mix proportions and constituents in order to satisfy the requirements of the Contract.
Unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer, only designed mix shall be used for all Works.
Proportions of constituent materials for concrete shall be established to provide:
a) Workability and consistency to permit concrete to be easily worked into forms and around reinforcement
under conditions of placement to be employed, without segregation or excessive bleeding;
b) Resistance to special exposures to meet the durability requirements;
c) Conformance with strength test requirements.
d) Acceptable color and texture (i.e. aesthetics)
Where different materials are to be used for different portions of the proposed work, each combination shall be
Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall design the mix in case of “Design Mix Concrete” or propose
nominal mix in case of “Nominal Mix Concrete”, and submit to the Engineer for approval, the proportions of
materials, including admixtures to be used. Mix Design shall be finalized based on 28 day’s cylinder strength. Water
reducing admixtures (including Type A or F) may be used at the Contractor’s option, subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Other types of admixtures shall be prohibited, unless specifically permitted by the Engineer.

13.5.2 Requirements of Consistency

The mix shall have the consistency which will allow proper placement and consolidation in the required position.
Every attempt shall be made to obtain uniform consistency. Slump test shall be used to measure consistency of the
The optimum consistency for various types of structures shall be as indicated in Table 13 -111, or as directed by the
Engineer. The slump of concrete shall be checked as per ASTM C 143.

Table 13- 111 : Optimum consistency for various types of Structures

Type Nominal Slump (mm)
(at the time of placing of
1 a) Structure with exposed inclined surface requiring low slump concrete to 25
allow proper compaction
b) Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) 25
2 RCC structure with widely spaced reinforcements; e.g. solid columns, piers, 40 – 50
abutments, footings, well steining
3 RCC structure with fair degree of congestion of reinforcement; e.g. pier and 50 – 75
abutment caps, box culverts, well curb, well cap, walls with thickness greater
than 300 mm
4 RCC and PSC structure with highly congested reinforcements e.g. deck slab 75 – 125
girders, box girders, walls with thickness less than 300 mm
5 Underwater concreting through tremie e.g. bottom plug, cast-in-situ piling 150 - 200

However, notwithstanding the optimum consistency indicated under Sl. No. 1 to 3, the situation at hand should be
property assessed to arrive at desired workability with the adjustment in admixture in each case where the concrete
is to be transported through transit mixer and placed using concrete pump . Under these circumstances, the optimum
consistency during placement for the item of mark from Sl. No. 1 to 3 can be considered ranging from 50-100 mm this
is, however, subject to satisfying the other essential criteria of strength, durability, finishing in trial mix design stage
and approval of the Engineer.

13.5.3 Proportioning Concrete Mix on the Basis of Field Experience and/or Trial Mixtures Standard Deviation
a) A standard deviation shall be established where test records are available in a concrete production facility .
Test records from which a standard deviation is calculated shall meet the following requirements:

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i) These shall represent materials, quality control procedures, and conditions similar to those
expressed for the proposed work. Deviations in materials and proportions for the proposed work
shall be more restricted than those within the test records.
ii) Test records shall represent concrete produced to meet a specified strength f’c within 7 MPa of that
specified for the proposed work.
iii) The record shall consist of at least 30 consecutive tests or two groups of consecutive tests totaling
at least 30 tests as defined in Clause “Frequency of Testing” (spanning over a period of not
less than 45 days), except as provided in (b) below.
b) Where a concrete production facility does not have test records meeting the requirements of (a) above but
does have a record based on 15 to 29 consecutive tests, a standard deviation shall be established as the
product of the calculated standard deviation and the modification factor specified in Table 13 -112.
However, the test records shall meet the requirements (i) and (ii) of (a) above and represent only a single
record of consecutive tests that span a period of not less than 45 calendar days.
Table 13- 112 : Modification Factor for Standard Deviation when less than 30 tests are available
No. of Tests1 Modification Factor for Standard Deviation2

Less than 15 See Clause

15 1.16
20 1.08
25 1.03
30 or more 1.00
Interpolate for intermediate numbers of tests
Modified standard deviation to be used to determine the required average strength f ’cr from Clause Required Average Strength

Required average compressive strength f’c used as the basis for selection of concrete proportions shall be determined
from Table 13 -113 using the standard deviation calculated in accordance with Clause above.
Table 13-113 : Required Average Compressive Strength when Data are available to establish a Standard Deviation
Specified Compressive Strength, f’c, MPa Required Average Compressive Strength, f’cr, MPa
f’c ≤ 35 Use the larger value computed from the following equations:
f’cr = f’c + 1.34s
f cr = f’c +2.33s – 3.5

Over 35 Use the larger value computed from the following equations:
f’cr = f’c + 1.34s
f cr = 0.9f’c +2.33s

When a concrete production facility does not have field strength test records for calculation of standard deviation
meeting the requirements of Clause, the required average strength, f’cr shall be determined from Table 13
-114 and documentation of the average strength shall be in accordance with the requirements of Clause
Table 13-114 : Required Average Compressive Strength when Data are not available to establish a Standard
Specified Compressive Strength, f’c Required Average Compressive Strength, f’cr
(MPa) (MPa)
Less than 20 f’c + 7.0
20 to 35 f’c + 8.5
Over 35 1.10f’c + 5.0 Documentation of Average Strength

Documentation that proposed concrete proportions will produce an average compressive strength equal to or greater
than required average compressive strength (see Clause shall consist of a field strength test record, several
strength test records, or trial mixtures.
When test records are used to demonstrate that proposed concrete proportions will produce the required average
strength f’cr (see Clause, such records shall represent materials and conditions similar to those expected .
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Changes in materials, conditions, and proportions within the test records shall not have been more restricted than
those for proposed work. For the purpose of documenting average strength potential, test records consisting of less
than 30 but not less than 10 consecutive tests are acceptable provided that test records encompass a period of time
not less than 45 days. Required concrete proportions shall be permitted to be established by interpolation between
the strengths and proportions of two or more test records, each of which meets other requirements of this section.
When an acceptable record of field test results is not available, concrete proportions established from trial mixtures
meeting the following restrictions shall be permitted:
a) Combination of materials shall be those for proposed work;
b) Trial mixtures having proportions and consistencies required for proposed work shall be made using at least
three different water cementitious materials ratios or cementitious materials contents that will produce a
range of strengths encompassing the required average strength f’cr;
c) Trial mixtures shall be designed to produce a slump within ±20 mm of maximum permitted, and for air -
entrained concrete, within ±0.5 percent of maximum allowable air content;
d) For each water-cementitious materials ratio or cementitious materials content, at least three test cylinders
for each test age shall be made and cured in accordance with "Method of Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in the Laboratory" (ASTM C 192). Cylinders shall be tested at 28 days or at test age designated for
determination of f’c.
e) From results of cylinder tests a curve shall be plotted showing the relationship between water-cementitious
materials ratio or cementitious materials content and compressive strength at designated test age;
f) Maximum water-cementitious materials ratio or minimum cementitious materials content for concrete to be
used in proposed work shall be that shown by the curve to produce the average strength required by Clause unless a lower water-cementitious materials ratio or higher strength is required by Clause
If data required in section 13.5.3 are not available, concrete proportions shall be based upon other experience or
information, if approved by an expert. The required average compressive strength f’cr of concrete produced with
materials similar to those proposed for use shall be at least 8.5 MPa greater than the specified compressive strength
f’c. This alternative shall not be used for specified compressive strengths greater than 35 MPa.
Concrete proportioned by this section shall conform to the durability requirements of Clause 13.10“PROTECTION OF
CONCRETE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS” and to compressive strength test criteria of Clause 13.9.4
“Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete”.

13.5.4 Average Strength Reduction

As data become available during construction, it shall be permitted to reduce the amount by which f’crmust exceed
the specified value of f’c, provided:
a) Thirty or more test results are available and average of test results exceeds that required by Clause
using a standard deviation calculated in accordance with Clause (first paragraph); or
b) Fifteen to 29 test results are available and average of test results exceeds that required by Clause
using a standard deviation calculated in accordance with Clause (second paragraph); and
c) Special exposure requirements of Clause 13.10“PROTECTION OF CONCRETE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL
CONDITIONS” are met.

13.5.5 Additional Requirements

Concrete shall meet any other requirements as specified on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Additional
requirements shall also consist of the following overall limits of deleterious substances in concrete:
a) The total chloride content of all constituents of concrete as a percentage of mass of cement in mix shall be
limited to values given below:
i) Prestressed Concrete: 0.1 %
ii) Reinforced concrete exposed to chlorides in service (e.g. Structures located near sea coast): 0.2 %
iii) Other reinforced concrete construction: 0.3 %

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b) The total sulphuric anhydride (SO) content of all the constituents of concrete as a percentage of mass of
cement in the mix shall be limited to 4 percent.

13.5.6 Suitability of Proposed Mix Proportions

The Contractor shall submit the following information for the Engineer’s approval:
a) Nature and source of each material i.e., Coarse Aggregate, Fine Aggregate, Water, Cement, Admixture etc.
b) Quantities of each material per cubic meter of fully compacted concrete
c) Either of the following:
i) appropriate existing data as evidence of satisfactory previous performance for the required average
compressive strength, standard deviation, consistency and water/cement ratio and any other
additional requirement (s) as specified.
ii) full details of tests on trial mixes.
d) Statement giving the proposed mix proportions for nominal mix concrete
Any change in the source of material or in the mix proportions shall be subject to the Engineer’s prior approval.

13.5.7 Checking of mix proportions and water cement ratio

In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by weight . Where the
weight of cement is determined by accepting the manufacturer’s weight per bag, a reasonable number of bags shall
be weighed separately to check the net weight. Where cement is weighed from bulk stock at site and not by bag, it
shall be weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume in calibrated tanks or
weighed. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Their accuracy shall be
periodically checked.
It is most important to keep the specified water cement ratio constant and at its correct value. To this end, moisture
content in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined as frequently as possible, frequency for a given job
being determined by the Engineer according to the weather conditions. The amount of mixing water shall then be
adjusted to compensate for variations in the moisture content. For the determination of moisture content in the
aggregates ASTM C 556 shall be referred to. Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weight of aggregates to
allow for the variation in weight of aggregates due to variation in their moisture content.
For calculating the water/cement ratio of the mix, the weight of the water shall be that of the total free water in the
mix which includes the mixing water, the water in any admixture solutions and any water in the aggregates in excess
of that needed to reach a saturated-surface-dry (SSD) condition.
The amount of water used shall not exceed the limits listed in Table 13 -109 and Table 13 -110 for W/C ratio and
shall be further reduced as necessary to produce concrete of the consistencies listed in Table 13 -111 at the time of
When Type F or G high range water reducing admixtures are used, Table 13 -111 slump limits may be exceeded as
permitted by the Engineer.
When the consistency of the concrete is found to exceed the nominal slump, the mixture of subsequent batches shall
be adjusted to reduce the slump to a value within the nominal range. Batches of concrete with a slump exceeding the
maximum specified shall not be used in the work.
If concrete of adequate workability cannot be obtained by the use of the minimum cement content allowed, the
cement and water content shall be increased without exceeding the specified water/cement ratio, or an approved
admixture shall be used.

13.5.8 Grading of aggregates for concrete

Materials for pumped concrete shall be batched consistently and uniformly. Maximum size of aggregate shall not
exceed one-third of the internal diameter of the pipe.
The grading of aggregates shall be continuous and shall have sufficient ultra-fine materials (material finer than 0.25
mm). Proportion of fine aggregates passing through 0.25 mm shall be between 15 and 30 percent and that passing
through 0.125 mm sieve shall not be less than 5 percent of the total volume of aggregate. Admixtures to increase
workability can be added. When pumping long distances and in hot weather, set-retarding admixtures can be used.

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Fluid mixes can be pumped satisfactorily after adding plasticisers and super plaslicisers. Suitability of concrete shall be
verified by trial mixes and by performing pumping test.

Use of admixtures such as water-reducing, retarding, accelerating etc. for concrete may be made with the approval of
the Engineer.
As the selection of an appropriate concrete admixture is an integral part of the mix design, the manufacturers shall
recommend the use of any one of their products only after obtaining complete knowledge of all the actual
constituents of concrete as well as methodologies of manufacture, transportation and compaction of concrete
proposed to be used in the work. Admixtures/additives conforming to ASTM C 494 may be used subjected to approval
of the Engineer. However, admixtures/additives generating Hydrogen or Nitrogen and containing Chlorides, Nitrates,
Sulphides, Sulphates and any other material likely to adversely affect the steel or concrete shall not be permitted.
The use of calcium chloride in concrete promotes corrosion of metals due to the presence of chloride ions.
Consequently, admixtures containing chloride ion (cl-) in excess of one percent by weight of the admixture shall not
be used in reinforced concrete. Admixtures containing chloride ion (cl-) in excess of 0.1 percent shall not be used in
prestressed concrete.
If more than one admixture is used, the admixtures shall be compatible with each other and shall be incorporated
into the concrete mix in correct sequence so that the desired effects of all admixtures are obtained . If such
combination of admixtures has not been used before by the constructor and the manufacturer does not give any
guidance, short term and long term properties of concrete with the untested combination shall be examined by an
expert to assess any venerabilities of the concrete to accelerated degradation as a result of such new combination.
A Certificate of Compliance (COC) signed by the manufacturer of the admixture shall be furnished to the Engineer for
each shipment of admixture used in the work. The Certificate of Compliance shall be based upon laboratory test
results from an approved testing facility and shall certify that the admixture meets the above specifications.
The general requirements for admixtures are given in Section 8.4


The size (maximum nominal) of coarse aggregates for concrete to be used in various components shall be as given
Table 13 -115.
Table 13-115 : Maximum Nominal Size of Coarse Aggregate
Components Maximum Nominal Size of
Coarse Aggregate (mm)
i) RCC Well curb 20
ii) RCC/PCC Well Steining 40
iii) Well cap or pile cap, solid type piers and abutments 40
iv) RCC work in girders, slab wearing coat, kerb, approach slab, hollow piers 20
and abutments, pier/abutment caps, piles
v) PSC Work 20
vi) Any other work/ item As specified by the Engineer

Maximum nominal size of aggregates shall also be restricted to the smaller of the following values:
a) 10 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distances between main reinforcements
b) 10 mm less than the minimum clear cover to the reinforcements
The proportions of the various individual size of aggregates shall be so adjusted that the grading produces densest
mix and the grading curve corresponds to the maximum nominal size adopted for the concrete mix.

Unless specified otherwise, equipment for production, transportation and compaction of concrete shall be as under:
a) For Production of Concrete:
i) For overall bridge length of less than 200 m – bath type concrete mixer diesel or electric operated,
with a minimum size of 200 liters, automatic water measuring system and integral with minimum
(hydraulic/pneumatic type)

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ii) For overall bridge length of 200 m or more – concrete batching and mixing plant fully automatic
with minimum capacity of 15 cum per hour.
iii) Batching Plant must be placed within one kilometer from the proposed site.
All measuring devices of the equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition . Its accuracy shall be
checked over the range in use, when set up at each site and thereafter periodically as directed by the Engineer.
The accuracy of the measuring devices shall fall within the following limits:
Measurement of Cement: 2 percent of the quantity of cement in each batch
Measurement of Water: 3 percent of the quantity of water in each batch
Measurement of Aggregate: 3 percent of the quantity of aggregate in each batch
Measurement of Admixture: 3 percent of the quantity of admixture in each batch
b) For Transportation of concrete: depending upon actual requirement
i) Concrete dumpers: minimum 2 tons capacity
ii) Powered hoists: minimum 0.5 ton capacity
iii) Chutes
iv) Buckets handled by cranes
v) Transit truck mixer
vi) Concrete pump
vii) Concrete distributor booms
viii) Belt conveyor
ix) Cranes with skips
x) Tremies

c) For Compaction of Concrete:

i) Inter vibrators size 25 mm to 70 mm
ii) Form vibrators minimum 500 watts
iii) Screed vibrators full width of carriageway
(upto two lanes)


13.9.1 Batching and Mixing of Concrete Mixing at Site
Concrete shall be mixed either in concrete mixer or in a batching and mixing plant, as per these specifications . Hand
mixing shall not be permitted. The mixer or the plant shall be at an approved location considering the properties of
the mixes and the transportation arrangements available with the Contractor. The mixer or the plant shall be
approved by the Engineer.
Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and a uniform color of the entire mass is obtained,
and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate
amount of cement. In no case shall mixing be done for less than 2 minutes. It shall be ensured that the mixers are not
loaded above their rated capacities and shall be operated at a speed recommended by the Manufacturer.
Mixers which have been out of use of more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before putting in a new
batch. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer, the first batch of concrete from the mixer shall contain only two
thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one
type of cement to another. Ready Mix Concrete

Ready mixed concrete shall be carried in purpose made agitators, operating continuously, or truck mixers. All
concrete delivered to site shall be accompanied by a delivery docket, which can be traced to the relevant individual
batching records, clearly stating the time batched, grade of concrete, specified slump, cement content and special
features such as additives used.

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The maximum elapsed time from the charging of the mixer with all dry materials to the discharging of the ready -
mixed concrete at the site in accordance with Table 13 -116. Where admixtures are used to accelerate or retard
setting, the Contractor shall propose, to the Engineer for his acceptance, revised elapsed times and provide the
evidence to support such figures.
Table 13- 116
Concrete temperature at time of placement Maximum elapsed time from charging mixer to
discharge in the forms
5°C - 23°C 1 hour 30 minutes
24°C - 27°C 1 hour 15 minutes
28°C - 30°C 1 hour
31°C - 32°C 45 minutes
33°C - 36°C 30 minutes

When truck mixed concrete is used, under no circumstances shall water be added in transit.

13.9.2 Concreting Process

Once the concreting of a section is started, it has to be completed as a continuous operation. To ensure this,
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his programme backed with resources like availability of adequate equipment
for batching, mixing, transporting and placing concrete prior to start of the concreting. Concreting of a section shall
have to be done as a continuous operation to be completed within a reasonable time.
The Contractor shall have sufficient plant capacity and transporting apparatus to ensure continuous delivery at the
rate required. The rate of delivery of concrete during concreting operations shall be such as to provide for the proper
handling, placing, and finishing of the concrete. The rate shall be such that the interval between batches shall not
exceed 20 minutes and shall be sufficient to prevent joints within a monolithic pour caused by placing fresh concrete
against concrete in which initial set has occurred. The methods of delivering and handling the concrete shall be such
as will facilitate placing with the minimum of rehandling and without damage to the structure or the concrete.

13.9.3 Sampling and Testing

Compliance with the requirements indicated in this Section shall be determined in accordance with the following
standard methods of AASHTO or ASTM:
- Sampling Fresh Concrete, AASHTO T 141 (ASTM C 172)
- Weight per Cubic Meter, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete, AASHTO T 121 (ASTM C 138C
- Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate, AASHTO T 27 (ASTM C 136)
- Slump of Portland Cement Concrete, AASHTO T 119(ASTMC 143C 143M)
- Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method, AASHTO T 152 (ASTM C 231)
- Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate, AASHTO T 84 (ASTM C 128)
- Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, AASHTO T 85 (ASTM C 127)
- Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory, AASHTO T 126 (ASTM C 192/C 192M)
- Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field, AASHTO T 23 (ASTM C 31/C 31M)
- Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, AASHTO T 22 (ASTM C 39/C 39M)

13.9.4 Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete

Concrete shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Clause "Frequency of Testing" through “Investigation of Low-Strength Test Results”. Qualified field testing technicians shall perform tests on fresh
concrete at the job site, prepare specimens required for curing under field conditions, prepare specimens required for
testing in the laboratory, and record the temperature of the fresh concrete when preparing specimens for strength
tests. Qualified and disinterested laboratory technicians shall perform all required laboratory tests. Frequency of Testing

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Samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed each day shall be taken not less than once a day, nor less
than once for each 15 m3 of concrete, nor less than once for each 65 m2 of surface area for slabs or walls.
On a given project, if total volume of concrete is such that frequency of testing required by the previous paragraph
would provide less than six strength tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least six randomly
selected batches or from each batch if fewer than six batches are used.
A strength test shall be the average of the strengths of three cylinders made from the same sample of concrete and
tested at 28 days or at test age designated for determination of f’c. Laboratory-Cured Specimens

Samples for strength tests shall be taken in accordance with "Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete" (ASTM C
Cylinders for strength tests shall be molded and laboratory-cured in accordance with "Practice for Making and Curing
Concrete Test Specimens in the Field" (ASTM C 31) and tested in accordance with "Test Method for Compressive
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens" (ASTM C 39)
Strength level of an individual class of concrete shall be considered satisfactory if both of the following requirements
are met:
a) Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds f’c
b) No individual strength test (average of three cylinders) falls below f’c by more than 3.5 MPa when f’c is 35
MPa or less; or by more than 0.10 f’c when f’c is more than 35 MPa.
If either of these requirements are not met, steps shall be taken to increase the average of subsequent strength test
results. Requirements of Clause “Investigation of Low-Strength Test Results” shall be observed if requirement
of Point b before is not met. Field-Cured Specimens

If required by the bridge official, results of strength tests of cylinders cured under field conditions shall be provided.
Field-cured cylinders shall be cured under field conditions in accordance with "Practice for Making and Curing
Concrete Test Specimens in the Field" (ASTM C 31).
Field-cured test cylinders shall be molded at the same time and from the same samples as laboratory -cured test
Procedures for protecting and curing concrete shall be improved when strength of field-cured cylinders at test age
designated for determination of f’c is less than 85 percent of that of companion laboratory-cured cylinders. The eighty-
five percent (85%) limitation shall not apply if field-cured strength exceeds f’c by more than 3.5 MPa. Investigation of Low-Strength Test Results

If any strength test of laboratory-cured cylinders falls below specified value of f’c by more than the values given in
Clause, or if tests of field-cured cylinders indicate deficiencies in protection and curing (See Clause, steps shall be taken to assure that load-carrying capacity of the structure is not jeopardized.
If the likelihood of low-strength concrete is confirmed and calculations indicate that load-carrying capacity is
significantly reduced, tests of cores drilled from the area in question in accordance with "Method of Obtaining and
Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete" (ASTM C 42M) shall be permitted. In such cases, three cores shall
be taken for each strength test that falls below the values given in Clause
Cores shall be prepared for transport and storage by wiping drilling water from their surfaces and placing the cores in
watertight bags or containers immediately after drilling. Cores shall be tested no earlier than 48 h and not later than 7
days after coring unless approved by the registered design professional.
Concrete in an area represented by core tests shall be considered structurally adequate if the average of three cores
is equal to at least eighty-five percent (85%) of f’c and if no single core is less than seventy-five percent (75%) of f’c.
Additional testing of cores extracted from locations represented by erratic core strength results shall be permitted.
If the precedent criteria are not met and if the structural adequacy remains in doubt, the Engineer shall order a
strength evaluation.

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13.10.1 General
Precautions shall be taken as needed to protect concrete from damage due to weather or other environmental
conditions during placing and curing operations. Concrete that has been damaged by weather conditions shall be
either repaired to an acceptable condition or removed and replaced.
The temperature of the concrete mixture immediately before placement shall be between 10°C and 40°C, except as
otherwise provided herein.

13.10.2 Rain Protection

Under conditions of rain, the placing of concrete shall not commence or shall be stopped unless adequate protection
is provided to prevent damage to the surface mortar or damaging flow or wash of the concrete surface.

13.10.3 Hot-Weathering Protection

When the ambient temperature is above 40°C, the forms, reinforcing steel, steel beam flanges, and other surfaces
which will come in contact with the mix shall be cooled to below 40°C by means of a water spray or other approved
The temperature of the concrete at time of placement shall be maintained within the specified temperature range by
any combination of the following:
- Shading the materials storage areas or the production equipment.
- Cooling the aggregates by sprinkling with water which conforms to the requirements of Clause 8.8“WATER”.
- Cooling the aggregates or water by refrigeration or replacing a portion or all of the mix water with ice that is
flaked or crushed to the extent that the ice will completely melt during mixing of the concrete . When ice is
used to cool mixing water, it will be considered a part of the water in design mix.
- Reducing the time between mixing and placing of concrete to the minimum.
- Starting curing before concrete dries out and restricting concreting as far as possible to early mornings and
later evenings
- Injecting liquid nitrogen.
The Contractor will be required to state his methodology for the Engineer ’s approval when temperatures of concrete
are likely to exceed 40°C during the work.

13.10.4 Sulfate Exposures

Concrete to be exposed to sulfate-bearing groundwater or soils shall conform to the requirements of Table 13 -117
or shall be concrete prepared with a cement that provides sulfate resistance and that has a maximum water -cement
ratio, minimum cement content and minimum compressive strength from Table 13 -117.
Table 13- 117: Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulfate-Bearing Soils and Water
Sulfate Water soluble Sulfate (SO4) in Cement Type Maximum Minimum Minimum
exposure Sulfate (SO4) in water, ppm water cement f’c, MPa
soil, percent by cement ratio content,
weight by weight kg/m3
Negligible 0.00 ≤ SO4 < 0.10 0 ≤ SO4 < 150 ----(1) ----(1) ----(1) ----(1)
Moderate 0.10 ≤ SO4 < 0.20 150 ≤ SO4 < 1500 CEM I + SR (4) 0.50 330 28
Severe 0.20 ≤ SO4 < 2.00 1500 ≤ SO4 < CEM I + SR (4) 0.45 350 30
Very SO4 > 2.00 SO4 > 10000 CEM I + SR (4) 0.40 370 35
Severe + Pozzolan(3)
As per other requirements and contract documents.
If sulfate ions are associated with magnesium ions, supplementary protection, such as application of a barrier
coating, is required
Pozzolan that conforms to relevant standards or that is shown to improve the sulfate resistance by service

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Sulfate Water soluble Sulfate (SO4) in Cement Type Maximum Minimum Minimum
exposure Sulfate (SO4) in water, ppm water cement f’c, MPa
soil, percent by cement ratio content,
weight by weight kg/m3
records should only be used.
Sulphate resisting Portland cement conforming to BS 4027.

13.10.5 Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement

For corrosion protection of reinforcement in concrete, maximum water-soluble chloride ion concentrations in
hardened concrete at ages from 28 to 42 days contributed from the concrete ingredients including water, aggregates,
cementitious materials, and admixtures shall not exceed the limits of Table 13 -118, when testing is performed to
determine the water-soluble chloride ion content, test procedures shall conform to ASTM C 1218.
Table 13- 118: Maximum Chloride Ion Content for Corrosion Protection of Reinforcement
Type of Member Maximum water-soluble chloride ion(cl-) in concrete,
percent by weight of cement*
Prestressed concrete 0.06
Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride in service 0.15
Reinforced concrete that will be dry or protected from 1.00
moisture in service
Other reinforced concrete construction 0.30
* Determined according to ASTM C 1218

If concrete with reinforcement will be exposed to chlorides from soil, groundwater, seawater, or spray from these
sources, requirements of Table 13 -119 for water cementitious materials ratio, cementitious materials content,
cement type and concrete strength, and the minimum cover over reinforcing steel requirements of Clause 13.11shall
be satisfied.
For the permanently submerged, tidal, splash and spray zones of marine structures, the requirements for very severe
exposure in Table 13 -119 shall be satisfied.
For concrete structures near to or on the coast and exposed to airborne salt but not in direct contact with seawater,
the requirements for severe exposure in Table 13 -119 shall be satisfied.
For superstructures in coastal areas and not directly exposed to airborne salt, the requirements for moderate
exposure in Table 13 -119 shall be satisfied.
Table 13- 119: Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Chloride-Bearing Soil and Water
Chloride Water soluble Water soluble Cement Maximum Minimum Minimum
exposure chloride (cl-) in soil, chloride (cl-) Type water cement f’c, MPa
percent by weight in water, ppm cement ratio content, kg/m3
Negligible Up to 0.05 Up to 500 ----(1) ----(1) ----(1) ----(1)
Moderate 0.05 to 0.1 500 to 2000 ----(1) 0.50 330 28
Severe 0.1 to 0.5 2000 to 10000 CEM I 0.45 350 30
Very Severe > 0.5 > 10000 CEM I + 0.40 370 35
As per other requirements and contract documents.
Pozzolan that conforms to relevant standards shall not be used

13.10.6 Sulfate plus Chloride Exposures

If concrete is exposed to both chlorides and sulfates, the lowest applicable maximum water-cement ratio and highest
minimum cement content of Table 13 -117 and Table 13 -119 shall be selected. The corresponding highest f’c shall be
the governing value for quality control purposes. The cement type shall be the one required by Table 13 -119.

13.10.7 Salt Weathering

Concrete structures amenable to salt weathering shall be protected by applying an appropriate barrier coating.

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13.11.1 Cast-in-place Concrete (non-prestressed)

Unless otherwise mentioned in the drawing, the following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for
reinforcement, but shall not be less than required by Clause 13.11.4 and Clause 1.1.1
Table 13- 120: Minimum Reinforcement Cover (mm) for Cast-in-Place Concrete (non-prestressed)
Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth 75
Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
Dia. 20 mm bars and larger 50
Dia. 16 mm bar and smaller 40
Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists:
Dia. 40 mm bars and larger 40
Bars with diameter smaller than 40 mm 20
Beams, Columns:
Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups, spirals 40
Shells, folded plate members:
Diameter 20 mm bar and larder 20
Diameter 16 mm and smaller 15

13.11.2 Cast-in-place Concrete (Prestressed)

Unless otherwise mentioned in the drawing, the following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for prestressed
and nonprestressed reinforcement, ducts, and end fittings, but shall not be less than required by Clause 13.11.4 and
Clause 1.1.1.
Table 13-121: Minimum Reinforcement Cover (mm) for Cast-in-Place Concrete (prestressed)
Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth 75
Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
Wall panel, slabs, joists 25
Other members 40
Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists:
Bars with diameter smaller than 40 mm 40
Beams, Columns: 20
Primary reinforcement 40
Ties, stirrups, spirals 25
Shells, folded plate members:
Diameter 16 mm bar and smaller 10
Other reinforcement greater than 16 mm bar 20

13.11.3 Bundled Bars

For bundled bars, minimum concrete cover shall be equal to the equivalent diameter of the bundle, but need not be
greater than 50 mm; except for concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth, where minimum cover shall
be 75 mm.

13.11.4 Corrosive environments

In corrosive environments or other severe exposure conditions, the amount of concrete protection shall be suitably
increased, and denseness and non-porosity of protecting concrete shall be considered, or other protection shall be
For prestressed concrete members exposed to corrosive environments or other severe exposure conditions,
minimum cover to the prestressed reinforcement shall be increased fifty percent (50%). This requirement shall be
permitted to be waived if the pre-compressed tensile zone is not in tension under sustained loads.

13.11.5 Future extensions

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Exposed reinforcement, inserts, and plates intended for bonding with future extensions shall be protected from

1.1.1 Fire protection

When Department of Fire Service and Civil Defense requires a thickness of cover for fire protection greater than the
minimum concrete cover specified in Clause 13.11, such greater thicknesses shall be used.


13.12.1 General
Concrete shall be handled, placed, and consolidated by methods that will not cause segregation of the mix and will
result in a dense homogeneous concrete that is free of voids and rock pockets. The methods used shall not cause
displacement of reinforcing steel or other materials to be embedded in the concrete. Concrete shall be placed and
consolidated prior to initial set and in no case more than 1.5 h after the cement was added to the mix and shall satisfy
the requirements of Table 13 -111. Concrete shall not be retempered.
Concrete shall not be placed until the forms, all materials to be embedded, and, for spread footings, the adequacy of
the foundation material, have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. All mortar from previous placements,
debris, and foreign material shall be removed from the forms and steel prior to commencing placement. The forms
and subgrade shall be thoroughly moistened with water immediately before concrete is placed against them .
Temporary form spreader devices may be left in place until concrete placement precludes their need, after which they
shall be removed.
Placement of concrete for each section of the structure shall be done continuously without interruption between
planned construction or expansion joints. The delivery rate, placing sequence, and methods shall be such that fresh
concrete is always placed and consolidated against previously placed concrete before initial set has occurred in the
previously placed concrete.
During and after placement of concrete, care shall be taken not to injure the concrete or break the bond with
reinforcing steel. Workers shall not walk in fresh concrete. Platforms for workers and equipment shall not be
supported directly on any reinforcing steel. Once the concrete is set, forces shall not be applied to the forms or to
reinforcing bars which project from the concrete until the concrete is of sufficient strength to resist damage.

13.12.2 Sequence of Placement

Whenever a concrete placement plan or schedule is specified or approved, the sequence of placement shall conform
to the plan. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the contract documents, the requirements of the following
paragraphs shall apply. Vertical Members

Concrete for columns, substructure and culvert walls, and other similar vertical members shall be placed and allowed
to set and settle for a period of time before concrete for integral horizontal members, such as caps, slabs, or footings,
is placed. Such period shall be adequate to allow completion of settlement due to loss of bleed water and shall be not
less than 12 h for vertical members over 4.5 m in height and not less than 30 min for members over 1.5 m, but not
over 4.5 m in height. When friction collars or falsework brackets are mounted on such vertical members and unless
otherwise approved, the vertical member shall have been in place at least seven days and shall have attained its
specified strength before loads from horizontal members are applied. Superstructures
Unless otherwise permitted, no concrete shall be placed in the superstructure until substructure forms have been
stripped sufficiently to determine the character of the supporting substructure concrete.
Concrete for T-beam or deck girder spans whose depth is less than 1.2 m may be placed in one continuous operation
or may be placed in two separate operations; first, to the top of the girder stems, and second, to completion. For T-
beam or deck girder spans whose depth is 1.2 m or more, and unless the falsework is non-yielding, such concrete shall
be placed in two operations, and at least five days shall elapse after placement of stems before the top deck slab is
Concrete for box girders may be placed in two or three separate operations consisting of bottom slab, girder stems,
and top slab. In either case, the bottom slab shall be placed first and, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, the
top slab shall not be placed until the girder stems have been in place for at least five days.

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The concrete in arch rings shall be placed in such a manner as to load the centering uniformly and symmetrically . Arch
rings shall be cast in transverse sections of such size that each section can be cast in a continuous operation . The
arrangement of the sections and the sequence of placing shall be as approved and shall be such as to avoid the
creation of initial stress in the reinforcement. The sections shall be bonded together by suitable keys or dowels. Arch
barrels for culverts and, unless prohibited by the special provisions, other arches may be cast in a single continuous
operation. Tunnels
Tunnel concrete shall be placed by pumping and discharged into the work through a pipe inserted into the formed
space. The discharge line shall be graduated to indicate the depth of filling at any time. Special care shall be taken to
force concrete into all irregularities in work surfaces and to completely fill tunnel walls and crown . Placing equipment
shall be operated only by experienced operators. The Contractor shall vibrate pumped concrete. Concrete shall not be
pumped through aluminum alloy pipe. Box Culverts

In general, the base slab or footings of box culverts shall be placed and allowed to set before the remainder of the
culvert is constructed. For culverts whose wall height is 1.5 m or less, the sidewalls and top slab may be placed in one
continuous operation. For higher culvert walls, the requirements for vertical members shall apply. Precast Elements

The sequence of placement for concrete in precast elements shall be such that sound, well consolidated concrete that
is free of settlement or shrinkage cracks is produced throughout the member.

13.12.3 Placing Methods General
Concrete shall be placed as nearly as possible in its final position, and the use of vibrators for extensive shifting of the
weight of fresh concrete will not be permitted.
Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers of a thickness not exceeding the capacity of the vibrator to consolidate
the concrete and merge it with the previous lift. In no case shall the depth of a lift exceed 600 mm. The rate of
concrete placement shall not exceed that assumed for the design of the forms as corrected for the actual
temperature of the concrete being placed.
When placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than 1.5 m, the concrete shall be dropped
through a tube fitted with a hopper head or through other approved devices, as necessary to prevent segregation of
the mix and spattering of mortar on steel and forms above the elevation of the lift being placed . This requirement
shall not apply to cast-in-place piling when concrete placement is completed before initial set occurs in the first
placed concrete. Equipment
All equipment used to place concrete shall be of adequate capacity and designed and operated so as to prevent
segregation of the mix or loss of mortar. Such equipment shall not cause vibrations that might damage the freshly
placed concrete. No equipment shall have aluminum parts which come in contact with the concrete. Between uses,
the mortar coating inside of placing equipment which sets or dries out shall be cleaned from the equipment before
use is resumed.
When concrete is conveyed by chute, the plant shall be of such size and design as to ensure practically continuous
flow. Slope of the chute shall be so adjusted that the concrete flows without excessive quantity of water and without
any segregation of its ingredients. The delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit.
The chute shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each working period and the water used for this
purpose shall be discharged outside the formwork. When steep slopes are involved, chutes shall be equipped with
baffles or reversed.
Concrete pumps shall be operated such that a continuous stream of concrete without air pockets is produced.
Pipelines from the pump to the placing area shall be laid with minimum bends. For large quantity placements,
standby pumps shall be available. Suitable air release valves, shutoff valves etc. shall be provided as per the site
requirements. The pumping of concrete shall precede pumping of priming mix i.e. rich mix of creamy consistency, to
lubricate the concrete pump and pipelines. Continuous pumping shall be done to the extent possible. When pumping
is completed, the concrete remaining in the pipeline, if it is to be used, shall be ejected in such a manner that there
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will be no contamination of the concrete or separation of the ingredients. After concreting, the pipelines and
accessories shall be cleaned immediately. A plug spung ball shall be inserted at the end near the pump and shall be
forced through the pipeline by either water or by air pressure. The pipes for pumping shall not be made of material
which have adverse effect on concrete. Aluminum alloy pipelines shall not be used.
Conveyor belt systems shall not exceed a total length of 168 m, measured from end to end of the total assembly . The
belt assembly shall be so arranged that each section discharges into a vertical hopper arrangement to the next
section. To keep segregation to a minimum, scrapers shall be situated over the hopper of each section so as to
remove mortar adhering to the belt and to deposit it into the hopper. The discharge end of the conveyor belt system
shall be equipped with a hopper and a chute or suitable deflectors to cause the concrete to drop vertically to the
deposit area.

13.12.4 Consolidation
All concrete, except concrete placed under water and concrete otherwise exempt, shall be consolidated by
mechanical vibration immediately after placement.
Except as noted herein, vibration shall be internal.
External form vibrators may be used for thin sections when the forms have been designed for external vibration.
Vibrators shall be of approved type, design, and of a size appropriate for the work. They shall be capable of
transmitting vibration to the concrete at frequencies of not less than 75 Hz.
The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each batch of concrete immediately
after it is placed in the forms. The Contractor shall also have at least one spare vibrator immediately available in case
of breakdown. Vibrators shall be manipulated so as to thoroughly work the concrete around the reinforcement and
embedded fixtures and into the comers and angles of the forms.
Vibration shall be applied at the point of deposit and in the area of freshly deposited concrete. The vibrators shall be
inserted and withdrawn out of the concrete slowly. The vibration shall be of sufficient duration and intensity to
thoroughly consolidate the concrete but shall not be continued so as to cause segregation. Vibration shall not be
continued at anyone point to the extent that localized areas of grout are formed . Application of vibrators shall be at
points uniformly spaced and not farther apart than 1.5 times the radius over which the vibration is visibly effective.
Vibration shall not be applied either directly to, or through the reinforcement to, sections or layers of concrete which
have hardened to the degree that the concrete ceases to be plastic under vibration. Vibrators shall not be used to
transport concrete in the forms.
Where immersion-type vibrators are used to consolidate concrete around epoxy coated reinforcing steel, the
vibrators shall be equipped with rubber or other nonmetallic coating.
Vibration shall be supplemented by such spading as is necessary to ensure smooth surfaces and dense concrete along
form surfaces and in corners and locations impossible to reach with the vibrators.
When approved by the Engineer, concrete for small non-critical elements may be consolidated by the use of suitable
rods and spades.

13.12.5 Underwater Placement

When it is necessary to deposit concrete under water, the methods, equipment, materials and proportions of mix to
be used shall be got approved from the Engineer before any work is started . Concrete shall contain 10 percent more
cement than that required for the same mix placed in the dry to compensate the loss due to wash.
The temperature of the concrete, when deposited, shall not be less than 16°C, nor more than 40°C.
Coffer dams or forms shall be sufficiently tight to ensure still water conditions, if practicable, and in any case to
reduce the flow of water to less than 3 m per minute through the space into which concrete is to be deposited. Coffer
dams or forms in still water shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar through the joints in the walls .
Pumping shall not be done while concrete is being placed, or until 24 hours thereafter. To minimize the formation of
laitance, care shall be exercised not to disturb the concrete as far as possible while it is being deposited.
All under water concreting shall be carried out by tremie method only, using tremie of appropriate diameter . The
number and spacing of the tremies should be worked out to ensure proper concreting. The tremie concreting when
started should continue without interruption for the full height of the member being concreted. The concrete
production and placement equipment should be sufficient to enable the underwater concrete to be completed
uninterrupted within the stipulated time. Necessary stand-by equipment should be available for emergency situation.
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The top section of the tremie shall have a hopper large enough to hold one full batch of the mix or the entire contents
of the transporting bucket as the case may be. The tremie pipe shall not be less than 200 mm in diameter and shall be
large enough to allow a free flow of concrete and strong enough to withstand the external pressure of the water in
which it is suspended, even if a partial vacuum develops inside the pipe. Preferably, flanged steel pipe of adequate
strength for the job shall be used. A separate lifting device shall be provided for each tremie pipe with its hopper at
the upper end. Unless the lower end of the pipe is equipped with an approved automatic check valve, the upper end
of the pipe shall be plugged with a wadding of gunny sacking or other approved material before delivering the
concrete to the tremie pipe through the hopper so that when the concrete is forced down from the hopper to the
pipe, it will force the plug (and along with it any water in the pipe) down the pipe and out of the bottom end, thus
establishing a continuous stream of concrete. It will be necessary to raise slowly the tremie in order to allow a
uniform flow of concrete, but it shall not be emptied so that water is not allowed to enter above the concrete in the
pipe. At all times after placing of concrete is started and until all the required quantity has been placed, the lower end
of the tremie pipe shall be kept below the surface of the plastic concrete. This will cause the concrete to build up from
below instead of flowing out over the surface and thus avoid formation of layers of laitance . If the charge in the
tremie is lost while depositing, the tremie shall be raised above the concrete surface and unless sealed by a check
valve, is shall be replugged at the top end, as at the beginning, before refilling for depositing further concrete.

13.12.6 Special Requirements for Bridge Decks

When placing concrete in bridge decks or other exposed slabs, evaporation rate shall be limited to less than 0 .5 kg per
square meter per hour.
When necessary, take one or more of the following actions:
a) Construct windbreaks or enclosures to effectively reduce the wind velocity throughout the area of
b) Use fog sprayers upwind of the placement operation to effectively increase the relative humidity.
c) Reduce the temperature of the concrete according to Clause 13.10.3 above.
During periods of low humidity, wind, or high temperatures and prior to the application of curing materials, concrete
being placed and finished for bridge decks shall be protected from damage due to rapid evaporation. Such protection
shall be adequate to prevent premature crusting of the surface or an increase in drying cracking. Such protection shall
be provided by raising the humidity of the surrounding air with fog sprayers operated upwind of the deck, by
employing wind-breaks or sun-shades, additionally reducing the temperature of the concrete, scheduling placement
during the cooler times of days or nights, or any combination thereof.
For bridge decks that are located over or adjacent to salt water or when specified in the contract documents, the
maximum temperature of the concrete at time of placement shall be 27°C.


13.13.1 General
Construction joints shall be made only where specified in the contract documents, or shown in the pouring schedule,
unless otherwise approved. All planned reinforcing steel shall extend uninterrupted through joints. In the case of
emergency, construction joints shall be placed as directed by the Engineer and, if directed, additional reinforcing steel
dowels shall be placed across the joint. Such additional steel shall be furnished and placed at the Contractor's

13.13.2 Horizontal Joints

Generally, horizontal joints shall be made by pouring the concrete slightly above the grade of the construction joint,
and after the surface has reached its final set, the surface shall be prepared as outlined in Clause 13.13.4 : Bonding.
Insert form work shall be used to obtain neat, horizontal lines.

13.13.3 Vertical Joints

Vertical joints shall be formed with substantial bulkheads or headers as required. Feather edged joints will not be

13.13.4 Bonding

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Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, horizontal joints may be made without keys, and vertical joints
shall be constructed with shear keys. Surfaces of fresh concrete at horizontal construction joints shall be rough
floated sufficiently to thoroughly consolidate the surface and intentionally left in a roughened condition. Shear keys
shall consist of formed depressions in the surface covering approximately one- third of the contact surface. The forms
for keys shall be beveled so that removal will not damage the concrete.
All construction joints shall be cleaned of surface laitance, curing compound, and other foreign materials before fresh
concrete is placed against the surface of the joint. Abrasive blast or other approved methods shall be used to clean
horizontal construction joints to the extent that clean aggregate is exposed. All construction joints shall be flushed
with water and allowed to dry to a surface dry condition immediately prior to placing concrete.

13.13.5 Bonding and Dowelling to Existing Structures

When the contract documents specify that new concrete be bonded to existing concrete structures, the existing
concrete shall be cleaned and flushed as specified in Clause 13.13.4 “Bonding”. When the contract documents show
reinforcing dowels grouted into holes drilled in the existing concrete at such construction joints, the holes shall be
drilled by methods that will not shatter or damage the concrete adjacent to the holes. The diameters of the drilled
holes shall be 6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the dowels unless shown otherwise in the contract
documents. The grout shall be a neat cement paste of Portland cement and water. The water content shall be not
more than 0.36 liter/kg of cement. Retempering of grout will not be permitted. Immediately prior to placing the
dowels, the holes shall be cleaned of dust and other deleterious materials, shall be thoroughly saturated with water,
shall have all free water removed, and the holes shall be dried to a saturated surface-dry condition. Sufficient grout
shall be placed in the holes so that no voids remain after the dowels are inserted.
Grout shall be cured for a period of at least three days or until dowels are encased in concrete.
When specified in the contract documents or approved by the Engineer, epoxy may be used in lieu of Portland
cement grout for the bonding of dowels in existing concrete. When used, epoxy shall be mixed and placed in
accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.

13.13.6 Forms at Construction Joints

When forms at construction joints overlap previously placed concrete, they shall be retightened before depositing
new concrete. The face edges of all joints that are exposed to view shall be neatly formed with straight bulkheads or
grade strips, or otherwise carefully finished true to line and elevation.


13.14.1 General
Expansion and contraction joints shall be constructed at the locations and in accordance with the details specified in
the contract documents. Such joints include open joints, filled joints, joints sealed with sealants or water stops, joints
reinforced with steel armor plates or shapes, and joints with combinations of these features.
When preformed elastomeric compression joint seals or bridge deck joint seal assemblies are required, they shall
conform to the requirements of relative Section.

13.14.2 Materials Premolded Expansion Joint Fillers
Premolded fillers shall conform to one of the following specifications:
a) Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction, AASHTO
M 213 (ASTM D 1751).
b) Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and
Structural Construction, AASHTO M 153 (ASTM D 1752). Type II (cork) shall not be used when resiliency is
c) Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete, AASHTO M 33 (ASTM D 994). Polystyrene Board Fillers

Board fillers shall be expanded polystyrene with a minimum flexural strength of 0.24 MPa, as determined by ASTM C
203, and a compressive yield strength of between 0.1 to 0.3 MPa at five percent compression. When specified in the
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contract documents, or required to prevent damage during concrete placement, the surface of polystyrene board
shall be faced with 3-mm thick hardboard conforming to ANSI A135.4. Contraction Joint Material

Material placed in contraction joints shall consist of asphalt saturated felt paper or other approved bond breaking
material. Pourable Joint Sealants

Pourable sealants for placement along the top edges of contraction or filled expansion joints shall conform to one of
the following:
a) Hot-poured sealants shall conform to AASHTO M 282 (ASTM D 3406), except that when the sealant will be in
contact with asphaltic material, it shall conform to AASHTO M 301.
b) Cold-poured sealant shall be silicone type, conforming to Federal Specification TT -S-1543, Class A. The
sealant shall be a one-part, low-modulus silicone rubber type with an ultimate elongation of one thousand
two hundred percent (1200%).
c) Polyethylene foam strip, for use when shown in the contract documents, shall be of commercial quality with
a continuous, impervious, glazed top surface, suitable for retaining the liquid sealant at the proper elevation
in the joint while hardening. Metal Armor

Expansion joint armor assemblies shall be fabricated from steel in conformance with the requirements of relative
section. Assemblies shall be accurately fabricated and straightened at the shop after fabrication and galvanizing as
necessary to conform to the concrete section. Waterstops
Waterstops shall be of the type, size, and shape specified in the contract documents . They shall be dense,
homogeneous, and without holes or other defects. Rubber Waterstops

Rubber waterstops shall be formed from synthetic rubber made exclusively from neoprene, reinforcing carbon black,
zinc oxide, polymerization agents, and softeners. This compound shall contain not less than seventy percent (70%) by
volume of neoprene. The tensile strength shall not be less than 19 MPa with an elongation at breaking of six hundred
percent (600%). The Shore Durometer indication (hardness) shall be between 50 and 60. After seven days in air at
temperature of seventy degrees Celsius plus or minus one degree Celsius (70±1°C) or after four days in oxygen at
seventy degrees Celsius plus or minus one degree Celsius (70±1°C) and 2 MPa pressure, the tensile strength shall not
be less than sixty-five percent (65%) of the original. Rubber waterstops shall be formed with an integral cross-section
in suitable molds, so as to produce a uniform section with a permissible variation in dimension of ±0 .8 mm. No splices
will be permitted in straight strips. Strips and special connection pieces shall be well cured in a manner such that any
cross-section shall be dense, homogeneous, and free from all porosity. Junctions in the special connection pieces shall
be full molded. During the vulcanizing period, the joints shall be securely held by suitable clamps. The material at the
splices shall be dense and homogeneous throughout the cross-section. Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstops

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterstops shall be manufactured by the extrusion process from an elastomeric plastic
compound, the basic resin of which shall be PVC. The compound shall contain any additional resins, plasticizers,
stabilizers, or other materials needed to ensure that, when the material is compounded, it will meet the performance
requirements given in this specification. No reclaimed PVC or other material shall be used.
The material shall comply with the following physical requirements when tested under the indicated ASTM test
Table 13- 122: ASTM Test Method Requirements
Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 1.35 Max
Durometer Hardness ASTM D 2240 75 ± 5
Tensile Strength ASTM D 412 12.41 MPa
Elongation ASTM D 412 350%
Cold Brittleness ASTM D 746 -35°C

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Stiffness in Flexure ASTM D 747 2.4 MPa Copper Waterstops

Sheet copper shall conform to the Specifications for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, AASHTO M 138M/M
138 (ASTM B 152/B 152M), and shall meet the Embrittlement Test of Section 10 of AASHTO M 138M/M 138 (ASTM B
152/B 152M). Testing of Waterstop Material

The Manufacturer shall be responsible for the testing of all waterstop materials, either in company owned or affiliated
laboratory or in a recognized commercial laboratory, and shall submit three certified copies of test results to the

13.14.3 Installation Open Joints
Open joints shall be constructed by the insertion and subsequent removal of a wood strip, metal plate, or other
approved material. The insertion and removal of the template shall be accomplished without chipping or breaking the
corners of the concrete. When not protected by metal armor, open joints in decks and sidewalks shall be finished with
an edging tool. Upon completion of concrete finishing work, all mortar and other debris shall be removed from open
joints. Filled Joints

When filled joints are specified in the contract documents, Premolded-type fillers shall be used unless polystyrene
board is specifically called for. Filler for each joint shall consist of as few pieces of material as possible. Abutting edges
of filler material shall be accurately held in alignment with each other and tightly fit or taped as necessary to prevent
the intrusion of grout. Joint filler material shall be anchored to one side of the joint by waterproof adhesive or other
methods so as to prevent it from working out of the joint, but not interfere with the compression of the material. Sealed Joints

Prior to installation of pourable joint sealants, all foreign material shall be removed from the joint, the filler material
shall be cut back to the depth shown or approved, and the surface of the concrete that will be in contact with the
sealant shall be cleaned by light sandblasting. When required, a polyethylene foam strip shall be placed in the joint to
retain the sealant and isolate it from the filler material. The sealant materials shall then be mixed and installed in
accordance with the Manufacturer's directions. Any material that fails to bond to the sides of the joint within 24 h
after placement shall be removed and replaced. Waterstops
Adequate water stops of metal, rubber, or plastic shall be placed as specified in the contract documents. Where
movement at the joint is provided for, the waterstops shall be of a type permitting such movement without damage .
They shall be spliced, welded, or soldered to form continuous watertight joints.
Precautions shall be taken so that the water stops shall be neither displaced nor damaged by construction operations
or other means. All surfaces of the water stops shall be kept free from oil, grease, dried mortar, or any other foreign
matter while the water stop is being embedded in concrete. Means shall be used to insure that all portions of the
water stop designed for embedment shall be tightly enclosed by dense concrete. Expansion Joint Armor Assemblies

Armor assemblies shall be installed so the top surface matches the plane of the adjacent finished concrete surface
throughout the length of the assembly. Positive methods shall be employed in placing the assemblies to keep them in
correct position during the placing of the concrete. The opening at expansion joints shall be that designated in the
contract documents at normal temperature or as directed by the Engineer for other temperatures and care shall be
taken to avoid impairment of the clearance in any manner. Sheet Packing, Preformed Pads and Board Fillers

Tempered hardboard shall conform to Federal Specification LLL-B-810, Type II, smooth one side, plain. Hardboard
shall be three millimeters (3 mm) minimum thickness, unless shown or specified otherwise.

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Expanded polystyrene shall be a commercially available polystyrene board. Expanded polystyrene shall have a flexural
strength of 240 kPa, minimum, determined in conformance with the requirements in ASTM C 203, and a compressive
yield strength of between 110 and 275 kPa, at five percent (5%) compression.
When shown on the contract documents, surfaces of expanded polystyrene shall be faced with hardboard. Hardboard
shall be 3 mm minimum thickness, conforming to Federal Specification LLL-B-810, any type. Other facing materials
may be used provided they furnish equivalent protection. Boards shall be held in place by nails, waterproof adhesive
or other means approved by the Engineer.


13.15.1 General
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, after concrete has been consolidated and prior to the
application of cure, all surfaces of concrete that are not placed against forms shall be struck -off to the planned
elevation or slope and the surface finished by floating with a wooden float sufficiently to seal the surface . While the
concrete is still in a workable state, all construction and expansion joints shall be carefully tooled with an edger . Joint
filler shall be left exposed.

13.15.2 Roadway Surface Finish

All bridge decks, approach slabs, and other concrete surfaces for use by traffic shall be finished to a smooth skid -
resistant surface in accordance with this Article. During finishing operations, the Contractor shall provide suitable and
adequate work bridges for proper performance of the work, including the application of fog sprays and curing
compound, and for inspecting the work. Striking Off and Floating

For bridge decks or top slabs of structures serving as finished pavements, use an approved power driven finishing
machine equipped with a screed that oscillates in a transverse direction. If approved, use hand-finishing methods for
irregular areas where the use of a machine is impractical. The finishing procedures should take the following into
- Strike off all surfaces using equipment supported by and traveling on screed rails or headers. Do not support
rails within the limits of the concrete placement without approval.
- Set rails or headers on non-yielding supports so the finishing equipment operates without interruption over
entire surface being finished. Extend rails beyond both ends of the scheduled concrete placement a sufficient
distance to enable finishing machine to finish the concrete being placed.
- Set rails the entire length of steel girder superstructures.
- Adjust rails, headers, and strike-off equipment to the required profile and cross section allowing for
anticipated settlement, camber, and deflection of falsework.
- Before beginning delivery and placement of concrete, operate the finishing machine over the entire area to
be finished to check for excessive rail deflections, deck thickness, reinforcing steel cover, and to verify proper
operation of equipment. Make necessary corrections before concrete placement begins.
- After placing the concrete, operate finishing machine over the concrete as needed to obtain the required
profile and cross-section. Keep a slight roll of excess concrete in front of the cutting edge of the screed at all
times. Maintain this excess of concrete to the end of the pour or form and then remove and waste it . Adjust
rails or headers as necessary to correct for unanticipated settlement or deflection. Straightedging
After finishing as described above, the entire surface shall be checked by the Contractor with a 3 m metal
straightedge operated parallel to the centerline of the bridge and shall show no deviation in excess of 3 mm from the
testing edge of the straightedge. For deck surfaces that are to be overlaid with 25 mm or more of another material,
such deviation shall not exceed l0 mm in 3 m. Deviations in excess of these requirements shall be corrected before
the concrete sets. The checking operation shall progress by overlapping the straightedge at least one -half the length
of the preceding pass. Texturing
The surface shall be given a skid-resistant texture by either burlap or carpet dragging, brooming, tinning, or by a
combination of these methods. The method employed shall be as specified in the contract documents or as approved
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by the Engineer. Surfaces that are to be covered with a waterproofing membrane deck seal shall not be coarse
textured. They shall be finished to a smooth surface, free of mortar ridges and other projections.
This operation shall be done after floating and at such time and in such manner that the desired texture will be
achieved while minimizing displacement of the larger aggregate particles. Dragged
If the surface texture is to be a drag finish, the surface shall be finished by dragging a seamless strip of damp burlap
over the full width of the surface. The burlap drag shall consist of sufficient layers of burlap and have sufficient length
in contact with the concrete to slightly groove the surface and shall be moved forward with a minimum bow of the
lead edge. The drag shall be kept damp, clean, and free of particles of hardened concrete. As an alternative to burlap,
the Engineer may approve or direct that carpet or artificial turf of approved type and size be substituted. Broomed
If the surface texture is to be a broom finish, the surface shall be broomed when the concrete has hardened
sufficiently. The broom shall be of an approved type. The strokes shall be square across the slab, from edge to edge,
with adjacent strokes slightly overlapped, and shall be made by drawing the broom without tearing the concrete but
so as to produce regular corrugations not over 3 mm in depth. The surface as thus finished shall be free from porous
spots, irregularities, depressions, and small pockets or rough spots such as may be caused by the accidental disturbing
of particles of coarse aggregate embedded near the surface during the final brooming operation. Tined
If the surface is to be tined, the tinning shall be in a transverse direction using a wire broom, comb, or finned float
having a single row of tines or fins. The tinning grooves shall be between 1.5 mm and 5 mm wide and between 3 mm
and 5 mm deep, spaced 12 mm to 20 mm on centers. Tining shall be discontinued 300 mm from the curb line on
bridge decks. The area adjacent to the curbs shall be given a light broom finish longitudinally. As an alternative, tining
may be achieved using an approved machine designed specifically for tining or grooving concrete pavements. Surface Testing and Correction

After the concrete has hardened, the Engineer will inspect finished deck roadway surfaces that will not be overlain
with a wearing surface. Any variations in the surface which exceed 3 mm from a 3 m straightedge will be marked. The
Contractor shall correct such irregularities by the use of concrete planning or grooving equipment which produces a
textured surface equal in roughness to the surrounding unground concrete without shattering or otherwise damaging
the remaining concrete.

13.15.3 Pedestrian Walkway Surface Finish

After the concrete for sidewalks and decks of pedestrian structures has been deposited in place, it shall be
consolidated and the surface shall be struck off by means of a strike board and floated with wooden or cork float. If
directed, the surface shall then be lightly broomed in a transverse direction. An edging tool shall be used on edges
and expansion joints. The surface shall not vary more than 3 mm under a 1.5 m straightedge. The surface shall have a
granular or matte texture that will not be slippery when wet.
Sidewalk surfaces shall be laid out in blocks with an approved grooving tool as specified in the contract documents or
as directed by the Engineer.

13.15.4 Trowelled and Brushed Finish

Surfaces that are specified in the contract documents to be troweled shall first be finished as specified under Clause
13.15.1 "General". Then, after the concrete is partially set, the surface shall be finished to a smooth surface by
troweling with a steel trowel until a slick surface free of bleed water is produced . The surface shall then be brushed
with a fine brush using parallel strokes.

13.15.5 Surface under Bearings

When metallic masonry plates are to be placed directly on the concrete or on filler material less than 3 mm thick, the
surface shall first be finished with a float finish. After the concrete has set, the area which will be in contact with the
masonry plate shall be ground as necessary to provide full and even bearing. When such plates are to be set on filler
material between 3 mm and 12 mm thick, the concrete surface shall be steel trowel finished without brushing and the
flatness of the finished surface shall not vary from a straightedge laid on the surface in any direction within the limits
of the masonry plate by more than 1.5 mm. Surfaces which fail to conform to the required flatness shall be ground
until acceptable.
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Surfaces under elastomeric bearings and under metallic masonry plates which are supported on mortar or filler pads
12 mm or greater in thickness shall be finished by wood floating to a flat and even surface free of ridges.


Concreting operations shall not commence until adequate arrangements for concrete curing have been made by the
Contractor. All newly placed concrete shall be cured so as to prevent loss of water by use of one or more of the
methods specified herein.
Curing and protection of concrete shall start immediately after compaction of the concrete to protect it from:
a) Premature drying out particularly by solar radiation and wind
b) High internal thermal gradients
c) Leaching out by rain and flowing water
d) Rapid cooling during the first few days after placing
e) Low temperature or frost
f) Vibration and impact which may disrupt the concrete and interfere with its bond to the reinforcement
Where members are of considerable size and length, with high cement content, accelerated curing methods may be
applied, as approved by the Engineer.
If the surface of the concrete begins to dry before the selected cure method can be applied, the surface of the
concrete shall be kept moist by a fog spray applied so as not to damage the surface.

13.16.1 Water Curing

Water for curing shall be as specified in SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE.
Sea water shall not be used for curing. Sea water shall not come into contact with concrete members unless it has
attained adequate strength.
The concrete should be kept constantly wet for a minimum period of 14 (fourteen) days after concreting except for
rapid hardening cement concrete where it can be reduced to 5 (five) days. Water should be applied on surfaces after
the final set. Curing through watering shall not be done on green concrete. On formed surfaces, curing shall start
immediately after the forms are stripped. The concrete shall be kept constantly wet by ponding or covered with a
layer of sacking, canvas, hessian or a similar absorbent material.
After placing and during the first stages of hardening concrete shall be protected from harmful effects of sunrays,
drying winds, cold, running water, shocks, vibrations, traffic including construction traffic etc.

13.16.2 Steam Curing

Where steam curing is adopted, it shall be ensured that it is done in suitable enclosure to contain the live steam in
order to minimize moisture and heat losses. The initial application of the steam shall be after about four hours of
placement of concrete to allow the initial set of the concrete to take place.
Where retarders are used, the waiting period before application of the steam shall be increased to about six hours.
The steam shall be at 100 percent relative humidity to prevent loss of moisture and to provide excess moisture for
proper hydration of the cement. The application of steam shall not be directly on the concrete and the ambient air
temperature shall increase at a rate not exceeding 5°C per hour until a maximum temperature of 60°C to 70°C is
reached. The maximum temperatures shall be maintained until the concrete has reached the desired strength.
When steam curing is discontinued, the ambient air temperature shall not drop at a rate exceeding 5°C per hour until
a temperature of about 10°C above the temperature of the air to which the concrete will be exposed, has been
The concrete shall not be exposed to temperatures below freezing for at least six days after curing.

13.16.3 Curing Compound

Membrane forming curing compounds consisting of waxes, resins, chlorinated rubbers etc. may be permitted by the
Engineer in special circumstances. Curing compounds shall not be used on any surface which requires further finishing
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to be applied. All construction joints shall be moist, cured and no curing compound shall be permitted in locations
where concrete surfaces are required to be bonded together.
Curing compounds shall be continuously agitated during use. All concrete cured by this method shall receive two
applications of the curing compound. The first coat shall be applied immediately after acceptance of concrete finish. If
the surface is dry, the concrete shall be saturated with water and curing compound applied as soon as the surface film
of water disappears. The second application shall be made after the first application has set. Placement in more than
two coats may be required to prevent streaking.


Immediately after the removal of forms, exposed bars or bolts used for securing the formwork which project from or
appear on the surface of the concrete, if any, shall be cut inside the concrete member to a depth of at least 50 mm
from the finished surface of the concrete and the resulting holes filled by the removal of form ties and all other holes
and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners, and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned,
saturated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the
proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry as consistency as is possible to use .
Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. Surfaces which
have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. Special pre-packaged proprietary mortars
shall be used where appropriate or where specified in the drawing.
All construction and expansion joints in the completed work shall be left carefully tooled and free from any mortar
and concrete. Expansion joint filler shall be left exposed for its full length with clean and true edges.
Immediately on removal of forms, the concrete work shall be examined by the Engineer before any defects are made
a) The work that has sagged or contains honeycombing to an extent detrimental to structural safety or
architectural appearance shall be rejected. The Contractor, on receipt of written orders from the Engineer,
shall remove and rebuild such portions of the structure at his own expense.
b) Smaller honeycombing and other surface defect of a minor nature may be repaired if permitted by the
Engineer. Structural, maintenance and aesthetically points of view shall be taken into consideration before
such approval, if any, may be given. The Engineer shall approve the method of repairing.


13.18.1 General
All concrete shall be given a Class 1, Ordinary Surface Finish and, in addition, if further finishing is required, such other
type of finish as is specified.
Surface finishes for formed concrete surfaces shall be classified as follows:
Class 1 - Ordinary Surface Finish
Class 2 - Rubbed Finish
Class 3 - Tooled Finish
Class 4 - Sandblast Finish
Class 5 - Wire Brush or Scrubbed Finish
If not otherwise specified in the contract documents, exposed surfaces except the soffits of superstructures and the
interior faces and bottoms of concrete girders shall also be given a Class 2, Rubbed Finish.
Class 3, 4, or 5 type surface finishes shall be applied only where specified in the contract documents.

13.18.2 Class 1 – Ordinary Surface Finish

Immediately following the removal of forms, fins and irregular projections shall be removed from all surfaces that are
to be exposed or waterproofed. Bulges and offsets in such surfaces shall be removed with carborundum stones or
discs. Localized, poorly bonded rock pockets or honey combed concrete shall be removed and replaced with sound
concrete or packed mortar as specified in Article 10.16, "Mortar and Grout". If, in the opinion of the Engineer, rock

pockets are of such an extent or character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life

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of the steel reinforcement, the Engineer may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and
replacement of the portions of the structure affected.
On all surfaces, the cavities produced by form ties and all other holes, broken corners or edges, and other defects
shall be thoroughly cleaned and, after having been thoroughly saturated with water, shall be carefully pointed and
trued with a mortar conforming to Article 3188H 10.16. For exposed surfaces, white cement shall be added to the
mortar in an amount sufficient to result in a patch that, when dry, matches the surrounding concrete. Mortar used in
pointing shall be not more than 1h old. The concrete shall then be rubbed if required or the cure continued as
specified in Article 3189H 10.12, "Finishing Plastic Concrete." Construction and expansion joints in the completed
work shall be left carefully tooled and free of mortar and concrete. The joint filler shall be left exposed for its full
length with clean and true edges.
The resulting surfaces shall be true and uniform. Repaired surfaces, the appearance of which is not satisfactory, shall
be "rubbed" as specified in Clause 13.18.3, "Class 2 –Rubbed Finish."

13.18.3 Class 2 –Rubbed Finish

After removal of forms, the rubbing of concrete shall be started as soon as its condition will permit. Immediately
before starting this work, the concrete shall be thoroughly saturated with water . Sufficient time shall have elapsed
before the wetting down to allow the mortar used in the pointing of rod holes and defects to thoroughly set . Surfaces
to be finished shall be rubbed with a medium-coarse carborundum stone, using a small amount of mortar on its face.
The mortar shall be composed of cement and fine sand, mixed in proportions used in the concrete being finished .
Rubbing shall be continued until form marks, projections, and irregularities have been removed; voids have been
filled; and a uniform surface has been obtained. The paste produced by this rubbing shall be left in place.
After other work that could affect the surface has been completed, the final finish shall be obtained by rubbing with a
fine carborundum stone and water. This rubbing shall be continued until the entire surface is of a smooth texture and
uniform color.
After the final rubbing is completed and the surface has dried, it shall be rubbed with burlap to remove loose powder
and shall be left free from all unsound patches, paste, powder, and objectionable marks.
When metal forms, fiber forms, lined forms, or plywood forms in good condition are used, the requirement for a Class
2, Rubbed Finish may be waived by the Engineer when the uniformity of color and texture obtained with Class I
finishing are essentially equal to that which could be attained with the application of a Class 2, Rubbed Finish . In such
cases, grinding with powered disc grinders or light sandblasting with fine sand or other means approved by the
Engineer may be utilized in conjunction with Class I finishing.

13.18.4 Class 3- Tooled Finish

Finish of this character for panels and other like work may be secured by the use of a bush hammer, pick, crandall, or
other approved tool. Air tools, preferably, shall be employed. No tooling shall be done until the concrete has set for at
least 14 days and as much longer as may be necessary to prevent the aggregate particles from being "picked" out of
the surface.

13.18.5 Class 4- Sandblasted Finish

The thoroughly cured concrete surface shall be sandblasted with hard, sharp sand to produce an even, fine -grained
surface in which the mortar has been cut away, leaving the aggregate exposed.

13.18.6 Class 5- Wire-Brushed or Scrubbed Finish

Begin as soon as the forms are removed. Scrub the surface with stiff wire or fiber brushes using a solution of muriatic
acid. Mix the solution in the proportion of 1-part acid to 4 parts water. Scrub until the cement film or surface is
completely removed and the aggregate particles are exposed. Leave an evenly pebbled texture having the
appearance of fine granite to coarse conglomerate depending upon the size and grading of aggregate. Wash the
entire surface with water containing a small amount of ammonia.


In structures of major dimensions i.e. pile caps, etc. the heat deriving from the hardening of the concrete shall be
controlled by the Contractor. Temperature gradients introducing risk of cracking shall not occur and the temperature
shall not exceed 70˚C.

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The Contractor shall establish measures to avoid harmful excessive heat generation in massive structures, such as
cooling down aggregates before mixing and/or providing temporary canopies over new concrete mix being placed as
described in Clause 13.10.3.
The Contractor shall submit in due time a proposal for the establishment of such measures to the Engineer for his
The measures shall instantly be changed if later requested by the Engineer.


13.20.1 General
Loads shall not be applied to concrete structures until the concrete has attained sufficient strength and, when
applicable, sufficient prestressing has been completed, so that damage will not occur.

13.20.2 Earth Load

Whenever possible, the sequence of placing backfill around structures shall be such that overturning or sliding forces
are minimized. When the placement of backfill will cause flexural stresses in the concrete, and unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer, the placement shall not begin until the concrete has reached not less than eighty percent
(80%) of its specified strength.

13.20.3 Construction Loads

Light materials and equipment may be carried on bridge decks only after the concrete has been in place at least 24 h,
providing curing is not interfered with and the surface texture is not damaged . Vehicles needed for construction
activities and having a mass between 450 kg and 1800 kg, and comparable materials and equipment loads, shall be
allowed on any span only after the last placed deck concrete has attained a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa .
Loads in excess of the above shall not be carried on bridge decks until the deck concrete has reached its specified
strength. In addition, for post-tensioned structures, vehicles weighing over 2000 kg, and comparable materials and
equipment loads, shall not be allowed on any span until the prestressing steel for that span has been tensioned.
Precast concrete or steel girders shall not be placed on substructure elements until the substructure concrete has
attained seventy percent (70%) of its specified strength.
Otherwise, loads imposed on existing, new, or partially completed portions of structures due to construction
operations shall not exceed the load carrying capacity of the structure, or portion of structure, as determined by the
Strength II Load Combination of ASSTHO LRFD 2007. The compressive strength of concrete (f'c) to be used in
computing the load-carrying capacity shall be the smaller of the actual compressive strength at the time of loading or
the specified compressive strength of the concrete.

13.20.4 Traffic Loads

Unless otherwise provided in the contract documents, traffic shall not be permitted on concrete decks until at least 14
days after the last placement of deck concrete and until such concrete has attained its specified strength.

Tolerances for dimensions/shape of various components shall be as indicated in these specifications or shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.


13.22.1 General
Concrete shall conform to the surface finish and tolerance as prescribed in these Specifications for respective

13.22.2 Sampling Acceptance
Random sampling and lot by lot of acceptance inspection shall be made for the 28 days cylinder strength of concrete.

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Concrete under acceptance shall be notionally divided into lots for the purpose of sampling, before commencement
of work. The delimitation of lots shall be determined by the following:
a) No individual lot shall be more than 30 cum in volume
b) At least one cube forming an item of the sample representing the lot shall be taken from concrete of the
same grade and mix proportions cast on any day.
c) Different grades of mixes of concrete shall be divided into separate lots.
d) Concrete of a lot shall be used in the same identifiable component of the bridge. Testing
a) Concrete for making 3 test cubes shall be taken from a batch of concrete at point of delivery into
construction, according to procedure laid down in ASTM.
b) A random sampling procedure to ensure that each of the concrete batches forming the lot under acceptance
inspection has equal chance of being chosen for taking cubes shall be adopted.
c) 150 mm cubes shall be made, cured and tested at the age of 28 days for compressive strength in accordance
with ASTM. The 28 day test strength result for each cube shall form an item of the sample. Test specimen and sample strength

Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 days. Additional cubes may be required for
various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or for any other purpose.
The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the strength of 3 cubes. The individual variation should not be
more than + 15 percent of the average. If variation is more, the test results of the sample are invalid. Frequency
The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with Table 13 -123
Table 13- 123
Quantity of Concrete in work, m3 No. of samples
1-5 1
6 - 15 2
16 - 30 3
31 - 50 4
51 and above 4 plus one additional sample for each additional
50 m3 or part thereof Acceptance criteria

When both the following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the specified compressive strength:
a) The Required Average Compressive Strength, f’cr determined from any group of four consecutive samples
should exceed the Specified Compressive Strength, f’c
b) Strength of any sample is not less than the Specified Compressive Strength, f’c minus 3 MPa.
When the concrete does not satisfy both the above conditions, cores shall be extracted from the representative
hardened concrete. Area for compression test in accordance with the method described in ASTM and tested whether
the concrete satisfies the compressive strength.
The quantity of concrete represented by the test results include the batches from which the first and last samples
were taken, together with all intervening batches. Chloride and Sulphate Content

The total chloride and sulphuric anhydride (SO3) content of all the constituents of concrete as a percentage of mass of
cement in the mix shall not exceed the values given in this section of the Specifications.

13.22.3 Density of Fresh Concrete

Where minimum density of fresh concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive samples shall not be less
than the specified value and any individual sample result shall not be less than 97.5 percent of the specified value.

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13.22.4 Density of Hardened Concrete

Where minimum density of hardened concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive samples shall not be
less than the specified value and any individual sample result shall not be less than 97 .5 percent of the specified

13.22.5 Permeability Test

The concrete should pass the following test if it is properly compacted and is not considered permeable:
a) Prepare a cylindrical test specimen 150 mm dia and 150 mm high.
b) After 28 days of curing, the test specimen is fitted in a machine such that the specimen can be placed in
water under pressure upto 7 bars.
c) At first a pressure of one bar is applied for 48 hours, followed by 3 bars for 24 hours and 7 bars for next 24
d) After application of pressure of the above period, the specimen is taken out and split in the middle by
compression applied on two round bars on opposite sides above and below.
e) The water penetration in the broken core is to be measured with a scale and the depth of penetration
assessed in mm (max. permissible limit 25 mm).
If the concrete is not able to meet any of the standards of acceptance as prescribed, the effect of such deficiency on
the structure shall be investigated by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer may accept the
concrete as substandard work. Any additional work required by the Engineer for such acceptance shall be carried out
by the Contractor at his cost. In case the concrete is not found to be acceptable after investigation, the Contractor
shall remove the rejected concrete forthwith.

13.23 Measurement
Except for concrete in components of the work for which payment is made under other bid items, all concrete for
structures shall be measured by either the cubic meter for each grade of concrete included in the contract documents
or by the unit for each type of precast concrete member listed in the contract documents . In reinforced or
Prestressed concrete, the volume occupied by reinforcement or prestressing cables and sheathing shall not be
When measured by the cubic meter, the quantity of concrete shall be computed from the dimensions shown in the
contract documents or authorized in writing by the Engineer with the following exceptions:
- When there is a bid item for concrete to be used as a seal course in cofferdams, the quantity of such
concrete to be paid for shall include the actual volume of concrete seal course in place, but in no case shall
the total volume measured exceed the product of the area between vertical surfaces 300 mm outside the
neat lines of the seal course as shown in the contract documents and the thickness of the seal course.
- The thickness of seal course to be paid for shall be the thickness specified in the contract documents or
ordered in writing by the Engineer. The number of precast concrete members of each type listed in the
contract documents will be the number of acceptable members of each type furnished and installed in the
- Expansion joint armor assemblies will be measured and paid for as provided for in related Section.
- The quantities of reinforcing and prestressing steel and other items as shown in the Contract Documents
which are included in the completed and accepted structure shall be measured for payment as described in
Clause 12.13and 14.7of these specifications.
Whenever an alternative or option is shown in the contract documents, the quantities of concrete shall be computed
on the basis of the dimensions specified in the contract documents and no change in quantities measured for
payment shall be made because of the use by the Contractor of such alternatives or options.
Surface finished shall not be measured separately but shall be deemed to be an integral part of the concrete items.

13.24 Payment
The cubic meters of concrete and the number/length of precast concrete members as measured above for each type
of class listed in the contract documents, shall be paid for the contract prices per cubic meter or the contract prices
per each member or per each meter.

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Payment for concrete of the various grades and for precast concrete members of the various types shall be
considered to be full compensation for the cost of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals; and for
doing all the work involved in constructing the concrete work complete in place, as specified in the contract
documents. Such payment shall be taken as to include full compensation for furnishing and placing expansion joint
fillers, sealed joints, waterstops, drains, vents, miscellaneous metal devices, and the drilling of holes for dowels and
the grouting of dowels in drilled holes, unless payment for such work is specified in the contract documents to be
included in another bid item.
In addition, payment for precast concrete members shall be considered to be full compensation for the cost of all
reinforcing steel, prestressing materials, and other items embedded in the member and for the erection of the
members with the following exceptions;
- Driving of RCC/ PSC pre-cast micro piles will be paid separately.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 13 -124.
Table 13-124 : Pay Items: Structural Concrete
Section/ Clause Type of Work Pay Units
SECTION 13: RCC-17BCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Concrete Cubic Meter
STRUCTURAL Mixture, 17 MPa
CONCRETE RCC-20SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Concrete Cubic Meter
Mixture, 20 MPa
RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Concrete Cubic Meter
Mixture, 25 MPa
RCC-25SCBP: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Batching Cubic Meter
Plant, Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 25 MPa
RCC-30SCBP: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Batching Cubic Meter
Plant, Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 30 MPa
RCC-35SCBP: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Batching Cubic Meter
Plant, Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 35 MPa
RCC-40SCBP: Reinforced Cement Concrete using Batching Cubic Meter
Plant, Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 40 MPa
RCC-30SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete for Pre-Cast Linear Meter
Micro Pile using Concrete Mixture, 30 MPa
PSC-35SCCM: Pre-stressed Concrete using Concrete Cubic Meter
Mixture, 35 MPa
PSC-35SCBP: Pre-stressed Concrete using Batching Plant, Cubic Meter
Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 35 MPa
PSC-40SCBP: Pre-stressed Concrete using Batching Plant, Cubic Meter
Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 40 MPa
PSC-45SCBP: Pre-stressed Concrete using Batching Plant, Cubic Meter
Transit Mixture & Concrete Pump, 45 MPa

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14.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of pre-stressing precast or cast-in-place concrete by furnishing, placing, and tensioning of pre-
stressing steel in accordance with details shown on the plans, and as specified in these specifications and the special
provisions. It includes pre-stressing by either the pretensioning or post-tensioning methods or by a combination of
these methods.
This work shall include the furnishing and installation of any appurtenant items necessary for the particular
prestressing system under consideration by the Contractor, including but not limited to ducts, anchorage assemblies,
grout used for pressure grouting ducts, and gauges and testing equipment to assess various prestressing parameters.
When members are to be constructed with part of the reinforcement pre-tensioned and part post-tensioned, the
applicable requirement of this Specification shall apply to each method.

14.1.2 Definitions
The term "Pre-Tensioned-Prestressed Concrete" refers to concrete in which the prestressing strands or wire are
tensioned prior to placing the concrete and released after the concrete has gained sufficient strength to retain the
pre-stressing force by bond.
The term "Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete" refers to concrete in which the stressing steel is installed in voids or
ducts cast within the concrete member, and is stressed and anchored after the concrete has developed a specified
strength. As a final operation, the voids or ducts are filled with grout under pressure.
For cast-in-place prestressed concrete, the term "Member" as used in this section shall be considered to mean the
concrete stated for prestress.

14.1.3 Detail of Design

When the design for the pre-stressing work is not fully detailed on the plans, the Contractor shall furnish the details
or type of pre-stressing system for use and select materials and details conforming to these Specifications as needed
to satisfy the specified prestressing requirements. The system selected shall provide the magnitude and distribution
of pre-stressing force and ultimate strength required by the plans without exceeding allowable temporary stresses.
Unless otherwise shown on the plans, all design procedures, coefficients and allowable stresses, friction and prestress
losses as well as tendon spacing and clearances shall be in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 2007 as applicable.
The pre-stressing may be performed by either pretensioning or post-tensioning methods. If the plans show only
pretensioning details, the use of a post-tensioning system will be allowed only if complete details of any necessary
modifications are approved by the Engineer.
When the effective or working force or stress is shown on the plans, it shall be considered to be the force or stress
remaining in the pre-stressing steel after all losses, including creep and shrinkage of concrete, elastic shortening of
concrete, relaxation of steel, friction and take up or seating of anchorages, and all other losses particular to the
method or system of pre-stressing have taken place or have been accounted for. When the jacking force is shown on
the plans, it shall be considered to be the force applied to the tendon prior to anchorage and the occurrence of any
losses, including the anchor set loss.


14.2.1 Working Drawings and Shop Drawings

Where the contract documents do not include complete details of the pre -stressing system and its method of
installation, or when complete details are provided in the plans and the Contractor wishes to propose any change, the
Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer working drawings of the pre-stressing system proposed for use.
Fabrication or installation of pre-stressing material shall not begin until the Engineer has approved the drawings.
The working drawings of the pre-stressing system shall show complete details and substantiating calculations of the
method, materials and equipment the Contractor proposes to use in the pre-stressing operations, including any
additions or rearrangement of reinforcing steel and any revision in concrete dimensions from that in the contract
documents. Such details shall outline the method and sequence of stressing and shall include complete specifications
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and details of the pre-stressing steel and anchoring devices, working stresses, anchoring stresses, tendon elongations,
type of ducts, and all other data pertaining to the pre-stressing operation, including the proposed arrangement of the
pre-stressing steel in the members.
Working drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the start of the affected work to allow time for review
by the Engineer and correction by the Contractor of the drawings without delaying the work. Where required on the
contract drawings or in the contract documents, the contractor shall prepare integrated drawings for all items
embedded in the concrete. If this provision includes a requirement for additional engineering or design detailing,
these requirements shall be clearly stated, as noted in Clause 14.1.3.
Shop drawings for post-tensioning and other embedments and attachments, such as expansion joints, bearings, and
anchor bolts submitted by suppliers shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer for conformance with the design
concept and compliance with the design.
Drawings and specifications: Where contract-document information on posttensioning system is modified by the
contractor, or where the contract drawings do not provide detailed dimensional information on the post-tensioning
system, it is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate the placement of the post-tensioning system with other
embedments, and to correct any interferences created by the contractor supplied PT system or other substitutions .
The Post-tensioning layout shall govern the layout of the secondary non-prestressed reinforcement. Where
necessary, location of non-prestressed reinforcement should be adjusted to clear tendons, subject to approval of the

14.2.2 Integrated Drawings

Where required by the contract documents, in addition to all required working drawings, the Contractor shall prepare
composite placement drawings to scale and in sufficient detail to show the relative positions of all items that are to be
embedded in the concrete, and their embedment depth, for the portions of the structure that are to be prestressed .
Such embedded items shall include the pre-stressing ducts, vents, anchorage reinforcement and hardware,
reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, earthquake restrainers, deck joint seal assemblies, drainage systems, utility conduits
and other such items. Such drawings shall be adequate to ensure that there will be no conflict between the planned
positions of any embedded items and that concrete cover will be adequate. Where the contract calls for the
contractor to develop drawings for post-tensioning systems, or where the contractor makes modifications to the
post-tensioning system(s) shown on the plans, the contractor shall prepare working drawings for embedded items or
propose changes in the dimensions of the work as necessary to eliminated conflicts and provide proper cover
wherever conflicts arise with or due to the post-tensioning system. Resolution of the conflicts should follow the
provision of Article 7.1.3. Any such revisions shall be approved by the Engineer before work on any affected item is
started. All costs involved with the preparation of such drawings and with making the necessary modifications to the
work resulting there from shall be borne by the contractor. This will require integrated drawings to be detailed to a
scale and sufficient quality to show double-line reinforcement and post-tensioning tendon details in either two-
dimensional or in complete three dimensional drawings.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review and approval set of working drawings of the pre -stressing
system proposed for use. For initial review, six (6) sets of such drawings shall be submitted. The Engineer shall return
one (1) approved set or one (1) set with corrections and modifications. After modification, six (6) sets of the drawings
(and their associated calculations if any) showing any required corrections shall be submitted for final approval.
Working drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the start of the affected work to allow time for review
by the Engineer and correction by the Contractor of the drawings without delaying the approved programmed
commencement of the Work. Such time shall be proportional to the complexity of the work but, in no case, shall such
time be less than two months.
The working drawings of the pre-stressing system shall show complete details and substantiating calculations of the
method and materials that the Contractor proposes to use in the pre-stressing operations, including any additions or
rearrangement of reinforcing steel and any revision in concrete dimensions from that shown on the plans. Such
details shall outline the method and sequence of stressing and shall include complete specifications and details of the
pre-stressing steel and anchoring devices, working stresses, anchoring stresses, stress-strain curves of the pre-
stressing steel, anticipated gauge pressures, cable profiles, elongation of pre-stressing cables, type of ducts and all
other data pertaining to the pre-stressing operation, including the proposed arrangement of the pre-stressing steel in
the members.
The designs shall be prepared by an expert who has been approved in advance by the Engineer.

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Approval of working drawings and other submittals does not absolve the Contractor of the responsibility for any of his
Contractual obligations. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for any changes required as a result of
reviews or approvals.
The Contractor shall submit for approval experience records and qualification details of all the Contractor's key
structural design, fabrication, installation, and quality control personnel who will be working on the pre-stressing and
concrete operation. Once approved, the Contractor shall not change or substitute any of the personnel without the
prior approval of the Engineer.
All criteria covered by this Section on submittals and approval shall also apply to any subcontractor conducting any of
the respective prestressed concrete work.


14.4.1 Pre-stressing Reinforcement Pre-stressing Steel
Pre-stressing reinforcement shall be high-strength seven-wire strand, high-strength steel wire, or high strength alloy
bars of the grade and type called for on the plans or in the special provisions and shall conform to the requirements of
the following Specifications.
1. Strand
Uncoated seven-wire strand shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 203M/M 203 (ASTM A 416/A 416M).
Supplement S1 (Low-Relaxation) shall apply when specified.
2. Wire
Uncoated stress-relieved steel wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 204 (ASTM A 421/A 421 M).
3. Bars
Uncoated high-strength bars shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 275M/M 275 (ASTM A 722/A 722M).
Bars with greater minimum ultimate strength, but otherwise produced and tested in accordance with AASHTO M
275M/M 275 (ASTM A 722/A 722M), may be used provided they have no properties that make them less satisfactory
than the specified material. Post-Tensioning Anchorage and Couplers

All anchorages and couplers shall develop at least ninty-five percent (95%) of the actual ultimate strength of the pre-
stressing steel, when tested in an unbonded state, without exceeding anticipated set. The coupling of tendons shall
not reduce the elongation at rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself . Couplers and/or coupler
components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the necessary movements. Couplers for tendons
shall be used only at locations specifically indicated and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplers shall not be used at
points of sharp tendon curvature. Bonded System

Bond transfer lengths between anchorages and the zone where full pre-stressing force is required under service and
ultimate loads shall normally be sufficient to develop the minimum specified ultimate strength of the pre -stressing
steel. When anchorages or couplers are located at critical sections under ultimate load, the ultimate strength required
of the bonded tendons shall not exceed the ultimate capacity of the tendon assembly, including the anchorage or
coupler, tested in an unbonded state. Housings shall be designed so that complete grouting of all of the coupler
components will be accomplished during grouting of tendons. Unbonded System

For unbonded tendons, a dynamic test shall be performed on a representative anchorage and coupler specimen and
the tendon shall withstand, without failure, 500,000 cycles from sixty percent (60%) to sixty-six percent (66%) of its
minimum specified ultimate strength, and also 50 cycles from forty percent (40%) to eighty percent (80%) of its
minimum specified ultimate strength. The period of each cycle involves the change from the lower stress level to the
upper stress level and back to the lower. The specimen used for the second dynamic test need not be the same used
for the first dynamic test. Systems utilizing multiple strands, wires, or bars may be tested utilizing a test tendon of
smaller capacity than the full-sized tendon. The test tendon shall duplicate the behavior of the full-sized tendon and
generally shall not have less than ten percent (10%) of the capacity of the full-sized tendon. Dynamic tests are not

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required on bonded tendons, unless the anchorage is located or used in such manner that repeated load applications
can be expected on the anchorage.
Anchorages for unbonded tendons shall not cause a reduction in the total elongation under ultimate load of the
tendon to less than two percent (2%) measured in a minimum gauge length of 3 m.
All the coupling components shall be completely protected with a coating material prior to final encasement in
concrete. Special Anchorage Device Acceptance Test

a. Test Block Requirement

The test block shall be a rectangular prism. It shall contain those anchorage components which will also be embedded
in the structure's concrete. Their arrangement has to comply with the practical application and the suppliers
specifications. The test block shall contain an empty duct of size appropriate for the maximum tendon size which can
be accommodated by the anchorage device.

Figure 14-1: Special Anchorage Device Acceptance Test Specimen

b. Test Block Dimensions

The dimensions of the test block perpendicular to the tendon in each direction shall be the smaller of the minimum
edge distance or the minimum spacing specified by the anchorage device supplier, with the stipulation that the cover
over any confining reinforcing steel or supplementary skin reinforcement be appropriate for the particular application
and environment. The length of the block along the axis of the tendon shall be at least two times the larger of the
cross-section dimensions.

c. Local Zone Reinforcement

The confining reinforcing steel in the local zone shall be the same as that specified by the anchorage device supplier
for the particular system.

d. Skin Reinforcement
In addition to the anchorage device and its specified confining reinforcement steel, supplementary skin reinforcement
may be provided throughout the specimen. This supplementary skin reinforcement shall be specified by the
anchorage device supplier but shall not exceed a volumetric ratio of 0.01.

e. Concrete Strength
The concrete strength at the time of stressing shall be greater than the concrete strength of the test specimen at time
of testing.

f. Test Procedure
Any of the following three test procedures is acceptable
- Cyclic loading described in the Clause

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- Sustained loading described in the Clause

- Monotonic loading described in the Clause
The loads specified for the tests are given in fractions of the ultimate load Fpu of the largest tendon that the
anchorage device is designed to accommodate. The specimen shall be loaded in accordance with normal usage of the
device in post-tensioning applications except that load can be applied directly to the wedge plate or equivalent area.

g. Cyclic Loading Test

In a cyclic loading test, the load shall be increased to 0.8 Fpu. The load shall then be cycled between 0.1 Fpu and 0.8
Fpu until crack widths stabilize, but for not less than 10 cycles. Crack widths are considered stabilized if they do not
change by more than 0.025 mm over the last three readings. Upon completion of the cyclic loading the specimen shall
be preferably loaded to failure or, if limited by the capacity of the loading equipment, to at least 1.l Fpu.
Crack widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at the initial load of 0.8 Fpu at least at the last three consecutive
peak loadings before termination of the cyclic loading, and at 0.9 Fpu. The maximum load shall also be reported.

h. Sustained Loading Test

In a sustained loading test, the load shall be increased to 0.8 Fpu and held constant until crack widths stabilize but for
not less than 48 hours. Crack widths are considered stabilized if they do not change by more than 0.025 mm over the
last three readings. After sustained loading is completed, the specimen shall be preferably loaded to failure or, if
limited by the capacity of the loading equipment, to at least l.1 Fpu.
Crack widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at the initial load of 0.8 Fpu at least three times at intervals of not
less than 4 hours during the last 12 hours before termination of the sustained loading, and during loading to failure at
0.9 Fpu. The maximum load shall also be reported.

i. Monotonic Loading Test

In a monotonic loading test, the load shall be increased to 0.9 Fpu and held constant for 1 hour. The specimen shall
then be preferably loaded to failure or, if limited by the capacity of the loading equipment, to at least 1.2 Fpu. Crack
widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at 0.9 Fpu after the I-hour period, and at l.0 Fpu. The maximum load shall
also be reported.

j. Anchorage Zone Requirement

The strength of the anchorage zone must exceed:
- Specimens tested under cyclic or sustained loading 1.1 Fpu
- Specimens tested under monotonic loading 1.2 Fpu
The maximum crack width criteria specified below must be met for moderately aggressive environments.
- No cracks greater than 0.25 mm at 0.8 Fpu after completion of the cyclic or sustained loading, or at 0.9 Fpu
after the 1-h period for monotonic loading.
- No cracks greater than 0.4 mm at 0.9 Fpu after completion of the cyclic or sustained loading, or at 1.0 Fpu for
monotonic loading.
For high aggressive environments the crack width criteria shall be reduced by at least fifty percent (50%).

k. Test Series Requirement

A test series shall consist of three test specimens. Each one of the tested specimens must meet the acceptance
criteria. If one of the three specimens fails to pass the test, a supplementary test of three additional specimens is
allowed. The three additional test specimen results must meet all acceptance criteria of Clause
For a series of similar special anchorage devices, tests are only required for representative samples unless tests for
each capacity of the anchorages in the series are required by the Engineer.

l. Records of the Anchorage Device

Records of the anchorage device acceptance test shall include:
- Dimensions of the test specimen.
- Drawings and dimensions of the anchorage device, including all confining reinforcing steel.
- Amount and arrangement of supplementary skin reinforcement.

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- Type and yield strength of reinforcing steel.

- Type and compressive strength at time of testing of concrete.
- Type of testing procedure and all measurements required in Clause for each specimen.

14.4.2 Grout
Post-tensioning grout shall meet the grout physical properties stated in Clause "Grout Physical Properties."
Grouts may be either a unique design for the project or supplied in a prebagged form by a grout Manufacturer. For
uniquely designed grouts, the cement and admixtures utilized in the laboratory trial batches of the proposed grout
shall not be changed during the construction without retesting. Freshness of the cement should be in accordance with
AASHTO M 85 (ASTM C 150), except as specified herein. Daily field testing of the grout for the following properties
shall be required:
- Fluidity
- Bleed at 3 h, and
- Permeability
A preapproved, prebagged grout supplied by a grout manufacturer may be used as an alternative to the required field
testing. These grouts shall be prebagged in plastic lined or coated containers, stamped with date of manufacture, lot
number, and mixing instructions. Any change of materials or material sources shall require retesting and certification
of the conformance of the grout with the physical properties requirements. A copy of the Quality-Control Data Sheet
for each lot number and shipment sent to the job site shall be provided to the Contractor by the grout supplier and
shall be furnished to the Engineer. Materials with total time from manufacture to usage is excess of six months shall
be removed from the job site and replaced. Approval
Manufacturers of post-tensioning grout shall submit for approval certified test reports from Bureau of Research,
Testing and Consultation (BRTC), BUET which shows the material meets all the requirements specified herein. Mixing
The material shall be mixed in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.
The water used in the grout shall be potable, clean, and free of injurious quantities of substances known to be
harmful to Cement or pre-stressing steel. Grout Physical Properties

Grouts shall achieve a nonbleeding characteristic. Grout shall contain no aluminum powder or gas generating system
that produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, or oxygen. Cementitious grout shall meet or exceed the specified physical
properties stated herein as determined by the following standard and modified ASTM test methods.
Grout Classes shall be taken as specified in Clause 14.4.2 and Grout Properties shall be as specified in Table 14 -125.
Table 14- 125 : Grout Properties
Property Test Value Test Method
Total Chloride Ions Max.0.08% by weight of ASTM C 1152
cementitious material
Fine Aggregate (if utilized) Max. Size <No. 50 Sieve ASTM C 33
Volume Change at 28 days 0.0% to +0.2% at 24 h and 28days ASTM C 1090*
Expansion ≤ 2.0% for up to 3 h ASTM C 940
Compressive Strength 28 days ≥ 41 Mpa ASTM C 942
(average of 3 cubes)
Initial Set of Grout Min. 3 h ASTM C 953
Max. 12 h
Fluidity Test** Min. 11 s ASTM C 939
Efflux Time from Flow Cone Max. 30 s or ASTM C 939***
Immediately after Mixing Min. 9 s ASTM C 939
30 min after Mixing with Max. 20 s ASTM C 939***
Remixing for 30 s Max. 30 s or
Max. 30 s
Bleeding at 3 h Max. 0.0% ASTM C 940****

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Property Test Value Test Method

Permeability at 28 days Max. 2500 coulombs at 30 AASHTO T 277
volts for 6 h (ASTM C 1202)
*Modify ASTM C 1090 to include verification at both 24 h and 28 days.
** Adjustments to flow rates will be achieved by strict compliance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.
***Grout fluidity shall meet either the standard ASTM C 939 flow cone test or the modified test described herein.
Modify the ASTM C 939 test by filling the cone to the top instead of to the standard level. The efflux time is the time to fill a 1 L container placed
directly under the flow cone.
****Modify ASTM C 940 to conform with the wick induced bleed test described below:
a) Condition dry ingredients, mixing water, pre-stressing strand and test apparatus overnight at 21 to 25°C.
b) Insert 800 ml of mixed conditioned grout with conditioned water into the 1000 mL graduated cylinder. Mark the level of the top of the
c) Wrap the strand with 5 cm. wide duct or electrical tape at each end prior to cutting to avoid splaying of the wires when it is cut.
Degrease (with acetone or hexane solvent) and wire brush to remove any surface rust on the strand before temperature conditioning.
Insert completely a 510 mm length of conditioned, cleaned, ASTM A 416/ A 416M seven wire strand 13 mm diameter into the 1000
mL graduated cylinder. Center and fasten the strand so it remains essentially parallel to the vertical axis of the cylinder (possibly using
a centralizer). Mark the level of the top of the grout.
d) Store the mixed grout at the temperature range listed above in (a).
e) Measure the level of the bleed water every 15 min for the first hour and hourly afterward for 2 hours
f) Calculate the bleed water, if any, at the end of the 3-h test period and the resulting expansion per the procedures outlined in ASTM C
940, with the quantity of bleed water expressed as a percent of the initial grout volume. Note if the bleed water remains above or
below the top of the grout.

14.4.3 Ducts General
Ducts used to provide holes or voids in the concrete for the placement of posttensioned bonded tendons may be
either formed with removable cores or may consist of rigid or semi-rigid ducts which are cast into the concrete.
Ducts formed with removable cores shall be formed with no constrictions that would tend to block the passage of
grout. All coring materials shall be removed.
Ducts formed by sheath left in place shall be a type that will not permit the intrusion of cement paste. They shall
transfer bond stresses as required and shall retain shape under the weight of the concrete and shall have sufficient
strength to maintain their correct alignment without visible wobble during placement of concrete.
The sheathing ducts shall be of the spiral corrugated type either in mild steel or in HDPE. They shall be in as long
lengths as practical from handling and transportation considerations without getting damaged. M.S. Sheathing Ducts

The material shall be Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) Mild Steel intended for mechanical treatment and surface
refining but not for quench hardening or tempering.
The material shall be clean and free from rust and normally be bright finished. However, where specified, as in case of
use in aggressive environment, galvanized or lead-coated mild steel strips shall be used.
The thickness of sheathing shall be as shown on the drawing, but shall not be less than 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm
for sheathing ducts having internal diameter of 50 mm, 75 mm and 90 mm respectively . For larger diameter of ducts,
thickness of sheathing shall be based on recommendations of prestressing system supplier or as directed by the
Engineer. Corrugated HDPE Sheathing Ducts

For locations in saltwater environment or exposure to deicing chemicals, HDPE duct material shall be considered and
is recommended.
The material for the ducts shall be high-density polyethylene with more than 2 percent carbon black to provide
resistance to ultraviolet degradation and shall have the following properties:
Density, g/cc (natural/black) ASTM D 1238 0.949/0.959
Cell Class, HDB (MRS) ASTM D3350 445574C (445576C)
Melt Index @ 190°C/2.16 kg, g/10 min ASTM D 1238 0.08
Flow Rate @ 190°C/21.60 kg, g/10 min ASTM D 1238 7
Tensile Strength @ Yield, psi (MPa) ASTM D 638 3600 (24.8)
Flexural Modulus, psi (MPa) ASTM D 790 150,000 (1034)
Brittleness Temp., °F (°C) ASTM D 746 <‐103 (>‐75)
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Slow Crack Growth PENT, hours ASTM F 1473 >10,000

Thermal Stability, °F (°C) ASTM D 3350 >428 (>220)
The thickness of the wall shall be 2.3+ 0.3 mm as manufactured and 1.5 mm after loss in the compression test, for
duct size upto 160 mm OD.
The ducts shall be corrugated on both sides. The ducts shall transmit full tendon strength from the tendon to the
surrounding concrete over a length not greater than 40 duct diameters.
These ducts shall be joined by adopting any one or more of the following methods, as convenient to suit the
individual requirements of the location, subject to the satisfactory pressure tests before adoption.
Screwed together with male and female threads.
Joining with thick walled HDPE shrink couplers with glue. This can also be used for connection with trumpet etc.
Welding with electrofusion couplers.
The joints shall be able to withstand an internal pressure of 0.5 bar for 5 minutes as per test procedure given in
Appendix II of IRC:18.
For major projects, the sheathing duct should preferably be manufactured at the project site utilizing appropriate
machines. With such an arrangement, long lengths of sheathing ducts may be used with consequent reduction in the
number of joints and couplers. Where sheathing duct joints are unavoidable, such joints shall be made slurry tight by
the use of corrugated threaded sleeve couplers which may be tightly screwed onto the outer side of the sheathing
The length of the coupler should not be less than 150 mm but should be increased upto 200 mm wherever
practicable. The joints between the end of coupler and duct shall be sealed with heat shrink tape to prevent
penetration of slurry during concreting. The couplers of adjacent ducts shall be staggered wherever practicable. As far
as possible, couplers should not be located in curved zones. The corrugated sleeve couplers are being conveniently
manufactured using the sheath making machine with the next higher size of die set. Duct Fittings

The internal area of the sheathing duct shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the system manufacturer
and shall be about three times the area of the tendons. In case of 6T13, 12T13 and 19T13 size of tendons comprising
12/13 mm diameter strands, the inner diameter of the sheathing shall not be less than 50 mm, 75 mm and 90 mm
respectively or those shown in the drawing, whichever is greater.
Where prestressing tendons are required to be threaded after concreting, a temporary tendon shall be inserted in the
sheathing or the sheathing shall be stiffened by other suitable method during concreting.
Coupling and transition fittings for ducts formed by sheathing shall be of either ferrous metal polyolefin (polyethylene
or polypropylene), and shall be air and watertight and of sufficient strength to prevent distortion or displacement of
the ducts during concrete placement and/or tendon grouting.
All ducts or anchorage assemblies shall be provided with pipes or other suitable connections at each end of the duct
for the injection of grout after pre-stressing. As specified in Clause, "Ducts Inlets and Outlets," ducts shall
also be provided with ports for venting or grouting at high points and for draining at intermediate low points.
Vent and drain pipes shall be at least 20 mm diameter for strand and at least 12 mm diameter for single -bar tendons
and three or four strand flat duct tendons. Connection to ducts shall be made with metallic or plastic structural
fasteners. The vents and drains shall be mortar tight, taped as necessary, and constructed with either mechanical or
shrink wrap connections. Vents and drains shall provide means for injection of grout through the vents and for sealing
to prevent leakage of grout.


14.5.1 General Tensioning Requirements

Tensioning may be accomplished by Pretensioning, Post-tensioning, or the combined methods; as specified in the
contract documents, or on the approved working drawings, or approved in writing by the Engineer.
Pre-stressing steel shall be tensioned by hydraulic jacks so as to produce the forces shown in the contract documents
or on the approved working drawing with appropriate allowances for all losses.

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For post-tensioned work, the losses shall also include the anchor set loss appropriate for the anchorage system
For pre-tensioned members, the strand stress prior to seating (jacking stress) shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of
the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the prestressing steel (0.8 fs'), This allowable stress may be permitted to
offset seating losses and to accommodate compensation for temperature differences specified in Clause
During stressing of strand, individual wire failures may be accepted by the Engineer, provided not more than one wire
in any strand is broken and the area of broken wires does not exceed two percent of the total area of the pre -
stressing steel in the member. Concrete Strength

Pre-stressing forces shall not be applied or transferred to the concrete until the concrete has attained the strength
specified for initial stressing. In addition, cast-in-place concrete for other than segmentally constructed bridges shall
not be posttensioned until at least ten days after the last concrete has been placed in the member to be post -
tensioned. Pre-stressing Equipment

Hydraulic jacks used to stress tendons shall be capable of providing and sustaining the necessary forces and shall be
equipped with either a pressure gauge or a load cell for determining the jacking stress. The jacking system shall
provide an independent means by which the tendon elongation can be measured . The pressure gauge shall have an
accurately reading dial at least 150 mm in diameter or a digital display, and each jack and its gage shall be calibrated
as a unit with the cylinder extension in the approximate position that it will be at final jacking force, and shall be
accompanied by a certified calibration chart or curve. The load cell shall be calibrated and shall be provided with an
indicator by means of which the pre-stressing force in the tendon may be determined. The range of the load cell shall
be such that the lower ten percent of the Manufacturer's rated capacity will not be used in determining the jacking
stress. When approved by the Engineer, calibrated proving rings may be used in lieu of load cells.
Recalibration of gauges shall be repeated at least annually and whenever gauge pressures and elongations indicate
materially different stresses.
Only oxygen flame or mechanical cutting devices shall be used to cut strand after installation in the member or after
stressing. Electric arc welders shall not be used. Sequence of Stressing

When the sequence of stressing individual tendons is not specified in the contract documents or on the approved
working drawings, the stressing of post-tensioning tendons and the release of pre-tensioned tendons shall be done in
a sequence that produces a minimum of eccentric force in the member. Measurement of Stress

A record of gauge pressures and tendon elongations for each tendon shall be provided by the Contractor for review
and approval by the Engineer. Elongations shall be measured to an accuracy of 1.5 mm. Stressing tails of post-
tensioned tendons shall not be cut off until the stressing records have been approved.
The stress in tendons during tensioning shall be determined by the gage or load -cell readings and shall be verified
with the measured elongations. Calculations of anticipated elongations shall utilize the modulus of elasticity, based on
nominal area, as furnished by the Manufacturer for the lot of steel being tensioned, or as determined by a bench test
of strands used in the work.
All tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force as necessary to eliminate any take-up in the tensioning system
before elongation readings are started. This preliminary force shall be between 5 and 25 percent of the final jacking
force. The initial force shall be measured by a dynamometer or by other approved method, so that its amount can be
used as a check against elongation as computed and as measured. Each strand shall be marked prior to final stressing
to permit measurement of elongation and to ensure that all anchor wedges set properly.
It is anticipated that there may be discrepancy in indicated stress between jack gage pressure and elongation. In such
event, the load used as indicated by the gage pressure shall produce a slight overstress rather than understress .
When a discrepancy between gage pressure and elongation of more than five percent in tendons over 15 m long or
seven percent in tendons of 15 m or less in length occurs, the entire operation shall be carefully checked and the
source of error determined and corrected before proceeding further. When provisional ducts are provided for
addition of pre-stressing force in event of an apparent force deficiency in tendons over 15 m long, the discrepancy
between the force indicated by gage pressure and elongation may be increased to seven percent before investigation
into the source of the error.
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14.5.2 Pre-Tensioned Members Pretensioning Requirements
Stressing shall be accomplished by either single-strand stressing or multiple-strand stressing. The amount of stress to
be given to each strand shall be as shown in the contract documents or on the approved working drawings.
All strands to be stressed in a group (multiple-strand stressing) shall be brought to a uniform initial tension prior to
being given their full Pretensioning. The amount of the initial tensioning force shall be within the range specified in
Clause, and shall be the minimum required to eliminate all slack and to equalize the stresses in the tendons
as determined by the Engineer. The amount of this force will be influenced by the length of the casting bed and the
size and number of tendons in the group to be tensioned.
Draped pretension tendons shall either be tensioned partially by jacking at the end of the bed and partially by
uplifting or depressing tendons, or they shall be tensioned entirely by jacking, with the tendons being held in their
draped positions by means of rollers, pins, or other approved methods during the jacking operation.
Approved low-friction devices shall be used at all points of change in slope of tendon trajectory when tensioning
draped pretension strands, regardless of the tensioning method used.
If the load for a draped strand, as determined by elongation measurements, is more than five percent less than that
indicated by the jack gages, the strand shall be tensioned from both ends of the bed, and the load as computed from
the sum of elongation at both ends shall agree within five percent of that indicated by the jack gages.
When ordered by the Engineer, pre-stressing steel strands in pretension members, if tensioned individually, shall be
checked by the Contractor for loss of Prestress not more than 3 hours prior to placing concrete for the members . The
method and equipment for checking the loss of Prestress shall be subject to approval by the Engineer . All strands that
show a loss of Prestress in excess of three percent shall be retensioned to the original computed jacking stress.
Stress on all strands shall be maintained between anchorages until the concrete has reached the compressive
strength required at time of transfer of stress to concrete.
When pre-stressing steel in pretensioned members is tensioned at a temperature more than fourteen degree Celsius
(14°C) lower than the estimated temperature of the concrete and the pre-stressing steel at the time of initial set of
the concrete, the calculated elongation of the pre-stressing steel shall be increased to compensate for the loss in
stress due to the change in temperature, but in no case shall the jacking stress exceed eighty percent (80%) of the
specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the pre-stressing steel.
Strand splicing methods and devices shall be approved by the Engineer. When single-strand jacking is used, only one
splice per strand will be permitted. When multistrand jacking is used, either all strands shall be spliced or no more
than ten percent of the strands shall be spliced. When more than strand are spliced, the splice location should be
staggered. Spliced strands shall be similar in physical properties, from the same source, and shall have the same
"twist" or "lay." All splices shall be located outside of the prestressed units.
Side and flange forms that restrain deflection shall be removed before release of Pretensioning reinforcement.
Except when otherwise shown in the contract documents, all pretensioned prestressing strands shall be cut off flush
with the end of the member, and the exposed ends of the strand and a 25 mm strip of adjoining concrete shall be
cleaned and painted. Cleaning shall be by wire brushing or abrasive blast cleaning to remove all dirt and residue that
is not firmly bonded to the metal or concrete surfaces. The surfaces shall be coated with one thick coat of zinc-rich
paint conforming to the requirements of US Military Specification MIL-P-2444 1/20. The paint shall be thoroughly
mixed at the time of application, and shall be worked into any voids in the strands. Placement of Prestressing Steel

Pre-stressing steel placed in the stressing bed shall be protected from corrosion if the stressing bed is to be exposed
to weather for more than 36 hours before encasement in concrete.
All strands shall be freed of kinks or twists. Pre-stressing steel shall be held accurately in position and tension
according to Clause 14.5 Strands shall not be allowed to unwind more than one turn. The record of the jacking force
and elongation measurements shall be kept after the strands are tensioned to twenty percent (20%) of final jacking
The pre-stressing steel shall be tensioned to the required stress. The Contractor shall include in elongation
computations strand anchorage slippage, splice slippage, in place horizontal movement of the structural member
during pre-stressing operations, and prestressing steel temperature changes between the time of tensioning and the
time when the concrete takes its initial set. All computations must be prepared by a professional Engineer.
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The Contractor shall maintain the prestress bed forms, strands, and reinforcement bar temperature within 15 ºC of
the temperature of the concrete to be placed in the forms. Strands shall be supported with rollers at points of
direction change when strands are tensioned in a draped position. Free-running rollers with minimal friction shall be
used. Initially, when strands are tensioned and then pulled into the draped position, the Contractor shall tension to no
more than the required tension minus the increased tension due to forcing the strand to a draped profile . If the load
in a draped strand at the dead end, as determined by elongation measurements, is less than ninety five percent (95%)
of the jack load, the strand shall be tensioned from both ends of the bed. The load shall be made, as computed from
the sum of elongations produced by jacking at both ends, agree within five percent (5%) of the jack load.
Within 3 hours before placing concrete, the tension on the pre-stressing strands shall be checked. The method and
equipment for checking the loss of prestress shall be subject to approval by the Engineer . If strands are tensioned
individually, each strand shall be checked for loss of prestress. The Contractor shall re-tension to the original
computed jacking stress all strands that show a loss of prestress in excess of three percent (3%). If strands are
tensioned in a group, the entire group for total loss of prestress shall be checked . The Contractor shall release and re-
tension the entire group if the total prestress shows a loss in excess of three percent (3%) or if any individual strand
appears significantly different from the rest of the strands in the group. Releasing Steel

The prestress load shall be released to the concrete after the concrete has attained its required release compressive
strength. The strands shall be cut or released such that lateral eccentricity of the prestress force is minimized. Pre-
stressing steel shall be cut off flush with the end of the member.

14.5.3 Post-Tensioned Members Post-Tensioning Requirements
Post-tensioning work shall only commence after 28 days of last phase casting.
Prior to post-tensioning any member, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the
pre-stressing steel is free and unbonded in the duct.
All strands in each tendon, except for those in flat ducts with not more than four strands, shall be stressed
simultaneously with a multi-strand jack.
Tensioning shall be accomplished so as to provide the forces and elongations specified in Clause
Except as provided herein or when specified in the contract documents or on the approved working drawings,
tendons in continuous post-tensioned members shall be tensioned by jacking at each end of the tendon. For straight
tendons and when one end stressing is shown in the contract documents, tensioning may be performed by jacking
from one-end or both ends of the tendon at the option of the Contractor. Placement of Ducts General
Ducts shall be rigidly supported at the proper locations in the forms by ties to reinforcing steel which are adequate to
prevent displacement during concrete placement. Supplementary support bars shall be used where needed to
maintain proper alignment of the duct. Hold-down ties to the forms shall be used when the buoyancy of the ducts in
the fluid concrete would lift the reinforcing steel.
Polyethylene duct and metal duct for longitudinal or transverse post – tensioning in the flanges shall be supported at
intervals not to exceed 0.6 m. polyethylene duct in webs for longitudinal post–tensioning shall be tied to stirrups at
interval not to exceed 600 mm and metal duct for longitudinal post–tensioning in web shall be tied to stirrups at
interval not to exceed 1.2 m.
Joints between sections of duct shall be coupled with positive connections which do not result in angle changes at the
joints and will prevent the intrusion of cement paste.
After placing of ducts, reinforcement and forming is complete, an inspection shall be made to locate possible duct
All unintentional holes or openings in the duct must be repaired prior to concrete placing.
Grout openings and vents must be securely anchored to the duct and to either the forms or to reinforcing stee1 to
prevent displacement during concrete placing operations.

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After installation in the forms, the ends of ducts shall at all times be covered as necessary to prevent the entry of
water or debris.
During concrete placement for precast segments, mandrels shall be used as stiffeners in each duct and shall extend
throughout the length of the segment being cast and at least 0.6 m into the corresponding duct of the previously cast
segment. The mandrels shall be of sufficient rigidity to maintain the duct geometry within the tolerances shown in
Table 14 -126.
Additionally, the following shall apply:
- In all other cases, locate tendons within ±6 mm in any direction.
- Entrance and exit angles of tendon paths at anchorages and/or at faces of concrete shall be within ±3
degrees of desired angle measured in any direction and any deviations in the alignment are accomplished
with smooth transitions without any kinks.
- Angle changes at duct joints shall not be greater than ±3 degrees in any direction and must be accomplished
with smooth transitions without any kinks.
- Locate anchorages within ±6 mm of desired position laterally and ±25 mm along the tendon except that
minimum cover requirements shall be maintained.
- Position anchorage confinement reinforcement in the form of spirals, multiple V-shaped bars or links, to be
properly centered around the duct and to start within 12 mm of the back of the main anchor plate.
- If conflicts exist between the reinforcement and post-tensioning duct, position the post-tensioning duct and
adjust the reinforcement locally with the Engineer's approval.
Table 14- 126 : Duct Position Tolerances
Tolerances Vertical Position (mm) Lateral Position (mm)
Horizontal tendons in slabs or in slab regions of larger ±6 ±12
Longitudinal draped superstructure tendons in webs ±6 ±6
Tendon over supports or in middle third of span
Tendon in middle half of web depth ±12 ±6
Longitudinal, generally horizontal superstructure ±6 ±6
tendons usually in top or bottom of member
Horizontal tendons in substructures ±12 ±12
and foundations
Longitudinal position (mm) Transverse position (mm)
Vertical tendons in webs ±6 ±6
Vertical tendons in pier shafts ±6 ±6 Ducts Inlets and Outlets

All ducts for continuous structures shall be supplied with outlets at the high and low points of the duct profile, except
where the profile changes are small, as in continuous slabs, and at additional locations as specified the contract
documents. Low-point outlets shall remain open until grouting is started. Proving of Post-Tensioning Ducts

Upon completion of concrete placement the contractor shall prove that post–tensioning ducts are free and clear of
any objections or damage and are able to accept the intended post–tensioning tendons by passing a torpedo through
the duct. The torpedo shall have the same cross-sectional shape as the duct, and 6 mm smaller all around than the
clear nominal inside dimensions of the duct. No deductions shall be made to the torpedo section dimensions for
tolerances allowed in the manufacture or fixing of the ducts. For straight ducts, a torpedo at least 0.6 m long shall be
used. For curved ducts, the length shall be determined so that when both ends touch the outermost wall of the duct,
the torpedo is 6 mm clear of the innermost wall. If the torpedo will not travel completely through the duct, the
Engineer shall reject the member, unless workable repairs, the torpedo shall pass through the duct easily, by hand,
without resorting to excessive effort or mechanical assistance. Duct Pressure Field Test

Before stressing and grouting internal or external tendons, install all grout caps, inlets and outlets and test the duct
with compressed air to determine if duct connections require repair. In the presence of the Engineer, pressurize the
duct to 345 kPa and lock off the outside air source. Record pressure loss for 1 min. A pressure loss of 170 kPa is
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acceptable for ducts, having a length of equal to or less than 45 m and a pressure loss of 100 kPa is acceptable for
ducts longer than 45 m. If the pressure loss exceeds the allowable, repair leaking connections using methods
approved by the Engineer and retest. Placement of Concrete

Where the end of a post-tensioned assembly will not be covered by concrete, recess the anchoring devices so that the
ends of the pre-stressing steel and all parts of the anchoring devices are at least 51 mm inside the end surface of the
Before placing concrete, demonstrate that all ducts are unobstructed. Immediately after concrete placement, blow
out the metal conduit with compressed, oil-free air to break-up and remove all mortar in the conduit before it
hardens. Approximately 24 hours after the concrete placement, flush the metal conduits with water containing lime
(calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) in the amount of 1.13 kN/m3. Blow the water out with compressed,
oil-free air.
For post-tensioned members that are to be steam cured, do not install pre-stressing steel until curing is complete. Placement of Post-Tensioning Steel

All pre-stressing steel preassembled in ducts and installed prior to the placement of concrete shall be accurately
placed and held in position during concrete placement. When the pre-stressing steel is instal1ed after the concrete
has been placed, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the ducts are free of water
and debris immediately prior to installation of the steel. The total number of strands in an individual tendon may be
pulled into the duct as a unit, or the individual strand may be pulled or pushed through the duct.
Anchorage devices or block-out templates for anchorages shall be set and held so that their axis coincides with the
axis of the tendon and anchor plates are normal in all directions to the tendon.
The pre-stressing steel shall be distributed so that the force in each girder stem is equal or as required by the plans,
except as provided herein. For box girders with more than two girder stems, at the Contractor's option, the pre-
stressing force may vary up to one percent (1%) from the theoretical required force per girder stem provided the
required total force in the superstructure is obtained and the force is distributed symmetrically about the center line
of the typical section. Protection of Steel after Installation

Pre-stressing steel used in post tensioned concrete members that is not grouted within the time limit specified below,
shall be continuously protected against rust or other corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts
or directly applied to the steel. The pre-stressing steel shall be so protected until grouted or encased in concrete. Pre-
stressing steel installed and tensioned in members after placing and curing of the concrete and grouted within the
time limit specified below will not require the use of a corrosion inhibitor described herein and rust which may form
during the interval between tendon installation and grouting will not be cause for rejection of the steel.
The permissible interval between tendon installation and grouting without use of a corrosion inhibitor for various
exposure conditions shall be as fol1ows:
Very Damp Atmosphere or over Saltwater (Humidity> 70%) 7 Days
Moderate Atmosphere (Humidity from 40% to 70%) 15 Days
Very Dry Atmosphere (Humidity < 40%) 20 Days
After tendons are placed in ducts, the openings at the ends of the ducts shall be sealed to prevent entry of moisture.
When steam curing is used, steel for post-tensioning shall not be installed until the steam curing is completed.
Such tendons shall be protected against corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts or on the
steel, or shall be stressed and grouted within seven days after steam curing.
Whenever electric welding is performed on or near members containing prestressing steel, the welding ground shall
be attached directly to the steel being welded. All pre-stressing steel and hardware shall be protected from weld
spatter or other damage. Protection of Tendon

Within four hours after stressing and prior to grouting, tendons shall be protected against corrosion or harmful effects
of debris by temporarily plugging or sealing all openings and vents; cleaning rust and other debris from all metal

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surfaces which will be covered by the grout cap; and placing the grout cap, including a seal, over the wedge plate until
the tendon is grouted. Placement of Anchorage

The contractor is responsible for the proper placement of all materials according to the design documents of the
engineer of record and the requirements stipulated by the anchorage device supplier. The Contractor shall exercise all
due care and attention in the placement of anchorage hardware, reinforcement, concrete, and consolidation of
concrete in anchorage zones. Modifications to the local zone details verified under provisions of Clasue shall
be approved by both the Professional Engineer and the anchorage device supplier. Record of Stressing Operation

A record of the following post-tensioning operations shall be kept for each tendon installed:
- Project name, number,
- Contractor and/or subcontractor,
- Tendon location, size and type,
- Date tendon was first installed in ducts,
- Coil/reel number for strands or wires and heat number for bars and wire,
- Assumed and actual cross-sectional area,
- Assumed and actual modulus of elasticity,
- Date stressed,
- Jack and gage numbers per end of tendon,
- Required jacking force,
- Gage pressures,
- Elongations (anticipated and actual),
- Anchor sets (anticipated and actual),
- Stressing sequence (i.e., tendons before and after this tendon),
- Stressing mode (one end/two ends/simultaneous),
- Witnesses to stressing operation (Contractor and Inspector),
- Date grouted, days from stressing to grouting, grouting pressure applied, and injection end,
- Record any other relevant information including pourback and bitumastic installation dates,
The Engineer shall be provided with a complete copy of all stressing operations, and the jack calibration forms.

14.5.4 Identification and Testing

All wire, strand, or bars to be shipped to the site shal1 be assigned a lot number and tagged for identification
purposes. Anchorage assemblies to be shipped shall be likewise identified.
Each lot of wire or bars and each reel of strand reinforcement shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of
compliance, a mill certificate, and a test report. The mill certificate and test report shall include:
- Chemical composition (not required for strand),
- Cross sectional area,
- Yield and ultimate strengths,
- Elongation at rupture,
- Modulus of elasticity, and
- Stress strain curve for the actual pre-stressing steel intended for use.
All values certified shall be based on test values and nominal sectional areas of the material being certified.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for verification testing the samples described in the following sub articles
selected from each lot. If ordered by the Engineer, the selection of samples shall be made at the manufacturer's plant
by the Inspector.
All samples submitted shall be representative of the lot to be furnished and, in the case of wire or strand, shall be
taken from the same master roll.

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The actual strength of the pre-stressing steel shall not be less than specified by the app1icable ASTM Standard, and
shall be determined by tests of representative samples of the tendon material in conformance with ASTM Standards.
All of the materials specified for testing shall be furnished free of cost and shall be delivered in time for tests to be
made wel1 in advance of anticipated time of use. Pretensioning Tendons

For pre-tensioned strands, one sample at least 1.5 m long shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of
Paragraph 9.1 of AASHTO M 203M/M 203 (ASTM A 416/A 416M). Post-Tensioning Tendons

The following lengths shall be furnished for each 18,000 kg, or portion thereof, lot of material used in the work:
- For wires not requiring heading-sufficient length to make up one parallel-lay cable 1.5 m long consisting of
the same number of wires as the cable to be furnished.
- For strand to be furnished with fittings 1.5 m between near ends of fittings.
- For bars to be furnished with threaded ends and nuts 1.5 m between threads at ends. Anchorage Assemblies and Couplers

The Contractor shall furnish for testing one specimen of each size of pre-stressing tendon, including couplings, at the
selected type, with end fittings and anchorage assembly attached, for strength tests only . These specimens shall be
1.5 m in clear length, measured between ends of fittings. If the results of the test indicate the necessity of check tests,
additional specimens shall be furnished without cost.
When dynamic testing is required, the Contractor shall perform the testing and shall furnish certified copies of test
results which indicate conformance with the specified requirements prior to installation of anchorages or couplers .
The cost of such testing shall be borne by the Contractor.
For pre-stressing systems previously tested and approved on projects having the same tendon configuration, the
Engineer may not require complete tendon samples provided there is no change in the material, design, or details
previously approved. Shop drawings or pre-stressing details shall identify the project on which approval was obtained;
otherwise testing shall be conducted.

14.5.5 Protection of Pre-stressing Steel

All pre-stressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and rust or other results of corrosion at all times
from manufacture to grouting. Pre-stressing steel shall also be free of deleterious material such as grease, oil, wax, or
paint. Pre-stressing steel that has sustained physical damage at any time shall be rejected. The development of pitting
or other results of corrosion, other than rust stain shall be cause for rejection.
Pre-stressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping forms for the protection of the strand against physical
damage and corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion inhibitor which prevents rust or other results of
corrosion shall be placed in the package or form, or shall be incorporated in a corrosion inhibitor carrier type
packaging material, or when permitted by the Engineer, may be applied directly to the steel. The corrosion inhibitor
shall have no deleterious effect on the steel or concrete or bond strength of steel to concrete or grout. Packaging or
forms damaged from any cause shall be immediately replaced or restored to original condition.
The shipping package or form shall be clearly marked with a statement that the package contains high -strength pre-
stressing steel, and the type of corrosion inhibitor used, including the date packaged.
All anchorages, end fittings, couplers, and exposed tendons, which will not be encased in concrete or grout in the
completed work, shall be permanently protected against corrosion.

14.5.6 Corrosion Inhibitor

Corrosion inhibitor shall consist of a vapor phase inhibitor (VPI) powder or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.
When approved, water soluble oil may be used on tendons as a corrosion inhibitor.

14.5.7 Grouting General
When the post-tensioning method is used, the pre-stressing steel shall be provided with permanent protection and
shall be bonded to the concrete by completely filling the void space between the duct and the tendon with grout .
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Grout should be injected from low points pumping toward the high-point vent. For segmental, span-by-span
construction, grout shall be injected through a grout inlet at mid span.
All grouting operations shall be carried out by experienced superintendents and foremen that have received
instructional training and have at least 3 years of experience on previous projects involving grouting of similar type
and magnitude.
A grouting operation plan shall be submitted for approval at least 45 days in advance of any scheduled grouting
operations. Written approval of the grouting operation plan by the Engineer shall be required before any grouting of
the permanent tendons in the structure takes place.
At a minimum, the following items shall be provided in the grouting operation plan:
- Provide names, and proof of training and experience records for the grouting crew and the crew supervisor
in conformance with this Specification;
- Type, quantity, and brand of materials used in grouting including all required certifications.
- Type of equipment furnished, including capacity in relation to demand and working condition, as well as
back-up equipment and spare parts;
- General grouting procedure;
- Duct pressure test and repair procedures;
- Method to be used to control the rate of flow within ducts;
- Theoretical grout volume calculations;
- Mixing and pumping procedures;
- Direction of grouting;
- Sequence of use of the inlets and outlet pipes;
- Procedures for handling blockages; and
- Procedures for possible post grouting repair.
Before grouting operations begin, a joint meeting of the Contractor, grouting crew and the Engineer shall be
conducted. At the meeting, the grouting operation plan, required testing, corrective procedures, and any other
relevant issues shall be discussed. Preparation of Ducts

Each duct shall be air pressure tested prior to the installation of the pre -stressing steel into the ducts. If leaks are
indicated during the test, the duct shall be repaired to eliminate the leakage or minimize the consequences of the
All ducts shall be clean and free of deleterious materials that would impair bonding or interfere with grouting
Ducts with concrete walls (cored ducts) shall be flushed to ensure that the concrete is thoroughly wetted. Metal ducts
shall be flushed if necessary to remove deleterious material.
Water used for flushing ducts may contain slack lime (calcium hydroxide) or quicklime (calcium oxide) in the amount
of 0.012 kg/L.
After flushing, all water shall be blown out of the duct with oil-free compressed air. Equipment
The grouting equipment shall include a high-speed shear mixer capable of continuous mechanical mixing which will
produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement, a grout pump, and stand-by flushing equipment with water
supply. The equipment shall be able to pump the mixed grout in a manner which will comply with all requirements.
Accessory equipment which will provide for accurate solid and liquid measures shall be provided to batch all
The pump shall be a positive displacement type and be able to produce an outlet pressure of at least 1 MPa . The
pump should have seals adequate to prevent introduction of oil, air, or other foreign substance into the grout, and to
prevent loss of grout or water.

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A pressure gage having a full-scale reading of no greater than 2 MPa shall be placed at some point in the grout line
between the pump outlet and the duct inlet.
The grouting equipment shall contain a screen having clear openings of 3 .35 mm maximum size to screen the grout
prior to its introduction into the grout pump. If a grout with a thixotropic additive is used, a screen opening of 4.75
mm is satisfactory. This screen shall be easily accessible for inspection and cleaning.
The grouting equipment shall utilize gravity feed to the pump inlet from a hopper attached to and directly over it . The
hopper must be kept at least partially full of grout at all times during the pumping operation to prevent air from being
drawn into the posttensioning duct.
Under normal conditions, the grouting equipment shall be capable of continuously grouting the largest tendon on the
project in no more than 20 min. Mixing of Grout

Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by cement grout.
Grout shall be mixed in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions using a colloidal mixer to obtain
homogeneous mixture. A fluidity test shall be performed on the mixed grout prior to beginning the injection process.
Target flow rates as a function of mixer type used and ambient temperatures shall be obtained from the grout
Manufacturer. The grouting process shall not be started until the proper grout properties have been obtained.
Mixing shall be of such duration as to obtain a uniform, thoroughly blended grout, without excessive temperature
increase or loss of expansive properties of the admixture. The grout shall be continuously agitated until it is pumped.
Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability which has been decreased by delayed use of the grout.
Other methods may be used to determine fluidity such as U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Method CRD C79. Injection of Grout

All grout vents shall be opened before grouting starts.
Injection and ejection vents with positive shut-offs shall be provided. Grout shall be allowed to flow from the first
injection vent until any residual flushing water or entrapped air has been removed prior to closing that vent .
Remaining vents shall be closed in sequence in the same manner. A continuous flow of grout at a rate between 10 m
and 15 m of duct per min shall be maintained.
The pumping pressure at the injection vent should not exceed 1 MPa. Normal operations shall be performed at
approximately 0.5 MPa. If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum allowed, the injection vent shall be
closed and the grout shall be injected at the next vent that has been, or is ready to be closed, as long as a one -way
flow is maintained. Grout shall not be injected into a succeeding vent from which grout has not yet flowed.
Grout shall be pumped through the duct and continuously wasted at the ejection vent until no visible slugs of water
or air are ejected. A fluidity test shall be performed on each tendon in accordance with Clause measuring the
grout fluidity from the discharge outlet. The measured grout efflux time shall not be faster than the efflux time
measured at the inlet or the minimum efflux time established in Clause If the grout efflux time is not
acceptable, additional grout shall be discharged from the discharge outlet. Grout efflux time shall be tested. This cycle
shall be continued until acceptable grout fluidity is achieved. To ensure that the tendon remains filled with grout, the
ejection and injection vents shall be closed in sequence, respectively, under pressure when the tendon duct is
completely filled with grout. The positive shut-offs at the injection and ejection vents shall not be removed or vents
opened until the grout has set. Temperature Considerations

In temperatures below zero degree Celsius (0°C), ducts shall be kept free of water to avoid damage due to freezing.
The temperature of the concrete shall be two degrees Celsius (2°C) or higher from the time of grouting until job cured
50 mm cubes of grout reach a minimum compressive strength of 5.5 MPa. Grout shall not be above thirty-two
degrees Celsius (32°C) during mixing or pumping. If necessary, cool the mixing water. Vertical Grouting

In lieu of a positive shut-off, vertical or near vertical tendon ducts for grouting shall terminate in reservoirs at the
upper-most point. The reservoir shall have sufficient capacity to store excess grout bleed water. Visible grout level
shall be maintained in the reservoirs. The reservoirs shall be maintained until the grout has set.
Grout shall be injected at a rate of 5 m of duct per min.

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Vacuum grouting shall be used to fill any voids that expose strands discovered in the grouting process.
Where possible, all anchorages and high-point vents shall be drilled and probed 48 h after grouting, until the Engineer
is assured that no bleed water or subsidence (settlement) voids exist. After the Engineer is assured that voids do not
exist, only one or two anchorages per span shall be drilled and probed to ensure quality grouting . Any voids
discovered should be filled immediately with the approved grout. Finishing
The following requirements apply:
- Valves, caps and vent pipes shall not be removed or opened until the grout has set.
- The ends of vents shall be removed at least 25 mm below the concrete surface after the grout has set.
- The void shall be filled with epoxy grout. All miscellaneous material used for sealing grout caps shall be
removed before carrying out further work to protect end anchorages. Protection of End Anchorages

Permanent grout caps constructed from either stainless steel or fiber reinforced polymer shall be specified.
The following requirements apply:
- Within seven days upon completion of the grouting, the anchorage of posttensioning bars and tendons shall
be protected as indicated in the contract documents. The application of the elastomeric coating may be
delayed up to 90 days after grouting. Plastic or stainless steel threaded caps shall be used to plug all grout
inlets/outlets. A sand-filled epoxy grout suitable for machinery base plate shall be used to construct all
pourbacks located at anchorages of expansion joints or other areas exposed to the elements.
- All laitance, grease, curing compounds, surface treatments, coatings, and oils shall be removed by grit
blasting or water blasting using a minimum 70 MPa nozzle pressure. The surface shall be flushed with water
and blown dry. Surfaces shall be clean, sound, and without any standing water. In case of dispute, ACI 503
shall be followed for substrate testing and a minimum of 1.2 MPa tension (pull-off value) be developed.
- Epoxy shall be mixed and applied as per Manufacturer's current standard technical guidelines. All pour-backs
shall be in leak proof forms creating neat lines. The pumping of epoxy grout shall be permitted for proper
installation. Forms shall be constructed to maintain a liquid head to insure intimate contact with the
concrete surface. Vents shall be used as needed to provide for the escape of air to insure complete filling of
the forms.
- The exposed surfaces of pour-backs or grout caps, except on transverse tendons, shall be coated with an
elastomeric coating system having a thickness of 760 to 1140 μm. Concrete, grout caps or other substrates
shall be structurally sound, clean, and dry. Concrete shall be a minimum of 28 days old. Laitance, grease,
curing compounds, surface treatments, coatings, and oils shall be removed by grit blasting or water blasting
using a minimum 70 MPa nozzle pressure to establish the anchor pattern. Surfaces shall be blown with
compressed air to remove the dust or water.
- A 0.6×1.2 m concrete test block shall be constructed with a similar surface texture to the surfaces to be
coated and a vertical face shall be coated with the elastomeric coating system chosen. The number of coats
required to achieve a coating thickness between 760 to 1140 μm without runs and drips shall be determined.
The elastomeric coating shall be mixed and applied as per Manufacturer's current standard technical
specifications. Spray or roller application may be permitted; spray application is preferred. Coatings shall be
applied using approved and experienced personnel with a minimum of 3 years experience applying similar
polyurethane systems. Credentials of these persons shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and
consideration for approval. Construction Traffic and Operations Causing Vibrations

For the designated period of time after grouting of a tendon begins, vibrations from all sources such as moving
vehicles, jackhammers, compressors, generators, etc., That are operating within the affected bridge superstructure
shall be eliminated and pile driving and soil compaction within 91 m of the affected superstructure shall not be
permitted. The designated period of time shall be taken as 4 hours for prequalified antibleed grout and 24 hours for
plain grout. The affected bridge superstructure shall be taken as that portion of the total superstructure that is 91 m
up or down-station of the ends of the span in which grouting is taking place.

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14.5.8 Tolerances
Members shall be produced well within the specified acceptable range. The production process shall be corrected
when members approach or equal a specified limit. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any out-
of-tolerance members. Applicable dimensional tolerances shall be checked before casting and after removal from the
forms. Time-dependent tolerances, such as, length, camber, and sweep, shall be rechecked within 3 days before
shipment. Camber and sweep shall be checked at a time when thermal effects of sunlight are negligible such as on a
cloudy day or early morning. Sweep is defined as the horizontal deviation from a straight line parallel to the centerline
of the member. Camber is defined as upward deflection of the member caused by prestress. The Contractor shall
check local smoothness with a 1.5 m straightedge.
The Contractor shall comply with the maximum dimensional tolerances in Table 14 -127 for AASHTO girders and
bulbtees, Table 14 -128 for double-tees, Table 14 -129 for prestressed piling, and Table 14 -130 for prestressed deck
Table 14- 127 : Maximum Dimensional Tolerances for AASHTO Girders and Bulb-tees
Length (±0.8mm/m, ±25mm max.)
Width (overall) (+10mm, -6mm)
Width (web) (+10mm, -6mm)
Depth (Overall) (+13mm, -6mm)
Depth (flanges) (±6mm)
Sweep (1mm/m)
Variation from end squareness or skew (±16mm/m, ±25mm max.)
Camber variation from design camber (±1mm/m)
For spans of 24 m or less (±13mm max.)
For spans more than 24 m (±25mm max.)
Differential camber between adjacent members (1mm/m)
Positon of Strands:
Individual (±6mm)
Bundled (±13mm)
Draped strand holddown point (±0.5mm)
Positon of Plates:
Bearing Plates (±16mm)
Other Plates (±25mm)
Tipping and flushness of Plates:
Bearing Plates (±0.5%, ±3mm max.)
Other Plates (±6mm)
Position of Inserts including diaphragm holes (±13mm)
Position of handling devices:
Parallel to length (±150mm)
Transverse to length (±25mm)
Position of stirrups:
Longitudinal spacing (±50mm)
Projection above top (±19mm)
Local smoothness of nay formed surface (±3mm/1500mm)
Use this camber tolerance when a design camber is specified.

Table 14- 128 : Maximum Dimensional Tolerances for Double-tees

Length (±0.8mm/m, ±25mm max.)
Width (overall) (±6mm)
Width (webs) (±3mm)
Depth (Overall) (±6mm)
Thickness (flanges) (±6mm, -3mm)
Flange Overhang (flange edge to web edge) (±6mm)
Distance between webs (±6mm)
Sweep (1mm/m)
Variation from end squareness or skew (±10mm/m, ±25mm max.)
Camber variation from design camber1 (±1mm/m, ±19mm max.)
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Differential camber between adjacent members (1mm/m, 19mm max.)

Positon of Strands:
Individual (±6mm)
Bundled (±13mm)
Draped strand holddown point (±300mm)
Positon of Plates:
Bearing Plates (±13mm)
Other Plates (±25mm)
Tipping and flushness of Plates:
Bearing Plates (±0.5%, ±3mm max.)
Other Plates (±6mm)
Position of Inserts including diaphragm holes (±13mm)
Position of handling devices:
Parallel to length (±150mm)
Transverse to length (±25mm)
Position of stirrups:
Longitudinal spacing (±50mm)
Projection above top (±19mm)
Local smoothness of nay formed surface (±3mm/1500mm)
Use This camber tolerance when a design camber is specified.

Table 14-129 : Maximum Dimensional Tolerances for Prestressed Concrete Piling

Length (±25mm)
Width or Diameter (±10mm)
Variation from longitudinal axis (bow) (1mm/m)
Variation from end squareness or skew (±6mm/300m, ±13mm max.)
Position of Individual Strands (±6mm)
Position of Handling device (±150mm)
Longitudinal spacing of spiral reinforcement (±19mm)
Local smoothness of any formed surface (±3mm/1500mm)

Table 14-130 : Maximum Dimensional Tolerances for Prestressed Concrete Stay-in-Place Forms
Length (in direction of panes strands) (+18mm, -6mm)
Width (+6mm, -12mm)
Thickness (+6mm, -3mm)
Variation from end squareness or skew (±6mm)
Camber, sweep, and warping (±2mm per meter of length)
Positon of Individual Strands:
Vertically (+0mm, -6mm)
Horizontally (±12mm)
Position of handling devices:
Parallel to length (±75mm)
Transverse to length (±50mm)
Local smoothness of any formed surface (±3mm/1500mm)
When measuring panel camber, account for dead load deflection of the panel. SIP form deck panels are designed
to have no camber, only dead load deflection.

The Contractor shall remedy out-of-tolerance members in one of the following ways:
- Replacing the member at no additional cost to the Procuring Entity.
- Correcting the member tolerance problem, if possible, using an approved correction procedure at no
additional cost to the Procuring Entity.
- If correction is not possible but the member is considered usable, The Contractor shall submit the member
for review and acceptance at a specific condition. A description of the problem and any proposed corrective
action shall be included. Structural and physical evaluation by a Professional Engineer shall be provided, as

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required. If the submittal is rejected, the member shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Procuring

14.6 Measurement
The quantity to be measured shall be the theoretical weight in metric tons of the pre -stressing steel as shown on the
Drawings without sheathing, anchorage etc. and measured between the outer face of the anchorage blocks.

14.7 Payment
The work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per metric ton of steel for the
particular bill of item. The payment shall be the full compensation of all works including provision of anchorage,
distribution plates, sheathing, couplers, spirals, and supports for the tendons, tensioning, grouting and finishing
works, all labors, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the works prescribed in this section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 14 -131.

Table 14- 131 : Pay Items - Prestressing

Section/ Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
SECTION 14: Pre-stressing Wire or Strand as detailed on the Drawings and as Metric Tons
PRESTRESSING specified in the Bill of Quantities.

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15.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing, fabricating, and erecting steel structures and structural steel portions of other
structures in accordance with these Specifications, and in the contract documents.
Unless otherwise specified, the structural steel fabricating plant shall be certified under the AISC Quality Certification
Program, Category I. The fabrication of fracture-critical members shall be Category III.
Details of design which are permitted to be selected by the Contractor shall conform to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specification.
Falsework used in the erection of structural steel shall conform to the provisions of SECTION 9: TEMPORARY .
Structural components designated in the contract documents as "fracture-critical" shall conform to the provisions of
the AASHTO/AWS D 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code, Section 12, "Fracture Control Plan (FCP) for Nonredundant
Welding and weld qualification tests shall conform to the provisions of the current AASHTO/ A WS D 1.5M/D 1.5
Bridge Welding Code.

15.1.2 Notice of Beginning of Work

The Contractor shall give the Engineer ample notice of the beginning of work at the mill 1 or in the shop so that
inspection may be provided. No material shall be manufactured or work done in the shop before the Engineer has
been so notified.

15.1.3 Inspection
Structural steel will be inspected at the fabrication site.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a copy of all mill orders and certified mill test reports. Mill test reports
shall show the chemical analysis and physical test results for each heat of steel used in the work. With the approval of
the Engineer, Certificates of Compliance shall be furnished in lieu of mill test reports for material that normally is not
supplied with mill test reports and for items such as fills, minor gusset plates, and similar material when quantities are
small and the material is taken from stock.
Certified mill test reports for steels with specified impact values shall include the results of Charpy V-Notch impact
tests in addition to other test results. When fine grain practice is specified, the test report shall confirm the material
that was so produced. Copies of mill orders shall be furnished at the time orders are placed with the Manufacturer.
Certified mill test reports and Certificates of Compliance shall be furnished prior to the start of fabrication of material
covered by these reports. The Certificate of Compliance shall be signed by the Manufacturer and shall certify that the
material is in conformance with the specifications to which it has been manufactured.
Material to be used shall be made available to the Engineer so that each piece can be examined. The Engineer shall
have free access at all times to any portion of the fabrication site where the material is stored or where work on the
material is being performed.

15.1.4 Shipping, Handling and Storing Materials

Members having a weight more than 26.5 kN shall have the mass marked thereon.
In handling and shipping of the steel work, every care shall be taken to avoid bending, scraping or overstressing the
pieces. All pieces bent or otherwise damaged will be rejected.
The loading, transporting and unloading of structural material shall be conducted such that the metal will be kept
clean. Material to be stored shall be placed above the ground on platforms, skids or other supports and shall be kept
free from dirt, grease and other foreign material and properly drained and protected from corrosion. Girders and
beams shall be placed upright and shored. Long members, such as columns and chords, shall be supported on skids
placed near enough together to prevent damage from deflection.

The term “Mill” means any rolling mill or foundry where material for the work is to be manufactured.
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15.1.5 Falsework
Falsework used for the erection of structural steel shall conform to the provisions in SECTION 9: TEMPORARY except
that dead loads shall consist of the mass of the structural steel and any other portions of the structure which are
supported by the falsework.
Falsework and forms supporting the concrete work on steel structures shall be constructed so that any loads applied
to girder webs shall be applied within 150 mm of a flange or stiffener and shall be distributed in a manner that will not
produce local distortion of the web. Temporary struts and ties shall be provided as necessary to resist lateral loads
applied to the girder flanges and to prevent appreciable relative vertical movement between the edge of deck form
and the adjacent steel girder.
Construction methods and equipment employed by the Contractor shall conform that Loads imposed on existing, new
or partially completed structures shall not exceed the load carrying capacity of the structure, or portion of structure,
as determined by the Load Factor Design methods of using Load Group Service II.

15.1.6 Continuous Members

If erection procedures are to be used which will provide the designed girder continuity for dead load, the Contractor
shall furnish to the Engineer for review a statement of the intended steel erection procedures with calculations in
sufficient detail to substantiate that the girder geometry will be correct.
If erection procedures are to be used which will provide the designed girder continuity for dead load, members with
field joints shall be preassembled in a no-load condition in a horizontal or an upright position.
If erection procedures are to be used which will result in steel girders not attaining the continuity for dead load
assumed in design, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for review a statement of steel erection procedures
with calculations, in sufficient detail to substantiate that girder capacity and geometry will be correct.
If erection procedures are to be used which will result in steel girders not attaining the continuity for dead load
assumed in design, the structure shall, after erection, have a load carrying capacity at least equal to the designed
structure shown on the plans. The Contractor may increase the cross-sectional area or change the grades of steel to
provide the specified load carrying capacity, subject to approval by the Engineer. Any additional steel or higher
strength steels required to accommodate the method of erection selected shall be considered to be for the
convenience of the Contractor and no additional payment will be made therefore.


15.2.1 General
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval working drawings in the form of shop drawings, erection
drawings and transportation drawings for structural steel. For initial review, six (6) sets of such drawings shall be
submitted. After review, between six (6) and twelve (12) sets, as requested by the Engineer, shall be submitted for
final approval and for use during construction.
The working drawings shall show any changes proposed in the work, details and calculations for connections not
dimensioned on the plans, the direction of rolling of plates where specific orientation is required, the sequence of
shop and field assembly and erection, welding sequences and procedures, the location of all butt welded splices on a
layout drawing of the entire structure, the location of any temporary supports that are to be used, and the vertical
alignment of the girder at each stage of the erection. Substantiating camber calculations and diagrams shall be
submitted with the working drawings.
Working drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the start of the affected Work to allow time for review
by the Engineer and correction by the Contractor of the drawings without delaying the Work. Such time shall be
proportional to the complexity of the Work, but in no case shall such time be less than six (6) weeks.
Any material ordered by the Contractor and the fabrication of any material, prior to final approval of the drawings by
the Engineer, shall be at the Contractor's risk.

15.2.2 Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall submit copies of the detailed shop drawings to the Engineer for approval . Shop drawings shall be
submitted sufficiently in advance of the start of the affected work to allow time for review by the Engineer and
corrections by the Contractor, if any, without delaying the work.

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Shop drawings for steel structures shall give full, detailed dimensions and sizes of component parts of the structure
and details of all miscellaneous parts, such as pins, nuts, bolts, drains, etc.
Where specific orientation of plates is required, the direction of rolling of plates shall be shown.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, shop drawings shall identify each piece that is to be made of
steel which is to be other than AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grade 250 steel.

15.2.3 Erection Drawings

The Contractor shall submit drawings fully illustrating the proposed method of erection . The drawings shall show
details of all falsework bents, bracing, guys 1, dead-men2, lifting devices, and attachments to the bridge members:
sequence of erection, location of cranes and barges, crane capacities, location of lifting points on the bridge members,
and weights of the members. The drawings shall be complete in detail for all anticipated phases and conditions during
erection. Calculations may be required to demonstrate that factored resistances are not exceeded and that member
capacities and final geometry will be correct.

15.2.4 Camber Diagram

A camber diagram shall be furnished to the Engineer by the Fabricator, showing the camber at each panel point in the
cases of trusses or arch ribs, and at the location of field splices and fractions of span length (quarter points minimum)
in the cases of continuous beam and girders or rigid frames. The camber diagram shall show calculated cambers to be
used in preassembly of the structure in accordance with Clause 15.5.3, "Preassembly of Field Connections."

15.2.5 Transportation Drawings

If required, transportation drawings shall be furnished for approval. All support points, tie-downs, temporary
stiffening trusses or beams, and any other details needed to support and brace the member shall be shown . The
Contractor shall provide calculation sheets showing the dead load plus impact stresses induced by the loading and
transportation procedure. The impact stresses to be used shall be of at least two hundred percent (200%) of the dead
load stress. Total load to be used, including impact, shall not be less than three hundred percent (300%) of the dead
All members, both straight and curved, shall be shipped and stored in their upright position.


15.3.1 Structural Steel General
Steel shall be furnished according to the following specifications. The grade or grades of steel to be furnished shall be
as specified in the contract documents. All steel for use in main load-carrying member components subject to tensile
stress shall conform to the applicable Charpy V-Notch impact test requirements of AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A
709/A 709M).
Welded girders made of ASTM A 709/A 709M, Grade HPS 485W, steels shall be fabricated in accordance with the
AASHTO Guide Specifications for Highway Bridge Fabrication with HPS70W Steel, which supplements the AASHTO/A
WS D 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code. Carbon Steel

Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, structural carbon steel for bolted or welded construction shall
conform to: Structural Steel for Bridges, AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grade 250. High-Strength, Low-Alloy Structural Steel

High-strength, low-alloy steel shall conform to Structural Steel for Bridges, AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A
709M), Grades 345, 345S, 345W, or HPS 345W. High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Quenched, and Tempered Structural Steel Plate

High-strength, low-alloy, quenched, and tempered steel plate shall conform to Structural Steel for Bridges, AASHTO M
270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grades 485W or HPS 485W.

Guy: a rope, cable, or appliance used to guide and steady an object hoisted or lowered, or to secure anything likely to shift its position.
Dead-men: a log, concrete block, etc., buried in the ground as an anchor.
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High-yield-strength, quenched, and tempered alloy steel plate shall conform to:
- Structural Steel for Bridges AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grades 690 or 690W.
- Quenched-and-tempered alloy-steel structural shapes and seamless mechanical tubing meeting all of the
mechanical and chemical requirements of AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grades 690 or
690W steel, except that the specified maximum tensile strength may be 965 MPa for structural shapes and
1000 MPa for seamless mechanical tubing, shall be considered as AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A
709M), Grades 690 and 690W steel. Eye bars

Steel for eye bars shall be of a weld able grade. These grades include structural steel conforming to:
- Structural Steel for Bridges, AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grade 250.
- Structural Steel for Bridges, AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grades 345, 345W, or HPS
345W. Structural Tubing

Structural tubing shall be either cold-formed welded or seamless tubing conforming to ASTM A 500, Grade B, or hot-
formed welded or seamless tubing conforming to ASTM A 501.

15.3.2 High-Strength Fasteners General
High-strength bolts for structural steel joints shall conform to either AASHTO M 164/ M 164M (ASTM A 325/ ASTM A
325M) or AASHTO M 253/ M 253M (ASTM A 490/ A 490M). When high-strength bolts are used with unpainted
weathering grades of steel, the bolts shall be Type 3.
The supplier shall provide a lot of number appearing on the shipping package and a certification noting when and
where all testing was done, including rotational capacity tests, and zinc thickness when galvanized bolts and nuts are
The maximum hardness for AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A 325M) bolts shall be 33 HRC.
Proof-load tests (ASTM F 606, Method I) shall be required for the bolts. Wedge tests of full-size bolts are required in
accordance with Section 8.3 of AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325). Galvanized bolts shall be wedge tested after galvanizing.
Proof-load tests of AASHTO M 291 (ASTM A 563) are required for the nuts. The proof-load tests for nuts to be used
with galvanized bolts shall be performed after galvanizing, over tapping, and lubricating.
Except as noted below:
- Nuts for AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) bolts shall conform to AASHTO M 291 (ASTM A 563), Grades DH, DH3,
C, C3, and D (Property Class 8S, 8S3, l0S, or 10S3).
- Nuts for AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) bolts shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 291 (ASTM A
563), Grades DH and DH3 (Property Class 10S or 10S3).
The exceptions are:
- Nuts to be galvanized (hot-dip or mechanically galvanized) shall be Grade DH (Property Class 10S).
- Nuts to be used with AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) Type 3 bolts shall be Grade C3 or DH3 (Property Class 8S3
or 10S3).
- Nuts to be used with AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490), Type 3 bolts shall be Grade DH3 (Property Class 10S3).
All galvanized nuts shall be lubricated with a lubricant containing a visible dye. Black bolts must be oily to touch when
delivered and installed.
Washers shall be hardened steel washers conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 293 (ASTM F 436) and Clause “Requirement for Washers”. Identifying Marks

AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) for bolts and the specifications referenced herein for nuts require that bolts and nuts
manufactured to the specification be identified by specific markings atop the bolt head and on one face of the nut .
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Head markings must identify the grade by the symbol "A 325" ("A 325M"), the Manufacturer, and the type, if Type 3.
Nut markings must identify the property class, the Manufacturer, and, if Type 3, the type. Markings on direct tension
indicators (DTI, ASTM F 959) must identify the Manufacturer and Type "325" (Class "8.8"). Other washer markings
must identify the Manufacturer, and, if Type 3, the type.
AASHTO M 253/ M 253M (ASTM A 490/ A 490M) for bolts and the specifications referenced therein for nuts require
that bolts and nuts manufactured to the specifications be identified by specific markings on the top of the bolt head
and on one face of the nut. Head markings must identify the grade by the symbol "A 490" ("A 490M"), the
Manufacturer, and the type, if Type 3. Nut markings must identify the property class, the Manufacturer and if Type 3,
the type. Markings on direct tension indicators must identify the Manufacturer and Type "490" (Class "10.9"). Other
washer markings must identify the Manufacturer, and, if Type 3, the type. Dimensions
Bolt and nut dimensions shall conform to the requirements for heavy hexagon structural bolts and heavy semi -
finished hexagon nuts (metric heavy hexagon structural bolts and metric heavy semi-finished hexagon nuts) given in
ANSI Standards B 18.2.1 and B 18.2.2 (B and B, respectively. Galvanized High-Strength Fasteners

AASHTO M 253/ M 253M (ASTM A 490/ A 490M) bolts shall not be galvanized.
When fasteners are galvanized, they shall be specified to be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M
232M/M 232 (ASTM A 153/ A 153M), Class C or mechanically galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 298 (ASTM B
695), Class 50 (Class 345). Bolts to be galvanized shall be either AASHTO M 164/ M 164M (ASTM A 325/ A 325M) Type
I. Galvanized bolts shall be tension tested after galvanizing. Washers, nuts, and bolts of any assembly shall be
galvanized by the same process. The nuts should be over tapped to the minimum amount required for the fastener
assembly and shall be lubricated with a lubricant containing a visible dye so a visual check can be made for the
lubricant at the time of field installation. Alternative Fasteners

Other fasteners or fastener assemblies, such as those:
- conforming to the requirements of ASTM F 1852;
- meeting the materials, manufacturing, and chemical composition requirements of AASHTO M 164/ M 164M
(ASTM A 325/ A 325M) or AASHTO M 253/ M 253M (ASTM A 490/ A 490M);
- meeting the mechanical property requirements of the same specification in full-size tests;
- having body diameter and bearing areas under the head and nut, or their equivalent, not less than those
provided by a bolt and nut of the same nominal dimensions prescribed in Clause, may be used.
These fastners are subject to the approval of the Engineer. Such alternate fasteners may differ in other dimensions
from those of the specified bolts and nuts.
Subject to the approval of the Engineer, high-strength steel lock-pin and collar fasteners may be used as an
alternative for high-strength bolts as shown in the contract documents. The shank and head of high-strength steel
lock-pin and collar fasteners shall meet the requirements of Clause Each fastener shall provide a solid-shank
body of sufficient diameter to provide tensile and shear strength equivalent to or greater than that of the bolt
specified in the contract documents and shall have a cold forged head on one end, of type and dimensions as
approved by the Engineer; a shank length suitable for material thickness fastened; locking grooves; breakneck groove;
and pull grooves (all annular grooves) on the opposite end. Each fastener shall provide a steel locking collar of proper
size for shank diameter used which, by means of suitable
installation tools, is cold-swaged into the locking grooves forming head for the grooved end of the fastener after the
pull groove section has been removed. The steel locking collar shall be a standard product of an established
Manufacturer of lock-pin and collar fasteners, as approved by the Engineer. Load-Indicator Devices

Load-indicating devices may be used in conjunction with bolts, nuts and washers specified in Clause Load-
indicating devices shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specification for Compressible-Washer Type Direct
Tension Indicators for Use with Structural Fasteners, ASTM F 959 (ASTM F 959M), except as provided in the following

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Subject to the approval of the Engineer, alternative design direct tension indicating devices may be used provided
they satisfy the requirements of Clause or other requirements detailed in specifications provided by the
Manufacturer and subject to the approval of the Engineer.

15.3.3 Welded Stud Shear Connectors General
Stud shear connectors shall conform to the requirements of Cold-Finished Carbon Steel Bars and Shafting, AASHTO M
169 (ASTM A 108), cold-drawn bars, Grades 1015, 1018, or 1020, either semi- or fully-killed. If flux retaining caps are
used, the steel for the caps shall be of a low-carbon grade suitable for welding and shall comply with Cold-Rolled
Carbon Steel Strip, ASTM A 109/A 109M.
Tensile properties, as determined by tests of bar stock after drawing or of finished studs, shall conform to the
requirements in Table 13.1 in which the yield strength is as determined by a two-tenth percent (0.2%) offset method.
Table 15- 132 : Tensile Properties of Stud Shear Connectors
Tensile Strength 414 MPa
Yield Strength 345 MPa
Elongation 20% in 51 mm
Reduction of Area 50% Test Methods

Tensile properties shall be determined in accordance with the applicable sections of AASHTO T 244 (ASTM A 370),
Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. Tensile tests of finished studs shall be made on studs welded to test plates
using a test fixture similar to that shown in Figure 7.2 of the current AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Bridge Welding Code.
If fracture occurs outside of the middle half of the gage length, the test shall be repeated. Finish
Finished studs shall be of uniform quality and condition, free from irregularities such as laps, fins, seams, cracks,
twists, bends, or other injurious defects. Finish shall be as produced by cold-drawing, cold-rolling, or machining. Certification
The Manufacturer shall certify that the studs as delivered are in accordance with the material requirements of this
section. Certified copies of in-plant quality-control test reports shall be furnished to the Engineer upon request. Check Samples

The Engineer may select, at the Contractor's expense, studs of each type and size used under the contract documents
as necessary for checking the requirements of this Section.

15.3.4 Steel Forgings and Steel Shafting Steel Forgings
Steel forgings shall conform to the Specifications for Steel Forgings Carbon and Alloy for General Use, AASHTO M
102M/M 102 (ASTM A 668/A 668M), Classes C, D, F, or G. Cold-Finished Carbon Steel Shafting

Cold-finished carbon steel shafting shall conform to the specifications for Cold- Finished Carbon Steel Bars Standard
Quality, AASHTO M 169 (ASTM A 108). Grades 10160 through 10300, inclusive, shall be furnished unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents.

15.3.5 Steel Castings Mild Steel Castings
Steel castings for use in highway bridge components shall conform to Standard Specifications for Steel Castings for
Highway Bridges, ASTM A 781/ A 781 M, Class 70 (Class 485), or Standard Specifications for Steel Castings, Carbon, for
General Application, AASHTO M 103/M 103M (ASTM A 27/A27M), Class 70 or Class 485 or Grade 485-250, unless
otherwise specified in contract documents. Chromium Alloy-Steel Castings

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Chromium alloy-steel castings shall conform to the Specification for Corrosion- Resistant Iron-Chromium, Iron-
Chromium-Nickel, and Nickel-Based Alloy Castings for General Application, AASHTO M 163/M 163M (ASTM A 743/A
743M). Grade CA 15M shall be furnished unless otherwise specified.

15.3.6 Iron Castings Materials
Gray iron castings shall conform to the Specification for Gray Iron Castings, AASHTO M 105 or ASTM A 481/A 48M,
Class 30, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
Ductile iron castings shall conform to the Specifications for Ductile Iron Castings, ASTM A 536, Grade 414 -276-18,
unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. Test specimens from parts integral with the castings, such as
risers, shall be tested for castings with a weight more than 44 kN to determine that the required quality is obtained in
the castings in the finished condition.
Malleable castings shall conform to the Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings, ASTM A 47 /A 47M. Grade
241441 shall be furnished unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. Work Quality and Finish

Iron castings shall be true to pattern in form and dimensions, free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blow holes,
and other defects in positions affecting their strength and function for the service intended.
Castings shall be boldly filleted at angles and the arises shall be sharp and perfect. Cleaning
All castings must be sandblasted or otherwise effectively cleaned of scale and sand so as to present a smooth, clean,
and uniform surface.

15.3.7 Galvanizing
When galvanizing is specified in the contract documents, ferrous metal products, other than fasteners and hardware
items, shall be galvanized in accordance with the Specifications for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products
Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shape Plates, Bars, and Strip, AASHTO M 111/M 111M (ASTM A
123/A 123M). Fasteners and hardware items shall be galvanized in accordance with the Specification for Zinc Coating
(Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, AASHTO M 232/M 232M (ASTM A 153/A 153M), except as noted in Clause, "Galvanized High-Strength Fasteners".

15.3.8 Storage of Materials

Structural material, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored above the ground on platforms, skids, or other supports.
It shall be kept free from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter, and shall be protected as far as practicable from
corrosion. Storage of high-strength fasteners shall conform to Clause "Installation of Fasteners".


15.4.1 General
The provisions in this Section shall follow the requirements for fabrication in ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5.

15.4.2 Quality of Workmanship

Workmanship and finish shall be equal to the best general practices in modern bridge fabricating facilities.

15.4.3 Identification of Steels during Fabrication

The Contractor's system of assembly, which includes marking individual pieces, and the issuance of cutting
instructions to the shop shall be such as to maintain identity of the original piece.
The Contractor may furnish material that can be identified by heat number and mill test report from stock.
During fabrication, up to the point of assembling members, each piece of steel, other than Grade 250 steel, shall show
clearly and legibly its specification.
Any piece of steel, other than Grade 250 steel, which will be subject to fabricating operations such as blast cleaning,
galvanizing, heating for forming, or painting which might obliterate marking prior to assembling into members, shall
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be marked for grade by steel die stamping or by a substantial tag firmly attached . Steel die stamps shall be low stress-
Upon request by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish an affidavit certifying that throughout the fabrication
operation the identification of steel has been maintained in accordance with this specification.

15.4.4 Plates Direction of Rolling
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, steel plates for main members and splice plates for flanges and
main tension members, not secondary members, shall be cut and fabricated so that the primary direction of rolling is
parallel to the direction of the main tensile and/or compressive stresses. Plate-Cut Edges Edge Planning

Sheared edges of plate more than 16 mm in thickness and carrying calculated stress shall be planed, milled, ground,
or thermal-cut to a depth of 6 mm. Oxygen Cutting

Oxygen cutting of structural steel shall conform to the requirements of the current AASHTO/A WS D1.5M/D1.5 Bridge
Welding Code. Visual Inspection and Repair of Plate-Cut Edges

Visual inspection and repair of plate-cut edges shall be in accordance with the current AASHTO/ AWS D 1.5M/D 1.5
Bridge Welding Code. Bent Plates General
Cold-bending of fracture-critical steel members and attachments is prohibited. Perform cold-bending of other steels
or members, in accordance with the AASHTO/ AWS 0 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code and Table 15 -133 and in a
manner such that no cracking occurs. Cold-Bending
Unless otherwise approved, the minimum bend radii for cold-forming (at room temperature), measured to the
concave face of the plate, are given in Table 15 -133. If a smaller radius is required, heat may need to be applied as a
part of the bending procedure. Provide the heating procedure for review by the Engineer. For grades not included in
Table 15 -133, follow minimum bend radii recommendations of the plate Producer.
If possible, orient bend lines perpendicular to the direction of final rolling of the plate. If the bend line is parallel to
the direction of final rolling, multiply the suggested minimum radii in Table 15 -133 by 1.5.
Table 15- 133 : Minimum Cold-Bending Redii
Thickness, in (t)
AASHTO M 270M/M 270 Up to 0.75 Over 0.75 to 1.0, Over 1.0 to 2.0 Over 2.0
(ASTM A 709/ A 709 M) incl. incl.
Grades, MPa
250 1.5t 1.5t 1.5t 2.0t
345, 345S, 345W, or HPS 345W 1.5t 1.5t 2.0t 2.5t
HPS 485W 1.5t 1.5t 2.5t 3.0t
690 1.75t 2.25t 4.5t 5.5t
690W 1.75t 2.25t 4.5t 5.5t Hot-Bending
If a radius shorter than the minimum specified for cold-bending is essential, the plates shall be bent hot at a
temperature not greater than six hundred and fifty degrees Celsius (650°C), except for AASHTO M 270/M 270M
(ASTM A 709/ A 709M), Grades 485W, 690, and 690W.
If Grades 690 and 690W steel plates or Grade 485W plates require bending, a temperature greater than five hundred
and ninty-five degree Celsius (595°C) shall be applied; upon heating and bending, the steel shall be quenched and
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tempered in accordance with the producing mill's practice and tested to verify restoration of specified properties, as
directed by the Engineer.
However, Grade HPS 485W steel, which requires bending, shall not be heated to a temperature greater than five
hundred and ninty-five degree Celsius (595°C). Requenching and tempering is not required for Grade HPS 485W steel
heated to this limit.

15.4.5 Fit of Stiffeners

End bearing stiffeners for girders and stiffeners intended as supports for concentrated loads shall have full bearing
(either milled, ground, or on weldable steel in compression areas of flanges, welded as specified in the contract
documents) on the flanges to which they transmit load or from which they receive load. Intermediate stiffeners not
intended to support concentrated loads, unless specified in the contract documents, shall have a tight fit against the
compression flange.

15.4.6 Abutting Joints

Abutting ends in compression members of trusses and columns shall be milled or saw-cut to give a square joint and
uniform bearing. At other joints, not required to be faced, the opening shall not exceed 10 mm.

15.4.7 Facing of Bearing Surfaces

The surface finish of bearing, base plates, and other bearing surfaces that are to come in contact with each other or
with concrete shall meet the ANSI surface roughness requirements as defined in ANSI B46.1, Surface Roughness,
Waviness, and Lay, Part I:
Steel slabs ANSI 50 μm (RMS)
Heavy plates in contact in shoes to be welded ANSI 25 μm (RMS)
Milled ends of compression members, milled or ground ends of stiffeners and fillers ANSI 12.5 μm (RMS)
Bridge rollers and rockers ANSI 6.3 μm (RMS)
Pins and pin holes ANSI 3.2 μm (RMS)
Sliding bearings ANSI 3.2 μm (RMS)

15.4.8 Straightening Material

The straightening of plates, angles, other shapes, and built-up members, when permitted by the Engineer, shall be
done by methods that will not produce fracture or other damage to the metal. Distorted members shall be
straightened by mechanical means or, if approved by the Engineer, by carefully planned procedures and supervised
application of a limited amount of localized heat, except that heat-straightening of AASHTO M 270/M 270M (ASTM A
709/A 709M) Grades 485W, HPS 485W, 690, and 690W steel members shall be done only under rigidly controlled
procedures, each application subject to the approval of the Engineer. In no case shall the maximum temperature
exceed values in Table 15 -134.
Table 15- 134 : Maximum Straightening Temperature Properties
AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/ A 709M) Grades Temperature
485 566°C
HPS 485W 593°C
690 593°C
690W 593°C

In all other steels, the temperature of the heated area shall not exceed six hundred and fifty degrees Celsius (650°C)
as controlled by temperature indicating crayons, liquids, or bimetal thermometers. Heating in excess of the limits
shown shall lead to the rejection of the affected steel member, unless the Engineer allows testing to verify material
Parts to be heat-straightened shall be substantially free of stress and from external forces, except stresses resulting
from mechanical means used in conjunction with the application of heat.
Evidence of fracture following straightening of a bend or buckle shall be a cause for rejection of the damaged piece.

15.4.9 Annealing and Stress Relieving

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Structural members that are indicated in the contract documents to be annealed or normalized shall have finished
machining, boring, and straightening done subsequent to heat treatment. Normalizing and annealing (full annealing)
shall be as specified in ASTM A 941. The temperatures shall be maintained uniformly throughout the furnace during
the heating and cooling so that the temperature at no two points on the member will differ by more than fifty -five
degrees Celsius (55°C) at any one time.
Members of AASHTO M 270/M 270M (ASTM A 709/ A 709M) Grades 690/690W or Grade 485W steels shall not be
annealed or normalized and shall be stress relieved only with the approval of the Engineer.
A record of each furnace charge shall identify the pieces in the charge and show the temperatures and the actually
used schedule. Proper instruments, including recording pyrometers, shall be provided for determining at any time the
temperatures of members in the furnace. The records of the treatment operation shall be available to and meet the
approval of the Engineer. The holding temperature for stress relieving shall be in accordance with Section 4.4 of the
current AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5 Bridge Welding Code.
Members, such as bridge shoes, pedestals, or other parts that are built up by welding sections of plate together shall
be stress relieved in accordance with the procedure of Section 4.4 of the current AASHTO/ AWS D 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge
Welding Code, when required by the contract documents.

15.4.10 Bolt Holes Holes for High-Strength Bolts and Unfinished Bolts General
All holes for bolts shall be either punched or drilled, except as noted herein. The width of each standard bolt hole
shall be taken as the nominal diameter of the bolt plus 2 mm. The standard hole size for metric bolts M24 and under
shall be taken as the bolt diameter plus 2 mm. For metric bolts M27 and over, the standard hole size shall be taken as
the bolt diameter plus 3 mm. Material forming parts of a member composed of not more than five
thicknesses of metal may be punched full-size whenever the thickness of the material is not greater than 20 mm for
structural steel, 16 mm for high-strength steel, or 12 mm for quenched-and-tempered alloy steel, unless subpunching
and reaming are required under Clause
When material is thicker than 20 mm for structural steel, 16 mm for high-strength steel, or 12 mm for quenched-and-
tempered alloy-steel, all holes shall either be sub drilled and reamed or drilled full-size. Also, when more than five
thicknesses are joined or, as required by Clause, material shall be sub drilled and reamed or drilled full-
size while in assembly.
When required, all holes shall be either subpunched or subdrilled (subdrilled if thickness limitation governs) 5 mm
smaller and, after assembling, reamed or drilled to full size.
When shown in the contract documents, enlarged or slotted holes are allowed with high-strength bolts. Punched Holes

The diameter of the die shall not exceed the diameter of the punch by more than 1.5 mm. If any holes must be
enlarged to admit the bolts, such holes shall be reamed. Holes must be clean-cut without torn or ragged edges. The
slightly conical hole that naturally results from punching operations shall be considered acceptable. Reamed or Drilled Holes

Reamed or drilled holes shall be cylindrical, perpendicular to the member, and shall comply with the requirements of
Clause as to size. Where practical, reamers shall be directed by mechanical means. Burrs on the outside
surfaces shall be removed. Reaming and drilling shall be done with twist drills, twist reamers, or rotobroach cutters .
Connecting parts requiring reamed or drilled holes shall be assembled and securely held while being reamed or drilled
and shall be match-marked before disassembling. Accuracy of Holes

Holes not more than 0.8 mm larger in diameter than the true decimal equivalent of the nominal diameter that may
result from a drill or reamer of the nominal diameter shall be considered acceptable. The width of slotted holes which
are produced by flame cutting or a combination of drilling or punching and flame cutting should be not more than 0.8
mm greater than the nominal width. The flame-cut surface shall be ground smooth. Accuracy of Hole Group

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All holes punched full-size, subpunched, or subdrilled shall be so accurately punched that after assembling (before any
reaming is done) a cylindrical pin 3 mm smaller in diameter than the nominal size of the punched hole may be
entered perpendicular to the face of the member, without drifting, in at least seventy–five percent (75%) of the
contiguous holes in the same plane. If the requirement is not fulfilled, the badly punched pieces shall be rejected. If
any hole will not pass a pin 5 mm smaller in diameter than the nominal size of the punched hole, this shall be a cause
for rejection. After Reaming

When holes are reamed or drilled, eighty-five percent (85%) of the holes in any contiguous group shall, after reaming
or drilling, show no offset greater than 0.8 mm between adjacent thicknesses of metal.
All steel templates shall have hardened steel bushings in holes accurately dimensioned from the centerlines of the
connection as inscribed on the template. The centerlines shall be used in locating accurately the template from the
milled or scribed ends of the members. Numerically-Controlled Drilled Field Connections

In lieu of subsized holes and reaming while assembled, or drilling holes full-size while assembled, the Contractor shall
have the option to drill or punch bolt holes fullsize in unassembled pieces and/or connections including templates for
use with matching subsized and reamed holes, by means of suitable numerically-controlled (N/C) drilling or punching
equipment. Full-size punched holes shall meet the requirements of Clause
If N/C drilling or punching equipment is used, the Contractor shall be required to demonstrate the accuracy of this
drilling or punching procedure in accordance with the provisions of Clause “Check Assembly-Numerically-
Controlled Drilling” by means of checking assemblies.
Holes drilled or punched by N/C equipment shall be drilled or punched to appropriate size either through individual
pieces or drilled through any combination of pieces held tightly together. Holes for Ribbed Bolts, Turned Bolts, or Other Approved Bearing-Type Bolts
All holes for ribbed bolts, turned bolts, or other approved bearing-type bolts shall be subpunched or subdrilled 5 mm
smaller than the nominal diameter of the bolt and reamed when assembled, or drilled to a steel template or, after
assembling, drilled from the solid at the option of the Fabricator. In any case, the finished holes shall provide a driving
fit as specified in the contract documents. Preparation of Field Connections

Holes in all field connections and field splices of main member of trusses, arches, continuous-beam spans, bents,
towers (each face), plate girders, and rigid frames shall be subpunched or subdrilled and subsequently reamed while
assembled or drilled full-size through a steel template while assembled. Holes for field splices of rolled beam stringers
continuous over floor beams or cross frames may be drilled full-size unassembled to a steel template. All holes for
floor beams or cross frames may be drilled full-size unassembled to a steel template, except that all holes for floor
beam and stringer field end connections shall be subpunched and reamed while assembled or drilled full-size to a
steel template. Reaming or drilling full-size of field-connection holes through a steel template shall be done after the
template has been located with utmost care as to position and angle and firmly bolted in place . Templates used for
reaming matching members or the opposite faces of a single member shall be exact duplicates. Templates used for
connections on like parts or members shall be so accurately located that the parts or members are duplicates and
require no match-marking.
For any connection, in lieu of subpunching and reaming or subdrilling and reaming, the Fabricator may, at the
Fabricator's option, drill holes full-size with all thicknesses or material assembled in proper position.

15.4.11 Pins and Rollers General
Pins and rollers shall be accurately turned to the dimensions shown on the drawings and shall be straight, smooth,
and free from flaws. Pins and rollers more than 225 mm in diameter shall be forged and annealed. Pins and rollers
225 mm or less in diameter may be either forged and annealed or cold- finished carbon-steel shafting.
In pins larger than 225 mm in diameter, a hole not less than 50 mm in diameter shall be bored full -length along the
axis after the forging has been allowed to cool to a temperature below the critical range, under suitable conditions to
prevent damage by rapid cooling, and before being annealed.

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Pin holes shall be bored true to the specified diameter, smooth and straight, at right angles with the axis of the
member and parallel with each other unless otherwise required. The final surface shall be produced by a finishing cut.
The diameter of the pin hole shall not exceed that of the pin by more than 0.5 mm for pins 125 mm or less in
diameter, or by 0.8 mm for larger pins.
The distance outside to outside of end holes in tension members and inside to inside of end holes in compression
members shall not vary from that specified more than 0.8 mm. Boring of pin holes in built-up members shall be done
after the member has been assembled. Threads for Bolts and Pins

Threads for all bolts and pins for structural steel construction shall conform to the United Standard Series UNC ANSI B
1.1, Class 2A for external threads and Class 2B for internal threads, except that pin ends having a diameter of 35 mm
or more shall be threaded six threads to the inch (metric screw threads-M Profile ANSI B 1.13M with a tolerance Class
6g for external threads and 6H for internal threads).

15.4.12 Eyebars
Pin holes may be flame-cut at least 50 mm smaller in diameter than the finished pin diameter. All eyebars that are to
be placed side by side in the structure shall be securely fastened together in the order that they will be placed on and
bored at both ends while so clamped. Eyebars shall be packed and match-marked for shipment and erection. All
identifying marks shall be stamped with steel stencils on the edge of one head of each member after fabrication is
completed so as to be visible when the bars are nested in place on the structure. Steel die stamps shall be low stress-
type. No welding is allowed on eyebars or to secure adjacent eyebars.
The eyebars shall be straight and free from twists and the pin holes shall be accurately located on the centerline of
the bar. The inclination of any bar to the plane of the truss shall not exceed a slope of five-tenth percent (0.5%). The
edges of eyebars that lie between the transverse centerline of their pin holes shall be cut simultaneously with two
mechanically operated torches abreast of each other, guided by a substantial template, in such a manner as to
prevent distortion of the plates.

15.4.13 Curved Girders General
Flanges of curved, welded girders may be cut to the radii specified in the contract documents or curved by applying
heat as specified in the succeeding articles providing the radii is not less than allowed by Article 10 .15.2, "Minimum
Radius of Curvature," of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition, Design Specifications. Heat-Curving Rolled Beams and Welded Girders Materials
Except for ASTM A 709/A 709M Grade HPS 485W steel, steels that are manufactured to a specified minimum yield
point greater than 345 MPa shall not be heat-curved. Camber
Girders shall be cambered before heat-curving. Camber for rolled beams may be obtained by heat-cambering
methods approved by the Engineer. For plate girders, the web shall be cut to the prescribed camber with suitable
allowance for shrinkage due to cutting, welding, and heat-curving. However, subject to the approval of the Engineer,
moderate deviations from specified camber may be corrected by a carefully supervised application of heat. Measurement of Curvature and Camber

Horizontal curvature and vertical camber shall be measured for final acceptance after all welding and heating
operations are completed and the flanges have cooled to a uniform temperature. Horizontal curvature shall be
checked with the girder in the vertical position.

15.4.14 Orthotropic-Deck Superstructures General

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Dimensional tolerance limits for orthotropic-deck bridge members shall be applied to each completed but unloaded
member and shall be as specified in paragraph 3.5 of the current AASHTO/ AWS D 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code,
except as follows:
- The deviation from detailed flatness, straightness, or curvature at any point shall be the perpendicular
distance from that point to a template edge which has the detailed straightness or curvature and which is in
contact with the element at two other points.
- The template edge may have any length not exceeding the greatest dimension of the element being
examined and, for any panel, not exceeding 1.5 times the least dimension of the panel; it may be placed
anywhere within the boundaries of the element.
- The deviation shall be measured between adjacent points of contact of the template edge with the element;
the distance between these adjacent points of contact shall be used in the formulas to establish the
tolerance limits for the segment being measured whenever this distance is less than the applicable
dimension of the element specified for the formula. Flatness of Panels

The maximum deviation, δ, from detailed flatness or curvature of a panel shall not exceed the greater of 5 mm or:
726 √ T
δ = maximum deviation in mm.
D = the least dimension along the boundary of the panel in mm.
T = the minimum thickness of the plate comprising the panel in mm. Straightness of Longitudinal Stiffeners Subject to Calculated Compressive Stress, Including Orthotropic-
Deck Ribs
The maximum deviation, δ, from detailed straightness or curvature in any direction perpendicular to its length of a
longitudinal web stiffener or other stiffener subject to calculated compressive stress shall not exceed:
L = the length of the stiffener or rib between cross members, webs, or flanges, mm Straightness of Transverse Web Stiffeners and Other Stiffeners Not Subject to Calculated Compressive
The maximum deviation, δ, from detailed straightness or curvature in any direction perpendicular to its length of a
transverse web stiffener or other stiffener not subject to calculated compressive stress shall not exceed:

15.4.15 Full-Size Tests

When full-size tests of fabricated structural members or eyebars are required in the contract documents, the
Contractor shall provide suitable facilities, material, supervision, and labor necessary for making and recording the
required tests. The contractor shall provide the Engineer with detailed testing plan that includes: the loading pattern
and the testing setup, the number of cycles per loading, the frequency of the loading, and the layout of the
instrumnetaion gauges.
The members tested in accordance with the contract documents shall be paid for in accordance with Clause 15.10

15.4.16 Marking and Shipping

Each member shall be painted or marked with an erection mark for identification and an erection diagram showing
these marks shall be furnished to the Engineer.

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The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer as many copies of material orders, shipping statements, and erection
diagrams as the Engineer may direct. The mass of the individual members shall be shown on the statements.
Members having a weight of more than 26.5 kN shall have the mass marked thereon. Structural members shall be
loaded on trucks or cars in such a manner that they may be transported and unloaded at their destination without
being damaged.
Bolts, nuts, and washers (where required) from each rotational-capacity lot shall be shipped in the same container. If
there is only one production lot number for each size of nut and washer, the nuts and washers may be shipped in
separate containers. Pins, small parts, and packages of bolts, washers, and nuts shall be shipped in boxes, crates,
kegs, or barrels but the gross weight of any package shall not exceed 1.3 kN. A list and description of the contained
materials shall be plainly marked on the outside of each shipping container.


15.5.1 Bolting
Surfaces of metal in contact shall be cleaned before assembling. The parts of a member shall be assembled, well
pinned, and firmly drawn together before drilling, reaming, or bolting is commenced. Assembled pieces shall be taken
apart, if necessary, for the removal of burrs and shavings produced by the operation . The member shall be free from
twists, bends, and other deformation. The drifting done during assemby shall be only such as to bring the parts into
position and not sufficient to enlarge the holes or distort the metal.

15.5.2 Welded Connections

Surfaces and edges to be welded shall be smooth, uniform, clean, and free of defects which would adversely affect
the quality of the weld. Edge preparation shall be done in accordance with the current AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D 1.5
Bridge Welding Code.

15.5.3 Preassembly of Field Connections General
Field connections of main members of trusses, arches, continuous beams, plate girders, bents, towers, and rigid
frames shall be preassembled prior to erection as necessary to verify the geometry of the completed structure or unit
and to verify or prepare field splices. Attaining accurate geometry is the responsibility of the Contractor and the
Contractor shall propose an appropriate method of preassembly for approval by the Engineer. The method and
details of preassembly shall be consistent with the erection procedure shown on the erection plans and camber
diagrams prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. As a minimum, the preassembly procedure shall
consist of assembling three contiguous panels accurately adjusted for line and camber. Successive assemblies shall
consist of at least one section or panel of the previous assembly (repositioned if necessary and adequately pinned to
assure accurate alignment) plus two or more sections or panels added at the advancing end. In the case of structures
longer than 46 m, each assembly shall be not less than 46 m long regardless of the length of individual continuous
panels or sections. At the option of the Fabricator, sequence of assembly may start from any location in the structure
and proceed in one or both directions so long as the preceding requirements are satisfied. At the discretion of the
Engineer, if the pre-assembly procedure cause any damage to connections or any of the structural attachments, the
affected part shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Bolted Connections

For bolted connections, holes shall be prepared as outlined in Clause 15.4.10 "Bolt Holes". Where applicable, major
components shall be assembled with milled ends of compression members in full bearing and then shall have their
subsized holes reamed to the specified size while the connections are assembled. Check Assembly-Numerically-Controlled Drilling

When the Contractor opts to use numerically-controlled drilling, a check of assembly shall be required for each major
structural type of each project, unless otherwise designated in the contract documents, and shall consist of at least
contiguous shop sections or, in a truss, all members in at least three contiguous panels but not less than the number
of panels associated with three contiguous chord lengths (i.e., length between field splices).
Check assemblies should be based on the proposed order of erection, joints in bearings, special complex points, and
similar considerations.

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If the check assembly fails in some specific manner to demonstrate that the required accuracy is being obtained,
further check assemblies may be required by the Engineer for which there shall be no additional cost to the Owner.
Each assembly, including camber, alignment, accuracy of holes, and fit of milled joints, shall be approved by the
Engineer before reaming is commenced or before an N/C drilled check assembly is dismantled. Field-Welded Connections

For field-welded connections the fit of members including the proper space between abutting flanges shall be
prepared or verified with the segment preassembled in accordance with Clause

15.5.4 Match-Marking
Connecting parts preassembled in the shop to assure proper fit in the field shall be match-marked, and a diagram
showing such marks shall be furnished to the Engineer.

15.5.5 Connections Using Unfinished, Turned, or Ribbed Bolts General
When unfinished bolts are specified, the bolts shall be unfinished, turned, or ribbed bolts conforming to the
requirements for Grade A bolts of standard specification for carbon steel bolts and studs, ASTM A 307, 414 MPa
tensile strength (carbon and alloy steel externally threaded metric fasteners, ASTM F 568M, Property Class 4.6, 400-
MPa tensile strength). Bolts shall have single self-locking nuts or double nuts unless otherwise specified in the
contract documents. Beveled washers shall be used where bearing faces have a slope of more than 1:20 with respect
to a plane normal to the bolt axis. The specifications of this Clause do not pertain to the use of high-strength bolts.
Bolted connections fabricated with high-strength bolts shall conform to Clause 15.5.6 "Connections Using High-
Strength Bolts." Turned Bolts

The surface of the body of turned bolts shall meet the ANSI B46.1 roughness rating value of 3.2 μm. Heads and nuts
shall be hexagonal with standard dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger nominal size.
Diameter of threads shall be equal to the body of the bolt or the nominal diameter of the bolt specified . Holes for
turned bolts shall be carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a light driving fit. Threads shall be entirely
outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided under the nut. Shop assemblies other than the check assemblies will
not be required Ribbed Bolts

The body of ribbed bolts shall be of an approved form with continuous longitudinal ribs. The diameter of the body
measured on a circle through the points of the ribs shall be 2 mm greater than the nominal diameter specified for the
Ribbed bolts shall be furnished 'with round heads conforming to ANSI B 18.5 (ANSI B or B as
specified. Nuts shall be hexagonal, either recessed or with a washer of suitable thickness. Ribbed bolts shall make a
driving fit with the holes. The hardness of the ribs shall be such that the ribs do not distort to permit the bolts to turn
in the holes during tightening. If for any reason the bolt twists before drawing tight, the hole shall be carefully reamed
and an oversized bolt used as a replacement.

15.5.6 Connections Using High-Strength Bolts General
This Article covers the assembly of structural joints using AASHTO M 164/M 164M (ASTM A 325/A 325M) or AASHTO
M 253/ M 253M (ASTM A 490/ A 490M) high-strength bolts or equivalent fasteners, installed so as to develop the
minimum required bolt tension specified in Table 15 -135. The bolts are used in holes conforming to the
requirements of Clause 15.4.10 “Bolt Holes". Bolted Parts

All material within the grip of the bolt shall be steel; there shall be no compressible material such as gaskets or
insulation within the grip. Bolted steel parts shall fit solidly together after the bolts are snugged and may be coated or
uncoated. The slope of the surfaces of parts in contact with the bolt head or nut shall not exceed 1:20 with respect to
a plane normal to the bolt axis. Surface Conditions

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At the time of assembly, all joint surfaces, including surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nut, shall be free of scale,
except tight mill scale, and shall be free of dirt or other foreign material. Burrs that would prevent solid seating of the
connected parts in the snug condition shall be removed.
Paint is permitted on the faying surface including slip critical joints when designed in accordance with Article 6.13.2,
"Bolted Connections," of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification.
The contacting surfaces of slip-critical connections shall meet the requirements of the following paragraphs, as
- In non-coated joints, paint, including any inadvertent overspray, shall be excluded from areas closer than one
bolt diameter but not less than 25 mm from the edge of any hole and all areas within the bolt pattern.
- Joints specified to have painted faying surfaces shall be blast cleaned and coated with a paint which has been
qualified in accordance with requirements of Article, "Slip Resistance," of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specification.
- Coated joints shall not be assembled before the coating has cured for the minimum time used in the
qualifying test.
- Faying surfaces specified to be galvanized shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111/M
111M (ASTM A 123/A 123M) and shall subsequently be roughened by means of hand wire brushing. Power
wire brushing is not permitted.
"Surface conditions" refers to Article 6.13.2, "Bolted Connections," and Article, "Slip Resistance," of the of the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. Installation of Fasteners General
Fastener components shall be assigned lot numbers, including rotational-capacity lot numbers, prior to shipping and
components shall be assembled when installed. Such components shall be protected from dirt and moisture at the
job site. Only the number of anticipated components to be installed and tensioned during a work shift shall be
removed from protective storage. Components not used shall be returned to protective storage at the end of the
shift. Assemblies for slip-critical connections which accumulate rust or dirt resulting from job site conditions shall be
cleaned, relubricated, and tested for rotational capacity prior to installation. All galvanized nuts shall be lubricated
with a lubricant containing a visible dye. Plain bolts must be oily to touch when delivered and installed. Lubricant on
exposed surfaces shall be removed prior to painting.
A bolt-tension measuring device (a Skidmore-Wilhelm Calibrator or other acceptable bolt-tension indicating device)
shall be at all job sites where high-strength bolts are being installed and tensioned. The tension-measuring device
shall be used to perform the rotational-capacity test and to confirm:
- The suitability to satisfy the requirements of Table 15 -135 of the complete fastener assembly, including
lubrication if required to be used in the work,
- calibration of the wrenches, and
- the understanding and proper use by the bolting crew of the installation method.
To perform the calibrated wrench verification test for short grip bolts, direct tension indicators (DTI) with solid plates
may be used in lieu of a tension-measuring device. The DTI lot shall be first verified with a longer grip bolt in the
Skidmore-Wilhelm Calibrator or an acceptable equivalent device. The frequency of confirmation testing, the number
of tests to be performed, and the test procedure shall be as specified in Clause 3300H through 3301H, as applicable. The accuracy of the tension measuring device shall be confirmed by an approved testing
agency at least annually.
Bolts and nuts together with washers of size and quality specified in the contract documents, located as required
below, shall be installed in properly aligned holes and tensioned and inspected by any of the installation methods
described in Articles 3302H through 3303H to at least the minimum tension specified in Table
13.2. Tensioning may be done by turning the bolt while the nut is prevented from rotating. When it is impractical to
turn the nut, impact wrenches, if used, shall be of adequate capacity and sufficiently supplied with air to apply the
proper tension to each bolt in approximately ten seconds.
AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) [(AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M))] fasteners and galvanized AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A
325) (AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A 325M) fasteners shall not be reused. Other AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) (AASHTO

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M 164M (ASTM A 325M)) bolts may be reused if approved by the Engineer. Touching up or retorquing previously
tensioned bolts which may have been loosened by the tensioning of adjacent bolts shall not be considered as reuse
provided the torquing continues from the initial position and does not require greater rotation, including the
tolerance, than that required by Table 13.5.
Bolts shall be installed in all holes of the connection and the connection brought to a snug condition.
Snugging shall progress systematically from the most rigid part of the connection to the free edges. The snugging
sequence shall be repeated until the full connection is in a snug condition.
Table 15-135 : Minimum Required Bolt Tension, kN
Bolt Size (mm) AASHTO M 164 AASHTO M 253
ASTM A 325 ASTM A 490
13 53.5 66.7
16 84.5 106.8
19 124.6 155.7
22 173.5 218
25 227 284.7
29 249 356
32 316 453.7
35 378 538.2
38 458 658.3

The minimum bolt tension shall be taken as seventy percent (70%) of specified minimum tensile strength of bolts (as
specified in ASTM Specifications for tests of full-size A 325 (A 325M) and A 490 (A 490M) bolts with UNC threads
(metric coarse thread series, ANSI B1.13M), loaded in axial tension) rounded to the nearest 1000 N.
Table 15- 136 : Nut Rotation from the Snug Condition
Geometry of Outer Faces of Bolted Parts
Bolt length measured Both faces normal One face normal to bolt axis and Both faces sloped not more
from underside of to bolt axis. other face sloped not more than than 1:20 from normal to bolt
head to end of bolt. 1:20. Bevel washer not used. axis. Bevel washers not used.
Up to and including 1/3 turn 1/2 turn 2/3 turn
four diameters
Over four diameters, 1/2 turn 2/3 turn 5/6 turn
but not exceeding
eight diameters
Over eight diameters, 2/3 turn 5/6 turn 1 turn
but not exceeding 12

Rotation, as used in Table 13.5, shall be taken as relative to the bolt, regardless of the element (nut or bolt) being
turned., The tolerances are minus 0, plus 30 degrees for bolts installed by a 1/2 turn or less; for bolts installed by 2/3
turn or more, the tolerance are minus 0, plus 45 degrees.
The values, given in Table 13.5, shall be applicable only to connections in which all material within grip of the bolt is
For situations in which the bolt length measured from the underside of the head to the end of the bolt exceeds 12
diameters, the required rotation shall be determined by actual tests in a suitable tension device simulating the actual
conditions. Rotational-Capacity Tests

Rotational-capacity testing is required for all fastener assemblies. Assemblies specified as galvanized shall be tested
after galvanizing. Washers shall be required as part of the test even though they may not be required as part of the
installation procedure. The following shall apply:
- Except as modified herein, the rotational-capacity test shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) (AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A 325M)).
- Each combination of bolt production lot, nut lot, and washer lot shall be tested as an assembly . Where
washers are not required by the installation procedures, they need not be included in the lot identification.
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- A rotational-capacity lot number shall have been assigned to each combination of lots tested.
- The minimum frequency of testing shall be two assemblies per rotational capacity lot.
- For bolts that are long enough to fit in a Skidmore-Wilhelm Calibrator, the bolt, nut, and washer assembly
shall be assembled in a Skidmore- Wilhelm Calibrator or an acceptable equivalent device.
- Bolts that are too short to test in a Skidmore-Wilhelm Calibrator may be tested in a steel joint. The tension
requirement, in the section below, need not apply. The maximum torque requirement, torque 0.250PD,
shall be computed using a value of P equal to the turn test tension taken as 1 .15 times the bolt tension in
Table 13.4.
- The tension reached at the rotation below, i.e., the turn-test tension, shall be equal to or greater than 1.15
times the required fastener tension, i.e., installation tension, shown in Table 13.4.
- In a tension-measuring device, the minimum rotation from an initial tension of ten percent of the minimum
required tension shall be two times the required number of turns indicated in Table 13 .5 without stripping or
After the required installation tension listed above has been exceeded, one reading of tension and torque shall be
taken and recorded. The torque value shall conform to the following:
Torque ≤ 0.250PD
Torque = measured torque,
P = measured bolt tension, N.
D = bolt diameter, mm. Requirement for Washers

Where the outer face of the bolted parts has a slope greater than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis,
a hardened bevelled washer shall be used to compensate for the lack of parallelism.
Hardened bevelled washers for American Standard Beams and Channels shall be required and shall be square or
rectangular, shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 293 (ASTM F 436) [(AASHTO M 293M (ASTM F 436M))],
and shall taper in thickness.
Where necessary, washers may be clipped on one side to a point not closer than 0.875 times the bolt diameter from
the center of the washer.
Hardened washers are not required for connections using AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) (AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A
325M)) and AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M) bolts, except as follows:
- Hardened washers shall be used under the turned element when tensioning is to be performed by calibrated
wrench method.
- Irrespective of the tensioning method, hardened washers shall be used under both the head and the nut
when AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M)) bolts are to be installed in material
having a specified yield point less than 275 MPa. When DTIs are used, they may replace a hardened washer
provided a standard sized hole is used.
- Where AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) (AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A 325M)) bolts of any diameter or AASHTO M
253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M)) bolts equal to or less than 24 mm in diameter are to be
installed in oversize or short-slotted holes in an outer ply, a hardened washer conforming to AASHTO M 293
(ASTM F 436) (AASHTO M 293M (ASTM F 436M)) shall be used.
- Where AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M)) bolts over 24 mm in diameter are to
be installed in an oversize or short-slotted hole in an outer ply, hardened washers conforming to AASHTO M
293 (ASTM F 436) (AASHTO M 293M (ASTM F 436M)), except with 8 mm minimum thickness, shall be used
under both the head and the nut in lieu of standard thickness hardened washers . Multiple hardened washers
with combined thickness equal to or greater than 8 mm shall not be considered as satisfying this
- Where AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) (AASHTO M 164M (ASTM A 325M)) bolts of any diameter or AASHTO M
253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M)) bolts equal to or less than 24 mm in diameter are to be
installed in a long slotted hole in an outer ply, a plate washer or continuous bar of at least 8 mm thickness
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with standard holes shall be provided. These washers or bars shall have a size sufficient to completely cover
the slot after installation and shall be of structural grade material, but need not be hardened, except as
- Where AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 490) (AASHTO M 253M (ASTM A 490M)) bolts over 24 mm in diameter are to
be used in long slotted holes in external plies, a single hardened washer conforming to AASHTO M 293
(ASTM F 436) (AASHTO M 293M (ASTM F 436M)), but with 8 mm minimum thickness shall be used in lieu of
washers or bars of structural grade material. Multiple hardened washers with combined thickness equal to or
greater than 8 mm shall not be considered as satisfying this requirement.
Alternate design fasteners meeting the requirements of Article, "Load Indicator Devices," with a geometry

which provides a bearing circle on the head or nut with a diameter equal to or greater than the diameter of hardened
washers meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 293 (ASTM F 436) (AASHTO M 293M (ASTM F 436M)) satisfy the
requirements for washers specified herein and may be used without washers. Turn-of Nut installation Method

When the turn-of-nut installation method is used, hardened washers are not required, except as may be specified in

Verification testing using a representative sample of not less than three fastener assemblies of each diameter, length,
and grade to be used in the work shall be performed at the start of work in a device capable of indicating bolt tension .
This verification test shall demonstrate that the method used by the bolting crew to develop a snug condition and to
control the turns from a snug condition develops a tension not less than five percent greater than the tension
required by Table 13.4. Periodic retesting shall be performed when ordered by the Engineer.
After snugging, the applicable amount of rotation specified in Table 13.5 shall be achieved. During the tensioning

operation there shall be no rotation of the part not turned by the wrench. Tensioning shall progress systematically
from the most rigid part of the joint to its free edges. Calibrated Wrench Installation Method

The calibrated wrench method may be used only when wrenches are calibrated on a daily basis and when a hardened
washer is used under the turned element. Standard torques determined from tables or from formulas which are
assumed to relate torque to tension shall not be acceptable.
When calibrated wrenches are used for installation, they shall be set to deliver a torque which has been calibrated to
produce a tension not less than five percent in excess of the minimum tension specified in Table 13.4. The installation

procedures shall be calibrated by verification testing at least once each working day for each fastener assembly that is
being installed in the work that day. This verification testing shall be accomplished in a tension-measuring device
capable of indicating actual bolt tension by testing three typical fastener assemblies from each lot. Bolts, nuts, and
washers under the turned element shall be sampled from production lots. Wrenches shall be recalibrated when a
significant difference is noted in the surface condition of the bolts, threads, nuts, or washers. It shall be verified during
actual installation in the assembled steel work that the wrench adjustment selected by the calibration does not
produce a nut or bolt head rotation from snug condition greater than that permitted in Table 13.5. If manual torque

wrenches are used, nuts shall be torqued in the tensioning direction when torque is measured.
When calibrated wrenches are used to install and tension bolts in a connection, bolts shall be installed with hardened
washers under the turned element. Following snugging, the connection shall be tensioned using the calibrated
wrench. Tensioning shall progress systematically from the most rigid part of the joint to its free edges . The wrench
shall be returned to "touch up" previously tensioned bolts which may have been relaxed as a result of the subsequent
tensioning of adjacent bolts until all bolts are tensioned to the prescribed amount. Alternative Design Bolt Installation Method

When fasteners which incorporate a design feature intended to indirectly indicate that the applied torque develops
the required bolt tension or to automatically develop the tension required by Table 13.4 and which have been

qualified under Article, "Alternative Fasteners," are to be installed, verification testing using a representative

sample of not less than three fastener assemblies of each diameter, length and grade to be used in the work shall be
performed at the job site in a device capable of indicating bolt tension. The test assembly shall include flat-hardened
washers, if required in the actual connection, arranged as in the actual connections to be tensioned. The verification
test shall demonstrate that each bolt develops a tension not less than five percent greater than the tension required
by Table 13.4. The Manufacturer's installation procedure shall be followed for installation of bolts in the calibration

device and in all connections. Periodic retesting shall be performed when ordered by the Engineer.

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When alternative design fasteners, which are intended to control or indicate bolt tension of the fasteners are used,
bolts shall be installed in all holes of the connection and initially snugged sufficiently to bring all plies of the joint into
firm contact, but without yielding or fracturing the control or indicator element of the fasteners . All fasteners shall
then be further tensioned, progressing systematically from the most rigid part of the connection to the free edges in a
manner that will minimize relaxation of previously tensioned bolts. In some cases, proper tensioning of the bolts may
require more than a single cycle of systematic partial tensioning prior to final yielding or fracturing of the control or
indicator element of individual fasteners. If yielding or fracture occurs prior to the final tensioning cycle, the individual
fastener assembly shall be replaced with a new one. Direct Tension Indicator Installation Method

When Direct Tension Indicators (DTIs) meeting the requirements of Article are used with high-strength bolts

to indicate bolt tension, they shall be subjected to the verification testing described below and installed in accordance
with the method specified below. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the DTIs shall be installed under the
head of the bolt and the nut turned to tension the bolt. The Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed for
the proper orientation of the DTI and additional washers, if any, required for the correct use of the DTI. Installation of
a DTI under the turned element may be permitted if a washer is used to separate the turned element from the DTI.
a) Verification
Verification testing shall be performed in a calibrated bolt-tension measuring device. A special flat insert shall be used
in place of the normal bolt head holding insert. Three verification tests shall be required for each combination of
fastener assembly rotational-capacity lot, DTI lot, and DTI position relative to the turned element (bolt head or nut) to
be used on the project. The fastener assembly shall be installed in the tension-measuring device with the DTI located
in the same position as in the work. The element intended to be stationary (bolt or nut) shall be restrained from
The verification tests shall be conducted in two stages. The bolt nut and DTI assembly shall be installed in a manner so
that at least three and preferably not more than five threads are located between the bearing face of the nut and the
bolt head. The bolt shall be tensioned first to the load equal to that listed in Table 13 .6 under Verification Tension for
the grade and diameter of the bolt. If an impact wrench is used, the tension developed using the impact wrench shall
be no more than two-thirds of the required tension. Subsequently, a manual wrench shall be used to attain the
required tension. The number of refusals of the 0.125 mm tapered feeler gage in the spaces between the protrusions
shall be recorded. The number of refusals for uncoated DTIs under the stationary or turned element, or coated DTIs
under the stationary element, shall not exceed the number listed under Maximum Verification Refusals in Table 13 .6
for the grade and diameter of bolt used. The maximum number of verification refusals for coated DTIs (galvanized,
painted, or epoxy-coated), when used under the turned element, shall be no more than the number of spaces on the
DTI less one. The DTI lot shall be rejected if the number of refusals exceeds the values in the table or, for coated DTIs
if the gage is refused in all spaces.
After the number of refusals is recorded at the verification load, the bolt shall be further tensioned until the 0 .125
mm feeler gage is refused at all the spaces and a visible gap exists in at least one space . The load at this condition
shall be recorded and the bolt removed from the tension-measuring device. The nut shall be able to be run down by
hand for the complete thread length of the bolt excluding thread run-out. If the nut cannot be run down for this
thread length, the DTI lot shall be rejected unless the load recorded is less than 95 percent of the average load
measured in the rotational capacity test of the fastener lot as specified in Article 3322H 13 ., "Rotational-
Capacity Tests".
If the bolt is too short to be tested in the calibration device, the DTI lot shall be verified on a long bolt in a calibrator to
determine the number of refusals at the verification tension listed in Table 13.6. The number of refusals shall not
exceed the values listed under maximum verification refusals in Table 13.6. Another DTI from the same lot shall then
be verified with the short bolt in a convenient hole in the work. The bolt shall be tensioned until the 0.125 mm feeler
gage is refused in all spaces and a visible gap exists in at least one space. The bolt shall then be removed from the
tension measuring device and the nut shall be able to be run down by hand for the complete thread length of the bolt
excluding thread run-out. The DTI lot shall be rejected if the nut cannot be run down this thread length.
Table 15-137 : Direct Tension Indicator Requirements
Bolt Size, Verification Tension, kN Maximum DTI Spaces Minimum Installation
mm Verification Refusals Refusals
A 325 A 490 A 325 A 490 A 325 A 490 A 325 A 490
13 57.8 71.2 1 2 4 5 2 3
16 89 111.2 1 2 4 5 2 3
19 129 164.6 2 2 5 6 3 3
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22 182.4 227 2 2 5 6 3 3
25 240.2 298 2 3 6 7 3 4
29 262.4 373.7 2 3 6 7 3 4
32 333.6 476 3 3 7 8 4 4
35 396 564 3 3 7 8 4 4
38 480.4 689.5 3 4 8 9 4 5

b) Installation
Installation of fastener assemblies using DTIs shall be performed in two stages. The stationary element shall be held
against rotation during each stage of the installation. The connection shall be first snugged with bolts installed in all
the holes of the connection and tensioned sufficiently to bring all the plies of the connection into firm contact. The
number of spaces in which a 0.125 mm feeler gage is refused in the DTI after snugging shall not exceed those listed
under Maximum Verification Refusals in Table 13.6. If the number exceeds the values in the table, the fastener
assembly shall be removed and another DTI installed and snugged.
For uncoated DTIs used under a stationary or turned element and for coated DTIs used under stationary element, the
bolts shall be further tensioned until the number of refusals of the 0.125 mm feeler gage shall be equal to or greater
than the number listed under Minimum Installation Refusals in Table 13.6. If the bolt is tensioned so that no visible
gap in any space remains, the bolt and DTI shall be removed and replaced by a new properly tensioned bolt and DTI.
When coated DTIs (galvanized, painted, or epoxy coated) are used under a turned element, the 0.125 mm feeler gage
shall be refused in all spaces. Lock-Pin and Collar Fasteners

The installation of lock-pin and collar fasteners shall be by methods and procedures
approved by the Engineer. Inspection
a) General
The Engineer shall determine that the requirements of Articles, are met in the
3327H 3328H

b) Responsibilities of the Engineer
Before the installation of fasteners in the work, the Engineer shall:
- check the marking, surface condition, and storage of bolts, nuts, washers, and DTIs, if used, and the faying
surfaces of joints for compliance with the requirements of Articles 13.3.2,, and and
3329H 3330H 3331H

- observe calibration and/or testing procedures required in Articles through, as
3332H 3333H

applicable, to confirm that the selected procedure is properly used and that, when so used with the fastener
assemblies supplied, the tensions specified in Table 13.4 are developed.
The Engineer shall monitor the installation of fasteners in the work to assure that the selected installation method, as
demonstrated in the initial testing to develop the specified tension, is routinely followed.
c) Inspection Procedures
Either the Engineer or the Contractor, in the presence of the Engineer at the Engineer's option, shall inspect the
tensioned bolts using an inspection torque wrench, unless alternate fasteners or direct tension indicator devices are
used, allowing verification by other methods. Inspection tests should be conducted prior to possible loss of lubrication
or corrosion influence on tightening torque.
Three fastener assembly lots in the same condition as those under inspection shall be placed individually in a device
calibrated to measure bolt tension. This calibration operation shall be done at least once each inspection day. There
shall be a washer under the turned element in tensioning each bolt if washers are used on the structure . If washers
are not used on the structure, the material used in the tension-measuring device which abuts the part turned shall be
of the same specification as that used on the structure. In the calibrated device, each bolt shall be tensioning by any
convenient means to the specified tension. The inspecting wrench shall then be applied to the tensioned bolt to
determine the torque required to turn the nut or head five degrees (25 mm at a 300 mm radius) in the tensioning
direction. The average of the torque required for all three bolts shall be taken as the job-inspection torque.
Ten percent (at least two) of the tensioned bolts on the structure represented by the test bolts shall be selected at
random in each connection. The job-inspection torque shall then be applied to each with the inspecting wrench
turned in the tensioning direction. If this torque turns no bolt head or nut, the bolts in the connection shall be
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considered to be properly tensioned. If the torque turns one or more boltheads or nuts, the job-inspection torque
shall then be applied to all bolts in the connection. Any bolt whose head or nut turns at this stage shall be retorqued
and reinspected. The Contractor may, however, retorque all the bolts in the connection and resubmit it for
inspection, so long as DTIs are not over tensioned and fastener assemblies are not damaged.

15.5.7 Welding
Welding, welder qualifications, prequalification of weld details, and inspection of welds shall conform to the
requirements of the current AASHTO/ A WS D 1.5M/D 1.5 Bridge Welding Code.
Brackets, clips, shipping devices, or other material not required by the contract documents shall not be welded or
tacked to any member unless specified in the contract documents and approved by the Engineer.


15.6.1 General
The Contractor shall provide all tools, machinery, and equipment necessary to erect the structure.
Falsework and forms shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 6, "Temporary Works."

15.6.2 Handling and Storing Materials

Material to be stored at the job site shall be placed on skids above the ground . It shall be kept clean and properly
drained. Girders and beams shall be placed upright and shored. Long members, such as columns and chords, shall be
supported on skids placed near enough together to prevent damage from deflection. If the contract documents are
for erection only, the Contractor shall check the material received against the shipping lists and report promptly in
writing any shortage or injury discovered. After material is received by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be
responsible for any damage to or loss of material.

15.6.3 Bearings and Anchorages

Bridge bearings shall be furnished and installed in conformance with Section 16, "Bearing Devices".
If the steel superstructure is to be placed on a substructure that was built under a separate contract, the Contractor
shall verify that the masonry has been constructed in the right location and to the correct lines and elevations before
ordering materials.

15.6.4 Erection Procedure Conformance to Drawings
The erection procedure shall conform to the erection drawings submitted in accordance with Article 13.2.3. Any

modifications to or deviations from this erection procedure shall require revised drawings and verification of stresses
and geometry. Erection Stresses

Any erection stresses induced in the structure as a result of using a method of erection which differs from the
contract documents shall be accounted for by the Contractor. Erection design calculations for such changed methods
shall be prepared at the Contractor's expense and submitted to the Engineer. The calculations shall indicate any
change in stresses or change in behavior for the temporary and final structures. Additional material required to keep
both the temporary and final stresses within the allowable limits used in design shall be provided at the Contractor's
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing temporary bracing or stiffening devices to accommodate handling
stresses in individual members or segments of the structure during erection. When the partial structure is deemed
prone to suitability concerns, the contractor shall provide the requisite calculations showing that the partial structure
will remain stable until the complete continuity of the structure is reached. Maintaining Alignment and Camber

During erection, the Contractor shall be responsible for supporting segments of the structure in a manner that will
produce the proper alignment and camber in the completed structure. Cross frames and diagonal bracing shall be
installed as necessary during the erection process to provide stability and assure correct geometry . Temporary
bracing, if necessary at any stage of erection, shall be provided by the Contractor.
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15.6.5 Field Assembly

The parts shall be accurately assembled as specified in the contract documents or erection drawings and any match-
marks shall be followed. The material shall be carefully handled so that no parts will be bent, broken, or otherwise
damaged. Hammering which will injure or distort the members shall not be done. Bearing surfaces and surfaces to be
in permanent contact shall be cleaned before the members are assembled. Splices and field connections shall have
one-half of the holes filled with bolts and cylindrical erection pins (half bolts and half pins) before installing and
tightening the balance of high-strength bolts. Splices and connections carrying traffic during erection shall have three-
fourths of the holes so filled.
Fitting-up bolts may be the same high-strength bolts used in the installation. If other fitting-up bolts are used, they
shall be of the same nominal diameter as the high strength bolts and cylindrical erection pins shall be 0.8 mm larger.

15.6.6 Pins Connections

Pilot and driving nuts shall be used in driving pins. They shall be furnished by the Contractor without charge. Pins shall
be so driven that the members will take full bearing on them. Pin nuts shall be screwed up tight and the threads
burred at the face of the nut with a pointed tool.

15.6.7 Misfits
The correction of minor misfits involving minor amounts of reaming, cutting, grinding, and chipping shall be
considered a legitimate part of the erection. However, any error in the shop fabrication or deformation resulting from
handling and transporting shall be cause for rejection.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all misfits, errors, and damage and shall make the necessary corrections and


Expansion joints shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of this section. Install expansion joints in
accordance with the requirements of Section 17, "Bridge Deck Joint Seals".
Complete working drawings for fabrication and installation of expansion joints shall be submitted. The Contractor
shall include the joint manufacturer‘s instructions for proper installation of the joint on the drawings. Joint opening
dimension for an ambient temperature of fivteen degree Celsius (15°C) and adjustments to that dimension due to
temperature variations shall be shown.
The Contractor shall fabricate expansion joints accurately to conform to the specified concrete floor section, matching
cross slopes and break points. Expansion joints shall be assembled and checked for fit in the shop, then it shall be
match marked for shipment.
For sealed expansion joints, the steel receptors shall be fabricated to be continuous the full length of joint including
150 mm extensions. The number of splices in the steel receptor shall be minimized. To splice, a partial penetration
weld, ground smooth shall be used. Welding shall not be done in areas in contact with the neoprene.
The Contractor shall provide and install a neoprene gland continuous the full length of joint including 150 mm
extensions. At locations where joints are shown to be for skew of thirty-five degree (35°) and greater, the neoprene
shall be spliced by vulcanizing or other approved method that provides strength and durability equal to unspliced
neoprene. Splices shall be permanently watertight.

Material (except bearing devices and painting) for steel structures will be evaluated under Article 3.5.1. Furnish
production certifications for each shipment of structural steel, steel forgings, and high -strength bolts, nuts, and
Construction of steel structures will be evaluated under Article 3.5.1.
Bearing devices will be evaluated under Section 16.
Painting will be evaluated under Section 15.

Pay quantities for each type of steel and iron will be measured by kilogram, computed from dimensions shown in the
contract documents using the following rules and assumptions in Table 13.7.

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Table 15-138 : Unit Weights of Steel and Iron

Unit Weights, KN/m3
Cast Iron 70
Malleable Iron 74
Wrought Iron 76.5
Steel-Rolled or Cast 77

The weight of rolled shapes shall be computed on the basis of their nominal weight per meter as specified in the
contract documents or as listed in AISC handbooks.
The mass of plates shall be computed on the basis of the nominal mass for their width and thickness as specified in
the contract documents, plus an estimated overrun computed as one-half the "Permissible Variation in Thickness and
Weight" as tabulated in "General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Steel Piling, and Bars for
Structural Use, AASHTO M l60M/M 160 (ASTM A 6/A 6M).
The mass of castings shall be computed from the dimensions shown on the approved shop drawings, deducting for
open holes and intrusion. To this mass shall be added five percent allowance for fillets and overrun. Scale mass may
be substituted for computed mass in the case of castings or of small complex parts for which accurate computations
of mass would be difficult.
The mass of temporary erection bolts, shop and field paint, boxes, crates, and other containers used for shipping; and
materials used for supporting members during transportation and erection, will not be included.
The mass of any additional material required by Article, "Erection Stresses," to accommodate erection

stresses resulting from the Contractor's choice of erection methods will not be included.
In computing pay mass on the basis of computed net mass the following stipulations in addition to those in the
foregoing paragraphs shall apply:
- The mass shall be computed on the basis of the net finished dimensions of the parts as specified in the
contract documents, deducting for copes, cuts, clips, and all open holes, except bolt holes.
- The mass of heads, nuts, single washers, and threaded stick-through of all high tensile strength bolts, both
shop and field, shall be included on the basis of the following mass as specified in Table 13.8.
- The mass of fillet welds shall be as specified in Table 13.9.

- To determine the pay quantities of galvanized metal, the mass to be added to the calculated mass of base
metal for the galvanizing will be determined from the mass of zinc coatings specified by AASHTO M IIIM /M III
(ASTM A 123/A 123M).
- No allowance will be made for the mass of paint.
Table 15- 139 : Weight per 100 Bolts
Diameter of Bolt (mm) Weight per 100 Bolts (N)
13 88
16 141
19 233
22 358
25 519
29 735
32 943
35 1246
38 1512

Table 15- 140 : Weight of Fillet Welds

Size of Fillet Weld (mm) Weight (N/m)
4.8 1.17
6.4 2.0
7.9 3.2
9.5 4.4
12.7 8.0
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Size of Fillet Weld (mm) Weight (N/m)

15.9 11.7
19.1 16.1
22.2 22.0
25.4 29.2

The contract-documents price for fabrication and erection of structural steel shall be considered to be full
compensation for the cost of all labor, equipment, materials, transportation, and shop and field painting, if not
otherwise provided for, necessary for the proper completion of the work in accordance with the contract documents.
The contract-documents price for fabrication without erection shall be considered to be full compensation for the
cost of all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the proper completion of the work, other than erection and
field assembly, in accordance with the contract documents.
Under contract documents containing an item for structural steel, all metal parts other than metal reinforcement for
concrete, such as anchor bolts and nuts, shoes, rockers, rollers, bearing and slab plates, pins and nuts, expansion
dams, roadway drains and scuppers, weld metal, bolts embedded in concrete, cradles and brackets, railing, and railing
pots shall be paid for as structural steel unless otherwise stipulated.
Payment will be made on a mass unit-price or a lump-sum basis as required by the terms of the contract documents
but, unless stipulated otherwise, it shall be on a mass unit-price basis. For members comprising both carbon steel and
other special steel or material, when separate unit prices are provided for same, the mass of each class of steel in
each such member shall be separately computed and paid for at the contract documents unit price therefore.
Full-size members which are tested in accordance with the contract documents, when such tests are required by the
contract documents, shall be paid for at the same rate as for comparable members for the structure . The cost of
testing including equipment, labor, and incidentals shall be included in the contract-documents price for structural
steel. Members which fail to meet the contract-documents requirements and members rejected as a result of tests
will not be paid for by the Owner.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 15 -141.

Table 15-141 : Pay Items – Structural Steel

Section/ Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
SECTION 15: STEEL Structural Steel Metric Tons

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The work shall cover furnishing and providing of masonry or reinforced concrete sub-structure in accordance with the
drawings and as per these specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

Materials shall conform to SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications.

A method statement for construction, indicating the following, shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval of
the Engineer, well in advance of the commencement of sub-structure:
a) Sources of Materials,
b) Design, erection and removal of formwork,
c) Production, transportation, laying and curing of concrete,
d) Personnel employed for execution and supervision,
e) Tests and sampling procedure,
f) Equipment details,
g) Any other point.
Arrangements for execution under water wherever necessary, shall be included in method statement.
Dimensions, lines and levels shall be set out and checked with respect to permanent reference lines and permanent
bench mark.


Masonry, formwork, concrete and reinforcement for piers and abutments shall conform to relevant sections of these
specifications. In case of concrete piers, the number of horizontal construction joints shall be kept minimum.
Construction joints shall be avoided in splash zones unless specially permitted by the Engineer and provided they are
treated in accordance with special provisions. No vertical construction joint shall be provided. The work shall conform
strictly to the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
In case of tall piers and abutments, use of slipform shall be preferred. The design, erection and raising of slipform shall
be subject to special specifications which will be furnished by the Contractor . The concrete shall also be subject to
additional specifications as necessary. All specifications and arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the
The surface of foundation/well cap/pile cap shall be scrapped with wire brush and all loose materials removed. In
case reinforcing bars projecting from foundations are coated with cement slurry, the same shall be removed by
tapping, hammering or wire brushing. Care shall be taken to remove all loose materials around reinforcements. Just
before commencing masonry or concrete work, the surface shall be thoroughly wetted.
In case of plain cement concrete substructure surface reinforcement at the rate of 2.5 kg per sqm shall be provided in
each direction. Spacing of bars for surface reinforcement shall not exceed 200 mm.
In case of solid (non-spill through type) abutments, weep holes as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer, shall be provided in conformity with Clause 29.25.
The surface finish shall be smooth, except the earth face of abutments which shall be rough finished.
In case of abutments likely to experience considerable movement on account of backfill of approaches and settlement
of foundations, the construction of the abutment shall be followed by filling up of embankment in layers to the full
height to allow for the anticipated movement during construction period before casting of superstructure.


Formwork, reinforcement and concrete shall conform to relevant sections of these specifications.
The locations and levels of pier cap/abutment cap/pedestals and bolts for fixing bearings shall be checked carefully to
ensure alignment in accordance with the drawings.

Page | 330

The surface of cap shall be finished smooth and shall have a slope for draining of water as shown on the drawings or
as directed by the Engineer. For short span slab bridges with continuous support on pier caps, the surface shall be cast
horizontal. The top surface of the pedestal on which bearings are to be placed shall also be cast horizontal.
The surface on which elastomeric bearings are to be placed shall be wood float finished to a level plane which shall
not vary more than 1.5 mm from straight edge placed in any direction across the area. The surface on which other
bearings (steel bearings, pot bearings) are to be placed shall be cast about 25 mm below the bottom level of bearings
and as indicated on the drawings.


Masonry, concrete and reinforcement shall conform to relevant sections of these specifications.
In case of cantilever return walls, no construction joint shall generally be permitted. Wherever feasible, the concreting
in cantilever return walls shall be carried out in continuation of the ballast wall.
For gravity type masonry and concrete return and wing wall, the surface of foundation shall be prepared in the same
manner as prescribed for construction of abutment. No horizontal construction joint shall be provided. If shown on
drawing or directed by the Engineer, vertical construction joint may be provided. Vertical expansion gap of 20 mm
shall be provided in return wall/wing wall at every 10 metre intervals or as directed by the Engineer. Weep holes shall
be provided as prescribed for abutments or as shown on the drawings.
Formwork, reinforcement and concrete in dirt wall shall conform to relevant sections of these specifications.
The finish of the surface on the earth side shall be rough while the front face shall be smooth finished.
Architectural coping for wing wall/return wall in brick masonry shall conform to Clause 29.1.


The materials shall be tested in accordance with these specifications and shall meet the prescribed requirement.
The work shall conform to these specifications and shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.


a) Variation in cross-sectional dimensions : +10 mm, -5 mm
b) Misplacement from specified position in plan : 10 mm
c) Variation of levels at the top : + 10 mm
d) Variations of reduced levels of bearing areas : + 5 mm
e) Variations from plumb over full height : + 10 mm
f) Surface irregularities measured with 3 m straight edge
All surfaces except bearing areas : 5 mm
Bearing areas : 3 mm

Masonry in sub-structure shall be measured in cubic meters in accordance with Clause 29.1 : BRICK MASONRY
WORKS, based on the quantities ordered or as shown on the drawings.
Concrete in sub-structure shall be measured in cubic meters in accordance with SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE,
based on the quantity ordered or as shown on the drawings. No deduction shall be made for weep holes.
Steel in concrete of sub-structures shall be measured in kilograms, in accordance with SECTION 12: STEEL
REINFORCEMENT WORK, based on the quantity ordered or as shown on the drawings.
Weep holes shall be measured as per Clause 29.25: DRAINAGE OF STRUCTURES, based on the quantity ordered or as
shown on the drawings.

The contract unit rates for masonry, concrete, reinforcement and weep holes shall include all works as given in
respective sections of these specifications and cover all incidental items for furnishing and providing substructure as
mentioned in these Specification.

Page | 331

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The work shall cover furnishing and providing of concrete super-structure in accordance with the drawings as per
these specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

Materials shall conform to SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications.

A method statement for construction, indicating the following, shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval of
the Engineer, well in advance of the commencement of the construction of superstructure.
h) Sources of Materials
i) Design, erection and removal of formwork
j) Production, transportation, laying and curing of concrete
k) Prestressing system, if applicable
l) Personnel employed for execution and supervision
m) Tests and sampling procedure
n) Equipment details
o) Any other point
Dimensions, lines and levels shall be set out and checked with respect to permanent reference lines and permanent
bench mark so that the final product is in accordance with the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The work shall conform to the following sections besides stipulations in this section with regard to specific type of
Additionally, some of the common types of superstructure construction shall have features as discussed in this


17.4.1 Solid Slabs

Where adjacent span of slab has already been cast, the expansion joint and filler board shall be placed abutting the
already cast span which shall form the shutter on that slide of the new span to be cast. The whole of the slab shall be
cast with reinforcement embedded for the road kerb and railings. No other construction joint shall be allowed except
with the express permission of the Engineer.
Where wearing coat is required to be provided, after the deck slab has been cast, the surface of the slab shall be
finished rough, but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings, before the concrete has hardened . The areas of
construction joints shall be treated in the prescribed manner.
The top of the slab shall be covered with clean moist sand as soon as the top surface has hardened . Curing shall be
carried out as per Clause 13.16
Where the slab is resting on bearings, the same shall be placed in position in accordance with the drawings, before
casting of deck slab.

17.4.2 RCC T-Beam and Slab

Provision of construction joint shall conform to the drawings or as per directions of the Engineer. No construction
joint shall be provided between the bottom bulb and the web. If not indicated on the drawing, construction joint may
be provided at the junction of the web and the fillet between the web and the deck slab with the permission of the
Page | 333

The portions of deck slab near expansion joints shall be cast along with reinforcements and embedment for expansion
joints. For this purpose, the portion of deck slab near expansion joints may be cast in a subsequent stage, if permitted
by the Engineer.
The surface finish of the deck slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings before
the concrete has hardened. Care shall be taken for setting of bearings as indicated on the drawings.


17.5.1 PSC Girder and Composite RCC Slab

PSC Girder may be precast of cast-in-situ as mentioned on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Girders may be
post-tensioned or pre-tensioned. Where precast construction is required to be adopted, selection of casting yard and
details of methodology and of equipment for shifting and launching of girders shall be included in the method
In case of cast-in-situ construction, the sequence of construction including side shifting of girders, if applicable, and
placing on bearings shall be in accordance with the drawings.
The PSC girder constituting the top flange, web and the bottom flange shall be concreted in a single operation without
any construction joint.
The portions of deck slab near expansion joints shall be cast along with reinforcements and embedment for expansion
joints. For this purpose, the portion of deck slab near expansion joints may be cast in a subsequent stage, if permitted
by the Engineer.
The surface finish of the deck slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings before
the concrete had hardened. Care shall be taken for setting of bearings as indicated on the drawings.

17.5.2 Box Girder

Box girders may be simply supported or continuous. Simply supported box girders shall have minimum construction
joints as approved by the Engineer. In the case of continuous box girders, the sequence of construction and location
of construction joints shall strictly follow the drawings.
The box section shall be constructed with a maximum of one construction joint located in the web below the fillet
between the deck slab and web. If permitted by the Engineer, one additional construction joint may be permitted and
this construction joint shall be located in the web above the fillet between the soffit slab and web.
The portions of deck slab near expansion joints shall be cast along with reinforcements and embedment for expansion
joints. For this purpose, the portion of deck slab near expansion joints may be cast in a subsequent stage, if permitted
by the Engineer.
The surface finish of the deck slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings before
the concrete has hardened. Care shall be taken for setting of bearings as indicated on the drawings.

17.5.3 Cantilever Construction

Continuity of untensioned reinforcement from one segment to the next must be ensured by providing full lap length
as necessary.
The design of the superstructure shall take into account the following aspects which form an integral part of the
construction operations:
a) Stability against over-turning for each static condition through which the assembly passes, shall be checked.
b) Stresses at each preceding segment joint with the addition of every segment or change of static conditions
shall be checked. The load of equipment as well as construction live load shall be taken into account.
c) Precambering of the superstructure during construction shall be done in such a manner that the finally
constructed structure under permanent load attains the final profile intended in the drawings.



Page | 334

The art of prestressed concrete construction is a specialized job, requiring a high order of workmanship, quality
materials and equipment. The constructional operations involve sophisticated techniques which have a relatively high
potential of hazards if they are not well planned and all safety measures not undertaken. Numerous cases have come
to notice where constructional lapses' have resulted in serious failures resulting not only in loss of materials and
equipment but also human life. Whereas, the entire construction programme for the successful completion of the
work is the sole responsibility of the contracting firm, it is also incumbent on the Engineer's staff to be fully
conversant with all the operations to oversee the procedures to ensure that no accidents occur at site which may
ultimately cause not only loss of materials and at times human lives but also delay the progress of the work . In order
to ensure that all prestressed concrete works are carried out with the utmost care conforming to prescribed
specifications and adopting foolproof techniques, some broad guidelines have been evolved for guidance of the field
engineers. Mere compliance with these guidelines will not, however, absolve the contractor of his entire
responsibility for a successful and safe completion of the work.

17.6.2 GENERAL
a) It shall be ensured that the general safety precautions as applicable to any civil engineering construction
relating to false work, centering, shuttering, excavation, protection against floods, rain etc. shall be
adequately taken care of.
b) Working drawings for carrying out the temporary and permanent works shall be made available at site.
c) All works shall be carried out in accordance with the prescribed specifications and strict quality control to
meet the specified standards.
d) Any change in the construction programme not reflected in the design while seeking approval, shall be
examined de novo for ensuring the safety of the structure.
e) All works shall be executed under the direct supervision of competent engineering personnel of the
contractor as well as the Engineer's Representatives.
f) To ensure safety of all formworks, necessary guidance may be had from AASHTO . In addition, casting bed
required for precast PSC beams, or centering for cast-in-situ PSC beams need special attention. The end
supports of casting beds for precast beam should be capable of supporting full beam weight when
prestressed. The centering for in-situ work should be Sturdy enough to withstand the heavy vibrations
during compaction.


All aspects relating to materials, (viz. prestressing tendons, sheaths, anchorages and grout) tensioning equipment,
tensioning procedure, grouting, etc., shall conform to the provisions contained in specification and the approved
drawings for the project.
Special precautions to ensure safety during construction : While planning the various constructional operations
involved in the execution of prestressed concrete works utmost and careful attention must be paid to the following
requirements to ensure safety. Stressing Schedule

Prestressing involves the application of very high force and high pressures in the hydraulic pipelines and jacking
devices and calls for appropriate precautions to prevent accidents. For this purpose, the following should be given
special attention.
c) The various procedures laid down in the stressing schedule shall be strictly adhered to;
d) The sequence of stressing individual tendons at various stages as specified in the stressing schedule shall be
strictly followed;
e) The concrete strengths as specified in the designs for prestressing at various stages shall be ensured by
checking the test cubes;
f) In case where pre-loading has been specified by the designer before prestressing is resorted to, the same shall
be ensured;
g) The removal of formwork/scaffolding shall strictly follow the indications given in the stressing operations;
h) All precast members shall be designed to withstand all stresses likely to occur in the member during handling,
placing and assembly, and subsequent prestressing, to ensure the stability and safety of all members; and
i) The stressing operations should be carried out by experienced personnel under a competent supervisor. Stressing equipment

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a) All temporary strengthening devices, handling appliances (lifting equipment viz. cranes, jacks, pullies, hoists,
etc.), temporary supports shall be designed to withstand safely all the effects due to loads and forces coming
into play during the various constructional operations. In addition, the following checks shall be made before
the equipment are actually used in the work:-
j) The stressing equipment shall be thoroughly checked to satisfy the manufacturer's instructions for operations
and the same shall be strictly followed.
k) The pressure gauge of the pump shall be checked and shall be calibrated where necessary.
l) A proper arrangement for handling the jack shall be made to avoid any mishap. For example: a small jack can
be handled manually but for a large jack some suitable mechanical device will need to be made.
m) It is desirable that all working personnel wear protective gloves when handling prestressing tendons.
n) Temporary suspension of any other construction operations shall be made which might warrant a workman to
stand directly behind the jack during stressing.
o) Utmost care shall be taken when handling coils of high tensile wire or strand, as this may whip back if not
securely bound.
p) Wedges and the inside surfaces of anchorages shall be cleaned so that the wedges are free to move inside
without hindrances. Stressing Operation

a) Stressing shall be carried out as per manufacturer's instruction manual
q) During stressing, standing behind the jack as well as behind the preblocked anchorage being stressed from the
other and shall be forbidden.
r) Side ejection of the jack can be caused by poor concrete in anchorage zone or by insufficient corner or edge
reinforcement, which shall be avoided.
s) Sudden dislodging of a broken wire in a cable can cause ejection of the jack and wedges, and shall be avoided.
t) Handrail arrangement must be provided if working personnel are likely to fall when jumping clear of the jack,
as may happen in the case of bridge decks constructed by the cantilever technique.
u) Workmen must not be allowed to become causal just because they have stressed a large number of tendons
successfully before.
v) Hydraulic hoses shall be examined regularly as a matter of necessity and, likewise, oil in the pump shall be
examined regularly
w) Hydraulic pressure pipes shall be checked for flaws or bubbles after each stressing operation.
x) Double-check shall be made of the wedges or grips for fixing of tendons to the prestressing jack.
y) The tendons shall be tensioned to a low initial stress and the positioning of wedges or grips as also of the jack
shall be rechecked.
z) The jack shall not be hit with a hammer to adjust its alignment when the load is on.
aa) A competent person shall always be available at the non-jacking end to check on anchorages during stressing,
if one end stressing in adopted.
bb) Detensioning shall be done gradually. Launching the precast girders/Segments

The operation of launching precast prestressed concrete girders/segments is basically a specialized art which varies
from one system to another, depending upon site conditions, facilities available with the contractors, etc ., and as
such, it is difficult to offer specific guidelines in this regard. It shall, however, be ensured that the launching beams
and trusses and all connected structural members are structurally safe during the various launching operations.
It is also necessary that the prestressed girder/segments and the supporting system is duly designed for loads and
forces likely to come into play during the various operations connected with launching viz. lifting, side shifting,
transporting, launching in position, etc.
All launching operations shall be avoided during high winds. Handling and erection

Where a precasting technique is used for construction, all lifting operations, all temporary situations shall be analyzed
in advance to ensure safety. The following shall also be considered during handling and erection operations:
a) The aim of the precaster shall be to devise a system requiring minimum amount of handling of a precast unit
from the casting bed to its final location.
cc) Before handling, it shall be checked that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to resist handling
stresses, particularly when accelerated curing techniques are used.
dd) A check shall be made to ensure that the pressure developed below the erection equipment base does not
exceed the permissible bearing capacity of the soil.

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ee) In case of erection of bridge elements, with a launching truss, the stability of the approach embankment shall
be checked for the safe movement of the launching truss.
ff) If shifting of the precast units is done by mounting on trolleys, then their stability against toppling over shall
be checked.
gg) In case of deep girders, the top flange of the girders shall be stiffened adequately, if necessary, to prevent
buckling during erection.
hh) Adequate hairpin mesh shall be provided over the area of support during erection to prevent bursting cracks
developing in the concrete.
ii) Lifting of the girders (and similarly at the time of lowering) shall be done gradually at both ends and with
equal increments aiming to keep the girder horizontal.
jj) Sometimes, the precast unit is required to be supported temporarily before placing in on bearings. In such
cases, the adequacy of the device providing such support shall be checked.
kk) The stability of all temporary works shall be ensured.
ll) If jacking or any temporary support is provided under the end diaphragm of the structure, then the structural
adequacy of the end diaphragm shall be ensured to cater for the reaction developing during jacking
mm) It shall be ensured that jibs and booms of cranes do not come into contact with overhead electric
transmission lines.
nn) Only one person shall signal to the operator of the lifting appliance at the time of hoisting/lowering
oo) No mobile lifting appliance shall be used on a sloping surface until adequate precautions are taken to ensure
stability of the equipment.
pp) Mobile cranes shall not be operated while being parked on loose earth or slushy area
qq) If a chain or rope of a lifting machinery has a knot in any of its part, then this shall not be used for lifting until
the knot is removed.
rr) All chains, ropes and lifting gears shall be checked and tested by a competent person at regular time
ss) When mobile lifting equipment is not in operation, the boom must be lowered to the horizontal position and
tied securely in place to prevent accidental drop.
tt) No person shall be present under a load which is suspended by a lifting equipment.
uu) Hoisting machines used to lift a load shall be such that the load to be lifted falls within their working capacity
and not overloaded.
vv) Pulleys used for hoisting loads shall be examined at regular intervals to see if any undue wear has taken
ww)Correct lifting equipment shall be used to avoid uncalled for torque and eccentric loading on all components. Other Precautions

a) Fencing arrangement shall be provided in accessible area at the back of jack so that no passers-by can appear
suddenly behind the jack. Also warning sign board shall be put up, as a safeguard for stressing operations.
xx) It shall be ensured that adequate precautions are taken to restrain any possible skewing or lifting of the
stressing equipment during tensioning or release.
yy) No prestressing steel shall be permitted to be used for earthing electrical equipment of any kind.
zz) All equipment must be kept thoroughly clean and in a workmanlike condition (as badly maintained equipment
always gives rise to trouble and consequently is dangerous).
aaa) After stressing, the wires or strands behind the anchorages shall be cut off preferably with a disc cutting tool
or a cropper or a snapping off tool.
bbb) A clear eye-shield shall be worn by workman during grouting operations.
ccc) Before grouting, all ducts shall be checked to see that none are blocked.
ddd) If possible, only threaded connectors shall be used between grout nozzles and grouting points (a
sudden spurt of grout under pressure can cause severe injury, especially to eyes).
eee) One should not peer into duct bleeders to see if grout is coming through. Grout may jam temporarily and as
pressure is applied, may spurt suddenly from the bleeders, or the far end of the duct, causing serious injury.
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fff) When grouting is carried out over railways or public roads or other public places, precautions shall be taken to
see that escaping grout does not cause a hazard to traffic below.
ggg) The complete site should always be left in a neat, tidy and orderly condition.


17.7.1 General
Precast concrete members shall be constructed and placed in the work in conformance with the details specified in
the contract documents.
If approved by the Engineer, precasting methods may be used for elements of the work which are otherwise indicated
to be constructed by the cast-in place method. When such precasting is proposed, the Contractor shall submit
working drawings showing construction joint details and any other information required by the Engineer.

17.7.2 Working Drawings

Whenever specified in the contract documents or requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide working
drawings for precast members. Such drawings shall include all details not provided in the contract documents for the
construction and the erection of the members and shall be approved before any members are cast . Such approval
shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under the contract documents for the successful completion of
the work.

17.7.3 Materials and Manufacture

The construction of precast concrete units shall follow the fabricator provided instructions and conforms to the
following requirements:
Units shall be of the size and shape shown on the contract documents.
The reinforcing system shall be rigidly wired or fastened at all intersections and held to true position in the form by
approved devices.
Units shall be cast on level, tight platforms that will not settle during the casting or curing . Forms shall conform to the
general requirements of this Section for concrete form work. The casting location shall be accessible for vibrating and
consolidation of the concrete. Under normal curing methods, side forms may be removed at any time after the
concrete has taken its initial set (not less than four hours after casting of the concrete); however, the entire unit shall
not be subjected to any handling stress until the concrete has reached a strength of 20 MPa or a specified strength
given in the contract documents.
Mixing and placing of concrete shall conform to the preceding requirements of this Section . Piling shall be cast in a
horizontal position. Casting in tiers will not be permitted. Special care shall be exercised to vibrate and consolidate the
concrete around the reinforcement and along and against the forms. Concrete shall be placed continuously in each
unit with special care being exercised to avoid horizontal or diagonal cleavage planes . All reinforcement shall be
accurately placed and rigidly secured at the location shown by the contract documents or approved drawings and
special care shall be exercised that the reinforcement is properly imbedded in the concrete in the completed unit in
accordance with the position indicated on the contract documents.

17.7.4 Curing
After casting, all exposed concrete shall be protected by wet burlap or other approved material to prevent excessive
loss of moisture during the initial set period. After the concrete has obtained its initial set (not less than four hours
after casting), the side forms may be removed and the curing continued by one of the following methods. As an
exception to the following curing methods, when a compressive strength of 30 MPa is obtained no further curing will
be required. All strength determinations will be made by concrete cylinder tests. Standard Curing Method

After removal of the side forms, the units shall remain on the pallets and not moved for a minimum period of three
days, during which they shall be kept covered with saturated burlap, double thickness, or tarpaulin . If the unit has not
reached strength of 20 MPa at the end of this minimum three-day period, curing shall be continued for a period of
seven additional days by use of membrane curing compound, covering with polyethylene sheeting, immersion in
water, or by covering with a heavy layer of sand which is kept wet. Any time after the first three days if the concrete
reaches 20 MPa strength, curing may be discontinued and the units moved.

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After precast concrete has obtained its initial set, steam shall be applied in such a manner as to raise the temperature
of the air surrounding the units at a rate not to exceed five degrees Celsius (5°C) per hour to a temperature not to
exceed seventy-one degrees Celsius (71°C). This raised temperature shall be maintained for a period of 24 hours;
however, if a compressive strength of 20 MPa has not been obtained at the end of 24 hours, the steam curing shall be
continued until the required strength is obtained. If a compressive strength of 20 MPa is obtained before the end of
the 24 hours noted, the steam curing procedure may be stopped if the units are covered with polyethylene sheeting
for an additional 24-hour period to compensate for the shorter period of steaming.
The steam curing of prestressed concrete items shall be as outlined in the contract documents.

17.7.5 Storage and Handling

Extreme care shall be exercised in handling and moving precast Prestressed concrete members . Precast girders shall
be transported in an upright position and the directions of the reactions with respect to the member shall be as in the
final position. Support points during transportation and storage should be located within 750 mm of their final
position; otherwise, their location shall be shown on the shop drawings.
Prestressed concrete members shall not be shipped until tests on concrete cylinders, manufactured of the same
concrete and cured under the same conditions as the girders, indicate that the concrete of the particular member has
attained a compressive strength equal to the specified design compressive strength of the concrete in the member.
Care shall be taken during storage, hoisting, and handling of the precast units to prevent cracking or damage . Units
damaged by improper storage or handling shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense.

17.7.6 Erection
The Contractor shall be responsible for the structural integrity of precast members during all stages of construction.
Lifting devices shall be used in a manner that does not cause damaging, bending, or torsional forces. After a member
has been erected and until it is secured to the structure, temporary braces shall be provided as necessary to resist
wind or other loads. If accidental loading is imparted on the precast member, an evaluation of the accidental loading
effects must be prepared by the contractor and shared with the Engineer to insure that the member has not been
damaged. The Engineer in turn has the right to reject the element if the analysis is not conclusive.
Precast deck form panels shall be erected and placed so that the fit of mating surfaces shall be such that excessive
grout leakage will not occur. If such fit is not provided, joints shall be dry-packed or sealed with an acceptable caulking
compound prior to placing the cast-in-place concrete. End panels for skewed structures may be sawed to fit the skew.

17.7.7 Epoxy-Bonding Agents for Precast Segmental Box Girders Materials
Epoxy-bonding agents for match-cast joints shall be thermosetting 100 percent solid compositions that do not contain
solvent or any non-reactive organic ingredient except for pigments required for coloring. Epoxy bonding agents shall
be of two components, a resin and a hardener. The two components shall be distinctly pigmented, so that mixing
produces a third color similar to the concrete in the segments to be joined, and shall be packaged in proportioned,
labeled, ready-to-use containers.
Epoxy-bonding agents shall be formulated to provide application temperature ranges that will permit erection of
match-cast segments at substrate temperatures from four degrees Celsius (4°C) to forty-six degrees Celsius (46°C). If
two surfaces to be bonded have different substrate temperatures, the adhesive applicable at the lower temperature
shall be used.
Epoxy-bonding agents shall be insensitive to damp conditions during application and, after curing, shall exhibit high
bonding strength to cured concrete, good water resistivity, low creep characteristics, and tensile strength greater
than the concrete. In addition, the epoxy-bonding agents shall function as a lubricant during the joining of the match-
cast segments, as a filler to accurately match the surface of the segments being joined, and as a durable, watertight
bond at the joint. If a substantive portion of the epoxy is exposed to light, and to prevent epoxy from degrading Ultra
Violet (UV) rays, special protection to the exposed surfaces shall be used.
Epoxy-bonding agents shall be tested to determine their workability, gel time, open time, bond and compression
strength, shear, and working temperature range. The frequency of the tests shall be as stated in the contract

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The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with samples of the material for quality assurance testing and a certification
from a reputable independent laboratory indicating that the material has passed the required tests.
Specific properties of epoxy and the test procedures to be used to measure these properties shall be as described in
the following Sub-articles. Test 1-Sag Flow of Mixed Epoxy-Bonding Agent

Testing Method: No testing is required. Specification: Mixed epoxy-bonding agent must be an AASHTO M 235M/M
235 Type VI, Grade 3 (non-sagging) consistency at the designated application temperature class for the bonding
agents used. Test 2-Gel Time of Mixed Epoxy-Bonding Agent

Gel time is the period of time the mixing bonding agent remains workable in the mixing container during which it
must be applied to the mach-cast joint surfaces.
Testing Method: ASTM D 2471 (except that one liter and four liters quantities shall be tested).
Specification: 30 min minimum on one liter and four liters quantities at the maximum temperature of the designated
application temperature range. (Note: Gel time is not to be confused with open time specified in Test 3). Test 3-Open Time of Bonding Agent

Open time of bonding agent is the time period of workability of the epoxy–bonding agent for the erection and post
tensioning operations.
Testing Method: open time is determined using test specimens as detailed in Article : Test 4-Three-Point
Tensile Bending Test. The epoxy-bonding agent, at the highest specified application temperature, is mixed together
and applied as instructed in Test 4 to the concrete prisms, which shall also be at the highest specified application
temperature. The adhesive coated prisms shall be maintained for 60 min at the highest specified application
temperature with the adhesive coated surface or surfaces exposed and uncovered before joining together. The
assembled prisms are then cured and tested as instructed in Test 4.
The epoxy-bonding agent shall be deemed acceptable for the specified application temperature only when essentially
total fracturing of concrete paste and aggregate occurs with no evidence of adhesive failure.
Construction situations may sometimes require application of the epoxy-bonding agent to the precast section prior to
erecting, positioning, and assembling. This operation may require epoxy-bonding agents having prolonged open time.
In general, where the erection conditions are such that the sections to be bonded are prepositioned prior to epoxy
application, the epoxy-bonding agent shall have a minimum open time of 60 min within the temperature range
specified for its application. Test 4-Three-Point Tensile Bending Test

Testing Method: AASHTO T 126 (ASTM C 192) 150×150×225 mm concrete prisms of 41 MPa compressive strength at
28 days shall be sand-blasted on one. 150×150 mm side to remove mold release agent, laitance, etc., and shall be
submerged in clean water at the lower temperature of the specified application temperature range for 72 h.
Immediately on removing the concrete prisms from the water, the sandblasted surfaces shall be air-dried for 1h at the
same temperature and fifty percent (50%) relative humidity and each shall be coated with approximately a 1.5 mm
layer of the mixed bonding agent. The adhesive-coated faces of two prisms shall then be placed together and held
with a clamping force normal to the bonded interface of 0.35 MPa. The assembly shall then be wrapped in a damp
cloth that is kept wet during the curing period of 24 h at the lower temperature of the specified application
temperature range.
After 24 h curing at the lower temperature of the application temperature range specified for the epoxy bonding
agent, the bonded specimen shall be unwrapped, removed from the clamping assembly, and immediately tested . The
test shall be conducted using the standard AASHTO T 97 (ASTM C 78). Test for flexural strength with third-point
loading and the standard MR unit. At the same time the two prisms are prepared and cured, a companion test beam
shall be prepared of the same concrete, cured for the same period, and tested following AASHTO T 97 (ASTM C 78).
Specification: The epoxy-bonding agent is acceptable if the load on the prisms at failure is greater than ninety percent
(90%) of the load on the reference test beam at failure. Test 5-Compression Strength of Cured Epoxy-Bonding Agent

Testing Method: ASTM D 695.

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Specification: Compressive strength at twenty-five degrees Celsius (25°C) shall be a minimum of 14 MPa after 24 h of
curing at the minimum temperature of the designated application temperature range and 41 MPa at 48 h. Test 6-Temperature Deflection of Epoxy-Bonding Agent

Testing Method: ASTM D 648.
Specification: A minimum deflection temperature of fifty degrees Celsius (50°C) at fiber stress loading of 1.8 MPa is
required on test specimens cured seven days at twenty-five degrees Celsius (25°C). Test 7-Compression and Strength of Cured Epoxy-Bonding Agent

Testing Method: A test specimen of concrete is prepared in a standard 150×300 mm cylinder mold to have a height at
midpoint of 150 mm and an upper surface with a 30 º slope from the vertical. The upper and lower portions of the
specimen with the slant surfaces may be formed through the use of an elliptical insert or by sawing a full-sized
150×300 mm cylinder. If desired, 75×50 mm or 100×200 mm specimens may be used. After the specimens have been
moist cured for 14 days, the slant surfaces shall be prepared by light sandblasting, stoning, or acid etching, then by
washing and drying the surfaces, and finally by coating one of the surfaces with a 0.25 mm thickness of the epoxy-
bonding agent under test. The specimens shall then be pressed together and held in position for 24 h. The assembly
shall then be wrapped in a damp cloth that shall be kept wet during an additional curing period of 24 h at the
minimum temperature of the designated application temperature range. The specimen shall then be tested at
twentyfive degree Celsius (25°C) following AASHTO T 22 (ASTM C 39/C 39M) procedures. At the same time as the
slant cylinder specimens are made and cured, a companion standard test cylinder of the same concrete shall be
made, cured for the same period, and tested following AASHTO T 22 (ASTM C 39/C 39M).
Specification: The epoxy-bonding agent is acceptable for the designated application temperature range if the load on
the slant cylinder specimen is greater than ninety percent (90%) of the load on the companion cylinder. Mixing and Installation of Epoxy

As general instructions contained herein cannot cover all situations, specific recommendations and instructions shall
be obtained in each case from the Engineer in charge.
Instructions furnished by the supplier for the safe storage, mixing, and handling of the epoxy-bonding agent shall be
followed. The epoxy shall be thoroughly mixed until it is of uniform color. Use of a proper-sized mechanical mixer
operating at no more than 600 revolutions per minute shall be required. Contents of damaged or previously opened
containers shall not be used.
Surfaces to which the epoxy material is to be applied shall be at least four degrees Celsius (4°C) and shall be free from
oil, laitance, form release agent, or any other material that would prevent the epoxy from bonding to the concrete
surface. All laitance and other contaminants shall be removed by light sandblasting or by high pressure water blasting
with a minimum pressure of 34 MPa. Wet surfaces shall be dried before applying epoxy-bonding agents. The surface
shall be at least the equivalent of saturated surface dry (no visible water).
Mixing shall not start until the segment is prepared for installation. Application of the mixed epoxy-bonding agent
shall be according to the Manufacturer's instructions using trowel, rubber glove, or brush on one or both surfaces to
be joined. The coating shall be smooth and uniform in thickness and shall cover the entire surface with a minimum
thickness of 1.5 mm applied on both surfaces. A discernible bead line shall be observed on all exposed contact areas
after temporary post-tensioning. Erection operations shall be coordinated and conducted so as to complete the
operations of applying the epoxy-bonding agent to the segments, erection, assembling, and temporary post
tensioning of the newly joined segment within seventy percent (70%) of the open time period of the bonding agent.
The epoxy material shall be applied to all surfaces to be joined within the first half of the gel time, as shown on the
containers. The segments shall be joined within 45 min after application of the first epoxy material placed and a
minimum average temporary prestress of 0.3 MPa over the cross-section should be applied within seventy percent
(70%) of the open time of the epoxy material. At no point of the cross-section shall the temporary prestress be less
than 0.2 MPa.
The joint shall be checked immediately after erection to verify uniform joint width and proper fit. Excess epoxy from
the joint shall be removed where accessible. All tendon ducts shall be swabbed immediately after stressing, while the
epoxy is still in the non-gelled condition, to remove or smooth out any epoxy in the conduit and to seal any pockets or
air bubble holes that have formed at the joint.
If the jointing is not completed within seventy percent (70%) of the open time, the operation shall be terminated and
the epoxy-bonding agent shall be completely removed from the surfaces. The surfaces must be prepared again and
fresh epoxy shall be applied to the surface before resuming jointing operations.
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17.8.1 Geometry Control Deflection and Camber Data
The Contractor shall submit deflection and/or camber data for each stage of construction as required to construct the
structure to its final grade. The procedure used shall account for the effect of the time-dependent prestress losses
and creep which will occur during the construction phase. The data for the entire bridge, based on the Contractor's
proposed erection sequence, method, and schedule, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to
commencing construction of the pier shafts.
The camber of the structure will be monitored by the Contractor at each stage and corrective actions as approved by
the Engineer shall be performed by the Contractor to assure proper erection of the structure to its final grade. Geometry Control

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a geometric control plan which shall indicate in detail how
the survey is to be performed and the Contractor's proposed actions to assure proper erection of the structure to the
final grade shown on the working drawings. The geometric control plan shall provide for regular monitoring of the
superstructure deflections beginning with the addition of the first cantilever segments and concluding with the last
cantilever segment. The plan shall include the adjusting procedure to be utilized, should the cantilever, as erected,
deviate from the predicted alignment by more than 25 mm.
The Contractor shall check the elevations and alignment of the structure at every stage of construction and must
maintain a record of all these checks and of all adjustments and corrections made. All surveying shall be performed at
a time that will minimize the influence of temperature. Corrections by shimming shall be done only when approved by
the Engineer.
For precast segmental construction using short line forming techniques, precision surveying systems shall be provided
so that levels and horizontal alignment during precasting are measured to an accuracy of ±0.3 mm. For all other types
of segmental construction and for erection of segmental bridges, surveying shall be provided to an accuracy of ±3
For precast segmental construction using match-cast segments, careful checks of both measurements and
computations of geometry shall be made by the Contractor before moving segments from their casting position .
Computed coordinates of all sections cast shall be completed before casting a new segment. In addition to the
computed as-built casting curves for vertical and horizontal deflections, a cumulative twist curve shall be computed
using the measured cross slopes of the individual units as a check on the extrapolated deflections. In computing set-
up elevations in the match cast process, priority shall be given to correcting twist errors by proper counter rotation .
The segment in the match-cast position shall not be subjected to a stress inducing twist.

17.8.2 Tolerances
Unless otherwise specified, reinforcement shall be fabricated and placed within the tolerances specified herein (CRSI
a) For specified effective depth, d, and minimum clear concrete protection in flexural members, walls, and
compression members, Table 17 -142 illustrates the admissible tolerances.
Table 17-142: Tolerances on effective depth and minimum cover
Effective Depth Tolerance on d Tolerance on Minimum Cover
200 mm or less ±10 mm -10 mm
More than 200 mm ±12 mm -12mm

But the tolerance on the clear distance to formed soffits shall be -6 mm, and in no case shall the tolerance on cover
exceed minimum one-third of the minimum cover stipulated on the structural drawings or in the specifications.
b) For longitudinal location of bends and ends of bars: ±50 mm, except at discontinuous ends of members
where tolerance shall be ± 12 mm.
c) As long as the total number of bars specified is maintained, a reasonable tolerance in spacing individual bars
is ±25 mm, except where openings, inserts, embedded items, etc. might require some additional shifting of

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Embedded ducts for all types of segmental bridge construction shall be positioned to tolerances as specified in
Tolerances for completed segments shall be taken as shown in Table 17 -142. For bridges without an overlay, the
flatness of the top slab shall be 3 mm in 3.0 m in the direction of traffic.
Dimensions from segment-to-segment shall be adjusted to compensate for any deviations within a single segment so
that the overall alignment of the completed structure will conform to the dimensions shown on the contract
When cantilever construction is used, the tolerances for the alignment of the opposing cantilevers in a span shall be
stated in the contract documents. The forces up and down which can be placed on the end of the cantilever shall also
be stated on the design drawings and shall consider the allowable tensile stresses for construction load combinations.
After erection, final post-tensioning, final corrections, and adjustments are complete and the structure has been
placed on its permanent bearings, the superstructure shall conform to the grade and alignment shown on the
contract documents, with due consideration of creep and superimposed dead-load deflections within tolerances as
specified on the contract drawings.
Table 17- 143: Completed segment Tolerance for Segmental Box Girder Bridge Construction
Length of Match-Cast Segment (Not Cumulative) ±6.5 mm/m
(6.5 mm/m + 25 mm max)
Length of Cast-in-place Segment ±12.5 mm but not greater than
+50 mm per span
Web Thickness ±9.5 mm
Depth of Bottom Slab ±9.5 mm
Depth of Top Slab ±9.5 mm
Overall Top Slab Width ±52 mm/m, ±25mm max
Diaphragm Thickness ±12.5 mm
Grade of Form Edge and Soffit ±3 mm in 3 m
Tendon Hole Location ±3 mm
Position of Shear Keys ±6 mm


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Figure 17-2 : Key Diagram for Segmental Tolerances

17.8.3 Shop Drawings and Design Calculations for Construction Procedures General
Sufficiently in advance of the start of superstructure field construction operations, so as to allow the Engineer not less
than a 30 days review period, the Contractor shall submit according to a schedule complete details and information
concerning the method, materials, equipment, and procedures the Contractor proposes to use in constructing that
portion of the superstructure for which the information is furnished. This submittal shall include a step-by-step
erection procedure.
More than one method or technique of erection may be permitted in the overall scope of work. Any subsequent
deviation from the approved materials and/or details will not be permitted unless details are submitted by the
Contractor and approved by the Engineer in advance of use.
The Contractor's submittals for approval shall include calculations, drawings and information outlined in Clause “Design Calculations for Construction Procedures” and Clause “Shop Drawings.” Two sets of all
required drawings and calculations shall be submitted and resubmitted if and as necessary until approved by the
Engineer. The specified number of distribution copies shall be furnished after approval. Design Calculations for Construction Procedures

Design calculations shall be submitted for falsework, erection devices, formwork, or other temporary construction
which may be required and which will be subject to calculated stresses.
Design of the falsework or erection devices for all superstructure concrete shall be done under the direction of and
sealed by a professional engineer. Calculations shall also be submitted to substantiate the system and method of
stressing proposed by the Contractor. Such calculations shall include the required jacking force and elongation of
tendons at time of tensioning, tendon stress level at stressing ends after seating, stresses in anchorage zones and
distribution plates, stress-strain curves typical of the prestressing steel to be furnished, seating losses, temporary
overstresses, and reinforcement required to resist anchor block stresses.
In addition to the above, computations shall be submitted for approval for the following:
a) Computations of deflections and required camber due to dead loads, post-tensioning forces, creep, and
shrinkage. A tabulation of deflections and camber dimensions shall be included on the shop drawings.
b) Computations of jacking forces required at joints during temporary post-tensioning. Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall submit detailed shop drawings for approval in accordance with the contract documents . The
shop drawings shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information:
a) Fully and accurately dimensioned views showing the geometry of the segments including all projections,
recesses, notches, openings, blockouts, and other pertinent details.
b) Details of non-Prestressed steel reinforcing shall be clearly shown as to size, spacing, and location, including
any special reinforcing required but not shown on the contract documents.
c) Size and type of ducts for all post-tensioning tendons and their horizontal and vertical profiles shall be clearly
detailed. Duct supports, grout tubes, vents, and drains shall be shown, including size, type, and locations.
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d) Details and locations of all other items to be embedded in the segments, such as inserts, lifting devices, and
post-tensioning hardware, shall be shown.
e) Prestressing details including sizes and properties of tendons, anchorages, plates, assemblies, and stressing
equipment, as well as details of the stressing procedure and stressing sequence, details and locations of all
couplers, and additional reinforcement necessary to resist anchor block stresses.
f) A table giving jacking sequence, jacking forces, and initial elongation of each tendon at each stage of erection
for all post-tensioning.
g) A table showing elevations and geometry to be used in positioning the forms for the next segment to be cast.
h) Graphs, charts, or tables showing the theoretical location of each segment, as erected or placed, shall be
furnished to the Engineer for use in checking the erection of the superstructure. Detailed procedures for
making geometry corrections shall be described.
i) Details of tie-down tendons and temporary and permanent bearing assemblies as required.
j) Details of grouting equipment, grout mix design and method of mixing, and placing grout shall be provided

17.8.4 Forms General
Shop drawings shall be submitted for forms and form travelers as required by the contract documents.
In addition to the requirements of the contract documents, the forms used to cast the concrete segments shall be
made of steel and shall be capable of:
a) Match-casting (for precast segmental construction).
b) Casting the segments within the tolerances permitted.
c) Accommodating blockouts, openings, and protrusions.
d) Adjusting to changes in segment geometry as shown on the plans, or for correcting previous minor casting
errors to prevent accumulations.
e) Stripping without damage to previously cast concrete.
f) Providing a tight, leak proof joining to the previous segment.
The bulkhead must be capable of connecting the ducts in a manner to hold their position and prevent intrusion of
Where sections of forms are to be joined on the exterior face of the segment, an offset in excess of 1 .5 mm for flat
surfaces and 3 mm for corners and bends will not be permitted. Offsets between adjacent matching faces of cast-in-
place segments shall not exceed 6 mm.
Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has attained the release strength specified on the contract documents
as evidenced by test cylinders made and cured in the same manner as the segment. Alternatively, maturity meters or
instrument control cylinders may be used to evaluate the strength of the concrete in the segment . Care shall be
exercised in removing the forms to prevent spalling and chipping of the concrete. Forms for Precast Segmental Construction

All side, bottom, inside, and header forms for precast segmental construction shall be constructed of steel unless use
of other materials is approved by the Engineer.
Forms shall be of sufficient thickness, with adequate external bracing and stiffeners, and shall be sufficiently anchored
to withstand the forces due to placement and vibration of concrete. Internal bracing and holding devices in forms
shall be limited to stay bolts in webs which can be removed from the concrete surface to permit patching following
form removal. Joints shall be designed and maintained for mortar tightness.
The grade and alignment of forms shall be checked each time they are set and shall be maintained during the casting
of concrete. Slab finish grade will be checked after the concrete is in place.
Metal forms shall be reasonably free from rust, grease, or other foreign materials . All forms shall be cleaned
thoroughly prior to each casting operation. End headers shall be maintained to provide a smooth casting surface.
Wood forms may be used on the cast-in-place longitudinal and transverse closure strips.
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All form surfaces for casting members shall be constructed and maintained to provide segment tolerances in
accordance with Clause 17.8.2 “Tolerances”.
The faces of all forms, other than end headers, shall be properly cleaned and treated with form oil or other bond
breaking coating prior to placing concrete. Bond breaking material between segments and between segments and
headers shall be provided in accordance with Clause “Separation of Match-Cast Segments”. The oil or other
materials used for this purpose shall be of a consistency and composition to facilitate form removal . Materials which
appreciably stain or react with the concrete will not be constructed to facilitate segment removal without damage to
the concrete.

17.8.5 Special Provision for Cast-in-Place Segmental Construction General
This Section specifies the requirements for the construction of the superstructure of the main span which is based on
a system of balanced cantilever erection about piers using travelling formwork to cast in-situ segments of
uniform/varying depth. The assumed construction details are shown on the Drawings. Alternative construction
methods may be permitted in accordance with the contract documents.
The design assumes the following maximum loadings during erection:
a) Uniformly distributed dead load of 5 kN/m² applied anywhere on the deck.
b) 200 kN point load at the end of cantilevers representing the weight of traveling formwork and associated
temporary works.
Balanced erection means that the number of segments cast on either side of the piers shall not differ by more than
one at any time. Forming System

In addition to the submittals required in Clause 17.8.3 “Shop Drawings and Design Calculations for Construction
Procedures”, the following computations and working drawings shall be submitted for review by the Engineer for
compliance with the contract documents:
a) Details and computations shall be completed for the forms and form support system, including maximum
loadings and stresses created in the completed segments due to equipment forms and concrete placement.
Design of form support system shall include adequate allowances for impact loadings which may occur
during concrete placement and advancement of forming system.
b) Computations of deflection of the forming system during concrete placement.
c) Details for temporary supports and tie-downs as needed to stabilize the cantilevers during construction.
d) Detailed step-by-step procedure for concrete placement, stressing and advancing the form support system,
and adjusting the system for calculated deflection.
e) Detailed procedure for fixing the cantilever ends against changes in position or rotation of one cantilever
relative to the other during and following placement of concrete for the closure between the cantilevers.
f) In every stage of construction, the stability of the partially completed structure is a major concern .
Therefore, the stability of partial structures should be evaluated to avoid any collapse due to various
combination of loads (construction, wind loading, vibration from equipment, etc.). Superstructure Construction

This work shall be taken to consist of setting temporary bearings if applicable, casting segments in place, and setting
the superstructure on permanent bearings.
The Contractor shall submit complete details and descriptions of the methods, arrangements, and equipment to the
Engineer for approval before superstructure construction is started.
The construction method shall include casting of the segments, methods of the tie down of superstructures during
cantilever erection, and method of application of all temporary forces to be used for adjusting horizontal and vertical
alignments and to place the structure on permanent bearings. This shall also include control methods to ensure the
accuracy of alignment of the completed superstructure.
Work equipment shall be taken to include all machinery, devices, labor, and material which are to be used for
erection but will not become a permanent part of the completed superstructure. Equipment must not be operated
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from or placed upon any part of erected superstructure at any stage of construction other than which specifically
meets the requirement of total working load per segment, as allowed by the contract documents, and/or as approved
by the Engineer. This includes the post-tensioning hardware; jointing, jacking, grouting equipment, and any other
equipment whatsoever; and personnel and materials of any kind.
In addition to segment unbalanced loads which are permitted for the construction method, a (4.8×10-4 MPa) load is
permissible. The load shall be taken to include personnel, miscellaneous equipment, and stored material. It shall be
the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that this allowable load is not exceeded.
Stressing may be performed in accordance with the following schedule:
a) Fifty percent (50%) of the post-tensioning force may be applied when field cured compression cylinders
indicate the compressive strength of the segment concrete is 20 MPa, and 18 h have elapsed after
completion of concrete placement.
b) Form support system may be released and advanced when fifty percent (50%) of post-tensioning stress has
been applied.
c) Transverse stressing shall be staged as necessary to avoid exceeding the allowable stresses in the top slab.
d) Tendons shall be fully tensioned prior to placement of concrete for the next segment, except the transverse
tendon nearest the segment to be constructed. That tendon shall be stressed to fifty percent (50%), and then
stressed the remainder when tendons in the new segment are stressed. The form support system shall be
designed to avoid overstressing the top slab in the area of the partially stressed tendon.
Construction joints shall be limited to locations shown in the contract documents or as approved, in advance, by the
Engineer. All construction joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of laitance and foreign material prior to placing concrete
for the abutting section.
Surface of the segment joints shall be prepared in accordance with the contract documents immediately prior to
placement of concrete for the next segment.
For placement of closure concrete between cantilevers, the cantilevers shall be fixed to prevent rotation or
movement of one cantilever relative to the other. The system for locking the cantilevers and forming for the closure
and the procedure for placing the concrete for the closure shall be such that the concrete after the initial set shall not
be subjected to tension which could cause cracking.
The Contractor shall submit a construction schedule or check list showing chronological order of every phase and
stage of erection and construction of the superstructure.
The Contractor shall prepare a table of elevations and alignments required at each stage of erection, as required by
the contract documents, at the check points listed below, or an alternative at Contractor's option, and submit the
same to the Engineer.
a) One of the lowest corners at the top surface of any temporary bearing pads to be used as datum during
erection and to establish a reference point with the actual elevations and alignment required of the
permanently positioned superstructure.
b) All four corners and centerline (at segment faces) of top slab of pier segments to establish grade and crown.
c) Two points on the longitudinal centerline of each pier segment, one on each edge, to establish alignment.
d) One point on the longitudinal centerline and at least one corner of each segment along every joint between
cast-in-place segments to establish elevations and alignment at every stage of erection.
The temporary bearing pads, if applicable, at the piers shall be very carefully placed. The top surfaces of these pads
shall have the correct elevations, alignments, and slopes as required by the contract documents and so established by
the provisions above for temporary bearing pads. Shims may be used underneath the pads to accomplish accuracy.
The Contractor shall also devise and provide measures to hold temporary bearing pads in position while the pier
segment is being cast.
The Contractor shall check the elevations and alignment of the structure at every stage of construction in accordance
with the geometry control plan submitted in accordance with the provisions of Article “Geometry Control”
and shall maintain a record of all these checks and of all adjustments and corrections made.

17.8.6 Special Provision for Precast Concrete Segmental Construction General
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The superstructure shall be erected by the method designed and detailed in the contract documents or by an
alternate method submitted by the Contractor. Alternate erection methods may be permitted when specified in the
contract documents.
When required by the contract documents, the stressing system and all reinforcement and lifting details shall be
successfully demonstrated on a segment designated in the contract documents prior to casting any permanent
segments. The segment shall conform to the size and configuration required by the contract documents, including
post-tensioning anchorage pockets, reinforcing steel, concrete, and conduits, including curvature and spacing. The
tendons designated in the contract documents for this test shall be stressed to the forces shown . No additional
payment shall be made for this test.
Casting bed and forms shall be structurally adequate to support the segments without settlement or distortion. The
casting bed shall be designed for a method and the hardware needed to adjust and maintain grade and alignment .
Details for hardware and adjustment procedures shall be included in the contract documents and specifications for
the casting bed.
Grading of the soffit form and the top portion of each segment shall take into consideration the relative position of
the member in the structure.
After the first segment of each unit is cast, all succeeding segments shall be cast against previously cast segments to
ensure complete bearing and proper alignment on all mating surfaces.
The anchorage system shall permit tendons to be inserted in the member after erection of segments.
Tendon couplers shall be used only at locations specifically shown in the contract documents or approved by the
Engineer. Not more than fifty percent (50%) of the tendons shall be coupled at anyone section. When temporary
external tendons are required by the contract documents, the tendons and anchors shall be in a protective enclosure
capable of protecting the tendons from damage by erection equipment and capable of confining a strand or bar
tendon that breaks or otherwise releases tension rapidly during or after tensioning and anchorage . Protective
enclosure proposals shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
Care shall be taken to ensure that deformations of match-cast segments due to thermal gradients caused by the heat
of hydration of the new cast concrete do not exceed, at the time of initial set of the new concrete, 0 .8 mm for a single
segment or 20 mm cumulative for an entire span. These deformations shall be prevented by properly protecting both
the match-cast and new cast segments in an isothermal enclosure or with curing blankets and plastic sheeting. Fabrication
Reinforcing steel shall be fabricated and placed according to the contract documents. Any conflict or interference
with the proper location of ducts and/or reinforcing, or block outs shall be promptly resolved and corrections made as
directed by the Engineer. No reinforcing steel shall be cut and removed to permit proper alignment of stressing
conduits. Any bar that cannot be fabricated to clear the posttensioning duct shall be replaced by additional bars with
adequate lap lengths and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
All segments shall be marked on the inside with a unique identification at the time of form removal . This identification
shall be used to identify each segment on shop contract documents, post-tensioning details and calculations, and any
other document pertaining to the fabrication and erection of precast concrete segments.
Positive means of holding the conduit in its correct position shall be provided in all cases and shall be indicated on the
working drawings submitted for approval. The conduit shall be supported at intervals as specified in SECTION 14:
PRESTRESSING, or as shown in the contract documents, and shall be securely fastened to prevent movement during
placement of concrete. Separation of Match-Cast Segments

The Contractor shall provide equipment to be used for uniform separation of match-cast segments without damage.
The method, as well as details of the equipment to be used for separating match-cast segments, shall be included in
the shop contract documents. A bond breaking material shall be used on the web and flanges of the previously cast
segment to facilitate separation of segments. The bond breaking material shall be used to break the bond of concrete
between the face of previously cast segments and a newly cast segment, as well as the end headers, when required.
The bond breaker shall consist of flax soap and talc, or other material approved by the Engineer. A demonstration
shall be performed on a 600×1200 mm specimen, prior to the casting of segments, to prove the adequacy of the
material. The material shall not be injurious to the concrete and shall permit removal of a segment without pullouts
caused by adhesion of the concrete. Handling and Erection of Segments

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The Contractor (Fabricator) shall be responsible for proper handling, lifting, storing, transporting, and erection of all
segments so that they may be placed in the structure without damage.
Segments shall be maintained in an upright position at all times and shall be stored, lifted, and/or moved in a manner
to prevent torsion and other undue stress. Members shall be lifted, hoisted, or stored with lifting devices approved on
the shop contract documents or by other methods approved by the Engineer in writing.
Segments shall not be moved from the casting yard until all curing and strength requirements have been attained and
shall be supported in a manner that will minimize warping.
A full-scale test of the lifting and temporary holding hardware shall be performed to demonstrate the adequacy of
this equipment prior to beginning any erection of the segments.

17.8.7 Special Provisions for Incremental Launching General
Structures built by the incremental launching method shall comply with the provisions of Clause 17.8.3 “Shop
Drawings and Design Calculations for Construction Procedures”, and the additional provisions of the following article. Casting of Segments

Construction of incrementally launched bridges should be based on a weekly cycle for the construction of each
segment. When the bottom flange and webs, or portions of webs, of segments are cast first and the top flange
afterward, the time between concrete placements shall not exceed three days. Geometric Tolerances

The following tolerances shall not be exceeded in the region of the sliding surfaces:
a) In the Forms:
i) Vertical deviations in longitudinal and transverse direction: ±0.8 mm
ii) Horizontal deviation at the outside of webs: ±1.5 mm
b) On the Launching Bearings:
i) Vertical: Longitudinally between piers: ±1.5 mm
ii) Transversely between bearings: ±0.8 mm
iii) Horizontal: Deviation of lateral guides: ±1.5 mm Launching Force

The launching force shall be monitored continuously and checked against the theoretical value. A friction value
between zero and four percent shall be maintained. The friction value of zero shall be considered in calculation of the
force required to hold back a structure launched on a negative gradient. Pier Monitoring

The deflection of the pier tops shall be continuously monitored. Monitoring devices which automatically switch off
the launching equipment in case the permissible pier deflections are exceeded are recommended . Communication
between each sliding bearing and the launching equipment shall be provided.
The correct level of all sliding bearings shall be checked at regular intervals. Shim plates shall be kept in stock for all
sliding bearings in order to compensate for pier settlements, if any.

17.8.8 Defects and Breakage

Minor or nonstructural cracks or checks on the surface of the member which, as determined by the Engineer, do not
extend to the plane of the nearest reinforcement will be acceptable unless they are numerous and extensive.
Diagonal cracks which indicate damage from torsion, longitudinal cracks that follow stressing tendons, or any cracks
which extend into the plane of the reinforcing steel and/or prestressed tendons shall be subject to a structural review
prior to acceptance. If found acceptable, the cracks shall be repaired by "veeing" out 6 mm deep and wide and sealing
with epoxy or shall be repaired by epoxy injection.
Minor breakage, spalling, or honeycombing not over 25 mm deep shall be repaired in accordance with an established
repair procedure submitted to and approved by the Engineer prior to the start of segment fabrication . Major
breakage or honeycomb in excess of that specified herein shall be subject to structural review . If found to be
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satisfactory, these areas shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. Breakage, spalling, or honeycomb on any
mating surface found to be acceptable shall be repaired and the concrete cured prior to casting the mating segment if
such segment has not yet been cast.


The materials shall be tested in accordance with these specifications and shall meet the prescribed criteria.
The work shall conform to these specifications and shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.


Concrete in superstructure shall be measured in accordance with SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, based on the
quantity ordered or as shown on the drawings.
Steel reinforcement (non-prestressing) in superstructure shall be measured in accordance with SECTION 12: STEEL
REINFORCEMENT WORK, based on the quantity ordered or as shown on the drawings.
High tensile steel (prestressing) in superstructure shall be measured in accordance with SECTION 14: PRESTRESSING,
based on the quantity ordered or as shown on the drawings.

17.11 RATE
The contract unit rates for concrete, steel reinforcement (non-prestressing) and high tensile steel (prestressing) shall
include all works as given in respective sections of these specifications and cover all incidental items for furnishing
and providing superstructure as mentioned in this section.

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This work shall consist of providing wearing course to be laid over the deck slab of structures either in cement
concrete or in asphaltic surface as indicated on the drawings. Newly constructed concrete deck structure shall have
cement concrete wearing course. In rehabilitating structures where wearing course is required to be laid on the
existing concrete deck the same shall be in asphaltic surfacing. In both the cases the finished deck level at top of
wearing course shall be in line and level with the adjacent road way level unless otherwise specifically mentioned on
the drawing.


18.2.1 Description
This work shall include cement concrete wearing coat prepared with durable and impervious material on the bridge
deck in conformity with details shown on the Drawings and these specifications or as approved by the Engineer.

18.2.2 General
Prior approval by the Engineer shall be required in respect of preparation of the surface, mix, placing and finishing the
concrete and all other activities related to this Work. However, such approval by the Engineer shall not relieve the
Contractor of any responsibility under the Contract for the satisfactory completion of the work in accordance with the
The shape and size of wearing course shall be in conformity with the camber and thickness as shown on the drawings,
but in no case the thickness shall be less than 50 mm at any location.

18.2.3 Material
The minimum grade of concrete shall be Grade 30 MPa with water cement ratio as 0 .4 and shall conform to these
specifications. Cement
Cement shall be cement conforming to the BDS EN 197.1: 2003 CEM I 52.5 N. All other properties of cement shall be
the same as have been described under the relevant Sub-sections of the Section on ‘Construction Materials’ of these
Specifications. Sand
Sand shall be non-saline, hard, dense and free from deleterious materials and shall have a minimum F.M. 1.8. It
should conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications M 6. All other requirements shall be the
same as have been described under the relevant Sub-sections of the Section on ‘Construction Materials’ of these
Specifications. Coarse aggregate

Except otherwise stated, coarse aggregate shall consist of 16 mm downgraded crushed stone chips obtained from
boulders conforming all specifications described under the relevant Sub-section of the Section on ‘Building Materials’
and ‘Concrete for Structures’ of these Specifications. Water
Water for mixing concrete shall conform to the requirements specified under the relevant Sub-section of the Section
on ‘Concrete for Structures’ of these Specifications. Concrete mix

Concrete mix use for this work shall be a workable mixture conforming the following requirements.
Material/Property Concrete
Cement (Parts by weight) 1
Sand of minimum F.M. 1.8 (Parts by weight) 1.5
Coarse Aggregate (Parts by weight) 3
Air content (In percentage) 3-6
Slump (in mm) 25-50
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The dry weight ratios are approximate and should produce good workability.

18.2.4 Construction Method

The surfaces of new decks upon which a wearing surface overlay is to be placed shall be finished to a rough texture by
coarse brooming or by other appropriate and approved method. After curing of the deck concrete is complete and
before placing the overlay, the entire area of the deck surface and vertical faces of curbs, concrete parapets, barrier
walls etc. upto height of 25mm above the top elevation of the overlay shall be blast cleaned to a bright clean
appearance which is free from laitance, curing compound, dust, dirt, oil, grease and all other foreign materials . The
blast cleaning of an area of the deck shall normally be performed within 24 hours period preceding placement of the
overlay on the area. Just prior to placement of the overlay, all dust and other debris shall be removed by flushing with
water or blowing with compressed air. The prepared surface shall than be soaked with clean water for not less than 1
hour prior to the placement of the overlay. Before the overlay is applied, all free water shall be blown out and off, and
this procedure shall be continued until the surface appears dry or barely damp.
The surfaces of the existing deck that have become weared from prolong traffic usage or from other reasons shall be
scarified to a depth shown on the Drawings or specified. If no depth is shown or specified, a minimum of 6mm of
material shall be removed by scarifying. Prior to scarification begins and until operations are completed, all deck
drains, expansion joints and other openings where damage could result, as determined by the Engineer, shall be
temporarily covered or plugged to prevent entry of debris. No scarifying or chipping will be allowed within 2m of a
new overlay until 48 hours elapse on its placement. In areas where deteriorated or unsound concrete is encountered,
as determined by the Engineer, the concrete shall be removed to a depth of 20mm below the top mat of reinforcing
steel. A minimum of 20mm clearance shall be required around the reinforcing steel except where lower bar mats
make this impractical. Care shall be exercised to prevent damage of the exposed reinforcing steel. All reinforcing steel
shall be blast cleaned. The repair areas are to be filled during the overlay operation. After scarification and removal of
unsound concrete has been completed, the deck surface shall be blast cleaned and prepared as specified for new
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, 14 calendar days prior to date of placement, the proposed
mix design in writing and samples of all mix materials in sufficient quantity to produce a minimum of 0 .085 cubic
meter of concrete for laboratory mix design testing.
All procedures and specifications with regard to proportioning, mixing, placing, finishing, curing and testing of
concrete shall be similar to those illustrated under the relevant Sub-sections of the Section ‘Concrete for Structures’
of these Specifications.

18.2.5 Measurement
The wearing course shall be measured by the number of cubic meters completed in place and accepted . In computing
quantities, the dimensions used shall be those shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer.

18.2.6 Payment
Payment for wearing course shall be the full compensation for the cost of furnishing all labours, materials, equipment
and incidentals and for doing all other works involved in constructing the wearing course complete in place as shown
on the Drawings and specified.
Item of payment
Cement concrete wearing course Cubic Meter


Specifications for dense bituminous surfacing/ mastic asphalt in wearing course shall conform to SECTION 6: ROAD
WORKS except for the special requirements as stated hereinafter.
Principles of bituminous waring course on bridge deck shall comprise the following:
a) A layer of mastic asphalt, 6mm thick after applying a tack coat over the top of the deck before the wearing
course is laid. The tack coat and the layer of mastic asphalt shall be laid as per Clause 6.15and
b) 50 mm thick dense bituminous surfacing wearing course in two layers of 25mm each as per clause 6.19.

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In case of high rainfall intensity areas, the thickness of mastic asphalt layer may be increased to 12 mm.
For high traffic density, an alternative specification for wearing course comprising 40mm dense bituminous surfacing
overlaid with 25 mm thick bitumen mastic layer can be adopted. The work shall be done in conformity with SECTION

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This work shall consist of furnishing and installing bridge bearings in position in accordance with details shown on the
drawings, to the requirements of these specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

a) Bearing plates, bars, rockers, assemblies and other expansion or fixed devices shall be constructed in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings.
b) The bearings may either be supplied directly to the Engineer by the manufacturer to be installed by the
Contractor or the Contractor is to supply and install the bearings as part of the contract . In the former case,
the manufacturer shall be associated with the installation of the bearings to the full satisfaction of the
Engineer, whereas in the latter case, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the satisfactory supply and
installation of the bearing. In the detailed description of the specification, a general reference shall be made
to the Contractor or manufacturer and the interpretation shall be as per terms of contract.
c) The Contractor shall exercise the utmost care in setting and fixing all bearings in their correct positions and
ensuring that uniformity is obtained on all bearing surfaces,
d) Bearings shall be handled with care and stored under cover.
e) When bearing assemblies or plates art shown on the drawings to be placed (not embedded) directly on
concrete, the concrete bearing area shall be constructed slightly above grade (not exceeding 12 mm) and
shall be finished by grinding.
f) It shall be ensured that the bearings are set truly level and in exact position as indicated on the drawings so
as to have full and even bearing on the seats. Thin mortar pads (not exceeding 12 mm) may even be made w
meet with this requirement.
g) It shall be ensured that the bottoms of girders to be received on the bearings are plane at the locations of
these bearings and care shall be taken that the bearings are not displaced while placing the girders.
h) M.S. bearings sliding on M.S. Plates shall not be permitted. For sliding plate bearings stainless, steel surface
sliding on stainless steel plate with mild steel matrix shall be used . The other option shall be to provide PTFE
surface sliding on stainless steel.
i) Some types of bearings which have been successfully used in various bridges in Bangladesh have been
covered by these Specifications. For innovative types of structures or in special cases, special types of
bearings to suit the requirements may have to be provided for which special specifications may be laid down
by the Engineer.


The Contractor shall prepare and submit working drawings for the bearings. Such drawings shall show all details of
the bearings and of the materials proposed for use and shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the fabrication of
the bearings. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under the contract documents for
the successful completion of the work.
The following shall be specified on the working drawings:
a) The total quantity of each kind of bearing required (fixed, guided expansion, or non-guided expansion),
grouped first according to type (load range), and then by actual design capacity.
b) The plan view and section elevation view showing all relative dimensions of each type of bearing.
c) The maximum design coefficient of friction as noted in the contract documents.
d) The type of materials to be used for all bearing elements.
e) If applicable, a clear description and details for any welding process used in the bearing manufacture that
does not conform to the approved processes of the current AASHTO/AWS D 1.6 Structural Welding Code.
f) The vertical and horizontal load, rotation, and movement capacity.
g) Painting or coating requirements.
h) Alignment plans.
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i) Installation scheme.
j) Complete design calculations verifying conformance with these Specifications, if required by the Engineer.
k) Anchorage details.
l) Bearing preset details, if applicable.


19.4.1 General Rolled Steel
Rolled steel shall be of the type specified in the contract documents and shall satisfy the testing requirements of the
standard to which it conforms. Unless otherwise specified, steel shall conform to AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A
709/A 709M), Grade 250, and shall cause no adverse electrolytic or chemical reaction with other components of the
bearing and shall be free of all rust and mill scale. Steel Laminates

Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, steel laminates used for reinforcement shall be made from
rolled mild steel conforming to AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M), Grade 250, ASTM A 1011/A 1011M,
or equivalent. Laminates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 1.6 mm. Holes in plates for manufacturing
purposes shall not be permitted unless they have been accounted for in the design and are in accordance with the
contract documents. Cast Steel

Cast steel shall satisfy the requirements of ASTM A 802/A 802M and be free of all blow-holes and impurities larger
than 3.2 mm. The inside wall of the pot in pot bearings and the contact surface of metal rocker or roller bearings shall
be free of blow holes or impurities of any size. Forged Steel

Forged steel shall satisfy the requirements of ASTM A 788. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 167, Type 304 or ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304 and
shall have a minimum thickness of 0.91 mm and a surface finish in the finished bearing better than or equal to 0.2 μm.
Stainless steel in contact with polytetrafluorethylen (PTFE) sheet shall be polished to a finish no less than 0.50 μm.

19.4.2 Special Material Requirements for Elastomeric bearings Properties of the Elastomer
The raw elastomer shall be either virgin Neoprene (polychloroprene) or virgin natural rubber (polyisoprene). The
elastomer compound shall be classified as being of low-temperature Grade 0, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The grades are defined by
the testing requirements in 3359HTable 16.1 and 3360HTable 16.2. A higher grade of elastomer may be substituted
for a lower one.
The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirements of Table 19 -144 and Table 19 -145, except as
otherwise specified by the Engineer. Test requirements may be interpolated for intermediate hardness. If the material
is specified by its shear modulus, its measured shear modulus shall lie within fifteen percent (15%) of the specified
value. A consistent value of hardness shall also be supplied for the purpose of defining limits for the tests in Table 19
-144 and Table 19 -145. When test specimens are cut from the finished product, the physical properties shall be
permitted to vary from those specified in Table 19 -144 and Table 19 -145 by ten percent (10%). All material tests
shall be carried out at twenty-three degrees Celsius plus or minus two degrees Celsius (23°±2°C), unless otherwise
noted. Shear modulus tests shall be carried out using the apparatus and procedure described in Annex A of ASTM D
Table 19-144 : Polychloroprene (Neoprene) Quality Control Tests
ASTM Test Physical Properties
D 2240 Hardness (Shore A Durometer) 50±5 60±5 70±5

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D 412 Tensile Strength, Minimum MPa 15.5 15.5 15.5

Ultimate Elongation, Minimum % 400 350 300
Heat Resistance
D 573, 70 h Change in Durometer Hardness, maximum 15 15 15
at 100°C points
Change in Tensile Strength, Maximum % -15 -15 -15
Change in Ultimate Elongation, Maximum % -40 -40 -40
Compression Set
D 395, 22 h at 100°C, Maximum % 35 35 35
Method B
D 1149 100 pphm Ozone in Air by Volume, 20% No Cracks No Cracks No Cracks
Strain 38°C ± 1°C 100 h Mounting Procedure
D 518 Procedure A
Low-Temperature Brittleness
D 746, Grade 0 and 2-No Test Required No Failure No Failure No Failure
Procedure B Grade 3 Brittleness at -40°C No Failure No Failure No Failure
Grade 4 Brittleness at -48°C No Failure No Failure No Failure
Grade 5 Brittleness at -56.5°C No Failure No Failure No Failure
Instantaneous Thermal Stiffening
D 1043 Grade 0 and 2- Tested -32°C Stiffness at test temperature shall not exceed four
Grade 3 Tested at -40°C times the stiffness measured at 23°C
Grade 4 Tested at -45.5°C
Grade 5 Brittleness at -54°C
Low-Temperature Crystallization
Quad Shear Grade 0 - No Test required Stiffness at test time and temperature shall not
Test as Grade 2 - 7 days at -18°C exceed four times the stiffness measured at 23°C
Described in Grade 3 - 14 days at -26°C with no time delay. The stiffness shall be measured
Annex A of Grade 4 - 21 days at -37°C with a quad shear test rig in an enclosed freezer
ASTM Grade 5 - 28 days at -37°C unit. The test specimens shall be taken from a
D 4014 randomly selected bearing. A ±25% strain cycle shall
be used and a complete cycle of strain shall be
applied with a period of 100 s. The first 0.75 cycle of
strain shall be discarded and the stiffness shall be
determined by the slope of the force deflection
curve for the next 0.50 cycle of loading.

Table 19- 145 : Polyisoprene (Natural Rubber) Quality Control Tests

ASTM Test Physical Properties
D 2240 Hardness (Shore A Durometer) 50±5 60±5 70±5
D 412 Tensile Strength, Minimum MPa 15.5 15.5 15.5
Ultimate Elongation, Minimum % 450 400 300
Heat Resistance
D 573, 70 h Change in Durometer Hardness, maximum 10 10 10
at 100°C points
Change in Tensile Strength, Maximum % -25 -25 -25
Change in Ultimate Elongation, Maximum % -25 -25 -25
Compression Set
D 395, 22 h at 100°C, Maximum % 25 25 25
Method B
D 1149 25 pphm Ozone in Air by Volume, 20% Strain No Cracks No Cracks No Cracks
38°C ± 1°C 48 h Mounting Procedure D 518
Procedure A
Low-Temperature Brittleness
D 746, Grade 0 and 2-No Test Required No Failure No Failure No Failure

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Procedure B Grade 3 Brittleness at -40°C No Failure No Failure No Failure

Grade 4 Brittleness at -48°C No Failure No Failure No Failure
Grade 5 Brittleness at -57°C No Failure No Failure No Failure
Instantaneous Thermal Stiffening
D 1043 Grade 0 and 2- Tested -32°C Stiffness at test temperature shall not exceed four
Grade 3 Tested at -40°C times the stiffness measured at 23°C
Grade 4 Tested at -45.5°C
Grade 5 Brittleness at -54°C
Low-Temperature Crystallization
Quad Shear Grade 0 - No Test required Stiffness at test time and temperature shall not
Test as Grade 2 - 7 days at -18°C exceed four times the stiffness measured at 23°C
Described in Grade 3 - 14 days at -26°C with no time delay. The stiffness shall be measured
Annex A of Grade 4 - 21 days at -37°C with a quad shear test rig in an enclosed freezer
ASTM Grade 5 - 28 days at -37°C unit. The test specimens shall be taken from a
D 4014 randomly selected bearing. A ±25% strain cycle shall
be used and a complete cycle of strain shall be
applied with a period of 100 s. The first 0.75 cycle of
strain shall be discarded and the stiffness shall be
determined by the slope of the force deflection
curve for the next 0.25 cycle of loading. Fabric Reinforcement

Fabric reinforcement shall be woven from hundred percent one hundred percent (100%) continuous glass fibers of
"E" type yarn 1. The minimum thread count in either direction shall be one thread per mm. The fabric shall have either

a crowfoot or an 8 hardness satin weave. Each ply of fabric shall have a minimum breaking strength of 140 N/mm of
width in each thread direction. Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, holes shall not be permitted in
the fabric. Bond
The vulcanized bond between fabric and reinforcement shall have a minimum peel strength of 5 .3 N/mm. Steel
laminated bearings shall develop minimum peel strength of 7.0 N/mm. Peel strength tests shall be performed by
ASTM D 429, Method B.

19.4.3 Special Material Requirements for Pot and Disk Bearing

All materials shall be new and unused, with no reclaimed material incorporated in the finished bearing. Steel
All steel except stainless steel components of the pot and disc bearing shall be carbon steel or high -strength, low-alloy
structural steel for welding. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements of Clause Stainless Steel. Elastomeric Rotational Element for Pot Bearings

The elastomeric rotational element used in the construction of pot bearings shall contain only virgin, crystallization-
resistant polychloroprene (Neoprene), AASHTO M 251 (ASTM D 4014) or virgin natural polyisoprene (natural rubber),
AASHTO M 251 as the raw polymer. The physical properties of Neoprene and natural rubber shall conform to the
Specifications above with modifications as follows:
a) The Shore a Durometer hardness shall be 50±10 points.
b) Samples for compression set tests shall be prepared using a Type 2 die. Sealant for Pot Bearings

The elastomer shall be lubricated between the steel pot and the top steel bearing plate with a silicon grease which
does not react chemically with the elastomer and does not alter its properties within the range of environmental
conditions expected at the site or as recommended by the Manufacturer.

E-glass Fiber Yarn: High Strength, electrical insulation. It is widely used as an electrical insulation material.
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The sealing rings between the steel piston and the elastomeric rotational element of pot bearings shall be made of
brass conforming to ASTM B 36/B 36M for rings of rectangular cross-section and ASTM B 121/B 121M for circular
sections. The Engineer, at the Engineer's discretion, may approve other sealing ring material on the basis of test
evidence conforming to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Sheet and Strip

PTFE sheet and strip requirements for pot and disc bearings shall conform to the provisions of Article
General. Polyether Urethane Structural Element for Disc Bearings

The polyether urethane structural element used in the construction of disc bearings shall be molded from a
monolithic polyether urethane compound. The physical properties of the polyether urethane shall conform to the
requirements listed in

Table 19-146 : Physical Properties of Polyether Urethane

Physical Properties ASTM Test Method Requirements
Hardness, Type D Durometer D 2240 45 55 65
Tensile Stress, MPa D 412
At 100% elongation 10 13 16
At 200% elongation 19 23 28
Tensile Strength, MPa D 412 28 35 41
Ultimate Elongation, % D 412 350 285 220
Compression Set, 22 h at 70°C, % D 395 40 40 40

19.4.4 Special Material Requirements for Rocker and Roller Bearings

Steels used in rocker and roller bearings shall be of the types and grades as specified in the contract documents. The
steel at the contact surface of a metal bearing may be hardened provided that, after hardening, the steel satisfies the
strength and ductility requirements of the contract documents and the material specifications.

19.4.5 Metal Plates Used in Masonry, Sole and Shim Plates

Metal plates used in masonry, sole, and shim plates, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, shall
conform to AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/A 709M) Grade 250. Bronze or copper alloy bearing and expansion
plates shall conform to the requirements of Article 19.8.5: Bronze or Copper-Alloyed Plates for Bearings.

19.4.6 Special Material Requirements for PTFE Sliding Surfaces PTFE Sheet and Strip
PTFE resin sheets, PTFE fabric, interlocked bronze and PTFE structures, PTFE perforated metal composite, back-up
materials, and all other parts of fixed or expansion bearings containing PTFE materials shall have the friction,
mechanical, physical, and weathering properties specified in the contract documents. PTFE Resin

PTFE resin shall be one hundred percent (100%) pure, new material meeting the requirements of ASTM D 4894 or D
4895. It shall satisfy the requirements of Table 19 -147 : Filled PTFE Sheet. No reclaimed material shall be used.
Finished PTFE sheet, strip, and fabric shall be:
a) resistant to acids, alkalis, and petroleum products,
b) stable at temperatures from minus two hundred and eighteen degree Celsius to two hundred and sixty
degree Celsius (-218°C to 260°C),
c) nonflammable, and
d) non-absorbing of water.

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Filler material, when used, shall be milled glass fiber, carbon fiber, or other approved filler material . The filler shall act
compositely with PTFE and shall not have any chemical reaction with other components or constituents. Adhesive Material

Adhesive material used for bonding sheet PTFE shall be an epoxy resin satisfying the requirements of AASHTO M
235M/M 235 (ASTM C 881/C 881M), FEP film or equal, as approved by the Engineer. Unfilled PTFE Sheet

Finished, unfilled PTFE sheet shall be made from virgin PTFE resin and shall conform to Table 19 -147 with the
exception that the ASTM test methods for tensile strength and elongation shall conform to ASTM D 2256. Filled PTFE Sheet

Filled PTFE sheet shall be made from virgin PTFE resin uniformly blended with approved inert filler . The maximum
filler content shall be fifteen percent (15%) for fiberglass and twenty-five percent (25%) for carbon fibers. The
maximum filler content for other materials shall be determined by the Engineer.
Finished filled PTFE sheets containing glass fiber or carbon shall conform to the following requirements of Table 19
-147 with the exception that the ASTM test methods for tensile strength and elongation shall conform to ASTM D 638.
Table 19-147 : Filled PTFE Sheet
Mechanical Properties ASTM Method Sheet Sheet with 15% Sheet with 25% Woven
Unfilled Glass Fibers Carbon Fibers Fabric
Tensile Strength min. MPa D 638 or D 2256 19.3 13.78 8.96 16.54
Elongation min. % D 638 or D 2256 200 150 75 35
Specific Gravity, min D 792 623 ± 2 2.23 ± 0.03 2.10 ± 0.03 -
Melting Point, °C D 4894, D 4895 or 328 ± 2 328 ± 10 328 ± 10 -
D 5977
Compression Set, 22 h at D 395 40 40 40
70°C, %

Values for intermediate filler contents may be obtained by interpolation. Fabric Containing PTFE Fibers

Woven Fabric PTFE shall be manufactured from oriented multi-filament PTFE fluorocarbon fibers or from a mixture of
PTFE fibers made from twisted, slit PTFE tape and other fibers as required by proprietary designs . Typical physical
properties of the PTFE fibers shall be taken from Table 19 -147 with the exception that the ASTM Test Methods for
tensile strength and elongation shall conform to ASTM D 2256. Lubricants
Lubricants, if used, shall consist of a combination of solids which does not react chemically or electrolytically with the
PTFE and its mating surface and shall remain stable in the environmental conditions expected at the bridge site. Interlocked Bronze and Filled PTFE Structures

Interlocking bronze and filled PTFE structures shall consist of a phosphor bronze plate with a 0.25 mm thick porous
bronze surface layer into which is impregnated a lead/PTFE compound. There shall be an overlay of compounded
PTFE not less than 25 mm thick. The phosphor bronze back plate shall conform to AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B 100) and
the porous bronze layer shall conform to ASTM B 103/B 103M. Surface Treatment

Where PTFE sheets are to be epoxy-bonded, one side of the PTFE sheet shall be factory-treated by an approved
Manufacturer by the sodium naphthalene or sodium ammonia process. Stainless Steel Mating Surface

Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements of Clause

19.4.7 Special Requirements for Anchor Bolts

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Anchor bolts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 307, or as shown in the contract documents . Anchor bolts shall
be provided with anchorage details that permit development of the full tensile strength of the bolt. Hooks or end
plates are recommended.

19.4.8 Special Material Requirements for Bedding of Masonry Plates

Filler or fabric materials shall be placed as bedding material under masonry plates when shown in the contract
documents. Such material shall be of the type specified in the contract documents or as ordered or approved by the
Engineer and shall be installed to provide full bearing on contact areas.
Immediately before placing the bedding material and installing bearings or masonry plates, the contact surfaces of
the concrete and steel shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Preformed fabric pads used as bedding shall be composed of multiple layers of 2.7 MPa cotton duck impregnated and
bonded with high-quality natural rubber or of equivalent and equally suitable materials compressed into resilient
pads of uniform thickness. The number of plies shall be such as to produce the specified thickness, after compression
and vulcanizing. The finished pads shall withstand compression loads perpendicular to the plane of the laminations of
not less than 70 MPa without detrimental reduction in thickness or extrusion.
Sheet lead used as bedding shall be common, desilverized lead conforming to ASTM B 29. The sheets shall be of
uniform thickness and shall be free from cracks, seams, slivers, scale, and other defects . Unless otherwise specified,
lead sheets shall be 3 mm in thickness with a permissible tolerance of ±1 mm.
Caulking material used as bedding shall be a non-sag polysulfide or polyurethane material conforming to the
provisions of ASTM C 920, Type II.

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with written notification 30 days prior to the start of bearing fabrication.
The finish of the mold used to produce the elastomeric rotational element for pot bearings or the polyether urethane
structural element for disc bearings shall conform to good machine shop practice.
PTFE sheet shall be bonded to a grit-blasted steel substrate using an epoxy resin adhesive under controlled factory
conditions in accordance with the instructions of the adhesive Manufacturer. The PTFE sheet shall be recessed into its
steel substrate for at least one-half of its thickness. If on a vertical surface, the PTFE sheet may be mechanically
fastened to the substrate. The attachment of the PTFE sheet to its substrate shall be done in accordance with the
manufacturing requirements of Article 19.4.6: Special Material Requirements for PTFE Sliding Surfaces.
After fabrication, steel surfaces exposed to the atmosphere, except stainless steel surfaces, shall be shop painted or
coated to protect against corrosion as specified in the contract documents. Prior to coating, the exposed steel
surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with the recommendations of the coating manufacturer. Metal surfaces to be
field-welded shall be given a coat of clear polish or other protective coating approved by the Engineer, if the time of
exposure before welding takes place is to exceed three months. The lacquer coating shall be removed at the time of
welding. The final painting or coating of these surfaces shall be done after the completion of welding. Stainless steel
sheet shall be attached to a steel substrate with an approved epoxy to ensure complete contact and then sealed with
a continuous weld.
All welding shall conform to and all welders shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of the current
AASHTO/ American Welding Society (AWS) D 1.5 Structural Welding Code.
Except as noted, all bearing surfaces of steel plates shall be finished or machined flat within 0.0008 mm/mm. Out-of-
flatness greater than 0.0008 mm/mm on any plate shall be a cause for rejection. The bottom surfaces of lower
bearing plates (masonry plates) designed to rest on bearing pads shall not exceed an out-of-flatness value of 0.005
mm/mm. Oxygen-cut surfaces shall not exceed a surface roughness value of 25 µm, as defined by ANSI B46.1.
Gross bearing dimensions shall have a tolerance in accordance with the Manufacturers Specifications.
Every bearing shall have the project identification number, lot number, and individual bearing number indelibly
marked with ink on a side that will be visible after erection.


19.6.1 General

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Testing and acceptance criteria for bearings shall conform to the minimum requirements specified in Clause 19.6.2:
“Tests”. The Engineer may impose more stringent standards.
The minimum frequency of testing for different bearing types is set out in Clause 19.6.4: “Special Testing
When bearings are manufactured from a number of components, each component shall satisfy the testing
requirements from the applicable section.
The Engineer shall be given free access to inspect the manufacture of the bearings at all times. Definitions
Load Range- is a range of load capacities in which the highest capacity is no more than 2.0 times as large as the
Lot- is a group of no more than 25 bearings of the same type (e.g. elastomeric or pot bearings, and fixed, guided or
floating), in the same load range.
Batch- is a body of material in which the ingredients are uniformly blended together at one time.
Sample- is a piece of material or a complete bearing which is tested in order to infer the properties of the batch of
material or group of bearing elements from which it is taken. A sample shall consist of at least one bearing chosen
randomly from each lot and material batch and shall comprise at least ten percent (10%) of the lot. Test pieces to be supplied to the Engineer Tapered Sole Plates

Each bearing with a tapered sole plate that is selected for testing shall be delivered to the test site accompanied by an
unattached plate identical to the tapered sole plate. The single beveled plate shall be so constructed that, when
placed in contact with the tapered sole plate, the two shall form a single body, rectangular in shape and uniform in

19.6.2 Tests General
The tests specified herein shall be carried out at the Manufacturer's expense. Unless otherwise agreed by the
Engineer, they shall be supervised by an independent and disinterested testing agency.
Additional tests for specific types of bearings, as specified in other articles of these Specifications, shall also be
conducted. Material Certification Tests

Material certification tests to determine the physical and chemical properties of all materials shall be conducted in
accordance with the appropriate specification governing the material. The test certificates shall be provided to the
Engineer. Material Friction Test-Sliding Surfaces Only

The coefficient of friction between the two mating surfaces shall be measured. Tests shall be conducted on either on
samples taken from the same batch of materials as those used in the prototype bearings shall be used or the tests
may, at the Manufacturer's option, or conducted on finished bearings. Only new materials shall be used and no
material that has been previously tested shall be used.
The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned with a degreasing solvent. No lubrication other than that specified for the
prototype bearings shall be used. The mating surfaces for the test pieces shall have a common area no less than the
smaller of the bearing area or 4500 mm2.
The test pieces shall be loaded in compression to a stress corresponding to their maximum service dead load plus live
load, which shall be held constant for 1 h prior to and throughout the duration of the sliding test . At least 100 cycles
of sliding, each consisting of at least ±25 mm of movement, shall then be applied at a temperature of twenty degree
Celsius plus or minus one degree Celsius (20°±1°C). The uniform sliding speed shall be 65 mm per min.
The breakaway friction coefficient shall be computed for each direction of each cycle and its mean and standard
deviation shall be computed for the sixth through twelfth cycles. The initial static breakaway coefficient of friction for
the first cycle shall not exceed twice the design coefficient of friction. The maximum coefficient of friction for all

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subsequent cycles shall not exceed the design coefficient of friction. Failure of a single sample shall result in rejection
of the entire lot.
Following the 100 cycles of testing, the breakaway coefficient of friction shall be determined again and shall not
exceed the initial value. The bearing or specimen shall show no appreciable sign of wear, bond failure, or other
defects. Dimension Check

The dimensions of the bearing shall be checked. Two types of dimensions, standard and critical, shall be measured.
The values of the critical dimensions shall be recorded and provided by the Manufacturer to the Engineer. Failure of a
critical dimension to satisfy its tolerance shall be a cause for rejection. Failure of a standard measurement to satisfy its
tolerance shall, at the discretion of the Engineer, be a cause for rejection. Flatness shall be checked by placing a
precision straightedge on the surface to be checked and by inserting feeler gauges between the two. The straightedge
shall be placed at different orientations and the worst condition shall be established. No more than three feeler
gauges may be stacked on top of one another. The straightedge shall be as long as the largest dimension of the flat
surface. Flatness shall satisfy the requirements of Manufacturers Specifications. Clearance Test

The components of the bearing shall be moved through their design displacements or rotations to verify that the
required clearances exist. If the test is conducted on a rotational component which is not under simultaneous full
vertical load; allowance shall be made for the displacements which would be caused by that load. Short-Term Compression Proof Load Test

The bearing shall be loaded in compression to one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of its rated service load. If a
rotational element exists, a tapered plate shall be introduced in the load train so that the bearing sustains the load at
the maximum simultaneous design rotation. The load shall be held for 5 minutes, removed, then reapplied for a
second period of 5 minutes. The bearing shall be examined visually while under the second loading. Any defects shall
constitute cause for rejection. If the load drops below the required value during either application, the test shall be
restarted from the beginning. Long-Term Compression Proof Load Test

The test shall be conducted in the same way as the short-term proof load test except that the second load shall be
maintained for 15 hours. If the load drops below ninty percent (90%) of its target value during this time, the load shall
be increased to the target value and the test duration shall be increased by the time for which the load was below the
required value. Bearing Friction Test (for sliding surfaces only)

The purpose of the Bearing Friction Test is to verify that the friction values achieved in the material friction tests are
adequate predictors of the friction in the finished bearing.
No lubrication shall be applied except that used for the whole lot of bearings. The bearing shall be loaded in
compression with one hundred percent (100%) of the full service dead plus live load, which shall be held constant for
one hour prior to and throughout the duration of the sliding test. At least 12 cycles of sliding, each consisting of the
smaller of the design displacement and ± 26 mm of movement, shall then be applied. The average sliding speed shall
be 65 mm/minute. When the test is applied to curved sliding bearings, the design rotation shall be used in place of
the displacement.
In flat sliding bearings, the breakaway friction coefficient shall be computed for each direction of each cycle, and its
mean and standard deviation shall be computed for the sixth through twelfth cycles. Neither the friction coefficient
for the first movement nor the mean plus two standard deviations for the sixth through twelfth cycles shall exceed
the value used in design, and the mean value for the sixth through the twelfth cycles shall not exceed two third, of the
value used in design.
In curved sliding surfaces, the moment corresponding to the design rotation shall be established at each peak
movement (positive and negative) during the first and last six cycles of testing. The corresponding load eccentricity
shall be ca1culated by dividing the moment by the total compressive load acting. The eccentricity shall be small
enough that the allowable stresses on the PTFE used in design are not violated. Long-Term Deterioration Test

The test shall either be conducted on samples of the materials used in the bearings or at the option of the
Manufacturer, it may be conducted on a pair of bearings, placed back-to-back. The samples shall have an area not less
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than 4500 mm2. The test piece shall first be loaded in compression to a stress corresponding to hundred percent
(100%) of the maximum dead load plus live service load. Flat sliding systems shall then be displaced through at least
1000 cycles with amplitude of at least ±25 mm (50 mm peak to peak.) Curved sliding systems and rotational systems
that depend on deformation of an elastomeric element shall be subjected to 5000 cycles or displacements
corresponding to a rotation of plus or minus the design amplitude. The sliding may take place at up to 250 mm per
min, except when readings of the coefficient of friction are taken, at which time the sliding speed shall be 65 mm per
The following shall be a cause for rejection of the bearing:
a) Damage visible to the naked eye on disassembly of the bearing, such as excessive wear, cracks, or splits in
the material.
b) A coefficient of friction which exceeds two-thirds the value used in design. Bearing Horizontal Force Capacity Fixed or Guided Bearings Only

One or more loading combinations, consisting of a horizontal and vertical service-load which could exist
simultaneously in the structure, shall be selected. The vertical load shall be applied first, at 1.0 times its nominal
value. The horizontal load shall be applied in stages, up to 1.5 times its nominal value. Failure or excessive deflection
of any of the components shall because for rejection.

19.6.3 Performance Criteria

If one bearing of the sample fails, all the bearings of that lot shall be rejected, unless the Manufacturer elects to test
each bearing of the lot at his expense. In lieu of this procedure, the Engineer may require every bearing of the lot to
be tested.

19.6.4 Special Testing Requirements Special Test Requirements for Elastomeric Bearings General
Materials for elastomeric bearings and the finished bearings themselves shall be subjected to the tests described
herein. Material tests shall be in accordance with either Table 19 -144 or Table 19 -145, as appropriate. Frequency of Testing

The ambient-temperature tests on the elastomer specified in Clause Ambient-Temperature Tests on the
Elastomer shall be conducted for the materials used in each lot of bearings. In lieu of performing a shear modulus test
for each batch of material, the Manufacturer may elect to provide certificates from tests performed on identical
formulations within the preceding year, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. Test certificates from the supplier
shall be provided for each lot of reinforcement.
The three low-temperature tests on the elastomer specified in Clause Ambient-Temperature Tests on the
Elastomer shall be conducted on the material used in each lot of bearings for Grades 3,4 and 5 material and the
instantaneous thermal stiffening test shall be conducted on material of Grades 0 and 2. For Grade 3 material, in lieu of
the low-temperature crystallization test, the Manufacturer may choose to provide certificates from low-temperature
crystallization tests performed on identical material within the last year, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.
Low temperature brittleness and crystallization tests shall not be required for Grades 0 and 2 materials, unless
especially requested by the Engineer.
Every finished bearing shall be visually inspected in accordance with the provisions of Clause Visual
Inspection of the Finished Bearing.
Every steel reinforced bearing shall be subjected to the short-term load test specified in Clause Ambient-
Temperature Tests on the Elastomer.
From each lot of bearings designed, a random sample shall be subjected to the long-term load test specified in Clause Long-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings. The sample shall consist of at least one bearing chosen
randomly from each size and material batch and shall comprise at least ten percent (10%) of the lot. If one bearing of
the sample fails, all the bearings of that lot shall be rejected, unless the Manufacturer elects to test each bearing of
the lot at the Manufacturer's expense. In lieu of this procedure, the Engineer may require every bearing of the lot to
be tested.

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The Engineer may require shear stiffness tests on material from a random sample of the finished bearings in
accordance with the provisions of Clause “Shear Modulus Tests on Material from Bearings”. Ambient-Temperature Tests on the Elastomer

The elastomer used shall satisfy or exceed the criteria specified in the appropriate Table 19 -144 and Table 19 -145.
The bond to the reinforcement, if any, shall also satisfy the provisions of Clause “Bond”. The shear modulus
of the material shall be tested at twenty-three degrees Celsius (23°C) using the apparatus and procedure described in
Annex A of ASTM D 4014. It shall fall within fifteen percent (15%) of the value specified in the contract documents. If
no shear modulus is specified, the range of hardness shall conform to ASTM LRFD Bridge Design Specification. Low-Temperature Tests on the Elastomer

Low-temperature tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Table 19 -144 and Table 19 -145
and the compound shall satisfy all criteria for its grade. Visual Inspection of the Finished Bearing

Each finished bearing shall be inspected for compliance with dimensional tolerances and for overall quality of
manufacture. In steel reinforced bearings, the edges of the steel shall be protected everywhere from corrosion. Short-Duration Compression Test on Bearings

The bearing shall be loaded in compression to one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of its rated service load. If a
rotational element exists, a tapered plate shall be introduced in the load train so that the bearing sustains the load at
the maximum simultaneous design rotation. The load shall be held for 5 min, removed, and then reapplied for a
second period of 5 min. The bearing shall be examined visually while under the second loading. If the load drops
below the required value during either application, the test shall be restarted from the beginning.
The bearing shall be rejected if:
a) The bulging pattern suggests laminate parallelism,
b) A layer thickness is outside the specified tolerances,
c) A poor laminate bond exists, or
d) Three or more separate surface cracks greater than 2 mm wide and 2 mm deep exists. Long-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings

The long-term compression test shall be conducted as specified in Article “Ambient-Temperature Tests on
the Elastomer”, except that the second load shall be maintained for 15 hours. The bearing shall be visually examined
at the end of the test while still under load. If any patterns or cracks specified in Article “Ambient-
Temperature Tests on the Elastomer”, occur, the bearing shall be rejected. Shear Modulus Tests on Material from Bearings

The shear modulus of a material in the finished bearing shall be evaluated by testing a specimen cut from it using the
apparatus and procedure described in Annex A of ASTM D 4014, amended where necessary in Table 19 -144 or Table
19 -145, at the discretion of the Engineer, a comparable nondestructive stiffness test may be conducted on a pair of
finished bearings. The shear modulus shall fall within fifteen percent (15 %) of the specified value. If no shear modulus
is specified in the contract documents, the range for hardness shall conform to ASTM LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. If the test is conducted on finished bearings, the material shear modulus shall be computed from the
measured shear stiffness of the bearings, taking due account of the influence on shear stiffness of bearing geometry
and compressive load. Special Test Requirements for Pot and Disc Bearings Lot Size

Sampling, testing, and acceptance consideration shall be made on a lot basis. A lot shall be the smallest number of
bearings as determined by the following criteria:
a) Shall not exceed a single contract document or project quantity.
b) Shall not exceed 25 bearings.
c) Shall consist of those bearings of the same type regardless of load capacity. Bearing types may be fixed or
expansion types, guided and non-guided expansion bearings shall be considered to be a single type.

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a) Material Certification Tests

The Manufacturer shall select, at random, samples for material certification tests as defined in Clause
“Bearing Horizontal Force Capacity Fixed or Guided Bearings Only”, and Clause “Material Certification Tests”
bearings from completed lots of bearings for testing by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall complete the
required testing and determine compliance with this specification before submitting the lot(s) for quality assurance
inspection, testing, and acceptance consideration. The results of the Manufacturer's tests shall be furnished to the
Certification shall be provided for all elastomeric and polyether urethane elements. Their material properties shall
satisfy the requirements specified in the contract documents and the tests described in Clause “Installation”
for pot bearings and Clause “Polyether Urethane Structural Element for Disc Bearings” for disc bearings.
Additional tests may be required by the Engineer.

b) Testing by the Engineer

When quality-assurance testing is specified in the contract documents, the Manufacturer shall furnish to the Engineer
the required number of complete bearings and component samples to perform quality-assurance testing in
accordance with Table 19 -148.
At least one elastomeric element shall be tested per lot of bearings for pot bearings and at least one set of material
property tests shall be conducted per lot for disc bearings. All exterior surfaces of sampled production bearings shall
be smooth and free from irregularities or protrusions that might interfere with testing procedures.
A minimum of 30 days shall be allowed for inspection, sampling, and quality assurance testing of production bearings
and component materials. Bearings with tapered sole plates shall conform to the provisions of Clause “
Test pieces to be supplied to the Engineer”.
The Engineer may select, at random, the required sample bearing(s) from completed lots of bearings and samples of
the elastomeric and PTFE materials for quality assurance testing.
The Contractor shall assume the cost of transporting all samples from the place of manufacture to the test site and
back or, if applicable, to the project site.
Table 19- 148 : Sampling
Test Samples Required
Proof Load One production bearing per lot
Coefficient of Friction One production bearing per lot
Physical properties of Elastomeric Rotational One Elastomeric element per lot
Physical Properties of PTFE Sheet One 0.25m x 0.38m sheet of PTFE material per project
Physical properties of Polyether Urethane One 0.25m x 0.38m sheet of polyether urethane material
Structural Element (except compression set) (thickness of 1.6mm to 3.1mm per lot)
Compression Set of Polyether Urethane One 0.10m x 0.10m sheet of polyether urethane per lot, molded or
Structural Element cut to the thickness requirements of ASTM D 395, Method B Performance Characteristics

a) Proof Load Test

Critical dimensions shall include the clearance between the piston and the pot and shall be verified by the clearance
test described in Clause “Clearance Test”.
A long-term deterioration test, as described in Clause “Long-Term Deterioration Test” shall be performed on
one disc bearing of each lot and on one bearing of each lot of pot bearings with the sealing rings with rectangular and
circular cross sections satisfying AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. The bearing shall be load-tested to one
hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the specified rated capacity at an angel of 1.14 degrees. If the size of the bearing
prohibits adequate testing with available equipment, the Owner and Manufacturer may agree to test a prototype
bearing with comparable requirements.

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During the test, the steel bearing plate and steel piston shall maintain continuous and uniform contact for the
duration of the test.
The bearing shall be visually examined both during the test and upon disassembly after the test . Any resultant visual
defects, such as extruded or deformed elastomer, polyether urethane, or PTFE; damaged seals or limiting rings;
evidence of metal-to-metal contact between the pot wall and the top plate; or cracked steel, shall be a cause for
rejection of the lot.
For disc bearings, continuous and uniform contact shall be maintained between the polyether urethane element and
the bearing plates and between the sliding steel top plate and the upper bearing plate for the duration of the test.
Any observed lift-off will be a cause for rejection of the lot.

b) Sliding Coefficient of Friction

For all guided and non-guided expansion-type bearings, the sliding coefficient of friction shall be measured at the
bearing's design capacity in accordance with Clause “Special Testing Requirements for Bronze or Copper-
Alloyed Plates for Bearings” and additionally on the fifth and fiftieth cycles, at a sliding speed of 25 mm per min.
The sliding coefficient of friction shall be calculated as the horizontal load required to maintain continuous sliding of
one bearing, divided by the bearing's vertical design capacity.
The test results shall be evaluated as follows:
- The measured sliding coefficients of friction shall not exceed three percent (3%).
- The bearing will be visually examined both during and after the test. Any resultant visual defects, such as
bond failure, physical destruction, cold flow of PTFE to the point of de -bonding, or damaged components,
shall be a cause for rejection of the lot.
Bearings not damaged during the testing of performance characteristics may be used in the work. Special Test Requirements for Rocker and Roller Bearing Special Testing for Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Surfaces for Bearings

Inspection of the completed bearings or representative samples of bearings with PTFE surfaces shall be required by
the Engineer. Inspectors, if appointed, shall be allowed free access to the necessary part of the Manufacturer's plant
and test facility. When testing is performed by the Manufacturer, copies of the test results shall be submitted to the
The Manufacturer is required to perform material tests on the materials used in the sliding surface in accordance with
Clause “Material Friction Test-Sliding Surfaces Only”. A minimum of one test shall be performed for each lot
of bearings.
If requested by the Engineer and available test facilities permit, complete bearings shall be tested for complete
bearing friction as defined in Clause “Bearing Horizontal Force Capacity Fixed or Guided Bearings Only”. If
the test facility does not permit testing complete bearings, at the direction of the Engineer, extra bearings may be
manufactured by the Contractor and samples of at least 450 KN Capacity at normal working stresses prepared by
sectioning the bearings. As soon as all bearings have been manufactured for a given project, notification shall be given
to the Engineer who will select the prescribed test bearings at random from the lot. Manufacturer's certification of
the steel, elastomeric pads, preformed fabric pads, PTFE, and other materials used in the construction of the bearings
shall be furnished along with notification of fabrication completion.
Bearings represented by test specimens passing the above requirements shall be approved for use in the structure
subject to on-site inspection for visible defects. Special Testing Requirements for Bronze or Copper-Alloyed Plates for Bearings
Material certification tests for bronze or copper-alloy bearings shall be performed to verify the properties of the
material. Special Testing Requirements for Curved Sliding Bearing

Curved PTFE sliding surfaces shal1 satisfy al1 of the test requirements specified for PTFE sliding surfaces in Clause “Special Testing for Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Surfaces for Bearings”, except that, when the prototype
bearing is too large to test, a test bearing may be especially manufactured using materials and fabrication methods
that are identical to those used for the prototype, in lieu of sectioning a bearing. Because of the inability of test large
bearings, the scaled model of the bearing shall be carefully decided by the Engineer.

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Critical dimensions shall include the difference between the average radii of the two elements and the variation of the
actual curved surface from the average one. The Engineer may require verification of these critical dimensions
through a dimensional check as described in Clause “Dimension Check”.

19.6.5 Use of Tested Bearing in the Structure

Bearings which have been satisfactorily tested in accordance with the requirements of this section may be used in the
structure provided that they are equipped with new deformable elements, sliding elements and seals, as required by
the engineer.


Prior to shipment from the point of manufacture, bearings shall be packaged in such a manner to ensure that during
shipment and storage the bearings will be protected against damage from handling, weather, or any normal hazard .
Each completed bearing shall have its components clearly identified, be securely bolted, strapped, or otherwise
fastened to prevent any relative movement, and be marked on its top as to location and orientation in each structure
in the project in conformity with the contract documents.
All bearing devices and components shall be stored at the work site in an area that provides protection from
environmental and physical damage. When installed, bearings shall be clean and free of all foreign substances.
Dismantling of bearings at the site shall not be done unless absolutely necessary for inspection or installation .
Bearings shall not be opened or dismantled at the site except for inspection or installation.

Bearings shall be installed by qualified personnel to the positions shown in the contract documents. Bearings shall be
set at time of installation to the dimensions and offsets prescribed by the Manufacturer, by the Engineer, and as
shown in the contract documents and shall be adjusted as necessary to take into account the temperature and future
movements of the bridge due to temperature changes, release of Falsework, and shortening due to prestressing.
Each bridge bearing shall be located within ±3 mm of its correct position in the horizontal plane and oriented to
within an angular tolerance of 1.14 degrees. Guided bearings and bearings which rotate about only one axis shall be
oriented in the direction specified in the contract documents to within an angel tolerance of 0.28 degrees. All
bearings except those which are placed in opposing pairs shall be set horizontal to within an angular tolerance of 0 .28
degrees, and must have full and even contact with load plates, where these exist. The superstructure supported by
the bearing shall be set so that, under full dead load, its slope lies within an angular tolerance of 0 .28 degrees of the
design value. Any departure from this tolerance shall be corrected by means of a tapered plate or by other means
approved by the Engineer. If shim stacks are needed to level the bearing, they shall be removed after grouting and
before the weight of the superstructure acts on the bearing.
Metallic bearing assemblies not embedded in the concrete shall be bedded on the concrete with a filler or fabric
material conforming to Clause 19.4.8: “Special Material Requirements for Bedding of Masonry Plates”.
Where bearings are seated directly on steel work, the supporting surface shall be machined so as to provide a level
and planar surface upon which the bearing is placed. Bearings or masonry plates which rest on steel supports may be
directly installed on the supports, provided the support is flat within a tolerance of 0 .002 times the nominal
dimension and is sufficiently rigid so as not to deform under specified loads.
Bearing types include, but are not limited to, elastomeric pad, rocker, roller, pot, spherical, disc, and sliding plate
bearings. Included as components of bearings are masonry, sole and shim plates, bronze or copper-alloyed bearings
and expansion plates, anchor bolts, guide devices, Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) sheets or surfacing, lubricants and

19.8.1 Elastomeric Bearings General
Elastomeric bearings as defined herein shall include unreinforced pads (consisting of elastomer only) and reinforced
bearings with steel or fabric laminates.
Bearings shall be furnished with the dimensions, material properties, elastomer grade, and type of laminates specified
in the contract documents. The design load shall be shown in the contract documents and testing shall be performed
accordingly. Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, bearings shall be Grade 3, 60-durometer
elastomer, and steel reinforced, and shall be subjected to the load-testing requirements specified herein.

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Elastomeric bearings without external load plates may be placed directly on a concrete or steel surface provided that
it is flat to within a tolerance of 0.005 of the nominal dimension for steel reinforced bearings and 0.01 of the nominal
dimension for others. Bearings shall be placed on surfaces that are horizontal to within 0.57 degrees. Any lack of
parallelism between the top of the bearing and the underside of the girder that exceeds 0.57 degrees shall be
corrected by grouting or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Exterior plates of the bearing shall not be welded unless at least 40 mm of the steel exists between the weld and the
elastomer. In no case shall the elastomer or the bond be subjected to temperature higher than two hundred degrees
Celsius (200°C).

19.8.2 Pot and Disc Bearings General
Pot and disc bearings shall be adequate for the design loads and movements shown in the contract documents or
specified and Shall be tested at the appropriate level. Installation
Pot and disc bearings shall be installed in accordance with the contract documents and on the approved working
drawings. Upon final installation of the bearings, the Engineer, in the presence of the Manufacturer's representative,
shall inspect the bearing components to assure that they are level and parallel to within 2 .6 mm/m. Any deviations in
excess of the allowed tolerances shall be corrected.

19.8.3 Rocker and Roller Bearings General
Lubrication shall be applied to all gear mechanisms and to all other components of roller bearings for which it is
required. The type of lubricant shall be as specified on the contract documents, and shall be applied in accordance
with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Installation
Setting of rocker and roller bearings shall take into account any variation from mean temperature of the supported
span at time of setting and any other anticipated changes in length of the supported span so that at mean
temperature, after release of falsework and any shortening due to pre-stressing force and shrinkage, the rockers and
rollers will be vertical. Care shall be taken that full and free movement of the superstructure at movable bearings is
not restricted by improper settings or adjustment of bearings.
The Contractor shall coat all contact surfaces thoroughly with oil and graphite prior to placing roller bearings.
Cylindrical bearings shall be positioned so their axes of rotation are in alignment and coincide with the axis of rotation
of the superstructure.

19.8.4 Spherical Bearings General
Spherical bearings shall be fabricated, tested, and installed as specified in the contract documents.
A spherical bearing is a bearing that permits angular rotation about a central point in two orthogonal directions within
a specified angular limit based on the bearing geometry. Typically these bearings support a rotating shaft in the [bore]
of the inner ring that must move not only rotationally, but also at an angle. Construction
Construction of spherical bearings shall be hydrostatic or strictly mechanical. A spherical bearing by itself can consist
of an outer ring and an inner ring and a locking feature that makes the inner ring captive within the outer ring in the
axial direction only. The outer surface of the inner ring and the inner surface of the outer ring are collectively
considered the raceway and they slide against each other, either with a lubricant or a maintenance -free PTFE [Teflon]
based liner. Some spherical bearings incorporate a rolling element such as a race of ball-bearings, allowing lower
friction. Application

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Spherical bearings are used in countless applications, wherever rotational motion must be allowed to change the
alignment of its rotation axis. A prime example is a tie rod on a vehicle suspension. The mechanics of the suspension
allow the axle to move up and down, but the linkages are designed to control that motion in one direction only and
they must allow motion in the other directions. Spherical bearings have been used in Computer mice, car
suspensions, trackballs, drives-hafts, heavy machinery, sewing machines, and many other applications.

19.8.5 Bronze or Copper-Alloyed Plates for Bearings Bronze Bearing and Expansion Plates
Bronze bearing and expansion plates shall conform to the Specification for Bronze Castings for Bridges and
Turntables, AASHTO M 107 (ASTM B 22) alloy C91100, C86300, or C90500. Alloy C91100 shall be furnished unless
otherwise specified in the contract documents. Components may be cast, rolled, or forged. Castings shall be free of
blow-holes larger than 3 mm and contact surfaces shall be free of all blow-holes of any size.
Bronze plates shall be cast according to details shown in the contract documents . Sliding surfaces shall be planed
parallel to the movement of the spans and polished unless detailed otherwise in the contract documents. Rolled Copper-Alloy Bearings and Expansion Plates

Rolled copper-alloy bearing and expansion plates shall conform to the Specification for Rolled Copper-Alloy Bearing
and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Uses, AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B 100). Alloy C51000 or
shall be furnished unless otherwise specified in the contract documents.
Copper-alloy plates shall be furnished according to details shown in the contract documents . Finishing of the rolled
plates shall not be required provided they have a plane, true, and smooth surface.

19.8.6 Masonry, Sole, and Shim Plates for Bearings

Holes in bearing plates may be formed by drilling, punching, or accurately controlled oxygen -cutting. All burrs shall be
removed by grinding.
Bearing plates shall be accurately set in level position as shown in the contract documents and shall have a uniform
bearing over the whole area. When plates are to be embedded in concrete, provision shall be made to keep the plates
in correct position as the concrete is being placed.

19.8.7 Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Surfaces for Bearings General
PTFE sheet and strip shall be manufactured either from pure virgin (not reprocessed), unfilled PTFE resin; from PTFE
resin uniformly blended with either fifteen percent (15%) glass fiber or twenty-five percent (25%) carbon (maximum
filler, percent by weight); or from fabric containing PTFE fibers.
Horizontally installed PTFE sheet shall be bonded to and recessed into its steel substrate . Vertically installed PTFE
sheet shall be bonded to and recessed into or bonded to and mechanically fastened to its steel substrate . PTFE sheet
shall have a minimum thickness of 3 mm and shall be recessed for at least one -half of its thickness into its steel
Finished PTFE sheet and strip shall be resistant to all acids, alkalis, and petroleum products; stable at temperatures
from minus two hundred degrees Celsius and eighteen upto two hundred and sixty degree Celsius (-218°C to 260°C);
nonflammable; and non-absorbing of water. The epoxy used to bond the PTFE to its steel substrate shall be a heat
cured high-temperature epoxy capable of withstanding temperatures of minus one hundred and ninety -six degrees
Celsius up to two hundred and sixty degree Celsius (-196°C to 260°C).
Expansion bearings shall be manufactured to the dimensions and to meet the requirements of the method of
fastening to the structure as shown in the contract documents. Attachment of PTFE Material

When mechanically fastened, PTFE sheet shall be fastened as shown in the contract documents with the size, type,
and number of fasteners required. The fastener used in the PTFE sheet and back-up material shall be installed to
provide full bearing. Flat Sheet PTFE

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All flat sheet PTFE attached to a metal backing plate shall be attached by recessing into the backing of the plate for
one-half of the PTFE thickness and bonding. PTFE attached to other materials, such as elastomers, shall be attached
by a method specified in the contract documents or approved by the Engineer.
The PTFE shall be factory-bonded, using an adhesive that is approved by the Engineer, in accordance with the
instructions of the adhesive's Manufacturer. Prior to bonding, the surface shall be etched by an approved
Manufacturer using sodium naphthalene or sodium ammonia process. When the backing plate is metal, the bonding
shall be conducted under a uniform pressure greater than 0.7 MPa.
The peel strength of the bond shall not be less than 3.5 N/mm, tested in accordance with ASTM D 429, Method B. The
finished surface of the PTFE shall be smooth, free from bubbles, and shall conform to the tolerances shown in Table
19 -147 Filled PTFE sheets shall be polished after bonding. Curved Sheet

Curved sheet PTFE, such as used in spherical bearings, shall be attached by recessing for one-half the PTFE thickness.
The dimensions of the PTFE element shall be selected so that it fits tightly in the recess even when the bearing is
subjected to its lowest design temperature. Fabric Containing PTFE Fibers

Fabric made from woven PTFE fibers shall be bonded or mechanically attached to a rigid substrate . The fabric shall be
capable of carrying unit stress of 70 MPa without cold flow. The fabric-substrate bond shall be capable of
withstanding, without delamination, a shear force equal or greater than (0.1+μ)P at the same time as the normal load
P, where μ is the design coefficient of friction between the PTFE and its mating surface and P is the design load acting
perpendicularly to the interface. Stainless Steel Mating Surface

Each stainless steel element specified in the contract documents as a single piece shall be so supplied. Each sheet
shall be attached to its backing material by seal welding around the entire perimeter so as to prevent entry of
moisture between the stainless steel and the backing material. Welds shall conform to the current AASHTO/ AWS D
1.6 Structural Welding Code. After welding, the stainless steel sheet shall be flat, free from wrinkles and in continuous
contact with its backing plate. Lubrication
Lubrication shall be applied to the entire PTFE surface if specified in the contract documents or by the Engineer. If the
PTFE is dimpled, enough lubricant shall be applied to fill all the dimples. Installation
Installation shall be performed as specified in Article : “Installation”.

19.8.8 Anchor Bolts

The Contractor shall drill holes for anchor bolts and set them in portland cement grout, or preset them as shown in
the contract documents or as specified or directed by the Engineer.
Location of anchor bolts shall take into account any variation from mean temperature of the superstructure at time of
setting and anticipated lengthening of bottom chord or bottom flange due to dead load after setting; the intention
being that, as near as practicable, at mean temperature and under dead load, the anchor bolts at expansion bearings
will center their slots. Care shall be taken that full and free movement of the superstructure at movable bearings is
not restricted by anchor bolts or nuts.

19.8.9 Load Plates

Load plates shall be made from a single plate or they may be built up from several steel laminates, each oriented in
the plane perpendicular to the direction of the load. Built-up load plates shall be joined by complete seal welding to
prevent ingress of moisture. Such welds shall also provide sufficient shear strength to resist the applied loads. The
load plates shall have no sharp corners or edges. Holes may be formed by drilling, punching, or accurately controlled
oxygen cutting. All burrs shall be removed by grinding.

19.8.10 Other Requirements for Guides

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Guide bars shall be attached to the body of the bearing by a method which minimizes distortion and allows the
flatness tolerance on all parts of the bearing to be met after attachment. The sliding surfaces of the guide system shall
be flat and parallel.
Bolts or threaded fasteners used to attach the guide bars to their supporting plates shall have an embedded thread
length adequate to develop their strength.
If low-friction material is used at the contact interface, it shall be attached to its backing piece by two or more of the
following methods simultaneously:
a) bonding,
b) Recessing, and
c) Mechanical attachment with countersunk fasteners.
If the material is bonded, it shall be fixed by the method recommended by the Manufacturer of the material or
bonding agent. Recessing shall be one-half of the material thickness. Fasteners shall be countersunk to a depth which
ensures that they will not touch the mating material after allowing for wear.

19.8.11 Installation for Guide-ways and Restraints

Guided bearings and bearings witch rotate about only one axes shall be oriented in the direction specified on the
contract plans to within an angular tolerance of 0.3 degree.

Bearing devices shall be measured either by the kilogram as determined from scale weight or by a unit basis for each
type of bearing assembly listed in the contract documents. Scale weight is not required when calculated weight is
shown in the contract documents, in which case the weight shown in the contract documents shall be used as the
basis of payment.

Bearing devices shall be paid for at the contract price per kilogram or per unit. Such payment shall include full
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved
in furnishing, testing, and installing said bearing devices, complete in place, as shown in the contract documents, as
specified in these Specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. Payment will be made as indicated in Table 19 -149.
Table 19-149 : Bearing Devices Pay Items
Clause No. Type of Work Pay Units
19.10 Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 300 mm x 350 mm x 40 mm) Set
Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 320 mm x 400 mm x 50 mm) Set
Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 320 mm x 500 mm x 65 mm) Set
Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 350 mm x 600 mm x 75 mm) Set
Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 450 mm x 650 mm x 90 mm) Set
Steel-laminated Elastomeric Bearing (Size: 500 mm x 700 mm x 105 mm) Set
Pot Bearing (Size: 500 mm x 500 mm x 72 mm) Set
Pot Bearing (Size: 500 mm x 450 mm x 72 mm) Set
Pot Bearing (Size: 400 mm x 300 mm x 72 mm) Set

Size may differ based on designer requirement. Size of different type of bearing will be as per approved drawing.

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This work shall consist of furnishing all materials and constructing railings on structures. Railings constructed at each
location shall conform to the type and details specified in the contract documents for that location . The work shall
include the furnishing and placing of mortar or concrete, anchor bolts, reinforcing steel dowels, or other attachment
devices used to attach the railing to the structure.
All materials not otherwise specified in the contract documents shall conform to the requirements of the applicable
AASHTO material specifications. For concrete with steel reinforcement, specifications of the items of controlled
concrete and reinforcement mentioned under relevant sections of these specifications shall be applicable.
Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, railing shall not be placed until the centering or falsework for the span
has been released, rendering the span self-supporting.
The line and grade of the railing shall be true to that specified in the contract documents and may include an
allowance for camber in each span but shall not follow any unevenness in the superstructure. Unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents, railings on bridges, whether super-elevated or not, shall be vertical. Posts shall
be vertical with a tolerance not to exceed 6 mm in 3 meters. The pockets left for posts shall be filled up with non-
shrink able mortar.
The Type of railing to be constructed shall be as shown on the drawings.
Care shall be exercised in assembling expansion joints in the railing to ensure that they function properly.
The bridge railings shall be amenable to quick repairs.
Railing materials, particularly metal railings, shall be handled and stored with care, so that the material and parts art
kept clean and free from damage. Railing materials shall be stored above the ground on platforms, skids, or other
supports and kept free from grease, din and other contaminants.
Any material which is lost, stolen or damaged after delivery shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor. Methods
of repair shall not damage the material or protective coating.


20.2.1 Steel Railing W-Beam or Thrie-Beam Railing
Materials and fabrication of steel railings shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 13, "Steel
Structures," except that formed sections may be fabricated from mild steel and pipe sections shall be of standard
steel pipe. Nuts and bolts not designated as high strength shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 307, and steel
tubing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 500, Grade B.
Rail elements and backup plates for W-Beam or Thrie-Beam rail shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 180,
Class A, Type 2 galvanized.
Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, all steel posts, plates, angles, channels, brackets, and anchor assembly units
shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 36. Cold rolled post sections shall conform to the requirements of ASTM
A 446, Grade B.
All bolts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 307, except those designated on the plans as high strength
shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 325 or A 449. All nuts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 563,
Grade A or better, except those designated on the plans as high strength shall conform to the requirements of ASTM
A 563, Grade C or better.
Railing shall be installed at the locations shown in the contract documents or as ordered by the Engineer. Wire Rope Railing

The ropes shall be of 19 mm diameter coreless construction having a minimum breaking load of 177 kN. The rope
shall exhibit a minimum modulus of elasticity of 83000 MPa based on an area of 283 mm 2, after prestressing by an
approved method to ensure the ropes behave elastically and retain their tension in service.
All wire used for the manufacture of the ropes shall be general purpose wire to AASHTO M 30, Type II, finally zinc
coated by the hot dip method.
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All threaded terminals and rigging screws shall be hot dip galvanized according to AASHTO M 232.
The installation of the cable railing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and working drawings.
Continuous lengths of rail or cable shall be installed and alignment checked and adjusted before final tightening of
bolts, etc. Unless otherwise specified, bolted connections shall be torqued to (60 to 70) N.m. Bolts that extend at least
6 mm but not more than 25 mm beyond the nuts shall be used.
The railing ropes shall be joined together by rigging screws, which are also used for tensioning . The maximum length
of any one individual rope shall be 154 m. Immediately prior to each anchorage there shall be a tail rope 6 m in length
and connected to the anchorage in the ground. All ropes shall be fitted on each end with a threaded terminal of right
hand or left hand thread as appropriate to ensure a right hand and left hand thread is in the rigging screw to effect
the tension. A minimum insertion of 25 mm into the rigging screw is required. The tail rope shall have a right hand
thread on the end which is connected to the anchor.
When all the components are in place, the ropes shall be uniformly tensioned to 25 kN by turning the rigging screws .
Backfill above the tops of concrete anchor footings shall not be placed before the cables are tensioned.
A check rope, 1.8 m in length, 8 mm diameter, with a minimum breaking load of 39 kN when tested as an assembly,
fitted with a galvanized thimble at one end and a fork terminal at the other, shall be provided at each anchor. The
thimble shall be passed over the end of the tail rope and the fork terminal connected to the anchor.
Equivalent galvanized wire rope with a minimum breaking strength of 194 kN will be acceptable. Pipe Railing Galvanized Steel Pipe and Fittings

Galvanized steel pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 53, standard weight pipe. The requirement
for hydrostatic testing shall be waived. Black Steel Pipe and Fittings

Black steel pipe and fittings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A 53, standard weight pipe. The requirement
for hydrostatic testing shall be waived. Welding
All exposed welds shall be finished by grinding or filing to give a smooth surface. Welding of aluminum materials shall
be done by an inert gas shielded, electric arc welding process using no welding flux. Torch- or flame-cutting of
aluminum will not be permitted. Finish
Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, anchor bolts, nuts, and all steel portions of railings shall be
galvanized and aluminum portions shall not be painted. Galvanizing of rail element shall conform to the requirements
of AASHTO M 111 M/M 111 (ASTM A 123/A 123M) and galvanizing of nuts and bolts shall conform to the
requirements of AASHTO M 232M/M 232 (ASTM A 153/A 153M). Minor abrasions to galvanized surfaces shall be
repaired with zinc-rich paint. After erection, all sharp protrusions shall be removed and the railing cleaned of
discoloring foreign materials.
When painting is specified in the contract documents, the type and coating shall conform to the requirements of
Section 15, "Painting," or the requirements specified in the contract documents.
Damaged galvanized surfaces may be repaired, only if so approved by the Engineer . Such surfaces shall be repaired by
thoroughly wire brushing and then by applying 2 coats of an approved zinc-dust zinc-oxide primer.
Finish for concrete railings constructed with fixed forms shall be Class 2-Rubbed Finish. Finish for railings constructed
with slip forms and for temporary railings shall be Class 1-Ordinary Finish
8F Installation
Rail elements shall be constructed to specified line and grade. All bolts, except adjustment bolts, shall be tightened.
Bolt extension shall be limited to 10 mm beyond the nuts.
Rail elements to be erected on a radius of 45 m or less shall be shaped in the shop. The radius of curvature shall be
stenciled on the back of each section of rail. Rail elements shall be designed to be spliced in the direction of traffic
flow at intervals not exceeding 4 or 8 m. Such splices shall be made at posts, unless otherwise shown in the contract

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Metal railings shall be carefully adjusted prior to fixing in place to ensure proper matching at abutting joints, correct
alignment, and camber throughout their length. Holes for field connections shall be drilled with the railing in place on
the structure at proper grade and alignment.
Where aluminum alloys come in contact with other metals or concrete, the contacting surfaces shall be thoroughly
coated with a dielectric aluminum-impregnated caulking compound or a synthetic rubber gasket may be placed
between the two surfaces.

20.2.2 Aluminum Railing

For aluminum railings or portions of railings, cast aluminum posts shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M
193 and extruded components shall conform to the requirements of ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M).

20.2.3 Metal beam railing

Metal beam rail, post, and hardware shall conform to the requirements in section 606 of the AASHTO guide
specification for highway construction.

20.2.4 Concrete Railings

Concrete railings, depending on the design, may be constructed by the cast-in-place, the precast, or, when approved
by the Engineer, the slip form method. Cast-in-Situ Concrete Railings

The portion of the railing or parapet which is to be cast in place shall be constructed in accordance with the
requirements of SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE . The reinforcement shall conform to SECTION 12: STEEL
Forms shall either be of single width boards or shall be lined with suitable material duly approved by the Engineer .
Form joints in plane surfaces will not be permitted.
All mouldings, panel work and bevel strips shall be constructed according to the details shown on the drawings. All
comers in the finished work shall be true, sharp and clean-cut and shall be free from cracks, spalls or other defects.
Casting of posts shall be done in single pour. Precast Concrete Railings

Precast members for railings shall be of reinforced cement concrete and shall conform to the specifications given in
aggregate shall be limited to 12 mm and the concrete grade shall be M 30 . The precast members shall be removed
from the moulds as soon as practicable and shall be kept damp for a period of at least 10 days . During this period they
shall be protected from sun and wind. Any precast member that becomes chipped, marred or cracked before or
during the process of placing shall be rejected. Special care shall be taken u: which the surface of the cast-m-situ
portion of the deck.

20.2.5 Temporary Railing

Temporary railings shall be constructed of materials and to the details specified in the contract documents. Railings
shall be properly joined and aligned at the required locations. Temporary precast barriers shall be installed on a solid
base. The temporary railing shall be maintained in first-class condition and shall not be removed until all work
requiring the railing has been completed. Previously used units may be employed provided they are in a clean and
undamaged condition. After removal, temporary railing shall continue to be the property of the Contractor.

20.2.6 Railings Accessories and Reinstallation of Railings

Metal beams, cables, posts, anchor terminal sections, concrete barriers or safety railings shall be salvaged materials,
as provided by the Ministry or as salvaged by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
Bolts, nuts, washers, fittings, adhesives, and accessories shall be new materials conforming to the requirements for
the construction of new railing, concrete barrier and steel safety railing as detailed in Section 13, "Steel Structures" in
these General Specifications.
Railing anchor terminals shall be installed at the locations shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer.
The swage fittings for anchor terminals shall be machined from hot-rolled carbon steel conforming to the
requirements of ASTM A 576, Grade 1035, and shall be annealed suitable for cold swaging. A lock pin hole shall be
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drilled through the swage fitting head to accommodate a seven millimeter, plated, spring steel pin to retain the stud
in the proper position. The stud shall be steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 449. Prior to galvanizing, a
ten millimeter slot for the locking pin shall be milled into the stud end. The swage fitting, stud, and nut shall develop
the full breaking strength of the wire cable.
Anchor rod eyes shall be hot forged or formed with full penetration welds. After fabrication, anchor rods with eyes
that have been formed with any part of the eye below eight hundred and seventy degree Celsius (870°C) during the
forming operation or with eyes that have been closed by welding shall be thermally stress relieved prior to
galvanizing. The completed anchor rod, after galvanizing, shall develop a pull strength of 230 kN.
Clevises shall be drop forged galvanized steel and shall develop the full specified breaking strength of the wire cable.
The concrete insert assembly for Type 4 anchor terminals shall be fabricated as shown on the plans. Ferrules shall be
steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A108, Grade 12 L 14. Inserts shall be tapped to the dimensional
requirements specified in ASTM A 563 for nuts receiving galvanized bolts. Insert assembly wires shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM A 510, Grade 1030, and have a minimum tensile strength of seven thousand 700 MPa. Welded
attachment of wire to ferrule shall develop the full tensile strength of the wire.
Turnbuckles shall be steel of commercial quality and shall have a minimum breaking strength of fifteen 15 kN .
Turnbuckles shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153. Compensating and non-compensating cable ends
shall be cast steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 27 or malleable iron conforming to the requirements of
ASTM A 47. Compensating devices shall have spring constants of (80±5) kN/m and permit a travel of (150±25) mm. All
elements shall be galvanized.
The cable connecting hardware shall develop the full strength of the wire rope. At all locations where the cable is
connected to a cable end with a wedge type connection, one wire of the wire rope shall be crimped over the base of
the wedge to hold the cable firmly in place.


The Railings and crashworthy safety barriers will be inspected, sampled, tested and evaluated in accordance with
these Specifications as follows:
The materials incorporated into the safety barriers shall be sampled, tested and evaluated . The installation of the
safety barriers will be accepted in accordance with these Specifications.
Only components complying with the manufacturer's specification may be used.
Copies of certificates of guarantee and test reports shall be provided for the components of each railing system
manufactured off site.

Railings shall be measured by the linear meter between the ends of the railing or the outside ends of end posts,
whichever is greater. Measurements shall be made along the slope of the railing and no deductions shall be made for
electrolier or other small openings called for in the contract documents.

Railings shall be paid for by the contract prices per linear meter for the various types listed in the contract documents.
Such payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals and for
doing all works involved in constructing the railings or barriers complete in place, including the furnishing and
installation of reinforcing steel and steel dowels or anchor bolts which are either placed or drilled and bonded into
the structure for attachment of the railing.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 20 -150.
Table 20- 150 : Pay Items – Railings
Section/ Clause No. Description Units
SECTION 20: RAILINGS Railings Linear Meter

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This work shall consist of erecting pre-fabricated steel structures as super structure of a bridge. It is presumed that
structural components of the super structure of the bridge have been properly designed, manufactured, assembled,
painted and furnished by the supplier/manufacturer. It is further presumed that the steel structures in the super
structure have been designed sound conforming the AASHTO Specifications or any other equivalent standard.
Formwork used in the erection of the structural steel members shall conform to the Specifications and procedures
illustrated under SECTION 9: TEMPORARY of these specifications.


Superstructure of the Portable Steel Bridge generally comprises with the following elements:
- Readymade steel Truss fabricated with H-shape and L-shape steel members
- Steel panel type deck slab comprising steel check plate, Flat Bar, High Tension Bolt
- Steel Pipe for railing
- High Tension Bolts for connection of truss and deck plate
- Steel plates for shoe and gussets
- Anchor Bolts and Round Bars for shoe anchor
- U-bolt, Bolt, Nut, Washer


There are several erection methods followed for hoisting the superstructure with steel fabricated members which are
as follows:
- Assembly on staging
- Assembly by truck crane and bent
- Assembly by cable suspension
- Erection girder method
On a comparative study and analyses of all the erection schemes, launching on staging method has been found to be
more convenient friendly for LGED on the following features:
- The bridge can be assembled on the approach road and as such assembly will be efficient and accurate.
- No special machine or skilled technique on required and there by the erection cost is low.
- For erection of portable steel bridges, assembly on staging is the common method in Bangladesh. This
method was introduced to improve the speed and accuracy of the assembly.

21.3.1 Tools and equipment

Items of assembly and launching tools necessary for erection with the Launching on Staging Method are the
following: Survey tools

 Level Gauge
 Steel Measuring Tape Erection tools

 Torque Wrench
 Socket Wrench
 Single Offset Wrench
 Sledge Hammer, Double Face
 Hand Hammer, Double Face
 Lever Block
 Bolt Clipper
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 Wire Rope Clip

 Crow Bars of different designations
 Erection Bolt
 Drift Pin Lifting equipment

 Three Pronged Lift
 Pully Block
 Shackle
 Pipe
 Nylon Sling
 Portable Winch
 Steel Wire Rope
 Stay Wire Rope
 Base Beam Scaffolding
 Scaffolding Frame
 Stage Plank
 Jack Base
 Ladder
 Bracing Erection truss

 Tie Beam Launching rail

 Launching Rail
 Base Plate Launching equipment

 Roller
 Screw Clamp
 Portable Winch
 Pully Blocks of different designations
 Stay Wire Rope
 Steel Wire Rope of different designations
 Roller Staging Beam
 Filler Plates of different designations
 Winch Staging Beam Jack up/down equipment

 Mechanical Jacks of different designations
 Saddle

21.3.2 Launching on staging method

The following steps are necessary, but not limited, to be followed while adopting launching on staging method for
erection of members. One span type

Step-1 : Installation of wooden stage and launching rail.
In the case of having the slope of the bank, the saddle is inserted under the rail and is kept in a level.

Step-2 : Assembly of composed member.

Installation of deck plate.

Step-3 : Setting of counter weight and wiring.

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Step-4 : Moving the front roller.

Launching (rolling out).
Step-5 : Completion of launching.
Removal of counter weight and roller.

Step-6 : Disassembly of launching equipment.

Jack down.
Completion. Two span type

Step-1 : Installation of two wooden stages and launching rail.
In the case of having the slope of the bank, the saddle is inserted under the rail and is kept in a level.
First span assembly of composed member.
Step-2 : Setting counter weight.
First launching.
Moving the front roller.
Step-3 : Second launching arrive on next pier.
Removal of counter weight.

Step-4 : Second span assembling of composed member.

Assembling of tie beam.

Step-5 : Third launching.

Moving the roller.

Step-6 : Forth launching

Moving the roller.
Step-7 : Fifth launching.
Disassembling of launching equipment.
Step-8 : Jack down.
Disassembling of tie beam.


The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposed construction method detailing the erection procedures on
the Drawings which should show the staging, assembling of composed members and setting of the different
components of the Portable Steel Bridge prior to starting with the erection work. His proposals shall be reviewed and
approved by the Engineer. The erection procedure shall fully conform to the erection Drawings approved by the
Engineer. Any modification to or deviation from this erection procedure will require revised drawings and verification
of stresses and geometry.


Any erection stresses, induced in the structure as a result of using a method of erection, which differs from the plans,
shall be accounted for by the Contractor. The Contractor, at his own expenses, shall prepare erection design
calculations for such changed methods and submit them to the Engineer. The calculations shall indicate any change in
stresses or change in behavior for the temporary and final structures. Additional material required to keep both the
temporary and final stresses within the allowable limits used in design shall be provided at the Contractor’s expenses.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing temporary bracing or stiffening devices to accommodate handling
stresses in individual members or segments of the structure during erection.


During erection, the Contractor shall be responsible for supporting segments of the structure in a manner that will
produce the proper alignment and camber in the completed structure. Cross frames and diagonal bracings shall be
installed as necessary during the erection process to provide stability and assure correct geometry . Temporary
bracings, if necessary at any stage of erection, shall be provided by the Contractor.
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The parts shall be accurately assembled as shown on the plans or erection Drawings, and any match-marks shall be
followed. The material shall be carefully handled so that no parts will be bent, broken, or otherwise damaged.
Hammering which will injure or distort the members shall not be done. Bearing surfaces and surfaces to be in
permanent contact shall be cleaned before the members are assembled. Splices and field connections shall have one-
half of the holes filled with bolts and cylindrical erection pins (half bolts and half pins) before installing and tightening
the balance of high-strength bolts.

21.7.1 Pin connections

Pilot and driving nuts shall be used in driving pins. They shall be furnished by the Contractor without charge. Pins shall
be so driven that the members will take full bearing on them. Pin nuts shall be screwed up tight and the threads
burred at the face of the nut with a pointed tool.

21.7.2 Misfits
The correction of minor misfits involving minor amounts of reaming, cutting, grinding and chipping will be considered
a legitimate part of the erection. However, any error in the shop fabrication or deformation resulting from handling
and transporting will be the cause for rejection.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all misfits, errors and damage and shall make the necessary corrections and


The work shall be measured in linear meter of the steel truss hoisted and decking installed, as shown on the Bill of
Quantities. The payment shall be the full compensation for assembling, erecting, fitting, fixing in proper position,
providing necessary staging and decking by arrangement of all necessary tools and equipment, local handling of
bridge parts and all incidentals required for full completion of the work.
Item of payment
Launching of Portable Steel Bridge Per meter
De-launching of Portable Steel Bridge Per meter

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22.1 General
This work shall consist of protection of bank and slope of embankment following the various types . Specifications of
the different types have been illustrated here under. All works shall be carried out in close conformity with the lines,
grades and thickness shown on the Drawings and or as directed by the Engineer.

22.2 Grass Turf

22.2.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing turf and sods as required and planting them to give a healthy stable covering of
grass which will maintain its growth in any weather and prevent erosion of the material in which it is planted.

22.2.2 Materials
Grass shall be of the species native to Bangladesh, harmless and inoffensive to persons and animals and not of a kind
recognized as a nuisance to agriculture. It shall be free from disease and noxious weeds, deep rooted and sufficiently
rapid growing and spreading to give complete cover over the planted area within the Maintenance Period.
The term “grass” embraces turf and sods and if the Engineer permits, may include plants of other types capable of
giving effective protection.
Fertilizer shall be approved lime or mixtures of plant nutrients or both.

22.2.3 Construction Methods

The work shall be carried out by planting sods or turfs to give continuous cover over the whole area . They shall be
planted with their root system substantially undamaged, well buried in firm material and packed around with moist
earth in which they have grown.
Grass shall be planted at such a time and in such a way that at the time of the final inspection, all areas are
substantially covered with healthy, well-established, firmly rooted grass and the planted area becomes free from
channel erosion.
Surfaces to be planted shall be trimmed in such a way that the ground surface after planting shall be as shown on the
Fertilizer shall be added at the time of planting if necessary to ensure good ground cover within the required time.
The Contractor shall maintain the grass at his expense until the end of the Maintenance Period. Maintenance shall
consist of preserving, protecting and replacing grass and such other works as may be necessary to keep it in a
satisfactory condition to prevent erosion and to present a dense and uniform appearance. The Contractor shall be
responsible for satisfactory growth of the grass and shall water, fertilize and mow the grass at such intervals as will
ensure good ground cover of live grass all through the Maintenance Period.

22.2.4 Measurement
The quantity measured for payment shall be the area in square meters of turfed or sodded surface whether
horizontal or on slope of required and accepted grassing well established in place. Fertilizer will not be measured.

22.2.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price in square meter . Payment for
grassing shall be made only when grass is fully-grown and at the termination of the Maintenance Period and prior to
the issue of the Contract Completion Certificate. The payment will be the full compensation for furnishing all
materials including grass and fertilizer, labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Item of Payment Unit
Grass Turfing Square Meter

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22.3 Hand Placed Riprap

22.3.1 Description
This work shall consist of placing in position of stone boulders on earth or gravel bedding on the embankment slope
or bank.

22.3.2 Materials
Boulders shall conform to the sizes/weights and grading shown on the Drawings. The material shall not be polluted
and shall be free from objectionable quantities of dirt, sand, dust and elongated or flaky stones.
The boulders shall be free from cracks and veins which could lead to breakage during loading, unloading and
dumping. The specific gravity of the boulders shall be between 2.4 and 2.6.
The weighted average loss of materials in the sodium sulphate soundness test shall not be more than 10% by weight
in accordance with ASTM C 88. Water absorption of stone material shall be 2% maximum. The percentage of wear as
determined by the Los Angeles Test shall not be more than 40 as per ASTM C 535. The aggregate impact value shall
not exceed 30% limit included in BS 812, Part 3, Chapter 6.

22.3.3 Construction Method

Slopes shall be shaped to allow the full thickness of the specified slope protection and any bedding or filter gravel,
where required. Slopes shall not be steeper than the natural angle of repose of the slope specified on the Drawings .
Where the slopes cannot be excavated to undisturbed material, the underlying material shall be compacted to 95 %
Standard Density as per AASHTO T 99.
When called for on the plans, a layer of filter gravel or filter fabric shall be placed on the slope immediately prior to
placement of the rip-rap. The layer of filter gravel shall be shaped to provide the minimum thickness specified.
When specified in the contract, filter fabric shall be spread uniformly over the prepared slope or surface . The fabric
shall be unrolled directly on the surface to the lines and dimension shown . The filter fabric shall be lapped a minimum
of 1300mmin each direction and shall be anchored in position with approved anchoring devices. The Contractor shall
place the rip-rap in a manner that will not tear, puncture, or shift the fabric. Tracked or wheeled equipment will not
be permitted on the fabric covered slopes.
The larger stones shall be placed first with close joints. The larger stones shall be placed in the footing trench. Stones
shall be placed with their longitudinal axis normal to the embankment face and arranged so that each stone above
the foundation course has a three-point bearing on the underlying stones. The foundation course is the course placed
on the slope in contact with the ground surface. Bearing on smaller stones that may be used for chinking voids will
not be acceptable. Interstices shall be filled with smaller stones and spalls.

22.3.4 Measurement
Hand placed Rip-rap shall be measured by cubic meter or as shown on the Bill of Quantities . The area will be that
actually placed to the limiting dimensions shown on the Drawings or dimensions as may have been revised by the
Engineer, measured along the upper surface. The volume will be computed on the basis of thickness specified on the

22.3.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and shall be the full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this Sub-section and including all excavation and slope trimming.

Item of payment Unit

Hand placed Rip-rap Cubic Meter

22.4 Brick Mattressing

22.4.1 Description

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This work shall consist of providing brick mattressing with single or double layer brick soling encased in wire net over
a filter bed of 25mm thick on the embankment slope, bridge approaches, side and water front slopes at the required
locations. All works shall be done in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades,
thickness and typical cross sections shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

22.4.2 Materials Bricks
Bricks to be used shall conform all Specifications as described under the relevant Sub -section of the Section on
“Building Materials” of this Specifications. Sand
Sand for filter bed shall have a minimum F.M. 2.50. The joints of the soling or the cushion in between the soling shall
have a minimum F.M. 0.50. Coarse aggregate

Except otherwise stated, coarse aggregate shall consist of 20mm down graded, hard, durable angular fragments to be
obtained from picked jhama bricks. Picked jhama bricks shall meet all requirements as stated under the relevant Sub-
section of the Section on “Building Materials” of this Specifications. Wire mesh

The wire mesh to be used for anchoring and encasing the brick mattress shall be made of 12 BWG Galvanized Iron
wire twisted to form hexagonal openings of uniform size. The mesh opening shall not have more than 112mm in
linear dimension with maximum opening area of 51centimeter square. The wire netting roll shall be as larger as
possible. Bamboo pegs

Bamboo pegs, each of length 750mm, to be obtained from matured Borak Bamboo of diameter 75mm to 100mm.

22.4.3 Construction Method

Side slope surface on which the brick mattress will be placed shall be properly trimmed and compacted . A filter bed
prepared from one part of sand mixed with one part coarse aggregate shall be laid on the slope. Other finishing stakes
are to be set according to the Drawings and shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer.
After placing the filter bed, the wire mesh will be laid and staked with 750mm long bamboo pegs of diameter 75mm
to 100mm at an interval shown on the Drawings or approved by the Engineer. The first layer of the double flat brick
mattressing will be laid closely packed. Sides, interstices and the underneaths of the bricks shall be tightly packed with
sand. The brick mattress shall then be covered and encased by another layer of wire mesh anchored and staked
securely with the bamboo pegs.

22.4.4 Measurement
The quantity of brick mattressing regardless of number of layers to be measured shall be the number of square
meters along the slope completed and accepted as shown on the Drawings. No separate measurement will be made
for excavation and slope trimming.

22.4.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and shall be the full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labour, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Sub-section and including all excavation, slope trimming and laying
filter bed.
Item of payment Unit
Brick Mattressing (single/double layer) Square meter

22.5 Boulder Mattressing

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22.5.1 Description
This work shall consist of providing boulder mattressing encased in wire -net over a filter bed of 25mm thick on the
embankment slope, bridge approaches, side and water front slopes at the required locations. All works shall be done
in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections
shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

22.5.2 Materials Boulders
Boulders shall conform to the sizes and weights shown on the Drawings. The materials shall not be polluted and shall
be free from objectionable quantities of dirt, sand, dust and elongated or flaky stones . It should also conform the
specific gravity, if specified any (Normally 2.4 to 2.7).
The boulder shall be free from cracks and veins, which could lead to breakage during loading, unloading and dumping.
The weighted average loss of materials in the sodium sulphate soundness test shall not be more than 10% by weight
in accordance with ASTM C88. Water absorption of stone material shall be 2% maximum. The percentage of wear as
determined by the Los Angeles Test shall not be more than 40 as per ASTM C535. The aggregate impact value shall
not exceed 30% limit included in BS 812, Part 3, Chapter 6. Wire mesh

The wire mesh to be used for anchoring and encasing the boulder mattress shall be made of 2 ply 12 BWG Galvanized
Iron wire twisted to form hexagonal openings of uniform size. The mesh opening shall not have more than 100mm
square. Wooden pegs

Wooden pegs, each of length 750mm, to be obtained from well seasoned timber sawn with cross section 75mm x

22.5.3 Construction Method

Side slope surface on which the boulder mattress will be placed shall be properly trimmed and compacted . Finishing
stakes are to be set in accordance with the Drawings and shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer.
After compaction, the wire mesh will be laid and staked with 75mm x 75mm x 750mm wooden pegs at an interval
shown on the Drawings or approved by the Engineer. Boulders will be laid closely placed so as to have a minimum
percentage of voids.

22.5.4 Measurement
The quantity of boulder mattressing shall be measured to the surface area in square meters computed from the
dimensions along the slope completed and accepted as shown on the Drawings. No separate measurement will be
made for excavation, slope trimming and filter bed.

22.5.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and the rate shall
include the full compensation for clearing, trimming the formation, consolidating the ground, placing the filter bed,
supplying, transporting and placing the boulders on the slope, all labour, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section.
Item of payment Unit
Boulder Mattressing Square meter

22.6 Sacked RIP-RAP

22.6.1 Description
This work shall consist of supplying and placing of Sacks filled with mixture of sand and cement on the embankment
slopes necessary to protect the embankment from erosion. All works shall be done in accordance with these

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Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections shown on the Drawings or
as directed by the Engineer.

22.6.2 Materials Cement
Cement shall be Portland composite Cement conforming the requirement of BDS EN 197.1:2003 CEM II A/M 42.5 N.
All other properties of cement shall be the same as have been described under the Section on ‘Concrete Work’ of
these Specifications. Sand
Sand for the Rip-rap shall have a minimum F.M. 1.0 while for the filter bed it shall have a minimum F.M. 2.50. Sacks
Sacks shall be made of jute fabric or any other type of burlap having requisite strength. The sizes shall be
approximately 500mm by 900mm measured inside the seams when the sack is laid flat. The approximate capacity
shall be 0.035 cubic meter. Sound reclaimed sacks may be used.

22.6.3 Construction Method

Side slope surface on which the sacked rip-rap will be placed shall be properly trimmed and compacted. Slopes shall
not be stiffer than the natural angle of repose of the soil. The underlying material shall be compacted to 95 percent
standard density as per AASHTO T 99. Finishing stakes are to be set according to the Drawings and have been
inspected and approved by the Engineer.
The mixture for the sacks shall consist by volume of one part of Ordinary Portland Cement and eight parts screened
sand. The cement and sand shall be mixed dry thoroughly mixed on a clean watertight platform until a uniform colour
is obtained.
The well mixed sand and cement mixture shall then be filled with approximately 0 .0283 cubic meter leaving room at
the top to fold the sacks and retained the mixture during placement. Immediately on being filled, the sacks shall be
placed and lightly trampled to conform with the earth face and with the adjacent sacks.
The first layer consists of stretchers which shall be laid with long dimension of sack parallel to contour of slope and
each layer shall be adjacent to each other. The second layer then be placed with long dimension at right angles to the
Dirt and debris shall be removed from the top of the sacks of the first layer before the next layer is placed in a manner
that the folded ends are not adjacent. The second layer shall be placed with the folds towards the earth face.
Sacked Rip-rap such placed shall be cured by sprinkling with a fine spray of water every two hours during day time for
at least 7 (seven) days.
When required or directed by the Engineer or as shown on the Drawings, weep holes be provided through the Rip -

22.6.4 Measurement
The quantity of Sacked Rip-rap shall be measured by the cubic meter of concrete placed. Measurement will be based
on mixture volumes and accepted as shown on the Drawings. No separate measurement will be made for excavation
and slope trimming.

22.6.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and the rate shall
include the full compensation for clearing, trimming the formation, consolidating the ground, furnishing and placing
the sacks filled with sand and cement mix on the slope, curing, all materials including sacks, all labour, equipment,
tools and incidentals necessary to complete the works prescribed in this Section.
Item of payment Unit
Sacked Rip-rap Cubic meter

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22.7 Brick Masonry Blocks

22.7.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing of brick masonry blocks on the embankment slopes necessary to
protect the embankment from erosion. All works shall be done in accordance with these Specifications and in
conformity with the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross sections shown on the Drawings or as directed by the

22.7.2 Materials Bricks
Bricks to be used shall conform all Specifications as described under the Section on the ‘Brick Masonry and Brick
Work’. Cement
Cement shall be Portland composite Cement conforming the requirement of BDS EN 197.1:2003 CEM II A/M 42.5 N.
All other properties of cement shall be the same as have been described under the section on Concrete for Structures
of these Specifications. Sand
Sand shall be non-saline, hard, dense and free from deleterious materials and shall have a minimum FM.1.5. It should
conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications M-6.

22.7.3 Construction Method

Masonry blocks shall be cast in a casting yard using cement mortar prepared with one part Ordinary Portland Cement
and four parts of sand by volume unless otherwise specified. The size of each block should conform to the
Specifications shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Cement Mortar shall be prepared following the Construction Method as laid down in these Specifications under the
Section. All blocks shall be cured for not less than 14 (fourteen) days by an appropriate method approved by the
The properly cured blocks shall than be delivered to the site and be placed on the slopes in a staggered manner to
proper line and grade as shown on the Drawings.
Before placing the blocks, the side slope surface shall be properly trimmed and compacted . Slopes shall not be
steeper than the natural angle of repose of the soil. The underlying material shall be compacted to 95 percent
standard density as per AASHTO T 99. Finishing stakes are to be set according to the drawings and have been
inspected and approved by the Engineer.

22.7.4 Measurement
Brick masonry blocks shall be measured in numbers corresponding to the sizes/ dimensions mentioned in the BOQ
and shown on the Drawings and actually placed along the slope completed and accepted . No separate measurement
will be made for slope trimming.

22.7.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and the rate shall
include the full compensation for clearing, trimming the formation, consolidating the ground, furnishing and placing
the brick blocks on the slope, curing, all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Section.
Item of payment Unit
Supplying brick blocks Each
Laying brick blocks Hundred

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22.8 Pre-Cast Cement Concrete Blocks

22.8.1 General
Pre-cast concrete blocks shall be made to the dimensions shown on the Drawings and to the specified tolerances . The
blocks shall comply with the percentages of the different block as shown on the Drawings . The Contractor shall
prepare a size-wise schedule of all blocks required for the Engineer’s approval before execution of the work.

22.8.2 Construction Method

Except otherwise shown on the Drawings, pre-cast concrete blocks (C.C. blocks) shall be made from concrete Class B-2
in accordance with the relevant Sub-section under Section on ‘Concrete for Structures’ of this Specification and cast in
moulds formed from steel sheet. The moulds shall be sufficiently tight fitting to prevent grout losses and sufficiently
rigid to withstand the effects of placing and vibration of the concrete without distorting and capable of releasing the
hardened concrete blocks without causing damages to the blocks.
Each block shall be marked with a serial number and the date of casting. Marking shall either be engraved on the
block whilst the concrete is still “green” or painted on the block with a water proof paint immediately after striking off
the formwork. The Contractor shall maintain a register (officially issued by the Engineer) of the number, date of
casting, date and location of placing of each block and shall make the register available at all times for inspection by
the Engineer.
Blocks shall not be stockpiled until they have been cured in accordance with the relevant Sub -section on ‘Curing of
Concrete’ under the Section ‘Concrete for Structures’ of this Specifications. They shall not be placed in the works until
at least twenty-eight days after casting have elapsed or the specified strength has been attained.
Blocks which are damaged during transport, stockpiling or handling shall be rejected and removed from the site.

22.8.3 Measurement
Pre-cast concrete blocks placed as slope paving shall be measured to the surface area in square meters computed
from the dimensions along the slope completed and accepted as shown on the Drawings. No separate measurement
will be made for excavation and slope trimming.

22.8.4 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and the rate shall
include the full compensation for clearing, trimming the formation, consolidating the ground, furnishing and placing
the cement concrete blocks on the slope, curing, all labours, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work prescribed in this Section.
Item of payment Unit
Cement Concrete Blocks Square meter

22.9 Cast-In-Place Cement Concrete Slope Paving

22.9.1 General
The work shall consist of constructing cast-in-place cement concrete slope paving.

22.9.2 Construction Method

Concrete shall be mixed and placed in conformance with the provisions of relevant Sub - Section under Section on
“Concrete Structures” of this Specification and shall be spread and tamped until it is thoroughly compacted and
mortar flushes to the surface. If the slope is too steep to permit the use of concrete sufficiently wet to flush with
tamping, the concrete shall be tamped until consolidated and a mortar surface 6mm thick, troweled on immediately.
The mortar shall consist of one part of Portland cement and three parts of fine aggregate.
After striking off to grade, the concrete shall be hand floated with wooden floats. The entire surface shall be broomed
with a fine texture hair push broom to produce a uniform surface with the broom marks parallel to the edges of the
panel. Edges and joints shall be edged with a 6mm radius edger prior to the brooming.
Expansion joints shall be installed transversely at intervals of 6 meter. Longitudinal expansion joints shall be installed
at the locations shown on the plans. Expansion joints shall be filled with expansion joint filler 12mm thick.
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Cast-in-place concrete shall be cured as provided in the aforementioned Section.

Weep holes shall be provided through the slope paving as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Pervious backfill material, if required by the plans, shall be placed as shown. 0.057 cubic meter of pervious backfill
material wrapped in filter fabric shall be placed at each weep hole and drain hole.
On completion of the work, footing trenches shall be filled with excavated material and compaction will not be

22.9.3 Measurement
Cast-in-place concrete placed as slope paving shall be measured by volume of concrete in cubic meters. The volume
will be computed on the basis of the measured area and the thickness shown on the Drawing . The mortar surface
shall be considered as a part of the concrete and no separate measurement will be taken therefore.

22.9.4 Payment
The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for such work and the rate shall
include the full compensation for clearing, trimming the formation, consolidating the ground, constructing and placing
the cement concrete in place on the slope, curing, all labours, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work prescribed in this Section. As the mortar surface shall be considered as a part of the concrete, no separate
payment will be made therefore.
Item of payment Unit
Cement Concrete Cubic meter

22.10 Filter Materials

22.10.1 General
Filter materials shall be as specified on the Drawings and either be:
- A brick aggregate filter, crushed stone or gravel (shingle) filter;
- An inverted filter comprising of a fine filter and coarse filter;
- A geo-textile filter.

22.10.2 Brick Aggregate Filter

Brick aggregate filter material shall be made from first class bricks or picked jhama bricks as specified under the
relevant Sub-section of Section ‘Building Materials’ of this Specifications.
The brick aggregate filter shall comply with the grading shown on the Drawings.

22.10.3 Inverted Filter Materials General
Filter materials shall be as described below unless otherwise specified on the Drawings. Fine filter material

The fine filter shall comprise of sand and comply with the grading shown on the Drawings. Coarse filter material

Coarse filter material shall be made from either:
- Breaking first class or picked jhama bricks as specified under the relevant Sub-section of Section ‘Building
Materials’ of this Specifications.
- Gravel (shingle) or broken stone of hard durable rock. The stone delivered to the works shall be rejected if
not perfectly clean and if it contains soft, clayey, shaley or decomposed stone. The stone may be broken in a
stone crusher of approved type or manually. Any dust or fine material below 5mm in size made in the stone
crusher is to be removed by screening and the stone shall be thoroughly washed by an approved method.

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Filter materials be laid in two layers of equal thickness. The filter material in the bottom layer shall be well graded
between 5mm to 20mm and the filter material of the top layer shall be well graded between 20mm to 40mm or in
accordance with the gradings shown on the Drawings. Foundation preparation

The foundation for the filter materials shall be thoroughly compacted and graded to the elevations shown on the
Drawings prior to the placement. The filter material shall be placed in a uniform layer of the thickness shown on the
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

22.10.4 Measurement
Filter materials shall be measured by the volume computed from the dimensions shown on the Drawings or such
other dimensions as directed by the Engineer and paid for at the quoted unit rate. The unit rate shall include all
labour, materials, tools and equipment for producing materials, trimming foundation surfaces placing materials and
all incidentals to complete the work. No payment shall be made for any excess material produced or placed outside
the specified limits.

22.11 Geo-textile filter

Geo-textile fabric used for the filter layer below the slope protection shall be a non -woven geo-textile of the staple or
continuous fibre type or similar material approved by the Engineer. The fabric shall not be less than 6mm thick with a
tensile strength not less than 12 kN/m2 and weigh not less than 0.8 kg/m2. O90 shall not be greater than 0.07mm and
the permeability shall not be less than 3.0 x 103m/s
The Contractor shall undertake the necessary grading and permeability tests of the embankment soils to determine
the required filter fabric characteristics.
A geo-textile filter shall comply with other specifications as described under the relevant Section of this Specification.

22.11.1 Payment
Geo-textile filter shall be measured in square meter over a covered surface area computed from the dimensions on
the Drawings or from such other dimensions as directed by the Engineer. The payment will be made at the quoted
unit rate per square meter. Costs of all the associated items including supply, transporting, preservation, laying etc .
shall be included in this rate.

22.12 Geo-jute on Embankment Slopes

Where specified on the Drawings, Geo-jute shall be laid on the finished soil profile/slopes. The detailed application
methods may differ from site to site but generally the steps are as follows:
- Geo-jute is rolled along or down slopes and secured with wire staples.
- Geo-jute must be laid loosely and evenly without tension or stretch on either direction.
- Up-channel ends/embankment crest ends or shoulders are buried and stapled in a 150mm deep slit trench,
and then fastened with a further five staples.
- Down-channel ends/embankment toes are under folded by 150mm and secured with five staples.
- All terminations are buried in a 150mm deep slit trench.
- Longitudinal edges are overlapped by 100mm and stapled at 100cm centres.
- Roll junctions are overlapped by 100mm and stapled.
- An additional row of staples is fixed at 100cm centres down each strip.
- Erosion stops of folded Geo-jute may be buried at critical points to control subsoil slippage as and when
directed by the Engineer.

22.12.1 Measurement and Payment

Geo-jute shall be measured in square meter over a covered surface area computed from the dimensions on the
Drawings or from such other dimensions as directed by the Engineer. The payment will be made at the quoted unit
rate per square meter. Costs of all the associated items including supply, transporting, preservation, laying etc . shall
be included in this rate.

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22.13 Toe Walls

Where shown on the Drawings, toe walls shall be made of brick masonry to support the different slope protection
measures. The work shall conform in all respect with the specifications including the measurement and payment
procedures stated under the Sub-sections on ‘Brick Masonry Works’ of the Section ‘Incidentals’ and the Sub-section
on ‘Concrete for Structures‘ of the Section ‘Structures’ of this Specification.

22.14 RCC Palisading

This work shall consist of elements as shown in the drawing and shall be constructed in accordance with the
specifications for the materials and elements mentioned in these specifications in relevant sections. Measurement
will be in linear meters of palisading provided.

Item of payment Unit

RCC palisading Linearr meter

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23.1.1 General
This work shall consist of re-construction of the existing localized defective concrete (including that associated with
small extensions of existing concrete structures), rehabilitation of existing concrete facing, repair of minor cracks in
structural concrete and anchoring and tying of existing structural members.
The work shall be carried out in accordance with these Specifications and to the locations, lines and dimensions
shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer. Where repair work is not covered by these Specifications,
special Specification may be framed.
Any extension work associated with repair of existing localized defective concrete is covered under the Section titled
‘STRUCTURAL CONCRETE’ and the Section titled ‘STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK’ of these Specifications and the
extension work shall be measured and paid for under those Sections.

23.1.2 Environmental Aspect

Care shall be taken to ensure suitable mitigation measures against noise and dust, pollution and damages to the
environs whether temporary or permanent and shall be taken as incidental to work.

23.1.3 Phasing
The sequence of work shall be in accordance with the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

23.1.4 Traffic Management

Traffic management, signage, signaling arrangement, barricading, and lighting arrangement shall be in accordance
with Section 100 and with these Specifications and shall be considered as incidental to work.

23.1.5 Safety Precautions

Adequate precautions shall be taken for safety of personnel, road users and existing services, during execution . These
shall be considered as incidental to work.
Persons working shall wear safety helmets and rubber gloves.

23.1.6 Dismantling and Removal of Material

Dismantling of any bridge component and removal of materials shall conform to SECTION 2: SITE CLEARANCE and this
section and as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.


23.2.1 General
The work of epoxy adhesive utilizing the Structural Concrete Bonding Process shall conform to these Specifications.

23.2.2 Methodology
The Contractor shall furnish detailed methodology of construction including sources of supply of material, tools,
equipment and appliances to be used on work, details of personnel and supervision.

23.2.3 Personnel
The Contractor’s personnel shall be qualified and experienced in epoxy injection process.

23.2.4 Material
The material for injection shall be suitable two-component low viscosity epoxy resin, having the required
characteristics of bonding with concrete and resistance to moisture penetration. Epoxy mortar or polysulphide resin
may be used for sealing the surface.
The material for epoxy injection shall conform to the following:
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a) The mixing ratio of resin and hardener shall generally be between 1 to 1 and 2 to 1 by volume subject to
manufacturer’s recommendation.
b) Neither the mixed epoxy adhesives nor their individual component shall contain solvents and thickeners.
c) The components shall be free of lumps or foreign material. The viscosity of the individual components shall
not change more than ± 15 percent when kept in closed containers at 25°C after two weeks.
d) Consistency requirement (Viscosity of Mixed Adhesive at 25°C) 200-300 cps for Standard Version and 100-
290 cps for Low Viscosity Version.
e) Pot Life of mixed adhesive at 25°C: 1 hour ± 15 minutes. In the case of two component injection system
where resin and hardener get mixed at point of injection pot life at 25°C shall be not greater than 15 min ±
10 minutes.
f) Set time of mixed adhesive at 25°C: 3-6 hours.

23.2.5 Equipment for Injection

The equipment shall be portable, positive displacement type pumps with interlock to provide positive ratio control of
exact proportions of the two components at nozzle. The pumps shall be generally electrically powered and shall
provide in-time metering and mixing. The tolerance on mix ratio shall be 5 percent by volume. The injection
equipment shall have automatic pressure control capable of discharging mixed adhesive at any pre-set pressure
within the prescribed limits and shall be additionally equipped with a manual pressure control.
The injection equipment shall be equipped with sensors on both the components A and B reservoirs that will
automatically stop the machine when only one component is being pumped to the mixing head.
If considered appropriate, suitable compressed air operated epoxy injection gun can be used with prior approval of
the Engineer for manual injection of mix when resin and hardener had been mixed in a separate unit.

23.2.6 Preparation
Surfaces adjacent to cracks or other areas of application shall be cleaned of dirt, dust, grease, oil efflorescence or
other foreign matter by brushing/water jetting/sand blasting. Acids and corrosives shall not be permitted for cleaning.
Entry ports shall be provided along the crack at intervals of not more than the thickness of concrete at the location.
Surface seal material shall be applied to the face of the crack between the entry ports. For through cracks, surface
seal shall be applied to both faces.
Before proceeding with the injection, the surface seal material must gain adequate strength with respect to concrete
strength of the member/injection pressure.

23.2.7 Epoxy Injection

Injection of epoxy adhesive shall begin at lowest entry port and continue until there is an appearance of epoxy
adhesive at the next entry port adjacent to the entry port being pumped.
When epoxy adhesive travel is indicated by appearance at the next adjacent port, injection shall be discontinued on
the entry port being pumped and entry port shall be sealed. Thereafter, epoxy injection shall be transferred to next
adjacent port where epoxy adhesive has appeared.
Epoxy adhesive injection shall be performed continuously until cracks are completely filled.
If port to port travel of epoxy adhesive is not indicated, the work shall immediately be stopped. In case the volume of
the injected material exceeds 2 liters for a particular entry port, the work shall be stopped and the specifications may
be reviewed.

23.2.8 Precautions for Application

a) Unless otherwise specified, components A and B, i.e., resin and hardener, shall be at a temperature between
10°C and 35°C at the time of mixing.
b) Temperature of structural member during epoxy injection shall be between 10°C and 35°C unless otherwise

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c) Immediately prior to use, each component shall be thoroughly mixed with a clean paddle. The paddle shall
be of a type that does not induce air into the material. Separate clean paddle must be used for each
d) Any heating of the adhesive components shall be done by application of indirect heat in case the work is to
be done in cold climate.
e) Just before use, the two components shall be thoroughly mixed in the ratios specified by the manufacturer.
The length of mixing time shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. When mixed,
all adhesives with different colored components shall have a uniform colour without streaks.
f) The use of solvents and thinners will not be permitted except for cleaning of equipment.

23.2.9 Testing Material Testing
Prior to approval of the material, the following tests shall be carried out at site or in an authorized laboratory for each
batch of resin and hardener and each combination thereof at the cost of the Contractor.
a) Viscosity test for resin and hardener and the mix – three specimens each.
b) Pot life test - three specimens each.
c) Bond test – three specimens each.
d) Shear test – six specimens each, 3 after 24 hours and the other three after 72 hours of curing.
Subsequent tests shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. Pot Life Tests

a) 500 gm of resin formulation shall be prepared by thoroughly mixing the resin and hardener/ accelerator/
catalyst component in proposed proportion in a 1 kg capacity hemispheral porcelain bowl by means of a
spatula or any other agitating device and note down the time and the ambient temperature.
b) With a clean dry 25 mm size painter’s brush, the resin formulation shall be applied on a clean dry surface
such as cement concrete over 15-20 cm length, starting immediately after mixing the formulation and
repeating operation every five minutes. When it becomes just difficult to spread the resin properly with the
brush, the time is noted. The time elapsed since completion of mixing of resin formulation is taken as its pot
c) One pot life test shall be performed on commencement of work and the same shall be repeated every four
d) In case the material fails to satisfy the pot life test it shall not be used for injection.
Where the resin and hardener get mixed at point of injection, the pot life is not important and no tests may
be required. Bond Test

A standard 150 mm diameter and 300 mm long concrete cylinder shall be cast in 2 pieces by providing a separating
media at an axis of 45°C to the longer axis of the cylinder (refer to Figure 23 -3).

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Figure 23-3
Three sets of such split cylinders shall be prepared in advance. Two pieces of each set shall be joined with epoxy
mortar at four points to give a clear gap of about 0.2 mm, which will be injected with epoxy resin at site. After epoxy
has been cured, load test is carried out on the cylinder which shall not be less than 80 per cent of the cube strength of
the concrete mix and the failure shall not take place at the joint injected with epoxy resin. Shear Tests

Two steel plates, minimum 3 mm thick, shall be bonded with epoxy at site using the same resin mix as used/proposed
to be used for injection. The assembly shall be kept in mechanical clamp till epoxy is cured. A total of six specimens
shall be prepared for each batch of materials. Three test specimens shall then be subjected to a shear force along the
axis after 24 hours and the minimum shear strength before failure shall not be less than 1 MPa (refer to Figure 23 -4).

Figure 23-4
The remaining test specimens shall be similarly tested after 72 hours of curing. The shear strength before failure shall
not be less than 2.5 MPa. Core test

If directed by the Engineer, core tests shall be conducted for the acceptance of the work. The selection of the location
of cores shall be made under the direction of the Engineer in such a way that damage in critical/stressed areas of the
structure is avoided. The procedure for the test shall be as under.
The Contractor shall obtain 5 cm diameter initial core samples in the first 50 linear meters . Thereafter, frequency of
core sampling shall be as specified or as agreed by the Engineer. The depth of the core shall generally be less than 20
Tests and Acceptance Criteria shall be as follows:
a) Penetration/Visual Examination – a minimum of 90 percent of the crack shall be full of epoxy adhesive.
b) Bond Strength: Concrete failure before adhesive failure or 40 MPa with no failure of either concrete or
If the cores taken in first 50 m length pass tests as specified above, epoxy adhesive injection work at area represented
by cores will be accepted.
If cores fail either by lack of penetration or bond strength, work shall not proceed further until the areas represented
by the cores are re-injected and retested for acceptance.
Filling of Field Control Testing Core Holes
This procedure consists of using two-component bonding agent applied to surfaces of cored holes followed by
application of Non-Shrink cement grout mix placed by hand trowel, thoroughly rodded and tamped in place, and
finished to match finish and texture of existing concrete to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Materials and procedures
for filling testing core holes shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer before proceeding with core testing

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At all times during the course of the work the Contractor shall keep complete and accurate records and make
available to the Engineer of the pressure and ratio tests specified above so that the efficacy and accuracy of the
injection equipment is verified.
In addition, the Engineer at any time without prior intimation of the Contractor may request the Contractor to
conduct the tests specified below, in the presence of the Engineer. Pressure Test

The mixing head of the injection equipment shall be disconnected and the two adhesive component delivery lines
shall be attached to the pressure check device, which shall consist of two independent valved nozzles capable of
sensing the pressure. The check device shall be closed and equipment operated until the gauge pressure in each line
reads 5 MPa. The pumps shall be stopped and the gauge pressure shall not drop below 4 MPa within 2 minutes.
The pressure test shall be run for each injection unit at the beginning and after break of every shift. Ratio Test

The mixing head of the injection equipment shall be disconnected and the two adhesive components shall be pumped
simultaneously through the ratio check device, which shall consist of two independent valved nozzles. There shall be a
pressure gauge capable of controlling back pressure by opening or closing valved nozzles capable of sensing the back
pressure behind each valve. The discharge pressure shall be adjusted to read 5 bar for both adhesive components,
which shall be simultaneously discharged into separate calibrated containers during the same time period and the
amounts discharged into the calibrated containers simultaneously during the same period shall be compared to
determine that the volume/ discharge conforms to the manufacturer’s recommended ratio for applicable material.

23.2.10 Measurement
Measurement for sealing of cracks and injection shall be made by weight of epoxy consumed in kg for epoxy grouting .
For provision of nipples required for grouting, the payment shall be for number of nipples inserted.

23.2.11 Payment
The contract unit rate for sealing of cracks and injection of epoxy resin grout shall include cost of all materials, labour,
tools and plant, placing in position, testing, curing and other incidental expenses for the satisfactory completion of the
work as per these Specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -151.
Table 23-151 : Pay Items – Sealing of Cracks by Injection of Epoxy Resin
Clause No. Description Units
23.2 Sealing of cracks by injection of Epoxy Resin kg


23.3.1 Material
The epoxy resins for use in the mortar shall be obtained from a reputed manufacturer and the mortar shall be
prepared in conformity with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
They shall generally conform to the following:
Pot Life: 90 minutes at 25°C
60 minutes at 30°C
45 minutes at 35°C
Bond Strength: 12 MPa
Tensile Strength: 16 MPa
The Contractor shall carry out tests on the samples made and meet requirements indicated above.
The sand content in the mortar shall be in accordance with the desired consistency.

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23.3.2 Proportioning and Mixing

The resin and hardener shall be mixed before adding the dry filler. The mixed ready to use mortar should not contain
lumps of unwetted filler and should be uniform in colour. For a total weight of 1 kg or less, hand mixing will be
sufficient. For quantities in excess of 1 kg, the component shall be mixed for 3 minutes with a slow speed 400-600
rpm electric drill with a Jiffy mixer. The stirrer shall be moved up and down and along the sides until an even streak
free colour is obtained. Whipping in an excessive amount of air shall be avoided. If no power is available, a flat putty
knife may be used to reach into the corners of the can and hand mixing done for at least 5 minutes.

23.3.3 Surface Preparation

Surface upon which epoxy is to be placed shall be free of rust, grease, oil, paint, asphalt, loose material, unsound
concrete, dust or any other deleterious material.
Since cured epoxy does not provide adequate bond with any material, all overlay, whether epoxy or cement based,
shall be done within pot life of the base epoxy layer.
Contaminants, such as oil, grease, tar, asphalt, paint, wax, curing compounds or surface impregnants like linseed oil or
silicons, including laitance and weak or loose concrete shall be removed. When bonding to asphalt, the surface should
be roughened so that clean aggregate is exposed. Epoxy bonding agents shall not be applied when it rains, or in
standing water. The surface must be dry.
Two general methods of surface preparation shall be followed:
a) Mechanical that includes grinding, grit blasting, water blasting and scarification.
b) Chemical that includes acid etching with 15 per cent by weight of hydrochloric solution, followed by
repeated flushing with high pressure stream of water.

23.3.4 Application
Epoxy primer coat shall be applied with the help of stiff nylon bristle brushes or hard rubber rollers or spray gun
depending upon the nature of surface and extent of work area. As far as possible, the coating shall be uniformly thick.
Before the primer coat is fully cured, epoxy mortar shall be applied by means of trowels and floats. The interval
between the application of primer coat and epoxy mortar shall be approximately 15/30 minutes depending upon the
ambient temperature.
Seal Coat shall be applied after 24 hours curing, after mild roughening of the surface of the mortar.

23.3.5 Coverage
The coverage of resin mix would depend on the system of resin used. However, as a general guideline the coverage
area shall be as under:
a) Primer Coat. One kg of resin-hardener mix covers an area of 3-6 square meters per coat depending on the
finish of the concrete.
b) Epoxy Mortar. One square meter of surface requires approximately 20-24 kg of epoxy mortar when laid to a
thickness of 10 mm.
c) Seal Coat. 4 to 6 square meters per kg of mix depending on the temperature of application.

23.3.6 Cleaning and Maintenance of Equipment

Tools and equipment are best cleaned immediately after use since the removal of cured resin is difficult and time
consuming. The bulk of resin shall be removed using a scraper and remainder washed away completely using solvents
such as toluene, xylene or acetone. Equipments used for epoxy shall always be cleaned before it hardens. Solvents
used for this purpose may be Acetone (flammable), Methyl Ethyl Kethone (flammable), Methyl Chloride (non-
flammable). Cured epoxies may be removed using Methylene Chloride.

23.3.7 Testing
Epoxy used for making mortar shall conform to all requirements and testing procedures as laid down in Clause 23.2.9.

23.3.8 Handling Precautions

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Epoxy resins can cause irritation of skin in sensitive persons if incorrectly handled. The resin and hardener should not
be allowed to come into direct contact with skin. The most effective protection is achieved by wearing rubber or
polythene gloves.

23.3.9 Personnel and Environment Safety

Any skin contact with epoxy materials, solvents and epoxy strippers should be avoided . Epoxy resins and particularly
epoxy hardeners (B component) may cause a rash on the skin. The official toxicity classification on the container
labels may be looked for before starting work.
Rubber gloves, with a cloth liner, and protective clothing shall be worn . Barrier creams are recommended but are not
substitutes for protective clothing. Eyes shall be protected where splashing could occur while spraying or mixing.
Good ventilation shall be ensured and inhalation of vapours avoided. If materials are sprayed, a respirator shall be
If skin contact occurs, it shall be immediately washed with a cleaner, followed by soap and water . Should eye contact
occur, it shall be flushed immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes and a doctor called for.
If contact occurs with the clothing, it shall be immediately changed to prevent further skin contact, and if the contact
occurs with components A or B, the clothing shall be thrown away. Hardened epoxy is not harmful but will break the
All emptied, used buckets, rags and containers shall be removed from site. These shall be stored in waste disposal
bags and suitably disposed.

23.3.10 Measurement
Measurement for application of epoxy mortar for specified thickness shall be per square meter of surface area of

23.3.11 Payment
The contract unit rate for application of epoxy mortar for specified thickness shall include cost of all materials, labour,
tools and plant, placing in position, testing and other incidental expenses including surface preparation for the
satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications and as shown on the drawings.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -152.
Table 23-152 : Pay Items – Epoxy mortar for replacement of spalled concrete
Clause No. Description Units
23.3 Epoxy bonding of freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete Square Meter


Epoxy resin used for bonding shall be obtained from a reputed manufacturer. The pot life of such bonding epoxy shall
not be less than 60-90 minutes at normal temperature.
The entire surface of the existing concrete member should be thoroughly cleaned by wire brush and then with
compressed air to remove dust and loose particles from the surface. Any crack or spalling of concrete shall be sealed
by epoxy injection/ epoxy mortar/grouting as decided by the Engineer. A coating of suitable epoxy resin at the rate of
0.8 kg/sqm (minimum) should then be applied on the surface of the existing concrete members. Fresh concrete shall
then be placed within the pot life of the resin system.

23.4.1 Testing
Epoxy used for bonding work shall satisfy the criteria mentioned in Clause 23.2.9.
Two concrete cubes 150 mm size cast as per approved design mix shall be placed, as shown in Figure 23 -5 at a
distance of 150 mm from each other. Epoxy resin system suggested for bonding new to old concrete shall be applied
on the opposite faces of the cubes.

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Figure 23-5
Fresh cement concrete cube of grade as per approved design mix shall be cast with water cement ratio of 0 .4 or less
in the manner shown in Fig. 2800/3. The assembly shall be cured in water for 28 days and steel spacer removed
The cube assembly shall be subjected to compression load after 28 days of curing, thereby subjecting the bond to
shearing load. Failure must not occur at this joint.

23.4.2 Measurement
Measurement for bonding of old and new concrete by epoxy shall be measured in square meter surface area of

23.4.3 Payment
The contract unit rate for application of epoxy bonding of New concrete to old concrete shall include cost of all
materials, labour, tools and plant, placing in position, testing and other incidental expenses including surface
preparation for the satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications and as shown on the drawings.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -153.
Table 23-153 : Pay Items – Epoxy bonding of New Concrete to Old Concrete
Clause No. Description Units
23.4 Epoxy bonding of freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete Square Meter


23.5.1 Material
Grouting shall normally be performed with a mixture of neat Cement and water. Other additives and admixtures may
be added to improve the impermeability, strength, etc. on the approval of the Engineer. The size of the particles and
the consistency of the grout must be suited to the passageways it must follow . Neat grout will not flow freely into
holes smaller than about three times the largest cement particle. Except in large cavities where thick mortar can be
placed, the sand should all pass the 28-mesh sieve and have a large portion passing the 50 and the 100 mesh sieves.
The proportions of Ordinary Portland Cement to sand will depend upon the size of the spaces to be filled and will vary
from a neat grout to about 1:1 mix. The amount of water to be added depends upon the consistency required. Grouts
with as little as 16 liters of water per bag of cement could be handled and it should seldom be necessary to use more
than 35 to 40 liters of water per bag of cement.
Where necessary and approved by the Engineer, admixtures to Cement grout mixtures may be added for delaying the
setting time, increasing flow ability, minimizing segregation and shrinkage.

23.5.2 Preparation
The surface shall be cleaned with wire brush and compressed air, 15 m diameter and 150 to 200 mm deep holes along
the length of the cracks at a spacing of 500 mm may be drilled by wet drilling using rotary percussion drills and nipples
inserted in these holes.

23.5.3 Proportioning, Mixing and Equipment for Grouting

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The cement grout shall be mechanically mixed using a system of power-driven paddles of high speed centrifugal
pump. The grout pump to be used shall permit close control of pressures to allow a flexible rate of injection with
minimum clogging of valves and ports. The most satisfactory equipment for injecting grout is a pump of the double-
acting flexible reciprocating type giving a steady flow. The grout pump shall be so placed as to reduce the waste in
cleaning lines. It is preferable to add 50 percent or more of the mixing water into the mixer before adding the dry
ingredients and then the remaining water. A continuous supply of grout is preferable to an intermittent one.
Consistency of the grout may be determined by trials starting with thin grout i .e. about 40 liters of water per bag of
cement and progressively decreasing the water content to about 15 liters per bag of cement.
Where the mixer and pump are combined in one unit, the dry material shall be screened before mixing. If the mixer
and pump are in separate units, the grout shall pass through a screen before it enters the pump.

23.5.4 Application
Highest practical pressure within the limits 100-400 kPa should be used in order to force the surplus water from the
grout. As the pressure may be distributed hydraulically over considerable areas, vigilance must be exercised to
prevent damage or needless waste of grout. Grouting is to be done by attaching a packer (consisting of expansible
tube of rubber) to the end of the grout supply pump through the holes and nipples.
Pressure shall be steady to ensure a continuous flow of grout. Grouting shall not be continued till the hole consumes
mix at the rate of not less than 30 liters in 20 minutes or until refusal at the grouting pressure of 400 kPa at any hole
until refusal. Should the grout escape from an adjacent nipple, it should be plugged or capped . Any seam, crack or
joint through which grout escapes shall be caulked with epoxy mortar as soon as thick grout appears.

23.5.5 Cleaning of Equipment

After completion of each grouting operation or temporary shutdown, it is advisable to force clear water through the
pump until the discharge line shows no colour, after which the pump covers shall be removed and the valve chambers
thoroughly cleaned.

23.5.6 Testing
Percolation test done at the end of grouting operation shall give a value of less than 2 lugions.
NOTE: For specialized treatment like polymer modified cementitious grout injection, manufacturer’s literature and
specifications shall be followed.

23.5.7 Measurement & Payment

The contract unit rate for injection of cement grout shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant, placing
in position, testing, curing and other incidental expenses for the satisfactory completion of the work as per these
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -154.
Table 23-154 : Pay Items – Cement Grouting
Clause No. Description Units
23.5 Sealing of cracks/ porous concrete by injecting cement grout Kg
Sealing of cracks/ porous concrete by injecting cement mortar grout kg


In case of voids in the girder soffits are identified, the repair technique shall be as follows . The repair shall be done by
low permeability polymer modified cement repair mortar. The thickness of the PMC repair mortar shall be limited to
15 mm. For repairing voids more than 15 mm, the lower/inner layer should be filled with cement-sand mortar 1 :4
prior to application of PMC repair mortar.
Portions of the soffits of the girders to be repaired are to be chipped off, so that the film forming the external soffit
surface are removed exposing the reinforcement. All loose concrete sticking with the reinforcement shall be removed
using appropriate tools and equipment.
Depending on the depth of voids, cement sand mortar 1:4 is to be applied, before the application of PMC mortar
15mm thick so that the soffit of girder in a straight line i.e., the soffit should not have protrusion or depressions.

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All concrete film in the soffit of girders and weak concrete sticking to the reinforcement will be removed by using
appropriate tools and equipment. Where the reinforcement bars are exposed, the breaking shall continue so as to
expose half the diameter prior to further treatment.

23.6.1 Reinforcement Preparation

All exposed reinforcement shall be cleaned in accordance with the following:
a) Where exposed reinforcement is sound and does not show any signs of heavy corrosion or pitting other than
typical rusting, it shall be mechanically cleaned to remove rust and loose mill scale.
b) Where exposed reinforcement shows signs of heavy corrosion deterioration, it shall be cleaned by grit
blasting or by proprietary rust removing compound.

23.6.2 Reinforcement Priming

Within one hour of preparing and cleaning, the reinforcement shall be coated with a primer. The primer shall be PMC
slurry approved polymer latex.
The primer shall be brush applied on to the cleaned reinforcement ensuring that the full surface area is in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendation.

23.6.3 Concrete Surface Priming for Bond

Before commencing to apply PMC repair mortar or the inner cement sand mortar, the prepared concrete substrata
shall be thoroughly soaked with clean water. Free surface water shall be removed before priming. The primer shall be
PMC slurry using approved polymer latex.
The priming agent shall be well worked into the irregularities according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
The repair material should be applied before the priming agent sets. The area coated as one time must be restricted
to allow for this provision and any area, which becomes set shall be recoated as per manufacturer's instruction.

23.6.4 Cementitious Repair Mortar

The repair mortar shall be high build polymer modified cementitious repair mortar. The PMC repair mortar shall be of
appropriate general specification for use in vertical and overhead application.
The total thickness of mortar shall be applied in one layer not exceeding 15mm without sagging or slumping . The
material shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
The mixing shall be carried out using forces action mixes or with slow speed drive mixer (400 - 500 rpm) fitted with a
spiral paddle. In no circumstances shall water be used in the PMC repair mortar mix. Re-mixing and re-tampering shall
not be permitted.
The material shall be applied by gloved hand or trowel to the prepared and primed surface of the substructure and be
well worked inside paying particular attention to packing behind and between the reinforcement. In order to make up
the total height of the girder up to the original soffit level, the balance portion of the girder depth shall be made up
with 1:4 cement sand plaster.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -155.
Table 23-155 : Pay Items – Repair of Voids
Clause No. Description Units
23.6 10mm thick (avg.) pre-packed cement based polymer mortar Square Meter

The gunite is a mixture of cement, sand and water. It comprises 100 parts by weight of cement, 300 parts by weight
quartz sand, 35-50 parts by weight water and 2 parts by weight approved quick setting compound . In general, dry mix
shotcrete shall be used.
Cement conforming to BDS EN 197-1:2003 CEM I 52.5 N shall be used in guniting.
Sand for guniting shall comply with the requirements stipulated in ASTM C 33. In general, sand should neither be too
coarse to increase the rebound nor too fine to increase the slump. Sand should preferably have a moisture content
between 3 to 6 percent.
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The grading of sand shall lie within the limits given below:
Sieve Designation Percent Passing the Sieve
4.75 mm 95 – 100
2.36 mm 65 – 90
1.18 mm 45 – 75
600 micron 30 – 50
300 micron 10 – 22
150 micron 2-8

For thick sections it may be advantageous to incorporate coarse aggregate in the mix provided adequate guniting
equipment is available. Coarse aggregate, when used, shall conform to ASTM C 33. The percentage of coarse
aggregate may normally be kept as 20 to 40 percent of the total aggregate and the mix shall be suitably designed.
Water/cement ratio for guniting shall fall within the range 0.35 to 0.50 by mass, wet enough to reduce the rebound.
Drying shrinkage may be 0.06 percent to 0.10 percent. The quick setting compound shall be added at the nozzle with
water just before guniting.
Workmanship: The cement and sand shall be batched and mixed and conveyed through a hose pipe with the help of
compressed air. A separate line shall bring the water under pressure. The cement, sand and water mix shall be passed
through and intimately mixed in a special manifold and then projected at high velocity to the surface being repaired .
The density of gunite shall not be less than 2000 kg/cum. The strength of gunite shall not be less than 25 MPa. For
effective guniting, the nozzle shall be kept 60 to 150 cm away from the surface, preferably normal to that surface .
While enclosing reinforcement bars during repairs, the nozzle shall be held closer at a slight angle and the mix shall be
wetter than the normal.
Test panels simulating actual field conditions shall be fabricated for conducting preconstruction testing. The
procedure for testing the cubes or cylinders taken from the panels stipulated in ACI 506.2 shall be followed.
It should be ensured from tests that a strength of about 25 MPa at 28 days is available for the mortar/concrete mix.
The defective concrete shall be cut out to the full depth till sound concrete surface is reached . Under no
circumstances should the thickness of concrete to be removed be less than clear cover to the main reinforcement . No
square shoulders shall be left at the perimeter of the cut-off portion and all edges shall be tapered. Thereafter, all
loose and foreign materials should be removed and the surface be sandblasted to make it rough to receive shotcrete
after applying a coat of bonding epoxy as per recommendation of the manufacturer @ 1 .0 kg per 1.5 sqm of surface
The exposed reinforcement shall be thoroughly cleaned free of rust, scales etc. by wire brushing. Wherever the
reinforcements have been corroded, the same shall be removed and replaced by additional reinforcement . Before
application of gunite, a coat of neat cement slurry should be applied on the surface of the reinforcement.
Sufficient clearance shall be provided around the reinforcement to permit encashment with sound gunite. Care shall
be taken to avoid sand pockets behind the reinforcement.
A thickness of 25 to 40 mm of gunite can normally be deposited in one operation. If, for some reason, the total
thickness is to be built up in successive operations, the previous layer should be allowed to set but not become hard
before the application of the subsequent layer. It would always be necessary to apply guniting on a damp concrete
Where required, welded wire fabrics 5 cm x 5 cm x No. 10 gauge shall be provided in the first layer of guniting. The
fabric shall be tied properly. In case the damage to the concrete member is too deep, the specifications for guniting as
well as requirement of placement of wire mesh has to be decided as per field conditions.
The stipulations given in ACI 506.2 regarding application of gunite should be followed so as to keep the rebound to
the minimum. The quality of guniting and workmanship shall be such that the percentage of rebound mentioned in
ACI 506.2 can be adhered to. In no circumstances shall the rebound material be re-used in the work.
It would be desirable that green gunite is moistened for at least 7 days. Guniting work shall not be done during windy
or rainy conditions.

23.7.1 Measurement
Measurement for shotcreting /guniting, shall be per square meter of surface area of application.

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23.7.2 Payment
The contract unit rate for shotcreting /guniting shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant, placing in
position, testing, curing, surface preparation and other incidental expenses including the provision of nipples for the
satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -156.
Table 23- 156 : Pay Items – Shotcrete/ Guniting
Clause No. Description Units
23.6 Shotcrete/Guniting Concrete Surface Square Meter


The replacement/rectification of bearings shall be carried out in accordance with approved repair plan or as approved
by the Engineer.
Lifting of superstructure spans may be carried out by jacking up from below or by lifting the span from top. Where
jacks are employed, their location/number and size shall be selected in such a manner so that there are no undue
stresses created in the structure. Jacks may be placed on piers/pier caps or specially erected trestles in accordance
with the approved methodology for lifting of superstructure. All jacks shall be operated from one control panel by a
single control lever. The system will have provision for manual over ride to control the loads of any particular jack.
The jacks should be so synchronized that differential lift between individual jacks shall not exceed 1 mm.
Necessary repair/replacement of bearings shall be carried out as indicated in the repair plan or as directed by the
Engineer. Care shall be taken to plan the execution of repair in the shortest possible period.
Precautions during Lifting of Girders for Rectification of Bearings.
Walkie talkies system or similar audio arrangements should be available for communicating instructions regarding
lifting, stopping, starting etc. The operator shall have a clear view of the jacks and the lifting of each girder controlled
by reading the dial gauges.

23.8.1 Measurement
Replacement/rectification of bearings shall be measured in each number for each number of bearing assembly

23.8.2 Payment
The contract unit rate for replacement/rectification of bearings shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and
plant, placing in position, site welding/riveting/bolt connections, operation of jacks and other incidental expenses for
the satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications and as shown on the drawings.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -157.
Table 23-157 : Pay Items – Replacement/rectification of bearings
Clause No. Description Units
23.8 Replacement/ rectification of bearing Each


23.9.1 Commencement of Dismantling

a) Before commencing dismantling, the nature and condition of concrete, the condition and position of
reinforcement should be ascertained. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with the structural design and
ensure that the overall stability of the bridge is not affected.
b) The existing expansion joint assemblies shall be removed carefully along the entire width of the carriageway.
The deck slab for a width of 400 mm on either side should be removed for placing of reinforcement, anchor
rods, anchor bolts and other fixing assemblies for the new expansion joints and pouring of fresh concrete.
The gap between the girders over the piers should be cleared of all debris. A temporary platform in the gap
at the end of girders shall be erected to collect the materials falling down during concreting and fixing of
expansion joints.
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c) The service lines, if any, shall be disconnected/diverted before the dismantling work starts.
Dismantling of concrete wearing coat shall be carried out using jack hammers or suitable manual methods as
approved by the Engineer. Care should be taken to avoid any damage to the existing structure including
reinforcement or prestressing anchorages for cables, if any, located in the deck slab.

23.9.2 Precautions during Dismantling Work

For general guidelines, reference may be made to Clause 2.2.
Dismantling work shall not be carried out at night, or during storm or heavy rain . A warning device shall be installed in
the area to be used to warn the workers in case of mishap/ emergency.
Safety helmets shall be used by the workmen engaged in dismantling work. The sheds and tool boxes should be
located away from the work site. Goggles preferably made up of celluloids and gas masks shall be worn at the time of
dismantling, especially where tools like jack hammers are deployed to protect eyes from injuries from flying pieces,
dirt, dust etc. Leather or rubber gloves shall be worn by the workers during the demolition of RCC work. Screens made
of GI sheets shall be placed wherever necessary to prevent the flying pieces from injuring the workers.
Water should be sprayed to reduce the dust while removing concrete wearing course with jack hammer. No work
shall be taken up under the span when dismantling work is in progress.

23.9.3 Measurement
Dismantling of wearing coat shall be measured in square meter of area of wearing course dismantled.

23.9.4 Payment
The contract unit rate for dismantling of wearing coat shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant, traffic
management, signage, safety precautions and other incidental expenses including removal of existing expansion joints
for the satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -158.
Table 23-158 : Pay Items – Dismantling of Concrete Wearing Coat
Clause No. Description Units
23.9 Dismantling of Concrete wearing coat Square meter


Various components constituting the system of external prestressing are as follows:
H.T. Strands/Wires, HDPE Sheathing, Deviator Blocks, Anchor Plates, Anchorages and grouting material.

23.10.1 Material H.T. Strands/Wires
H.T. Strands wires shall conform to Clause 8.6. HDPE Sheathing

HDPE Sheathing shall conform to the provisions in SECTION 14: PRESTRESSING suitable for a working pressure of 6
bars. Its density shall be 955 kg/cum, shore hardness D63, yield stress 24 MPa and ultimate tensile strength 35 MPa. Deviator Blocks

As necessitated by the profile of the external cable, suitable strand/ wire deviator block fabricated from M.S. Sections
shall be provided. The deviator block shall be given a coat of suitable paint (preferably epoxy based) after sand
blasting. Anchorages
Depending upon the prestressing force, suitable anchorages and wedges shall be used conforming to relevant codes

23.10.2 Workmanship

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a) Stressing of cables shall be carried out as per instructions given in the drawings, and conforming to Section
b) Care should be taken to avoid any damage to the existing structure by way of stress concentration or any
other reason during fixing of the deviator blocks and after stressing of cable. The deviator blocks shall be so
fixed as not to allow any movement due to prestressing forces. Radius of curvature of the surface of the
deviator block interfacing with the cable shall be minimum one meter.
c) The anchorages shall be sealed with suitable epoxy mortar system after the stressing of cables. A minimum
cover of 50 mm shall be provided for the anchor plates and anchorages.
d) Suitable grouting inlet points and vent points shall be provided by way of HDPE “T” vent connections to the
e) Grouting of cables shall be carried out as per provisions made in SECTION 14: PRESTRESSING.
It shall be ensured that no part of the existing structure is damaged/distressed due to the external prestressing.
The behavior of the girder shall be monitored by measurement of deflection so that only required amount of external
prestressing is imparted to the girder. Care shall be taken to avoid excess prestressing and impairment to the girders.

23.10.3 Measurement
Provision of external prestressing shall be measured in tones of H.T. steel strand/wire measured from anchorage to
anchorage before stressing.

23.10.4 Payment
The contract unit rate for external prestressing shall include cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant, temporary
works, testing, curing and other incidental expenses including the careful monitoring of the deflection of girders being
externally prestressed for the satisfactory completion of the work as per these Specifications and as shown on the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 23 -159.
Table 23-159 : Pay Items – External Prestressing
Clause No. Description Units
23.10 External Prestressing Tons

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24.1.1 General
This work consists of constructing reinforced earth (RE) or mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls consisting of
precast concrete panel or segmental blocks with metallic or geogrid soil reinforcements

24.1.2 Design Requirements

Design RE retaining walls and ancillary elements associated with the walls in accordance with the plans and as
specified herein.
Design MSE walls for a minimum service life of 100 years.
Maximum reinforcement loads shall be calculated using the “Simplified Method” according to Subsection of
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Design and detail base drains and back drains to collect and remove groundwater before it can enter the reinforced
backfill of MSE retaining walls. Installation of the drainage system shall occur only during the placement of MSE
Provide a constant length of all reinforcement layers within a design section to form a uniform reinforced soil mass,
with the exception of the top two layers of reinforcement. Provide the top two layers of reinforcement with a length
of reinforcement that is 1.5 m longer than all other layers below.
For geogrid reinforcement layers, provide a reinforcement coverage ratio of 1.0 according to subsection of
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Where concrete panel walls or wall sections intersect with an interior angle of 130 degrees or less, provide a special
vertical corner element panel. The corner element panel shall cover the joint of the panels that abut the corner and
allow for independent movement of the abutting panels.
Geometry of the MSE walls shown on the plans is based on the external stability of the wall system as determined by
the Department. Be responsible for the internal design of the wall based on the design requirements. Design shall
include verification of external stability, internal stability, design of concrete wall panel and corrosion analysis for
metallic soil reinforcements. Incorporate proposed highway surface drainage installation and other projects specific
requirements into the wall design. Top of wall elevation and alignment shall remain as shown on the plans regardless
of the wall system selected. Depth of wall embedment or length of reinforcement may be increased as required by
internal design.
Fully document all loading conditions and assumptions used for the wall design. Consider all load cases that may be
anticipated to exist during construction and during the service life of the wall due to surcharges, hydraulic conditions,
live loads, combinations of the preceding, and obstructions within the reinforced backfill.
For each wall design, provide a design summary that includes design section identification, location, wall geometry
(height, backslope, etc.), loading (traffic loading, hydrostatic, seismic, traffic barrier, etc.), governing design resistance
factors and level where they occur, and other pertinent information.

24.1.3 Installer Qualification

Provide an on-site supervisor having experience in the construction of at least five transportation related MSE walls
within the last three years. Transportation related MSE walls are defined as walls that carry or are adjacent to
vehicular traffic and are constructed with MSE reinforcement in the reinforced structure backfill zone.
The on-site supervisor shall have prior experience with the type of wall that will be constructed. The on-site
supervisor shall be on the job site the entire time the wall is being constructed.
Submit verification of the on-site supervisor’s qualifications containing a summary of the individual’s experience and
the respective projects at least 30 days prior to beginning wall construction. Do not begin wall construction until the
supervisor’s qualifications have been approved.

24.1.4 Submittals

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Submit working drawings, calculations, and construction manuals according the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. Working drawings and calculations shall be prepared and stamped by a registered Civil Engineer.
Do not begin wall construction until submittals have been approved.

24.1.5 Pre-Activity Meeting

Before commencement of MSE wall construction, the Engineer may designate a time and place satisfactory to the
Contractor for a pre-activity meeting. The pre-activity meeting shall be held not more than 2 weeks in advance of the
scheduled wall construction. The approved on-site supervisor and the MSE wall manufacturer’s technical
representative shall be present at the pre-activity meeting.
Do not commence wall construction until all issues raised at the pre -activity meeting have been addressed to the
Engineer’s satisfaction.


24.2.1 General
Material shall conform to the following Sections:
If patented wall system will be used, contractor must provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the
patentee and pay all costs connected therewith. The procuring entity will not establish any legal agreement with the
patentee during the implementation and the operation stage of the MSE wall.
Concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 30 MPa or as otherwise shown on the plans.
The Geotextile shall be woven, 100% monofilament fabric and conform to the following:
Survivability AASHTO M 288 Class 2
Permeability ASTM D 4491 ≥ 0.5 sec-1
Apparent Opening Size (AOS) ASTM D 4751 0.43 mm Max.
Ultraviolet Stability @ 500 hr, Strength Retained

24.2.2 Concrete Panel Wall

Install panel joint bearing pads of the dimensions and thickness shown in the approved working drawings. Ensure that
bearing pads placed in horizontal joints between panels and performed Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM)
rubber pads. Submit a manufacturer’s certification that the bearing pad material conforms to ASTM D 2000 Grade 2,
Type A, Class A with a Durometer Hardness of 55 ± 5, or High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pads with a minimum
density of 0.946 g/cm3 in accordance with ASTM D 1505. Determine the stiffness (axial and lateral), size, and number
of bearing pads such that the final joint opening shall be 19 ± 6 mm.
As part of the working drawing submittal, provide substantiating calculations verifying the stiffness (axial and lateral),
size, and numbering of bearing pads assuming, as a minimum, a vertical loading at a given point equal to 2 times the
weight of facing panels directly above that level. As part of the substantiating calculations, submit results of certified
laboratory test in the form of vertical load-vertical strain and vertical load-lateral strain curves for the specific bearing
pads proposed. The vertical load-vertical strain curve shall extend beyond the first yield point of the proposed bearing
Maximum area of typical individual panels shall be 4.65 m2, unless otherwise shown on the plans.
Cast the panels on a flat area. Do not contact or attach the coil embedment, tie trip guides, or other galvanized
devices to the panel reinforcing steel.
Use clear form oil of the same manufacture throughout the casting operation.
Place the concrete in each unit without interruption and consolidate by the use of an approved vibrator,
supplemented by such land-tamping as may be necessary to force the concrete into the corners of the forms and
prevent the formation of stone pockets or cleavage planes.

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Panel must be cured according to Article 13.16. Panels exhibiting shrinkage cracking due to improper curing will be
The front face surface shall have an approved finish and the rear face an unformed finish. Roughly screed the rear
face of the panel to eliminate open pockets of aggregate and surface distortions in excess of 6 mm.
When shown on the plans, construct the exposed face of wall panels with an architectural finish . Before casting the
panels, furnish sufficient test panels to assure that the proper architectural finish has been obtained . The size of test
panels shall be the same dimensions intended for use in the wall installation.
Manufacture panels within 5 mm of all dimension.
Angular distortion with regard to the height of the panel shall not exceed 5 mm in 1.5 m.
Surface defects on formed surfaces measured on a length of 1.5 m shall not exceed 2.5 mm.
Acceptance of the panels with respect to compressive strength will be determined on a lot basis. The lot will consist of
all production units (batches of concrete or panels) produced within a week’s or 7 day production operation.
Production units will be randomly selected according the production day sample sizes of Table 24 -160 and tested for
compressive strength. Compressive Strength testing will be conducted according to ASTM C 39.
Table 24- 160 : Testing Frequency
Production Day Quantities Sample Size
<25 m3 (<50 panels) 1
25 – 50 m3 (50 - 100 panels) 2
51 – 115 m3 (101 - 150 panels) 3
>115 m3 (> 100 panels) 5

When standard test specimens are utilized, a minimum of 5 cylinders will be cast for each production unit sampled .
Two of these specimens will be cured in the same manner as the panels and tested at 7 days for determining the
strength for shipping and placing the panels. The remaining 3 cylinders will be cured according to ASTM C 39 and
tested at 28 days. A test result will be the average compressive strength of 3 cylinders at 28 days.
Acceptance of the lot will be made if all acceptance tests in a lot are greater than 30 MPa or provided no individual 28
day compressive strength test result fall below 28 MPa and the average 28 days compressive strength of all test
results for the lot equals or exceeds the acceptance limits set forth in Table 24 -161
Table 24-161 : Acceptance Limits
Number of Lot Acceptance Tests Lot Acceptance Limits, MPa
3–7 30 + 0.33 R*
8 – 15 30 + 0.44 R*
>15 30 + 0.46 R*
* R is the difference between the largest and smallest acceptance test result.

Units will be subject to rejection due to failure to meet any of the requirements specified above. Panels that are
cracked, severely chipped, have defects indicating imperfect molding, or have honeycombed or open texture concrete
will be subject to rejection.
Clearly mark the date of manufacture, production lot number, and piece mark on the rear face of each panel.
Handle, store, and panels in such a manner as to prevent chipping, cracks, fractures, and excessive bending stresses .
Support panels in storage on firm blocking to protect the panel connection devices and the exposed exterior finish.

24.2.3 Segmental Block Wall

The blocks shall be visually efflorescence free. Use an efflorescence control agent in the concrete mix design.
Segmental blocks shall comply with the following requirements:
Compressive Strength ASTM C 140 35 MPa Min.
Water Absorption, % ASTM C 140 6 Max.
Freeze-Thaw Loss % ASTM C 1262 (3% saline solution)
40 cycles, 5 of 5 samples passing 1.5 Max.
or or
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50 cycles, 4 of 5 samples passing 2.0 Max.

Furnish certified test reports from an independent testing laboratory for each lot of segmental blocks demonstrating
conformance to the requirements listed above. A lot shall consist of any number of segmental blocks of any
configuration or dimension manufactured by a producer using the same materials, concrete mix design,
manufacturing process and curing method. Certified test results for representative block lots shall not have been
conducted more than 12 months prior to jobsite delivery.
The certified test report shall clearly identify the firm conducting the sampling and testing, the type of block, the date
sampled, name of the person who conducted the sampling, the represented lot, the number of blocks in the lot, and
the specific test results for each of the stated requirements of this specification.
Do not use blocks without supporting certified test reports.
Cast the blocks in steel molds and in a manner that will ensure uniform production . Place the concrete in each block
without interruption and consolidate.
Do not ship blocks until they obtain a minimum compressive strength of 28 MPa.
Use a single style block type of approved color and surface texture throughout each wall.
Provide a top course of facing units composed of solid precast units designed to be compatible with the reminder of
the wall. Bond the finishing course to the underlying facing units with a durable, high strength, flexible adhesive
compound compatible with the block material.
Blocks shall have a minimum depth (front face to back face) of 200 mm. The minimum front face thickness of blocks
shall be 100 mm measured perpendicular from the front fact to inside voids greater than 25 cm 2. The minimum
thickness of any other portion of the block shall be 50 mm.
Manufacture blocks such that the length and width of each block is within 3 mm and the height is within 1 .5 mm of
the standard values published by the manufacturer.
When a broken or fractured face is required, the horizontal dimension of the front face shall be within 25 mm of the
theoretical dimension of the individual block shown on the plans.
Any of the following defects will be sufficient cause for rejection of the blocks:
a) Imperfect molding, honeycomb, or open texture concrete.
b) Cracks wider than 0.5 mm and longer than 25% of the height of the block.
c) Severely chipped or broken blocks.
d) Color variation on front face of block due to access form oil or other reasons.
e) Defective or damaged reinforcement connection devices built into the block.
Handle, store, and ship blocks in such a manner as to ovoid chipping, discoloration, cracks, or fractures.

24.2.4 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Backfill

Backfill shall be free from organic and otherwise deleterious materials and conform to the following requirements for
the type of reinforcement used:
Sieve Size Percent Passing by Mass
Metallic Reinforcement Geogrid Reinforcement
100 mm 100 -
19 mm - 100
425 μm 0 – 60 0 – 60
75 μm 0 – 15 0 - 15

Test Requirement Test Method Requirement

Metallic Reinforcement Geogrid Reinforcement
Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136 Above Above
Sampling Aggregate ASTM D 75 - -
Plasticity Index ASTM D 4318 6 Max. 6 Max.
Liquid Limit ASTM D 4318 35 Max. 35 Max.
pH AASHTO T 289 5.0 – 10 4.5 – 9.0
Resistivity* AASHTO T 288 3000 ohm-cm Min. -
Chlorides AASHTO T 291 Method A 100 ppm Max. -

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Sulphates AASHTO T 290 Method B 200 ppm Max. -

* When the resistivity exceeds 5000 ohm-cm, the Chlorides and Sulphates requirements are waived.

Backfill shall have a coefficient of uniformity, Cu, that is greater than 4 as determined by ASTM D 2487.
The backfill shall exhibit an angle of internal friction of not less than 34 degrees, as determined by the Standard Direct
shear Test, AASHTO T 236, on the portion finer than the 2mm sieve, utilizing a sample of the material compacted to
95% of AASHTO T 99, Method C or D, at the optimum moisture content. No direct shear testing is required for
backfills where 80 percent or more of the material is larger than 19 mm. The materials shall be substantially free of
other soft, poor durability particles. The material shall have a magnesium sulfate soundness loss of less than 30% after
four cycles or a sodium sulfate soundness loss of less than 15% after five cycles when tested according to AASHTO T
104. The portion of material finer than the 2 mm sieve shall not have an organic content of more than 1 % as
measured according to AASHTO T 267. Furnish a certificate of compliance and test report by BUET or LGED accredited
laboratory, certifying that the MSE backfill material complies with the requirements of the internal friction angle and
the magnesium sulphate soundness. A minimum of two samples at two different locations shall have these two tests
If the measured backfill friction angle in laboratory test is greater than 38 degrees, the friction angle used for design
shall be limited to 38 degrees.
Acceptance tests for the requirements of the backfill, except internal friction angle and magnesium sulfate soundness,
will be performed the Department.
Produce and separate backfill aggregate into individual stockpiles containing no less than 190 m 3 and no more than
7650 m3. Each designated stockpile will be sampled a minimum of 10 days prior to placement. Do not use stockpiled
material until given approval.

24.2.5 Metallic Soil Reinforcement

Fabricate the soil reinforcing system to the dimensions and tolerances shown on the approved working drawings.
Design metallic reinforcements and connection hardware using the time dependent corrosion loss rates specified in
sub-section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Steel Strip-type soil reinforcement and steel connection hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication in
accordance with AASHTO M111 (ASTM A 123). Bar mat or grid-type soil reinforcement shall be galvanized after
fabrication in accordance with ASTM A 641. Provide a minimum galvanized coating of 605 g/m2 or 85 μm in thickness.
Adequately support steel soil reinforcement while lifting and placing such that the galvanization remains intact .
Repair damage to galvanized coatings in accordance with ASTM A 780.
Steel strip reinforcement shall be hot rolled to the required shape and dimensions. The steel shall conform to ASTM A
Welded wire reinforcement for bar mat or grid-type reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A 1064.
Steel tie strips shall be hot rolled steel conforming to ASTM A 1011. The minimum bending radius of the strips shall be
9.5 mm.
Connection hardware shall conform to the requirements shown in the approved working drawings. Connection
hardware shall be cast in the precast concrete panels such that all connectors are in alignment and able to transfer
full and even load to the reinforcement. Once the reinforcement is connected to the panel. The amount of slack shall
not exceed 3 mm between the connector and the reinforcement during field installation . Fasteners shall be hot-
dipped galvanized and conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325)

24.2.6 Geogrid Soil Reinforcement

Geogrid soil reinforcement shall be as previous approved in accordance with 8.12 of this specification for either
concrete panel or segmental block wall systems.
Submit a manufacturing quality control certificate and conformance testing results for geogrid soil reinforcement
delivered to the site. Perform sampling and conformance testing according to ASTM D 4354. Base geogrid product
acceptance on ASTM D 4759. For geogrid soil reinforcement, provide conformance testing of ultimate tensile
strength, Tult. The quality control certificate shall include roll numbers and identification, sampling procedures, and
results of the conformance testing with a description of test methods used. Include a signed certification that geogrid
soil reinforcement is in conformance with these specifications with the submitted quality control certificate.

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24.3.1 General
Grade the foundation for the limits of the MSE wall as indicated on the plans and working drawings . Compact the
foundation to not less than 95% of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO Method. Remove foundation soils
found to be unsuitable or incapable of sustaining the required compaction and replace with mechanically stabilized
earth backfill.
Construct concrete leveling pads at the foundation level of the facing elements. Cure the pad for a minimum of 12
hours before placement of facing elements.
Construct the top surface of the leveling pad so it is level in both directions. The leveling pad shall not deviate from
level by more than 3 mm in 3 m, except at designated steps in the leveling pad shown on the plans or accepted
working drawings.
Install an internal drainage system behind the wall as indicated on the plans and working drawings. Place outlet pipes
at sags in the flow line, at the low end of the collector pipe, and at other locations as shown or specified . Determine
the location and elevation of the internal drainage system and include the details in the working drawings . Form
openings for weepholes in precast facing panels prior to casting the panels.
Have the wall manufacturer’s technical representative present for the pre-activity meeting and during the
construction of the first row of facing elements for each wall and as directed. Incorporate changes to the wall
installation procedures as recommended by the technical representative. For each day the technical representative is
on site, submit an activity report prepared by the technical representative and signed by the contractor documenting
that the observed work in progress conforms to the manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures and
providing any recommendations for revisions to the installation procedures.
Regardless of allowable wall tolerances, do not construct walls with a negative slope or batter (sloping away from the
retained soil).
Do not drill or drive posts (sign, guardrail, etc.) or other roadside hardware through the reinforced backfill after
placement of backfill.
Install the soil reinforcement in accordance with the wall manufacturer’s recommendations, the plans, approved
working drawings, and as specified herein. Place the reinforcement within the layers of the compacted backfill
material at the locations shown in the working drawing. Only place that amount of reinforcement required for
immediately pending work to prevent undue damage. Place reinforcement with the strongest direction oriented
perpendicular to the wall face, unless otherwise shown in the working drawings. Connect the reinforcement to the
wall facing as indicated in the details included in the approved working drawings . Lay the reinforcement flat and
uniformly tension to remove slack in the connection or reinforcement material . After the reinforcement is connected
to the panel, the amount of slack shall not exceed 3 mm between the connector and the reinforcement during
installation. Where wall geometry caused soil reinforcement to overlap, provide a minimum vertical separation of 75
mm between overlapping reinforcements.
Backfill placement shall closely follow the erection of each course of panels. Cover reinforcement with backfill during
the same work shift that it is placed. At each reinforcement level, roughly level backfill before placing and fastening
the soil reinforcement. Place the backfill in uniform horizontal layers not exceeding 200 mm in loose thickness before
compaction. Place backfill in horizontal layers not exceeding 150 mm if using hand-operated compaction equipment.
Moisten each layer of backfill as necessary and thoroughly compact to achieve the patentee ’s required percentage of
maximum density or 95% of maximum density, whichever is greater, as determined by AASHTO T 99.
Place backfill in such a manner to avoid damage or disturbance to the wall materials or misalignment of the facing
elements. Do not operate construction equipment directly on reinforcement. Maintain a layer of backfill at least 150
mm thick between reinforcement and any construction equipment.
Backfill shall extend to at least 300 mm beyond the free end of the reinforcement.
Do not use sheep-foot or grid-type rollers for compacting MSE backfill.
Compact backfill material located within 1 m of the back face of the wall or a backfill penetration (pile, drainage
structure, etc.) using a minimum of three passed of a lightweight walk behind vibratory plate or roller . Ensure that
voids do not exist beneath reinforcing elements at the back face of the wall. The moisture content of the backfill
material prior to and during compaction shall be uniform.

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At the end of each day’s operations, shape the last level of backfill to direct surface runoff away from the wall face . In
addition, do not allow surface runoff from adjacent areas to enter the wall reinforcement zone until this zone is
protected from infiltration. Repair damage or movement caused by erosion, sloughing, or saturation of the reinforced

24.3.2 Concrete Panel Wall

Construct concrete panel walls as described in the wall manufacturer’s approved construction manual and as
described herein.
Construct copings as per instruction given in the drawings.
Do not place panels prior to the panels reaching an age of 7 days and a compressive strength of at least 85% of the
specified 28 day strength requirement.
Handle panels by a lifting device set into the upper edge of the panels or as indicated in the working drawings.
Place the first course of panels directly of the leveling pad. Provide external bracing for the first lift of panels. As
backfill material is placed, maintain the panel in position by means of temporary wooden wedges and clamps or
bracing in accordance with the wall manufacturer’s recommendations. Remove the wedges as soon as the panel
above the wedged panel is completely installed and backfilled.
Place panes in successive horizontal lifts in the sequence shown on the working drawings as backfill placement
proceeds. Adjust panel bracing procedures as necessary to provide the vertical and horizontal alignment shown on
the plans and working drawings and conforming to the specified tolerances.
Repair damage to installed panels as directed.
Final panel joint openings shall be 19 mm ± 6 mm
Place geotextile over all panel joints on the back face of the wall including the joint along the leveling pad . The
geotextile shall have a minimum width of 300 mm and shall be centered over the joint . Overlap intersecting geotextile
layers a minimum of 100 mm. Install the geotextile fabric by applying adhesive to the back panel on each side of the
joint. Do not apply adhesive directly on the geotextile fabric or within 50 mm of the panel joint edge.
Vertical tolerances and horizontal alignment tolerances shall not exceed 19 mm when measured along a 3 m straight
edge at any location along the wall. The overall vertical tolerance of the wall (plumpness from top to bottom) shall not
exceed 12.5 mm per 3 m of wall height. The allowable out of plane offset between panels at the joint shall not exceed
9.5 mm.

24.3.3 Segmental Block Wall

Construct segmental block walls according to the approved working drawings and the manufacturer ’s construction
Do not stockpile or store materials or large equipment within 3 m of the front face of the wall.
Construct the leveling pad as wide as the proposed blocks or a minimum of 300 mm . The bottom row of blocks shall
be level and in full bearing with the leveling pad.
For walls that are less than or equal to 1.5 m in height, a 300 mm deep by 600 mm wide leveling pad constructed
from Aggregate-Base compacted to 95% according to Article 6.9.2 may be used. If any portion of the wall is over 1.5
m in height, use a concrete leveling pad for the entire length of the wall.
Place segmental blocks in successive horizontal lifts in the sequence shown on the approved working drawings.
Level the first row of blocks from block-to-block and from front-to-back. Place blocks such that they are snug or to
within 1.5 mm together and parallel to the straight or curved line of the wall face . Dry-stack all blocks and place each
block evenly spanning the joint in the row below (running bond). Shim or grind to control the elevations of any two
adjacent blocks to within 1.5 mm. Check the top of blocks with a minimum length of 1 m long straight edge bubble
level. Grind high points identified by the straight edge. Check block front to back tilting frequently, and correct by
shimming no later than after 3 completed courses.
Install all pins, rods clips, or other devices used to develop mechanical interlock between block layers according to the
approved working drawings and manufacturer’s construction manual.
Fill formed voids or openings in the facing units with core fill consisting of a free-draining, coarse grained crushed
stone or granular fill conforming to the following gradation:

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Sieve Size Percent Passing by Mass

38 mm 100
25 mm 75 – 100
19 mm 50 – 75
4.75 mm 0 – 60
425 μm 0 - 50
75 μm 0-5

Evaluate the core fill gradation at a frequency of 1 test per 39 m 3 and for every change in material source.
The minimum length of soil reinforcement measured from the back face of the wall shall be 70 % of the wall height or
as shown on the plans or approved working drawings. In no case shall this length be less than 2 m. The soil
reinforcement shall extend 1 m beyond the theoretical failure plane in all cases.
The maximum vertical spacing of soil reinforcement layers shall be two times the block depth (front fact to back face)
or 800 mm, whichever is less. The first (bottom) layer of reinforcement shall be placed no further than 300 mm above
the top to the leveling pad, but at least one block height above the leveling pad. The last (top) layer of soil
reinforcement shall be no further than 600 mm below the top of the uppermost block.
Each geogrid layer shall be continuous throughout the lengths indicated on the plans. Join geogrid strips with straps,
rings, hooks, or other mechanical devices to prevent movement during backfilling operations.
Provide a minimum width of 300 mm of core fill behind solid (non-hollow) block units. Place geotextile fabric between
the unit (core) fill and the reinforced backfill.
Do no advance placement of backfill more than the height of the installed block layer until the drainage fill, unit (core)
fill, and all fill in all openings within the blocks at that level have been placed . Sweep each layer of facing units clean of
all debris before placing the next layer of facing units.
Vertical tolerances and horizontal alignment tolerances shall not exceed 19 mm when measured along a 3 m straight
edge at any location along the wall. The overall vertical tolerance of the wall (plumpness from top to bottom) shall not
exceed 32 mm per 3 m of wall height.

Concrete panel walls will be measured by the square meter, measured on the exterior face of the wall from the top of
footing to the top of the coping.
Coping for concrete panel walls will be measured by the linear meter along the top of the coping.
Mechanically stabilized earth backfill will be measured by the cubic meter.
Limits of mechanically stabilized earth wall, mechanically stabilized earth backfill, coping, structure excavation, and
granular backfill shown on the plans are based on external design requirements. Actual limits will be as shown on the
approved submittals and no additional compensation will be allowed for quantity increased due to patentees’ internal
Segmental block walls will be measured by the square meter, measured on the exterior face of the wall from the
bottom of the wall to the top of the wall.

The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, will be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement
for the pay items listed below that are shown in the proposal. Payment will be full compensation for the work
prescribed in this section.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Pay Unit
Concrete Panel Wall Square Meter
Segmental Block Wall Square Meter
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Backfill Cubic Meter
Coping Linear Meter

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25.1 General
This work consists of constructing a permanent soil nail wall as specified herein and as shown on the Plans. The
Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the work. The Contractor shall select
the excavation, drilling, and grouting methods and the diameter of the drill-holes to meet the performance
requirements specified herein or shown on the Plans.
The work shall include excavating in staged lifts in accordance with the approved Contractor’s plan; detailing the
drilling of the soil nail drill-holes to the diameter and length required to develop the specified resistance; grouting the
soil nails; providing and installing the specified drainage features; providing and installing bearing plates, washers,
nuts, and other required miscellaneous materials; and constructing the required temporary shotcrete face and
constructing the final structural facing.

Store steel materials on blocking a minimum of 300 mm above the ground and protect it at all times from damage;
and when placing in the work make sure it is free from dirt, dust, loose mill scale, loose rust, paint, oil or other foreign
materials. Load, transport, unload and store soil nail wall materials such that they are kept clean and free of damage .
Do not crack, fracture or otherwise damage grout inside sheathing of shop grouted encapsulated soil nails. Damaged
or deformed materials will be rejected.

25.2.1 Concrete Facing

Soil nail walls are generally provided with two types of facings: (a) temporary facing and (b) permanent facing. Temporary facing

Temporary facing shall be constructed by providing reinforcement in the form of welded wire mesh throughout the
wall face, and by additional bearing plates and waler bars (rebars of smaller lengths placed in the vicinity of nail head)
at the nail heads; which is, subsequently shotcreted in accordance with Clause 23.7“SHOTCRETE/GUNITING” of these
Specifications. Overall temporary facing thickness shall vary from 75 mm -200 mm. Permanent facing

Permanent facing may be constructed as cast-in-place reinforced cement concrete, precast concrete or any suitable
material to achieve desired strength and aesthetics. Reinforcement in the permanent facing may be adopted in the
form of welded wire mesh or reinforcement bars in either direction. Permanent facing shall be connected to the
temporary facing by means of headed-studs (usually four numbers per plate) welded on the bearing plates installed
during construction temporary facing. Minimum thickness of permanent facing shall not be less than 200 mm.

25.2.2 Soil Nails Solid Soil Nail Bar
Solid nail bars shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 31/ASTM A 615, Grade 420 or 520, or ASTM A 722 for Grade
1035. Soil nail bars shall be continuous without splices or welds, new, straight, undamaged, bare or epoxy coated, or
encapsulated as shown on the Plans. Bars shall be threaded a minimum of 150 mm on the wall anchorage end, to
allow proper attachment of the bearing plate and nut. If threads are cut into a soil nail bar, provide the next larger bar
number designation than what is shown on the Plans, at no additional cost. Bar Coupler

Bar couplers shall develop the full nominal tensile capacity of the soil nail bars as certified by the manufacturer. Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating

Fusion-bonded epoxy coating shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 775 and have a minimum thickness of 0 .4 mm
as applied electrostatically. Bend test requirements are waived.
The coating at the wall anchorage end of epoxy-coated soil nail bars may be omitted over this length provided for
threading the nut against the bearing plate. Encapsulation

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Bar encapsulation shall be a minimum 1 -mm thick, corrugated, HDPE tube conforming to AASHTO M 252, or
corrugated PVC tube conforming to ASTM D 1784, Class 13464-B. Provide at least 10 mm of grout cover between the
bar and sheathing and at least 20 mm of grout cover between the sheathing and drill hole wall.

25.2.3 Soil Nail Appurtenances Centralizer
Centralizers shall be manufactured from Schedule 40 PVC pipe or tube, steel, or other material not detrimental to the
soil nail steel bar. Wood shall not be used. Centralizers shall be securely attached to the soil nail bar and shall be sized
to allow: (a) position the soil nail bar within 25 mm of the center of the d rill -hole; (b) tremie pipe insertion to the
bottom of the drill-hole; and (c) grout to freely flow up the drill-hole.
Use centralizers that do not interfere with grout placement or flow around bars. For encapsulated bars, centralizers
are required both inside and outside of encapsulation. Grout
Grout shall be a neat cement or sand/cement mixture with a minimum 3-day compressive strength of 10.5 MPa and a
minimum 28-day compressive strength of 21 MPa, meeting the requirements of AASHTO T 106/ASTM C 109. Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate for grout and/or shotcrete shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 6/ASTM C 33. Cement
Cement for grout and/or shotcrete shall meet the requirements of BDS EN 197-1:2003 CEM I 52.5 N/ CEM II 42.5 N/
AASHTO M 8 5/ASTM C 1 50, Type I, II, III, or V. Admixtures
Admixtures shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 194/ASTM C 494. Admixtures shall be compatible with the
grout and mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Admixtures that control bleed, improve flowability, reduce water content, and retard set may be used in the grout
subject to review and acceptance by the Engineer. Accelerators are not permitted. Expansive ad mixtures may only be
used in grout used for filling sealed encapsulations. Film Protection

Polyethylene film for moisture loss control shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 171.

25.2.4 Bearing Plates, Nuts and Head-Stud Shear Connectors Bearing Plates
Bearing plates shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 183/ASTM A 36.
For nominal resistance of bearing plates refer to Article of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Nuts
Nuts shall meet the requirements o f A ASHTO M 2 91, Grade B, hexagonal, and fitted with beveled washer or
spherical seat to provide uniform bearing. Shear Connectors

Shear connectors of the soil nail head may consist of headed-studs, threaded bolts, etc.
See Article of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications for details.

25.2.5 Welded-Wire Mesh

Welded wire mesh shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 55/ASTM A 185 or A 497.

25.2.6 Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing steel shall meet the requirements of BDS ISO 6935-2/AASHTO M 31/ASTM A 615/ASTM A 706, Grade 420,

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25.2.7 Geocomposite Sheet Drain

Geocomposite sheet drain shall be manufactured with a drainage core (e.g., geonet) and a drainage geotextile
attached to or encapsulating the core. Drainage core shall be manufactured from long-chain synthetic polymers
composed of at least 85 percent by mass of polypropylenes, polyester, polyamine, polyvinyl chloride, polyoleofin, or
polystyrene and have a minim m compressive strength of 275 kPa when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1621
Procedure A. The drainage core with the geotextile fully encapsulating the core shall have a minimum flow rate of 1
liter per second per meter of width tested in accordance with ASTM D 4716. The test conditions shall be under an
applied load of 69 kPa at a gradient of 1.0 after a 100-hour seating period.

25.2.8 Underdrain and Perforated Pipe Pipe
Underdrain and perforated pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM 1785 Schedule 40 PVC solid and perforated
wall; cell classification 12454-B or 12354-C, wall thickness SDR 35, with solvent weld or elastomeric joints. Fittings
Fittings for underdrain and perforated pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3034, Cell classification 12454-B
C, wall thickness SDR 35, with solvent or elastomeric joints.

25.2.9 Wall Drainage Systems

Wall drainage systems consist of drain strips, drains and outlet components. Furnish certifications with minimum
average roll values (MARV) as defined by ASTM D4439 for core compressive strength and flow rate properties of drain
strips. For testing drain strips, a lot is defined as a single day’s production. Identify, store and handle drain strips in
accordance with ASTM D 4873. Drain strips with defects, flaws, deterioration or damage will be rejected. Do not
leave drain strips uncovered for more than 7 days.
Use at least 300 mm wide prefabricated geocomposite drain strips consisting of a non-woven polypropylene
geotextile bonded to one side of an HDPE or polystyrene drainage core, e .g., sheet drain. Provide drain strips with
cores meeting the following requirements.
Core Property ASTM Test Method Requirement (MARV1)
Thickness D5199 6 – 13 mm
Compressive Strength D1621 276 kPa
Flow Rate (with a gradient of 1.0) D4716 5 gpm (1 l/s)2
MARV does not apply to thickness
per m of width tested
Use drain and outlet materials meeting the requirements of subsurface drainage materials in accordance with
relevant Clause of these Specifications.

25.2.10 Shotcrete
Use shotcrete in accordance with Clause 23.7“SHOTCRETE/GUNITING” of these Specifications. All materials, methods,
and control procedures for temporary shotcrete shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval.

25.2.11 Reinforcing Steel

Use deformed steel bar and welded wire reinforcement meeting the requirements of reinforcing steel in accordance
with Clause 8.5“REINFORCEMENT” of these Specifications.

25.2.12 Leveling Pads

Use Class VI Select Material in accordance with Section 1016 of the Standard Specifications for aggregate leveling

25.2.13 Masonry
Use masonry for brick veneers in accordance with Clause 29.1“BRICK MASONRY WORKS” of these Specifications.
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25.2.14 Joint Materials

Use joint materials in accordance with Section 1028 of the Standard Specifications.


The soil-nailing contractor shall meet the following qualification requirements:
a) Completed at least three permanent soil nail wall projects during the past three years totaling at least 1,000
m2 of soil nail wall face area and at least 500 permanent soil nails.
b) Provide a Registered

25.4 Submittals
Three submittals are required. These submittals include (1) Soil Nail Wall Contractor personnel and experience, (2)
soil nail wall design and (3) soil nail wall construction plan. Provide 11 hard copies of working drawings and 3 hard
copies of design calculations for the soil nail wall design submittal and 4 hard copies of the remaining submittals.
Also, submit an electronic copy (PDF on CD or DVD) of each submittal. Allow 10 calendar days for the review of the
Soil Nail Wall Contractor personnel and experience submittal. After the personnel and experience submittal is
accepted, submit the remaining submittals at least 30 calendar days before starting soil nail wall construction . Do not
begin soil nail wall construction including preconstruction test panels or sacrificial soil nails for verification tests until
the construction plan is accepted.

25.4.1 Soil Nail Wall Contractor Personnel and Experience Submittal

Submit documentation that the Soil Nail Wall Contractor has successfully completed at least 5 soil nail wall projects
and 500 soil nails within the last 3 years with wall heights similar to those for this project and an exposed face area for
all 5 walls of at least 1000 m2. Documentation should include the General Contractor and Owner’s name and current
contact information with descriptions of each past project.
Provide verification of employment with the Soil Nail Wall Contractor for the Superintendent, Project Manager and
Nozzlemen assigned to this project. Submit documentation that the Superintendent and Project Manager each have
a minimum of 5 years experience in soil nail wall construction with past projects of scope and complexity similar to
that anticipated for this project. Documentation should include resumes, references, certifications, project lists,
experience descriptions and details, etc. Submit documentation that each Nozzleman is certified as an ACI Shotcrete
Nozzelman by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) in accordance with ACI Certification Publication CP-60.
Nozzlemen should be certified in either dry or wet mix vertical based on how the shotcrete will be applied for this
project. Perform work with the personnel submitted and accepted. If personnel changes are required during
construction, suspend soil nail wall construction until replacement personnel are submitted and accepted.

25.4.2 Soil Nail Wall Design Submittal

A Design Engineer is required to design soil nail walls. The Design Engineer may also act as the Project Manager
provided the Design Engineer meets the Project Manager requirements above.
The Retaining Wall Plans show a plan view, typical sections, details, notes and an elevation or profile view (wall
envelope) for each soil nail wall. Before beginning soil nail wall design, survey existing ground elevations shown on
the plans and other elevations in the vicinity of soil nail walls as needed. Based on these elevations, finished grades
and actual soil nail wall dimensions and details, submit revised wall envelopes for review and acceptance. Use the
accepted revised wall envelopes for design.
Design soil nail walls in accordance with the plans and the allowable stress design method in the FHWA Geotechnical
Engineering Circular No. 7 “Soil Nail Walls” (Publication No. FHWA-IF-03-017) unless otherwise required. When a
note on plans requires a live load (traffic) surcharge, use a surcharge load of 12 kPa. For steel beam guardrail with 2.4
m posts above soil nail walls, design walls for an additional horizontal load of 4 .38 kN/linear m of wall. For concrete
barrier rails with moment slabs above soil nail walls, design walls for an additional horizontal load of 7 .30 kN/linear m
of wall. Apply additional loads to the back of soil nail walls at a depth of 0.6m below grade elevation.
Do not extend soil nails beyond right-of-way or easement lines. If existing or future obstructions such as foundations,
guardrail, fence or handrail posts, pavements, pipes, inlets or utilities will interfere with soil nails, maintain a
minimum clearance of 150 mm between the obstruction and the nails. Use soil nails meeting the following
requirements unless otherwise approved.
Minimum vertical and horizontal spacing of 1 m

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Minimum inclination of 12 degrees below horizontal

Clearance between the end of the bar and the hole of 150 mm
Diameter ranging from 150 to 250 mm
100 mm diameter soil nails may be approved for drill holes in rock at the discretion of the Engineer.
Geocomposite drain strips are required between the shotcrete and excavation face. Space drain strips to miss nail
heads and on 3 m centers, maximum. Connect drain strips to leveling pads. Extend continuous drains along base of
concrete facing in front of leveling pads. Provide drains meeting the requirements of an aggregate shoulder drain in
accordance with Standard Drawing.
For temporary facing, use a minimum shotcrete thickness of 100 mm and reinforce shotcrete with 12mm whaler bars
around each nail head. Two reinforcing bars (one on each side of the nail head) in both the vertical and horizontal
directions for a total of 4 whaler bars per soil nail are required.
For permanent facing, use a minimum cast-in-place reinforced concrete thickness of 200 mm. Extend concrete facing
a minimum of 150 mm above where finished grade intersects the back of soil nail walls unless required otherwise on
the plans. When barriers are required above soil nail walls, use concrete barrier rails with moment slabs as shown on
the plans.
Use 150 mm thick aggregate leveling pads beneath concrete facing. Unless required otherwise on the plans, embed
top of leveling pads a minimum of 0.3 m below where finished grade intersects the front face of soil nail walls.
Submit working drawings and design calculations including unit grout/ground bond strengths for review and
acceptance. Submit working drawings showing plan views, wall profiles with soil nail locations including known test
nail locations, typical sections and soil nail, drainage, shotcrete, leveling pad, concrete facing and reinforcing details . If
necessary, include details on working drawings for concrete barrier rails with moment slabs and obstructions
extending through walls or interfering with soil nails, concrete barrier rails and moment slabs. Submit design
calculations for each wall section with different surcharge loads, geometry or material parameters. A minimum of one
analysis is required for each wall section with different soil nail lengths. When using a software program for design,
provide a hand calculation verifying the analysis of the section with the longest soil nails . Have soil nail walls designed,
detailed and sealed by the Design Engineer.

25.4.3 Soil Nail Wall Construction Plan Submittal

a) Submit detailed project specific information including the following.
b) Excavation methods and equipment.
c) List and sizes of proposed drilling rigs and tools, tremies and grouting equipment.
d) Sequence and step-by-step description of soil nail wall construction including details of excavations, drilling
and grouting methods, soil nail and wall drainage system installation and facing construction.
e) Shotcrete equipment and placement details including mix process, test panels, thickness measuring gauges
and application methods.
f) Soil nail testing details, procedures and plan sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in North Carolina
with calibration certificates dated within 90 calendar days of the submittal date.
g) Examples of construction and test nail records to be provided in accordance with Sections 6.0 and 7.0, Item
F, respectively.
h) Grout mix design including laboratory test results in accordance with the Grout for Structures provision and
acceptable ranges for grout flow and density.
i) Shotcrete mix design in accordance with the Shotcrete provision.
j) Other information shown on the plans or requested by the Engineer.
If alternate installation and testing procedures are proposed or necessary, a revised construction plan submittal may
be required. If the work deviates from the accepted submittal without prior approval, the Engineer may suspend soil
nail wall construction until a revised plan is submitted and accepted.


Before starting soil nail wall construction, conduct a preconstruction meeting to discuss the construction, inspection
and testing of the soil nail walls. Schedule this meeting after all soil nail wall submittals have been accepted. The
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Resident or Bridge Maintenance Engineer, Bridge Construction Engineer, Geotechnical Operations Engineer,
Contractor and Soil Nail Wall Contractor Superintendent and Project Manager will attend this preconstruction


Soil nail bars shall be stored and handled in a manner to avoid damage or corrosion. Soil nail bars exhibiting abrasions,
cuts, welds, weld splatter, corrosion, or pitting shall be replaced. Bars exhibiting damage to encapsulation or epoxy
coating shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost. Repaired epoxy coating areas shall have a minimum 0.3mm
thick coating.


Control drainage during construction in the vicinity of soil nail walls. Direct run off away from soil nail walls and areas
above and behind walls.
Perform necessary clearing and grubbing in accordance with Section 200 of the Standard Specifications. Notify the
Engineer before blasting in the vicinity of soil nail walls. Perform blasting in accordance with the contract. Install
foundations located behind soil nail walls and within a horizontal distance equal to the longest soil nail length before
beginning soil nail wall construction.
Do not excavate behind soil nail walls. If over excavation occurs, repair walls at no additional cost to the Department
with a method proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer. A revised soil nail wall construction plan
may be required.
Use equipment and methods reviewed and accepted in the construction plan or approved by the Engineer . Inform
the Engineer of any deviations from the accepted plan.

25.7.1 Excavation
Construct soil nail walls from the top down by removing material in front of walls and providing an excavation face to
receive shotcrete meeting the following tolerances.
- Within 50 mm of the location shown on the plans
- Within 2% of vertical
- No negative batter (excavation face leaning forward)
Excavate in accordance with the accepted submittals and in staged horizontal lifts with heights not to exceed the
vertical soil nail spacing. Do not excavate more than 1 m below where soil nails will be installed. Remove any
cobbles, boulders, rubble or debris that will protrude more than 50 mm into the required shotcrete thickness . Rocky
ground such as colluvium, boulder fills and weathered rock may be difficult to excavate without leaving voids.
Apply shotcrete to the excavation face within 24 hours of excavating the lift unless approved otherwise by the
Engineer. The application of shotcrete may be delayed if it can be demonstrated that the delay will not adversely
affect the excavation face stability. If the excavation face will be exposed for more than 24 hours, use polyethylene
sheets anchored at the top and bottom of the lift to protect the face from changes in moisture content.
If the excavation face becomes unstable at any time, suspend soil nail wall construction and temporarily stabilize the
face by immediately placing an earth berm against the unstable face. Soil nail wall construction may not proceed until
remedial measures are proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer. A revised soil nail wall
construction plan submittal may be required.
Do not excavate the next lift until the soil nail installations, shotcrete application, nail head assemblies and soil nail
testing for the preceding lift are complete and the soil nails for the preceding lift are accepted by the Engineer. Also,
do not excavate the next lift until the grout and shotcrete for the preceding lift have cured at least 3 days and 1 day,

25.7.2 Soil Nail Installation

Install soil nails in the same way as acceptable verification test nails. Drill and grout soil nails the same day and do not
leave drill holes open overnight.
Control drilling and grouting to prevent excessive ground movements, damaging structures and pavements and
fracturing rock and soil formations. If ground heave or subsidence occurs, suspend soil nail wall construction and take
action to minimize movement. If structures or pavements are damaged, suspend wall construction and repair

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structures and pavements at no additional cost to the Department with a method proposed by the Contractor and
accepted by the Engineer. The Engineer may require a revised soil nail wall construction plan when corrective action
is necessary. Drilling
Use drilling rigs capable of drilling through whatever materials are encountered to the dimensions and orientations
required for the soil nail wall design. Drill straight and clean holes at locations shown in the accepted submittals. Drill
hole locations and inclinations are required to be within 150 mm and 2 degrees, respectively, of that shown in the
accepted submittals unless approved otherwise by the Engineer.
Stabilize drill holes with temporary casings if unstable, caving or sloughing material is anticipated or encountered . Do
not use drilling fluids to stabilize drill holes or remove cuttings. Soil Nail Bars

Use centralizers to center steel bars in drill holes. Securely attach centralizers at maximum 2.4 m intervals along bars.
Attach uppermost and lowermost centralizers 450 mm from the top and bottom of drill holes.
Before placing soil nail bars, allow the Engineer to check location, orientation and cleanliness of drill holes . Provide
steel bars as shown in the accepted submittals and insert bars without difficulty or forcing insertion . Do not vibrate or
drive soil nail bars. If a bar cannot be completely inserted easily, remove the bar and clean or redrill the hole. Grouting
Remove oil, rust inhibitors, residual drilling fluids and similar foreign materials from holding tanks/hoppers, stirring
devices, pumps, lines, tremie pipes and all other equipment in contact with grout before use.
Place grout with a tremie in accordance with the contract and accepted submittals . Inject grout at the lowest point of
drill holes through a tremie pipe, e.g., grout tube, casing, hollow-stem auger or drill rod, in one continuous operation.
Fill drill holes progressively from the bottom to top and withdraw tremie at a slow even rate as the hole is filled to
prevent voids in the grout. Extend tremie pipe into grout a minimum of 1.5 m at all times except when grout is initially
placed in a drill hole.
Provide grout free of segregation, intrusions, contamination, structural damage or inadequate consolidation
(honeycombing). Cold joints in grout are not allowed except for soil nails that are tested. Extract temporary casings as
grout is placed. Monitor and record grout volumes during placement. Nail Heads

After shotcreting, attach nail head assemblies as shown in the accepted submittals. Before shotcrete reaches initial
set, seat plates and tighten nuts so plates contact shotcrete uniformly. If uniform contact is not possible, install nail
head assemblies on a mortar pad to provide even bearing against shotcrete.

25.7.3 Wall Drainage Systems

Install wall drainage systems as shown in the accepted submittals. Before shotcreting, place and secure
geocomposite drain strips with the geotextile side against the excavation face. For highly irregular excavation faces,
the Engineer may allow placing drain strips after shotcreting with weep holes through the shotcrete . Ensure that
drain strips continuously contact the excavation face and allow for full flow the entire height of the wall .
Discontinuous drain strips are not allowed. If splices are needed, overlap drain strips a minimum of 300 mm such that
flow is not impeded. Connect drain strips to leveling pads by embedding strip ends at least 100 mm into the no . 57
Construct drains in accordance with Section 816 of the Standard Specifications. Provide drains with positive drainage
toward outlets.

25.7.4 Shotcreting
Perform shotcreting in accordance with the contract and accepted submittals. Use nozzlemen who were accepted in
the Soil Nail Wall Contractor personnel and experience submittal and made satisfactory preconstruction test panels.
Clean the excavation face and ungrouted zones of drill holes near the face of loose materials, mud, rebound and other
foreign material. Moisten surfaces to receive shotcrete. Secure reinforcement to prevent movement and vibration
while shotcreting.

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Direct shotcrete at right angles to the excavation face except when placing shotcrete around reinforcing bars. Rotate
nozzle steadily in a small circular pattern. Apply shotcrete from the bottom up. Make shotcrete surface uniform and
free of sloughing or sagging.
Completely fill ungrouted zones of drill holes near the excavation face and any other voids with shotcrete . Consider
subsurface conditions and resulting potential for voids when estimating shotcrete quantities. No additional payment
will be made for unanticipated shotcrete quantities.
Taper construction joints to a thin edge over a minimum distance equal to the shotcrete thickness. Wet the joint
surface before applying shotcrete on adjacent sections.
Repair surface defects as soon as possible after placement. Remove any shotcrete which lacks uniformity, exhibits
segregation, honeycombing or lamination or contains any voids or sand pockets and replace with fresh shotcrete to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

25.7.5 Leveling Pads and Concrete Facing

Construct leveling pads and drains at elevations and with dimensions shown in the accepted submittals. Construct
drains in accordance with Section 816 of the Standard Specifications. Compact no. 57 stone for aggregate leveling
pads with a vibratory compactor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Construct cast-in-place reinforced concrete facing in accordance with the accepted submittals and Section 420 of the
Standard Specifications. Do not remove forms until concrete achieves a minimum compressive strength of 16 .5 MPa.
Unless required otherwise on the plans, provide a Class 2 Surface Finish for concrete facing in accordance with Article
420-17 of the Standard Specifications.
Construct concrete facing joints at a maximum spacing of 9 m unless required otherwise on the plans . 12 mm thick
expansion joints in accordance with Article 420-10 of the Standard Specifications are required every third joint. 12
mm deep grooved contraction joints in accordance with Subarticle 825-10(B) of the Standard Specifications are
required for the remaining joints. Stop reinforcement 50 mm from either side of expansion joints.
If a brick veneer is required as shown on the plans, construct brick masonry in accordance with Section 830 of the
Standard Specifications. Anchor brick veneers to concrete facing with approved brick to concrete type anchors
according to the manufacturer’s specifications with a minimum vertical spacing of 400 mm and a minimum horizontal
spacing of 800 mm with each row staggered 400 mm from the row of anchors above and below.
Seal joints above and behind soil nail walls between concrete facing and ditches with joint sealer.


25.8.1 Soil investigation

For soil nail walls more than 30 m long, exploratory borings should be spaced between 30 to 60 m along the proposed
centerline of the wall. For walls less than 30 m long, at least one boring is necessary along the proposed centerline of
the wall. Borings are also necessary in front and behind the proposed wall. Borings behind the wall should be located
within a distance up to 1 to 1.5 times the height of the wall behind the wall and should be spaced up to 45 m along
the wall alignment. Borings in front of the wall should be located within a distance up to 0 .75 times the wall height in
front of the wall and should be spaced up to 60 m along the wall alignment . The depth of borings should extend at
least one full wall height below the bottom of the excavation.

25.8.2 Bond strength

The bond strength is the mobilized shear resistance along the soil-grout interface. The bond strength adopted for the
design of soil nails is commonly based on conservative estimates obtained from field correlation studies and local
experience in similar conditions. Consequently, some percentage of the soil nails shall be load tested according to
standard procedure (pullout tests) in the field to verify bond strength design.

25.8.3 Suitable in-situ ground conditions

Following are the in-situ conditions considered favorable for the prospective use of soil nailing technique.
a) Soil shall be able to stand unsupported to a depth of about 1 m – 2 m high vertical or nearly vertical cut for
12-24 hours.
b) Groundwater table shall be sufficiently below level of the lowermost soil nail at all cross sections.

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c) Favorable soils: Stiff to hard fine –grained soils, dense to very dense granular soils with some apparent
cohesion, weathered rock with no weakness planes and glacial soils.


Provide 2 original hard copies of soil nail wall construction records including the following within 24 hours of
completing each lift.
a) Names of Soil Nail Wall Contractor, Superintendent, Nozzleman, Drill Rig Operator, Project Manager and
Design Engineer
b) Wall description, county, NCDOT contract, TIP and WBS element number
c) Wall station and number and lift location, dimensions, elevations and description
d) Soil nail locations, diameters, lengths and inclinations, bar types, sizes and grades, corrosion protection and
temporary casing information
e) Date and time drilling begins and ends, soil nail bars are placed, grout and shotcrete are mixed and/or arrives
on-site and grout placement and shotcrete application begins and ends
f) Grout volume, temperature, flow and density records
g) Ground and surface water conditions and elevations, if applicable
h) Weather conditions including air temperature at time of grout placement and shotcrete application
i) All other pertinent details related to soil nail wall construction
After completing each soil nail wall or stage of a soil nail wall, submit electronic copies (PDF on CD or DVD) of all
corresponding construction records.

Verification and proof tests are required as shown on the plans. For this provision, “verification tests” are performed
on test nails not incorporated into the wall, i.e., sacrificial soil nails and “proof tests” are performed on test nails
incorporated into the wall, i.e., production soil nails assuming test nails are acceptable in accordance with this
provision. “Verification test nails” refer to soil nails on which verification tests are performed and “proof test nails”
refer to soil nails on which proof tests are performed.
In general, 1 verification test for each soil type with a minimum of 2 tests per soil nail wall and proof tests on 5
percent of production soil nails with a minimum of 1 test per nail row are required. More or less soil nail testing may
be required depending on the subsurface conditions encountered. The Engineer will decide the actual number and
locations of verification and proof tests. The approximate locations of known verification test nails are shown on the
Do not test soil nails until grout and shotcrete achieve the required 3 day compressive strength. Do not begin
construction of any production soil nails until verification tests are satisfactorily completed.

25.10.1 Testing Equipment

Use testing equipment that includes the following.
- 2 dial gauges with rigid supports
- hydraulic jack and pressure gauge
- jacking block or reaction frame
- electrical resistance load cell (verification tests only)
Use dial gauges capable of measuring to 0.025 mm and accommodating the maximum anticipated movement.
Provide pressure gauges graduated in 690 kPa increments or less. Submit identification number and calibration
records for each load cell, jack and pressure gauge with the soil nail wall construction plan . Calibrate the jack and
pressure gauge as a unit.
Align testing equipment to ensure uniform loading. Use a jacking block or reaction frame that does not damage the
shotcrete or contact the shotcrete face within 1 m of test nails. Align dial gauges within 5 degrees of the test nail axis.
Place dial gauges opposite each other on either side of the test nail. Set up testing equipment and measuring devices
such that resetting or repositioning the components before completing testing is not required.

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25.10.2 Test Nails

Test nails have both unbonded and bond lengths. Grout only the bond lengths before testing. Minimum required
unbonded and bond lengths are 1 m and 3 m, respectively.
Soil nail bars for production soil nails may be overstressed under higher test nail loads . Use larger or higher grade
steel bars to allow for higher loads instead of shortening bond lengths to less than the minimum . Any costs associated
with higher capacity bars will be considered incidental to the soil nail testing pay items.

25.10.3 Verification Tests

Install sacrificial soil nails in accordance with the accepted submittals and this provision. Use the same equipment,
methods and drill hole diameter for sacrificial soil nails as will be used for production soil nails.
Use the following equation to determine maximum bond lengths, LBVT (ft or m), for verification test nails.
C RT × A t ×f y
Q ALL ×3 ,
CRT = reduction coefficient, 0.9 for Grade 60 and 75 (420 and 520) bars or 0.8 for Grade 150 (1035) bars,
At = bar area (in2 or m2),
fy = bar yield stress (ksi or kPa) and
QALL = allowable unit grout/ground bond strength (kips/ft or kN/m).
Use the following equation to determine design test loads, DTL VT (kips or kN), for verification test nails.


Calculate DTLVT based on as-built bond lengths. Perform verification tests by incrementally loading test nails to failure
or a maximum test load of 300 percent of DTLVT according to the following schedule.
Load Hold Time
AL* 1 minute
0.25 DTLVT 10 minutes
0.50 DTLVT 10 minutes
0.75 DTLVT 10 minutes
1.00 DTLVT 10 minutes
1.25 DTLVT 10 minutes
1.50 DTLVT 60 minutes (creep test)
1.75 DTLVT 10 minutes
2.00 DTLVT 10 minutes
2.50 DTLVT 10 minutes
3.00 DTLVT 10 minutes
AL* 1 minute
*Alignment load (AL) is the minimum load required to align testing
equipment and should not exceed 0.05 DTLVT.
Reset dial gauges to zero after applying alignment load. Record test nail movement at each load increment and
permanent set after load is reduced to alignment load.
Monitor test nails for creep at the 1.50 DTLVT load increment. Measure and record test nail movement during the
creep portion of the test at 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 60 minutes. Repump jack as needed to maintain the
intended load during hold times.

25.10.4 Proof Tests

Use the following equation to determine maximum bond lengths, L BPT (ft or m), for proof test nails.
C RT × A t ×f y
Q ALL×1. 5 ,
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where variables are as defined in Item C above.

Use the following equation to determine design test loads, DTL PT (kips or kN), for proof test nails.
Calculate DTLPT based on as-built bond lengths. Perform proof tests by incrementally loading test nails to failure or a
maximum test load of 150 percent of DTLPT according to the following schedule.

Load Hold Time

AL* Until movement stabilizes
0.25 DTLPT Until movement stabilizes
0.50 DTLPT Until movement stabilizes
0.75 DTLPT Until movement stabilizes
1.00 DTLPT Until movement stabilizes
1.25 DTLPT Until movement stabilizes
1.50 DTLPT 10 or 60 minutes (creep test)
AL* 1 minute
*Alignment load (AL) is the minimum load required to align testing
equipment and should not exceed 0.05 DTLPT.
Reset dial gauges to zero after applying alignment load. Record test nail movement at each load increment and
monitor test nails for creep at the 1.50 DTLPT load increment. Measure and record test nail movement at 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
and 10 minutes. When the test nail movement between 1 minute and 10 minutes exceeds 0.04” (1 mm), maintain
the maximum test load for an additional 50 minutes and record movements at 20, 30, 50 and 60 minutes . Repump
jack as needed to maintain the intended load during hold times.

25.10.5 Test Nail Acceptance

Test nail acceptance is based on the following criteria.
a) For verification tests, total creep movement is less than 0.08” (2 mm) between the 6 and 60 minute readings
and creep rate is linear or decreasing throughout the creep test load hold time.
b) For proof tests, total creep movement is less than 0.04” (1 mm) between the 1 and 10 minute readings or
less than 0.08” (2 mm) between the 6 and 60 minute readings and creep rate is linear or decreasing
throughout the creep test load hold time.
c) Total test nail movement at maximum test load exceeds 80 percent of the theoretical elastic elongation of
the test nail unbonded length.
d) Pullout failure does not occur at or before the 2.0 DTLVT or 1.5 DTLPT load increment. Pullout failure is
defined as the inability to increase the load while test nail movement continues. Record the pullout failure
load as part of the test data.
Maintain stability of test nail unbonded lengths for subsequent grouting. If the test nail unbonded length of a proof
test nail can not be satisfactorily grouted after testing, do not incorporate the test nail into the wall and replace the
nail with another production soil nail at no additional cost to the Department.

25.10.6 Test Nail Results

Submit 2 original hard copies of test nail records including movement versus load plots for each load increment within
24 hours of completing each test. The Engineer will review the test records and associated construction records to
determine if the test nail is acceptable.
If the Engineer determines a verification test nail is unacceptable, revise the soil nail wall design and /or installation
methods. Submit a revised soil nail wall design and/or construction plan for review and acceptance and provide an
acceptable verification test nail with the revised design and/or installation methods at no additional cost to the

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If the Engineer determines a proof test nail is unacceptable, either perform additional proof tests on adjacent
production soil nails or revise the soil nail wall design for the production soil nails represented by the unacceptable
proof test nail as determined by the Engineer. Submit a revised soil nail wall design and/or construction plan for
review and acceptance and provide an acceptable proof test nail with the revised design and/or installation methods
at no additional cost to the Department. If required, remove representative production soil nails and/or provide new
production soil nails with the revised design and/or installation methods at no additional cost to the Department.
After completing soil nail testing for each wall or wall stage, submit electronic copies (PDF on CD or DVD) of all
corresponding test records.


Soil Nail Retaining Walls will be measured and paid for in square meters. Soil nail walls will be measured as the
exposed face area with the wall height equal to the difference between the top and bottom of wall elevation. The top
of wall elevation is defined as the top of concrete facing. The bottom of wall elevation is as shown on the plans and no
payment will be made for portions of soil nail walls below bottom of wall elevations.
The contract unit price for Soil Nail Retaining Walls will be full compensation for providing design, submittals, labor,
tools, equipment and soil nail wall materials, excavating, installing soil nails and wall drainage systems, grouting,
shotcreting including test panels, welding and providing reinforcement, leveling pads, concrete facing and any
incidentals necessary to design and construct soil nail walls in accordance with this provision. If necessary, the
contract unit price for Soil Nail Retaining Walls will also be full compensation for providing brick veneers in
accordance with the contract.
The contract unit price for Soil Nail Retaining Walls does not include the cost for fences, handrails, ditches, guardrail
and barriers associated with soil nail walls as payment for these items will be made elsewhere in the contract.
Soil Nail Verification Tests and Soil Nail Proof Tests will be measured and paid for in units of each, depending on the
type of test. Soil nail tests will be measured as the number of initial verification or proof tests required by the
Engineer or as shown on the plans. No payment will be made for subsequent tests performed on the same test nails
or replacement nails. The contract unit prices for Soil Nail Verification Tests and Soil Nail Proof Tests will be full
compensation for soil nail testing in accordance with standard procedure.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 25 -162.
Table 25- 162 : Pay Items – Soil Nail Retaining Walls
Section/ Clause No. Description Units
SECTION 25: SOIL Soil Nail Retaining Walls Square Meter
Soil Nail Verification Tests Each
Soil Nail Proof Tests Each

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26.1.1 General Requirements

The works and materials specified in Clauses 26.1.2 to 26.1.6 shall comply with the Specification sections stated
therein, unless otherwise stated in this section.

26.1.2 Fill Materials

Fill material for river works shall comply with SECTION 3: EARTHWORKS.

26.1.3 Formwork
Formwork and finishes to concrete shall comply with SECTION 9: TEMPORARY

26.1.4 Steel Reinforcement

Steel Reinforcement shall comply with SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK

26.1.5 Concrete
Concrete shall comply with SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE

26.1.6 Joints in Concrete

Joints in concrete retaining walls bordering the river shall comply with Clause 13.13and 13.14


26.2.1 General
All vessel and craft provided or used for the construction of the works and all river based operations shall comply with
the latest editions of all relevant International and National regulations particularly those of the Government of
In this Specification the terms “vessel” and “craft” shall refer to all river craft, including all types of barges, lighters,
work boats, passenger craft, tugs, pontoons and other floating plant. The requirements of this Specification relating to
vessels engaged in the works or the Contractor’s operations shall include all marine craft used directly or indirectly for
the works.
The Contractor shall ensure that all vessels are fully certified by their flag state for the appropriate service
requirements and classified by an approved International Classification Society.
All vessels shall be manned by competent seamen at all times and to at least the statutory safe minimum manning
required by their flag state, and all officers and crew shall be in possession of valid local licenses and certificates. All
vessels shall at all times be fully provided with sound and satisfactory ropes, lines and mooring and shall be fully
equipped with lights. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the protection and safety of all floating craft
engaged by him at all times.

26.2.2 River Traffic Operation

All craft and master/ operators used in the Contract shall be properly registered and licensed as required by
Bangladesh Government Port Regulations. All vessels, working craft and other floating plant shall display appropriate
international and local signals to indicate the nature of their work. All work over water must comply with local
All vessels except small work or rescue craft shall be in possession of relevant and up-to-date charts of the bridge
construction area. All vessels carrying cargo, construction materials or other elements of the works shall be in
possession of statutory trim and stability information and a statutory cargo securing manual.
All vessels shall display the correct statutory lights, shapes and signals. Small craft shall be fitted with radar reflectors.

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All vessels used for the transportation of deck units or other elements of the works shall have their stability verified
and certified by an approved independent verification agency or approved warranty surveyor in accordance with IMO
limitations and to the satisfaction of local river regulatory authorities.
Sea fastenings for security deck units or other elements of the works to vessels prior to erection shall be subject to a
check by an approved independent verification agency or approved warranty surveyor.
Deck and truss transportation vessels shall require an adequate ballasting system for load -out of the decks and truss
segments, contingency during transport and for trim correction and assistance during deck and truss lift off.
Truss and deck transportation vessels and their equipment shall be acceptable to the Engineer, and an approved
warranty surveyor. The Contractor shall propose his own safe operational wind and current speeds and wave heights,
and shall provide calculations and a foot-print diagram to demonstrate that the vessels are capable of holding
position bow or stem on to proposed collinear weather.

26.2.3 Work Boats

Work boats shall be motorized boats equipped with a rain shelter and capable of carrying at least six passenger.
Work boats shall be licensed, and shall be manned and maintained in good seaworthy condition.
Work boats shall be available for use by the Engineer for supervision, inspection and measurement during normal
working hours and at other times when the Contractor is working.

26.2.4 Communications
The Contractor will establish a River Transportation Operations Office for the duration of the river works associated
with the bridge construction and communication frequencies will be agreed with the local regulatory bodies for the
river. Construction communication (VHF and/or UHF) frequencies will also be established.
The Contractor will also draw up River Contingency plans. The River Operations Office shall coordinate and receive
weather forecasts and promulgate these to the vessels engaged on the works.
The Contractor will provide temporary signage within or in the vicinity of the Site to warn river traffic of the works .
The Contractor shall provide, install, maintain and remove such temporary signage to cater for all stages of the works.

26.2.5 Safety
All personnel working over water shall wear approved life jackets. Small vessels exempt from the requirements of
SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) should carry sufficient lifesaving appliances for all
persons on board.

26.2.6 Guard and Safety Vessels.

During any river operation involving a truss section there shall be a minimum of one guard vessel and one safety
vessel at the Site. During the lifting operation the Contractor shall deploy four guard vessels and a minimum of one
safety vessel at the Site.
Safety vessel types, sizes, numbers and specifications shall be subject to approval by the Engineer, and shall be a
minimum of large rigid inflatable type vessel capable of a minimum of 25 knots . Safety vessels shall be equipped with
VHF, UHF operating on bridge working frequency, white parachute pyrotechnics, searchlight, medical equipment,
additional buoyancy aids, life rings and grab hooks for retrieval of personnel.
Safety vessels shall be on dedicated duty, afloat and manned at the bridge location at all times during working hours
when over-water operations are being conducted. Safety vessels shall not operate in a guard capacity which is a role
to be fulfilled by other dedicated craft.

26.2.7 Requirements Prior to Commencement of Construction

The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for their approval the proposed works sequence and
erection method statement in respect of river works. No river operations shall commence prior to the endorsement
by the Engineer of the relevant submissions which shall include:
- Detailed plans of the river works showing the proposed overall limits of the working area(s) and the space
requirements of each of the operation;
- Information of the type and operating frequency of all proposed electronic positioning system;

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- Proposed means of communication to be established at the bridge site;

- The name of the person(s) in charge of river works who can be contacted on a 24-hour basis and the means
and procedure for contract;
- The proposed schedule for river works carried out under the Contract indicating the different types of
operations, their number, duration, space requirements and phasing;
- A full description of the methods for the different stages of bridge construction including the number and
type of craft to be employed, together with a complete list of vessels and craft to be used for all river works.
- Details of weather conditions in which operations shall cease and all working craft removed from the working
- Suitable details of anchoring and flagging of at least six winch controlled mooring lines to control the craft
lifting the truss spans to set on the piers which will all be described in a “Notice to Mariners” coordinated
with the Engineer and the river authority in advance of the marine operation.
- Name and radio contact of person(s) in control of the lift operation and method of providing a 24 hour notice
to the Engineer of a Contractor toll box meeting planned to review the risks and responsibilities of site
personnel both on the lift vessel and on the steel prior to each truss span lift; and
- Method of controlling river traffic.

26.2.8 Marking of River Works

River works and any part of the site in which river woks are carried out shall be marked with marker buoys and lights
in a manner agreed with the Engineer. As a minimum all works shall be marked with yellow marker buoys filled with
yellow flashing lights visible at a distance of 2 km.
The contractor shall provide information as to the proposed location of any such marker buoy or other fixed marker
to the Engineer at least one month before its installation. The proposed location shall be defined both in terms of the
land based grid and in terms of Latitude and Longitude.
The Contractor shall reconfirm to the Engineer the location after the markers have been installed.
The Contractor shall maintain all such marker buoys and other required marks and lights in good and at the correct

26.2.9 Requirements during Construction

The Contractor shall at all times during the river activities comply, and be responsible for ensuring that his sub-
contractors comply, with any directions which from time to time be issued by the regulating bodies for the river. In
this respect a river activity refers to the use of any craft or carrying on of any operation which could obstruct the
waterway or effect the navigation of any craft through the waterway.
Prior to the commencement of each and every separate major river activity, the Contractor shall give two weeks ’
notice to the Engineer. A major river activity shall be considered as one during which major bridge construction
activities are carried out, such as piling, concreting, and the transporting and placing of bridge sections, etc.
Four Guard vessels are to be supplied by the Contractor, positioned upstream and downstream of the truss
transportation barge and crane. The Guard vessels should be vessels of approximately 15 m in length and capable of
speeds of at least 10 knots. They should be clearly marked with the terms “GUARD” and “ গার্ড ”, in English and
Bengali respectively along the sides of the vessel. The Guard vessels should each be equipped additionally with a
powerful searchlight and loudhailer.
Areas of temporary anchorage will be agreed with the Engineer and shall be outside any permanent or temporary
navigation channel, and shall be clearly marked with buoys or markers.
Truss and deck lifting operations shall be scheduled to take place only during daylight hours and in conditions of good
Where work is carried out from dumb lighters, pontoon or other non-self propelled floating plant a suitably powered
craft shall be in attendance at all times.
All river craft, pontoons or platforms shall be adequately configured, braced, secured and controlled, and of such size
and construction as to ensure a satisfactory performance of the works. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with
adequate assistance for gaining access to marine craft, pontoons and platforms.
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Upon completion of all river works the Contractor shall replace all navigation buoys in their original positions.

26.2.10 Concreting in locations affected by changing river levels

Concreting in locations affected by changing river levels shall be carried out in dry conditions unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer. The contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval full details of means and methods
for maintaining dry conditions, with supporting calculations for temporary works, etc . Well in advance of the
proposed start of work date at each location. After concreting is complete, the top of the concrete shall be covered
with polyethylene sheets fixed to the formwork.

26.2.11 Maintenance of Water Depth

The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of the navigation channel through the site at all times during
construction. Should it be found that any obstruction within the defined clearances has resulted from the Contractor’s
operations, he shall be responsible for clearing away the obstruction any may be liable for any damage the
obstruction may have caused.
The Contractor shall mark all temporary underwater obstructions which are a consequence of the works with buoys
and lights and take all necessary actions to ensure safety of navigation while the obstruction remains, and shall
remove any such obstruction at the earliest possible time.

26.2.12 Temporary River level gauges

Temporary river level gauges shall be mounted vertically and firmly on rigid supports at locations agreed by the
Engineer and shall be calibrated, levelled and fixed to give river level readings within an accuracy of 20 mm . Details of
the proposed temporary gauges shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and acceptance.


26.3.1 Particulars of River works

The following particulars of the proposed marine works shall be submitted to the Engineer:
a) Any conditions or restrictions imposed by the regulating bodies for the river and other authorities, including
copies of applications, licenses, permits and correspondence, and
b) Details of methods for controlling river traffic.
The particulars shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 14 days before river works start.

26.3.2 Particulars of dredging

The following particulars of the proposed methods of dredging shall be submitted to the Engineer:
a) Type and capacity of dredgers:
b) Methods of anchorage and positioning of dredgers;
c) Sequence and rate of working; and
d) Arrangements for the transportation and disposal of dredged materials.
The particulars shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 14 days before dredging starts.


Surveys for dredging and deposition of fill material shall be carried out using echo sounders of 200 kHz to 220 kHz
frequency or by other methods agreed by the Engineer.
The initial survey for dredging shall be carried out within 30 days before dredging starts.
The final survey for dredging shall be carried out within 30 days after dredging has been completed. The survey shall
be sufficiently detailed to allow for representative of all major river bed features on the survey charts.
The initial survey for deposition of fill material shall be taken as being the same as the final survey for dredging, or the
final survey for the underlying layer of fill material as appropriate except as stated below.

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If the final survey for dredging or the final survey for the underlying layer of fill material was carried out more than 30
days before deposition of the next layer of fill material starts, the initial survey for deposition of fill material shall be
carried out within 30 days before deposition of the layer of fill materials starts.
The final survey for deposition of fill material for the first layers, intermediate layers, and final layers of underwater
foundations shall be carried out within 30 days after deposition of fill materials has been completed . The final survey
for final layers other than those of underwater foundations shall be carried out at least 30 days and not more than 90
days after deposition of fill materials has been completed.
Depending on the time of the year of river surveys and the water level river survey may have to be supplemented by
topographic survey for overall representation of the area of the river bed in question.


26.5.1 Commencement of Dredging

The permission of the Engineer shall be obtained before dredging starts in any area.

26.5.2 Dredging
Dredging shall be carried out in such a manner and sequence that semi-fluid or disturbed seabed or foundation
material will not accumulate in dredged areas.
During dredging, samples shall be taken from the dredged materials for inspection and determination of the sand
content. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if there is any sudden or significant change in the properties of
dredged material.
Dredged material shall be disposed of by the Contractor in the dumping ground stated in the Contract or as agreed
with the Engineer.

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The project is classified as a Category A project in consistent with the provisions of World Bank safeguard policy
Environment Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) OP/BP 4.01. Also environmental safeguard policies Natural Habitats (OP/BP
4.04) and Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) are triggered for this project. An Environmental Management
Framework (EMF) is prepared in accordance with the requirements of with the Environment Conservation Rules 1997
and others relevant national legislation, and the World Bank Safeguard policy. The EMF gives the guideline for carrying
out the sub-project specific environment screening or further detail assessment (if required) along with the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
In general, the contractor is responsible to implement the subproject specific EMP and Environmental code of Practices
(ECoPs), perform the monitoring requirement and conforming the relevant Environmental, Health and Safety
Guidelines of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The Contractor shall protect and stop work immediately
following the discovery of any materials with possible archeological, historical, paleontological, or other cultural value,
announce findings to project manager and notify relevant authorities. It is also the Contractor responsibility for
familiarizing himself with the EMF and carrying out all environmental related activities as mentioned in the EMF.


Land and building acquisition, training, work site survey, pegging and all approvals/permits shall be undertaken or
obtained prior to the commencement of improvement works

27.2.1 Clearances, Approvals and Permits Environmental Clearance
According to the Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997, the project falls under category Orange B and thus under the
provisions of the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995, LGED shall need to obtain Environmental Clearance
from the Department of Environment, Govt. of Bangladesh before commencement of the road improvement works. Approvals and Permissions

Approvals/permits will be required from the concerned District Collector to undertake sand mining in the rivers, if
proposed by the Contractor. Permissions from private landholders will also be required to undertake activities on their
land. Responsibilities
LGED, as the Proponent of the road improvement works, shall obtain the necessary environmental clearance . Prior to
the commencement of any related work the Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits, approvals and consents for
the following: Permission for Sand Mining

A letter of request shall be sent to the District Collector to undertake sand extraction from river beds . The permission
shall be obtained by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a copy of all permits/approvals/permissions to the DS
Consultants and the LGED. The Contractor shall adhere to the terms and conditions of the permits/permissions and
comply with all statutes relevant to environmental management at site. Permissions from Private Land owners

The Contractor shall obtain permissions in writing from all private landowners whose land will be temporarily utilized
for borrow pits, brick fields, brick breaking yards, materials storage, workforce camps etc . Permission shall be obtained
prior to the commencement of these activities and copies shall be provided to the Engineer and the DS Consultants.

27.2.2 Land Acquisition

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Private land and buildings will need to be acquired for the proposed road widening and minor realignments . Acquisition
of structures, which are located within the proposed RoW, will occur in most markets and villages along the project
road. Acquisition shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable
Property Ordinance, 1982 (Ordinance II of 1982 with Amendments).
These provisions have been supplemented with additional guidelines and resettlement policy framework contained in
the RTIP-II Social Impact Management Framework (SIMF) and Resettlement Plan (RP). Together, the provisions and
guidelines require the successful completion of land acquisition procedures prior to the commencement of construction
LGED, as the Project Proponent, shall ensure that the necessary land acquisition procedures are completed prior to the
commencement of any improvement works at site. These required procedures are detailed in the. RP
LGED shall provide copies of the World Bank approved RP for the sub-project to the DS Consultant and Contractor. The
DS Consultant and Contractor shall adhere to these relevant provisions contained in the RP.

27.2.3 Training
In order to help improve the understanding and appreciation of the required standard of quality for road improvement
and environmental management works, Road Construction and Environmental Management training and accreditation
is required for Contractor's Field Supervisors.
LGED shall arrange a Specialist to conduct the Training Workshop on Road Construction and Environmental
Management at the commencement of the implementation of the works programme. The Workshop shall focus on the
relevant improvement works and good construction practices and techniques to be employed in the RTIP -II, including
best operating practices on earth works, vegetation management, pavement construction, bridge construction,
construction equipment, avoidance of water congestion and environmental management, monitoring and reporting.
Periodic training to the Environmental Field Supervisors of the Contractor and DS Consultant shall also be undertaken
during the construction stage to ensure effective compliance, supervision and monitoring.
LGED shall organize and convene a 2-3 day "Road Construction and Environmental Management Training Workshop" at
least 1 month prior to the commencement of the implementation of the works programme. The DS Consultant shall
conduct the Workshop.
The Contractor shall ensure that his/her Site Manager and Field Supervisors attend the "Road Construction and
Environmental Management Training, Workshop" and receive accreditation before commencing work at the site.
The DS Consultant shall also ensure that all his/her field staff attend the Training Workshops prior to commencing site
The Senior Environment Personnel of the Contractor and DS Consultant shall organize periodic training programmes for
the field supervisors at the work site.

27.2.4 Worksite Survey, Pegging and Approval

The proposed road widening and ancillary sites shall be surveyed and pegged prior to any construction or related
activities to ensure the correct setting out of the lines and levels of formations, side slopes, drainage works, carriageway
and shoulders in accordance with the detailed road designs and permits/approvals obtained from the Engineer.
This allows previously unnoticed design and environmental issues to be recognized prior to construction, and either
avoided or mitigated. It also allows the final verification of affected persons and assets to be undertaken prior to the
commencement of the road improvement works.
The pegging of the road formation areas and ancillary sites enables works to be confined to the minimum area
required, reducing the area of disturbance and loss of productive resources. Construction workers can clearly see the
proposed extent of work and confine their activities to those areas and landowners/land users can recover or harvest
resources prior to commencement of works at the site.

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The Contractor shall survey at least 1000m of the sub-project corridor and peg the road centre-line and extent of all
works prior to the commencement of road improvement. The LGED authorized engineer, DS Consultant and Contractor
shall then jointly inspect the surveyed alignment and road formation width area. The Contractor shall continue to
survey and peg at least 1000m of the road in front of the furthest extent of road improvement work underway . But box
cutting will be extended only up to 500 m to avoid damaging the existing road bed and minimize difficulty in traffic
The Contractor shall locate and peg each ancillary site prior to the commencement of any ancillary site activities
(including fill disposal sites, borrow pits, brickfields / brick-breaking yards, stockpile sites, workforce camps and material
storage areas). Sites shall be located in accordance with the following criteria:
- No ancillary site shall be located within 100m of an identified archaeological, religious or cultural site
- Ancillary sites shall be above flood level and at least 10m away from watercourses
- Borrow pits, workforce camps and material storage areas shall be sited as per the relevant contract
Ancillary site areas shall be kept to a minimum to reduce the area of vegetation clearance and ground disturbance . The
Contractor shall seek approval to commence work at each ancillary site from the Engineer / DS Consultant prior to
commencing any related activities.
Note: All requirements to survey, peg and seek approval for proposed road works relate to the initial1000m of the road
or the minimum 100m of road in front of road improvement at anyone point in time, not the entire contract length of
road. But box cutting will be extended only upto 500m.

27.2.5 Construction Machinery and Vehicles

All the construction machinery and vehicles to be used for road improvement and ancillary works shall be of proven
efficiency and shall conform to GOB standards for emissions and noise levels. All the construction machinery and
vehicles shall be operated and maintained at all times so as to conform to GOB standards for emissions and noise
The Contractors shall be required to give a trial run of its machinery and vehicles for ascertaining that their emissions
and noise levels conform to the standards stipulated by the GoB. The Contractor shall regularly maintain the
construction machinery and vehicles so that emissions, vibrations and noise levels conform to GoB's relevant standards.
The Engineer/DS Consultant shall ensure that the Contractor adheres to these requirements throughout the
construction period.

27.2.6 Construction Stage

“Mainstreaming" of environmental concerns and mitigating actions has been an important consideration in the design
and implementation of the RTIP-II. Accordingly, consideration of environmental issues as an integral part of the
planning and design of the sub-project to avoid unnecessary problems or impacts has been the guiding principle in
development of the EMP.
“Mainstreaming recognizes that the most efficient and cost effective way to ensure that improvement works are
environmentally sound is to include these requirements in the construction contract provisions . The RTIP-II will include
provisions to establish the scope and conditions under which the work is to proceed and ensure financial sanctions for
non-compliance, if any. Re-vegetation survival, for example, must be checked and found adequate before Contractors
are fully compensated for plantings.”
The RTIP-II feeder road improvement sub-projects will generally be implemented as per the LGED's Standard Contract
Specifications for Feeder Roads and Structures incorporating these Environmental Specifications . Provisions for the
protection of the environment are included in this document that includes clauses particularly in provision of specific
mitigation and enhancement works related to the RTIP-II feeder roads improvement works. The recommended
additional environmental specifications based on the EMP recommendations are provided in this section.
Road improvement (construction) methods largely dictate the degree of direct environmental impacts that will result
from the execution of the road improvement works. The key principles that have to be adhered to are: limiting the area

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of disturbance and land-take, sequencing construction activities to save the double handling of materials, and
progressively re-vegetating the completed batters.

27.2.7 Vegetation Clearance

Vegetation clearance shall be confined to the minimum area required for improvement activities within the proposed
formation width in order to limit the loss of productive resources, limit damage to surrounding features and limit
ground disturbance and the associated erosion hazard. This shall be achieved by clearly marking out the extent of the
proposed clearing and ensuring that clearing is only undertaken within these areas. Trees within the boundaries of
ancillary sites shall be retained wherever possible.
The pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps shall be backfilled and compacted to prevent soil erosion and
sedimentation. Trunks, branches, stumps of trees, boulders, stone, brick bats and other materials resulting from road
improvement activities shall be stocked/disposed in such a manner that these do not find its way to nearby
watercourses. Stocked materials should be used where possible, (i) for other filling up of existing pits along the road (ii)
for roadway embankment, and (iii) for landscaping of the road side in accordance with the Specifications Clause or as
directed by the Engineer.
Before commencing operations, the Contractor shall submit his Work Plan to the Engineer/DS Consultant for approval.
This shall include the procedure to be followed for disposal of cleared vegetation and waste materials in accordance
with the instructions of the Engineer. The Contractor shall clearly mark out the extent of clearing with pegs at 50 -m
intervals or less as per the Engineer's instructions. The Contractor shall stay strictly within the approved work site areas.
The Contractor shall identify individual trees within the extent of clearing that shall be retained, and flag mark them .
The Contractor shall seek approval for vegetation clearance from the Engineer / DS Consultant at least 1 week prior to
the intended commencement date.
The Contractor shall instruct all construction workers to restrict clearing to the marked areas and not to harvest any
firewood for personal consumption or sale.
The Contractor shall ensure that all clearing is undertaken manually within the extent of approved sites only.
Vegetation clearance along each section of the alignment shall only be undertaken within 1 week prior to the
associated road construction activities in order to minimize the period of erosion hazard created by ground disturbance
and the removal of vegetative cover.
Where possible, the Contractor shall stockpile cleared shrub foliage within the Row for later use as a brush layer for
batter re-vegetation. The Contractor shall stack/dispose of the trunks, branches and stumps etc. at appropriate
locations approved by the Engineer/DS Consultant in such a manner that these do not find its way to nearby
The Contractor shall protect all remaining vegetation within the road, extent of works and at ancillary sites by ensuring
- No spoil or topsoil is removed from or added to the base of remaining trees;
- No harmful materials are placed adjacent to the remaining vegetation;
- No vegetation is harvested by construction workers for their personal use or sale.

27.2.8 Retaining and Toe Wall Construction

Retaining walls or Toe wall as per site conditions shall be constructed or strengthened where the road formation is
required to be extended towards an abutting pond/water body. This will prevent potential erosion of the road
embankment as well as limit the potential siltation of the pond.
All preventive measures such as temporary installation of silt fencing shall be undertaken to control potential siltation
of the ponds during retaining wall construction and/or embankment widening.

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The Contractor shall survey and peg all retaining and toe walls sites as per the detailed designs prior to any formation
widening along a pond/water body ensuring that they are correctly sited horizontally to minimize the land-take, erosion
and sedimentation. The Engineer, DS Consultant and Contractor shall then jointly inspect all pegged retaining wall sites.
The Contractor shall construct retaining walls before earthwork for extension of the road formation towards an
abutting pond/water body. The Contractor shall do all preventive measures such as temporary installation of silt fencing
or similar equally effective measures to control potential siltation of the ponds during retaining wall construction
and/or embankment widening. Earth filling in front of the wall shall only be commenced once the Engineer /DS
Consultant has certified the retaining wall.

27.2.9 Formation Widening

Road embankments are often not adequately compacted. This unstable feature results in slope failures, especially on
high embankments near bridge approaches or running along rivers, and erosion, off-site sedimentation, road closure
and high maintenance costs.
All fill works shall be strictly constructed to design specifications to ensure that correct batter slopes, road widths and
soil compaction are achieved. This shall be accomplished by fully surveying and pegging roadwork prior to construction,
and strictly inspecting and certifying them against the detailed designs following construction.
While planning or executing embankment widening all adequate precautions against soil erosion and water pollution
shall be taken and adequate drainage measures shall be installed where required in accordance with the Engineer's
The earthen shoulders and batter slopes of road embankments shall be seeded with a fast growing native seed -mix
immediately after fill placement to prevent scour and to expedite stabilization. Where appropriate, grass sods shall be
placed in the form of tiles in accordance with the Engineer's instructions. Berms and embankment slopes and road cuts
shall be stabilized by mulching (straw with cow dung), re-vegetation with grazing-resistant plant species (turfing with
jute netting or coir netting) sand gunny bag riprap, brick mattressing, cement concrete block riprap, loose stone riprap
(in hilly areas), rock gabions or other appropriate technologies. Installation of drainage structures and raising of the
road formation level may create bare slopes that shall be stabilized before the onset of the monsoon . Discharge zones
from drainage structures shall be furnished with riprap to reduce erosion. Down drains/chutes will be lined with riprap
and masonry or concrete to prevent erosion. Construction in erosion and flood prone areas will be restricted to the dry
Batter re-vegetation shall be undertaken in two phases:
(a) Cover crop establishment and hand broadcasting seed shall be undertaken immediately following certification
of each batter slope and prior to the monsoon.
(b) Long-term vegetation establishment shall be undertaken during the optimum plant establishment season/s by
the LCS or Union Parishad under an agreement with the LGED as per the Tree Plantation Strategy of the Local
The establishment of ground cover is the initial priority of re-vegetation. Ground cover reduces raindrop impact, binds
the soil surface and creates a micro-climate favorable for the establishment of other vegetation.
The establishment of long-term vegetative cover requires adequate follow-up maintenance, including replanting for at
least 2 years.
Vegetation maintenance is essential to the success of batter re-vegetation and protection of the vegetation from
grazing shall also be implemented.
The batter shall have a topsoil cover spread on it. If no topsoil is available from road work sites, some oil preparation is
required such as fertilising or organic mulch from cow dung manure.
A mulch layer shall be placed on the batter. This would ideally be brush matting (small tree branches and foliage,
shrubs), as it has sufficient weight to hold itself in place. The revegetated batter shall be fenced off to prevent
disturbance to establishing plants by grazing. Brush fencing, made of thorny bushes, or a bamboo woven fence shall be
used for this purpose.

27.2.10 Stabilizing Batter Slopes

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In the case of stabilizing road batter slopes, there are two essential procedures, which need to be undertaken prior to
- Ensure bulk stability of the slope, if necessary, and cut the slope back to a stable grade . If the slope is currently
at 1:1.5, and has been established for some time, and is not sliding or slumping, this tends to indicate that the
slope will stand up at this grade, therefore it is acceptable.
- Control run-on drainage from the slope above such as by constructing a catch drain to collect run-on above the
batter and divert it to a stable location or drainage line if sufficient room exists and the above hill slope is not
excessively steep. This could take the form of a catch drain such as a concave drain about 1 m wide at the crest
and vegetated. Ideally this is located close to the crest of the batter, and on a grade of 1 % or so.
Construction activities shall be planned to minimize the area of vegetation cleared at any time and exposed earth shall
be turfedor covered as soon as possible after disturbance. The construction area shall be pegged out to ensure that the
disturbance is limited.
The Contractor shall survey and peg the crest of all cut batters and the toe of all earth embankments prior to any
related excavation. The Engineer, DS Consultant and Contractor shall then jointly inspect all pegged banks.
The Contractor shall bench the natural surface foundation of earth embankments prior to filling to enable the keying in
and compaction of earth in accordance with the Engineer's Instructions. Filling shall then occur as per the technical
specification, with each layer compacted with a small mechanical compactor or hand held tamper before the next layer
is applied.
The Contractor shall take all adequate measures against soil erosion, sedimentation, and water pollution etc . through
use of berms, dikes, sediment basin, fibre mats, mulches, grasses, slope drains and other devices, as appropriate.

27.2.11 Drainage
Adequate and stable crossroad and road surface drainage is essential to ensure that storm runoff across the project
roads causes minimal or no damage to the road and down slope features. Crossroad drainage shall be improved by
bridges and culverts (see Table of the Sample Case Study). Road surface drainage shall be provided by cross-fall drains
and lined side drains to direct runoff off the road surface, as directed by the Engineer.
All additional proposed drainage structures shall be installed before the road improvement works to ensure that the
potential erosion problem created by embankment widening through drainage lines is minimized.
The Contractor shall survey and peg all additional designed drainage structures prior to the commencement of
construction. Wherever possible, drains shall outlet into stable drainage lines. Where this is not possible, the Contractor
shall consult with adjoining down slope landowners on mutually acceptable locations for drain outlets.
The Engineer / DS Consultant and Contractor shall then jointly inspect all pegged drainage structures.
The Contractor shall construct all designed drainage structures prior to, during or immediately following road
improvement works in order to minimize potential erosion problems

27.2.12 Topsoil Saving and Re-use

Topsoil is a valuable resource for the re-vegetation of cut and fill batters. Accordingly, it shall be saved from all Row
sites and ancillary sites that will be disturbed during road improvement. Topsoil shall be stripped from each site prior to
any associated filling or sub-surface excavation. It shall be saved by stockpiling it at designated locations for reuse in
covering embankment slopes, cut slopes, berms and other disturbed areas where the need for re-vegetation is
The method for saving topsoil embankment requires stripping of the section to be excavated and re -spreading
immediately onto the previously completed adjacent section of road. This has the advantages of only single handling
the material and using topsoil when it is fresh, when soil fertility and seed viability have not been reduced by
If topsoil is to be stockpiled it shall only be done above the excavation site to avoid mixing it with excavated sub-soil.
Topsoil shall only be spread on batters with a grade of 1:1.5 or flatter. Topsoil spread on steeper batters will not stay in

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The Contractor shall save all available topsoil from construction sites within the Row and re-use this material an
completed road formation batters approved by the Engineer. Top soiling of a batter shall not occur until the Engineer
has approved the completed batter.
The Contractor shall also strip and stockpile topsoil from all temporarily acquired ancillary site areas that are to be
disturbed for subsequent re-use in rehabilitation of these sites.
Stockpiled topsoil shall be kept separate from other materials.
The Contractor shall sow a cover crop on each top soiled batter within 2 days of Top soiling

27.2.13 Disposal of Unsuitable Excess Materials /Spoil

Cut and fill equalization is constrained by the geometry of the existing road, as this is an improvement / upgrading
project. Except in the case of soils with high organic material (peat) contents, or black cotton soil or mug sections
earthworks are typically cut to fill, with the excess material cut to spoil. The excavated top layer of pavement including
HBB / scarified black tops shall be utilized as fill in widening of the project road . Unsuitable materials shall be disposed
of properly. This material could also be used for improvement of access roads to ancillary sites (e.g. borrow areas,
brickfields, break crushing yards, workforce camps).
The disposal of spoil at low impact sites shall be undertaken to minimise damage to environmental and social features
in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. Spoil shall generally not be sidecastover the edge of the excavation
or placed in small drainage lines, above houses or at other sites where it is likely to cause damage to natural features or
The Contractor shall identify and peg out permissible spoil disposal locations. Permissible spoil disposal locations may
- Roadway embankment;
- Existing pits in the ROW;
- Building sites;
- Erosion gullies to be rehabilitated.
The Contractor shall seek approval from the Engineer/DS Consultant for the use of these sites prior to commencement
of works. Where permissible sites are not available within 300 m of the excavation site, the disposal of fill will be at the
discretion of the DS Consultant, but shall not be undertaken on private land.
The DS Consultant shall inspect and approve all correctly located disposal sites.
The Contractor shall instruct the construction workforce of the approved locations for fill disposal and shall strictly
supervise the correct placement of fill at these locations.
Note: the Contractor shall construct all roadworks in accordance with the detailed designs. Constructed works, which
do not strictly follow approved designs, shall not be certified for payment.

27.2.14 Reinstatement of Services

Local services, including tubewells, drains, cables, irrigation channels, drainage ditches and trails, are commonly cut
during road earthworks. These services are required by local people for crop production, drinking water and access and
have the potential to damage road works. These services are often either inadequately reconnected or not reinstated at
All irrigation tubewells, channels, drainage ditches and walking trails shall be maintained during improvement works or,
if necessary, temporary services shall be arranged or the owner/user's permission for temporary cessation shall be
gained. Services shall be progressively reinstated as soon as road improvement works has been completed in the
The Engineer/DS Consultant, accompanied by the Contractor, shall inventory all services to be reinstated during Pre -
construction Inspection.

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The Contractor shall liaise and reach agreement with affected landowners, local authorities, public undertakings and
local people regarding which services must be maintained, which services can be temporarily cut, the timing of cuts and
reinstatements, and the location of reinstated services. The Contractor shall obtain written permission from affected
people to temporarily cease any services.
As agreed the Contractor shall maintain or provide temporary services during construction . The Contractor shall make
temporary provision for water supply and irrigation and drainage channels interrupted by road widening. The
Contractor shall progressively reinstate all interrupted services immediately following earthwork completion, ensuring
that reinstated or repaired services operate to their previous capacity.
The Engineer/DS Consultant shall inspect and certify the adequate reinstatement of all previously inventoried services
to be reinstated.

27.2.15 Borrow Pits

The right to create borrow pits is generally negotiated between the contractor and individual landowners. Farmers sell
topsoil for fill materials on assumption that the topsoil will be replenished during the next flood . The contractor should
preferably obtain earth from sites at proposed / potential fish ponds or alternatively they should minimize the loss of
valuable agriculture land by removing a thin layer of soil from a wide area. If the fill materials are taken from farm
topsoil or upper layer, the contractor should ascertain that the silt deposition is sufficient to rehabilitate the farmland
within three years and the deposited soil is not at the expense of the fertility of adjacent properties . Farmland should
be given the lowest priority in sourcing the fill materials. Farmland should be used only if there is no other alternative
within 5 km of the construction site. The use of dredged materials from rivers should be given priority especially if the
materials are sandy and relatively free from organic materials compared to farmland topsoil. Organic materials will
decay and reduce the stability of the road. The second preferred source of fill materials is excavation from pond
construction. If the borrow pit is not used for aquaculture, the side of the pit must be compacted to prevent soil erosion
and native fish and other aquatic life introduced to control insects such as mosquitoes.
The Contractor in consultation with the community and landowners shall identify Borrow pits outside the road reserve .
A borrow area management (development and rehabilitation) plan should then be prepared. The plan shall be
approved by the Engineer before commencing work. Before opening additional borrow pits, operating pits shall be
closed by the Contractor as per the agreed rehabilitation plan. The following principles for location, depth and drainage
of borrow pits shall be followed:
- earth for the embankment should be obtained:
- from barren land or land without tree cover outside the road reserve;
- by excavating land and creating new water tanks/ponds;
- from land acquired temporarily outside the road reserve;
- from excavation of proposed culverts;
- from river bed
 Borrow pits shall be rectangular in shape with one side parallel to the centre line of the road and
generally maintain the form of the land;
 No borrow pits shall be dug within 5 m of the toe of the final section of the road embankment;
 Borrow pits shall be dug continuously. Ridges of not less than 8m width shall be left at intervals not
exceeding 300m and small drains should be cut through the ridges to facilitate drainage;
 To ensure efficient drainage, the bed level of the borrow pits shall, as far as possible, slope down
progressively towards the nearest cross drain, if any, and shall not be lower than the bed of the cross -
 When it becomes necessary to borrow earth from temporarily acquired cultivable lands, the depth of
borrow pits shall not exceed 45 cm. The topsoil to a depth of 15 cm shall be stripped and stockpiled
for later rehabilitation of the pit. Thereafter, soil may be dug out to a further depth not exceeding 30
cm and used in forming the embankment. Once the borrow pit is no longer required, the stockpiled
top soil shall then be spread back on the land;

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 Borrow pits shall not be located within 500m of any identified archaeological, religious or cultural
 Haulage of material to embankments, or other areas of fill, shall proceed only after sufficient
spreading and compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition;
 Recommended mitigation measures for rehabilitation and restoration of borrow areas are:
 if used for agriculture, stockpiled topsoil should be returned to the borrow pit;
 if used as a fish pond, the banks should be stabilized by compaction and any additional
excavated material disposed of in accordance with good operating practice
 for all other uses, stockpiled topsoil should be returned to the borrow pit and all worked
areas stabilized through revegetation using local plants.
 Sediment shall be controlled at each site by ensuring that the base of the borrow pit drains into a
sediment trap prior to discharging from the site.
After obtaining approval from the Engineer, the Contractor shall locate and peg out the full extent of proposed
extraction areas prior to the use of a borrow area. For location, depth and drainage of borrow pit, the principle criteria
mentioned above shall be followed by the Contractor. Once borrow pit sites have been determined they will be
inspected by the DSC.
The borrow areas shall be rehabilitated as per the provisions of the approved rehabilitation plan.
Borrow pits may be converted to fishponds or multipurpose ponds for community use. The dimension of the pond
should be 1000 m2 X 2 m depth.
Bathing Ghat may be constructed for the community ponds as per design and direction of the Engineer and in
consultation with the local community. In some cases road improvement may disrupt existing Bathing Ghats and new
Ghats should be constructed. Construction of Bathing Ghats may be considered also to protect slope protection works;
otherwise movement of people may destroy the protective works.

27.2.16 Stockpiling
The stockpiling of bricks, topsoil, sub-soil and. other materials will be required during road improvement works. These
materials shall be stockpiled to prevent damage to local features, which can be caused by diverting runoff and creating
Stockpiled materials shall be stored on non-hazardous sites, away from both habitation and drainage lines to minimize
off-site sedimentation and protect off-site features.
Stockpiling of backfilling materials shall not be allowed within the right of way especially on the side slops of the roads .
There is a common tendering of contractors to stockpile backfilling materials on the batter slope and utilize these
materials without compacting then in layers. This practice shall be stopped completely.
The Contractor shall locate and peg stockpile sites in accordance with the following criteria:
 At least 10m away from drainage lines and out of flood level;
 On land with less than a 10° slope;
 On sites already clear of trees and shrubs;
 Not above any structure;
 Further than 2m away from vegetation to be retained.
If stockpiling is planned on private land, the Contractor shall obtain written permission from the landowner for use of
the site. The Contractor shall seek approval from the Engineer/DS Consultant for the location of stockpile sites prior' to
commencing the related extraction operations. The Engineer/DS Consultant shall inspect and approve all correctly
located sites.

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The stockpiling of fill material shall not be permitted during the monsoon season unless it is appropriately covered.
Where topsoil is to be stockpiled for longer than one month the stockpile shall be seeded with an appropriate cover

27.2.17 Workforce Camps

Workforce camps are temporarily required during the period of construction. Only one camp will generally be required
along each 5 - 10 km length of the project road or at a major bridge site. Camps shall be located on low impact sites
where temporary damage to local resources is minimized.
Sufficient measures shall be taken to ensure provision of drinking water, garbage bins and sanitation facilities in the
construction camps; All practical measures such as provision of septic tanks and soakage pits shall be made to prevent
the wastewater produced in the 'construction camps from entering rivers and irrigation system. Vehicle maintenance
and refueling shall be confined to areas in construction camps designed to trap discarded lubricants and fuel spills .
Separate drains to carry run-off from contaminated area/servicing ramp leading to oil traps shall be provided. Regular
health check-up and medical facilities shall be provided to the workforce.
The Contractor shall locate and peg workforce campsites in accordance with the following criteria:
 Above flood level and at least 10m from any drainage line;
 Preferably on degraded land of low production value;
 On cleared land requiring no or minor vegetation clearance
 Not immediately upstream of local drinking water off-takes;
 Only one camp site per sub-project or every 5 - 7 km length of alignment.
The Contractor shall seek approval for the use of the campsite from the Engineer / DS Consultant. The Engineer / DS
Consultant shall inspect and approve all correctly located campsites. The contractor shall also obtain approval of the
layout of the camp from the supervision Consultant.
The Contractor shall ensure that proper drinking water as well as sewage and waste disposal facilities are provided and
maintained. In water deficient areas, the Contractor shall provide drinking water from outside the area . Solid waste
generated at the camp shall be recycled or disposed of as directed by the Engineer / DS Consultant. The Contractor shall
undertake all precautions for proper management of solid and liquid wastes generated in the workforce camps .
Appropriate facilities shall be provided for women, where they are employed under contract.
The Contractor shall provide regular health check-ups including HIV tests and medical facilities to the workforce. The
Contractor, in association with voluntary organizations shall organize AIDS awareness programmes at the workforce

27.2.18 Workforce Management

Workers will generally live in temporary workforce camps in close proximity to the roadwork’s and numerous local
Workers shall act in a responsible manner during and after working hours, respecting the rights, property and practices
of local people.
The Contractor shall liaise with affected communities regarding proposed construction activities. The Contractor shall
ensure that workers act in a responsible manner towards local people and do not harvest or take personal resources.
The Contractor shall ensure that workers do not fell or cut trees or other vegetation for fuel wood or any other
The Contractor shall ensure that no wood is burnt by any workers on or off site by providing kerosene to workers for all
cooking needs.
Working hours within village areas shall not extend beyond 7.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. to ensure that local people are not
unduly disturbed.

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The incidence of child labour shall be monitored in consultation with local communities and officials to prevent

27.2.19 Dust Nuisance and Noise Pollution

In order to suppress dust generation, water shall be sprayed on road surfaces, excavation sites, sand and earth mixing
sites, asphalt mixing sites, and on temporary roads. After compacting, water spraying shall be done at regular intervals
to prevent dust nuisance. Brick crushing yards, bituminous hot mix plants and concrete batching plants shall be located
sufficiently away from habitation (at least 1/2 km), Vehicles delivering materials shall be covered to reduce spills.
Vehicles and machinery shall be regularly maintained and fitted with pollution control devices to keep emission and
noise levels at a minimum. Construction would be stopped between 9.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. in the residential areas and
the public shall be informed about the regulations of noise pollution. Workers in the vicinity of strong noise shall wear
earplugs and their working time shall be limited.
The Contractor shall ensure that construction activities do not generate unacceptably high levels of dust emission and
noise. The Contractor shall keep the local people fully informed of construction activities including blasting operations .
The Contractor shall also control air and noise pollution by prohibiting construction activities between 9 .00 p.m.-6.00
a.m.; maintaining vehicles and construction machinery regularly; and prohibiting the use of air horns on construction
vehicles in settlement areas.
The Contractor shall take every precaution to reduce the levels of noise, vibration, dust and emissions from the plant,
machinery and vehicles and shall be fully responsible for meeting GOB's relevant regulations (See Appendix I of the
The contractor shall spray water at regular intervals as directed by the Engineer / DS Consultant.
The Contractor shall seek prior approval from the Engineer / DS Consultant for locating and operating machinery and
vehicles on site.

27.2.20 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Construction activities would be planned so as to minimize the area of vegetation cleared at any time and exposed
earth will be turfed or covered as soon as possible after disturbance. Clearance of vegetation on steep slopes shall not
be undertaken during the monsoon period.
Borrow pits have potential to be areas of high erosion unless works are controlled and appropriate measures for
rehabilitation are undertaken. The locations and operations of borrow pits shall be as per the sub-clause 5.2.9. Potential
borrow areas and brick crushing sites shall be identified by the DSM Consultant during Design stage. All the Borrow pit
sites after use shall be rehabilitated/ re-vegetated appropriately to prevent potential land degradation.
Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Engineer / DS Consultant for his plan of
carrying out temporary and permanent erosion/sedimentation control works applicable for the items of clearing,
embankment widening, construction of bridges and other structures across watercourses, pavement courses and
shoulders. He shall also submit for approval his proposed methods of erosion/sedimentation control at borrow pits and
brick crushing sites and his plan for disposal of waste material. Work shall not be started until the
erosion/sedimentation control schedules and methods of operations has been approved by the Engineer / DS
The Contractor shall be required to incorporate all temporary / permanent erosion and sedimentation control features
into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in his accepted schedule to minimize the need for temporary
erosion and sediment control measures. The Contractor shall rehabilitate all the brickfield / brick crushing sites and
Borrow pits sites after use as per the EMP recommendations or directions of the Engineer / DS Consultant.

27.2.21 Wetland / Ponds / Rivers / Canal

The potential adverse impacts on water resources during proposed road improvement works will predominantly be
from erosion and sedimentation resulting from the exposed earth and stock piled areas near water crossings; affect on
portion of water bodies (ponds and tanks) due to their partial filling and siltation as well as interrupting access to users;
contamination from fuel, lubricants, tar,; and improper sanitation and waste disposal.
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Adequate mitigation measures shall be undertaken to limit the impact on the water resources. Earth moving in the
vicinity of watercourses will be kept to a minimum to avoid sedimentation and contamination from fuel and lubricants .
Proper disposal of bricks, cement and steel reinforcement which will be removed as part of the reconstruction of
bridges/culverts will be ensured so as not to block the stream flow. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control
measures during rehabilitation of cross-drainage structures will be undertaken to ensure that sediment laden run off
does not enter the adjoining watercourses. Prior to commencement of the construction, ditches or diversion channels
will be formed, where necessary, around the disturbed areas.
The specific mitigation measures to minimize / mitigate -impacts on water bodies / ponds to be undertaken are
described below:
Mitigation Measures for Environmental Impacts on Water Resources

Impacts Mitigation
Partial filling of ponds Standing water bodies, which are affected by more than 25% of its capacity, will be
/water bodies mitigated by providing an equivalent capacity by either deepening or extending on the
other side of the water body. If the surrounding land-use does not permit extension of the
existing water body; compensatory water restoration areas will be identified within the
vicinity of the settlement
Erosion and Siltation Construction materials will be stacked together, fenced by brick or earth walls and kept
away from water bodies and drainage lines.
Construction/rehabilitation works of cross-drainage structures will be undertaken during
dry seasons only.
On sections with high filling or deep cutting, slopes will be covered by stone pitching and /
or planted with grass etc.
Contamination from fuel Vehicle maintenance and refilling would be confined to areas in construction camps
and lubricants designed to trap discarded lubricants and fuel spills.
Contamination from Workforce camps will be located away from water resources
All practical measures such as provision of septic tanks, garbage bins, and other sanitation
facilities will be taken in the construction camps to prevent the wastewater and solid
wastes from entering rivers/ponds/ irrigation system.
Interrupting access to All open wells / tube wells/ hand pumps affected will be replaced or relocated
water supply
Use of water for The construction contract specifications, will clearly state that water from standing water
construction works bodies used for construction activities by the contractor will be paid for by the contractor at
a price agreed to by the owner of the water body or as per the Water Access ACT, 1978) to
the Village Panchayat/ Urban local body.

The exact chainage, location and proposed mitigation/enhancement measures for the potentially affected water bodies
(ponds/ tanks) are presented in Annexure 2.1 of the EMP document.
The Contractor shall be responsible for undertaking all mitigation measures described in EMAP Table-3.1 in the EMP,
under supervision of the Engineer / DS Consultant. The rehabilitation of affected ponds/tanks shall be carried out in
accordance with the details given in Table 3.1 of the EMP. The Contractor will also submit its proposed Environmental
Management Plan for the workforce camps including the provision for water supply, sanitation, health, waste disposal,
fuel for cooking etc. to the Engineer / DS Consultant for approval. The Contractor would be responsible for all the
activity and operations within the workforce camps meeting the relevant provisions of the Bangladesh Environment
Conservation Act, 1995 as well as local labour laws as stipulated by the Government of Bangladesh.

27.2.22 Hazards and Hazardous Materials

The mishandling and incorrect storage of combustible and toxic materials such as petrol, diesel, oil and lubricants can
lead to explosions, spills and leaks which pose a safety hazard to workers and may cause soil and water contamination.

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The Contractor will comply with the provisions of the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 as well as the
Rules made there under with regard to transport, use and storage of hazardous and explosive substances.
The Contractor shall safely handle and store hazardous materials in accordance with the following requirements:
Hazardous materials shall be stored above flood level and at least 20 m from any watercourse;
Hazardous liquid substances (e.g. petrol, diesel, oils) shall be stored on top of sealed plastic sheets in a secure, flat
enclosed area. Bund walls shall be at least 25 cm high.
The Contractor shall have an emergency procedure and will seek directions from the DSM Consultant regarding the
disposal of hazardous materials. Used lubricants and oils shall be collected and disposed of or recycled without causing
pollution or a hazard to worker safety. Spills of hazardous materials within or outside enclosed storage areas shall be
cleaned up immediately. Contaminated and torn or worn plastic-sheets shall be disposed of appropriately.

27.2.23 Grassing/ Turfing

Grassing and turfing of all disturbed areas shall be undertaken as per Clause 2.16 under Specifications for Road Works.

27.2.24 Construction of Bathing Ghats

Bathing ghat may be constructed for the community ponds as per the design and direction of the Engineer and in
consultation with the local community. As in some cases road improvement works may disrupt existing bathing ghats,
new ghats should be constructed to provide the same facility. Construction of bathing ghats may be considered also to
protect slope protection works; otherwise movement of people may destroy the protective works. The bathing ghat
should include provision of sitting arrangement for users.

27.2.25 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic

The Contractor should bear the full technical and statutory responsibility in maintaining the public and vehicular access
along the project right of way. The Contractor shall conduct his operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and
inconvenience to the public.
At least 30 days before commencing work on any section of the road, ghat /market, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer his proposals for the maintenance of traffic including working drawings of traffic arrangements, showing all
detours, temporary roads, temporary market sheds, temporary bridges, necessary barricades, warning lights, road
signs, etc.
The Contractor shall control the passage of traffic in one-way operation either manually by posting flagmen or using
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all the required barricades, flags, lamps, flagmen, etc. and for passage
of public traffic on the road / ghat / market area under the contract without undue inconvenience.
The Contractor’s shall follow the existing guidelines, ‘Traffic Signs Manual – Bangladesh Road Transport Authority,
Section E7 ‘Safety at Roadwork’s’ – A Code of Practice for Signing at Roadwork’s.

27.2.26 Environmental Monitoring

The purpose of the environmental monitoring is to ensure that the EMF is implemented on a timely and effective
manner and to ensure that envisaged purpose of the project are achieved and result in desired benefits to the targeted
population without adversely affecting environmental resources. To ensure the effective implementation of the EMF, it
is essential that an effective monitoring system be designed and carried out. During the construction phase it will be
necessary to monitor and document different construction related activities that may adversely affect the
environmental resources of the area or health and safety of the population and the wild life of the area.
The Contractor shall keep updated record of “Temporary Acquisition of Land”, “Borrow Areas Identification” “Site
Identification and Setting up of Workers’ Camp, Hot Mix Plant”, “Summary Mitigation and Enhancement”,
“Redevelopment of Borrow Areas” and “Restoration of Construction Sites”. The Contractor will use prescribed Forms
(R1 – R6) presented in the “Manual for Environmental Supervision and Monitoring” to keep information on above

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environmental parameters and will also keep photographs of different stages of development and implementation of
mitigation measures.

27.2.27 Barrel Composting for solid waste management in Growth Center Markets
Barrel composting for solid waste management can be the best option of the solid waste management. Barrel
composting is a composting technique involving aerobic digestion of organic wastes and therefore is almost free from
bad smell. It is income generative and solves the solid waste management problem at the source level. It recognizes the
potentiality of resource recovery from bulk volume of organic wastes and provides opportunities for income for the
poor who are interested in such income generative activities.
Model barrel composting technique involves the following steps:
A 200 litter of barrel, which is made perforated enough to allow airflow in the barrel. The barrel with a lid is placed on a
raised base with concrete ring. Wastes are separated into organic and inorganic; and organic portion of wastes is
dumped into this perforated barrel and the inorganic portion of wastes is kept in a separate pot for ultimate disposal . In
a barrel, under aerobic condition, which is maintained by the natural flow of air, the organic waste decomposes into
compost in three months. It has been found that this compost has a good quality (nitrogen 1.3%, Phosphorous 0.62%,
Potassium 0.8%, pH 7.5).
Due to bulk volume of organic wastes generated in a typical growth center several barrels may be required. Poor
people can be given charge of waste collection, sorting and compost making using this technology.
Once the compost is produced, the marketing of this compost has to be ensured. In the rural areas there is a high
demand for compost for use in agricultural lands. Alternatively a strategy can be fixed to ensure the marketing of these
compost involving large compost-dealers of the country.


27.3.1 Re-vegetation
The greatest environmental impact associated with the implantation stage of the sub-project will be the clearing of
avenue trees within the ROW along the project road. The extent of this impact could have been minimized, to the
extent possible, by limiting the proposed widening of the project corridor along either left or right side of the existing
carriageway. This would ensure the existing vegetation along one of the sides of the road remains intact. However, the
general public opinions in the project area appears not to support this strategy and almost all local people consulted to
discuss this issue recommended both sides widening with re-plantation on the batter slopes. Tree clearing within ROW
will be avoided beyond what is required for construction activities and/or reduce accidents.
Disturbed areas shall be re-vegetated following construction activities, with re-vegetation measures to stabilize cut and
fill batters. The berms and slopes of road embankments shall be seeded with a fast growing native seed mix
immediately after fill placement to prevent scour and expedite stabilization. The planting regime and native seed mix
shall be got approved from the Engineer.
Vegetation stabilizes batters and other disturbed ground surfaces by providing ground cover to protect against raindrop
impact and reduce overland runoff velocities, and binding soil through plant root development.
Batters and disturbed areas shall be progressively stabilized in order to rapidly reduce the erosion hazard of the site .
Revegetation shall be undertaken in two stages following construction:
- Cover crop sowing by the Contractor;
- Long-term vegetation establishment by a local LCS under a plantation cum maintenance agreement with the
LGED. The LCS approach will ensure that the re-vegetation is carried out during optimum plantation period
with continual maintenance over required period and the rate of survival of the trees could be maximized. The
option of handing over the ownership to the local community, Union Parishad or adjacent private land owner
could also be considered of by the LGED. This would ensure increased local ownership and sustainability of the
tree plantation program.
Re-vegetation has been split into these two stages in order to ensure that the cover crop is sown as soon as possible
following construction and that the tree plantation is undertaken subsequently for the establishment and maintenance
of long-term vegetation.

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The establishment of initial ground cover with a cover crop is the first priority of re -vegetation. The cover crop provides
some rapid erosion protection and creates a microclimate favorable for the establishment of other vegetation. The
establishment of long-term vegetative cover requires adequate follow-up maintenance, including replanting.
Vegetation maintenance is essential to the success of better re-vegetation, therefore re-vegetation maintenance will
occur for a 3-year period.
The Contractor shall progressively sow all disturbed construction and ancillary site surfaces with a cover crop mix
immediately following the completion and certification of each batter or final use of each ancillary site, including all fill
disposal sites.
The Contractor shall progressively implement the immediate re-vegetation works as per the approved Re-vegetation
Action Plan on all cuts and fill batters.
The concerned Upazila Engineer shall regularly monitor the effectiveness of re-vegetation measures.
The long-term vegetation shall be established by LCS under a separate plantation cum maintenance agreement with the

27.3.2 Ancillary Site Rehabilitation

All ancillary sites have to be rehabilitated following their temporary use in order to stabilize the sites, ensure that they
are non-degraded or non-polluting and return them to their previous condition.
The Contractor shall ensure that ancillary sites (stockpile sites, brick crushing sites, borrow pits, workforce camps) are
fully rehabilitated within 1 month of the final day of use. This shall involve the removal of all structures except,
permanent buildings, if any that the landowner may have requested to remain and the Engineer has permitted for
appropriate use. All refuse, stockpiles and other temporary features shall be removed.
The Contractor shall spread all previously stripped overburden and topsoil across the site, with all topsoil spread evenly
on the surface. The Contractor shall provide temporary surface drainage on sites that are prone to erosion prior to re -
vegetation. Where possible, the Contractor shall restrict access to these sites by placing fencing to prevent vehicle
access. The Contractor shall then re-vegetate the site by hand broadcasting a cover crop and planting appropriate long -
term vegetation.
Used borrow areas may be converted into ponds for multipurpose uses by the local villagers / landowner. This will also
act as a rainwater harvesting structure to help recharge the ground water of the area (relevant to Barind high lands).
However, the rehabilitation options shall be finalized in consultation with the landowner and Union Parishad and shall
be approved by the Engineer.


The correct implementation of environmental protection, mitigation and enhancement measures shall most effectively
be achieved by basing contract payments on the actual quantity of works executed, and non -payment for sub-standard
executed works. In case of any conflict between the environmental specifications and other specifications in the
contract documents, the Engineer's decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
No additional Payments, unless specifically specified, shall be made to the Contractor for complying with the above
environmental specifications, as most of the works generally pertains to good construction practices, as part of the road
improvement works. Therefore, the costs for these environmental management works shall be considered to have
been included in the respective civil (roads and structures) works.
The Engineer shall strictly certify constructed road works against the detailed designs and the EMP conditions/


An outline of EMP termed as Environmental Management Action (EMAP) including the environmental requirements/
impacts along with mitigation actions / measures to be taken during the implementation of the subproject has been
presented in the EMP Addendum and prepared as part of the Environmental Analyses of the subprojects . A brief
description of the environmental problems / issues together with mitigation measures, implementing organizations,
Page | 444
location of environmental problems / issues, and timing of implementation of mitigation measures, supervising
responsibility etc., are indicated in the Environmental Management Action Plan. For each 'mitigation action / measure
described, the implementing organization, supervising entity and the reference to contracts specifications along with an
approximate unit cost, where applicable are listed. In general, LGED (with assistance from other agencies in some cases)
is the overall responsible entity for ensuring that mitigation measures are carried out . In many cases the Contractor will
be the implementing agency under the day to day supervision of the Executive Engineer as the Engineer's
Representative, who will be assisted by the Consultant working on behalf of the LGED. (Appended Annex)


The Contractor will follow the Environmental Codes of Practice (ECP), prepared by the Environmental Management Unit
of LGED and approved by the World Bank in all phases of construction work . The ECP have been prepared to avoid or
mitigate adverse environmental effects that may arise due to road, market and ghat improvement works . The ECP
addresses the environmental as well as health and safety issues associated with the project. The ECP will ensure that
the World Bank environmental safeguard policy is being followed in implementing different subprojects . (Appended

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The rules and regulations of the Government of Bangladesh in relation to environment and social safeguard will be
binding upon the contractor.


In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the applicable minimum age labour laws and requirements of (including
applicable treaties, which have been ratified by) the Government of Bangladesh regarding hazardous forms of child
labour. The Project will review compliance with such labour laws and requirements, as the case may be, any non-
compliance together with the action being taken to ensure compliance. Child labour means the labour who is less than
14 years old.


The contractor should follow the equity in wage payment for both the men and women labour for equal level of works
as required by the Government of Bangladesh. The contractor should engage women labours on priority basis in the
works suitable for them and follow ILO conventions, relevant protocols etc. The contractor must consult the women UP
member and others to know about availability of women workers including indigenous women workers in the area to
engage them in the suitable work as per their skill.
If women are involved in civil works construction and maintenance of Sub-project infrastructure, ensure:
- Equal pay for equal work.
- Gender-friendly work environment.
- Work place safety for women & children.
Social vulnerability of women in the context of Sub-projects under this Project may include domestic violence, sexual
harassment, vulnerability to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) including HIV/AIDS, and though limited, human
trafficking. The SIMF booklet will include information about STI and HIV/AIDS, trafficking in women and children and
public health and education services in the area. Contractions will implement a zero tolerance policy against sexual
harassment at work places.


The contractor should give priority to PAPs/Local women/indigenous people in employing them to suitable project
works as appropriate to their skill. In case of any dispute in this regard, the decision of the Executive Engineer shall be
conclusive and binding upon the contractor.


The contractor must maintain safety and security of the workers in the working place. In case of injury, the contractor
must arrange treatment of the injured workers and the cost of treatment of the injured workers.


The contractor must protect the cultural properties in the project area. The cultural properties include mosque, temple,
shrines, old buildings, graveyard, historical place etc.
The contractor must also pay attention to keep its beauty and other elements intact so that it does not get affected by
any means or any works.

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29.1.1 General
This Section shall apply to all brick masonry works in constructing at the different places of a bridge.

29.1.2 Description
This item of work shall consist of construction of brick masonry work in cement mortar with specified proportion in
required thickness and heights. The work shall include supply of all labour, materials, tools and equipment, carriage and
the performance of all works necessary for the construction of the brick masonry. All works shall be carried out in
accordance with these Specifications conforming to the levels, dimensions and designs as shown on the Drawings or as
directed by the Engineer.

29.1.3 Materials Bricks
Bricks shall be of First Class in quality unless otherwise required and shall comply with the requirements as stated under
the relevant Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Cement
Cement shall be Portland cement conforming to the requirements of BDS EN 197 -1:2003 CEM II A/M 42.5 N. All other
properties of cement shall be the same as have been described under the relevant Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS
FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Fine aggregate

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand conforming to the requirements of ASTM C 144.
Sand shall be completely non-plastic and free from all clay, roots and other organic materials.
Minimum F.M. of sand for any type of brickwork shall be 1.5.
All other properties of Fine Aggregate shall be the same as have been described under the relevant Clause on SECTION
8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Water
Quality of water to be used in masonry works shall be similar to the requirements as have been described under the
relevant Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications.

29.1.4 Soaking of Bricks

Before use in works, all bricks shall be soaked in clear water for a minimum period of 6 hours. Soaking shall be
discontinued two hours before use so that at the time of laying they are skin dry. Such soaked bricks shall be stacked on
a clean place where they shall not be spoiled by dirt or any other objectionable materials.

29.1.5 Mortars
Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, cement mortar for brick masonry works shall generally consists by volume
of one part Ordinary Portland cement and four parts screened sand or one part Ordinary Portland cement and six parts
screened sand unless otherwise required by the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer . In each mortar, just enough
water shall be added and the components mixed and thoroughly incorporated together to give workability appropriate
to its use. Mortar shall be used whilst freshly mixed and no softening or re-tempering will be allowed.
Mortar shall be mixed in an approved mechanical mixer unless hand-mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer
and in a manner as to accurately determine and control the quantity of each ingredient in the mortar . The cement and
sand shall be first mixed dry until thoroughly mixed before adding mixing water . If hand mixing is permitted, the
operation shall be carried out on a clean watertight platform and cement and sand shall be first mixed dry in the
required proportion to obtain a uniform color of the mixture and then the mortar shall be mixed for at least two
minutes after addition of water.
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Only a sufficient quantity of sand and cement shall be mixed with water that can be used within 30 minutes after the
addition of water. The adding of additional water to and re-tempering (cement mortar that stiffened because of
evaporation of water) shall be permitted only within 30 minutes from the time of addition of water at the time of initial

29.1.6 Construction Methods

The method and equipment used for transporting and placing the bricks and mortar shall be such as will not damage
the brick or delay the use of mixed mortar. All equipment and tools used for mixing or transporting mortar and bricks
shall be clean and free from set mortar or other deleterious foreign substances.
All brick works shall be placed only after the foundation surfaces have been prepared satisfactorily in accordance with
the Specifications and the Engineer’s instructions.
The bricks shall not be placed during rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged, which will wash the mortar from the bricks .
Mortar already spread, which becomes diluted by rain, shall be removed and replaced before continuing the work at
the expenses of the Contractor.
All bricks to be used in brickwork with mortar joints shall be completely soaked in water for a minimum period of 24
hours before they are used. The bricks shall be used within two hours of taking out of water.
All bricks shall be free from water adhering to their surface when they are placed in the brickwork.
Before laying bricks in foundation, a layer of not less than 12mm of mortar shall be spread to make the surface on
which the brick work will be laid even. Immediately thereafter, the first course of bricks shall be laid.
Bricks shall be laid in English bond unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and shall be set with both bed and vertical
joints filled with mortar and shall be bedded in by firmly tapping with the handle of the trowel. The face with the frog
mark shall be placed upward to ensure that the frog mark is filled with mortar. Bricks shall be skillfully laid with the level
courses, uniform joints, square corners, plumb verticals and true surfaces except when otherwise shown on the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.
Bricks, used on face, shall be selected whole or uniform size and with true rectangular face . Only full bricks shall be
used in the brick work unless absolutely necessary for breaking points or maintaining bond.
Bricks shall be laid on full bed of mortar and shall be slightly pressed so that mortar gets into all the surface pores of
bricks to ensure proper adhesion. Bricks shall be laid, where possible, from one face only and each brick shall be set
with both horizontal and vertical joints filled with mortar and the bricks shall be bedded in by firmly tapping with the
handle of the trowel. Mortar joints shall be checked and any hollow or defective joints shall be racked and filled with
mortar immediately.
Each course shall break the joints with the course below. All horizontal joints shall be parallel and all vertical joints in
alternate courses shall be directly over one another. In thick walls or foundations, not only the face joints but the joints
inside also shall break course.
The thickness of mortar in any joints shall not be less than 6mm and not more than 10mm and the height of four
courses as laid shall not exceed more than 25mm the height of four dry bricks stacked one upon the other.
All brick works shall be truly plumbed and shall always be carried out regularly along their entire length throughout the
structure. When the entire works cannot be carried out in even courses, the break shall be made at regular steps each
of a length of at least 1-1/2 times its height. Unless otherwise directed, no overhead work shall be allowed.
Toothenning may be done where future extension is contemplated but shall be used as an alternative to racking back.
Where specified, fabric reinforcement shall be embedded completely in mortar. During construction of steining
members, bars shall be placed accurately in accordance with the Drawings.
The surface of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned from all dirt before another course is laid on top of it. If the
mortar in any course has begun to set, the joints shall be racked out to a depth of 25mm before any subsequent course
is laid. When the top course has been exposed for more than two weeks, it shall be removed and the surface below
shall be thoroughly cleaned before any more courses are added.
When fresh masonry is to be placed against the existing surface of structures, these surfaces shall be cleaned of all
loose materials, roughened and wetted as directed by the Engineer so as to effect a good bond with the new work.

29.1.7 Scaffolding
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The scaffolding shall be sound and strong to withstand all loads likely to be imposed upon it and subject to the
Engineer’s approval. Pole going into the masonry should be at a place, which can be filled with a header brick . The
holes, which provide resting space for horizontal members shall not be left in masonry under 1m in width or
immediately near the skewbacks of arches. The holes left in the masonry work for supporting the scaffolding shall be
filled and made good.

29.1.8 Protection and Curing

Brickwork shall be protected during construction and for 3 days after laying against harmful effects of weather by
suitable covering. During hot weather, all finished or partly completed works shall be covered or wetted in such manner
as will prevent rapid drying of the brickwork.
All brickwork requiring mortar, shall be cured as it is constructed for not less than 7 days on completion of the last
course by keeping continuously wet with water or by covering with water saturated material or other curing methods
approved by the Engineer.
At the completion of the work, all visible surfaces shall be free from damage or debris and shall look clean . Cares shall
be taken that bricks are not stained or coated as the work proceeds. No rubbing of the faces to remove coating shall be

29.1.9 Finishing of Surfaces General
The surfaces shall be finished by “Jointing” or “Pointing”. The surfaces which shall remain exposed shall be pointed and
those which shall be buried underground shall be jointed. The mortar for finishing shall be prepared as stated under the
Sub-section on ‘Mortars’ of this Section. Jointing
In jointing, the face joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a finished surface flushed with the
face of the brickwork. The faces of brickwork shall be cleaned to remove any splash of mortar during the course of
raising the brickwork. Pointing
For pointing, the joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of 15mm while the mortar is still green . The raked joints
shall be well brushed to remove dust and loose particles and the surface shall be thoroughly washed with water,
cleaned and wetted. The mortar shall be filled and pressed in to the raked out joints before giving the required finish .
The pointing shall then be finished to proper type given on the Drawings.
If type of pointing is not mentioned on the Drawings or BOQ, flush pointing shall be used. For groove pointing, after the
mortar has been filled and pressed into the joints and finished of level with the edges of the bricks, it shall while still
green be grooved along the centre with a half round tool of such width as may be specified by the Engineer . The excess
mortar shall then be cut off from the edges of the lines and the surfaces of the masonry shall also be cleaned of all

29.1.10 Repairing of Masonry Brickwork

After the completion of any masonry brick work, if any brick is found out of alignment or level or does not conform to
the lines and grades shown on the Drawings or shows a defective surface, it shall be removed and replaced by the
Contractor at his expenses unless the Engineer grants written permission to patch or replace the defective area.

29.1.11 Extension to Existing Masonry Brickwork

Where existing masonry brick work is to be extended, the existing skin courses shall be carefully removed as directed by
the Engineer. The old exposed brick works and joints shall be carefully prepared and cleaned and thoroughly watered
immediately prior to commencing extension of the brick work.

29.1.12 Replacement of Defective Masonry Brickwork

The extent of replacement of defective masonry brick works shall be jointly surveyed by the Contractor and the
Engineer at the start of the work and the location of all repairs needed shall be recorded and permanently marked in
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Defective brick work shall be carefully removed in a sequence as instructed by the Engineer . The existing stability and
structural integrity of walls and arches shall not be impaired during this operation and the Contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that all necessary temporary supports are provided. The defective brick works shall be
removed on an incremental basis, if this is deemed desirable and new brick works shall be carefully constructed so that
the structural integrity is maintained.

29.1.13 Re-pointing of Existing Masonry Brickwork Joints

The extent of re-pointing of existing masonry brickwork shall be jointly surveyed by the Contractor and the Engineer at
the start of the work and the location of all repairs needed shall be recorded and permanently marked in paint.
The defective mortar shall be carefully removed from the joints and the joints shall be cleaned immediately prior to re -
pointing. The re-pointing shall be done with cement mortar to full depth, penetration and trimmed flush with the face
of the brickwork.
Cracks in the existing brickwork shall be treated in the same way. Defective materials shall be carefully removed and
the crack shall be filled with cement mortar.

29.1.14 Measurement
The quantity of masonry brickwork (both new and extension of the existing masonry brickwork) including flush pointing
shall be measured in cubic meter in accordance with the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. The quantity of the surfaces finished by jointing, pointing and re-pointing shall be computed from the surface
areas in square meter.

29.1.15 Payment
The work measured shall be paid at the relevant Contract unit prices as shown in the Bill of Quantities . The payment
shall constitute the full compensation for furnishing, storage, transporting, preparing, laying, racking out joints and
curing of all materials and labour including scaffolding, tools and equipment and all incidentals necessary to complete
the item. The payment shall also constitute full compensation for all temporary measures to retain the stability of
existing structures and for breaking any defective brickwork and mortar.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -163.
Table 29- 163 : Pay Items – Brick Masonry Works
Clause No. Description Units
29.1 New and extended masonry brickwork 250 mm and above thickness Cubic meter
New and extended masonry bricks 125 mm thickness Square meter
Replacement of existing defective masonry brickwork (250 mm and above thickness) Cubic meter
Brick Pointing Square meter
Re-pointing of existing masonry brickwork joints Square meter


29.2.1 Single layer brick flat soling Description
This item of work shall consist of providing single layer brick flat soling as shown on the Drawings or directed by the
Engineer and to the lines, grades levels, dimensions and cross sections shown in the Drawings and as required by the
Engineer. Materials Bricks
Bricks shall be of First Class in quality unless otherwise required and shall comply with the requirements as stated under
the relevant Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications.

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Minimum F.M. of sand for Brick Flat Soling shall be 0.8. Construction Methods

The bricks shall be laid flat in one layer, frog downwards with the shortest side vertical on the compacted, trimmed and
prepared surface unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer. Bricks shall be laid in a regular
and uniform manner. Interstices of bricks shall be filled with sand of FM 0.8 and water shall be applied by sprinkling. No
brick shall be laid on a foundation or any surface until the same has been inspected and approved by the Engineer . The
gap between two adjacent bricks should not exceed 10mm.
Laying of bricks and filling the interstices with sand shall be in a manner that no brick shall move under any
circumstances. Measurement
Brick flat soling shall be measured in square meter for areas covered by the same and accepted by the Engineer. Payment
This item of work shall be measured as provided above and shall be paid at the relevant Contract unit prices as shown
in the Bill of Quantities. The price and payment shall constitute the full compensation for all costs for completion of the
work and supply of all required materials, including cost of all labour, equipment, tools and all incidentals necessary to
complete the work as specified in this Sub-section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -164.
Table 29- 164 : Pay Items – Single Layer brick flat soling
Clause No. Description Units
29.2.1 Single layer brick flat soling Square Meter

29.2.2 Double layer brick flat soling Description
This item of work shall consist of providing double layer brick flat soling shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer and to the lines, grades levels, dimensions and cross sections shown in the Drawings and as required by the
Engineer. Materials Bricks
Bricks shall be of First Class in quality unless otherwise required and shall comply with the requirements as stated under
the relevant Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Sand
Minimum F.M. of sand for Brick Flat Soling shall be 0.8. Construction Methods

The first layer of the brick soling shall be laid flat, frog downwards with the shortest side vertical on the compacted,
trimmed and prepared surfaces unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer. Interstices of
bricks shall be filled with sand of FM. 0.8 and water shall be applied by sprinkling. Then a sand cushion of 25mm
thickness (minimum) with sand of FM not less than 0.8 should be placed over the first layer. Second layer of the bricks
shall be laid flat on the sand cushion in a regular and uniform manner as stated above. Interstices of bricks shall be filled
with sand of FM 0.5 and sprinkling water as did in the case of first layer. No brick shall be laid on a foundation or any
surface until the same has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The pattern and placing of the bricks shall be
as indicated on the Drawings. Surface Tolerance

In the areas where Double Layer Brick Flat Soling is to be placed, any deviation in excess of five millimeters from the
specified surface within 3 meter shall be corrected by removal, reshaping and relaying of bricks.

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The item of work shall be measured in square meter for areas covered by the same and accepted by the Engineer. Payment
This item of work shall be measured as provided above and shall be paid at the relevant Contract unit prices as shown
in the Bill of Quantities. The price and payment shall constitute the full compensation for all costs for completion of the
work and supply of all required materials, including cost of all labour, equipment, tools and all incidentals necessary to
complete the work as specified in this Sub-section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -165.
Table 29-165 : Pay Items – Double Layer brick flat soling
Clause No. Description Units
29.2.2 Double layer brick flat soling Square Meter


Reinforced concrete approach slab covering the entire width of the roadway shall be provided as per details given on
the drawings or as approved by the Engineer. Minimum length of approach slab shall be 3.5m and minimum thickness
300 mm.
The cement content and reinforcement shall conform to SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE and SECTION 12: STEEL
REINFORCEMENT WORK respectively. The base for the approach slab shall be as shown on the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer.


29.4.1 Description
This work shall consist of supply and installation of reinforced concrete pipe culverts in accordance with these
Specifications and to the locations, lines, levels, grades and design shown on the Drawings and or as directed by the
Engineer. This shall also include collars of appropriate diameter for joining the pipes, if required.
The work shall further include connection of existing drains, which have been interrupted by the road construction to
the new drainage system, as directed by the Engineer.

29.4.2 Materials Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes
The reinforced cement concrete culvert pipes shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 170 or AASHTO M 242 (ASTM
C 76 or C 655). The pipes shall be of the tongue and group type or circular pipes joined with colors of appropriate
diameter. Specifications of the concrete to be used for manufacturing the pipes shall conform to the provisions stated
under the relevant Section of these Specifications. The concrete should have a mix for the strength to be achievable
with a proportion 1:1.5:3. The minimum thickness of the pipe wall shall be as shown on the Drawings.
Each consignment of cement concrete pipes shall be inspected, tested, if necessary, and approved by the Engineer
either at the place of manufacture or at the site before their incorporation in the works. Bricks
First class bricks shall be used for the masonry work in headwall while Picked Jhama bricks, broken into appropriate
gradation, shall be used for concrete work or khoa packing.
First class bricks shall comply with the following requirements:
Space etc. Sound, hard and well-burnt, uniform in size, shape and color, homogeneous in
texture and free from flaws and cracks. A fractured surface shall show a uniform
compact structure free from holes, lumps or grits.
Minimum crushing strength: 14 MPa.
Maximum water absorption: Increase in weight after one hours absorption in water shall not be more than 16

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Dimensions: 240mm x 120mm x 70mm (all dimensions ± 5mm).

Picked Jhama bricks shall comply with all the above requirements other than they shall be so over -burnt as to become
vitrified or distorted but not become porous or spongy. Cement
Cement shall be Portland cement conforming the requirement of BDS EN 197-1:2003 CEM II A/M 42.5 N. All other
properties of cement shall be the same as have been described under the Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR
STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Fine aggregate

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 6.
Sand shall be completely non-plastic and free from all clay, roots and other organic materials.
When sand is subject is to five alternations of sodium sulfate soundness test, the weight loss shall not be less than 10
mass percent.
Minimum F.M. of sand for any type of brickwork shall be 1.5. Water
Quality of water to be used in masonry work shall be similar to the requirements as have been described under the
Clause on SECTION 8: MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURE of these Specifications. Reinforcement
Reinforcement in pipes shall consist of hoops and longitudinal bars. Longitudinal reinforcement is about 1/4th to 1/5th of
the helical reinforcement. 6mm diameter bars at 23 cm centre to centre is usually adequate. Hoops are provided
concentric in 1 layer in the centre for pipes upto 60 cm diameter or in two concentric layers for large diameter pipes
under heavy external loads or internal pressure. Cement mortar

Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, cement mortar shall consist by volume of one part cement and two parts
screened sand. In each mortar just enough water shall be added and the components mixed and thoroughly
incorporated together to give a workability appropriate to its use. Mortar shall be used whilst freshly mixed and no
softening or re-tampering will be allowed.
Mortar shall be mixed in an approved mechanical mixer unless hand-mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer
and in a manner as to accurately determine and control the quantity of each ingredient in the mortar . The cement and
sand shall be first mixed dry until thoroughly mixed with the evidence that the mixture has taken a uniform color .
Approved quality of water shall then be added sparingly, only the minimum necessary, being used to produce a
workable mixture of normal consistency. If hand mixing is permitted, the operation shall be carried out on a clean
watertight platform and cement and sand shall be first mixed dry in the required proportion to obtain a uniform color
and then the mortar shall be mixed for at least two minutes after addition of water.
Only a sufficient quantity of sand and cement shall be mixed with water as can be used within 30 minutes after the
addition of water. The adding of additional water to and re-tempering cement mortar that stiffened because of
evaporation of water, shall be permitted only within thirty minutes from the time of addition of water at the time of
initial mixing. Mortar, which has taken the initial set shall neither be used nor be re-mixed with fresh mortar and such
mortar shall be discarded and removed from the work site.
At the close of each day’s work, the mixing trough and pans shall be thoroughly cleaned.

29.4.3 Construction Methods Excavation
Procedures for earth excavation as laid down under the requirements of Clause 3.3“EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES” of
these Specifications shall be followed.

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The foundation bed for pipe culverts shall be excavated true to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The pipes shall be placed in shallow excavation of the natural ground or in open trenches cut
in existing embankments, taken down to levels as shown on the drawings. In case of high embankments where the
height of fill is more than three times the external diameter of the pipe, the embankment shall first be built to an
elevation above the top of the pipe equal to the external diameter of the pipe, and to width on each side of the pipe of
not less than five times the diameter of pipe, after which a trench shall be excavated and the pipe shall be laid.
Where trenching is involved, its width on either side of the pipe shall be a minimum of 150 mm or one- fourth of the
diameter of the pipe whichever is more and shall not be more than one -third the diameter of the pipe. The sides of the
trench shall be as nearly vertical as possible.
The pipe shall be placed where the ground for the foundation is reasonably firm . Installation of pipes under existing
bridges or culverts shall be avoided as far as possible. When during excavation the material encountered is soft, spongy
or other unstable soil, and unless other special construction methods are called for on the drawings or in special
provisions, such unsuitable material shall be removed to such depth, width and length as directed by the Engineer . The
excavation shall then be backfilled with approved granular material which shall be properly shaped and thoroughly
compacted upto the specified level.
Where bed-rock or boulder strata are encountered, excavation shall be taken down to atleast 200 mm below the
bottom level of the pipe with prior permission of the Engineer and all rock/boulders in this area be removed and the
space filled with approved earth, free from stone or fragmented material, shaped to the requirements and thoroughly
compacted to provide adequate support for the pipe.
Trenches shall be kept free from water until the pipes are installed and the joints have hardened. Concrete cradle bedding

In order to provide a strong foundation, the bottom must be shaped to fit the pipe and hollowed out to receive the
socket and make joints so that the pipes rest throughout their entire length on the solid foundation and the bearing of
a pipe is eventually taken by the body of the pipes and not by the sockets. This method can be adopted in firm ground
but in a soft soil the trench bottom must necessarily be flat and a cradle of lean concrete is necessary. The bedding
should extend at least 150mm beyond and both sides of the projections of the pipe. The thickness of the concrete
below the pipe shall not be less than 150mm and over in diameter. It may be placed over a layer of brick flat soling
with Specifications and in a manner stated under the Clause 29.2“BRICK FLAT SOLING”.
Lean concrete used for cradle shall have 28 days compressive strength (cylinder test) of 10 MPa.
The pipes shall be laid on the concrete bedding before the concrete has set. The shape and dimension of the Cradle
shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Laying of pipe

Each pipe should be carefully examined for soundness before laying. It should be rung with a light hammer and those
that do not ring true and clear be rejected.
The outlet shall be excavated before the pipe is laid. No pipe shall be laid in position until the foundation has been
approved by the Engineer. Where two or more pipes are to be laid adjacent to each other, they shall be separated by a
distance equal to at least half the diameter of the pipe subject to a minimum of 450 mm.
The arrangement for lifting, loading and unloading concrete pipes from factory/yard and at site shall be such that the
pipes do not suffer any undue structural strain, any damage due to fall or impact . The arrangement may be got
approved by the Engineer.
Similarly, the arrangement for lowering the pipe in the bed shall be got approved by the Engineer . It may be with
tripod-pulley arrangement or simply by manual labour in a manner that the pipe is placed in the proper position
without damage.
The laying of pipes on the prepared foundation shall start from the outlet and proceed towards the inlet and be
completed to the specified lines and grades. In case of use of pipes with bell-mouth, the belled end shall face upstream.
The pipes shall be fitted and matched so that when laid in work, they form a culvert with a smooth uniform invert.
Any pipe found defective or damaged during laying shall be removed at the cost of the Contractor. Jointing

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The pipes shall be jointed either by collar joint or by flush joint. In the former case, the collars shall be of RCC 150 to 200
mm wide and having the same strength as the pipes to be jointed. Caulking space shall be between 13 and 20 mm
according to the diameter of the pipe. Caulking material shall be slightly wet mix of cement and sand in the ratio of 1:2
rammed with caulking irons. Before caulking, the collar shall be so placed that its center coincides with the joint and an
even annular space is left between the collar and the pipe.
Flush joint may be internal flush joint or external flush joint. In either case, the ends of the pipes shall be specially
shaped to form a self centering joint with a jointing space 13 mm wide. The jointing space shall be filled with cement
mortar, 1 cement to 2 sand, mixed sufficiently dry to remain in position when forced with a trowel or rammer. Care
shall be taken to fill all voids and excess mortar shall be removed.
For jointing pipe lines under light hydraulic pressure, the recess at the end of the pipe shall be filled with jute braiding
dipped in hot bitumen or other suitable approved compound. Pipes shall be so jointed that the bitumen ring of one
pipe shall set into the recess of the next pipe. The ring shall be thoroughly compressed by jacking or by any other
suitable method.
All joints shall be made with care so that their interior surface is smooth and consistent with the interior surface of the
pipes. After finishing, the joint shall be kept covered and damp for at least four days. Headwalls and Other Ancillary Works

Headwalls, wing walls, aprons and other ancillary works shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on
the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Masonry for the walls shall conform to Clause 29.1“BRICK MASONRY
WORKS”. Back filling

The complete pipe run shall be inspected and accepted by the Engineer, including the level and grade before back filling
Trenches shall be backfilled immediately after the pipes have been laid and the jointing material has hardened . The
backfill soil shall be clean, free from boulders, large roots, excessive amounts of sods or other vegetable matter, and
lumps and shall be approved by the Engineer. Backfilling upto 300 mm above the top of the pipe shall be carefully done
and the soil thoroughly rammed, tamped or vibrated in layers not exceeding 150 mm, particular care being taken to
thoroughly consolidate the materials under the haunches of the pipe. Approved pneumatic or light mechanical tamping
equipment can be used.
Filling of the trench shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of the pipe in such a manner that unequal
pressures do not occur. In case of high embankment, after filling the trench upto the top of the pipe in the above said
manner, a loose fill of a depth equal to external diameter of the pipe shall be placed over the pipe before further layers
are added and compacted.

29.4.4 Opening of Traffic

No traffic shall be permitted to cross the pipe line unless height of filling above the top of the pipe line is atleast 600

29.4.5 Measurement
The concrete cradle, brickwork and back filling shall be measured as the volume in cubic meters . Back filling shall be
measured as the accepted compacted volume in cubic meters. Brick flat soling in foundation shall be measured in
square meter as per drawing. Pointing shall be measured in exposed surfaces of the brickwork in square meter. The
volume shall be computed as the volume bounded by the measured length of pipe run, the trench width shown on the
Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. The installation of the pipe shall be measured as the length in linear meters of
pipe installed complete and accepted.

29.4.6 Payment
The work measured shall be paid at the Contract unit prices as shown in the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be full
compensation for the supply of materials and execution of the work including all necessary labour, equipment, tools
and incidentals.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -166.

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Table 29- 166 : Pay Items – Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culverts

Clause No. Description Units
29.3 Supplying pre-cast RCC Pipes Linear meter
Brick flat soling (Single layer) Square meter
Concrete cradle Bedding, Brickwork and Sand Back filling Cubic meter
Pointing to exposed surface in brick work Square meter


29.5.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing and fixing in position of drainage spouts and drainage pipes for bridge decks.
Drainage along longitudinal direction shall be ensured by sufficient number of drainage fixtures embedded in the deck
slab. The spouts shall be of not less than 100 mm in diameter and shall be of corrosive resistant material such as
galvanized steel with suitable cleanout fixtures. The spacing of drainage spouts shall not exceed 10 m. The discharge
from drainage spout shall be kept away from the deck structure. In case of viaducts in urban areas, the drainage spouts
should be connected with suitably located pipelines to discharge the surface run-off to drains provided at ground level.

29.5.2 Fabrication
The drainage assembly shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown on the drawings; all materials shall be corrosion
resistant; steel components shall be of mild steel. The drainage assembly shall be seam welded for water tightness and
then hot-dip galvanized.

29.5.3 Placement
The galvanized assembly shall be given two coats of bituminous painting before placement. The whole assembly shall
be placed in true position, lines and levels as shown in the drawing with necessary cut-out in the shuttering for deck
slab and held in place firmly. Where the reinforcements of the deck are required to be cut, equivalent reinforcements
shall be placed at the corners of the assembly.

29.5.4 Finishing
After setting of the deck slab concrete, the shrinkage cracks around the assembly shall be totally sealed with
polysulphide sealant or bituminous sealant and the excess sealant trimmed to receive the wearing coat. After the
wearing coat is completed, similar sealant shall be finished to cover at least 50 mm on the wearing coat surface all
round the drainage assembly.

29.5.5 Measurement
Drainage spouts shall be measured as unit for the complete work as detailed in drawings.

29.5.6 Payment
The contract unit rate for each drainage spout shall include the cost of all necessary labour, material, tools and plant
required for completing the work as per these Specifications. It shall also include the cost of providing flow drain pipes
with all fixtures upto the point of ground drains wherever shown on the drawings.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -167.
Table 29-167 : Pay Items – Drainage Spouts
Clause No. Description Units
29.5 Drainage Spouts Each

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29.6.1 Description
The work shall consist of forming weep holes in solid plain concrete/reinforced concrete, brick masonry, abutment,
wing wall and return walls as shown on the approved working drawing or directed by the Engineer to drive moisture
from the back filling.
While constructing abutment, wing wall and return wall weep holes shall be provided therein unless shown otherwise
in the relevant drawings and filter layer approximately 1m wide right up against the wall to its full height shall be
provided. Unless otherwise shown the weep holes shall be of concrete pipe of 100 mm diameter and shall extend
through the full width of the concrete/masonry wall with slope of about 1 vertical to 20 horizontal towards the drawing
face. The spacing of weep holes shall be generally 1.5 m in either direction and shall be staggered. The lowest ones shall
be located at about 300 mm above the low water level or ground level whichever is higher, or as directed by the
Engineer. In general, one weep hole per 1.5 square meter of vertical surface shall be provided.

29.6.2 Screening Holes

Weep holes shall be covered at the back face of the wall with hardware mesh, approximately 10mm mesh size, with
aluminum or galvanized steel wire. The aluminum wire, and steel wire before galvanizing, shall have a diameter 0.6mm
minimum. The hardware mesh shall be fastened to the wall surface by masonry nails or other method approved by the
Engineer. Alternative proposal of screening the weep hole openings may be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

29.6.3 Backup Material

Screened weep holes shall be backed with sacked backup material. The grading of the sacked material shall be as

Sieve Designation Percentage Passing

50 mm 100
40 mm 85 – 100
25 mm 52 – 85
20 mm 0 – 17
10 mm 0-7

The volume of the sacked material behind each weep hole shall be about 0.125 m3 approximate size 0.5 meter cube
and shall be placed firmly against the wall.

29.6.4 Tests and Standards of Acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed criteria.
The work shall conform to these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

29.6.5 Measurement
The measurement shall be in number of weep holes provided, including screening and the sacked backfill material.

29.6.6 Payment
The unit rate shall include all material, labour, tools, equipment and all incidentals to complete the job including cost of
providing holes, screening and the sacked backfill material around the weep holes.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -168.
Table 29-168 : Pay Items – Weep Holes
Clause No. Description Units
29.6 Weep Holes Each

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29.7.1 Description
This work shall consist of the construction of all kinds of manholes, catch basins, drainage channels, pipe end walls,
head walls and other miscellaneous structures in brickwork or of the required class or classes of concrete, with or
without reinforcement constructed in accordance with these Specifications and to the lines, levels, grades and
dimensions shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer. The work shall also include excavation, bedding and
backfilling with suitable material in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications.

29.7.2 Materials
Concrete shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. The concrete shall be Grade 25
unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
Reinforcement, where required shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK.
Brickwork shall conform to the requirements of Clause 29.1“BRICK MASONRY WORKS”.

29.7.3 Construction Methods General
Construction methods given under Clause 3.3“EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES”, SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE,
SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK, and Clause 29.1“BRICK MASONRY WORKS” shall apply to this item unless
otherwise described. Manholes and Catch Basins

Manholes shall be completed before the adjacent roadway surfacing is placed. They shall not be constructed in
Embankment areas, until the earthworks have reached sub grade level.
Frames for gratings and covers for manholes and catch basins shall be properly secured as indicated in the Drawings so
as to be held rigidly in place to proper grade and alignment. Rocking gratings and covers will not be accepted.
Inlet and outlet pipe of manholes shall be set or cut flush with the inside faces of the walls of such structures and shall
extend a sufficient distance beyond the outside faces of the walls to provide ample room for making proper
connections. The joint around the pipe in the structure wall shall be completely and neatly closed with mortar, or other
material as may be specified, so as to make it watertight. Concrete Side Ditch and U-Drain

Concrete Side ditches and U-drains shall be constructed to the dimensions and details shown on the Drawings. Headwalls to Culvert Pipes

All headwalls to culvert pipes shall be formed in brickwork to the dimensions and details shown on the Drawings.

29.7.4 Measurement
Manholes, catch basins, drains and Headwalls to culvert pipes will be measured for payment by number of each type as
indicated in the Bill of Quantities, completed and accepted in place.
Excavation, side support if necessary, sand bedding, lean concrete inlet pipes, grate bars, slide gates, covers and
gratings, ladder rungs, service pipes and house connection pipes will be considered incidental to the construction of the
manhole and not measured as such.
Concrete side ditches and U-drains will be measured for payment by number of linear meters completed and accepted
in place. Excavation, bedding, formwork, joints, covers etc. will not be measured separately.

29.7.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above will be paid for at the Contract unit price for each particular item, such price and
payment constituting full compensation for all material, labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete
the work.

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The complete work includes all work associated with the structure as indicated on the Drawings or in these
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -169.
Table 29- 169 : Pay Items – Drainage and other Miscellaneous Structures
Clause No. Description Units
29.5 Manhole (Diameter as stated in the Bill of Quantities) Number
Catch Basin (Diameter as stated in the Bill of Quantities) Number
Concrete Side Ditch / U-Drain (As detailed on the drawings) Linear Meter
Brick Headwall to Culvert Pipe (Pipe Diameter as stated in the Bill of Quantities) Number


29.8.1 Description
The work shall consist of the excavation, removal and disposal of materials for the formation of roadside drains in
accordance with these Specifications and as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The work will
include excavation of the lead-offs to allow the water to flow freely away from the road.

29.8.2 Materials
Excavated materials declared suitable for incorporation in the works shall be stock piled while those declared
unsuitable shall be disposed of, all at the direction of the Engineer.

29.8.3 Construction Method

The side drain works shall be set out and excavated to the lines, levels, grades and cross-sections, and in the locations
as shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer, including the lead-offs. The drains shall be excavated to
ensure that water flows freely away from the side of the road. The Contractor shall not excavate outside the slopes or
below the established level, or loosen any material outside the limits of excavation. Any excess depth excavated below
the established level shall be made good at the cost of the Contractor with suitable material and compacted.
The slopes and base of the drain shall be trimmed.

29.8.4 Measurement
Roadside drains shall be measured in linear meters of length excavated complete and accepted. Measurements shall be
made along the centre-line of the drain.

29.8.5 Payment
The work as measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for each linear meter of side drain excavated .
Payment shall be full compensation for carrying out the operations required including setting out, hauling of excavated
material, trimming slopes and base, and all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -170.
Table 29- 170 : Pay Items – Excavation of Side Drain
Clause No. Description Units
29.8 Excavation of Side Drain Linear Meter


29.9.1 Description
The work shall consist of brick lining and plastering of excavated side drains in accordance with these Specifications and
as shown on the drawings.

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29.9.2 Materials
Bricks shall be First Class as specified in Article 8.1of these Specifications. The plaster shall be as specified these

29.9.3 Construction Method

The placing of the brick lining shall not commence until the excavated and prepared side drain has been accepted by
the Engineer.
The brick lining shall be laid as brick flat soling with frogs downward as specified in these Specifications or as shown on
the Drawings. Plastering shall be of 12mm thickness or as shown on the Drawings, and shall be done as specified in
these Specifications.

29.9.4 Measurement
This work shall be measured in linear meters of side drain brick-lined complete and accepted. Measurements shall be
made along the centre-line of the drain.

29.9.5 Payment
The work as measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for each linear metre of side drain brick -lined.
Payment shall be full compensation for carrying out the operations required including materials, all labour, tools,
equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -171.
Table 29-171 : Pay Items – Brick-Lining of Side Drain
Clause No. Description Units
29.9 Brick-Lining of Side Drain Linear Meter


29.10.1 Description
This work shall consist of supply and installation of pre-cast concrete bollards as kilometer posts, including necessary
concrete foundation and all fixtures, in accordance with these Specifications and at the locations and in accordance
with the sizes, dimensions and designs shown on the Drawings.

29.10.2 Materials
The concrete bollards shall be pre-cast in the shape and manner designated on the Drawings and the concrete shall
conform to the requirements of Clause 4.16 of these Specifications. Reinforcement shall conform to the requirements
of Clause 4.24 of these Specifications.
The bollards to be used shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation.

29.10.3 Construction Method

As progress of the work permits the Engineer will authorise the location of each kilometer post.
Foundation concrete shall be laid after holding the posts in position by suitable temporary supporting system. Soil
around the posts shall be backfilled and properly compacted after installation of the posts . Temporary supporting
system shall be removed only after foundation concrete has properly set and the backfilling has been completed . The
posts shall be painted and marked as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

29.10.4 Measurement
This work shall be measured for payment as the number of kilometer posts supplied, installed and accepted.

29.10.5 Payment

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This work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for each post. The payment shall be full compensation
for supply and installation, including all material, labour, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -172.
Table 29-172 : Pay Items – Kilometer Posts
Clause No. Description Units
29.10 Supply and Installation of Kilometer Posts Each


29.11.1 Description
This work shall consist of supply and installation of the pre-cast concrete guard posts including necessary concrete
foundation and all fixtures, at bridge approaches and on sharp curves in accordance with these Specifications and as
shown in the Drawings.

29.11.2 Materials
The guard posts shall be pre-cast in the shape and manner designated in the Drawings and the concrete shall conform
to the requirements of these Specifications. Reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 12: STEEL
REINFORCEMENT WORK of these Specifications.
The guard posts to be used shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation.

29.11.3 Construction Method

As progress of the work permits the Engineer shall authorize the location of guard posts.
Foundation concrete shall be laid after holding the posts in position by suitable temporary supporting system. Soil
around the posts shall be backfilled and properly compacted after installation of the posts . Temporary supporting
system shall be removed only after the foundation concrete has properly set and the backfilling has been completed .
The guard posts shall be painted with luminous paint either yellow or black or any other color subject to the approval
by the Engineer.

29.11.4 Measurement
This work shall be measured as the number of guard posts supplied, installed and accepted.

29.11.5 Payment
The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for each guard post. The payment shall be full
compensation for all operations necessary to complete the work including all material, labour, equipment, tools and
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -173.
Table 29- 173 : Pay Items – Guard Post
Clause No. Description Units
29.11 Supply and Installation of Guard Posts Number


29.12.1 Description
This work shall consist of supplying and installing Armco type guard rail or approved equipment complete with posts,
end pieces and fitting bolts at locations over culverts as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

29.12.2 Materials

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Guardrail shall be galvanized Armco Flex Beam 310x85mm or approved equipment. Galvanized posts shall be Armco
type “U” 120x 80x6 or approved equipment. All end pieces, fittings etc. shall be of equivalent quality.
Concrete shall be of grade 25 as per relevant Clause of this specification.

29.12.3 Construction Method

Installation shall be in terms of manufacturers recommendations. All parts and guardrail must be located within 
30mm of levels and alignment shown on drawings.
Ground must be mounded to cover ends rails.

29.12.4 Measurement
Measurement for completed work will be based on actual length of guardrail installed including end pieces.

29.12.5 Payment
Payment will be based on length of completed guardrail and shall include supply of all posts rails, end pieces, fittings
etc. together with their installation including concreting of posts all in accordance with drawings and specifications.
Pay items shall be as per unit rate of the item as shown in the BoQ.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -174.
Table 29- 174 : Pay Items – Guard Rail
Clause No. Description Units
29.12 Supply and Installation of Guard Rails Number


29.13.1 Description
This work shall consist of providing and fixing the Boundary Pillars in position along the Right of Way Line on both sides
of the road alignment.

29.13.2 Materials
The Boundary Pillars shall be of precast reinforced concrete of 20 MPa strength. Steel reinforcement shall be of grade
400 ribbed/ deformed bar as specified in clause No. 4.24.

29.13.3 Finishes
Proper care shall be taken in handling the precast Boundary Pillars in order to avoid any damage . Soil around the pillars
shall be properly compacted after installation. The pillars shall be vertical in position after installation.

29.13.4 Measurement for Payment

The Boundary Pillars shall be true to the dimensions as shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer . The pillars
shall be measured in number fixed in position and accepted. No other component therein, like reinforcing steel etc.
shall be measured separately.

29.13.5 Payment
The rate shall be the full compensation for providing all materials, form work, reinforcing steel, accessories including all
transportation, labour, excavation, backfill, fixing in position and any other incidentals complete.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -175.
Table 29-175 : Pay Items – Boundary Pillars
Clause No. Description Units
29.13 Supply and Installation of Boundary Pillars Number

Page | 462


29.14.1 Description
This work shall consist of application of paints for road marking on the completed road surface at the locations and in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings and as prescribed in these specifications or as indicated by the
Engineer. Road markings, as described hereunder, are defined as lines, patterns, arrows, words or other devices applied
to the carriageway or kerbs or to objects within or adjacent to the carriageway to signify the delineation of traffic path,
its lateral clearance and the proximity of obstruction for safe movement, control, warning, guidance or information for
road users.

29.14.2 Material
Pavement marking paints shall be an approved quality with non-reflective type of color as shown on drawing with
provision for using glass beads of approved quality in order to reflectorize the road marking as directed by the Engineer .
Paints shall be thoroughly and evenly matured and free from defects which affect appearance and serviceability . Before
delivery of the materials to the site, the contractor shall produce to the Engineer for his approval, a certificate of origin
specifying physical and chemical characteristics of constituents of paints from a recognized and approved
manufacturer. Before delivery to the site or during the course of work, the Engineer may call for any tests considered
necessary for the acceptance of the materials or for control of their application. All such tests shall be performed by
and at the expense of the contractor and shall be considered subsidiary to road marking works. Tests shall be
performed for abrasion resistant together with heat and water-resistant properties, hardness, viscosity, flash point,
specific gravity etc. The extender shall be calcium carbonate from chalk, silica flour or other approved material. The
proportioning of various ingredients of paints shall be such that the material, when in a molten state, shall be applied
readily onto the road surface to give an even line of good definition and free of mold marks, indentations, air bubbles or
other objectionable marks or discoloration.
For white marking, the pigment shall be titanium dioxide and its content shall be such as to give a minimum luminous
factor as approved by the Engineer. For yellow marking the pigment shall be chromate based which is of sufficiently
stable color. The pigment content used shall however depend on the color required by the Engineer. Only fresh and
sealed containers of paints, without thinner or any other additive, unless permitted, shall be used.

29.14.3 Construction Method

Road markings shall be applied with laying machine capable of applying the paint at the specified widths and specified
rates of application. In no case shall the contractor, proceed with work until the equipment, method of application and
rate of application, as established by a test section, have been agreed by the Engineer.
The edge lines shall be 100 mm wide and continuous yellow (non-reflectorized) in the position as shown on drawing
along both edges of the carriageway except at entry/exit of intersection where a broken edge line will be used.
The centerline or lane lines shall be dashed having a 100 mm wide non-reflectorized white paint with 3 meter long lines
with a space of 6 meters between line segments. Road markings at junctions and elsewhere shall be to the dimensions
shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer. No road marking paint shall be applied prior to the completion of
shoulder surface treatment. Road marking paint shall not be applied to a damp surface or when the relative humidity
exceeds 80% or at a temperature lower than 10oC. Markings shall be applied to bituminous surface only after sufficient
time has elapsed to ensure that damage will not be caused to the painted surface by volatile substances evaporating
from the bituminous surfacing. In no case shall road marking be applied without approval of Engineer or until at least
48 hours after the completion of bituminous surfacing. Before application the surface should be cleaned and dry and
completely free from any soil, grease or oil, acid or any other material which will be detrimental to the bond between
the paint and surface. The portion of the surface where the paint is to be applied shall be properly cleaned by means of
brooms or compressed air if required. The lines, symbols, figures or marks shall be set out by means of paint spots of
the same color as the proposed final lines and marks. These spot marks shall be at such intervals as to ensure that the
road markings can be accurately applied and in no case shall they be more than 1 .5 m from each other. The dimension
and position of marking shall be as shown on the drawing or as specified in these specifications or as directed by the
Engineer. The paint shall be applied as figures, signs, letters, symbols, broken or unbroken lines or other marks as
required. Where the paint is applied by means of machine, it shall be applied in one layer. Before the road marking
machine is used on the permanent work, the satisfactory working of the machine shall be demonstrated on a suitable
site which is not part of the permanent work. Adjustment to the machine shall be followed by further testing. Only
when the machine has been correctly adjusted and uses thereof approved by the Engineer after testing, the machine

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then may be used on permanent works. Paint shall be applied without the addition of thinner unless permitted. In
places where painting is to be done by hand, it shall be applied in two layers and the second layer shall not be applied
before the first layer dried out sufficiently. The rate of application shall be as per manufacturer's specification or as
otherwise directed by the Engineer. Lines or curves, whether broken or unbroken, shall not consist of chords but shall
closely follow the correct radius. Any road markings which do not comply with the requirements, shall be repaired by
the contractor at his own cost. Rejected traffic marking shall be removed in such a way that the markings will not show
up again. Tolerance
The completed paint work shall have a neat appearance with sharply defined edges and the markings shall be within
the tolerance specified below:
Lines and other markings shall not deviate from specified width by more than 5%.
The position of lines, letters, figures, arrows and other markings shall not deviate from the specified positions by more
than 20 mm.
The edges of longitudinal lines shall not deviate from the true edge by more than 10 mm in 15 meter.
The length of segments of broken lines in the longitudinal direction shall not deviate from the specified length by more
than 100 mm.
After the application of the paint, the road markings shall be protected against damage by traffic or other Causes. The
contractor is responsible for the faulty workmanship or substandard work. The paint which has been splashed or
dripped on the surfacing, structures or other such surfaces shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost.

29.14.4 Measurement
The quantities of road marking shall be measured in the number of square meters of painted surface measured in
place, completed and accepted excluding the intermittent gaps.

29.14.5 Payment
The quantities as measured above shall be paid for at the contract unit rate for the items as shown in the BoQ in
Section-VII. The contract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing all materials, labour, tools, equipment
and incidentals necessary for the proper completion of work as specified in these specifications and as directed by the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -176.
Table 29-176 : Pay Items – Road Marking
Clause No. Description Units
29.14 Providing and applying Road marking with ready mixed road sqm
marking paint (Two coats for new surface)
Providing and applying Road marking with ready mixed road Sqm
marking paint (Two coats on old surface)
Providing and applying Road marking with 2.5mm thick hot Sqm
applied thermoplastic compound


29.15.1 Description
The work shall consist of the supply and installation of road signs and post assemblies including necessary concrete
foundation along with all fixtures, as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer . The signs shall be erected
at the locations shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor’s shall follow the existing guidelines, ‘Traffic Signs Manual – Bangladesh Road Transport Authority’.

29.15.2 Design
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The signs to be installed are of two types:

a) Warning, regulatory and information signs, each sign mounted on a single post;
b) Direction signs (including destination & place identification), each sign mounted on two posts.
All signs shall be erected vertically with proper orientation in respect of traffic flow. The actual place of installation of
signs will be determined by the Engineer depending on site conditions.
Post lengths shown on the Drawing are for bidding purposes only. As progress of the work permits, the Engineer will
authorize the location of each sign, with the station and offset distance from the edge of pavement. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the determination of post lengths to provide the vertical clearance shown on the drawing.
At least 60 (sixty) days before the erection of any sign the Contractor shall supply detailed drawings, specifications and
a sample sign for the Engineer's approval.

29.15.3 Materials
The post shall be of welded or seamless galvanized iron pipe of internal diameter not less than 75mm . alternatively, at
the option of the Contractor and if permitted by the Engineer, the posts may be fabricated from structural steel.
The sign boards shall be of sheet steel or aluminum, and shall be securely and permanently attached to the posts.
The sign boards shall be painted prior to installation.

29.15.4 Construction Methods

Foundation concrete shall be laid after holding the posts in position by suitable temporary supporting system. Soil
around the posts shall be backfilled and properly compacted after installation of the posts . Temporary supporting
system shall be removed only after the foundation concrete has properly set and the backfilling has been completed.

29.15.5 Measurement
This work shall be measured as the number of road signs erected and accepted.

29.15.6 Payment
The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit price for each sign. The payment shall be full compensation for
supplying all materials, tools, labour, equipment and incidental necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -177.
Table 29-177 : Pay Items – Road Signs
Clause No. Description Units
29.15 Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorized cautionary, mandatory Number
and informatory sign


29.16.1 Description
This work shall consist of furnishing and installing boundary post (herein referred to as Right of Way Marker Post) at
locations as directed by the Engineer to define right of way for acquisition of land or otherwise required for the
construction of road in conformity with the size and shape as shown on drawing or as directed by the Engineer.

29.16.2 Material
Right of way marker post shall be constructed with 150 mm square reinforced concrete posts as specified in the
drawing. Concrete shall be grade 25. A portion of backfilling the excavated portion shall also be done with concrete as
directed by the Engineer. Cement, coarse aggregate, sand shall be proportioned by volume. Proportioning of sand shall
be as per its dry volume and in case it is damp, allowance for bulking shall be made as directed by the Engineer .
Quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability. Unless otherwise
instructed, concrete used in backfill shall be grade 15.

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29.16.3 Construction Method

A setting out details first be carried out to identify the location in accordance with lines along which posts are proposed
to be installed and at intervals as decided by the Engineer. Excavation shall then be carried out at approved location for
making foundation of posts. The excavation shall be supported so that the ground alongside the excavation will not
slide or settle. The holes then to be backfield with concrete and properly compacted upto bottom level of concrete
post. Posts must remain vertical at all times.

29.16.4 Measurement
The Right of Way Marker Posts shall be measured in numbers of posts actually installed and accepted and include,
concreting, backfilling in compliance with drawings and specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

29.16.5 Payment
The number of posts, as measured above, shall be paid for at the contract unit rate as per item shown in the BoQ in
Section-VII. The Contract unit rate shall be for payment in full compensation for furnishing all labour, carriage,
materials, tools, equipment, excavation and installation of posts and all other incidentals necessary to complete the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -178.
Table 29- 178 : Pay Items – Right of Way Marker Post
Clause No. Description Units
29.16 Providing and Installation of Right of Way Marker Post Number


29.17.1 Description
This work shall consist of construction of kerb and associated drainage outlets with approved material in accordance
and in conformity with lines, grades and typical cross sections and at locations as shown on the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer.

29.17.2 Materials
Kerbs and drainage outlets shall be of concrete Grade 30 without cement plaster and as approved by the Engineer . All
other materials required e.g. cement, sand steel etc. shall be in compliance with the requirements in SECTION 13:

29.17.3 Construction Method

Kerbs and drainage outlets shall be constructed conforming to the shape and size as shown on drawings. The method of
construction must comply with that of as set forth in SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of these specifications.
Drainage outlets shall be provided to drain out surface water as per drawings and specification or as directed by the

29.17.4 Measurement
Kerbs shall be measured in number of linear meters actually constructed and accepted in conformity with size and
shape as shown on drawing or as directed by the Engineer. The length however shall be measured at centerline of top
of finished surface new.
Drainage outlets will be measured as the linear meters from kerb to end of outlet with the distance measured being
along centerline of outlets.

29.17.5 Payment
Kerbs and Drainage outlets, as measured above, shall be paid for at the contract unit rates as per items as shown in the
BoQ. The contract unit rate shall be for payment in full compensation for furnishing all labour, carriage, material,
backfilling, tools, equipment, excavation, cutting pavement, drainage outlets and all other incidentals necessary to
complete the work.
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Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -178.

Table 29- 179 : Pay Items – Kerbs and Drainage Outlets
Clause No. Description Units
29.16 Construction of Kerbs Linear Meter
Construction of Drainage Outlet from Kerb Linear Meter

29.18 BUS BAY

29.18.1 Description
This work shall consist of constructing Bus-bay at locations of bus stoppage as decided by the Engineer with proper
signs in accordance with these specifications and drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The length of Bus-bay will
depend on storage bay length of number of buses to be pulled in plus tolerance, which shall be 15 metre minimum for
each bus or as directed by the Engineer.

29.18.2 Materials
Bus-bay shall be constructed at specified location by widening the formation level and pavement along with raised
kerbs for separating it from main carriageway with shape and dimension as shown on the drawing. The materials
required for various items of works involved in constructing the bus-bay e.g. earthwork, pavement, kerbs etc. shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this specification.

29.18.3 Construction Method

The various item of work involved shall be similar as specified in these specifications under different clauses for
materials, pavement, embankment, kerbs for the roadway.

29.18.4 Payment
Bus-bay shall be constructed at locations and accepted as determined from actual counts . Earthwork, pavement work,
shoulders shall be measured separately and will be paid for along with the respective items of works involved included
in the BoQ. Raised kerbs are required to form a complete bus bay unit. Drainage outlet shall be provided. Payment for
kerbs and Drainage outlets will be made through respective pay items in the BoQ.


29.19.1 Description
The item shall consist of providing median dividers in widened carriageways in towns and market areas for segregating
up and down traffic and shall be constructed with cement concrete precast or cast-in-situ; as approved by the Engineer
and to the lines, dimensions and grades shown on the drawings.

29.19.2 Materials
Median and lane divider shall be of Grade 30 concrete with cement plaster and as approved by the Engineer . All other
materials required that is cement sand and steel shall be in accordance with SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE and
SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK of these specifications.

29.19.3 Construction Method

Before construction of median kerbs, the contractor shall have detailed location approved by the Engineer. All concrete
work shall be carried out as per drawings and SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of these specifications. After the
kerbs have been completed, the median area shall be filled with sand and topped with concrete slab as per drawings.

29.19.4 Measurement
Median or lane divider will be measured in linear metres actually constructed and accepted in conformity with size and
details as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The length of the median shall be measured at the
centreline of top of finished median.
Page | 467

29.19.5 Payment
Median or lane divider measured above shall be paid for at the contract unit rate for the item as shown in the BoQ. The
contract unit rate shall be for payment in full compensation for furnishing all labour, carriage, material, backfilling,
tools, equipment, excavation, cutting pavement and all other incidentals necessary to complete the work.


29.20.1 Description
This item shall consist of providing footpaths in towns and market places at the extremities of the carriageway for ease
of movement for pedestrians and to reduce interference in the movement of vehicular traffic. Kerb and footpaths shall
be constructed with cement concrete at specified locations to lines, levels and grades as specified in the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The width of footpaths may be varied as per actual requirement at each location and as per
availability of land.

29.20.2 Material
Footpaths shall be constructed of concrete Grade 30 complying with SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of these

29.20.3 Construction Method

After the location, its length and the dimensions of the footpath and kerb with drains are fixed as per the directions of
the Engineer, the method of construction for cement concrete shall be as per SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of
these specifications. For footpaths the cement concrete may be cast-in-situ/precast. For precast footpath or with drain
contractor shall furnish in advance the method of casting and placing the precast units of cement concrete items
including kerbs in corner circular portion and details as well as dimensions of footpath slabs and get it approved from
the Engineer before starting the precast concrete work. All work or footpaths shall be as per drawings.

29.20.4 Measurement
The kerb shall be measured in linear meters actually constructed and accepted in conformity with size and dimensions
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The footpaths shall be measured in linear meters as actually
constructed and accepted in conformity with size and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the

29.20.5 Payment
Kerbs and drains shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit rates for the items as shown in BoQ . Payment for
footpaths shall include all costs necessary to complete construction to details supplied.


29.21.1 Description
This work involves the construction of toll plaza and pull off area complete with bituminous paved platform and
adjacent hut to be used for housing of toll the traffic controlling equipment and staff involved.

29.21.2 Material
All necessary pavement materials required shall comply with the various clauses of this specification.
Concrete work shall be Grade 30 as per SECTION 13: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE of these specifications and reinforcing
steel shall be Grade 400 as per SECTION 12: STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORK of these specifications.
The toll plaza shall be 20 square meter in area and shall be of equal standard complete with fittings furniture and
security fence and with toilet facilities.

29.21.3 Construction

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All necessary pavement materials required shall comply with relevant clauses of this specification and shall be in
location as instructed by the Engineer. Particular attention must be paid to level and crossfalls to ensure that water
ponding does not occur.
The hut shall be constructed complete with fittings, utilities, services and security fence as per specification . Location
and floor level of hut shall be as approval of the Engineer.

29.21.4 Measurement
All work associated with construction of pavement area will be measured as per relevant items in the specification . The
hut plus fittings utilities, services and security fence will be measured as one complete unit.

29.21.5 Payment
All pavement work will be paid at relevant item rate as measured as per contract unit rate as shown in the BoQ.


29.22.1 Description
The work shall consist of painting different elements of the structure as directed by the Engineer.

29.22.2 Materials & Construction Methods Red Oxide Paint
Quality red oxide paint over a coat of priming shall be provided in two coats. The surface where paint is intended to be
provided shall be cleaned in proper manner. This work shall include necessary scaffolding, supply of all materials as per
specifications or as directed by the Engineer. Synthetic Enamel Paint

The work shall consist in providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved tint and brand including removing
the old, cracked, bolstered paint by scraping, using a paint solvent or by any other approved method including
supplying paint etc. complete as per specifications of or as directed by the Engineer.

29.22.3 Measurement and Payment

The work as measured shall be paid for at the contract price for each square meter of paintwork executed. Payment
shall be full compensation for carrying out the operations required including materials, all labour, tools, equipment and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -180.
Table 29-180 : Pay Items – Painting Work
Clause No. Description Units
29.22 Providing red oxide paint square meter
Providing synthetic enamel paint square meter


29.23.1 General Scope of Work
The work consists of supply, delivery to site installation and putting into commission after requisite tests for the
BAKKHALI BRIDGE LIGHTING services and associated system:
The services comprise:
a) Bridge lighting
b) Approach lighting
c) Power connection from existing BPDB/REB system
Page | 469

d) L.T. distribution system for bridge/Approach lighting. Regulations and Standard

The electrical installation shall comply with these specifications with all relevant British Standard and Code of Practice
and with the Electricity Rules of the Government of Bangladesh and in particular with the followings:
a) BPDP/REB Authority requirement
b) Local fire prevention Authority requirement
c) British code of practice - current at the time of installation
d) All local authorities statutory by law of regulation.
e) Any special requirement of Chief Electrical Inspector, Government of Bangladesh. Environment
All equipment and material supplied shall be suitable for continuous operation and storage at
a) Temperature 5°C to 40°C
b) Relative Humidity - up to 98%
c) Attitude: Sea level
d) Air pollution - Industrial (assumed)
The equipment and materials shall be suitable for outdoor use. Programme
The Contractor shall provide at the tender stage a full detailed bar-chart of his proposed programme showing the
number of personnel required to complete the various installation within a given time scale starting and finishing date
of each activity including import of material commissioning as well as testing to suit the Authority requirement and up
to date modify or redraft the programme as necessary.
The programme shall comply with the overall completion dates. Materials and Workmanship

All materials and the constructional plant shall supply by the contractor. All the material shall be of highest quality and
the suitable for its intended use and shall comply with relevant British Standard or other international standard by and
be installed in accordance with codes of practice and manufacture’s recommendation and the specification.
All operatives shall be suitably qualified and experienced for the work they are carrying out. All workmanship shall be of
highest standard and shall be upto the satisfaction of the supervising officer. The contractor shall set up his own quality
control procedure to ensure that materials received on site are of the correct quality and are installed in the best
workmanship like manner.
Poor materials and workmanship or any material workmanship found not satisfactory by the Engineer-in-charge shall
be removed and replaced at once by the contractors at his own expenses and no extension of time will be granted as
result of any delay incurred. The contractor shall implement and maintain a quality system conforming to the
requirement of BS 5750 or equivalent standard approved by the purchaser, to enable full compliance with the
requirement of the specification. Name Manufactures/Suppliers

Not with standing that suppliers may have been named or approved by the Engineer-in-charge, it shall be the
contractor's responsibility to ensure that all materials and components are upto specification in respect of
manufacturer, finish and performance.
The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that such materials are available to suit the construction programme
and for ensuring that materials etc. are ordered in time to accommodate delivery to suit that requirement. Samples
The engineer-in-charge reserves the right to call for samples of some or all materials and products to be used.
The contractor shall obtain such samples as required and submit them to the Engineer -in-charge within 14 (fourteen)
days of a request to do so.

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The contractor shall allow in his tender for obtaining such samples as required. Material to be new and unused

All the materials to be supplied by the contractor under the terms of the contract shall be new . Any used or worn
material shall not be used in the works. Though they may satisfy the specifications. Supervision
The contractor shall employ a competent, qualified site engineer who shall be in charge of the work during all working
hours and shall be the dully accredited representative of the contractor empowered to take instructions from the
Engineer-in-charge and to execute same and who must be in attendance at the premises until the whole of the works
have been completed and accepted on behalf of the Client by the Engineer -in-charge. The construction site shall be the
normal place of work for the contractor's site Engineer and during his periods of absence from site, a deputy shall be
nominated and approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor’s representatives shall attend meetings at site or at
the offices of the professional team when called upon so to do. Operating Conditions and Guarantee

The contractor works shall be of such construction, manufacture and finish as to render them suitable for operating
throughout their expected life and to maintain design conditions. Working Drawing

The contractor shall be responsible for providing fully dimensioned installation working drawings for all and very pert of
the works. The working drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for approval in good time to meet an
agreed programme for the works.
The drawings shall include the following:
a) Detailed conduit, cables route and connection, design for street lighting poles, distribution boxes etc.
b) fully detailed coordinated drawings indicating all plant, equipment, cable routes, electrical conduits pipe work
that is to be installed, giving lines, levels and positions of equipment.
c) Drawings of manufactured and fabricated items and equipment.
d) Wiring diagrams showing external wiring between manufacturers equipment and controls, instruments and
instrument panels switchgear. Information Required with The Tender

a) The tender shall submit with tender the description of all materials and equipment that he proposes to use
along with their technical literature. BSS references, performance figures, wiring diagram and dimension of the
b) Name of manufacturers of the major items being offered.
c) A statement of compliance as the specification.
d) Confirmation that the proposed layout is satisfactory. As Fitted Record Drawings

The contractor shall supply to the Engineer-in-charge as a pre-requisite to practical completion of the works,
comprehensive as fitted record drawings finalized in detail and approved by Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall
demonstrate from time to time as required by the Engineer-in-charge throughout the execution of the works, that
adequate and accurate records are being kept such as well ensure the ultimate completeness and accuracy of as fitted
record drawing and that the record drawings themselves are being progressively compiled as the work on site
The contractor shall submit one copy of the as fitted drawings for the Engineer-in-charge approval prior to supply of
final negatives. Operating and Maintenance Instruction

At the time of practical completion of the contract the contractor shall provide complete set at operating and
maintenance instruction manuals in approved good quality ring binders with printed covers. The type, size,

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appearances and cover printing of the manuals shall be agreed with the Engineer -in-charge and samples shall be
submitted for final approval before supplying the required number of manuals.
The operating and maintenance manuals shall contain:
a) A complete description of each mechanical and electrical system including control systems, giving its function
or purpose, duties, method of operation, balancing or adjusting, related to the appropriate ''As fitted "
drawings and cross-referenced as necessary.
b) Instruction for any precautionary measure from time to time necessary (e.g. corrosion etc.).
c) A complete set of test certificates as appropriate to the various electrical system and equipment. Testing and Commissioning General
The procedure for commissioning and testing shall be agreed with the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall then conduct the tests and provide all facilities for the Architect to witness and inspect all their
results, instruments and labour for those tests shall be provided by the contractor and records shall be made by the
contractor of all tests and the results submitted to the Engineer-in-charge on approved test certificates and test result
Facilities shall be made available for representative of the Engineer BPDB and Chief Electrical Inspector . Government of
Bangladesh to witness tests as required. A suitable qualified representative of the contractor shall be available for all
Where tests show that the plant and equipment do not function in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer -in-charge
meeting the design parameters laid down by the Engineer-in-charge then the contractor shall carry out at their own
expense such remedial works as may be required. Electrical Work Test and Inspection

Testing of equipment at the manufacturers works prior to dispatch shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant
B.S. Specifically or Code of practice and manufacturers recommendations and the contractor shall submit copies
of the manufacturers test certificates to the Engineer for approval. Electrical Site Test

The contractor shall carry out site tests on completed installations in accordance with the current edition of the IEE
Regulations, the appropriate B.S. Specification/Code of practice, and equipment manufacturers recommendations. The
tests shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a) LV Cables
Upon completion of a cable end or straight through joint and before connection to any equipment, an installation
resistance test shall be carried out and an infinity reasing obtained with a 2000 Volt Meter. A similar test shall be
carried out after the expiration of an agreed period and should lower values of insulation resistance be obtained, the
faulty seals shall be re-made at the contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge.
The continuity of each cable sheath shall be tested between the point at which the earthing connection is may to the
switchboard and the most distant point of the run.

b) Earthing
The resistance of all earth electrodes, shall be measured as laid down in BS CP 1013 (1965) and the current edition of
the IEE Regulation of earth electrode networks for power earthing shall not exceed 2 Ohms. Continuity tests using a
"Ductor Ohmeter" type low voltage heavy current instrument shell also be carried out. Visual Inspection

a) A visual inspection shall be made to verify that the power installation equipment is: In compliance with the
Standards quoted in this specification, correctly selected and erected. Not visibly damaged.
b) The visual inspection shall include, as relevant
i) Connection of conductors,

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ii) identification of conductors

iii) selection of conductors for current carrying capacity and voltage drop.
iv) connection of single pole devices for protection or switching in phase conductors only ton distribution
circuits only)
v) presence of fire barrirs and protection against thermal effects,
vi) methods of protection against direct contract (including measurement of distance where appropriate)

29.23.2 Constructional Requirement Light Fixture
The light fittings shall comply with the relevant requirement of applicable BS including BS 4533 . The light feature shall
be 90W low pressure sodium lamp (SOX-90W) complete with starting gears, holder, light weight glass fiber reinforced
polyester housing, clear methacrylate bowl, high purity anodized aluminum reflectors. All exposed metal parts of
stainless steel, suitable for side entry on mast, Neoprene ring in spigot-entry to prevent ingress of water and insects etc.
Appropriate samples of light fixture shall be submitted prior to installation. The street light fixture shall be installed in
accordance with applicable fitting layout drawing. Each fitting shall be complete with all accessories and consumable
shall be considered as one unit. Street Light Post

Steel galvanized pole as specified in the drawings shall be fabricated and installed as per relevant code and standards
and BPDB's standard. A junction box complete with accessories and opening lid just above the base plate of pole shall
be provided.
The pole shall have galvanized steel base plate of 16mm thick of size 310mm x 310mm with a hole of 37mm dia. at the
center and four hole of size 20mm at the corners of the plate. The distance between the poles shall be as specified in
the layout drawing. The pole shall be octagonal in shape with minimum 65-micron thick galvanizing. Top & bottom
diameter of the pole shall not be less than 90 mm and 160 mm respectively. Sheet thickness of the pole shall not be less
than 4 mm and the height of pole shall not be less than 7m.
Arrangement shall be provided for termination of cables at each pole complete with connectors fuse, earthling block,
sealing arrangement at the entrance of the cable to avoid ingress of water and vermin. The sealing of the cable at pole
shall be water light. PVC Insulated Cable

The cables shall be armoured/ non-armoured as specified on the drawings/schedule, shall have 600/1090 volt grade
PVC insulation and shall comply with B.S. 6004 conductors shall be plain annealed copper to B.S. 6360.
The following colours shall identify the core of multicore PVC insulated armoured/ unarmoured cable.
AC Three phase : phase: Red-Yellow, Blue
(3/4 cores) : Neutral: Black
single phase : phase-Red
(2 core) : neutral-Black

The conductor shall be insulated with type 5 PVC complying with B.S. 6746. The cable shall be filled internally and
sheathed with PVC to B.S. 6746 type 1 and where used underground or external or specified shall be single wire
armoured and PVC sheathed overall. Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that cable sizes and lengths are correct
and comply with the relevant standard.
Jointing and Terminating
a) The outer sheath or armour of all cables shall be securely retained by the use of the correct type and size of
brass cable gland. Such cable glands shall securely retain the outer sheath or armour without damaging it.
b) Where cable glands are used for terminating cables within non-metallic boxes, the earth continuity shall be
maintained by a bonding strap having a resistance not higher than an equivalent length of cable sheath or

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c) Every cable core termination shall be of the sealed or compression socket type, unless the cable i . terminated
in an approved connector.
d) Cable core terminations shall securely contain and anchor all the wires of the conductor, and shall not impose
any appreciable mechanical strain on the terminal socket, or connector.
e) Soldering fluxes, which remain acidic or corrosive after soldering is completed shall not be used.
f) The cable glands shall be secured by brass lock washers and fitted with the correct shrouds.
g) All cable joints, termination and seals shall be made only by an experienced jointer and shall be acceptable to
the Engineer-in-charge.
h) Termination, joints and seals shall be made in full accordance with the current IEE Regulations.
i) Joints shall be enclosed in purpose made cast iron box filled with compound and fitted with armours clamps
and an electrical continuity copper strip bonded to the armouring on either side of the box.
j) Where the cable is cut during the course of installation the open ends shall be sealed immediately by means of
sell adhesive non-hydroscopic tape or a wax water-tight seal to make an air and water-tight-joint.
k) Approved tests shall be carried out on all cables and materials before jointing.
Minimum Internal Radu of Bends
This shall be in accordance with the cable manufactures recommendation. For PVC insulated cables the minimum
bending radu shall not be less than 8 times the cable diameter.
Cross Site Installation of Cable
a) Cable shall be laid or installed in one length from terminal point to terminal point. No through joints will be
permitted, unless authorized in writing by the Engineer-in-charge and then only if the need arises due to an
alternation in route length necessitated by circumstances which the contractor could riot reasonably have
foreseen. If any such through joint is authorized for a cable laid underground, the position shall be identified
precisely over the joint, at ground level, by means of a suitable inscribed concrete cable marker . Any such joint
authorized for a cable installed above ground shall be located in such a position as to be readily accessible at
all times. All through joints shall be core to core (phase to phase).
b) Cables shall be delivered to and handled around the site on cable drums. During installation cables shall be
played out from the top of the drum, guided by supporting runners where necessary and the drum braked to
avoid over-run, Cables shall not be handled, run off drums or installed when the ambient temperature is at or
below 0°C.
c) The cable trenches shall be excavated by the contractor to ensure that the cable are laid at least at a depth of
500mm below the ground surface upon a bed of sand 150mm deep. The depth of trench shall be as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge.
d) Cable ducts shall be provided under roads and other paved area.
e) After approval of the lay the trench shall be back-filled by material, which has passed through a 12mm riddle.
f) Power cables shall be laid with a slight snake formation to ensure there is minimum strain during expansion
and contraction due to temperature variations.
g) Where a number of cables (including signal cables) are laid in a common trench:
i) The cables shall be laid in accordance with the appropriate drawing.
ii) The cables need not all be laid at 500mm below ground level (due to trench width restriction).
iii) Cables carrying power shall be a minimum of 300mm from signal and telecommunications cables.
iv) The cable formation shall minimize crossings (to points where cables divert to locations).
h) Cable tray shall be used while running cable under the bridge. Street Light Distribution Board

The distribution board shall be made of 18 SWG M.S. sheet and should be of suitable dimension so as to accommodate
the circuit breakers, cotactor, relay, energy meter, photo cell and bus-bars with sufficient spacing and be spray painted
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with gray/white enamel paint, shall have hinged type door with best quality door handle, door locks and door latches.
The distribution board shall be of double door type i.e. one cover door inside through which only the knobs of
MCB/MCCB, manual/auto switches etc, are accessible. The distribution board shall be suitable for outdoor mounting,
dust and rain proof and shall have knockouts for conduit entry and exist at the bottom. The DB shall be installed at a
height of 820mm feet above the ground with the help of MS angle embedded in the ground with CC work . A copper
plate-earthing block must be provided inside the board. The circuit breakers and contactor shall be AEG, SIEMENS,
MITSUBISHI or of approved brand. The work shall be complete in all respect including all necessary arrangements as per
drawing circuit breakers/isolators, of DB shall be designed for operation on a 240/400V, 50Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire system,
Breakers shall have inverse time tripping with thermal and magnetic trip element. All circuit breaker shall be trip free
and shall be of the indicating type. The panels shall have the phase clearly marked and where required, must have solid
neutral buses. The panels shall be constructed as per schedule, and shall comply with relevant requirements of
applicable BS including BS 4649, where applicable, and would be painted with two (2) coats of gray Duco to BS 38 IC
shade, with standard concentric knockouts of required sizes all around. The panels shall have directory frames and
printed directory on/in side of door. The door is to be provided with flush lock handle. AH doors are to be keyed alike,
all hinges shall be concealed.
The MCB/MCCBs shall be quick-make, quick-break type, and shall have inverse-time limit characteristics will
instantaneous magnetic trip elements functioning on overloads above the normal operating range. All circuit breakers
shell is trip-free. Ratings and frame sizes of breakers shall be in accordance with schedule. All lugs must be of the
shoulder less mechanical type. The MCB must comply with BS 3871: part 1 (1965) category M4 (5A-60A). Rated voltage
240/400V, A.C. 50Hz, interrupting capacity 4000 amp capable of providing overload and short circuit protection,
through thermal and magnetic trip actions respectively, temperature rating, 400C preferably trivialized (moisture
fungus corrosion treated), terminal capability upto 35mm² wire. The MCCB's shall have the following symmetrical
interrupting capacity at 480V A.C. if not indicated otherwise:
Upto 10A : 4 KA
10A to 60A : 14 KA
70A to 200A : 22 KA
200A to 500A : 30 KA

The continuous current ratings of individual MCBFICCB's may he varied within + 15X at the time of installation without
any cost implication. Earthing Materials

a) Earth Electrode

i) Pipe Electrode (where applicable)

This would be 38mm die G.I, pipe with two 3mm die holes across the diameter at every 1200mm at the pipe.

ii) Plate Electrode (where applicable)

This earth electrode shall be cold roiled double copper plate 600mmx600mmx3mm having provision for connecting the
earth lead.

b) Earthling Lead
Earthling lead shall consist of copper conductor of 100% conductivity at 20°C (68DF), Annsealed copper stranded with
weight resistively of 0.15328 Ohm-gram/m² at 20°C (68°F) and density of 0.32117 lb/in³, for meeting the requirement
of BS 6360:1969 or its metric adoption. All terminal lugs shall be of copper and nut bolts of brass.

c) Earthling Block
The earthling block shall be of solid electrolytic copper cost and machine of size and have at least 103mm dia /drilled
holes for accommodating the terminal of the earth continuity conductor. Requisite number of brass nuts and bolts shall
also be provided.

d) Earth Inspection Pit

Bricks used shall be 1st class on stone chips. Only approved quality cement shall be used. Khoa for 75mm RCC cover
shall be 25mm downgraded with 10mm die M.S. hook (of 50mm dia) shall be provided in the cover slab.
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a) Pipe Electrode
The pipe earth electrode shall be buried below ground level at 12 meter by tube -well sinking method. The earth lead
from the DB to the main earth electrode shall be installed in G.I. pipe of specified diameter. The terminal connected to
the earth electrode shall use a brass clamp. After making the connection. The clamp shall be covered with bitumen
poured hot, and covered with jute cloth. The length of pipe electrode may vary to give the maximum earth resistance of
1 Ohm in the driest season.

b) Plate Electrode
The plate earth electrode (if applicable) shall be buried below ground level as per schedule and installed in an upright
position if completely surrounded by a bed or at least 300mm of charcoal fixed with line and packed hard . Distance
between any two-earth electrodes shall be at least 8 meters.

c) Earthling Leads
The earthling leads from the earth electrode shall be connected to the earthling block near DB . A double run of
specified copper conductor (preferably tinned) shall be brought out of specified lead for the earth electrode through
G.I. pipe from the electrode and connected to the earth block. There shall be no joint in the copper earth lead. All
earthing lead shall follow the shortest and most direct route to earth electrode and sharp bends and joints shall be
avoided. The earthling leads shall be made mechanically strong and electrically continuous with minimum of resistance.

d) Earth Inspection Pit

The earth inspection pit shall be (450mmx450x450mm inside dimension) 1st class brick with finished plaster surface
including the RCC pit cover (100mm thickness 1:2:40 ratio). The slab shall have level surface and the pit shall have well-
formed regular sides. Water curing for the slab and the pit shall be done for a minimum of 6 days.


29.24.1 Description
A stand alone solar photovoltaic (SPV) street lighting system (SLS) is an outdoor lighting unit used for illuminating a
street or an open area. It consists of photovoltaic (PV) module(s), compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), lead acid battery,
control electronics, inter-connecting wires/cables, module mounting Pole including hardware and battery box. The CFL
is fixed inside a luminaire which is mounted on the pole. The PV module is placed at the top of the pole at an angle to
maximize incident solar radiation, and a battery is placed in a box attached to the pole . The module is mounted facing
south, so that it receives solar radiation throughout the day, without any shadow falling on it . Electricity generated by
the PV module will charge the battery during the day time. This system operates from dusk to dawn.

29.24.2 Duty Cycle

The system should automatically switch is ON at dusk, operate throughout the night and automatically switch is OFF at
the dawn. The system should be designed to operate under average daily insolation of 5 KWh/sqm on a horizontal

29.24.3 PV Modules
a) Both crystalline and thin film technology modules are allowed in the system. The PV module should have a
certificate of testing conforming to IEC 61215 Edition II / BIS 14286 or IEC 61646 for crystalline and thin film
PV modules respectively. The manufacturer should produce the certificate for a higher wattage module, in case
the certificate is not available for the offered PV module. Further, the manufacturer should certify that the
supplied module is also manufactured using similar material, design and process as that of the certified PV
module. The certificate should be from an NABL or IECQ accredited Laboratory.
hhh) The power output of the module(s) under STC should be a minimum of 74 Wp. Either two modules of
minimum 37 Wp output each or one module of 74 Wp output should be used. In case of thin film technology PV
modules, the specified values refer to the stabilized power output after the initial degradation. The module
efficiency should not be less than 12%.
iii) The operating voltage corresponding to the power output mentioned above should be 16.4 ± 0.2 V.
jjj) The open circuit voltage of the PV modules under STC should be at least 21.0 Volts.
kkk) The terminal box on the module should have a provision for opening for replacing the cable, if
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lll) Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must contain the following information:
i) Name of the manufacturer or distinctive logo of PV Module.
ii) Model or Type Number
iii) Serial Number
iv) Month and year of the manufacture
v) I-V curve for the module
vi) Peak Wattage of the module at 16.4 volts
vii) Im, Vm and FF for the module
viii) Unique Serial No and Model No of the module
The RFID can be inside or outside the module laminate, but must be able to withstand harsh environmental
mmm) A distinctive serial number starting with NSM will be engraved on the frame of the module. The
distinctive number starting NSM will also be screen printed on the tedlar sheet of the module.

29.24.4 Battery
Battery should conform to latest International Standard. A copy of the test certificate should be provided.
a) Lead Acid, tubular positive plate flooded electrolyte or Gel or VRLA Type.
b) The battery will have a minimum rating of 12V, 75 Ah (at C/10 discharge rate).
c) 75 % of the rated capacity of the battery should be between fully charged and load cut off conditions.

29.24.5 Lamp
a) The lamp should be 11 Watt compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) with 4 pins along with proper pre-heating circuit.
b) The light output from the lamps should be around 900±5 % lumens (for 11 W CFL) and should remain constant
with variations in the battery voltages.
c) The lamp should be housed in an assembly suitable for outdoor use, with a reflector on its back. While fixing
the assembly the lamp should be held preferably in a base up configuration.
d) No blackening or reduction in the lumen output by more than 10%, should be observed after 1000 ON/OFF
cycles (two minutes ON followed by four minutes OFF is one cycle).
nnn) The make, model number and technical characteristics of lamp should be furnished.

29.24.6 Electronics
a) The inverter should be of quasi sine wave/ sine wave type, with frequency in the range of 20 - 30 KHz. Half-
wave operation is not acceptable.
b) The total electronic efficiency should be not less than 85 %.
c) The idle current consumption should not be more than 10 mA. Electronics should operate at 12V and should
have temperature compensation for proper charging of the battery throughout the year.
d) The PV module itself should be used to sense the ambient light level for switching ON and OFF the lamp.
ooo) The light output should remain constant with variations in the battery voltages.
ppp) Necessary length of wires/cables (2 core x 1.5, switches suitable for DC use and fuses should
be provided.

29.24.7 Electronic Protections

a) Adequate protection is to be incorporated under no load conditions e.g. when the lamp is removed and the
system is switched ON.
b) The system should have protection against battery overcharge and deep discharge conditions. The numerical
values of the cut off limits must be specified, while submitting the samples for the testing purposed.
c) Fuses should be provided to protect against short circuit conditions.
qqq) A blocking diode should be provided as part of the electronics, to prevent reverse flow of current
through the PV module(s), incase such a diode is not provided with the PV module(s).
d) Full protection against open circuit, accidental short circuit and reverse polarity should be provided.
e) Electronics should have temperature compensation for proper charging of the battery throughout the year.

29.24.8 Mechanical Hardware

a) A metallic frame structure (with corrosion resistance paint) to be fixed on the pole to hold the SPV module(s).
The frame structure should have provision to adjust its angle of inclination to the horizontal between 0 and 45,
so that the module(s) can be oriented at the specified tilt angle.

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b) The pole should be as per requirements of Clause The pole should have the provision to hold the
weather proof lamp housing.
rrr) It should be possible to mount the light source on metallic arm attached to the pole. The metallic arm for holding
the light assembly will be extended at least 1.2 m from the pole and set at a suitable tilt angle to provide uniform
illumination over the specified area.
c) A vented metallic box of M.S. (0.7 mm minimum thickness and should be acid proof and painted with corrosion
resistance paint as per relevant international standard) for outdoor use should be provided for housing the
battery with a provision of lock and Key. The box can also be of plastic/PVC/Acrylic of suitable size of 2.5mm
minimum thickness which should be 100% acid proof, rust proof and electrically insulated. It should have grid
structure at the base for proper strength and should have the provision to be bolted/welded with the pole.

29.24.9 Other Features

a) The system should be provided with 2 LED indicators: a green light to indicate charging in progress and a red
LED to indicate deep discharge condition of the battery. The green LGEDs should glow only when the battery is
actually being charged.
b) The following details should be marked indelibly on the system:
i) Name of the Manufacturer or Distinctive Logo.
ii) Model No.
iii) Serial No.
iv) Make and Serial No. of the PV module used.
c) Necessary lengths of wires/cables and fuses should be provided.

29.24.10 Documentation
An Operation, Instruction and Maintenance Manual, in English and Bangla, should be provided with the Solar Lighting
System. The following minimum details must be provided in the Manual:
a) Basic principles of Photovoltaics.
d) A small write-up (with a block diagram) on Solar Lighting System - its components, PV module, battery,
electronics and luminaire and expected performance.
e) About Charging and Significance of indicators.
f) Clear instructions about erection of pole and mounting of PV module (s) and lamp housing assembly on the
g) Do’s and Don’ts
h) Clear instructions on regular maintenance and troubleshooting of solar system
i) Name and address of the person or service center to be contacted in case of failure or complaint.

29.24.11 Quality and Warranty

a) Components and parts used in Solar Lighting System should confirm to the latest international specifications,
wherever such specifications are available and applicable. A copy of the test report/ certificate stating
conformity of international standards must be submitted.
j) The PV module(s) will be warranted for a minimum period of 25 years from the date of supply and the street
lighting system (including the battery) will be warranted for a period of two years from the date of supply. PV
modules used in Solar Street Lighting System must be warranted for their output peak watt capacity, which
should not be less than 90% at the end of Twelve (12) years and 80% at the end of Twenty five (25) years. The
Warranty Card to be supplied with the system must contain the details of the system. The manufacturers can
also provide additional information about the system and conditions of warranty as necessary.


29.25.1 Description
This item of work shall consist of furnishing and erection of drain outlets on bridgework and drainage structures
including PVC piping, cleaning boxes, catch basins, concrete drains, erosion protection, inserts, fittings and other
incidentals necessary to provide for further supports of drain pipes in accordance with the lines, levels, grades, sizes,
dimensions and types shown on the Drawings.

29.25.2 Materials Bridge Gullies
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The size and strength of bridge gullies shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Cast iron piping

Cast Iron Piping shall comply with AASHTO M 129 or other approved Standards. PVC pipes

All PVC pipes shall comply with ISO R 161 “Pipes of Plastic Materials for the Transport of Fluids”, with BS 3505 “Un-
plasticized PVC Pipes for Cold Water Services”. Cleaning boxes

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval the details of boxes with cleaning lids made of approved
material to be installed at the locations indicated on the Drawings. Catch Basins

To comply with of Clause 29.7“DRAINAGE AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES” of these specifications. Culvert Pipes

To comply with Clause 29.4“REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS” of these specifications. Weep Holes

To comply with the Clause 29.6“WEEP HOLES” of these Specifications. Inserts
Inserts shall be made of steel of steel conforming to AASHTO M 183 (ASTM A 36). Fittings and other incidentals

Materials to be as indicated on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer.

29.25.3 Construction Methods Storage and handling of materials
The steel and PVC parts shall be carefully handled and stored on blocks, racks or platforms so as not to be in contact
with the ground and the steel parts shall be protected from corrosion. Materials shall be kept free from dirt, oil, grease
and other foreign matter. Bridge gullies

Bridge gullies are to be cast in to the structure at the location as indicated on the Drawings. Special care must be taken
to avoid displacement of gullies during concreting operations. Cast iron pipes

Special jointing instructions relevant to the purchased types of pipe will be issued by the Engineer . The pipes shall be
embedded at the locations as indicated on the Drawings. During casting of concrete the pipes shall be kept in the
correct position by appropriate means approved by the Engineer. PVC pipes

The jointing shall be of a type recommended by the manufacturer of the pipes. Bends shall be of long sweep, free from
Embedded pipes shall be cast in to the structure at the locations as indicated on the Drawings . During casting of
concrete the pipes shall be kept in the correct position by appropriate means approved by the Engineer.
Exposed pipes shall be parallel to or at right angles to walls, slabs and girders. All exposed pipes shall be attached to
concrete, steel, masonry or timber by galvanized malleable iron or galvanized steel straps, clamps or hangers of an
approved type, held at not less than two pints by galvanized steel bolts or lag screws. The runs shall be supported at no
greater than 1m centers on horizontal or near horizontal runs, unless an otherwise specified and not less than 50mm
clear of the supporting members.
All ends of pipes installed during construction shall be closed against the intrusion of foreign material.

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To be installed by methods proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Catch Basins

To comply with of Clause 29.7“DRAINAGE AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES” of these specifications. Culvert Pipes

To comply with Clause 29.4“REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS” of these specifications. Weep Holes

To comply with the Clause 29.6“WEEP HOLES” of these Specifications. Inserts
To comply with the Clause 29.26“INSERTS AND FITTINGS” of these Specifications.

29.25.4 Measurement
The work of Rain Water Down Pipes shall be measured in linear meter of such pipes.

29.25.5 Payment
The work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per linear meter of pipe. The payment
shall constitute the full compensation for furnishing all materials as indicated on the Drawings including delivery,
erection, treatment and finishing and for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completion of the
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -181.
Table 29-181 : Pay Items – Drainage of Structure
Clause No. Description Units
29.25 Rain water down pipe Linear Meter
Weep Holes Clause 29.6“WEEP HOLES”


29.26.1 Description
This Work shall consist of furnishing and embedding of inserts, fitting and other incidental parts into bridgework
necessary to provide for further support for utility pipes and cables and the like in accordance with these Specifications .
The type, size and location will be indicated on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer.

29.26.2 Materials
Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer, all inserts and fittings shall be made of
galvanized malleable iron or galvanized steel. This shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specification
M 183 (ASTM A 36).
Samples of the inserts and fittings to be used shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer before they are

29.26.3 Construction Methods

The inserts and fittings shall be embedded at the locations indicated on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer .
During pouring of concrete in structures, the inserts and fittings shall be secured at the correct positions by appropriate
means acceptable to the Engineer.
The inserts and fittings shall be plugged or pressed against the formwork in a way that no mortar from the concrete
shall enter the thread of the inserts or fittings.
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The location, placing, securing and plugging of inserts and fittings shall be approved by the Engineer before placing of
On removing the formwork, the Contractor shall properly clean the surfaces of all the inserts and fittings to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

29.26.4 Measurement
The work shall be measured in terms of number of inserts and fittings installed complete and accepted.

29.26.5 Payment
The work measured shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices for the different types of inserts and fitting as shown in
the Bill of Quantities. The payment shall be the full compensation for supply and installation of the inserts and fittings
including all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the
specifications of this Sub-section.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -182.
Table 29- 182 : Pay Items – Inserts and Fittings
Clause No. Description Units
29.26 Supply and Installation of Inserts and Fittings Number


29.27.1 Description
This work covers all the requirements for the relocation of public utilities. The Contractors attention is brought to the
requirements of the relocation of all existing utilities and services. The Contractor shall carefully liase with all the
concerned authorities for the remova1 of exiting services, all necessary temporary arrangements and final relocation
and installation of the utilities.

29.27.2 Materials
The material used in both temporary and permanent works associated with the relocation of utilities shall meet the
requirements of the respective authorities. The Engineer will liaise with the Authorities on all matters relating to
necessary diversion and relocation works, but the Contractor shall retain full responsibility for coordinating the
implementation of all relocation work which shall be an integral component of the Works.

29.27.3 Construction Methods

The Contractor should note that all utility companies have been notified of the scope of the Works and the necessity for
the removal and relocation of power lines, cables as well as water and gas mains. The concerned authorities will
undertake Works for the relocation of existing utilities during the Works programme but the Contractor may also be
required to undertake works in operations involving the relocation of existing utilities. The precise details of individual
requirements will be agreed upon between the interested parties after the award of Contract and such details shall be
reflected in the programme to be submitted. The Contractors attention is brought to the need to cooperation with
concerned Utility authorities. In particular, the Contractor shall prepare in his working schedule a realistic programme
allowing reasonable times for the removal and relocation of utility lines, for both commencement and completion
times, which shall be based on advance negotiations and agreements with the respective authorities allowing
reasonable time in all cases for the carrying out of this work. The programme to be furnished for the whole the works
and shall take account all negotiations and agreements on all such matters.
The Contractor shall adopt construction methods that will make allowance for the removal and relocation of existing
utilities in accordance with the specifications of the respective authorities as well as the instruction of the Engineer . The
Contractor shall propose full details for the works that are affected by the removal and relocation of all utilities . Such
proposals shall take into account the Contractors full obligations for the Works as well as the minimal disruption to
utility services.

29.27.4 Measurement and Payment

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Measurement and payment for the removal and relocation of some existing utility services may be made on the basis of
Prime Cost (P.C.) item allowed for all such works. Such payments will cover for possible payments to be made by the
Contractor to the concerned authorities for work operations undertaken by the authorities in connection with the
works for relocation of existing utilities. The Contractor shall indicate in the Tender the percentage adjustment required
for the use of the P.C. item which shall cover all the Contractors obligations for implementing this work item . Where
appropriate, the Engineer may also order work for the removal and relocation of utilities services on a Force Account
Basis. Such payments shall be full compensation for complying with this section of the Specification, Conditions of
Contract for the whole of the Works.
Payment will be made as indicated in Table 29 -183.
Table 29- 183 : Pay Items – Relocation of Public Utilities
Clause No. Description Units
29.27 Relocation of Public Utilities Lump Sum

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