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Shutter Speed

Slow shutter speed with the 1/10Shutter speed f22 iso100

subject moving across the
picture plain.

Slow shutter speed with the 1/10 Shutter f22 Iso 100
subject moving straight toward
the camera.

Fast shutter speed with the 1/500 sec f4.0 Iso 100
subject moving across the
picture plain.

Fast shutter speed with the 1/4000 Sec f3.5 Iso 400
subject moving straight toward
the camera.


shallow depth of field with the 1/4000 f1.8 Iso 64000

camera at 10-12 feet from the
Shallow depth of field with the 1/640sec f1.8 iso 100
camera really close to the
subject no more than 2 feet
from the subject (the closer the

Greater depth of field with the 1/30 f22 iso 100

camera at 10-12 feet from the

Greater depth of field with the 1/40sec f22 iso100

camera really close to the
subject no more than 2 feet

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