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- Assalamu’alaikum!
- Good morning, everybody! ………………………………………………….
- Good afternoon, students!
- Good evening, Ma’am/Sir! ………………………………………………….
- Hello, my friends!
- Hi, guys! ………………………………………………….

- How are you today?

- I’m fine, thanks. And you? ………………………………………………….
- I’m fine too, thank you.

- My name is Muhammad. And you?
- I am Ahmad. ………………………………………………….
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too. ………………………………………………….

- Who is absent today?
- What’s wrong with Surya today? ………………………………………………….
- Surya is sick.

- Are you ready?
- Can we start the lesson now? ………………………………………………….
- Let’s start our lesson today.

- Listen to me, please.
- Silent please! ………………………………………………….
- Understand?
- Do you get the point? ………………………………………………….
- Any question?
- Come in. ………………………………………………….
- Sit down.
- Stand up.
- Close the door.

- Very good.
- Excellent. ………………………………………………….
- Well done.
- Good job. ………………………………………………….
- Thank you./ Thank you very much.
- You’re welcome. ………………………………………………….

- Have you finished?

- Are you done? ………………………………………………….
- That’s all for today, see you on Monday.
- See you tomorrow/next week. ………………………………………………….

- Have a nice weekend/day/going home.
- Excuse me. May I come in? ………………………………………………….
- I’m sorry I come late because…
- May I go to the toilet, please? ………………………………………………….
- Sorry, Miss/Sir. I don’t understand.

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