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Information Architecture
IA Analysis
Visual inconsistency
Navigation system
across sorts of store
Arduino Home Store malfunction Search (exact Keyword)
Arduino Home
The home page displays a total of 29 links 21 of which are
(ambiguous (ambiguous redundant, 10 of which are blog pages.This organizes an
categories) categories) Software Education Resources Community Help information space for browsing categories and blog posts
arranged in an unclear scheme. This space provides little
structure to orient user goals.The primary navigation label
Online Tools for “education” shortens to “edu” as the user scrolls down
Products Forum FAQ the page.
Home Page Content Opens in a new Navigation
tab without a system Store
(ambiguous (ambiguous (ambiguous (ambiguous
clear reason. malfunction
categories) categories) categories) categories) Breadcrumbs are not displayed on the landing page. The
What is Arduino Introduction X navigation system does not include a home link, and does
Downloads Getting Started Blog Contact Us not function consistently. The current page is indicated for
the subcategory “kits” but not for “shipping policy”. The
(ambiguous Navigation system does not remain in a consistent location
Products Downloads Store Support across all categories.
categories) (ambiguous (ambiguous
categories) categories)
Online Tools
Navigation system Project Hub Opens in a new Visiting online tools loads the page in a new tab without a
Blog Post encourages category tab without a
MKR Family clear reason, preventing continuous site navigation.
(most recent) browsing rather than clear reason.
orienting user goals. Education
(ambiguous (ambiguous
Buy An Arduino Blog Post categories) categories) The navigation system of anchor links is not functioning
Store properly. Selecting “Arduino Education” after visiting
Navigation system is Arduino User “resources” does not scroll back up to that section. The color
Learn Arduino inconsistent, does Reference Navigation system
Groups location is inconsistent change indicating current location does not load instantly
not expand for sub providing confirmation of having selected the link.
Blog Post categories and and disappears when
Product Page
Donate (third) visiting links. Products
disappears on
libraries page. (ambiguous The navigation system of anchor links is not functioning
Arduino Create categories) properly. The color change indicating current location is not
(online tools) Product Page
Blog Post Legend displaying the category being viewed.
(fourth) Playground
Inconsistent location
of navigation Reference
Organization System
system.Current page
Education Blog Post The navigation system is inconsistent across categories,
(fifth) New Products is not displayed in (ambiguous disappearing when visiting “libraries”. The navigation system
Top Level Navigation navigation system. categories) also inconsistently indicates current location. Change color
to indicating current location is not working.
Blog Post Blog Post Redundant Navigation At Heart
(sixth) (seventh)
Link opens In New Tab The navigation system drops down below the fold during
Blog Post Blog Post use. The horizontal orientation would maintain consistency
(eighth) (ninth) with “project hub”.
Expanding Organization System
Project Hub
Blog Post Visiting online tools loads the page in a new tab without a
(tenth) clear reason, preventing continuous site navigation.
Footer Navigation
Arduino User Groups
Contact Us About US Careers The navigation system appears in an inconsistent location,
and crolls up out of view when links are visited.
Navigation System Inconsistency & Malfunctions

The information space of the Arduino customers directly to a page use-case could be organized as
site orients the user well enough for displaying electrical components with audience specific scheme categories
casual browsing but does little for no context of use. An information such as: parents, student, teachers
One item
users with defined goals or lesser architecture that is audience specific or, beginner, maker, entrepreneur. displays
product familiarity. The information The page content for these audience current
location other
space is organized as a hybrid topical specific scheme categories could links do not
/ task-oriented scheme. However, present a clear engaging step by step
only three of the twenty categories of illustration of how to take the first navigation
primary navigation are task-oriented. steps toward becoming a part of the link opens
page in new
Two of those three are redundant maker movement. The “project Hub tab.

navigation renamed with page offers projects with their

task-oriented labels and placed at the Arduino components. These are
upper left of the space to be found sortable by difficulty, yet the section
first and easily by the user. The and task oriented would be better falls short of an audience specific
Arduino site has a conceptual model suited to parents, teachers or those scheme.
comprised of topical categories, with new to Arduino. In addition to these organization
three task-oriented calls to action.
With testing the best IA for Arduino system changes the site’s current
While this is a familiar model it fails Disappearing
may prove to be a solution that navigation systems are inconsistent
to orient customers with a task navigation on
allows an interested eight year old to and in some cases malfunctioning. resources
structure for the purchasing of page.
visit the site, conceive of a project, These spatial and visual changes
Arduino products.
determine the needed hardware, and from page to page combine with a
Arduino’s information architecture level of programming skill, purchase liberal use of contextual links in ways
and information content seems and build. Example projects are used making the site a confusing matrix
designed to communicate with in the “what is Arduino” section where structure. Re-designing for audience
electrical engineering and robotics Arduino products are showcased as specific scheme and consistent
hobbyists but not, parents, teachers central to the maker movement by a functional navigation with fewer navigation on
libraries page.
or those new to Arduino. The call to speaker from the TED stage. The contextual links may improve user
action “Buy An Arduino” takes same strategy for making the experience for Arduino customers.
parents, teachers and potential abstract Arduino product concrete by

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