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The book involves two men, a Palestinian, and an Israeli, who share common grief of losing their

daughters. Rami Elhanan is an Israeli while Bassam Aramin is a Palestinian. Elhanan’s daughter, Smadar,
is killed in an explosion at the age of thirteen. As well, Aramin’s daughter, Abir, is killed by a rubber
bullet at the age of ten. The common grief makes the two men meet in a charity forum called Parents
Circle Family Forum. The novel explains the history of the two men. We learned that Aramin was
incarcerated at the age of seventeen after he hit an Israeli Jeep with a broken hand grenade.

Aramin was tortured and oppressed every day in jail. On the other hand, we learn the life of Elhanan
during his time in the Israel Army. The novel also explores the relationship between Elhanan and Nurit,
the mother of his child. Both Aramin and Elhanan have had their ups and downs. After meeting one
another, the two men become friends and travel across the globe, narrating their experience of losing
their daughters. The pain and grief of losing children unite the two men having different opinions about

The book shows how the conflict between Israel and Palestine can come to an end if the two sides can
reflect the pains they have experienced due to perpetual conflict. Both Israelites and Palestinians have
suffered a loss due to the conflict experienced for centuries. People from both countries have endured
traumas. The author shows that by reflecting on their experiences of pains, the two countries can come
together and make peace.

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