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I am indeed so honored and privileged to welcome you all for today’s Oath taking ceremony and I will
also call it an Acquaintance Party for the teachers, alumni and students of the both campuses in this
breezy and warm weather day. Few moments from now, we will witness our newly-elect teachers,
alumni and student leaders of the different campus organizations, taking their oath and pledging their
commitment towards the advancement of students’ rights and welfare and their noble contribution in
the college development.

On a personal note, our today’s affair is very special for this would be the first- ever Induction
Ceremonies of the Colegio and eventually will form the Member of the Board of trustees.

Regarding today’s event I would like to share my little wisdom on leadership and I hope this will inspire
everyone of us here for the development of our new born College: Leadership is about sustaining the
passion and commitment towards a common goal. A true leader knows how to uphold the burning
passion in leading others. His passion to serve drives him to realize his visions for his organization and
his community as well.

Lastly, leadership is about growing new leaders. The greatest achievement of being a leader is to be able
to grow another leader. Mentoring is very important in leadership. Remember that our position is just
temporary. Soon, our positions will require new leader. And if we want to sustain the vision and mission
of our respective organizations, then learn to empower leadership in your respective organizations.

To end, I would like to challenge you, my fellow teachers, alumni and student leaders, to make a
difference in your respective organization. Initiate worthwhile projects and programs, walk your talk and
serve with passion, commitment and sense of responsibility.

Once again, welcome to our Induction Ceremonies and Acquaintance Party!

Good evening and enjoy the night!

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