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Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques by Local

People for Hunting the Yellow-Footed Tortoise

(Chelonoidis denticulatus) Across the Amazon
Authors: Tavares, Aline Santos, Mayor, Pedro, Loureiro, Luiz
Francisco, Gilmore, Michael P., Perez-Peña, Pedro, et al.
Source: Journal of Ethnobiology, 40(2) : 268-280
Published By: Society of Ethnobiology
URL: https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-40.2.268

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Journal of
Ethnobiology 2020  40(2): 268–280

Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques by Local People for

Hunting the Yellow-footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus)
across the Amazon

Aline Santos Tavares1,2, Pedro Mayor3,4,5,6, Luiz Francisco Loureiro1,

Michael P. Gilmore7, Pedro Perez-Peña8, Mark Bowler9,10, Lísley Pereira
Lemos1,11, Magdalena S. Svensson12, K. Anne-Isola Nekaris12, Vincent
Nijman12, João Valsecchi1,5,11, and Thais Queiroz Morcatty1,11,12*

Abstract. Understanding the repertoire of hunting techniques used by traditional peoples in tropical
forests is crucial for recognizing the role of traditional knowledge in hunting activities, as well as
assessing the impact of harvests on game species. We describe the hunting techniques used across
Amazonia by Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples for hunting yellow-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis
denticulatus), one of the most consumed species in the biome. We interviewed 178 local people
in 25 communities living in seven study areas in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. We used a
Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) and Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) to compare the hunting
techniques between ethnic groups and the ages of the interviewees. Four different techniques were
reported: (1) trapping with bait (46%; n  122); (2) hunting with dogs (35%; n  92); (3) active
searching (14 %; n  37); and (4) visiting fruiting trees (5%; n  14). Trapping with bait was alleged to
be the most cost-effective technique by 67% of the interviewees. Among the baits used, 93% involved
the use of wild species as rotten meat. Hunting with dogs was also frequently cited and involved eight
different methods of training. The hunting techniques recorded were not significantly different among
ethnic groups or generations. The consonance among the technique repertoire likely reflects a shared
knowledge still in use across different cultural groups. There is a potential for applying the hunting
techniques to large scale community-based monitoring and management programs, but the impact
on additional species affected, such as species intentionally captured to be used as bait, should be
considered. Local assessments and community-based management plans that incorporate traditional
ecological knowledge are recommended to guarantee the maintenance of livelihoods and ensure the
species’ conservation in Amazonia.
Keywords: chelonian, cross-culture comparison, traps, traditional ecological knowledge, wild meat.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Estrada do Bexiga, Tefé, Amazonas Brazil.
Laboratório de Ecologia de Peixes, Departamento de Genética, Ecologia e Evolução, Instituto de Ciências
Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Animal Health and Anatomy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB),
Barcelona, Spain.
Museo de Culturas Indígenas Amazónicas, Iquitos, Peru.
ComFauna, Comunidad de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y en Latinoamérica, Iquitos, Peru.
Postgraduate Program in Animal Health and Production in Amazonia, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
(UFRA), Belém, Brazil.
School of Integrative Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax,Virginia.
Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP), Iquitos, Peru.
School of Engineering, Art, Science and Technology, University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, Neptune Quay,
Ipswich, UK.
Suffolk Sustainability Institute, Waterfront Building, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, UK.
Rede de Pesquisa para Estudos sobre Diversidade, Conservação e Uso da Fauna na Amazônia (RedeFauna),
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK.
Corresponding author (tatamorcatty@gmail.com)

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Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques for Hunting Yellow-footed Tortoises 269

Introduction be especially benefited by this knowledge

Rituals and cultural customary prac- (El Bizri et al. 2016; Huntington 2000).
tices are underpinned by Traditional In order to include traditional hunting
Ecological Knowledge (TEK) (Berkes et al. techniques in community-based manage-
2000). This is particularly true of hunting ment programs or in the development of
practices which involve several techniques novel scientific methods, it is crucial to
employed by local people to optimize understand changes in TEK (Álvares 1997;
harvest rates (Hames 1989). Hunting Berkes 2008; Menzies and Butler 2010).
practices have been improved over genera- In the past several decades, for example,
tions through gradual development of TEK with increased access to modern tools,
regarding population trends and behavior different cultures have abandoned tradi-
of target species, as well as environmental tional hunting techniques (Hames 1979;
dynamics (Barboza et al. 2014; Berkes et Mena et al. 2000; Redford and Robinson
al. 2000). Therefore, techniques used for 1987). In the Amazon, blowguns used to
hunting and population management can be the most popular technique for hunting
be perceived as a feature of TEK (Ohmagari arboreal prey, whereas spears were used
and Berkes 1997). for large terrestrial animals; currently, both
Documenting TEK associated with techniques have been replaced by firearms
hunting techniques in tropical forests can (Mena at al. 2000). Such changes are partic-
contribute to the involvement of local ularly noticeable in younger generations
knowledge and practices for the sustain- that have distanced themselves from local
able engagement with wildlife, from local, traditions due to increased access to urban
community-based management programs centers, presence of missionary activities,
all the way up to international conservation and establishment of a formal education
agendas (Chandler et al. 2017; Dobson et system that does not value local knowledge
al. 2019; van Vliet et al. 2018). The inter- (Ohmagari and Berkes 1997; Reyes-García
national agreement intended to guide et al. 2013). In some instances, the loss
management of protected areas worldwide, of traditional hunting knowledge can be
“The Promise of Sydney,” developed at the the result of a perception that TEK does
International Union for Conservation of not effectively prepare young people to
Nature (IUCN) World Parks Congress 2014, deal with the new socioeconomic real-
already explicitly recommends the involve- ities and conditions they currently face
ment of local people and their practices in (Reyes-García et al. 2013).
the monitoring and management of natural TEK related to hunting techniques
resources (Sandwith et al. 2014). and practices may also vary considerably
Understanding and documenting TEK among different cultures. For instance,
regarding hunting techniques can also hunting can be performed in solitary or
help to improve scientific research meth- group expeditions (Welch 2014). The time
ods. The lack of appropriate methods for spent hunting and the financial resources
capturing certain animal species hinders needed for acquiring and maintaining
the collection of scientific data to support hunting tools (such as shotguns or snares)
informed conservation strategies and are also critical correlates of adherence
decision-making. Since traditional tech- to a particular technique (Dobson et al.
niques have evolved to maximize the 2019). Local cosmology and taboos can
harvest of animals with the least amount also dictate techniques used or avoided
of effort possible, they can be useful to during hunting, with avoidance being espe-
researchers during fieldwork. Studies on cially related to those techniques that may
secretive species with low detectability can deplete stocks of target species (Colding

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270 Tavares et al.

and Folke 2001). Food preferences can Amazon, totaling 25 communities sampled
influence target species and management (Figure 1). Four locations are inhabited by
practices as well (Berkes et al. 2000), Indigenous groups and three are inhabited
which ultimately determine the hunting by non-Indigenous people (Table 1). The
techniques developed and used. non-Indigenous people interviewed are
In this study, we chose the yellow- traditional Amazonian peoples resulting
footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) from a mix of Indigenous ethnicities and
as a model for better understanding how immigrant ancestry from different origins
traditional hunting practices vary among due to the processes of colonization of the
different ethnic groups (Indigenous and Amazon. The communities sampled are
non-Indigenous) and generations. Notably, located in or hunt within the territory of
this is one of the most commonly-hunted the following areas: (1) Pucacuro National
species across the Amazon for which no Reserve (Pucacuro NR) (02°42’25”S,
ammunition or weapon is required for its 75°06’30”W) located on the Pucacuro
capture (Morcatty and Valsecchi 2015; River, Peru; (2) Pacaya-Samiria National
Peres 2000; van Vliet et al. 2014), but the Reserve (Pacaya-Samiria NR) (5°15’00’’S,
traditional knowledge associated with hunt- 74°40’00’’W), located at the confluence
ing this elusive and little-studied species is of the Marañón and Ucayali Rivers, Peru;
still poorly known and understood. We also (3) Maijuna-Kichwa Regional Conserva-
discuss the hunting techniques in terms of tion Area (Maijuna-Kichwa RCA) (3°2’5’’S,
possible impacts on other taxa and their 72°9’5’’W), situated along the Sucusari River,
potential for improving scientific research Peru; (4) Nueva Esperanza (Yavarí-Mirín)
methods. River basin (04°19’5’’S, 71°57’33’’W),
Peru; (5) Auatí-Paraná Extractive Reserve
Materials and Methods (Auatí-Paraná ER) (2°0’58”S, 66°25’10”W),
located in the northern bank of the
Study Areas and Cultural Context Auatí-Paraná River, Brazil; (6) Mamirauá
This study was conducted in seven Sustainable Development Reserve (Mami-
locations in the Peruvian and Brazilian rauá SDR) (03°08’S, 64°45’W), located at

Figure 1. Map showing the location of the sampled areas within the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon.

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Table 1. Demographic details of the sampled communities and the interviewees in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon.
inhabitants Total number
per of hunters (%
Status of the used area and management No of No communities community of hunters
Study sites Ethnicity strategies interviewees sampled (SD) interviewed)
Pucacuro National Kichwa Community located nearby an uninhabited 10 1 500 100 (10%)
Reserve protected authorized to hunt within the
protected area; Existence of a management
Pacaya-Samiria National Kukama-Kukamilla Communities located within a protected 50 2 270 (180) 108 (46%)
Reserve area for sustainable use; Existence of a
management plan.
Maijuna-Kichwa Maijuna (59%), mestizos Community located near an uninhabited 46 1 166 26 (57%)
Regional Conservation (35%), Kichwa (6%) protected area authorized to hunt
Ethnic groups
Area within the protected area; Existence of a

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management plan.

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Community in the Yavarí- Yagua Community located and using non- 7 1 300 60 (12%)
Mirín River basin protected areas; Existence of informal
zoning and management programs for
logging and fishing.
Amanã Sustainable Non-Indigenous people Communities located within a protected 31 5 149 (96) 150 (21%)
Development Reserve area for sustainable use; Management plan
in development.
Mamirauá Sustainable Non-Indigenous people Communities located within a protected 22 5 114 (74) 108 (23%)
Development Reserve area for sustainable use; Existence of a
management plan.
Auatí-Paraná Extractive Non-Indigenous people Communities located within a protected 12 10 90 (45) 160 (7.5%)
Reserve area for sustainable use; Existence of a
management plan.

Journal of Ethnobiology 2020  40(2): 268–280

Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques for Hunting Yellow-footed Tortoises 271
272 Tavares et al.

the confluence of the Solimões and Japurá used it as sub-product of wild meat hunting
Rivers, Brazil; and (7) Amanã Sustain- or whether they killed animals specifically
able Development Reserve (Amanã SDR) intended to use them as bait, we recorded
(01°54’00’’S, 64°22’00’’W), located this information accordingly. The species
between the Negro and Japurá Rivers, used as bait were taxonomically identified
Brazil. Further details of the sampled based on local names and cross-checked
communities can be found in Table 1. with the expected occurrence for the
Apart from Mamirauá SDR and Pacaya- region according to taxonomic guides and
Samiria NR, which comprise exclusively specialists. In cases where the identifica-
white-water flooded forests, the study areas tion involved similar species occurring in
are comprised of upland forests, floodplain sympatry, such as for sloth and some plant
forests, and swamps. Both Indigenous and species, the most abundant taxon expected
non-Indigenous people interviewed main- to occur in the region was considered.
tain their habits intrinsically related to Respondents were free to participate
nature and rely on subsistence activities or leave the study at any stage; all visited
that include swidden-fallow agriculture, household heads agreed to participate.
hunting, fishing, and the gathering of vari- All interviewees were provided with an
ous forest products. To generate income, Informed Consent Form detailing the proj-
community members may sell agricultural ect aims and guaranteeing that we would
products, domesticated animals, a variety not disclose their identity. The study was
of non-timber forest products, and game approved by the Instituto Chico Mendes de
meat. Conservação da Biodiversidade (License
SISBIO 40358-3) and the Committee on
Data Collection the Ethical Use of Animals and Plants for
Between May 2014 and October 2015, Research of the Mamirauá Institute (Proto-
we conducted interviews with a pre-set col no. 001/2011 and 010/2013).
semi-structured questionnaire to 178 ran-
domly selected heads of households living Data Analysis
in the 25 sampled communities (Table 1). We used descriptive statistics to
When both men and women were available analyze the data on the use and efficiency
in the same household, we interviewed of the different tortoise hunting techniques.
the man. We interviewed 131 men and We used a Principal Coordinate Analysis
47 women. The interviewees’ ages ranged (PCoA) with Gower Similarity Coefficient
between 18 and 77 years old (average = 44 and a posteriori Analysis of Similarity
years). In these interviews, we asked the (ANOSIM) to assess the difference in the
interviewees the following questions: their use of hunting techniques cited according
age, whether they actively hunt tortoises, to their cultural background (Indigenous
what hunting techniques they know or use vs. non-Indigenous people), their ethnic-
for hunting tortoises, and what technique ity (non-Indigenous, Kichwa, Maijuna,
they consider to be the most efficient. We Kukama-Kukamilla, and Yagua), and the
also asked the interviewees to describe the interviewee’s age. For assessing whether
application of the techniques in the field. there was a generational change on tradi-
If any technique involved dogs, we asked tional knowledge of tortoise hunting
what strategies they know or use to train techniques, we divided the age of inter-
the dog to detect tortoises. If the technique viewees into three classes:  29 years old,
involved baits, we asked what bait they 30–49 years old, and  50 years old (here-
know or use for capturing tortoises. When after generations). We used QGIS 2.18 to
the bait mentioned involved animal prod- build the map and vegan R-package in R
ucts, although we did not ask whether they 3.5.1 software for all statistical analyses.

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Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques for Hunting Yellow-footed Tortoises 273

The significance of the ANOSIM analysis spread techniques, cited by interviewees in

was considered when p  0.05, indicating all localities and ethnicities sampled, while
that the probability of the result occurring active searching was cited by all ethnici-
by chance was less than 5%. ties but not in all localities; visiting fruiting
trees was cited by all groups except Yaguas
Results and Maijunas.
Eight different types of dog-training
Most Cited Hunting Techniques were mentioned by interviewees (Table 2).
Interviewees reported four different The most cited training technique was
techniques used specifically for hunting giving certain herbs to the dog to smell
tortoises in the Amazon: trapping with right before going hunting (34%, n  39).
bait, hunting with dogs, active searching, Some training techniques also incorporated
and visiting fruiting trees. Trapping with timing with the phase of the moon (Table 2).
bait was the most frequently recorded Although not frequently cited, training may
(n   122, 46%), followed by hunting involve parts of other animals, such as ant
with dogs (n = 92, 35%), active searching nests, jaguar whiskers (Panthera onca),
(n   37, 14%), and visiting fruiting trees or a burned gold tegu lizard (Tupinambis
(n   14, 5%) (Figure 2). Among the four teguixin).
techniques, trapping with bait was cited as The majority (n  129, 93%) of the
the most efficient one by the majority of the 139 reports on baits employed in traps
interviewees (67%, n  52), followed by consisted of rotten meat, viscera, or other
active searching, hunting with dogs, and animal products. The remaining baits cited
visiting fruiting trees (28%, 3%, and 1%, were fruits: yellow mombin (Spondias
respectively) (Figure 2). Trapping with bait mombin; n  5), marirana (Couepia sp.;
and hunting with dogs were the most wide- n   2), muru-muru (Astrocaryum muru-

Figure 2. Hunting techniques cited as known and most efficient for hunting tortoises in the Amazon. Black
columns represent the proportion of citation by the interviewees for known technique and gray columns for the
most efficient technique.

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274 Tavares et al.

Table 2. Training methods of dogs, including the number of times reported, locations where they were reported,
and type of moon required for each training method.
N mentions N locations Moon required
Dog training strategies (%) (%) (N citations )
Give the dog herbs (with or without tobacco and chili 59 (41%) 6 (86%) New moon (14)
pepper) to smell before going hunting [such as cannonball
Full moon (1)
tree (Couroupita guianensis), chiric sanango (Brunfelsia sp.),
catahua (Hura crepitans), lobosanango (Tabernaemontana
sp.), and pucunillo (Asteracea)].
Feed the dog tortoise ticks (with or without gunpowder). 26 (18%) 5 (71%) New moon (1)
Allow the dog to interact with (play, sniff) a live tortoise before 15 (10%) 3 (43%) _
going hunting.
Drip tortoise bile on the muzzle of the dog. 13 (9%) 2 (29%) New moon (5)
Take the dog to the forest and continuously encourage it to 10 (7%) 6 (86%) _
search places likely to house a tortoise, such as fallen trees.
Feed the dog tortoise meat (with or without gunpowder). 9 (6%) 3 (43%) _
Allow the dog to interact with parts of a dead tortoise (feed 8 (5%) 3 (43 %) _
the dog in the carapace, hang a tortoise scale or bone on the
dog’s neck).
Rub the dog’s muzzle on an ant nest, on jaguar whiskers 6 (4%) 2 (29%) _
(Panthera onca), in tortoise urine, or on a burned lizard
(Tupinambis teguixin).

muru; n  2), and peach palm (Bactris (Caiman crocodilus; n   4) and the black
gasipaes; n  1). Many hunters (n  50) caiman (Melanosuchus niger; n  3) were
reported using by-products of animals specified. A small number of hunters
hunted for consumption, such as skin and (n   12) reported killing primates as bait;
viscera, as bait. A similar number of hunters when specified, the woolly monkey (Lago-
(n   49) intentionally kill animals specifi- thrix spp.) was cited three times, while the
cally to be used as bait, especially those not large-headed capuchin monkey (Sapajus
usually consumed by the local people (due macrocephalus) and red howler monkey
to local taboo or taste preference) or with (Alouatta seniculus) were cited once each.
special characteristics that allow a longer Other species were also occasionally
decomposition time. By-products from reported as being specifically killed for use
white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) was as bait: snakes three times, and both the
most commonly reported (n  8). Only a few sloth (either Bradypus variegatus or Choloe-
hunters claimed to use tapir (Tapirus terres- pus sp.) and southern tamandua (Tamandua
tris; n  3), deer (Mazama gouazoubira and tetradactyla) were cited once each. In addi-
M. americana; n   2), capybara (Hydro- tion to by-products of animals hunted for
choerus hydrochaeris; n  2), domestic consumption and animals hunted intention-
poultry (n  1), agouti (Dasyprocta spp.; ally for use as bait, fish was also reported
n   1), and tortoise (n  1) by-products as bait for tortoise hunting, though by fewer
as bait. Another 34 hunters reported using hunters (n  29). The species cited are often
hunting by-products and did not specify the not prized for consumption, for example
species. Among those animals recorded as electric eels (Gymnotidae) and armored
being killed intentionally for use as bait, catfish (Loricariidae).
the most commonly reported were caimans Most of the tortoise hunters (42 out
(65%; n  32); both the spectacled caiman of 46) said they hunt tortoises actively,

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Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques for Hunting Yellow-footed Tortoises 275

while only four considered tortoise hunt- of the dry season, hunters focus their search
ing as mainly opportunistic. The traditional for tortoises in forest ponds and during
knowledge associated with tortoise hunt- the peak of the flooding season, hunters
ing did not differ among generations look for tortoises on branches of the trees
(ANOSIM: r  0.015, p  0.16) (Figure 3a). above the water. Hunters usually use their
In addition, we also observed great simi- machete or a wooden branch as a tool for
larity between the hunting techniques their search, in a way that they can reach
mentioned among Indigenous ethnic groups shelters and dense vegetation without risk-
and non-Indigenous people (ANOSIM: ing contacting venomous animals, such as
r  0.0003, p  0.42) (Figure 3b-c). snakes. According to the interviewees, the
tortoises are identified by the noise of the
Description of Hunting Techniques tool hitting the carapace.
According to our interviewees, “trap- The “use of dogs” specialized in
ping with bait” consists of going into the tortoise hunting, according to our inter-
forest, hanging bait using ropes or fibers viewees, is always preceded by training (for
extracted from a tree trunk, and waiting for more details see Table 2). There are several
the smell of the bait to attract tortoises. It variations on the training across cultural
is also common to build a wooden corral background and locations; but they basi-
around the bait or dig a hole in the ground cally involve rubbing the dog’s muzzle in,
below the hanging meat or fruit in which feeding the dog with, or encouraging the
the tortoises may be caught. The trap can be dog to play with different materials. Only
checked a few hours or days later, depend- after the training is the dog taken into the
ing on the size and type of the bait offered. forest to hunt tortoises.
“Active searching” consists of the Finally, “visiting fruiting trees” consists
hunter walking through the forest looking of identifying tree species tortoises prefer
for tortoises in micro-habitats commonly feeding on and anticipated its phenol-
used by the species. For instance, hunters ogy. During fruiting periods, hunters go
said they often search for tortoises under to those previously recorded trees and
fallen trees, since tortoises spend consider- search a few meters around them. Tree
able time in such shelters. During the peak species from which fruits were claimed to


Figure 3. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) scattergram of hunting techniques cited according to the
(a) generations (age classes), (b) cultural background, and (c) ethnic group. Different symbols represent different (a)
age class (✳ =  29y,   30  49y and □   50y), (b) cultural background (  non-indigenous people and
✳  Indigenous People), or (c) ethnic group studied. The size of the symbols varies according to the number of
records overlapped on the same PCoA score values. The black ellipses represent the 95% confidence interval for
each (a) age class (where solid line   29y, dashed line  30  49y and dotted line   50y), and (b) cultural
background (where the solid line represents non-indigenous people and the dashed line represents Indigenous

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276 Tavares et al.

be consumed by tortoises were the yellow edge, Reyes-García et al. 2013), we did not
mombin (S. mombin), marirana (Couepia find evidence of a change in TEK associated
sp.), muru-muru (A. murumuru), and ambé with tortoise hunting between generations
vine (Philodendron fragrantissimum). in the studied localities. The techniques
recorded require an understanding of
Discussion tortoise distribution in the forest with regards
Our findings showed that TEK related to slope, elevation, and shelter (Tavares et
to tortoise hunting is largely shared among al. 2019), tortoise feeding behavior, or the
hunters from different ethnicities in the location and phenology of specific fruit-
Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. The simi- ing trees attractive to tortoises (Wang et al.
larities in the composition of hunting 2011). However, all this TEK related to hunt-
techniques among distinct ethnic back- ing techniques is not static, and future losses
grounds may have resulted from ancient may still happen due to unpredictable envi-
or modern cultural co-evolution among ronmental, social, and economic pressures
the studied groups or multiple convergen- to which local inhabitants are, and will be,
ces on the same techniques (Migliano et continuously exposed (Álvarez 1997; Berkes
al. 2020; Murray et al. 2006). Historically, 2008; Menzies and Butler 2010).
throughout the Amazon basin, Indigenous We highlight the importance of consid-
peoples were semi-nomadic and migrated ering the impacts of hunting not only on
long distances. Later, in the post-colonial the species targeted for consumption,
period, vast numbers of rubber workers but also on other species harvested or
migrated to the Amazon and occupied affected by the hunting techniques. Two
Indigenous territories (Alexiades 2009). of the described techniques for hunting
Those pre- and post-colonial migrations tortoises—trapping with bait and hunt-
and cumulative encounters among different ing with dogs—involve the use of other
groups promoted multiple opportunities for species, which has already led to conserva-
the combination of different knowledge tion concerns by other researchers (Álvarez
aiming at hunting improvement, which 1995). Meat from caimans, along with
may have resulted in a shared knowledge Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis),
of hunting techniques (Migliano et al. is also traditionally used as bait for catfish
2020). The results of our study are consis- (Calophysus macropterus) fishing in the
tent with such cultural crossover, leading Amazon (Brum et al. 2015). In the case
to communities with different cultural of the dolphin, the publicity of its use led
backgrounds and as far as 1300 kilometers to a temporary ban of the commercializa-
of linear distance apart having the same tion of the catfish in Brazil and Colombia
hunting repertoire in Amazonia. However, due to possible impacts on dolphin popu-
some of the most common hunting tech- lations (Asher 2018). Further research and
niques were also likely to have been monitoring should document the offtake
discovered independently. Hunters butcher of bait animals for hunting tortoises. If a
large hunted mammals before transporting potential imperilment of any key species
them, leaving viscera in the forest, which by use as bait is detected, rules at local
will subsequently attract tortoises. Hunters’ or national levels should be developed to
observations of these unintentional expe- avoid overexploitation. The impacts of each
riences may have led to the adoption of technique for hunting tortoise have to be
baiting methodologies. contemplated in management plans, and
Although there has been reported a local arrangements developed in order to
generational erosion regarding TEK in the promote the sustainability of hunting (e.g.,
Amazon (e.g., loss of ethnobotanical knowl- for turtles, Vieira et al. 2019).

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Widespread Use of Traditional Techniques for Hunting Yellow-footed Tortoises 277

TEK of Indigenous and non-Indigenous consumption and commercial exploitation

peoples, when combined with scientific (Castello et al. 2009).
knowledge, can provide more efficient The overexploitation of yellow-footed
methods for faster and more reliable tortoises in Amazonia is a conservation
research on hunted species in tropical concern (Morcatty and Valsecchi 2015).
forests (El Bizri et al. 2016; Gadgil et al. While the traditional methods of hunting
1993; Huntington 2000). Assessing popu- them have been sustainable in the histor-
lation trends of tortoises, for instance, may ical context of Amazonia, increasing road
guide decision-making for their manage- access and fragmentation, and increasing
ment, but depends on locating tortoises supply of wild meat to urban centers have
readily and at a low cost in the field. Current increased pressure on wildlife popula-
tortoise survey methods, such as linear tions (El Bizri et al. 2020: Espinosa et al.
transects and active searching, have low 2014). Incorporating TEK in tortoise hunt-
capture rates (e.g., Guzmán and Stevenson ing management can be an alternative to
2008), which could be much improved by develop more effective and integrative
using baited traps inspired by the technique strategies to conserve both wildlife and
used by Amazonian people. Their efficacy local peoples’ livelihoods (Lertzman 2009).
against conventional survey methods could Apart from the Yavarí-Mirín River basin, all
be tested considering the particularities of sampled locations in our study are protected
the environment and the type of bait used. areas, which have, or are developing,
Given that the yellow-footed tortoise is management plans for the sustainable use
currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN of resources. Community management
(IUCN 2019), threatened by overexploita- strategies developed by local people have
tion through most of its range (Morcatty sometimes included restrictions on the use
and Valsecchi 2015), and much of the of methods deemed too efficient by those
information about its biology and ecology communities (e.g., Berkes et al. 2000;
still comes from studies in captivity (Ferr- Vieira et al. 2015). For example, Maijuna
ara et al. 2017), this represents a valuable communities restrict the use of barbasco
opportunity for the study of the species in (Lonchocarpus sp.) fish poison (M. Gilmore
the wild. and M. Bowler, personal observations). In
Turning trapping with bait into a stan- other Amazonian regions, local rules also
dardized method may also facilitate the restrict hunting in mineral licks or using
establishment of community-based popu- dogs in order to promote sustainable hunt-
lation monitoring for assessing hunting ing (Montenegro 2004; Vieira et al. 2015,
sustainability in relation to the local prac- 2019). Using such strategies to regulate and
tices (El Bizri et al. 2016; Gadgil et al. 1993; manage tortoise hunting can be combined
Huntington 2000). The fact that the people with methods of monitoring tortoise popu-
from different cultures are familiar with the lations, such as those we recommend, to
method represents the potential for adopt- ensure the persistence of this important
ing common protocols throughout the source of nutrients and income, and to
Amazon. For instance, the widespread tradi- guarantee food sovereignty for Amazonian
tional fishing techniques for catching the communities.
giant arapaima fish (Arapaima gigas) have
been incorporated into community-based Acknowledgments
monitoring methods. This method was then We thank the Conselho Nacional
replicated throughout the Amazon for esti- de Pesquisa e Inovação (CNPq) and the
mating their abundance and, ultimately, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação
defining the fishing quotas for the species’ e Comunicação (MCTIC) for financial

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