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In-service Inspection of Welds in

Atmospheric Ammonia Storage

Traditional intrusive inspection of ammonia storage tanks requires decommissioning of the tank,
costly downtime and oxygen ingress inside the tank. This paper summarizes Yara’s non-intrusive
inspection process including the description of a novel technique for in-service inspection of double
wall ammonia storage tanks. This novel inspection technique consists in an inspection robot equipped
with ultrasonic probes. The robot is deployed through the manhole of the outer tank into the external
surface of the inner tank shell. Remotely controlled, it scans the inner tank welds looking for cracks.

Giuseppe Franceschini, Arie de Bruijne, Johan Thoelen, Vianney Amrhein, Olav Storkaas
Yara International

Ole Nørrekær Mortensen, Jens Erik Olsen

FORCE Technology

nular space between the outer and inner tank is

filled with ammonia vapour (Figure 1).
1. Introduction

nspection of atmospheric ammonia storage
tanks has always posed a challenge since in-
trusive inspection requires decommissioning
of the tank and it allows oxygen ingress in-
side the tank increasing the risk of Ammonia
Stress Corrosion Cracking (NH3-SCC).
Based on Risk Based Inspection (RBI) assess-
ment and critical crack size evaluation for the
definition of the acceptance criteria, Yara estab-
lished a specific inspection process for non-
intrusive inspection of single and double wall
ammonia storage tanks.
This paper summarizes Yara’s non-intrusive in-
spection process for in-service inspection of Figure 1. Double wall ammonia storage tank
double wall ammonia storage tanks designed as
“cup in a tank”. These tanks are designed with
an insulated outer steel tank and an open inner
steel tank holding the liquid ammonia. The an-


2. Ammonia Stress Corrosion tion (dangerous operations like emptying
Cracking and filling up the tank are not required);
 Non-intrusive inspection may be carried
The damage mechanism that is a threat to the out more regularly than traditional inter-
mechanical integrity of an ammonia storage nal inspection.
tank is Ammonia Stress Corrosion Cracking
(NH3-SCC): liquid ammonia in the presence of
oxygen can cause stress corrosion cracking in
carbon steel.
Based on experiences from findings and exten-
sive international research work, the main con-
clusions concerning NH3-SCC in ammonia
tanks are:

 NH3-SCC initiation requires high residu-

al stress levels; Figure 2. Relationship between water and
 NH3-SCC initiation requires the pres- oxygen content of ammonia and the risk of SCC
ence of oxygen;
 The presence of water inhibits the for-
mation and growth of NH3-SCC;
 NH3-SCC depends on the water content
and the oxygen concentration as shown
in Figure 2;
 NH3-SCC is a general phenomenon that
can occur on all weld seam areas (Figure
3) driven by residual stress and envi-
ronmental conditions (oxygen and water

It is also known that decommissioning and re-

commissioning are critical phases in the for-
mation of cracks due to the potential for in-
creased oxygen levels inside the tank. For this
reason the actual tendency is to inspect ammo-
nia storage tanks with non-intrusive inspection
technique with the following advantages:

 Non-intrusive inspection does not affect

the integrity of the tank (avoiding the
negative effect of opening the tank for
internal inspection, which causes ther-
mal stress and allows the ingress of oxy- Figure 3. Longitudinal and transversal
gen); NH3-SCC in ammonia storage tank welds
 Non-intrusive inspection is less hazard-
ous to carry out than the internal inspec-


3. Applicability of non-intrusive 9. Inspection execution
inspection techniques 10. Inspection results evaluation
11. Determination of next inspection interval
The guidelines [1] developed by European Ferti-
lizer Manufactures Association (EFMA, nowa- The steps of the inspection process are de-
days called Fertilizer Europe, FE) allow for non- scribed more in detail in the next paragraphs.
intrusive inspection of ammonia storage tanks.
However some details about how to perform it 3.1. Risk Based Inspection assessment
are missing. FE guidelines give only qualitative
information about the applicability of non- Risk Based Inspection (RBI) assessment is exe-
intrusive inspection techniques like the follow- cuted according to Appendix 2 of EFMA Guide-
ing: lines [1]. The detailed question list of the RBI
assessment covers the relevant parameters that
 The technique used for non-intrusive in- can affect failure probability and failure conse-
spection must be sufficiently reliable and quences. The tank is ranked according to the
sensitive to the detection of the type, size risk matrix reported in Figure 4: five levels of
and shape of cracks that are acceptably risk areas are identified by different colours and
below the calculated maximum tolerable these risk areas are linked to different inspection
defect. frequencies (Yara applies these inspection fre-
quencies only in case of traditional internal in-
Based on the principles stated by FE (Risk spection).
Based Inspection assessment and critical crack
size evaluation), Yara established a specific in-
spection process for non-intrusive inspection of
ammonia storage tanks. The process defines in
details all the steps of the inspection process it-
self, from the initial risk assessment up to the
definition of new, conservative and reasonable
inspection intervals.

4. Yara’s non-intrusive inspection

Yara’s non-intrusive inspection process for
ammonia storage tanks is defined as following:

1. Risk Based Inspection assessment

2. Structural integrity calculation
3. Applicability of non-intrusive inspection
4. Inspection scope definition
5. NDT technique selection
6. Automated ultrasonic inspection system:
7. Automated ultrasonic inspection system:
validation Figure 4. EFMA Risk Matrix
8. Inspection preparation


3.2. Structural integrity calculation
The purpose of structural integrity calculation is
to determine the maximum tolerable defect sizes
at relevant locations in the tank wall.
Assessment locations and defect orientations
considered in such calculations are defined in
Figure 5.

Figure 5. Crack locations and orientations

Calculation procedure is based on the Failure

Assessment Diagram (FAD) method (Figure 6).
BS7910 [2] is used for the calculation of maxi-
mum tolerable defect sizes. Tolerable surface
breaking as well as fully penetrating defect sizes
shall be calculated. The latter is included so that Figure 6. Crack-like flaw analysis using FAD
the likely failure mode (Leak Before Break or
Break Before Leak) can be predicted for the se-
lected defect locations.
In order to determine limiting flaw size, the
analysis is repeated (for all the five crack con-
figurations shown in Figure 5):

 Increasing the crack-like flaw dimen-

sions by a small increment;
 Determining if the new flaw size is in-
side of the FAD curve;
 Continuing to increment the flaw size
until the calculated assessment point is
on the FAD curve.
Figure 7. Limiting flaw size analysis
The resulting flaw size is defined as the maxi-
mum allowable defect size (Figure 7).


Eventually detected (and characterized) cracks
shall have dimensions less than the calculated
maximum allowable defect sizes (Table 1).

Calculated maximum allowable

defect sizes

Depth, a Length, 2c
Crack configuration POF
(mm) (mm)

A 12 487 <10-5
B 11 20 <10-5
C 11 20 <10-5
D 10 176 <10-5
Figure 8. Monte Carlo FAD analysis
E 11 82 <10-5

Table 1. Maximum allowable defect sizes Calculated maximum allowable defect sizes are
considered valid if the associated POF is less
Because there is a randomness or uncertainty than 10-5. If this condition is not satisfactory, the
associated with several input variables, calcula- analysis is repeated: maximum allowable defect
tion of maximum allowable defect sizes should sizes are decreased until the target POF equal to
be viewed probabilistically rather than deter- 10-5 is obtained.
ministically. In particular, for ammonia storage
tank application, the uncertainties associated 3.3. Applicability of non-intrusive inspection
with the following variables have been consid-
ered: According to FE Guidelines [1], non-intrusive
inspection of the tank can be considered if the
 Material yield strength two of the following conditions are obtained:
 Material fracture toughness
 Estimate of residual stress  RBI assessment places the tank in the in-
spection frequency area of at least 10
The Monte Carlo and FAD methods are well years. In other words, the tank cannot be
suited to one another for the calculation of prob- in the High risk area (Figure 4);
ability of failure (POF) associated with the max-  Structural integrity calculations conclude
imum allowable defect sizes above estimated that the maximum allowable defect sizes
(Table 1). are much higher than detectable defect
Figure 8 shows the results of a Monte Carlo sizes.
FAD analysis. Each Monte Carlo trial results in
a single assessment point. Uncertainty in the in- If these two conditions are both satisfied, non-
put parameters (fracture toughness, residual intrusive inspection can be considered instead of
stress, and yield strength) lead to uncertainty in the traditional internal inspection of the tank.
the fracture ration, Kr, and in the load ratio, Lr:
uncertainty in the input parameters is reflected
in scatter of the assessment points. The POF is
then defined as the number of points that fall
outside of the FAD curve divided by the total
number of trials.


3.4. Inspection scope definition 3.5. NDT technique selection
The scope, as defined in Step 1 of Table 2, is the The potential damage mechanism is NH3-SCC.
minimum scope of work for a non-intrusive in- The inspection technique must therefore be sen-
spection of an ammonia storage tank. sitive to crack detection.
The final extent of the inspections depends on Further, the inspection technique must have the
the inspection findings: if defects, which cannot ability to detect and determine the size of cracks
be explained as insignificant fabrication imper- which can run both parallel and perpendicular to
fections, are not found in Step 1, this is suffi- the weld.
cient to consider the tank free from critical Since the potential cracks will appear on the op-
cracks; in case defects are found in the Step 1, posite side (on the internal surface of the inner
further evaluations are made to define what to tank shell) of the steel plate from where the in-
do (§3.10). spection is carried out (from the external surface
of the inner tank shell), the ultrasound technique
Area Method Step 1 is chosen as it has a very high sensitivity to line-
Shell plates: T-welds between courses 1,
UT Technique* 40%
ar and planar defects.
2 and 3
Trials have been carried out on different test
Shell plates: horizontal and vertical
plates together with simulations to evaluate dif-
UT Technique* 10%
welds in and between courses 1, 2 and 3 ferent ultrasound probes and probe setups. The
trials also included testing at -33°C which is the
Shell plates: T-welds between courses 3
and 4
UT Technique* 10% temperature inside the tank.
The typical detection setup for weld inspection
Shell plates: horizontal and vertical
UT Technique* 5% consists of two sets of shear wave probes. One
welds in and between courses 3 and 4
set is perpendicular to the weld and the other
Roof, nozzles on the roof (for atmos- one is in a small skewed angle to the weld. The
Visual 100%
pheric or CUI corrosion) probes are placed on each side of the weld.
* UT Technique shall be validated by Yara (§3.7) Figure 10 shows the setup with 70º shear wave
probes focused on the inner surface perpendicu-
Table 2: Non-intrusive inspection scope
lar to the weld.
A map indicating the welds and the different
courses is used to identify the extent and loca-
tions of the inspection (Figure 9).
Figure 10. Probe setup for detection of longitu-
dinal cracks

Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique is

chosen for height sizing of cracks.
Figure 11 shows the setup with 70° probes fo-
cused on the inner surface.

Figure 9. Non-intrusive inspection scope: map

Figure 11. TOFD probe setup for height sizing


3.6. Automated ultrasonic inspection system: brush for cleaning the surface before inspection,
development two pan/tilt observation cameras and light.
The ultrasound probes are mounted on the bot-
FORCE Technology developed the first auto- tom side: four pulse-echo probes for detection
mated ultrasonic inspection system P-scan in of longitudinal and transverse cracks and one set
1965. Since then, FORCE Technology devel- of TOFD probes for height sizing.
oped and adapted this system to a lot of differ- Glycol mixture is fed through the umbilical ca-
ent applications in production industry and for ble for contact between probes and surface.
maintenance inspection. A deployment tool (Figure 14) was developed to
The development of the inspection system for remotely control the deployment of the inspec-
inspection of welds in the “cup” in “cup in a tion robot through the manhole of the outer tank
tank” ammonia storage tanks required extensive into the external surface of the inner tank shell.
testing of all components to ensure they could The deployment tool is mounted on the flange
withstand ammonia atmosphere and low tem- of the outer tank and it is fitted with two remote
perature. controlled hatches: one for sealing the tank and
Ammonia is very aggressive towards copper, one with a cable reel for the inspection robot.
which is very common component in electron- The deployment tool is fitted with adapters for
ics. For this reason all parts were tested in an different manhole flanges (24’’ flange being the
ammonia chamber before they were approved smallest).
for use in the inspection system. Especially the
camera dome turned out to be a problem: sever-
al materials were tested and many became brit-
tle or white as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 13. Exploded view of inspection robot

Figure 12. Parts after testing in ammonia

The inspection robot (Figure 13) is designed

with ultrasound processor, motor and camera
control contained in one unit which is powered
through an umbilical cable (the cable also con-
tains optical fibre for communication).
The inspection robot is pressurized with nitro-
gen to ensure that ammonia vapour does not in-
trude into any parts.
The inspection robot is fitted with powerful
permanent magnetic wheels (each having an at-
traction force of about 200kg), mechanical
Figure 14. Design of deployment system


3.7. Automated ultrasonic inspection system:  Preparation of ground foundation for
validation habitat (for inspection operators) instal-
An inspection procedure containing detailed de-  Preparation of the area around the tank
scription of ultrasound probes, inspection setup for the required inspection system
and evaluation of examination data has been es- equipment (platforms and scaffolding
tablished for the inspection system. around the habitat);
The examination procedure and inspection sys-
 Removal of insulation from the tank
tem has been validated by producing a number
manhole and preparation of manhole
of test plates with welds and artificial defects
nozzle (cleaning and grinding);
(machined notches).
 Installation (alignment and fixation with
The test plates were made in 9mm and 32mm
bolts) of transition flange with “O-ring”
thickness (wall thicknesses of the Yara tanks to
be inspected).
The artificial defects were placed in the weld as  Installation of the habitat (Figure 16);
shown in the Figure 15.  Connection of oxygen analyser;
The artificial defects were placed in the centre  Preparation for the fire fighters who will
of the weld and in the heat affected zone. The work in the habitat (air bottles, water for
depth (height) ranged from 2mm to 5mm. washing the ammonia).
The validation was carried out by examining the
test plates with the inspection system under la-
boratory conditions.
All the artificial defects were detected as ex-
pected. Figure 15 shows an example of trans-
verse notches in a 32mm plate.

Figure 16. Habitat installation at Yara Rostock

3.9. Inspection execution

When all preparations have been carried out and
the storage tank is ready for inspection, a team
of specialists consisting of experienced NDT
Figure 15. Test plate technicians, mechanics and specially trained fire
fighters (with knowledge of working with toxic
3.8. Inspection preparation gases) gather at the Yara site.
The inspection requires a close cooperation be-
Before the inspection itself, several activities tween Yara site operation and maintenance per-
have to be executed: sonnel and the external technicians. Detailed
safe job analysis is carried out in order to ensure
a safe inspection.


The inspection setup consists of: The other hatch cover with the cable reel is
closed and the inspection system is ready for
 Habitat with controllable atmosphere examination of the selected welds.
which is placed at the outer manhole of The examination is carried out according the in-
the tank (Figure 16); spection map prepared by Yara (Figure 9): typi-
 Container with electronics and glycol cally, between 75 and 125 meters of welds are
supply; inspected.
 Container with control room and small After the examination is completed a report is
machine for maintenance and repair of issued with a list of the examined welds and the
the inspection system. inspection result.
The inspection robot performed the tank inspec-
The fire fighters in chemical protection suits en- tion as planned. However, due to the weight of
ter the habitat. The habitat is flushed with nitro- the robot, it was not possible to inspect the
gen to reduce its oxygen content below 1%. welds on the plates thinner than 9mm (on the
When the oxygen content is acceptable and the top part of the tank): the magnetic attraction
pressure between the tank and the habitat is force was not big enough to steer the robot.
aligned the hatch cover of the outer tank is re-
moved and a remote controlled hatch cover is 3.10. Inspection results evaluation
mounted (Figure 17).
Eventual inspection findings are compared
against structural integrity calculation results.
Repair and inspection follow-up strategies (Fig-
ure 18) are developed.

Case 1. Actual crack depth, a, and actual crack

length, 2c, (as characterized with non-intrusive
inspection technique) are checked against max-
imum allowable defect sizes calculated for a
target POF=10-5 (Table 1). If the relations be-
low are satisfied, the tank can be operated and
the next inspection interval is calculated accord-
ing to §3.11.
Figure 17. Fire fighters at work in habitat re- a < alim, POF10-5
moving hatch cover 2c < 2clim, POF10-5
When the remote controlled hatch cover is Case 2. In case of inspection indications slightly
closed the fire fighters can exit from the habitat, exceeding the acceptance criterion defined for
the atmosphere can be normalized and the rest Case 1, the inspection scope is extended and the
of the inspection system can be mounted by the structural integrity analysis is refined decreasing
technicians. The habitat is then closed and the target POF to 10-4. If the relations below are
flushed with nitrogen. satisfied, the tank can be operated and the next
When the oxygen level is acceptable and the inspection interval is calculated according to
pressure is balanced, the remote controlled §3.11 but limiting it to a maximum of 1 year.
hatch is opened and the inspection robot de-
ployed through the manhole of the outer tank in- a < alim, POF10-4
to the external surface of the inner tank shell. 2c < 2clim, POF10-4


Case 3. In case of inspection indications largely In order to calculate RL a model for NH3-SCC
exceeding the acceptance criterion defined for growth rate is required. Based on results of
Case 1, the tank is opened and full internal in- Kjeller Ammonia SCC Project, KASP, project
spection is executed (wet fluorescent magnetic [4], the corrosion growth rate model showed in
particle). Fitness For Service (FFS) analysis for Figure 19 has been selected.
grooves [3] is executed in order to determine
maximum allowable dimensions for eventually
grinded areas:

 3a. Crack like indications exceeding

Case 1 acceptance criterion but not ex-
ceeding the groove criterion are removed
by grinding without welding repair.
Tank can be then operated and the next
inspection interval is calculated accord-
ing to §3.11;
 3b. Crack like indications exceeding ac-
ceptance Case 1 criterion and exceeding
the groove criterion are removed by
grinding and repaired by welding. Tank
can be then operated and the next in-
spection interval is calculated according
to §3.11.

It is fundamental here to remember that, during

operation, for all the 4 Cases above described,
the operating procedures are strictly respected: a
minimum of 2000ppm of water in the liquid
ammonia is always guaranteed in order to inhib-
it NH3-SCC (Figure 2).
Figure 18. Repair and inspection follow-up
3.11. Determination of next inspection strategy
The example in the Table 3 clarifies how to cal-
Non-intrusive inspection interval is based on the culate non-intrusive inspection interval and it
Residual Life (RL) calculation. underlines the difference between the traditional
RL is the time for a crack to develop from its internal inspection intervals (based on EFMA
actual dimensions (as characterized with the Risk Matrix) and the non-intrusive inspection
non-intrusive inspection) to the calculated max- interval (based on RL calculation): in general,
imum allowable defect sizes. inspection intervals based on the Yara approach
When the non-intrusive inspection doesn’t re- are shorter.
veal any crack indication, RL is the time for a Yara believes that shorter intervals are correct
crack to develop from the NDT technique detec- considering the lower confidence level of a non-
tion limit (5mm) to the calculated maximum al- intrusive inspection compared to the traditional
lowable defect sizes. internal inspection.
Non-intrusive inspection interval is set equal to
RL/2 (Half Life).


Years eventually caused by NH3-SCC, can be found
18 and sized with high confidence.
16 The development and validation of an effective
non-intrusive inspection process allowed Yara
to avoid:
 The negative effect of opening the tank
causing ingress of oxygen and so in-
creasing the susceptibility to NH3-SCC;
4  Dangerous operations like emptying and
2 filling up the tank;
0 2c 
 Costly downtime.
0 5 10 15 20 25 (mm)

Figure 19. NH3-SCC growth rate model [4] To date seven ammonia storage tanks have been
successfully inspected with the inspection robot.
Yara Ammonia Storage Tank n° XXX
Based on inspection results, critical crack size
evaluation and NH3-SCC growth rate model,
EFMA Probability Of Failure (Figure 4) 29 Yara determined new inspection intervals that
EFMA Consequence Of Failure (Figure 4) 40 are shorter than the ones recommended by
EFMA Risk (Figure 4) Green, Low risk EFMA [1] for the traditional internal inspection
EFMA Inspection interval (Figure 4) 15-20 Years of the tank.
2clim (Table 1) 20mm
Non-intrusive inspection indications No 5. References
NDT technique detection limit 5mm
RL (Figure 19) 16 Years [1] Guidance for inspection of atmospheric
Yara non-intrusive inspection interval 8 years
refrigerated ammonia storage tanks,
2008, EFMA
Table 3. Inspection interval determination: Non-
[2] BS7910:2005, Guide to methods for as-
intrusive (Yara) Vs traditional internal (EFMA)
sessing the acceptability of flaws in me-
tallic structures
4. Conclusion [3] API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, JUNE 5, 2007
[4] Nyborg, R., Bruk, KASP modell for
Yara established a specific inspection process ammoniakk spennings korrosjon
for non-intrusive inspection of ammonia storage sprekkvekst, 1999, IFE
tanks based on Risk Based Inspection (RBI) as-
sessment and critical crack size evaluation.
On this basis Yara International asked FORCE
Technology to develop a robot for non-intrusive
inspection of inner tank welds in double wall
(cup in tank) ammonia storage tanks where the
inspection can be carried from the vapour filled
annular room between the inner and the outer
The technique was qualified by producing a
number of test plates with artificial defects. The
qualification proved that even small defects,



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