Musical Autobiography Pre-Writing

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English VIII, Group _________ Unit 1 –musical autobiography pre-writing

Name _______________Santiago Díaz_________ Date August-20-2020

 After doing the music and memory listening activity and taking part in the in class discussion on the topic, use this document
to search your memory for songs and events that are important to you.
 Exploring your memory and reflecting on them will help you decide which of your experiences are appropriate for this
project and which ones you want to develop in your musical autobiography.

1. What are your favorite genres of music? Why do you connect with them? Why are they meaningful to you?
In general, I do not have a favorite music genre, I have always liked varied music themes. Any music that has a good
rhythm that will be my favorite.

2. Who are your favorite singers, bands, or musicians? Why do you connect with them? Why are they meaningful to

Bruno mars because his music inspires a lot of joy. I have always liked the style that they handle and they express their
emotions as if I felt them.

3. What are your favorite songs? What do you like about them? Why are they special to you?
Lazy song, granada, uptown funk, treasure, that's what I like. What I like is her expotaniety and dance steps. They are
special because their music can convey joy to young people as adults.

4. What are the stories connected with your favorite songs? How did they become your favorites?
The lazy song reminds me of the last day of school where my classmates and I performed the song for the final
performance. It became my favorite because it was one of the last things I did with my friends and the last time I would
see them again.

5. Are there songs that remind you of special people in your life? Why? Are there special people in your life who remind
you of songs?
Unfortunately, no song reminds me of special people. Because I have never shared a song with special people.

6. Are there songs that you associate with important events in your life? Are there events in your life that you associate
with songs?
If there have been songs like the one I mentioned above but there are no events that you can associate with songs.
7. Are there songs that connect you with your family or specific memories of your family? Why?
The song that connects me with my family is the macarena or the gorilla dance. Because when we get together to
celebrate we do a crazy hour and we play the song.

8. Are there songs that bring you special memories of your childhood? How do they make you feel when you remember
The red car by Vilma Palma reminds me of when I traveled with my parents in the car and we always went on an
adventure. It makes me feel like I was with my parents when I was a kid.

9. Are there songs that bring you special memories of your school or university? How do they make you feel when you
As I mentioned, "lazy song" is the song that brings back all the memories of my friends and the last time we met. It
makes me feel joy and sadness when each one took his or her way.

10. Are there songs that recall performances, whether you participated in or watched? How do they make you feel when
Do you remember them?
The most significant thing was the lazy song, which was the only thing I interpreted and associated with my life, that is
why it marks me so much and I mention it. It makes me feel the effort and a reward that everyone has liked the dance
and that they have enjoyed it.

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