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Week 1

Feb 7-8
Awareness and Prevention -
PSA: February is #TDV Awareness month! One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of
physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a partner. With the tools and resources to
create healthy relationships, dating abuse is preventable. For online resources handling
relationships, visit

PSA: Dating abuse can happen to anyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation or the type
of relationship. Know the signs and when to seek help in unsafe situations.
Call the @loveisrespect hotline at 1-866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.

PSA: Signs of abusive behavior include: checking your phone without permission, hurting you
physically, threatening to “out” private info like your sexual orientation or gender identity, or
telling you who you can’t be friends with. #TDVAM

Feel something is wrong in your relationship or that you are being treated badly? Tell an adult
who can help you end it safely. #TDVAM

Week 2
@LoveisRespect Respect Week
Feb. 11-15
Forms of Violence -
Physical abuse:
PSA: It’s abuse even if it doesn’t leave a bruise or mark and even if your partner says it’s a joke.
A partner physically hurting you in your relationship is never okay. You deserve better. Period.

PSA: Dealing with emotions in a healthy way requires talking things through. Someone else’s
anger and abuse is never your fault, no matter what. Call the @loveisrespect hotline at 1-866-
331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.

PSA: Hitting, choking, pushing, throwing things out of anger, or blocking exits during a heated
moment is not normal. If it hurts, it’s abuse. #TDVAM

Sexual abuse can occur even when the person is your partner. Consent is freely given,
reversible, informed, enthusiastic and specific. #TDVAM
Even when you’ve consented to a sexual act in the past, your consent can be revoked at any
time. Consent means both parties feel great about what is happening in the relationship.

Emotional Abuse:

You should be able to spend time with friends of any gender. If your partner is complaining,
something’s up. Controlling behavior is not love and is never okay.

Gaslighting is when someone tries to have you believe things that just aren’t true. It can make
you doubt yourself. Trust your gut! Your emotional safety comes first.
Twitter: Emotional manipulation is when one person makes an attempt to control by making you
feel guilty, playing mind games or making you feel bad about yourself. No one deserves that
much power over you, ever. #TDVAM

Twitter: PSA: Manipulation is about power and control. If you’re feeling negativity about a
relationship, talk to your friends, peers or a counselor. #TDVAM

Digital Abuse:

It’s never cool for your partner to check your phone, hack your accounts or try to control what
you do online. You have the right to your digital privacy, always. #TDVAM

Week 3
Feb. 18-22
Prevention - Establishing Healthy Communication and Trust
PSA: February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. 23% of women and 14% of
men experience intimate partner violence before they turn 18.

Healthy relationships start with learning the skills to communicate with your partner, develop
trust and set healthy boundaries. It’s important to communicate with your partner about all of the
things that can make your relationship great. For advice, visit:

PSA: Only 33% of teens who were in a violent relationship ever told anyone about the abuse.
Talk to the people in your life - friends, siblings and peers about signs of violence and what they
can do to stay safe.

If they aren’t having regular conversations with their partner about what a healthy relationship
will look like, ask what you can do to help. #NTDVAM

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