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Total Question: 140 Time: 120 min (2 hrs)

Section I : 60 [General Aptitude] (from RS Agarwal, GRE, IAS questions, Verbal &
Section II : 60 [Teshnical] (Data Communication, Data Structure, Automata
Theory, etc)
Section III : 20 [C prgm] (5-7 from I/O, 10 pointers)
Section I : 60
1. Following some pattern, understand the table and find the answer?
Ans:10 (for detail visit

2. Find the missing number: 1 10 3 9 5 8 7 7 9 6 ? ?


3. If it was two hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it will
be if it were an hour later. What is the time now?
Ans: 9pm

let x = the current time.

2 hrs later = x + 2; 1 hrs later = x + 1
the statement means:
12 - (x + 1) = (1/2) {12 - (x+1)}
so;x = 24 - 2 - 12 + 1= 9
4. In a city, 80% speaks english, 70% speaks hindi and 10% do not speak both. It
was found that 162 people talk both. How many are there in the city?
5. Find the missing number: 0 6 24 X 120
Ans:60 (series follow n^3-n,put n=1,2,3,4,5)
6. Which is not 'lean year': 1900 2000 1952 1980

7. Find the missing number: J, ?, M, ?, M, J, ?, A, S, O, N, ?

Ans: F,A,J,D (based on the name of month)
8. There are 27 pearls in a bag. One among them is less in weight. You have been
given 2 pan weight machine. In how many trials, you will be able to find the
defected one? 4 3 11 13
Ans: 13
9. Direct distance between A & B is 200. Direct distance between B & C is 200.
Direct distance between C & A?

10. There are 30 socks in a bag. 30% is in blue color. What is the probability to take
two blue socks?
11. In a ground, there are two poles in 7 ft & 12 ft respectively. They are 12 ft apart
from each other. What is the distance between the edges of two poles?

12. You need to print an document of the area 216 sq cm. Condition is 3 cm margin
is to be left at both top & bottom and 2 cm at the sides. What 'd be the optimized
size of your paper?

13. In a party, every man has his dog with him. There are 22 heads and 72 legs all
together. How many men & dogs are there?

14. Ram writes a number between 1 to 1000. Raja wants to know the number,
knowing Ram can answer only yes & no and always speaks truth. What will be the
minimum number of questions Raja finds the answer.
a. 999 b.10 c.500 d.none

15. How many ways a section of four letter word can be made in complete alphabet?

16. Find the missing number: 0, 0.577, 1, 1.732, ?

a. 0.656 b.2 c.2.743 d.none

17. 17171717171.....(101 digits) is divided by 625. What is the answer?

18. Synonym for ZENITH: ridge trough nadir crecent

19-25 RS Agarwal questions from frequetly asked topics (time & dist., work done,
problems on numbers, ratio, mixture, calender).

26. June 30, 2004 is wednesday. What is June 30, 1974?

27. Two different types of tea are mixed, at 6 Kg of type 1 and 4 Kg of type 2. One
Kg of type 1 is Rs. 6 and that of type 2 is Rs. 7. The seller get 10% profit, by this
action. Find at what price, he 'd have sold the mixture/Kg?

28. There are 10 people in a party. "How many other people, you met?" is the
question asked to everyone. First person says 1, Second says 2, Third says
3..........ninth says 9. Now what tenth person 'd have answered?

29. Find the missing number: 24 : 15 :: 63 : ?

30. A metal ball weighing 10 gm is droped from 20 meter height tall point. What will
be the time to reach ground?

31. All the students of class are told to sit in circle shape. Here the boy at the 6 th
position is exactly opposite to 16 th boy. Total number of boys in the class?
32. The average mark of 10 students is 80%. Later it was found that for one student,
instead of 60%, the recorded 90%, by mistake. Now the corrected new percentage?
Old % is 80 for 10 ppl. So the total: 800.
Difference in correction : 30. So the total : 770 for 10 ppl. (i.e) 770/10= 77%. (New

C programming: [What will be the output???]

1. void checkA()
int a=2;
printf(" 3 ");
printf(" 2 ");

2. main()
char P[]={"Hello World"};
printf(" %s \n",p);

3. UINT i,j;
i = j = 0;
i = ( i++ > ++j ) ? i++ : i--;

4. # define D 10
# define Y D+10
# define D 30
main(int argc, char *arc[])
printf(" %d \n",D);

5. # define TRUE 0
int i=0;
printf(" %d \n",i);
printf(" %d \n",i);
6. UCHAR j;

1. The distance b/w 2 places is 1000 miles and a man has a camel which eats an
apple/mile. He has 3000 apples and want to transport from one to another.
Camel can take 1000 apples at a time. when reaching the destination how
many apples will be with him?

2. How many 3-digit numbers will be there which are divisible by 19?

3. How many 3-digit numbers with atleast one 5 in their digits?

4. find the next term 0, 6, 24, 120, -

ans:210; each term is obtained by adding multiples of 6 with series

5. There is 12 perls. One of them is either light or heavy than others. There is
a weighing pan. How many trials are needed to find the exceptional one.

6. There is a work which can be completed by A with 12 days and B by 18

days. A and B works together for 3 days and B left. After that how many
days for A to complete the work?
ans:7 days

7. 1992 Feb have 5 sundays. In which year, the month Feb have 5 sundays

8. There are 2 pots each filled with water and milk respectively. Some
amount of milk is poured into water pot and then the some amount of
mixture in water pot is poured into milk pot. which is true?
a. the amount of milk in water pot is greater than the amount of water in
milk pot.
b. the amount of milk in water pot is less than the amount of water in milk
c. the amount of water in milk pot is same as that of amount of milk in water
d. cannot be determined.

9. In a party there are women and cats.There are 18 heads and 72 legs
altogether. How many women and cats?

10. The sum of 25 consequtive integers (including negative, positive and zero)
is divisible by
a. 5
b. 10
c. 25

11. The headquarters of Huawei is at

a. Honkong
b. Shenzan
c. Shanghai

12. In olden times man used to avoid attacks of Dinosour

a. using fire
b. Climbing the tree
c. Using weapons
d. None of the above
( i don't understand the significance of this question)

13. There is a population of N numbers and each person in the population

shakehands with every other person. Which is true?
a. If N is even, even no of shakehands
b. if N is even, odd no of shakehands
c. if N is odd, even no of shakehands
d. if N is odd, odd no of shakehands


1. which is true?
out of 4 options ans is "& operator cannot be applied to register

2. How many additions are done in this pgm

3. i=6720,j=4;
print i;

what is the output?

4. what is a bit=field?

5. Storage class defines

b.scope and permeance

6. main(){
int x=0;
print x;
fun(int x){
print x;
what is the output?

7. Changing some of the bits to a desired pattern is known as


8. main{
int i=1;
int i=2;
print i;
print i;
what is the output.
9.whether atleast one function in a C pgm.

Interview Questions

First there is a tech interview and after succeeding this, second is a tech cum
HR interview. tell abt Urself. some C pgms are given and find their output.

1. main(){
char *p="Huawei";

2. main(){
int x=5,y=7,z;
z = x++ + y++;
z = ++x + ++y;

3. main(){
int *p;
p=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*20);
memset(p,0,20) or memset(p,20,0) (i don't remember which one)
then some code, i don't remember

4. main(){
int x=4;

5. write a pgm to print


6. write a pgm to find the fibinocci series recursively.

7. write a pgm to find the reverse fib series starting from N.

8. Given the Nth fib no and find the (N-1)th fib no without calculating from
the beginning

9. Find the next term 60,30,20,

And some logical questions

Second interview questions

Tell abt yourself

1. write an optimized pgm to find the smallest of 3 numbers.

2. implement stack operations with pointers with appropriate exception


3. Explain any pgm using semaphores.

4. Find the next term 0,4,18,100,-

prime number x asx^3-x^2
then some logical questions

Total Question: 140 Time: 120 min (2 hrs)

Section I
60 [General Aptitude] (from RS Agarwal, GRE, IAS questions, Verbal &

Section II : 60 [Teshnical] (Data Communication, Data Structure,

Automata Theory, etc)

Section III : 20 [C prgm] (5-7 from I/O, 10 pointers)

Section I : 60

1. Following some pattern, understand the table and find the answer?


2. Find the missing number: 1 10 3 9 5 8 7 7 9 6 ? ?

3. If it was two hours later, it would be half an hour as long until midnight as it will
be if it were an hour later. What is the time now?

4. In a city, 80% speaks english, 70% speaks hindi and 10% do not speak both. It
was found that 162 people talk both. How many are there in the city?

5. Find the missing number: 0 6 24 X 120

6. Which is not 'lean year': 1900 2000 1952 1980

7. Find the missing number: J, ?, M, ?, M, J, ?, A, S, O, N, ?

8. There are 27 pearls in a bag. One among them is less in weight. You have been
given 2 pan weight machine. In how many trials, you will be able to find the
defected one? 4 3 11 13

9. Direct distance between A & B is 200. Direct distance between B & C is 200.
Direct distance between C & A?

10. There are 30 socks in a bag. 30% is in blue color. What is the probability to take
two blue socks?

11. In a ground, there are two poles in 7 ft & 12 ft respectively. They are 12 ft apart
from each other. What is the distance between the edges of two poles?
12. You need to print an document of the area 216 sq cm. Condition is 3 cm margin
is to be left at both top & bottom and 2 cm at the sides. What 'd be the optimized
size of your paper?

13. In a party, every man has his dog with him. There are 22 heads and 72 legs all
together. How many men & dogs are there?

14. Ram writes a number between 1 to 1000. Raja wants to know the number,
knowing Ram can answer only yes & no and always speaks truth. What will be the
minimum number of questions Raja finds the answer.a. 999 b.10 c.500 d.none

15. How many ways a section of four letter word can be made in complete alphabet?

16. Find the missing number: 0, 0.577, 1, 1.732, ?a. 0.656 b.2 c.2.743 d.none

17. 17171717171.....(101 digits) is divided by 625. What is the answer?

18. Synonym for ZENITH: ridge trough nadir crecent

19-25 RS Agarwal questions from frequetly asked topics (time & dist., work done,
problems on numbers, ratio, mixture, calender).

26. June 30, 2004 is wednesday. What is June 30, 1974?

27. Two different types of tea are mixed, at 6 Kg of type 1 and 4 Kg of type 2. One
Kg of type 1 is Rs. 6 and that of type 2 is Rs. 7. The seller get 10% profit, by this
action. Find at what price, he 'd have sold the mixture/Kg?
28. There are 10 people in a party. "How many other people, you met?" is the
question asked to everyone. First person says 1, Second says 2, Third says
3..........ninth says 9. Now what tenth person 'd have answered?

29. Find the missing number: 24 : 15 :: 63 : ?

30. A metal ball weighing 10 gm is droped from 20 meter height tall point. What will
be the time to reach ground?

31. All the students of class are told to sit in circle shape. Here the boy at the 6 th
position is exactly opposite to 16 th boy. Total number of boys in the class?

32. The average mark of 10 students is 80%. Later it was found that for one student,
instead of 60%, the recorded 90%, by mistake. Now the corrected new percentage?
Ans:Old % is 80 for 10 ppl. So the total: 800.Difference in correction : 30. So the
total : 770 for 10 ppl. (i.e) 770/10= 77%. (New %)

C programming:
What will be the output?

1. void checkA(){int a=2;

if(a=3!=3)printf(" 3 ");

elseprintf(" 2 ");


2. main()

{char P[]={"Hello World"};

printf(" %s \n",p);


3. UINT i,j;i = j = 0;i = ( i++ > ++j ) ? i++ : i--;

4. # define D 10

# define Y D+10

# define D 30

main(int argc, char *arc[]){printf(" %d \n",D);}

5. # define TRUE 0

main(){int i=0;

while(TRUE){printf(" %d \n",i);i++;}printf(" %d \n",i);

6. UCHAR j;for(j=0;j



Hi Friends,
Test consistsof 60 questions with 60 minutes.
40 aptitude and 20 C questions.


1. The distance b/w 2 places is 1000 miles and a man has a camel which
eats an apple/mile. He has 3000 apples and want to transport from
one to another. Camel can take 1000 apples at a time. when reaching
the destination how many apples will be with him?

2. How many 3-digit numbers will be there which are divisible by 19?
3. How many 3-digit numbers with atleast one 5 in their digits?

4. find the next term 0, 6, 24, 120, -

ans:210; each term is obtained by adding multiples of 6 with series

5. There is 12 perls. One of them is either light or heavy than others.

There is a weighing pan. How many trials are needed to find the
exceptional one.
6. There is a work which can be completed by A with 12 days and B by 18
days. A and B works together for 3 days and B left. After that how
many days for A to complete the work?
ans:7 days

7. 1992 Feb have 5 sundays. In which year, the month Feb have 5 sundays

8. There are 2 pots each filled with water and milk respectively. Some
amount of milk is poured into water pot and then the some amount of
mixture in water pot is poured into milk pot. which is true?
a. the amount of milk in water pot is greater than the amount of
water in milk pot.
b. the amount of milk in water pot is less than the amount of water
in milk pot.
c. the amount of water in milk pot is same as that of amount of
milk in water pot.
d. cannot be determined.

9. In a party there are women and cats.There are 18 heads and 72 legs
altogether. How many women and cats?

10. The sum of 25 consequtive integers (including negative, positive

and zero) is divisible by
a. 5
b. 10
c. 25

11. The headquarters of Huawei is at

a. Honkong
b. Shenzan
c. Shanghai
12. In olden times man used to avoid attacks of Dinosour
a. using fire
b. Climbing the tree
c. Using weapons
d. None of the above
( i don't understand the significance of this question)

13. There is a population of N numbers and each person in the

population shakehands with every other person. Which is true?
a. If N is even, even no of shakehands
b. if N is even, odd no of shakehands
c. if N is odd, even no of shakehands
d. if N is odd, odd no of shakehands


1. which is true?
out of 4 options ans is "& operator cannot be applied to register

2. How many additions are done in this pgm


3. i=6720,j=4;



print i;

what is the output?

4. what is a bit=field?

5. Storage class defines

b.scope and permeance

6. main(){

int x=0;
print x;
fun(int x){
print x;
what is the output?

7. Changing some of the bits to a desired pattern is known as


8. main{
int i=1;
int i=2;
print i;
print i;
what is the output.

9.whether atleast one function in a C pgm.

Interview Questions
First there is a tech interview and after succeeding this, second is a
tech cum HR interview.
tell abt Urself.
some C pgms are given and find their output.
1. main(){
char *p="Huawei";
2. main(){
int x=5,y=7,z;
z = x++ + y++;
z = ++x + ++y;
3. main(){
int *p;
p=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*20);
memset(p,0,20) or memset(p,20,0) (i don't remember which one)
then some code, i don't remember
4. main(){
int x=4;

5. write a pgm to print


6. write a pgm to find the fibinocci series recursively.

7. write a pgm to find the reverse fib series starting from N.

8. Given the Nth fib no and find the (N-1)th fib no without calculating
from the beginning

9. Find the next term 60,30,20,

and some logical questions

second interview questions

Tell abt yourself

1. write an optimized pgm to find the smallest of 3 numbers.
2. implement stack operations with pointers with appropriate exception
3. Explain any pgm using semaphores.
4. Find the next term 0,4,18,100,-
prime number x asx^3-x^2
then some logical questions

HUAWEI Written Test

Test Pattern Consist of
Section I. 60 [General Aptitude +Puzzles directly from Summers Book )

1. From Summers 5-6 Questions..

2. Analytical Reasoning @ Logical Some 10-15 questions..

3. Rest of them are aptitutes..

Section II 60 [Teshnical]

1. Mainly consists of full problems in the Communication & ISDN's,

Microprocessor,Digital Circuits question and basic's of electronics...

2. 30 Questions are Computer

Mostly From OS,Networking and Automata concepts (Compiler Concepts).
In Os the asked about the Scheduling Problems like they have given the
Execution time and elapse time u have to allocate the time for the process...

Section III [C prgm] (10-12 from pointers)

Section I

1. In a city, 80% speaks english, 70% speaks hindi and 10% do not speak both.
It was found that 162 people talk both. How many are there in the city?

2. Find the missing number: 0 6 24 X 120

3. There are 26 pearls in a bag. One among them is less in weight. You have
been given 2 pan weight machine. In how many trials, you will be able to find
the defected one?

4. There are 30 socks in a bag. 30% is in blue color. What is the probability to
take two blue socks?

5. In a party, every man has his dog with him. There are 22 heads and 72 legs
all together. How many men & dogs are there?

6. Find the missing number: 0, 0.577, 1, 1.732, ?

a. 0.656 b.2 c.2.743 d.none

7. Two different types of tea are mixed, at 6 Kg of type 1 and 4 Kg of type 2.

One Kg of type 1 is Rs. 6 and that of type 2 is Rs. 7. The seller get 10% profit,
by this action. Find at what price, he 'd have sold the mixture/Kg?

8. There are 10 people in a party. "How many other people, you met?" is the
question asked to everyone. First person says 1, Second says 2, Third says
3..........ninth says 9. Now what tenth person 'd have answered?

9. .The Distance between A to B is 1000 miles... A person has 3000 Apples ..He
has to deliver to the market in B , he is carring Maximum of 1000 apples by
the camel.. For every mile the camel eats a Apple ...Like that then u have to
find out the number of apples that he delivered to the market?

10. In the old era humans used --------- to prevent themself from the attack of
dianosur?(Easy one)

11. Mr x & MRS x and Mr.y and MRS y are playing a chess that then the
chance of winning? ans (MR.y)

C Programming

12. void checkA()

int a=2;
printf(" 3 ");
printf(" 2 ");
ans. 2

13. main()
char P[]={"Hello World"};
printf(" %s \n",p);
} ans (abnormal program termination)

14. # define D 10
# define Y D+10
# define D 30
main(int argc, char *arc[])
printf(" %d \n",D);

15. # define TRUE 0

int i=0;
printf(" %d \n",i);
printf(" %d \n",i);

Some Huawei sample Questions

1. standard error stream stderr,

ans: are by defaultbuffered

2. Named pipes are ansd:strictly unidirectional, even on systems where anonymous

pipes are bidirectional ( full-duplex).

3. proto type of printf

ans: int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)

4. user level switcjing is faster than the kernel level s/w

ans:since a trap to kernel is not required(user level thread is not known by the os)

5. automatic variables are stored in

6. dynamic meory is it allocated from heap/satck...?

7. how to find the size of file in unix


8. How many times is the for loop executed

a. 1
b. 10
c. compiler error
d. not executed

9. How many times is the for loop executed

a. 1
b. 10
c. compiler error
d. not executed

10. for selection, we use

a .if..else
b .for loop
c. while loop

11. Which of the following is executed 1rst?

i .&& ii.|| iii.!
a. i
b. ii
c. iii
d. all are equal

12. To find o/p of a recursive pgm, function where in parameters are passed by
value,reference......function used in

ansi computers to clear the screen is:

a. clrsc
b. clear
c. clescr
d. none of the above


HUAWEI Written Test

Test Pattern Consist of

Section I. 60 [General Aptitude +Puzzles directly from Summers Book )

From Summers 5-6 Questions..

Analytical Reasoning @ Logical Some 10-15 questions..

Rest of them are aptitutes..

Section II 60 [Teshnical]

Mainly consists of full problems in the Communication & ISDN's,

Microprocessor,Digital Circuits question and basic's of electronics...

30 Questions are Computer

Mostly From OS,Networking and Automata concepts (Compiler Concepts). In Os the
asked about the Scheduling Problems like they have given the Execution time and elapse
time u have to allocate the time for the process...

Section III [C prgm] (10-12 from pointers)

Section I

In a city, 80% speaks english, 70% speaks hindi and 10% do not speak both. It was found
that 162 people talk both. How many are there in the city?

Find the missing number: 0 6 24 X 120

There are 26 pearls in a bag. One among them is less in weight. You have been given 2
pan weight machine. In how many trials, you will be able to find the defected one?

There are 30 socks in a bag. 30% is in blue color. What is the probability to take two blue

In a party, every man has his dog with him. There are 22 heads and 72 legs all together.
How many men & dogs are there?

Find the missing number: 0, 0.577, 1, 1.732, ?

a. 0.656 b.2 c.2.743 d.none

Two different types of tea are mixed, at 6 Kg of type 1 and 4 Kg of type 2. One Kg of
type 1 is Rs. 6 and that of type 2 is Rs. 7. The seller get 10% profit, by this action. Find at
what price, he 'd have sold the mixture/Kg?

There are 10 people in a party. "How many other people, you met?" is the question asked
to everyone. First person says 1, Second says 2, Third says 3..........ninth says 9. Now
what tenth person 'd have answered?

.The Distance between A to B is 1000 miles... A person has 3000 Apples ..He has to
deliver to the market in B , he is carring Maximum of 1000 apples by the camel.. For
every mile the camel eats a Apple ...Like that then u have to find out the number of
apples that he delivered to the market?

In the old era humans used --------- to prevent themself from the attack of dianosur?(Easy

Mr x & MRS x and Mr.y and MRS y are playing a chess that then the chance of
winning? ans (MR.y)

C Programming

void checkA()
int a=2;
printf(" 3 ");
printf(" 2 ");
ans. 2



How many times is the for loop executed

a. 1
b. 10
c. compiler error
d. not executed

How many times is the for loop executed

a. 1
b. 10
c. compiler error
d. not executed

for selection, we use

a .if..else
b .for loop
c. while loop

Which of the following is executed 1rst?

i .&& ii.|| iii.!
a. i
b. ii
c. iii
d. all are equal

To find o/p of a recursive pgm, function where in parameters are passed by

value,reference......function used in

ansi computers to clear the screen is:

a. clrsc
b. clear
c. clescr
d. none of the above

The written test included the aptitude as well as the technical part.

1. Some students are standing in a circle in which 6th and the 16th student are
standing opposite to each other. Find how many students were present there.

2. Two cube intersect then which of the following is never made:

a) rectangle b) triangle c) cube d) none of these
3. Average of 9 numbers is M, average of 3 numbers is N, average of rest of the
numbers is P, then what is the equation formed?

4. A ladder was rested along a wall of height 5m. If ladder slides 2m away from the
wall then ladder touches the foot of the wall. What is the height of the ladder.

5. A boy gets some rupees from his mother and spends them on 5 stores. He spends
one rupee more than half of the money. How much money he had at the time of
entering the shop?

6. 311311311311311311 is divisible by:

a) 3 and 11.
b) 11 but not 3.
c) 3 but not 11.
d) none of the above.

7. If a rainy day occurs on every 10th day and each rainy day accounts for half
rainbow then in 20 days what is the percentage of days when rainbow doesn't takes

8. A man works continuously for 8 days and then takes rest on the 9th day. If he
starts on Monday then on which day he will take 12th rest.

9. Its 27 min past 10. How many minutes would it take to cover 12 noon.
its difficult than other 2 sections. ther r no objective type Q's. v should calculate n
writ answers.

1. some consecutive pages r missed in a book whose sum is 9808. find those pages.

2. water melon of 200 kg is kept for selling by a merchand. at morning he find tat
99% of that friuts has water and he found due to hot summer only 98% of water is
present in evening. find weight of water melon. ans 198.

3.if the order of vowels r arrangd in reverse order wat ll b in middle. ans.i

4.there are two dads named jhon, vikram. ther r two sons micky, vicky. 4 went to
shop and spent some amount. find who is father of vicky.(sorry i dont no it fully) escalater related problem.

6.123456789=100. using +,-,* signs in between the digits how many no. of ways its
possible if in its same order.

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