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Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 1

Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab

Isabella Gibson
Honors Biology Period 9
North Catholic High School
16 April 2019
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 2

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from high to low concentration. Passive

transport is a type of diffusion that does not require the help of additional energy to occur. In

other words, it is the “natural” type of diffusion. One type of passive transport is called osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a cell membrane. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033

] This process can happen in three different ways: hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic

environments. Hypotonic environments will have a net movement of water moving inside the

cell because there is a higher concentration of water outside the cell, so, to maintain equilibrium

the water will flow inwards. However, there is still a small, weaker flow of water moving outside

the cell. Isotonic environments will have no net movement of water because it is already in

equilibrium, however, water will flow slightly in both directions through the membrane.

Hypertonic environments will have a net movement of water going outside the cell because there

is a higher concentration of water inside the cell. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] To maintain

equilibrium, some water will exit the cell. Some membranes of cells allow molecules of

substances dissolved in a liquid to pass through it with ease. Other types of membranes are

selectively permeable, which means that the membrane will only allow certain kinds of

molecules to pass through along with preventing others to pass through. It is for these reasons

that dialysis tubing was used specifically for this lab. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ]

This is significant to real-life instances such as grocery store management or if

someone’s throat is sore. By spraying vegetables lightly with water as they are being sold, the

cells will absorb that water creating a more appealing and heathy looking vegetable. [ CITATION

Ish19 \l 1033 ] By gargling salt water, the solute solution forces water out of the swollen throat

cells, which will kill the bacteria cells in the throat. It is important to understand these because it
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 3

can provide the general public in multiple areas of expertise necessary information that can be

used on a daily basis. [ CITATION Ish19 \l 1033 ]

Dialysis tubing is a type of tubing that resembles a semi-permeable membrane of a cell.

Typically, it would be used by professionals to detoxify a patient’s bloodstream. However, in

this experiment, it was especially useful because it acted as a semi-permeable membrane to

demonstrate different types of osmotic environments. [ CITATION Joh19 \l 1033 ] Some

purposes of part one of this lab would include to observe a demonstration of hypotonic and

hypertonic environments. This would, in turn, help aid the understanding of osmosis.

Additionally, this lab can even aid understanding how the concentration gradient effects the rate

of osmosis simply by observing the data collected. For part two of this lab, the main purpose was

to determine what else, besides water, the dialysis tubing is permeable to. [ CITATION Gle12 \l

1033 ]

In part one of this lab, Beaker 1 and Bag 1 represented a cell placed in an isotonic

environment because the bag and beaker had the same concentration of pure water. Beaker 2 and

Bag 2 represented a hypotonic environment because there was a higher concentration of pure

water on the outside of the bag. Beaker 3 and Bag 3 represent a hypotonic environment as well,

and it had a slightly faster osmosis rate than Beaker 2 because there is a greater difference in

concentration gradient. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] Beaker 4 and Bag 4 represented another

hypotonic environment; however, this rate of osmosis was the fastest compared to Beaker 3 and

2. Beaker 5 and Bag 5 represented a hypertonic environment because there was a higher

concentration of water on the inside of the bag. Bag 6 and Beaker 6 represented a hypotonic

environment because there was a higher concentration of pure water on the outside of the cell.

This was the basic set up for the lab conducted. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 4

In part two of this lab, Beaker 7 and Bag 7 represented cell placed in a hypotonic

environment. The purpose of this part of the lab was to observe whether or not the iodine

solution would pass into the dialysis tube bag. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]

The dependent variable for part one of the lab was the mass of each bag that was

measured after each 5-minute increment. The independent variable for part one of the lab was the

different concentration gradients of the solutions that were placed in each bag. Some constants

would include the same amount of each solution placed both in the dialysis tubing (5 ml) and the

beakers (200 ml), type of dialysis tubing, sizes of beakers, room temperature, etc. [ CITATION

Gle12 \l 1033 ] The control group of part one was the set up of Beaker 1 and Bag 1 because they

represented equilibrium in an isotonic environment, so there was no net movement of water. The

experimental group in part one of the experiment was the rest of the beakers because they all

represented different types of osmotic environments and rates of osmosis. [ CITATION Dif19 \l

1033 ] In part two of this lab, the dependent variable was the observed color change inside the

dialysis tubing bag. The independent variable for part two of this lab was the amount of time (24

hours) the representative cell was doused in the solution. Some constants in part two of the

experiment include the environment that the beaker was placed in, the amount of iodine,

temperature, dialysis tubing, etc. The control group of the experiment was the dialysis bag placed

in the solution before the 24 hours had passed. The experimental group of part two was the

dialysis bag after the 24 hour period of it being in the iodine solution had passed. [ CITATION

Gle12 \l 1033 ]

For part one, it is hypothesized that if Bag 1 is placed into Beaker 1 for a total of 20

minutes, then there will be no change in mass. If Bag 2 is placed in Beaker 2 for a total of 20

minutes, then the mass of the bag will increase. If Bag 3 is placed in Beaker 3 for a total of 20
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 5

minutes, then the mass of the bag will increase. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] If Bag 4 is placed in

Beaker 4 for a total of 20 minutes, then the mass of the bag will increase. If Bag 5 is placed in

Beaker 5 for a total of 20 minutes, then the mass of the bag will decrease. If Bag 6 is placed in

Beaker 6 for a total of 20 minutes, then the mass of the bag will increase. [ CITATION Gle12 \l

1033 ] For part two of the experiment, it is hypothesized that if Bag 7 of dialysis tubing is placed

into Beaker 7, then the color inside the bag will change from clear to purple. [ CITATION Dif19 \l

1033 ]

Part 1:
 Six (6) pieces of dialysis tubing
 Six (6) 400 ml beakers
 12 pieces of string
 Tap water
 20% starch solution
 40% starch solution
 60% starch solution
 80% starch solution
 Electric scale
 Paper towels
 Stop watch
 Plastic pipette
 Graduated cylinder
Part 2:
 Iodine solution
 One (1) piece of dialysis tubing
 One (1) 400 ml beaker
 Tap water
 Electric scale
 Paper towels
 2 pieces of string
[ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 6


Part 1: Effect of Concentration on Rate of Diffusion

1. Obtain six pieces of dialysis tubing that have been soaked in water for at least 24 hours.

2. For each of the six pieces, fold one end of the tubing strip 1 inch vertically downwards.

Then, proceed to fold horizontally. Lastly, fold once more vertically downwards.

3. To secure this folding technique, tie a firmly tightened knot on all the folded ends of the

dialysis tubing. This is to ensure that no liquids or solutes will unintentionally leak into

other solutions.

4. Fill Bag 1 with 5 ml of tap water. Fill Bag 2 with 5 ml of 20% starch solution. Fill Bag 3

with 5 ml of 40% starch solution. Fill Bag 4 with 5 ml of a 60% starch solution. Fill Bag

5 with 5 ml of tap water. Fill bag 6 with 5 ml of 80% starch solution.

5. Complete the same folding technique described above to secure the opposite end, along

with tying a tight knot on the opposite ends of all the dialysis tubing bags.

6. Obtain six, 400 ml beakers. Fill beakers 1-4 with 200 ml of water. Fill beakers 5 and 6

with 200 ml of a 60% glucose solution.

7. Weigh and record the mass of the bags separately.

8. Drop each bag into the respective beaker at the same time. Leave the bags submerged in

the solutions for 5 minutes.

9. Take the bags out of the beakers at the same time. Dry the bags off gently with paper

towels. Weigh and record the masses of the bags and record them in the table provided.

10. Place all bags into the respective beakers once more but leave them submerged for

another 5 minutes.
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 7

11. Repeat steps 8-11 with the dialysis tubing bags until they have been submerged for a total

of 20 minutes each.

[ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]

Part II: A Selectively Permeable Membrane

1. Obtain one more piece of dialysis tubing (called Bag 7) and one more 400 ml beaker

(called Beaker 7)

2. Use the same folding technique as described in part 1 to secure one end of the tubing with


3. Fill the tubing about half full of the provided starch solution and 5 ml of water.

4. Use the folding technique and tie the other end of the bag.

5. Rinse off Bag 7 gently under temperate water so to rid of any starch residue on the

outside of the bag.

6. Weight Bag 7 on an electric scale.

7. Fill the 400 ml beaker with 200 ml of water and add 20 drops of iodine to the water.

8. Drop Bag 7 into Beaker 7.

9. Weigh the dialysis bag after it has been soaked for 24 hours in the Beaker 7 solution.

[ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]

Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 8

Table 1: Masses (in grams) of Dialysis Bags After Four, 5 Minute Increments
0 Minutes 5 Minutes 10 Min 15 Minutes 20 Minutes

Bag 1 5g 5.33 g 5.419 g 5.439 g 5.459 g

Bag 2 5g 5.2 g 5.337 g 5.19 g 5.559 g

Bag 3 5g 5.59 g 5.89 g 6.107 g 6.227 g

Bag 4 5g 5.33 g 5.64 g 5.869 g 6.009 g

Bag 5 5g 5.22 g 4.98 g 4.79 g 4.49 g

Bag 6 5g 5.55 g 5.555 g 5.85 g 5.771 g

Description: Bag 1, Bag2, Bag 3, Bag 4, Bag 5, and Bag 6 listed on the far-left column all
represent the 6 different pieces of dialysis tubing used to conduct the experiment. The column
listed under 0 Minutes represents the beginning mass of the bags. All bags were given the same
starting mass of 5 grams. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] The column under 5 minutes represents the
average mass changes after 5 minutes added to the original mass of 5 grams. The column under
10 minutes represents the average mass changes calculated from after the first 5 minute
increment to an additional 5 minutes. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]The column under 15 minutes
represents the average mass changes calculated from after the second 5 minute increment to an
additional 5 minute increment. The column under 20 minutes represents the average mass
calculated from after the third 5 minute increment to an additional 5 minutes. [ CITATION Dif19 \l
1033 ]
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 9

The Mass of Dialysis Tubes (g.) vs. Length of Time Tubes were Soaked in Water

The Mass of Dialysis Tube




0 5 10 15 20

Length of Time the Dialysis Tubes Were Soaked in Water (mins.)

Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4 Bag 5 Bag 6

Figure 1: Graphed Data That Corresponds with Table 1

Description: The figure pictured above shows the data from Table 1 in the form of a graph. The
X axis is the length of time the dialysis tubes were soaked in water (units are minutes). The Y
axis represents the masses of each dialysis tube. In the key below the figure, each color
represents a different dialysis tubing bag. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]
In Table 1, it shows how each bag began with a common mass of 5 grams. After being

placed into the 200 ml of water solution for 5 minutes, Bag 1 gained about .33 grams. After

another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 1 gained another .089 grams. After an additional 5

minutes in the solution, Bag 1 gained .02 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 1

also gained another .02 grams. This makes for a net weight increase. This also means that the

rate of osmosis was generally pretty quick. After being placed into the 200 ml of water solution

for 5 minutes, Bag 2 gained about .2 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 2

gained another .137 grams. After an additional 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 2 gained .182

grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 2 gained another .04 grams. This makes for a

net weight increase. The rate of osmosis for Bag 2 was also pretty fast in the beginning, but it
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 10

slowed a bit towards the end. After being placed into the 200 ml of water solution for 5 minutes,

Bag 3 gained about .59 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 3 gained another .3

grams. After an additional 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 3 gained .217 grams. After another 5

minutes in the solution, Bag 3 gained another .12 grams. This makes for a net weight increase.

The rate of osmosis was extremely fast in this case. After being placed into the 200 ml of water

solution for 5 minutes, Bag 4 gained about .33 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution,

Bag 4 gained another .31 grams. After an additional 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 4 gained .229

grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 4 gained another .14 grams. This makes for a

net weight increase. The rate of osmosis for Bag 4 was also generally pretty fast. After being

placed into the 200 ml of water solution for 5 minutes, Bag 5 began to gain about .22 grams.

After another 5 minutes in the solution, however, Bag 5 lost .24 grams. After an additional 5

minutes in the solution, Bag 5 lost another .19 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution,

Bag 5 lost another .3 grams. This makes for a net weight decrease. This rate of osmosis was also

extremely rapid. After being placed into the 200 ml of water solution for 5 minutes, Bag 6 gained

about .55 grams. After another 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 6 gained another .005 grams. After

an additional 5 minutes in the solution, Bag 6 gained .03 grams. After another 5 minutes in the

solution, Bag 6 gained another .186 grams. This makes for a net weight increase.

The figure pictured above shows the data in Table 1 in a graph form. As seen in the

figure, Bag 1 represented by the dark blue line begins at 5 grams. The mass increases from 0 to 5

minutes. This means that the rate of osmosis was slightly fast because the slope of the line was

moderately steep. The bag’s mass eventually leveled off towards the end of the 20 minutes. As

seen in the figure, Bag 2 represented by the orange line begins at 5 grams. The mass of the bag

increases from 0 to 5 minutes rapidly, however, slightly slower than the mass of Bag 1. The mass
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 11

steadily increases from 5 to 15 minutes, but it eventually levels off. This means that the rate of

osmosis was a moderately fast because the slope of the line was steep, but still less steep than

Bag 1. As seen in the figure, Bag 3 represented by the grey line begins at 5 grams. The mass

increases rapidly from 0 to 5 minutes at a very fast rate. This means that the rate of osmosis was

very fast because the slope of the line is steep. The line representing Bag 3 appears to eventually

level off. As seen in the figure, Bag 4 represented by the yellow line begins at 5 grams. The mass

increases rapidly for the whole duration of the 20 minutes, however, still slower than the mass of

Bag 3. This means that the rate of osmosis was pretty fast because, by comparison, the slope of

the line was steep, but still less steep than Bag 3. As seen in the figure, Bag 5 represented by the

light blue line begins at 5 grams. The mass steadily begins to increase from 0 to 5 minutes at a

faster pace than Bag 2. After the first 5 minutes, the mass of the bag rapidly decreased and

continued to decrease steadily. This means that the rate of osmosis was very fast because the

slope of the line was very steep downwards. As seen in the figure, Bag 6 represented by the

green line begins at 5 grams. The mass rapidly increases from 0 to 5 minutes, however, slower

than the rate of Bag 3. The mass of the bag began to fluctuate inconstantly throughout the

duration of the experiment. Between the 5 and 15 minute mark, the bag’s mass seemed to level

off at a specific mass. However, from the 15 to 20 minute mark, the bag’s mass increased

rapidly. This means that the rate of osmosis began fast, then decreased to a lower speed, and then


Table 2: Color Changes of Beaker 7 and Bag 7 Before and After 24 Hours
Starting Color Color after 24 hours
Solution in Bag 7 Clear Purple

Solution in Beaker 7 Yellow Clear

Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 12

Description: “Bag 7” represents the seventh piece of dialysis tubing used in the experiment as a
whole. “Beaker 7” represents the beaker that Bag 7 was placed in to conduct the experiment.
Table 2 pictured above shows the color changes of both the solution in Bag 7 and the solution in
Beaker 7 before and after 24 hours. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]
The table above shows that the solution in Bag 7 was clear before being placed in the

solution. The table also shows that the solution in Beaker 7 appeared to be yellow when the

iodine was added to it. After 24 hours, however, the solution in Bag 7 appeared a dark

purple/blue color. The solution in Beaker 7 also appeared to be clear. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ]

For part 1 of the lab, various results were expected, and in return, various results were

recorded. Bag 1 was an example of an isotonic environment. This was because the solutions in

the bag and beaker had the same concentration of pure water. This would mean that no drastic

change in mass is expected; however, small amounts of water are still expected to pass through

the membrane. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] This was because there was practically no

concentration gradient between the solutions. So, it is expected that the mass will fluctuate a bit,

but it should stay around 5 grams. The results showed that the mass of the bag increased within

the first 5 minutes, and eventually leveled off. This somewhat matched the expected results.

[ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] The recorded results showed that the bag gained a little bit of mass in

the beginning. This should not have happened according to the expected results. However, after

the first 5 minutes, the bag’s mass began to level off because it reached equilibrium, which was

expected. The unexpected mass increase in the beginning might have been caused by loose

strings on the ends of the bag, allowing the water in the beaker to enter into the bag, increasing

its mass.

Bag 2 was an example of a hypotonic environment. This was because the solution in the

bag had less concentration of pure water than in the beaker. This would mean that the expected
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 13

mass of the bag would have to increase because the water would have to move into the bag to

maintain equilibrium. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] However, small amounts of water are still

expected to pass through the membrane in the opposite direction. The mass moving into

equilibrium also means that the mass of Bag 2 would eventually level off when equilibrium is

reached. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] This would also mean that the rate of osmosis should be

steady because of the low concentration gradient. So, it is expected that the mass of Bag 2 will

increase steadily, but at a slower pace. The results showed almost this exact expectation. In the

actual results, Bag 2’s mass increased steadily and fairly slow, due to its low concentration


Bag 3 was an example of a hypotonic environment. This was because the solution in the

bag had less concentration of pure water than in the beaker. This means that water would have to

move inside the dialysis tubing to maintain equilibrium in the environment. [ CITATION Gle12 \l

1033 ] This means that the expected mass of the bag would have to increase, however, small

amounts of water are still expected to pass through the membrane in the opposite direction, and

the mass of the bag should level off eventually when it reaches equilibrium. However, because

the concentration gradient of Bag 3 was slightly higher than Bag 2, the rate of osmosis should

have been slightly faster. So, it is expected that the mass of Bag 3 will increase faster than that of

Bag 2. The results showed similar to the expectation. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] In the actual

results, Bag 3’s mass increased more than expected and at a very rapid pace. However, even

though the rates and mass increase were not exactly expected, the same general trend of what the

figure/table shows matches up with the expected results. This also could have been caused by

loose strings on the ends of the bag, causing the water inside the beaker to enter the bag at a

faster pace than it should have.

Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 14

Bag 4 was an example of another hypotonic environment. This was because the

concentration of pure water was much more concentrated on the outside of the tubing than on the

inside. In order for the bag to maintain equilibrium with the solution, the water would have to

enter the bag through the tubing. This would make for an increase in mass.[ CITATION Gle12 \l

1033 ] Because the concentration of glucose was much higher in the bag compared to bags 1-3,

this trial should have the fastest rate of osmosis. This is because the concentration gradient is

much higher. So, the expected results are that the bag will gain mass the rate of osmosis will be

much higher compared to the other bags. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] The results showed

somewhat similar to the expectation. The only inconstancy is that the results showed the rate of

osmosis as a lot slower than what was expected. However, the general trends of the figure and

table follow the expected results, so the results match.

Bag 5 was an example of a hypertonic environment. This means that the concentration of

pure water was greater on the inside of the bag than it was outside the bag. This, in turn, means

that to maintain equilibrium the water would have to move out of the bag, causing it to lose

mass. Because the concentration gradient of the bag versus the solution was high, the rate of

osmosis should be very fast initially. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] So, expected results from this

trial are that the mass should decrease rapidly initially but then level off over the course of the 20

minutes as it gets closer to equilibrium. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] However, the results did not

show this. As seen in the figure above, the mass of Bag 5 increased at first, and then decreased

rapidly. However, because of this increase at the beginning of the experiment, the expected

results do not match up with the actual results in the beginning. The main cause of error for this

trial in particular was that the strings on the bag were not ties tight enough. However, beyond the

5 minute mark, the results were expected because the mass decreased rapidly and drastically.
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 15

Bag 6 was an example of a hypotonic environment. This is because the concentration of

pure water was greater on the outside of the bag than on the inside of the bag. This means that

water would have to move inside the bag to maintain equilibrium in the environment, which

would increase the mass of the bag. [ CITATION Gle12 \l 1033 ] Because the concentration

gradient of the bag versus the beaker was very small, the rate of osmosis should be fairly slow.

So, the expected results of the lab would be that the rate of osmosis should be a but slower, but

the mass of the bag should increase steadily. [ CITATION Dif19 \l 1033 ] The actual results

showed a rapid spike in mass from the 0 to 5 minute mark, which was not expected. Also, the

results showed that the mass of the bag began to level out between the 5 and 15 minute mark, but

then it increased by the 20 minute mark. Overall, the results of this trial did match up with what

was expected, even though there were inconsistencies.

One of the main reasons why some results were different than the expected results were

simply because of human or instrumental error. For example, if the strings on the bags were not

tied tight enough, water or glucose solutions could leak into or out of the bag. This would cause

an inaccuracy in the results. (Diffusion Through Cell Membranes, 2019) Additionally, a cross

contamination between solutions could affect the concentration gradient of the trials. This means

that the results would also be inaccurate. Additionally, one other source of human error could be

not reading the volume of the solutions in a graduated cylinder from the bottom of the meniscus.

One other source of error could be instrumental error. This can include a malfunction in the

weighing of the masses. If a mass is incorrectly weighed, then the rest of the results from the lab

will be affected as well and produce in accurate results. Lastly, the measuring equipment used to

measure the amount of each solution could have been inaccurate. For example, the pipette could

have a hole in it, the graduated cylinder could have illegible markings on it, etc.
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 16

In part 2 of the lab, the inside of the dialysis tubing turned blue. This was because the

starch, which was white, and the yellow iodine combined and reacted to make the inside of the

cell a dark blue or purple color.[ CITATION Cat16 \l 1033 ] This means that dialysis tubing is not

just permeable to water, but also iodine. This is true because the bag was placed in a hypotonic

environment, meaning that the iodine would have to enter into the cell because there is a higher

concentration of glucose on the inside the bag. This was observed because the iodine made the

starch purple inside the cell. If the dialysis tubing were not permeable to iodine, the starch

solution would have permeated throughout the iodine. However, this did not happen, which

provides proof that he dialysis tubing is permeable to iodine as well as water. [ CITATION

Cat16 \l 1033 ]

If this lab were to be conducted again, there are a few things that I would have done

differently. For example, one of the main sources of error was the strings that secured the ends of

the dialysis tubes. Because these strings were not tied tight enough, the masses of the bags after

each increment were either greater or less than they should have been. So, I would have made

sure to tie the strings as tight as possible on the ends of the bags. Additionally, I would ensure

that the bags did not get confused for one another. Because all the bags looked very similar, it

was extremely possible that the bags could have gotten switched in between trials. This would

lead to very drastic changes in the data. This would ultimately make the results and outcome of

the lab better.

Overall, one can conclude many things from this lab. One important conclusion that can

be made from this experiment is that dialysis tubing is permeable to both water and iodine
Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 17

solution. Dialysis tubing may be permeable to many more substances, but because there are

limitations within the lab, one can conclude this. Another important conclusion that can be made

is that human error and instrumental error are very likely to occur in an experiment. These types

of error can often affect results by the end of the experiment, so keeping the errors to a minimum

will help keep the results accurate. Additionally, one can conclude many characteristics of the

type of osmotic environments. For example, one can conclude that cells in hypotonic

environments are in fact almost guaranteed to gain mass, cells in hypertonic environments are

almost certain to lose mass, and isotonic environments are to stay around the same mass

consistently. Lastly, one can conclude from this experiment that equilibrium will be present in

the results and will affect the mass gain or loss.

One important aspect of this lab was observing osmosis by conducting an experiment where all

environments of osmosis were demonstrated. This enhanced understanding and visualization of

these types of osmosis. However, this lab experience has provided the students with a very

important takeaway: appreciation and fascination for life. Not only is knowledge about osmosis

or cell membranes enhanced, but appreciation for the world and life as well.


(2019). Diffusion Through Cell Membranes .

Permeability of a Membrane: Osmosis Demonstration Lab 18

Goedecke, C. (2016, December 6). Why Does Iodine Turn Starch Blue? Retrieved April 16,
2019, from
How Does Osmosis Affect Everyday Life? (n.d.). Retrieved from
Markley, J., & Wiley, M. (2019, April 15). What is Dialysis Tubing? Retrieved from
McGraw, G. (2012). Biology . Glencoe Science .
Shukla, I. C. (2018, March 19). Bet You Didn't Know the Importance of Osmosis in Living
Organisms. Retrieved from
Why Does Iodine Turn Starch Blue? (n.d.). Retrieved from

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