Baranova 1978 - Stratigraphy of Paleogene and Neogene Continental Deposits of The Soviet Northeast

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International Geology Review

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Stratigraphy of Paleogene and Neogene

continental deposits of the Soviet Northeast

Yu. P. Baranova

To cite this article: Yu. P. Baranova (1978) Stratigraphy of Paleogene and Neogene
continental deposits of the Soviet Northeast, International Geology Review, 20:6, 719-730, DOI:

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S t r a t i g r a p h y of Paleogene a n d N e o g e n e continental

deposits of the Soviet Northeast

Yu.P. Boranova

In the structural-tectonic plan of the Soviet a result, the thickness of the overlying Cenozoic
Northeast, the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka Mesozoic sediments is uneven, increasing in a northerly
fold region, the Anadyr'-Koryak Cenozoic fold direction from the mountains to the ocean and
region, and the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt, in individual buried basins ( e. g. in the Omoloy
developed at their junction, are recognized. and Tastakh troughs, e t c . ) , Judging from the
geophysical data, it reaches more than 1000 m.
In the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka and the Ana- The completeness of the section within the East
dyr'-Koryak regions, Cenozoic sedimentation Siberian lowland is still not clear, although
is confined to the intermontane and marginal from recent data, it is known that continuous
basins and downwarps, and is clearly connected Paleogene-Neogene sections are r a r e , since
with their geological development. In the first, local and regional erosion was recorded in
predominantly continental formations are de- them, embracing both extremely brief time in-
veloped, reflecting the post-geosynclinal and tervals, and also longer <->nes, extending up to
neotectonic evolution of the mountain country. the length of a subseries of the Paleogene or
At the beginning of the Cenozoic Era, during the Neogene system. In the intramontane basins
the Paleocene, Eocene, and partly at the b e - of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka country, the con-
ginning of the Oligocene, sediments were de- tinental deposits, corresponding to the latest
posited under conditions of planation of the orogenic phase, belong mainly to the Neogene
post-geosynclinal orogenic region; here, the system and to the upper half of the Oligocene,
main basin of accumulation was the plains of lying in this respect partly on the early Paleo-
the East Siberian plate and the present shelf of gene weathering crusts. The thicknesses of
the Northern Arctic Ocean. A characteristic the deposits reach 300-600 m.
feature of the sediments was their fine-clastic
nature and high coal content. Within the moun- The orogenic, late-post-geosynclinal, and
tain country, which was subjected to planation, latest stages correspond to the Paleogene and
chemical weathering crusts were formed. From Neogene sediments of the Anadyr'-Koryak struc-
the middle of the Oligocene to the end of the tural region. The migration of the late-geosyncli-
Pliocene, sedimentation in the Verkhoyansk- nal troughs toward the Pacific Ocean contributed
Chukotka region occurred in an environment of toward the gradual and successive replacement
the latest orogeny and was localized in the inter- of the marine sequence by continental sediments;
montane basins. A large amount of material in the peripheral sectors of the region, in the
was transported into lowlands and the sea sur- Lower Anadyr', there was repeated replacement
rounding the mountain country. The Oligocene- of sedimentary regimes, which controlled the al-
Neogene deposits are characterized by variation ternation of marine and continental facies in the
in lithologic composition of the component con- section. The Paleogene and Neogene deposits
tinental formations, consisting of proluvial, belong to the molasse associations, developed in
fluvial, lacustrine, and lacustrine-paludal facies. an environment of the orogenic regime of the in-
version phase of the geosyncline and the latest
Within the East Siberian lowland, the thick- orogenesis, which immediately followed it. This
nesses of the Paleogene and Neogene deposits controlled the variable facies and the lithologic
are still not clarified, since the drilling begun composition of the sediments, consisting both
during the last decade has only involved insig- of fine- and also coarse-clastic material, and
nificant sectors of its northwestern part. There saturated with lignites and brown coals. Most
is no doubt that the thicknesses of the sediments of the troughs and basins are characterized by
are great and in places exceed 500-600 m. The sediments of great thickness, exceeding 1000
relief buried below the Cenozoic cover is un- and sometimes 1400 m. The deposits are char-
even, with ancient basins and watersheds. As acterized by more complete Paleogene and Neo-
gene sections, although gaps are recorded,
owing to the presence of frequent erosion breaks.
Translated from Stratigrafiya kontinental'nykh otlo- The marine and continental facies, forming
zheniy paleogena i neogena Severo-Vostoka SSSR, AN the deposits of the Anadyr'-Koryak region, en-
SSSR Izvestiya, ser. geol., 1977, no. 8, p. 38-52. able us to compare the Paleogene and Neogene
The author is with the Institute of Geology and Geo- sediments with those of the adjacent territories
physics, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of (the West Kamchatka trough, where the
Sciences, Novosibirsk.
Internat. Geology Rev., v. 20, no. 6
IGR is not registered with the Copyright Clearance Center

Comparison of stratigraphic subdivisions of the Soviet Northeast.

1 - East Siberian lowland; basins: 2 - Lower Aldan, 3 - Verkhoyansk-Kolyma mountain region,
4 - Sea of Okhotsk coast, 5 - Bel'-Markov and Lower Anadyr', 6 - Chukotka peninsula.

stratigraphy has been sufficiently well worked I studied the stratigraphy of the continental
out, and entered on the unified stratigraphic formations developed within the Mesozoides of
schemes; and the continental deposits of the the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanogenic belt, and
Verkhoyansk-Chukotka region, in which their the northern part of the Cenozoides of the Ana-
stratigraphic subdivision was recently achieved dyr'-Koryak region, which includes the Markov-
by a range of paleobotanical methods). Bel' and Lower Anadyr' basins, and the Rarytkin
and Zolotogorsk rises.
Within the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt
superimposed on the above-mentioned struc- As a result of many years of biostratigraphic
tures, the Paleogene and Neogene deposits investigations into the continental Paleogene
consist of rocks of volcanic and, less frequently, and Neogene deposits of these regions, it is
of sedimentary origin. Their stratigraphy is possible to recognize phytostratigraphic r e -
still poorly worked out. The greater part of gional horizons for the second half of the Eo-
the volcanic rocks of the belt belong to the cene and Oligocene and the entire Miocene,
Cretaceous system. The younger formations correlated with horizons of Northwestern and
(basalts, tufflavas, and associated sedimentary Northeastern Kamchatka (table). Of decisive
rocks) are dated provisionally as Paleogene, significance as a basis for these horizons is
and less frequently, as Neogene. the recognition of the stage nature during the


evolution of the floras with the aid of a com- blages, the Tastakh suite may be clearly traced
parison of the uniform floristic assemblages in in the upper half of the Kengdey suite in North-
sections remote from one another, allowing ern Verkhoyansk, in the Ust'-Penzhino sequence
for the paleogeographic environments (changes of the northern coast of Penzhino Gulf, in the
in climate and the evolution of the relief). Cape Telegraficheskiy suite in the lower reaches
of the Anadyr', at the base of the section exposed
in a drill hole in the basin of the Tnekveyem
THE PALEOGENE SYSTEM River, and in the sands underlying the Koynat-
khun sequence. This horizon corresponds to
The Paleocene continental deposits in the the Tkapravayam, Kinkil', and Irgirna suites
Soviet Northeast have still been poorly examined. of Western Kamchatka with the "Chemurnaut"
They include the lower half of the Kengdey flora in them. Judging by the identified plant
suite, which fills the graben of the Kengdey remains from the Onemen and Produktivnaya
River in the Kharaulakh mountains (Northern suites in the Anadyr' brown-coal deposit, these
Verkhoyansk). The lower part of the section suites are contemporaneous with that at Cape
of the suite is formed by white kaolin clays, Telegraficheskiy, and may also be assigned to
argillites, and brown coals, which are contem- the Tastakh horizon. The age equivalent of the
poraneous, apparently, with the clays with Tastakh suite, judging by the floral remains,
brown coals from the Sogo River brown-coal may also be the sedimentary sequences among
deposit at Tiksi Bay. The floras are charac- the basalts of the Umka suite from the right-
terized by the presence of relicts of the Upper hand tributaries of the Anadyr'. Similar in
Cretaceous plants Menispermites, Protophyl- age, apparently, is the Mayn sequence also in
lum, Pterospermites, and Cephalotaxopsis the upper reaches of the Anadyr', which con-
( Mezhvilk, 1958) and the spore-pollen assem- tains a number of forms common to the Tastakh
blages ( Grinenko et al., 1975) with Proteacid- flora.
ites, Parviprojectus, Dicksonia, Quercites,
etc. The assemblage of paleobotanical data from
the suites and sequences of the Tastakh horizon
To the Paleocene, and possibly to the basal indicates a mixed type of flora of subtropical
parts of the Eocene, belong the volcanogenic aspect with a greater participation of ever-
rocks (basalts, their tuffs, and less frequently, greens and a smaller proportion of deciduous
andesites and dacites) with an age of 47-69 plants, and the minor importance of gymno-
m. y. , which underlie the complex of sediment- sperms with predominance of taxoids, and with
ary sequences in the Lower Anadyr' basin. ferns predominant among the spores.
A provisional Paleocene-Middle Eocene age The Tastakh horizon is characterized by
is ascribed to the basalt flows with members of the unusual features of the palynologic assem-
tuff sandstones and tuff-conglomerates in the blages ( Kul'kova, 1973; Kartashova, 1975).
Zolotogorsk rise. The volcanogenic rocks in In them, angiosperms predominate (up to 80-
the various sectors of the Okhotsk-Chukotka 94%). Pollens of trisaccate and trisaccate-
belt (basins of the rivers emptying into the porous structure predominate ( Castanea c r e -
Sea of Okhotsk — the Kukhtuy, Annan', Ola, nataeformis, Quercus conferta, Q. graciliformis,
Garmanda, Oklan rivers, e t c . ) , and also in Q. tenella, Tricolpopollenites s p . , Tricolporo-
the basin of the upper reaches of the Penzhina, pollenites s p . , e t c . ) . Of no less significance
Anadyr', and Tanyurer rivers, are assigned is the pollen of the evergreens ( Palmae, Sabal,
to the early Paleogene." The assignment of the Nipa, Phoenix, Myrica eocenica, Engelnardtia
effusive formations (basalts, andesite-dacites, quietus, Proteacidites paradoxus, Loranthus
dacites, and their tuffs) to the beginning of the elegans, L. mirus, Hamamelis scotica, Fother-
Paleogene is based not on biostratigraphic evi- gilla vera, F_. gracilis, Myrtaceidites jacuticus,
dence, but on the cenotypic aspect of the rocks and Aralis sibirica).
and on their position in the upper part of the
section, above the Upper Cretaceous acid vol- The palyno-assemblages are characterized
canic rocks (Geology of the USSR, 1970). by the presence of forms which are, according
to I. A. Kul'kova, index types both for the
The second half of the Eocene is clearly middle ( Castanea crenataeformis, Tricolporo-
recognized in the Tastakh regional stratigraphic poUenites cingulum, Araliaceoipollenites eu-
horizon, whose reference section is the Tastakh phorii, Nyssa ingentigullina, Pistillipollenites
suite, studied in the lower reaches of the In- macgregorii), and also for the upper Eocene
digirka River, in the sections at Lake Tastakh, (Ojjercus conferta, Q. graciliformis, Tricolpo-
and in the Dzholoon-Sise hills. The floristic pollenites liblarensis), and also taxa typical
assemblages of the Tastakh suite were recon- for the Eocene as a whole ( Fother gilla gracilis,
structed from leaf impressions, paleocarpologic F. vera, Hamamelis scotica, Carya simplex,
remains, spores, and pollen ( Krishtofovich, Engelnardtia quietus, Juglans nigrites). There
1958; Dorofeyev, 1968; Kul'kova, 1973; Kar- are small amounts (7-15%) of pollens of Faga-
tashova, 1975). Using the floristic assem- ceae, Myriaceae, Juglandaceae, and Betulaceae.

There are isolated pollens of Pinaceae, and more Spore-pollen data indicate that the Solur
numerous and varied pollens of Taxodiaceae sequence, developed within the Kular range,
(Taxodium, Glyptostrobus, Sequoia, and Sciado- where it passes into the Yana-Indigirka lowland,
pitys). The spores belong to Osmunda, Gleich- should be assigned to the end of the Eocene and
enia, and Polypodiaceae. the lower Oligocene. A palynologic study of
the sequence by Kartashova (1975) revealed
The leaf impressions indicate a variety of gradual changes in its palyno-assemblages u p -
Cercidiphyllaceae (Cercidiphyllum crenatum, ward through the section, in the lower ranges,
Trochodendroides arcticus, T. richardsonii, the significance of exotic taxa is retained, such
T. smilacifolia, and T. zadachii), Vitaceae as Nyssa, Ilex, Rhus, Aralia, Morus, Liquid-
( Cissus jacutica, C_. lobatocrenata, Cissites ambar, Magnolia, Laurus, Cedrus, and Myrta-
vollosovitschii, C. ochotensis, and Vitis olrikii) , ceae, and pollen of trisaccate-porous composi-
and Taxodiaceae (Sequoia langsdorfii, Meta- tion, Tricolpopollenites liblarensis and Tricol-
sequoia disticha, and Taxodium dubium). There poropollenites cingulum, which emphasizes the
are species of older Platanus, Grewiopsis, and association between the early Solur palyno-
Macclintockia, which emphasizes the associa- flora and the late Eocene Tastakh flora.
tion between the Eocene floras and the Late
Cretaceous-Paleocene floras of the Tsagayan In the middle and upper ranges of the Solur
type. Moreover, representatives of an "Arcto- sequence, there is a marked redistribution of
Tertiary" flora are inherent in the floras of dominants. Among the angiosperms, there is
the Tastakh horizon ( Alnus kefersteenii. Cory- a predominance of amentaceous plants, and
lus macquarii, C. kenaiana, Carpinus grandis, Pinaceae acquire a leading role in the gymno-
Juglans nigella, Quercus groenlandica, Acer spermous group, although the Taxodiaceae,
arctica, e t c . ) . In the seed assemblages are decreasing quantitatively, retain their generic
Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia, Cedrus, Abies, variety. This, the greater portion of the Solur
and Tsuga, and representatives of Betulaceae, sequence, is dated as early Oligocene.
Ulmaceae, Juglandaceae, and subtropical types
(Magnolia, Ficus, Hibiscus, and Aralia).
In all probability, the lower part of the
The stratigraphic position of the Tastakh Solur sequence corresponds to the Anzhuya
horizon in the middle-upper Eocene is empha- sequence of Fadeyeva Island {the Novosibirsk
sized, in addition to the paleobotanical evi- Islands archipelago) with a late Eocene palyno-
dence, by the macrofaunal remains. In the flora ( Trufanov and Vakulenko, 1977). In the
upper part of the Cape Telegraficheskiy suite, paly no-assemblage of the Anzhuya sequence,
we identified Nuculana snatolensis, Macoma there is a predominance of angiospermous
twinensis, Tellina pittsburgensis, Mactra xeno- pollens with Tricolporopollenites cingulum,
phonti, etc., typical of the Uvucha horizon of Pistillipollenites macgregorii, Fothergilla vera,
Western Kamchatka (Volobuyevaand Nevretdi- Sterculia, Myrtaceae, Liquidambar, Rhus, and
nova, 1975). From the number of common species Nyssa.
(Metasequoia disticha. Vitis olrikii. and Corylus
macquarii), the flora of Tastakh horizon may be A major role in it is played by the broad-
correlated with those of the Markov suite of the leafed Quercus, Castanea, ULmus, Carya, and
Penzhino trough, whosefaunal composition (with Tilia. The amentaceous plants are of minor
Yoldia takaradaiensis, Solen tigilensis, and significance and are represented by Betula and
Solemyatigilensis) also corresponds to that of Alnus. There are also a few Pinaceae and
the Uvucha horizon of Western Kamchatka and to spores of Osmundaceae, Schizaceae, Gleichenia-
the Shebunina horizon of Sakhalin. From the ceae, and Polypodiaceae.
floras, the Tastakh horizon is correlated with the
lower Ravenian of Alaska (Biske, 1971, 1975). Stratigraphically above the Solur sequence,
evidently, are the Onkuchakh pebble beds in
The continental deposits of the first half of the basin of the Omoloy River. The direct
the Oligocene in the Soviet Northeast are poorly relationships between these geologic formations
exposed, and therefore, inadequately studied. have not been clarified, and their geologic and
The most widely distributed in the extreme palynologic characteristics are based on frag-
northeast, within the Anadyr'-Koryak fold s y s - mentary outcrops, which points up the provi-
tem, are Oligocene marine facies. They are sional nature of separating these subdivisions.
quite well defined paleontologically, which en- In the Onkuchakh pebble beds, spore-pollen
ables us to correlate them with the horizons of sampling, carried out by A. Ya. Kiseleva, showed
Western Kamchatka. Since the continental the dominance of pollens of Betulaceae (Alnus,
facies in these sections is either absent, or Betula, Corylus, and Carpinus), accompanied
represented by thin layers only, and moreover, by those of the Pinaceae (Tsuga, Pinus, and
not defined paleobotanically, comparison of Picea) and spores of Polypodiaceae. The
the Oligocene deposits of the Anadyr'-Koryak amount of pollens of the more warmth-loving
and the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka regions is quite broadleafs and evergreens reaches 18-25%
difficult. and consists of Ulmus, Fagus, Quercus.


Castanea, Juglans, Tilia, Ilex, Nyssa, Ster- Pinus, and Picea), and less frequently, Taxo-
culia, and Liquidambar. The provisional age diaceae, and with a trace of pollens of Alnus
for the Onkuchakh pebble beds is end of the and ULmaceae. This part of the suite is evi-
early and beginning of the middle Oligocene, dently contemporaneous with the Avekova suite
and is dependent on their suggested position be- of the Taygonos peninsula. The volcanogenic
tween the Solur sequence and the Omoloy suite. portion of the Velonlyk suite, with basalts,
dacites, andesite -dacites, and rhyolites, was
The Avekova sequence, developed on the dated at 40 m. y. by the K-Ar method.
Taygonos peninsula on the Penzhino Gulf, from
the Gizhiga River to the Kuybiveyem-River, is The geologic data indicate that throughout
assigned to the lower Oligocene. The conti- most of the Paleogene, possibly since the b e -
nental deposits here consist of alternating sand- ginning of the Danian stage, processes of chem -
stones, argillites, and brown coals, charac- ical weathering were active in the territory of
terized by impressions of Onoclea sensibilis, the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka region. Remains of
Osmunda doroschiana, O. heeri, G. sachalin- crusts of the kaolin type were preserved in a
ensis. Sequoia langsdorfii, Metasequoia disj- buried state at the base of many of the Neogene
ticha, Populus glandulifera, I\ balsamoides, sequences in the youngest basins. In some of
Alnus kefersteenii, A. alnifolia, Platanus acer- them, as for example, the Okhotsk basin, the
oides latifolia, and Quercus juglandica, which, thickness of the weathering crust, which under-
in the opinion of A. N. Krishtofovich and A. F. lies the Marekan suite, reaches 50 m. A weather-
Yefimova, indicates possibly a late Eocene, ing crust with a thickness of 5-7 m is known below
but more probably, an early Oligocene age. the Tastakh, Nagayevo, Rypyl'kha, and other
In the palynological spectra of the Avekova suites. The widespread distribution of weathering
suite, I. A. Kul'kova { Biske, 1975) recorded a crusts in the past is indicat:xl by the presence of
predominance of spores, among which Osmunda redeposited kaolinite in the younger Oligocene-
and Polypodiacaea prevail. The gymnosperms Miocene sediments of many of the youngest basins.
are represented mainly by Pinaceae, and also A residual weathering crust is also known on the
Taxodium, and less frequently, by Glyptostro- slopes of the Bongataga range, in the Kondakov
bus and Sequoia. There are a few angiosperms, and Alazey plateaus (Cenozoic . . . , 1968) in
among which there is predominance of Alnus the basin of the Viliga River, and at individual
pollen and r a r e Ericaceae, Betula, Myrica, sites on the Yukagir plateau, Taygonos peninsula,
and Acer. No forms were found in the Avekova and Chukotka peninsula (Biske, 1975). The basis
spectra that are indices for the second half of for the Danian-early Oligocene age for the
the Eocene (the Tastakh horizon), therefore weathering crust is the presence of primary
the Avekova suite is assigned to the lower Oligo- kaolinite in the Paieocene-Eocene KengdSy
cene. suite, the middle-upper Eocene Tastakh suite,
and finally, in the upper Eocene-lower Oligocene
Solur sequence, which are continental sediments
East of the region, in the Markov-Bel' of epochs of planation and crust formation.
basin, the end of the Eocene and the lower
strata of the Oligocene are matched by the vol-
canogenic formations of the Konachan sequence The second half of the Oligocene in the Sov-
( andesites, dacites, and andesite-basalts with iet Northeast corresponds to the Omoloy r e -
an age of 25-44 m. y. ( K-Ar method)). The gional horizon, which was recognized from the
Bycha sequence, surrounding the western foot- stratotype of the Omoloy suite in Sergey creek
hills of the Pekul'ney range, and consisting of in the basin of the Omoloy River, in the Yana-
cobble-pebble conglomerates with seams and Indigirka lowland. The floristic assemblages
lenses of brown coal and remains of Meta- of the Omoloy suite were studied using carpologic
sequoia disticha, Cephalotaxopsis sp. , Taxo- remains, spores, and pollens. The Omoloy
dium s p . , Grewiopsis cf. frastodorius, Pla- horizon may be traced in many sections in the
tanus s p . , Populus s p . , Corylus sp. (deter- basal strata of the Koynatkhun sequence in the
mined by A. F. Yefimova), belongs to the un- basin of the Tnekveyem River (on the Anadyr'
differentiated Oligocene. Gulf), in the basal strata of the RypylTch
suite in the Val'karay lowland and in the basin
of the Pegtymel River, in the Sana and Lesna
Farther south, in the basin of the left-hand sequences in the basin of the Anadyr' River,
tributaries of the Penzhina River, the rhyolites, in the pebble beds of the El'gen suite in the
rhyolite-dacites, and their tuffs, and tuff sand- Seymchan-Buyunda basin, in the upper reaches
stones, with an age of 25-26 m. y. (K-Ar me- of the Kolyma River, and provisionally in the
thod) , are Oligocene in age. To the east of Tatta suite in the Lower Aldan basin. The
Penzhino Gulf is the Velonlyk sedimentary- assemblage of paleobotanical data for the Omo-
volcanogenic suite, at the base of which among loy horizon has revealed a forest flora of the
siltstones, argillites, and brown coals are Turgay type, markedly distinguished from that
palyno-assemblages very similar to those of of the Tastakh horizon, indicating quite a lengthy
the Avekova suite with a predominance of spores time break between them. In some degree,
of Osmunda, Polypodiaceae, and Cyathaceae, this gap in the evolution of the floras of the
accompanied by pollens of Pinaceae ( Tsuga, first half of the Oligocene may be filled by the


above-described floras from the Avekova and sequoia disticha, Pinus spinosa, Vitis s p . ,
Velonlyk suites, although they reflect local Parthenocissus elongata, Decodon sibiricus,
coastal-lagoonal natural conditions; these Caldesia provintitia, Sagisma turgida, Epi-
same floras are still weakly recognized and premnum ornatum~Aracispermum johnstruppii,
are poorly represented. As a result of these Aralia omoloica, and Juglans jacutica. Most
peculiarities, the lower boundary of the Omoloy of these forms are typical of the Oligocene
horizon is provisional, and currently it is im - and only a small portion of them passes into the
possible to decide whether to assign the whole Miocene (Cenozoic . . . . 1968; Dorofeyev,
of the middle subseries of the Oligocene to this 1972). The Omoloy horizon corresponds in its
horizon or only part of i t Because of the floras to the Angonian of Alaska (Biske, 1975).
sparseness of the Omoloy floras ( as compared
with the Tastakh floras) in many of the Paleo- A comparison of the typologic palyno-
gene exotics, we suggest that the Omoloy hori- assemblages of the Omoloy horizon with the
zon embraces the upper Oligocene and the s e c - spore-pollen assemblages, recognized by G. M.
ond half of the middle Oligocene ( and possibly Kabanova from the marine deposits of the upper
also its end). part of the Mayn suite of the Lower Anadyr'
basin, indicates the possibility of correlating
The palynologic assemblages of the Omoloy them. From the marine fauna, this part of the
horizon are characterized by a predominance Mayn suite corresponds to the Amanina-Gakkha
of angiospermous pollens ( 61-80%), but al- horizon of the Western Kamchatka.
ready in lesser amount than in the Tastakh
palyno-assemblages. The main background of
angiospermous plants is made up of deciduous, THE NEOGENE SYSTEM
and broad- and narrow-leaf plants. The con-
tent of pollens of warmth-loving plants varies In two regions (the Yana-Indigirka lowland
from 20 to 35%, and among them there is a and the Lower Aldan basin), the Miocene is
predominance of Castanea (up to 20%), Fagus divided into three regional horizons: the Il'dik-
(up to 14%), Quercus (up to 7%), and Ilex ilyakh, the Mamontovaya Gora, and the Khap-
(up to 7%) ; in lesser amounts, but constantly chan. In the former region, the Mamontovaya
present are Juglandaceae, and isolated Ster- Gora horizon corresponds to erosion and a
culia, Rhus, Nyssa, Celtis, and Liquidambar. break in sedimentation. In the second, the
Betulaceae make up 25-37%, with a predomi- Khapchan horizon is absent, and during its
nance of Alnus pollen and the presence of all time span, there was also deep regional erosion.
other genera of this family. The amount of Nevertheless, a comparison of the composite
Pinaceae pollen in the various suites of the Miocene section in these regions is possible,
Omoloy horizon is variable and depends on the owing to the fact that the quite completely
site of the section. In the Omoloy suite, located studied paleobotanical assemblages show a
in the north of the region, in the marginal part clear interrelationship between the floras through-
(foothills) of the Yana-Indigirka lowland, it out the Miocene epoch.
varies from 8 to 22%, with the proportion of
dark-conifer pollen not exceeding 7-8%, whereas The n'dikilyakh horizon was recognized
the background is created by different species by Kartashova ( 1975) from the stratotype of
of Pinus. In the Sana sequence, which fills the U'dikilyakh suite in the basin of the Yana
the basin of the intramontane country, the River, on the basis of an unusual paly no-assem-
amount of gymnospermous pollen increases in blage and was dated as early to the beginning
individual spectra to 58%, and on average has of middle Miocene. Besides the data on paly -
been placed at 30-37%. Here also there is a nology, the U'dikilyakh horizon was given addi-
predominance of pine pollen, and the dark- tional status from paleocarpologic remains and
conifer pollens occupy a minor position, which a flora of diatoms, recognized in other sections.
generally distinguishes the Oligocene spectra This horizon includes the deposits on the Ura-
from the Miocene, in which the percentage of salakh River in the basin of the Omoloy River,
dark-conifer pollen in the rocks is markedly in the Yana-Indigirka lowland, the Tanda and
increased. Nam suites of the Lower Aldan basin, the lower
third of the Dzhelkan suite in the upper Nera
The pollen of the Taxodiaceae in all the basins, and the basal strata of the productive
assemblages of the Omoloy horizon still retains subsuite in the El'gen basin. In the north of
its importance, in individual spectra reaching Chukotka peninsula, the U'dikilyakh horizon
28% , and consists of grains of Sequoia, Glypto- corresponds to deposits in many sectors of the
strobus, Taxodium, and Sciadopitys. The Val'karay lowland (the middle parts of the s e c -
amount of spores on average reaches 11%. tions of the Rypyl'kha suite in the Ryveyem,
Pegtymel' rivers, e t c . ) . South of the Chukotka
They consist of Polypodiaceae and Sphagnum. peninsula, this horizon may be traced in the
upper parts of the Koynatkhun sequence on the
The paleocarpologic data indicate the Oligo- Tnekveyem River and in the lower parts of the
cene age of the Omoloy horizon. Among the North Pekul'neyveyem suite in the Bel' and
plant remains, there is an abundance of Meta-


Markov basins ( Anadyr' River). On the coast dominant angiosperms ( up to 80-87%) in them
of the Sea of Okhotsk, it includes: the lower are distributed between the pollen of the Faga-
non-coal subsuite of the Marekan suite in the ceae (38%) with Fagus silvatica, F. japonica,
Okhotsk basin along the Kukhtuy River, the s e - F. orientalis, and F. taurica, various Quercus
quence on Buyan Island, the lower part of the and Castanea, and deciduous pollens of an i m -
Shestakova suite on the northern Penzhino Gulf, poverished Turgay type. Conifer pollens are
and the lower strata that fill the Kava-Tauyskaya few in number ( 7-8%), although their generic
basin. composition is varied. The first feature is
clearly traced in the palyno-assemblages of
The original basis for the Il'dikilyakh hori- many other sections at the top of the Il'dikilyakh
zon based on the palynologic assemblages in horizon. Thus, the peak of the beech pollens
the stratotype section of the Il'dikilyakh suite with the recognition of these same species was
later was substantially supplemented by paly- made by Borisova ( Bakay and Borisova, 1977)
nologic data from all the above-listed geologic in the middle of the Shestakova sequence, by
subdivisions. In a generalized form, the palyno- V.Ye. Narkhina within the Rypyl'kha suite
assemblages of the Il'dikilyakh horizon reflect near the Pegtymel' River, and by I. B. Kistereva,
the Turgay flora, but with a reduction in the in the ranges through three drill holes in the
pollens of warmth-loving angiosperms and a lower half of the sequence that fills the Kava-
predominance of narrow-leaf forms among Tauyskaya basin. In the Rypyl'kha suite of
them, especially the Betulaceae. the Ryveyem River, the beech peak, according
to I. Ya. Dushina and T. P. Kazakova, c o r r e -
From a comparison with the paly no-assem- sponds to that ( 35%) of the myriacids with up
blages of the Omoloy horizon, the Il'dikilyakh to 10% of beech pollen. In addition, in the
horizon is characterized by an increase in the ranges of these sections, in contrast to those
amount of gymnospermous pollens as a result of the stratotype of the Il'dikilyakh suite, the
of an increase in the generic and specific varia- Taxodiaceae pollen occupy a prominent place.
tion in the pollens of the pine and especially In individual ranges in the upper boundary strata
the dark conifer stocks. However, the import- of the Il'dikilyakh horizon, Taxodium pollen
ance of the Taxodiaceae is still quite great, and reaches 40% (the Shestakova suite). In the s e -
in a number of sectors, their pollens make up quence on Buyan Island, the quantity of various
20-35%, prevailing in such cases over the Taxodiaceae (Sequoia, Metasequoia, Taxodium,
Pinaceae. Along with the reduction in the and Glyptostrobus) varies from 15 to 35% and
quantity of pollens of the warmth-loving plants, is accompanied by a small beech peak (up to
there is an almost complete disappearance of 11%) (Fradkina, 1975). The large content of
the pollens of Magnolia, Liquidambar, Rhus, Taxodiaceae pollen is also characteristic of
Engelhardtia, Platycarya, Sterculia, and other the palyno-assemblages of the "beech" horizon
exotics. in the Kava-Tauyskaya basin, and also the
basal beds of the Marekan suite of the Okhotsk
In the angiosperm group, after the domi- basin. This distinguishing feature of the palyno-
nants of the Betulaceae, come the representa- assemblages for the entire Il'dikilyakh horizon,
tives of the Myriaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, as distinct as that of its stratotype, is evidently
and Ulmaceae. explained by the position of the sections in
relation to the ancient shoreline. Possibly, all
the sections with Taxodiaceae in the palyno-
The lower boundary of the Il'dikilyakh assemblages reflect the humid conditions of
horizon is not precisely identified from the coastal-lagoonal sites, whereas the stratotype
pollens and spores. In most of the sections, section on the Il'dikilyakh River is probably
there are continuous, lithological uniform s e - intracontinental, and remote from the shoreline.
quences of late Oligocene to early Miocene age.
It has not proved successful to find any single
datum, above or below, at which the palyno- Among the carpologic remains in the beds
assemblages could be significantly distinguished of the Il'dikilyakh horizon, the following were
from one another. Moreover, a gradual change identified: Metasequoia ex gr. sibirica, M. dis-
in the dominants in the palyno-assemblages ticha, Tsuga. oblonga, Pseudotsuga s p . , Picea
(Betulaceae instead of broadleafs with very anadyrensis, P_. latibracteata, P. bilibinii,
warmth-loving exotics), and an increase in the Pinus itelmenorum, P. nagajevii, P. spinosa,
variety of the pines and grasses indicate the P_, oligolepis, Larix palaeosibirica, L. antiqua,
marked paucity of the early Miocene palyno- Abies s p . , Rubus aldanensis, Pterocarya kire-
floras and enables us to distinguish them from evskiana, Betuja aldanensis, Juglans jacutica,
those of the Oligocene Omoloy horizon. Padus japonica, Cornus kineliana, Epipremnum
crassum, Decodon globosus, Prunus jacutica,
Andromeda nigra, A. polifolia. Menyanthes
The upper boundary of the Il'dikilyakh hori- trifoliata, M_. miocenica, M. parvula, Chama-
zon is clearly reflected in the spectra with a edaphna calyculata, Aracispermum johnstrupxii,
peak for the beech pollens. This was first Ampelopsis ex gr. rotundata, Aldrovanda poli-
established by Kartashova (1973, 1974), who folia, Rhododendron sp., and Ceratophyllum sub-
pointed out two characteristic features. The mersum.


Diatoms are known from the Buyan Island et aL , 1976). The Turgay nature of the flora
sequence, the Rypyl'kha suite, and the Shesta- is indicated by the presence of Osmunda heeri,
kova suite. They include Melosira sulcata, M. Populus balsamoides, Salix varians, and Cerci-
sulcata var. bisorata, Thalassiosira zabelinae. diphyllum crenatum, and also such genera as
Coscinodiscus marginatus, Trochosira spinosa, Comptonia, Pterocarya, Castanea, Quercus,
Stephanopyxis schenckii, S^ turris, Pseudo- Ulmus, Zelkova, Acer, Tilia, and Vitis. The
podosira hyalina, Actinoptychus vulgaris. paucity of the flora is expressed in the absence
of Celtis, Cyclocarpa, Carpinus, Fagus, and
The upper beds of the Il'dikilyakh horizon Carya, although some of these genera ( Carya,
with a "beech" peak are correlated with the Fagus, and Carpinus) are known in the palyno-
Daijima beds of Japan ( Tanai, 1972; Karta- flora of the Mamontovaya Gora horizoa
shova, 1974) and correspond to a climatic
optimum, manifested in t i e Pacific Ocean r e - Of the modern species revealing a s i m i -
gion at the end of the early and the beginning larity to species of the Mamontovaya Gora flora,
of the middle Miocene. There is a possible most have their northern boundary of distribution
correlation between these beds and the Engel'- at 15-30° to the south of this location ( i n P r i -
gardiyev beds of the south of the Soviet Far mor'ye, Japan, Korea, North and Central China,
East (Akhmet'yev, 1974), and with the "Yezh- and in Pacific North America). This circum-
ov" horizon of the Korfovo region of Kamchatka stance, also the comparison by I. A. Il'inskaya
(Chelebayeva, 1971: Fradkina, 1975). On and N. Ya. Shvareva of the systematic composi-
the whole, the Il'dikilyakh horizon apparently tion of the Mamontovaya Gora flora with the
corresponds to the Kuluven and H'in horizons lower Medvezhka flora from Korf Gulf ( Chele-
of Western Kamchatka. bayeva, 1971; Baranova et a l . , 1976), which
lies above a body of andesites, dated at 18 ± 2
The Mamontovaya Gora (Mt. Mamontovaya) and 23. 5 ± 0. 5 m. y . , indicate a middle Miocene
horizon was recognized using the suite of the age for this flora and its surrounding strata.
same name in Aldan, where it is well-defined
by paleontologic and paleocarpologic data and The Mamontovaya Gora flora, based on
identifications of leaves. The Mamontovaya seed assemblages, studied by V. P. Nikitin
Gora flora is very completely known: 70 forms ( Baranova et a l . , 1976), includes representa-
of leaf impressions and more than 280 species tives from modern North America { Sequoia,
of fruits and seeds have been identified, and Dulichium, Leitneria, Comptonia, Decodon,
178 spore-pollen ranges have been described. and Proserpinaca) and East Asia (Metasequoia,
The identifications from other local strata p r o - Epipremnum, and Weigela), and also genera
vide only insignificant additions to the flora of characteristic of both regions (Azolla, Mag-
this stratotype. nolia, and Liriodendron). From the generic
composition, the flora is similar to the Turgay
floras, but somewhat sparse in warmth-loving
The Mamontovaya Gora horizon may be plants. The Turgay element in it is clearly
clearly traced in the middle of continuous Mio- expressed by Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia,
cene sections: NorthPekul'neyveyem, Marekan, Alismateria, Dulichium, Epipremnum, Comp-
and Dzhelkan suites of the Bel'-Markov, Okhotsk, tonia, Pterocarya, etc. The Mamontovaya
and upper Nera basins. This horizon includes Gora flora, according to V. P. Nikitin, is d i s -
the Sededem beds of the Alazey plateau; the tinguished from the West Siberian and Uralian
productive subsuite of the El'gen suite of the floras by the large content (up to 43-49%) of
northern Seymchan-Buyunda basin; the basal woody plants and the small content (up to 10%)
beds of the Tirekhtyakh suite of the Bugchan of swamp grasses. In the seed assemblages
basin; the lower Yana, Balakhapcha, and Nag- of the Mamontovaya Gora flora, there is a p r e -
ayevo sequences; and the Melkovodnaya s e - dominance of moderately warmth-loving plants,
quence and the upper half of the Shestakova se- although some of them have even subtropical
quence, distributed in the basins along the Sea and tropical associations; Taxodiaceae, Thea-
of Okhotsk. ceae, Magnoliaceae, Moraceae, Araceae, Ca-
bombaceae, and Lythraceae. In addition, Niki-
tin pointed out several boreal plants ( Spargan-
Among the leaf impressions, first place is ium, Juncus, Alnaster, Betula sect. Albae,
occupied by the Salicaceae, in which the most Polygonum aviculare, Andromeda polifolia,
abundantly represented are Populus pacifica Menyanthes trifoliata, e t c . ) . He thinks the
and Salix samylinae, and frequent Populus age of the flora is definitely Miocene because
aldanensis, Salix protogracilistyla, S. varians, it contains no specifically Oligocene species
and less frequently, other species of Salix and and almost none that pass into the Pliocene.
Populus. At the second site, there are r e p r e - During a comparison between the Mamontovaya
sentatives of the Betulaceae, namely, Alnus Gora flora and the Oligocene and Miocene floras
protohirsuta, A. jljinskiae, A. tiulinae, and of Western Siberia, based on the ratio of local,
Corylus kenaiana. The Salicaceae and Betula- foreign, and extinct genera in each of the floras,
ceae are of prime importance, and according Nikitin concluded that the Mamontovaya Gora
to I. A. Il'inskaya, a temperate type of Turgay flora was of middle Miocene age.
flora occurs at Mamontovaya Gora ( Baranova


The palyno-assemblages of the Mamontovaya Pterocarya, Andromeda, Vaccinium, Sambucus,

Gora horizon, according to A. F . Fradkina Rubus, Epipremnum, Caldesia, Decodon, Scir-
(Baranova et al., 1967), are characterized by pus, etc. From the most characteristic species,
an identical or alternately somewhat excessive we must note Pinus itelmenorum, P. omoloica.
amount of pollen of gymnosperms and angio- P. palaeosibirica, P. jacutica, Picea wolloso-
sperms, with a predominance of Betulaceae wiczii, Larix omoloica, Betula omoloica, Jug-
(Alnus, Betula, and a trace of Corylus and lans omoloica, Epipremnum crassum, Myrica
Carpinus), Pinaceae ( Pinus, Picea, and Tsuga), omoloica, Menyanthes mlocenica. The flora
and Ericaceae. Among the spores, Polypodia- includes modern species (Alnus hirsuta, Coma-
ceae predominate. The content of warmth- rum palustre, Hippuris vulgar is, e t c . ) . The
loving plants rarely exceeds 10%. These com- diatom flora from the Ryveyem suite contains
prise Myrica, Comptonia, Pterocarya, Juglans, 50% of modern forms.
Quercus, Fagus, Castanea, Ulmus, and Tilia.
The small percentage of warmth-loving plants The palyno-assemblages of the Khapchan
and the absence of Platycarya, Rhamnaceae, horizon are characterized by an approximately
Sterculiaceae, Eleagnus, Nyssa, and Myrtaceae, identical percentage ratio of pollens of angio-
and of pollens of older gymnosperms (Cedrus sperms and gymnosperms and an increase in
and Cupressaceae), and also the-relationships the amount of spores up to 30-35%.
of the dominants in the palyno-assemblages of
the Mamontovaya Gora flora, also indicate, in
Fradkina's view, the sparse nature of the Ma- There is a marked paucity of assemblages
montovaya Gora flora. These palyno-assem- of pollen of warmth-loving broadleaf plants
blages are characterized by an abundance of down to 2-3% ( Myrica, Tilia, Carpinus, Jug-
the conifer component, which clearly distin- lans, and Ulmus) and the complete disappear-
guishes them from the ITdikilyakh palyno- ance of evergreen pollenr. The dominants in
assemblages, in which the content-of Pinaceae the assemblages are Alnus, Betula, Pinus,
is still not equal to the content of Betulaceae. Tsuga, and Ericaceae. Among the gymnosperms,
From what has been stated, and allowing for the pollen of the Taxodiaceae is absent, in the
spores there is much Sphagnum, and the poly-
the overall paucity of the Turgay palyno-flora, podiaceae still retain significance. In the a s -
the Mamontovaya Gora horizon, from palynologic semblages, the amount of grass pollen and
data, is also assigned to the middle Miocene. shrubs has increased. Thus, the Khapchan
Overall, it corresponds to the Kakert and Etolon horizon is characterized by a boreal flora,
horizons of Western Kamchatka and the Med- having already lost its association with the Tur-
vezhka horizon of Northeastern Kamchatka. gay floras, and including 30-50% of modern
The upper subseries of the Miocene forms
the Khapchan horizon, recognized from the
stratotype of the suite of the same name in the The Khapchan horizon was correlated with
lower reaches of the Omoloy River, in the the Ermanov and the classical horizons of
northwestern East Siberian lowland. The Khap- Northwestern and Northeastern Kamchatka.
chan horizon was traced in the upper parts of In Alaska, it corresponds to the Homerian
the following continuous sections of the Miocene (Biske, 1971, 1975).
(in the North Pekul'neyveyem, Marekan, and
Dzhelkan suites). It includes the Osinov, Kuy-
biveyem, and Ryveyem suites, the middle and The Pliocene deposits in the Soviet North-
upper parts of the Yana and Balakhapcha s e - east are restricted in their distribution. In
quences, the middle of the Nagayevo sequence, contrast to the Miocene deposits, they do not
and possibly, the base of the Buorkhaya suite, form continuous sections, but partly at the
and the base of the section in Promezhutochnaya base and at the top the deposits are bounded by
creek. erosion breaks. This makes it difficult to
group the local Pliocene strata into single
The paleobotanical basis for the Khapchan stratigraphic schemes. The absence of Pliocene
horizon is palynologic and paleocarpologic data. deposits in many of the regions of the Soviet
In some local sections, there are diatom data Northeast is associated with tectonic stresses
also. which increased during the Pliocene and a
strengthening in erosion processes, against a
background of rejuvenated mountain building.
The seed assemblages from more than 70 This is indicated by the variety of lithologic
denominations (based on 49 species and 37 composition of the deposits in those regions
genera) have reproduced a temperate forest where Pliocene sedimentation occurred. In
flora with predominant conifers, deciduous most cases, the deposits are fluvial, proluvial,
trees, shrubs, and grasses. According to N. I, and lacustrine facies, which consist of pebble
Dorofeyev and V. P. Nikitin, among the plant beds, vari-grained sandstones, siltstones,
remains there is a dominance of Larix, Pinus, argillites with lignites, and less frequently,
and Picea ( a few species), Betula and Alnus with brown coals. The thickness of the Pliocene
( a few species), Alnaster, Myrica, Juglans, deposits varies from 10 up to 200-300 m.


Among the Pliocene deposits, three groups horizon, although more often, the pollen of
of sections are recognized, characterized by gymnosperms dominates over that of the angio-
different features. sperms, and the proportion of moderately
warmth-loving types is quite insignificant, from
The first group is formed of Pliocene sedi- isolated grains up to 1-1. 5%.
ments that terminate the continuous sections of
Miocene age, forming with them a single cycle The spectra for the second half of the early
of sedimentation. These are the sediments of Pliocene and for the middle Pliocene gradually
the upper part of the Dzhelkan suite of the Upper change their aspect. Here they may be com-
Nera basins, and the upper Uyanda sequence of pared through the sections of both the first and
the basin of the left-hand tributaries of the In- also the second groups, allowing for geographic
digirka. This group includes the lower Pliocene zonation and local peculiarities.
sediments of the top of the Tirekhtyakh suite in
the Bugchan basin and the Nagayevo sequence The palyno-assemblages from the northern
on the Sea of Okhotsk. sections ( e. g. the Buorkhaya suite, excluding its
lower strata) are characterized by a predomi-
The second group is formed of sediments nance of pollens of pines and larches, with only
bounded at the base and top by erosion surfaces a trace of spruce and hemlock, that is, mainly
and not connected by mutual transitions with representatives of the light-conifer association.
the underlying and overlying sediments, therefore The angiosperms are represented, as in the
more provisionally dated. These are the middle spectra from other sections, by dominant Betu-
Pliocene ( ?) Impoveyem sequence of Taygonos laceae, among which there are equal amounts
peninsula, the lower-middle Pliocene Lovat' of both woody and shrubby forms of Betula and
sequence on the northern coast of Penzhino Alnus. The pollens of grasses and shrubs with
Gulf, and the Yel'gala beds of the Kolyma River elements of tundra coenoses are varied. Sphag-
terrace. A somewhat more reliable age basis num predominates in the spores, and a distin-
for these sediments applies to the middle Plio- guishing feature of the upper spectra of the
cene Buorkhaya suite in the north East Siberian Buorkhaya palyno-assemblages is the marked
lowland, since its palynologic assemblages decrease in the participation of conifer pollens
reveal a clear genetic connection with those of and their substitution by narrow-leaf forms.
the late Miocene Khapchan suite, developed in Kartashova ( 1975) pointed out that the forest
the Immediate vicinity of the Buorkhaya suite, type of vegetation that dominated at the beginning
indicating an age continuity with the latter. of the Pliocene in the East Siberian lowland
was replaced toward the end of the middle Plio-
The third group of sections comprises cene by that developing in non-forest land-
sediments assigned to the upper subseries of scapes and insular narrow-leaf forests.
the Pliocene or forming continuous sequences
of late Pliocene-early Quaternary age. They The southern type of the early and middle
are separated from the underlying deposits, as Pliocene palyno-assemblages is well represented
a rule, by deep erosion, and their paieobotani- by spectra from the upper strata of the Nagayevo
cal assemblages are significantly different sequence, the Delyankir beds, and the Lovat',
from those of the older Pliocene types, reveal- Impoveyem, and Gusinov sequences. They
ing a clear connection with the Quaternary. have much in common, and the differences be-
tween them were controlled by local geographic
The paleobotanical characteristics of the peculiarities. Upward through the composite
Pliocene deposits within each of the recognized section of these deposits, there is a replacement
groups of sections, allowing for their local of the dominant Betulaceae by representatives
peculiarities, are similar. Owing to this, the of the Pinaceae, and among the latter there is
possibility has arisen of phytostratigraphic clear predominance of the dark-conifer element,
correlation of all the sections named and the which enabled Biske ( 1975) to recognize a con-
recognition of common features in the history tinuous belt of dark-conifer taiga for the south-
of evolution of the floras. ern regions of the Soviet Northeast (including
the "old Bering" region). Of the warm-tem-
Thus, in the lower and middle Pliocene perate types in the spectra, we find only Corylus
deposits, associated through continuous transi- and Myrica, with major participation of shrubby
tions with the Miocene deposits, a gradual forms of birch, alder, and other plants: the
sparspness of the floristic assemblages was amount of grasses has increased. Thus, in
recognized, proceeding through sequential r e - these sections also, a gradual change in the
placement of the warmth-loving floras by boreal palynofloras is recorded, indicating their
types. sparseness in association with the progressive
cooling. In addition, these palynofloras differ
significantly from the northern sections, p r i -
In the lower strata of these sediments, marily in the retention of the forest type, with
there is still a clear link with the late Miocene only a trace of shrubs and grasses, which in-
floras. The distribution of dominants in them dicates the lack of forest in the mountain or
is the same as in the spectra of the Khapchan


slope habitations and the absence of a zoned Biske, S. F . , 1975, THE PALEOGENE AND
forest-tundra. Apparently, these differences NEOGENE OF THE EXTREME NORTH-
should be used as a basis for subdividing the EAST USSR: AN SSSR SO Inst. Geologii
Pliocene and recognizing regional horizons. i Geofiziki Trudy, Novosibirsk, v. 241.

The paly no-assemblages of the third group Borisova, Z.G., 1973, THE PLIOCENE DE-
of sections of late Pliocene age are interesting POSITS OF THE PENZHINA RIVER: AN
in the complexity of their structure, which in- SSSR Doklady, v. 212, no. 1, p. 169-
dicates climatic fluctuations. In the north, 172.
they consist of the spectra of the Serkino suite CENOZOIC OF THE SOVIET NORTHEAST,
and the sequence along the Pegtimel' River 1968: AN SSSR SO Inst. Geologii i Geo-
(eastern Chaun Bay). In the south, these fiziki Trudy, vyp. 38.
are the spectra of the Malooklan sequence in
the Penzhino region. In all the palyno-assem- Chelebayeva, A . I . , 1971, THE FOSSIL FLORA
blages, two or three phases of evolution of the OF KORF GULF AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE
vegetation were recorded (Borisova, 1973; IN THE NEOGENE STRATIGRAPHY OF
Kartashova, 1975), associated with climatic KAMCHATKA: Author's Dissertation,
fluctuations. Cold phases were recorded in the Moscow.
forest-tundra or tundra palynofloras, and the
warm phases are characterized by forest palyno- Dorofeyev, P. I . , 1968, PALEOCARPOLOGIC
floras, narrow-leaf or conifer types. In the DATA ON THE TERTIARY FLORAS OF
southern regions and in the Tnekveyem basin NORTHERN EASTERN SIBERIA. In
(the Malooklan sequence and the sequence at THE CENOZOIC HISTORY OF THE POLAR
Graphite Spring), the spectra contain even an BASIN AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE
insignificant trace of such warmth-loving forms EVOLUTION OF THE LANDSCAPES OF
as Ulmus, Corylus, Carpinus, and Ilex. Cor- THE NORTHERN TERRITORIES: Ab-
relation of the upper Pliocene sections, in stract, Leningrad.
spite of recognition in them of peaks of a cli-
matic optimum and a minimum, is nevertheless 1972, THE TERTIARY FLORAS OF
difficult because of the fragmentary nature of THE OMOLOY RIVER. In THE HISTORY
the sections, the absence of any connection OF THE FLORA AND VEGETATION OF
with the underlying deposits, their disconnection, EURASIA: Izd-vo Nauka, Moscow.
and the occurrence in different geographic and
high-level belts. Therefore, as a rule, dating Fradkina, A. F . , 1975, THE POSSIBILITY OF
of these sequences is provisional. Only those RECOGNIZING A MIOCENE CLIMATIC
sections are reliably dated where they are con- OPTIMUM FROM PALYNOLOGIC DATA
tinuous with the overlying lower Quaternary ON THE "YEZHOV" HORIZON AND THE
REFERENCES Tez. Dokl. Mezhved. Stratigr. Soveshch.,
Akhmet'yev, M. A., 1974, OLIGOCENE AND
CLIMATIC ENVIRONMENT: AN SSSR BOOK 2, 1970: Izd-vo Nedra, Moscow.
Izvestiya, ser. geol., no. 4, p. 134-143.

Bakay, G. G., and Borisova, Z.K., 1977, Grinenko, O. V., Kiseleva, A.V., and Fradkina,
THE NORTHERN PENZHINO GULF: ved. Stratigr. Soveshch., Magadan.
AN SSSR SO Geologiya i Geofizika, Novo-
sibirsk, no. 1, p. 122-126. Kartashova, G.G., 1973, THE EVOLUTIONAL
Baranova, Yu. P . , et aL , 1976, THE MIO- TATION OF THE CENOZOIC IN THE
logiya i Geofizika, Novosibirsk, no. 8, 1974, THE "BEECH" HORIZON DURING



SSSR Doklady, v. 219, no. 5, p. 1206- fiziki Trudy, vyp. 174.
Tanai, T . , 1972, TERTIARY HISTORY OF
ved. Stratigr. Soveshch., Magadan. Trulanov, G. V., and Vakulenko, A. S., 1977 ( ? ) ,
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