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1 Molecular Geometry the positions of all the atoms)

minimizes the repulsion.
● The term “central atom” means an atom that is
not a terminal atom in a polyatomic molecule ● This approach to the study of
molecular geometry is called the
Molecular geometry valence-shell electron-pair
● is the three-dimensional repulsion (VSEPR) model,
arrangement of atoms in a = because it accounts for the geometric
molecule. arrangements of electron pairs around a
● affects its physical and chemical central atom in terms of the electrostatic
properties, such as melting point, repulsion between electron pairs
boiling point, density, and the types
of reactions it undergoes. Two general rules govern the use of the
● In general, bond lengths and bond VSEPR model:
angles must be determined by
1. As far as electron-pair
repulsion is concerned, double
*the basis of this approach is the bonds and triple bonds can be
assumption that electron pairs in the treated like single bonds. This
valence shell of an atom repel one approximation is good for
another. qualitative purposes.
However, you should realize
Valence shell that in reality multiple bonds
● is the outermost electron-occupied are “larger” than single bonds;
shell of an atom; it holds the that is, because there are two
electrons that are usually involved or three bonds between two
in bonding.
atoms, the electron density
>In a covalent bond:
occupies more space.
-a pair of electrons, often called the
2. If a molecule has two or more
bonding pair, is responsible for holding
resonance structures, we can
two atoms together.
>However, in a polyatomic molecule, apply the VSEPR model to
where there are two or more bonds any one of them. Formal
between the central atom and the charges are usually not
surrounding atoms: shown.
-the repulsion between electrons in With this model in mind, we can predict
different bonding pairs causes them to the geometry of molecules (and ions) in a
remain as far apart as possible. systematic way. For this purpose, it is
convenient to divide molecules into two
categories, according to whether or not
the central atom has lone pairs.
● The geometry that the molecule
ultimately assumes (as defined by
Molecules in Which the Central
Atom Has No Lone Pairs

● The atoms that are above and

below the triangular plane are said
to occupy axial positions
Molecules in Which the Central
● those that are in the triangular
plane are said to occupy equatorial Atom Has One or More Lone Pairs
positions. the repulsive forces decrease in the
following order:
● Electrons in a bond are held by
the attractive forces exerted by
the nuclei of the two bonded
● These electrons have less
“spatial distribution” than lone
pairs; that is, they take up less
space than lone-pair electrons,
which are associated with only
one particular atom
● Because lone-pair electrons in
a molecule occupy more
space, they experience greater
repulsion from neighboring lone
pairs and bonding pairs.

To keep track of the total number of

bonding pairs and lone pairs:
● we designate molecules with
lone pairs as ABxEy,
*where A is the central atom,
* B is a surrounding atom,
* E is a lone pair on A.
*Both x and y are integers; x = 2, 3,
…, and y = 1, 2, ….
*values of x and y indicate the number of
surrounding atoms and number of lone
pairs on the central atom, respectively.

Guidelines for Applying the

1. Write the Lewis structure of the
molecule, considering only the
electron pairs around the central
atom (that is, the atom that is
bonded to more than one other
2. Count the number of electron pairs
around the central atom (bonding
pairs and lone pairs). Treat double This separation of charges can be
and triple bonds as though they confirmed in an electric field:
were single bonds. Refer to Table ● When the field is turned on:
10.1 to predict the overall = HF molecules orient their negative ends
arrangement of the electron pairs. toward the positive plate and their positive
3. Use Tables 10.1 and 10.2 to predict ends toward the negative plate.
the geometry of the molecule. = This alignment of molecules can be
4. In predicting bond angles, note that detected experimentally
a lone pair repels another lone pair
or a bonding pair more strongly than
Dipole moment (μ),
a bonding pair repels another
● A quantitative measure of the
bonding pair. Remember that in
polarity of a bond
general there is no easy way to
● which is the product of the charge
predict bond angles accurately when
the central atom possesses one or
Q and the distance r between the
more lone pairs. charges:

The sequence of steps in determining ● To maintain electrical neutrality,

molecular geometry is as follows: the charges on both ends of an
electrically neutral diatomic
molecule must be equal in
magnitude and opposite in sign
10.2 Dipole Moments *Q refers only to the magnitude of the
charge and not to its sign,
Hydrogen fluoride is a covalent compound *so μ is always positive.
with a polar bond.
● There is a shift of electron density ● Dipole moments are usually
from H to F because the F atom is expressed in debye units (D),
more electronegative than the H named for the Dutch-American
atom. chemist and physicist Peter Debye.
● The shift of electron density is The conversion factor is
symbolized by placing a crossed
arrow ( ) above the Lewis ●
structure to indicate the direction of ● where C is coulomb and m is
the shift. meter.

The consequent charge separation can be Polar molecules.

represented as ● Diatomic molecules containing
atoms of different elements (for
example, HCl, CO, and NO) have
dipole moments
*where δ (delta) denotes a partial charge
Nonpolar Molecules ● The measured dipole moment is
● Diatomic molecules containing equal to the vector sum of the
atoms of the same element (for bond moments.
example, H2, O2, and F2) >LINEAR:
● do not have dipole moments. =The two bond moments in CO2
are equal in magnitude. Because they
*For a molecule made up of three or more point in opposite directions in a linear CO 2
atoms, both the polarity of the bonds and molecule, the sum or resultant dipole
the molecular geometry determine moment would be zero.
whether there is a dipole moment.
* Even if polar bonds are present, the >BENT
molecule will not necessarily have a =the two bond moments would
dipole moment partially reinforce each other, so that the
molecule would have a dipole moment.

*Experimentally it is found that carbon

dioxide has no dipole moment. Therefore,
we conclude that the carbon dioxide
The VSEPR model
predicts that CO2 is a linear molecule.
molecule is linear.

Each carbon-to-oxygen bond is polar, with the

● Dipole moments can be used to
electron density shifted toward the more
electronegative oxygen atom. However, the linear distinguish between molecules that
geometry of the molecule results in the cancellation of have the same formula but
the two bond moments. different structures.

★ all diatomic molecules containing

different elements possess a
dipole moment.

In each case, the dipole moment of the

entire molecule is made up of two bond
moments, that is, individual dipole
moments in the polar bonds.

● The bond moment is a vector

quantity, which means that it has
both magnitude and direction

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