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Name of Drug Dosage, Route and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Dosage: Tramadol is used in Carbamazepine Tramadol may Tramadol is generally  Assess type, location, and
Tramadol 50 mg the management of (Tegretol, Tegretol XR , increase central well tolerated, and side intensity of pain before and 2-3 hr
moderate to Equetro, Carbatrol) nervous system and effects are usually (peak) after administration.
Brand Name: Frequency: moderately severe reduces the effect of respiratory transient. Commonly
Ultram, Ultram ER Q8 pain. Extended tramadol by increasing depression when reported side effects •. Assess BP & RR before and
release tablets are its inactivation in the combined with include nausea, periodically during administration.
Classification: Route: used for moderate to body. Quinidine alcohol, anesthetics, constipation, dizziness, Respiratory depression has not
Analgesics IVTT moderately severe (Quinaglute, Quinidex) narcotics, headache, drowsiness, occurred with recommended
chronic pain in adults reduces the tranquilizers or and vomiting. Less doses.
who require inactivation of sedative hypnotics. commonly reported
continuous treatment tramadol, thereby side effects include • Assess bowel function routinely.
for an extended increasing the itching, sweating, dry Prevention of constipation should
period. concentration of mouth, diarrhea, rash, be instituted with increased intake
tramadol by 50%-60%. visual disturbances, and of fluids and bulk and with
Combining tramadol vertigo. Some patients laxatives to minimize constipating
with monoamine who received tramadol effects.
oxidase inhibitors (for have reported seizures.
example, Parnate) or Abrupt withdrawal of
selective serotonin tramadol may result in
inhibitors ((SSRIs, for anxiety, sweating,
example, fluoxetine insomnia, rigors, pain,
Prozac]) may result in nausea, diarrhea,
severe side effects such tremors, and
as seizures or a hallucinations.
condition called
serotonin syndrome.
Name of Drug Dosage, Route and Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibility
Frequency Action
Generic Name: Dosage:  Inhibits the action  Treatment and  Hypersensitivity,  headache.  Advise patient to report onset of
Ranitidine 50 mg of histamine at the prevention of Cross-sensitivity  constipation black, tarry stools; fever, sore throat;
H2 receptor site heartburn, acid may occur; some  diarrhea diarrhea; dizziness; rash; confusion;
Brand Name: Frequency: located primarily indigestion, and oral liquids  nausea and or hallucinations to health car
Zantac Q8 in gastric parietal sour stomach. contain alcohol vomiting professional promptly
Classification: cells, resulting in  Prophylaxis of GI and should be  stomach discomfort  Instruct patient to take as directed
Anti-ulcer Route: inhibition of gastric hemorrhage from avoided in or pain and do not increase dose
IVTT acid secretion stress ulceration patients with  Allow 1 hour between any other
 has some known antacid and ranitidine
antibacterial action intolerance
against H. pylori

Nursing Diagnosis

Self-Care Deficit r/t pain, discomfort

Activity Intolerance r/t generalized weakness
Acute Pain r/t pain coming from various medical problems

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