Shockwaves in Traffic

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Shockwaves in Traffic: (Figure 6.


A shockwave in traffic exists whenever varying stream conditions meet. For

example when traffic slows down for an accident and where a platoon of
vehicles meets free flow conditions.
Shockwave equation:
qb − q a
U sw = , note the magnitude and direction of the shockwave. (+)
kb − k a
shockwave is travelling in same direction as traffic stream.
See attached figures and example.
Example Calculations for the Shockwave Problem (in class)
(i) Given: Slow moving truck drives along roadway at 10 MPH.
Find: The velocity of the shockwave at the front and back of the platoon.

Point 1: Normal flow ( us = 40 MPH, k=25 veh/mi, q= 1000 vph.

Point 2: Slow Truck: ( us = 10 MPH, k=120 veh/mi, q= 1200 vph.

Shockwave in front of Truck at point A-A ( qb= 0, kb = 0)

Same as speed of truck!
0 − 1200
u sw = = +10 MPH
0 − 120
Shockwave B-B at end of platoon:
qa= 1000 vph, ka=25 vpm (1) at approach to end of platoon
qb= 1200 vph, kb =120 vpm (2) Platoon conditions {as shown at point 2 on
Figure 3.6.1} This indicates that as the traffic is slowed down behind the truck
the flow increases!

1200 - 1000
u sw (B - B) = = +2.1MPH
120 - 25
The (+) sign indicates that the shockwave is moving downstream with respect
to a fixed observer.
A-A moves forward relative to the roadway at 10 MPH
B-B moves forward relative to the roadway at 2.1 MPH
Platoon Growth: 10-2.1 = 7.9 MPH

(ii) Given: The truck leaves the roadway after 10 minutes. The vehicles are released
from the front of the platoon at a rate of 20 MPH, and k=70 vpm.
Find: The length of the platoon at this point, number of vehicles in the platoon
just before the truck exits, and the time for the platoon to dissipate.
(Note: the release conditions are qm,km, and um at point 3 on Figure 3.6.1)
Length of the platoon: vrel x time = 7.9 MPH x 10/60 hr
= 1.32 miles
Number of vehicles in platoon = k x length of platoon
k=120 veh/mi ( platoon conditions )
Number of vehicles = 120 vpm x 1.32 miles = 159 vehicles
To find the time for the platoon to dissipate, we need to find the velocity of the
shockwave that occurs at the front of the platoon when the vehicles are released.
Platoon conditions: qa= 1200 vph, ka =120 vpm
Release conditions: qb= 1400 vph, kb =70 vpm
1400 − 1200 200
u sw = = = −4.0 MPH
70 − 120 − 50

The negative sign indicates that the platoon is moving upstream.

The shockwave at the rear of the platoon is still moving downstream at 2.1 MPH
and the shockwave at the front of the platoon is moving upstream at 4.0 MPH.
The relative speed of the two shockwaves is :
2.1-(-4.0) = 6.1 MPH

Since that platoon was 1.32 miles long the time to dissipate is
= = 0.216hours

Or = 12.98 minutes
Distance –Time plots:
The truck slows down the speed on the roadway for 10 minutes, and the front of the
platoon moves with the truck downstream at 10 MPH for 10 minutes. What is
happening to the platoon during this time?
Front of the platoon travels: 10 MPH x 10/60 Hr = 1.67 miles
Rear of the platoon travels: 2.1 MPH x 10/60 Hr = 0.35 miles
Maximum Length of the Platoon (1.67-0.35 = 1.32 miles long)
At time = 10+12.98 minutes the platoon has dissipated, and how far has the rear of the
platoon traveled?
2.1 MPH x 22.98/60 Hr = 0.80 miles
Check: front of platoon: 1.67-12.98/60(4)=0.80 miles 4

Platoon Distance
1 Front

0.8 0.8 Platoon Distance

0.4 0.35
0 0
0 10 22.98

Distance versus Time for the Shockwave Example

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