Metallurgical and Catalyst Effects From Airflow Condition Into HTS

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Metallurgical and Catalyst Effects

from Airflow Condition into HTS

The initial startup and reduction of the High Temperature Shift (HTS) catalyst is a procedure which
is performed relatively infrequently in ammonia plants. This procedure allows for a safe, controlled
reduction of the HTS catalyst primarily by operating at a high S/G ratio at the Primary Reformer. A
proper initial startup is important to ensure that the catalyst is able to achieve maximum CO conver-
sion combined with a long on-stream life. While many ammonia plants (including the CF Industries
Verdigris site) have performed HTS startups with no problems, events can occur that can lead to poor
catalyst performance, reduced HTS reactor efficiency, and more serious issues including loss of ves-
sel integrity.

In 2010 - the CF Industries No. 1 Ammonia Plant in Verdigris, OK installed a reload of ShiftMax®
120 HTS catalyst. The reduction was deemed a success and the plant came up to normal operating
rates. Upon the first detailed analysis of catalyst performance after startup, the HTS catalyst CO con-
version was less than expected. This trend continued for 1 year until the plant decided that they could
not continue to operate at this HTS performance level. Upon shutdown in 2011 and subsequent anal-
ysis of initial startup process conditions after the HTS catalyst reduction, it was found that air had
been inadvertently introduced into the HTS reactor with reduced catalyst. This caused a previously
undetected exotherm through the catalyst bed which damaged catalyst and raised several vessel integ-
rity questions.

This paper explains the effects of the air introduction into the HTS reactor, including metallurgical
concerns and steps taken to ensure proper vessel integrity and safety, the effect this event had on the
HTS catalyst, and overall lessons learned.

Sean Ukele and Shawn Carnine

CF Industries

Zachary Singer
Clariant Corporation

Introduction 2011, Clariant as catalyst provider worked with

the CF site to provide guidance and troubleshoot-

he CF Industries No. 1 Ammonia Plant in ing efforts. The work included recommending
Verdigris, OK experienced poor HTS cat- steps to take to try and improve performance,
alyst performance upon startup following testing catalyst retain samples, and reviewing the
installation of a new catalyst charge in loading process and initial catalyst reduction to
October of 2010. From startup until December see if anything looked out of line. After this re-


view, one key in-process variable was identified was located at a depth of 15 ft. However, there
as being suspect and this pointed to some possi- was no identified pressure drop increase across
ble scenarios which could cause this performance the reactor. At the time, this one piece of infor-
issue. After these reviews, however, nothing was mation was not conclusive and did not point to a
conclusive. It was decided in December 2011 to known incident which could have affected per-
bring the plant down to repair other process formance. From the time the catalyst was start-
equipment. During this short outage, it was de- ed up until December 2011, Clariant recom-
cided to also take the opportunity to replace cata- mended temperature increases to try and improve
lyst in the HTS reactor. Upon observations from CO conversion. These steps were undertaken by
unloading of the catalyst and additional review of CF but did not improve the catalyst performance.
process data, it was determined that shortly after
the initial catalyst reduction in October 2010, air Unloading of Catalyst and Trouble-
was inadvertently introduced into the Secondary shooting
Reformer which reached the reduced catalyst in
the HTS reactor, causing a major high tempera-
In December 2011, CF decided to take the plant
ture event in the bottom of the vessel.
down to undergo some repairs on other process
equipment. During this time, it was also decided
This paper will attempt to outline troubleshoot-
to change the HTS catalyst due to the high CO
ing efforts undertaken – both during the catalyst
leakage of the HTS reactor. Clariant personnel
operation and also during the unloading of the
were on-site to supervise the unloading process
catalyst reactor. Also shared will be the effects
to help troubleshoot the cause of the poor per-
that this event had on the catalyst and, more im-
portantly, the reactor. Many steps were taken to
ensure sufficient vessel integrity upon this reac-
Initial Findings
tor being placed into service after the event.
When the catalyst handler entered the vessel (un-
Initial Catalyst Performance der N2 atmosphere) and removed the floating
screen, the first thing observed was a 3 ft (.91 m)
The plant is a MW Kellogg designed for 1,150 drop in the outage to the ShiftMax® G catalyst
STPD with current revamp operating capacity guard layer compared to the as-loaded outages.
near 1,650 STPD. Upon startup of the ShiftMax® When the removal of the ShiftMax® G guard
120 HTS catalyst in October 2010, CO conver- layer was completed down to the 6x6 mesh
sion was less than anticipated. The reactor was screen that was sitting on top of the catalyst, the
leaking over 3 mol % CO compared to an ex- outage to the catalyst was found to be at 14 ft 2-
pected 2-2.5% (based on the #1 plant process inches (4.43 m), 3 ft 5-inches (1.04 m) greater
conditions and historical performance and expe- than the As-Loaded outage of 10 ft 9-inches
rience with the catalyst). We then reviewed the (3.28 m). Figures 1 and 2 show how a compari-
initial catalyst reduction data. The reduction was son of the “As-Loaded” and “After-Operation”
performed by CF Operations and both parties outages and catalyst quality The top layer of
agreed that it was a “textbook” reduction with no ShiftMax® G guard material and also the first 4 ft
issues. However, based on the temperature pro- (1.22 m) of ShiftMax® 120 catalyst were in rela-
file from the reduction and current operation, we tively good condition with very minor break-
found that TI-9, which previously showed ex- age/dust. At an outage depth of 18 ft 2-inches
otherm during the reduction, was not showing (5.54 m), some of the catalyst was compacted
exotherm during operation. This pointed to a and no longer free flowing. Figures 3 and 4 pro-
possible screen failure, or some kind of settling vide a comparison between good catalyst in the
event which would cause the bed to shrink. TI-9 first 4 ft (1.22 m)


10' 9" 12'11"
ShiftMax® G + Top Grid 14' 2"

ShiftMax®G + Top Grid

18' 2"

ShiftMax Free flowing

® 120 6x6 20' 4" catalyst and
6x6 mm
mm Tab
20' 3"
Clumped and fused
catalyst. 3x3 mm
particles throughout

d = 12.75 ft

127.7 ft3/ft
127.7 ft3/ft

Figure 1. - Relevant As-Loaded Outages Figure 2. - Relevant After Operation Outages

and the clumping that was observed slightly catalyst was 6 ft 1-inch (1.74 m) (i.e., 20 ft 3-
deeper than the 18 ft 2 in (5.54 m) outage. inches minus 14 ft 2-inches). The original cata-
lyst depth was 9 ft 5-inches (2.87 m) indicating
Further evidence of fused catalyst was observed that the catalyst had shrunk by approximately
below the 18 ft 2-inches outage. Surprisingly, 36%. However, more surprisingly, based on the
catalyst was found that had shrunk to approxi- free flowing nature of the first 4 ft (1.22 m) is
mately 50% of its original size. Most of the that in reality the last 5.5 ft (1.65 m) had shrunk
fused catalyst was found in the center of the bed, to less than 2 ft 1-inch (0.63 m) or an incredible
while around the sides of the reactor the catalyst near 62% reduction. Figure 5 shows the extreme
was still mostly free flowing. The floating shrinkage that the catalyst suffered due to the
screen at the bottom of the bed above the support high temperatures experienced in the bottom of
media was located where the As-Loaded diagram the vessel. Clariant’s standard catalyst size for
predicted it would be at 20 ft 4-inches (6.20 m). HTS applications is 6x6 mm. Catalyst where the
Investigating the screen further, we found evi- high temperature event occurred was found to be
dence of what appeared to be a high temperature 3x3 mm in size. Figure 6 shows another effect of
excursion which had melted large portions of the the high temperature excursion. This picture
screen and catalyst. Sections of catalyst were shows the 1-inch (2.54 cm) support ball which
found fused to the bottom floating screen, which was fused to the screen at the bottom of the reac-
in turn, was fused to the bottom 1 in support ma- tor. This screen is also fused to catalyst particles.
terial. Figures 5 and 6 below show images of
the findings near the bottom of the reactor. The After reviewing all observations, it was evident
support screen was located at the expected out- that the bottom of this reactor had been exposed
age depth of 20 ft 4-inches (6.20 m) and the as- to extremely high temperatures. Focus was then
observed catalyst outage depth was 20 ft 3- shifted to finding the cause of the temperature
inches. Therefore, the as-observed total depth of excursion.


Figure 4. - Fused catalyst at 18 ft. 2 in. (5.54 m)

Figure 3. - Whole catalyst particles at free flow-

ing catalyst bed depth of 16 ft 2-inches (4.93 m)

Examination of Historian Data

Even though the reduction data had already been
reviewed previously, Clariant recommended an- Figure 5. - Compacted 3x3 mm tablet compared
other review of minute by minute bed TI averag- to fresh 6x6 mm tablet at 20 ft. 3 in. (6.17 m)
es from the HTS startup in October 2010. Again
it was found that the reduction was a success
with no high temperatures that could cause the
observed catalyst and reactor damage. Attention
was then focused on bed TI averages during sub-
sequent operation in order to determine the
source and timeline of the supposed high temper-
ature excursion. It was during this review when
CF found evidence of a high temperature event
shortly after startup which led to extreme tem-
peratures in the bottom of the HTS reactor. Up-
on reviewing this data, CF opted to perform a
full inspection of the bottom head of the vessel to
determine vessel integrity.
Figure 6. - Support ball fused to screen, which in
turn is fused to catalyst particles
Vessel Inspection and Corrective
ed a metallurgical consultant to inspect and per-
To evaluate the vessel integrity following the
form integrity testing. The consultant performed
high temperature event, plant personnel contract-
the following inspections:


a metallurgy specification change to mitigate the
 Internal/external visual examinations, risk of HTHA.
 Wet fluorescent magnetic particle (WFMP)
weld inspections, Incident Root Cause Analysis
 Optical microscope examination of several
The root cause of the high temperature event was
areas of the vessel surface, and determined to be introduction of oxygen to the
 Field hardness testing on various vessel com- HTS resulting in rapid oxidation of the catalyst
ponents and a significant elevation in vessel temperature.
The oxygen was introduced when compressed
High temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) was process air pressure exceeded process gas pres-
deemed to be the most likely result of the high sure impeding process gas flow to the HTS. His-
temperature event. The consultant reported that torically, this balance between process gas and
the visual examination of the vessel did not indi- air pressures was maintained using a manually-
cate any signs of HTHA. Two weld cracks were operated vent that allows the elimination of ex-
identified via WFMP that also did not appear to cess air pressure during plant start-up. However,
have been HTHA-related. Minimal grinding was due to process-control modifications made dur-
performed to remove the cracks and subsequent ing turnaround, the lack of process gas flow was
remaining vessel thickness was determined to be not recognized.
adequate. The optical microscope examination
also yielded positive results indicating no signs Several process-control modifications were made
of overheating including excessive grain growth, during turnaround including implementation of a
decarburization, phase changes, or fissuring. new safety-instrumented system and the elimina-
Field hardness testing did indicate signs of over- tion of a two-step low-flow trip that was histori-
heating particularly in the bottom portion of the cally used during start-up. The functionality of
vessel. Elevated hardness was observed on the the two-step low-flow trip was removed, but the
vessel’s internal surface while the external sur- switch remained in place on the board causing
face hardness was determined to be lower than additional confusion during start-up. This was
the minimum required by API Standard 579. identified as a contributing factor in the root
The metallurgical consultant concluded that these cause analysis.
hardness testing results were attributable to the
high temperature event and recommended cor- The HTS bed temperature profile during the ini-
rective measures be taken prior to placing the tial catalyst reduction, high temperature event,
vessel back in service. and secondary catalyst reduction are shown on
Figure 7 below. As shown, the rapid increase in
Two options were proposed to improve the ves- HTS temperature decreased back to 600°F (316
sel’s integrity to an acceptable level including a °C) within 25 minutes and went un-noticed. Fol-
full anneal at 1,650°F (899 °C) for the standard lowing the secondary catalyst reduction, plant
ASME dwell time or, as a temporary alternative, start-up was completed without further issue.
post-weld heat treatment (PWHT). The PWHT The catalyst performance issue was identified
option was chosen as a path forward and post- later during post-start-up analysis of HTS CO
PWHT hardness testing showed marked im- conversion. There were no pressure drop prob-
provement. The vessel was cleared for service lems even after the high-temperature sintering of
on December 24, 2011. In response to this inci- the catalyst and shrinkage of a portion of the bed
dent, plant personnel made a plan to replace the to 3x3mm tabs.
vessel in the subsequent turnaround by instituting



Temperature spike following
introduction of oxygen

Plant Start‐Up Continued
Temperature  (°Fahrenheit)


Initial HTS
Catalyst Reduction Second HTS



Data collected by Mr. Rick Allred, CF Industriess ‐ Verdigris Complex

Figure 7. - Excerpt from process data showing catalyst reduction, temperature exotherm from ox-
ygen spike, and the subsequent 2nd HTS catalyst reduction

Additionally, two operational changes were

Lessons Learned made to reduce the likelihood of introduction of
oxygen to the HTS during start up.
To address the potential for high temperature hy-
drogen attack (HTHA) of the HTS vessel, plant The first included a modification of the plant
personnel elected to upgrade the vessel’s metal- start-up procedure to minimize the possibility of
lurgy to a 1.25 percent chrome 0.5 percent mo- introducing oxygen to the HTS. The plant is
lybdenum steel alloy material. This material was equipped with a low-process-gas-flow trip that
selected based on data presented to API by Mr. recirculates the air compressor (i.e., stops the
G.A. Nelson in 1949 (aka, “Nelson Curve”). The process air flow into the plant) upon loss of pro-
Nelson Curve depicts the temperatures and pres- cess gas flow. However, the previous plant start-
sures at which certain steel materials will begin up procedure required temporary modification of
to show signs of internal and surface decarburi- this trip until adequate flows of both process gas
zation and is updated as new data become avail- and process air could be established. The revised
able. The trend for the material selected indi- start-up procedure requires that the process gas
cates a higher resistance to HTHA than the flow rate be increased to a level at which intro-
original carbon steel material. duction of oxygen to the HTS is highly unlikely
prior to starting the process air compressor.


This change increased the quantity of process gas
(i.e., natural gas) utilized for start-up but pro-
vides adequate protection of the HTS. As a sec-
ond level of protection, a process air to process
gas ratio (flow based) trip was installed that will
also recirculate the process air compressor if the
ratio exceeds the trip set point.

The combination of the metallurgy upgrade,

start-up procedure revision, and installation of
the air:gas ratio trip provides for the safe start-up
and operation of the HTS.


Process air was inadvertently introduced to the

reduced ShiftMax® 120 HTS catalyst during the
CF Industries No. 1 ammonia plant startup after
turnaround in October of 2010. This event was
unknown to the plant at the time. The catalyst
was operated for over a year before the plant de-
cided to come down and change the catalyst.
Upon working with Clariant catalyst personnel
on-site, a review of process data shortly after the
initial HTS reduction showed that an extreme
exotherm passed through the HTS catalyst short-
ly after reduction. This along with findings dur-
ing the unloading of the catalyst bed pointed to
the conclusion of a high process air flow event.
Subsequent activities by CF personnel to under-
stand the root cause and ensure vessel integrity
were put into place.



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