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Conjugation of verbs To Be and To Have

Verb To be Verb To Have

I am I have
You are You have
He is He has
She is She has
It is It has
We are We have
You are You have
They are They have

The definite and indefinite articles

Definite article Indefinite article

The A, an
Example: The apple is on the box Example: I have a house in Cotui
The car is in the street My father has an uncle in Santiago
The houses are bin the city
The boxes are on the table

The possessive adjectives

My boox is on the table Your brother is near the park

His car is red Her house has many rooms
Its colour is black Our farm is very large
Your brothers are in La Mata Their sisters are very beautifull

The prepositions

In My girl friend lives in Cotui

On The apple in on the table
At I am at the university
Near Your mother is near the river
In front of The car is in front of the house
Above The lamp is above the table
Under There is a mouse under the table
Behind There are many flies behind the curtain
Between The kitchen is between the livingroom and the bedroom
From I come from Dominican Republic
Of That book is made of paper
Next to The farm is next to the river

The plural of the words

I) Se agrega una S
a) The books are on the table; b) I have two houses in Cotui

II) Se agrega Es
a) The boxes are in the room; b) The dishes are in the kitchen; c) The churches are very important
d) There are many dresses in the house; e) The tomatoes are very good

III) Se cambia la Y por I y se agrega Es

a) The babies are in the hospital; b) There are many ladies in the party
c) There are many countries in the world

IV) Se cambia f o Fe por Ves

a) I have two knives in the kitchen; b) The plant has many leaves; c) The wives are very important

V) Hay palabras que forman el plural de forma irregular

a) The men are in the city; b) The women are in the Street; c) There are many children in the house
d) The oxen are very old; e) I have thirty two teeth; f) I want to buy twenty feet of wire
The Equipments
English Spanish English Spanish
Tractor Tractor Disc Harrow Rastra de disco
Plow Arado To plow Arar
Combine Cosechadora Seeder drill, seeder Sembradora
Fertilizer drill Fertilizadora Land plane Niveladora
Rotary cultivator Cultivador rotatorio Subsoiler Subsolador
Truck Camion Pickup truck Camioneta
Knapsock sprayer Atomizador de espalda Caterpillar tractor Tractor de oruga

The Tools
English Spanish English Spanish
Shovers Palas Pick Pico
Rake Rastrillo Hoe Azada
Wheelbarrow Carretilla Saw Sierra
Pliers Tijeras Hammer Martillo
Knife Cuchillo Pruningknife Cuchillo de podar
Measuring tape Cinta métrica Screw driver Destornillador
Uso de there is y there are
Ambas expresiones se traducen por hay. La primera se utiliza para el singular y la segunda para
oraciones en plural. A continuación se dan algunos ejemplos:

a) There is a mouse on the floor; b) There is an apple in the box

a) There are two horses in the garden; b) There are ten oranges on the table

The parts of the plant
English Spanish English Spanish
Root Raiz Stem, stalk Tallo
Leaf Hoja Flower Flor
Buds Yemas Node Nudo
Stamen Estambre Ovary Ovario
Branch Rama

Uso de This (singular)

a) This book is very important; b) This is my brother; c) There are many apples in this box
These (plural)
a) These buildings are big; b) These are your sisters, c) There are many workers in these farms
That (singular)
a) That pear is very sweet; b) That is our friend; c) There is an apple in that box
Those (plural)
a) Those horses are big; b) Those are your brothers; c) There are twenty pineapples in those boxes

The present progressive form

Para construir oraciones de este tipo se coloca el presente del verbo To Be y a continuación se agrega la
terminación ing al verbo principal. A seguidas algunos ejemplos:

a) I am working in the farm; b) The farmer is seeding rice; c) There are many farmers in the farm

Los adjetivos
Son invariables en género y número y se colocan delante del nombre.
Red Black White Yellow Green Brown Gray Pink Big Small Large Short Long
Sad Glad Happy Angry Cold Hot Easy Difficult New Old Young Hungry
Thirsty Clean Dirty Fast Dangerous Poor Rich Open Close Sour Sweet Tall
Round Square Full Empty Wet Dry Heavy Light Nervous Sick Famous
Hearthy Single Married Tired Narrow Wide Ugly Pretty Beautiful

Los adverbios
Today Yesterday Tomorrow The day after tomorrow Naw Before After Then
Late Early Soon Always Never Ever Already While Yet Mean while Noon
Here Near There Far
More Less Much Very Almost Too So much
Well Bad So Hard Slowly As Badly Easily Difficultly
Before After
Yes True Truly Too
No Never Ever Either
If Perhaps
La forma negativa
Para formar oraciones negativas se utiliza la palabra not después del verbo si se trata de oraciones con
el uso del verbo to be. Cuando se trata de oraciones con verbos diferentes a to be se usa el auxiliar do
(does para He, she, it y los nombres en la tercera persona del singular). He aquí algunos ejemplos:

Con el verbo To Be Con otros verbos

a) The farmer is not in the farm a) The cows do not produce milk
b) I am not near the river b) The farmer does not seed rice
c) The cows are not in the farm c) I do not work in the farm
d) There is not a cat in the house
e) The farmer is not seeding rice corn in the farm
English Spanish English Spanish
Agriculture Agricultura Agricultural Agricola
Agronomy Agronomia Agronomist Agronomo
Farm Finca, hacienda Farmer Agricultor
Catlle Ganaderia Catlle man Ganadero
Feeder Ganadero Sheep raising Crianza ovina
Stable Establo Milking Ordeño
Dry farming Cultivo en secano Growth Crecimiento, nacencia
Peasant, rural Campesino Forest Foresta
Agrarian Agrario Sector Sector
Product Producto Production Produccion
Land Tierra Ground Terreno
Soil Suelo Seed Semilla
Seed dealer Proveedor de semilla Seed bed Semillero
Seeding Plantula Planting Siembra
Sowing Cosecha Harvest Cosecha
Seeding machine Maquina sembradora Oxen yoke Yunta de bueyes
Wire Alambre Pots Postes
Clamp Grapas Nail Clavo
Wire fence Alambrada
Algunos verbos agricolas
To milk Ordeñar To grow Crecer To produce Producir To seed Sembrar
To plant Sembrar, plantar To harvest Cosechar To nail Clavar
La forma interrogativa
Las oraciones construidas de este tipo se forman colocando la forma verbal delante del pronombre o
nombre si se trata del verbo to be. Para verbos diferentes a to be se usa el auxiliar do (does para He,
she, it y los nombres en la tercera persona del singular), de la siguiente manera: se coloca el auxiliar
delante del pronombre o nombre, a seguidas el verbo principal y luego las demás palabras de la oración.
El signo de interrogación solo al final de la oración interrogativa. Aquí se presentan algunos ejemplos:

Con el verbo To Be Con otros verbos

a) Is the farmer in the farm? a) Do the cows produce mil?
b) Is there a cat in the house? b) Does the farmer seed corn?
c) Are the cows near the river? c) Do I work in the farm?

English Spanish English Spanish
Rice Arroz Corn Maiz
Wheat Trigo Bean Habichuela
Cocoa Cacao Coffee Café
Sugar cane Caña de azúcar Tobacco Tabaco
Banana Guineo Plantain Platano
Yucca Yuca Potato Papa
Sweet potato Batata Yam Ñame
Tomato Tomate Eggplant Berenjena
Cabbage Repollo Lectuce Lechuga
Beet Remolacha Radish Rabano
Carrot Zanahoria Cawliflower Coliflor
Celery Apio Leak Puerro
Cocoyan Yautia Garlic Ajo
Onion Cebolla Cilantro Cilantro, cilantrico
Cucumber Pepino Melon Melon
Water melón Sandia Chayote Tayota

Algunas informaciones
1. El pronombre se usa siempre; 2. El articulo indefinido an se usa cuando el nombre que sigue va
con vocal; 3. Las expresiones There is y There are se traducen en ambos casos por Hay. La
primera para el singular y la segunda para el plural; 4. El adjetivo siempre se coloca delante del
nombre; 5. La palabra not del negativo con To Be siempre va después del verbo; 6. Para la
negación con otros verbos se usa el auxiliar Do que es Does para las terceras personas del
singular o de los nombres en singular; 7. En la interrogación con el verbo To Be se coloca la
forma verbal delante del nombre o pronombre y con otros verbos se usa el auxiliar Do, el cual se
coloca delante del nombre o pronombre, y solo al final se coloca el signo de interrogación.

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