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1 Flow of Energy in Living Systems ● Oxidation & reduction always takes

place together, bc every electron
Thermodynamics: branch of chem that is lost by 1 atom through
concerned w/ energy changes oxidation is gained by another atom
through reduction
Energy: capacity to do work
1. Kinetic Energy: energy of motion 6.2 The laws of Thermodynamics & Free
2. Potential Energy: stored energy Energy

*much of the work that living organisms First Law states that energy cannot be
carry out involves transforming Potential created or destroyed
energy into kinetic energy ● concerns the amt of energy in the
Energy can take many forms and can be ● Energy cannot be created or
measured in many ways destroyed it can only change from 1
● Heat is the most convenient way of form to another
measuring energy bc all other forms ● Total amt of energy in the universe
of energy can be converted into heat remains constant
● Heat: kilocalorie (kcal) ● w/in any living organism, chemical
1kcal=1000calories potential energy stored in some
1 calorie is the heat rew. To raise the temp molec can be shifted to other molec
of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius & stored in diff chem bonds
● During each conversion, some of the
The sun provides energy for living systems energy dissipates into the envi as
● Energy from sunlight is stored as heat, w/c is a measure of the
potential energy in the covalent random motion of molec
bonds between atoms in the sugar ● Energy continuously flows in 1D, w/
molecules new energy from the sun constantly
● Strength of a covalent bond is entering the system to replace the
measured by the amt of energy req. energy dissipated as heat
To break it (breaking d bonds ● Heat can be harnessed to do work
between atom req. energy) only when there is a heat gradient-
temp diff between 2 areas
Oxidation-reduction reactions transfer e- ● Cells are too small to maintain
while bonds are made / broken significant internal temp diff, so heat
● Oxidation: an atom/molec loses an energy is incapable of doing the
electron (oxidized) work of cells, instead cells must rely
● Reduction: an atom/molec that gains on chem reactions for energy
an electron (reduced) ● Although the total amt of energy in
● The reduced form of a molec has a the universe remains constant, the
higher level of energy than the energy available to do work
oxidized form decreases as more of it is
● progressively lost as heat
Oxidation-reduction (redox)
designated H) together w/ the
Second Law states that some energy is lost energy term (TS) related to the
as disorder increases degree of disorder in the system,
● Concerns the transformation of where S is the symbol of entropy & T
potential energy into heat, or random is the absolute temp expressed in
molec motion during any energy the Kelvin scale (K=C+273)
transaction G=H-TS
● Entropy: disorder in universe, ● Chem reacs break some bonds in
continuously increasing the reactants & form new ones in the
● Energy transformations proceed products
spontaneously to convert mater from ● Reactions can produce changes in
a more ordered, less stable form to a free enrgy
less ordered but more stable form ● When a chem reac occur under
● Also known as Time’s arrow conditions of constant temp,
● Entropy increases pressure, and volume
● When the univ formed, it held all the ● Change symbolized by the Greek
potential energy it will ever have. It capital letter Δ, in free energy
has become progressively more ΔG= ΔH- TΔS
disordered ever since, w/ every ● ΔG positive: products of the reac
energy exchange increasing the amt contain more free energy than the
of entropy reactants, the bond energy (H) is
higher or the disorder (S) in the
Chem reactions can be predicted based on system is lower; need a input of
changes in free energy energy; proceed not spontaneousy
● Heat energy, bc it increases atomic (ENDERGONIC-inward energy)
motion, makes it easier for the ● ΔG negative: products of the
atoms to pull apart reaction contain less free energy,
● Both chem bonding & heat have a either the bond energy is lower or
significant influence on a molec
the disorder is higher, or both;
Chem bonding reduces disorder
proceed spontaneously if the diff
Heat increases it
● Net effect, amt of energy actually
in disorder (TΔS) is greater than
available to break & subsequently the diff in bond energies between
form other chem bonds is called the reactants & products
free energy ● For each reaction, an equilibrium
Free Energy: exists at some point between the
-energy available to do work in a ny relative amts of reactants &
system products
● For a molec w/in a cell, where ● This equilibrium has a numeric
pressure & volume usually do not value & is called the equilibrium
change, the free energy is denoted
G (for Gibbs free energy)
● This charac of reactions provide
● G= energy contained in a molec’s
chem bonds (called enthalpy & us w/ another way to think abt
free energy changes: an
exergonic reaction has an endergonic reaction proceed spontaneously
equilibrium favoring the products,
& an endergonic reaction has an • By reducing the activation energy, a
equilibrium favoring the reactants catalyst accelerates both the forward & the
reverse reactions by exactly the same amt
• A catalyst does not alter the propprtion of
Spontaneous chem reac req activation
reactant ultimately converted into product
● Most reactions require an input of
6.3 ATP: The energy currency of cells
energy to get started
• ATP adenosine triphosphate (chief
currency of cells)
Activation energy
• B4 new chem bonds can form, even bonds
Cells store and release energy in the bonds
that contain less energy, existing bonds
of ATP & Structure of ATP
must 1st be broken & that req energy input
• ATP is composed of 3 smaller comp:
• The extra energy needed to destabilize
1. 5 carbon sugar, ribose: serves as
existing chem bonds & initiate a chem
the framework to w/c the other 2 subunits
reaction is called activation energy
are attached
• Rate of an exergonic reaction depends on
2. Adenine: org molec composed of
the activation energy required for the
2 carbon-nitrogen rings; each of the
reaction to begin
nitrogen atoms in the ring has an unshared
• Reactions w/ larger activation energies
pair of electrons and weakly attracts H ions,
tend to proceed more slowly bc fewe molec
making adenine chemically a weak base
succeed in getting over the initial energy to
3. Chain of 3 phosphates
• The rate of reaction can be increased in 2
How ATP stores energy
• Key to how ATP stores energy lies in its
1. Increasing the energy of reacting
triphosphate grp
• Phosphate grp are highly negatively
2. Lowering activation energy
charged, & thus they strongly repel 1
How catalysts work
• This electrostatic repulsion makes the
• Process of influencing chem bonds in a
covalent bonds joining the phosphates
way that lowers the activation energy
needed to initiate a reaction is called
• Molec is often referred to as a "coiled
catalysis & substances that accomplish this
spring" w/ the phosphates straining away
are known as catalysts
from 1 another
• Catalysts exert their action by affecting an
• Unstable bonds holding the phosphates
intermediate stage in a reaction- transition
together in the ATP molec have a low
state (energy to reach dis transition needs
activation energy & are easily broken by
activation energy)
• Catalysts stabilize this transition state,
• When they break, they can transfer a
thus lowering activation energy
considerable amt of energy. In other words,
• Catalysts cannot violate the basic laws of
the hydrolysis of ATP has a negative ^G, &
thermodynamics; they cannot make an
the energy it releases can be used to provide energy to drive the endergonic
perform work reactions they need
• Outermost high energy phosphate bond is • Most cells do not maintain a large
hydrolyzed, cleaving off the phosphate grp stockpiles of ATP. Instead, they typically
on the end have only a few seconds' supply of ATP at
• ATP becomes adenosine diphosphate any given time & they continually produce
(ADP) plus an inorganic phosphate & more from ADP & P
energy is released under standard
conditions 6.4 Enzymes: Biological Catalysts
• Both of the 2 terminal phosphates can be • Agents that carry out most of the catalysis
hydrolyzed to release energy, leaving in living org are called enzymes
adenosine monophosphate (AMP) but the
3rd phosphates is not attached by a high- An enzyme alters the activation energy of a
energy bond reaction
• W/only 1 phosphate, AMP has no other • Unique 3D shape of an enzyme enables it
phosphates to provide the electrostatic to stabilize a temp association between
repulsion that makes the bonds holding the substrates-molec that will undergo the
2 terminal phosphate grps high-energy reaction
bonds • By bringing 2 substrates together in the
correct orientation or by stressing particular
ATP hydrolysis drives endergonic reactions chem bonds of a substrate, an enzyme
• These reactions do not proceed lowers the activation energy req for new
spontaneously bc their products possess bonds to form. The reaction thus proceeds
more free energy than their reactants much more quickly than it would w/o the
• If the cleavage of ATP's terminal high- enzyme
energy bond releases more energy than the • The enzyme itself is not changed or
other reaction consumes, the 2 reactions consumed in the reaction, so only a small
can be coupled so that the energy released amt of an enzyme is needed & it can be
by the hydrolysis of ATP can be used to used over & over
supply the endergonic reaction w/ the • Large activation energy=reaction is very
energy it needs slow in the absence of an enzyme
• Coupled together, these reactions result in • Vertebrate RBC overcome this prob by
a net release of energy (-ΔG) & are employing an enzyme w/in their cytoplasm
therefore exergonic & proceed called carbonic anhydrase (enzyme names
spontaneously usually end in "-ase"
• Bc almost all the endergonic reac in cells • Enzyme increase the reaction rate by
require less energy than is released by the more than 1 million times
cleavage of ATP, ATP can provide most of
the energy a cell needs Active sites of enzymes conform to fit the
shape of substrates
ATP cycles continuously • Most enzymes are globular proteins w/1 or
• Use of ATP can be thought of as a cycle: more pockets or clefts called active sites
Cells use exergonic reactions to provide the • Substrates bind to the enzyme at these
energy needed to synthesize ATP to active sites, forming an enzyme-substrate
complex its substrate. If a series of sequential
• For catalysts to occur w/in the complex, a reactions occurs w/in a multienzyme
substrate molec must fit precisely into an complex, the product of 1 reaction can be
active site. delivered to the next enzyme w/o releasing
• When that happens, amino side grps of it to diffuse away.
the enzyme end up very close to certain 2. Bc the reacting substrate doesn't
bonds of the substrate (side grps interact leave the complex while it goes through the
chemically w/ substrate, usually stressing or series of reactions, unwanted side reactions
distorting a part bond & consequently are prevented
lowering the activation energy needed to 3. All of the reactions that take place
break the bond) w/in the multienzyme complex can be
• After the bonds of the substrates are controlled as unit
broken, or new bonds are formed, the • Fatty acid synthase complex that catalyzes
substrates have been converted to the synthesis of fatty acid from 2-carbon
products. These products then dissociate precursors (7diff enzymes make up this
from the enzyme, leaving the enzyme ready multienzyme complex, & the intermediate
to bind its next substrate & begin the cycle reaction products remain assoc w/ the
again complex for the entire series of reactions)
• Proteins are not rigid. The binding of a
substrate induces the enzyme to adjust its
shape slightly, leading to better induced Nonprotein Enzymes
fight between enzyme and substrate • Thomas R. Cech & colleagues at the
• This interaction may facilitate the binding University of Colorado reported in 1981 that
of other substrates; 1 substrate "activates" certain reactions involving RNA molec
enzymes to receive other substrates appear to be catalyzed in cells by RNA
itself, rather than by enzymes. This initial
Enzymes occur in many forms observation has been corroborated by
• Enzymes may also form associations additional examples of RNA catalysis
called multienzyme complexes to carry out • Ike enzymes, these RNA catalysts, w/c are
reaction sequences loosely called "ribozymes" greatly
• Evidence exists that some enzyme may accelerate the rate of particular biochemical
consist of RNA rather than being only reactions & show extraordinary substrate
protein specifiy (2 sorts of ribozymes)
• Some ribozymes have folded struc &
Multienzyme complex catalyze reactions on themselves, a process
• Often several enzymes catalyzing diff called intermolecular catalysis
steps of a sequence of reactions are assoc • RNA evolved first & may have catalyzed
w/ 1 another in noncovalently bonded the formation of the first proteins
assemblies called multienzyme complexes.
• Multienzyme complexes offer the ff Environmental & other factors affect
significant advantages in catalytic efficiency: enzyme function
• Rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is
1. Rate of any enzyme reaction is affected by the concentrations of both the
limited by how often the enzyme collides w/ substrate & the enzyme that works on it
• Any chem or physical factor taht alters the presence of specific substances that can
enzyme's 3D shape (temp, pH, & the bind to the enzyme & cause chamges in its
binding of regulatory molec) can affect the shape
enzyme's ability to catalyze the reaction • Through these substances, a cell is able to
regulate w/c enzymes are active & w/c are
Temperature inactive at a particular time
• Increasing temp of an uncatalyzed • This ability allows the cell to increase its
reaction increases its rate bc the additional efficiency & to control changes in its charac
heat increases random molec movement. during development
This motion can add stress to a molec • Substances that binds to an enzyme &
bonds &affect the activation energy of a decreases its activity is called an inhibitor
reaction • The end product of a biochen pathway
• The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction acts as an inhibitor of an early reaction in
also increases w/ temp, but only up to a the pathway, a process called feedback
point called the optimum temperature inhibition
• Below this temp, the H bonds & • Enzyme inhibition occurs in 2 ways:
hydrophobic interactions that determine the 1. Competitive inhibitors: compete w/
enzyme's shape are not flexible enough to the substrate for the same active site,
permit the induced fit that is optimum for occupying the active site and thus
catalysis preventing substrates from binding
• Above the optimum temp between 35-40, 2. Noncompetitive inhibitors bind to
a range that includes normal body teno the enzyme in a location other than the
• In each case the optimum temp for the active site, changing the shape of the
enzyme correspondss to the "normal" temp enzyme & making it unable to bind to the
usually encpuntered in the body or the substrate
environment, depending on the type of • Many enzymes can exist in either an
organism active or inactive conformation; such as
enzymes are called allosteric enzymes
pH • Most noncompetitive inhibitors bind to a
• Interactions are sensitive to the H ion specific portion of the enzyme called an
concentration of the fluid in w/c the allosteric site (serve as chem on/off
enzymes is dissolved, bc changing that switches; the binding of a substance to the
concentration shifts the balance between site can switch the enzyme between its
positively & negatively charged amino acid active & inactive configurations)
residues • A substance that binds to an allosteric site
• Most enzymes have an optimum pH that & reduces enzyme activity is called an
usually ranges from pH 6 to 8 allosteric inhibitor
• Enzymes able to function in very acidic • This kind of control is also used to activate
environ are proteins that maintain their 3D enzymes
shape even in the presence of high H ion • An allosteric activator binds to allosteric
concentrations sites to keep an enzyme in its active
configuration, thereby increasing enzyme
Inhibitors & activators activity
• Enzyme activity is also sensitive to the
Enzyme cofactors stepwise fashion.
• Enzyme function is often assisted by • Energy rich molec became depleted in the
additional chem components known as external environment, & only organisms that
cofactors (can be metal ions that are often had evolved some means of making those
found in the active site participating directly molec from other substances could survive.
in catalysis) Thus, a hypothetical reaction, where 2
• Cofactor is a nonprotein organic molec, it energy rich molec (F& G) react to produce
is called a coenzyme. (Vitamins and compound H & release energy became
modified nucleotides) more complex when the supply of F in the
• Oxidation-reduction reactions that are environment ran out
catalyzed by enzymes, electrons pass in
pairs from the active site of the enzyme to a
coenzyme that serves as the e acceptor
• Coenzyme then transfers the electrons to • A new reaction was added in w/c the
a diff enzyme, w/c releases them to the depleted molec, F is made from anothe
substarated in another reaction mole, E.
• Often, e- combine w/ protons (H+) to form
H atoms. In this way, coenzymes shuttle
energy in the form of H atoms from 1
coenzyme to another in a cell • When the supply of E was in turn
exhausted, org that were able to make E
6.5 Metabolism: Chemical description of from some other available precursor, D,
cell function survived. When D was depleted, those
• Total of all chem reactions carried out by organisms in turn were replaced by ones
an organism is called metabolism able to synthesize D from another molec, C:
• Those chem reactions that expend energy
to build of molec are called anabolic
reactions (anabolism)
• Reactions that harvest energy by breaking
downmolec are called catabolc reactions
(catabolism) • This hypothetical biochemical pathway
would have evolved slowly through time, w/
Biochemical pathways organize chem the final restrictions in the pathway evolving
reactions in cells 1st and earlier reactions evolving later
•Many of these reactions in a cell occur in • C is able to synthesize H by means of a
seq called biochemical pathways series of steps
• Product of 1 reaction becomes the
substrate for the next Feedback inhibition regllates some
• Biochemical pathways are the biochemical pathways
organizational units of metabolism-elements • Biochem pathway to operate efficiently, its
an organism controls to achieve coherent activity must be coordinated & regulated by
metabolic activity the cell
• Cell's advatange to temporarily shut down
Biochemical pathways may have evolved in biochemical pathways when their products
are not needed
• The regulation of simple biochemical
pathways often depends on an elegant
feedback mechanism: end product of the
pathway binds to an allosteric site on the
enzymes that catalyzes the 1st reaction in
the pathway. This mode of regulation is
feedback inhibition
• Hypothetical pathway, enzyme catalyzing
the reaction C-D would possess an
allosteric site for H, end-product of the
• As the pathway churned out its product &
the amt of H in the cell increased, it would
become more likely that an H molec would
encounter the allosteric site on the C-D
• Binding to the allosteric site would
essentially shut down the reaction C-D & in
turn effective. lt shut down the whole

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